#posting this super late but I suddenly had a lot of hc mood
demcnsinmymind · 10 months
character info sheet.
Name. Aza/thoth
Name meaning. Blind idiot god, nuclear chaos, mindless dreamer, the deep dark et cetra
Alias.( ses ). see above, other fun names people have come up with : parasite, darling (that does turn up a lot somehow lmao), Azzy, demonic hitchhiker, little friend. Really. people are so much friendlier these days!
two pictures you like of your character.
okay, this one is a BIG one, since it pretty much started this entire idea.
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I know I shit a lot on the second movie but this scene from it is just outright pivotal on my blog. The way Sean acted this scene, that second where he seems to realize what he's doing and that it's wrong, but then something instantly changes in his body language and he strangles the kid that much harder, followed by him saying 'he made me do it, I'm sorry' - that was the moment the possession idea was born. So in a way, that is a picture of the entity that's messing Collingwood and Lance right up.
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Second one is not really a picture, but a very flashy video. The first minute of Clark's Winter Linn video has always been the visual representation of what I think this thing 'looks' like. No generic tentacle monster bullshit. But a thing that constantly shifts and changes in 'patterns' that don't make an real coherent sense. But picture that on a scale of a freaking galaxy.
three headcanons you never told anyone.
once again, I feel like I've shared sooo many headcanons already lmao
My version of it isn't your typical muhahaha evil. Hell, at times, it might even do something good, like getting rid of its own cult and such. I play entirely into the concept that it is chaos at its most basic and pure and entirely its own thing, doesn't adhere to any religious or natural law or black and white mentality, really. It isn't even that -smart- and cunning either. Don't get me wrong. It'll make your head spin with its sudden shifts in moods and ideas. It is outright scary how utterly unpredictable it is. It is disastrously flipping gi-normous with incredible power. If it bothered to gain all of them back and develop its full potential and everything that its cult wants, I'm talking universe ending OP type of power and knowledge. But the fun part is that it has no interest in that just yet, if ever. Frankly, it finds almighty power and omnipotence quite fucking boring and utterly predictable. All it cares about is mindless consuming and observing and manipulating. It will kill people and destroy things if it feels like it. But given its psychotic obsessions and the likes, it actually is fairly chill for the most part. Truth be told, it kinda enjoys snacking on powerful villians and evil peops/supernaturals more than your run at the mill normal human 9-5ers, no matter how many of them are really out there. Why go for bulk fast food when you can enjoy a lil well done gourmet diner you get handed in a very secret shady celebrity restaurant?
Once again cannot overstate enough how freaking obsessed this thing is with Lance. Jealous and clingy to the absolute fucking max. I go back and forth on how it'll handle his eventual death. Sometimes I like to think that it 'cares' about him so much it might just let him pass naturally eventually, really let him go so he can be at peace one day. But more and more, I come to the conclusion that it won't. It eventually will try to find a way to literally keep him forever. I'm talking, he gets taken out by a bullet or something, it'll bring him back. And it'll keep bring him back over and over again until there's nothing left to be brought back. That, or it'll go the vampire route with him in the verses I have for that. Meaning that it'll force some vamp to turn him for it so he'll be immortal and stay with it forever.
I just find it generally very interesting how they tick. I make it a big point that this possession isn't forceful or like your typical uncomfortable imprisoned in your own body type of deal. Eventually, it's almost elegant and respectful in a few ways, and obv very tight regardless. It is talking to him all the time. Comments on everything, constantly suggests things or makes fun of them. But it will respect his autonomy and privacy many times as well if he wants for it to be so. Eventually, he'll reluctantly turn it into a two way street and start talking to it a lot more as well, even ask it for its take on things since it knowing literally every last thing he does with the addition of its 'outside' perspectives can paint a pretty fucking accurate and scary picture. That's the point where the lines start blurring and they distort each other. In a way, it's scary how natural it all seems and how well this dance of theirs is choreographed. For the most part, it's because it's genuinely fascinated by the way he ticks and thinks, and because he produces so many struggles and doubts and emotions all by himself. It just has to lean back and enjoy the show. Or he gets to lean back and let it handle the shitty/risky situations without having to fear for his life anymore.
three things your character likes to do in their free time.
people watching 2. talking to people 3. reading. people's minds and the likes. or books. maybe a diary or two.
three people your character loves.
that's it. there are no three people.
two things your character regrets.
1. not stopping the lobotomy. Don't get it wrong, that level of fear and insanity was one of the biggest feasts to date. But the thing is - now that it's with him and ever so obsessed, no matter how much of a constant and easy food supply his trauma from that really is - it doesn't want as much of a scratch on him. It doesn't want him in physical pain. And if you ever get it started on the fact that he almost died on that table and that they almost ruined everything with that. If it wasn't for the fact that that attack and ritual was what made the possession possible, what made him able to host it, then it would absolutely undo that one.
2. Any time it's decided to let him talk to someone for longer than necessary, and where that results in him caring about those people, those caring about him, and them putting doubts in his head about his relationship with it. It's constantly and awkwardly trying to find the right balance between making him happy and getting him to like it more because of that, and keeping him from being too happy and interested in other people than itself.
three phobia's your character has.
losing the boy
that's it. Other than that it eats fear for fucking breakfast.
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mrpenguinpants · 4 years
Genshin: Roommate HCs [V1]
To be honest, I just wanted to ramble some more and let my brainworms take over. This is sorta late but Happy Valentine’s everyone! I was gonna post this earlier but this honestly took me a long time to write so I moved it to today. 
Once again, this is 90% crack 10% content. Seriously, as much as I love writing this non-serious fics. Why do you people like this?
Based off my ramblings with Keqing anon: Link
Genshin: Holding Hands [V1]
Genshin: When you’re cold [V1]
Genshin: University AU [V1]
Genshin: Royalty AU [V1]
[taglist]  <- if you want to be added, please read this first.
@youaskedfurret @diaxfeliz @wintergreen-aix @kaechu @thegayrubberducky @lovelykittycatmeow @yuunoagivesmelife​  @dokidokisama @rokipersonal​@minakohasmanyhusbandos​ @strwbrry-lia @tigerpriestess​ @yuu-yuukurotsuki​ @hanniejji​  @mikeysbike @unionwitch @musekala @sunnshiii​ @stanzastic @akaasea​ @xoneaboveallx​ @adoring-ghost​ @asheseiler​ @childelover​ @dilucsz​ @dai-tsukki-desu​ @thicmitten​ @nonniechan​ @htnicayh​ @genshins1mpact​ 
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What? Diluc has a roommate? Did you blackmail him in living with you? Is that even possible? Did you throw yourself in front of his car because you needed someone to pay for your student loans and the easiest way was to file a lawsuit? In this economy no one would blame you. Diluc seems like such the self-isolated character that would murder his roommate in cold blood but in reality, he act’s detached from the world because he forgot how to socialize and he’s desperately trying to cover it up without choking. That or he’s trying to learn how to astral project. If he could drink away the pain he would but instead he buys 20 packs of grape Kool-Aid and injects it into his veins. 
Does not and will not ever have a normal sleeping schedule. You’ll wake up to him working, come back home to him working, and will sleep to him still working. His daily dose of Vitamin D is from the brightness of his screen rather than the sun and he’s filter feeding at this point. It’s concerning. He’s going to crumble and he’s bringing the world down with him. Through the power of tax evasion. But as soon as he needs to walk out into society, he pulls movie magic and looks like perfection. It’s both physically and mentally disgusting. 
