#post s3 Hanni
sullencrab · 3 days
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chaotic-so3k · 2 months
Posting about my reactions to S3 as I watch, part one; Episode 9: The Woman Clothed With The Sun
spoliers ahead
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I will throw up. Not a threat, but a promise
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This conversation is a lethal dose. I have no clue what it is a dose of, but it is lethal
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science husbandsss! (and I agree with him wholeheartedly)
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Freddie is the №3 Hannigram shipper pass it on (first is Hanni, second's Chilton)
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I don't.
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God I love them
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Most meta version of 'let him cook' ever tbh
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sargassostories · 11 months
have just begun s3 and could not be more obsessed with Hanni’s post-divorce hot milf back on the market look
✅ new motorcycle
✅ leather jacket
✅ greys freshly dyed
✅ scoping parties for a new marriage to crash
she’s wearing less and going out more
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k-s-morgan · 2 years
hi! this is something I’ve thought about a lot - why do you think a lot of the hannibal fandom exaggerates Will and Abigail’s relationship? Like yes, he feels some sense of obligation and yes, hannibal planted the idea of them as a found family from the beginning, but honestly, Will never truly knew her. but in so many fics/edits/posts it’s all “Will loved her so much” and “he would have made a great dad!” if anything, Hannibal knew her much better and Abigail didn’t hide anything from Hannibal, while I feel like she only presented parts of herself the few times we saw her interact with Will. This isn’t any hate for Abigail, she’s a good and complex character but it just baffles me the extent to which people depict her and Will’s father/daughter relationship and the way they infantilize both characters.
Hey! I agree, I think sometimes Will’s relationship with Abigail (and Beverly) is very overrated. An idea of a child and a colleague - this is how I would describe Abigail (and Beverly) respectively in terms of her relevance to Will. But only in terms of the show since fan edits and fics exist to twist canon and focus on the parts people liked. 
Like you’ve said, Hannibal was closer to Abigail than Will was because he actually knew her and got to spend time with her. At first, Will doesn’t seem to see Abigail as any kind of daughter figure at all. It’s Hannibal who keeps cultivating this idea in his mind. Will is startled by it in E2, and he’s startled again in E4, when he’s talking about dogs as his family and Hannibal clarifies that he actually meant Abigail. This is clearly not something Will considered before.
Soon, with Hannibal’s encouragement, he eagerly accepts the idea and starts clinging to it. He’s lonely and he wants to have a family, something stable and relatively normal. At the same time, he refuses to see Abigail as an actual killer - he needs her to be innocent because he can’t tolerate the idea of being drawn exclusively to people with darkness. This alienates her, and she and Will end up not interacting for the biggest part of the season.
In S2, after losing her, Will idolizes her - he imagines closeness that he craved but which was never there. He wanted an Abigail like that - someone who might have been tainted but who remained largely innocent; someone he could protect and fish with; someone he could share his dark ideas, thoughts, and emotions with. Hannibal is the best option for the latter, but since Will saw him as a betrayer at that point, he clung to the image of Abigail even harder because she was the second best option. He hated the idea of contributing to her death, he couldn’t live with it. Seeing her alive in E13 meant that his mistakes were minimal, that things could still be fine, that the dream could become a reality. But it was too late again.
In S3, he uses her image to voice his feelings for Hannibal. Will always loved the idea of Abigail, not Abigail herself - he didn’t even know her. But losing a dream is also intolerable, especially when it happens twice and partly because of you, so Will mourns this possibility of connection that never happened.  
Why such exaggerations and infantilization exist... honestly, I’m not certain. I won’t speak for everyone because every person has their own reasons, but if I had to guess: some have a headcanon of a close Will & Abigail father-daughter bond, and they discuss the show from this perspective; some feel like Will needs more deeper relationships.
