#possibly the greatest inventor of our time
the-badger-mole · 2 years
Black Friday Bonus! Black History Month 2: Electric Boogaloo!
I know, I know, it's March, and Black History Month is over. HOWEVER a lot of people might not realize that today is also an important day in Black history. Today, March 1, is the day that I was born! So, since it's my birthday, I am declaring it part of Black History Month.
Anyway, look at this guy.
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This guy right here ^^^
If you had a great childhood, and one of your favorite parts of the summer was having a water war with your friends, then you owe this guy, Dr. Lonnie Johnson, a huge debt of gratitude.
Born in 1949 in Mobile, AL, Lonnie Johnson was the son of a nurse's assistant and a WWII veteran. At a young age, his scientific interest was sparked when his father taught him the basics of electricity. He quickly gained a reputation in his family and among his neighbors for his curiosity and penchant for "tinkering". As a teenager, he attended Williamson High School, an all-black high school in Mobile. In 1968, Lonnie would go on to represent his school in a science fair, where he was the only black student exhibiting. He would ultimately take first place for his entry, a robot powered by compressed air.
That's not why you owe him for your childhood, although, come on! That is really cool!
After graduating high school, he went on to earn his BS in mechanical engineering, a Master's in nuclear engineering,and later an honorary PhD from Tuskegee University (an HBCU). He then went on to the Air Force, where he worked as part of the stealth bomber program, and from there he hired into NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. ...No, this isn't another astronaut (although, he did help get the Galileo mission to Jupiter off the ground...lol!) and was an engineer on the Mariner Mark ll Spacecraft series for the Comet Rendezvous and Saturn Orbiter Probe missions.
All of that is really cool, and would be an insane career for just about anyone else. Still, everything he did before or since pales in comparison to his greatest invention. In 1989, Dr. Lonnie Johnson blessed the world with the Super Soaker.
The Super Soaker (originally the Power Drencher), like most great inventions, was born by accident. Dr. Johnson was working on an environmentally friendly heat pump when, I can only assume, his hand slipped and he drenched some hapless co-worker in an insane amount of water, starting what I hope was an epic water fight in a NASA lab. I don't know for sure that's how it happened, but it seems plausible. What truly did happen is that the Super Soaker became popular almost immediately, and from it's first appearance on toy shelves in 1990, it has a remained a summertime staple for kids of all ages. Then Dr. Johnson when and did it again when he modified his Super Soaker design and gave us what would go on to become the grandfather of the Nerf-n-Strike line.
In 2013, Hasbro- the distributor of the Super Soaker- had to get regulated when Dr. Johnson discovered that they had underpaid him his royalties for the Super Soaker and a few of the Nerf toys. They settled with him in November of that year for $73 million dollars, which sounds like (and honestly is) a stupid amount of money. But considering that Dr. Johnson's inventions has earned Hasbro over $1 billion, they got off very cheaply.
I really hope you've enjoyed these post over the last month. It's been a pleasure for me to introduce you to some figures from Black history that you might not have heard of before. That's all I have for now, but if you learned something new this month, please let me know!
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Why is Rassilon everywhere?
Why is Rassilon everywhere?
Ah, Rassilon! Praise be upon his mighty beautiful head! If you ever feel like you can’t swing a Dalek mutant without hitting something named after Rassilon, you’re definitely on Gallifrey.
Here's a few pointers to why Rassilon is so mighty:
🦸 The Founding Father
As one of the founding fathers of modern Time Lord society, his influence is in every aspect of Gallifreyan life. He's credited with many of Gallifrey's greatest advancements, including the discovery of time travel and the creation of the Eye of Harmony. Multiple powerful artefacts bear his name, like the Rod of Rassilon and the Ring of Rassilon, which I assure you aren't as dirty as they sound.
🐉 The Man, the Myth, the Legend
Rassilon's story is written into the very fabric of Gallifreyan mythology and legend. Stories of his heroic deeds, cunning strategies, and formidable powers are told to Time Tots from the moment they're capable of hero worship. It's said he battled great cosmic entities, outwitted ancient gods, and secured Gallifrey's place as the pinnacle of civilisation. What a guy.
📜 The Eternal Administrator
Even after his supposed demise, Rassilon's administrative policies and laws still guide the Time Lords. He wrote foundational texts that every budding Time Lord studies meticulously, and Rassilon's fingerprints are all over the rule book. It's like every bureaucratic form and procedural guideline has a little note from Rassilon saying, 'do it like this'.
🖥️ The Technological Genius
Rassilon's technological innovations are still in use millennia later. From TARDIS designs to the Matrix, his genius ensures that his presence is felt every time a Time Lord takes a trip through time or consults the grand repository of all Gallifreyan knowledge. Any piece of tech you can think of, Rassilon probably invented it.
🗳️ The Political Powerhouse
Politically, Rassilon’s legacy is unshakeable. His time as Lord President set the gold standard for Gallifreyan leadership. Subsequent leaders often find themselves compared to him, and many of the political structures and titles are relics of his era. He's even so generous as to return from the dead to lead Gallifrey in times of crisis.
🗿 The Cultural Icon
Culturally, Rassilon is the ultimate Gallifreyan icon. Festivals, holidays, and even everyday idioms are sprinkled with references to Rassilon. 'By Rassilon's beard!' is a common exclamation of surprise, while, 'What would Rassilon do?' is the go-to question for moral dilemmas, and the Horns of Rassilon is a hand sign you probably shouldn't do in polite company.
🧪 The Supreme Scientist
And let's not forget his contributions to Time Lord biology. Rassilon’s Imprimatur, a biochemical mark, allows Time Lords to safely pilot TARDISes, effectively bonding them to the fabric of time itself. There’s also the little matter of regeneration. This ability to cheat death every now and then is the cornerstone of Time Lord, and without Rassilon, it wouldn't be possible.
Some would dispute this was Rassilon's invention, but of course, they're liars.
🏫 So ...
Rassilon is everywhere because he's the ultimate Gallifreyan hero, lawmaker, inventor, politician, and cultural icon. His influence spans the practical, the mythical, and the everyday lives of Gallifreyan people, as well as all of you. Just remember—it's Rassilon's universe; you're just privileged to be living in it.
GIL adores Rassilon of course, in alignment with the views of our benefactors, the High Council. On a completely unrelated note, GIL also wishes the Celestial Intervention Agency a lovely day.
What's the structure of Gallifreyan DNA?: How their DNA is structured including the fourth strand, Rassilon’s Strand.
What is looming and how does it exist alongside natural reproduction?: Overview of looming and its place alongside natural reproduction in Gallifreyan society.
What does the Web of Time look like?: Overview on the Web of Time and its relevance.
Hope that helped! 😃
Any purple text is educated guesswork or theoretical. More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A and factoids →😆Jokes |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired😴
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jokerislandgirl32 · 6 months
What is Zach’s job after he becomes good? Does he still invent just not use animals?
Hello, thank you so much for this ask! I am sorry it took me forever to get to it, but I’ve been thinking on it for a while and considering how these questions play into the greater role of my Wild Violet AU. And, after the events of the Our Blue and Green World special, I feel it is the perfect time to address this!
The short answer to your question is exactly how you presented it: Zach does continue to invent after he forgoes a life of villainy, and he simply does not use animals as the power source anymore.
But, there is more to this part of Zach’s story in my AU: Namely, he not only continues to be an inventor, but he becomes a member of the Wild Kratts Team alongside his wife Violet. Specifically, Zach and Violet join forces with Aviva and the rest of the Wild Kratts gang to create and utilize inventions that will benefit the greater creature world around them.
A detailed and long winded explanation as to why and how this happened can be found below the cut!
Within my Wild Violet AU, Zach turns from a life of villainy after the birth of his and my OC Violet’s oldest daughter Varina Virginia Varmitech. Immediately following her birth, Zach and Aviva have a discussion regarding the importance of a happy, healthy, comfortable, and full life for all living creatures, more of which can be found at this post!
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This discussion helps Zach to come to the realization that he no longer feels the burning desire to be a villain like he once did; he in fact may not want to be a villain at all anymore. In the month after Varina’s birth, Zach and Violet are kept apart from Varina because she is in the NICU. They spend as much time with her as possible, and the Wild Kratts crew come by to visit the new family as well (either with Varina in the hospital or with Zach and Violet at Zach’s headquarters).
