#poster formule 4
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memorylane-png · 1 year ago
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poster grand prix de france
print competition grand prix de france
0 notes
a-yarn-of-purple-prose · 1 year ago
Damn the people in Genshin's official sub have been full-on schisming about Furina these last few days.
It's the most impressive thing to watch btw. I'm basically taking notes to write fantasy setting sects because while researching historical schisms can tell you the bones of how people go from agreement about something to "we're different religions now", seeing how people formulate the argument is something else.
I'm putting some prints after the break because this is heavy spoilers after all.
Here's some of what I collected:
The argument that Every Part of The Whole Contains The Whole Itself (or maybe that personhood isn't defined by a separate embodied presence and experiences but by a Secret Third Thing. I'm not sure.)
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2. The argument that Fate/Celestia Is Omniscient Thus Can't Be Fooled, ergo Furina had to be divine (this one bothers the hell out of me because the whole point of the quest was that fate CAN be fooled or at least misdirected as long as you reach the right story beats. And we've known for ages that Celestia isn't watching.)
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3. The argument that You Can't Tell Which One Is The Copy, and, furthermore, that No One Died Because Focalors As We Met Her Wasn't a Person (this one is kinda extra-esoteric)
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4. The argument that Focalors Was a Persona Inside Furina's Mind All the Time (despite the fact that the story tells us Focalors was the Oratrice):
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Just FYI the poster is talking about cakes because there was an attempt at an explanation though a cake analogy (I don't think this poster got the rhetoric.)
5. I'm putting the obligatory "ship of Theseus" reference here because this is tumblr and we're simple people here.
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The whole issue, of course, is that some people are tripping over the philosophical question of "what is a person?", others are trying to invent a whole theory of mind, while others are so fully into Christian mythology that they can't conceive of this story not being a reference to their blorbo.
This was, you have to understand, exactly what the writers wanted.
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revenantghost · 1 year ago
Kenji Muto's Twitter Posts: Part 1
Before and while Tristamp was airing, Kenji Muto made some amazing Twitter posts giving us lore and production tidbits along the way. And while I don't speak Japanese (so I'm going to have to use Google Translate for this, so take everything you read here with a grain of salt because it may be skewed by mistranslation), there was some fantastic art and really cool concepts shared, and I want to archive anything Trigun-related. If I miss anything, let me know!) It starts a little slow with stuff we already know, but there are some interesting tidbits! If anyone who knows Japanese wants to correct anything, please feel free! Now, without further ado...
Part 1 [here]
Part 2
12:23 AM · Jul 4, 2022
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Twitter始めました。 TRIGUN STAMPEDE監督の武藤です。
I started Twitter. This is Muto, director of TRIGUN STAMPEDE.
1:41 AM · Jul 7, 2022
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シリーズ長編初監督です。田島光二さんによる美しいコンセプトアートとキャラクター原案をベースに、壮大な世界観を作っています。順次、新しい情報が解禁されるはず。お楽しみに。 #TRIGUN
This is my first time directing a feature-length series. We have created a magnificent worldview based on the beautiful concept art and character designs by Koji Tajima. New information should be released one after another. looking forward to. #TRIGUN
7:27 AM · Aug 3, 2022
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公式HPにある花守さんの「依存と執着」という表現は的確だと思った。最も行動原理を組み立てるのに時間のかかったキャラクター、少年ナイ。服に浮かぶ不思議な模様も田島光二氏によるデザイン。果たして、どんな意味が込められているのか。 写真は、追加で届いたロサンゼルス土産。 #TRIGUN
I thought that Mr. Hanamori's expression of ``dependence and attachment'' on the official website was accurate. Shonen Nai is the character that took the most time to formulate his behavioral principles. The mysterious patterns that appear on the clothes are also designed by Koji Tajima. What kind of meaning does it really contain? The photo shows an additional souvenir from Los Angeles. #TRIGUN
12:15 AM · Aug 23, 2022
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公式のコンセプトアート公開、なぜか少年時代編が多いなぁ。原作漫画で、ナイが奏でている、オルガンのような、ピアノのような楽器。どうゆう感情で弾いているのか、誰を想って弾いているのか。 そういえばあのコンセプトアートはいつ公開なのだろう。 いつ解禁になるのだろう。 #TRIGUN
For some reason, most of the official concept art released is from the boyhood version. In the original manga, Nai plays an organ-like or piano-like instrument. How do you feel when you play, and who do you have in mind when you play? Come to think of it, when will that concept art be released? When will it be lifted? #TRIGUN
3:42 AM · Aug 31, 2022
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出社したら壁にTRIGUN STAMPEDEのポスターが貼られていた。ちなみにお隣のポスターは、初演出デビュー時代からお世話になっている松見真一監督のTVアニメBEASTARS。 第二弾ポスターも鋭意製作中。 #TRIGUN
When I arrived at work, there was a TRIGUN STAMPEDE poster on the wall. By the way, the poster next to me is of the TV anime BEASTARS, directed by Shinichi Matsumi, which I have been supporting since its debut. The second poster is also in the works. #TRIGUN
5:43 AM · Sep 4, 2022
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演出用に作ってもらったマザーシップの立体造形。絶妙に捻れていて、左右対称でデザインされてるわけではないので、3面図起こしがとにかく難しい。 レム・セイブレムは五番艦。 大墜落を免れたのは三番艦。 日曜出社の私は現在、音響ブース。 #TRIGUN
A three-dimensional model of the mothership made for the performance. It's exquisitely twisted and not designed with left and right symmetry, so it's difficult to draw it from three sides. Rem Saverem is the fifth ship. The third ship survived the crash. I come to work on Sunday and am currently working in the sound booth. #TRIGUN
11:10 PM · Sep 13, 2022
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相手に説明することで、アタマの中が整理されてゆく。 感覚を理屈に落とし込む、言語化って大切。 雑誌の対談取材、刺激になるので今後も積極的に行いたい。 でも、想定外の質問やアドリブ対応は苦手だったりする。 #TRIGUN
By explaining things to the other person, your mind will be organized. It is important to translate feelings into logic and verbalize them. I would like to continue doing interview interviews for magazines, as they are very stimulating. However, I am not good at handling unexpected questions and improvisation. #TRIGUN
12:25 AM · Oct 17, 2022
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ようやくお披露目です。 セルルックのCGで作ったポスター第二弾、見た目以上に手間かかってます。まだ名前を公表できない敏腕スタッフたちが、陰ながら活躍してくれました。よく見ると本編内容のヒントが隠されているので、宝探しのように楽しんでほしい。 予告編第2弾も解禁です。 #TRIGUN
It's finally unveiled. The second poster made with cell-look CG takes more time than it looks. The talented staff, whose names cannot yet be made public, have been working behind the scenes. If you look closely, there are hidden hints about the main story, so please enjoy it like a treasure hunt. The second trailer has also been released. #TRIGUN
11:01 PM · Nov 8, 2022
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ダビングも鋭意進行中。 この臨場感、音響効果、ミキシング、そして素晴らしい劇伴音楽。映画館の音響環境で聴いてほしいと思ってい��ら、なんと先行上映会が開催決定。 勝俣さん的に言うと「グルーヴ感がたまらない!」って事なんだと思う。音の力、恐るべし。 #TRIGUN
Dubbing is also in progress. The sense of realism, the sound effects, the mixing, and the wonderful accompaniment music. I wanted to listen to it in the acoustic environment of a movie theater, but it was decided that an advance screening would be held. In Katsumata-san's words, I think it means "the feeling of groove is irresistible!" The power of sound is terrifying. #TRIGUN
4:35 AM · Nov 28, 2022
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同じ内容を繰り返し話すことが苦手で、できるだけテーマや内容を掲載誌ごとに変えるようにしている。多角度から見つめると、作品が立体的に見えてくる。 今後も順次、裏情報満載の対談記事が発表されるはず。 ポスター第三弾も、そろそろ完成予定。 #TRIGUN
I'm not good at repeating the same content over and over again, so I try to vary the themes and content from magazine to magazine as much as possible. When viewed from multiple angles, the work appears three-dimensional. We are sure to continue to publish interview articles full of behind-the-scenes information in the future. The third poster will be completed soon. #TRIGUN
12:02 AM · Dec 5, 2022
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不慣れなトークを辛抱強く聴いてくれた、優しいお客様に感謝。優しくも暖かい拍手に救われました。役者さんのように笑いを取りつつ、上手く会話を回せないものか。スタンピードチーム陣からは「場数ですよ」とアドバイスを貰う。 場数とやらを踏むためにも、ネクストステージ頑張らねば。 #TRIGUN
Thank you to the kind customers who patiently listened to the unfamiliar talk. I was saved by the gentle and warm applause. Are you unable to carry a conversation while making people laugh like an actor? The Stampede team members advised us, ``It depends on the number of places.'' We have to work hard on the next stage in order to make it to the number of places. #TRIGUN
10:54 PM · Dec 5, 2022
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最近、宣伝チームの熱量に圧倒される。 現場スタッフとは違う、これまで接点のなかった役職の人々。こうゆう縁の下の力持ちがいるから作品が広まるんだなぁ。 彼らと飲みに行ったりすると、その人柄にも触れる事ができる。��団戦、集団作業、集団芸術。つくづく学びの多いプロジェクトだ。 #TRIGUN
Lately, I've been overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of the advertising team. People in positions that are different from the field staff and with whom I had no previous contact. It's because of these unsung heroes that my work spreads. When you go out for drinks with them, you can get a feel for their personalities. Group warfare, group work, group art. It's a project with a lot to learn. #TRIGUN
12:30 AM · Dec 22, 2022
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新宿アドストリートなどにTRIGUN STAMPEDE看板が多数あるらしい。今後も何やら宣伝チームが面白い事を計画中らしいが、なんだろう、とても楽しみ。何気ない風景の裏にも、陰ながら頑張っている人たちがいる。そうやって作品は更に広がってゆくのだ。ブラボー。 https://youtu.be/oolZJKslJcU #TRIGUN
There seem to be many TRIGUN STAMPEDE signboards on Shinjuku Ad Street and elsewhere. It seems like the advertising team is planning some interesting things in the future, but I'm really looking forward to it. Behind the scenes, there are people working hard behind the scenes. In this way, the work will continue to expand. Bravo. https://youtu.be/oolZJKslJcU #TRIGUN
[Boo, dead Youtube link ):< If anyone knows what it was, let me know and I'll insert that info here]
3:21 AM · Dec 28, 2022
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いつの間に、誰かが作ってくれたTRIGUN STAMPEDE年賀状を受け取る。カメラ目線で素朴に座るスタンピード。真摯に作品と向き合っている、そんな現場スタッフの姿勢を感じる一枚。 物語終盤のダビング(ファイナルミックス)に追われている、ラストスパートの2022。 #TRIGUN
Before I knew it, I received a TRIGUN STAMPEDE New Year's card that someone had made for me. Stampede simply sits looking at the camera. This photo shows the attitude of the on-site staff as they approach the work with sincerity. 2022 is the last spurt of dubbing (final mix) at the end of the story. #TRIGUN
6:37 AM · Jan 4, 2023
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喫茶店で水出しコーヒーを眺めているとTRIGUN STAMPEDEを連想する。見た目は変化すれど、ちゃんと豆の成分と香りが活きている。内藤先生という豆を炒って、挽いて、一滴一滴丁寧に抽出する。 とびきり今風のコーヒーカップに注いで、さあ召し上がれ。 2023年もどうぞ宜しくお願いします。 #TRIGUN
When I look at cold brew coffee at a coffee shop, I think of TRIGUN STAMPEDE. Although the appearance may change, the ingredients and aroma of the beans are still present. The beans called Naito Sensei are roasted, ground, and carefully extracted drop by drop. Pour into a super modern coffee cup and enjoy. We look forward to your continued support in 2023. #TRIGUN
9:13 AM · Jan 7, 2023
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本日からTRIGUN STAMPEDE放映スタートです。 第1話「NOMAN'S LAND」 いろんな思いを、ガツンと込めました。 どうぞ、よろしくお願いします! #TRIGUN
TRIGUN STAMPEDE will start airing from today. Episode 1 "NOMAN'S LAND" I put all my thoughts into it. Nice to meet you! #TRIGUN
12:37 AM · Jan 9, 2023
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シリーズ脚本の第一話、第二話、 第三話は、 ホップ・ステップ・ジャンプだと思う。 まるで、週刊誌の連載ネーム。 #TRIGUN
The first, second and third episodes of the series script are I think it's hop step jump. It's like the name of a weekly magazine serial. #TRIGUN
12:49 AM · Jan 9, 2023
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ただのモブからサブキャラへ異例の昇格を果たした愛すべき悪役、チャック・リー隊長。 コンテ描いてると、キャラが勝手に動き出す。 シナリオに無い台詞を話し始めたり、暴れたり。 杉田智和さんの怪演が光る。 #TRIGUN
Captain Chuck Lee is a lovable villain who has achieved an unusual promotion from just a mob to a side character. As I draw the storyboards, the characters start moving on their own. He starts speaking lines that aren't in the scenario, or gets violent. Tomokazu Sugita's mysterious performance shines. #TRIGUN
10:56 PM · Jan 10, 2023
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最初期の頃、内藤先生と飲みながら、 「手触り感を大切にしたい」 「実存感を大切にしたい」 ひたすらそんな事を話してい���。 惑星の空気感と生活感を見事に再現。 宝石の国の頃からのタッグ、 金子雄司の美術世界。 #TRIGUN
In the early days, while drinking with Mr. Naito, “I want to value the feel of touch.” “I want to value a sense of existence.” That's what I was talking about all the time. The atmosphere and lifestyle of the planet are beautifully reproduced. A tag team from the days of Land of the Lustrous, Yuji Kaneko's art world. #TRIGUN
7:06 AM · Jan 11, 2023
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生まれも育ちも第三都市ジュライ。 親の七光りで憲兵隊士官学校に裏口入学。 金ピカの銃は両親からの入学祝い。 画面の外にも彼らの世界は広がり、本編では描かれない彼らの物語もある。 チャック・リー再登場に乞うご期待。 #TRIGUN #杉田智和
Born and raised in the third city of July. With the help of his parents, he entered the military police academy through the back door. The golden gun was a gift from his parents for entering school. Their world expands beyond the screen, and there are also stories about them that are not depicted in the main story. Look forward to Chuck Lee's reappearance. #TRIGUN #杉田智和
9:12 PM · Jan 13, 2023
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親子の絆に、善も悪もないんだよね。 どストレート、どシンプルなテーマで挑む、第二話。 ポップ(?)キュート(?)な悪役たちにも注目。 本日23:00〜、よろしくお願いします! #TRIGUN #トライガン
There is no good or bad in the bond between parent and child. The second episode takes on the challenge of a straight, simple theme. Also pay attention to the pop (?) cute (?) villains. Thank you for your support today from 23:00! #TRIGUN #トライガン
9:12 PM · Jan 14, 2023
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二話の絵コンテの修正していたら、 ふと声が聞こえた… 『ゴフセフ』 「え?いま喋った?」 『ゴフセフ…(頷き)』 「そうか、ゴフセフって言いたいんだね?」 『ゴフセフ。(ニッコリと)』 「ゴフセフ!(ニッコリ)」 キャラと対話しながらコンテを描いてゆく。 #TRIGUN #トライガン
When I was revising the storyboard for episode 2, Suddenly I heard a voice... "Gofsef" "Huh? Did you just talk?" “Gofsef…(nods)” “I see, you want to call me Gofsef, right?” “Gofsef. (smiling)” "Gofsef! (smiling)" Draw the storyboard while interacting with the characters. #TRIGUN #トライガン
12:51 AM · Jan 17, 2023
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数年ぶりにオキシタケヒコさんに会った。 毎回、東京まで呼びつけていた事に気づく。 次は僕が大阪へ行きたい、行くべき。 大阪でもSTAMPEDEイベントやりたい。 大阪で食い倒れしたい。 #TRIGUN
I met Mr. Oxytakehiko for the first time in several years. Every time, I realized that he had called me all the way to Tokyo. Next I want to go to Osaka, I should go. I want to hold a STAMPEDE event in Osaka too. I want to eat all I can in Osaka. #TRIGUN
7:36 AM · Jan 17, 2023
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無口で気弱な青年は、やがて過酷な環境に適応し、 サイボーグとしての「力」を得る。 凶悪犯の仲間入りを果たした青年の名は、ゴフセフ。 語られないバックグラウンドを想像すると、 世界は更に広がる。 #TRIGUN
The taciturn and timid young man eventually adapts to the harsh environment, Obtain "power" as a cyborg. The name of the young man who has joined the ranks of violent criminals is Gofsef. When you imagine the untold background, The world will expand further. #TRIGUN
8:47 PM · Jan 20, 2023
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親子の絆? そんな常識をぶち壊す。 血は水よりも濃い、第三話。 本日、23:00-テレビ東京他にて放送。 是非ご覧ください! #TRIGUN #トライガン
Parent-child bond? Breaking down that common sense. Blood is thicker than water, episode 3. Broadcast today at 23:00 on TV Tokyo and other channels. Please take a look! #TRIGUN #トライガン
10:53 PM · Jan 23, 2023
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ナイというキャラクター性は、 一枚のラフスケッチが語ってくれた。 渋谷で開催された「内藤泰弘の世界」展。 常に優しく微笑む彼。 自身に憑依させて、描きだす。 #TRIGUN
The character of Nai is A rough sketch tells the story. "The World of Yasuhiro Naito" exhibition held in Shibuya. He always smiles kindly. Let yourself be possessed and start drawing. #TRIGUN
11:19 PM · Jan 24, 2023
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「人間」という種族を一括りに捉える。 物事を巨視的にみる。 俯瞰した視野で考え、躊躇なく行動する。 コンテを描いていると、僕の中に彼が宿る。 一度宿ると、抜けるまでに時間がかかるところが難点。 #TRIGUN #トライガン
The race of "humans" is lumped together. See things macroscopically. Think from a bird's-eye view and act without hesitation. When I draw storyboards, he lives inside me. The problem is that once you get into it, it takes a while to get out. #TRIGUN #トライガン
9:49 PM · Jan 26, 2023
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でも、大丈夫。 きっと逞しく彼も生き抜いていくのだろう。 過酷な環境で、現実を受け入れ、 歪な義手を手に入れ、 青年に成長した彼を想像してみてほしい。 もしかしたらワムズ使いになっているかも。 物語世界は、作り手を離れ、更に広がってゆく。 #TRIGUN
But it's okay. I'm sure he will be strong enough to survive. Accepting reality in a harsh environment, Obtaining a distorted prosthetic arm, Imagine him growing into a young man. Maybe he's using Wams. The story world leaves the creator and expands further. #TRIGUN
[Note that this was shared around episode three and the freckles this guy has--a lot of people theorize this is about Tonis]
8:52 PM · Jan 27, 2023
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数年ぶりに田島光二さんと食事。 シャコやカニやエビを注文。 「これは何?」 『シャコワムズ!』 「これは?」 『カニワムズ!』 「これ…」 『エビワムズ!!』 まるで中学生のようなノリ、 同窓会のような時間。 本日23:00-は4話放映ですね。 #TRIGUN
I had dinner with Koji Tajima for the first time in several years. Ordered mantis shrimp, crab, and shrimp. "what is this?" “Shakowams! ” "this is?" “Caniwams! ” "this…" “Ebiwams! ! ” Feeling like a junior high school student, A time like a class reunion. Episode 4 will be aired today from 23:00. #TRIGUN
12:17 AM · Jan 29, 2023
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見覚えのあるシルエット。 モーションキャプチャーには重くて使えなかったが、ポージング参考で大活躍した模造品。実���はもっと重いんだろうなぁ、と想像しながら演出する。 外装はロストテクノロジィ、内部は機関銃という合成兵器。 ”パニッシュメント”とは”処罰”の意味。 #TRIGUN #トライガン
A familiar silhouette. Although it was too heavy to use for motion capture, this imitation was very useful as a pose reference. I imagine it's probably heavier in reality when I direct it. The exterior is lost technology, and the interior is a synthetic weapon called a machine gun. "Punishment" means "punishment". #TRIGUN #トライガン
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theprogrockbstheorist · 1 year ago
BS Theory no. 2: The “Dark Side of the Moon” is Society™️
“There is no dark side of he moon really. Matter of fact, it’s all dark”
Hey guys, I am back from my essay-writing hiatus, as I’ve recently had the time to have some Ideas circulating in my brain. One of the things I’ve been thinking about, and been able to formulate into something semi-comprehensible, is on the matter of Pink Floyd’s seminal work, the 1973 album Dark Side of the Moon. This album is far from being a niche, obscure album: it’s one of the best selling records of all time, and you have more than likely seen the album cover on t-shirts, posters, pins, stickers, or referenced in other media. The album kicks of what I will refer to the “main sequence” in Pink Floyd’s discography, which consists of their 4-best selling albums: DSOTM, Wish You Were Here, Animals (underrated tbh), and The Wall. All of these are indeed concept albums to varying degrees, with most being a Level Two Concept Album, and The Wall generally being classified as a rock opera (Level 3). With this in mind, Dark Side of the Moon most people would likely classify this album as a Level One, due to only a musical concept being present (all the songs flow into each other, and the album loops back on itself), however I argue that it is a Level Two due to there being multiple thematic concepts that may not be immediately apparent: society’s affect on mental health due to modern lifestyles. 
