you-hate-time-travel · 8 months
i hate to say it but "when youre happy you listen to the music when youre sad you listen to the words" really is true. on a good moment i will listen to "life during wartime" happily jamming out freaking it david byrne style etc and when im in a bad mood. well. i got some groceries, some peanut butter, to last a coupla daayys, but i aint got no speakers, aint got no headphones, aint got no records to plaayy, WHY STAY IN COLLEGE, WHY GO TO NIGHT SCHOOL, GONNA BE DIFFERENT THIS TIIIIME, CANT WRITE A LETTER, CANT SEND NO POSTCA
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oldschoolfic-ds9 · 3 years
Tag Lists
About the tags
Posts are tagged with the #’d phrases below. Clicking the underlined tag phrase or tag description will take you to all posts for that tag. These phrases are designed to provide a method for searching without clogging up a character’s or ship’s main tag. (Relatedly, if any one of these tags is already in common use and we didn't realize it, you can let us know and we'll change our tag to make it more arcane! Our tags are more for organization and navigation within this blog than anything else.)
Posts can also be searched for using multiple categories. (Example: searching on the blog's search bar for “garakbashirfic citrusfic” will get you all Garak/Bashir fics that are also NC-17.)
Rating tags
#no rating
G   |   #ratedg
PG   |   #ratedpg
PG-13 (includes T ratings) |  #ratedpg13
R (includes M ratings)  |   #ratedrm
NC-17 (includes E and adult ratings) | #citrusfic
Language tags
中文 (Chinese)
Deutsche (German)
Word count tags
under 2k  | #2korless
2k-5k | #2kto5k
5k-10k | #5kto10k
10k-20k | #10kto20k
20k-40k | #20kto40k
40k-60k | #40kto60k
60k-100k | #60kto100k
100k+ | #100kormore
Year published tags
unknown | #unknownyear
1992 | #year1992
1993 | #year1993
1994 | #year1994
1995 | #year1995
1996 | #year1996
1997 | #year1997
1998 | #year1998
1999 | #year1999
2000 | #year2000
2001 | #year2001
2002 | #year2002
2003 | #year2003
2004 | #year2004
2005 | #year2005
2006 | #year2006
2007 | #year2007
2008 | #year2008
2009 | #year2009
2010 | #year2010
2011 | #year2011
2012 | #year2012
2013 | #year2013
2014 | #year2014
2015 | #year2015
2016 | #year2016
2017 | #year2017
2018 | #year2018
Specific ship and character tags
Due to the limit on number of inline links allowed in a post, the specific character and ship tags have been broken up into multiple posts, sorted alphabetically by character surname. Each ship tag is listed under ALL characters involved. (Example: the tag for Jadzia Dax/Worf can be found under both Jadzia Dax and Worf.)
A - B
C - D (Ezri Dax)
D (Jadzia Dax) - D (Dukat)
E - K (Kahless)
K (Lenara Kahn) - L (Lauren)
L (Leeta) - O (Kirayoshi O'Brien)
O (Miles O'Brien) - Q (Q)
Q (Quark) - S (Benjamin Sisko)
S (Jake Sisko) - T
V - Z
Other character and ship tags
#characters withheld (identities of characters withheld by author)
#no relationship    (no romantic relationships listed)
original character(s)   |   #additional tags: OC
#additional tags: other relationships    (for ships between OCs and/or non-DS9 characters)
#relationship left ambiguous
#relationships withheld   (relationship(s) in fic withheld by author)
Additional tags and warnings
angst   |   #additional tags: angst
AU   |   #additional tags: AU
#AU: canon divergence
characters: DS9 crew/ensemble   |   #characters: ensemble
AOS   |   #crossover: ST AOS
ENT   |   #crossover: ST ENT
TAS   |   #crossover: ST TAS
TNG   |   #crossover: ST TNG
TOS   |   #crossover: ST TOS
VOY   |   #crossover: ST VOY
major or minor character death  |   #additional tags: death
drabble |   #additional tags: drabble
filk/song parody  |   #additional tags: filk
humor |   #additional tags: humor
hurt/comfort  |   #additional tags: hurtcomfort
illustrated  |   #additional tags: illustrated
kira-nerys (author) | #authorkiranerys  (to disambiguate from the character)
mirror universe   |   #additional tags: mirror universe
missing chapters or parts of the series |   #additional tags: missing parts   [If you happen to know where the rest of any of these fics or these series are, please let us know!]
#no known warnings
no summary provided by author or reader | #additional tags: no summary [mostly an internal organizational tag. adding summaries to fics in this tag is on our to do list]
parody  |   #additional tags: parody
poetry   |   #additional tags: poetry
postcanon | #postcanon
precanon | #precanon
pregnancy (includes mpreg)   |   #additional tags: pregnancy
PWP (porn without plot)  |   #additional tags: pwp
real person fiction (RPF)  |   #additional tags: rpf
round robin  |   #additional tags: round robin
time travel  |   #additional tags: time travel
unfinished/incomplete/WIP  |   #additional tags: incomplete   [Some of these were never finished but others may just have been incompletely archived on the sites that we know about. If you know where the rest of any of these fics are, please let us know!]