Zach and Aviva manage to rekindle their friendship during this time. At first their interactions are still tense, but they eventually become as close as they were as kids at summer camp prior to their falling out (I’ll be posting more on this, in response to another ask, soon).
Aviva becomes such a strong source of encouragement to Zach as he struggles through the first months of fatherhood. And during this time, she continuously encourages him to truly consider turning from a life of villainy as he expressed following Varina’s birth. Zach begins to consider what his life may look life if he’s not a villain, and he goes to Violet with dilemma.
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Zach: “I just don’t know what I’ll do if I’m not a villain…”
Violet: “Well, what did you do before you became a villain?”
Zach: “I invented…I dreamed of becoming the World’s Greatest Inventor…”
Violet: “Then there’s your answer: Invent. Make the inventions that will help you to achieve that goal.”
Zach: “But…Aviva…she made my greatest invention…the Creature Power Disks…how can I compete with that?”
(PS: I will give moor info on this in another post very soon!)
Violet: “Who says you have to compete with her? Why can’t you make an even greater invention that the world will always remember you for? I’ve been telling you for years that you’re capable of anything you set your mind to, and you are!”
Zach: “I know…but…I just can’t do what she does alone. Sure, I have you and the Zachbots, but I really want to make a difference like Aviva has, and I just don’t think we can do that by ourselves.”
Violet: “Yeah, I think you’re right, you’d need a well formed team to reach your goals, and a team of a husband, wife, and an army of robots isn’t enough…”
Zach: “What are you saying?”
Violet: “Maybe we should ask some Wild Rats if they’d like for a couple of Wild Violets to join their team?”
Zach: “You mean work with the Wild Rats?!?! Invent with Aviva?!?!”
Violet: “Bingo! Zachy is the winner!”
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So, Zach and Violet join the Wild Kratts Team and Zach and Aviva become invention partners working to better the world around them through their inventions! I have yet to determine the exact nature of their joint inventions, but they typically contain the basic components included in Aviva’s previous inventions: Animal inspiration.
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I also think that together, with the help of Violet and the rest of the Wild Kratts Crew, Zach and Aviva embark on a mission to find a cure for cancer. Again, I am not 100% sure of the way in which this would occur, but I think they may discover a plant with extreme healing properties, and Zach and Violet realize that these properties may cure cancer. Aviva, then, assists them and together the three of them and the rest of the team create this much needed, life saving cure.
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For those of you who read all of this, I hope you enjoyed it! I have more Zach/Ziolet/Wild Kratts Content coming your way!
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kissorkill16 · 3 months
I Was Am His Friend: A Hello Neighbor Fanfic
Summary: Possessed Nicky.
For @averagenickyrothfan
The Inventor's Club was running through the tunnels of the weather station, trying to get away from the humanoid bird called Crowface. Luckily, it hadn't caught up to them yet.
But something else had, and they couldn't tell whether or not it was better or worse than Crowface.
Nicky was clutching his stomach, gritting his teeth, breathing heavily, tears rolling down his cheeks, and blood running down his nose.
Trinity turned around to see him, and slowly walked towards him. "Nicky? What's wrong?"
Nicky backed away from Trinity, curling in on himself. "Trinity, I need you to listen to me.", he said. "I need you to take everyone and get them out of here."
"Take everyone and get them out of the tunnels. Run, keep running, get as far away from me and this place as you possibly can."
"Nicky, what's wrong?"
"Trinity, this is not a drill! You need to get out of here! Please!"
Delroy gently pushed Trinity out of the way, "Listen, weirdo, we don't have time for this. Crowface is on our tail and -"
Nicky screamed and clutched his arm, "Please!"
The gang backed away from Nicky, trying not to get scared.
Nicky began crying softly, still clutching at his arm, "Please, guys! I love you all so much, I don't want you to get hurt. So please, get out of here before you can't...any..."
Nicky let go of his arm, his face fell blank. His eyes were now as black as a void.
Trinity moved closer to Nicky, gently touching his shoulder. "Nicky...?"
The boy slowly got up, his head facing the ground, and when he looked up, he was smiling so big his face could split in half.
"Hello, friends."
The gang backed away further from Nicky.
"Nicky, what's wrong with you?", asked Maritza.
Nicky moved closer to Maritza. "Sweet little Maritza, I am not Nicky. I'm Nicky's best friend, the embodiment of Nicky's greatest fears.",said the thing that was currently taking control of Nicky.
Delroy gripped Nicky's wrist, "Nick, I don't know what shit you're trying to pull here, but this isn't funny. So cut the bullshit and -"
The possessed boy let out a shrill, unholy screech. He pulled Nicky's wrist away from him, and scratched Delroy's face, leaving three red marks making him fall to the floor.
"I don't like it when you touch him. Nicky is my friend, you're all just a bunch of children."
Trinity pressed her fingers to her temple. "Who the hell are you? What have you done with my friend?"
The possessed boy turned his head all the way around, then the rest of his body. "HE'S NOT YOUR FRIEND! You're just the pathetic little girl who hated him from the start. You all hated him, yet he still considered you all his friends."
The kids didn't dare to move, they just stood in place.
The possessed boy grabbed Trinity's hand, and intertwined their fingers together.
"I was always there for him. When Aaron and Mya went missing, when Mr. Peterson kidnapped him, when he spent so long in the basement, begging for the man to let him out. I distracted him with games, and he resisted at first, but he eventually came around. He just wanted to stay with me and play games, and here you children come and disrupt our playtime, ruining everything."
Trinity couldn't stop the hyperventilating she was now doing.
"Stay away from Nicky, leave us alone, never come near him again, or else."
Trinity pulled her hand away from the possessed boy.
Delroy walked forward, "I may not have liked Nicky so much, but this is just so fucking messed up. You're not his friend, you're just haunting him."
"Yeah! We saved him from that hell house, and you just brought him more pain.", said Maritza.
"So get out of our friend's body, before we make you.", said Enzo.
The smile fell from the possessed boy's face, and he let out another unholy screech, lunging at Maritza.
Trinity ripped off her sleeve, and wrapped it around Nicky's throat, making him let go of Maritza.
Nicky screeched at her, and clawed at her face like he did to Delroy. The long and red marks that covered Trinity's face didn't stop her one bit. She didn't let go of the sleeve around the possessed boy's neck, "Get out of my friend!"
Nicky screeched at her, and kept screeching at her and clawing at his neck, trying to get the sleeve to rip.
He didn't even have time to register the bat that came down on his head, knocking him out, making him fall to the ground.
Delroy slowly sat down beside Nicky, pulled out some bandages from his backpack, and wrapped them around Nicky's bleeding head. He hoisted Nicky up, holding him like he was going to give him a piggyback ride.
"Can we go home now?", asked Delroy.
Trinity nodded, leading the kids out of the tunnels.
"Also, if any of you tell anyone else I did this, I will end all of you."
"Yeah, sure, whatever.", said Maritza.
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thelordofgifs · 1 year
Obscure Tolkien Blorbo: Round 1
Daeron vs Andreth
The minstrel of Doriath, noted for his invention of the Cirth and his friendship with (and betrayal of) Lúthien.
Daeron propaganda! If I had to sum it up in a few words I’d say “tragic sad musician! imagine the banger songs he’d write!” It pains to say this, but the Silm does say he was better than Maglor. And we all love Maglor and his song possibilities. So, Daeron here can upstage the Nolodantë—if we aren’t taking that as bias! How cool! Wandering off on your own and composing sad and beautiful songs is an artist MOOD. The Luthien thing was a little weird but at least sympathize with the sad unrequited.
The mans was an amazing musician and would have been giving our man Maglor a run for his money anyday. I think he's awesome and I would vote for him and his big heart 100 times over. I love that he's one of the characters with the obscure "deaths" where he simply disappears. I always love to dabble in the "what ifs" of their survival. But anyway, I might be (am) super biased because of ancient roleplay.