He’s actually is a really nice roommate to have just so long as you give him space. Great cook and knows to clean up after himself. Though he does have crash and burn days where’s he’s completely out of commission. You could set the entire apartment on fire and he would sleep through it. The entire two weeks are dedicated to zombie eye marathons and then he’ll suddenly collapse and sleep for 46 hours straight. When he wakes up from his hibernation he’s the most groggy and nonsensical person. His life blood is coffee because you keep hiding the 5 hour energy away from him because, you know, life is enjoyable and those cancer bottles will actually kill him.  
“University sucks our money out of our bodies faster than our will to live.” 
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Beidou [Happy Birthday Queen 💕]
Despite her appearance, she’s actually really strong and it scares the piss out of you when you’re doing something or scrolling through your phone mindlessly and you suddenly get your spine re-arranged when she slaps you on the back to ask what you’re doing. Likewise, when she hoists you up and throws you over her shoulder so you come with her on her 3am convivence store raids for alcohol. It’s either you change now or else we’re walking out of the apartment in your t-shirt and no pants self. She can and will carry you under her arm that way. It’s both incredibly attractive and horrifying at the same time. 
She’s really friendly and a great talker if you’re alright with her “I must hold you in my arms, fresh prince of bel air style”. It doesn’t matter if you’re taller than her, she’s doing it. She does however, get in a bit of trouble from her rowdiness and you often get noise complaints but Beidou just passes them off to Ningguang and everything is fixed. She has ovaries of steel when neighbors rather confront her personally and she’s ready to 1v1 in the parking lot. You’re trying to desperately hold onto her shirt to stop her from pile driving your neighbors for the third time this week but she’s too strong.  
She’s constant party until we die attitude and suffers the hangover in the morning. It’s actually really funny to catch her in her hangover moods because whatever filter Beidou had, which is none, is gone. She really takes “cursing like a sailor” or the next level and the amount of creativity she comes up with is actually impressive. She can be a bit messy but she’s really likeable and always down to go anywhere with you as long as you’ll do the same. It’s a very ride together, we die together situation. You’re my best friend, you’re dying with me. I’ll see you in hell. 
“Imma T pose over my dad and then crash the car into the parking garage.” 
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Kaeya on the surface seems like such a chill roommate. And he is for the most part. But he’s such an ass. Your things are his things, no questions asked. If you just bought a really nice sweater or you had leftover food, that’s his now. He’s innocent until proven guilty even if he’s literally holding your lunch. The pure amount of bullshit he can spit out to convince you that no, he did not pull the fire alarm because he wanted an excuse for not going to work, puts him on Shakespeare level. He’s also very pretty, way too pretty, sir can you share some of your genes? 
But aside from that, he’s actually super dependable. You forgot something at home? Sure, he has nothing better to do so he can bring them for you. We’re missing eggs? No problem, he’s just by the store. You’re 95% sure that he just wants to be cheeky and make you thank him for 20 minutes before he actually hands you what you asked for. It’s better for you if you never tell him anything you’re afraid of because Kaeya has no social cues, or more like he throws them out the window, and he’s probably a psychopath. 
He’s incredibly private of his room and things despite his attitude towards yours. You’re convinced he either has a secret lab or that’s where he’s storing the bodies. I was the good guy but due to unfortunate circumstances, I need to stab a bitch. But he’s a really good serious talker for those 3am, because everything happens at 3am, talks about life and the meaning of the universe. It absolutely wrecks your sleep schedule but some of the things you talk about are the most crackhead things like what’s the lowest amount of money someone would have to pay you to walk outside without clothes? It’s a legitimate question. 
“Never before have I been so offended with something I 100% agree with.”
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Okay, what world did you save in a past life to live with his absolutely wonderful woman? Mother Teresa take a load off, take a seat. You have nothing to worry about. She’ll bring home little treats back home and it’s the most wholesome thing ever?? Is this what love and affection feels like? We’ve been starved for so long. She says it’s not a big deal and anyone would do it BUT THE MOMENT SOMEONE BUYS FOOD FOR YOU. IT’S A MAGICAL MOMENT. They are forever stuck in your will until proven otherwise. An absolute ray of sunshine that must be protected. 
She does get super busy so you don’t often see each other or get to hang out as much. She’s a bit of a workaholic but a lot more easier to talk her into taking a break. She’s also a pretty decent cook but she prefers baking and jesus christ, girl can you calm down? Be still my beating heart, I’ve been smitten. Has mother hen vibes that you’re not sure if she’s your roommate or if she adopted you into her family. It’s time to start a petition for the Jean protection squad. Given the opportunity, I would aggressively hold your hand. 
She’s always open to whatever you want to do. Any recommendations or things that you like she will try out at least once despite her busy schedule. She’s lowkey lonely because work consumes her so any time you want to hang out or do something together, she jumps on it like she’s feral. She get’s a bit shy to ask if she can join in on your plans because she doesn’t want to bother you or intrude no matter how many times you tell her that’s okay, she still get’s a bit iffy about it. Please save this girl before she trips. In your arms. Platonically. Just kidding haha. Unless?
“I can’t wait to see you happy and not hating everyone again haha.”
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First impressions of Childe were great, until he opened his mouth and you realized how much of a two brain cell child(e) he was. He has two braincells because they constantly have to 1v1 in his brain. He’s lived with a lot of siblings so he has no social awareness or concept of privacy that you’re lucky if you come home and he’s half-dressed. It doesn’t matter if you’re 2 weeks older than him, he’s going to call you 82 years old and why your bones aren’t being fossilized at this point. He’s such a little shit, this fucker licks the yogurt lid peel.  
He get’s really restless when he’s stuck under house arrest, because apparently 1v1ing in the parking lot of a Wendy’s is illegal for some reason, so he makes dying whale noises until he get’s to go outside again. But he’s actually a really wholesome guy, probably because of his younger siblings, that he’ll sometimes get you something because you seemed down and it’s such whiplash? Who is this man and where did he come from? You’re starting to have a change of heart before he tells you that he got banned from the library for accidently punching the school’s computer. How you “accidently” punch something you have no idea but Childe always comes home with some sort of injury. Maybe he’s just incredibly clumsy. For your sanity, you’re going to go with that. 
He’s actually so uncultured that it’s crippling. You can’t blame him too much considering his upbringing and it’s great that he’s so interested in learning new things but...child no...It makes you want to take your spine out of your ass and rip it like a Beyblade. Watching him take chopsticks and stab his food like it’s marshmallows makes you want to fall into a blackhole and let the chair consume you. 
“I, too, fantasize about beating the living shit out of people.”
Is this another tag yourself game cause I resonate with Diluc. I’m crying in insomnia. As much as I enjoy writing these fics I absolutely hate tagging them. I remember I used to have a tag anon but that was back when I wrote for bnha. 
Valentine’s Day was fun tho. I had a drinking game with friends as we played league then ended it off with a movie night. 
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nemeseos-noctua · 4 years
Hi! Could i request hcs for Diluc and Xiao with a reader who is shy? Thank you!
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𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: xiao, diluc (separate) x gn!reader
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: a few swears in diluc’s! (it’s like one or two)
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: this is actually my first tumblr post.... ive been super busy with school, sports, and other stuff. sorry! ill try to write more in the future! (constellations has been doing everything so far since i still dont know how tumblr works lol)
also, these are stupid long... and for what.
