he1chouarts · 2 years
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@postnuclearwar Leviphobia is a disease, get well soon, tumbl
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soulfarts · 1 year
I got tagged by @postnuclearwar ! I see you, mutual of many years o’ mine. Hi!
✨ When you get this you have to put 5 songs you actually listen to, then tag 10 of your favorite followers (negotiable, live ya life) ✨
I got this album a while back, but I revisit it the most from Indigo de Souza's discography. This is one of my fave tracks, second only to Pretty Pictures.
The Curse of the Blackened Eye is such a good song, my partner and I had even tossed it up as our first dance, but then we realized it’s about an abusive relationship so we nixed it.
Girl is fun, and it makes me sway. I also like this one because it feels light in the Summertime. It makes the room feel less warm when the AC isn't on, is what I mean.
Overall great song, I love Okay Kaya's whole shteez. Very cool, very fresh, very funky.
This is cheating, but Andy Shauf's albums are kind of like one BIG song? All of Norm is my last song, because when I want to listen to one song, I end up just playing the whole thing.
I tag @hit0shisan @starculler @orbit-tuary @odontomancy @melodramatic-kitten
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limeade-arcade · 5 years
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Since the year leading up to this 413 has been filled with all sorts of friendships through the hiveswap friendsim, I wanted to do a piece of some of the friends i made since last 413. Thank you all for being friends with me. and to anyone not picured you’re not any less valid, I’m grateful to have all the friends I have though Homestuck. 
Happy 413.
@sarcasmprodigy @drawthiere @erubescelin @crystalrina @lime-time @taxidermycactus @ja2on-todd @distortedaries @postnuclearwar
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ramabear · 6 years
postnuclearwar replied to your post: i really can see that someone gave her that edit...
what did she do?
decided that nagini was secretly a woman transfigured the whole time. there are lovely little layers with this implication, namely why the fuck is she doing this now and why the hell did she think it was a good idea and why did she think it was a good idea to make an east asian woman the transfigured animal pet of the genocide guy and please, please someone get the snake tiddies out of here because theres no way she meant milking like that. please. 
i mean, im of the opinion this was one of her But It Was This Way The Whole Time, and somewhere in the editing process people convinced her not to put it in the books but now there are movies that are prequels? are they really even canon who the fuck knows (or cares but thats another post)? at least its not another weird as hell imperial impressions of a magical america. 
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acephobia-is-real · 6 years
i figured out i was ace when i was like 11, cause i heard the term from a death note fan fic of all things. im 22 now and am now this hybrid combo of pan and ace (bc its really hard to tell sexual attraction when you feel the same about basically everyone), but it does allow me to tell people my sexuality is "me just going at my own pace" bc puns and portmanteaus are fun
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kaydear · 6 years
postnuclearwar replied to your post “did i spend something like $15 dollars in-game in red dead redemption...”
how much money do you have to spend that is somehow related to the 1960s show 'Rawhide', before you need an intervention? You got at least twenty bucks left
dont blame me blame the red dead devs for giving me the tools with which i build my elaborate rawhide kingdom
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sevenclowds · 7 years
I originally contracted it when I was a kid and since then i've never had another strep infection I believe, but the severity of the symptoms comes and goes sporadically. I started seeing a therapist for it and it's really helped in trying to stop flare ups in their tracks and now I just have some basic OCD symptoms, like I still have to eat and drink things in sets of fours. Do you know if treatment can help revert some other symptoms, like the issues surrounding sensory problems?
I’m glad you’ve managed to get some relief from your symptoms. My son doesn’t have too many symptoms now either but the OCD is the lingering thing that seems to be hardest to get rid of. We’ve found the biggest improvements from NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), rather than just traditional CBT which didn’t seem to do much.
My son used to have really bad sensory issues. Couldn’t touch paper and therefore lost the ability to write and couldn’t read books. He couldn’t stand the feel of his clothes and couldn’t take it if someone touched him. I read somewhere that heavy metal accumulation in the body can cause these types of problems so we’ve been doing chelation (getting the metals out) using the Andrew Cutler method and all these problems disappeared over the course of about 9 months. It might be something to look into because chelation is cheap and easy and you don’t need a doctor (in fact my doctor told me to do it on my own without her). You just need to make sure you have no mercury/amalgam filings in your teeth before you start (or get them removed if you do).