He is the greatest minstrel from the elven tribe distinguished for its musical talent. But the best part is he's Sindarin. He’s the one precious example of an elf who never saw the light of the Trees being extraordinary. Also, Tolkien gave him the honour of inventing an alphabet, the Certhas Daeron. Not just anyone gets to be a linguistic inventor in Tolkien’s mythology. As far as I’m concerned, his musical skill combined with his linguistic ability make him a JRRT-approved blorbo. As for his obvious fault (betraying Lúthien), in the Lay of Leithian, he, repenting for forgiven, helps Lúthien escape. She requests a loom (that she will use to weave her hair into her magic cloak) and he, despite fearing ”the fell purpose of her art” says nothing. He lets her go. And then he removes himself from the story, because it’s no longer about him. He invented the wandering, despairing, repentant minstrelsy lifestyle while Maglor was still happily kinslaying. He’s so misunderstood. He deserves this.
A woman of the First Age, one of the central characters of the Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth. In her youth she had a romance with Finrod’s brother Aegnor.
She's wise, she's angry, she's bitter, she's everything to me. Blorbo to end all blorbos.
Old philosopher woman who challenges elves about their understanding of reality
Round 1 masterpost
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oh-no-another-idea · 8 months
Find the word tag
@duckingwriting tagged me a long time ago--thank you! 🦚
From a Marinating WIP (Great Inventor shenanigans):
Christopher, Empathy screamed, arms up to shield her face. Possibility swam around her. A baby, staring up at the doctor who’d helped deliver it. A goose, squawking. A test tube full of something gelatinous and bright orange. A man with his back to her, knife glinting as he chopped and threw vegetables into a pot. Threatened, Empathy threw her hands out and concentrated as best as she could. If she couldn’t trust her eyes, her ears, her nose, then she would use feeling to find him. She reached for that quiet place inside her and listened.
“You’ve got to be joking,” Fuchsia said, shouldering her huge gun. “You expect me to believe one of the greatest inventive minds of our society has been living inside half a mountain?” Captain was already moving when he spoke again. “I don’t expect you to believe anything, Fuchsia. Surely someone with smarts such as yourself can put zero and four together.” Fuchsia leveled Empathy with a flat glare before following.
While the soup heated, Christopher lost a little of his rare levity, and took to studying Empathy again. “Couldn’t sleep?” “No,” she answered. There were only two stools in the whole room since Christopher had his own personal chair to take wherever he went, and she interrupted their conversation to go fetch one. Even if her mind couldn’t sleep her body was tired. “I suppose it’s not every day you hike up a mountain and discover telepathy powers,” Christopher acknowledged, and his mouth crooked up.
From Stars and Ships:
[Aaliyah and Jax] didn’t answer him; it was probably some stupid technique in those parenting books they read. One parenting book and you thought you knew things. Quin tried to kick a tree and nearly tripped again. He hadn’t asked to be born. He hadn’t asked Jax to take care of him. All he’d asked for was a working ship with a nice paint job. Was that one request too much? The outskirts of the city began in simple thatched houses, their occupants out farming in clothes of thin linen and a stiffer woven material that had Quin sweating just a little bit more in envy.
“I’m not leaving him alone with Quin.” “Aaliyah.” Jax pulled back enough to catch her iron gaze. “That’s very motherly and admirable of you. But they were already alone together. If Quin’s honor is gone, it’s been gone a while.” Aaliyah shoved him away, the corners of her mouth twitching. “I mean he could try to murder him!” Jax laughed out loud. “Yeah, he could’ve done that earlier too.”
Tags for @mary-is-writing @catchingbigfish @acertainmoshke @saltysupercomputer and anyone else who'd like to search for the words taste, hour, and arrangement!
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man-reading · 8 months
C.P. Cavafy
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Selected Poems
Translated by David Connolly
Cavafy is by far the most translated and most well-known Greek poet internationally. His work exists in multiple translations in a wide range of languages and major 20th-century poets as diverse as Auden, Brecht, Brodsky, Durrell, Milosz and Montale have all paid tribute to Cavafy, either by writing poems ‘in the style of Cavafy’, or by openly admitting their debt to his poetry in their own work.
Whether his subject matter is historical, philosophical or sensual, Cavafy’s unique poetic voice is always recognizable by its ironical, suave, witty, world-weary and aesthetic tones. It is a voice which lends itself to translation. Indeed, translations of Cavafy’s poetry are the best possible counter to the often quoted platitude that poetry is what is lost in translation. Cavafy’s is a poetry that not only survives but actually thrives in translation.
Τhe inventor of a modernity and an Alexandrianism of his own, so pungent and of such sad, dry elevation that his work transcends his language and his century. — Robert Fitzgerald Poet and Translator
His complete sincerity, his angular stance to the world, his tenderness that is combined with the accuracy of a surgeon, his awareness of the past in the present and of the present in the past, his meticulousness, his grandeur – these are some of the qualities which no reader can fail to observe and which, singly and together, make him one of the greatest writers of our times. — Rex Warner Classicist and Translator
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dragon-witch-moon · 1 year
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Entry number two: Divination pt 1
Dragon Oracle Cards by Diana Cooper
The Starseed Oracle by Rebecca Campbell
Celestial Tarot Cards by Unknown
This art peice is inspired by the three cards I pulled today.
I am using "you" in the context of myself, and whom this may apply to aswell.
|Source Dragon|
Attunes you to the Infinite
Be still. In the silence, magic can
happen. Be in the moment.
Page 110 from oracle book
"A source dragon has come to you now because it is time for you to enjoy a period of stillness with awareness. Breathe deeply and listen to the silence. ..."
Take time for yourself, give yourself space to breathe and listen to your intuition, relax.
"... Something very sacred is coming into your life. This could be anything from the fruition of a long-held dream to becoming a true master. ..."
This is very similar to the reading my BiBo, big brother (he/they) , gave me. I was asking for a message from Ki/Kishar, two cards fell out before he could shuffle them, they said that had never happened to him before. Those cards being Death and The Wheel of Fortune, right-side up. The jist of that reading was pretty much, "Good things are on their way, you're about to end a negative cycle." He had the feeling that she was mostly saying, "I'm here." Quite interesting that this card is playing into that message!
"... Breath is the key to being in the moment and this is where the greatest magic happens. ..."
Again, breathe. Focus on the now.
"... Ask the source dragon to accompany you on every step of your journey and always remember that the present moment creates your future."
Ki is here for your journey, and she wants you to just chill, listen to her, and let her guide you through this.
Big picture thinking
Pleiades energy. Visionary. Inspired ideas.
Page 38 from oracle book
P.s. I don't believe in starseed ideals, but I was called to get this deck by my Dragon Guide.
"The Pleiades are our cosmic cousins. They are here to remind us that it is never too late to learn new things and change the future. ... take a breath, shake off what you have been taught about the world, and hold a new vision for humanity. ..."
Education can greatly impact the future. Let go of what you have been taught and learn things that can be of use, use those ideals to bring in greatness.
"... You're likely a natural big-picture thinker here to generate ideas for the future. ...new age and... new world... woven by [dreamers] like you. ...enough courage to to question [the past] and envision new possibilities for the planet.
The world needs more artists, dreamers, inventors, and visionary thinkers. Perhaps you had an idea recently that you have been called to usher in. If so [this is your sign]. ..." <paragraph
You have the power to create change for yourself, or your environment. (With limitations of course). Put your ideas to use. Starting a Community Garden? Do it. Helping kind elder or disabled neighbors? Do it. Protesting for change in your neighborhood or town? DO IT. Even if it is the smallest act of kindness, you are creating a better future.
"... The Pleiadeans support us in this important stage in Earths development. They want us to know that the decisions we make today will affect the well-being of our planet and speices. They're calling on you to be a leader of the future. To hold a clear vision of what's possible. To trust that vision and follow it through with daily action. To dream a world into being. For it takes great courage to pave a new path- to trust a vision before it's a reality."
Again, doing what you can to make a better world. Though, you don't have to be a leader, just do what you can to make a change, kindness even to those you don't find so kind can make a difference.
Seven of [Pentacles]
Page 250 of Tarot 101 Mastering the Art of Reading the Cards by Kim Huggens
"...Some projects take time, patience, and a gentle touch, just as growing plants does. When the seeds have been planted, the plants must be watered regularly, tended, weeded, sometimes trimmed, protected from slugs, and finally- after many months, they are fully grown. ..."
