#possible fandude????
kxllboii · 6 days
Me? Draw Killjoy Dude like the PIII box art?? Nahh, must be imagining things
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I cant draw flowy trenchcoats for the life of me man
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cust-vik · 6 months
hihi 👋👋 I wanted to ask if you have more info on dude.bat, he seems really interesting :))
and. is it OK if I drew him at one point.. maybe 👁️?
Yes!!! thank you so much for asking, i have something about him: Imagine if the RWS team was not developing games, but creating malware? This is exactly what happened in one of the alternative scenarios. But they did this not so much with the aim of making money or harming people and technology, but rather in order to explore the boundaries of possible development of programs, conducting some not entirely ethical experiments and developing viruses that are sometimes too dangerous for the public. This character is the second version of one of the ingenious creations of the RWS team, possessing some form of self-awareness. The question of awareness in artificial intelligence will be left for hardened philosophers, but, according to Dude.bat himself, he is quite capable of feeling some emotions and his own specific feelings. But, by chance, at some point in time, he gained access to the Internet. Whether this happened intentionally or through the negligence of one of the employees is still unknown, but at the moment it is spreading from one device to another through various paths. However, he still prefers to remain an unknown threat to the general public, without spreading his influence massively. Rather, it looks like a selective one-off attack. Despite the fact that control over him has been lost, he still remains loyal to the RWS team and actively makes contact.
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silly picture i made just for fun ^ and it's totally fine to draw any of my ocs or fandudes (just tag me and that's all)
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lethal-spaceship · 5 months
・゚✧ Hi, I'm Eugene. Or Jack. Use whatever name you like more.
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This is a blog where I just dump my art, but mainly sketches and shitposts. I have a tendency to switch my fandoms quite often tho...
Sometimes I do text posts under uksus.txt tag and reposts but not much. It's not a reblog heavy place.
Also please note that the blog is 16+
That said I couldn't care less if you are under that age and follow me. It's more of a content warning if anything. I use curse words, draw gore and sometimes artistic nudity too. Whether you follow me is on your conscience.
But if you're under 16 please don't try to befriend me. I don't want to be friends with kids, mutuals at best (and this being hella rare too).
Currently actively taking zadr/invader zim and dipcifica/gravity falls requests!!!
Base dni (simply don't be a jerk), I block at will, rest of the info under cut.
・゚✧ Fandom information:
Main fandoms atm
- Invader Zim
- Gravity Falls
- Postal
- Psychonauts
- Metal Gear.
Secondary fandoms
- Genshin Impact
- Honkai Star Rail
- Wuthering Waves
- The Binding of Isaac
But don't expect much posts relating to these.
- I accept non-art related asks, goofy ahh stuff, more serious asks and etc. In general, send me whatever you wanna know (and keep your asks sfw).
- Be clear in your asks and use tonetags if possible and/or necessary. I tend to be quite slow at times and misread messages easily.
- I do fandom requests! Palette, interactions, ships and etc. If you want a doodle of a canon character from a fandom I'm not a part of then you can send them too. But no promises on any of the requests tho < 3
- If your ask is vague then I will misinterpret it (either to mess with ya'all or because again I tend to misread messages easily and I can be very literal)
- I do not accept non-fandom oc requests or ocs from fandoms I'm not a part of.
- I accept fan ocs and fan outfits/designs for all of the fandoms I've listed above. Especially I love fandudes and IZ AUs.
・゚✧Request rules:
- For ship art: no problematic/illegal shit (abuse, pedo, incest and etc).
- OBVIOUSLY no weird stuff with minors. No heavy gore, no suggestive stuff nothing of that sort.
- No explicit sexual content IN GENERAL. Slightly suggestive (underwear, bikinis, swimsuits, artistic nudity etc) are fine but again NO MINORS!!!
・゚✧Specific fandom info:
Invader Zim
- I interpret Zim, Tak, Scoodge and etc. to be children (similar age to Dib).
- I am fine with human/irken ships and can accept requests with those but keep your prompt fairly innocent. I do accept au ship requests. All of my irken x human art features characters of the same/similar age.
