#post that AGES YOU with a beam attack
crowcryptid · 1 year
Who else finishing the fight 2007 rn
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askagamedev · 4 months
Vertical Slice Breakdown - Dragon Age Veilguard
It's been a few days since the Dragon Age Veilguard gameplay video was released. I posted a challenge for aspiring developers to identify as many specific features and systems as they could spot. My expertise is in gameplay, so that's where I will be focusing. Expertise on visuals like lighting, rendering, shaders, etc. should be directed elsewhere.
0:22 - In-Game Cinematic with moving cameras 0:30 - Seamless cinematic transfer to gameplay, quest tracking UI element, different walking speeds 0:36 - Interactable element with UI 0:43 - Camera movement - orbital motion, but likely not detachable 0:53 - Party member movement, including waiting for the player as part of an escort sequence 2:08 - Uninteractable NPC actors perform animations 2:13 - Scriptable terrain changes/destruction 2:18 - Scriptable interactions with multiple actors 2:29 - Uninterrupted conversations when transitioning from gameplay to in-game cinematic 2:39 - Context-specific traversal method with special traversal animation (balancing across a thin beam) 2:50 - Small sequence that is likely unloading the last area and loading in data for the next environment. Likely also locks players off from returning to the previous area. 3:22 - Conversation wheel with "personality" icons and paraphrased words 3:39 - Dynamic inventory in game cinematics, show player's items 3:46 - Scripted Player equipment change during cinematic 4:04 - Quest variables (e.g. player background) result in different NPC response 4:27 - Combat UI including current target (four red dots), Combat log 4:30 - Player can jump 4:33 - UI Melee danger indicator for incoming attacks - silver for enemy attacking, gold for shortly impending damage 4:35 - Player can dash/dodge 4:39 - Event log - Items/Loot notification 4:42 - Shooting UI including hit/miss indicator (red reticle), time scaling, arrow charging (rounded purple bar above arrow count), arrow refill cooldown 5:03 - Some kind of special charge/jumping attack 5:09 - XP gain UI, Quest objective completion UI, Quest objective map indicator UI 5:12 - Auto sheath weapons 5:15 - Potion use/Health recovery 5:18 - Recover potions from the environment 5:40 - Quest objective indicator change on approach 5:49 - Ranged attack danger indicator 5:51 - Defensive action (player reflects damage back on ranged attacker) 6:06 - Enemies can be knocked off edges when fatal 6:10 - Destructible objects in combat, can be scripted 6:16 - Some kind of "special" dodge skill with VFX, likely a rogue class skill 6:51 - Second context-specific traversal method (sliding down a slope) also likely a second "can't go back" type of lockoff 7:01 - Action/Command UI (party/self ability commands) 7:06 - Specific skill used, skill cooldown, enemy debuffed + UI (weakened), resource used (purple bar at bottom of screen) 7:07 - Quick use button mapping, likely for controller face buttons 7:09 - Resource bar refills on its own and on attack damage 10:47 - Different kinds of health bars (likely magical shield and armor) 11:59 - Boss UI with both magical shield and armor bars. Not sure what the number 4 there indicates 12:15 - Telegraphed danger zones projected onto the floor 12:22 - Quick recover timing event 14:45 - Conversation option for branching cinematic 14:51 - Follower approval UI event log 18:49 - Destructible object with health bar and UI highlighting
Each of these elements is something that would need to be designed and implemented by someone on the gameplay team working with UI, engineering, and art. See anything I missed? Which did you get?
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The Gates of Jackson | Joel Miller x F!Reader | Chapter 8 - Locked Out
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masterlist | ao3 | follow @youwouldntdownloadapizza and turn on notifications for updates
You showed up at the gates of Jackson with hands covered in blood and no memory of how you got there. That was two years ago. Since then, you've become Maria's right-hand woman and the person in charge of Jackson's logistical backend. Patrol schedules, inventory—all your purview. When a patrol gone wrong forces you to get to know Joel, memories of your past begin resurfacing—along with their consequences.
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pairing: joel miller x f!reader
rating: 18+, minors DNI
word count: 1.5k
tags: no use of y/n, eventual smut, no beta we die like sarah, jackson era, other additional tags to be added, slow burn, ellie needs a hug, joel lives, good parent joel, reader-insert, reader insert, forced proximity, only one bed trope, nightmares, childbirth, hurt/comfort, emotional hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending, soft joel, cuddling & snuggling, fluff, masturbation, pining, joel falls first, possibly demisexual reader (tbd), ptsd, ptsd flashbacks, panic attacks, amnesia, sexual braiding
Chapter 8 - Locked Out
Few things about post-outbreak life had come easy to Joel, but one thing he never struggled with was silence. He was a man of few words, he relished in solitude, and his years as a father made him excellent at moving quietly. While he’d developed that skill to avoid waking Sarah as an infant, it also proved useful for avoiding Infected. He never thought he’d get another chance to use his light tread for anything other than survival, but here he was. Carefully climbing the creaky wooden steps to his brother’s front door, stepping over the squeakiest one he’d been meaning to fix for ages now.
Knock! Knock!
Joel rapped softly on the warm oak door, just loud enough to announce his presence without risking a screaming baby.
Tommy answered a moment later.
“You look like shit,” Joel cracked an amused smile. Tommy had said something similar the first time he’d greeted Joel after Sarah was born.
“Gee, thanks,” Tommy rolled his eyes. He stepped backward, holding the door to usher Joel inside. He hung his filthy patrol jacket on a peg and turned to take it all in.
It was as if a tornado had swept through. Dirty dishes were scattered across every horizontal surface but the floor, and the burp cloth situation wasn’t much better. By the looks of it, Maria was currently making do with a bath mat.
A smile crept across his lips as the baby finally spit up and then descended into soft, easy snores. It was peaceful in the way only small children could be.
“Congratulations,” he said softly, patting his brother on the back far more gently than Tommy had when he’d been freshly uncled.
“Thanks, Joel,” Tommy smiled. There was exhaustion in his eyes, but also a familiar, joyful satisfaction Joel recognized. It was the look of a father.
“Fatherhood suits you, you know.”
“You think?” Tommy asked.
Joel nodded. “I know.”
Maria chimed in from across the room. “You wanna meet her?”
Joel beamed. “Can I?”
Maria nodded, and he crossed to where she stood beside the fireplace. She jutted her chin toward the couch, and he took a seat in his usual spot.
“She’s beautiful,” he whispered as Maria placed the sleeping babe in his outstretched arms.
It didn’t look right, all his wrinkles and scars and gray hair against such pure, unbridled innocence. He didn’t expect the tears that slipped down his cheeks as he beheld her.
Tommy came to stand behind him, watching with newfound respect for his brother as he met his niece for the first time.
“What’s her name?” Joel asked.
Tommy looked at Maria. She nodded, giving him silent permission to proceed.
“Margaret Sarah Miller. Maggie for short.”
Tommy wasn’t sure what he saw in Joel’s eyes as his head snapped to look at him. All he knew was there were tears and something undeniably raw in there. It moved him.
“Maggie, like our mom Maggie?” He asked.
Tommy nodded.
“Yeah,” he said. “And Sarah, like your daughter.”
Joel rolled his eyes through the tears. “Well, yeah, I got that part.”
Maria barked a laugh, and Tommy couldn’t help but follow suit. Joel of all people giggled, and then before they knew it little Maggie was opening her eyes. Her skin was dark like her mother’s, but her eyes—those were Miller eyes. It wasn’t the color that confirmed it, but the tenacity within them. The spark. The wildness that would forever refuse to be tamed.
“She’s gonna be trouble, this one,” Joel mused. “No doubt about it.”
Tommy chuckled. “Well, she’s got Ellie as a big cousin. I’d expect nothing less.”
Joel smiled wistfully. “I’ll have to get her over here tomorrow or the next day. We’ll help clean up so the two of you can get some rest. Would’ve been by sooner, but patrol ran long.”
“Speaking of which,” Maria chimed in, retrieving the baby from Joel to bounce on her hip. “Where’s Doe? I figured she’d be with you.”
Joel’s smile fell then. He still couldn’t make heads or tails of the way you’d stormed off earlier. He sure as shit didn’t know how to explain it to Tommy and Maria.
So he gave them a total non-answer.
“I’m not sure,” he shrugged. “Probably went to bed. It was a long patrol, I’m sure she’s tired.”
Maria cocked an eyebrow at the lame excuse. “Too tired to meet her niece?
* * *
Bang! Bang! Bang!
You awoke to the sound of thuds on your front door.
What now? You thought to yourself as you sat upright, rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
“Doe, open up. I know you’re in there,” a gruff male voice called out to you.
Joel. What the fuck does he want?
You rose from your nest of blankets on the futon and padded towards the door in your slippers, stepping over the piles of dirty laundry that littered your floor.
It got like this, sometimes. You tried to keep things under control, but life had a way of thwarting that endeavor at every available opportunity. You shoved the clutter out of view as best you could and opened the door a crack.
“What?” You eyed him through the opening.
He was dressed casually, a light brown t-shirt giving way to denim down below. He was sweaty, and his hair was mussed. And the look he was giving you, when paired with crossed arms, was downright murderous.
“Office doesn’t open ‘till eight.”
“It’s ten-thirty,” he said, his voice rife with exasperation.
Shit, you winced. I can’t believe I overslept by that much.
You sighed, then opened the door a bit more. Your outfit was messy, but nothing out of the ordinary for pajamas.
“How can I help you, Joel?”
“Wanna tell me why Tommy says you still haven’t been by to see Maria? You’ve been back three days, Doe. She had the baby damn near a week ago. What gives?”
You didn’t know what to say. You’d never been one for excuses, but they were particularly elusive now. You broke eye contact, instead opting to try your hand at staring a hole through the corrugated metal outside your door. It didn’t work. 
Joel reached forward and grabbed the door handle, yanking it open to expose you to the fresh morning air and bright sunlight that hurt your unprepared eyes. You stepped forward quickly, shutting the door behind you before Joel could get a good look at the depression pit formerly known as your office.
“I’m not leaving until you give me an answer,” Joel drawled.
You leaned back against the door and looked up at him with a frown. “You weren’t this mean back at the fire tower.”
“That was different. You needed coddlin’.”
“Who’s to say I don’t need coddling now? You don’t know me. You don’t know my life.”
“That’s the problem.” Joel dropped his hands to his sides. “I don’t know. Because you won’t tell me.”
“You assume there’s something to tell. There’s not.”
“What, cause you got amnesia or somethin’? I saw how you signed your name in the logbook. Either you’ve got real shit taste in aliases or there’s something more going on here.”
You pressed your lips into a thin line. “That’s private.”
“Clearly,” he spat. “Just tell me, are you planning on ignoring her forever, or are you gonna get your ass over there and go meet your niece?”
“That’s not my niece.”
“Maria begs to differ.”
Your eyebrows shot upward, and Joel seized the opportunity to continue.
“You’re her best friend. Her right-hand woman around here. She thinks of you as a sister, Doe.”
Something seized in your gut. “I don’t have a sister. Not anymore.”
You reached for the door handle and pulled, but–
It wouldn’t budge. Your heart rate picked up. You resisted the urge to vomit.
You pushed past Joel and scanned the flat expanse between the base of the building and the large wooden gates that enclosed the community you’d dedicated yourself to protecting. It was busy this time of day, but there was one person in particular you were looking for. You spotted her by the stables.
“Casey! Hey!” You waved your arms over your head to catch her attention.
“Doe? What’s wrong?”
You jutted a thumb over your shoulder. “Got locked out again.”
She sighed. “That’s the third time this month, dude. You gotta get a doorstop or something.”
“I know. Sorry,” you called down as she stopped beneath the wraparound balcony that surrounded your small office perch.
She tossed the spare up, but before you could catch it, a hand reached out and snatched it from the air.
“Thanks!” Joel called down to Casey. “I’ll help her get inside.”
“I could’ve caught that, you know.” You scowled, striding back towards the door.
Joel walked right past it and set off down the stairs that led to ground level.
“The fuck—Joel, where are you going?”
“To Tommy and Maria’s. And if you want to get back into that office of yours, you’re coming with me.”
You took a shaky breath. This was so not what you needed right now. You peered through the door's small wire-infused utility window and gazed longingly at your office. Or was it your apartment? You guessed it was technically both, since you slept on the futon. You locked eyes with the crusty rat plushie perched tall atop your mountain of cozy blankets, and whispered a solemn vow.
“I’ll be back for you soon, Ratty. I promise.”
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taglist: @aspecialgreenie, @guelyury, @amyispxnk, @picketniffler, @hiroikegawa
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n0cturna1-m3 · 1 year
Birthday Bash | Simon "Ghost" Riley x MacTavish!Male Reader | Fluff
Minors/Fem DNI
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Request; "Kasey as my favourite person I think it would be so great if you did a Ghost x male reader where the reader is soaps brother and the reader and ghost have been secretly together" @ezranotbridger (you're too sweet 🤭)
Warnings; Uhh meeting family for the first time? unnamed family members. NON SEXUAL embarrassment, simon is FINE GUYS at the end of the day readers family LOVES HIM HE DOESNT HAVE A PANIC ATTACK I SWEAR
Synopsis; Happy Birthday! What a great surprise. Simon gets to meet his boyfriend's family. Nothing could possibly go wrong!
A/N; not dead, still writing, just without AC and i'm a lizard and need it to be freezing to function. also i graduated. also gost wasnt necessarily a secret, but close enough. ALSO THE HORROR OF FORGETTING TO CHANGE IT TO Y/N FROM MY OCS NAME AND ALMOST POSTING IT OMG I ALMOST HAD A HEART ATTACK
1.0k words
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Ghost parked his car outside of a relatively small house and sighed, anxiously glancing at the front door and then at the small gift bag sitting on the passenger seat. He was nervous. This would be his first time meeting his boyfriend's family. While they had been dating for nearly a year, Ghost hadn't had much time available to introduce himself. But it was Y/N’s birthday, and he wouldn’t miss it. He refused to.
He was wearing a black t-shirt, no mask, and curly blonde hair tousled from trying to make himself appear more put together before eventually giving up. He was Simon today. Still, he was determined, albeit anxious, to leave his car and knock on the front door. Simon took a shaky breath before grabbing the gift and sliding out of the car, locking it behind him and pocketing the key.
Simon walked up to the front door and hesitated before rapping the heavy wooden door. He could hear the people inside chatting loudly and the loud footsteps of someone rushing to grab the door. It swung open revealing a young woman with brown hair and blue eyes. She stared at him a moment, looking him up and down before she turned back to the house, hanging herself out the doorway.
“Y/N! Did ya invite some wide fella?” she hollered.
Wide? Simon thought. I’m not wide.
Moments later Y/N shoved the woman out of the doorway and beamed at Simon, throwing himself at him and ignoring the girls cursing.
“I’m so happy you made it!” he said, kissing Simon’s cheek. Simon smiled softly.
“Wouldn’t miss it, love.”
“Come in! I wanna introduce you.”
Y/N led Simon into the living room and open kitchen/dining area where his immediate family and close friends were gathered. There were too many of them.
An older man and woman sat at the dining table, Simon assumed they were Y/N’s parents. Two women around Y/N’s age sat with the couple. On the couch were three of Y/N’s friends, two of which he had met previously. Across from them was a young teenager, likely a nephew, and another man around Y/N’s age.
