#positively giddy with delight
soliusss · 2 years
Ooooomg local theater is putting on a production of the government inspector this weekend and I am going to see it this is so exciting
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satinroses · 2 months
How Yan! Adepti react to feeling jealous (separate)
A/N: I FINALLY finished all the 10+ story quests I had lined up that I was procrastinating doing. It was gruelling. I've never pressed space bar so much in my life. By the end I couldn't feel my ass as I'd been sitting on it for too long BUT on the positive, doing Xianyun's story quest made me nostalgic for Liyue and got me motivated to write a little bit! I may do a harbinger one if I feel a bit silly, I'm not sure yet but please let me know if that's something you might be interested in! <3
(also i’d usually give this a little final read through but i am so exhausted so i just wanna get it posted so please forgive any silly mistakes or inconsistencies)
Word Count: 7.0k words
Includes Zhongli, Xiao, Xianyun, Ganyu
Warnings: Yandere Behaviours, if you are uncomfortable with dark themes please don't read! obsessive/possessive behaviours, younger Zhongli has serious issues - honestly all of them do, threats, violence, murder, manipulation, stalking, implied somno (depends how you read it) in Xiao's excerpt, some truly earth shattering delusions
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Renowned throughout Liyue Harbour for her mild manner and keen work ethic, the overworked secretary of Liyue Qixing was always a welcome sight around the harbour. It had taken Ganyu months to push past her bashfulness alongside countless encouragements from her colleagues and friends to confess her feelings to you.
It had only been once Captain Beidou had drunkenly declared that she would tell you herself if Ganyu didn’t muster up the courage that the Qilin had decided to tell you. Her cheeks flushed pink as she stuttered out her confession to you in the evening lantern light of Liyue Harbour.
Much to her delight you did not coldly reject the woman, instead you pressed a soft kiss to the corner of her lips before muttering that you felt the exact same way.
In her thousands of years of life Ganyu cannot recall a time she's known more peace than the time she has since shared with you. Your mere presence coaxes the insomniac into a gentle slumber. Every day she gets to spend by your side is a day in which the woman is glowing with giddiness, so much so that even the conqueror of demons had noted the positive change to Ganyu’s disposition.
Ganyu had always adored her position as secretary even if it had caused her immeasurable stress, she had always strove to serve Liyue in whatever way she could and never resented her position in spite of the responsibility it entailed however now that Ganyu had something to treasure, someone she wished to hold close she couldn’t help the annoyance that crept over her when she was asked to work overtime for the 5th time this week.
The Adeptus wanted nothing more desperately than to return to your shared home (she had insisted you move in with her as soon as possible and you simply couldn’t say no to her large violet eyes as they glimmered with unshed tears at the thought of you rejecting her offer) and monopolise you for the evening, ushering you into bed and holding you as tightly as the poor qilin could, whispering sweet nothings into your skin.
Ganyu prided herself on her maturity but even she couldn’t prevent glowering when she was denied yet another precious night in your company after Baiwen begged Ganyu to stay and help fill in some paperwork. 
She had dedicated herself to ensuring the smooth running of Liyue harbour yet even she could not fend off the envy that shadowed her as the thought of you running around the harbour without her. Every single person that was allowed to gaze upon your face while Ganyu was away from your side were rapidly earning spots on the Qilin’s list of enemies (a list she had only created 20 seconds prior)
Due to Ganyu’s soft and sensitive demeanour it’s easy to forget the sway she holds over Liyue. Several of the Qixing owing her favours after her years of servitude, she is in possession of countless embarrassing secrets she has gained access to due to her position. She holds the ears of the wealthiest people in teyvat as well as having fought ferociously in the archon war in bygone millenia.
Ganyu helped construct the very nation of Liyue into what it has become, moulding it with her very hands into the prosperous land it is. The people of Liyue have seemingly forgotten that Ganyu’s servitude is entirely her own choice. She does not serve the Qixing because she sees them as above her, she serves the Qixing because she wishes to, because she understands Liyue would collapse without her guiding hand.
Perhaps people will remember that when a man who makes a flirty remark to you will have a letter left on his doorstep detailing a solemn secret he long thought buried.
Perhaps people will remember that when the girl who blushed when your hands brushed as you both reached for the same bag of wheat is arrested for fraud despite her desperate claims to the contrary.
Perhaps people will remember that when the vendor who overcharged you goes bankrupt the following morning.
Perhaps people will remember that when the treasure hoarder who accosted you for your mora is found weeks later deep in a cave in Minlin, impaled with countless frosty arrows.
Rest assured, if people forget just how fierce Ganyu can be then she is more than happy to remind them.
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Xianyun often considers herself above such petty emotions as jealousy and possessiveness. 
She loudly declares herself one of the most measured of the Adepti, harbouring centuries of combat prowess and mechanical genius, raising two independent and fierce young woman on Mount Aocang, remaining a fierce and honourable servant to Morax and enduring the insults that flying rat that accompanied the traveler spewed at her, intentionally and not. Xianyun regarded herself as a dignified and patient woman.
After centuries of not being proven to the contrary, to the mighty Cloud Retainer there is no issue that cannot be overcome with the technical brilliance she has acquired or the thrumming power of the illuminated blood in her veins or so she had believed until recently.
Despite the mystery and majesty the Adepti commonly shrouded themselves in as they dwelled in their mountainous retreat, Xianyun had always been vigilant in ensuring that she honoured her vow to Rex Lapis and safeguard any of his subjects she comes across.