Growing, healing, and change take time & healing. Without taking care of yourself the way you would a plant, you can't have the change you expect.
"...The Seven of [Pentacles] reminds us that the effort we put into the present may not have results for many months or years to come, and that we should approach any situation with patience and care."
Don't get angry when you don't see immediate change. But you will see it with time, thank yourself for helping yourself, appreciate all that you are accomplishing.
🔮{1}Kishar is mostly saying she wants you to just go with the flow. Breath is key here, keep calm and focus on the now. Stay kind, artistic, and keep dreaming. Everything will fall into place soon, it will just take time.🔮
End of Entry two
[]= replacement words
{1}= refer to entry one
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is-solarpunk · 1 year
Solarpunk Writing Prompts #16
Here you can listen to original podcast
Here is the source of the podcast's transcript you can read below
Solarpunk Prompts - The Dirigible
Hello world. I'm Tomasino.
This is Solarpunk Prompts, a series for writers where we discuss Solarpunk, a literary, artistic, and activist movement that envisions and works toward actualizing a sustainable future interconnected with nature and community.
Our goal to to enable stories that will help us to imagine that future and give us a blueprint for real change.
In this series we spend each episode exploring a single Solarpunk story prompt adding some commentary, some inspirations, and some considerations.
Most importantly, we consider how that story might help us to better envision a sustainable civilization.
If this is your first time here, I'd recommend checking out our introduction episode first, where we talk in more depth about what Solarpunk is, why you should care, and why this series came into being.
Today's prompt is: "The Dirigible"
A modern zeppelin is the fastest and cheapest mode of transportation for several remote communities. Its anarchist crew is always ready to welcome a new member, even if they're clearly a runaway kid looking for an adventure.
This prompt shares some similarities with our previous episode: The Ship. Where that was concerned with trade and practical realities of a floating community, this prompt is an opportunity for a bit of romanticism.
It's unlikely that dirigibles will objectively be the best mode of transportation in almost any future situation. Aerostats, or aircraft that remain aloft by aerostatic buoyancy, have practical purposes, such as weather balloons. For most uses, there are better vehicles available though.
The first hot air balloons were launched by two different competing teams in France only months apart way back in 1783. Another French engineer and inventor, Jules Henri Giffard, built a steam-powered airship which took flight for the first time in 1852.
For a short time they were the darlings of the sky. These early balloons and airships were filled with hydrogen, cheap, abundant, and unfortunately volatile, as the Hindenberg can attest. Today's airships use helium almost exclusively, but at much higher cost, and lower lifting power.
There is an alternative still being explored which may offer some potential for the future. A vacuum airship was first proposed by Italian Jesuit priest Francesco Lana de Terzi in 1670. Rather than filling a large volume with a less dense gas than the surrounding air, a vacuum airship would create a large volume of voided space. This would allow the greatest possible aerostatic lift, but without any internal gas countering the air pressure, the framing needs to be much stronger to avoid collapse.
Even if technology finds such meta-materials in graphene, for instance, the airship design is still not likely to fit many needs. They remain difficult to fly, to secure when grounded, and to maintain.
Even with all of that, they still have a special place in the imagination of authors thanks to the steampunk aesthetic.
Let us borrow that element then for this prompt and not feel too bad about it. While it may not be the most practical air travel solution of our future it still does embrace some of the values we want to express in Solarpunk. It suggests a balance with nature in its design, even if that design is a bit hand-wavy.
Let us be romantic and take to the skies in near silence floating under a great balloon of vacuum.
This story is to be about stowaways, about contact between cultures, about the idea of travel when travel is not easy, where each journey is an expedition.
The heart of this story, of course, is the dirigible's crew. A crew which is a found family for many people from the neighboring towns, villages, and maybe much further away. If this ship is making distant trips between remote settlements its crew may be quite diverse.
They might've been airspace pilots for some time already, always in love with the sky, or maybe just needing to change something in their life, not minding hard work? There will be mechanics and engineers to keep them afloat, or perhaps the crew will all need to wear many hats. Weight is a premium on an airship, after all.
But before we get to deep into the story angles, lets consider the airship as a borrowed genre element one last time. This is one of the most well known aspects of steampunk fiction, and it will carry with it some of that baggage if we're not careful. How do we differentiate a Solarpunk dirigible from a steampunk one? The crew, as mentioned, is a great starting point. A steampunk story might have a crew that is part of a country's naval force, or perhaps a luxury liner from a prestigious company. It could be a stately affair, with fine dresses, music, and so on. Or perhaps it's a sky pirate with with fancy brass trimmings, top hats with goggles on them, and long leather coats.
Our crew and passengers, though, have their base in a sustainable community and use this transport as an expression of that. Do botanists cultivate hydroponics that hang below as the ship travels? What sort of hybrid skill training went in to the MacGuyvers that lead the crew? How much more likely are you to see crew in coveralls with 50 pockets? Would anyone aboard be considered just a passenger? Would everyone be required to do some job?
Now we're getting back into the Solarpunk mindset.
As you can see, this should be taking quite a different shape than you'd expect to see in a steampunk story. Lets look even deeper at the prompt situation for clues on how to take that farther.
The airship journey could take them to faraway islands, to hard-to-find villages around Amazon, across vast distances on the African continent. Perhaps the route is circuitous and won't return back to where it began for months. If our ship is traveling a great distance in a single bound they may expect to be airborne for weeks. What other social activities would need to happen? What sort of special planning would that take? What would the atmosphere be like as they leave a port? How about a week later not having set down again? How about two? What pressures build and change?
And then, the magic happens. They reach a destination. Perhaps it's just one of many, but at every stop they are always being met with an intrigued community starved for news, starved for gossip, yet also a bit wary. The last time the airship came it left with some of their youth looking for a life of adventure.
What might they encounter at each stop? Are there different resources they need from each place? Are there travelers returning home, family they see only a few times a year? Or friends they traveled with in ages past?
Is this trip different?
What if this time around they need to transport someone important? What if it's someone from a very different culture? Or some researchers, engineers, botanists sent to analyze local cultures or plants? To bring medicines, or to gather them for home?
In the Solarpunk future you're writing how common is travel? We know that the cost to the environment from travel today is quite high, whether that be commercial air travel or mass reliance on cars. We know that a future in balance with our environment will mean significant changes in the way we move. And there's an uncomfortable feeling when we think of a future world where you can't hop on a plane for a vacation. It feels like going backwards, but perhaps some small measure of that is the anxiety of potential isolation.
Our societies used to be fragmented. National borders, continental divides, even a big river could mean you don't interact with others far away from you.
This story could be a good place to think about the divide between digital and physical spaces.
How does your future world address these challenges head-on? Where in the future, electronic messages can be instant, they can give us presence, which is understood and accepted.
We won't expect people to fly half the world just for a two day conference, or a business meeting. Physical travel requires a different level of need. It could be an important life decision, to change continents.
What shape it takes is worth considering and really exploring. Think about your own experiences today. How many friends do you keep in contact with regularly whom you rarely if ever see in person? Do you have close relationships with people you've never met? Only a few decades ago that wasn't a possibility. Yet now we know, online relationships are real. The dynamics of self in digital ecosystems is a whole topic to itself, but do give it a bit of thought.
Does the modern reality of digital relationships change the anxiety of isolation in a post-travel future?
Will those digital relationships be a strong enough connection to prevent communities from drifting apart in different directions? Will the focus of local community re-contextualize global diversity?
These remote villages, without any easy access between each other, or to the wider world, may grow in unique directions as needed for their environment and people.
The social mores could change drastically in a short time with true isolation. We might see that come to play in how they treat stowaways, for instance. Or perhaps a rite of passage in one community is seen as rude, or a grave insult in another.
There are many sociological implications here to explore as you float between them on your brilliant little airship. Make it an adventure.
Until next time, I'm Tomasino. I hope you'll join me for the next Solarpunk Prompt.
Music in this episode is: really beautiful my mambo by Jean Toba (CC-BY-SA)
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lollo-sw-br · 2 years
Guardians SW One-Shots
Lydia Mi-rae (Poppa Wheels's Guardian): A brilliant inventor! (Remake)
Lydia Mi-rae is Poppa Wheels's Guardian and she loves to invent new things with old objects together with her cousin Lollo, both always together creating something new and unique building a friendship that transcends generations.
