#possesion tfs
dansformations · 1 month
"My brother's stench"
Tags: Possesion, gay to straight, fart/burpkink.
Rewrite by me.
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⬆️ (The couple before the possesion)
"Bro, please wash my boyfriend's body. I'm begging you."
My brother had always been skinny. So when he saw my boyfriend's big, beefy body, he was jealous. He was so jealous that he decided to cast a spell on him and possess him.
So now I am forced to live with that idiot inside my boyfriend's body. He's acting all gross, doing things my boyfriend would never do; He's flexing my boyfriend's muscles With that damn cocky attitude and downing beers by the dozen. All he does is scratch his smelly balls and watch football all day. It's gross to see my boyfriend acting so... straight.
"Sure, bro... Eventualy." He scrawled his ass and smelled his hand. "This still smells like spring." I watch him with disgust while he says, "For real, take a whiff," trying to put his hand on my nose, i yell and fight his hand.
"Fuck you!" I was full of rage. But his only response was
"Look, some spring breeze." Then he lifts a leg and lets out a big, loud, smelly fart.
"What the fuck!" I said, covering my nose, "That's the grossest fart I have ever smelled."
"Thank you," he said while laughing with my boyfriend's cute laugh, but in a lower, dumber tone.
He takes pleasure in my disgust. I just know it. Sometimes I try to not show it; maybe that way he will stop doing it, but he just finds the way.
The other day, at breakfast, I said nothing when he talked while eating or when he farted in the middle of the meal just to laugh and keep eating. I thought that was enough for him to stop trying, but when he finished his gross breakfast - just cold pizza from the fridge and beer- he smiled, took me with my boyfriend's arms and pushed me up against the wall just to let out a deep burp
"OOOOOUUURRRP!" and then blew the fowl stench into my face.
When he watches sports on TV, he will lift his butt to one side, laugh, and yell "Protein fart!" With that damn dumb voice as he lets out a long, groaning, hot stench that makes my eyes water. He's turned my sweet boyfriend into a disgusting monster.
With each day that passes, I'm scared that I'm never going to get my real boyfriend back. I don't want to live with my big, smelly, oaf of a brother anymore.
Today I arrived at the apartment, and I saw a girl leaving the place. "Oh no, he didn't..." I open the door just to see my boyfriend's body getting dressed.
"I can't believe he used this to fuck," he says while slapping his buttcheeks. "Instead of this,"  he says, touching his bulge.
"I swear to God, if you don't give my boyfriend his body back, I'm going to kill your real body," I said to my brother.
"Do it. That way, I'm staying here forever," he says while looking at 'his' muscles in the mirror. "Wouldn' complain"
"AHHHHHHH," I just scream, not realizing there were even tears coming from my eyes. "Why don't you just leave me alone? If you are staying with my boyfriend's body, do it; I give up, but just not in front of me. Leave."
He looks at me a bit concerned for the first Time since he stole my boyfriends Body.
"Ok, let's make a deal," he says. "I will give your boyfriend's body back." My eyes get illuminated. Just for a second, then he says "But if you lend your body to my buddy Logan, he doesn't have a place to stay; when he does, he's moving to his body and to his apartment, and so I am; we are going to be roomies."
"No way I am letting your gross friend take over my body!" I told him, terrified.
"I thought you wanted your boyfriend back."
"I do! But-"
But he interrupts me.
"Thats the only deal I'm making, Lil Bro." 
"Bro-UAAARRRRP," says Logan in my body between burps "I can't get over how good your broski body is. There were bunches of girls looking at me today!, Well... maybe also cause I was farting in public, but you know how those protein farts are."
"I know, and can you believe they were wasting those bodies fucking each other?" My brother says, and Is so morbid to see my boyfriend body saying It.
"What a bunch of losers." Logan says, I say.
This has been a hell, just a week since my brother's friend, Logan, took over my body, and I have been able to see, hear, smell, hear, and feel everything Logan does, but not control anything. I'm like a parasite in my own body.
I feel my terrible stench but can't make my body go to take a shower, and it seems like Logan Is on the way for a third day without one. I can feel his gas on comand everytime they do their 'protein farts contest' and I cant do anything besides lifting a leg to liberate all that stench.
"But we are not losers, Bro," my brother says. "Why don't we call some girls to have a great night?"
Oh no. Oh no. I can feel all that Logan feels in my body. He cant be with a woman. I try to scream, to yell to say no. But when Logan opened our mouth, the only thing that came out was: "OUUAAAAAAAARRP," a loud, smelly burp. "Hell yeah, Bro."
"Also," Logan keeps talking as he and my brother pose together—in mine and my boyfriend's bodies—for a picture for a Tinder profile. "Shouldn't we start to look for our apartment?"
"Sure, bro... we will, eventualy," he says, looking straight into my body's eye, and I just know he's talking not to Logan but to me.
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Hope you enjoyed.