After doing her divinely ordained duty centuries ago and saving a young man from a rock fall she had since become accustomed to receiving offerings from the man's family and his descendants in the centuries since then. 
As an adepti offerings of thanks and acknowledgments of her mercy were not uncommon, especially to one so revered as cloud retainer. Even so she continued to be surprised that his descendants remained vigilant in offering their sincere gratitude towards her centuries after she saved the man.
If you asked Xianyun herself she would claim she holds none of the descendants in higher regard than the other however if you were in her presence when a certain individual climbs up the path to Mount Aocang you would be able to see in the way her breath hitches and she stops her sentence, her entire being frozen as she watches them set down the home cooked meal and offer a gentle prayer of thanks.
Even in her crane form her eyes never once stray from the visitor. She trails her vision over them, intaking every aspect of their appearance. how their hair falls over their face, how their breath comes out in warm puffs after the exertion of the climb, how they let a satisfied grin fall upon their face as they set the meal down.
Despite her tenacity and confidence Xianyun has still not formally introduced herself to her visitor, instead opting to watch from afar. She goes out of her way to personally ensure that your journey to Liyue harbour is safe and uneventful as she trails after you in her avian form, her eyes on the path ahead of you. She is more than ready to dart down and defeat any hillichurls or geovishaps or clear the rock slide blocking your path before you’re even aware the obstacle is there.
If anyone were to inquire about her vigilance in ensuring your safety she would puff her chest out and remind them of her contract with Rex Lapis and the duty she had to guard Liyue Harbour and all its inhabitants. 
Shenhe and Ganyu have long given up on inquiring about you after a flustered cloud retainer gave them the same monologue about her sworn duty to Morax for the 27th time.
Does she do this with every visitor to her domain? For thousands of years one has been a most faithful servant to Morax, to question one fulfilling their duty is to question ones-
As far as Xianyun is concerned she is simply doing her duty as an adeptus, there is no ulterior motive and she will ensure that she emphasises this to every person who inquires about her interest in you.
She even goes so far as to have Shenhe and Ganyu give her regular updates on your life when you haven’t been out Mount Aocang in a long time (read: over 24 hours)
Upon formally moving to Liyue Harbour, Cloud Retainer assumes the name of Xianyun and decides to use her mortal form to officially introduce herself to you. She will not allow you to know of her true identity as the subject of your reverence until she believes you are both adequately acquainted. One wishes simply to know you she thinks to herself
Again this is merely her curiosity at work she convinces herself. she merely wishes to know you are safe or so she attempts to convince herself, ignoring the tender fluttering in her chest at the thought of seeing you up close. 
No this is simply her duty as an adeptus. She takes her contract seriously, nothing more. 
She doesn’t seem this invested in any of the other citizens? One does not have to justify Oneself to the likes of you.
From the updates she had instructed Shenhe and Ganyu to deliver when she still resided on Mount Aocang she knew you frequented the Yanshang Teahouse. Unsure of when you would decide to visit it again she simply decided the best course of action would be to go to the teahouse every night from midday to closing until her eyes could meet yours.
On the 4th night of waiting to see you again she was growing antsy and entertaining thoughts of banging down every door in Liyue until she found you once again, her eyes darting around the room frantically. Her vision danced from face to face in a frantic tango until it settled on a familiar one.
Her entire being relaxed as she saw you seated at a table, soft hands clasped around a cup of tea taking tentative sips. The warm glow in your eyes made her feel as though she was feeling the warmth of the sun on her skin for the first time yet seeing that tenderness and affection directed at the person seated opposite you made her illuminated blood simmer as violent imaginings filled the adepti’s mind, a thousand different inventions to bring nothing but distress to your counterpart.
Equally Xianyun’s mind raced with a dozen different ways to fix this situation. No one but her deserved to see the soft glow in your eyes. No one but her was worthy of your reverence. To see you sharing the admiration she thought was only reserved solely for her... One would not stand for it.
You do not survive fighting in the front lines of the Archon war and a thousand tribulations afterwards by allowing slights against you to go unanswered. Xianyun was no stranger to seeking out her own justice. 
Such a shame for the person next to you that they are visiting from Fontaine and as such she has no obligation to hold back. Even if they were from Liyue she is not entirely sure even Morax could prevent her from exacting her bloody vengeance.
Although she had originally decided to stay in Liyue harbour permanently she now found herself longing for the recluse of Mount Aocang, her only little world where the only people that mattered were the two of you. That was all she needed. You would soon learn that was all you needed to.
She would pack tonight and leave for Mount Aocang at first light. 
The next time you would set foot on the mountain you would not be leaving again.
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The conqueror of demons
The vigilant Yaksha
The bane of all evil
Throughout his many millennia of life Xiao has been called by countless titles but from you he longed only to hear his name on your lips.
After saving you from a few hillichurls he had anticipated the usual stuttering of gratitude that was so common from mortals, however what he didn’t expect was how his heart tugged at the sight of relieved tears in your eyes. Large wet eyes looking up at him with unabashed admiration.
The adeptus was puzzled by the clear reaction his body had to the tender gaze you bestowed upon him. With flushed cheeks and dilated pupils the vigilant yaksha quickly fled from the scene, not even muttering a word. He spent the night attempting to disregard how the gentle trembling of your lips replayed in his minds eye or how he simply couldn’t rid himself of the thought of how soft and supple your skin had seemed in the cool moonlight of Liyue.