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adventuring was a lot for you to process
okay, so maybe having your own Benny’s Adventure Team was not great while traveling through Dragonspine and Liyue
too many of everything
you ended up getting really beat up.
after passing through Mingyun Village, you could see Wangshu Inn and decided to stay there until you were healed up
you always found comfort in the night sky, so you went out there every day
It was your fifth night staying at the inn before you saw a short male standing on the balcony where you would usually be. Strange. You’d never seen anyone like that before.
You seemed to have caught him off guard when you started to approach him since he jumped a little. 
Taking a closer look at his face, you studied it a bit. He had golden eyes and dark teal hair that seemed to frame his face perfectly, accompanied by lighter streaks of the same colour.
Pretty... you thought, completely entranced by this strange man (boy?). 
“Ah, sorry. I’m probably disturbing you... I’ll go now...” 
He blinked. 
god he’s in love
not even romantic love but he loved you like the past adepti
xiao would see so many couples over the years that he’s been at the inn and absolutely hated them, but this?? 
okay it’s a different type of love but damn it felt nice
You started to turn and walk back to your room before hearing his voice.
On the outside, you were cooler than a cucumber. The inside? Chaos. Millions of thoughts raced throughout that little head of yours. 
“Only if you’re fine with it...”
Turning back around, you took a few steps forward before noticing that he wore a lot of accessories on him. One of them being a mask that resembled one of the Vigilant Yaksha’s in that one book you read as a kid. Probably just a fan or something.
You reached the balcony, taking a spot next to him while also keeping some space between the two of you. Leaning on the balustrade (the railing of a balcony), you rested your head on top of your arms.
A comfortable silence was placed in the middle of the two. A silent breeze blew, adding to the mellow mood. 
“What brings you here?” the pretty stranger suddenly inquired, gaining a small jolt from your serene state. “Did I scare you? My apologies.”
“Oh, uh, it’s nothing...” You lifted your head to look out at the lands of Dihua Marsh. Seeing Dragonspine in the distance gave you a chill. Those were not the greatest memories. The small movement didn’t go unnoticed by the boy.
“You’re an adventurer?”
“Oh... yeah, I am... I’m not that experienced yet, though...” 
for SOME REASON... this man felt even more inclined to protect you
you still had a fair amount of bandages wrapped around your limbs, so it was clear that you were injured
but he did not.
he has restraint.
he is a good boy.
“I met a traveler that wasn’t very experienced either.” This fact shocked you. So he has been here for a while... but why hadn’t you seen him before? Does he just... disappear into thin air..?
the answer is yes
he does indeed do that
but that’s besides the point.
“Oh... that’s nice...” 
It was getting late. The moon was starting to lower back down and the lids of your eyes were getting heavier and heavier by the minute. You let out a yawn, but it was muffled by your head being buried in your arms once again.
“You should go get some rest.” You hummed. 
Then, a thought popped into your head.
“If you don’t mind me asking... what’s your name?” 
Even though you weren’t facing him, you could feel his piercing gaze on you. It wasn’t uncomfortable at all, but gave you a feeling of protection.
“Xiao.” You mouthed his name to yourself silently. It was nice.
“Goodnight, Xiao. I hope that we can do this again soon.”
“Goodnight to you...”
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you were a cryo catalyst that tried to fight against some cryo slimes alone
hint: that was a bad idea
my favourite elemental reaction was immune!
literally... you couldn’t even do anything to them
and you were getting beat up. 
for plot convenience you were at the lake next to Dawn Winery
At this point, you’d been fending these slimes off for around a quarter of an hour now and you were getting tired now.
Your dumbass tried to drown them in the lake but forgot that they immediately froze any moisture underneath them. You tried attacking them but everything you could do was inflict the freeze effect (against CRYO slimes). 
You literally could not do anything. Time to get frozen to death!
Suddenly, a big fire bird swept up the slimes that had been occupying you for the last 20 minutes or so, effectively taking them out. 
At this point, the only thing that kept you standing was your adrenaline, which quickly ran out as you dropped to the ground in exhaustion. You let out a sigh, finally free from those damned slimes. You will have your revenge one day... just not today.
While you were resting on the ground, your saviour had been standing there, watching you calm down. And so you looked up to be greeted by probing crimson orbs, which definitely startled you.
Your saviour was.... Master Diluc. Master Diluc Ragnvindr, wealthiest man in Mondstadt. Him. In front of you. 
“OH! I, um, Master Diluc! What brings you here?” 
“I was taking a stroll around the winery and happened to see you in your own predicament.”
You attempted to stand up, though your legs failed you as you only flopped back onto the dirt. 
diluc doesn’t wanna admit it but that was unbelievably stupid, cute, and endearing
okay and what if this emo boy doesn’t like people
he still has feelings too >:(
“I’ll stay here with you so you won’t get attacked again. So relax.”
Mans was telling you to “relax” while you were in the presence of a literal typhoon here. He was so brooding and scary-looking all the time that you couldn’t even try to relax.
A few minutes pass and the sound of water rushing was the only thing keeping you two company. 
It was nice to enjoy nature, but the tension between the two of you was still higher than ever.
To break this silence, you had tried to stir up some small talk.
“The weather is nice today, huh...”
He grunted, which seemed to be a regular response of his. You started to notice this after a few questions like “how’s your day been” or “have any plans today?”
Not that you were genuinely interested. You bet that he could tell that you were trying to make it less awkward by responding at all, but it just didn’t help at all.
You were probably sitting for a good 10 minutes before deciding to stand up again, in which you were successful. But could you walk back to the city?
That was debatable.
You definitely felt and looked unstable, so being the gentleman he was raised to be, Diluc reluctantly bent down and slung your shoulder over his.
The height difference between the two of you was pretty big, so he ended up just carrying you to his place. As goofy as it looked, it got the job done.
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― riri ✨
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cas-rivaille · 3 years
heyy, I saw you were doing matchups so I was wondering if I could get an obey me one? Take your time if you can't write them now :D
I'm a bi ace demigirl who's 5'3 and my hair is around shoulder length currently (it used to be really short) and both my eyes and hair are dark brown, almost black. I'm underweight and my skin is like a light olive color. I dress a little masculine if I were to describe it, I love formal attires like suits of the kind :D
I am infp and my enneagram is 8 and I'm also a capricorn. I would say I'm rather loud and energetic, but at the same time, I get tired in social situations easily- Sometimes I get really honest, I don't have a filter when I speak, but I try to not sound so harsh or mean ;-; I get really talkative depending on the topic and how much I thought about it. I think a lot, makes me sleep late because I'm awake thinking about random things that most of the time does not correlate to one another. My brain is just scattered a lot of times which is also why I get distracted really easily mid conversation and I would be too embarrassed to admit it when I do- I also get days I get real quiet and won't speak much and it sometimes worry people, but it's really just me tired :'D I don't really know how to sympathize and it's hard to explain that, but yeah, I usually sound happy no matter the situation and it's not good depending on what's happening. My mood and the way I speak changes with different people, I would usually try to match their energy even if I don't feel the same cause I feel like that's a nice thing to do ;-;
Some interests I have is drawing, reading (ya novels, usually with romance), singing (I'm into kpop and a mixture of other genres) and sometimes I paint or write. I get bored really easily so these hobbies keep me from being worn out from doing nothing. Other things I like would be anime and musical theater and I love birds (idk if that's relevant but yes-) I have a few things I want to learn, rn it's law, criminology or psychology. Forgot to mention, but I also play a lot of visual novels and games (mainly bandori and genshin these days)
For love languages I am quality time and acts of service. Not planning to be in any relationship yet, but I just would like an s/o who can just understand why I'm who I am and would be able to tell me whenever I'm being too much- I've also never had an s/o so I'm not sure how I'd be like, but I think I'm pretty affectionate in terms of showing how I care. I'd definitely get into their interests because I know it'll make them feel happy. Also, if we ever argue, I would rather we not yell or shout since I've had bad experiences with those-
I'm pretty sure that's all I can say about myself,, I can't wait for an answer, thank you so much for reading this <3
omg thank you so much !! you're so sweet <3
sorry this took a bit longer than usual i was working on a fic thing post about dia x reader !!