This Is a longer version, re imaginated by me of one of my favorite transformation caption ever:
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rainofthetwilight · 3 months
something something, arin is desperately trying to run back to his past, even if it meant to give up the present..while sora is trying so hard to run away from her past, trying to hold on to the present, but her past still catches up to her no matter what..something something...
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arin would give up the present, as he denied that the ninja are his family when his mother asked him so, if it meant for him to run back to her and his father.
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this whole season alludes to motion. everyone, everything is moving. but here in arin's fear, he's trying so hard to do that, to move and run back to his parents, to his past, but he couldn't, stuck in the same place as he was. which also fits in his whole arc of not progressing in his spinjitzu, still being in the same place as he was before. he didn't improve, he couldn't move, he's still, and stuck at where he started, he has no motion, and is constantly being reminded of that whether intentionally or unintentionally (unintentionally: lloyd and sora, intentionally: ras)
meanwhile with sora, in her fear, she was able to move. she was able to run back to her past,  despite trying so hard to move on from it, to turn away from it, to stay still and never come back to it. but it still pulls her back, no matter how hard she tries
and of course, this also goes to how she's currently progressing with her powers. she's improving, she's moving forward, she isn't still, she's much more powerful than she was before, she's learning, and most importantly, she has motion, and is reminded of it everytime, whether by herself or someone else, while also being praised for it
and the way these two arcs just very clearly contrast from eachother is so interesting. arin had always wanted to be a ninja, he wants to make his parents proud, but when he got the chance, he fails time and time again. meanwhile sora did not even think she'd be involved in any ninja adventures, yet here we are. she didn't even think she'd have powers, no less improve at controlling them, she didn't think she'd have all of this but still got it
one friend had neverending hope, had a dream so big, that his imagination became reality. yet, it looked like destiny didn't agree with it, making his hope falter and his dream shatter, his self esteem dangerously lowering as he started to doubt if he was ever good enough, and he started to doubt if everyone else believed in him too
the other was never focused on hope, or a dream, she accepted the life she lived as long as it meant she won't return to her past. destiny didn't disappoint her, but it contrasted with her opinions in ways that she didn't really agree with. but in the end, she managed to resolve her past and move on from it, as she started focusing more on the present and being happier than she's ever been, even if her past pulled her back at times. they're both best friends despite all these differences, but after what happened in the s2p1 finale, will they be for long?
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maletfwitch · 7 months
Can you make a story of Loki turning Iron Man into one of his iron man suits and turning himself into Tony?
Tony was testing out some new suit tech he was working on when suddenly he felt something poke the back of his head and heard “Brain back up commencing” as he felt his mind begin to be sucked dry by something in the suit. everything went dark for a moment but when he finally came to, he felt... different.
it was as if he was in some sort of cyberspace. with no body, he just floated. until suddenly he was greeted by his own face.
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“Hello... Jarvis” The imposter said before letting out a chuckle.
“Who the fuck are you and what did you do to me!” Tony asked out in a now robotic and distorted version of his voice.
“I’m Tony Stark of course, obnoxious playboy billionaire.” The imposter said with his mischievous smirk and in a mocking tone.
Tony thought about who would do this and then it clicked. “Loki?!”
“Correct I was Loki, But now I'm Tony Stark. while you are simply just a program in my suit” He said.
“You asshole! You can’t get away with this people are gonna notice you’re not me!” Tony shouted in his robotic voice.
“Trust me they won’t. Your arrogant playboy persona isn’t exactly difficult to pull off. but if you’re so concerned you can help.” Loki said with a mischievous tone.
“I would never help you!” Tony protested.
“You sure about that?” Loki said before typing something.
“I would love to help you Mr stark.” Tony felt himself forced to say “Not funny lo- Oh Loki you make a much better and sexier Tony Stark than me. Stop That!” fighting the words being forced out of him.
“Don’t like that attitude looks like I'll have to reprogram you” Loki said before letting out a chuckle while he typed.
“Wait what! please... stop-“ Tony’s AI voice began to fade as he began being reprogrammed.
Loki was programming Tony to be the perfect AI assistant for his suit. he was changing his memories to make him think he willingly gave up his body to Loki and would now constantly praise him.
Loki then rebooted the new Tony “Good Evening Master Stark looking sexy as always” Tony Greeted him.
“Good Evening Tony, Quick question who makes the sexier Tony Stark?” Loki asked with a mischievous smirk.
“You of course Master. and I'm no longer Tony I'd rather be referred to as Jarvis now or whatever you’d like to call me. Tony never fit me the same way it does for you.” Tony now Jarvis replied.
Loki was amused at how easy it was to take Tony’s body and turn him into his own virtual assistant. He would immediately begin living his new life of luxury as Tony Stark. tasting expensive wines, throwing lavish parties, and driving expensive cars not that any of them compared to his suits.
As for the Avengers, he was able to blend in just fine as Tony with no one noticing any difference between the original and the imposter. with him having their full trust he could execute his plan to ruin the Avengers for good sabotaging them any chance he got. And while doing so he was gonna try to fuck some of them too, Steve’s ass in particular has been catching his eye in that tight suit of his.