- Reminder NO SHIP WARS!!! PLEASE!!!
Ok that's all much love :3 
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crispy zim
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cora0rr3m · 1 year
definitely not nerd/fandude ranting but:
Sherwithan is THE MOST PALATABLE SHIP out there. Everyone COULD possibly agree with this ship, (unless youre one of those maniacs who ships jonathan with the blonde guy /j lmao) You can put them in any AU— enemies to lovers, pure angst, stragers to lovers— AND IT WILL STILL FEEL LIKE SHERWIN AND JONATHAN, you know why?
In a heartbeat in general is just very short and is missing all those info, backstories— what happens next after the film took place, why did sherwin have a crush on jon? Did Jon return his feelings or not? The film is just too short for all that, (given that its a thesis project and its a thing for school and not what beth nor esteban inteded for to be just for fun.) Its just a film that was suppose to have one, discontinued plot. So it’s up to us to fill in all those blanks, give sherwin and jonathan the personality and backstory they need. And you can do WHATEVER with jonathan and sher’s backstories and identities! Go crazy!! (unless you make the characters inappropriate or just something just generally bad).
You wanna headcanon Sherwin as emo? GO, You wanna headcanon Shirley’s favorite food to be a diarrhea causing taco from taco bell? GO, You wanna headcanon Jonathan as autistic? GO AHEAD!! Whatever that it is that feels missing to you that in a heartbeat didn’t provide, you can all do it with the power of ✨HEADCANONS✨ and ✨FANFICTION✨
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heliotrope-r · 5 years
"Missing women” and The Mandalorian
Ever since the first episode of The Mandalorian aired I’ve been hearing female (and some male) fans expressing disappointment that it doesn’t feature more speaking roles for women. In fact, we’re three episodes and nearly 90 minutes into the series now, and the only woman we’ve heard speak is The Armourer. 
Is this evidence that Star Wars is walking back on its attempts to be more inclusive, and giving in to the loudmouthed trolls who called The Last Jedi “SJW propaganda” and can’t hear Rey’s name mentioned without sneeringly dismissing her as a Mary Sue? Is The Mandalorian trying to please a certain subset of male fans who feel threatened by female characters unless they’re damsels in distress, mother figures, sexy props, or otherwise incidental to a male hero’s story?
I get why people are worried about this, I really do. I care a lot about seeing interesting, well-rounded female characters on screen, and stories that not only include but show genuine respect for women’s points of view. I’m tired of seeing the importance -- and even the existence -- of women minimized in action-adventure franchises that take place in far-off fantasy realms or other made-up universes that could theoretically be anything the writers want, but depressingly often just end up catering to a male gaze and ignorant sexist attitudes. If I thought The Mandalorian was going to be one of those stories, I’d be upset too.
But frankly, I’ve seen no evidence that this show holds women in contempt, or has any lasting intention of preventing them from taking a central and indeed crucial role in the unfolding story. In fact, given the slant of the show so far, I’ll be highly surprised if well-drawn female characters don’t turn out to be extremely important to The Mandalorian’s plot and its hero’s character arc later on.
It’s been said that there’s no reason that all the speaking roles but one in the first three episodes had to go to men, and that so many of the background characters are male as well. But consider the nature of those roles. We start the show on a barren ice planet in a bar full of callous, profiteering, highly unpleasant-looking aliens, at least three of whom Mando ends up killing to retrieve his bounty. Would any of those be positive roles for women? How about the craven, chattering, rather annoying fish man he’s been sent to capture, or the grouchy but talkative speeder driver who takes them to Mando’s ship? Would we be happy to see our female speeder driver abruptly devoured by a hideous monster, or watching Mando ruthlessly shove our female bounty into a carbonite chamber and freeze her solid? How would that change our feelings about the show’s attitude to women, and our perception of The Mandalorian as a hero?