okay as far ass the matchup, i match you with... SOLOMON
okay so here is my reasoning (it's kinda scattered and not in order of how you told me about yourself i'm sorry🥲🥲):
- he's SUPER intuitive and would know exactly when you're tired in a social situation and would use his crafty wizardry to get the two of you away
- he would know when to worry about you and when you're just tired :)
- he would totally rotate between your pronouns and ask if you felt more they/them that day or she/her and just respects you all around
- loves listening to you talk and your hyperfixations because he either would totally get into it too, or would just love to see how excited you are abt it
- also using his intuition, he'd understand you down to your cellular structure, like this man can read you like a book
- would so study law, criminology and phsycology with you because he finds it fascinating
- he'd also love it if you worked with him on potions and stuff
- i totally hc that solomon has a bird familiar and that matches how you like birds~ he would totally send you letters attached to the foot of his bird and call it "tweeting" just for fun
- this might not be the healthiest for your sleep schedule, but the two of you would stay up s o late talking about the randomest things that pop into either of your heads
- be prepared for the most magical dates, figuratively and literally
- you have full control over the aux, okay whatever you want this man loves your music
- he loves spending time with you and doing tiny things for you like how you do for him (DO NOT EAT HIS COOKING THO-)
- def would watch anime or musicals w you
- reading dates reading dates reading dates
- suddenly your schedules are identical and you have all your classes together🤨
- def not an excuse to "help you with your homework" as a way to spend time w you
- would keep anything you painted or wrote him
- hes lowkey clingy but shh only you know
- he loves taking you on dates but he also like nights in alone w you
- would maybe rope you into pranks
- please teach him how to cook properly
- overall the two of you would be a chaotic happy understanding duo
- cas :)
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blazerina · 4 years
Ethically Questionable // Open Heart AU // Chapter 1
Miami Heat // Ethan x Maggie (MC)
Word Count: 4458
A/N: This is chapter one of our Ethically Questionable AU that @parkerattano & I dreamt up late one evening. I literally thought I dreamt the conversation when I talked with her about it the next morning. Check out the moodboard below that she put together – isn’t she amazing? Mad props to her because all of this is pretty much her idea, I’m just putting a few words out there to help everyone else get to experience this amazing HC of hers. There is plenty more to come and we are just getting started with the drama. We’ve hyped it up a lot because we are Tumblr besties and super excited but we really do think you’ll enjoy the ride too!
Check out our hype posts HERE,  & HERE.
Let us know what you think – chapter two will be coming soon!
EQ AU tag list: @mvalentine​ / @choicesobsessedd​ / @dulcehernandez​ / @missmiimiie​ / @edgiestwinter​ / @junehiratas​ / @binny1985​ / @datynasuha​ / @unluckygs / @trinittyy​ / @lilyvalentine​ / @honeyandsunfl0wers​ / @lucy-268​ / @choices-love-affair​ / @parkerattano / @queencarb / @custaroonie / @mkamra2355 / @humanpokemon / @ramseysno1rookie /@unknowntimelady / @myusualnerdyself / @schnitzelbutterfinger / @mvalentine / @jasminedayz / @thanialis / @tefigranger / @kenzierookie / @justanotherrookie / @keepcreativechoices / @heauxplesslydevoted / @ethandaddyramsey / @kaavyaethanramsey / @sherlockedmcu / @edith-eggs1 / @noboundariesplease / @edgiestwinter / @danysims4cc / @tempesreture / @unusualvisionsblog / @chasingrobbie / @mapipa / @lifeof-liv / @3riche-blog / @anonymous2094 / @annaidziaszczyk / @ntoraplayschoices / @jessirosebud / @mskinkyafro / @caseyvalentineramsey /@desmaranj / @trappedinfandoms / @lucy-268 /
*If you asked to be on my Ethan tag list, I just added you here -- but let me know if you wish to be removed! Or added in that case!*
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“A world-renowned doctor at a top hospital thinks you’re the best intern. Most people would kill to be you.”
Bryce’s words from yesterday echoed loudly in Maggie’s head as she stared out the window of the plane on the way to Miami. She could hardly contain her excitement. He thinks I’m the best intern…she thought to herself as she replayed her conversation with Bryce for the thousandth time. Dr. Ramsey had chosen her.  That meant he saw something in her.  To him, she was already special.  Now, she just needed to capitalize on it.
On the outside, of course, she was trying to present herself to Dr. Ramsey as a polished, professional, put-together intern – but on the inside she was bubbling over with enthusiasm for this quick two-day trip.
Maggie truly felt like the luckiest girl in the world.  This hard-working, smart-mouthed kid from upstate New York was selected by her mentor and current crush, Dr. Ethan Ramsey.  He had been the whole reason she wanted to become a doctor in the first place.  In her freshman AP Biology class when her teacher, Mrs. Hart, asked the class to read one of his journal articles for extra-credit, she Googled him immediately, wanting to digest as much information about him as possible.
Her friends would tease her about the fact that instead of teen heartthrob pictures posted on the inside of her locker, she had medical journal titles and Dr. Ramsey quotes. No one understood her high esteem and true admiration for him. She was confident when she applied to medical school that she would be competitive at Edenbrook, but she felt even more confident as of late. Now that she was number one and Dr. Ramsey’s clear favorite, everything was right in her world. The only thing that would make it better would be a searing gaze, a brush of his fingertips, hearing Dr. Ramsey call her by name and not “Valentine” or “Rookie…”  
She was daydreaming again as she watched the snow-white clouds dance along the deep blue sky. The plane was about 30 minutes from landing. She was able to finally admit to herself that she had butterflies in her stomach.  Could it be true that she had caught Dr. Ramsey looking at her differently lately? Had he actually started to smile a bit when he saw her for rounds every morning? Could it be that she was impressing him not only with her intellect but with her physical assets too? Is there any chance he could, maybe be, attracted to her?
Maggie’s imagination got carried away, thinking about this conference. She’d at least get to share a meal or two with him, maybe there would be a chance for them to get dressed up. Maggie planned ahead and brought a killer dress for just that kind of opportunity. She would make sure Dr. Ramsey got to see even more of her, um, “assets” and she’d get to see what makes him tick outside of the stuffy hospital. They’d dance alone on the beach; he’d declare his never-ending love for her and then at sunset they’d kiss…
“Aaahhh!” she let out a soft cry of surprise as the plane suddenly lurched up and down. Maggie reached for the armrest to clutch it tightly, forgetting that Dr. Ramsey was seated next to her, and his hand was already occupying the space between them.
