#poss ponderings
songtocomus · 2 years
oh god i have a pounding headache i've been studying for my science exam for. a week i have not seen sunlight. i don't understand anything. im so medievalmonkpilled. dear god stop exposing your beautiful englishdramahistoryart girlies to standardised tests about boring shit. do you want to read my vampire sex rich people bad essay
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fattyopossum · 3 months
Hey I want you to know you're super hot and also smart and cool
BARKING VERY MUCH THANK YOU!! rlly kind of you to say :D I give many credits to my epic coolstyle smartthinking to having a curated circle of epic mutuals
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gay-dorito-dust · 9 months
Felix Catton x reader where he invites reader to Saltburn and he confesses his love to her. Super fluffy 🫶🏻😩
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This was long as shit! But I hope you like it! 🦦
You honestly thought Felix was taking the piss upon extending you an invitation to spend the summer at Saltburn. You even waited for Farleigh to come out of nowhere to make his usual passive aggressive commentary in regard to your seemingly gullible nature, but nothing.
No Farleigh.
None of Felix’s little posse of posh cunts were nearby to poorly conceal their laugher behind their hands.
It was just you and Felix sat upon a stone bench somewhere, to which you must’ve looking like an right idiot, with your mouth opening and closing like an goldfish in disbelief at what you were hearing. ‘So what do you say?’ Felix asked after a prolonged period of awkward silence, looking as though a little on the verge of imploding at any given moment.
You blinked once, twice, then a third time for good measure before clearing your throat. ‘Yeah, sure…I’d love to but why me-‘ your sentence was cut off when Felix let out a relieved sigh as his mouth stretched into a smile, revealing his pearly whites, also as though he was…happy that you had accepted his invite; A reaction that naturally caused you to become curious as to figure out the reason why.
‘Oh thank fuck, you almost had me second guessing that you weren’t going to come.’ He said, looking at you with eyes that seemed to be reading your entire being, reading your each and every breath with such attention; so much that you swore it was as akin to that of a creator admiring his first creation. You -much like everyone else at Oxford- were very familiar with the stories that came with the supposed friends Felix had taken to Saltburn; they go to Saltburn, things seemingly get weird and the friendship is tarnished, then by summer’s end Felix next speaks with them again.
Used and discarded within the same breath.
You soon came to the conclusion that you didn’t want to be the next discarded toy on Felix’s long list of broken things. It would’ve been better had Felix kept his distance and stayed with his little posse, but he didn’t and now you were riddled with the endless possibilities that laid ahead of you. ‘Would’ve been a real shame if I did.’ You said, hyper aware of the fact that Felix was still staring intently at you. ‘But I’m glad you didn’t.’ He says softly, taking one last puff of his cigarette before its dying embers dwindled down to the bud, tossing it aside carelessly once it’s use has been served.
‘So am I.’ You replied, looking away from him and elsewhere as you pondered to yourself what you had gotten yourself into and what terrors would await for you at Saltburn.
Your first couple of days at Saltburn were okay to say the least.
Well that was mostly because Felix insisted that you’d spend the most of it together. So no matter where it was that you went through the manor, Felix was never far behind, looking over you like a protective shadow.
The pool? a shirtless Felix was sat poolside with a cigarette handing loosely from his lips, reflective shades concealing his dark eyes that you could feel shamelessly drinking you in as you dipped a toe.
The living room? Felix was there with a selection of movies and snacks that he retrieved from the kitchen along with comfy blankets.
The library? Felix was there reading a book that went over the treatment of women in Greek myths.
Bathroom? Felix was also there because upon giving you a grand tour of the intimidating building, he had informed you that you were to share a bathroom, instead of having you journey to the other side of the house to occupy another one.
You even remembered one time where you were deeply engaged in a topic with the likes of Farleigh and Venetia about Felix’s recent attitude towards you, with you being in denial and Farleigh and Venetia trying to make you see reason; When Felix came into the room as though looking for something, and upon seeing the three of you together, his jaw began to clench. It wasn’t until that very moment did you begin to take note of how Felix’s reluctance in having to share you with anyone else, and how it was staring to look something similar to a stubborn child who refused to share what he thought rightfully belonged to him.
‘Told you.’ Farleigh said with a winning smirk after Felix left the room in a huff. ‘He doesn’t want to share you with the rest of us, he only wants you for himself…and in more ways than one.’ He adds on, obviously knowing something that you didn’t.
‘What do you mean by that Farleigh?’ You had tried to ask but all he did was shrug nonchalantly and cryptically said, ‘you’ll see soon enough.’
You guessed you understood where Felix was coming from, I mean you did come here because of him, so naturally you were meant to be spending most of your time with him. However with what Farleigh had said earlier, you couldn’t help but theorise that there was a much deeper reasoning for Felix to have invited you to Saltburn; A theory that would later be put to the test when you were getting ready to go to bed, pulling back the covers just enough for you to slip in with ease, when a knocking at your door caught your ear.
‘Y/n. You in there? I’ve been meaning to talk to you about something recently and it couldn’t wait any longer.’ It was Felix. Your brows furrowed at this, what could he possibly want to talk about in the middle of the night?
As to not keep him waiting any longe then he might’ve been before knocking on your door. You quickly made your way to the door -though not before making sure you looked presentable- and opened it to see Felix stood in your doorway in his sleepwear, which consisted of a short sleeve shirt and a pair of blueish gray boxers, as his dark hair looked ruffled as though he had just been vigorously running his hands through it just minutes prior.
Either way he still looked extraordinarily appealing to the eye. However that was just how Felix looked to near enough everyone; extraordinarily delectable.
‘What conversation could possibly be so hard for you to not wait until tomorrow to have?’ You asked, brows raised, wanting nothing more than to put an end to all the mental gymnastics you’ve put yourself through within the past couple days; It got exhaustive after a while and his childish antics of giving you the cold shoulder didn’t make matters any better.
‘Look, I know I’ve been a bit of a dick to you recently.’ Felix began.
‘A bit?’ You echoed, slightly annoyed. ‘Felix you wouldn’t even look at me when I went to the pool, which if I remember correctly,’ you placed a finger on your chin, faking a face of deep thought before clicking your fingers and leaning in towards him, ‘you invited me to earlier that same day.’ You concluded dryly. ‘So how about you explain that before whatever you wanted to talk about, just so I’m given more of a clear picture as to where we stand.’
‘Fuck. I fucked up.’ Felix sighed under his breath as he ran his hand down his face, his dark eyes peering down the elongated hallway in hopes that no one -Farleigh- would come out and see what was all the commotion about, before they returned to look into yours and decided to just skip the words he was planning on telling you and just get straight to the point; long winded speeches of love was never his thing when he could just be straightforward about it. After all he was Felix fucking Catton, but it seemed that just being in your presence was enough to leave him a little speechless.
‘I like you.’ He began but immeditly felt that like wasn’t the right word to use when putting into words of what you did to him. ‘No, that don’t sound right because at the end of the day y/n, I fucking love you.’ Felix corrects himself and you immeditly felt the anything that you wanted to say to him exit your brain, as his sudden declaration took its place as the only thing that you could clearly focus on. ‘I brought you to Saltburn in hopes that one day I would stop being such a pussy and tell you how I truly felt.’ Felix then looked saddened as he continued. ‘Yet it seems that the only thing I’ve managed to accomplish is pushing you away because I thought that you wouldn’t want me like that, and would try to drive that home by spending time with Farleigh and Venetia.’ By the time Felix had finished pouring his heart out to you, everything leading up to this very moment started making a lot more sense, even Farleigh’s cryptic response made sense.
This entire time Felix was planning on confessing and Farleigh knew, which meant Venetia must’ve knew and therefore his parents considering how upon meeting them, they seemingly knew everything about you in incredible detail. You knew Felix was a bit of a blabber mouth under certain circumstances, but you didn’t ever think that he would ever rant to his parents about you in the slightest and in a positive light too. Though it did feel a little odd at first when Elspeth complimented your eyes but now you knew why and you couldn’t help but be flattered; Felix is a handsome and beautiful man that to be viewed within the same perspective was a new feeling entirely.
‘Really?’ You asked, biting the inside of your cheek, praying this wasn’t an extremely realistic dream.
‘Really.’ Felix replied without hesitation, beaming as he brazenly took a step towards you.
‘You’re not fucking with me?’ You asked again, still somehow not finding any of this remotely real, now bitting down on your bottom lip this time.
Felix stepped even closer to you now that you could feel his body heat, his hand gently holding you by the chin as his thumb gingerly pried your bottom lip from your teeth before then moving his head so that it was resting against your own, forcing you to focus on the dark pair of eyes that looked right back at you in a way that one would a masterpiece. ‘I’m not fucking with you.’ He spoke in a low but soft tone of voice. ‘I think you’re the most beautiful and the most amazing person I have ever met. You’re genuine, you’re kind but most importantly, you’re real and I both envy and adore you for that.’ Felix finishes and you couldn’t help but groan with impatience.
‘You could’ve conveyed all that if you would’ve kissed me.’ You whined, hands finding their home within his hair, raking and slightly tugging at the tresses, making him laugh. ‘As you wish.’ He utters cheekily as he then descends his lips upon yours in a passionate kiss that conveyed everything that had been said and more.
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danyllura · 10 months
I do wish the movie had implied Tigris at some point had been forced to sell her body during the war, because I think it’s one of the biggest indications of Snows true nature. Before she ever mentions/reveals anything, Coriolanus ponders over the idea of her having to trade herself for his shirt and immediately considers how much money she’d be worth, critiquing her looks but concluding “she had a sweetness, a vulnerability that invited abuse” showing how he views other as commodities. At that point he doesn’t know the truth behind his speculations, but when he does he’s not any kinder. And we as an audience obviously know what Coriolanus forces the later victors into as president. To me learning about Tigris, the forced prostitution the victors experience becomes a much bigger betrayal and indication of the depth of Snows lack of morality. Because Coriolanus is a narcissist, but based upon his classmates it is arguable many of his tendencies and prejudices are not solely reflective of his character but rather that of the Capitol. But one thing that is entirely Coriolanus, is his pride, his pride in his family/family name. Tigris has taken care of him for years, and in many instances she is the one who tethers him to reality. She’s gone above and beyond to help him hide their financial struggles and has repeated with him their mantra of “snow lands on top” since they were children. All her sacrifice and he later feels no way of abusing the victors as she was, letting her likely witness them subjected to it as well due to her proximity to him and the games. Cannibalism is discouraged/banned from the games due to the capitol finding it distatsful. And we know that Coriolanus witnessing Nero Price harvesting a maids leg for his family to eat deeply disturbs him and haunts him for years to come. I would find it unsurprising it is his personal history with the subject matter that leads to its discouragement. The capitol loves brutality, and it shows the “savageness” of the district people, if Snow could come up with ways to make the games more digestible at 18, im sure as an experienced gamemaker he could have discovered a way to utilize that as well. Yet he draws the line because of his own past discomfort. But Tigris’ trauma holds no weight to him. Despite what she likely was forced to having had done to help keep him alive, and the potential pain of her having to be exposed to witnessing that nature of work with unwilling children. Snows loyalty’s have always been to himself. Seeing Tigris’ fate, a struggling shop owner with barely any food, we know his sympathies lie only with himself. And even someone who has loved him at his worst, gave up anything and everything for him, and even posses the thing he values most- the last name Snow- she too is just another pawn in the game to him, disposable when she’s no longer useful.