I won’t go into too much background on the band itself, as they’re one of the most popular bands in the prog fandom, to the point where it could be argued that they are their own fandom (they even have their own confessions blog), just that they were formed in the mid-1960s, and had a substantial psychedelic rock/pop following before this album’s debut. I will note that the theme of mental illness has been greatly present in many of their works, as one of their former members, Roger "Syd" Barrett, suffered through an undisclosed mental health episode, which had him leave the band. As this is the case, it is not much of a stretch to assume that this work deals heavily with mental health issues as well. 
One of the theories suggested, by Drew and Destin of the Prog Notes podcast (which I HIGHLY recommend) is that the album’s thematic concept is about all the different things in life that can cause a person mental stress. This theory begins with “On the Run”, as they suggest the first two songs are about beginning life. The theory proposes that “on the Run” is about the fear or anxiety of trave and moving on, “Time” is about… time, or rather realizing that one’s time is limited, “the Great Gig in the Sky” is about death anxiety, “Money” is about financial and material concerns, “Us and Them” is about conflict, and the last two songs “Brain Damage” and “Eclipse” are about finally breaking under the pressure of modern life. This would mean that the “dark side of the moon” referenced in the title could be all the downsides to modern life that are too taboo to talk about, or are perhaps hidden from public consciousness. 
Honestly, I agree with their interpretation of the album. I do think, however, there’s some loose ends that need to be tied up with their series. For example, if their interpretation is the case, why would Pink Floyd have the album loop back on itself? What’s the symbolism of the heart beat pulse? Why do all the songs flow into each other? How do these things enhance the themes of the album? Why did Pink Floyd specifically choose these common anxieties (travel, time, death, money, and conflict)? 
Let’s address each of these questions individually: 
The case of the album loop:
Following the interpretation that the album is about society and the taboo of mental health related to common stressors, the album looping back on itself could symbolize one of two things. One could be the metal health cycle of relapse-breakdown-recovery, until one slowly spirals or until they finally reach a state of recovery. The other could be that this is something that happens to multiple people as a result of system we live in. People get broken down by their insecurities, by fear and anxiety and hate, and there’s no clear answer to stop it. This could also be tied into the heart-beat pulse that can be heard both at the very beginning of the album, and at the end, which could represent all the people being born and living out their lives under these stressors. 
The flow:
As commonly noted about the album, each song flows into each other so well that the album often feels like one long song. This could represent the way stress about one area of your life can impact all the others: anxiety about time, for example, could impact the way one views their own mortality, the way they feel about travel, the way they feel about financial concerns, and the way they feel about conflict. Simply put, most of the time, when a person is stressed about something, it causes them to be more easily upset and stressed by other things as well, causing a cycle. 
Common Anxieties:
As for why these common fears and stressors were chosen can be left up for debate. The most likely reason, in my opinion, is because they’re endemic to the human experience in modern society. Almost everyone has been stressed, in one way or another, about moving on and change, about the passage of time, about their own mortality and what happens when we die, about financial security and greed, and about conflict. These are the things that can cause people to go, as the album states, “mad”. 
So, what is the “dark side of the moon”? Is it all dark? The “dark side” referred to in the album’s title (and the quote played at the very end of the album) refers to all the things that stress people out in modern society that we keep hidden from each other, just how the view of the far side of the moon is hidden from view from the Earth. The moon, in a lot of Western mythology, is associated with emotions, and the “dark side” could be associated with negative emotions. As for it being “all dark”, that’s a question that one has to answer for oneself. Either way, when viewed through this lens, Dark Side of the Moon’s meaning becomes apparent, and remains insightful commentary about the world we live in. (also, for Prog Notes, you can find them on Spotify and apple Podcast for sure! You’d have to check about other streaming services though!)
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mariacallous · 1 year ago
Croatian Women's Network staged protests all over the country on Monday in solidarity with women in Bosnia who - shocked by a particularly brutal recent murder – are demanding more effective protection against male violence.
In the action titled "Women's Safety is the Responsibility of the State," women's organizations in Croatia submitted requests to the Ministry of Justice on Monday, advocating for enhanced protection for women against violence.
"Violence against women is a systemic issue that requires appropriate sanctions. The state must finally take a proactive stance on this problem and enact legislation that aligns with the Istanbul Convention and is not gender-neutral," emphasized Sanja Juras, coordinator of the Women's Network of Croatia.
About 50 women gathered for a protest in front of the Ministry of Justice in Zagreb on Monday, holding a sign bearing the message: “Women’s Safety is the Responsibility of the State”.
The protest briefly blocked a section of the city’s Vukovarska Street. The stopped cars honked their horns, responding to the call from their posters to “honk that the minister hear”.
The protest aimed to commemorate Nizama Hecimovic, the victim of a brutal murder earlier this month in Gradacac, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Nermin Sulejmanovic shockingly livestreamed his wife’s murder over Instagram, after which he killed two more people and wounded another three. Nizama’s murder has again underscored the inadequacies of state systems designed to safeguard women from violence.
On behalf of nearly 40 women’s organizations and initiatives, they called on the Ministry of Justice to improve women’s safety across Croatia and establish a working group dedicated to formulating legal solutions to address femicide.
They also want femicide defined as a distinct crime within the penal code, with comprehensive legislation that covers all forms of violence against women.
They also demanded the adoption of a national strategy encompassing all forms of violence against women, in accordance with the so-called Istanbul Convention – the Council of Europe’s 2011 Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence – along with the allocation of funds for its implementation in the state budget.
Throughout the day, protests took place in 18 Croatian towns and cities, including Zagreb, Split, Rijeka, Osijek, Pakrac, Mali Lošinj, Beli Manastir, Vukovar, Virovitica, Krizevci, Korenica, Sibenik, Karlovac, Zadar, Trogir, Korcula, Dubrovnik and Glina.
Women from all over Croatia were encouraged to halt their activities on Monday at 4 pm for 15 minutes, symbolically supporting the motto: “If Women Stop, Everything Stops.”
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nuri148 · 1 year ago
My Trip to Japan! ⛩️ Part 4
We woke up early, had the funny breakfast, and took the suburban train to Nara. The impression we got from it is that it's a "normal" city. There are no major shopping miles like in Tokyo or Kyoto, just regular streets, even the pedestrian market-street. There are no shopping malls or big stores in the city center, only on the outskirts. We left our luggage at the hotel and went straight to Kasuga Taisha. It’s a beautiful Shinto shrine boasting more than 3000 votive fretworked bronze lamps, each of them different designs, hanging along the galleries of the main temple. These are only lit three times a year, but the shrine has a dark room with a few lamps lit for visitors to enjoy its magical appearance. In a corner of the garden, there’s a cedar tree about 1000 years old, depicted in a 14th-century scroll. A juniper tree grows diagonally from the roots of the cedar, for which part of the roof of the adjacent pavilion was cut to avoid hindering its development. In the same garden, in front of the goshuin office, there’s a gazebo with a 700-year-old wisteria.
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The shrine is at the foot of another sacred mountain, Mount Kasuga or Mikasa (Yes! Mikasa!), a place just as moving as Fushimi Inari. Several pavilions and shrines rise around the main hall, always at the foot of the mountain, which simple mortals cannot access because it’s the dwelling place of the gods. One of these subsidiary shrines is the Meoto Daikokusha, dedicated to two deities, husband and wife, so people come to pray for a happy marriage. The complex started to grow in the 8th century, when the emperor certified the sacred nature of the mountain and prohibited hunting and logging, which preserved the native forest in its primeval state to this day. Moreover, deer are considered messengers of the gods enshrined in the main hall, so this contributed to the unique fact that deer roam freely throughout the park.
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Nara Park is a bit like Hampstead Heath: it extends over many hectares, crossed by several roads, and houses various temples and buildings. The difference is the deer, which are really everywhere (we even saw a stray one near our hotel!). I feared they would be vicious; I’ve read some alarming accounts, and the warning signs didn't help, but fortunately, they were pretty civil (for a wild animal ofc). Obviously, they’re on the hunt for crackers and always on the lookout for anyone who can give them a snack, but people respect the rule to feed them only the special deer crackers sold in shops and stands all around the park. The deer, meanwhile, aren’t stupid at all: although they flock around you the second they see you holding crackers, they leave the vendors alone, even if they have piles of crackers in plain sight. The deer also give up bothering you quickly once they see you’ve run out of "shikasenbei" (I’ve no proof and no doubts they’re formulated to have a very faint smell that doesn’t cling to hands).
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After visiting the shrine, we went up a bit a street that was supposed to have a lot of restaurants, but most of them were closed, we assume, due to being low season. The only place open was a souvenir shop with a diner area at the back. It was a typical roadside dingy diner, with a concrete floor; authentic 1970s furniture complete with Formica and fake leather; a mishmash of wonderfully kitschy decorations including, but not limited to, discoloured posters, deer antlers, various trinkets in their cellophane bags, statuettes of very questionable taste, cabinets that have never seen a duster, a sarong hung like a tapestry, a kerosene heater like my grandma's had, old furniture and stuff piled up in a corner, and a painting of a tiger so ghastly it gave Husband mild PTSD. In this unique place, we enjoyed one of the best meals, if not the best, of the whole trip: homemade katsudon and oyakodon, very tasty, with the ever-present miso soup on the side, and the Ojiisan making random comments ("Spain? Oh yeah, I visited Madrid long ago. Pesetas, they had." "Argentina, football"). And all for the price of a McDonald's menu in Europe. In the back, you could see a huge dining room, so during high season, the crowds must be significant.
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After eating, we went to Kofuku-ji, which was a bit of a downer as the main hall wasn’t worth the ¥500 entrance fee (unless you're a huge Buddha fan ig). We could have just seen it from the outside and walk around the minor halls, which are free. We then took a bus to the outskirts, to the ruins of the Nara Imperial Palace. It’s a gigantic site (about 145 hectares) where, for the past 25 years, they have been slowly rebuilding the dependencies of the ancient palace, one pavilion at a time. It's an impressive job of archaeology, engineering, restoration, and craftsmanship, and it’s entirely for free though we wouldn't have minded paying an entrance fee here. Currently, there are three pavilions rebuilt, and they’re building the fourth under a roofed scaffolding with a platform for people to peek into the building site. 21st-century engineering and safety standards meet 8th-century construction techniques to achieve a reproduction as close to the original as possible. We also saw the reconstruction of the service dependencies and the museum space they have around the archaeological excavations. We didn't cover everything; it would have been a titanic undertaking, and the cold and wind were starting to take a toll on us. So we returned to the city and went to see the shops, staying mainly on the covered pedestrian street because of the drizzle. It turns out, everything closes at seven in Nara (except for large drugstores, gachapon, and the like), so we got into a ramen place for dinner. It seemed like the safest bet, but it wasn't. What a let down! The broth was so bland not even soy sauce made a difference. It was the most disappointing meal of the trip. How can you open a soup joint and not have a decent broth?
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We started the day at Todai-ji. The entrance fee was high compared to what we'd been paying elsewhere. I get the feeling that the people of Nara might still be a bit salty about losing their status as capital city of Japan, which they held for only 75 years in the seventh century. Nara is only an hour away by suburban train from Kyoto and Osaka; it’s not on the Shinkansen line. I think this must result in most visitors coming just for the day. There probably aren't many like us, spending two days there while exploring all the heritage sites, and that's why the city lacks the touristic infrastructure of its neighbours.
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The main hall of Todai-ji, the Daibutsu-den, houses a 15-meter bronze statue of the Buddha Vairocana. It was destroyed twice. The third and current building, built in the 18th century, is 30% smaller than the previous one, and yet still manages to be the world's largest wooden structure. Behind the Buddha, one of the columns has a 50 cm wide hole at its base—the size of the Buddha's nostril. It is said whoever manages to pass through the hole will attain enlightenment. After visiting the temple and the museum, we spent some time strolling through the park and feeding shikasenbei to the deer. We had a delicious lunch at a yakitori place, Shikamaru, which played the whole Beatles discography on full random.
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In the afternoon we went to Horyu-ji, outside Nara. This Buddhist temple is made up of the oldest wooden buildings still standing: from the 8th century to our days. Again, though the entrance ticket price was normal to cheap for European standards, it was expensive compared to other temples. Still, the temple’s very nice, and even being a novice in Japanese architectural heritage you can tell the style’s a bit different from newer ones. We also were treated to a glimpse of Japan way off the beaten track: Horyu-ji is in a semi-rural village, complete with a handful of run-down shops around the train station, many of them closed; supermarkets and warehouse-type businesses along the main road, or shops scattered without a defined shopping mile. Low houses, vegetable patches, kids on bikes, very few people on the streets. I’ve seen a lot of little towns like this. I  like it how some places are the same everywhere you go, no matter how different we make them out to be.  