Y/N began pointing out his family members and friends, naming them each while they smiled and gave small waves that Simon nervously nodded along with. The youngest was indeed his nephew, his eldest sister's child. He was the only child allowed to show because he had insisted on meeting his favourite uncle's boyfriend, stating he had to “make sure he wasn’t a total mink.”
“I’m not sure where the other one is,” Y/N said, rubbing the back of his neck. He sat down on the couch and patted the spot next to him.
“The other one?” Simon asked as he sat down.
“Aye, my baby brother.”
“The loo,” Y/N’s youngest sister said.
“Don’t be laughin’ at me!”
Simon froze at the voice behind him. He covered his face and rested his elbows on his knees and exhaled deeply. Y/N placed a hand on Simon’s back.
“What’s wrong?” he asked quietly. Simon cracked his fingers open and turned to look at Y/N.
“No way!” the man said, a laugh at the back of his throat.
“Bloody hell…” Simon muttered, shaking his head.
“What’d you do to him, John?” their mother asked, a slightly worried look on her face.
“Nothing! I did nothing!” John insisted as he walked around the couch and stood in front of Simon. “The hell are you doing here, Ghost?”
Y/N's jaw dropped and he turned to stare at Simon.
“You’re lying!” Y/N said, going back to looking at his brother.
“I amn’t!” John shot back.
Simon finally sat up and let his hands fall into his lap. His face was red.
“You’re dating my brother!?” Y/N’s nephew began giggling behind his phone. The man beside him hit his shoulder only causing him to laugh more, leading to him laughing as well.
Simon rubbed his eyes as if he had a migraine.
“You’re dating-” John’s face suddenly fell from his teasing grin and he covered his mouth. Simon stared at his shoes. Y/N stared at his brother.
“What’s wrong wit you now?” he asked. The suppressed giggles were starting to spread through the living room.
“This whole time you been talkin’ about my brother…”
Y/N’s jaw dropped and he slowly turned his head to Simon, who had turned away from Y/N and was covering his mouth. The nephew was now openly cackling. He sounded like a crow.
“I’m gonna be sick,” John stated before walking into the kitchen.
“What have you been talkin’ about Simon,” Y/N said. The tone of his voice sent a shiver down Simon’s spine. Y/N’s entire family was giggling or hiding their laughter behind their hands. Y/N stood and grabbed Simon’s shoulder. “Come on, love.”
Simon stood and obediently followed Y/N as he led him to the other side of the house. The family quieted and attempted to listen in but only heard whispers until Y/N yelled “You told him THAT?!”
They immediately burst into laughter, clinging to the couch or each other so as to not double over. John muttered something along the lines of “It’s not funny” under his breath, but it went unnoticed.
The couple returned to the room and the crowd quieted. Simon was beet red. Y/N sat him down and then walked to where John was leaning against the sink.
“The next time I hear of you asking questions like that to anyone I will personally deliver your arse whooping,” Y/N stated before he turned and walked to his mother. He leaned down and whispered something in her ear that turned her ears red. She whispered something back to Y/N who nodded and kissed her cheek before he walked back to sit next to Simon, placing a hand on his thigh and smiling as his mother turned to John.
“John MacTavish, we will be talking later.”
John nodded shamefully and turned around, walking to the dining table and taking a seat.
“Now, who wants cake?” she asked, clasping her hands together and standing. Immediately ‘yes' filled the room.
“Simon!” Y/N’s father said. The blonde turned to him, face still pink. “We’d love to have you over again sometime soon.”
Simon nodded.
“I’m not mad wit you, by the way,” Y/N said. He placed his hand in Simon’s and intertwined their fingers.
“I know,” Simon responded. Y/N smiled and kissed his cheek before he jumped into one of the conversations happening around him.
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kawaiikenna · 2 years
Another fic of mine! It was inspired by some comments on another fic. Here’s the link for the ao3 posting. Support it on there if you’d like. -w-
Danny had been summoned to many, many different places. Creepy warehouses with cloaked hooded cultists chanting? Yep. The produce area of an abandoned supermarket? Check. Several girls’ slumber parties ages ranging from 12 to 25? Been there, done that. Hell, he’s even been summoned by a group of boys for no other reason than one of them had to prove that his sister wasn’t lying when she said that they had summoned the Ghost King at her last slumber party. Yeah, that was fun. No, not really.
But a daycare? Or at least somewhere he thought was a daycare? Now that was someplace Danny had never thought he’d be summoned to. But there he was. Plopped into a group of maybe 10-15 kids. Not fully eldritch but enough for other ‘normal’ humans to become extremely unsettled or flat out scared. Horns spiraled out from the sides of his head, limbs too long and skinny to be considered human, his hands held spindly long fingers tipped with icy claws, his eyes were normal if not for the black sclera instead of white. He was wearing his normal black and white hazmat suit with a fur lined cloak hanging heavy on his shoulders. Danny said nothing as he stared, flabbergasted, at the small, young boy crying on the ground. He had a really bad skinned knee that was bleeding a fair amount. It apparently was enough blood to trigger the summoning circle.
There were several other children around the room. All of them had frozen and stared either at the boy, or, blatantly, at Danny. He was too tired to deal with this. He had other shit to do rather than babysit random ass kids that inadvertently summoned him. So Danny bent down and took a look at the kid’s knee. He was as gentle as possible.
“Hey buddy.” Danny says softly. “That looks like it hurts. Would it be ok if I fixed it for you?”
The kid didn’t say anything, more just nodded but Danny wasn’t sure if he could even hear him. So Danny pulled out his emergency first aid kit and went about cleaning and bandaging the boy’s knee.
“What’s your name?” Danny asks gently as he disinfects the bloody wound.
“James.” A soft whisper answers.
“Well you’re very brave James.” He responds.
There isn’t anymore conversation after that, but the atmosphere was more relaxed now that Danny had demonstrated that he wasn’t a threat. By the time he had finished the other kids were surrounding them. They all looked incredibly curious. A few of the braver ones had asked questions while Danny had been doing. He thought that even if he usually didn’t deal well with kids, he did a pretty damn good job.
Danny made to stand up but instead was tackled back to the ground by a tiny body. He looked over his shoulder to find a little girl clinging to his cloak with all her might. She beams brightly up at him.
“Are you here to play with us?” She asks.
“Uhh, no?” Danny answered, confusion lacing his words.
Apparently that was the wrong thing to say because now there was another child pouncing on his back and two more holding onto each of his arms. All at once they tried to talk. Some in complaining tones, others in curiosity.
“Noo! You should stay and play!”
“Yeah! You have to stay and play ‘cause that’s the rules!”
“Yeah! That’s the rules!”
“How come you have a cape?”
“Do you like hide and seek?”
“Why’s your hair white? Does that mean you’re old?”
“If you’re old does that mean you can’t play hide and seek?”
“No! I don’t like hide and seek!”
“Yeah! He should come draw with us instead!”
“How come you have horns?”
“Are you dressed up for Halloween?”
“Halloween isn’t for a long time stupid!”
Danny’s head was starting to spin. He hadn’t eaten since that morning. The ghosts had decided to make his life a living hell and attack him every ten minutes. Now with this, this was the icing on the cake. Summonings had become somewhat more of an often occurrence. Not by much but enough that it still messed up his day. But you know what? Today is a day to just roll with the punches. So Danny did play hide and seek. He also did some drawings. He even let some of the kids try on his cloak. He even gave some of the older kids flights around the room. Danny had sent a text to the group chat somewhat explaining the situation before focusing again on entertaining the tiny children.
When he asked about an adult that was in charge; he got the answer of mommy and daddy are dead or they weren’t coming back. So he assumed that this was kind of like an orphanage. One where older kids took care of the youngers and everyone watched each other’s backs. That really didn’t sit right with Danny but there really wasn’t anything he could do for them.
So instead he entertained them and played with them. He didn’t know how long they played together, but it was long enough to where the majority of the kids were falling asleep. So he gathered up the youngest ones and had a cuddle pile. His cloak became their blanket. Some of the older kids joined them as well.
They had finally gotten the last little one to sleep when Batman kicked the door down. Danny managed to snag the door before it hit the floor. Green energy enveloping it as he set it down carefully. The hero marched into the room, closely followed by a young woman dressed in what looked like one of those ‘sexy magician’ Halloween costumes he had seen before. Now, if Danny hadn’t been so tired he would have been embarrassed by his reaction. But since he was half mad from sleep deprivation, and maybe a little hunger, considering how long he had gone without an actual proper meal, there were no such feelings. So instead of calmly telling them to be quiet as to not wake up the other kids and that he would explain later. He threatened the pair.
“If either of you end up waking up even one of the kids I will personally make it my mission to make you’re lives extremely difficult.” Danny hisses dangerously, eyes flaring protectively.
The three year old cuddled into his left side stirred slightly. Hazel eyes blinking blearily up at him. Immediately calling Danny’s attention to the little boy. “Shh, shh, go back to sleep Sammy.”
A content purr sounding from the halfa. The little boy, Sammy, did as told and went back to sleep. Danny goes back to glaring at the two adults. He hisses softly when the magician lady takes a step forward. A warning to the back the hell up. Surprisingly she does exactly that and Danny stops hissing. Though his eyes were still narrowed in suspicion.
Batman opens his mouth, probably to demand answers and information, but Danny cuts him short with a warning growl. “I don’t care if you have questions or want to know why or how I got here. I’m waaay to friggin tired to give you any kind of satisfactory answer. So just let me sleep.” A large yawn escapes him. “If you guys want to stay until nap time is over then be my guest.”
Danny then closes his eyes and focused on the children cuddling closest to him. Miranda curls more into his chest, face halfway pressed to his collarbone, and hums sleepily. Adam wakes himself up a bit with a sudden loud snore but settles right back into Danny’s right side, his head resting on the older’s shoulder. Sarah is still situated between his legs with her head lolled in Miranda’s lap. Suzie has her back firmly pressed to the outside of Danny’s left thigh. Sammy’s feet are just barely touching the top of her head. Danny let’s himself relax and bask in the kids’ sleepy emotions. Just before he falls off into sleep he cracks open an eye.
Batman and the magician lady are talking in hushed whispers in the opposite corner of his not so little cuddle puddle. He probably could have listened in on their conversation with his enhanced hearing. Nah, that would take too much effort. So instead he just drops off. This is something future Danny will have to deal with. Current Danny just wants to take a damn nap.
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hollowed-theory-hall · 8 months
Dumbledore is a Manipulative Piece of Shit: Part 1/?
Since I read the books for the first time at the age of 12, I knew I didn't trust Dumbledore. Back then, I couldn't put my finger on why. But now, a bit over a decade later, I can.
Not only can I explain why I thought something's fishy, but I can prove it is.
This is going to be a long series... but let's start at the beginning:
Halloween 1981
I'm going to go about this in chronological order of events according to book quotes I could track down.
Before the Prophecy
Circa October 24, 1979 - Lily gets pregnant with Harry. According to reverse calculating due date.
Sometime between March 1980 and October 1980 Peter Pettigrew starts spying for the Order.
"(Dumbledore) was sure that somebody close to the Potters had been keeping You-Know-Who informed of their movements...Indeed, he had suspected for some time that someone on our side had turned traitor and was passing a lot of information to You-Know-Who."
(Prisoner of Azkaban, page 205)
We know that there was a spy in the Order that fed Voldemort information before James and Lily went into hiding. Sirius mentions Peter being a spy for a long time again later in Prisoner of Azkaban:
“Sirius, Sirius, what could I have done? The Dark Lord . . . you have no idea . . . he has weapons you can’t imagine. . . . I was scared, Sirius, I was never brave like you and Remus and James. I never meant it to happen. . . . He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named forced me —” “DON’T LIE!” bellowed Black. “YOU’D BEEN PASSING INFORMATION TO HIM FOR A YEAR BEFORE LILY AND JAMES DIED! YOU WERE HIS SPY!”
(Prisoner of Azkaban, page 374)
So we know Pettigrew spied for Voldemort for about a year, if not more, before October 1981. The reason I'm saying he might have spied for longer is that the Order noticed there was a spy during that year, there might've been months he spied but the Order was none the wiser.
The months leading up to the attack on the Potter
So, we know when Peter started feeding Voldemort information, but we need to know when exactly the prophecy was given and when James and Lily went into hiding under the Fideliulous Charm. Most fans I see, seem to think they were hiding for only a week, then Peter betrayed them and then they died that same night. I think it went a little different. I think they were hiding for much longer.
So, let's determine this from the Evidence we are given.
The picture of the Order of the Phoenix Moody shows Harry in book 5 is the final picture of the Order togather before the Potters went into hiding. Most fans date this photo to the summer of 1980. I think it has to be earlier than that for two simple reasons:
Lily isn't pregnant and Harry wasn't born
Alice isn't pregnant and Neville wasn't born
“...That’s Frank and Alice Longbottom —” Harry’s stomach, already uncomfortable, clenched as he looked at Alice Longbottom; he knew her round, friendly face very well, even though he had never met her, because she was the image of her son, Neville....
...His mother and father were beaming up at him, sitting on either side of a small, watery-eyed man Harry recognized at once as Wormtail: He was the one who had betrayed their whereabouts to Voldemort and so helped bring about their deaths.
(Order of the Pheonix, page 174)
Remember, Harry and Neville were born at the end of July 1980, and pictures taken during that summer would show the pregnancy or taken after their births. So I think that picture was taken in 1979, although I'm uncertain exactly when. because, as I'll prove later in this post, the Potters went into hiding before Harry was born.
Next up to help us put a date to when they went into hiding is the Fidelious Charm itself, or more correctly, how it works.
The Fidelious Charm hides a piece of information within a person. It hides the phrasing of a secret, not a location.
an immensely complex spell ... involving the magical concealment of a secret inside a living soul. The information is hidden inside the chosen person, or Secret-Keeper, and is henceforth impossible to find -- unless, of course, the Secret-Keeper chooses to divulge it.
(Prisoner of Azkaban, 205)
It can be used to hide a location like we see the Order of the Phoenix do:
Dumbledore's Secret-Keeper for the Order, you know -- nobody can find Headquarters unless he tells them personally where it is
(Order if the Pheonix, 115)
With the phrase that Dumbledore hides being:
The headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix may be found at number twelve, Grimmauld Place, London.
(Order of the Phoenix, page 58)
They use a specific phrasing to hide the Order's headquarters. The moment the Order stops existing, the house will stop being a secret. I'd argue the moment Grimmauld Place stopped being the Headquarters it stopped being a secret because this phrase applied no longer.
This is what we see with the Potter residence. Once James and Lily die, the Charm breaks and muggles make their way to the house:
“No, sir — house was almost destroyed, but I got him out all right before the Muggles started swarmin’ around. He fell asleep as we was flyin’ over Bristol."
(Philosopher's Stone, page 13)
The fact muggles and Hagrid could arrive at the house and see it means the Charm broke.
We also see it in Deathly Hollows when Harry and Hemione visit the Potter's cottage:
He could see it; the Fidelius Charm must have died with James and Lily. 
(Deathly Hallows, page 286)
"So what?" You may ask, "we know this already,"
True, but the reason it's important is because it hints at the phrasing used when the charm was cast. It means the phrasing of the secret Peter kept being along the lines of:
"James and Lily Potter are hiding in the Potter Cottage in Godric's Hollow"
Now, this makes sense to be the secret, right, but notice, Harry isn't mentioned. If Harry was part of the secret, the charm would not have broken with James and Lily's deaths, since the secret would still protect Harry. Now, why not protect Harry as well? The whole point of the Fidelious Charm was to protect Harry, was it not?
This means the Potters went into hiding and the charm was cast before Harry was born.