The following day and night the yaksha busied himself with slaying the beasts and scum that loitered within the vicinity of the Wangshu inn. When you disregard the fervent replaying of your interaction yesterday that thrummed through his brain, the day had passed exactly as he had anticipated. 
These were parts of his day that was not foreign to him. They certainly were not comfortable but there was an air of familiarity around these emotions. Perhaps his day would have ended in a similar way had it not been for the sound of hesitant feet making their way onto the top balcony of the inn. 
He peered down from his position on the inn's roof inquisitively. Verr often made a point of ensuring any visitors to the inn avoided the top floor in order to grant the Adeptus much needed solitude. 
Instead it was… you. Again.
In your hands sat a plate of almond tofu, your fingers gripping the porcelain plate almost hard enough to smash it as you called out hesitantly
“Adeptus Xiao?” 
His hairs prickled as he heard you call out his name. Hearing his name on your tongue, echoing your pronunciation of every syllable, rewinding and replaying the noises you made. The hitch of your breath before speaking, the breathiness of your words, the fondness in your tone despite your nervousness.
He wanted desperately to drop down and greet you, to ask you to say his name again. He would beg if he had to yet he couldn’t move
“If you’re here… Miss Verr told me you enjoyed almond tofu so I’ll just leave it here for you. I-” 
You cleared your throat, your voice gaining some timbre as you gained some confidence speaking to what you hoped was the Adeptus that had saved you
“I wanted to thank you for saving me yesterday, without you i wouldn’t be here now”
You placed the plate onto the balcony before giving one last hopeful glance around. No sign of the adeptus. Regardless you whispered a soft hopeful prayer that the adeptus would find the token of gratitude you were leaving him.
As he heard your footsteps retreat down the staircase of the inn he finally allowed himself to breathe again. Leaping down onto the balcony of the inn with feline grace, he picked up the dish you left for him. His mouth pooled with saliva, his appetite was not for the almond tofu before him. As he traced the sides of the plate where your hands had once been, his heart fluttered like a teenage boy with a crush.
Xiao had spent the day thinking of you far more than he would dare verbalise but this new interaction with you had fanned the spark of interest into a blazing obsession. To think that he had been on your mind too, it was overwhelming for the adeptus, he almost didn’t want to believe that one such as himself could be blessed with something so tender to cherish as you.
He took care to watch over you vigilantly, rarely straying from your side. Ensuring your safety and acting as your shadow became his priority, however he still maintained a distance between you both, fearful that perhaps he may frighten you away with the intensity of his desire to guard you his karmic debt might overwhelm him in your presence.
The yaksha’s usual post at Wangshu inn was quickly abandoned in favour of his new perch on your roof. Of course he would never wish to invade your privacy but when you leave your bedroom window open like that… surely you must have some idea that the yaksha has taken an interest in you. Perhaps you know Xiao is there, you’ve seen him in the corner of your eye and this is your way of inviting him inside and you're simply too timid to declare it.
Even if you haven’t seen him and this isn't an invitation, clearly your senses are rather dull and you cannot be trusted to watch over yourself. He has been trailing you for weeks now so if you truly haven't noticed him then that’s all the more proof that he should slip inside your bedroom window… to keep a better eye on you while you remain defenceless as you rest.
Those are the two primary justifications he cycles through as he tentatively slides through your window, his feet silent on your floorboards after thousands of years mastering the art of agility. He wanders around your bedroom, flitting through the little trinkets you had scattered about; pretty seashells, crystals, a vase of silk flowers, your outfit for the following day. 
He huffed out a breath at your mortal amusements, countless little testaments to your interests, a dozen tributes to your fascinations. Despite the superfluous nature of these curios you had scattered about, because they were small remnants of you he simply couldn;t bring himself to feel disdain for them, not when they brought him just a little closer into your world.
After he had thoroughly explored every countertop in your bedroom, his eyes darted to what he had been attempting (and failing) to ignore this entire time. Watching your peaceful slumber brought him more relief than he cared to admit. He perched tentatively on the side of your bed.  Despite his attempts to restrain himself, he simply couldn’t prevent the wandering of his hand across the soft blanket that covered you.
Once he had traced his hand against your form, separated only by the blanket, he let his hand grasp onto a corner of it. Slowly peeling the blanket off of your form like a present that the archons had carefully wrapped just for him, golden eyes darkening as he drank in your body, covered only by sleep wear. 
His deep, trembling intakes of breath stopped only when he saw your brow scrunch as you tossed in discomfort, reaching for the blanket he had since removed. Any moment you would wake up, he was sure of it. With no time to cover you back up with your blanket and even less to put your ornaments and baubles back in their spots he slipped back out of your window silently, returning back into the shadows to observe you faithfully.
The following nights he didn’t dare creep back into your bedroom. You now kept the window shut and curtains drawn. He would be dishonest if he said he wasn’t slightly frustrated by this development but moreover he was glad you didn’t simply ignore such an occasion. After all you didn’t realise it was him in your room, for all you know it could have been some debauched pervert. He would be thankful that you’re so vigilant about your safety if that was the extent of your preventative measures, however it was not.