Lydia also tends to build things with her cousin Lonnie, who she is very close to as well, but Lydia hid from everyone, even your Super Wing, but only Lollo knew of their shared passion, that she loves working with old-fashioned mechanisms. because she was afraid of being ridiculed by her, and people don't understand her, leaving her greatest passion hidden under lock and key.
Lydia was in the mechanical workshop of the Mi-rae Palace next to Lollo, that had found an old pocket watch and Lydia already knew what to do with such a relic.
- Lollo, I analyzed this watch and it is actually a very old invention! - Said Lydia - this watch is a tool to control time.
- It controls time in every possible way: slowing down, accelerated, paralyzed and time traverling - Added Lollo - and it is written: Timer Clock! and it's damaged.
- Let's fix it then, my specialty is with antique objects - said Lydia - what are we waiting for, let's build!
Hours passed, it was a piece there, a gear here and finally the Timer Clock was ready.
- We are done! - said Lydia - It was so much fun Lollo!
- Really Lydia, it was amazing - said Lollo - pity we can't show the invention
- Quite true - said Lydia - we don't want to be the victim of jokes, but we will use it when we need it
- Alright Cousin - agreed Lollo - Hide the Timer Clock! Quickly!
At that moment Lollo realizing it was getting late, they decided to head home and Lydia put the Timer Clock inside a box, For anyone to find out.
- Let's go home Lydia, It's getting dark - said Lollo
- Just a minute! - Lydia said verifying that the invention was safe - You're right lol, see you tomorrow Lollo.
The next day.
Grand Albert and Poppa Wheels went to Mi-rae Palace's mechanic shop to fix the broken Telephoto Transformer in an accident.
- Grand Albert, fetch me a screwdriver please - asked Poppa Wheels
- I think there must be one on that shelf - said Grand Albert - I'll check
Grand Albert pushing aside a cardboard box, saw a strange yellow box next to the screwdriver he was looking for, In order to increase his curiosity, he took it off the shelf and placed it on the table. Soon, Poppa Wheels asked:
- What is that? - asked Poppa Wheels
- Let's see it now - said Grand Albert opening the box
- It's an old watch! - said Poppa Wheels - And it is written: Timer Clock?
- Wait a minute. This watch belongs to my grandfather! I probably lost it - said Grand Albert - besides that watch is an invention! Like my Telephoto Transformer! And it looks like there have been improvements.
- Your grandfather created this? - Asked Poppa Wheels - Whoever who made these improvements is a genius!
Grand Albert took from The Trunk the Times Past a magnifying glass and can identify the names of possible inventors who reset the Timer Clock.
- How wonderful! - said Grand Albert surprised - They are our Guardians! Lollo Ji-Hye and Lydia Mi-rae.
- This is amazing! - said Poppa Wheels - I didn't know that Lydia also had skill with old objects!
- Now a question... - said Grand Albert - Why did the two hide it from us?
- I think I can answer - said Poppa Wheels - Lydia is probably afraid that her sisters will judge her for working with relics, since the Mi-rae Clan is futuristic, that's why she hid this gift even from me
- And Lollo will probably help her with that, as they both share this gift. - disse Grand Albert - being your partner with projects of this nature.
- We must talk to them - said Poppa Wheels - They got it all wrong
- You're right - said Grand Albert handing the watch to Poppa Wheels who accidentally dropped it
- Oh no! - Exclaimed Poppa Wheels - the clock broke!
- Let's take the watch to repair, - said Grand Albert - I remember when I accidentally broke this watch in front of my grandfather, I thought he said ground me, but he said it was just an accident.
- I take care of Lydia's improvements - said Poppa Wheels - you take care of your camera
- good idea - said Grand Albert shy and embarrassed
The afternoon...
Lydia and Lollo arrived at the workshop, in the early afternoon to test the invention with the improvements they made and didn't see the box where the Timer Clock was, so they started to worry.
- The Timer Clock! - said Lydia - it's gone!
- And now cousin? - said Lollo - if someone discovers the invention it will be a disaster!
- Let's look everywhere - Lydia said. - This invention cannot be loose by WingsView.
- Look Lydia! The Grand Albert's Telephoto Transformer! - said Lollo - How did you end up here?
- And Poppa Wheels star key! - said Lydia - They were probably together fixing the Telephoto Transformer
- If they both got the Timer Clock - said Lollo
- We're in trouble - said Lydia - we have to find them quickly!
- You're right cousin - said Lollo - we can't leave the Timer Clock in their hands, mainly Poppa Wheels
- Here we go! - said Lydia leaving the mechanic shop together with Lollo looking for his Super Wings and the Timer Clock.
At night returning to the mechanic shop
Lydia and Lollo searched his invention and his Super Wings, all over WingsView and when they were about to give up, found their Super Wings who called them Mi-rae Palace's mechanical workshop
- Lydia! - said Poppa Wheels
- Lollo! - said Grand Albert
The two stopped and were without reaction and replied:
- Poppa Wheels? Grand Albert? - asked Lydia - what are you doing here?
- We were behind two - said Poppa Wheels - and you?
- Just looking for something - Lydia replied awkwardly.
- Are you talking about it here? - asked Grand Albert showing the Timer Clock inside the box
- The Timer Clock! - said Lollo - So he was with you two?
- Exactly - said Poppa Wheels looking at Lydia with her head down.
- I can explain - said Lydia - But please don't judge me Poppa Wheels
- Judge you Lydia? - said Poppa Wheels - I have nothing but praise for you my brilliant inventor
- And did they restore my grandfather's watch? - said Grand Albert - I am very grateful
- Like this a brilliant inventor? - said Lydia - but I'm not like the girls of my clan, always futuristic
- But that's what makes you special - said Poppa Wheels - you are unique and be proud of it and don't hide your projects, your sisters and cousins ​​would love to see what you can do, in your own way.
- Seriously Poppa Wheels? - said Lydia - neither Lonnie nor Loddie would laugh at me?
- Lydia, Cousin! - said Lonnie Arriving - I would never laugh at your projects, by the way, I'm curious about the Timer Clock wide you and Lollo restored
Lollo was embarrassed, so Grand Albert said:
- You also don't need to hide your projects next to your cousin - said Grand Albert - I remember Lailla and Luddie, with their projects together,and I'm glad it helped to fix the my Grandfather's Timer Clock
- Did Mom and Aunt Lailla do that too? - asked Lydia - I did not know...
- Yes, looking at you two together - said Poppa Wheels - is like going back in time and looking at Lailla and Luddie ready to show off a new invention.
- It's good that we inherited the gift of our mothers - said Lollo - thought we would be ridiculed for doing that.
- By the way, we fixed the clock - said Poppa Wheels - Brand new
- And we fixed the Telephoto Transformer that was broken in the mechanical workshop - said Lollo - and we also improved it
- Thank you my Super Wing - said Lydia - Do you want to sign too? After all you helped a lot
- Thank you Lydia - said Poppa Wheels taking a pen and signing her name on the back of the Timer Clock - You too Grand Albert, you helped me to fix and improve the clock too.
- Thanks Lollo for fixing the Telephoto Transformer - said Grand Albert - it was really in need of some repairs
- It explains why the clock is a little different - said Lollo - Please, you can sign my Super Wing, After all, you are the grandson of the True Inventor
- It will be an honor - said Grand Albert
- Now promise me one thing Lydia - said Poppa Wheels - don't hide your inventions from anyone
- I promise my Super Wing - said Lydia.
The end......
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an-ocean-viewer · 11 months
I swear. Using tumblr on my phone is arduous work... You create a huge list one day and accidentally remove it from your recent apps and boom.. you need to rewrite everything.
Yet, a lot of good things happened in this long while so I musn't be lazy in documenting it.
Once again, these are in no particular order.
Things I liked about these days #23
1. I got first place in the nationals🥳🥳! I didn't expect to be the champion at all. I even got a minus 2 on my final score. What a lucky break
2. Adding to the first one, I have been given both a medal and a plaque. I'll need to give the plaque to my university though.. sadly. It's the first time I ever got first place in a competition. It was in a nationals no less! I didn't even get first place in the regionals. I was only able to enjoy this opportunity due to the one who got first place in the regionals backing out.