Notes on tagging philosophy
Content warnings listed in posts on this blog are primarily based on the author's own notes and fic summaries and other original metadata that we could find. Please tread carefully and assume that ALL fics are tagged incompletely. There were not the same tagging requirements or norms on these archives as there are on ao3.
Some tags have been added by us on top of what the author or original archive reported themselves. We wanted to strike a balance between giving enough information about a fic that readers could decide whether a fic interested them without making our own subjective judgments of fic content. We also didn't always have time to read every word of every fic. As such, our tagging focuses were: character and ship tags; setting (e.g., mirrorverse, AU, pre-/post-canon) and format (e.g. poetry, drabble, filk/song parody), as these were easy to tell at a glance; and content warnings for things that would require a major archive warning on ao3 (not all fics were checked thoroughly, and these are sometimes subjective, so please still assume inconsistency in our tagging). The more subjective sorts of tags or notes, such as those indicating genre (e.g. angst, humor, hurt/comfort), were not added unless the author specified them.
Also, sometimes even author-specified tags were listed under "reader-provided tags" if they were not warnings related to the rating (types of author-provided tags that might show up in reader-provided tags include tags about genre, format, subject matter, related episode title, and the name of the original zine publication or fandom challenge it was written for).
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jakensama · 2 years
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Wanna have them!!!???Then you definitely need to pre-order them!!!🔥🔥🔥💖💖💖🥰🥰🥰
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asambleaeru · 1 month
Buenas tardes queridos oyentes ¿Que pensaron que nos olvidamos de ustedes? Jamás. Hemos estado en algunos procesos diferentes digamos unas vacaciones en término humano. Por otro lado creemos que es justo que lo siguiente en nuestro postcas sea la ciencia. Jamás se imaginaria todo lo que hemos conseguido gracias al Genio de Fareed y claro de Gregori pero de este último no vamos a hablar. Dejaremos en claro que pronto tendremos las respuestas de nuestro científico favorito.
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sabbyscreation37 · 1 year
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ancatome · 4 years
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Postcard and bookmark designs for the Dorohedoro Sludge Street Zine ~
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design4god · 6 years
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God loves you more in a moment than anyone could in a lifetime. Let this Love known to everyone by sharing this good news to your friends and family. Postcard available at https://www.zazzle.com/god_loves_you_more_postcard-239712425360717812 #love #postcard #moment #lifetime #Corinthians #bible #psalm
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connor-burrows · 7 years
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Winter melody by marcocalandra89
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biracy · 2 years
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I'm getting into pins now, I guess
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brianfrench1995 · 3 years
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1980 Amtrak Coast Starlight Postcard
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ardisse · 5 years
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ⓐ • The sky takes on shades of orange during sunrise and sunset, the colour that gives you hope that the sun will set only to rise again. Ram Charan . __________________________ posted on Instagram - http://bit.ly/2Go4Wez
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babygruenwald · 7 years
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Picture postcard from the early 1930s showing Silas Moonbridge, a popular orange grove ghost of the period, notable for his rope-collared hood, golden ring, and owl-like hoot.
Due to the west coast’s ouija board shortage of 1931, young people in need of a quick preternatural thrill found themselves forced into the many orange (and lemon) groves scattered about Los Angeles County, where ghosts, attracted by the citric acid, were known to frequent in great number.
Other popular orchard ghosts, lemon fetches and citrus revenants of the era included: Blind Atticus, Partially Blind Barbara, Legally Blind Pete, Three-Eared Sue, Arthur Many Ears, Billy Fingernails, Martin No Elbows, Senator Powell, Moist Octavia, Damp Deirdre, Slightly Wet Audre, Wettish Alice, Dame Drooly Dench, The One that Smells like Cheese, and The Other One that Smells like Cheese.
When the grove was demolished to make room for the expansion of Baby Gruenwald’s Babyscope Pictures in the 1940s, Silas Moonbridge chose not to become a lowly backlot ghost, soon finding a gig in the booming aviation industry at Hughes Aircraft.
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sennsational · 3 years
🔖 writings and such - haikyuu headcanon
what art mediums the haikyuu characters are good at
in continuation to this haikyuu headcanon of mine in which i will sort the same characters mentioned from that post into different art mediums i think they’re decent at
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oil paint
one of the oldest art medium. oil paints are based of oil-based paints (like the name suggests) and/or turpentine/linseed oil. these kind of paintings take a long ass time to dry
akaashi, kita, ennoshita and aran
is a painting medium some find hard to deal with, cause once the paint is on the paper, there is very little u could do. the paint is diluted with a lot of water and it let’s u paint with a translucent kind of effect to it
oikawa, kunimi, asahi, kita and semi
acrylic paint
is one of the newest painting medium. it dries more quickly, is very versatile and durable. acrylic paints are also less messy and u can scrape the paint of when it’s dry
akaashi, sakusa, kita, tsukishima and aran
gouache is made of the same binders and pigments as watercolours and has the addition of blanc fixe, which gives the paint its coverage. this is also the difference with watercolours. the opacity also makes it easier to make corrections and you can paint with light colours over dark colours
akaashi, kita, semi, asahi and suna
graphite drawing
are similar to normal pencils, but they come with different intensity levels. when using graphite pencils, it’s important to know the difference between H’s and B’s pencils. H’s are the lightest, whereas B’s are the darkest
suna, aran, atsumu, tendou, ennoshita and daishou
pen and pencil
very much self explanatory and it’s one of the art mediums many of us are familiar with and first think of regarding art mediums
suna, sakusa, akaashi, atsumu, semi, tendou, ennoshita and daishou
colored pencil
colored pencils are made of pigment bound in wax (sometimes with a little oil too) and encased in wood. colors can be blended and applied lightly or boldly. a great medium to use if you like to draw but you also enjoy working with colour
sakusa, semi, atsumu and daishou
pastels come in two forms : oil pastels and chalk pastels (similar to charcoal, but they come in all colors). pastels are ideal for blending and layering. the tip, cut and side can all be used to create different textures.