From my experience, there is also a group that simply dislikes Hannibal and considers him an abuser who brought only suffering into Will’s life. Such people often play up everything Hannibal does and minimize Will’s actions, presenting him as a vulnerable, naive, innocent victim who never does anything wrong and has to be protected at all costs. “Save Will Graham” and all. That’s the reason they overestimate the depth of Will’s attitude to Abigail: they need to emphasize the monstrosity of what Hannibal has done by killing Will’s ‘daughter.’ I often saw comments like “he murdered Will’s child, someone Will loved above everyone, this is unforgivable,” and they really create the wrong impression. Abigail was a potential daughter figure for Will, but she was never his child. She was a young adult with her own secrets, traumas and personality, and Will barely knew her because she never really trusted him and he wasn’t ready to know and accept her as she was. The number of one-on-one interactions they had can be counted on the fingers of one hand. 
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hermywolf · 2 years
What do you hope to see in season 4 of The Boys?
randomly got this ask and got very happy because i really want to rant about this ngl. thank you anon ily
FIRST OF ALL. absolutely essential. i need hughie and butcher to hug more than i need air at this point
MORE OF VICKY. i wanted to see her be a main villain in s3 but they sidelined her so i’m hoping we get a lot more of her in s4. i also want more of her relationship w hughie!! especially after what he found out about her. but i don’t think we’ve seen them interract once since 3x02, and never while vicky knows she’s been found out. really need some scenes with them now that it’s all out in the open. would like for cindy to come back as well her absence feels like an unfinished plotline it frustrates me
maybe butcher getting permanent v. i just need him to be ok. a butchie hug. get ryan the FUCK AWAY FROM HOMELANDER. speaking of, i want the deep and homelander to get even more miserable and pathetic. i would very much like for them to die painfully as well but i think we might have to wait a bit longer for that
i want mm to get a fucking break for once. more kimchie. PLEASE some hughie&kimiko friendship moments. butchie hug. more of the boys as a team and a found family, with annie included in that. hughie learning kimiko’s sign language. more of hughie and mm. annie and mm. kimiko and annie. all the relationships really
whump hughie!! especially if we can get some 2x06 scenarios. a butchie hug. hughie actually getting a full, satisfying arc and not being sidelined during the finale. actually dealing with the temp v side effects/addiction and the effects they’d have on hughie post s3. hughie going batshit. more of hughie and butcher’s 3x08 dynamic because that was GOLD. butchie hug. codependent butchie.
more cute hannie moments. i want them to not fight for once and just be an adorable supportive power couple. i also want annie and butcher interractions. more of them bonding over loving hughie. basically i want all the annie/hughie/butcher content
have i mentioned i need a butchie hug
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fragile-teacup · 6 years
The Marriage of Heaven and Hell: The Complete Series
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‘Without Contraries is no progression. Attraction and Repulsion, Reason and Energy, Love and Hate, are necessary to Human existence.’ From 'The Marriage of Heaven and Hell’ by William Blake.
As there are a lot of new Fannibals in the fandom (hurrah!), I thought that I would do a shameless self-rec of my S4 Hannigram fic, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell.
The series deals with three important phases of Will and Hannibal’s post-fall relationship. Volume 1 is about them reconnecting after the fall. Volume 2 offers an exploration of their burgeoning romance, with a little bit of danger thrown in. And after all that tentative sweetness, Volume 3 tackles some underlying issues - Will’s inner conflict, Hannibal’s habit of controlling and manipulating situations as he sees fit, and what happens when outside forces seek to meddle with the Murder Husbands...
The series consists of three volumes and a handful of timestamps - I suggest following the order in which the series is arranged on AO3. Here I shall provide the links to the main fics. If you like post-fall fic with a dash of angst, a fair amount of smut and a guaranteed happy ending, consider giving this series a try.
Volume 1 (12,896 words, Mature) - Will wakes up after the fall and finds himself face to face with Hannibal…
‘Hannibal leans forward, pupils glinting red in the reflected glow of the ceiling lamp.
‘The teacup came together, Will. For us, it seems, it always does.’ And he smiles, a darkling thing.’
Volume 2 (19,473 words, Explicit) - Will and Hannibal settle into their new life together, but it’s complicated…
‘'So domesticated, Alec.’ He’s pushing it; Hannibal’s eyes darken at his mocking tone and Will revels in the danger he glimpses therein.