You now had a friend staying with you. Admittedly you could just be having them stay with you as a deterrent or precaution to any unsavoury folks and yes he likely did give you quite the fright but you have no need for anyone's protection but his. You need only speak his name and the conqueror of demon’s is at your beck and call. He would be your undeterred shield, your unyielding blade to set upon any who would harm you if only you would let him.
Being around you makes Xiao feel tender and breakable for the first time since he signed his contract with Rex Lapis. He should hate how you make him feel but he can’t… he’s not sure he could hate anything pertaining to you. Well perhaps one thing: that friend who seems insistent on escorting you everywhere. Perhaps Xiao wouldn’t mind it so much (he definitely would still mind) if your friend wasn’t so liberal with his gaze, just by analysing the man for a few moments Xiao could tell he had less than noble thoughts about you.
After about a week of being on such high alert your friend convinces you to get out of the harbour, that perhaps some time away would do you some good. Perhaps you could go to Mondstadt for a week or so together. Usually you would be inclined to disagree with his spontaneous ideas but for almost a month Liyue has been smothering you. Initially you attempted to ignore the oppressive gaze you felt upon you, convincing yourself it was a mere delusion, a cruel trick your mind was playing but after last week you were certain there was a real cause for concern behind the gaze that followed you wherever you roamed.
Upon overhearing this conversation Xiao’s blood ran cold. Going to Mondstadt means leaving the area in which he can best protect you. Going to Mondstadt means you’re in far more danger than he could allow, sure he could ask that troublesome bard to keep an eye on you but that simply means opening himself up to questions he’s not even sure he knows the answers to just yet. 
The accursed day finally arrives despite Xiao’s feverish wishes to the contrary. You begin the trek to Mondstadt when the sun is high in the sky, he keeps his eye on you, eagerly awaiting any moment you might need help, any opening for him to sweep in and keep you in Liyue for even a second longer. Perhaps this time he might mutter a word to you, tell you ‘you’re welcome’ when you inevitably drown him in gratitude or extend an offer of an escort all the way to Mondstadt (of course he’ll be escorting you regardless of whether you’re aware of it or not). 
Instead you make it all the way to Wangshu inn without issue, much to the yaksha’s irritation. As the sun began to shrink into the horizon and the stars began to glimmer softly in the gloam coated sky, you beg your friend to stop in the inn for the night, hesitant to continue on with the daylight quickly dwindling however they refuse, insisting that you were practically at Stone Gate already and to keep on going for a little while longer, spewing empty promises of protecting you if anything might attack you. You shifted nervously, your eyes looking askew but you conceded, following dutifully after your companion through Dihua marsh.
As expected you didn’t get far in the dark without bumping into several hillichurls however much to your misfortune it wasn’t just a handful of meagre hillichurls. The mitachurl towered over you, his thick club raised in the air before slamming down next to your head as you rolled to the side. You darted out from under the beast, your eyes searching through the chaos for your friend only to be met with a distressing view. Your supposed friend fleeing the battle, their eyes searching for yours, tinged with pain as they mouthed a quick “I’m sorry” before continuing their desperate flee, leaving you to fend against the hillichurls alone.
Betrayal and dejection flooded you as you watched the person who had promised to protect you both from whatever had been watching you and whatever beasts you may bump into in the darkness. The stinging in your tear ducts and burning in your chest became dampened as you felt a swift tap to the back of your neck as your world faded into darkness. You felt no pain, no more betrayal as you collapsed. 
Xiao had originally intended to take advantage of this situation. To appear by your side when the battle seemed lost, saving you if only to see your eyes light up in recognition of the yaksha before you but when he realised that wretch was fleeing from the battle, surely leaving you for dead he couldn’t stand still for another moment, his fingers curling around the air, instinctually craving the weight of his weapon to rest in his palms. 
Using the end of this spear he hit you with just enough force to send you into the soft slumber of unconsciousness, catching you gently before laying you down on the grass, cradling your head like one would a newborn babe. With you carefully positioned out of his path he donned the mask of exorcism that usually sat at his waist, the karmic debt swirling around him in much higher intensity.
Slaughtering a small camp of hillichurls was a small feat for the conqueror of demons however he would not stop there. Xiao refused to rest until he felt that justice had been served for you, his most beloved.
Xiao scooped up your sleeping body before taking you back to Wangshu inn. When he first took up the mantle of protector of the inn Verr had offered him a room as thanks for his service and until now he had little need for it. He entered the dusty room and lay you down on the bed, brushing hair out of your face. The room was filled with only barebones furniture but perhaps tomorrow he would go to your home and bring you some of your pretty ornaments to make it seem more homely for you.
He allowed himself one small indulgence before he would head back out again to seek retribution for you. He removed the glove on one of his hands and took his bare, trembling fingers he traced across your lips. Memorising every inch and crevice of your soft lips beneath his fingers brought him a sense of unfathomable peace he had not felt since… he couldn’t remember anytime he had felt a sense of calm remotely similar to this.
Despite it paining him to do so the yaksha managed to force himself out of the stupor you had coaxed him into with your gentle breathing and sweet scent. Placing his glove back on and summoning his Jade winged spear the adeptus took off into the night once more.
When he returned to the remnants of the hillichurl camp, it didnt take long for him to find a trail. Following the dragging footsteps in the dust led him directly to your ‘friend’, now curled up at the foot of Wuwang hill, snot coating their face as their sobbed into their hands, wracked with grief and distress at their actions.