More that suggests they were hiding for quite a while is Lily's letter to Sirius:
Dear Padfoot, Thank you, thank you, for Harry’s birthday present! It was his favorite by far. One year old and already zooming along on a toy broomstick
(Deathly Hollows, page 158)
Meaning Harry's first birthday (July, 1981) happened when they were already under the protection of the charm. As this letter was sent a short time after it (early August 1981).
James is getting a bit frustrated shut up here, he tries not to show it but I can tell
(Deathly Hollows, page 158)
Also from Lily's letter to Sirius. James' restlessness definitely suggests they were hiding under the charm for a good few months before Harry's first birthday.
This dates the Prophecy and Trawlany's job interview around the first half of 1980 (January to May). This means the Potters were in hiding between a year and 4 months to a year and 9 months before their deaths.
All of this leaves us with two main oddities. Questions that just got me scratching my head:
If Peter was a spy since March 1980 at the earliest and October 1980 at the latest (but probably earlier), and the Potters went into hiding with him as the secret keeper in Earley in July 1980 at the latest, why not tell Voldemort immediately? And if he did, why did Voldemort wait a full year+ to go and kill the Potters?
It means that when Severus Snape came begging for Dumbledore to save Lily about a week before their deaths, Dumbledore already had the Potters in hiding. It means Dumbledore made Snape take an oath for him to do something he already did. So we see Dumbledore's first manipulations coming into play by fucking Severus over and taking him as a spy without actually giving anything in turn.
The first question is one I have somewhat of an answer for in my Voldemort character analysis, but this isn't this post. This is about Dumbledore's crimes.
The Night Everything Happened
Now we arrive at the night that changed the Wizarding World and the life of one Harry Potter. October 31st, 1981.
I time Voldemort’s arrival at Godric's Hollow at the late evening (around 8 PM). This is due to children being allowed outside still:
The night wet and windy, two children dressed as pumpkins waddling across the square, and the shop window covered in paper spiders, all the tawdry Muggle trapping of a world in which they did not believe
(Deathly Hollows, page 295)
And Harry (a year and four months old infent) still being awake, but clearly preparing for bed:
the tall black haired man in his glasses, making puffs of colored smoke erupt from his wand for the amusement of the small black-haired boy in his blue pajamas
(Deathly Hollows, page 295)
So, Voldemort arrives at Godric's Hollow around 8:00 PM, let's say, 15 to 20 minutes later, James and Lily are dead, Voldemort’s body is destroyed and he runs off to Albania. Baby Harry is crying and the Fidelious is broken.
Now, things get interesting. Well, more interesting.
We know the first on the scene is Peter Pettigrew, arriving around 8:30 PM, and retrieving Voldemort’s wand. We don't actually know when or if this happened beyond a quote from JKR, but as muggles and aurors searched the house, it's unlikely Voldemort’s wand was there and undiscovered.
Then Pettigrew ran away to the muggle street where he would meet Sirius.
The second on the scene is Reberus Hagrid.
Hagrid arrives sometime later when muggled started looking into what happened now that the Fidelious Charm is broken:
“No, sir — house was almost destroyed, but I got him out all right before the Muggles started swarmin’ around. He fell asleep as we was flyin’ over Bristol."
(Philosopher's Stone, page 13)
Around the same time Pettigrew arrived at Godric's Hollow, Sirius probably saw Peter wasn't home and realized the Fidelious was broken. So he heads to Godric's Hollow.
The night they died, I’d arranged to check on Peter, make sure he was still safe, but when I arrived at his hiding place, he’d gone. Yet there was no sign of a struggle. It didn’t feel right. I was scared. I set out for your parents’ house straight away. And when I saw their house, destroyed, and their bodies . . . I realized what Peter must’ve done . . . what I’d done. . . .
(Prisoner of Azkaban, page 365)
Sirius reaches the Potters and meets Hagrid there, outside the house, Harry already in Hagrid's arms:
“I met him!” growled Hagrid. “I musta bin the last ter see him before he killed all them people! It was me what rescued Harry from Lily an’ James’s house after they was killed! Jus’ got him outta the ruins, poor little thing, with a great slash across his forehead, an’ his parents dead . . . an’ Sirius Black turns up, on that flyin’ motorbike he used ter ride. Never occurred ter me what he was doin’ there. I didn’ know he’d bin Lily an’ James’s Secret-Keeper. Thought he’d jus’ heard the news o’ You-Know-Who’s attack an’ come ter see what he could do. White an’ shakin’, he was. An’ yeh know what I did? I COMFORTED THE MURDERIN’ TRAITOR!” Hagrid roared.
(Prisoner of Azkaban, page 206)
Sirius then goes after Pettigrew, after failing to take Harry from Hagrid and figuring he'd rather chase the rat down before he disappears. We all know how that ends, as Hagrid takes Harry according to Dumbledore's orders.
‘Give Harry ter me, Hagrid, I’m his godfather, I’ll look after him —’ Ha! But I’d had me orders from Dumbledore, an’ I told Black no, Dumbledore said Harry was ter go ter his aunt an’ uncle’s. Black argued, but in the end he gave in. Told me ter take his motorbike ter get Harry there. ‘I won’t need it anymore,’ he says. “I shoulda known there was somethin’ fishy goin’ on then. He loved that motorbike, what was he givin’ it ter me for? Why wouldn’ he need it anymore? Fact was, it was too easy ter trace.
(Prisoner of Azkaban, page 206)
This quote has quite a few interesting things about Dumbledore, Hagrid and Sirius.
First, Hagrid says Dumbledore gave him orders to take Harry to the Dursleys. This order was given before Sirius went after Peter, before he was arrested and sent to Azkaban.
This is illegal. At this point in time Sirius was Harry's legal godfather and guardian, and yet Dumbledore gave Hagrid this order. And yes, you could argue it was because he knew Sirius was the Secret Keeper and was wary of him, but:
“Hagrid,” said Dumbledore, sounding relieved. “At last. And where did you get that motorcycle?” “Borrowed it, Professor Dumbledore, sir,” said the giant, climbing carefully off the motorcycle as he spoke. “Young Sirius Black lent it to me. I’ve got him, sir.” “No problems, were there?”
(Philosopher's Stone, page 13)
Dumbledore hears Hagrid met Sirius when retrieving Harry and shows no concern. Like he doesn't consider Sirius a threat to Hagrid and Harry. But then, why take Harry away? Why support Sirius' arrest? (More on that in a later post)
Not only is all this highly illegal but how did Dumbledore know when the Potters died?
JK explained he had some magical alarms in place, but that means at the earliest he would've known the moment Voldemort entered the premises. But he knew before. He knew James and Lily would die that day before they died.
How do I know that?
Simple, Hagrid can't apparate and didn't arrive via broom or floo.
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Hogwarts, where Hagrid is during October as Grounds keeper, is in the Scottish Highlands (Higher up as they travel for about 9-10 hours by train from Kings Cross to reach Hogwarts as they leave at eleven and arrive for dinner). Godric's Hollow is in West Country, England. This distance is a 9-10 hour drive (672.03 km, 417.58 miles).
It means that for Hagrid to arrive by 9 PM at Godric's Hollow, Dumbledore told him to go fetch Harry, the order was given to Hagrid between 11-12 noon on October 31st.
This already paints Dumbledore in a bad light, it means he planned this. I'd argue he even planned for Voldemort to hear of the Prophecy (but that's a different post). But it means Dumbledore planned for the Potters to be killed that night.
Second, Hagrid is right about Sirius giving his bike being odd (But that's a different post about the Fidelious Charm). But, in short, something was up and Sirius knew, at least somewhat, that he was doomed.
The Boy Who Lived
Finally, we arrive at the first chapter of Philosopher's Stone. We follow Vernon Dursely throughout his day on November 1st. We know that because we see the Wizarding World celebrating the death of Voldemort:
He’d (Mr. Dursley) forgotten all about the people in cloaks until he passed a group of them next to the baker’s. He eyed them angrily as he passed. He didn’t know why, but they made him uneasy. This bunch were whispering excitedly, too, and he couldn’t see a single collecting tin. It was on his way back past them, clutching a large doughnut in a bag, that he caught a few words of what they were saying. “The Potters, that’s right, that’s what I heard —” “ — yes, their son, Harry —” Mr. Dursley stopped dead. Fear flooded him. He looked back at the whisperers as if he wanted to say something to them, but thought better of it.
(Philosopher's Stone, page 6)
So, McGonagall is watching over the Dursleys throughout November 1st. It means Harry arrived at the Dursleys around midnight between November 1st and November 2nd.
Hagrid and Harry left Godric's Hollow on Sirius' flying motorbike around 10 PM at the latest on October 31st. So what was Hagrid doing with Harry in these 26 hours?
The only information we have is that Harry: "fell asleep over Bristol,"
Thing is, if we go back to the map of the UK.
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Bristol is not really on the way from Godric's Hollow to Surry.
But it is closer to the flight path between Godric's Hollow and Hogwarts.
(The locations are estimated for fictional locations but are based on what I know. Regardless, West Country to Surry won't pass over Bristol, while West Country to the Scottish Highlands is likely to, so the point stands)
In conclusion, Dumbledore manipulated Harry's life, his parents' deaths, Snape, Sirius, and Hagrid, and fucked them all over for the sake of his grand plan of defeating Voldemort.
What else went into his plan and who else he fucked over, will be covered in the next installments.
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kaixserzz · 1 year
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Loyal Knight 1
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ੈ♡˳ Il Dottore x Gn!Reader *ೃ༄
ੈ♡˳ 4.5k words ┊ Fluff + Hurt/comfort *ೃ༄
ੈ♡˳ Masterlist | Part 2 *ೃ༄
author's note ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
I DON'T WRITE FOR MONTHS AND I REREAD MY OLD DOTTORE FICS AND IM SUDDENLY OBSESSED WITH HIM AGAIN. I WILL RECLAIM THE TITLE OF HOUSE OF SOFT DOTTORE. a long one to make it up to yall ,, but i have to cut it into 2 parts bc its too long LMAO <3 also inspired by @fatuismooches's dottore fics, they're too good
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ cw: canon typical violence, basic dottore warnings, injuries, blood, mentions of lots of scars, experiments, and death, dottore and reader r both crazy, obsessiveness/possessiveness from both parties
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i. foolishness
Peaceful and quiet are the words that describe the small village where you spent your childhood. Nothing ever happened in your village. There were no attacks from the monsters that lurked outside the lands, no arguments between neighbors, and crimes rarely occurred. People freely walked outside without a sense of fear in their hearts.
It was incredibly boring, to say the least.
Not a single form of entertainment has occurred since you came into existence, and the village will continue to be boring unless you depart as soon as possible. Playing with other children can only do so much to quell your thirst for adventure, to swing a sword— a real one, not the wooden sword your mother gave you— and finally experience the thrill of a battle, be it against a monster or a fellow adventurer. The itch for excitement consumes you, and you realize that this insignificant village will never fulfill your desires.
That is until you met him.
The sun was beginning to set among the tall trees of the forest, concealing itself within the deep shades of green from numerous leaves. However, it still managed to blind your eyes as beams of light peeked through the forest's lush trees. In your hand, you gripped a real weapon, though smaller than a sword, perfectly suited to your tiny hands. The weight was light enough for you to hold it upright with ease. It was your father's dagger, kept hidden in a chest that your parents believed you would never discover, let alone open. Yet, little did they know that your burning desire for an adventure would defy all odds.
As you ventured deeper into the forest, your eyes were drawn to the sight of smoke a few paces away from your position, casting subtle hints of orange onto the surrounding trees. Fire.
Could someone be camping out there? It seemed likely, and your heart skipped a beat at the thought of encountering another adventurer. A smile emerged on your lips as you suppressed your excitement, crouching down to stealthily approach the camp.
To your dismay, it wasn't what you had hoped for. Instead of encountering another adventurer, you found yourself overlooking a small Hilichurl camp nestled beneath the edge of the cliff where you stood. It was a rather underwhelming sight. If you could recall correctly, it was a mission your father discussed with your mother. This Hilichurl camp posed no real threat. Despite a posted mission to eliminate it, no one had bothered to undertake the task, mainly because the camp was so weak that the rewards offered were hardly worth the effort.
Nevertheless, even at the young age of six, you possessed the understanding to recognize that what might be considered weak for seasoned adventurers was still stronger than you—a battle-hungry kid. Perfect! Excitement surged through your veins as the thought of battling real monsters with your father's dagger filled your mind. But before you could proceed any further, your attention was caught by a nearby bush. The Hilichurl seemed oblivious, but you were certain you saw it tremble ever so slightly...
To your astonishment, a person of your own age crouched behind the bush, clearly hiding from the Hilichurl. Recognition immediately hit you as soon as you laid your eyes upon the kid's teal curls, the gloves on his hands that you never saw him without, and the prominent scowl on his face, sharp teeth poking out for view.
It was none other than Zandik, the child who was often subjected to rumors and whispers in the village. The other kids labeled him as a 'weirdo' due to his disinterest in playing outside like children of his age and his lack of enthusiasm for socializing. You've heard your grandparents curse Zandik behind his back, talking about being a heretic at such a young age and conducting 'weird' experiments on live animals or machinery.
He was an oddity to your village, that's something you'd agree amongst the numerous rumors about him. But he certainly spiced up your boring life in the village. You've tried speaking to him a couple of times but to no avail, getting shut down faster than you can think. Despite this, you discerned that he was just an introverted kid with unusual interests. What was so wrong about that?
Still, what was he doing in the middle of the forest? Doesn't he hate being outside— wait, why is he creeping closer to the Hilichurl camp!? Without hesitation, you swiftly lunged toward the bush, attempting to maintain as much stealth as possible, and managed to tackle the boy to the ground. Your hands moved swiftly to cover Zandik's mouth, predicting his enraged cries. Fortunately, due to his smaller stature, you easily pinned him down.
"Hey, hey- calm down!" You whispered, trying to maintain your grip on him despite his excessive squirming and weak punches "It's just me! I live a few houses down yours!" Still, that didn't subdue the furious boy, scarlet eyes glaring right at you as he dug his sharp teeth onto the tender flesh of your hands.
Biting back a scream of pain, you glared back at him with the same caliber and got off of him, holding your poor hand that was on the brink of getting bitten off by your crazy neighbor. Zandik regained composure, showing pure disdain at you and at his dirtied clothes, before pointing an accusing finger at you. "How dare you attack me!? You wretched vermin! Who do you think you are for laying your hands on me!" He spat, rubbing at his skin restlessly as if attempting to rid himself of an imagined filth.
"I-I wasn't-" You cleared your throat as you scooted away from him, giving him much-needed space, and raised your hands up in surrender. "I'm sorry, I must've startled you. I wasn't gonna attack you, I just... acted without thinking..." The boy's eyes just narrowed at you when you hastily explained yourself to him, voicing out your concern for his safety being so close to a Hilichurl camp. Understandably so, he seemed unconvinced by your words.
"Well, there's no need for you to play the role of a 'knight in shining armor', thinking you're saving me from harm." The boy scoffed, rolling his ruby eyes as he heeds you no mind once more, already over with this senseless conversation. "I am perfectly capable of handling this situation on my own, without anyone's assistance. So kindly run along and refrain from uttering another word to me ever again."
Yet you spoke anyways.
"Whuh- but you have no weapon. How are you going to fight those Hilichurls?"
Another roll of his eyes— don't you listen to a word he says? He grumpily huffed at your stubbornness, "I had no intention of engaging in a fight with them. I merely had a need for something that happened to be in their camp."