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We spent the rest of the afternoon window-shopping - On the plus side, there was this gacha at the local Animate! ⬆️
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myloveforhergoeson · 2 years ago
That's All She Wrote - Chapter 7
Chapter 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6
Find me on wattpad and ao3
Show: Big Time Rush
Pairing: James Diamond x Original Female Character
Chapter 7: Call me ~ 12k
There were many things that Roxanne enjoyed about having her own apartment. Privacy, for one, was one of her favorite features; how she could choose to see as few or as many people as she wished at any time. Along with that, came the peace and quiet she needed in order to write the songs that would help make her friends famous, the songs that would keep her in Hollywood like she had always dreamed.
So, when she picked up her brand new electric guitar to write some melodies in the time she had before work, a hockey puck-sized indent smacking into her wall and startling her was the last thing she needed. Not only was the noise loud enough to send her heart into overdrive, but she was in the middle of formulating a perfect chord for one of her older songs and had lost it in an instant. 
Gently setting her instrument down, she marched over to the shared door connecting her apartment to the band’s and threw it open. 
“What the hell do you all think you’re doing?” She cried, but her voice was lost to the crunching and cracking of hockey pad on hockey pad as the boys zoomed around their living area on rollerblades in full protective gear. A puck was flying somewhere on the floor that all four of them spied, sending them hurtling into each other, making even more noise and ruining her quiet morning. 
The mess they had already created was made even larger as Kendall shoved James over the breakfast bar in an attempt to get ahead of the other boy, sending snacks atop it every which way. The blond reared his stick back and slapped the puck with a sickening crack, shooting it once again toward the wall the two apartments shared. 
Now, it was clear to her that she needed to get out of the way or take a puck to the face, so she dove behind the small barrier that kept the hallway to the bedrooms out of view. Just in time too, as she spied Kelly making her way into the apartment with a large, orange air horn. 
As soon as the boys scored a goal, wherever they had deemed the net to be, the puck was placed in the center of the room where the four gathered to start a new round. While they were oblivious to the talent scout trying to catch her attention, Roxy covered her ears as quickly as she could as Kelly blew the horn right into their ears, not only scaring the boys but sending them into a straight, attentive line in front of her. 
When the girl emerged from her hiding spot, she moved to stand beside Kelly, excited for whatever was in store for the group today. Meanwhile, Carlos remembered the game at hand and body-slammed Logan one more time for good measure. 
“Get your helmets off and your smiles on.” Kelly declared, referring to the pads the boys were still clad in. “Gustavo pulled some strings, and if we hurry, you can make the next Pop Tiger hot-new-star pinup fold-out special spring poster issue.”
“No way!” Roxy squealed, reacting to her statement and inadvertently cutting off something James was about to say. “The spring poster issue is my favorite edition of Pop Tiger. We’ve got to make this happen!” 
“Um…” Kendall started, sharing confused looks with Logan and Carlos. “In English, please?” 
Kelly and Roxy glanced at each other, displaying their disdain at the band’s ignorance. How was it they had made it this long as a boyband without knowing about cutesy teen magazines like Pop Tiger?
“It’s picture day!” Kelly settled on in lieu of a proper explanation. “Move it!” And blared the air horn one more time before leaving the apartment to go wait in the lobby. 
The four boys still stood in their line, not quite sure what to do now that she had gone.
“Why don’t you just put on your favorite outfits? Or ask James for help styling your hair?” The assistant questioned, still trying to understand what the boys found confusing. 
Once they had scrambled off into their rooms, she figured they’d be fine until they made it to Rocque Records. 
About 20 minutes later, everyone was changed and looking their best. Kelly had texted her to let the boys know that it was just a simple shoot, so nothing over the top would be necessary. Just an in-and-out kind of session with a photographer whose name she recognized from past issues of Pop Tiger. Even she had taken time to change into a nicer, red mini-dress decorated with small white flowers she had been saving for a special occasion. Though she wasn’t going to be in the picture, it was still nice to have a reason to dress up every once and a while.
Making sure to grab a few of her old editions of the magazine from her nightstand in her room, she met back up with the guys out front of the hotel, where they piled into the limo waiting for them.
“I can’t believe we’re gonna be in Pop Tiger.” James gushed, finally sharing the girl’s excitement.
After recognizing some of the emotion in his voice, Roxy felt a bit bad for cutting him off in 2-J earlier. It was their photoshoot after all, they should get to relish in the feeling far more than she should. 
In response to the boy’s words, Carlos pumped his fist in the air, “I know! It’s totally awesome! What’s a Pop Tiger?”
“You can’t be serious!” Roxy slapped his arm before passing him one of her personal copies of the magazine. 
“Only the most popular teen magazine in the world!” Chimed in James, holding up this month’s edition his assistant had been dying to get her hands on. On the cover was one of her favorite actors, Dak Zevon - the star of the Varsity Vampire series. 
Oh, I’m definitely signing up for the home delivery service now…
Logan held up his pointer finger, trying to read the numerous blurbs covering the page, “Is that Roxy’s? Please tell me it’s Roxy’s.”
“Hey!” James pouted, “This magazine has great articles for guys too, like ‘OMG, I IM’D the Wrong BFF’.”
He passed off the magazine to Kendall, who seemed to be examining the cover with much scrutiny. To his credit, there was a lot to look at between the pictures of celebrities riddled across the cover, article titles stacked on top of each other, and the section in the bottom corner promising four life-size posters of JLS. 
“‘What one thing would hottie hunk Dak Zevon bring to a desert island?’” The blond read off one of the article titles in a mocking tone. “I’ve gotta say, I’m curious!” 
“Easy!” Roxy cut in without thinking. “His dog, Snowball. He’s just so caring…” 
Kendall flipped a few pages into the magazine, taking a second to read the first few lines of the interview with the pop star. “Rox is shockingly correct.”
“What? What an idiot!” Carlos said, trying to take the magazine from his friend. “Everyone knows you bring a roller coaster!”
“Dak isn’t an idiot!” She slapped him on the arm again. “Take that back!” 
At Carlos’ comment, it was finally time for Logan to jump in, “You don’t bring a roller coaster. You bring a flare gun to signal passing ships.” 
“Oh, what, you don’t think people are gonna see my extreme looping coconut coaster?” The black-haired boy bit back. 
“Your island is stupid!”
“Your island is boring!” 
The two erupted into a slap fight causing Roxy to reach between them and bravely pull the magazine out from under Carlos’ arm. She was lucky she was able to get it out before they had done any damage to Dak’s cover image. After today, she was going to run down to the drugstore and pick up the issue she was missing. How did James get it before she did? 
I wonder if he’d let me rip out the posters in his…
By the time the fight was starting to get out of hand, Kelly was on top of it, blowing the air horn once more to get their attention. 
“Break it up.” She warned, voice clear and commanding. “You need to stay pretty. This picture could end up on the walls of millions of girls.” 
“Did you say millions of girls?” Kendall, Logan, and Carlos repeated.
The woman nodded and there was a chorus of screaming from outside of the vehicle. As they pulled up to Rocque Records, a horde of teenage girls decked out in t-shirts, signs, and everything in between proclaiming love for Dak Zevon swarmed their car. 
It was clear that the boys had not picked up on the fact that these girls were screaming out for someone else as they began to wave excitedly behind the tinted windows. With faces squished into the glass, the girls were doing their best to get a look at who was inside. Each of the band member’s faces lit up as they tried to roll down the windows and greet the people outside; their boss had to lock the manual controls to keep anyone from getting in.  
“Kelly?” Questioned the young girl, looking over to her boss. “Why is there a screaming fan mob here for Dak Zevon?”
The woman shifted in her seat, casting her eyes down to the leather ledger she held tightly in her hands. “Maybe, because he’s recording vocals for Varsity Vampire 2: Game On here today?”
“What!?” Roxy gasped, loud enough to make Logan flinch beside her. “Why didn’t you tell us? If I had known Dak was here today I would’ve curled my hair and worn nicer shoes and oh, no, do I have extra lipstick in my bag…”
“Roxy, Gustavo is doing his recording.” Kelly tried to say gently, but the assistant was too busy digging around her small bag to try and find the tube of lipstick she knew she had. “He requested a private, professional session.” 
Logically, she understood what Kelly was trying to tell her. The calm letdown was kind and probably more than she deserved, but there were few things she was going to let stand in her way of getting to meet Dak today. With an opportunity like this practically handed to her on a silver platter, how could she let it pass her up? 
From on top of the car, somehow, one of the girls in the swarming pack yelled something about spotting Dak at the front gate and the mob that had engulfed the limo moments ago disappeared.
“Woah, where are they going?” Groaned James, seemingly oblivious to the entire conversation the assistant and Kelly had right in front of him. 
Ugh, he’s so one-track-minded.
Once all the girls were gone, the band was given the all-clear from their driver and they began the trip to the studio. Once the doors were closed and the car sped off, the reality of what had happened finally set in with the group.
“What was that?” Kendall questioned. Clearly, he had never seen a crazy mob of fangirls - something he would have to get used to if he expected this band to go anywhere.
Kelly rolled her eyes, “That was a pack of screaming fangirls looking for Dak Zevon.” She held up the fold-out poster of him from the magazine James had brought to work with him. 
“Just one great picture in Pop Tiger and those girls will be screaming for Big Time Rush,” Roxy added, hopeful that their shoot today would go off without a hitch. There was limited time if they wanted to make sure their picture was in next month’s edition rolling out at the end of the week. 
Her comment was enough to connect the dots in the band’s mind and had them excited enough to practically dive through the doors of the studio to get to their photoshoot. 
All they could think about was getting their picture on the wall of millions of girls, and it was the only thing mentioned all the way up the elevator and through the halls until they ran into Mrs. Knight and Katie, who had somehow beat them to the studio.
“Oh, Mom and Katie,” Kendall half-greeted, more confused to see them than excited. “Hey, what are you guys doing here?”
Katie was proudly clutching the same Pop Tiger edition Roxy desperately wished she owned. It was obvious she was here to see Dak too. “What, I can’t just come down to see my big brother, who I love?”
The comment touched Kendall’s heart, and his assistant hated to ruin it, but if Katie was here for the same purpose she was, her chances of meeting Dak were about to skyrocket. That little girl always got what she wanted.
“Are you here to see Dak Zevon?” Roxy asked, ignoring the dirty look Katie’s brother gave her. 
“Oh, yeah!” The two girls exchanged a high-five. “I just want him to autograph this picture for my wall.”
James scoffed, “Really? I didn’t think you were into that stuff.”
“I’m a preteen girl. He’s a cute pop star.” Katie bit, folding open his picture in her magazine, “I’m not made of stone, you know.” 
The boys exchanged mocking glances as Logan took a step forward to snatch the magazine out of the young girl’s hands. He swiftly held it up to his face, making it look like he was Dak, and pulled out a terrible high-pitched impression. “Look! I’m Dak Zevon and I love you, Katie Knight.”
Then, out of seemingly nowhere, the mob of screaming Dak fangirls rushed down the hall from both sides and tackled Logan to the ground. The group of about 20 girls held him down, poking and prodding him then pulling the picture out of his hands to learn that he wasn’t who he claimed to be seconds before. As quick as the pack had come, they were gone - off in search of their favorite teen idol once more. 
“Now, where’s Dak recording?” Mrs. Knight asked politely, giving Kelly her award-winning smile.
Katie, Roxy, and Mrs. Knight all looked at the talent scout expectantly.
“Sorry,” She tried. “I’m not allowed to say.” 
Lightly chucking, Mrs. Knight pushed Katie in front of her “Well, look into these eyes and say that again.” 
The two locked eyes and Katie did her best sad puppy dog impression, filling her eyes with water and sticking out her bottom lip to pout. For a moment, the assistant could’ve sworn there was a small symphony playing behind her as they faced off. 
“Studio B, down the hall to the right!” Kelly gave up, succumbing to the power of the puppy dog eyes. “Just stop looking at me like that!”
The Knight pair didn’t even stop to say thank you before toting off down the hall to Studio B. Watching anxiously, Roxy hoped she would soon join them. 
How long could the photo shoot take anyway?
 After that exchange, Logan had finally gained enough strength to stand back up after his mob attack.
“Girls- Many girls in the- Ouchies.” His speech was slurred as he stumbled around in a few circles, trying to get his arm back through the hole in his shirt. But, his struggles were quickly ignored as a strange pop-techno beat started playing from Studio A, exciting the boys. Dragging their dazed friend behind, they all ran toward the sound. 
The glass studio doors were pulled open and the group tumbled in to find the lights had been dimmed. A handful of mechanical fans and photo lights had been set up around a plain white backdrop and were blowing a gentle, foggy breeze onto a middle-aged man and a younger woman, both holding cameras and dancing eccentrically to the music. Each time the woman pressed the button on the camera, a flash of light bouncing off the white backdrop would blind them.
“This is so not like school picture day!” Kendall called out, excitement tinged in his tone. 
The sound alerted the man standing in front of the backdrop of the newcomers, quickly snatching the camera from the woman. Running up to the band, he stopped a few feet away and checked their position through the viewfinder, pretending to take a couple of shots. He shouted over the music, but whatever accent the man spoke with made it nearly impossible for the teens to understand him with the loud song playing.
“What?” They asked back.
The photographer tried yelling again, but his words were lost once more. After a moment he held his finger up and turned around to grab some sort of remote, shutting the music off. 
“That’s better!” He cried, chucking the remote to the side of the room and taking out one of the many light fixtures, causing the girl to cringe. “So, how are you guys doing?”
The band answered in a garbled mess as their assistant lamented over the fact she would probably have to sweep up the broken light bulb after the shoot was over. 
From the recording booth on the side wall, Gustavo emerged and moved to stand beside the photographer, clapping him on the shoulder. 
“This is Marcos Del Posey, the best teen idol photographer on the planet.”
Marcos continued to move around like he was dancing, despite the fact he had shut off the music a bit ago. “Some say, photographer. Some say, magician. Mira! One camera.” He held up a camera in his right hand and took a few dozen shots, setting off the bright lights each time. “Now, oh, two camera!” He cheered, repeating his motions with both cameras before tossing them over his shoulders once he was finished.
Great. More, expensive, stuff for me to clean up later.
“Okay here is what I’m thinking,” Marcos continued. “Shirts open, hair blowing, with… the stuffy puppy.”
The lady who was with him earlier handed him a huge black and white stuffed dog, causing Roxy’s heart to melt - it almost made her forget the prospect of shirts open, hair blowing. 
“Mr. Del Posey, you’re the creator of the stuffy puppy shoot?” She beamed, trying to keep her focus on the task at hand and not on James beginning to unbutton the first few buttons on his shirt. “My poster with Jesse McCartney and his stuffed rottweiler is one of my favorites!” 
Just as the man was about to answer, one of the band members cut him off in protest.
“Woah, woah, absolutely not!” Carlos yelled, taking a few steps back from the photographer. 
Marcos’ features twisted into a pout, raising the dog to his face and posing like someone was taking a picture. “Why of course I did, Miss!”
With a quirk of her lips, she turned to her friends, “I cannot wait for this shoot.”
They stuck out their tongues at her words as Gustavo moved to take the dog away from Marcos. Maybe the girl would be able to swipe one of the stuffies before the day was over and add it to her collection. That would be more than satisfactory if Gustavo didn’t want the boys to have a shot with them. 
“What I want is a simple shot of four best friends just chilling and being themselves,” Gustavo commanded as Marcos waved his hands, forming the picture in his mind.
Kendall snapped his fingers and pointed to the two men, “I totally agree.”
“I totally don’t care.” Their boss snapped back. “Now, get on the backdrop and look handsome!” 
The boys, for once, did as they were told and rushed over to the white curtain, testing out a few different poses. 
Simple shoot, simple day. The assistant concluded and moved to sit down behind Marcos to jot down a few notes in her journal. In the contacts page she had started, she copied down the photographer's name and would move to get his number from Kelly later. 
The studio lights were flipped on before the actual photographing began, and the woman Marcos had been dancing with before rushed over to give the band a bit of touch-up to combat the glare of the camera flash. 
“I changed my mind about the island,” Carlos shared, turning to James who was combing his hair. “I’m gonna bring a fridge packed with ice cream!”
“Where are you gonna get the electricity, dumbass?” Logan hissed, low enough for none of the adults to hear.
“Electric eels, dickhead, duh!” 
The two erupted in another smacking fight which was once again broken up by the sound of Kelly’s air horn. 
“Dawgs, heel!” Gustavo yelled. “We need a great picture before the Pop Tiger messenger gets here in 2 hours. Now look into the camera and think about something funny.”
“Like Roxy’s crush on Dak Zevon?” Carlos quipped, cracking a smile. 
The comment was enough to get the rest of her friends laughing as she sighed in protest. The scene looked perfectly natural, like a shot into the domestic bliss of the band.
They’re lucky they’re all so photogenic. 
Her boss was about to flip his lid as Marcos was rummaging through his camera bag to find something instead of standing behind the camera. “Take the picture now, before something goes wrong!” 
“What could go wrong?” The other man protested. “I am Marcos.”