Even now the adeptus couldn’t muster even an illusion of sympathy or understanding, seeing them in this state only made his loathing for them grow.
They had truly deluded themself into believing they were a worthy protector for you? They couldn’t even defend themself.
With the hatred clawing up his throat like bile, Xiao couldn’t contain the Karmic debt slithering over him. His grip on his polearm tightened as he raised it above his head.
The fact that they truly believed themself to be a competitor for your affections would have almost been humorous had it not been for their display of cowardice not even an hour prior.
He plunged his weapon into their soft flesh methodically, his grip not faltering for even a moment. If it weren’t for his concern about you rousing afraid and alone, he would have taken his time and drawn their suffering out. He would have shown them that a few measly hillichurls were the least of his issues, instead he gritted his teeth, deciding to place your happiness and safety over his own desperate lust for vengeance.
Xiao quickly turned to abandon the scene. Even staring upon the filth’s body, thinking of the warmth and affection you had shared and how quickly they had forsaken you… No, he couldn’t end it like this. He turned back around to the almost corpse- the last few vestiges of life were flickering. Xiao resolved to make the last few breaths of air your friend would take as painful as possible. Digging his foot into their chest before he raised his polearm once more. Cutting and slicing, skewing and carving until all that remained after the frenzy was a mound of meat, muscle and bone.
Xiao crept into the room hoping you still remained asleep. A rare smile blossomed across the pale face of the Yaksha as he saw you curled up on the bed.
Dropping his spear by your bed Xiao stared at you longingly 
He had waited so long for the moment in which he could express his feelings to you properly. He wanted to show you he loved you without fear. Now that you were lying in his bed, eyelids closed and breathing deep, Xiao made the decision that he could indulge himself fully before you woke up. 
Just this once as a reward for saving you.
He’s sure you won't mind after all the time and energy he has devoted to ensuring your safety he’s almost positive you would be fine with him taking his fill. 
Surely after two millennia of selflessness he has earned the right to be a little selfish.
With one swift step Xiao turned around to lock the bedroom door behind him.
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The reaction of Zhongli varies significantly depending on which phase of his life he is in. The man who goes by the name Zhongli has mellowed out considerably since his days as Deus Auri, If someone had stolen your attention away from him they may be greeted with several snide remarks and biting threats, if somebody stole your affection away from him then Zhongli would have a much less pleasant reaction however if either such thing occurred during his younger years as the Lord of the Adepti and God of contracts it is unlikely any potential suitors will escape unscathed.
In his youth Zhongli was far more of a slave to his draconic instincts than he was willing to admit. Upon the realisation of his intense feelings for you, the warrior god is far more frightened than he lets on. You are so fragile in comparison to him, so breakable. Not only that but humans are so flighty. Where Adepti may be content to sit on the same mountain top for centuries in solemn meditation, the same cannot be said for mortals. He has watched them flit about, to and fro for centuries and he would be lying if he didn’t find the mortal proclivity for change rather unnerving. 
He has watched humans profess undying love for one another before turning around and betraying their vows to each other. It’s not that he thinks you’re anything like those adulterers, really he doesn’t but… you humans are slaves to your desires (he says, completely unaware of the irony his statement brings), he doesn’t want you to bring harm to your relationship because your human heart is fickle (you have not been made aware of your ‘relationship’ with the Lord of Geo) so he shall personally ensure that no one and nothing will allow you to stray from him.
And yes this is all because he cares about you and definitely not because when he sees other mens eyes flit across you he has to use every ounce of self control to prevent him from smiting the filth where they stand for allowing their lecherous eyes trail across you like a cut of meat at the market or a pretty jewel to possess (again, completely lacking in the necessary self awareness to recall how his own lustful eyes rake across your form).
Any man that makes an advance towards you shall meet a grisly end.
The shopkeeper who gave you an extra bag of rice on the house flees Liyue harbour muttering nothing but reverent prayers and desperate pleas for mercy to Rex Lapis for his transgression.
The Physician who helped bandage up your torso after you were wounded by a follower of Osial was offered a far more lenient punishment. Any place his skin may have made contact with you is carved off, his life is only spared as he was helping you however Morax cannot help the way his claws dig into his palms leaving fresh welts in the calloused skin, still unused to this humanoid form, unable to contain his rage at the thought of another touching you in a state of undress, even if only to heal you. Your bare skin is for his hands alone. If someone had to dress your wounds then they should have summoned him (please note that he has not made his affections for you known to you or anyone else for that matter)
After his most recent battle, felling yet another God who rivalled him for the position of Archon, Morax who had decided to take some weeks to allow for Liyue harbour to recover and the Adepti to rest. However when he learns it was a follower of Osial who dared to mar your delicate skin… He is rallying his Adepti with a fervour and aggression unseen from the warrior god. No one is entirely sure what has incited Morax to take such a devotion to ensuring Osial is destroyed but with his pupils in slits and his grip on Vortex Vanquisher so tight it looks as though the staff may snap, none of the Adepti are brave enough to question their lord.
Despite being renowned as the most fearsome of fighters no one, not even the closest of Morax’s allies had seen such a slaughter brought down by the Draconic lord of Geo. 
A slaughter.
Countless words could be used to describe the massacre Morax unleashed upon Osial, the Overlord of the Vortex and all his followers; however those were the most commonly repeated in the months following the extermination.