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chronicdisasterwrites · 4 months
alcohol isn’t for the weak gojo satoru
pairing: gojo satoru x f!reader, geto suguru, shoko ieiri
genre + warnings: -underage alcohol consumption, a lot of swearing, reader slaps gojo around, pining, overall FLUFF!
word count: 3,380 (i was gonna write more but i’m lazy)
authors note: So this is the sequel of my fic “gotta keep these kids on leashes”. The dynamic quartet is back and up to no good yet again :3 There will for sure be a continuation and it just might end up being a series going through their lives. Also, this takes place before Riko and Toji, so basically their teenage days when everything was good and dandy :’)
enjoy this chaos <3
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“You absolute, fucking lightweight.”
With tired bones, eyes, soul and mind, Geto’s glare remains steadily fixed on the drunken mess sprawled on the ground before him. Gojo Satoru was a complex human being. The strongest jujutsu sorcerer in the world; the first person in 400 years to possess both Limitless and the Six Eyes, his strength knew no bounds - except when it came to alcohol.
“Suuuguruuu~” Gojo slurred along with several incoherent words mushed in between giggles.
Stuck between a rock and a hard place, Geto leaned his head against his ajar door and shut his eyes, thinking of all the incredibly painful ways by which he could murder and then dispose of his best friend’s wasted body. His anger wasn’t uncalled for, of course. It was a long day for Geto and all he wanted to do after spending an entire day killing one particularly difficult curse followed by a couple extra (albeit easier to defeat) surprise curses was take a nice long shower, go into his dorm and sleep like a corpse. He had a feeling it was too good to be true when he didn’t get 30 calls from Gojo by the time the sun had set and he had stepped into campus. He was even more surprised when he got out of the shower and came back to 0 notifications from the “pain in everyone’s ass” sorcerer. Gojo always knew when Geto had missions, and more so he would always know when Geto would be gone for the entire day. On days such as this one, he would usually go and bother literally anyone else he could find around him; when desperate, Yaga, but that would never end well for him, so that would only be reserved for very special occasions.
“Satoru, just why…” Geto sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose and wondering what he did to deserve this torture.
“I had soooo much fun t’dayyy,” Gojo slurs and laughs much too loudly considering the time.
“Les go out, the night is youuung like you and me and Mochi and Shoko- but…” He pauses, sits up then looks directly at Geto, suddenly serious. Geto squints, expecting something stupid as per usual.
“...Not like…” Cracks appear on his half-assed poker face and the corners of his eyes crinkle slightly as his lips twitch. “Not like…Yaga AHHAAHA-”
Laughter explodes from his chest as he falls back on the ground, rolling around clutching his stomach as if he just cracked the world’s funniest joke. Geto on the other hand, was not phased. In fact, he was preparing to be violent. Inhaling and then exhaling deeply, Geto stood straighter, thinking of ways he could make this night go his way. A few weeks prior to this moment in the present, Gojo along with his posse played an almost funny practical joke on Geto, which ended up costing him a date with a girl and 10 of his brain cells. Since then, Geto had been pondering day and night on exactly what he could do to get Gojo back. There were a few weaknesses the strongest sorcerer had which Geto knew of. One being, his obvious lack of alcohol tolerance, and two being his stupidly obvious crush on you. (not Shoko, although he definitely finds her hot).
Geto knows all about Gojo’s embarrassing feelings for you but he still has no solid evidence on whether the feelings are reciprocated or not.
Suddenly, his train of thought comes to a stop as his eyes glint with mischief. He grabs Gojo’s arm and starts to drag him along the hallway. Gojo doesn't even bother standing up to walk. Instead he lets his best friend drag him like a sack of potatoes, with no care in the world as to where he might be taking him.
“What the heck?! Suguru?! Where are we goin-”
They stop and Geto aggressively knocks on a door. Freshly painted, different from the rest. Immediately, he drops Gojo’s arm and sprints back to his dorm before Gojo’s little brain could even begin to process what had happened.
“Satoru…what the fuck?”
You rub your eyes and glare at the drunken mess sprawled before your dorm door and rub your eyes again, hoping he’d disappear the next time you look. He doesn’t. And you actually hear a mechanical click in your brain when the idiot starts grinning as if it wasn’t 3am and he didn’t just ruin your perfect slumber. Yet again.
“Mochi!!! You’re here! I missed yo- HEY! OUCH! WHY- STOP HITTIN ME-”
“IDIOT,” slap
You wanted to throttle him. But you figured 3 slaps were enough for now. You honestly felt kind of bad seeing him curled up in a ball on the floor and you worried whether you went too far or not.
“I’m sorry… I just missed you s’all,” His voice was soft, gentle even, and that made you feel even worse. Your shoulders slump and your head drops as an exasperated sigh escapes your mouth.
Why is he like this?
You crouch next to his curled up form and stare at his disheveled silver hair. He doesn’t look at you, in fact his eyes remain closed. His hands cover his ears and he literally looks like a kicked puppy and you feel so awful. You roll your eyes and sigh.
Ugh, damn him.
“Okay. Satoru, I’m sorry for hitting you.”
He doesn’t move.
You pinch your nose bridge and decide to take the high road. He is drunk after all, you think. Reaching out, you run your fingers through his soft hair. His shoulders relax at that and the corner of his mouth quirks up ever so slightly. You stifle a laugh at his childishness and grab his chin, tilting his head to face you. Finally, he opens his eyes and stares at you as a gradual, natural smile slowly takes over his face. You smile back and at the back of your mind, you think how stupid you two must look right now. In the middle of the night, your dorm door wide open, Satoru sprawled on the floor of the hallway, you crouched near his head while the two of you stared at each other like something straight out of Spiderman. Except, you won’t kiss him. That’s never going to happen.
You let go of his chin and flick his nose. He huffs a short laugh, rubbing the spot and attempting to return the favor. You grab his wrist before he could deliver the blow and say, “You still drunk?”
Satoru hums, eyes shiny, “A little?”
He grabs your face and squeezes your cheeks, snorting as you glare at him.
“Y’know… you don’t look as scary with your face like this,” He emphasizes his point with ‘awww’s’ and ‘you’re so cuteee’s’ and you can’t help but laugh at this blatant humiliation. You move his hand away and stand up, holding out your hand and expecting him to take it.
“Alright, c’mon. Get up.”
Satoru groans much too loudly and proceeds to throw his arms down and stretch his legs like a starfish.
“Noooo, just stay w’ meee,” He whines like a petulant child and you smile.
Damn him.
You consider bringing him into your dorm and spending the entire night with him doing nothing. Maybe talking, laughing. But you quickly discard that horrifying thought. He’s Gojo Satoru. Your best friend. Nothing romantic could ever happen between you two because he is Gojo Satoru and you are nobody. He is the one person who could even come close to changing the world. He holds the balance of the universe in the palm of his hands. He is everything, and you hate that. You hate how much he means to you, and you hate how much he has on his shoulders. You hate the fact that you can’t even help him ease those worries. You might be strong, but you’re not nearly as strong as him. He knows it, everyone knows it. So, you ignore these feelings. You bury any semblance of hope, of potential ‘maybe’s’ and ‘what if’s’ and you keep your guard up. After all, he is your best friend and you’re his. That’s it.
But then, why does he keep looking at me like this?
“Mochi?” He mutters, eyes suddenly clear and gaze fixed at you. You hum. He waits a while without saying anything and then sits up cross-legged and holds his hand out. You ponder for a moment and eventually you hold his hand and he attempts to pull himself up with your help. You steady your feet and help him up and… wow, he’s ridiculously tall.
You clear your throat and let go of his hand, to which he makes a little noise of protest. You roll your eyes and put his arm around your shoulder, ushering him towards his dorm, “Alright Satoru, let’s put you to bed.”
He nods his head one too many times and starts to walk with you, slowly but surely. You held onto him as he held onto you, and you walked at his pace. He smelled nothing like he usually did. The pungent odor of sake wafted off him in waves and it almost made you want to throw up. He was dozing off, eyes almost shutting. Those cerulean blues were almost a shiny navy color now. You wonder what made him want to drink so much tonight. So you asked.
“Hm?” He looks down at you and musters a tiny smile. You hold his waist a little tighter.
You rephrase the sentence a few times in your head before asking.
“Why’d you drink so much tonight? Is everything okay?”
He stares at you for a while, then purses his lips and tips his head down, exhaling loudly. You know something happened, but you don’t know what it could be. Satoru was always an enigma. He was always an open book, and yet so mysterious at the same time. He always kept a smile on his face and always did the stupidest shit. Yet sometimes, he would change completely. His eyes would look sad and distant, he wouldn’t talk as much, he’d look out the window like some kind of tortured main character in an indie movie. Satoru was never easy to understand. He has his vices.
Finally, he looks at you with hazy eyes and a soft smile. Using the arm slung over your shoulder, he holds you in a headlock and kisses your forehead. You can’t see your face but you can feel just how red it must have become. You struggle to try to get out of the headlock but to no avail. Even when drunk, Satoru was still stronger than you and you hated that with a passion. He laughs and releases you, returning his arm back over your shoulder as he leans against you, basically using you as a crutch to walk.
“Satoru?! What the fuck was that all about?!” You sputter. Angry? Not really, it was nice. You’re more confused and freaked out, and why do you feel drunk when you’re the one who’s completely sober?
“No reason, you’re just cute s’all,” He giggles and ruffles your hair. You glare at his stupid face and he laughs again.
“Plus, I had nothing to do all day. Suguru was gone, you were busy and Shoko was-” He pauses. “Well, wherever she was.”
You sigh and pick up your pace which makes Satoru look like Bambi trying to walk on ice for the first time. He giggles all the way there.
Fucking finally…
You open the door to his dorm while dragging Satoru’s half limp body inside.
“Alrighty, now lie down,” You say as you gracefully lay him down (more like unceremoniously drop him) on his bed and take his shoes off. Satoru groans and proceeds to almost slip off the side of the bed. Thankfully, you noticed and pushed him further away and more towards the center of the bed. You leave his clothes alone and stand up straight, turning to leave.