The look Kelly shot at him was lethal, “Oh, you don’t know these boys, so snap the picture, now!”
The boys stayed where they were, laughing at Roxy’s expense, and Marcos jumped into position behind the camera. Slowly, his finger descended onto the photo button. 
Just as it reached, someone yelled “Freeze!”
Everyone’s hands shot up in the air as two LAPD officers burst into the studio. 
“Gustavo Rocque, you failed to report to your court-ordered community service.” The male police officer began as he and his partner moved Gustavo’s hands behind his back to handcuff. 
Gustavo squirmed but confidently huffed out, “Officers, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I’m talking about destroying Matthew McConaughey’s mailbox with…” The female officer looked around the room, eyes landing on Roxy and making her shiver, before they moved on to Kelly. “Her!”
Kelly was apprehended as well but squealed as soon as the officer brought out the handcuffs. An accusatory finger was stuck out at Gustavo. “He made me be the lookout!”
“Hey, I’m the victim here! He plays the bongos til 3 in the morning!” 
“Let’s go!” The officer holding him spat out, pulling him from the room.
Her boss struggled for a second, “Wait, wait, let me at least get my workplace in order! Roxanne, take over recording in Studio B, the sheet music, and everything is there!” His screams got quieter as he was dragged farther and farther away. “And dawgs, take care of this photoshoot!”
At this point, she couldn’t even see him and he was still screaming, but his direction to help record in Studio B was more than enough for her to pull herself off the ground. She could barely contain her excitement as she turned towards her friends, a goofy smile plastered all over her face. 
“You’ve got this right? It’s just a picture.” 
Did she trust them? Yes. Should she? No. But every one of her thoughts telling her not to leave was ignored as she grabbed her journal and made her way out of the room. There was some protest from the guys but she could hear Marcos’ poor attempts at calming them down. That would do for now. 
On the way out and down the hall, she passed company CEO, Griffin and his two bodyguards. 
“Ah, Miss Somerset, you look lovely today! Where are you headed?” He greeted her, raising one brow when he noticed the direction she was going.
“Hello, Mr. Griffin! Thank you.” She replied, giving him a quick wave.”I’m off to record our ‘secret project’ in Studio B!”
The white-haired man nodded. “Would you like to aid me in finishing the photoshoot in Studio A? I can handle it, but a helping hand is always nice.”
Roxy blew some hair out of her face, “Uh, Gustavo said the recording is super urgent, so, probably not the best idea for me to skip out!” She began to walk away, picking up the pace as she got closer to the right-hand turn, “Thanks for the offer, good luck!” 
Her feet didn’t stop until she was seconds away from entering the recording room to Studio B, which she nearly ended up slamming into by underestimating the speed at which she had been running. 
Hastily brushing off the front of her dress, she made sure not even a thread was out of place. Her hair was smoothed down by both shaking hands and she took a few breaths in and out to try and disguise the fact she had just been sprinting down the hall to meet the love of her life.
Private and professional. She reminded herself. Private and professional.
Roxanne was definitely up for the task, or so she thought before a deep voice called out from behind her.
“Hey, this is a secure area! What do you think you’re doing here?”
Two massive bodyguards wearing bright yellow jackets began to march towards her, blocking any way for her to leave by taking up enough space in the hall that she couldn’t slip by. They got closer and closer, somehow not spying the Rocque Records ID tag bearing her name, picture, and position on it clipped around one of the thin straps holding up her dress.
“Um, hi!” She squealed, “I’m Roxanne Somerset, here for Gustavo Rocque!” 
Through her trembling fingers, she was somehow able to pull her badge off and show it to the guards; at least they would know she belonged somewhere in the building.
One of them swiped it out from her hands and held it up to eye level, squinting at the text printed on the plastic card. How long they looked at it she didn’t know, it almost felt like time had slowed down while she anxiously awaited their decision. Her heart was beating out of her chest; there was no one here to vouch for her now and she probably just looked like a crazed fan girl.
“All my stuff is in the control room, I can prove to you that I’m supposed to be here.” Roxy offered, knowing it was a long shot. 
“Sure, and let you into the same room as our client? Nice try, it’s time to go.”
She planted her feet at the door, grip tightening on her journal. “Really, I’m supposed to be here! America’s fourth most powerful CEO, Arthur Griffin, is just down the hall if you want to check. I’m not sure he’d appreciate learning you two are harassing one of his favorite employees… But I’d be happy to go get him for you!” 
The taller guard of two scratched his chin, turning her words over in his mind. “You know Arthur Griffin?”
Nodding her head slowly, her voice grew more confident. It seemed like her plan was falling into place. Only Arthur Griffin, and maybe the other three most powerful CEOs in America, could gather this type of response. “Yup, he’s right next to us in Studio A.”
“Huh,” The other guard thought aloud. “He’s the CEO of our security company.”
“Met him one time.” The taller one added. “He was pretty terrifying for an old guy.”
“Ooh,” Roxy pretended to wince. “He hates it when people call him old. Hang on let me text him, he’ll be over to see you in a second.”
From her dress pocket, she pulled out her phone and began to draft a text, heading to Kendall, not Griffin, and she read her fake message aloud as she typed up her real one.
“Hey, Mr. Griffin. There are two guys in Studio B trying to remove me from the building, they’re being incredibly hostile and even calling you old! We’d appreciate it if you could meet us-”
The shorter guard waved his hands in an ‘x’ motion. “Woah, hang on, that isn’t necessary.”
“Yeah just go ahead, you don’t need to bother the nice man.” The other chimed in.
Meanwhile, her real texts were sent.
R: Warn your mom and sister Dak has 2 huge terrifying bodyguards pls
R: Managed to outsmart them tho, no need to worry about me
R: Have fun with the shoot, take one puppy pic for meeee
Slipping her phone back into her pocket, she looked up at the two and gave them her best crowd-pleasing smile. “Wonderful! I’m glad this all worked out. Now, if you need me I’ll be doing the vocal recordings for today.” 
Before the two had the chance to say anything else, she opened the door to the room that she had been leaning on and slid inside. Keeping her head down, she checked that all of the supplies Gustavo had promised were on the desk in front of the control panel before looking up, through the glass, into the studio dance room.
Almost instantly, her heart skipped a beat as she locked onto the deep, dreamy blue eyes of her favorite teen idol: Dak Zevon. There he was, in the flesh, standing right in front of her, and all she could do was stare. 
His wave through the glass was more attention-getting than greeting, but it was a wave nonetheless. “Hey.” The boy mouthed, but there was no mic in the studio so the sound didn’t carry. 
This snapped her back into reality. Attentive, she waved back and zoomed through the recording booth and out the door into the studio. Now he stood there, no barriers between them, and waved again.
“Hey,” He tried once more. “Nice to meet you, I’m Dak Zevon.”
The boy held his hand out for a handshake that she returned a bit too quickly. 
Private and professional, private and professional.
“The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Zevon. My name is Roxanne Somerset, I’ll be standing in for Mr. Rocque to help you record your vocals today. Thanks for choosing Rocque Records.” She pushed out, not even one stutter, truly more than happy to be helping him out. 
He gave her a perfect, pearly white smile. “Well, if I’d known the company had such a cute production assistant I’d probably have urged my manager to pick you guys way sooner. How long have you been working here?”
At the sight of a dimple cutting into his left cheek, her hand flew to the back of her neck to cool down the red shade it was definitely turning. “I’ve been here for about three weeks now. I work with Gustavo Rocque, Kelly Wainwright, and the upcoming band Big Time Rush… Give me just a moment to get the equipment set up and we can start recording.”
“Whatever you need, Miss Somerset.”
She turned away, hoping to save some of her dignity as she began to set up the recording equipment. “Just- Just Roxy is fine.” 
The sound from her phone caused her to jump, dropping the mic stand she had just picked up. Nervously she laughed, to no one but herself, and pulled out her phone.
K: Mom says they’re trying 2 get an autograph but security wont let them thru
K: Can you let them in
R: NO!
R: Just tell them to wait until the session is over
K: Boo :( no puppy pic for you
K: Here’s what we’re currently in thanks to Griffin
K: Sent a photo
The attached image was her band dressed in brightly colored matador outfits on a backdrop that made it look like they were standing on the moon.
R: Has Marcos taken the pic?
K: Nope
R: Great! Don’t let him! Bye!
Once she was finished setting all of the equipment up, she walked back into the control room to grab the sheet music for the songs that would be produced during the session. Now that there was a mic and headphones set up in the studio, the pair should be able to communicate through the glass - a fact that calmed Roxy down heavily. Though it was still communication, it didn’t feel entirely real. Hopefully, she would be able to maintain her calm and make Gustavo proud. 
Then Dak could record all of his music here! Her perfect dream. I’m about to hear him sing… and I get to hear the music from the movie before anyone else! I can’t wait to tell Jo and Camille.
Shrugging on a pair of headphones, she pressed down on the button that would allow two-way speech. 
“Alright! It looks like we’re recording 3 songs for the Varsity Vampire 2: Game On soundtrack today, any preference as to what you sing first?”
“Dealer's choice.” His smooth voice flooded through her ears and would’ve probably made her knees buckle had she not already been sitting down. Roxy did her best to look up and meet his eyes, but she couldn’t lift them higher than the blue shirt hidden underneath a casual black blazer. 
It hugs his chest so nicely…
“How about we go in order then? The first one is-” Glancing down at the page she noticed all of the song titles were vampire puns like the first movie soundtrack had been. “‘Drive Me Batty!’ Do you need any time to look over the sheet music?”
This was routine, something she had done with her band enough times, and that brought her some comfort. It was a miracle she was so wired into doing this or she probably would’ve made a giant fool of herself in front of Dak. Normally, the guys would take a little extra time to review the song before recording for the first time, but the pop idol just gave her a thumbs up.
Pressing another button on the board, she began to play the karaoke-style track. The lead vocals would be recorded first, then they would worry about the harmonies. From here, Dak took it away. 
A nice, tenor voice filled her ears, matching each note perfectly. From the lyrics, it seemed as though this was one of the opening songs being sung to his female counterpart in the movie: a human girl on the cheerleading squad named Scarlett. As she recalled from the first movie, Dak’s character, Kieran, was the star of the basketball team but struggled to find balance between his human and vampire lifestyles. Thankfully, the other members of the team were turned into vampires at the same Halloween party Kieran was, so they worked through their passion for the game, singing, and blood together. 
It appeared as though this song was Kieran’s way of letting Scarlett know that even though she drives him batty there are some parts of his life he is unable to share with her. As marked on the sheet the song was written as a duet, but Dak was singing both parts, not that Roxy was complaining. 
By the time the 3-minute track had run out, the girl was already giving a few claps in congratulations before naming and labeling the file on the small computer in the studio and looping it around for another try. 
“Could I trouble you for some water, Roxy?”
She looked up at him and he gave her another beautiful grin. 
“Sure thing, Mr. Zevon! Give me a few minutes, I’ll be right back.”
“Just Dak is perfect.” 
Roxy nodded her head, throwing him a thumbs up as she took her headphones off. Before she left, she made sure to hit the track recording again and he began to sing once more as she walked out of the room.
Out of the corner of her eye, she could see the two bodyguards from earlier scaring off a group of screaming Dak fangirls. The assistant did her best to be quiet as she slipped down a separate hallway and headed towards the studio’s shared kitchen for a few bottles of water. 
Maybe I should check on the boys.
It was a fleeting thought, but they would probably appreciate it; she would have to be fast about it. There was no need to keep Dak waiting as she checked on the band she wasn’t even in charge of today. 
Making her way to the kitchen, she could hear voices trailing through the hallway since Marcos had left the door open for his photoshoot. 
“Giant stuffy puppies for everyone!” He called, and the boys groaned loud enough for her to hear. 
Grabbing a few bottles of cold water from the fridge and tucking them under her arm, she took the hallway leading to Studio A and poked her head in the door.
Still in front of the space backdrop, the boys were clad in their hideous matador outfits with the addition of four huge black and white stuffed dogs taking up a large amount of space. 
Griffin and Marcos stood next to each other, the latter framing the shot with his hands, “The photo is now bold and cute and cuddly!” 
James punched the dog he was holding in the head.
“Uh, uh, no animal abuse on my watch.” The girl called through the door, pointing at the long-haired boy. 
He glowered at her, “Traitor!” 
The rest of the band chimed in with their own, “Traitor!” in response. 
Holding one hand up to block her next move from the adults, she took her other and flipped them off. 
“Let’s shoot it!” Griffin declared, breaking up the squabble between the teens.
Marcos lined up to the camera, and the assistant watched in delight as her band gave their most uncomfortable, terrible looks. They were in misery, and after their name-calling, she was impressed by how quickly karma worked her magic.
Slowly, Marcos’ finger descended on the button, “Smile pretty, pretty!”
As it got closer and closer to the time the image would be taken, a barrage of thoughts swarmed Roxy’s mind.
If this photo bombs, we’re headed right back to Minnesota. But how funny do they look! It serves them right, calling me a traitor. No… that’s not fair. I’m supposed to be their assistant and they could surely use some assistance right now. Aw, but they look so cute with the puppies…
“Mr. Griffin, wait!” She called out, seconds before the image was to be taken. “They can’t take that photo.”
He turned to her, eyebrows knitted. “Why not?”
“Because,” She offered with a shrug. “It’s not finished.” 
The boys caught on to her scheme, completely relieved and incredibly grateful.
“It is bold,” Kendall began before James added, “And cute and cuddly! But we don’t have… uh.”
While James was lost for words, Carlos yelled, “A snowmobile!”
Roxy’s palm flew to her face, but at least that would keep them occupied for at least an hour while she finished up with Dak. How was Griffin going to find a snowmobile in the middle of Los Angeles?
As she walked back towards Studio B, feeling slightly triumphant, she was too lost in a daydream about replacing Scarlett in Varsity Vampire and getting to star in a movie with Dak Zevon. A hand wrapping around her wrist and pulling her backward into Gustavo’s office was the last thing she needed. The flash of purple was nearly too quick for her to spot, but by the time she had it was too late.
Catching herself from spilling all over the carpet, Roxy grabbed one side of the door frame and peered into the room in front of her before she felt a pull on her wrist once more, dragging her to the middle of the office. Behind her the door was slammed shut, confining her to the small space with the four boys. 
“No, no, no, this isn’t happening. Let me go back outside, now.” She told the frontman, trying to push back past him to get to the door. 
Just her luck, he remained blocking it until he was sure she wouldn’t leave. 
“Rox, we need you right now!” The blond told her, crossing the room and leaning on Gustavo’s desk. “We cannot let Griffin take this photo!”
She rolled her eyes. “I gave you all the tools to at least waste another hour, I thought you guys were good at that.”
“Kudos on the snowmobile idea, Carlos.” Kendall continued, to her point. 
“Which is why I’m taking one with me on my desert island!” The light blue matador, Carlos, told the room. 
Logan, still ticked by their conversation about the desert island from before, turned to him utterly confused at his lack of critical thinking skills. “A desert island has a tropical climate, professor.” 
“Will you just let me have fun on my desert island? It’s mine!”
James decided this was the perfect time to interject his thoughts, pulling a black comb out of his green sleeves. “Well, I’m taking my lucky comb.” 
“But you’re alone,” Logan pointed out, “No one’s gonna see your hair.”
The long-haired boy snapped, “Hey! I’m there.”
“Enough about the desert island!” Roxy yelled, her voice cutting off whoever was going to speak next. “If you four don’t come up with a plan in the next 30 seconds I am walking out that door.” 
“Yes, right.” Kendall backed her up. “We need to figure out a way to change this photo.”
Logan held his own, orange-sleeved arms out, “From cuddly space matadors to…” He looked around, finding an edition of Pop Tiger and holding out the Dak Zevon fold-out.
Wishing to smack the magazine out of his hands, but choosing not to in case she crinkled Dak’s double-page spread, the assistant growled,  “15 seconds.”
“There he is!” A voice cried out from the hall and the Zevon fangirls piled into the room, tackling Logan like they did earlier in the day. 
It took everything she had not to burst out of the room while everyone was distracted and head back to her task at hand.
I hope Dak isn’t upset. I've been gone for so long.
After the mob determined it wasn’t Dak, the head girl called them off and they flooded back out into the hallway. 
With the magazine lying on the floor, the girl bent down to pick it up. With her hand flat on the pages to not damage any exclusive posters, she squished it into Kendall’s chest. “5 seconds.”
“Um, let’s put this photo away before somebody gets killed.” The blond suggested sheepishly, pulling the image out of the magazine.
Between the five, tensions were running high; a plan needed to be put in motion soon.
“Right.” James paced over to the other side of the room, standing near Roxy and Kendall. “Now, where’s Gustavo, ‘cause he should be saving our photo!” 
She pointed one of her fingers towards the door, “Gustavo isn’t coming back, we all saw him get carried away to community service. Like I am about to carry myself away to Studio B.”
“That was weak,” The brunette scoffed. “Serves you right, traitor.”
“I’m literally just doing my job! Big Time Rush aren’t the only musicians working at Rocque Records, so until you start funding my paychecks, I defer to Gustavo.”