He’s spoiling for a fight. Has been building up to this for days, weeks - ever since the first day, the first night in their new home. But the plane was the catalyst.’
Volume 3 (15,175 words, Explicit) - past and present collide in Cuba, where a threat from outside threatens the fragile harmony Will and Hannibal have built…
‘In the main gallery they part, stalking in perfect symmetry between large clusters of guests; the men in tuxedos, the women vivid in butterfly hues. This is a popular event and Hannibal is quickly snared by a fawning member of the US InterNations expatriate contingent. Will can feel Hannibal’s barely-restrained contempt from across the room; sees it in the impatient set of his jaw, the stiff line of his shoulders.
Well, this was your idea.’
If you decide to take a look and you like what you read, comments would mean the world. Kudos too (I’d be lying if I said they didn’t matter), but comments are gold dust to a writer! And please also throw some love in the way of the amazing artists who have contributed works to the story - @arkarti for Volume 1; @drhanniballectermd for Volume 2; @shoegazerx, @hanni-bunny-lecter and @thenecronon for Volume 3. (And here I must thank the wonderful @shukkhy for commissioning art from @thenecronon!)
Link to the entire series.
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hannigramficrecs · 4 years
The Risks of Marrying Will Graham by everybreathagift [words: 1,558]
Will has discovered something about himself. Hannibal would complain, but it's hard to speak with so much... Will.
Confession by HotMolasses [words: 2,149]
Even in the midst of sex, Hannibal's curiosity overcomes him and he winds up pulling more secrets out of Will Graham than either of them intended. All this does is make them want each other more.
Fortuitous by humanveil [words: 1,120]
A slip of the tongue has never felt so good.
Ground Lamb by murdergatsby [words: 1,502]
“Skin to skin contact is one of the best ways to stay warm.” Hannibal said, not so much arguing as he was...playing along. He wasn’t sure what game Will was playing, but he knew there was one being played. Will shook his head and smiled. “But I like this.”
Your Obedient Servant by KareliaSweet [words: 12,983]
Will receives a rather graphic letter from an incarcerated Hannibal and confronts him about it. Things unravel from there. Trust Hannibal Lecter to turn dick pics into an art form.
Charcuter by HotMolasses [words: 6,378]
It's Will and Hannibal's third murder since killing Dolarhyde together, but it's the first time Will has asked to participate in the preparation of the meat. They don't get very far before becoming distracted with each other and the meat is forgotten.
Records by drinkbloodlikewine, whiskeyandspite [words: 4,922]
Lazy winter afternoons lead to lazy sex.
Parfait by softmoth [words: 3,895]
Will is completely turned on by Chesapeake Ripper's design and considers him to be the perfect killer. Will pleasures himself regularly to the intricate details, theatricality and effort put into the crime and occasionally when he takes home a stranger he will think about the designs while he's being fucked and sometimes he'll fantasize it is the Ripper (as he imagines him to be) instead of the stranger. Hannibal picks up on this during a session and describes the crimes in an effort to arouse Will. Bonus if Will figures out Hannibal is the Ripper during sex and it only turns him on more.
Show, Don't Tell by stratumgermanitivum, whiskeyandspite [words: 3,680]
After the fall... Will makes Hannibal wait. Just... to see what he would do.
Imago by emungere [words: 3,521]
Imagine Hannibal Lecter shaving Will’s stubble with an old school straight razor.
Mon Petit by toffeecape [words: 1,854]
Will is smol. Hannibal loves it. Will knows it.
Table Manners by KareliaSweet [words: 1,510]
In which Will and Hannibal's first time is facilitated by the boorish manners of their dinner guest.
Nothing For It... by Phenobarbital [words: 11,360]
I started pretending to dirty talk to you an hour ago and it stopped being pretending 58 minutes ago
Caved by HotMolasses [words: 5,540]
Will had given in to his desire to kill, and the result had been a dead Freddie Lounds. Now that he's given into one desire, he has no ability at all to hold back the other, and he leans into Hannibal's arms, not knowing where it will take him, but knowing he belongs nowhere else.