After that point, nearly every human or humanoid character Mando interacts with except Kuiil is involved in criminal activity or some other kind of bad behaviour, and many of those people end up getting threatened or violently killed. Would we want those roles to go to women? Admittedly, Kuiil could have been a woman (and interestingly enough he’s physically played by one, albeit with Nick Nolte’s voice) but he’s also an alien living alone on a desert planet, and a female Kuiil’s scenes wouldn’t even pass the Bechdel Test. It’s representation of a sort, but not one that says a lot about women.
The one speaking female character we do have is The Armourer played by Emily Swallow, an Athena-like figure in distinctive armour who is a skilled blacksmith and clearly a leader (if not the leader) of our hero’s Mandalorian clan. Her voice makes plain she’s female, but she’s not sexualized in any way, and her role is one of dignity, wisdom and power. So whatever the show is up to by keeping female characters to a minimum, treating them as incompetent or merely decorative is not part of that plan.
So what is the plan, you ask? What makes you think the writers and directors of The Mandalorian actually care about women and want to make the female perspective a significant part of the story, and that The Armourer isn’t just a token role to keep their misogyny from being too blatantly obvious?
First, as I’ve already said, the show so far has been full of brutality and death, but not one of the characters committing or suffering that violence so far has been a humanoid female. If the showrunners considered women disposable or casually interchangeable with men, there’d be no reason not to have visibly (or audibly) female bounty hunters, ex-Stormtroopers, or other characters getting killed by Mando in the course of the story. But that hasn’t happened. And I don’t think it’s because the showrunners were so stupid it never occurred to them that they could include female extras, either. It’s because they knew that seeing the Mandalorian committing multiple acts of casual violence against women, even women who are heavily armed and coded as evil, would make it hard for viewers to see him as a hero.
Second, we have women behind the scenes of this production in ways we normally don’t expect to see. The most recent, much-praised third episode “The Sin” was directed by Deborah Chow -- the first woman ever to direct a live-action Star Wars story. And as I mentioned above, Kuiil’s body movements were all performed by a woman, Misty Rosas. Was this accidental? Hardly. It’s evidence that the showrunners are looking to include women, and not just default to male crew and performers out of laziness.
Third, look at all the planets The Mandalorian has taken us to so far. What do they all have in common? They’re completely barren. No greenery, no beauty, and the few creatures we see are monstrous and even murderous. With that in mind, doesn’t it seem like the absence of significant female characters might be saying something about Mando’s life and experience at the start of his journey? Could it be that we’re meant to notice that something important is missing, that the present state of his universe is unhealthy, unfruitful, and out of balance? And because we’ve noticed that, we’re going to also notice the introduction of female characters to the story, and appreciate the difference they make, all the more when they finally show up?
And they are going to show up. We already know that Gina Carano, Ming Na-Wen, and Julia Jones -- all women, and none of them white -- will be playing significant, speaking, recurring roles in the upcoming episodes. We’ve also seen a promo pic that shows Mando with both Julia Jones and Gina Carano beside him and no other male characters in frame, gazing peaceably out together at a green, living, healthy landscape. That’s not an accident. Mando’s life without women is barren and brutal; his life accompanied by women is peaceful and pastoral. What does that say about the showrunners’ attitude to women?
Okay, you say, but they didn’t have to write the story that way. They could have written a different story that included women in positive, speaking roles from the beginning. You’re right, they could have -- but it would also have been a totally different story. And not necessarily, in the long run, one that does a better job of portraying and representing women than The Mandalorian is planning to do.
The tl;dr of all this is that after watching the first three episodes, even as someone who cares deeply about the portrayal of women in Star Wars and wants to see as many complex, interesting female characters on my screen as possible, I don’t feel any reason to despair or jump to negative conclusions about The Mandalorian's treatment of women. 
In fact, I see plenty of reasons to believe that the show is sneakily working to undermine the prejudices of the same crusty-white-male demographic that many are accusing it of trying to indulge. It’s reeling fandudes in with a setup that looks like a macho power fantasy only to subvert that perception at every turn, as our Mandalorian hero sets out to put another few notches on his blaster and win a cool new set of armour only to end up having to negotiate peacefully for what he wants, learning to parent the cutest baby in the universe, working in community instead of trying to be a lone wolf, and forming the most meaningful working partnerships, relationships and rivalries of his life with women.