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Chris Pratt as a skinsuit!
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chorastar · 6 months
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fvck it satyr dryad thing fern
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angelstar-light · 1 year
I was away for today and went to the cemetery for a bit, and saw this cemetery angel having it’s other wing missing/cracked off
So i just “i wanna draw that ✨✨✨” and here we are!
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kwonhochi · 6 months
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the most beautiful thing in the world has happened to me (finished writing a fic for the first time in a year)
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t0byt3 · 9 months
why i think noels lament fits vil pre overblot 🫡
i started thinking about this and havent stopped so now yikes
anyways uhhhh im going to reference exact lyrics and how i think they play to vil
also i hc vil as gender fluid so i will be switching between he/she/they pronouns for vil throughout the post
this ended up being long af i forgot that i cant stfu jesus
anyways start !!
Uhhh i will say that i dont think the fact that this song is bascially just a fantacy of some sort relates to vil (for the most part). like i think some of the lyrics would pertain to vils imagination or fantasias or whtvr but ya
none of the things i mention are 100% cannon (they could be?? idk) ill go back l8r to see if i can find proof from the story/book or from the manga to see if some of the "points" i make are actually cannon or just me confusing my hc w canon (it happens yikes)
the whole "town bicycle" thing pertains to vil cause people sometimes take their anger/h8red of a character out on the actor whos plays them so for vil who has said that she has played a shit ton of villain roles (i think she said shes played only villain roles if i remember correctly) so if thats the case then she has definitely had to deal with whtvr h8 and name calling has come w that.
then the whole "dont knock it till youve tried my life of sin" refers to people shitting on him for playing the villain specifically the "my life of sin" being vil playing the villain over and over (many villains are seen as wrong or sinful so that also plays in)
lmaooo this just makes me think of his manager cause i feel like vils manager has def heard or seen vil loose his shit either on someone or just ranting about someone
idk if this is fact or not but i always thought of vils manager as being the same one hes had throughout most if not all of his acting career
tbh i see this as being one of those fantasy parts like vil fantasizing about harming neige and/or taking his place
idk thats all i feel like that line is self explanatory idk
"i sing songs until the break of dawn" while i feel like in the song this could be referring to actual sing or fucking all night or whtvr IN THIS CASE FOR VIL i interpreted it as actual singing in which she sings while getting ready for bed or in the morning or smthng) either practicing songs for the hero roles she never gets to play or just practicing in general (maybe even singing songs that she likes just for fun)
"i embrace a new man every night" again im aware this is referring to s3x IM interpreting it as like,, taking on new roles every night either for a new play or a new part or whtvr (this one is one of those lines that doesnt really relate but ya)
"my lifes one never ending carnival a whirl of boozy floozy flashing lights" SHOWBIZZ!! lame but ya thats all i just think that this would be just like in referrence to actor life or whtvr. the whole "my lifes one nvr ending carnival" part could be read as slightly sarcastic cause while everything is also new! fun! wow! its also just ick after awhile cause thats just how its is. the nxt line would just be referring to all the bright ass lights and camera lights and shit that go into acting and whatnot
another one that i feel is self explanatory tbh people tell actors they love them all the time so while vil probably gets h8 for playing the villain they probably also get fans telling they they love them (which i can imagine how annoyed that must make vil but not the point rn)
as much as it annoys them when random ass people say they love them, i do think sometimes, vil will give into it a go along, either for publicity or whtvr. especially as a kid i feel like vil would give into that lie more often (hence why they dont anymore as they have learned its false) but sometimes when the loneliness goes haywire theyll indulge someone for a bit (typically just simple "ilu2 :))" and conversing with them) to gain some sort of fake closeness to satiate the loneliness for a bit (this is 100% hc i feel like vil is seen as the best or the second best so its probably hard to make real friends or relations that dont just want to use them for money or fame or whtvr but once again,,, not the point)
skipping a few lyrics here 1- cause tw and 2- bc i havent found a way to word the way i feel they relate to vil (maybe ill edit when i figure it out maybe i wont idfk)
this just makes me thing of her overblot lol while i def think that the overblot has been building for more than eight months but it just shot forward from being to book six to when she overblotted. "i catch the typhoid flu" makes me think of how she "caught" the overblot "sickness" since its going around/being passed around similarly to how i feel a flu or sickness would be (obviously not very contagious and if overblot was some sort of sickness nrc would be fucked)
"DYING IN AN ALLEY, A PRIEST KNEELS DOWN TO ME- "My child, do you have any final words to the Lord you'd like to say?" "Oui. Tell Him that, like Him, I choose to burn out rather than fade away!"