“No, wait,” His hand grabs your wrist, without any force whatsoever and you think you’re going to straight up melt when you turn back around to see him looking up at you with ridiculously childlike eyes it’s not even fair.
“Stay, please.”
Your breath hitches and you know you have to leave. You have to wake up early in the morning and also you are not going to spend a night with Gojo Satoru while he’s drunk. It's not a matter of safety; you know he would die before ever hurting you. It was more a matter of heart.
“Satoru…” You try to wrench your hand free from his grasp.
He lowers his hand and wraps it around your fingers. His voice is quiet as he says, “A lil’ bit. ‘M sorry…”
You quirk an eyebrow in confusion, “For what?”
Your question is met with only snores. You shove him and call his name to which he opens his eyes with a “huh?”.
“What are you sorry for?”
He looks bewildered, “Oh um…”
You wait.
He continues sleepily, “For ruining your sleep.”
You chuckle as his hand slowly falls to the bed and snores fill the emptiness.
You pat his head and leave.
Satoru wakes up very cold. And wet. Not in a good way.
“Woah- what the fu-”
“Rise and shine, princess,” Suguru announces with a shit-eating grin on his pretty face. He keeps the empty glass on Satoru’s side table and crosses his arms.
Satoru rubs his drenched face and stares incredulously at his so-called best friend, confusion etching his hungover face, “What the hell was that for?”
Suguru snickers, “It was for ruining my sleep last night.” He sits on Satoru’s bed and crosses his legs, resting his head on his hand, enjoying Satoru’s discomfort.
Satoru groans and puts his pillow on his face. His muffled voice says something Suguru makes out to be, “My head is killing me.”
“Not surprised, you were completely wasted.”
Satoru moves the pillow and glares at Suguru, to which he only receives a grin.
Suguru asks liltingly, “So? What happened last night?”
Satoru gets up and makes his way to his bathroom, the sound of water and teeth brushing resonating around the room. Suguru waits for a reply that doesn't come.
Impatient, he asks again, “Did you get your ass kicked?” Satoru gets out while putting on a new uniform jacket. He glares at Suguru until realization hits.
His eyes widen and he points a finger and exclaims, “You took me to her room?!”
Suguru processed that light bulb moment with wide eyes and burst into a hearty laughter to which Satoru only gaped mouth open and eyes unbelieving.
“You- you didn't remember how you got there but you remembered being there?” More laughter, louder this time.
Satoru scoffs and picks up his sunglasses, “I can't believe you…”
Suguru’s laughter dies down and he receives a slap on the back of his head for his incompetence. He laughs and rubs the site of injury.
As Satoru makes his way out of the dorm, Suguru follows close behind. He asks with genuine curiosity, “Did you confess?”
“Did she confess?”
Silence, except for the birds chirping cheerfully and the metronomic footfalls of the two boys.
Suguru sighs, “Did anything happen?”
Satoru puts on his sunglasses and shoves his hands in his pockets, “Nothing happened, as far as I remember.”
Suguru raises an eyebrow. Satoru rolls his eyes and says in a low voice, “Anyways, I'd remember if anything happened.”
Suguru smiles and ruffles Satoru’s already disheveled hair. He scoffs but laughs when Suguru laughs at his lovesick state of being.
“Forget it, Suguru. It’s never gonna happen,” Satoru mutters dejectedly, kicking a stone. Suguru stays silent.
“Like, she’s so… just- y’know?” His sparkling sapphire eyes glittering with admiration and so much love, Suguru can’t help but smile at his friend’s hopefulness. He continues rambling incoherently, hands waving around like it actually does anything to explain his feelings for her. In reality, nothing Satoru is saying makes any sense. Or more so, it wouldn’t make sense to anyone else. Suguru, on the other hand, understands Satoru. So no words are required.
“He’s such an idiot.”
You sigh and twirl your pen, “Tell me about it…”
Shoko knows all and sees all. She knows all about Gojo’s stupid crush on you and she knows all about your crush on him. She doesn’t approve of it, because she firmly believes you deserve better and Gojo is an immature idiot. But after countless sleepless nights of talking about life and love, she saw just how much you liked him, despite your lackluster denials to her allegations. You were adamant on hiding your feelings, even with Shoko. You don’t know why exactly you lied to her about this. Probably because it seems too out of reach, or maybe because you know she’d disapprove. But you know Shoko loves you with all her heart. She would support any decision you make, no matter how much she hates it. Your happiness is paramount and she will never make you feel less than or stupid for anything you tell her. You just can’t tell her about your crush yet, because it’s just too embarrassing and you can’t deal with Shoko’s side-eye.
Shoko closes the book she was reading staring at, kicks up her feet on the desk and crosses her arms across her chest. You look at her, then look at her neglected textbook and sigh, shifting your attention to your own textbook.
“Y’know you’ll never even pass at the rate at which you’re going…”
She says with a giggle, “Relax, will you? It’s just class tests.”
You muster your best side eye, to which she just snorts. She kicks back her chair and stands up, holding out her hand for you to take. You raise your eyebrows, silently questioning whether she’s serious or not.
“C’mon let’s take a break, we’ve been studying for hours.”
You put down your pen and cross your arms, properly facing her now, “You mean, I’ve been studying for hours.”
She shrugs, “That’s what I said.”
“Ha-ha,” you deadpan.
She actually laughs and tugs your sleeve, “Come onnnn.”
You sigh and hang your head. Shoko takes that as a sign to collect your items and pack them into your backpack and you know you’ve lost. You always lose to her arguments. She’s too quick and too laid back to ever lose an argument. Even when something really serious goes down, Shoko will be the last person to freak out. You can’t even argue with her because she’ll just come up with some random logic that you don’t even know how to counteract. You watch as she packs your stuff and you smile. She looks at you and smiles back, albeit in a confused manner.
You shrug still smiling, “Nothin’.”
Shoko mutters a small “okay” and grabs your shoulders, hunching down to your eye-level and staring into your eyes with a kind of scary expression. Shoko has never been serious in her entire life, except for a few times when you made bad decisions.
“Listen to me, and listen well. I love you. I will always be here for you. Even if you and Gojo date and that doesn’t work out, you don’t have to worry about us, ever,” Shoko’s grip on your shoulders was ironclad.
Your eyes widen and face heats up furiously, “W-what? Where is this coming from?!”
“Because I am your best friend, you absolute braindead idiot! I know you. I don’t know why you’re not just coming clean with me but I’m here always, so come to me whenever,” she ends her monologue with a sweeter than sweet smile and stands up to her full height while you were down there stunned, touched and offended all at once.
You get up, put your bag over your shoulder and stare at Shoko concerningly, while she just grins.
What the actual fuck was that?
“Hey, let’s go get some food, I’m starving.”
You glare at her as she loops her arms through yours, “You’re paying.”
Shoko laughs, “No way. Gojo’s paying.”
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taglist: @thepup356, @porridgesblog, @stray-npc, @daisy-the-quake, @reignsaway, @ainetx, @icarusignite, @mariapierce789
192 notes · View notes
10 Seconds - Floyd
Author Notes: I'm not gonna lie, I had a lot of fun writing this. This fic was pretty much entirely inspired by a scene in chapter 111 in Akagami no Shirayukihime (Snow White with The Red Hair). After I found out that Floyd and Obi had the same voice actor, the temptation was to great for me to resist. As per usual, reader is gender-neutral. I hope you enjoy!
Type: Fluff/ flirtation/ romance/ kind of spoofy/ Reader does have a pushy admirer so be warned on that note
Word Count: 1890
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There was something about persistent wanna-be lovers that made one nervous enough to look to even the most shady sources of help. Including Octaveinelle.
“So this young man has been bothering you for…?” Jade trailed off as he looked up from the glass he was currently polishing to where I sat, right in front of him, at the bar.
“A little over a month now, I think.” I frowned as I recounted the numerous times the Pomefiore junior in question had just ‘happened’ to be right where I would inevitably run into him.
 I would be trapped there, having to interact with him and dodging his advances until I was saved by some passerby or thought up a reasonable excuse to leave.
I could’ve gone to Vil for help, considering it was one of his dorm members. But I also didn’t entirely want to put my annoyingly persistent and considerably pushy admirer through quite that much sorrow.
I did, however, want this handled, and me turning him down numerous times as politely as possible simply wasn’t cutting it. Which was why I went to Octavinelle to seek the advice of the infamous tweels. After all, they handled a lot of Azul's issues. Surely they would have advice for handling one persistent admirer.
Floyd let out a low whistle from behind me, causing me to twist slightly to glance at the young man who ought to be sweeping but was now just propped up on the broom’s handle as he shook his head, “Stubborn guy.”
His eyes found mine as a grin crossed his face, and I realized very quickly that I didn’t want to know exactly what Floyd was thinking. That wasn’t really one of his nice grins….
“Come now, Floyd. We can’t exactly blame the poor fool for being quite so smitten with our darling little Prefect, can we?” I almost grimaced at Jade’s teasing tone as I turned in time to catch his mocking, sharp-toothed smile.
“Guys,” I didn’t even bother fighting the whine that slipped into my tone. “I just want some advice. I can’t get him to go away, and I’ve already tried being blunt.”
Jade smiled in an indulgent manner down at me before a frown crossed his face, “I suppose it is rather problematic and concerning if he’s been at it this long.”
He sat the glass down with a tiny clink on the bar as he continued to ponder my plight, “You said he’s a Pomefiore student?”
I nodded, wondering exactly what Jade was thinking as Floyd slipped up next to me, propping himself on the bar, “Should I just scare him off? That’d probably do it.” 
Floyd sounded perfectly willing to do just that as he looked at me with that sharp-toothed grin of his before looking towards his brother. 
But he was soon frowning in confusion as Jade started to shake his head with a slight frown, “No, if he’s as determined as I fear, then I doubt that would solve the problem for little more than three days.”
That mocking smile appeared on Jade’s face again, even though he wasn’t actually looking at either me or his brother, as he continued, “Besides. Those Pomefiore boys are the schooling sort. Always flitting about in a group. If we tried aggression, he’d just come back with his friends, and that would make things more difficult for you, wouldn’t it, Prefect?”
He looked towards me as he finished, and I nodded glumly, “A squad probably would make it tougher.”
Especially since Pomefiore squads were known to be aggressive. Turning him down in front of his posse could be risky at best.
A chuckle slipped from the vice-housewarden’s lips as he smiled at me, “Now, now. There’s no need to make such a face. The solution is really quite simple, isn’t it?”
I perked up at his words, looking at him hopefully before I frowned once I noticed his grin, “What’s it gonna cost?”
The twins laughed together, their voices joining in a strange harmony that made me tense ever-so-slightly. 
“Oh, it’ll be on the house this time. After all, this will be most amusing for both of us.” Jade’s words seemed to surprise Floyd as much as they did me.