“Yeah, but you’re supposed to work for us!” James pointed out. “That’s what Gustavo said at Kendall’s house all those weeks ago, or have you forgotten? You’re supposed to do what we say.”
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean, James?” She spat out, not even trying to disguise the disdain she felt towards his offensive comment. 
It was one thing to poke fun at her, call her a traitor even, but to imply that she had to do every stupid little thing they said like that was her only purpose was just degrading. 
“Just because I’m your assistant doesn’t mean you get to treat me like a little puppet. In fact, I think respect is at the top of the list of things I deserve from all of you. I won’t be spoken to like this just because I’m helping someone else.” She looked between the four of them, crossing her arms. “If that's how you all see me, good luck solving this problem on your own.” 
With that, she shoved her way between James and Kendall, throwing the door open with her free hand. The other, gripping the still bitterly cold water bottles she had been sent out to get so long ago. 
Through the halls, she passed a man who looked an awful lot like Mrs. Knight pushing a tray of catered food but didn’t stop to make too much of it, probably just Dak’s lunch being ordered to the studio.
The security guards who had given her such a fuss earlier made sure to get out of her way as she stormed through the brown double doors into the room where Dak was recording. Skipping the trail through the sound booth, she entered straight into the dance room he was recording in and handed him a few bottles.
“Sorry about the wait.” She gritted out, trying to maintain her composure in an entirely new way than earlier. This time, instead of trying to mask her crush on the teen idol, she was trying to mask how much she wanted to crush James. “‘Drive Me Batty’ should only need one more vocal layer from you before it’s sent to your co-star.” 
Avoiding eye contact, she didn’t wait for a thank you before hitting the recording room. Sitting down, she slid her headphones on and sunk into the chair hoping Dak wouldn’t be able to see her over the soundboard on his water break. The conversation with the guys was flying around like a whirlwind in her mind; it was nearly impossible trying to process her emotions while she was still angry. 
“Everything alright there?” Dak asked, voice filling her headphones.
The choice of telling the truth was completely out of the question, both professionalism and privacy boundaries would certainly have been crossed, and she wasn’t interested in Gustavo threatening to fire her again.
Roxy sucked in a breath, hoping her voice wouldn’t betray her. “Yes. Looping ‘Drive Me Batty’ around now.”.
If Dak noticed anything in her speech, he would at least have to wait until the song was over to mention it. While he filled in the background vocals, the girl flipped to the next set of sheet music for the second song. Titled “Creatures of the Net”, this one appeared to be a song that the vampire basketball team all sang together about their love for the game and their nocturnal lifestyles. While Dak sang the lead parts, there would be more people singing along with him, lessening the number of times he would be singing this time around. 
Though she was doing her best to concentrate on the recordings, the cell phone in her pocket buzzed about a million times.
“Creatures of the Net” was queued in defiance; the longer the music played the longer she could ignore the messages
The pair had worked diligently and before they knew it, the songs “Drive Me Batty”, “Creatures of the Net”, and “B Positive” were all recorded and edited to the best of Roxy’s ability. As instructed in the notes, the writer had properly labeled all of the recording files and placed them in the proper folders in the computer system where Gustavo would be able to find them later. She wouldn’t admit it, but the solo recording process was quite tough and it gave her a bit of newfound respect for her boss. How he functioned recording alone since the ‘90s, she would never understand. 
Glancing up, she noticed Dak was typing something on his phone. In order to get his attention the girl pressed on the microphone button on the soundboard.
“Great work today, Dak. It looks like your agency has rented out Studio B for a few more sessions this week. Is there anything I can do to make your next visit better?”
The teen idol raised his head, “Maybe. When else do you work this week?” 
Private and professional, Roxy reminded herself. He just thinks I’m a good worker. Right?
“I’m at the mercy of Mr. Rocque and Big Time Rush, unfortunately. My schedule isn’t definitive.” 
The thought of the Big Time Idiots clouded her happiness momentarily.
His long fingers tapped at his chin as if the boy was in deep thought. “I’ll have my assistant email Gustavo and let him know I’d like you to be there next time.”
Before she said anything stupid, she shot him a grin and pulled off her headphones. Once Dak went back to his phone, she crouched down below the soundboard and let out an excited, fangirl-esque scream. It was one thing to just meet Dak Zevon, but getting to hear the new soundtrack for Varsity Vampire 2 and having Dak practically flirt with her was going to make her head explode. 
After a few deep breaths, she made her way through the glass door into the recording room to put away the equipment her client was using. 
Quickly, Dak slid off his pair of headphones and handed them to her. When she reached for it, their fingers brushed for a second, sending a shock down her spine. 
“Thanks.” She squeaked, avoiding his gaze and grabbing the mic stand to place in the closet in the back of the room.
Buzz buzz
Walking away, she ignored the sound of her phone going off and placed everything away, just how Gustavo liked it. One less thing for her to get yelled at about in the long run. Silently she hoped that he wouldn’t blame her for the band’s photo situation. 
Buzz buzz
Once more, she headed for the spot Dak was standing to discuss any last-minute questions or concerns before his recording session was over. 
“Phew,” The boy whistled at the end of her ringtone, “Miss Popularity over here.” 
A frown graced her features for a moment as she thought of all the messages the guys might be sending her right now. 
Roxy brushed his comments off, “I’m having a little spat with the band. Their messages probably aren’t the kindest right now.”
“No kidding?” Said Dak. “If you want to shoot some messages back I won’t tell Mr. Boss Man you’re on your phone during work hours. Besides, I heard there's a pack of my fangirls out front. I’m not too keen on leaving anytime soon.”
He chuckled, giving Roxy a chance to laugh as well. Those girls seemed to be no joke. 
Pulling out her phone, she noticed a barrage of notifications from 2 new group chats she had been added to while she was focused on recording. 
L: ^^ You’ve been so helpful and patient and kind to us these last few weeks
C: We cant do this without you! Help!
J: Sorry :(
R: Almost done recording, be there soon 
Their “apologies” would be fine for now; she didn’t wait for their response as checked the second group chat. This one contained both Camille and Jo. 
C: heard someone at my audition today say dak zevon was @ rr today
J: Can you confirm or deny
R: Confirm
J: ????????
C: did you meet him??????
R: :) 
R: You got it. 
R: I’ll tell you now though, he’s better than any guy I’ve ever met
“No hate mail,” Roxy thought aloud as she sent her last message, smiling a bit as she entertained the idea of asking the idol for his number. That was neither private nor professional, but she couldn’t ignore the flustered sensation rising and falling in her chest with every breath as she stood in the same room with him.  “It was better than I was expecting.”
Dak took a step toward her, “You know, I know a thing or two about the industry if you’re looking for some tips. Maybe we could discuss it over dinner sometime?” 
Following the loud noise from across the room, Roxy whipped her head towards the sound, watching as the recording room door opened and flooded with a small army of Dak fangirls. It was a terrifying sight to behold behind the glass; she didn’t even have time to process what the boy had just said to her. 
“Oh, my God, Dak!” She cried, pulling on the black blazer he wore in an attempt to get him out of their line of sight. “Towards the back of the room!” 
The two ran to the back wall, squishing themselves flat against it in an attempt to place as much distance between themselves and the screaming teens as possible.  
“It’s gonna be alright.” Reassured Roxy, though she was terrified at what the mob might do to Dak if they got their hands on him. “We’ll find a way out of this.”
To the left of her leg, a silver, metal grate popped off the wall revealing the familiar face of Katie Knight. Despite the young girl’s diminutive size, the duct seemed to be big enough for the two teenagers to squeeze through as well. 
Roxy gave a small wave, which the preteen ignored as she turned to face Dak.
“Hi, I’m Katie.” She said, cool as a cucumber. 
The boy looked to the songwriter and then down to Katie, practically petrified. “I’m Dak.” 
“Come with me if you want to live. I guess you can come too, Roxy.” 
Though he was incredibly unsure of the young girl’s methods, Dak placed a gentle hand on Roxy’s arm guiding her to the grate. As she ducked down, she felt his hand brush the top of her head, protecting her from accidentally bumping into the metal as she crawled in. After her, Dak was soon to follow, pulling the grate closed behind them. 
From the room, Roxy could hear the screaming grow louder as the ground began to shake in the wake of the running teens. 
“Find Dak!” One of them cried, commanding the other girls to turn around and exit the studio. 
The three crawled through the ducts, glad to be anywhere but close to the mob. 
In front of Roxy, Katie turned her head backward. “Everyone good back there?”
“Oh, sure,” Dak breathed behind her. “Can’t complain about the view, I suppose.” 
The writer’s eyes grew wide, meeting Katie’s for a moment as the young girl stuck her tongue out in silent disgust before turning back and marching on. For the time being, Roxy was rendered speechless, only able to absentmindedly crawl after her little friend.
He’s sweet… he’s caring… he’s hot… and he doesn’t think I’m a pushover.
Maybe Dak did like her. 
A few moments later, Katie had led the others to a different grate and punched it open. The group popped out, taking a brief moment to collect and dust themselves off after crawling on their hands and knees for so long. When the girl looked around, she recognized that they were in Gustavo’s office. 
Before she could get a word in, Big Time Rush dressed in top-half normal clothes and bottom-half matador garb burst into the room with orange jumpsuit-clad Gustavo and Kelly in tow. 
“Roxy! Perfect timing!” Logan complimented, hurriedly flicking on a handful of desk lights. 
Kendall grabbed her attention, “Catch!” and he threw a black DSLR camera her way which she barely managed to receive. In addition, he pulled down the white movie screen behind their boss’s desk. 
James, sounding reluctant, asked her, “Can you shoot it from the waist up, uh, please?”
The girl nodded and once the boys placed themselves in front of the backdrop she imitated what Marcos had said earlier, “Smile pretty, pretty!” as her finger landed on the shutter-release button. 
“Ugh!” The band cried as Kelly took the camera out of the girl’s hands. Easily, the woman ejected the SD card and passed it off to a small man on a motorized bike with a red cross-body bag waiting outside the door. He must have been the secret messenger Kelly had mentioned on the drive over.
Tipping his helmet, the man congratulated the group in an old-style Transatlantic accent, “See you in Pop Tiger, boys!”
People in this town are so strange.
From behind her, a hand snuck onto her hip, pulling her back into the teen idol’s chest. 
“Nice one.” He whispered to her as his hand lingered, drumming against the fabric of her dress a few times. 
“I don’t know what happened here today,” Gustavo grouched, swiveling his hips to see everybody standing in his office, “But maybe we should leave the dawgs, and Roxanne, alone more often.” 
Katie took the following silence after the man’s statement to finally announce her exciting news. “Look who I found today!” 
Dak finally let the assistant go, raising his arms in a shrugging motion to the group. “I think she just saved my life.”
Roxy watched with joy as he pulled the little fangirl into a hug, making sure to snap a quick picture to send to Mrs. Knight. 
“Oh!” The actor snapped his fingers and turned to the assistant once more. “May I?”
He held out his hand, and Roxy didn’t catch his drift at first but soon understood as he reached for the phone clutched into her hand. Time for her stood still as with each press of a button, a small beep let out. Ten beeps for a ten-digit phone number. 
With a wink, he handed it back. “Call me later, okay?” 
“It’s Dak Zevon!” Katie cheered, causing a negative chorus from the band. 
In an instant, the room was full of screaming teen girls - the Dak Attack squad. Big Time Rush blocked their view of the actual idol and was mown down by the group, giving Dak enough time to escape through the air ducts once more, Katie in tow to show him the way. 
“Hm,” Camille wondered aloud, turning to the group of Palm Wood’s residents behind her at the pool - holding up the magazine that boasted the band’s double-page spread poster. After a recounting of the day’s events, Roxy and her band were sat on the lounge chairs, soaking up the sun, as she slowly nursed them back to health. The encounter with the fan girls had been no joke. “Who knew such a simple picture could bring you so close to death?” 
After the Pop Tiger messenger dropped off the image at the headquarters, he biked all the way back to Rocque Records to give the band an advance copy of the next month’s issue. They had all been dumped on the eager assistant, who kept two for herself and had already hung up her desired posters, then handed out the rest among the hotel’s residents. The picture had turned out great, it was almost impossible to imagine the crazy story behind it. 
“But it was totally worth it.” James cooed, cradling his neck brace.
Carlos held a steak up to his bruised black eye. “‘Cause we’re going to be on the walls of millions of girls.”
“All over the country.” Winced Logan, raising his arms in victory despite both of them being in slings. 
Camille let out a small laugh, looking over to the assistant who was holding a smoothie up for Kendall to sip out of, “Of course you are.”
“Because,” Roxy giggled along, “Dak Zevon is on the other side!”
The band didn’t have enough energy to process what the two meant but groaned nonetheless. It was seeming as though the day’s misfortune only kept growing. 
From the lobby emerged Jo, who managed to catch the last few lines of the story. 
“Speaking of…” The actress trailed off, joining Roxy at Kendall’s side. “You’ve got a lot to tell us, don’t you? Come on!” 
With no chance to protest, Jo and Camille grabbed each of her arms and began to pull her away from their wounded friends. James let out a noise that sounded like a “no!” but they were too far gone to check on him, not that the assistant wanted to anyway. His comments from earlier cut deep and she certainly wasn’t ready to forgive him even with his text apology. She even had half a mind to delete it, text apologies don’t even count, but decided to save it as evidence that the wannabe can care about others sometimes. 
The other two girls were excitedly chatting in her ears, busy asking what seemed to be a million questions a minute. In only a few moments, they had arrived in Jo’s bedroom, door closed, ready to relay their information from the day.
“Stop, stop!” Roxy giggled, sitting at the edge of the blonde’s bed. “I’ll answer your questions but the two of you need to tell me about your auditions first.” 
Camille rolled her eyes, sitting down as well. “Fine! I tried out for the role of an upcoming high fantasy elf movie called Fayeth the Brave. Thought I was a shoo-in for the part but I guess the casting agents didn’t like that I brought an actual bow and arrow to the audition and shot arrows with my resume and headshots at them.” 
“And I,” Began Jo, flopping backward on the bed beside her friends. “Totally blew a laxative commercial. I know it’s nearly impossible to land one of the first roles I try out for, but it would be nice to have a little bit of beginner's luck.” 
“Aw.” Roxy patted her shoulder, “You’ll get the next one, for sure. Something way better than a laxative commercial. Maybe an eczema cream commercial?” 
  The ravenette jumped in, “Remember that one that showed in between the Vampire Diaries these last few weeks? That girl just got a major part in an upcoming hospital drama.”
Each of the girls had discovered their shared love for supernatural teen shows as they were helping Jo move in and had made a point to find one to watch together each week.  
“Oh, that reminds me, there's a new episode tonight. Sleepover?” Jo offered. “Maybe we’ll catch the commercial for good luck.”
Though Roxy had work in the morning, it was the weekend and she was in desperate need of some girl time. They hadn’t even talked about what happened today with the guys, and the assistant couldn’t wait to spill. 
Her “Sounds good.” overlapped with Camille’s enthusiastic “Yeah!” 
The two actresses now shifted to face their friend. It seemed it was her turn to share about her day.
“So…” Camille started. “I’m going to need every ounce of information about your meeting with Dak Zevon today.” 
The writer grinned, “Okay, so. Gustavo and Kelly got arrested in the morning…”
Roxy explained everything she could remember with as much accuracy as possible and the girls hung onto her every word. While Camille was getting more and more used to meeting celebrities, Jo and Roxy were still new to the Los Angeles experience, but the three of them were so starstruck in the moment they felt like normal teenage girls discussing Dak’s latest news. Some of the comments she had made to Dak made her cringe looking back, it was embarrassing she was so nervous to meet him, yet it had all paid off at the end of the day. 
Pulling out her phone, she opened her camera roll and tapped on the most recent photo. “Kendall’s little sister saved us from a screaming fangirl mob, something the boys left out of their story earlier.”
The image was passed around, the girls squealing in jealousy. 
“Also, after I took the picture…” Camille handed her phone back and Roxy popped open her contacts. “He gave me his phone number and told me to call him later! He even put a little heart next to his name! God, he is just so romantic like that.” 
“Shut up…” Jo trailed off, too shocked to formulate the rest of her thoughts into words.
Camille’s jaw dropped. “What did you talk about on your call?” 
It took her a moment to process the question, blinking a few times as she drew a blank. She hadn’t called him, what would they even talk about? Maybe she could tell him about the new song she was writing if she ever managed to formulate any ideas for the next BTR hit. Would it be okay to talk about his movie? Or-
“You didn’t call him!” The blonde cried, pointing an accusatory finger at her friend. 
Holding her hands up, Roxy defended herself. “I’ve been so busy passing out the magazines and taking care of the guys I guess I kind of… forgot.” 
Without another word, Camille swiped her phone out of her hands, startling her. With two taps, the actress pressed the dial button and placed the call on speakerphone. 
“Good luck!” She smiled.
“Shit! Camille! What am I supposed to-”
The sound through the speakers nearly made her stomach leap into her throat. 
“Hey,” Roxy breathed, shakily. “It’s Roxanne Somerset, from Rocque Records.” 