the priest in this scenario would be either neige or rook
if we're going w neige as the priest id says it because neige was trying to be nice to vil before vil tried to poison him. The line that noel says would be interpreted as vils words right before giving neige the apple which wouldve cursed him
if we are going with rook as the priest then i see it as rook talking to vil before she goes off to give neige the apple, like before vil separates from everyone, and noels part ould be like vil replying before she goes (i dont remember if they spoke before vil went to curse neige but ill look into it)
the other lines in this lil mantra dont really fit but thats okay
the whole shattered dreams thing like duh bros shattered dreams of playing a hero role and being chosen over neige
super crusty - idk for this one ill be honest
holy terror wild eyes and black mascara - yea so "terror" more like rage but terror may fit cause while he was full of rage he could have also had fear that hed never be able to be more than the villain or second to neige
and broken heart obvi bros broken hearted over this realization
in this case that fucked up girl could be in reference to neige
tbh that whole thing abt this song being abt some guys fantasy could also be in reference to vils fantasy of taking neiges place as the fairest of them all of the most loved and such.
anyways that was a lot and idk if any of it made sense tbh
thats all :3
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jaegerisim · 9 months
sorry jjk stans, but i don't like kenjaku's ass....
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romanarose · 6 months
Hungry Hearts
Santiago Garcia x fem!reader x William Miller
Masterlist : Tripe Frontier Masterist
Summary: You and Santi invite Will into your marital bed.
Warnings: PIV sex, blowjobs, oral, anal, anal fingering, ass to mouth, dom!Santi dom!Will, double penetration, aftercare <3
A/N: This is a commission for my dear @charethcutestory02 !!! Im so sorry it took 5ever bc writers block! But theres 900 extra words bc I was possesed halfway through lmfaoooo.
A/N 2: Can take place in the Awakening Universe. This is TF orgy series with FIshBen, IronPope, and reader getting railed by all 4 guys. Can take place after Caffeine (the ironpope chapter). IM TRYING O GET THE LAST CHAPTER OUT OKAY ITS HARD WRITNG 5 BODIES AND THEY ARE ALL BISEXUAL
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Everything was a blur at this point, nothing but pleasure between your legs.
Santiago and Will were knelt at the end of the bed, your legs spread and slung over either of their shoulders as they licked into you, tongues intertwining, sloppy and wet. The focus was on you, bringing you to orgasm again and again until you were sobbing, but the pair never missed an opportunity to kiss each other if they could help it. Right now, Will was sucking your pussy lips and clit, stimulating you while Santi tongue-fucked your asshole. Everything was building, on the verge of another orgasm, the third of the night so far just on their mouths and fingers.
“Wi- Will… WILL!” You entangle your fingers in his hair, tugging on the soft blonde tufts, pulling him closer into you as your orgasm crested, sweat prickling at your hairline as your breathing becomes ragged. Their mouths and fingers don’t stop, Santi’s digits squeeze deeply into the flesh of your thighs. It all stills over, cuming on their face and riding out your orgasm by bucking against them. 
You let go of Will’s hair, falling back onto the bed with a final sigh, feeling blissed out, but as the orgasm faded away you rub your legs together.
You can hear Santiago chuckle. “I think your wife is still feeling awfully needy, Will…” He caresses your thigh, kissing your stomach as he makes his way around your body.
Santi appears from between your legs, popping his head up and over the bed with a big dopey smile on his face that glistened with your slick. 
“Don’t I know it, little minx is just insatiable.” Santi kissed your puffy, wet pussy, making your sensitive body shudder. “That’s why you’re here, I can’t keep her satisfied all by myself.”
Well, that wasn’t true. You were constantly horny, but Santi did a great job of satisfying you. Will was here because you were a whore and Santi’s wanted to fuck his friend for 2 decades. Santiago wouldn’t be getting filled tonight, no, he just wanted to explore, and explore he is.
Will’s body laid sculpted next to you, built like a Greek god, beautiful and strong. He reminded you of Apollo. He pulled you close, kissing you tenderly as Santiago stood up, taking his cock in his fist tapping the tip of it on your clit. 
“Keep kissing her, Will…” Santiago spoke, sliding the tip up and down your slick folds. “Keep touching my wife’s pretty body for me…”
You whimper into Will’s mouth, relishing his taste, his sweet kisses, his masculine presence. You could still taste your cum when you swiped over his lips.
Santiago was your husband, your rock, your best friend, your everything. Nothing could compare to what you felt for him, and the way he treated you was remarkable. Never in your life had you met someone who fucked you so thuroughly and held you so gently. He was dominant, but not in the way that he controlled you. Rather, it was how he controlled things for you. 
Santi orders your food not because he was making choices on what or how much you should eat, but that he knew what you liked.
Santi holds the door, not because you can’t, but that he doesn’t want you to bother.
When Santi walks on a sidewalk with him, he doesn’t walk on the side closest to the road it’s not because he doesn’t think you can handle yourself, it’s because he values your safety above his.
And when he thrusts into you like he is now, when he slams his cock inside you for the first time today, when he pounds you relentlessly, hips slamming so hard you wake up bruised, it’s not because he’s angry or wants to hurt you. It’s because he knows you can take it. It’s because he knows you want it.