The Horror Of Our Love by thefangirlingdead [words: 4,392]
Sometimes, Hannibal wishes their victims could see it. Sometimes he wishes that somebody else could appreciate the beauty of their relationship. But then again, he'd have to kill them.
Les Barricades Mystérieuses by KareliaSweet [words: 3,577]
Prompt: I'd love to see post-s3 Will to be turned on by Hannibal doing some Hannibal-y things and Will fretting out because of his sexuality-crisis (Will identifies as a hetero, and has never before Hanni even thought males in romantic/sexual sense).
They Made It For Me by zombieboyband [words: 8,844]
Will is manipulated into dirty talking at Hannibal about the Ripper.
Incoherent by orphan_account [words: 946]
Will fucks Hannibal into the mattress until the good doctor loses his grasp on the English language.
Ticket Pocket by geneticallydead [words: 1,669]
Hannibal needs a new tailor. He finds Will Graham.
Thicker than Water by stratumgermanitivum, whiskeyandspite [words: 3,919]
“Freddie’s written worse things in the past, Will, why does this rile you so?” “Because I checked her sources,” Will hissed, slapping the tablet down hard enough that Hannibal winced, mourning his screen already. “And I know my own stupid history. And she’s not wrong, is she, Hannibal? For the first time in her pathetic existence that bitch caught a fact that bit her on the nose.” Will finds out Hannibal is his father... which is awkward since he's already his Daddy...
Recognition by stratumgermanitivum, whiskeyandspite [words: 3,910]
Will has a certain porn actor he's a fan of. He's never seen his face, but he knows every breath and groan and whimper he makes. When he meets Dr. Lecter, a consultant on the Shrike case, Will doesn't find him particularly interesting until in the midst of saving a life, he hears the same sighs and hums he's pleasured himself to coming from the doctor next to him.
Daylight Savings by thebeespatella [words: 6,180]
Hannibal sets a test. Will passes with all the colors of the wind. Cue shining eyes and Too Many Feelings
Scratch Away the Doubt by miasmatik [words: 4,197]
Will makes his choice. Freddie doesn't like it. Hannibal does.
Shut the Fuck Up by chronicopheliac [words: 1,031]
Will asking Hannibal if a blowjob would shut him up
Under the Desk by chronicopheliac [words: 744]
Will is at Hannibal's office hiding from Jack, and then Jack arrives. The only thing Will can think of is hiding under Hannibal's desk.
1 (25/25)
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uselesscookies · 4 years
fyi I will potentially be posting Hanni/bal spoilers once I finish S3 so please be aware of that.
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h4nnibalism · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Hannibal (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter Characters: Will Graham, Hannibal Lecter Additional Tags: Post-Episode: s03e13 The Wrath of the Lamb, Post-Finale, Post-Canon, Murder Husbands, Sexuality Crisis, Crisis Solved, With Blow Jobs Series: Part 1 of Couperin Trilogy Summary:
Prompt: I'd love to see post-s3 Will to be turned on by Hannibal doing some Hannibal-y things and Will fretting out because of his sexuality-crisis (Will identifies as a hetero, and has never before Hanni even thought males in romantic/sexual sense).
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yullen · 6 years
warning: BakuDeku discourse and my unpopular opinion ahead.
Geez, it's like Shi/zaya and Sou/koku fandom all over again, where I otp them to death but 90% of the content is OOC to me.
Actually, a huge portion of the Japanese Baku/Deku content seems to be pretty in character. Idk why western fans feel the need to make antagonistic ships only purely pluffy, it doesn't make sense to me.
But like. Seriously I'm about to throw a fit like when ppl were like "Hanni/gram isn't abusive", and here I am, a Hannigram stan, like "r u kidding me". Hanni literally was going to saw his head open and eat his brain. Pls. They've tried to kill each other a lot. We're not even sure how much this has changed post S3, but mutual abuse is still abuse.
I just saw someone get harangued by an anon follower of theirs for calling Baku/Deku abusive??
What the fuck??
Bakugou literally told Deku to kys. Their relationship is toxic and abusive af for like 70% of the series so far, and it wasn't too long ago that their relationship and Bakugou only started to change for the better.