In an instant her hand grasped his as her eyes grew wide, not because of the turbulence but because of the feel of his skin on hers. Something she had only dreamed about up until this very moment.
He had been reading and with his free hand removed his glasses, staring at her with a questioning look upon his face.
“Maggie.” He stated, matter-of-factly, but Maggie swore he said it breathlessly.
“Maggie.” He repeated.
“Yes, Dr. Ramsey?” She looked deep into his eyes now, hoping her longing and desire for him was evident in her eyes too.
“May I have my hand back, please?”
She immediately released her hold and smiled sheepishly. The Ethan Ramsey smirk appeared on his face briefly as she pulled her hand away.
“Of course.”
When he spoke to her, she hung on his every word, no matter what it was he was saying. However, Maggie had learned by now to keep her answers short and to the point.
“Thank you again for asking me to accompany you on this trip, Dr. Ramsey.  It’s my first large conference and I know we’re going to have a wonderful time! I’m thankful, truly, I am.” She smiled, trying to make things less awkward.
“Yes, yes. So you’ve said. No less than a dozen times now.  And as I have said before, don’t thank me, just do what you’re told. This is a work trip not a vacation. You’d do well to remember that fact, Dr. Valentine.”
The way he slowly emphasized Dr. Valentine sent shivers down Maggie’s spine. Did he know what he was doing to her? It was little lines like this, where the tone and pace of his voice changed, that made her think – no, believe – that he was indeed beginning to develop feelings for her.
Maggie nodded and returned her gaze to the window as he pulled his hand off the armrest. He cleared his throat as he settled back into the chair, recoiling a bit and trying to focus again on his reading material. Soon they’d be on land once more. If Maggie wanted any semblance of a decent relationship with Dr. Ramsey, she’d have to take advantage of opportunities to remind him that she wasn’t just THE number one intern. She was HIS number one intern.  She decided for now to keep her mouth shut and continue to stare at the sky. It was safer that way.
When she had to tell Dr. Ramsey that they messed up on the reservations and only had one room for the two of them to share, she delivered the news matter-of-factly as if she was sharing the status of a broken arm or an appendicitis diagnosis. There was no flare, no pomp and circumstance, just the facts.  
She was looking forward to it and would make sure Dr. Ramsey didn’t regret it, but she knew that she had to present her case clearly and without emotion in order to keep anything from changing too much.
“They only have reservations under your name.  One room. We’ll have to share.”
Maggie was quite pleased with herself and the way she tackled what could have been a nightmare situation.
“Morons. Can no one do anything right?” He clenched his fist and his jaw while simultaneously rolling his eyes.
“I promise I don’t snore…” Maggie offered, trying to lighten the mood that had suddenly become very tense.
“I just don’t like the way it looks.” He explained with a heavy sigh, “But, we’ll have to make it work.”
They took their luggage up to the room. As they entered, Maggie did her best to keep the amount of awe she felt, to a minimum as she took in the sight of the beautiful balcony and the scenic view of the ocean and beach below. She immediately went out to look over it all. It wasn’t until Dr. Ramsey called her back in that she realized there really was only one bed.
“We need to go speak with some vendors and make the rounds on the exhibition floor.” Dr. Ramsey explained, checking his watch.
“Sounds fun!” Maggie smiled as she clasped her hands together, clearly delighted.
“You are woefully misinformed. Nothing about this is fun, Rookie.”
“There’s a first time for everything, Dr. Ramsey.”
“Maybe you’ll actually have fun this time because you’re with me.”
Maggie tried to be subtle in her tone but gave him a wink and then smiled through one side of her mouth as she boldly approached him and looped her arm under his.
She gently pushed him alongside her to the door of their hotel room.
“I should have asked Harper to pay for an assistant instead of bringing you…don’t get any ideas.” He raised an eyebrow and down on her with mock disdain.
The energy between them had shifted now and as he looked at her with mischief in his eyes, she wanted to reach up right then, snake her arms around his neck and toss him on the bed. The expo vendors be damned! But she swallowed those thoughts away and promised him she wouldn’t.
“I’ll be on my best behavior…for now.”
Maggie offered, followed by a throaty chuckle that made Dr. Ramsey stop in his tracks.
He turned sharply to look at his reflection in the full-length mirror near the door of their room. Maggie studied him as he studied himself.  
The hair. Those eyes. His lips. Everything about this man was sexy. It didn’t matter that he was 10 plus years older than her. His brain, his body, all of him was exactly what she wanted.
There were so many rumors about what Dr. Ramsey was really like.  People said he was vain, arrogant, selfish, rude and cocky as hell.  But she had yet to really see that side of him. Sure, he was particular and liked things done a certain way, but it was all for the good of the hospital, the patients and his team. He had a right to be that way, he’d earned it. He was after all, the Doctor Ethan Ramsey.
Those three words had rattled around in her brain for years.  Doctor.  Ethan. Ramsey.  He was everything she hoped to be and also everything she wanted at the same time.  He was standing right in front of her; she still felt at times as though she should pinch herself. It was truly a dream come true to be able to be in the presence of her mentor day after day.
“Like what you see Rookie? Let’s go.” He ushered her out the door and she nodded in agreement while biting her lip, wondering just where the rest of this day and this trip would lead them.
Dr. Ramsey and Maggie were able to spend some time both together and apart in the vendor area of the exhibit hall.  The bright white lights pierced Maggie’s eyes and started to give her a headache. She went from booth to booth listening to people as they peddled their latest technology to either aid in surgeries, help make diagnoses or, some would claim, cure the rarest sicknesses. Maggie was surprised at the wide range of options being offered and just how far these companies and salespeople would go to try and get her, a lowly intern, to agree to use their product. She was actually glad that she didn’t have the power or authority to tie Edenbrook to some of these companies. It was overwhelming to say the least.
Maggie found Dr. Ramsey waiting for her at their predetermined location. They split up for a little bit to “make the rounds” and decided to meet back up after about 45 minutes out on the floor. She was desperately trying to keep a headache at bay but must have been showing signs of fatigue on her face.
“Are you all right?” Dr. Ramsey asked, appearing genuinely concerned.
She nodded slowly and smiled, wanting to appear strong and capable at all times, but especially in front of him.
“Oh yes, just a slight headache is all. Once I get some water and a couple ibuprofen, I’ll be fine.”
“Let’s get out of here. We need you feeling better before the reception this evening.”
“Reception?” Maggie questioned.
Before she could ask more questions, she was interrupted by a strikingly beautiful blonde who approached Dr. Ramsey from behind, placing a hand on his shoulder. It didn’t take long for Maggie to realize she was watching something very intriguing unfold right before her eyes.
“Isabelle?” Dr. Ramsey’s eyes grew wide, turning around and enveloping the mystery woman in a hug.  
A long hug.
A hug that lasted for what felt like five minutes.
Maggie felt a sudden pang of jealousy. Dr. Ramsey clearly knew this woman. She was beautiful and he seemed happy to see her.
“It’s been a long time.”
Isabelle, as he called her, responded in a more abrupt manner than Maggie expected.  She noticed her body language and was immediately confused. Isabelle’s arms were crossed in front of her chest and she seemed less than pleased with Dr. Ramsey’s greeting.
“Yes, it has. Too long, Ethan, if you ask me.”
“How long has it been, exactly?”
Maggie assumed Dr. Ramsey was trying this hardest to be charming. He was smiling not only with his mouth but with his eyes. She couldn’t be sure, but it seemed as though his eyes were also travelling the length of Isabelle’s body as they exchanged words.