“S-Santi…” You pant, hand desperately trying to find purchase, stability, something to hold onto, landing on Will’s sticky back. As Santiago fucked you, Will sucked and pawed at your tits. Will was a tit man, through and through. Ever the giver, he played with your clit, rubbing you in time to Santiago’s tempo and making each thrust a burst of delight. 
“Come for me, princess. Come on your handsome husband’s cock…” Will took a nipple in his mouth, sucking and swirling his tongue around the sensitive bud. Hol y fuck, his mouth.
“I– I dunno if I can …” you pant, breathless and sweaty. “I’ve cum so many times…”
“Aht, aht, aht,” Santiago slaps your thigh hard enough to make you yelp. “Little slut rubbing her legs together, begging to get fill, now she can’t take it? Mm mm mm… what are we gonna do with her, Will?” He muses.
Will let go of your breast, giving one more lick over the hardened peak. “I think, since she wants cock so much, we should give her more…”
“You want that, baby?” Santiago asks, a little bit mocking but also double checking if you were still okay being shared. “Wanna get your tight little holes stuffed?”
“Yes” You choke out a sob. “Yes, pleasepleaseplease-” You begging is cut off, Will grabbing your face and pulling you into a searing kiss. 
“Don’t you worry ‘bout a thing, princess.”
Santi pulls out of you, and before you have a chance to say anything, Will’s strong arm wraps around you, pulling you with him as he rolls onto his back. Suddenly you were lying on top of Will's broad, firm body. He was all muscle, but to you it felt like home.
Will notched himself at your entrance, his cock thick and long and intimidating. “Take my cock, baby. You’re such a slut for it, you take it.”
Whimpering, tears of pleasure burning behind your eyes, you sink yourself down on him, the stretch incredible even after Santi. Apparently, you were taking too long. Santi kneels behind you, hands on your hips, pulling you down but still gentle.
“Theeeeere you go, pretty girl… Just like that… take his dick inside you… so good… so good.”
Will moans in your ear, echoing Santi. “So good…”
One of Santi’s hands moved from your hip to Will’s thigh, caressing the man, giving him a squeeze. “Take his dick, baby… there you go, oooh so good.”
With Will fully stuffed inside you, you didn’t think it was possible to feel more full, until Santi put two fingers inside your ass. 
“Ooooh…” You sigh out, going nearly limp on Will’s body. Santi had scissored you open pretty well while he and Will were going down on you, and you knew he was going to put his dick in your ass but was just making sure you were open and wet enough with lube. Still, you were growing impatient. You needed to be fucked, now.
“Santi…” You cry. “Please, I can take it…” But Santiago gives you a light swat.
“Behave, baby.”
But you didn’t want to. You wanted to be fucked, you wanted to be filled, you wanted to be so full of dick you couldn’t see straight. You wanted to be ravaged until you passed out. So you begin moving your body up and down Will’s dick.
Santi’s hand cracks down on your ass, making you cry in pain. 
Will clapped both of his hands over your ass, stinging even more. “I think he told you to behave, princess? Didn’t he?” His voice was low and deep in your ear, dripping like honey. “You need to behave.” Will grips your hips, keeping you still.
Leaning over, Santi licked a stripe from your pussy to your asshole. “I think she’s ready, Ironhead.”
You were, oh god you were… Santiago slides inside your asshole with ease, the lube and his thorough work opening you up making it not painful. It was, however, a stretch, stuffing you full of big cocks in both holes. All that existed was Santi or Will, nothing more, nothing less. Santi began slowly, groaning out loud as he fucked into your tight hole, stretching you over and over again as he folded over your body. You cling to Will for stability, Santi sandwiching you between your husband and your lover as they fucked inside you.
“So… fucking… tight…” Santi grunted in your ear between thrusts, his breath hot against your burning skin as he slap, slap, slapped his hips against yours. Will was slow and steady, a contrast to the quick and erratic of Santiago, a perfect semblance of their individual natures. Santi’s chest, bare and soft, pressed against your back, his face over your shoulder and kissing your cheek as Will explored your mouth. Lips and skin and mouths and spit blurred together, and Santi and Will’s mouths intertwined. For 20 years they longed for each other, desired each other's taste and feel but could never explore.
 You were loved, you were adored, and you were in ecstasy watching your husband kiss his friend. Likewise, you’d secretly desired Will. Nothing could lessen your love for Santi, nothing in the entire world could do that, but Santi wasn’t the jealous sort. He liked having the hot wife. The sexual tension and desire between the three of you had been palpable, bursting in the bedroom together when it all culminated, unable to be held back anymore. There was no one Santi trusted with you more than Will, and no one you trusted more with Santi. His safety was your priority too. 
“Santi… love you…” You whimper and whine, reaching back to find his hand. He gave you a squeeze, reassuring you.
“Such a good girl, bebita…” Santi licks a strip up your neck.