I like them a lot. Why do y'all feel the need to bend backwards being defensive over this shit?? It's okay. To like abusive ships!!
(Y'know, as long as ya acknowledge it and don't romanticize the abuse.)
It's okay to consider Baku/Deku--at least initially for most of the series--abusive and still ship the fuck out of it!!
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Tagged by @fancyoats 💞💞
Books, Movies, or T.V. show: lol the show ofc
Favorite Character: hm hannibal probably. because of how deeply and irrevocably he’s fallen in love and how that’s changed him. but i also love will because of his sass and his path towards self acceptance. so… both lol
Favorite moment of the entire franchise: when chilton is freaking out at hanni’s party and hanni winks at him. when will bites cordell’s cheek and hanni gives him that smile. every moment hanni cradles will’s head. the uffizi reunion. will’s ‘please’ moment in twotl. the end of the twotl - but that goes without saying. the ortolans. hanni killing a hell of a lot of people at the verger farm to get his will. hanni being cute and organized. look i have too many moments. i’ll stop because i’ll reference half the show if i’m not careful.
Favorite quote of the entire franchise: “you no longer have ethical concerns, hannibal. only aesthetical ones” “typhoid and swans. it all comes from the same place” virtually all the obscure metaphors used by will and hannibal
Fight scene you’d want to see on NBC’s Hannibal: more murder husbands against someone else.
Alternative theme song to NBC’s Hannibal: I get feelings from Drawn to the Blood by Sufjan Stevens:
I’m drawn to the blood
The flight of a one-winged dove
How? How did this happen?
How? How did this happen?
The strength of his arm
My lover caught me off guard
How? Head of a rabbit
How? Head of a rabbit
For my prayer has always been love
What did I do to deserve this?
With blood on my sleeve
Delilah, avenge my grief
How? God of Elijah
How? God of Elijah
As fire to the sun
Tell me what I have done
How? Heart of a dragon
How? Heart of a dragon
For my prayer has always been love
What did I do to deserve this now?
How did this happen?
– leaves this response by @fancyoats because she convinced of its correctness
Favorite book from the series: i haven’t read them tbh
Favorite movie from the series: silence of the lambs. i don’t honestly like it that much.
Favorite episode from NBC’s Hannibal: dolce, mizumono, twotl.
Hannibal Season 4, yes or no: yesssssssssssssssssssssssssdssss
Alternative hobbies to replace Hannibal’s cannibalism: tumblr and fandom can be all consuming. give it a shot.
Hannibal invites you to a dinner party, you…: be there with bells on!!
Alternative animals for Will to collect: Maybe sheep so he could supply Hannibal with wool for his new knitting hobby. <— that’s cute as heck. my suggestion is cats because i love cats and i’m sure will would love them too.
Animal (mythical or real) you’d tattoo on your back like Francis Dolarhyde: birds. a bird tattoo is on my list (not dolarhyde-esque though lol). my passed away cats.
What brought you into the fandom; books, movies, or T.V. series: i tried to watch it when i first came out and when i saw will in his tiny short shorts letting hannibal into his hotel room and i was like nah, this show is going to be queerbaiting and i’ve had enough of that in my life.
last september i tried watching it again because i needed a new fandom and i had heard that it wasn’t queerbaiting in the end. and yeah i watched a ton of episodes in a row and i was left in a daze and completely in love (and i remember having some nightmares about it - ah what a young and naive fannibal i was back then).
Least Favorite scene from the entire franchise: everything to with mason and margot. way too awful.
Add Clarice to NBC’s Hannibal, yes or no: Maybe, but I don’t want Hannibal to love anyone but Will.  Any interest he would have in Clarice would be but a pale shadow of his obsession with Will. <— yes. i am a hardcore hannigram-er and adding clarice to their romantic dynamic upsets me a lot. let clarice have a her own much, much healthier love interest pls.
Favorite killer of the week: tobias was pretty fun.
