#postgender positivity
cubeflag · 5 years
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(A feeling that one’s identity has been heavily influenced and shaped by a gender that one no longer experiences. For example, someone who identifies as postmale/postboy no longer feels that their gender identity is male but still feels a strong connection to masculinity or has been shaped by it in some way.)
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spaceandrobots · 3 years
Utopian Literature 5
20th-21st centuries
NEQUA or The Problem of the Ages by Jack Adams – A feminist utopian science fiction novel printed in Topeka, Kansas in 1900.
Sultana’s Dream (1905) by Begum Rokeya - A Bengali feminist Utopian story about Lady-Land.
A Modern Utopia (1905) by H. G. Wells – An imaginary, progressive utopia on a planetary scale in which the social and technological environment are in continuous improvement, a world state owns all land and power sources, positive compulsion and physical labor have been all but eliminated, general freedom is assured, and an open, voluntary order of “samurai” rules.[27]
Beatrice the Sixteenth by Irene Clyde – A time traveller discovers a lost world, which is an egalitarian utopian postgender society.[28]
Red Star (novel) (1908) Red Star (Russian: Красная звезда) is Alexander Bogdanov’s 1908 science fiction novel about a communist society on Mars. The first edition was published in St. Petersburg in 1908, before eventually being republished in Moscow and Petrograd in 1918, and then again in Moscow in 1922.
The Millennium: A Comedy of the Year 2000 by Upton Sinclair. A novel in which capitalism finds its zenith with the construction of The Pleasure Palace. During the grand opening of this, an explosion kills everybody in the world except eleven of the people at the Pleasure Palace. The survivors struggle to rebuild their lives by creating a capitalistic society. After that fails, they create a successful utopian society “The Cooperative Commonwealth,” and live happily forever after.[29]
Herland (1915) by Charlotte Perkins Gilman – An isolated society of women who reproduce asexually has established an ideal state that reveres education and is free of war and domination.
The New Moon: A Romance of Reconstruction (1918) by Oliver Onions[30]
The Islands of Wisdom (1922) by Alexander Moszkowski – In the novel various utopian and dystopian islands that embody social-political ideas of European philosophy are explored. The philosophies are taken to their extremes for their absurdities when they are put into practice. It also features an “island of technology” which anticipates mobile telephones, nuclear energy, a concentrated brief-language that saves discussion time and a thorough mechanization of life.
Men Like Gods (1923) by H. G. Wells – Men and women in an alternative universe without world government in a perfected state of anarchy (“Our education is our government,” a Utopian named Lion says;[31]) sectarian religion, like politics, has died away, and advanced scientific research flourishes; life is governed by “the Five Principles of Liberty,” which are privacy, freedom of movement, unlimited knowledge, truthfulness, and freedom of discussion and criticism.[citation needed]
Lost Horizon (1933) by James Hilton - The mythical community of Shangri-La
War with the Newts (1936) by Karel Čapek – Satirical science fiction novel.[citation needed]
For Us, The Living: A Comedy of Customs (1938, published in 2003) by Robert A. Heinlein – A futuristic utopian novel explaining practical views on love, freedom, drive, government and economics.[citation needed]
Islandia (1942) by Austin Tappan Wright – An imaginary island in the Southern Hemisphere, a utopia containing many Arcadian elements, including a policy of isolation from the outside world and a rejection of industrialism.[citation needed]
Walden Two (1948) by B. F. Skinner – A community in which every aspect of living is put to rigorous scientific testing. A professor and his colleagues question the effectiveness of the community started by an eccentric man named T.E. Frazier.[citation needed]
Childhood’s End (1954) by Arthur C. Clarke – Alien beings guide humanity towards a more economically productive and technologically advanced society, allowing humans to broaden their mental capacities.[citation needed]
Island (1962) by Aldous Huxley – Follows the story of Will Farnaby, a cynical journalist, who shipwrecks on the fictional island of Pala and experiences their unique culture and traditions which create a utopian society.[citation needed]
Eutopia (1967) by Poul Anderson
The Dispossessed: An Ambiguous Utopia (1974) by Ursula K. Le Guin - Is set between a pair of planets: one that like Earth today is dominated by private property, nation states, gender hierarchy, and war, and the other an anarchist society without private property.
Ecotopia: The Notebooks and Reports of William Weston (1975) by Ernest Callenbach – Ecological utopia in which the Pacific Northwest has seceded from the union to set up a new society.[32]
Woman on the Edge of Time (1976) by Marge Piercy – The story of a middle-aged Hispanic woman who has visions of two alternative futures, one utopian and the other dystopian.[33]
The Probability Broach (1980) by L. Neil Smith – A libertarian or anarchic utopia[34]
Voyage from Yesteryear (1982) by James P. Hogan – A post-scarcity economy where money and material possessions are meaningless.[35]
Bolo'Bolo (1983) by Hans Widmer published under his pseudonym P.M. – An anarchist utopian world organised in communities of around 500 people
Always Coming Home (1985) by Ursula K. Le Guin – A combination of fiction and fictional anthropology about a society in California in the distant future.[citation needed]
Pacific Edge (1990) by Kim Stanley Robinson – Set in El Modena, California in 2065, the story describes a transformation process from the late twentieth century to an ecologically sane future.[36]
The Fifth Sacred Thing (1993) by Starhawk – A post-apocalyptic novel depicting two societies, one a sustainable economy based on social justice, and its neighbor, a militaristic and intolerant theocracy.[citation needed]
3001: The Final Odyssey (1997) by Arthur C. Clarke – Describes human society in 3001 as seen by an astronaut who was frozen for a thousand years.