Unperturbed by our obvious confusion, Jade leaned forward with an undoubtedly conspiratorial grin. Propping himself on his elbows as he gestured both of us closer with a single flick of his long fingers, “Listen closely…..”
And that was what had brought me to this moment, as I let out a quiet exhale before rounding the corner.
I didn’t even have to worry about setting the guy up. I knew exactly where he’d be.
Propped up on the wall in that careful pose he was always in when he was waiting for me to come and just ‘happen’ to bump into him.
And sure enough, there he was. Leaning against the wall with one arm raised so that he had me slightly caged in from the very second I rounded the corner.
“Prefect! What a surprise,” His perfectly white teeth flashed almost blindingly, and I fought not to gag at the raw amount of perfume he was wearing. 
It was a good thing he hadn’t brought his posse; I probably would’ve passed out from the raw amount of perfume that would’ve been in the air.
But I smiled. Pretending to be surprised and not at all frustrated by his persistent, unwanted affections as I carefully went back through the plan that Jade had laid out in my head.
Interact with him like everything was normal while waiting until reinforcements came, and then follow those very simple directions that Jade had given.
So I waited. Awkwardly exchanging pleasantries and smiling up at the young man who now leaned increasingly closer despite how much I would like him to say far away. He was no doubt about to drop some sort of new line that was intended to sweep me off my feet but would be far more likely to make me grimace.
And right as he opened his mouth with a grin that spoke of some very misplaced confidence, I heard the exact thing I’d been waiting for.
“Shrimpy~” Floyd’s sing-song call came from behind me, and I turned so fast that I almost missed the deep frown that appeared at impressive speeds on my admirer’s face.
“Floyd!” I didn’t have to fake my joy at seeing him, though I couldn’t say the same for him considering that Floyd himself looked entirely bored as he looked towards the Pomefiore junior that now stood stiffly silent. Already frustrated by the mere presence of Floyd.
For a brief moment, I was honestly worried about how well Jade’s scheme was going to go over until Floyd’s gaze shifted and his eyes met mine. Because then there was an entire change to his person.
His gaze softened ever so slightly, and his lips twitched up in an absentminded smile as he walked over, all but cooing at me affectionately, “There you are.”
He didn’t stop until he was right next to me, looking down at me, and then I knew the moment of truth was upon us.
I could hear Jade’s amused voice in my head as I braced myself, swallowing as I recalled his words: “Ten seconds. You will need to stare into each other’s eyes for ten seconds. But that’s all it will take.”
Floyd was far calmer than I was as he slipped off his blazer and draped it over my shoulders, blocking the cool breeze that came through the open window.
 His voice was quieter than usual, though still playful as he spoke, “There you go; can’t have you getting cold.” And that was my cue that we were beginning.
My hand reached up to tug his oversized jacket a little closer around my body, and my hand brushed lightly against his fingers that lingered at my shoulders.
Two. Three. Four.
I twisted just a little bit more so that I could look at him better as his hand slid down my arm so that his arm was wrapped around my shoulders.
It was already getting sort of awkward to keep staring for this long into Floyd’s mismatched eyes for this long. But now I was beginning to think more about the color of his irises than the actual situation we were in.
Six. Seven.
One was a yellow color. Not a sickly yellow, but rather it was a warmer color that made me feel oddly safe considering the young man I was looking up at. The other eye was a surprisingly gentle olive that was also welcomingly familiar and spoke of how, in certain moments, Floyd himself could actually be quite gentle.
Eight. Nine.
I could feel numerous people staring at us, and I was fairly certain that one of them was definitely Jade. He was probably utterly delighted by how uniquely embarrassing this really was. Because even though I’d been prepared to feel a little self-conscious, I hadn’t been expecting to be this flustered. Especially since it was just Floyd….
Floyd’s smile grew by just a fraction, and then he blinked, “I reckon I’ll see you later. I know you can’t miss your class. Good little student that you are~” He let go of my arm with an affectionate squeeze as he continued to look down at me. But this time with amusement in his gaze and a teasing lilt to his voice.
I swallowed down my overwhelming shyness as I looked away, blinking as I attempted to force my recovery by focusing on his teasing. 
But even then, my voice wobbled as I quipped back, not quite able to look back up at him, “Unlike you, I actually have to study to keep my grades up.”
Out of my peripheral vision, I could tell he was fully grinning now, “Aww, if you ever need help, you can just ask. If you're nervous about Azul, I can help you out.”
He leaned down and into my line of sight so that he could wink at me, and I let out an exhale. Reminding myself that this was Floyd I was dealing with. Not some incredibly romantic male lead who was here to sweep me off my feet and actually be successful.
Which brought me back to my admirer, who was still standing there, staring in open-mouthed shock. 
“Ex- Excuse me, I lost track of time with Floyd and really do need to get to class now,” I  was still flustered enough that I stammered slightly before I flashed him an apologetic grin before I trotted off. 
As I fled the scene, I passed a chuckling Jade and mouthed a quick, ‘Thank you,’ before hurrying on. Attempting to outrun the oddly shy sensation I now felt at the thought of being near Floyd and entirely missing what happened behind me as I fled the scene.
“You haven’t gotten anywhere in a month, and it only took me ten seconds.” So saying, Floyd glanced down at the Pomefiore student, who almost immediately puffed up with indignance that quickly deflated as Floyd grinned in a way that perfectly displayed his too-sharp teeth.
“You might as well just try somewhere else, ‘cause you aren’t going to be stealing Shrimpy away from me anytime soon.”
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kumememe · 6 months
new beginnings (felix catton x m!reader)
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warnings: none, just felix being intrigued by you. proofread a little bit, might do a part two soon if people like it. send in requests if you want, but note that I only do male and transmasc readers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
a cool autumn breeze danced gently across the field of webbe college, gracing the students with its presence. the sun softly casts its sunlight upon the old, slightly rustic buildings as they emit a yellow-orange glow. the timely place felt as if nothing had changed or caught the attention of students until- felix catton. the so-called 'prince of oxford,' the shining star amidst the otherwise dark and gloomy galaxy. the moment he stepped in on campus, everyone knew who he was. he wasn't doing it intentionally, it was just what the universe has bestowed upon him. it's just how he naturally is. he was meant to be the center of attention, the one who gets everything and anyone he wants without any effort. with his six foot-five stature, fluffy dark hair, flashy smile, and aloof nature- he brings people in like a moth to the light. students would do anything to be in his posse because of his magnetic charm, where they hang onto his every word as if he were a saint on a pedestal. at this point, people may as well bow down to him and kiss his feet. it is not like he wouldn't mind, after all, since that is how his life has always been. his aura was hard to miss, hard to ignore, and yet.. someone changed that.
felix took a drag of his cigarette as he leaned against the wall of the college hallways, talking to some students who wanted to ask him about something unimportant. he was used to girls and boys asking him about the most mundane things just to get closer to him, the touch him subtly on the shoulder with their flirty gazes. it was normal, but oh so boring. he listened to some girl chatter on about how she wanted to take him out sometime, but his focus was caught somewhere else, specifically across the hall. a guy, about average height, wearing a windbreaker jacket that hugged his figure nicely, chunky glasses that almost hid his piercing e/c-colored eyes, black denim jeans that accentuated his thick thighs, and a pair of tattered sneakers that looked like it was worn for years. he observed his mannerisms quietly, the conversations that occurred around him quickly falling silent as his eyes stuck to the male across the hall. felix knew that he was just another average joe, but something about the way the other male quietly walked inside the library, adjusted his headphones, and avoided those around him... it made felix realize how out-of-place the latter was.
felix quietly makes his way toward the boy, ignoring the stares that he gets from the confused posse around him as they watch him do so. his confident stride noticeable from afar, fixing his hair a bit as he followed him inside the library. He quietly makes his way to the counter, leaning against it as he watches the other return his books. he cleared his throat as he showed off his charming grin, "hello." startled, the mysterious figure took his headphones off, letting it hang around his neck as he nodded slightly to the taller male, "hey." the mysterious figure didn't budge nor adjust his attitude when it came to felix, which surprised the tall male slightly. he was used to people having immediate recognition of his significance or popularity as they cower to him like prey when they meet the predators, but with the latter, it seemed like barely even knew who he was. at that moment of unfamiliarity, he feels a blend of intrigue and disbelief, pondering if the latter was the only one who didn't know of his power.
noticing felix's sudden silence, the peculiar fellow raises his brow. "...have we met before?" he asked as he left the counter slowly, watching as felix instinctively followed him to continue their conversation. felix snaps out of his thoughts, "no, it appears we haven't. i'm felix catton." felix extends his hand towards the latter, who hesitantly shakes it while giving a small smile. "i'm y/n. y/n l/n."
felix smiles at the way y/n's soft hands grazed against his as the latter pulled it away, eyes meeting with felix's. "felix catton, i've heard of that name before..." y/n put a finger to his chin as he tried to remember where he heard it from. "really? what have you heard about me?" felix smirked, feeling his arrogance seep through his calm and nonchalant facade. y/n hums, "not much, it's just that you kind of own this place in a way."  felix let out a small laugh at his observation, he liked the fact that y/n had no clue who he was, and it was refreshing. furthermore, it was a nice change of pace.
"are you a new student here?" felix asks, and y/n nods slightly as he makes his way to the physics section of the library. his hand softly follows the outlines of the books, carefully reading the title on the spine to check which ones he needs for class. "sort of, I just shifted to the course i've wanted since day one," y/n says as he takes out a book from the shelf, looking at the contents in its first page, "which is physics and philosophy." felix leans against the shelf with an interested look, his eyebrows arched in curiosity. "those two are quite a pairing, aren't they? philosophy and physics are the opposite of each other." he states, as y/n shrugs with a grin. "that's what makes it so exciting. you get the best of both worlds."
felix grins at the other male's attitude, he was interesting and mysterious, to say the least. y/n makes his way to a secluded part of the library that was near the philosopy section as felix followed like a puppy, eager to get to know the student. y/n turns to felix, "what about you? what did you take?"
"philosophy, politics, and economics." felix answers, waving it off. "it's a rather boring major to be in, honestly."
"do you not enjoy it?" y/n asks as he skims through the book, looking up at felix from time to time.
"eh, it's better than nothing," felix said as he gets closer to the shorter male in a not-so-subtle way, which was only met with a raised brow from the latter. y/n didn't bother to mention the shift in his tone as he hummed in response. "how about you, why'd you take physics and philosophy?"
y/n lets out a small scoff, "it is because, in short, i am a nerd." he says sarcastically, "and also because i enjoy pondering about stupid things such as... 'can you cry underwater?' or 'if you tried to fail and you suceeded at that, then... which one did you do?' it's silly, isn't it?"
felix snorts at y/n's own comments towards himself, finding his answers charismatic and charming. "you're quite the intriguing character, mr. l/n." felix says sarcastically.