“I believe it was last year’s conference. Don’t tell me you don’t remember.”
Isabelle purred like a luxurious cat, still looking a bit stand-offish, but clearly remembering or feeling something for Maggie’s beloved mentor.
“Oh, I remember…things just get busy and life takes over once we’re off conference time, you know.”
“I had heard a lot about you before…that night…” Isabelle leaned in, closer to him, the last few words barely above a whisper.
Maggie was feeling more than awkward in this moment. She was torn between wanting to distract herself and also wanting to hear every bit of this exchange.  This was juicy information and she needed to know who the heck this woman was and what history she had with Dr. Ramsey.
After letting out a loud and uncomfortable laugh, Ethan focused again on Isabelle and took her hand in his.
“I suppose I should be flattered. Usually at these things people either hate me or want something from me.”
“Well I was definitely one of the many women who wanted something from you. And there are plenty more who would want something from you too...”
At this point, Maggie noticed Isabelle’s eyes wandering to where she was standing. The two women made eye contact while Maggie shifted uncontrollably.  
Dr. Ramsey came to her rescue, swooping in beside Maggie and introducing her.
“Ah yes, Dr. Isabelle Crane, this is Dr. Maggie Valentine. Edenbrook’s finest intern, ranked number one currently. She’s accompanied me to the symposium this year.”
“And I do mean finest…” He whispered quickly and breathlessly into Maggie’s ear as she reached forward to extend her hand to Isabelle.  
She wanted to do a double take; her mind not completely sure she had heard Dr. Ramsey correctly. Instead she focused on the woman in front of her, hoping this exchange would end quickly.
Isabelle looked Maggie up and down then licked her lips and smiled deviously. Her eyes flicked from the doctor back to the intern. Maggie could almost see the wheels turning in this Isabelle woman’s head – she didn’t mind where she thought it was going but found it to be a little unprofessional.
“Well,” Isabelle cleared he throat, again her eyes playing ping pong between the two doctors. “Let me offer you this word of advice, number one intern...”
Maggie swallowed hard, her eyes locking with Isabelle’s. She was suddenly very afraid of what Isabelle was going to say next.
“Take great care to not let this one get away. It’s been my experience that once he’s out of sight, you’re out of mind.”
Isabelle was terse and made it beyond clear that she was unhappy with Dr. Ramsey’s behavior. Maggie wasn’t sure she wanted to know exactly what went on between the two of them, but she was astute enough to get the gist. She watched, keeping her composure, as Isabelle spun on her heel and quickly exited.
Wanting to break the ice and let her mentor know she wasn’t the least bit phased by anything, Maggie was the first to speak.
“I think I’ll go get that ibuprofen now.”
Dr. Ramsey was scratching the back of his neck, his head hung low. He looked up at her with a sheepish grin.
“Yeah. Good idea.”
By the time Dr. Ramsey returned to the room, Maggie was in the shower. She had laid out her dress for the evening, hoping it was right for the occasion. The last thing she wanted was to be too dressed up or not dressed up enough. She was well aware of who she was with and she did not want to disappoint him in any way.
It wasn’t long before she heard Dr. Ramsey’s voice call out over the noise of the water.  She knew he was back in the room when she heard the loud hotel door slam close. Thankfully there was no way he could enter the bathroom, as she had thought ahead and locked it.  She already had her fill of awkward encounters for the day.
She swallowed hard, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink. She could feel her neck and chest flush a little bit upon the realization that the only thing between her naked body and Dr. Ethan Ramsey was a flimsy hotel wall. And what’s more, he knew it too, and still chose to engage with her. Trying her best not to come across too hopeful or excited, she casually responded.
“I’m sorry for all that back there…I know you may…uh…have some questions but she’s…”
Maggie cut him off, not wanting or needing an explanation.
“It’s fine, Dr. Ramsey. Really!”
She began to wash her hair, biting her lip and closing her eyes wondering where this conversation would go next.
“I know you might need the shower, so I’ll be fast. I’m just finishing up!” She lied.
“Oh, um, okay. No rush.”
Maggie noticed his voice had gotten lower and a little more raspy with that response. Could it be possible that he was thinking the same thing she was? There was no way he wasn’t thinking about her being in the shower as he spoke with her WHILE SHE WAS IN THE SHOWER.
“How’s your head?” He asked plainly.
Maggie had now put her head under the water to rinse. “Oh, it’s much better, thank you.”
“Is this – this dress here on the bed, is this what you’re wearing tonight?”
She cursed herself, unsure of his tone.
“I brought a lot of options. I wasn’t sure how fancy this was, and I can do something different if it’s not that kind of reception.”
She was finished with her shower now and had turned off the water, wrapping a towel around herself quickly. Her heart was beating fast indicating she was nervous, but her mind was fixed on him and she also felt daring. She wondered if it was possible to be both at the same time.  
“It’s sufficient.” Dr. Ramsey responded in typical fashion.
With her hair dripping wet, she decided to go for it. He wasn’t stupid and neither was she. If anything, she could play it off like an honest mistake. But she wanted him. And she wanted him to know she wanted him. Coming out of the bathroom in just a towel would definitely send that message.
She opened the door and wasn’t prepared for him to be right there, but he was. Literally a few inches from her. She couldn’t keep her eyes off of his lips. She wished she had looked at his eyes instead, because she wanted to watch them and see where they travelled. Did he look her over like he had Isabelle?
Dr. Ramsey suddenly cleared his throat loudly.
“Rookie…” he almost whispered, finally locking his gaze onto hers.
“Only sufficient?” Maggie pouted.  
She could feel a bead of water running from the end of her hair down her chest between her breasts and she held her composure perfectly as she watched her favorite teacher’s eyes follow the path of the drop.
“More than sufficient.”
And with that he stepped into the bathroom, leaving Maggie to finish getting ready.  
The reception was everything Maggie dreamed it would be. She got to wear her fancy dress and drink champagne all with Dr. Ethan Ramsey on her arm. If she had the chance to go back to high-school-Maggie and tell herself that this would be her life, high-school-Maggie never in a million years would have believed her.
She was trying to take mental inventory of everything. Not just the amazing food and ambiance, but the way Dr. Ramsey looked in a tux, the way he had given his approval with a curt nod as she spun around for him in their hotel room, asking him if she “looked okay.” Maggie didn’t want this night to ever end.
The reception had been held by the pool at the resort and eventually, they had to shut it down. Maggie had convinced Dr. Ramsey to stay until the bitter end, even though she had her shoes off and could barely keep her eyes open, when the music stopped and people started picking up, she knew it was time to go.
The bartender was packing up and called out to the couple as they passed by.
“You all want this?” He held out a bottle of champagne.
“It’s already been paid for.”
“Of course it has.” Dr. Ramsey responded as Maggie reached out to grab the bottle.
“And of course we do!” She giggled a little, taking the bottle and wiggling her eyebrows.
Dr. Ramsey couldn’t even stifle a smile this time. Maggie thought that perhaps, despite himself, he had a good night with her and for a few moments, maybe he actually enjoyed himself.
Once the couple exited the elevators on the floor of their room, they walked down the long hallway to the very end where their suite was waiting.  Occasionally Maggie’s hand would brush with Dr. Ramsey’s as he held the champagne bottle by his side. She could tell something had changed. There was a new electricity between them now.  She hoped it wasn’t just the buzz from the multiple glasses of Prosecco she consumed.