Jo and Camille bit back laughter at her formal introduction causing her to place her hand over the speaker and shush them.
“Roxy!” He sounded enthused. “I was beginning to think you would never call.”
She looked from girl to girl. How do I respond to that?
“Oh?” The writer settled on. “Sorry for keeping you, I had some magazines to distribute and boys to look after since your fan army took them out.”
He whistled into the receiver, “Boy, am I jealous.”
Why she felt the need to apologize, she didn’t know, but brushed it off with a laugh. Across from her Jo and Camille were whispering among themselves, being very careful about the sound of their voices carrying. 
“Anyway, it sounds like it all worked out with the band. You seemed pretty upset with them earlier.”
That was the truth, more or less. “Uh, well. I’m waiting for an in-person apology, maybe some flowers or chocolates, general sorry guy stuff.” 
“Remind me to pick some up the next time I see you.”
Looking down at her crossed legs, she felt her eyes widen. “You have nothing to be sorry for.”
There was a pause on the other end.
“I’m sorry you have to deal with unappreciative jerks. New guys in Hollywood are always the worst.”
“Wow,” she mouthed, glancing over to her friends. She jokingly fanned herself with her free hand. “No worries, it’s new territory for all of us.”
“Fair enough.”
Neither of them knew what to say after that trail of conversation came to an end. Panicked, Roxy looked over to her friends, Camille was typing something on her phone in a hurry before holding it up to display the message.
ask when u 2 can hang 
She held up her index finger and pulled it away, amending her previous statement.
“Oh,” The writer coughed, unsure of how to blend that into their current topic. It was hard to follow his offer to bring her flowers and chocolates. “So, um, I was thinking- Well, wondering really, if your dinner invitation was still on the table? We got kinda… interrupted earlier. I promise Katie won’t be materializing out of thin air to follow us. Um, but she does live next door to me so she might-”
“Of course, the offer is still on the table. I’m pretty free this week aside from my sessions at Rocque Records. Just text me when you’re available, okay?”
Absentmindedly, her fingers reached into her long strands of hair to twirl one around her finger. Her reply was bubbly, almost hidden away in the giggle she was having trouble containing. “...Okay!” 
The mattress bounced as Jo and Camille jumped up, a silent victory dance for the first of them to officially date in Hollywood. 
“Great, I’ll see you then.” She could practically hear his lips forming into his perfect, pretty smile. “Goodnight, Roxanne.” 
With a click, the line went dead. 
Clutching her phone in her hand, it trembled slightly. Did that just happen? 
“So…” She thought aloud, hopping off the bed to join the other two. “I have a date with Dak Zevon!” 
Their screams could probably be heard throughout the entire building, but they didn’t care. They jumped around, yelling about this and that; what she should wear, what they could talk about, how she should star in the next Varsity Vampire sequel. It was an excellent feeling, one she was glad to share with her friends. 
Eventually, they collapsed onto Jo’s bed, panting in an attempt to catch their breath.
“Now we need to get Camille on a date with Logan,” Roxy commented, pinching the lovesick girl on the side. 
The actress swatted her hand away, “Easier said than done, I’ve been dropping hints that I like him for days now. He can be so clueless sometimes.” 
“What hints?” Jo asked, feigning ignorance. “Making out with him in the lobby should be enough of a hint!”
Roxanne recalled the messages Camille had sent her the day that happened and the ones Logan had sent as well. It was only a matter of time before the actress and singer got together - Logan just had to get his feelings straight. 
“Well, I think this calls for celebration.” The writer stated. “I’ve got some ice cream in my apartment, want to sleep there? Maybe we can get the guys to watch Vampire Diaries. I tricked them into watching Twilight when I told them it was about a war. There's action in that show, sometimes.” 
It was so natural, so easy, for Roxy to try and include the band in anything she wanted to do. Their company was enjoyable, and she always had fun after hanging out with them both inside and outside of work. Even as the words left her lips she cringed a bit, still upset at what they had said to her earlier, but hoped her invitation could be the start of making amends. 
Eagerly, Jo grabbed her pillow and a change of clothes, “Let’s go!” 
At the elevator, Roxy and Jo went separate ways from Camille who had to grab some stuff from her apartment upstairs. 
“I’m kind of worried about hanging out with the guys, to be honest.” Jo confided in her friend. “They all just… threw themselves at me last time we spoke. It was pretty scary.” 
Roxy grabbed her hand, swinging it back and forth as they walked to the west wing. “We don’t have to invite them, it was just a suggestion. They just don’t know how to act sometimes.”
The blonde shook her head. “If you want them to be there, I can deal.” 
“Jo, I would never knowingly put you in a situation that would make you uncomfortable.” 
“Maybe, you can talk to them beforehand?” 
The songwriter nodded, “Of course! And if any of them bother you, let me know and I’ll send their asses flying out the door.” 
The girls laughed as Roxy opened the door to her apartment. “Make yourself at home in my room, the bathroom is in there, too if you need it. Oh! And everything in the fridge is free game. I’ll be right back.”
Jo made her way to Roxy’s room as the girl unlocked the door connecting her apartment to the band’s. At the end of the hallway, she found the four on the other end playing Mario Kart on the Wii. From the looks of it, Carlos, playing as Bowser, was in the lead on the final lap. Close behind him was Kendall, King Boo. Then came Rosalina, played by James, with Mario, Logan, in last place. 
Once the race finished, she coughed into her hand and the four turned their heads to face their assistant. 
“Jo, Camille, and I have graciously decided to invite you to our sleepover. On one condition that is.”
The four looked between themselves, seemingly stunned. James was the first to nod, the others following suit. “What condition?” He asked. 
She placed her hands on her hips, “Last time the four of you interacted with Jo, you scared the shit out of her. No fighting over her, no inappropriate comments towards her, and no singing my unfinished songs to her. Any of that and I’ll throw you out myself. Got it?”
Each of them nodded.
“I need verbal confirmation,” Roxy demanded.
“Yes…” They all mumbled, walking out of the living room to grab what they needed in their rooms. 
We’re gonna have so much fun.
Eventually, the seven had congregated in Roxy’s kitchen enjoying the chocolate chip ice cream she had stashed away in her freezer. The silence, for her at least, was comfortable as they all munched away. 
“So…” Kendall said, “Thanks for the invitation, ladies. Any special occasion?” 
Camille nodded as she took in a spoonful. “Yup,” She mumbled before swallowing. “Roxy scored a date with Dak Zevon.”
James dropped his spoon, the metal clattering on the table and then the silence came back, this time extremely uncomfortable. 
“And… We’ve got a new show we think you’ll just love.” The writer piped up to break some of the tension. “More action stuff.” 
Logan blinked a few times, sneaking a glance over to Camille who was already staring at him. He let out a cough. “When’s the big day?” 
Camille smiled, “Whenever she’s free next. Speaking of, Logan, when are you free this week?”
The boy coughed again and Roxy swore she could catch his cheeks turning a light shade of pink before Carlos cut in.
“That’s so awesome! I loved him in 16 Once More. Such a good movie.” 
Jo’s eyes lit up, “Carlos! I love that movie too!”
Roxanne quickly waved her hand in front of her face, “It’s not a big deal, it’s just a date. But anyway, it’s almost 8, how about we head to the TV?” 
From beside her, Camille clapped her hands, “Yes, I’ve been waiting all week for this, I can’t wait to see what Elena is up to…”
Hello! Beta reader message from previous chapters still applies :)
Thanks for reading, everyone's support is much appreciated!
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chixchincutie · 3 months ago
Describe the consumers you are targeting. Define their demographic profile (e.g., their interests) and their precise wants and needs as they relate to the products and/or services you offer.
Demographic Profile:
Busy Parents that cannot focus on their child's pre-school education.
Parents that want a one-on-one learning for their child.
Income: Middle to Upper class.
Sex: Both Male and Female
Single Parents that needs help with their child's education.
Parents that prefer quality more than quantity.
2. Wants and Needs:
Quality Education.
One-on-one, Tutor like Education.
Easy access to working parents
Flexible time
State what distinguishes your company from competitors.
Offers quality education
One-on-one teaching technique
Quality over quantity
Offers after class tutorial
J.A.C. Learning Center offers quality education for your growing child that can help them in molding their future. This center also offers a tutor like technique of teaching. Also focuses in your child's reading and writing skills to prepare them for big schools.
PHP 750 for tuition fee monthly payment
PHP 2000 pesos for enrollment fee that includes whole year miscellaneous.
"Quality over quantity"
How will your consumers buy from you? Directly on your website? From distributors or other retailers?
Consumers can apply for an online enrollment through the Learning Center's Facebook page for more convenience.
Consumers can visit the pre-school's premises to apply a face to face enrollment process.
Section 5: YOUR OFFERS
Special deals to secure more new customers (and later, drive past customers back to you) i.e., free trials, money-back guarantees, packages, and discount offers.
Can offer discounts to old pupils or parents that can pursue new enrollees.
Special discounts to early enrollees.
More slots for preferred time.
Limited sponsorship.
Collaterals you will use to promote your business to prospective customers, i.e., website, print brochures, business cards, and catalogs. THE BUSINESS CARD YOU ALREADY CREATED, but should you want to recreate a new one, feel free to do so.
Facebook Page that posts infographics, posters and photos of the activities that can encourage more pupils.
Printed Materials such as, brochures, tarpaulins, and business cards.
Numerous promotional tactics to reach your new customers, i.e., television ads, trade show marketing, press releases, online advertising, and event marketing. Consider these alternatives aside from the many more available and decide which ones will most effectively allow you to reach your target customers.
Promotion of events that the school offers for kids to enjoy.
Social Media promotions.
Offer a tuition fee free slots.
Formulate your online marketing strategy that can help you secure new customers and gain competitive advantage:
Keyword Strategy
Search Engine Optimization Strategy
Create a photo album that can show events that a child can enjoy if enrolled.
Discount offers.
Paid Online Advertising Strategy
Targeted ads in Facebook that can be seen by people who live in Binalbagan and nearby cities and towns in Binalbagan.
Social Media Strategy
Post infographics that offer discounts to early enrollees.
Can make a TikTok account showcasing the children's talents that can be honed inside the school.
Photo album in Facebook that shows the events a child can enjoy once enrolled.
Agreements you forge with other organizations to help reach new customers or better monetize existing customers
Tell the loyal parents that they can have special discounts once they bring new enrollees.
Teachers of the school can offer more affordable tutorial services.
When you will ask customers for referrals, what if anything you will give as a reward, etc.
Special discounts based on the numbers of enrollees under their name as the once who referred them.
Increasing revenues and profits by getting customers to purchase from you more frequently over time
Offer new and exciting events that can make them stay until the end of their pre-school journey.
0 notes
aronuniversal123 · 8 months ago
 Fluorescent Pigments: Illuminating the Future with Aron Universal
Fluorescent pigments have revolutionized various industries with their vivid, bright colors and unique properties. At Aron Universal, we are at the forefront of this vibrant revolution, pushing the boundaries of what these pigments can achieve. This article delves into the fascinating world of fluorescent pigments, their applications, and how Aron Universal is leading the charge in innovation and quality.
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 What are Fluorescent Pigments?
Fluorescent pigments are specialized compounds that emit visible light when exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light. Unlike traditional pigments that reflect light, fluorescent pigments absorb light at one wavelength and re-emit it at another, usually longer, wavelength. This re-emission of light results in the bright, eye-catching colors that make fluorescent pigments so popular.
The basic science behind fluorescence involves the absorption of photons by the pigment molecules, which then get excited to a higher energy state. As these molecules return to their ground state, they release energy in the form of visible light. This process is incredibly efficient, allowing fluorescent pigments to produce very bright colors even under low-intensity UV light.
 Applications of Fluorescent Pigments
The unique properties of fluorescent pigments make them ideal for a wide range of applications. Here are some of the key industries where these pigments are making a significant impact:
 1. Textile and Fashion Industry
Fluorescent pigments are widely used in the textile and fashion industry to create bold, eye-catching designs. From neon sportswear to high-fashion runway pieces, these pigments add a dynamic element that makes garments stand out. The ability to glow under UV light also makes them popular for party wear and rave outfits, where lighting conditions enhance their vividness.
 2. Advertising and Signage
In advertising and signage, visibility is key. Fluorescent pigments ensure that signs and advertisements are noticeable from a distance, even in low-light conditions. Billboards, posters, and point-of-sale displays often use these pigments to attract attention and convey messages effectively. The high visibility offered by fluorescent colors is particularly useful for safety signs and emergency exits.
 3. Paints and Coatings
Fluorescent pigments are extensively used in paints and coatings for various purposes, including automotive, industrial, and decorative applications. In the automotive industry, they are used for custom car paints and detailing, giving vehicles a unique and striking appearance. In industrial settings, fluorescent paints are used for safety markings and highlighting hazardous areas.
 4. Printing and Packaging
In the printing and packaging industry, fluorescent pigments are employed to create attractive and distinctive designs. They are used in packaging to grab consumer attention on store shelves, making products stand out among competitors. Additionally, these pigments are used in security printing to prevent counterfeiting and ensure product authenticity.
 5. Plastics and Polymers
Fluorescent pigments are also added to plastics and polymers to produce brightly colored items. From children's toys to household items, these pigments provide an extra layer of aesthetic appeal. Their use in safety equipment, such as high-visibility vests and helmets, enhances visibility and safety.
 Aron Universal: Pioneering Fluorescent Pigment Technology
At Aron Universal, we pride ourselves on being industry leaders in the development and production of high-quality fluorescent pigments. Our commitment to innovation and quality ensures that we provide our clients with pigments that meet the highest standards of performance and safety.
 Research and Development
Our dedicated R&D team is constantly exploring new formulations and techniques to enhance the properties of fluorescent pigments. This includes improving colorfastness, brightness, and environmental sustainability. By staying at the cutting edge of pigment technology, we ensure that our products meet the evolving needs of our clients.
 Quality Assurance
Quality is at the core of everything we do at Aron Universal. Our fluorescent pigments undergo rigorous testing to ensure they meet stringent quality standards. This includes testing for color consistency, durability, and safety. Our state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities are equipped with the latest technology to produce pigments that are both high-quality and cost-effective.
 Environmental Responsibility
We are committed to sustainable practices in the production of our fluorescent pigments. This includes minimizing waste, reducing energy consumption, and using eco-friendly raw materials wherever possible. Our goal is to produce pigments that not only meet the highest standards of performance but also contribute to a sustainable future.
 Future Directions in Fluorescent Pigments
The future of fluorescent pigments is bright, with ongoing research and development opening up new possibilities. Some of the exciting areas of exploration include:
 1. Advanced Security Features
Fluorescent pigments are being developed with advanced security features for use in anti-counterfeiting measures. These include pigments that change color under different lighting conditions or those that can be detected using specialized equipment. Such innovations are crucial for protecting valuable products and ensuring authenticity.
 2. Smart Textiles
The integration of fluorescent pigments into smart textiles is an emerging field. These textiles can change color or glow in response to environmental stimuli, such as temperature or light. This has potential applications in fashion, sportswear, and wearable technology.
 3. Biomedical Applications
In the biomedical field, fluorescent pigments are being explored for use in imaging and diagnostic tools. Their ability to emit light makes them useful for highlighting specific areas in medical imaging, improving the accuracy of diagnoses.
Fluorescent pigments are transforming industries with their vibrant colors and unique properties. At Aron Universal, we are dedicated to advancing this technology through innovation, quality, and sustainability. Whether it's creating striking fashion pieces, enhancing safety, or developing new security features, our fluorescent pigments are illuminating the future in exciting ways. As we continue to explore new applications and improve our products, the possibilities for fluorescent pigments are limitless.
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siena-cawrse · 1 year ago
Analytical Application 2: Semiotics and Structuralism
Shot: The Human Stain
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In film, the shot is what you see when the camera is rolling and shooting a particular subject or scene. As it pertains to semiotics, the shot becomes trickier to define. Is the shot only what you see in the frame, or is it defined by the fact that it has duration? Does the shot find its linguistic equivalent in a word or a phrase? Metz will define the shot as “the smallest unit of the filmic chain,” rather than the shortest and most standalone aspect of film.[1] He describes transitions such as dissolves and wipes as technically smaller units but relegates those to the role of a connecting piece.[2]
The poster for The Human Stain exemplifies the term ‘shot’ through its composition and coloring. Of all the posters in the list, it is the one that feels most like it could’ve been ripped right from one of the shots in the film. Therefore, it literally embodies the idea of the shot, as well as taking into account several film techniques that go into the formulation of the shot in film. First and most obvious is the composition. It places the woman in the center, but in the background so that the man’s face is more prominent in the foreground. The coloring—or perhaps lighting is a better term—highlights the woman in the background and diminishes the man in the foreground, putting them on an even footing. The woman is looking at him while he looks away from her. All of these elements are just tiny details that come together to make the shot impactful and meaningful, and yet it is still the smallest unit in the filmic chain, as Metz describes.[3] Each little detail is a sign in and of itself that signifies something to the audience, but these are motivated signs; Metz might attribute this to the idea that everything in a film is intentional, motivated by what the creators want the audience to see and understand.[4] This is why the shot is so important: it takes several elements and makes them easily consumable in a single unit of film.