oikawa, asahi, tsukishima, atsumu and daishou
charcoals are somewhat like graphite in terms of usage, but they are far more darker in color and can’t be erased easily. it also requires more hand control. there are two kind or charcoals : the soft kind for blending and the hard kind for sketching
suna, aran, atsumu, tendou, ennoshita and daishou
markers are affordable, convenient, don’t make a mess, work well with other media and allow you to apply bold color quickly and easily. markers can also blend smoothly, making them capable of photorealism, abstraction, and everything in between
sakusa, semi, tsukishima, atsumu, konoha and tendou
digital art
digital art is a fairly new form of art and only really began in the 1990s, with the advent of the Internet. as the term suggests, it is about art that is made digitally. so that actually means all art that is made on or by the computer. this is of course quite broad, it ranges from: images created or conceived by a computer, art made by means of algorithms, drawings made by means of a program on the computer, 3D sculptures and installations or videos
sakusa, aran, tendou, ennoshita and kunimi
cutting out pieces of material, usually wood or stone, until you create the desired shape
atsumu, daishou, aran, ennoshita, tendou and konoha
are art pieces you make by combining various materials, like paper, cloth, newspaper clippings, and everyday objects to create unique artwork
oikawa, tsukishima, asahi, konoha and kunimi
art journaling
represents a way to enrich your record of different events, memories, and thoughts by adding the artistic touch to it. u can use different items, like postcards, concert tickets, washi tape, decorative paper, recycled items or pictures from magazines
akaashi, sakusa, kita, asahi, kunimi, ennoshita and konoha
documentary photography
aims to capture significant moments in history or everyday life that will faithfully depict an era
suna, tsukishima, aran, tendou, ennoshita
analog photography
is taking photographs with an analogue camera using a 35 mm film that is sensitive to light. you can, of course, also shoot in other formats. a film runs out after a while. you have to think carefully before you click. this mainly challenges you to look more critically at that one photo opportunity.
akaashi, sakusa, kita, semi and ennoshita
digital photography
appeared with the rise of digital technology, in which artists can create, edit, and retouch their work with the help of digital cameras
suna, oikawa, aran, kunimi, tendou and konoha
© sennsational 2021 - all rights reserved. please do not copy, modify, or repost my works and claim it as yours.
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otakusparkle · 2 years
Identity V x Suipara Butler's Cafe update
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Gardener Set
- Emma's Special Bouquet Pancake
- Spring Scented Pink Lemonade
First Officer Set
- Jose Baden Gorgeous Chicken Plate
- Chief Officer Sleepy Craft Coke
Forward Set
- William Ellis Song : Hamburger Plate
- Celebration of Forward's Winning ! Fruity Sangaria
Batter Set
- Ganji Gupta's Cricket Genovese
- A Good Night Hot Chocolate Milk That You Want To Drink With Your Batsman Friends
Weeping Clown Set
- Joker's Party Plate
- Joker's Rocket Drink
Axe Boy Set
- Fluffy Cotton Candy Sweets That Everyone Wants To Eat
- A Milktea After Cleaning Room
Geisha Set
- Michiko's Gorgeous Cherry Jelly Parfait
- Soft Cherry Soda with Dancing Geisha's Petals
Naiad Set
- Grace's Sea Dessert Plate
- Abyss Blue Soda With Rippling Waves
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For those who order the collaboration menu will recieved 1 invitation book, which you can store your postcaed there
Other benefits
- Every customer will be given 1 random postcard for each visit
- Every customer will be given 1 random coaster for each visit
You check the other information here :
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ao3feed-destiel · 7 years
In your pants
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2wH2hYx
by Postcardsfromayoungman
Castiel drops his phone in class and Dean picks it up and refuses to give it back. What the fuck Dean?
Words: 425, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Castiel, Dean Winchester, Benny, Crowley
Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Additional Tags: High School, High School Castiel/Dean Winchester, Alternate Universe - High School, Cocky Dean, Playful Dean, Confused Castiel, Sassy Cas, bold cas
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2wH2hYx
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Direct Mail Money Still Exists Payment Proof - Make Money Mailing Postca...
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