Your reaction to Mizumono (S2 finale): titillated then distraught then titillated then utterly distraught
Your reaction to The Wrath of The Lamb (S3 finale): omg will’s going to spring hannibal! but then does nothing to stop dolarhyde! then he does! yesssss! wtf is this sexy sexy music. jesus they’re sexily killing together. they’re hugging/clutching!!!!! their heavy breathing. WILL RESTS HIS HEAD ON HANNIBAL’S CHEST!!!! ARE THEY GOING TO KISS???
-races to find post fall fic stat-
I’d love to hear from @trailerparkofmydreams @diea-kierlyn @andiemerizein @aeschylus @clairvoi3 @crystalusagi @ravenstagraham @foyernormanchapel @gleamingandwholeanddeadly @krey-9-jorce
you don’t have to do it!
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weconqueratdawn · 6 years
Tagged by @aametis - thank you!
Books, Movies, or T.V. show: TV show
Favourite Character: Will <3
Favorite moment of the entire franchise: OH GOD - I mean, there are so many?? Visually, I guess, the two of them hanging upside down in Mason’s meat truck - that’s probably everything you need to know about the tone (and trajectory) of the show in one single moment. I am always DELIGHTED every time I see it. There’s an implied intimacy somehow? And Hannibal’s already on the best date of his life by then.
Favourite quote of the entire franchise: WHAT are you DOING to me!?? One quote leads to another, this is impossible. Errrrrrrr...... it has to be “It’s beautiful” doesn’t it? On it’s own it means very little, but after those three seasons and everything which happens in them, it’s utterly thrilling. And shocking. And exciting. And I can’t wait to know what happens next :)
Fight scene you’d want to see on NBC’s Hannibal: We’ve had some good ones already :0 But I want to see more fighting from Will - just a tiny little murder husbands fight, side by side, post-it’s beautiful - just one, oh please Bryan *sob*
Alternative theme song to NBC’s Hannibal: Anything else Brian Reitzell cares to write for it.
Favourite book from the series: I’ve only read Red Dragon so far (the others are waiting for me, but I’ve been sorely in need of comfort books over these past months and those books are... not that, lol), so I can’t really choose.
Favourite movie from the series: Has to be Silence of the Lambs.
Favourite episode from NBC’s Hannibal: UGH, um, at the moment possibly Primavera or Secondo - the tragedy and beauty of everything is just thrumming away so wonderfully in those episodes. 
Hannibal Season 4, yes or no: YES \o/
Alternative hobbies to replace Hannibal’s cannibalism: Has he tried BDSM lol 
Hannibal invites you to a dinner party, you…: accept without any hesitation - I’m so there, sorry everyone! have you seen his food ffs?? it looks amazing
Alternative animals for Will to collect: BIRDS - imagine Will with a bird sanctuary XD 
Animal (mythical or real) you’d tattoo on your back like Francis Dolarhyde: A wings-spread magpie? Like a Hell’s Angel jacket!
What brought you into the fandom; books, movies, or T.V. series: The TV show - and many, many gifs on tumblr.
Least Favourite scene from the entire franchise: Like @aametis - I don’t look forward to Beverly’s death :( 
Add Clarice to NBC’s Hannibal, yes or no: Yes, I think there’s interesting things which could be done with her character, given Will, Miriam, and also Bedelia already occupy some of her character’s space.
Favourite killer of the week: Tobias has it!
Your reaction to Mizumono (S2 finale): I knew they both survived, so no worries there. It was mainly utterly silent tears. 
Your reaction to The Wrath of The Lamb (S3 finale): How many times can you say “oh my god!?” over and over and over and over... There was a blanket too, to stifle the involuntary noises I was making.