Aria (2001-2008) by Kozue Amano – A manga and anime series set on terraformed version of the planet Mars in the 24th century. The main character, Akari, is a trainee gondolier working in the city of Neo-Venezia, based on modern day Venice.[citation needed]
Manna (2003) by Marshall Brain – Essay that explores several issues in modern information technology and user interfaces, including some around transhumanism. Some of its predictions, like the proliferation of automation and AI in the fast food industry, are becoming true years later. Second half of the book describes perfect Utopian society.[37]
Uniorder: Build Yourself Paradise (2014), by Joe Oliver. Essay on how to build the Utopia of Thomas More by using computers.[38]
The Culture series by Iain M. Banks – a science fiction series released from 1987 through 2012. The stories centre on The Culture, a utopian, post-scarcity space society of humanoid aliens, and advanced superintelligent artificial intelligences living in artificial habitats. The main theme is of the dilemmas that an idealistic, more-advanced civilization faces in dealing with smaller, less-advanced civilizations that do not share its ideals, and whose behaviour it sometimes finds barbaric. In some of the stories action takes place mainly in non-Culture environments, and the leading characters are often on the fringes of (or non-members of) the Culture.
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koldunia · 7 years
My ‘final form looks’ tag is full of nonhuman monster demi persons, and that’s exactly what I’d want to present myself as in a close to perfect world. My postgender fantasy is to look as positively inhuman as I can possibly get away with.
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Various gender terms with no known flags (part 30)
Polargenders: A trans person who completely lacks the femininity/masculinity normally associated with their gender identity, and does not wish to become more masculine/more feminine in order to fit better into gender roles or to “pass.” The prefix polar- comes from the phrase “polar opposite.” This refers to the person being the polar opposite of what society believes women/men to look like, but still just as valid in their identity.
Pomogender: A gender where one denies or does not fit any labels for any particular gender. For example, someone who knows they're not cis, but is not interested, or can't specify what their gender(s) are. See also: Comgender
Posigender and Negagender: A feeling that one’s gender is defined by or influenced by positive (posigender) or negative (negagender) symptoms of their schizophrenia.
Postgender: A feeling that one’s identity has been heavily influenced and shaped by a gender that one no longer experiences. For example, someone who identifies as postmale/postboy no longer feels that their gender identity is male but still feels a strong connection to masculinity or has been shaped by it in some way.
[Full list of terms are in the google docs if you don’t want to wait for the next posts]
[Link for A-K] and [Link for L-Z] and [Link for text only]
If any of you know if there’s flags for any of these already, please send a link to it so we can add it to the gallery! And if you know who coined it so we can properly credit them (and that includes if it was anonymously posted or the blog deactivated).
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quarantinedsam-blog · 4 years
Final Post – The Aftermath
The end of the quarter is coinciding with the end of the lockdown and the quarantine in Spain. It is crazy to think that we have made it, that we have survived a world pandemic, and a very restrictive lockdown. A month ago I was not able to cross the street to have some fresh air. Not even able to see my family after spending seven months in a different continent. It is crazy to think what the world has been through these past three months. But it seems that we’ve made it. 2020 does not cease to challenge us, and even though it seems that we have overcome the pandemic in a great part of the Western world, there are other problems to face now, such as systemic racism or police brutality. What have we learned from this unprecedented situation and how can we apply our expanded knowledge to these new unfortunate events?
Now it’s time to look back, to not forget what the pandemic and this course has taught us considering the barrier between the human and the non-human. Covid-19, a non-human force, has shaped our experience. In this vein, I could understand more broadly the force of the non-human thanks to the theory of assemblages by Jane Bennet, who scrutinized the agency of inert matter, which in combination with other actants (human or not), can entail tremendous consequences for both the human and non-human species. Tsing made me reconsider the processes of contamination and collaboration as something positive, even convenient. Are humans “contaminated” by Covid-19 in a positive way? She defines contamination as “transformation through encounter”, and we are definitely transformed after encountering such virus. We are not the same after the pandemic. Or at least I like to think so. That transformation inevitably leads me to remember Haraway’s cyborg, which she defines as a “creature in a postgender world”. Haraway unquestionably made me realize that we are living in an era of technology. Therefore, different epistemologies have to be accomplished in order to dismantle new relationships between the human and the nonhuman, which now include what is pertinent to technologies and science. Are we going to be cyborgs after science comes up with a vaccine against the virus?
Surprisingly, the aftermath of this pandemic has not dissipated my will to continue learning. Instead, I’m willing to keep reading about the complex relationships between humans and non-humans. I want to keep deconstructing my biased opinions concerning important social and political matters. It goes without saying that my knowledge of what is not considered “human” has grown beyond expectations, and my efforts on this course would pay off if I could apply what I have learned so far to give voice to the unvoiced.
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