"same goes to you, mr. catton." y/n says quickly in rebuttal, earning a cheeky scoff of approval.
as their banter continued, felix found himself drawn to y/n's energy and wit. he couldn't help but admire the way y/n's eyes lit up when discussing their shared interests, even if it was the simplest of topics such as food or music taste. it was refreshing, a departure from his usual interactions with classmates.
"hey, have you ever heard of the butterfly theory?" felix asked, leaning in closer, his curiosity piqued.
y/n looked up from the philosophy book they were skimming through, a playful grin tugging at the corners of their lips. "of course, who hasn't?" they replied, mirroring felix's proximity.
and just like that, they fell into a deep conversation about the theoretical possibilities of the butterfly effect, completely engrossed in each other's ideas and opinions. it was as if the rest of the world faded away, leaving only the two of them immersed in their discussion. the way y/n talked so elegantly and focused, smiling as he talked about his ideas of different theories. the way his long thick lashes bat down each time he blinks, the way he chews his lips when he takes his time to form a response- felix felt drawn to him like a magnet. usually, it would be people around felix feeling like such but with the roles reversed, he realized how much he wanted to get to know the latter.
as the library hours passed by unnoticed, felix realized he was enjoying y/n's company more than he had anticipated. there was something about how they laughed at his jokes and challenged his thoughts that made him feel a sense of connection he hadn't felt in a long time. eventually, the librarian's gentle reminder that the library was closing snapped them out of their engrossing conversation. "my dears, the library will be closing soon.. please, go to the front if you need to check those books out. i'll be waiting, y/n, felix." the librarian's raspy voice reminds them quietly as she strolls past them with her return cart. reluctantly, the two guys gathered their belongings and made their way out after borrowing some books, their minds still buzzing with the excitement of their discussion.
outside the library, under the soft glow of the streetlights as the sun swayed downwards with the purple and blue gradient mixing in, felix turned to y/n with a smile. "hey, would you like to continue our conversation at the nearby pub sometime?"
felix knew that there was a reason he was drawn to y/n, and he wanted more. he couldn’t help but think maybe this could turn into a real friendship or better.
y/n's eyes sparkled with excitement as they nodded eagerly. "i'd love to," he replied, a genuine smile lighting up his face.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ this end was a bit rushed tbh, but i still like it :) if you guys also like it, reblog and heart it (idk this is awkward) i also took inspo from chai, specifically quietwinters so uhhhh.... yeah. thanks for reading.
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aguillar · 2 months
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[ ee-ther ] the ancient Greek personification of the clear upper air of the sky.
𝐭𝐲𝐩𝐞: adaga 𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐡: 28cm 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐥: ferro estígio, com relevo em bronze celestial 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: pedras turquesas no cabo, fitas de couro para a prender ao cinto 𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦: quando não está em uso, se converte em uma pulseira de couro com contas de turquesa
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𝐈. Inicialmente ponderou escolher uma arma de alto alcance como um arco e flecha ou uma besta mas, se fosse realista, conhecia a si mesmo o suficiente para saber que partiria para cima do inimigo no impulso tão logo a oportunidade se apresentasse, o que tornava mais lógico escolher algo útil no combate a curta distância.
𝐈𝐈. Por muito que soubesse dos benefícios do ferro estígio comparado aos dois outros metais, escolhia sempre dizer que o motivo para sua preferência era puramente superficial: a cor escura combinava com a espada que tinha como arma principal, e com a estética que gostava de projetar. Quando levantou esta bandeira na forja, recebeu um resmungo em uníssono de todos os apreciadores do metal ali presentes.
𝐈𝐈𝐈. Se fosse sincero, havia um motivo especial para escolher o ferro estígio naquele momento mais do que nunca: entre traições de campistas e desconfianças, era bom ter uma arma capaz de o defender não só das criaturas do submundo, mas de pessoas.
𝐈𝐕. Na hora de reforçar seu arsenal pessoal, seu pedido foi simples: queria a adaga mais leve que fossem capazes de produzir, algo que pudesse arremessar com facilidade e que reaparecesse em sua posse caso a perdesse em batalha.
𝐕. Trata todas as suas armas como animais de estimação, e com a adaga não foi diferente. A primeira coisa que fez foi a nomear: a chamou de Aether por ser leve como o ar, em especial quando manuseada com o auxílio de sua herança divina. A palavra tem certo simbolismo para ele, que tem a própria habilidade da manipulação do ar como fraca se comparada aos poderes do pai: com aquela decisão, foi como se escolhesse por fim usar o dom que dominava não como um sinal de suas limitações, mas como medalha de honra.
𝐕𝐈. O design da arma é uma obra de arte por si só, em muito diferente da sua preferência habitual. Apesar da cor escura, a lâmina ornamentada capta a luz com reflexos alaranjados graças aos detalhes em bronze, os padrões esculpidos reproduzindo as curvas e espirais do vento ao se mover. O seu processo criativo foi um só, permeado pela visão quase niilista do Universo que lhe era característica: se ia morrer, queria pelo menos o fazer em estilo.
𝐕𝐈𝐈. Sua especialidade no combate é a espada, mas a adaga se torna especialmente útil quando lutando com vários inimigos ao mesmo tempo, tornando possível que um golpe bloqueado com a lâmina maior se transforme em um ataque surpresa com a adaga com a mão livre graças ao fato de ser ambidestro.
𝐕𝐈𝐈𝐈. Tem planos claros para como imbuir a lâmina com magia uma vez passado o caos do fechamento da fenda, mas não achou oportuno perturbar os ferreiros ocupados em meio à guerra iminente. Por hora, se dá por satisfeito em ter mais uma maneira de fatiar os monstros em pedaços bem pequenininhos.
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aheckinmess · 3 months
Morosis [Bakugo] (Fluff)
(One-Shot 3/? in a collection of My Hero Academia Reader one-shots posted regularly once a month - sometimes more.)
Read on AO3.
Tags: Katsuki Bakugo x Reader, Katsuki Bakugo, Mina Ashido, Kirishima Eijiro, Toru Hagakure, Ochaco Uraraka, Asui Tsuyu, Momo Yaoyorozu, Class 1-A, Mostly Fluff with a Dash of Angst, Romantic Fluff, Fluff and Humor, Katsuki Bakugo-centric, Katsuki Bakugo Swears a Lot, Pining Katsuki Bakugo, Katsuki Bakugo is a Dork, Reader-Insert, Reader Has a Quirk, Reader Goes to the Mall, With All of Class 1-A, It's Wholesome and Sweet, and Then There's Bakugo
Word Count: 967 words
Summary: While hanging out with Class 1-A at the mall, you and Bakugo end up standing beside each other, and he has a comment about a manga that you start arguing about with him.
Author's Note: I wrote this because someone on Quotev requested I write Bakugo x Reader, but it was inspired by this post on Tumblr. Hope you enjoy!
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Morosis: (n.) the stupidest of stupidities
When the girls from 1-A invite you to the mall with them, you don’t expect it to turn into such a big affair. Whispered words and presented plans travel around until the entirety of 1-A walks together through the large building.
This arrangement both thrills and bothers you. While it’s true that being with the whole class allows you to send unassuming glances in Bakugo’s direction, it is equally true that Bakugo is, well, an asshole.
But dammit if he isn’t your type.
“(Name), where do you want to go first?” Mina rambles, her head twisting this way and that, eyes glowing as she settles into her element. “Ooo! We should go to Sephora first! They’ve released some new brands that look like they might work with my complexion!” 
“Sure, we can hit up make-up first. I want to check out some video games and the bookstore at some point, though.” You beam.
“Oh, yes! I have a list of books I need to search for.” Momo agrees.
You take note that Ochaco and Tsu linger behind, so you slow your pace so that you’re in the back with them. It’s important to you to keep surveillance on the group as a whole, always keeping a watch out for danger. 
“Were you wanting to look for a specific game, ribbit?” Tsu asks, side-stepping a toddler squealing happily towards a photo booth. 
“I’ve been meaning to look and see if the sequel to Dazzling Designer has come out yet. I’ve got 300 hours logged on the first game, and I wasn’t disappointed when I saw the trailer for the sequel.” 
“My favorite is Amphibious Adventures.”
“That fits.” You laugh, picking up a lip tint tester and swatching the color on the inside of your wrist. You crinkle your nose and then set it aside. 
“I like more casual games, ribbit. They don’t stress me out as much.”
“I can understand that.” You continue searching for a shade to your liking. “Do you like dating simulators, then?”
“Some of them. Others just aren’t made well.” Tsu shrugs.
 You carry on like this for some time, everyone helping each other find what they want or engaging in idle chatter while you ponder where Bakugo might have gone with his posse. He gives me sports store vibes. The image of Bakugo in a plaid shirt and mountain climbing gear suddenly plagues your mind and you smile to yourself.
Well, you thought it was to yourself.
“Ooo, whatcha thinkin’ about?” You jump at the sound of Toru’s voice. “Oops! Sorry, I didn’t mean to sneak up on you.”
“No, you’re fine.” You chuckle, tucking your hair behind your ear as you move on. “Did you find anything you liked, Toru?” 
“Nah. It’s hard to find much since I’m invisible.” As you start walking towards the door to wait on the others to finish up.
“Oh, yeah, that has to be frustrating.” You empathize.
You’re careful to keep control of your wandering thoughts afterwards, feeling successful since you dodged her question. But when you all start walking again, you can’t stop your eyes from searching for the Bakusquad. You think you catch sight of Kirishima’s red hair, but are promptly redirected when Momo gets giddy and guides the lot of you into the bookstore.
 The beautiful sight of colorful spines and the entrancing smell of leather bound pages calls to you like a siren song. Within seconds, everyone loses themselves to the luxury of lexicon around them, going in their own direction.
You head towards the manga first, hoping to find an affordable copy from your favorite series. You get distracted a few times with other titles that you’ve been interested in, but when you make it to your initial goal, Bakugo stands in front of the shelf.
You tense at first, but clear your throat and stand next to him, scouring the shelves for what you want. Even though he doesn’t say a word, you feel the heat of his presence beside you. Damn, if he wasn’t such an asshole, I’d ask him out. Since he’s minding his own business, you mind yours. However, when you reach for the book you want, Bakugo breaks the silence.
“Hmph. You read Music House?” He asks. Do his eyes soften?
“U-Uh, yeah.” You reply, shocked that he’s talking to you. Maybe he’s not as bad as he seems.
“Good manga, but I bet your favorite character is Hikaru, isn’t it?”
I take it all back. You frown at his comment.
“What’s wrong with Hikaru?”