I have no idea who’s already done this - sorry if I tag you again! No obligations, as usual @theseavoices @zacharybosch @wraithsonwingsposts @aviran007 @janespetticoat @matildaparacosm @fragile-teacup @hanni-bunny-lecter @littlethingwithfeathers and anyone else who fancies a go :)
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rettaroo · 7 years
Anyway, I've spent the day daydreaming over A/B/O mpreg headcanons and I'm wondering what's a more interesting premise to explore (tw: pregnancy loss mention):
A) omega!Will was secretly pregnant with alpha!Hannibal's child during s2 finale; Hannibal didn't know when he injured Will. The injury terminates the pregnancy and Will loses two children to him at once (in addition to Margo's baby, so that's 3 kids down way to go Hanni). Hannibal doesn't find out until post s3 finale
B) omega!Will was secretly pregnant with alpha!Hannibal's child during s2 finale; Hannibal didn't know when he injured Will. The baby survives tho. Will gives birth before chasing Hannibal through Europe, keeps it a secret from him through Hannibal's surrender. Will marries Molly, lies to Hannibal telling him the child is her son, not his own. Hannibal is not surprised when Chiho pulls them from the water post-finale, but he's very surprised to find a three year old on board.
C) omega!Hannibal is secretly pregnant with alpha!Will's child during s2 finale. He flees to Europe with alpha!Bedelia; they lie along the way that the baby is hers. Bedelia's fails to mention the child in her feined amnesia, not knowing what happened to it. Chioho finds the baby after the apartment is raided and takes care of it. Will doesn't find out until she's pulling them out of the water.
Tell me your thoughts!
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whump-lover · 7 years
The thing I want most for season 4:
Will must be the one rescuing Hannibal from the ocean and take care of his injuries. Everyone thinks Hannibal is the strongest between the two, but Hannibal has more severe injuries than Will at the end of s3 and he’s the one who needs care and help, I want him to be the weaker for once, ok?! Lol
It seemed obvious to me.. but every time I find a post-fall fic there’s always Hanni saving Will and tending Will’s injuries and his own as if he has just scratches, but wait… he was shot in the abdomen and everything else!!!
Truth is I’m a sucker for Whumped Hannibal, and I need to read and see him broken like that time in 2x05 and that super awesome fight with Jack in 3x05, every other time it was always Will to be displayed as the most hurt of the two.
My English is probably terrible and I’m a hungry whumper ahah
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hannigramficrecs · 4 years
Outsider POV
In the Truly Gruesome Do We Trust by sidnihoudini [words: 9,473]
Hannibal and Will have murder husbands mind palace sex, and Alana watches obsessively. A slow, sneaky grin slides its way across Will’s face as he looks up at Hannibal and teases, “You enjoy being watched.” “Does a lion eat its prey while it is still alive?” Hannibal asks rhetorically, an amused quirk to his lips. 
Mise en Place by WrathoftheStag [words: 1,858]
What was the cooking staff thinking when that entire pre-dinner party scene went down between Hannibal and Will in Sorbet? Written from their POV. Pining and cooking.
TKO by sidnihoudini [words: 16,906]
Molly deals with the aftermath.
Dissolving Like the Setting Sun by PKA [words: 3,422]
In this universe, Will doesn't suffer from encephalitis, but from a prolonged heat sickness. When he visits Hannibal with Abel Gideon in tow, things escalate.
In Sickness and in Health by BonesAndScales [words: 67,450]
Everyone knows that Will and Hannibal are married. Not everyone knows that they are married to each other.
You're Not Subtle by orphan_account [words: 1,423]
Five times Will and Hannibal fool nobody, and the one time someone calls them out on it.
As Am I by WrathoftheStag [words: 1,671] 
Alana finds out Hannibal and Will are dating. She's not happy about it.
Homewrecker by teacupsandtime [words: 4,111]
An old acquaintance of Hannibal's is in town and finds out he's gotten married since they last saw each other. Later, she sees Hannibal and a scruffy stranger out at a dingy bar and assumes Hannibal is being unfaithful to his pristine, perfect husband.
Ville-Lumiére by KareliaSweet [words: 1,650]
Will says to Molly "I'll be different when I come back."Or Molly's reaction to seeing Will post s3-finale.
A Damn Slippery Life by Magical_Destiny [words: 2,888]
After “The Wrath of the Lamb,” Molly drifts off to sleep beside Will’s hospital bed…and wakes to find herself face to face with Hannibal Lecter.
Jolene by without_a_license [words: 1,350]
Hannibal and Will are moving out of the country. Alana begs Hannibal to leave Will behind.