3. Extra emphasis on that minus 2 haha! It wasn't enough to stop me MUAHAHAHHAA!
5. My father recovered relatively quickly. That carbamezipine is really strong. I hope that whoever invented it gets like triple the applause that the greatest inventors got
6. My friends are friends again (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠). It's so nice being able to help my friends get together. Hehehe.
7. Our thesis concepts are coming along nicely. I'm such a smart thinker-thunker :3
8. Our zombie apocalypse has come to an end on it's 50th night. It was the most fun I've ever had in gaming that didn't feel like I just wasted 30 mins of my life watching another "teammate" run it down after a few games.
9. Now, I've created another Minecraft modpack – a fantasy adventure one with spells and classes. We're a few days in and it's setting itself up to be even better than the zombie apocalypse since there's no stress and it's mostly just us vibing.
10. Gaming with friends is nice. I just love how we're 3 idiots trying to figure out what in the flying megazord caused a zombie to get 13 thousand health. It's a blast to deal with these 'intentional' enemies (I am a very smart modpack maker that takes into account all situations possible).
11. I know for certain my friends are there for me. It feels warm. Everyone is trying to push the other up then reaching down to pull to another up. It's weird being in a healthy friend circle, but I like it!
12. I accidentally oneshot a friend of mine while playing the modpack. Turns out my dash deals a lot of damage. My friend also oneshot me... by jumping on my head.... This modpack is wild. Needs a lot of rebalancing tho. Stupid modpack maker can't even balance one class lmfao
13. Finished all 6 quizzes in two subjects in one sitting. EZ 😎
14. Turns out I still know how to do derivatives and slopes. Did not expect it since it was nearly 3 years ago. Then again, I'm having an easier time learning trigonometry in this last year so perhaps this is my luck pushing itself to the limits
15. The lessons thus far in our competency appraisal are easy to understand and brain digestible. Managed to discover a calculator technique for dividing matrices easier
16. I like the little things. For example, my friend usually tells me to correct my posture.
17. We reviewed in my friend's house and we got free fud
18. It feels nice to get along with everyone in a classroom setting. There hasn't been much face-to-face classes, sadly. But now that we have exams, all of us are meeting. I think I'm getting along with everyone (at least, I hope I am)
19. I suck at crimping wires. It's definitely fun to try it. I felt much, much better when my friend (who is good at crimping) had a hard time using my cables. It was like some wave of relief washed over me with the message "Not all skill issue" in the sea weeds
20. I got new shoes! Black shoes hehe. I luv them. Simple and stylish
21. It feels nice teaching my friends and classmates about electronics for the exam. Or maybe it's just an ego thing.
22. We watched the FNAF movieeeeee. To be completely honest, plot-wise, it sucks ass. However, for a fan of the series such as myself, it definitely is an enjoyable watch. It's true to the theme of being stupid but entertaining. The biggest shame in the world is that Markiplier was not in it. I am massively disappointed
That's all, umu. We have exam weeks now so it might be harder. Starting now, I'll probably be posting pics.
I hope everyone has a great year~
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thepatentexperts · 1 year
High-Quality Patent Drawings: Why They Are Essential for Your Patent Applications | The Patent Experts
When it comes to safeguarding your original ideas, inventions, and designs, patents are your greatest friends in the world of intellectual property. Patents give inventors and artists exclusive rights to their creations, allowing them to capitalize on their hard work and creativity. Navigating the intricate realm of patents and intellectual property law, on the other hand, can be a difficult process. This is where renowned patent experts come in, offering their important skills to guide you through the process and ensure the protection of your intellectual property. In this article, we'll examine what patents are, why they're important, and how "The Patent Experts" can help you with various patent-related services, including the critical necessity for high-quality patent drawings.
Understanding Patents: Safeguarding Innovation
What are Patents?
A patent is a legal document that grants its holder exclusive rights to an invention for a set length of time, typically 20 years from the date of filing. These exclusive rights imply that no one else may create, use, sell, or import the patented invention without the approval of the patent holder. Patents are frequently viewed as a reward for invention, with inventors and artists encouraged to share their discoveries with the public in exchange for protection.
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Why Patents Are Required
Patents serve several essential purposes in the world of innovation:
Protection: Patents safeguard your innovations and creations from being exploited or copied by others, allowing you to reap the financial benefits of your hard work.
Incentive: Patents encourage inventors to explore and share their findings with the rest of the world because they know their efforts will be rewarded with exclusive rights.
Public Disclosure: Patents require inventors to divulge the specifics of their creation, which contributes to the corpus of knowledge and drives further innovation.
Now, let's look at the services provided by "The Patent Experts" to help you navigate the complicated world of patents, as well as why high-quality patent drawings are so important.
Services We Offer
Utility Patent Drawings
Utility patents are given for novel and useful techniques, devices, or substance compositions. They require thorough and accurate drawings to demonstrate the functionality of the idea. Our skilled team specializes in producing utility patent drawings that adhere to all applicable rules and norms. High-quality utility patent drawings are required because:
Enhance Clarity: Complex inventions might be difficult to describe in words alone. High-quality drawings help patent examiners and potential investors comprehend the complexities of your innovation.
Strengthen Your Application: Drawings that are well-executed lend professionalism to your patent application, boosting its chances of approval.
Minimize Ambiguity: Clear and precise drawings limit the possibility of misunderstandings or disagreements about the scope of your idea.
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Example: Consider an organization that has developed a revolutionary manufacturing process for renewable energy items. Our high-quality utility patent drawings highlight the intricate systems and processes at work, making obtaining a patent for this cutting-edge technology easier.
Design Patent Drawings
Design patents are given for novel, original, and ornamental designs for a manufactured object. These patents protect a product's look rather than its functioning. Our professionals are competent in creating design patent drawings that highlight the unique beauty and qualities of your work, ensuring that it is fully protected.
High-quality design patent drawings are essential because:
Highlight Unique Features: The distinctiveness of your design must be obvious. High-quality drawings highlight the distinguishing features that make your design unique.
Aid in Litigation: In the event of an infringement, clear and detailed drawings serve as powerful evidence in court.
Strengthen Your Brand: High-quality design patent drawings can also be used in marketing and branding materials, underlining the uniqueness of your product.
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Example: Consider a new, visually appealing chair design made by an industrial designer. Our high-quality design patent drawings show the chair's distinguishing features and attractiveness, making it design patent-eligible.
Replacement Drawings
In some situations, you may need to update or replace existing patent drawings in order to keep your patent valid and enforceable. "The Patent Experts" provide replacement drawing services to ensure your patent remains accurate and current. Replacement drawings of high quality are essential since they:
Maintain Accuracy: Changes to your invention are possible over time. High-quality replacement drawings appropriately reflect these modifications.
Protect Your Patent: Outdated drawings can jeopardize your patent's enforceability. Maintaining your rights requires current, high-quality drawings.
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Example: A corporation with a patent for a sophisticated equipment design learns that its original drawings are out of date. We can produce high-quality replacement drawings that precisely portray the most recent version of the machinery while preserving their patent.
Trademark Drawings
Trademarks are vital for safeguarding your business identification and ensuring that consumers can identify your products and services. "The Patent Experts" can assist you in creating high-quality trademark drawings that capture the essence of your brand, allowing you to establish and protect your trademark rights more easily.
High-quality trademark illustrations are essential since they:
Reinforce Brand Recognition: A well-drawn trademark reinforces your brand's identity, making it more recognizable to consumers.
Streamline Registration: Clear and accurate trademark drawings make the registration procedure easier and less likely to be complicated.
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Example: A new company with a distinctive logo seeks to trademark its emblem to prevent others from adopting it. Our high-quality trademark illustrations will highlight the logo's distinguishing aspects, making it easier for them to safeguard this important piece of their brand identification.
Finally, patents are a cornerstone of intellectual property protection and creativity, and high-quality patent drawings are a crucial component of this process. "The Patent Experts" are here to help you get and preserve your patents, whether they are utility or design patents, replacement drawings, or trademark drawings. With a specialized team of professionals, we ensure that your intellectual property is protected and enforceable, allowing you to focus on what you do best: innovating and creating.