Sign: The Rocky Horror Picture Show
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The sign, as Saussure describes, is the result of a signifier (sound-image) and a signified (concept) being associated with each other.[5] We assign value to a sign by comparing it to similar things, confirming the idea that the meaning of a sign is completely arbitrary.[6] However, a sign is different from a symbol, which is made to represent certain ideas or concepts and will always have an association with those ideas or concepts. In this sense, a symbol is never assigned meaning arbitrarily, whereas a sign can have value or meaning assigned to it simply based on the association someone has with the signified or the signifiers that make up the sign.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show poster makes use of a simplistic design, red and white text and a bold red graphic on a black background. It doesn’t tell the viewer much about the film itself, just stating the title and the tagline, ‘a different set of jaws.’ But the graphic of the lips is doing most of the work on the poster, working with the tagline phrase to get people interested in the film. The graphic acts as the sign, bright red lips with pearly white teeth biting into the lower lip. The image evokes a feeling of sensuality and lust due to the red lips typically being associated with a flirtatious or ambitious-in-love woman in most tropes we see. However, when taken in context with the text on the poster, it takes on a new meaning. The red text of the title is dripping, almost like blood, though it matches the color of the lipstick, which connects the two. The tagline also adds a different association with the lips, as ‘a different set of jaws’ could be referring to the lips pictured on the poster. Through association with the other aspects of the poster, the image of the lips takes on a new meaning, which goes back to Saussure’s idea of the meaning of the sign being arbitrary in nature.[7] If the interpretation of the sign is so easily manipulated by the surrounding elements like the text on the poster, it proves that the way we assign meaning to a sign is completely arbitrary.
Semiotics of cinema: Catch Me if You Can
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The semiotics of cinema refers to the ideas of semiotics being applied to cinema, which Metz tackles in his essay, “Some Points in the Semiotics of Cinema.” Metz essentially argues for the signifier and signified that Saussure defined have two forms in cinema: the connotation and the denotation.[8] The denotation is motivated by the relationship between the signifier and signified while the signified in the connotation is what motivates the signifier, and it will eventually go beyond it and enter symbolism territory.[9] The reason for these two terms being defined differently by their signified and signifiers is that film is rarely constructed without motivation: the audience is always meant to understand a particular aspect of the film in a certain way.
To apply the semiotics of cinema to the Catch Me if You Can poster is to break it down into its connotation and denotation. Because the characters on the poster are blurred, it creates the illusion of the characters running extremely quickly past the camera. The arrows that have text written on them in the lower half of the poster also bring some meaning to the image, with ‘catch me’ on the arrow that matches the color of the text for Dicaprio’s name on the poster, and ‘if you can’ on the arrow matching the color of the text for Hanks’ name. Each arrow is also placed below one of the characters running on the poster. These choices have a denotation that allows the audience to assume that Dicaprio’s character is the one running, and Hanks’ character is the one chasing. The connotation behind these choices shows the audience that it’s going to be a crazy chase, one that will prove difficult for Hanks’ character, hence the ‘if you can’ signaling to the viewer that he might not be able to catch Dicaprio’s character. By applying the semiotics of cinema through the understanding of denotation and connotation, it can be seen that there are motivated reasons for the choices made for the construction of the poster, and by proxy, the construction of the film itself.
Myth: Talk to Me
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Myth, as it pertains to semiotics, is primarily defined by Barthes in the essay “Myth Today.” Throughout the piece, Barthes examines the similarities between a ‘myth’ and a ‘sign.’ Where Saussure defines the sign as the result of the relation of a signified and a signifier, Barthes takes it one step further in application to myth.[10] The sign becomes the signifier in the myth, which relates to a new signified concept and the two unite to form a new mythical sign that derives some of its meaning from the original sign.[11] Myth is part of a metalanguage that talks about signs in a motivated form, as Barthes also describes myths as always being motivated.[12]
The poster for Talk to Me doesn’t seem all that mythical upon first glance, but there is a reason why it has a mythical value to it. The poster shows snapshots of the characters and shots from the film, narrowing in on specific parts that are integral to the story. These are the signs that make up the viewer’s initial interpretation of the poster, which informs their idea of what the film is about. However, there is some text on the poster below the images: ‘inspired by a true story.’ These words mythologize the poster—and the story as a whole—by suggesting that this story is already existing and the film is making a slightly fictionalized version of it. This is the layering of signs that compose myths that Barthes describes. The signs that are on the poster become signifiers of a fresh, new story developed specifically for the big screen, taking elements from real life events. The signified is now whatever concept the film wants to discuss, and the film becomes a sign in and of itself, representing a story larger than the original events that inspired it. This is the power of mythmaking; it allows storytellers to embellish details and create greater meaning out of an already compelling real life story.
Connotation: Joyeux Noel
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Connotation is a loaded word in linguistics, and it only becomes more so when applied to film. Metz describes connotation as the “style, genre, symbol or poetic atmosphere” of a film.[13] He primarily discusses connotation in reference to the idea that nothing about cinema is unintentional, essentially promoting the idea that audiences interpret a film a certain way because the creators intended it to be understood that way.
The poster for Joyeux Noel is no exception, it is riddled with clues and hints that point to the creators intending for audiences to pick up on certain ideas so that they will come away with a certain understanding of the piece. First is the title and tagline, written in red text, which attempt to summarize the plot and concept of the film in a way that leaves the audience wondering how exactly the events of the movie will play out. The red text on the primarily white background are classic colors used in holiday designs and decorations, so these colors were likely chosen to bring out that association that the audience likely has. The other connotation lies in the characters that take up most of the poster. The tagline describes a World War I battlefield, so the men can be seen as military or commanding personnel, especially due to their hats and the man on the left’s uniform. However, the blue and green color of the other men’s coats adds a bit of festive flair to the typically washed out color scheme of military fatigues. These elements in combination with one another bring out the holiday cheer that audiences expect from films set around Christmastime despite the fact that the poster is literally telling us that it’s a war film, something usually not associated with the bright and uplifting feelings of a holiday film.
[1] Metz
[2] Metz
[3] Metz
[4] Metz
[5] Saussure
[6] Saussure
[7] Saussure
[8] Metz
[9] Metz
[10] Saussure
[11] Barthes, Myth Today
[12] Barthes, Myth Today
[13] Metz
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victorias-last-blog · 2 years ago
Week Four - Self Audit
while coming up with answers for my self audit, i started to develop some wireframes for initial design and layout thoughts for my portfolio. This is what i’ve come up with:
2) What are the Links I’m going to include in my website?
Landing page
About me
3) Projects that I’m going to show in my portfolio:
Ive just updated my resume and portfolio since I finished my internship and I am going to highlight a few different websites that I’ve built as well as a logo design that I’ve created previously and is in use by a store in white rock. I feel like including my advertisements/marketing projects and posters will also help me highlight the diversity of my services.
-website builds and case studies
-pitch decks
-ROI document
-logo design
-marketing and advertisements
4) Determine what’s missing in my portfolio currently and how I’ll fix it:
Currently I need to gather images/formulate how to show off the projects I’ve done. I need to update my resume with new client projects and experience (and education haha), maybe create mockups? I was hoping to add the website I’m currently building in brad’s class so I still need to actually build the site/brand before I can add it to my portfolio.
5) What platform will I use?
I think Wordpress is the platform for me. It’s easily customizable while creating intense and dynamic websites.
6) What will my domain name be?
DAWG I have been trying to brand myself for like 5 years now this is difficult and so much pressure to figure out on time but I think after a lot of consideration and internal debate I have decided that VML will be my personal brand name (for NOW) VML is my first and middle names, which means it’s tied to me personally but it maintains a high quality tone/strong character. For web purposes, VML on its own may be too broad of a topic, so I might want to tweak it slightly to read as vmldesign.com or something like that.
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welshoot · 3 years ago
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My Mom has done it again and caused the formulation of yet another theory involving Twisted Wonderland. This time about Jamil. Now, this draws from some other theories I have seen that are particularly interesting. Unfortunately, I haven’t been unable to find the original poster(s) of these theories so I will summarize them. But understand that only part of this is my/my mom’s work. Spoilers for those that haven’t read Episode 4 - Tactician of the Scalding Sands under the cut. Also, fair warning this gets a little long due pictures and comparison.
This is the theory I read that started this whole mess. The basic gist of it is this: what if the boys aren’t just twisted off a villain/one character? What if they had multiple inspirations from their movie? Enter Mom. When I mentioned this theory we threw around some ideas about potential inspirations for the characters outside of their known ones. The most interesting being Jamil. While he does have a similar backstory to Aladdin (poor but connected to royalty and trying to go up in life) me, my Mom, and my Sister all felt he resembled someone else more. Jasmine. Now, right off the bat you can see the similarities in their names.  If you take the “Ja” and the “mi” out of Jasmine and slap a “L” on the end you get Jamil. But their similarities are more obvious in their designs.
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See what I mean? They have the same necklace, a whole lot of hair, and similar faces. It is true that they have different color schemes but during the final battle in the movie Jasmine does were red. If you look at her from the sequence close to the beginning of the movie when she snuck out of the palace and disguised herself with a scarf/hood  the similarities pop up even more. Also, when in her red outfit Jasmine has the same armband as Jamil: 
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What about if you look at their personalities? Jasmine’s quote from the Disney wiki literally says: “How dare you! All of you - standing around, deciding my future? I am not a prize to be won!” Ignoring the “prize to be won” part, doesn’t that kind of sound like Jamil? Jamil has had his future decided by those that surround him and it has hurt him badly to the point he betrays Kalim (who he at least seems to care for) and overblots. There is also the fact that Jasmine yearns for freedom. Her wish for freedom from palace life and arbitrary laws is one of the things that actually gets the plot of the movie going in the first place. She’s been trapped by the circumstances of her birth and wants to break free. Jamil has been trapped in the life of a servant, including the rules that go with that station, and by the circumstances of his birth. Like Jasmine, he wants to break free. Jasmine also doesn’t like for people to assume that she is stupid or any less capable than she really is. When she figured out that ‘Prince Ali’ was actually Aladdin in disguise she was understandably upset but distinctly mentions “Did you think I was stupid?” Jamil, for his side of things, has been forced to hide his intellect and is incredibly bitter, partially because people keep overlooking him in favor of someone else they assume is smarter.
Being partially based on Jasmine could also explain why Jamil is oddly close to Kalim, who is based on the Sultan, despite their circumstances and backstory. While they are shown to be at odds with each other several times in the film, Jasmine and her father are very close. Even if he is sometimes causing the issue without realizing it, the Sultan deeply cares for his daughter and wants her to be taken care of after he’s gone. For her part, Jasmine is shown to be incredibly protective of her rather gullible father. Their relationship is surprisingly similar to Kalim and Jamil’s relationship. Jamil being incredibly protective (if partially by duty) of the rather gullible Kalim. Kalim caring deeply and wanting the best for Jamil, even if he sometimes misses what is upsetting his friend.
So, once again, my Mom has presented a very interesting idea and I have run with it. I wanted to share this because I think it actually has some real support from in-game story and designs. I would love to hear others' thoughts on this and I have incredible respect for whoever first came up with the theory of these characters being based on more than just the villain character of their movie.
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reverse-moon · 2 years ago
Ayo not me making a milgram fanfic at 4 am
That One Place - MILGRAM (Music Videos)
Relationships: Kashiki Yuno & Kirisaki Shidou
Main Characters: Kashiki Yuno, Kirisaki Shidou, Es (MILGRAM)
Rating: Teen and up
Word Count: 1449
AO3 Link: Here
Summary: Kirisaki Shidou was an awful man. He knew this very well. He'd hurt many to save one and failed.
Kashiki Yuno was a liar. She acted one way for money, attention and the love she absolutely knew was probably fake. And she was very aware of it.
How could these two have anything to be friends with, especially after the second trial ended?
((MILGRAM Second Trial Timeframe))
Chapter 1 - Yuno's Truth
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『Kirisaki Shidou. With a total of 51.97% to 48.03%, we, Es, guard of MILGRAM, deem you Innocent for the First Trial.』
Hearing the 15-year-old guard call him - doctor who malpracticed and let hundreds, if not thousands, die for a selfish gain - innocent, admittedly, was very shocking. After all, during their first meeting, he asked for the death penalty. How could he be innocent?
Shidou sat in the area they made into the ❝Smoking Area❞, nearest the vent. If he had been joined by Kazui or Mikoto, two others who frequented the Smoking Area and dubbed their little trio as ❝The Smoking Club❞, he'd let them take the nearest seats. Thankfully, or unfortunately (he wasn't too sure), he was alone. Inhaling the smoke, he felt his throat burn in a way that strangely was comforting now. It had been since his... Well, it didn't matter.
He stared at the wall, not quite sure what else to do. Being called innocent, according to Es, was what allowed him to help Mahiru and Fūta after they were attacked by Kotoko. They became more restrained after being called guilty, something due to the program this MILGRAM prison ran. A terrifying idea, Shidou thought to himself.
Another drag of the cigarette.
He remembered Mikoto had also been deemed guilty by the system, though he seemed unaffected by the program. Perhaps there was a health issue? Or something else... Shidou began making ideas for what went wrong there, formulating possible plans to assist. His natural instinct.
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Yuno couldn't stand the sounds of the others. Too loud, too energetic, too... Too chummy. Even if it wasn't even friendly at all.
She'd gone on a walk of the allowed areas, being greeted with people or someone in each. A hassle, and she didn't particularly feel like putting her facade on. The three she especially avoided was Mahiru, Mu and Haruka. Mahiru seems obsessed with attention and love — quite boring. And the younger two?
Ugh, don't even get her started on them.
As she wandered around, she noticed Shidou sitting in a room - door open and smoking. A paradoxical thing, Yuno thought: a doctor who smoked so often. After all, doctors were practically the poster-people for good health, weren't they? Yet, here one was with little care in the world.
As she stared at them, she heard footsteps accompanied by a male and female chatting. Mu and her pet, Haruka.
"Ugh..." Yuno slipped into the Smoking Area, leaning on the larger wall left of the doorway. She stared into the hall, not daring to actually look and be seen, as she listened to them walk past and leave. A sigh of relief left the raven-haired girl as she looked up to see Shidou staring at her in confusion. Fucking hell-
"What?" Yuno started, standing up right and fixing her ponytail. "Their little love act is dull and obnoxious. Poor Haruka-chan will be hurt once she gets bored." She hadn't meant to snap, though she was aware she did a little. Yuno watched as Shidou put the cigarette out.
"Who am I to judge what you avoid? You have your reasons," he said in response, sitting up right. "You can sit, if you want. I don't think I'll be a good conversationalist, since you seem to want silence." Yuno played with her hair and sat down opposite Shidou.
"Everyone is so loud," she muttered. "It's stupid. We're all trapped with no clue what's going to happen. Why bother being loud or chummy?"
Shidou hummed in thought. "It might be their way of coping? Though, I'll admit, running or denying our situation isn't the best." Yuno watched him lean on his knees. "After all, the possibility of death being around the corner is very high. And who's to say we wouldn't be brought back in a few years for the same crimes that got us here now?"
Yuno frowned a little, a hand instinctively moving to hold her stomach. What she'd done was a crime in Japan. But what else was she supposed to do? "Some of us killed for survival. Some of us for fun," Yuno said in thought. "Hell, Mikoto-kun doesn't even think he murdered. Amane-chan... Well, she's a child. Who knows what happened to her?" The school-girl leaned on the wall. "And we're being judged by Es-kun, another child who has 0 memory."
Shidou closed his eyes in thought. "Yes, it is quite an issue." The doctor looked at Yuno. "It's nice to know someone else noticed a few odd things as well. Kayano-san is an odd case for sure. I believe he might have a personality disorder or a dissociation disorder - both of which would explain his behaviour. As for Momose-chan... It isn't unthinkable for her to have been raised to hate medical practice and all associated jobs and items. Though, if you're talking about her own personality shift, I'm just as clueless." Yuno looked at Shidou, who met her gaze. "Why do you think Sakuri-san will be left to fend for himself by Kusunoki-chan, Kashiki-chan?"
The raven-haired girl played with her hair again, though this time it was far less nervously. "Love is... Well, I think it's just something we say to keep people near. Not a real thing," she sighed. "After all, if love were real... We wouldn't have people cheating on their so-called partners. We wouldn't have people taking advantage of them." Once more, she put a hand to her stomach. "We wouldn't have to worry about not getting help from them..."
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Shidou noticed Yuno's hand return to her stomach. He'd seen her do it before the first trial started as well. "Pardon my forwardness, Kashiki-chan, but... Have you lost someone dear to you before?" Her expression muffled, becoming hard to read.
"I can't particularly say I have, no. Why?"
Shidou closed his eyes. "When someone you cared deeply for loses the battle to live in front of you... No matter how active you were in assisting them... Your heart physically hurts. You can practically feel it breaking." He sat back up. "And you are correct, love should be able to stop a lot of the issues and pain people feel when in romantic relationships. If you truly love someone, it should not fade if you see their true self, or they become sick or anything. After all..." He looked at Yuno. "Dying from a broken heart is an actual issue."