Alana Finds Out by victorine [words: 32,169]
A series of one-shots in which Alana Bloom discovers, in the midst of various tropes, that her boyfriend Hannibal Lecter's feelings for Will Graham run far deeper than friendship. Basically a chance for Alana to shout at the pair of emotionally-repressed idiots whilst still indulging in much Hannigram loveliness.
Honeymoon by sidnihoudini [words: 3,938]
It’s practically a family reunion, Bedelia muses to herself, as her head lolls to the side, compliments of Hannibal’s disco pharmacologist.
The Shattered, Reassembled by GoldenUsagi [words: 1,581]
Months after Will and Hannibal disappear, Molly receives a final, though not entirely unwelcome, visit from a very different Will.
Still Going Strong by Anica [words: 5,496]
Three times Hanni was upset by his fathers' displays of affection for each other and the time he wasn't.
Importance of Knocking by Anica [words: 4,658]
The three times Hanni walked in on his parents having sexy/kinky time. Or why Hanni's parents always insist on knocking.
A Proposal's Refusal by LazyBaker [words: 1,334]
Peter has a conversation with Jack Crawford concerning one not-so-dead Will Graham.
Collateral Damage by quenchycactus 
They are kept on complete opposite sides of the BSHCI, under Alana’s watchful eye.
Cello Suite No.1 in G by DarkmoonSigel [words: 2,357]
Franklin gets an eyeful and learns about the existence of predators.
Barcelona by Curiousforever [words: 11,682]
In which Molly spots the couple three times, and witnesses the three different aspects of their relationship, not always on light and idyllic notes. They are on a romantic trip now, and so is Molly...in Barcelona. The couple via Molly's perspective, while she is going through her personal revelations regarding their relationship and her past relationship with Will.
Better the Devil by xzombiexkittenx [words: 1,515]
Missing scene from Digestivo. Alana, Margot, and Hannibal rescue Will and get Mason's sperm.
Lontano by cavaleira [words: 3,389] 
Five years later, Alana sees two familiar faces that she hoped to never see again.
Watching by hunted [words: 1,013] 
Alana finds out about their affair, but not by accident.
Millihelen by harleygirl2648 [words: 2,615]
Outsider POV to Hannibal and Will's new life together. Or, Will Graham is not the bait this time, but Hannibal is.
Professor Graham's Cheekbones Hotty & Extraordinary Foodie Husband by TheSilverQueen [words: 3,320] 
Online classes due to the quarantine are how Professor Graham's students learn that: 1) Professor Graham has a cute dog; 2) Professor Graham is married; and 3) Professor Graham's husband is smoking hot.
The Genesis by viaorel [words: 6,736] 
It all started when Alana Bloom, a social worker in an orphanage, was given a task to accompany a renowned married couple willing to adopt. What she did not suspect, however, was that all had been premeditated and taken care of long before the sleek black Bentley pulled up at the doorstep of the institution. And thus began her fall down the rabbit hole that would either destroy her or lead to a liberating genesis.
Pushing Us Into Self-Destruction by IBegToDreamAndDiffer [words: 16,538] 
Clarice Starling needs help with a case, so she pays a visit to Will Graham, who's incarcerated in the Baltimore Sate Hospital with his partner.
The Breath of Sun by Snerp [words: 10,203] 
Will and Hannibal met each other one fateful night in New Orleans. They get violently married, consummated in the river of blood and bone, in the flesh of the monsters of men. They are faithfully married, but not many know they are married to one another.
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idconsilium · 3 years
@ilxmostro asked: “Can you feel the weight of it? The whole world at your fingertips?”
Will turned away from the dead body in front of them. Not out of disgust, though; he faced Hannibal now.
Blood covered his hands, but that didn’t seem to bother him. It had initially, to be honest, although turning away, catching Hannibal’s approving gaze, locking eyes... It made everything feel better, somehow.
Slowly, he stepped closer, reaching for Lecter’s face to cradle his chin in his hands.
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His voice was soft and gentle, yet still shaking from the initial shock. “It’s heavy...” He gave a short pause, brushing his thumb against Hannibal’s cheek. “...But I’ve never felt lighter.”
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