 “Tch. Knew it.” Bakugo smirks, looking over the selection and grabbing a volume that’s several copies ahead of you in the series. “The only chicks that like Hikaru are the ones that don’t know a man when they see one.”
“Oh, yeah? Well who’s your favorite character, huh? I bet it’s Vesper!” 
“Duh, she’s a badass and not a weak extra like Hikaru!”
“But Vesper likes Hikaru…and Hikaru isn’t weak!” You growl out, stepping closer to him with a pointed finger on his chest. “In fact, he reminds me of you!”
“Me? That weak bastard reminds you of me? Are you calling me weak?!” He hisses, getting in your face.
“I told you, Hikaru’s not weak!” You ground out before shoving him one good time. “You’re not weak, Bakugo, you’re just oblivious. You wanna kiss me so bad, it makes you look stupid!”
  You don’t know why you said it, but when his hand grips your jaw and rough lips assault yours, you’re not complaining. Your eyes flutter and when you sway a bit when he pulls away, dazed as you look at him.
“Now who looks stupid?” He says with a cheeky grin and flushed cheeks.
And he leaves you dumbfounded in the aisle.
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songtocomus · 2 years
liveblogging being at the airport for our class trip to spain. quality content. development one my friend is being searched for having. yoghurt. theyre calling mf miguel to deal with the problem 💀💀💀
guys where's miguel we need to incinerate a teenage girl's 25 ml yoghurt drink
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dappledpaintbrush · 6 months
What do you think of the SPM villains as a whole? I'm going to make a wild guess and assume your favourite is Dimentio based off only my obvious mind reading intellect-
Please go into as much detail as your heart desires. I love this game a lot and hearing about it makes me very happy. It's my special interest, and I am deprived of obsessive rants over this game that aren't my own.
I hate dimentio fym. Let’s kill him.
I apologize if I’m misinterpreting and you have already seen the post, but I have answered an ask before that is what you’re looking for- here it is! :3 I went into hefty detail on each member of Team Bleck. Trust me, it’s very long LMAOAO
HOWEVER… if you are not talking about just Team Bleck and are referring to the other villains as well- then…
Fracktail has always. Stuck with me. First of all, his theme goes HARD????? Good lord, go ACTUALLY listen to it if you haven’t. It’s the equivalent of this
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Anyways, Fracktail has always made me feel sad. And when I was younger, he scared me. It scared me that he died for something that wasn’t even his fault. Like dude usually when characters get brainwashed and they eventually regain control, they get a happy ending and stuff. Fracktail BLEW UP??? I personally just can’t stand it when characters reap something they never sowed- and this applies to characters as minuscule as Fracktail.
Now. Wracktail. He is. Interesting.
Both Fracktail and Wracktail are incredible examples of how INSANELY POWERFUL Ancient magic is, but Wracktail is a bit different. Wracktail refers to himself as a god multiple times. Is this actually true, or is he “making it up” or exaggerating? Were the Ancients capable of CREATING DEITIES? Were Grambi and Jaydes former Ancients who turned themselves into gods? Are the Pixls classified as gods? After all, both the Pixls and Wracktail are immortal unless harmed, and they were both created by the ancients. But if you can die from an injury, are you really a god? Or, like I stated before, is Wracktail not actually a god?Something else interesting is that Wracktail seems to be aware of Shadoo’s existence. HOW? Does Wracktail posses some kind of omnipotence? Did Shadoo reveal herself to Wracktail out of pity because they were both created and ruined by the Ancients? HOW. WHAT. WHY. Ugh I could go on FOREVER. It’s not that deep, sure, but it’s fun to ponder.
Bonechill. Was. Wasted.
One of the MOST intriguing parts about Super Paper Mario is- and I’ve talked about this a lot- the extremely bold references to Christianity. Bonechill is a carbon fucking copy of Satan, and he was BOOOOOOOORRRINGG
But on a funnier note this part in KoopaKungFu’s let’s play always made me laugh as a kid
But What do you mean Bonechill was just. Standing there. I know nobody commented on it because this is a video game (it’s funny regardless LMAO). BUT WERE GRAMBI AND BONECHILL TALKING (I say talking, but this doesn’t mean they were calm about it) ABOUT THEIR PAST? OR DID THEY FIGHT BECAUSE GRAMBI IS INJURED. DID THEY DO BOTH? WHY. WAS . THE FACT. BONECHILL. KNOWS. ABOUT. LUVBI. AND. THAT. HE. WAS. A . FALLEN. ANGEL. NEVER. TALKED. ABOUT. MY BLOOD. PRESSURE. IS. RISING.
Blumiere’s Father:
I wish I could say a lot more about him, but surprisingly I’ve never gotten around to making headcanons for him/Blumiere. It’s crazy because you know that in his head he believes he is doing the right thing for his son and for the Tribe of Darkness as a whole. What kind of indoctrination did he have to go through to believe that KILLING somebody simply because she and his son loved one another was a rational and reasonable course of action. God I wish we knew at least a LITTLE more about him- but the minuscule amount of scenes he has makes his impact on the story that much more harrowing.
King Croacus:
I fw King Croacus heavy. My favorite drag queen of all time. God he’s so cool.
As somebody who is lore obsessed, I ADORE the fact we got so many details on the rulers of the Floro Sapiens. It’s something the developers did not have to do yet they did it anyways. Every time I walk through that hall in the game I read every single plaque.
It’s also? Really disturbing how we KILLED this guy? I know he comes back post-game but like regardless we did kill a guy who’s mind was deteriorating because of polluted water. Like that shit wasn’t his fault. He died for the faults of the Cragnons, who basically got off scot-free (unless you killed some of the brainwashed individuals). It’s an interesting metaphor for a variety of things that occur in reality.
Also, his theme is REALLY underrated. I know it’s simple, but I love it so much. King Croacus fans ASSEMBLE!
When you���re trying to save all worlds but this fuckass Redditor downvotes you
Francis was one of the most genius parts of this game. Holy shit. I don’t even know what to say. He was so ahead of his time it’s actually scary. That whole chapter is one of the funnest parts of the game. All the niche references, the poking fun at Francis-like people, god it’s PEAK.
Something that’s interesting is that his Castle is implied to be where the Tribe of Darkness lived. Which is fucking hilarious. I personally prefer the idea that Castle Bleck was the old TOD home but that’s literally wrong. Carson said the TOD lives in a castle in the woods. Where do we see a castle in the woods. Uh huh. (I can get even more insane- the podium where Tippi’s cage was held. The podium that for some reason has a mechanism to hide it deep in the ground. Hmmm. A book can fit there. Can’t it. HMMMM) (I’m scraping the bottom of the barrel man somebody save me).
Also. Wokackness aside. Francis is terrifyingly smart. He created a PIXL. That’s something that I feel like is incredibly overlooked. How did he do that. How. ? HUH. ????????
Pixl Queen/Shadoo:
well you see uh
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(no but seriously. I don’t even know where to begin. She’s one of my favorite characters in the game and we never ever get to see her. She’s heartbreaking. She’s devastating. She’s terrifying. She has nobody looking out for her. She is alone. But she fights so hard to be seen. She starts a war. She tries to kill every walking Ancient and the heroes of the Light Prognosticus. She screams and she cries and she begs and she pleas but nobody can hear her nor is listening. She is punished for being loved. She is punished for her wrath. She is still here in the form of shadows in the cracks on the Trial walls but is that even her anymore? She did not deserve to die so young, but that death was infinitely more merciful than all that occurred after. She was born to die. It’s why she is still alive.)
Big Blooper:
blooooop lmao
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Since I'm slowly making some Special Forces OCs, I realized making one is probably kind of daunting for most people due to all the Military stuff so here's a very loose collection of thoughts on the structure of the Special Forces.
Cause after all, what's a Black Dragon without an Special Forces Agent to hunt them down?
So to start, if you know anything about the military, the Special Forces is weird. A US Military task force started to fight international crime gangs? That's more the wheelhouse of other agencies like the CIA and INTERPOL I feel, but I digress because I'm here to make some sense of the Earthrealm Special Forces (ESF) since I think that's the era most people would be interesting in making an OC for the organization and I hope what I write here will give some of you enough insight to feel confident developing one or two.
First we'll cover some boring shit that won't really affect the day to day of your average ESF troop. Normally, federal troops are incredibly restricted on what the can and can't do to enforce domestic policies on US soil per The Posse Comitatus Act. However, given it's focus is responding to otherworldly threats to the US and the world at large, there is likely legislation that has been passed and carve outs made for Special Forces to operate in this capacity and still be part of the Department of Defense. There is likely a congressional panel that provides civilian oversight to ESF, hence all of Sonya Blade's references to a particular congressman during MKX. He's likely in charge of that oversight committee which can do things like hold hearings about what ESF has been up to to ensure they are operating within the bounds of their assigned responsibilities and not wasting taxpayer money.
Now onto the stuff you'll really want to know for your potential troop. Starting with some general military structure knowledge. The most important thing you need to know is there are two main groups in the military. Your Officers and your Enlisted. Officers are your captains, Lts, Colonels. They're the managers of the forces. Every group and subgroup within the military will generally have an Officer in charge of it to manage it. Sometimes they're assigned to do actual tasks, but generally they're in charge of the far more numerous Enlisted doing the tasks. Enlisted are the real work force of the military. These are the guys getting called Private, Arimen, Seamen, Sergeant, Petty Officer, ect. They're going to be the guys making up those mobs we seen getting thrown at Outworld's threats. The ones guarding the portal at the refugee site in MKX. For a more in depth break down of that, just search the US Military Rank Structure and you'll get plenty of images breaking down the E and O ranks across the forces.
ESF is most certainly a Special Joint Operation with the US Army making up a good amount of the group given how many grunts we see get mowed down in MK11's opening. This likely means, outside of special cases I'll ponder later, that you do not directly join the ESF. Instead you would join one of the basic military branches (Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, and now our new Space Force) or even other agencies like the FBI and CIA and later be selected or be given the opportunity to volunteer for this special mission. Because of this, there are likely very very few junior ranking enlisted in the ESF. Most everyone is likely a Sergeant or Petty Officer for the Enlisted side, and at least a Captain on the Officer side.
The ESF is also certainly an international effort. It's not unusual for certain units and missions to have troops from our allied forces assigned to them. So there's probably a good handful of members from other countries, likely mainly from the Five Eyes partnership of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK, and the US. That said, this is a fantasy land with alternate history so your agent could be from anywhere! Germany, India, whatever you like.
Finally, onto some funky exceptions I imagine exist for the ESF. At this point, I bet you're asking where someone like Johnny Cage falls in all this. On one hand, he could be a Civilian General Schedule. Which is just the term used for Civilians employed by a federal agency like the Department of Defense. Usually referred to as GS on a grade scale similar to how Enlisted and Officers are. He could also be specially contracted to work on behalf of the ESF, but not be directly employed by the Department of Defense. There's a lot of nitty gritty differences here, but what I imagine is most important to you theoretical OC maker, is that a Civilian employee will answer to someone on the Military side. A Contractor would view the ESF more as a customer they are providing a service for.