All knew to be wary of Morax, however that was the day the people of Teyvat truly learned to fear his wrath.
He hoped that when you looked out of the bay of Liyue Harbour and saw the Guyun Stone Forest, a complete destruction of every remnant of Osial and his forces, you would be reminded of his love for you, you would realise Morax is clearly the superior choice compared to all the other men around you.
Who but Morax could give you Teyvat?
Who but Morax would engulf the world in flame if only to see you smile?
Who but Morax could and would give you every comfort mora could afford?
He had frequently entertained various plans for his courtship with you; however the one his mind spun most frequently was to win the Archon war and assume his role as one of the chosen seven. Then he would raise you up as his consort, granting you immortality and binding the two of you eternally in a contract of marriage. 
Of course that didn’t mean he couldn’t let his mind wander to other fantasies, his mind swirling with thoughts of spiriting you away to his palatial domain and keeping you there for days, weeks, months, years, however it took for his insatiable desire for you to be satiated. Only then would he leave his domain to win the war and return to you as the victor of the brutal war and one of the seven, finally able to rest a crown upon your head. 
Admittedly he had yet to confess his desire to take you to wife or even that he loved you so desperately and fervently that it was one of the few things that managed to frighten the lord of contracts.
But surely you knew, even if he hadn’t verbalised it. He refused to believe you didn’t feel the tug between you both, reeling you together. You simply must understand what it's like to look into his eyes and feel as though you’re seeing clearly for the first time in your life. You have to know what its like to feel as though every step apart is energy wasted. You too must crave to feel his bare skin against your own, willing to merge into one if only to bring you both closer together.
Even if you somehow did not feel the same things… surely you must feel his gaze upon you. When he looks down at his city his eyes rest only on you, no matter how much he tries to break his gaze away from you.
Besides he doesn’t need words when he has made his romantic intentions towards you more than obvious in the way his draconic instincts have been roaring for him to. You have accepted his gifts of courtship happily, you clearly understand that he can fulfil his role in providing for you and any young you may have. He has seen you wearing the glaze lily in your hair, the very same lily he had his adepti scour the war torn lands for days to obtain. 
Admittedly you seemed rather hesitant to accept the chests of mora and countless jewels he had left on your doorstep but equally you didn’t reject the gifts. As far as he was concerned that was proof enough that you had accepted his offer of courtship. By all draconic standards you were now officially entered into a contract with the rising Lord of Liyue and he would not take any contract lightly.
Despite the occasional event where some filthy wretch had to be taught to keep their lecherous eyes and hands off the Lord of Contracts future consort and the fact that he had not been able to converse with you about the future of your relationship, he believed his ‘relationship’ with you was going exceedingly well. 
In spite of this and much to the rage of Morax, another reprobate had decided to give you an offer of courtship.
Morax can feel rage thickening in his veins, viscous and violent. Watching you blush softly at the Mortal’s meagre proposition. He understood mortals were far more inclined towards change and adaptation than a being such as he could even begin to comprehend as a deity that stands unchanging as stone, refusing to be eroded by the sands of time or the winds of change. Even so he did not expect such a flagrant betrayal. You don't even have the decency to look shameful as you forsake every thoughtful gift the lord of contracts had spent countless hours pouring over to ensure you received only the best.
Even if Rex Lapis didn’t currently have the time to display his affection verbally he had ensured that he had more than made up for it with his opulent gifts, only the finest for his future consort.
He had been desperately trying to restrain himself from stealing you away to his personal realm every time he saw you pass through the centre of the harbour. He had managed to restrain himself, displaying such self control and patience that he surprised even himself but a man has limits and the prime adeptus could stand no further insult.
How dare that vermin stand where he should, face to face with you, gazing into your eyes, drinking in the warmth that pooled into your cheeks, his arm extended with a meagre sweet flower clutched in his sweaty palm, the stem already drooping from being clutched so tightly.
Perhaps if you begged softly for the poor fools life Morax may bestow a rare act of mercy and only remove the man's eyes or tongue rather than his life, if only to see his beloved happy however all thoughts of Mercy were dashed when you accepted the flower with a soft smile gracing your face.
He didn’t think it was possible for his beloved’s glowing smile to inspire such a primal rage within him.
The city of Liyue harbour came to a stand still as their mighty Lord descended upon their city with a swiftness imperceptible to the naked eye to stand between you and your would be suitor. 
A clawed hand clasped around the mortal man’s throat, blood trickling out of the small incisions the razor sharp claws of his humanoid form.
The man gasped for air however Morax’s grip was not dissuaded. His hand only faltered when he heard a familiar voice cry out
“Lord Morax! Please! Please release him i beg of you” 
He turned his attention to you now perched on your knees, grasping at the bottom of his robe in a desperate plea and display of reverence. Although his blood still simmered with the fury of betrayal both at you and the wretch that had tempted you away from his side, seeing you now on your knees for him, tears welling in your soft eyes he simply couldn’t stay angry, not at you at least.
He threw the young man down on the ground with a sickening crack, watching him writhe around desperately clutching at the wounds on his throat.
No more waiting and no more distractions. This little infraction has persuaded him to do exactly what he needed to this entire time. 
Taloned hands scoop you up, pressing you close into a solid, warm chest as you are quickly whisked away from the harbour and everything you had ever known. He should have known better than to allow you to wander freely without his stewardship or guiding hand to lead you.