You arched a brow. "They'll attack you on sight."
"I am aware."
"Okay, then how are you going to get it then?"
Before Zandik could utter a word, a Hilichurl emerged from the bush, startling the two of you. Out of instinct, you grabbed the collar of Zandik's shirt and pulled him back, narrowly evading the swing of the Hilichurl's club. You were quick to pull out the dagger from the hilt when Zandik stopped you, a wide, toothy grin on his lips.
Something metallic emerged from the ground, ensnaring the Hilichurl that tried to pursue you both, only to perish from the electric shocks that surged through the contraption, rendering the creature unconscious within mere seconds.
"Traps..." You muttered under your breath, amazed at the machine you'd never seen before, glancing at the boy beside you. He had this crazed glint in his eyes as he relished his accomplishment. "I see, guess you really didn't need my help."
Somehow, you were more shocked to see the boy look so smug, crossing his arms at you as if to say 'I told you so'. But of course, things don't always go according to plan. Danger has a way of creeping up on unsuspecting, vulnerable sheep in the wild.
Hilichurls residing inside the small tent near the campfire emerged, their anger palpable as they confronted the sight of their fallen comrade and the presence of two children. Judging by Zandik's expression, he hadn't considered the possibility of more Hilichurls being present. And truth be told, you hadn't either. It seemed both of you had underestimated the situation, assuming there was only one Hilichurl in the camp.
"So," You began, positioning yourself in front of Zandik. You thought you saw his hands tremble at the threatening growls of the Hilichurls about to attack him, but whether it was just a delusion or if it was real, you didn't mention it to him. "How about I finally take the role of the knight and shining armor?"
Zandik still found it in himself to glare at you once more. "I-I can handle this on my own-"
You ignored the slight shake in his voice. "Can you fight?" The Hilichurls took a step forward, hissing and growling louder. When Zandik stayed silent behind you, you merely shot him a smile. "Thought so. Let me protect you then!"
That made him frown. You? Protect him? Of all people? He was well aware that the villagers would rejoice upon hearing news of him, the so-called freak, being attacked by monsters in some unknown location. Why would you bother exerting the effort to 'save' him when you could easily turn your back and abandon him to face the situation alone?
Zandik refused to express his confusion though.
"You are not gaining anything in return from this, you vermin."
With a sharp laugh and a shake of your head, you raise your dagger. "Sure, I didn't expect anything anyways." Giving him a wink, it was now your turn to smile, even as your enemies closed in on you. "I'm your knight in shining armor, after all!"
ii. friendship
It was merely transactional at first.
Well, for Zandik at least. You believed that the two of you were friends after you've graciously 'saved' him from the rest of the Hilichurls that attacked you both. You were especially convinced by your own imagination when Zandik took it upon himself to patch you up from your injuries.
"To avoid suspicion," He told you, his displease was seemingly permanently etched on his expression as he put a bandaid on your cheek. "They will ask where you got your injuries from, and your mouth will blurt out the truth before you have a chance to think. I'm doing this for my own sake, to save myself from further humiliation." Though, Zandik knew that you thought otherwise if the big, dopey smile on your face wasn't telling enough.
Zandik only tolerated your presence out of convenience. He would never openly admit, especially not to you, that without your combat skills and knowledge, he wouldn't have made it out without injuries. After several days of deep contemplation, he finally proposed an agreement of sorts that would benefit both parties to you.
As long as you would provide him with your assistance for his projects, whether it involved acquiring necessary items, fighting monsters, sneaking into your grandfather's workshop, purchasing supplies (he was considerate enough to give you his allowance), or even just gathering plants during your walks outside. In return, he would help you stay out of trouble. He quickly learned that your parents would ground you if they found out about any reckless actions (you once pushed a kid into a lake to 'teach him how to swim' and you've been grounded for a week ever since).
You would tease him for this, reminding him of the words he once told you.
"You are not gaining anything in return from this, you vermin."
And Zandik would always counter it with a fierce glare, then say, "You can't be of use if you're stuck inside your house. If you want to be... 'friends' with me, then it's essential that you listen to what I tell you," It's hard not to giggle whenever he says that word with such disgust.
He might have taken you for a fool, believing that you were easily swayed by his words. However, deep down, he always had a lingering suspicion that you were merely humoring him, following along with his plans for your own hidden intentions. Despite that, he didn't see it as a significant threat to himself, considering that your compliance and patience had not caused any real harm so far.
As the years went by, Zandik's initial hostility and indifference towards you gradually transformed. From pushing you away when you get too close, straight up insulting you, or merely ignoring your very existence, to allowing brief physical contact, bringing him outside for trivial activities such as watching the sunset or having a picnic, and taking your words of criticism into consideration.
Truly, he did his best to keep you away from him, giving you dangerous tasks to somehow scare you off, but you only took this as a challenge, your physical prowess growing more day by day. In a way, he unwittingly became a catalyst for your growth. It doesn't help that you've shown genuine interest in his studies. It was an unexpected and intriguing dynamic that kept drawing him closer to you, even as he tried to maintain his distance.
The way your eyes would sparkle in wonder whilst you read his notes, or watch him tinker with whatever he was working on had an unexpected effect on Zandik. It made him feel a sense of warmth in his chest, an odd feeling of pride for managing to captivate and awe you.
Since when did he start feeling that...? No matter, it's not much of a big deal.
Zandik's attempts to deny you even a sliver of satisfaction by withholding his attention were in vain. You had a knack for asking thought-provoking questions that ignited a buzzing curiosity in his mind, questions that were too intriguing to be left unanswered.
Once, he would bury his nose in books whenever you were around, hoping to ignore your presence until you eventually went away like the pest he saw you as. But now?
Closing his book upon your grandiose entrance to his bedroom, he raised a brow at your current predicament. "You look awful." That was an understatement. You had a black eye, your clothes were tattered and blood dripped down your nose. He could also spot the subtle limp with the way you walked.
You rolled your eyes at his comment, "I did something stupid." That was all you said, too tired and hurt to quip back at him. With an annoyed sigh, Zandik stood up from his bed and went toward his drawer to grab the medicine kit inside. "Some kids found our usual spot and trashed it... Decided to give 'em a beating cuz of it." Zandik narrowed his eyes at your words and you gave him a half-hearted smile. "I hit 'em with the scabbard."
"You always do something stupid." He scowls, takes a seat beside you, and began to patch up your injuries. "There was no need for you to attack them; they might end up telling your parents about it later. Besides, we can always find a different spot."
Completely ignoring everything else he said, you brightened up against his touch. "So you do pay attention to me!"
Zandik glares at you, shaking his head. "Don't twist my words, you buffoon."
You merely laughed out loud, throwing your head back as your shoulders shook, only to be cut off with a yelp when Zandik presses his finger on a bruise on your arm. "Do not misconstrue our association as having any significance. It is purely beneficial for the both of us, and I harbor no sense of concern or attachment towards you." Zandik hissed.
Despite his digging nails onto your bruise, you chose to bear the pain and gave him a thoughtful look instead. "Mhm, is that why you took out your medicine kit even though I haven't asked you to patch me up?" You queried, tilting your head at the amusing sight of Zandik pausing for a moment, staring at his hands that held bandaids and rubbing alcohol.
"Or when I get too close to a plant that could kill me, you'd stop me and tell me how dangerous it is when I could always step on it and get whatever sickness from it, just so you could try and cure me?"
Zandik pursed his lips at that. He didn't even think of that... Why didn't he...?
You find this hilariously satisfying, so you continued. "I've been hanging out with you for a few years now, I think I'm confident to understand some shit that goes through your head. You could easily get rid of me since you can defend yourself, better than we first met, but yet here I am, inside your room, sitting on your bed." And as if you're victorious, you placed your hands on your hips, puffing out your chest. "In conclusion, we are best friends!"
For the first time in his brief existence, Zandik found himself at a loss for words. He couldn't refute the undeniable truths you presented, backed by compelling evidence that could surpass any hypothesis he could conjure. He was unable to distance himself from you as effortlessly as he once did.
What is this...? Is this what they truly called friendship? A companion who would place unwavering trust in him? Zandik couldn't help but recognize the subtle rhythm of his heartbeat whenever you were in close proximity, or the way his fingers involuntarily twitched at the sound of your laughter or the sight of your smile...
What a load of shit.
The boy rolled his eyes, "Whatever helps you sleep at night, indulge in your fantasies. You are simply a tool of convenience to me."
You couldn't have expected less. You weren't hurt by what he said, you're far more used to harsher words. But you know that you've hit him right where you wanted, seeing the boy fuming where he sat, but you'll drop it for now. You can always prod and tease him in the future.
With a bright smile that made Zandik more confused about his emotions, you let it go. "Right right, of course."
iii. familiarity
From the moment Zandik met you, you became a constant presence in his memories. You stuck by his side like some parasite, annoying him to no end but still proved yourself to be a companion worthy of praise. Strangely enough, you were obedient to him mostly, as if your world began to revolve around him.
So when he was exiled from the village, it came as no surprise to find you faithfully by his side, watchful for pursuers, hand on your sword's hilt.
Zandik had no choice but to let you follow him to the Akademiya and include you in his plans. As long as he remained in control and you willingly played the role of his complaint 'knight', he had little reason to complain. Though Zandik was sure you were going to be a thorn by his side, now that you've also decided to be his roommate.
As to why you were adamant about living in the same space as he does, "You'll die before you can even reach your goals. You can't cook for shit, forget to sleep, and the only way you'll do any of your chores is if they're starting to irritate you or get in your way." You confidently declared, earning an expected glare from Zandik.
"So you'll be the housekeeper of our dorm," he snarkily remarked, crossing his arms as he suspiciously eyed you. Your growing smile only confirmed his skepticism that you were up to something. "Is that what you want? Then go be someone else's housekeeper."
Rarely did his words offend you, but this time, you unexpectedly sighed, your smile losing a bit of its spirit. Your reaction caught Zandik off guard, but he never brought it up. Nevertheless, you wrapped an arm around his shoulder, poking at his cheek to piss him off even more. "Nah, you're not getting rid of me that easily." You chuckle when he swatted your hand away from his face, "Jus' wanna be of service of you, I guess."
Zandik couldn't help but scoff. How long were you going to cling to that foolish agreement the two of you had when you were children? He was already capable enough to go on on his own, and you've always had the freedom to do anything you pleased. And yet, Zandik never once told you to leave, nor did he provide any reason for you to depart from his side
True to your words, you did most of the housework of your own volition, nor did you voice out any complaint. In fact, you quite enjoyed it. Doing laundry, cooking, cleaning the house, throwing the random person you've kidnapped for blood samples in a random alley— while Zandik himself kept himself cooped up in your shared bedroom, slaving himself in whatever he was currently working on.
You still did whatever task Zandik has given you and allow you to contribute more and more to his projects, though you had to remind Zandik repeatedly that, while he was at the Akademiya, not to learn, but take advantage of its benefits (like a good workspace for him and abundant sources if Zandik ever sought knowledge on a certain topic), he was still required to attended classes.
Other than a few problems here and there, living together felt increasingly natural for both of you. Zandik couldn't deny that a sense of closeness had developed between you since you started sharing the same living space. It wasn't as bothersome as he originally thought. It was actually... Nevermind.
You placed a plate of his favorite meal onto the less cluttered side of his desk, as well as a piping hot cup of coffee, even though the clock just struck 12 AM. You knew Zandik would refuse to get a wink of sleep as long as his paperwork was unfinished. He didn't even spare you a glance, merely grabbed the cup of coffee and began to sip while his other hand never ceased its precise and fluid movements as he continued to write. Nothing was bound to break his concentration.
Letting out a small yawn, you gently placed down the bag full of supplies that Zandik needed to complete his current project onto his bed, before kicking off your shoes and climbing onto the top bunk. "I've got everything you needed. I also explored some ruins like you asked and jotted down anything interesting I found on paper." His writing briefly paused, his clothes rustled, and a faint hum of acknowledgment reached your ears. A smile formed on your lips as you peered down at him from above.
"You're lucky we have the same classes since we're in the same Darshan, so I also wrote you notes. It's not like I think you won't catch up, but I thought I'd just spare you the effort of trying to pay attention in class, so you can go ahead and keep doing your personal work."
You watched him momentarily stop his writing to stretch his back, popping his joints, before scarfing down the meal you've cooked just for him. "How thoughtful of you." He quipped, his own way of expressing gratitude, you've liked to think.
But of course, would it truly be a normal day without your drama?
"I know right, I am thoughtful." You said with a swoon onto your bed, dramatically sighing and expressing your woes.
You could basically feel him roll his eyes at your antics. "My, you are unbelievably humble." Zandik sarcastically remarked,
"Oh, just what would you do without me?" You teased, and you intended to leave it off from there, exhaustion weighing your bones. It was just one statement really, but you didn't expect him to cease his relentless scribbling. You raise your head and peered once more at Zandik's hunched form.
"Well, I suppose I wouldn't have made much progress in all of my projects, considering you've always taken care of obtaining my supplies and other necessities," he admitted, putting down his pen and leaning back in his chair, lost in thought. "You've grown smart enough to provide actual solid feedback, even giving me opinions when I hit dead ends. You've proven yourself to be quite useful as my assistant."
You clicked your tongue. "What a charmer."
"Though, even without you, I could still make progress. It wouldn't take me long to solve the problem of acquiring my own supplies and resources." He added, which you pouted at.
"Wow, you had me fooled by a second there. Thought you'd want me to stay by your side."
Zandik raised a curious brow at that. "You've always had the choice either do as you pleased and leave me. It's clear that I don't care much for you." You held back a laugh at that declaration, shaking your head in amusement. "I never asked you to come with me, you were the one who followed me here of your own accord. I was the only one who was exiled between the two of us. But you insisted, even going as far as raising your sword against your own parents just to be by my side."
Without much thought, you simply shrugged at that. You eyed your sword that sat at the corner of your room, eyes trailing each intricate design of its scabbard. "I just did what my heart told me."
Zandik scoffed at that, finally tilting his head up to where you looked down at him, an unimpressed expression on his face. "The heart is merely responsible for pumping oxygenated blood throughout the body. It is the brain that you should listen to."
You barked out a laugh, your eyes getting heavy, but you refused to close your eyes just yet. "Hah, if I start listening to my brain, then I wouldn't be me! Besides, I do use my brain!"
He didn't seem convinced at all, snorting at the notion. "Oh? When? I don't recall a single moment that you have." A small smirk formed on his lips as he saw you glaring at him.
"When I fight! I'm a pretty good strategist."
The silence between you grew more tense than you would have liked, as you found yourself staring into Zandik's scarlet eyes for what felt like an eternity. Eventually, he broke the silence and admitted, in defeat,
"... I suppose you're right."
You let out a gasp at his words, a wide grin spread across your face as you quickly retrieved your notepad from your pocket. "Another mark for the 'agreement tally'!" You exclaimed, visibly delighted by the turn of events.
You cheered loudly, prompting an exasperated groan from Zandik at the sight of that dreaded notepad, and opted to return to his paperwork. "Unbelievable," he muttered quietly, focusing completely on the task at hand, already being held back for long enough.
Yet, he couldn't help but bite his bottom lip to stop himself from smiling.