Other things to look at if you want to dive deep are mold illness (mold exposure causes inflammation which can cause flare ups so make sure you don’t have mold in your home/work/school), Lyme disease (and other co-infections such as Bartonella, Babesia), gluten-free/dairy-free diet (gluten and dairy can cause inflammation in PANDAS people), other infections such as mycoplasma, gut health (leaky gut = brain inflammation), natural anti-inflammatories (e.g. turmeric) and vitamin C therapy. If you want to see a PANDAS specialist prepare to pay thousands of dollars that are not covered by insurance. They may recommend long-term antibiotics or IVIG. We haven’t gone that route but instead found a mold illness specialist who also treats Lyme and has helped us with supplements, herbs, and homeopathy.
There are many things you can do to help this condition. It’s never too late to treat it. I hope you find some of this helpful and I wish you all the best on your healing journey! xxx
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thisbananasucks · 7 years
6, 21, and 28
6. What are you excited for? 
Gotta be Christmas.
21. Are you in a good mood?
Eh, I feel like shit (sick and have a headache) but I took a nap and today was good, so I think I broke even
28.  What was the last thing that made you laugh?
Watching this little girl at church, singing jingle bells, looking me dead in the eyes while she swings her set of bells around lazily. She knew what she was doing,
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todaysmob · 7 years
postnuclearwar replied to your post “Things that happen when you babysit a one year old for the first time:...”
Try to find some earmuffs/headphones for the kid, bc the fire drill noise is going to hella upset them
True, yeah i’ll be sure to keep her ears covered, but her parents told me that she finds the drills hilarious for some reason... and she really likes her pacifier 
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mrvonfetysz-blog · 7 years
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#Łódź #lodz #ldz #łdz #litzmannstadt #Polska #Poland #urbex #urbexphoto #urbexphotography #urbexpoland #urbexpolska #map #oldmap #urbexmap #topsecret #postnuclearwar #afternuclearwar #nuclearwar #plans (w: Łódź, Poland)
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spockoholic · 7 years
postnuclearwar replied to your post: …..
i’m no expert on itunes, but unless you are running a super computer, they most likely are just temporarily hidden or the trash is currently holding them until you actually delete them. The actual moving and deletion of items like that, especially media items takes a very long time, so you should hopefully be able to recover them easily.
yeah, i just moved it all to my trash, i didn’t actually loose any files or data, i just lost my pride and my meticulous organisation ;-; 
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necromantrix · 8 years
postnuclearwar replied to your post “I honestly can’t believe that in August I’m going to be a Disney Cast...”
dude congratulations!!!!!!!!
aahhh thank you so much!!
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whalegod · 8 years
postnuclearwar replied to your post: “how to play skyrim on pc:”:
by griffin mcelroy
f uck
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ramabear · 7 years
postnuclearwar replied to your post: ive played 500 hours of stardew valley and this is...
i’m on like my third playthrough of the game after going from pc to xbox to finally switch, and i only just realized you can buy curatives at the clinic. 100+ put into this game and had never talked to the doctor while he was at the desk
oh man yeah! those exist! i remember seeing them but tbh, i’ve avoided the doctor since my first run thru where my former-roomie/friend was Aggressively Into Him and ever since then i’ve never even bothered to romance him for the plot shit bc hahaha i hate her guts
how does it run on the switch anyway? i heard loading times were a problem or someth
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sevenclowds · 7 years
Have you talked with any professionals about PANDAS, specifically what happens when it goes untreated into adulthood? I have it, like legit every symptom with everything starting when i got strep throat, but i've only mentioned it to my therapist recently and all the info i found talks about how it effects children and what can be done for it, but there's literally nothing out there for people who have had no treatment for over a decade. i'm just scared it might be still attacking my brain
Yes, absolutely adults can have it. By definition the P in PANDAS stands for Pediatric, but a lot of kids go undiagnosed and untreated into adulthood. The good news is, there’s always something that can be done to improve symptoms and it’s never too late to start treating the brain inflammation that causes them. Do you have flares after strep exposure that then die down and you have periods of “normality” afterward? Or are your symptoms more or less chronic and there all the time? Feel free to message me anytime. There’s also a helpful Facebook group geared toward older teens/young adults with PANDAS (not sure how old you are).
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zootoxin · 6 years
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Endgame from 1983. This movie takes me back to the VHS days and the post apocalyptic nuclear winter of 2012. I've always had a thing for these sci-fi predictions of the future especially when the date has now passed. This effort was pretty well done with hammy acting and macho punchlines and the strange premise of our hero being a games show contestant. One thing I loved were the handguns which never ran out of bullets until it was good for the scene, seriously so many bullets. Another: the amount of leather. #endgame is available on Amazon prime and definitely worth a watch. #1983 #postnuclearwar #mutants #telepathy #gameshow #hero #leathertrousers #alcliver #lauragemser #georgeeastman
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