“Maggie…” he trailed off just as they reached their room.
“I had a nice time tonight.”
She couldn’t find her voice as she was lost in his incredibly bright blue eyes. They were always piercing but, in this moment, they looked a more intense shade of blue than she had ever seen or noticed before. He stood there, watching her, and she waited for her own brain and mouth to connect in order to respond but nothing came out. She was only able to smile and nod.
The familiar heat spread again on her cheeks, her neck and chest. He opened the door slowly and went to gather more champagne flutes from the table outside on the balcony.
“It’s a beautiful evening and it’s not over yet. Let’s drink out here!” He called to her.
Maggie felt like she was floating. She took a deep breath, dropped her shoes on the floor, and followed him outside. The view was breathtaking, both him and the oceanside. He brought her a flute, held up his glass and looked at her as he spoke.
“A toast. To you. The marvelous Dr. Maggie Valentine. Cheers to surviving your first medical symposium and a day with me. You truly are the finest intern Edenbrook has ever…” he paused adding dramatic effect, “…ever had.”
“Dr. Ramsey – I don’t know what to say, I…” Maggie felt like crying she was so proud of herself and so glad he felt that way about her, but he cut her off.
She nodded, taking a drink.
“Please, call me Ethan.”
Ethan exhaled quickly, took a drink of champagne and then began to speak again. Maggie couldn’t be sure, but it seemed as though his voice was a little shaky as he started.
“I owe you an apology. I’ve been short and more cranky than normal as of late.” He moved to the railing, holding his glass with both hands and leaning over it.
Maggie almost interjected but decided against it. She wanted to see where this was going and what he would say next.
“This trip has been very difficult for me. And I don’t like to admit when I find things challenging or tough.  I thought I could handle this. I thought it would be different. I’ve just never…”
“…felt like this before?” Maggie blurted it out without thinking. Her eyes grew wide, she covered her mouth with her free hand and spilled a little champagne in the process.
Ethan’s head turned slowly to face her. His smile turned into his trademark smirk and Maggie was done for.
“That’s it exactly, Maggie. I’ve tried. So hard…but this trip -- being together so much just us, one on one, and seeing you like this and being with you tonight, everything has just made it impossible.”
And there it was. Just like that he called her Maggie. She was now on a first name basis with Dr. – no – Ethan. Strangely, she was calm. Her pulse was normal, she was concentrating on him and him alone.  
He quickly finished what remained in his glass and set it on the table, taking her free hand in his.
“I could say all of that, too.” She gulped.
Remembering she also had champagne, she took a sip and shivered as he ran his thumb lazily across her knuckles. The words continued to come out of her mouth before she could even think.
“I can’t even believe that right now, I’m me and you’re you and we’re standing here on this balcony looking at the ocean, all dressed up, together. Like actually together. And you’re holding my hand and I just…I’ve wanted this…with you…”
Ethan nodded and without saying a word, took her face in his hands and whispered, “And I want you.”
Maggie didn’t know what was happening anymore. She wasn’t sure if she moved in for the kiss or if he was going to do it anyway, but it didn’t matter. She was now officially in the arms of Dr. Ethan freaking Ramsey and she was going to enjoy it.
After a few moments the passion was intensifying between them both and Maggie took a quick step back, holding Ethan at arm’s length.
“What’s the matter? Is something wrong?”
“Not a thing.” She smiled, holding his gaze and looking at him fondly.
“I want to remember this. There’s not one second of this moment I want to ever forget.”
Ethan smiled and then moved closer to her, nuzzling her neck just below her ear and moving her towards the bed, where the two of them tangled themselves together for hours, enjoying their evening and each other long into the night.
88 notes · View notes
franeridart · 7 years
Whats your opinion on the headcanon that bakugou is hard of hearing because of how loud his explosions are? If you dont mind my asking
I think I answered this q on this blog already? Maybe? But anyway, I don’t exactly mind it, but I can’t say I share the headcanon myself - for one, because I’m of the opinion that their bodies are built to withstand a safe use of their quirks (a bit like you can’t break a leg by simply walking, you know), so in general I’m not a fan of headcanons that include damages caused by simply doing what their bodies were born to do? 
But also because generally, even under the assumption that his body isn’t made to hold up with his explosions, isn’t it awfully convenient how only his ears take damage in these scenarios? What about his eyes? How come he can still see with no problems even with the continuous exposure to the explosions’ light? How about his hair? How come he can stand so close to fire without it ever being damaged by it? His palms have thicker skin and we know that thanks to his UA file, but what about the rest of his body? How come he can stand smack in the middle of an Howitzer Impact without getting even slightly burnt? When you say “only his ears aren’t made to withstand his explosions” what you’re telling me is that his whole body is tailord to deal with his quirk but his ears, and that just feels unrealistic to me - by which I mean, when this is the scenario we’re talking about, you can’t give the fault of the damage to Bakugou’s quirk. It’s a problem his body has, not a natural consequence of having that sort of quirk. And imho with those premises you sort of end up with a different kind of story, you’re supposed to write it differently - that’s what I think, at least
Anon said:Maybe the reason Baku raises his voice so often is because he can’t hear very well, which isn’t due to his explosions, rather, he was born with bad hearing to protect him from taking damage by them.. and then his other senses are sharper to even it out, and his body can even subconsciously notice air vibrations, resulting in really fast reflexes.
Ah, this is also another reason why I’m not a huge fan of the headcanon - don’t get me wrong! If you like it then go on, I’m not trying to stop anyone from enjoying ideas and possibilities!! But personally I like Bakugou not having any reason to be loud-mouthed and rude, that’s just his personality and how the environment he grew up in made him, and lately I’ve seen the hc used to justify his behaviour more than I like? Bakugou being an asshole is just who he is, and I love it! I love that his life made him like that and I love that he’s working hard to fix that flaw, giving him an external reason, something he has no control over, to justify his personality changes the core of his character too much, and that’s not something I’d ever want to do tbh
And it’s also cool to think that he was somewhat genetically engineered to be better in a fight to compensate for a lack of earing (though again, why only his ears and not his eyes or his sense of tact too), but that goes to cut on all the hard work he put in becoming as good as he is, right? If that’s what you like than who am I to stop you! But Bakugou’s hardworking nature is one of the things I love about him, I don’t really feel like taking away from him all the effort and work he put through the years in becoming as good as he is now
Anon said: Kiri’s grades suddenly getting sky high after Baku started kissing his cheek for every correct answer
Bakugou: “the fuck, no, we’re done, that’s how far we went in cla–”
Anon said: Kiri is seriously talented at dirt doodles
lmao it’s just stickmen hahaha
Anon said:aww your miri/tama collage is so precious! have you considered doing something like that for kiri/ kami as well? those boys are in desperate need of some love.. totally understand if not! have a wonderful rest of your day/night :3
Uh, well, it’s not like I “haven’t considered” doing it, but more than a collage it’s… just how I always draw? Only usually I cut the pics for each of them to be a different image so they’re easier to see, while yesterday I was too lazy to do that and left them all on the same canvas haha so I guess yeah next time I’ll feel like drawing krkm if you’d like I can leave the drawings all in one pic, that’s just less work for me after all lol
Anon said:Ahhhhhh~ I had had… Such a need for miritama after that chapter and I couldn’t find anything w the right feel or anything and ??? Then you just??? Bless you thank you they look wonderful and so so soft and happy and I’m just !!!