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- ̥۪͙۪˚┊❛❛ If you like this a lot, consider reblogging! I'll appreciate it very very much! Don't repost and/or translate my work anywhere. ❜❜ ┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌
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sstormyskyess · 9 months
Pitch Black - Prologue
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author's note: hello hello everyone!! welcome to my first long form series on this blog! i'm excited to share this story i've been cooking up since summer last year and i hope everyone likes it as much as i've had fun brainstorming it 😊 this is gonna be a little short prologue to set the mood and give a little context for reader so things make sense later on! please enjoy 💜
cw: descriptions of injury, mentions of vomiting
word count: 1400+
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Everyone and their mother knows that Russian winters were ruthless. It was a widely accepted fact, even for those who hadn’t personally experienced one of said agonizing winters. Snowfall was common for six months out of the year, and the temperatures could reach —44 degrees fahrenheit.
Cold air seeped in from under the door of the tiny room you were confined in. You shivered while you sat on the old, flimsy cot against the back wall of the solitary prison cell. Your vision was unfocused and blurry, though it was hard to tell because it was too dark to see anything. The walls were made of dark concrete and half-rotted wood slats. It smelled musty and stale, the air circulation in the room severely lacking.
You wince when the door suddenly opens, squeezing your eyes shut and trying to block out the blinding LED lights beaming into the room out of nowhere. Your breath catches in your throat from the surprise, your chest stinging from the feeling. You peek an eye open when a metal food tray clatters to the floor. The sound was deafening as it cut through the murky silence you had been wallowing in, making you bring your hands up to cover your ears. The man that dropped the tray barks something at you in Russian before slamming the door shut once again.
Konni Group.
An up and coming Russian private military company, the target of your squad’s operation, and the people that had taken you prisoner.
The stated goal of your team was to clear out a known Konni base and to capture or kill the colonel they knew was posted up there. The POI had led a recent attack on a U.S. arms convoy and taken a number of highly lethal weaponry from the wreckage. The weapons were likely hidden somewhere in the base, and it was imperative to locate them before they were used anywhere.
The operation had gone less than optimally. It was doomed to fail from the start; the intel your squad was given was faulty, you had your cover blown by an ambush, and to cap it all off, the chaos allowed for Konni to get their hands on you and whisk you away.
 The only thing you could think of was time. How long had it been since you’d been thrown in here? Days, weeks, months? You couldn’t tell. Just thinking about it made your head hurt.
The only measurement you had was how long it was between the miniscule amount of food you were granted by your captors on a seemingly random schedule. You were practically able to feel your body consuming itself, your stomach growling at you angrily. You would cry, but the waterworks had run dry ages ago. You couldn’t afford to lose any more water; you didn’t have that privilege anymore. 
Years of active service in the U.S. Marines had gotten you used to grueling conditions, but nothing like this. Even out in the field, dispatched from whatever base you were stationed in, you knew you’d be able to secure some kind of sustenance. Food and water felt like a luxury now.
Despite the cold, the hunger, and the wear and tear on your body, both internal and external, the worst part was the lack of contact. You couldn’t even hear anyone moving outside, no matter how hard you strained your ears. There was no light peeking from under the door, so you couldn’t track shadows moving. The only indication that someone was behind the door was the meager rations being put into the cell. Between those meals, for all you knew, no one was present in the facility anymore.
Too much time had passed for anyone to still be looking for you or trying to rescue you. It hurt, at first. The feeling of being forgotten or being considered disposable had been crippling for a while, so painfully debilitating that it had you weeping endlessly for days, maybe even a week or more. The muscles of your stomach ached afterwards. Mixed with all the kicks and punches you suffered from interrogations, your heaving sobs had you nauseous and throwing up bile frequently.
You ruminated over what could possibly be the reason you were still being kept here instead of being executed. You weren't being interrogated anymore by now. You were just left with the wounds that you sustained from hours upon days upon weeks of interrogation. The bruises had healed, but the cuts were infected from the shoddy cauterizing job they had attempted. It felt like the bones that were broken were healing incorrectly.
You sigh shakily, your perpetually shivering body getting uncomfortable, so you try to shift a bit. The only thing you accomplished by trying to roll over on your tiny stone cold cot was falling face down onto the floor. You wince and give a weak groan, curling up and holding your stomach. You try your hardest to just close your eyes and get some sleep, no matter how restless it was.
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When you woke up, you were finally back in the present. You were finally back in the little old house that you found after escaping that Konni facility, the sun just barely rising over the horizon.
It had been two years since you were abducted. The realization hit you hard. Two years you spent in that dark, cold, suffocating cell. Two years you spent withering away, slowly but surely. Two years you spent in your own special hell, alone, battered and beaten, left scarred for years and years to come.
You roll over and get out of the bed, a headache already springing forth in your head, making you rub your temples. You sigh and amble over to your rucksack full of all the essentials—well, most of them at least. You frown at the sight that greets you. Only a few MREs left and all of them were your least favorites. But, you’ve been through worse.
You pace around the room as you eat, reading some of the files you pulled off the rickety table in the corner of the tiny one room cabin. You scan the files and run a thumb over the insignia on the front of the manila folder containing everything you needed for your next job.
Al Qatala.
A terrorist organization based out of Urzikstan, the current boogeyman of the western world, and your current contractor.
The life of a freelance intel agent was an interesting one, to say the least. You had been around the world making problems for a countless number of political and military bodies, but the money was worth it. Not to mention the anonymity that came with not being tied down to any one organization.
You went off the grid after you escaped from Konni. You wanted to go back to normal life, but something in you told you to stay away from it all. Maybe it was the fear of being found and captured again. The logical side of your brain told you that there was no reason they would want you back, but it was hard to reason with a brain torn apart by the sort of trauma you went through.
You hadn’t cared to check up on any of your old teammates. There was an underlying resentment present in the back of your mind. You were betrayed by them, after all. They left you for dead and didn’t look back. Thinking back on it made you frown. You watched them leave you behind with no hesitation, run away without looking back. So much for no man left behind, right?
By the time you snap out of your frustrated thoughts, you’re already finished with your food. Your headache has gotten worse. You groan and pinch the bridge of your nose. You would really have to invest in some painkillers.
Based on how high the sun has gotten, you figure it’s about time to get moving. At least focusing on this job would keep your mind off the events that led you here. You flip through a folder and look at the location that was printed on one of the papers. Then, you take a peek at the pictures of the people you were meant to track.
Task Force 141.
A multinational task force recently founded, a team dedicated to making the world a better place, and ones that had been causing problems for your current contractor.
You take a deep breath and pack all your things away, ready yourself for the trek to the task force’s current location, and leave the cabin with the determination that kicks in whenever you set out on a mission.
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𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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puppygirlclaspers · 9 months
Continuing my little gunpla review series, I wanna say thank you so much to everyone that liked and reblogged my Demi Trainer post! It means so much to me and every like I get on it makes me incredibly happy <3
This review is gonna be all about...
Gundam Lfrith Thorn
I wasn't expecting to build this kit so soon but I saw it in my local nerd store and I just had to pick it up, I really love the design on this one and I can't wait to tell yous all about it! Building this felt like an appropriate step-up from the Demi Trainer.
Lfrith Thorn in the Show
(Spoilers for Mobile Suit Gundam the Witch from Mercury episode 12 and beyond ahead)
EDM-GA-02 Gundam Lfrith Thorn is a Gundam-type mobile suit developed by Ochs Earth Corporation for Dawn of Fold, the anti-spacian organisation. It's a heavily modified version of the XGF-01 Gundam Lfrith Pre-Production Model, which can be seen in the prologue episode of the show.
This Gundam is piloted by Norea Du Noc, a member of Dawn of Fold. She was trained from a young age to be a mobile suit pilot, and has strong ideals and a deep hatred of all spacians. She's a hot-headed earthian terrorist who believes in attaining the organisation's goals through violence. A perfect pilot for this offensive-oriented Gundam!
As I mentioned previously, Lfrith Thorn is a heavily modified version of the Lfrith Pre-Production Model, which allows the Lfrith Thorn to utilise GUND technology. It was created alongside the Lfrith Ur, and the two can be seen as sort of sisters, as one compensates for the other's weaknesses. It's a very cool dynamic that I really enjoyed seeing in the show!
Lfrith Thorn is seen multiple times throughout the show, but main appearances include episode 12, when it attacks Plant Quetta alongside the Lfrith Ur. It also appears in episode 14, fighting in the Rumble Ring and causing mayhem, once again alongside the Lfrith Ur. We see it once more in episode 20, when Norea goes on a rampage in Asticassia, before she is calmed down by Elan Ceres and her Gundam is subsequently destroyed by the security forces. Seeing this Gundam in action was always a pleasure to see in the show, and Norea's hot-headed yet focused personality really made it stand out as an effective combat mech, especially when paired with Lfrith Ur! I wish we got to see more of it but what we did see was an absolute treat.
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The Design of Lfrith Thorn
I. LOVE. THIS. DESIGN. SO MUCH! It's so cool and it all makes sense for what this Gundam is supposed to achieve! It can look quite goofy, especially with those long arms and chunkier legs, but there's purpose to that design choice! Lfrith Thorn excels at offensive skirmishes and intense combat scenarios, providing heavy fire support to her sister, Lfrith Ur.
Lfrith Thorn comes equipped with a variety of weapons that allow it to adapt to any combat situation. It's primary weapon is the beam diffuse gun, a large firearm that fires energy scatter beams. It can be wielded with one hand or with both, allowing for more accurate and focused fire. Beam saber units are stored within the Lfrith Thorn's forearms, allowing for quick deployment when engaging in melee combat. It can also equip beam sabers on its hand if needed, though this Gundam is better suited for longer-range combat. A long and narrow shield can be seen on it's right arm, which can be used to deflect incoming fire, though it is not particularly effective due to how small it is. The huge cannon mounted on Lfrith Thorn's back is the phased array cannon. It fires a powerful beam which allows for wider-ranged attacks. This cannon is only operable when the Gundam's permet score reaches 3 or higher, making it a very risk-reward oriented weapon!
Considering how heavy all of these weapons are on this Gundam, it's very important for it to keep stable when fighting on the ground. This is where those goofy design choices I mentioned earlier come in! The heavy legs and longer arms result in a lower center of gravity, making the Lfrith Thorn more stable when providing fire support! The thrusters on it's rear waist also offer extra stability, being able to counter the recoil and pushback from sustained fire if needed. Even the feet are used for stability, being able to dig into any softer ground material the Lfrith Thorn may be standing on, and providing even more stability! Everything about this design is so coherent, despite it's inherent goofiness, and I absolutely am in love with it!
Naturally, one would compare the Lfrith Thorn and Lfrith Ur, as they are often seen in combat together. You can see the more support-oriented design philosophy of the Lfrith Thorn when looking at both Gundams side by side. Despite the heavy weaponry, the frame of the mech is visibly more lightweight, allowing the Lfrith Thorn to reposition more easily. The Lfrith Ur is meant to be on the frontline, while the Lfrith Thorn supports it from afar. It's an awesome dynamic and I think both Gundams are designed really well around this cooperation!
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In the first section of this review I mentioned that the Lfrith Thorn is a modified version of the Gundam Lfrith Pre-Production Model, and you can definitely see some aspects of that design incorporated into this one! You can see this mainly in the body of the Gundam, as it retains that flatter, more extruded chest to house the pilot and shell unit. The back-mounted cannons are still present in both designs, though the cannons themselves are quite different between the Lfrith Thorn and the Pre-Production Model. You can also see a more refined version of the shoulder pads, as they are more exaggerated and armoured on the Lfrith Thorn.
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Honestly, researching Lfrith Thorn led me down a very deep rabbit hole when it comes to design inspirations and origins and I feel like I could make a family tree that connects MANY of the Gundam designs in this show!
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Building the Kit
Much like the Demi Trainer, this was super fun to build! I was so excited to finally build a Gundam, and this did not disappoint, for the most part!
A lot of the same satisfying aspects of building the kit itself that I mentioned in my Demi Trainer review can be said here too. Fitting all the pieces together, hearing the clicks and seeing it come together is extremely satisfying and enhances the experience a lot! The stickers on this kit are more complex, and you have more choice with them, namely being able to either put stickers on it that show the Lfrith Thorn with no permet score, or a high permet score. I decided to use the high permet score stickers of course, because that looks a lot cooler to me! I found these stickers really tough to put on, as some of them are really small and need a lot of precision to place properly, and this was only my second kit. I hadn't developed a strategy for placing stickers yet and it shows in some parts of my build.
The Lfrith Thorn kit comes with a few extra pieces that allow for some really neat customisability! For example, you have the option of using a closed hand, which allows the Lfrith Thorn to hold weapons, or an open hand, which can look dramatic and badass when posing it. Even that small amount of choice with the kit makes for a lot of different things you can do with it and I think that's awesome!
As much as I love Lfrith Thorn and as much as I enjoyed building this kit, I do have a few complaints with it. To start, I personally find that the head movement on this kit is very limited, and the head has fallen off of my kit many times when I was trying to pose it and make it look in certain directions. I understand there being limitations in the range of movement, but I find it to be a little bit too limited here. I also think that the beam sword pieces are a little too easy to bend, and I recommend taking extra good care to not put too much force on them when handling them. Mine are very slightly misshapen now, and while it's not too exaggerated, it still sucks to see.
Other than that though, the kit was super fun to build, and it's by far the easiest to pose when comparing all of the kits I've built so far! The stable design philosophy of the Lfrith Thorn actually translates really well to this kit, and it's noticeably more stable to pose than other kits! It was really cool to see honestly and noticing that inspired me to start this series in the first place, so thank you Lfrith Thorn!
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Once again, thank you to everyone who liked and reblogged my previous post, seeing the attention my Demi Trainer review got inspired me to continue with this, and I want to make even more reviews and design studies now! As always, constructive criticism is welcome, as well as likes and reblogs!
I'm hoping to get those action base kits at some point so I can have more freedom in posing my kits, so look forward to that!
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purity-town · 5 months
Been another very tiring week so I won't be able to get the next update out today -- in the meantime, I'll toss some ask responses under the cut! Ended up getting pretty into the weeds with these ones, haha.
Edit: Someone sent in an ask less than a minute after I posted, so I snuck it in at the end.
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Alalia doesn't know the exact circumstances that led to the burn scars (i.e. the doll), but she can extrapolate that it's related in some way to him being the Wall of Flesh. She doesn't know every minutiae of how his whole deal works (her comment of "I didn't know what would become of you!" was originally written in the script as something along the lines of "And you made it to adulthood too -- truth be told, I didn't know what would happen to you!". Basically saying that she didn't know if he'd even grow up, or if he'd go the other route and end up an old man with an unnaturally prolonged life, or be continually reborn young, and so on. In reality, he just ended up not aging after reaching maturity).
Andrew often doesn't bother concealing his scars when he's alone (ex. here and here) for casual comfort, and while he doesn't know Alalia on a personal level he knows what she is and implicitly trusts her because of that. She's older, a direct creation of Terraria, and a part of the natural world. If she comments on it it becomes a segue for him to talk to her about the circumstances that led to making the doll, and if she doesn't, then he can assume she either doesn't care or made a guess but most importantly isn't judging him about it.
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So to explain my thoughts on this I first want to talk about the Wall of Flesh's design. The Wall of Flesh visually serves as a very neat intermediary between pre-hardmode and hardmode (specifically Moon Lord):
You've got the obvious design parallels of the Eye of Cthulhu's first and second phase // The Wall of Flesh's two eyes shooting lasers and mouth design // The Twins and their attacks // The Moon Lord and the True Eye of Cthulhu's beam attacks.