Visit The Patent Experts for more information and to get started with obtaining your patents and protecting your intellectual property with high-quality patent drawings. Our team is here to help you on your quest to protect your innovations and creativity.
Contact us today to discuss your patent drawing needs and take the first step toward securing your intellectual property rights.
Visit www.thepatentexperts.com for further information. 
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blockgeni · 1 year
Artificial intelligence (AI) has captured the attention of futurists and inventors, promising to revolutionize a wide range of facets of our life. But what goes deeper than the general knowledge that is discussed on the surface? What are the actual effects of AI? What does it signify for human civilization and society? Artificial intelligence is poised to make enormous strides in the next years; we can only speculate on what lies ahead. Let's examine five of the most prevalent AI myths as well as the technology's actual potential in order to provide some answers to these queries. The emergence of AI-designed AI Think of a time when AI overcomes its own restrictions and creates its own descendants on its own. The building of exponentially intelligent systems free from human limitations is possible because to the paradigm-shifting idea of AI-designed AI. The evolution of intelligence will speed up as AI continuously develops and enhances its own architecture, possibly leading to astounding developments that defy our current comprehension. The idea of a singularity in this context might be better described as a "intelligence explosion," in which AI-designed systems rapidly develop into super-intelligent entities that are beyond human comprehension. Unlocking the unimaginable with quantum AI While quantum computing has a great deal of potential for solving complicated issues, when paired with AI, it becomes a power of unimaginable proportions. Advancements in areas like medicine development, weather forecasting, and cryptography are made possible by quantum AI, which boosts the processing capability of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms. The next technological frontier, quantum computing, is already altering how we live. Quantum computers will be able to solve problems in a matter of years that would take today's supercomputers thousands of years to complete. The consequences range from drug use to climate change, from encryption to space travel. We will be able to comprehend the universe in ways we never imagined thanks to quantum computers. Neuro-AI interface: Merging machines with minds Get ready for a revolutionary idea: the fusion of AI and the human brain. Humans might directly access the tremendous processing capacity of AI through a neuro-AI interface, enhancing our cognitive capacities and revealing untapped potential. Imagine having immediate access to a wealth of information, improved creativity, and increased problem-solving skills. As we redefine intelligence, the union of man and machine may elevate what it means to be human. The first step towards this incredible future has already been taken. To get insight into the inner workings of our minds, neuroscientists are creating brain implants that can capture data and electrically stimulate neurons. They are also exploring techniques to wirelessly encode and transfer thoughts from brain impulses. The next stage would be to include AI into these technologies to produce a brain interface that enables direct communication between machines and people. A new renaissance in creativity and art produced by AI Long held beliefs include the notion that human creativity is innately human. AI is ready to disprove this notion, though, by producing works of art, music, and literature that stand up to the best creations of the greatest artists. AI has the ability to produce amazing works that push the boundaries of creativity itself by analyzing massive amounts of artistic data and extracting patterns and insights. Get ready for a new era where artificial intelligence-powered inventions conflict with the fundamental human right to artistic expression. Artificial empathy through AI ethics The necessity of giving computers moral principles grows as AI develops. The development of artificial empathy may be enabled in the future by AI systems' capacity to recognize and react to human emotions. This not only makes it easier to communicate with machines more empathically,
but it also sparks important discussions about the nature of consciousness, morality, and the impact of AI on our ethical environment. Openings for societal reflection and philosophical paradigm shifts are created by the rise of AI ethics. Conclusion Beyond the frequent, cursory talks, artificial intelligence's future is significantly more complex. There is tremendous potential for dramatic change, from AI-designed AI to neuro-AI interfaces and the muddled boundaries of human creativity. Get ready for a future that will contradict your ideas about human intelligence, creativity, and the fundamental nature of what it means to be a person. Are you willing to seize the tremendous opportunities that lay ahead? The landscape of AI is constantly changing, so as we forge ahead into this uncharted area, let's do it with curiosity, foresight, and an unshakable dedication to creating a future that exceeds our collective expectations. Source link
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this-is-crofters · 1 year
Guidelines for Purchasing YouTube Live Stream Views
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Nowaday's material inventors are regularly aiming to enhance their on the web presence and interaction. Among the procedures that has actually gotten level of popularity is actually acquiring YouTube live stream views. While this tactic may provide an easy boost in exposure, it's important to approach it with caution and also a clear understanding of the possible difficulties. In this particular post, our company'll review some necessary recommendations for acquiring YouTube live stream views that can easily assist web content creators make educated decisions as well as avoid prospective unfavorable repercussions.
Tips for Purchasing YouTube Live Stream Views
Buying YouTube live stream views could be a tempting option for those seeking to improve their visibility and reach out to on the system. Having said that, it's important to approach this method with vigilance. Below are actually some tips to always remember before purchasing YouTube live stream views:
Set Realistic Goals
Just before taking into consideration buy youtube live stream views, it is vital to prepare sensible and clear objectives for your material. Establish what you hope to obtain with the boosted views. Are you intending to boost visibility, acquire even more subscribers, or even merely improve your network's reputation? Possessing a clear-cut target will help you determine the results of your assets and also manual your purchasing decisions.
Study Respectable Suppliers
With the growing requirement for online involvement, numerous provider give to market YouTube live stream views. Certainly not all of all of them provide real, high-grade views. It's crucial to research study and select reliable providers that give real, organic views from genuine consumers. Try to find customer reviews, endorsements, and also any warnings that may signify a carrier engages in bot-driven or deceptive practices.
Avoid Suspiciously Small Cost
When it relates to obtaining YouTube live stream views, remember the old maxim, "You acquire what you purchase." While it's tempting to go with the cheapest alternative, affordable typically signify substandard, fake views that could possibly damage your network's image. Valid suppliers put in effort and time in supplying genuine involvement, and this comes with a practical price.
Focus on Involvement, Certainly Not Merely Views
The greatest objective of purchasing YouTube stream views is actually to increase involvement, certainly not simply pump up the view matter. Involvement metrics such as likes, reviews, and reveals are what really matter in creating an energetic, specialized audience. Prioritize companies that supply engagement-oriented plans to make sure that the views you obtain equate right into purposeful communications.
All-natural as well as gradual Boost
A quick and also unnatural spike in views can easily increase suspicions among YouTube's algorithms, likely resulting in penalties or even the extraction of your information. To avoid this, pick companies that give natural and gradual boosts in views. This not just shields your network's credibility and reputation however likewise assists in maintaining a authentic and constant development trail.
Check Regards To Service as well as Policies
Before helping make any kind of purchase, extensively review the regards to solution as well as policies of each YouTube and also the service provider. Make sure that the procedures utilized to produce views are actually certified with YouTube's suggestions to avoid any kind of bad effects for your stations. Unawareness of these policies might lead to intense repercussions, consisting of stations suspension.
Monitor as well as Analyze Results
After purchasing youtube live stream viewers, it's necessary to very closely track the end results and study the influence on your stations's efficiency. Watch on interaction metrics, subscriber development, as well as the total effect on your information's visibility. If you discover any sort of unfavorable impacts or even a lack of interaction in spite of the boosted views, it may be time to rethink your technique.
Transform Your Approach
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Purchasing YouTube live stream views can offer an important increase to a content creator's visibility and also trustworthiness. It's vital to approach this method along with caution, investigation, as well as a crystal clear understanding of your targets. By choosing credible suppliers, concentrating on engagement, as well as adhering to system guidelines, content makers can leverage purchased views to their advantage without weakening their network's honesty. Remember that authenticity and also purposeful interaction are actually the foundations of creating a maintainable and successful on the web presence.