Thankfully here in Morax’s private domain you two will be able to remain unbothered for as long as he sees fit, remaining far away from any man that may dare to tempt you away from him and he can rest easy knowing you will be tended to by the servants whilst he goes out and deals with the rodent that tried to damage he and his beloved’s relationship. 
Not that it shall matter anymore once the mortal is disposed of. After all, despite his reputation as a war monger and monster, Morax is capable of understanding and empathy. You cannot help the fact that it is human nature to wish to try every experience, to culminate a portfolio of countless events and adventures, it really was a failing on his behalf to not keep a closer eye on you. Not to worry, from here on out he shall never part from your side, he shall be with you every moment of every day to remind you of your vow.
Of course if he wins the archon war, and he will, he knows in his very bones that he was born for the role of archon then he shall have the power and authority to raise you up by his side, as his consort and bestow you with eternal life and only then you shall truly remain at each others sides, forever. He shall not even entertain the thought of you being stolen from him again, covetous creature that he is.
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samodivaa · 9 months
Lust looks pretty on you
Bucky x Reader : One Bed Trope. But he is your crush and his body is too close. He can't tell that you are masturbating, right...?
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Warnings - soft smut, masturbation Words - 2.5k AN - I want to make a filthy version as well, but this felt just right.
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Somehow you cannot help being reminded of a him, you look at him with compassion, sometimes with sympathy—though suddenly in one instant he becomes, as though by chance, lovely and exquisite, you can’t comprehend the power of those pensive eyes flashing with such fire—between the shadow and your soul, you love him, feelings can’t be repressed. But sometimes his eyes, his soft features burn with anguish and you grieve, in silence, that his beauty fades—your eyelashes glisten with tears Bucky never knows of.
When he comes close to you, there is already a gleam of a smile on your lips, faintly blushing and looking down.
“There is a room, but it has only one bed” he says uneasily. “I am okay with that” you say with an indescribable gesture, a gravest face, but your heart begins throbbing. “Are you sure? I don’t want to make you uncomfortable and-” Bucky speaks timidly in an ingratiating voice. “I assure you” you say in a whisper, full of affection, eyes beaming with delight as you take his human hand.
Finishing your answer, you pause pathetically, because there is an intense desire to force yourself to laugh, already feeling that a malignant demon is stirring inside, making you imagine curtain scenarios and suddenly there is a lump in your throat. You are always so tender, so solicitous with him—your soul is full with loving sympathy. “I can sleep on the floor-” Bucky begins in a plaintive voice, in which there lies a hope, though a very faint one and bends his head. “No, I would never allow that” He is looking at you intently, while a strange curiosity gleams in yours. Bucky stops, with his mouth open, because he can’t speak for delight as you continue to hold his hand. Your lips are quivering and you try to say something as well, but can only convulsively squeeze Bucky's hand in silence. You continue to look affectionately at him as a smile passes over his lips. “Okay” he brings out at last.
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When you enter the hotel room, you say tragically “Oh, the bed is small” Your eyes meet, he is gazing at you with a sort of wonder that evidently surprises you. Then, he tilts his head, his thin lips threatening to break into a smile
“But we will manage!” 
You say briskly, quick to add to the previous statement, and, indeed, on the mad idea that flashes on your giddy brain—you will take a long shower in the hopes that he will fall asleep. That position is desperate, but you are hot with shame, because he keeps staring at you, grasping at once that you might be up to some mischief. Bucky always does that—studies every gesture, every movement you make, listens to every vibration of your rich voice, but strange to say, as the result of all his observations tonight, he feels, mixed with a sweet and timid impression, a feeling of intense curiosity. It seems as though he is on the verge of uncovering the mystery of your unusual behavior. But with your masterly acting, trying to keep you together, the whole process goes on in you unconsciously as you approach the other side of the bed in wide steps after having closed the door behind and sit on the mattress. You have purposely chosen this solitary spot, your eyes facing the wall. “You go shower first, I want to call my mom” Bucky grows suddenly confused, and a faint trace of vexation is betrayed in his impatient movement and he is glad that you can’t see it, but he remains quiet, in his heart there is a sort of haunting worry—are you scared of sleeping next to him? Is it because of his nightmares? He is irritated, boiling with indignation and hate, towards himself, for it is the first time that he has felt like that in your presence. Feelings so coarsely handle him—he is reminded of what he truly is. 
The sound of running water echoes as he decides to go and turn the faucet on, adjusting it to a comforting warmth. Heaven. He winces as his back is met with hot water, swapping through his hair, through the curls and then running in streams down his shoulders, muscles protesting with each movement, but the warmth provides a reprieve from the ache that is a companion throughout the whole night. Bucky is analyzing the situation while he showers. His heart leaps and shudders when he exits the bathroom, but he is thankful that you are still talking on the phone so he lays on his side in despair and misery, hiding his face in the pillow, and is alternately feverish and shivery—he will make sure not to sleep, because his mind is too frightened by the the idea of scaring you with his nightmares, in his exhausted state all the emotions of the day come back to him in a rush. Whatever lies hidden in both your secret and behavior, he understands, but it causes moments of anguish of which he won’t forget. You longed to cheer him up, to relieve his anxiety if only by a glance, but when you see him sleeping, you tip-toe to the bathroom as Bucky lays with his eyes shut. When you come back into the room, his eyelashes quiver, but he controls himself and does not open his eyes. Was he that tired?  When you begin pulling up the quilt over you, shame or some other feeling drowns him, wishing to hide from this moment, but he can’t fall asleep so he persisted in lying in bed in silence as you obstinately pull the blanket higher and higher.