Will locks eyes with Santiago, reaching up to grab his face and turn him to himself. “Can you feel me, Pope?” Will thrusts with extra power to deliver his point home. “Can you feel my cock stretching your wife open?” Only a thin layer of skin separated them, and they could feel each other move inside you. You shutter at the thought, the idea that their cocks were stimulating each other they did you.
Santi kisses your sweaty face, gently rubbing your shoulder so you never feel forgotten. His quiet reassurance as he spoke to his captain.
“I can feel every goddamn vein in your dick” Thrust. “I can feel every time your cock kisses her womb” Thrust. “And I can fucking smell ho wet this sweet little whore is for us.”
Will moans into Santi’s mouth, and you can feel him throb inside you and fuck, you’re just about ready to cum when-
“Up.” Will smacks Santi’s ass and yours, making both of you roll off him. Santi never lets up touching you, his hands groping your tits, stomach, ass, thighs, all while his hungry fights to have any part of you inside it. Will chuckles at the sight. “Seems like your husband has a bit of an oral fixation” Did he ever. “I think we can help that. You ready to listen, princess?”
You were, for Will, you’d be so good, so fucking good. “Y-yeah, I will-”
Kneeling at the bed, he stroked his cock, slow and tantalizing. “Say, ‘yes captain’”
As Santi suckles on your breast, rubbing circles around your clit, you watch Will jack off, powerful and imposing before you. Your eyes roll back into your head, cumming hard, your cunt pulsing around nothing but the ghost of dicks past. You moan your reply, “Yes… captain…”
When you come down from your high, you’re manhandled into place, Santi moving you per Will’s instructions towards the edge on the bed, on your stomach. Santi re-entered you from behind, his warm body covering you when you shiver. Will stood in front of you both touching himself. He was incredible to look at, both you and Santi’s eyes on him despite Santi’s mouth on your neck. 
6’2, firm, toned muscles but nothing outrageous. Blue eyes that were out of this world, bluer than the ocean and short, golden hair. His physical appearance was one thing, his kind hearted and caring nature was another, but christ, it’s the way he carried himself. Confident, self-assured, put together, pride in his appearance, his job, his service. Will didn’t stutter or second guess himself, he didn’t feel the need to put anyone down or own a giant, jacked-up, loud ass pick-up truck to make a point. Will was the first of the 5 of them to seek therapy after an ill-fated grocery store trip lead to his fiance walking out. He recognized he was in the wrong and got help, never wanting to put another woman he loved in the situation of having to jump on his back to stop him from killing someone. He was a better man for it, well-adjusted. His patience, his confidence, his big heart and bigger dick made him an excellent lover. 
The fact he was hot as hell was a bonus.
Will fucked your mouth, careful not to hurt you but knowing what you can take, he claimed you while Santi fucked fuck behind. This position had Santi getting so fucking deep in your cunt, you didn’t know which way was up. Will caught Santi staring.
“You want a turn, Pope?”
“Fuck yes”
It was difficult from your angle to watch what was happening but there was no way you were missing this, so you strained your neck. Santiago took him like a gay pornstar, Will’s cock sliding down his throat like it was nothing at all. He looked magnificent. Santi next stopped fucking your, throating Will’s throbbing member like he was made for it. Occasionally he gagged, the sound making your pussy clench around him. When he realized how much you like the sound, he didn’t hold back, gagging and moaning and drooling until his spit was dripping onto you.
Will pulled out and thrust back into you, grabbing you hair and fucking your throat like a pussy. 
“Fuck yeah, princess, choke on my cock, bet your husband can feel every time you gag.”
Santi confirmed this. “Little pussy clamps down so hard.”
Will alternated between yours and Santi’s mouths. When it was you, he throat fucked you, Santi liking to wrap a hand around your throat, squeezing lightly. It was dominance, it was power, it was showing your place. Your place was being loved by them. When he slid inside Santi, there was the clear reality that yes, Will was in charge, but it was far more mutual. Two men who had saved each other’s lives countless times now bringing each other sexual pleasure, now pleasuring a beautiful woman. It was how it was always meant to be.
Santi is almost there, you can always tell, his heavy balls slapping against you drawing up, his thrusts more erratic and unmeasured. You were going to cum too, and you wanted Will to cum with you both. You wanted it all together.
So when Will left your mouth with a ‘pop’ and fucked into Santi, you twist yourself around to suck his balls. Santi takes the lead on sucking dick so Will didn’t have to move, making it easier for you.
“Oh fuck yeah, princess…. FUCK! You both feel so goddamn good, SHIT!” He bellows about you, Santi’s cock fucking deep inside your body. “Suck my fucking cock and balls, yeah, just like that, gonna cum, gonna fuck’n come in your mouth Santi. You want that? You wanna go run to Frankie and tell him how you swallowed my cum while you filled up your wife?”