Finally, I know I said earlier you likely aren't able to directly join the ESF? Well given that they're a suped up kind of X-Files agency, I would bet good money there is a department dedicated to identifying special individuals like meta humans and recruiting them into the ESF. Possibly into small highly specialized units. There's bound to be all sorts of people scattered on Earthrealm with other worldly powers like Johnny Cage and Kenshi have, or perhaps just have a particular skill set or knowledge the ESF may need. Keeping a keen eye on anyone who might already be recruited into the military, but also identifying anyone who could be either useful to the ESF or a threat to Earthrealm if left unchecked. Think like how the X-Men are recruited into Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters.
That's all I've got for now. Sorry if anything in here doesn't make much sense, but like I said. Late night and loosely organized. I'm more than happy to talk about any of this in more detail if someone has questions.
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protectoroffaeries · 1 month
thinking more about my reply to this post (in the tags) & coming to the conclusion that a lot of pro-jedi & anti-jedi discourse that i've seen on tumblr seems to come from this idea that the jedi being well-meaning & theoretically correct AND their delivery being so botched that it is harmful & practically wrong for anakin skywalker are mutually exclusive rather than a critical aspect of the prequel's story.
& while i was thinking about this, i was pondering a real-world example to help demonstrate that these things are not only both present in the prequels but integral to the story it tells. so uh. tw for discussions of self-harm & obligatory i am not a mental health professional disclaimer - but i am someone who has self-harmed & who loves many people who self-harm.
most people are familiar with the trope of someone - usually a loved one - seeing someone else's self-harm scars & saying "oh please stop doing that, stop for me if you can't stop for yourself" & i can confirm that people do say things like this in real life, which is understandable - it's shocking, worrisome, hard to comprehend if you've not done it yourself. & i think we can agree that this sentiment is 1) theoretically correct, in the sense that self-harm is dangerous & can kill you pretty easily, and that, because of the danger it posses both physically & mentally, it should be stopped as soon as possible (likewise, anakin's lack of emotional control & especially his deep fear of his loved ones dying is pretty obviously harmful to himself & his relationships with them, so it makes sense that he should be encouraged to find a healthy way to cope) & 2) that this sentiment is well-meaning - this person doesn't want you to hurt or to be in danger (& i come down on the side that the jedi council at large does genuinely want what's best for anakin - i doubt they would tolerate his outbursts if they didn't).
however, it's also at best an unhelpful thing to say & at worst a motivator for the person to hurt themselves further. 1) it fails to acknowledge that people generally have a reason as to why the self-harm - for me, it provides relief from overwhelming stress & it allows me a semblance of control. i wouldn't rid myself of that much-needed outlet without an alternative for anyone, not even the people who love & care about me the most. (likewise anakin skywalker is not going develop any sort of emotional control or peace without some sort of real world assurance that his fears are both valid AND managable) which brings me to 2) it doesn't provide any tangible alternative or differing course of action. (i find the directive that anakin simply give his emotional overflow to the force similarly wanting - he finds his own passions to be his primary drive & telling them to give them up without a suitable replacement is gonna be nigh impossible). 3) this approach centers the feelings & perspective of the person speaking, not of the person who is self-harming. it reenforces the idea in #1 that not only do they not understand, but they don't care to. (likewise the jedi council by & large does not understand anakin's perspective nor do they care to, they just want him to adapt to what they think the best course is bc his emotions make them uncomfortable/don't align with their teachings. to extend the self-harm comparison, think about how many christian clergy react to confessions of self-harm from their congregants).
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pthalomars · 3 months
Was thinking about how John Cheese describes his and David's experience with the Soy Sauce and how they process it differently.
In TBiFoS, it says, "Dave once described taking a hit of Soy Sauce as like digging up one of those thick fiber-optic lines that feeds an entire city's Internet connection and plugging it into your brain. All those streams of data crashing into your neurons at once, so hard and fast that you simultaneously know everything and nothing at all. John always thought his own description was clearer: it's like an Insane Clown Posse concert where all fifty thousand members of the audience are given their own microphone and sound system, and they all start simultaneously improvising bad freestyle rap verses."
And this led me to ponder what Amy's experience would be, if she were to take the Sauce.
Given her love for the Lord of the Rings, I think it would be fun to see her treat the Sauce the way LotR characters treat the Ring. That sort of undeniable thrall, that power high, the primal need to keep it within arms reach.
I'm wanting to work this into a fic that I'm planning, because oh my god I want Amy to take the Sauce so so so so bad. I think it would be amazing. She has so much potential.
I want the Sauce to choose her.
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autisticsupervillain · 2 months
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to Stats Equalized!
This Month's Fighters...
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Davepetasprite^2 vs Stevonnie!
No other restrictions.
Steven and Connie are going on a date fused together as Stevonnie on the beach when Davepeta crashes down to Earth right in front of them. Stevonnie asks if they've alright as they pull them from the crater, but Davepeta brushes it off, casually explaining that they've been at war with the New Galactic Republic ever since some guy named Horn beat up Sollux and now some Skywalker guy blasted them across time and space. This does not make Stevonnie any less concerned, especially as they don't know what any of that means beyond "war" and "blasted across time and space" but the topic gets side tracked when Davepeta points out that their gemstone belly button looks a lot like "that Universe guy" and asks if they've landed in Gem Territory. Stevonnie explains that they kind of are Steven and the two get into comparing and contrasting how Gems snd Sprites fuse. Davepeta ponders out loud which kind of fusion is stronger and challenges Stevonnie to a sparring match.
"Um, didn't you just say you're in a war?"
"B33 < nah, it's chill. the war's nothing purrsonal, i'm sure skyguy will understand if i hold off on kicking his ass fur a bit."
"Every word out of your mouth makes me more concerned...."
Analysis: Davepetasprite^2
Sprites. The mysterious, aloof guides of the Gods. When mortal beings play the video game SBURB to become the gods of a New Universe, the Sprites are assigned as their guides. In order for a session to be successful, Sprites most be fused with physical objects, be that an inanimate toy, a dead creature, or even a living person so that they might have the sentience to guide their assigned Player through their quest.
Davesprite was one such Sprite. Hailing from a doomed timeline where his best friend John died horribly, Davesprite traveled back to prevent this future, becoming his past self's Sprite in the new timeline.
While this did successfully prevent the death of his friend, Davesprite didn't anticipate how this would effect himself. The versions of his friends in this new timeline weren't the same people he knew in his timeline. John was back, but it wasn't his John. His friends didn't even consider him to be the "real Dave" anymore. They had a Dave. And it wasn't him. The timeline didn't need two Daves anymore. He was just leftovers.
He was just a Sprite. A figment of a dead timeline. What use would he be when the story was over?
Dave would unwittingly get his answer after inadvertently fusing with Nepetasprite. The two were merged and reborn again as something new. Part troll, part human, part crow. Reformed not as a leftover Dave or forgotten Nepeta, but as something entirely themselves.
It helps that they're indisputably the most powerful Sprite in Paradox Space. That's a nice boon.
As a fully Prototyped Sprite, Davepetasprite^2 should have all of the boons inherent to their biology. Sprites can become intangible at will, create light constructs like a green lantern ring, fly, and posses a natural nigh-omniscient understanding of SBURB and its function in the greater multiverse... at least, in so far as it would help their assigned Player. Furthermore, as a fully realized Sprite, Davepeta has very little worry of accidentally fusing with something or someone just by touching them for too long.
It helps that their components are absolute juggernauts in their own right. Any version of Dave or Nepeta could be counted among the most skilled fighters Paradox Space has to offer and Davepetasprite^2 has the combined experiences of both of them. Nepeta was a proud hunter who happily battled the beasts of hellplanet Alternia while Davesprite could go toe to toe against 3x Prototyped Jack Noir, who could slaughter entire armies single handed. Both of these fighters could demolish the armies of Derse, but combined together, they gave even Lord English, the destoyer of all Paradox Space, a good fight.
In many ways, Davepetasprite^2 is the ultimate payoff that both Nepeta and Davesprite could ask for. Two characters made irrelevant, tragically left behind by their closest friends after fulfilling their one purpose, reborn again as something new. Something themselves.
Claw claw, meowtherfuckers.
Analysis: Stevonnie
Fusion. The ultimate form of bond between Gems. The physical embodiment of a relationship between two people, coming together to create something entirely new. Literally.
With Gems, this merging is possible only because their bodies are physically made of hard light. As such, a fusion between and human and a gem is impossible. Or was, until Steven Universe came along. As a half gem, half human, Steven was able to create the first gem human fusion in history. A living statement of his close bond between him and his girlfriend Connie. Something entirely new. Stevonnie.
Naturally, Stevonnie has all of Steven's Gem powers combined with Connie's keen tactical mind, creating a skilled and versatile warrior. A hero that the Crystal Gems could be proud of. They wield Steven's nigh indestructible pink shields, which they can materialize at any time, either portably or around their entire body. They've also been known to wield Rose's Sword, an absolute giant of a sword that was specifically designed to cut through Gems with ease.
On top their weapons, Stevonnie has access to all of Steven's powers, including his limited flight, regeneration, mental projection, healing spit, and even life creation. The end result is a devastatingly versatile foe, likely the most powerful and versatile across the entire universe, as Stevonnie's three-fourths human physiology makes them immune to most gem neutralizing weapons.
Both Steven and Connie have been trained by the Cystal Gems, the thousand year old protectors of Earth, and both have fought against the toughest warriors the galaxy has to offer. As Stevonnie, they were able to defeat Jasper, a perfect quartz gem super soldier, while both of their components have teamed up to save the entire planet from the Homeworld Empire on several occasions.
All together, Stevonnie is the best attributes of both their components, making them arguably the greatest hero in the universe. The perfectly embody the compassion, trust, and hope that their relationship is built on. The perfect representation of both Steven and Connie.
Throwdown Breakdown:
This fight is an interesting one. Both characters share quite a few strengths and weaknesses. While both fusions can be undercut and even destroyed if their components aren't seeing eye to eye, the situation here is pretty unlikely to create that internal conflict and neither one of these fighters would willingly press each other's trauma buttons even if they had the means to.
Both should be pretty even in terms of skill. Both fusions are made up of some of the best fighters their universes can offer, to the point where some of their best feats were considered completely impossible. Connie can fight as an equal with and against centuries old Gem warriors, all while swinging around a sword roughly as big as she is, cutting through cars in a single swing. On the other hand, Nepeta is such a skilled fighter and proud hunter that she's completely unaffected by the hellish nightmares that plague troll kind, as for her, it's just reliving proud memories of the hunt. And so on.