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emperorren · 5 years
The “leaked” Rey/Kylo arc from TROS makes no sense in the context of how they were developed in TLJ. There was no need to go through all that effort to make the hero and villain be emotionally and physically intimate with each other if temporary allies near the end of the saga was all they were meant to be. They could have done all that in a platonic manner without the shirtless scene and the ‘pretty eyes’ dialogue and the actors being styled to look hotter in their scenes with each other.
Agree. It’s like some parts of it may be true, but they just tell HALF the story. 
Like I said, I don’t think at this point LF could get away with resolving the Reylo dynamic WITHOUT addressing the romantic (sub)text, even if they wanted to, and there’s just no trace of it in the leaks. At the same time, if I were someone trying to sell fake/incomplete/incongruous/dubious leaks to an audience of (mostly) fanboys and casuals, romantic reylo is probably the least thing I would willingly come up with or bother to include. In other words, the absence of romantic reylo in those leaks doesn’t surprise me, because either the leaker /is/ a fanboy or thinks like a fanboy and came up with an ideal continuation of the previous two movies that is shaped by the persistent bias against romantic reylo plaguing ALL fanbro spec, OR he’s trying to be taken seriously by fanbros and is omitting/downplaying info on purpose.
I would say those “spoilers” sound less like what JJ would actually write and more like what the fanboys THINK he would write. If you go with the assumption that he hated TLJ, you will create “leaks” where Rey is related to a known character, Kylo is a whiny one-dimensional side villain who serves no real purpose, Saint Luke Skywalker faces off against the big bad guy and saves the day, Finn, Poe, and Rose are barely there, and a million action scenes happen with no emotional substance.
Yuup, all of this. On the other hand, I’m also aware that this might be OUR bias, in the sense that everything remotely sounding like fanbro bait tends to be dismissed by US as fake, even when it’s (by OP’s admission) an attempt to organize a collection of spoilers and leaks into a tentative synopsis, and is still lacking crucial pieces of the story.
Who is arlath_ma and why should i trust her/him? After GOT everything is possible and the new spoilers are not GOT levels of absurd, just badly written imo
If those “leaks” are true, this will eclipse GOT by some margin as the most hated and poorly written finale ever created. It makes Kylo totally useless and redundant. The entire Skywalker saga becomes a complete waste of time. I wish I could share your optimism that it’s all bullshit, but I’ve been so disappointed by major franchises before (*side-eyes Marvel*) that I am preparing for the worst.
I think people are quick to panic over all these ridiculous sounding leaks because of the GoT finale. When it was leaked, it sounded completely outrageous and incoherent. Then it all turned out to be true.
That’s the thing, though. These leaks aren’t outrageous or incoherent; they’re actually kind of… plausible, just bland and lacking a real “wow” factor, you know what I mean? Even from a non-reylo perspective, none of this is GOT-level of dumbassery, yet it’s disappointing because there’s nothing in there that any random fandude couldn’t come up with. And that’s a red flag for me. Real leaks usually don’t play it so safe and tend to sound REALLY weird, without context, but weird in a way that makes you feel all tingly and impatient to see it on screen. This, on the other hand, is kind of alright, but boring as fuck, if I make sense?
It’s also possible that JJ has a certain number of plot points that he’s okay with letting leak—maybe because he knows there would no way or no point in hiding them, since they’re sort of inevitable or easily predictable anyway—and another set of plot points he’s keeping STRICTLY under wraps, because they’re where the real emotional punch lies. Just speculating on my part, of course, but it would explain why there are so little character-driven events in the leaked plot and why the characterization in general is so lackluster (for example the leak has Kylo going from being “desperate” to seduce Rey to Palpatine’s cause to having a random vision of his father which is FOR SOME REASON suddenly successful in bringing Ben Solo back, when his father in the flesh couldn’t).
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kxllboii · 2 days
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If anyone has other fandudes/ocs, lemme know :00
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