Then there's the leeches spawned by the Wall of Flesh paralleling the Moon Leech Clot: the Wall of Flesh's leeches are described as "a worm-like parasite spit forth from the Wall of Flesh, filled with the lifeblood of its host. This blood has healing properties." This contrasts with when (what is apparently the Moon Lord's tongue according to the wiki, haha, but is in my opinion visually similar to the WoF leeches) grabs the player during its fight and produces a Moon Leech Clot, which heals the Moon Lord instead.
And if you're running a Corruption world, you can at least make an argument connecting the Eater of Worlds both to the leeches and the Hungry (at least in theme), then tying in the Destroyer as well, though the official bestiary lore is kind of a mess in this regard (the Destroyer is meant to be Cthulhu's...spine? And the Eater of Worlds is just a thing? It's confusing, so I've been taking some creative liberties in the comic to tie it together nicely).
Then if you're on a Crimson world, the whole "flesh" theme of the WoF serves as a nice in-between for the Brain of Cthulhu and Moon Lord's actual design.
This is a lot of words to explain that within the context of Purity Town, the "reason" for many of these design parallels is due to how it all links back to Cthulhu/Moon Lord.
Ripped-off pieces of the Moon Lord, or beings that arose from the chaos it wrought --> The Eye of Cthulhu, the Eater of Worlds
The ancient magics and chaos and light and dark all locked away until the world has healed enough to release them again (or the Moon Lord is near enough return that their power is necessary to kill it once and for all) --> The Wall of Flesh
Artificial constructions designed from the aforementioned parts of Cthulhu and monsters made from its power --> The Mechanical Bosses
The Moon Lord itself.
Malik's comment about Andrew being the Moon Lord's son, as much as he's clowned on immediately after about it, isn't entirely out there. Malik has a good sense for monsters and magic and curses (as do other characters like the Witch Doctor), and can put together that Andrew gives him the same vibes as a lot of the eldritch monsters out there. He just doesn't know that it's due to Andrew being the sort of human-avatar-thing for what is effectively the barrier/guardian holding back a lot of that power.
(On the other side of things: Andrew doesn't know who his actual, biological father is. He had a father figure of sorts in the form of his mentor, James, and was content with that. At the end of the day, everyone involved except for him has been dead for around four centuries at this point, so he's never going to get an answer and doesn't really care. And if he did have, say, a half-sibling out there or something on his dad's side: once again, it's been four-hundred years, so any living "relatives" will be very, very far removed from his family and culture. Technically this means he can't personally dispute the idea that he's not the son of Moon Lord or whatever, but as far as he knows his dad was a human, and he and his brother share the same dad.)
All that out of the way: your idea of the Guide's father being related to the cult is super cool!! Andrew does still have some ties to the Lunatic Cult in Purity Town, though it's less the Cult itself and more just the Cultist. The idea of his father being a manifest of Cthulhu and kickstarting the Cult and all the ideas that could spiral off of that- I really like the concept!
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Yeah of course!! My tagging system on my main blog is non-existent (i.e. I really ought to actually start tagging things), but I reblog fanart there!
Of course if you want to just draw the characters for fun and not share you're not obligated to, but I'd love to see it if you choose to share!
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sickoherd · 10 months
THE 100 -- dating reader from a different clan
mild angst???
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requested by @nickeverdeen: gn!reader who is from a different clan and got captured by their group (smth like Sasha case), but reader is in relationship with them (Clarke, Sasha and Octavia) and is innocent?
era: s1 dropship
author note: sorry i havent posted in ages my mental health hasn't been great :) also im going to add in sasha once I finish rereading the books bc unfortunately I don't remember her very much.
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the two of you met early on, she was at the river about to bathe, and you stumbled upon her whilst hunting.
she pointed her gun at you, you threatened her in trig...
it was all so romantic.
clarke never could have pulled the trigger though, your beauty struck her.
when you saw the internal battle in her eyes, you relented, raising your hands in surrender to show her you meant no harm, you were just passing through.
she let you leave, albeit, reluctantly.
that was just the first of your many encounters.
always at the river, it became your secret spot
the both of you would go there daily, hoping to catch a glimpse and feel those butterflies erupt in your bellies.
communications between the two of you was tricky however, you didn't understand her language and she didn't understand trig.
so you had to communicate at the start through offerings.
you would bring her food, or help her fish.
or even guard her while she bathed.
or you joined her...
eventually, you manged to learn a few words of her language, and your ability to speak them grew with every conversation.
you hadn't been dating for very long,
but she was always so insistent that you stay away from her camp
she didn't want the others to think you were a threat and kill you
of course though, you just didn't listen
you wanted to bring clarke some herbs you found, of which you had been tsught had medicinal properties.
You just wanted to share it with her
clarke was on guard duty tonight, you observed from further in the trees and woodlands surrounding their camp
the noise and bustle of the camp didn't frighten you, if anything it made you feel better that you wouldn't be heard as you made your way to clarke
however, she spotted you first
the look she gave you was one of pure death.
oh was she pissed...
you just gave her a smile.
clarke had a quick scan of her surroundings to check no one else was around, before walking over to you
holding out the herbs to her, she gave you a confused look before you explained.
"good for healing!", you beamed at her and she practically melted at your smile
she couldn't help herself, she just had to kiss you, but as she leaned in and you placed your arms around her, you heard footsteps.
in the dark, your loving embrace wasn't too visible, but to bellamy, who had just stumbled upon the two of you, it looked murderous.
"let go of her!" bellamy shouted, making you jump and clarke looked so scared all you wanted to do was hold her.
"bellamy no wait-"
but he didn't wait, he shot you in the leg.
"no! stop!" clarke screamed, tears falling uncontrollably down her face.
bellamy ran to her, checking her over for injuries, while you were writhing in pain on the floor
by now, a small crowd has formed, hush whispers of the words grounder and dangerous
bellamy had to restrain clarke as she tried to get to you, now being dragged off by miller and a few others.
she was sobbing, completely incoherent.
she couldn't let them take you...
you had seen her before
chasing butterflies, kissing a boy
you admired her truly
she was beautiful
the way the blue light shone on her
she was in her element and you were just happy to witness such a beautiful moment
you did not believe that you should attack these newcomers, but rather learn about them,communicate with them
like lincoln did
from then on, when you could, you looked out for her
never approaching her, just spectating
however, you two met officially through lincoln
you grew up with him, he was like an older brother to you
so when you entered his little hideout, you were incredibly shocked to find the girl you had been so hopelessly admiring for days inside.
unfortunately, you were in the cave when octavia was found, lincoln was off hunting
so it was you who was taken...
octavia had seen you before
she saw you in the trees, or in the woods and in her dreams
she saw you in that cave
she saw you get knocked out by her people and dragged back to her camp
she didn't know you, but oh how she wanted to
she longed to know you
this mysterious grounder who had been haunting her dreams
but now they were going to torture you and most likely kill you
octavia snuck into see you, to help you escape
you were so beat up and battered, but octavia still thought you were as breathtaking as her dreams
of course, since arriving on earth, she's been one for doing spontaneous things, but she couldn't name the force that drove her to kiss you.
but she did, and it was right
it felt so right that when you kissed her back, butterflies exploded in her belly
but now she had to get you out
she had to save you
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nitewrighter · 14 days
I think it would be funny if Batman did appear in maws (or just A Superman series), but he’s the last guest hero to show up- like, dead last.
Clark meets Scott and Barda first, then a couple of green lanterns. One episode teases a mysterious figure in a large cape, but he steps out of the shadows to reveal Martian manhunter. The first non alien tech based heroes he meets are Wonder Woman and aquaman to round out his contemporaries (with abin sur and later j’hon as sort of mentors).
Then we get the heroes Clark inspires (like how he inspired pretty much all superheroes in the real world), flash, the hawks, green arrow, black canary, blue beetle, zatanna, et al. He even meets some kids who would one day become titans.
In the last season he even meets robin and batgirl first, and they don’t even say the words Gotham city, just that they’re from “out of town”.
In a 3 part grand finale Clark, lois and jimmy have to gather all the super friends they met to stop an attack by darksied or the anti monitor, or trigon or starro, or hell maybe just a really cranky lex.
Sometime After the action is over, Superman gathers the various heroes at a newly built hall of justice to announce their building an organization of heroes, even a program to train the younger ones.
And suddenly Batman crashes in yelling “I AM THE NIGHT!!”, clearly exhausted trying to catch up with everyone, and starts ranting, yelling the names of various things from the bat mythos and how the league needs him. Meanwhile babs and dick are like “oh my god Bruce, you are embarrassing us in front of Kara/Kori”
He challenges Clark to a fight, “I got some kryptonite with your name on it big blue, let’s see who the big dog is!!”, Clark is just baffled. Lois talks him down, telling him to get some sleep and they can talk tomorrow.
The next day Lois and Clark are having lunch with Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson.
Lois: ok, hot take. Maybe losing your parents at such a young age left you with not so much a need for vengeance, but more a need for attention.
Bruce, drinking coffee: I mean, Alfred tried his best.
Clark: and he sounds like a great guy!
(I may have taken Bruce’s characterization from Lego movie Batman)
My ideal Batman appearance in MAWS is at the very very very end. He opens his mouth and the credits start rolling before he can say anything.
There's a mid-credits scene and it's just Scott and Barda showing up to Lois and Clark's for dinner with a veggie tray.
There's a post credits scene and it's Adam Strange zeta-beaming into the middle of Clois and ScottBarda's dinner party in the Family Guy Death Pose. Bruce is never mentioned.
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thr0wnawayy · 2 months
AU Ideas and other Concepts. 1/?)
Authors Note: I apologize for the delay for the upcoming chapters of Crownless Monarchy, I have been working on the next three chapters (at once) and hope to release them sometime soon.
Hey y'all. I figured I'd let some of these ideas see the light of day. Perhaps one of you can make something of them.
A bit of disclaimer: The way "s/i" isn't the typical. A Self Insert is usually the author putting themselves as a character.
In the MHA Community this is usally done through projecting ones personality through an existing character (ex: Midoriya)
The way I use S/I is a either:
A: A OC with knowledge or awareness of MHA's canon in some form (visions, reincarnation, intution) These characters are usually made up from a collection of different people and experiences, rather than just my own personhood.
A Character like Seven fit this bill.
B: S/I but Ingrained. Aka a S/I that blends and adapts to the world of MHA, their past self is not as relevant (if it's brought up at all) however may play a role in their perspectives and world views.
A Character like Arachne fits this bill (for another post)
With that out of the way, let's start small and work our way up:
Bonuses: (Minor prompts and concepts)
Dabi uses the PLF's connections to give Rei better treatment/conditions at the Hospital, or just transfer her all together to somewhere safe.
The Hood Enji fights is a Twice Clone while the real Hood is elsewhere.
S/I wakes up as Touya after the 3 year coma.
This one's out there: Hood meets Rei and causes a realization through his blunt honesty (f-flowers, iss the bar t-that low?)
Gigantomachia rewrite/replacement (idk, mine said make them motivational rather than denouncing, also make them smart)
a Vigilante group inspired by the 50 Blessings Organization from Hotline Miami
Event Swap: At Kamino, Enji's crimes are exposed (how is up to you)
Funfact: The above prompt was originally a time travel fic, here's the unfinished script & notes
HPSC gets exposed as well [ Child soldier project] ) (Perhaps this can be added as well?)
Zero was disguised as AFO and sheds her disguse for her grand reveal
Zero twirled around in place, glittering in the moonlight, taking deep breath "Come and serenade with me, Uncle Toshi." she was wild, wild and yet so meticulous.
They were speechless, shell shocked, They were running to the smoke and lost themselves in the fire.
"You're looking glum Endeavor, y'know for someone who's just achieved No1 status, Ya really need to brighten up!" She jeered.
A canon formed out of her forearm, quickly firing a beam of energy. An explosion rocked the district, some heroes barley fleeing in time, others not so fortunate.
She barked a manic laugh, her eyes wide as saucers, onslaught never ceasing, never to falter.
And as she made her great adeau, the nation finally knew that the age of heroism was torn asunder.
Bonus: After Ms.Curious is killed, S/I posses her body and lives again (Type A: S/I)
Bonus: Strike Back
Class of Aldera is done with Bakugo's shit( Students stand up for Midorya and try to redeem themselves)
( Fingers calls himself a coward for giving into pressure and fear [ was forced to attack Midorya, threatened verbally and physically by Bakugo and became numb to it], is inspired by a David Shield interview to become a scientist )
Star and Stripes' (Cathleen Bate's) Neice, Head of the W.H.A, travels to Japan following AM'S retirement/ Kamino and begins to take over the reigns from the HPSC. Starting with U.A's internships.
Profile: Mary-Ann Bate
Dirty Blonde, 6,2 ft , wavy blonde hair slightly past shoulders, well kempt, suits and pants
Stern attitude, takes no shit, willing to ground Endevour and Hawks's hero licenses
Q: Reality
Bonus: Replaceable
During the sludge incident it's not Bakugo whom Midorya pulls out
A New Course Of Action:
Following the disaster (Pointless Kamakaze raid), Dabi's expose video and Twice's death at Jaku, The civilians of Tokyo decide to take matters into their own hands, it all starts with one after all.
And lastly a character profile of a background character turned OC
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If you need reference, this is the girl seated next to Midoriya at Aldera, her quirk is pretty rad with the possibility of being better than Hellflame (because she seems to have fine control over the flame itself, becoming it). Of course she needs professional training first
I imagined them (her and Mido) here as friends who met halfway through middle school and have stuck together since.
Much like her quirk and namesake, Ryukka has a fiery disposition and doesn't take kindly to people* harassing her friend(s) (*read Bakugo)
She's one the only people at Aldera willing to stand up to him (her flames cause his quirk to overload)
As hinted at in her quote, she does get into UA and thanks to her and Midorya's study sessions (Quirk and academic wise) she gets in with high scores (beating out Bakugo's score in the Entrance Exam)
Has beef with Aizawa
As I stated, everything in here is up for grabs so feel free to use it in your works if you so wish.
Just remember to link it here in the comments
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saltybelieverpeanut · 7 months
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EMD ROTTMNT AU and EMD! Two/Donnie by @evenmoreofadisaster and OC Lillian by me! Still ongoing draft of art that's finishing soon!
Some facts about my oc + abt her in this AU:
-Full name: Lillian Jevika "Hellburn" Banner
-Height: 5'7"[in my own interpretation I view Two to be at least 5'8"-5'9"]
-She/Her+ Female
-Cannibalistic. 'Demon born in human form'--- has royalty blood
-Leader of "Hellburn Riot", a tight-knit villain team consisting of 4 girls: Lillian, Zayna, Merlin and Tanya
•In this AU(just like the og one I created), Lillian comes from a parallel world where her mother was a queen named Alista, Entity of Harmony and Peace. In this timeline, the Kraang attacked her world, and during this time Lillian was only a toddler. So while Queen Alista fought off the Kraang, her father Flama sent her through a portal to another world before getting blasted by a laser beam. Throughout this time, Lillian experienced cruelty from the humans of the new universe she arrived in but was saved by Zayna's father and her, taking her in before he died of lung cancer a couple of years later, leaving Lillian under Zayna's care till now.
•But unlike in my AU where Lillian and her team knew all the Hamato brothers altogether, Hellburn Riot instead has ties with One and Two, along with Draxum of course. And as for Lillian's relationship with Two.....let's just say they are f*cking deranged. With Lillian being a yandere and Two seeing her as a way to prove himself to Draxum- since not only was Lillian INCREDIBLY powerful but she was also (secret) royalty- the two of them developed a twisted kind of love but still respects one another.