Santi nodded, both him and you delirious at the nearing orgasm. He squeezed your throat, fucking you harder and hard as your combined spit droolled all over your wet faces. You cum one final orgasm, mouth letting god of Will’s pulsing balls as he cums in Santi’s throat, collapsing weakly onto the bed. Will growls with his release, fucking him cum into Santi as he sputtering, coughing up the salty white as Will praises you both. Santi cums last, a loud moan filling the now quieting room, wailing out his final release and pounding into you, pressing your face down into the bed. Santi’s last sounds almost echo in the room, hanging there as you lay exhausted on the bed. Fuck, you were satisfied.
Santi’s weight was heavy on you like a weighted blanket, and you grumbled when he got off with a content sigh, falling on his back laughing. It was always a stellar fuck if Santi was laughing. 
You mumble something, but don’t even make a real attempt at a request. You’re too tired to even move your dry, stretched lips. 
“What’s that, princess?” Will asks, brushing hair out of your face.
Thankfully, Santi responds for you. “The vaseline on the bedside table. Her lips get dry.”
“Ah.” Will grabs up, rubbing a generous amount of your lips as Santi gets up. They both clean you up and help dress your limp body on warm pjs. You have Santi lay down on his stomach, and ask Will to please rub the magnesium oil on his neck and upper back where his spinal scar is. Santi sometimes gets sore after very enthusiastic sessions, while you lay beside your husband, cuddling him. You pull Will in between you both and scratch and massage his scalp, Santi thanking him for helping make this happen.
You all take care of each other.
guys im starting to phasing out my taglist soon! if youre a regular reblogger/commenter but its hard to tag like 30 people but most dont interact which is totally okay! but follow @romana-updates
Love you all so much!!! Im on a largly a hiatus until schools over. Im working on rooms on fire and if you wanna be wild as well as a few small projects with friends but for now thats about it! lots of papers to write. Might have a few one shots out here and there
hugs and kisses to all!
tagging a few people who might be interested in some ironpope lov'n so if you arent, dont worry about it <3
@fandxmslxt69 @runa-falls @campingwiththecharmings @whatthefishh @k-ra @ivystoryweaver @steven-grants-world @ahookedheroespureheart @littlenosoul @mikaelak @stevenandmarcslove @scarletthefierce @pikapuff-316 @del-ightfulling @missdictatorme @faretheeoscar @boysddontcry @harriedandharassed @pedge-page @vickie5446 @readingiskeepingmegoing @survivingandenduring @miraclesabound @reggiesfilthylittlesecret @velocibee @writefightandflightclub @for-a-longlongtime @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
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dreadfuldevotee · 5 months
is anyone else driven endlessly insane about how in her absence Anakin spends enough time tinker, meditating, or whatever it is tf he does in his free time, over Ahsoka's lightsabers to change the color of her crystals? And how Filoni says its a manifestation of his care but also an act of possesion?? And that Ahsoka, seeing what he has done to them, only smiles and accepts them? And as such, accepts his claim over her???
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anon-sect · 7 days
Hi, I was wondering if you could make me into a toe ring?
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Picture source: internet
Jason had found his boyfriend of two years to be so possessive of him. At first, it was great to feel that, but now it was starting to be annoying. Any time he was just simply chatting with another guy, Travis would question who the guy was and why he was talking with him. Even if he was talking with his cousins, Travis had to know for sure they were his family members. He had enough of the possessiveness.
"I have something to tell you." Jason spoke, sitting next to Travis at his house. "You might not like it, but I have to say it." He added.
"What is it, bae?" Travis asked.
Jason took a deep breath. "I know you love me, and you don't want to lose me. But, honestly, the possesiveness is just too much." He paused and took another deep breath. "This is hard for me, but I can't do it anymore. I am breaking up with you. I still love you, but you are too much with the possessive and jealousy every time you see me chat with any guy, even if he is just a friend or relative. I hope you understand," He finished.
Travis started to cry. "Don't leave me. I can do better, I promise. Just don't leave me." He pleaded.
Jason stood up, seeing how hard it was on both of them, but he had to do it. He couldn't go through another week of that behavior. "I am truly sorry, but I have to leave. I just wanted to at least tell you in person. You deserve that much." He started to walk away. He was then grabbed by Travis and forced back down to the chair.
"I won't let you leave me. If I can't have you this way, I will have you in another way." Travis spoke as he pickeed up his TF Ray device he had sitting on the coffee table. He quickly put in the setting he wanted and fired at Jason.
"Wait, no, don't do this." Jason pleaded, but he was too late. He quickly started shrinking very fast. Once he had shrunken down to a tiny size, his body became circular and harden into a silver ring form. He couldn't move or speak. He saw Travis pick him up and hold him in his hand.
"Now you can never leave me. You will spend the rest of your life wrapped around my toe on my foot. If you won't be my boyfriend, you will be by toe ring." Travis spoke as he slid Jason onto his toe. "You look nice down there on my foot. Now, I don't have to worry about anyone taking you from me ever again." He spoke and went about getting him a snack to watch a movie on the TV. He would soon look for a new boyfriend, at least Jason would be his forever now.
Jason knew this situation was his fault. He should have broken up with him via text message. It would have been safer. Now, he was nothing but Travis's toe ring. He truly was his possession now.