On the one hand, I do think Stevonnie is going to be better coordinated tactically. Steven and Connie have been close friends since childhood, going on constant death defying adventures together while Dave and Nepeta are relative strangers brought together by happenstance. However, I would say Davepeta's skill feats as a whole edge out Stevonnie's. Both characters have fought against ancient empire built on Eons of conquest, but whereas the Homeworld Empire has always been a massive threat, Nepeta and her friends curbstomped roughly 90% of Derse with disappointing ease, minus some roadblocks here or there. So really, it all kinda cancels out skill wise, with one team being better together innately while the other is more skilled in general.
Ultimately, this is decided by powers and abilities. In which case, I'd say Davepeta's arsenal counters Stevonnie's.
Intangibility is a perfect counter against Stevonnie's shields, Davepeta has slightly better flight due to it not being just a form of self gravity manipulation like what Steven does, and Nepeta has innate mental resistances the nullify Steven's telepathic powers.
Remember those dreams I mentioned earlier? It's been very heavily implied that these nightmares are either caused by the horrorterrors, or by the purple bloods keepinh Alternia in line. Either way, that's a massive scale of mind control that Nepeta is simply unaffected by, meaning she should be able to just push Steven out of Davepeta's mind if he tries anything.
While this would by no means be an easy fight, especially with Stevonnie's fast acting regeneration, Davepeta's intagibility is a counter that Stevonnie simply has no real answer too. It would be a hard fought fight... but the Sprite beats the Gem this time.
This Month's Winner is...
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#Genre: Fluff, angst
#Includes: Whoever you wish, no character descriptors.
#Description: Period piece. King ML x Maid FL.
#WC: 2.1k
♛ Part 1 ♛ Part 2 ♛ Part 3 ♛ Part 4 (Final)
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The following morning was hectic to say the least, your mind preoccupied with the events of last night and the Kings life altering words swam around your mind like the earth orbiting the sun, yet you hope to find an answer to the Kings question faster than it takes the earth to orbit said sun. You were in two minds, while nothing was keeping you tied to your Kingdom, leaving was easier said than done and you were unsure of what was detaining you here – was it the safety or the fear of the past repeating itself? You strongly believe King Isenad would not be a repeat of your king despite only knowing him for a short time but the way your heart beats for him cannot be overlooked and the feelings you hold for him outweigh the ones you ever held for your Kingdoms King.
However, you knew what would become of you if you did leave and you were unsure if you would ever be ready for that drastic of a responsibility. ‘Be mine’ he had said, and you knew what that entailed – you would become Isenads Queen, and this was and is something you are wholly unprepared for and the fear itself begs you to say no to the King. You were not born for this life like Queen Nearan was and you know you would not fall into that role as gracefully as she had once done. But alas you are selfish, you long for King Isenads heart, dreaming to possess it fully as he posses yours and you wonder if that love is enough to uproot your peaceful life to start a new one, one where you would hold imaginable power. Only time will tell.
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King Isenad had not felt this at peace in a long time, the usual furrow in his eyebrows is smoothed out and his lips that used to be pressed in a fine line are now relaxed. Instead, they twitch up at the memory of last night, your bare form lying against his as your breathing syncs up to his is something he could very much get used to and he hopes by the end of today It will become a regular occurrence – but that is only if you agree to leave with him and for the first time in a while he prays to whatever gods are above that you deem him worthy enough to follow.
However, at this moment he stands in front of the Kings large oak doors that lead him to his office and he prepares himself for the inevitable fight that is sure to ensure once the words in his mind come forth. With a steady breath he raps his knuckles against the door and a voice from the other side welcomes him inside. “To what do I owe the pleasure, King Isenad? Have you changed your mind about your current stance on our alliance?” the smug smile on the Kings face as he questions King Isenad has him wanting to wipe it from his face and he is sure his next words will succeed in that, “I am preparing to leave your Kingdom your highness and it will not be with an alliance” the smirk drops from the Kings face as he studies Isenads expression but not one thing gives away the meaning of his words.
“You will have to forgive me because I do not understand the implications of your words” only then does he let a smile flit against his lips “I have happened to take a liking to the maid you assigned to me, I believe she will be coming with me”, the shock of his words has the King stilling in his chair before he bellows out an unconvinced laugh “you are a lot of things King Isenad but I did not take you for a jester” he says while wiping away imaginary tears. “That is because I am not jesting” all humour is stripped from the Kings face as he takes in the other Kings serious expression and dread weighs heavily on his chest “And what do you plan to do with her if she agrees to leave with you?”, the king ponders on this for a beat before firmly replying “I plan to make her my Queen” and there is no doubt in his tone.
It dawns on the King that you leaving is very much a possible outcome now and the tightness in his chest does not relent. While he may not have been with you, had you in his arms in the late of the night like he once used to, just being able to see you around the castle was satisfactory enough, it satiated the desire to be with you but with the prospect of you leaving, the hollowness that was once filled with your mere presence opens up and leaves a gaping hole in its wake. Grasping onto anything that could deter King Isenad from taking you, he snarls his response “Do you think your kingdom will accept her?”. The King cannot stop the cruel twist in his face as he hears those words, affronted from the accusation “My kingdom and my people will accept whatever I want them to, especially her” he spits. The King bristles at the double meaning behind Isenads words, now knowing without a doubt that he is aware of your previous relationship and the unpleasant way it had ended – the reason it had ended.
He could or rather would not have made you his bride, the fear of his people turning on him and the backlash he would have received not only from his family but from other Kingdoms. They would have seen him as weak, resulting in his current and potential alliances crumbling. He despises the fact that King Isenad does not require alliances to stay the strongest, court whispers have no affect on him and his ability to marry you without large consequences is yet another stab in his heart. King Isenad takes his silence as his answer “just because you were a coward and could not does not mean I will follow your same mistakes; you had your chance” and he has no rebuttal because he knows it is the truth yet he would rather take a sword to the heart than admit it.
“You do not love her” it is the last card he could pull and unfortunately it does not work in his favour, King Isenad stands taut with fists clenched at his side, the picture of your horrified face if you saw what he wanted to do to the King in front of him was his only life line that held him back and in a dangerously calm voice he spoke, “Do not try to tell me how I feel your highness because it will not end well. I suggest you pay more attention to your Queen and mind your tongue when it comes to mine”
°• ♔ •° 
You pace the gardens, searching for answers you do not have yet, but the orchids, pond and weeping willow trees also do not hold the answers you seek – only you do. You decide to take a break from your hurried strides on one of the benches, hoping that the clear sky can offer some insight into your decision but all it offers you is a pigeon that takes a break on a branch before soring off into the sky once again. Maybe that is your answer, you are but a bird that does not require being confined to one place your whole life, you deserve to stretch your wings and fly to wherever your heart desires instead of worrying about if your absence will have any affect. Before you can ponder on this for any longer a voice calls out behind you and your heart stills “Will you go with him?” you cannot see his face yet, but you can imagine his expression just from his tone and you hesitate to answer “I…I have not decided yet”.
You were unaware of the fact that King Isenad was going to make the King aware of his offer and you shudder to imagine the dispute that must have occurred considering that not only was he possibly leaving with the Kings staff but also without an alliance indefinitely. “Do you have no loyalty to your kingdom?” and only then does your head snap back to look at him, reeling at the audacity of his words “loyalty” you scoffed “you dare question me about loyalty”. He clenched his jaw, knowing he was in no place to question you on that, but he could not shake off the unsettled feeling that was consuming him “I am worried”, a mirthless smile settled on your face “that is no longer any of your concern your highness, it has not been for a while” and with that you stood from the bench and with a bow made your way inside in search of a certain King, ignoring the shouts of your name that came from behind you.
You hesitate at the threshold of the Kings chamber, building up the courage to knock but before you can the door swings open and startled you jump back. The King looks at you with pleasant confusion “I apologise for startling you my lady, I was just on my way to see you”, “then I guess I saved your highness some time” you smiled which was met with his own. “Would you like to come in?” he asked after a pause, not wanting to cross your boundaries despite you laying in his bed bare the previous night “that would be most appreciated”, you wanted to have this conversation away from prying ears and eyes. The king sat on a chair beside his bed as his eyes tracked your every move and he patiently waited for you to gather your thoughts before you spoke, “I have been thinking about your proposal… and I have come to a decision” you rush out. Despite your quick tone he did not miss a single syllable and suddenly sat straighter, heart thumping and hands trembling in wait of your answer “and what would that be?” his calm tone gave way to a slight tremble, and you quickly put him out of his misery “I would like to come with you”.
Eyes alight, he jumped out of his chair and before he reached you asked “truly?” with a hint of disbelieve, with a brief chuckle you excitedly nod your head while making your way to him, throwing your arms around his neck as you bury yourself into his shoulder and let his scent overtake you. He wasted no time in wrapping his own arms around your waist as he lifts you off the ground and spins you, revelling in the laugh that shakes his whole being, “I had hoped…dreamed of your answer but never let myself believe it, too afraid of the disappointment that would consume me if you were to answer no” he admits.
“You will never have to imagine the disappointment as my answer is yes and will always be yes to you my King” your comforting voice washes over him and it sounds so much like home, “I have so much I want to show you, places I want to take you to and memories to create with you my love”, “and I will impatiently wait for those days” you whisper before drawing your lips to his and he matches your passion with his own, letting his tongue invade your mouth and letting out a content sigh at the contact before he reluctantly draws back with a final peck “we have much packing to do”.
Three Years Later
Strong arms wrap themselves around your waist as you gaze into the gardens below your balcony, “the orchids are starting to bloom” “that they are” he whispers against your neck. “But what has my Queen distracted this fine morning?” he questions. His hands make their way to your stomach before he drops to his knees in front of you and places a slow peck to your protruding tummy “I am guessing it is this little scoundrel” he looks up at you, gaze full of adoration and warmth. “He has been kicking a lot more these past few days”, “mmh, he’s going to be a fighter” he states proudly, and you stifle a laugh while responding “like his father then” “and mother” he adds while smiling up at you. You stroke his cheek with gentle fingers, drawing him up to his full height where you place your lips against his, and you think every touch of his lips against yours feels the first.
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Note: it’s finally complete !!! I loved writing this series and hope you guys enjoyed their journey and well deserved ending 🤍
🏷️:@adreamofleftoveromens @tirzamisu @bogbiddiesworld @pshwaa  @crystal-lilac @princessatoru @milk-and-cherryjuice @itsmeteiiteii @the-massive-simp @momoewn @euryale16 @mitzwinchester @0ni0m @1-800-mocha @a-book-lover-things @wolffmaiden @warrior-of-justice @atlaincorrect @dee-zbignuts ༺♡༻
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