If you have any questions regarding this or anything else related, ask me in the comments section below! I'm sorry if I don't reply cos well, school, but I'll do my best to post more! ♥️
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fanficsformyfaves · 2 days
Salvatore Pt.1
Lilith/Madam Satan x Fem Witch!Reader
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WARNING: ANGST, SMUT +18, Violence, Injuries, Legal Age Difference, Sexual Tension, Jealousy, Harassment From Lucifer, Oral Sex (R Receiving), Fingering, (R Receiving) Praise Kink (R Receiving), Degradation Kink (R Receiving), Lilith Uses Sex Magic To Give Herself A Cock
PREFACE: Reader is a witch who was found by Lilith in the woods after being attacked by Angels. Mesmerized by her beauty, Lilith takes Reader back to Pandemonium and recruits her as one of Lucifer’s foot-soldiers…but what happens when business and pleasure mix?
A/N: Lilith's P.O.V. in Bold and Colored!
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I fell limp after one final stab to the chest. The dagger piercing through my ribs and into my heart. After hitting the ground, it didn't take long before my vision began fading into nothingness.
"Come on, we need to clear the woods before sundown", a faint voice announced.
And just like that, I was left for dead in the cold and lonesome...or so I thought.
As I made my way towards the Mortuary, I hear a struggle coming from somewhere in the woods. Usually, I'd go about my business, but I could sense supernatural energy coming from the direction of the sound.
So against my better judgment, I decide to follow it using teleportation and end up a few feet away, hidden behind a tree. I didn't know exactly what I was expecting to see, but a witch being brutally murdered at the hands of two angels wasn't it. Once they fled, I approached the body and there began it all.
She was devastatingly beautiful. Even battered, bruised and bleeding, her presence was so compelling. Something within me would not allow me to carry on, no matter how much I needed to.
I kneel before her and take one of her wrists. To my surprise, though weak, I did indeed find a pulse. Guess the angels didn't bother to ensure they finished the job. I take a quick glimpse around, before resting my palms on her body and closing my eyes. I focus my magic and recite the spell to heal her wounds and within a matter of minutes, the gashes started to close.
Once the lacerations had disappeared, I got back up on my feet and went to leave, but that same feeling in my gut continued to work against me.
"Just go" I pleaded with myself.
But alas, my efforts to leave the stranger behind were in vain when I found myself teleporting us both to Pandemonium in a blaze of hellfire
"Ah, Lilith, just the woman I wanted to see", Lucifer greets.
Just before spotting the woman in my lap.
"Mmm and you've brought me a little treat"
"I've brought you an opportunity", I corrected rather fiercely.
The mere thought of Lucifer touching her sent me into a spiral I couldn't explain.
"Do explain"
"Well, since you insist on me being here more often, I thought another eye watching over Sabrina would be of use. After all, she continues to fight against the path of night"
It took him a moment to consider what I'd said, but once he came to a conclusion, he ultimately agreed.
"Very well"
I let out a quiet sigh of relief, before ordering the guards to prepare a room for her.
I wake to a faint beam of red light shinning through the window. It emanated from the crimson moon that contrasted against the pitch black sky. Surrounding me were silk sheets and the four posts that held a canopy over the bed that was not my own. Where the hell was I?
"You're awake", a voice said from a particularly dark corner of the room.
"Who said that? Where am I?", I sat up.
"One question at a time, dear", the figure emerged from the shadows.
It seemed as if my heart had dropped to the soles of my feet. Although confused and slightly frightened, I was also mesmerized by her daunting beauty. Her dark locks cascaded down her alabaster skin and her eyes gleamed a baby blue that rivaled any sky.
I took a moment to recollect myself and finally found the courage to speak.
"Where am I?"
That would explain the vast darkness that engulfed the outside.
"Am I dead?"
"No. You nearly were, but I managed to heal you before you completely bled out"
My hands reached for where the wounds would've been, but as she said, they were gone.
"Why am I here?"
"I thought you would be of use to the Dark Lord and whatever he needs, I make happen", she explained making her way over to me.
"The Dark Lord? Lucifer?"
"Unless there are other dark lords out there that I am unaware of, then yes"
She takes a seat beside me, as I recoiled, still unsure of my safety.
"I'm not going to hurt you", she reassured.
Her voice soft and sultry.
She rakes her gaze up and down my body, before brushing a fallen hair behind my ear.
"If I was, I wouldn't have bothered to set up this room for you"
"Fair point", I quietly answered as she smiled.
She stood from the bed and turned to face me.
"I must alert the Dark Lord that you've awaken. Will five minutes be enough for you to be decent?"
I didn't even realize that my own clothes were replaced by a negligee. My hands instinctively pull the robe together to shield what was left of my dignity.
"Yes", I hesitated.
She walks off, using her magic to open the doors.
"Oh and...", she says over her shoulder.
"You needn't shy away from your body"
I didn't need to see her face to hear the subtle grin in her words.
The moment the doors shut behind her, I let out a deep sigh, as my eyes fell closed in an attempt to calm my nerves. That woman.
Just as I regained my composure, the torches that decorated the walls around me all lit up at once, finally illuminating the room and allowing me to see. On the foot of the bed laid a black floor length dress that shimmered red against the burning flames. The bodice embellished with what looked like a golden ribcage.
"Dark Lord, Madam Satan", Minion addressed.
"The new recruit is ready to meet you"
"Excellent! Bring her in", Lucifer ordered.
The guards hauled the heavy doors open to reveal the young woman awaiting behind it, dressed in the gown I had chosen. Judging by how well it hugged at every delicious curve, it seemed to me that I made the right choice.
"Come in, my child. Please do not be a stranger", Lucifer beckoned.
She slowly began approaching us, whilst scanning around the room.
"Oh, how precious. Worry not. No harm shall come to those who are not threats. Especially not to pretty little things like you", he chuckled.
I couldn't help but glare at him through my peripheral vision.
"What is your name?"
"(Y/N)", she answered.
"(Y/N). What a lovely name. Isn't that a lovely name, Lilith?"
"Yes, your wickedness", I answered whilst averting my gaze.
"You must be wondering why you're here and I'd be more than happy to answer, but I must ask some questions of my own", he declared standing up from his throne and making his way down the platform.
"What were you doing in the woods?"
"I was ran out of town by Angels and followed to Sweetwater River"
"Well, of course. This has the False God's work written all over it"
She kept her gaze focused the floor, too afraid to look either of us in the eyes.
"Do you belong to any of my covens?"
"I did, Dark Lord"
I see tears begin to gather in her eyes and her hands ball up into fists.
"The Angels slaughtered them in our Desecrated Church. My familiar helped me escape, before they caught up to me at the river"
Lucifer turns back to me with a sinister smirk.
"No one to recognize her and foil my plans"
Narcissistic as always.
"As for my final question, it actually answers yours. You see, I plan on taking over earth and turning it into the tenth circle of hell. The only problem is my daughter, Sabrina. Sabrina Spellman, who you will befriend and sway towards the path of night to fulfill the prophecy of becoming the Herald Of Hell and bring forth the apocalypse. That is your purpose here"
I watched as he circles her like a predator about to close in on its prey.
"My question now is...are you up to the task?"
She looks over at me and I give her a simple nod.
"Yes, Dark Lord"
He stops right beside her, shamelessly eyeing down the front of her dress.
"And what say you about being of service in other ways?", he questioned slipping off one of her straps to expose her shoulder.
"Dark Lord, may I please speak to you in private?"
He flashes her one more smile, before meeting me back up the platform.
"This must be important if you decided to interrupt me-"
"It is. I'm afraid if you take advantage of this girl, she will most likely turn on us. We have enough on our plate with Sabrina and the Angels and the Kings of Hell, what if she goes to the Spellmans and reveals your plans? It's not worth the risk"
He sighs through flared nostrils.
"Very well then, you deal with her", he spat bitterly before disappearing in a whirlwind of flames.
I collapse to the floor in tears, overwhelmed by everything. Not only did I lose my coven, my familiar and the life I once knew, but I was now a pawn in the Dark Lord's game with no way out.
I could barely catch my breath from the panic that consumed my whole being. It felt like my lungs were set ablaze and death was just looming around the corner. Just then, I see Lilith kneel before me.
"Look at me"
It took all the strength I had left to lift my head from the confines of my knees.
"Crying won't solve anything. If you want to survive, you must play your part in this seamlessly"
"But nothing"
She takes a hold of my hand and poured her eyes into mine. I found comfort in her gaze. Something about it felt genuine and true.
"You will do what you must. Is that understood?"
After taking in a long deep breath, I started to come to my senses.
She takes a quick look around the room, before leaning in to whisper.
"No one will hurt you as long as I am here", she promised, getting back on her feet.
"Guards, escort her back to her chambers and have a meal brought to her"
She offers me a hand and I take it to stand back up. As she went to leave, I decided to give into my curiosity.
"Why are you helping me?", I questioned.
She stops for a moment, before continuing to walk out.
It had been almost a month since I rescued (Y/N) and for the most part, things went smoothly. She managed to successfully infiltrate Sabrina's circle of friends without arousing any suspicion from her or her peers.
The only issue I faced was not being able to keep away from her. I'd use any and every excuse to get her alone and in those moments, it took all of me to keep a level head. I couldn't help it. She was just the sweetest little sin.
From the doe eyes to the soft lips, I fought against every instinct that begged me to touch her.
Especially now. It was lunch time at Baxter High and I called her into my office to 'discuss' her progress with Sabrina. When in reality, I just wanted her all to myself for even just ten minutes.
"I told her I was a witch"
"And what did she say, darling?"
I could tell the pet name had an effect on her by the way she straightened her posture. I barely managed to hide the smile tugging at my lips.
It was like she was trying to get under my skin and if she was, it was working. Of course, I had to be imagining things. How could a woman like her find interest in someone like me?
I snap out of my thoughts and remembered where I was.
"She told me she was one too"
She sits up from her chair and walks around her desk.
"So you've gained her trust, I take it?"
"Yes, Madam Satan"
"Oh please, spare the formalities. Lilith is fine"
"Of course...Lilith"
Even her name felt like sin on my tongue. I see her lick her lips and I almost lost it.
"You're doing so well", she says taking my necklace into her slender fingers.
A breath hitches in the back of my throat from how close she was. She raises a brow and leans in even closer.
"Do I make you nervous, pet?"
My skin was on fire and I was on the verge of completely losing my cool.
Before anything else could happen, the door clicks open and Lilith let go of my pendant.
"Miss Wardell-" Sabrina called out.
"Oh, hey (Y/N)"
"Hey 'Brina", I greeted
"I can just come back-"
"Oh there's no need for that. (Y/N) was just leaving...weren't you, dear?"
"Yes, miss Wardwell"
I got up and picked my bag off the floor.
"See you at Chem, Sabrina", I say almost, sprinting out of the office.
That woman's gonna be the death of me.
Later on that day, I decided to walk Sabrina home in an attempt to gather more information.
"He just wants you to steal gum?", I questioned.
"I know it doesn't seem like a big deal now, but what happens when his demands get worse? It's just gonna get harder and harder to say no"
"It's possible, but not guaranteed. Maybe it's just a test to see if you'll actually do it"
"Maybe, but still", she sighs.
"Has ever visited you? Ask you to do something?"
If only she knew.
"You could say that"
"What'd he want?"
"He just wanted me skip school"
"Is that why you didn't come in last week?"
"No, this was back in my old school"
It didn't feel right to lie to her, especially when she's been so kind to me, but I had no other choice. It was just like Lilith said. Play the game and keep it moving.
"Has he visited you again after that?"
"No. It was just that one time"
We finally arrived at the Mortuary and as she went up the steps, she stops.
"Should I just do it then?"
All I could do was shrug.
"I mean, if it'll get him off your back and buy you some more time to come up with a game plan, I don't see why not"
She nods.
"See you tomorrow, (Y/N)", she bids farewell, letting herself inside.
After the door closes behind her, I made my way to the clearing in the woods where Lilith told me to meet her. As I did, that moment in her office played in a torturous loop in my head. What would've happened if Sabrina never walked in? I pondered on it for a bit, before I see Lilith herself step out from behind a tree.
"Excellent work"
"Thank you", I respond.
My voice barely above a whisper.
"Come now. The Dark Lord is waiting", she says extending a hand.
I carefully take it and we vanish into a flash of fire.
After informing him of the day she'd had, minus some details, the Dark Lord was quite pleased to hear how much progress (Y/N) has made with Sabrina.
"All the pieces are falling into place", he grinned.
"That'll be all for you, (Y/N), you may retire for the evening", he dismissed.
I watched as she bowed her head, before making a swift exit out of the throne room.
"You as well, Lilith"
I follow behind her, till she arrived at her door.
"Goodnight, (Y/N). I do hope you sleep", I bid farewell, whilst eyeing up and down her frame.
And just as I began to walk off, I could feel her eyes follow every sway of my hips, causing me to stifle back a chuckle.
"Wait", she called out to me.
And snap went the trap.
"Maybe we could um...talk for a bit? In my room?"
My brows raise in pretend surprise.
"Well, of course", I say approaching her.
"You've been so good"
She blushes at the praise, looking down at her feet.
"And I bet it gets so...lonely"
I use my finger to lift her chin.
"Doesn't it?"
She nods and I reach for the door handle behind her, making sure to brush my lips past her ear.
"We can surely fix that, can't we?"
The door unlocks and she shyly pulls away, walking in, as I followed suit.
"Stop there"
I walk over to her and carefully place my hands on her shoulders to bring her against me.
"It seems to me that you're quite comfortable in my presence"
She nods, as her eyes fell shut.
"I'm afraid I'm going to need a verbal answer, pet"
"Yes, I am", she shudders, feeling me press out the knots in her shoulders.
"May I?", I ask, tugging at the straps of her dress.
Just hearing her beg like this has my skin crawling in goosebumps.
I pull them both to the side and watch as the dress completely slips off her body. Every inch of her skin was nothing short of absolute perfection.
I could feel her eyes on me like a devastating fever.
"Oh, pet", she whispered against my ear, running her hands up my waist.
"Lilith", I exhaled.
"I need you"
She giggles to herself and turns me around to face her.
"Let's not keep you waiting, then"
After what felt like an eternity of her teasing, she finally crashes her lips onto mine and it was better than I could've ever imagined. Her lips were as soft as silk and as sweet as honey, which contrasted against the fierce grip she had on my hips. I knew in that moment that this was the closest I'd ever get to heaven.
Without breaking the kiss, she lead me towards the bed and sat me down.
"I've been waiting for this. To finally know what you taste like", she says, getting down on her knees in front of me.
"Would you like that?"
"Yes, please"
With one final smirk, she pulls my underwear to the side and licks up my slit, collecting the mess she made previously. I shiver at the sensation, letting out a quiet gasp and reaching for her hair.
"So good for me. So tasty", she mumbled, sending vibrations through my bundle of nerves.
We had just began and I was already on the verge of completely coming undone.
Her tongue worked furious circles on my clit, while her fingers prepped my entrance by spreading my wetness up and down it. With each passing second, I felt a climax that had been building up closing in on me.
She slips two fingers into me and I clap a hand over my mouth to muffle the sounds of my moans. She chuckles, taking my hand off of my face.
"I've enchanted this room to be soundproof. You didn't think I'd miss the opportunity to hear all the pretty sounds you make, did you?"
"Lilith", I panted.
"How long has it been since you've been touched, darling?"