He watched as she once more put a hand over her stomach. "I thought that was a fairy tale..."
"I'm afraid that is one fairy tale that has truth," Shidou hummed sadly. "Though rare, it is possible to die from losing a loved one. If I remember correctly, the last study on it found it mostly affected married couples or elder folk." He gave a smile, hoping to reassure her. "You shouldn't have to worry about it, nor should Sakurai-san."
Yuno let out a thoughtful hum. "Still... Unless its for some sort of bedroom thing, shouldn't the couple be equal? I mean... If you really love someone, wouldn't you want them to be on the same level as you?"
Shidou once more closed his eyes. "If you genuinely love someone... I would say yes. After all, you should want the best for your partner," he said, noticing her look at her stomach. "...or family." Her face told him what he needed to know. "My apologies for you going through such a struggle, Kashiki-chan. I may not find the topic to align with my morals, however I am aware it is necessary for some."
He watched Yuno tense, then quickly get up and shut the door. "How did you know?"
He sighed. "Your face when I brought up family." Shidou offered her a closer seat. "Besides, you're young and still in high school, yet you seem to hold yourself to a far more mature standard than the others. It's strange in a way that makes sense for me." He watched the younger female shuffle over and sit.
"Three times... They each said they loved me, and all three times was a lie." Yuno muttered. Shidou frowned a little, but didn't push.
"No one should go through that," the doctor said. "Not even once."
Yuno opened her mouth to speak when the announcement system went off with Es' voice.
『Kashiki Yuno, please report to the Interrogation Room.』
"...Can we speak again sometime, Kirisaki-san?" Yuno asked, standing up.
Shidou smiled. "You can always ask me when we're allowed to wander. I'm not hard to find currently." The doctor gave her a warm smile, which she halfheartedly returned before she ran off for her first interrogation. And something told him she'd be back soon...
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shadethechangingman · 2 years ago
1-6 fourth world asks!!!!!!!!!!!
1. Favorite hero?
ORION OUUUUUGH rips and tears and bites and god. i love orion very dearly for so many reasons. he is a character w so much rich and fascinating lore, tragic history and future, at war w himself, he is also super sexy and i would have probably kinned him if i read new gods when i was 15 ala one of those very "goku wouldnt do that" situations
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[Image ID: A drawing of the artist as a crying chibi surrounded by merchandise of Orion from DC. He has Orion’s backwards cap on and a tshirt with panels of him looking in the mirror. He is holding a picture of Orion in his hands and a flag with Orion’s comic logo on it. Next to him are two action figures, and behind him are two posters of Orion.]
2. Favorite villain?
TOUGH ONE. i think doctor bedlam's scenes in the original were probably my favourite for recurring villains.
3. Favorite artist or writer?
JACK KIRBY!!! truly is there any other answer......
4. What’s a line that sticks with you?
"Curiously enough, Fastbak is plagued by an incurably beautiful voice... and curiously enough, his roguish activities are, somehow, terminated in time for him to perform for Highfather!! Or is it the "Wonder-Staff" of Highfather that plagues Fastbak? For is it not said that there is nothing swifter than the invisible "force" of its summons!?"
i once wrote a 5 paragraph essay about fastbak based on this line but i got embarrassed and deleted it :( I always felt like there was something more to Fastbak's character that we never got to see bc of the end of Fourth World's publication
5. Who’s an artist or writer you’d like to see tackle Fourth World?
I love Mister Miracle: Source of Freedom and like to see more of Brandon Easton and Fico Ossio's Fourth World (esp their Orion!).
Michael Avon Oeming on art for anything I would LOVE to see also, I've got a million screenshots of his Shilo Norman from Future State, just beautiful. Id prefer to see him on New Gods or MM over forever people though I think.
6. If you were helming a Fourth World solo, what would you want to include?
would like to sit back and come up with ideas while someone else writes ^. id love to do SOMETHING w the forever people but ive just never been able to formulate ideas. id like to do some flashbacks of orion growing up on NG... not too much! but a glimpse or two. I dont care for how tommyT established his backstory but I would be interested in tackling Jog as a serious Fourth World character instead of a throwaway OC. more shilo and oberon for mister miracle. i wanted to reread fourth world before i posted a lot of opinions on it but i have a job :'(
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russianshavefun · 3 years ago
The USSR ceased to exist 30 years ago
Though it still exists – in the minds of millions of people from former soviet republics.
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By and large, the USSR is a large number of nations created on the body of the Russian Empire. They were given territories, national intelligentsia, national language and national history. All these nations and their states, which became independent in 1991, are the greatest legacy of the USSR
On December 25, 1991 President of USSR Mikhail Gorbachev resigned, and the next day, on December 26, 1991 the Council of the Republics of the Supreme Soviet of USSR adopted a declaration on the dissolution of the USSR.
In particular, with the disintegration of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 15 former Union republics gained state independence.
On the morning of December 26, 1991, the citizens of the Soviet Union woke up in a new country.
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It's getting sadder and sadder every day (modern poster)
What had led to this?
By the spring of 1991, the leadership of the USSR had lost control of what was happening in the country. The republican authorities continued to struggle to divide powers between the center and the republics, each in their own favor.
In January 1991, Gorbachev, in an effort to preserve the USSR, initiated an all-Union referendum on March 17, 1991. Citizens were asked to answer the question: "Do you consider it necessary to preserve the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics as a renewed federation of equal sovereign republics, in which human rights and freedoms will be fully guaranteed to all nationalities?" Georgia, Moldova, Armenia, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia refused to hold a referendum at home. The Russian leadership also opposed Gorbachev's idea, criticizing the very formulation of the question on the ballot.
As a result of the referendum, the president of the USSR made a new attempt to resume the development of the union treaty.
August putsch
On August 4, Gorbachev left for a vacation in the Crimea. The top leaders of the USSR objected to the plans to sign the Union Treaty. Having failed to persuade the president of the USSR, they decided to act on their own in his absence: 4 thousand soldiers and officers and armored vehicles were brought to Moscow, but they lost their support due to casualties (3 people died as a result of the putsch). In general, the army did not support the putsch and eventually Gorbachev and Yeltsin went on. But everyone understood that it would never be like before.
On December 25, 1991 the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR approved the new name of the republic - the Russian Federation (Russia). On the same day, at 7:38 p.m., the Soviet red flag was lowered over the Kremlin, and the Russian tricolor was raised to replace it.
What countries were formed after that?
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Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia - September 1991
Since December, 26th, 1991:
Azerbaijan, Georgia, Russia, Uzbekistan, Moldova, Ukraine, Belorussia, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan
What was the feeling among ex soviet republics?
Alexey Dzermant, Minsk, political scientist, publicist and philosopher
It didn't feel like a collapse of the country. It was felt only in 1992, when they started to change flags from Soviet to white-red-white. And under these flags there was already the introduction of the Belarusian language as a single state language, the pressure of the nationalists and their confrontation with the pro-Soviet and pro-Russian conservatives. But it is the change of the flags that is most memorable.
In Belarus, it is the Soviet identity that is still mostly preserved. I believe that at some point the Soviet nation was formed, even if not completely and not on the whole territory of the USSR.
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Some part of the population will still either be nostalgic for the USSR or desire a new form of Soviet space, and this must be addressed. Because this "Sovietness" is still a factor uniting us.
There are two versions of the Belarusian identity. The official version proclaims continuity with the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic and postulates that it is thanks to the Soviet power that the Belarusian statehood could exist. The nationalist version of history asserts that there are no achievements of the Soviet time, and that the Soviet regime worked against the Belarusians. The majority nevertheless leans towards the first version. But these two images lead to an irreconcilable and bitter struggle between them.
Vyacheslav Stepanov, Kishinev-Moscow, professor, leading researcher at the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS)
The idea of an entire country – the largest in the world – collapsing overnight was unbelievable. Everything that was happening was like a bad dream, accompanied by desolation.
Vyacheslav Chechylo, Kiev, political scientist, editor-in-chief of Capital.ua
I met the collapse of the Soviet Union with great enthusiasm, as did the majority of the inhabitants of the USSR. Back then everyone really believed in the stories that Ukraine fed the entire Soviet Union and that we would be much better off on our own.
In Ukraine and the other republics, in turn, there was an obvious and "easy" solution - to secede. It seemed that in this case the situation would improve by itself.
For Ukraine, the main legacy of the Soviet Union is its infrastructure. Those very same nuclear power plants that kept us warm this winter, the bridges, the subway, the factories. But this is my opinion.
Many Ukrainians, especially the so-called patriots, consider "sovok in the head" to be the main legacy of the Soviet Union. Under this definition falls everything negative that is in the public life of the country. In this regard, the USSR continues to exist as a political factor - as such a scapegoat.
The middle generation shifts its failures to the USSR. For young people, the USSR is already an empty place, a meaningless set of letters with negative connotations. It can hardly be changed, and there is no force that aims to do this.
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Bohdan Bezpalko, Kiev-Moscow, political scientist, member of the Council on Interethnic Relations under the President of Russia
In my younger years I was fond of nationalist ideas, but they were more anti-communist in nature, not even in the sense of fighting a particular ideology, but rather in the sense of fighting against stagnation, which was embodied by the Communist Party.
Despite this, I saw the collapse of the Soviet Union as a catastrophe, as the collapse of the country we had been building for centuries together.
The Communist ideology was very destructive, and it destroyed our country at the beginning of the twentieth century. It was also one of the analogues of what happened in 1991. But as long as people believed in this ideology, as long as it remained a kind of quasi-religion, the country remained united and could move somewhere
The independence of Ukraine is the worst thing that happened to these territories. Even the Great Patriotic War did not bring them more trouble and destruction. At least it lasted four years, but independence is already 30 years old.
Gulnara Mammadzade, Baku, political analyst, expert of the Valdai Discussion Club, director of the expert council of the Baku Center for International Politics and Security
Azerbaijan was not among those republics where centrifugal moods dominated. This is very well demonstrated by the results of the referendum on the preservation of the USSR, where the majority voted for the preservation of the country.
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After the outbreak of the Karabakh conflict, nationalist circles in the Armenian SSR set out to declare independence, while such sentiments did not prevail in the Azerbaijani SSR.
The conflicts, which began with the collapse of the USSR, are smoldering to this day. And only now, 30 years later, are they finding a solution, including with the participation of Russia.
Hayk Khalatyan, Yerevan, journalist, political observer, expert of the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC)
In 1991 the main dreams were about a bright future, which did not come. With the collapse of the USSR, a real war broke out in Armenia. There was no light, no water, no gas. The city in darkness, lines for kerosene, bread vouchers...
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But the people were ready to put up with hardships for the sake of victory, for the sake of independence. But I do not think that many people are thinking now whether independence was worth it all.
Giorgi Kanashvili, Tbilisi, political scientist and conflictologist
Georgia is one of the countries whose economy has been in strong decline since the collapse of the USSR. The country was mired in conflicts and squabbles, which had negative socio-economic consequences for Georgian society.
Naturally, feelings about the Soviet legacy in Georgia are mixed. The older generation remains conservative and still has nostalgia.
For the younger generation the USSR is a chimera, a distant past to which there is no return.
Nostalgia is leaving the minds of Georgians. At the same time there are two factors which directly influence this. Firstly, the conflict between Georgia and Russia plays its role. Secondly, the modern Georgian society is oriented to the West.
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Vladimir Putin
Who does not regret the collapse of the Soviet Union, has no heart; who wants to recreate it in its former form, has no head.
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savnofilter · 4 years ago
FLF Day 3
𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐨 𝐱 『𝐆𝐍』𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
↬ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ(s): Trypanophobia/Aicmophobia — Fear of needles. angst.
↬ ᴄʀᴇᴅs: x, x, x.
↬ ᴋᴇʏ: e/c = eye color.
↬ ᴡᴄ: 1.1k words [4 minutes, 30 seconds].
↬ ʀᴍ: february love fest
↬ ᴀ/ɴ: LNAISNSK i miscalculated the days id be gone because i was under the assumption that i had posted day three when i didnt. 😭 here is day three!! part four and five be posted in the afternoon, and maybe some drabbles or fics tonight for tamakis birthday mwuahaha. also ive barely written shinso so apologies if this is ooc. </3
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“Heyyoo—wake up sleepyhead,” Shinso called out to you, lightly jostling your shoulder.
Your head hurt. You don’t know what happened but all you knew was that your head was throbbing in pain. You lifted your head and hissed at the sharp feeling that knocked against your skull. 
“Ow…?” You sit up and look around. He’s quick to hold his hands out, one hand supporting the back of your head while the other on your back. "What happened…?"
"Damn, you hit your head that hard?" Hitoshi replies as he manages to successfully set you up on the infamory table. He pulls his hand from behind your head to grab the ice pack that waited for you, still cold and ready. "You freaked out again when you saw... it."
Still, you looked a little lost.
He softly huffed as your grogginess was probably slowing you down with the fact you did in fact hit your head when you had clocked out. He carefully lifted his hands away once again to show what he was talking about, not wanting to accidentally push a sensitive nerve within you. It was hard for the blunt male to tiptoe around the actual word, but he was trying his best.
“Y’know… the pointy things.”
Oh. It. 
You knew what, it meant. You didn’t have enough brain cells to formulate a proper thought, a sigh only managing to escape your lips. You managed to look around the room to see it was the same as it always was. The same medical pamphlets on the counter, the health posters on the wall, and the sink that sit one corner while the corner closest to you had a trash can. 
“Do you still need me to hold you up?” Hitoshi asks. 
You gently shook your head no. “Could you get me some water?” 
He nods at your request and turns to walk to the small fridge in the corner of the room. He gets the requested item from the cool box, closing the door, and walking back to give you the cooled bottle. 
You softly thank him as you take it from. You removed your hand from behind your head to unscrew the cap and take a much-needed sip from it. The room was silent as Shinso was nothing but patient, the only thing bugging him that he couldn’t tell if you were okay or not. He stares at you for a moment before deciding to sit down in the seat next to your bed. 
“Did they still give me ‘it’?” You ask. He sits up from your question, shaking his head as he answers.
“I told them to give you some time.” 
You sigh in relief at his answer, a small smile coming to your face. “I knew I could count on you.” You joke lightly trying to alleviate the looming tenseness in the room.
“Are you okay, though? Honestly.” The question left you quiet. You weren’t too sure yourself. You had spent some time trying to get better at your fears and today was not the day for it. With the preparations of graduation soon, the busy exams both combat and school work wise combined with the heavy bonus of interning left you no room to personally work on yourself. 
Your eyes beaded with hot tears and your nose stung as you tried to keep it in. Your firsts clenched as you tried to keep strong, not looking at him anymore and keeping sight on your lap. Your shoulders started to tremble as you couldn’t hold it in longer, no longer than a second later you could feel his arms wrap around you. You let out a shaky breath as you allowed yourself to lean into his chest, quietly trying to save face from what you could. Had it been the early stages of your relationship Shinso would have awkwardly stayed in his seat and watched you cry. For you, both parties had something to grow on. But now, he was confident enough to show you affection like this. 
Shinso pursed his lips as he could do nothing but nuzzle your hair and keep you close. For a few months now, he had been practicing something as well. He made a promise that he would work on his affection skills while he encouraged you to get over your fear and he has some bountiful strides—you as well. His mind searched for ways to say something, not entirely sure what comment could you make. 
After letting you cry it out, he pulled away with enough space to wipe the tears from your cheeks, leaning in to give your forehead another kiss. He loved you so much it pained him to see you feel down about something like this. While to other people, this would seem exaggerated but he understood where your disappointment and probably frustration came from. He was the first to smile between you two, his hands moving to cup your cheeks to have you look up at him with your still freshly dampened e/c eyes. This didn’t stop him from trying to lighten the mood. 
“C’mon, where’s the badass I know and love?” He gives the middle of your forehead a poke, an unusual ticklish spot for you. The smile you wanted to keep back for the dramatics tugged at your lips anyways, his touch making you tumble out a giggle. You softly nodded trying to collect yourself. You could see the sun was starting to set, the realization that you’d have to get going soon coming to your attention. Shinso reaches over to the nearby counter to get some tissues to get rid of the rest of the tears that stained your cheeks.
“I am okay, thank you, Hitoshi.” You smile at him, crumbling up your tissue to get the paper balled up to throw out. You lift your hand and aim to shoot it into the bin, the piece of paper managing to perfectly land in the garbage bin. “At least I don’t have a concussion.” 
“Now that’d be a different story.” He snorts at your cheap joke, separating from you once you’ve calmed down. He stretches, managing to pop a few joints, grunting as he takes a look at his phone. “We should get going.”
“Yeah, yeah…” You mumble carefully hopping down from the table. You check yourself to make sure everything you needed was on you, keeping the icepack on the back of your head. You gestured to him that you were ready, following his lead to leave the room and enter the hallway. Your smile grows more as he holds out his hand for you, tugging you closer to him as you walk together in the big hall.
You two have more maturing to do together, and he's more than willing to have you along the way.
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