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mindclassic · 1 year
Theory 3 6 and 9 - Tesla Niolka's Key to the Universe
Nikola Tesla was one of the greatest inventors and scientists of all time. He is famous for his groundbreaking discoveries that have revolutionized modern technology. Among his many contributions to science, Tesla was famous for his Theory 3 6 and 9. It is a mystical and mathematical concept that has intrigued and puzzled scientists and researchers for decades. Some scientists believe that theory holds the key to understanding the universe's underlying principles. It can help to unlock the relationship between energy and frequency. About Nikola Tesla Nikola Tesla was a Serbian-American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, and futurist. He is famous for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system. Nikola Tesla was born on July 10, 1856, in Smiljan, Austrian Empire (modern-day Croatia). He died on January 7, 1943, in New York City, U.S. Tesla made dozens of breakthroughs in the production, transmission, and application of electric power. He invented the first alternating current (AC) motor and developed AC generation and transmission technology. Tesla’s inventions and discoveries include the Tesla coil, an induction coil widely used in radio technology. He also developed the three-phase system of electric power transmission. He also discovered the rotating magnetic field, which is the basis of most alternating-current machinery. Tesla’s work laid the foundation for many modern technologies and he has a place among the greatest inventors in history. His legacy continues to inspire scientists and engineers today.  In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of Tesla's Theory 3 6 and 9. We look into its principles and its applications in science and technology. 1. Introduction to Tesla Nikola's Theory 3, 6 and 9 Nikola Tesla is often associated with the numbers 3 6 and 9. According to some sources, Tesla believed that these numbers were of great significance and held the key to the universe. Some people have interpreted this to mean that these numbers can be used for manifestation, following the law of attraction principles. However, it is uncertain whether Tesla actually made the statement attributed to him. "If you only knew the magnificence of the 3 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe".  Nonetheless, many people continue to inspire by Tesla’s ideas and theories. Some have even developed manifestation techniques based on his alleged beliefs about the numbers 3 6 and 9. It’s important to note that there is no scientific evidence to support the idea that these numbers have any special significance or power. However, some people find value in using them as a tool for personal growth and self-improvement. 2. The Principle of Vibration and Energy Tesla believed that everything in the universe was made up of energy. He believed that energy was defined by frequency and vibration. According to him, matter, energy, and even our thoughts were all vibrations of different frequencies. He believed that if we could understand the nature of these vibrations, we could unlock the secrets of the universe. Understanding the Relationship Between Energy and Frequency Tesla's theory also stressed the importance of understanding the relationship between energy and frequency. He believed that by harnessing energy at the right frequency, we could achieve incredible things. For instance, he experimented with the wireless transmission of energy. He used resonance to send energy wirelessly from one point to another. Tesla believed that if we could find the right frequency, we could transmit energy around the globe without wires. If possible, the concept would revolutionize the way we use and consume energy. 3. Understanding the Law of Three One of the key principles of Tesla's Theory 3, 6 and 9 is the Law of Three. According to this law, everything in the universe is divisible into three parts: positive, negative, and neutral. Tesla believed that understanding this law was crucial for unlocking the secrets of the universe. How the Law of Three Relates to Natural Phenomena Tesla observed that the Law of Three could be observed in natural phenomena. For evidence the three states of matter: solid, liquid, and gas. He also believed that by applying this law we can better understand electricity, which consists of positive charges, negative charges, and neutral charges. 4. The Importance of Number 6 in Tesla's Theory Tesla also emphasized the importance of the number 6 in his theories. In mathematics, 6 is known as a perfect number. It is the sum of its divisors: 1, 2, and 3. This number also has special properties in science. It is the only number whose factors, when added together, equal the number itself. Tesla's Unique Interpretation of Number 6 Tesla believed that the number 6 was important in his theories because it represented a balanced state of energy. According to him, 3 represented positive energy, 6 represented neutral energy, and 9 represented negative energy. He believed that by understanding the properties of the number 6, we could achieve a balanced state of energy. If achieved it would lead to incredible advancements in science and technology. 5. The Significance of Number 9 and its Role in the Universe According to Tesla, the number 9 had a mystical significance and was one of the key elements of the universe. In fact, he believed that if you understood the mysteries of 3 6 and 9, you could unlock the secrets of the universe. Tesla saw the number 9 as the most powerful number in the universe and believed that everything could be reduced to a series of 9s. He also believed that the number 9 was a symbol of completion and had a deep spiritual significance. The Role of Number 9 in the Universe and Nature Tesla also believed that the number 9 was at the heart of the universe. It plays a crucial role in nature. He believed that the number 9 was the key to understanding how energy worked in the universe. According to him, there was a deep connection between the number 9 and energy. Tesla believed that the number 9 was so significant because it was the highest single-digit number. The number 9 represented the limit of what was possible in the physical world. He also saw the number 9 as a symbol of perfection. He believed that it was the key to unlocking the mysteries of the universe. 6. Applications of Theory 3 6 and 9 in Physics and Technology Tesla's theory of 3 6 and 9 has influenced modern physics in numerous ways. For example, scientists today are exploring the concept of resonant frequencies and how they can be used to create powerful energy sources. Tesla's ideas about energy and the role of the number 9 in the universe have also been explored in quantum mechanics and other areas of physics. The Practical Applications of Theory 3 6 and 9 in Technology Tesla's theory has also inspired new technologies and innovative solutions. For example, engineers have used resonant frequencies to create new technologies like wireless charging and resonant energy transfer. Scientists are also exploring the potential of zero-point energy, which was a key concept in Tesla's work. 7. Criticisms and Debates Surrounding Tesla's Theory Despite the many benefits of Tesla's theory, it has also faced some criticism over the years. Some critics argue that it is overly simplistic and does not account for the complexity of the universe. Others have suggested that Tesla's ideas are too mystical and lack scientific rigor. Debates on the Validity and Feasibility of Theory 3 6 and 9 There is also ongoing debate about the validity and feasibility of Tesla's theory. Some experts believe that it could be the key to unlocking new technologies and energy sources. Others are more skeptical and believe that more research is needed before Tesla's ideas can be fully understood and applied. 8. Conclusion and Future Implications Tesla's theory of 3, 6, and 9 remains an important topic of discussion in the world of science and technology. Many experts believe that it could hold the key to unlocking new energy sources and technologies that could transform our world. Future Implications and Possible Applications of Tesla's Theory Looking ahead, the future implications of Tesla's theory are still unclear. However, many experts believe that it could lead to new innovations. The solutions that could help address some of the most pressing challenges facing our world today. Whether it's through the development of new energy sources, advanced technologies, or other applications, the potential of Tesla's theory to transform our world and unlock new possibilities is truly exciting. Closing Comments Nikola Tesla's Theory 3 6 and 9 has left a significant impact on modern science and technology. It has inspired numerous innovations and discoveries that have benefited humanity. As we continue to study and experiment with this mystical and mathematical concept, we may unlock the key to a more sustainable and harmonious future. Read the full article
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the-unger-games · 1 year
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Four Products, Five Factors
Considering the above, I would guess that the product with the greatest adoption would be Polytrack, followed by Stave puzzles, then sliced peanut butter, and finally collapsible wheels. Polytrack has a clear value proposition that is aligned with the goals of track owners: keep horses safe and save money. While there is no way to try the product, it is not too complex to understand, and track owners can observe the benefits by looking at the impact at other racecourses.
Thinking about Stave puzzles, I believe these would be widely adopted within a specific subgroup but not by the masses. The company’s target audience was likely wealthy, intellectual individuals who enjoy challenging puzzles and want to signal that they keep up with the latest luxury trends. Stave customers include the Gates and Bush families – so theses puzzles could be seen as a status symbol. The product extends upon the traditional puzzle, offering additional value. However, given the high price I don’t think many mass consumers would purchase, or even know about, the product.
The concept of sliced peanut butter confused me. In the case, the creator seemed so certain that he was solving these big problems. However, a peanut butter sandwich is just about the simplest type of sandwich I can think to make. As well, Kraft Singles is not a positive cognitive association – many people refer to it as “fake” or “plastic” cheese. While there are opportunities to leverage trialability and the complexity is low, I feel like this is not enough to make up for lack of value provided by the product.
Finally, I would not expect the collapsible wheel to have any product diffusion. It is counterintuitive, complex, and expensive – so much so that the inventor struggled to even find manufacturers. It’s possible that something like this could catch on one the cost of production decreases, and people start to understand the value proposition. However, at this time it does not seem like a product that would be well perceived.
Together, I think that all four of these cases show that these five factors work together to make diffusion a faster or slower process. Trialability and observability may help with product discovery, but if the advantage of the product is not clear people may still choose not to adopt it. On the other hand, a product could have an extremely strong value proposition, but if nobody ever hears about it, nobody will know to purchase it. When thinking about our branding lab project, it will be important to keep all of these factor in mind, and how they may interact with each other.
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