"Too long", I whined, grinding myself against her mouth.
"Poor thing", she teased.
Her ministrations gradually quickened its pace and before I knew it, her digits were pounding into the spot I needed most.
"Fuck, yes there!", I cried out.
My walls clenched around her fingers, as I was losing my breath from all the wanton moans that fought themselves out of me.
"You're so close, I can feel it. Do it, come for me", she ordered.
And with that, I was thrusted over the edge and I came with a scream that echoed around the room. I go limp and fall back against the mattress. Lilith stands up and I whine at the sight of her glistening chin.
"That", she says, collecting my essence off her chin and sucking it off her fingers.
"Was fucking good"
She crawls on top of me and rests my legs on either side of her. She mutters a spell under her breath and at first, I didn't know what was happening, but once I saw what appeared between her legs, I was astonished. She'd conjured up an appendage that was far larger than any I've ever seen myself.
"Like what you see, pet?", she questioned, dragging my bottom lip down with her thumb.
"Yes, Lilith"
She leans back down to kiss me and I wrap my arms around her neck.
"You will be spoiled rotten tonight", she says, guiding her cock against my cunt.
She slowly began inching her way inside me as I whined, gripping at the roots of her hair.
"I know, pet. Just a little bit more", she groaned, kissing my cheek in an attempt to soothe me.
The stretch stung and I wasn't sure how much more of her I could take, but eventually, I felt her thighs press up against the back of mine. She filled me like I'd never been filled before and it hurt so good.
"Fuck, it was like you were made for me", she sighed, snaking her hands underneath my back.
I give myself a moment to adjust, before bashfully grinding myself against her.
"You can move", I whispered.
Her hips retracted a bit, before pushing back into me with a steady rhythm.
"You're doing so good. So so good", she praised.
Gradually, her pace quickened and so did each breath that would get harder and harder to catch. Before I knew it, she had my legs over her shoulders, allowing her to hit my g-spot dead on. All I could do was repeatedly scream out her name like a prayer, whilst holding onto her wrists for dear life.
"Oh God!", I cried out, causing her to bite back a chuckle.
"He can't help you now, pet"
That alone would've pushed me to the brink of ecstasy, if it hadn't been for one of her hands that reached down between us to toy with my clit.
"I'm gonna-"
"Not until I say so", she ordered, pounding into me harder.
"Please!", I begged.
"Disobey me and I won't let you come at all", she threatened.
Not wanting to be left high and dry, I followed her orders. Even though it was killing me trying to fight back the orgasm that was wearing me down.
The tempo of her rams eventually began to falter at the growing pulse of my walls that were clenching around her.
"You feel so good. You like this? Being used like a toy?"
"Yes, fuck!"
"Such a dirty whore. All for me", she moaned, letting her head fall back in pleasure.
The sheer force of her thrusts began to cause the bed to skid against the floor and I feared its legs would give out at any moment.
"Fuck, Lilith! I can't-"
"Do it, come for me!", she yelled.
That was all it took for me to come completely undone. I let out one final moan, before melting completely in her grasp. She came not too far behind, painting my walls with ropes of white.
"Fuck!" she cursed into the air.
She helps me ride out the aftershocks of my orgasm with subtle thrusts, before carefully pulling out of me. I wince at the empty soreness and she collapses to my side, pulling me onto her damp chest.
"You were fucking incredible", I panted.
"I've been known to be", she teased, getting a giggle out of me.
We laid there, just basking in the afterglow for about a minute or two. I'd been so on edge for the past weeks that it felt good to just exist without a care in the world.
"This stays between us for now. What the Dark Lord doesn't know won't hurt him"
"I know"
She kisses the top of my head, holding me closer.
"But what?"
"What if we don't need to?"
She pulls away to look me in the eyes.
"Look. Lucifer's plans to take over the world could be catastrophic at best"
"There are risks involved in his plans, but what does that have to do with us?", she questioned.
"Everything. If he somehow gets his way and brings forth the apocalypse, he rules over all and where does that leave us? I don't wanna spend the rest of my life as a slave and I'm sure you don't either"
She cuts herself off with a sigh through her nose.
"I know it's risky", I said, sitting up.
"But the Spellmans could help"
"The Spellmans?"
"Yes. They may bend to Lucifer's will now, but the love they have for Sabrina far outweighs that. They'd do anything to keep her safe"
"Lilith, think about it. Sabrina's nature tends towards the path of light and you and I both know she isn't fit to rule Hell anyway. Besides, I think you'd make a far better ruler"
Her gaze softens.
"You mean that?"
"Is that even question? If it weren't for you, Lucifer wouldn't have gotten this far. You are the smartest and bravest person I know"
Tears prick in her eyes, as I took her face into my hands.
"You trust me, don't you?"
She nods, as a stray tear makes its way down her cheek. I wipe it away with my thumb before pressing a soft kiss to her lips.
"I do"
I smile, holding her head against my bare chest.
"I'm taking you away from this place. I swear"
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deanwanddamons · 1 year
Undercover - Chapter Two
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Summary: Homicide Detective Dean Winchester and Detective Y/F/N Y/L/N go undercover to solve a spate of murders. 
Universe: Detective AU
Pairing: None (yet) 
Chapter Word Count: 2K
Warnings: Dark subject matter. Angst. Description of a panic attack.
A/N 1: As always thank you to my beta @winchest09, who helped me with the idea for this story. You are my cheerleader, my bestie and my constant support. I love you.
A/N 2: As you may or may not know, I haven’t written anything in an absolute age. I have been struggling with writer's block and life has simply got in the way. But…I started this series a long time ago and a few chapters were just sitting in my docs. So I thought I would post the prologue in the hope that you guys enjoy it, want to read more and it may give me the inspiration to continue with it. I’m happy to say, most of you seemed to enjoy it so here is Chapter Two. Please let me know what you think - comment and reblog if possible ❤️ Tag list is open if you wish to be added.
Undercover Masterlist
My Masterlist
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Dean and Benny entered the abandoned warehouse, their Glock 19’s drawn, the flashlights that were tucked up beside the muzzle providing only a small amount of illumination through the dense shadows. Shards of moonlight peaked weakly through the empty windows which were devoid of panes, but it was not bright enough to be of any use. 
They attempted to keep their footsteps light as they desperately needed to be stealthy to avoid detection. However, it was proving increasingly difficult to avoid the debris that were strewn across the floor. Aiming his flashlight at the ground, Dean could see clumps of tinfoil and a few spoons at his feet, signs that this place had been used as a drug den at some point. As he stepped forward, hypodermic needles snapped under his heavy boots, his weight crushing them to tiny pieces. Each sound was like a thunderclap in the silence. 
A gloomy corridor stretched out before them as they rounded a corner. The arc of Dean’s torch revealed a door on either side, around ten feet from where they stood, only one of the entrances accessible. Benny was behind Dean, close on his heels. The Cajun tapped him on the shoulder and gestured to the taller man that he was heading over to the right, then using only hand signals, managed to portray his idea that they should take a room each. As they glanced at each other, their faces were bathed in darkness. By now, their eyes had grown accustomed enough to their surroundings and by the weak light the moon was providing, they were able to just make out each other’s features. They had worked together for so long there was an almost psychic bond between them and no words were required. Dean nodded in agreement, understanding exactly what Benny was explaining. 
Dean pressed his back to the grimy wall behind him, his heels pushed against the broken skirting boards.  As Benny silently tiptoed to the opposite wall, he motioned with his hand that he was heading down the hall to the right hand door and his partner should take the left. Dean saluted, the gesture a unique action between them. Benny always knew this meant that he was in agreement when they could not speak. 
In unison, they began to move slowly, each step they took calculated and deliberate, almost as if it had been choreographed beforehand. 
As they reached their separate destinations, their eyes met briefly across the corridor. It was time. 
Dean stepped into the room alone, his Glock following the beam of his flashlight that cut through the dark like a knife, searching the corners. It was empty, except for some upended filing cabinets, their draws standing open, stained paperwork from the business that previously operated from the premises spilling out of them like discarded trash. 
Benny stopped in front of the door of the opposite room, and tried the knob. It was locked. Lifting his foot, he kicked the door open, the flimsy mechanism of the lock shattering under his heavy boot. He knelt, pointing his gun into the black space. It was empty. 
Benny cursed under his breath. He had expected to find the target, but instead he found himself facing an empty, dark room. He flicked on his flashlight and swept it around the room, looking for any sign of the person he was after. But there was nothing.
Feeling frustrated, Benny stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. He scanned the walls, looking for any hidden doors or compartments. He checked under the bed, in the closet, and behind the curtains. But there was no one there.
Benny frowned. He couldn't believe that they had been led on a wild goose chase like this. He and Dean had followed every lead and tip they could find, but it seemed that their target was always one step ahead of them.
As Benny turned to leave, something caught his eye. It was a small piece of paper, tucked between the pages of a book on the nightstand. He picked it up and read the words scrawled on it in pencil.
"Nice try, boys. Better luck next time."
Benny crumpled the note in his fist, feeling angry and defeated. Whoever the message was from, they were mocking them. Benny knew that he couldn't give up, though. They had to keep searching for their target, no matter how long it took.
Outside the room, Dean suddenly flinched at the cacophony of sounds that reverberated around the seemingly abandoned warehouse.  Moving forward, he headed towards the broken furniture, when Benny’s loud, desperate shout echoed through the building. 
Benny was in trouble. The green-eyed detective instinctively went to move forward, before pausing, remembering the conversation the partners had had when they were originally given their assignment. 
“Whatever happens, we must not blow our cover. We need to bring these scumbags in and get them off the streets, no matter what happens. If either one of us gets hurt or is captured, the other must run. We can not afford to jeopardise this investigation.” 
They had shaken hands on this and clinked their beer bottles together. Benny would never forgive him if he stormed into the room to rescue him. And he had screamed out for Dean to run. 
What should he do? 
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“So, Jon,” Donna said, turning her body towards him, “What brings you here?”
“Fancied a change of pace I guess,” Dean responded, the blondes words forcing him out of his reverie. He had rehearsed the cover story that had been concocted between him and Rufus. It was inevitable that people would ask. “Lawrence was very quiet, so I asked for a transfer to the big city.”
“Ahh, you’re from Lawrence? Were you involved in the Order of Repentance case?” She asked brightly. 
“Vaguely,” Dean lied, forcing himself to answer. The single word came out strained and broken. He was slowly getting used to the untruths, but it didn’t sit right with him. He hated deceiving people, even though this was something he would have to do many more times, he had no doubt. He knew he needed to be more convincing if he was going to keep up the charade. 
“I wasn’t heavily involved, but I was obviously aware of it,” he continued, clearing his throat, sitting up straighter in his chair, taking another sip of the liquid that claimed to be coffee. 
“Crazy business. Who would have thought a peaceful community could be capable of such things. And I heard that the leader, Michael wasn’t it, disappeared into the breeze?” Donna went on, completely unaware of the adrenaline that was flowing through Dean’s body. 
“He did,” Dean answered. His eyes darted around the room, desperately searching for an excuse to end this conversation, the feeling of unease crawling over his skin. His heart was beating so hard against his rib cage, he thought it would burst out of his chest. He couldn’t sit here any longer. He pushed his chair back, the sound of the legs scraping along the floor loud in his ears. 
“Could you show me where the restroom is please?” He suddenly announced. He could feel the rumbling of a panic attack beginning to manifest, and he had to get out of this room. Strong fingers of dread began to press down on his skull and his heart was thumping so hard he could feel it pounding in his chest. He hadn’t admitted to anyone that he suffered from them, not even Sam, so he certainly didn't want to have a full blown melt down in front of his new colleagues. 
“Sure!” Donna said, an expression of concern crossing her face when she noticed how pale Dean had gone. “Down the hall, on the right. Are you okay?” 
“Yes, fine. Just need a minute,” he explained, getting up from the chair on shaking legs. He forced himself to move confidently across the room, even though he wished he could sprint from the oppressive atmosphere that had begun to weigh down on his shoulders. His vision had started to blur, shards of light punctuating his sight with each thump of his pulse. He needed to concentrate on an action, so focused on removing his jacket as he walked, dropping it down onto the nearest chair. Donna watched him as he did, her curiosity of the handsome newcomer piqued. 
Dean was sweating, his palms clammy and breath coming in short bursts as he made his way down the corridor. He thought of the steps he had read on the internet which supposedly help ward off an attack; 
Things I can see - A large pot plant in front of me that needs watering. 
Things I can touch - The wall
Things I can hear - Phones ringing in the distance 
Things I can smell - There is a smell of fried onions in the air. Someone is having a hot dog for lunch. 
Things I can taste - My own saliva. The smell of onions is making my stomach churn even more. 
His gaze finally fell upon the men’s room door. Relief flooded through him as pushed it open. The force he used was so strong, it slammed against the wall behind it, bouncing back towards him. Pushing at it again, he practically fell into the bathroom, barrelling straight into a hard body who was washing his hands. 
“Woah, take it easy,” a soft voice warned him. Dean ignored the man, and stumbled towards a cubicle as bile burned his throat. 
He hadn't even had time to shut the door to the stall, before he had fallen heavily to his knees. He had just reached the pan, when he brought up the brown liquid from the vending machine which was the only contents in his stomach. As he retched, he could vaguely hear a voice asking him if he was okay. 
Having been shoved out of the way by the whirlwind that was Dean, Detective Novak had originally been annoyed by being dismissed by the man who had rudley pushed past him, but now he felt concerned for the figure hunched over the toilet bowl. 
“Are you okay there, buddy?” he asked, not wanting to intrude on what was a personal moment, but not wanting to ignore the stranger either. 
Dean raised a hand in acknowledgment. He didn’t wish to be rude, but he wasn’t in any state to actually respond at that moment. He had finally managed to curb the heaving, and his stomach had settled slightly, but he still felt queasy and light headed. He rested his forehead against the cool porcelain, preparing himself to stand up. 
“Yes, thank you,” he managed to say, using the walls of the cubicle to steady himself as he rose to his feet. He felt weak and breathless, his pulse pounding in his head as he attempted to fill his lungs with much needed oxygen. He had managed to avoid a full on panic attack, but only just. 
Moving sluggishly to a sink, he turned on the faucet and cupped his hands below it, cold water gathering in his clasped fingers. He brought the cool H2O to his lips, gulping it down greedily and splashing it over his pale face. 
Looking into the reflective surface of the mirror above the bank of grimy basins, his blood shot green eyes caught the blue pupils of Novak who was hovering behind him. He took in the concern shining in them, and was both grateful and frustrated by it. Dean felt foolish and weak, hating the fact someone had witnessed the beginnings of a possible breakdown.
This cannot be happening. Not today.
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To be continued
Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed please like, comment and reblog as FEEDBACK IS GOLD and is the fuel that keeps me writing. My tag list is open, so if you wish to be added, send me an ask.
Tags - @salt-n-burn-em-all / @littlelonewolfgirl / @krazykelly / @deans-spinster-witch / @lastcallatrockysbar / @ssimelttilgniht / @123passwort / @winchester-girl67 / @winchestergirl2 / @americasass81 / @jessjad / @akshi8278 / @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior / @waywardbaby / @deanwinchesterswitch / @440mxs-wife / @globetrotter28 / @ziatracy / @sexyvixen7 / @hobby27 / @djs8891 / @kickingitwithkirk / @wirdbeimaufhebengebunden / @kyjey / @lindalouh / @solariklees / @trektraveler / @leigh70 / @ladysparkles78 / @mimaria420
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