#post EYCTE
misskattylashes · 2 days
Okay inspired by @thetruthisfictional post about Milex patterns. I thought I would share some observations I have made in my autistic pattern seeking brain.
I am only looking at the post EYCTE period to the present day, and not everything is in chronological order.
Louise started to appear around the same time Miles decided to move back to the UK permanently. Rather than Alex split with Taylor, there are rumours of him cheating on her with Louise, creating a reason for him to want to leave LA. It is also a convenient narrative because Miles and Taylor were friends, so the reason that Miles and Alex can’t be seen together is because Miles doesn’t like Louise because of what she did to his friend Taylor.
Which means Alex can come home to London, without it looking obvious that he is following Miles.
Plothole – the reason for his return is so  Louise can split her time between London and Paris to pursue her ‘successful music career’. The truth has since emerged that Louise lives in Paris and Alex lives in London and Louise has no career to speak of.
Louise’s use of social media
A genuine social media account will post day to day happenings, even not every day. Shared songs, interesting meals, something work related. Louise’s posting only ever coincided with events happening around AM. Go and check her account sometime, see how much she posted around the summer of 2022 leading up to the release of The Car. Note also how she has posted every September 21 since 2021 which also coincides with the day she was officially announced in September 2018.
Since EYCTE Alex has not used one female pronoun in a romantic sense. Miles barely has either, nothing to the degree of the previous two albums.
Alex’s image
This is so carefully protected. Most recent photographs were taken several days or even weeks before. Alex is usually in his ‘costume’. One of the most questionable being the recent Eurostar ones. He was sitting there so obviously being ‘Alex Turner’ but the only people who recognise him are a couple of fans who happen to have professional equipment. I suspect there are all sorts of clever wizardry and facial recognition software going on in Meta that stops unfamiliar photos of Alex being published. Before you say ‘How can they do that?’ think about times you may have uploaded a song only for the sound to immediately disappear or you get a message with the list of territories it can’t be played in. This happens in seconds so the technology is there.
The train photos fitted a convenient narrative. Just after Alex was seen coming home from Paris, Louise is seen in the Caribbean with her family. We then get a recent of Alex in NY. Louise comes home from the Caribbean to Paris, but then makes sure to tell us she is going to NY, we then get the pap walk etc.
Why are we never allowed to see Alex walking along Bethnal Green High Street or in the pub with Miles? I think this is less to do with record company pressure and more to do with Alex wanting to keep his private life private.
Miles’ use of social media
Last year when AM were in the UK, I would notice that days Alex was on a break, we would hear nothing from Miles. You might get one official post about OMB that was clearly posted from his social media team. But stories would be empty.
Once Alex went to the US in late August, many a night we were treated to tipsy Miles chatting to the TV, or filming little Maxie getting up to mischief in the house. Soon as Alex came home it stopped.
Earlier this year Miles started the late night posting again and filming Maxie. Lo and behold a few days later we get pics of Alex in NY. Soon as he comes home, it stops again.
Another thing I have noticed. When Miles posts videos he always puts the photographer's name. But he occasionally only puts an 👀. These will always appear when Alex isn’t seen elsewhere.
There are probably many more but I will probably do a part 2.
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rearviewghost · 1 month
“I’ll give you the ✨ D ✨”  “I wish you would” “I wish you would, too” “Well, I'm giving it to you now”
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alexturner2005 · 4 months
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theliverkick: Reunited with Alex Turner. It’s been a few years since we last saw each other, but some things never change. Great session and even better catch-up! Wishing Alex and the rest of the Arctic Monkeys all the best! (LA, 5/29/24)
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franklyimissparis · 5 months
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yellowloid · 2 months
was it casual when we were both in the mob but you were betrothed to the boss's daughter? was it casual when we became lovers but we knew we could never openly be together if we stayed in the organization, so we planned to run away together? was it casual when we were found out, captured, and driven to a secluded beach to dig our own graves in the sand? was it casual when you kissed the boss as an act of defiance and his men immediately jumped you, so i ran to your rescue and we both got beaten up? was it casual when we were buried alive and left to drown as the sun went down and the tide came in? was it casual when the last words we ever said were to each other? was it casual when we woke up in the afterlife and a rain of rose petals came down as we tried to make sense of what happened, eventually realising we were dead? was it casual when we danced in a golden palace, finally free to be together? was it casual when it was all an attempt to extract the truth, approximately?
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lalaballa · 6 months
I was in a rut after I came off the tour with the Shadow Puppets. I’ve been blue after tours before. You know it’s going to happen, but this was different. I couldn’t play the guitar. Completely forgot. I couldn’t sing. Not a note. It terrified me, actually. I don’t want anyone to get the tiny violins out, but, yeah, I was depressed.
- Miles Kane @ GQ magazine, 9/08/2018 X
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sophaeros · 11 months
alex twirling miles around ft. him changing the lyrics to random shit again @ union transfer, philadelphia (x)
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racing-stripes · 6 months
WHEN are we going to discuss the insane lyrics in title track eycte. “hotel room holy bible, hotel room free love revival” im ?????? “free love” and “holy bible” being paired together sparks an image of love against the bible. and free love is all about love/sex not conforming to typical views of marriage, adultery, etc. and adultery (hi taylor) is against the bible. it’s not thaaaaat much of a stretch to assume that it might refer to other “free love against the bible” terms such as. homosexuality. sodomy. sorry
and. of course. paris. which, you know. france is pretty important to their relationship. off topic but don’t get me STARTED on shavambacu and france.
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alexturnerlovers · 2 months
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Oh pinterest, you're so funny🤭🤗
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rearviewghost · 13 days
"Well, I'm Alex, from The Last Shadow Puppets, and I play the 'awoooo!'"
"And I'm Miles, from The Last Shadow Puppets, and I play the midnight moon"
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 3 months
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sometimes things are actual poetry
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dailytlsplyrics · 2 months
“I’m a liar, I’m a cheat, a leech, a thief.”
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paperlovesadness · 1 year
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2023 & 2016
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kagamiwalker13 · 2 years
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2022 vs 2016 (spot the difference)
@agat73 may this warm up your days and brighten up your nights 😘
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abcz_official: Happy Birthday to Alex Turner🎉I Love You🎸This photo was taken during The Last Shadow Puppets’ visit to Japan in 2016. At the time, no one believed me when I told them I had met Alex, so I'm sharing it at this time lol.
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