AHHHH!!!! Thank you so much!!!! I’m glad you liked them :O
Anon said:thank you good lord you’re gonna help me get out of the depressive spiral chapter 152 has put me into
BOI ANON DON’T I FEEL YOU it’s why I drew those to being with hahaha
THANK YOU!!!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ 
Anon said: I just recently became obsessed with MomoJirou because it’s an incredible ship and I can’t get enough and then you give us these adorable drawings of them? I cry
Anon said:fran….your girls…… they’re so good……..
Anon said:I love how you drew Momo 😍
AAAAHHHHHHHHH BOI THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! I’m ??? so glad you guys liked them???? Momo is so hard to get a grasp on for me, it makes me happy to know I did her right!!!!
Anon said:What do you think about futakuchi? xox
He’s my fav in Dateko!!!! Also one of my two biggest #same in Haikyuu haha (the other’s Kuroo lol)
Anon said: I haven’t seen semi on your blog for a while? ;)
That’s 100% most probably because there hasn’t been any haikyuu on my blog for a while, I’d say :O
Anon said:You keep drawing… So many soft things I’m in love… momojirou is so sweet it cleared my skin (and !!! I know you said you have no idea how to draw her but she looks wonderful and I loved it!!) And pining Kiri his face at the end??? Saved me. And STUDY DATE I CAN’T FORGET tbh baku looked so good esp the way you drew him kiri I Understand. Anyways you’re a blessing and I hope you have a lovely day!!!
God anon….. you just go……….. and slay me like this……. how am I supposed to deal………………………. (ilu)
Anon said:Does the Octopus Team still exist? I was scrolling through Shouji tags and saw the art.
I’m not sure what this ask means :O like, are you asking me if I’ll ever draw them together again? Because tbh that one doodle sort of just… happened while I was doing something else……… oops….
Anon said:Is it just me or are you getting more and more notes a lot quicker? Bc congrats my friend
:O thanks!!! But to be fair I think more than on my art this is mostly on the Bakushima becoming a much more popular ship, lately! The anime will do that haha
Anon said: I literally check your blog multiple times every day to see if you’ve posted anything new, your art just makes me so happy??? Like it could literally be bakugou as an orange and kirishima as a strawberry and I would reblog it faster than lightning and stare at it for five mins. Your style is just so nice and it like…. flows well?? Is really clean??? IDK HOW TO DESCRIBE IT MY DUDE but BASICALLY i love everything you do and thanks for blessing us with all the cute kiribakus and bokuroo :))
sob thank you ;O; so much ;O; holy shit ;O; ;O;
Anon said:So I’m new to the BNHA fandom and you’re probably the first artist I stumbled across but I am HOOKED. I love your bakushima A LOT and your headcanons are so perfect I get so hype when I see them on my dashboard *v* Do you ever think about what would happen if Bakugou’s family found out about his new relationship? Do you think they would love Kirishima? (Of course they would it’s impossible not to). I imagine that would be an interesting scenario!!
I’m 100% sure Mitsuki would be like “HOW THE FUCK did you manage to get such a nice kid to like you” but when we’re being honest Masaru is a super sweet man married with a firecracker too so does she have any right to talk? Nope, she does not 
And thank you so much for the compliments!!!! :O this fandom is super full of talented and nice people, I hope you’ll have a great time in it!
Anon said:Dude like mate honey love bunch bro man,,,,, YOUR FR*CKING ART!!!! SO H*CKING GOOD???? BAKUKIRI (cries because I love them so f*dging much) LOOK SO GOOD IN YOUR ART STYLE? SO PURE! WHOLESOME!!! I just went through your art tag for the last hour and I love everything. Kirishima is my FAVE I LOVE HIM!!!$ and the Baku squad mm mmmmmm good shiz right there. AND YUUJIIIIII AND BOKKUROOOOO AND THE VOLTRON AU!!!! Honestly we have such similar tastes ah. Anyway I’m running out of words love you fran xox
Anon said:Kirishima and bakugo furiously (not mad just intense) making out I know what your thinking but please give it a try
I mean the idea isn’t something I mind at all, but drawing this sort of things requires a specific mood for me which isn’t easy to come by and more often then not when I do draw that sorta stuff I don’t finish nor post it? So in general that’s not the type of things I’ll draw as a suggestion, sorry orz
Anon said: Whenever I see a new post from you but it’s reblogged I immediately go to your original post so I can read your tags. I love them so much!
Heck !!!!! I’m glad you enjoy my nonsense? hahaha
Anon said:*whispers* hey hey…. kiribaku hide and seek got any thoughts on that
Are you asking about one against the other or hiding together? …either way I can only see that ending in disaster and explosions ngl lol
Anon said:It came to my mind after reading your last comic that Baku usually dresses up pretty nice¿? Its canon that his family works for the fashion industry and his costume is SO EXTRA™, we never really see him in cringey or weird clothing (please correct me if I’m wrong (?)) but I still like the idea of him having lots of skull/punk tees and struggling to find normal stuff lol
Wouldn’t call them cringey or weird, but it is canon that every time we’ve seen him out of his costume/uniform in the manga he’s worn either plain black tees/tank tops or t-shirts with skulls on them :O that’s actually his canon style, I wasn’t taking a wild guess back there haha
Anon said:I miss your art on my feed on the days you don’t art. So I scroll through your old posts whenever that happens. (This is not a plea or pressure for you to do anything more often btw. You make so much amazing art and contribute so much to this fandom. I love going back and looking at all your art. We are not worthy!) I literally can’t think about Kiribaku and the Bakusquad without thinking of your art.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you!!!!! Oh my god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;O; 
Anon said:Cons of Kirishima being the protagonist of MHA: He would constantly be hurting himself and making us as the audience suffer in the worst way. Pros: if the recent chapters are anything to go by, he would be /very very pretty/ by now due to how much he’s been beaten up
I still prefer him healthy and happy tho 。゚(*´□`)゚。 once in a hospital bed is enough for me //sob
Anon said:I can’t describe how happy these deathstar doodles made me?? Your art is top notch as always but you drawing one of my all time favorite ships when there’s so little content for them gave me strenght for the next 57 years, thank you sm!!! And have a good day!!
Anon said:Ahhh you have no idea how much of a blessing it is to see deathstar in your artttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!! I love you so muchhhhhh!!!
I’M!!! HAPPY!!! YOU GUYS LIKED THOSE!!!!! I never understood why there was so little content for them tbh, like??? Okay the anime didn’t reach any of The Good Stuff for them and most fans never read the manga, but the manga makes them such an obvious ship?? So good so right so healthy and supportive and beautiful b o y rereading that manga gave me a lot of feelings bless the two of them 。:゚(。ノω\。)゚・。
Anon said:Oh my god, I was just looking through like all your art and I realized how much you’ve improved. Like oh my god you’re fantastic, all your art looks so great. I mean this as a compliment and that’s you’ve improved a lot and you’re so great. ❤️❤️
THANK YOU OH BOY (●´□`)♡ this means…………….so much…………. gahh
Anon said:i got so busy with college apps and entrance exams that I stopped watching the anime around the intern time and I stopped reading the manga around about the time sun eater faces off against those guys. man I have so much to catch up on but I still don’t have much time at all. all I know is Mirio is being an angel and I’m at peace with that.
Mirio………… is such a good boy……………….. he deserves so much more…………….. so much better………………….. o
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