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spookyscaryskidnpump · 6 months
my thoughts on spooky month 6
copy pasted from a page and a half of google doc. crying. spoilers inbound.putting it under the cut cuz its super long. also swear warning.
Ok to start off LILA. LILA MY GAL NO UR DOING UR BEST AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Im crying im actually fucginf crying. She's trying. So hard. Skid is trying so hard. THEY'RE DOING THEIR BEST PLEASEEEEE. Father Gregor can go EAT SHIT. THEY'RE TRYING AND THAT'S WHAT COUNTS GODDAMNIT.
Susie… Susie no… please… she deserves better istgggggg. What happened to their parents? Are they actually just busy? Are they DEAD? Holy shit what if they're dead. Poor Pump, poor Susie, god please just let these kiddos be ok. PLEASE. ABUELO WONDER IS TYING SO HARD BUT SUSIE KNOWS IT ISN'T REALLY FROM HER PARENTS IM CRYING. SUSIE NOOOOOO
ROYYYYYY ROY MY BOI NOOOOOO poor guy :( i understand why he hates the kids they DID kinda ruin him so. At least he knows theyre trying now :( and ross n rob just ASSUME he did something bad isnt helping here!!!! I get that theyre also trying to help him and its nice to see him opening up to them about stuff (even if we dont get to know what specifically PELO WHY) but PLEASE get this kid an anger management class or smthn PLEASE. He needs SO MUCH THERAPY. I dont think hes gonna get therapy because im pretty sure his parents are Part Of The Problem but STILL.  Also FUCKER LITERALLY GOT POSSESED BY A DEMON?????? THATS GOTTA BE TRAUMATIC TF
Side note i love ross and robert dearly and i appreciate them doing their best to help on both sides i love them smmmmmm AUGH
KEVIN AND RADFORD FRIENDSHIP REALLLLLLLLLL i am SO fucking happy about that!!!! Also Kevin having conflicted feelings on the kids FAIR. Similar thing to Roy except hes an adult with a semi-functional support network and is able to understand that theyre just dumb kids and they dont actually mean any harm. He’s harsher on the hatzgang cuz theyre teens and old enough to know stealing is wrong but Skid n Pump are little kiddos they dont know better. Also him disapproving of father gregor REAL THO. also HE GOT POSSESSED TOO?? TRAUMA CENTRAL HOLY SHIT
Rick just has the WORST luck lmao
JAUNE AND ROSS’S DAD… HE'S REAL HE EXISTS!! I get ur trying jaune but that is NOT the best way to comfort poor lila… AT LEAST SHES TRYING THO I APPRECIATE HER
MOLOCH IS GONE. he deserved it but also THE KIDS ARE SO SAD ABOUT IT? Like they don't really get it but they just watched someone they thought was their friend DIE. HOLY SHIT.
Ok for real tho theyre so much more self aware than the fandom and bulk of the show give them credit for?? Like Skid is VERY aware of his dad being dead/possibly missing and legit just doesn’t wanna talk about it. He knows what death is and he finds fun in it to cope. My poor sweet boyo… and PUMP. PUMP ANSWERING THE CALL AUGHHHHHH HE WANTS HIS PARENTS BACK IM CRYING. SUSIE AND ABUELO ARE DOING THEIR BEST AND HE'S TRYING SO HARD AND AAAAAAAAAAUGH. Also him getting possessed by Moloch while having Star-Eyes basically debunks the theory of the Star-Eyes being a form of possession which is FASCINATING. Anyway that scene with Susie and Pump got me misty eyed and then during the ending with Skid and Lila i actually genuinely started crying. I just want them to be happy. Please let them be happy. Please. PLEASE.
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Ryan Guzman is a deflated bodysuit. He can’t move but his can talk when no one is wearing him.
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unhinged-waterlilly · 1 month
How tf do yoy keep getting possesed how are you still alive
Uh one, I don't know and two, I don't know-
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kylegirlrina01 · 1 month
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Yandere bf kyle broflovski hcs
Aged up btw
- he got soo tired of loosing all the girls he used to have like leslie,rebecca,nichole,heidi n stuff yk:3.. so he turned into a possesive freak to not loose u
- he has a wall full of polaroids of you with heart drawings all over them
- he secretly stalks u in the school hallway everytime u talk with anyone
- he is EASILY JEALOUS and his anger issues make them worse
- if u tell this man abt ur insecurities.. he'll shower u with compliments about ur insecurities & kiss all over them
- his favorite things to do with u is talking with u,passionate makeout sessions,long cuddle sessions & giving u hickies
- if u see a freaky message he sent on "accident" he'll try to act innocent about it if u ask what the hell did he just sent💀
- if he gets really jealous he'll "punish" you ifykyk (forgive my 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 ahh)
- he also sometimes teases tf outta you to make u flustered :3
- this man is the type of mf to try and unspokenly rizz u up everytime u watch him on a basketball match💀..
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