A terrible, awful weakness overcomes your senses, you try to lay with your eyes closed, because desire is the kind of thing that eats you and leaves you starving and you can’t master your need for him—that realization leaves you rather embarrassed, and at once flush crimson. This feels all so humiliating, and then you make that blunder, a very important one—you think about pleasuring yourself. That’s just what makes you so ecstatic, that you have a presentiment.... and though it’s so dreadful, it’s all for the best. In fact, you believe nothing better could have happened, because this is once in a life's opportunity. Involuntarily, you find your eyes scouring the darkness, looking for the outline of his bulky body, but you can only feel the warmth radiating from it. You move your fingers slowly and strainedly, working your way down your torso and swallow when you reach your panties as your nipples harden, poking through your shirt. You swiftly pull your panties to the side, strings of your wetness part from your underwear and you realize—there is a charm about the forbidden that makes it unspeakably desirable. You breathe meekly and squeeze your eyes shut in embarrassment, because you hate the notion of being reduced to pleasuring yourself merely because of his close proximity, an embarrassing, desperate thing to do, but even so you keep on gently touching yourself.
You begin sliding your index finger between the folds of your entrance, it makes you shiver and your mouth slightly hangs open, heat rushing to your puffy cheeks, eyes halfway shut. The magic that coils through your own touch leaves you breathless, and your back arches a bit into the sensation as a strange euphoria. You struggle slightly to stay motionless, the other hand trails down to your breasts to squeeze them slightly, purposely avoiding your nipples for now. You use the gathered wetness and press your finger firmly against your clit, making your thighs twitch. A sinner who sins boldly—but that makes you freeze. And yes, you have a sordid soul in many ways, but on the contrary, it is full of a fine feeling—of love for him. You are anxious, worrying is using your imagination to create something you don't want —but what if that movement woke him up? What if he somehow knows?
You start to rub slow circles around your clit as you tilt your head to his side, taking a shallow breath in through your nose. You are so aware of your sin that you fully cherish it and your imagination is a wonderful thing, it allows for all manner of undiscoverable thoughts —will he rub your clit like that? Maybe he will eat you out and moan into your cunt as he devours it? The soft flesh of your inner thighs ripples just a little as your legs shake, even though you try to control it, your chest heaves up and down just by thinking about it. You knead violently at the flesh of your right breast, pinching and flicking at your own nipple as you stimulate yourself. Then something unexpected happens. He sneezes. “Sorry” he says quietly, distinctly. It feels like you are caught, tried, and condemned to death. “Bucky? Bless you” you talk with as much composure as you can. And he was not supposed to hear, because It's a horribly private moment, a vulnerable moment on your part and he should be sleeping.
“Are you—” begins Bucky, but pauses in confusion. “No-” you interrupt suddenly, with a look of weariness, focusing on your lungs, on your ability to take a deep breath, to soothe with oxygen as the word rolls off your tongue while a deep blush suffuses your face. “Because I am” He is jerking off—? Well he was sliding across the painfully erect cock slowly through the fabric, making sure he didn't cum. His tone is so natural and respectful that you can't possibly suspect him of any insincerity. He feels instinctively that some such well-sounding humbug, brought out by him, will soothe your worries, and will be specially acceptable to you in such a delicate position. It is clear from his radiant face that he considers his words for the right ones in this moment, despite you not seeing his features in the darkness. Bucky gets up on his elbows, there is no glamor, no attempt to hide it, nothing: his lust takes over all his senses. The unwelcomed bubble of intrusive need, sinking into an even more heavily occluded state. His hard dick twitches and arousal trickles down his spine, because of his own confession. You feel him shift on the bed and he turns on the light on his nightstand. 
His eyes narrow until they have faint darkish glitter. You feel stuffy, there is not enough air to breathe as he stares at your face, his consciousness already vanishing and deforms itself in something primal, there is a delicious animal fire in his gaze. 
You have curiously thoughtful and attentive eyes, eyes that are very pretty and very nice, he loves when you turn to stare at his blue orbits—but you are fantasizing right now—which is utterly inappropriate for the part of your mind which wants to just hug Bucky all day long. “Were you thinking about me?” He asks innocently as he shamelessly stares—swallowing you whole. Slowly, you nod. He pushes off the blanket and your gaze drops to the outline of his cock, pushing up his heart into his throat—your breathing is eager and exciting—lips are faintly chapple, but soft in the corners. 
And then, his hot mouth is breathing into your ear and before you can even blink, he is on top of you, lips ghost over your earlobe. His hot mouth is breathing into your skin, your chest is pressed against his and he can feel the swell of your breasts through your shirt. You gasp as you feel his broad chest and toned abdomen holding you down as the hard bulge in his boxers rubs deliciously against your clothed pussy lips. For where all love is, the speaking is unnecessary—he kisses your neck, lips, cheeks, worships your skin, because holding you in his arms is more natural to him than his own heartbeat. He doesn't want just sex—he seeks passion. “Bucky-”
You keen between short breaths, between his gentle kisses as your fingers find the hairs at the nape of his neck. He rips your panties down with his metal hand and then reaches into his own to help his cock spring free. Drop of precum lands on your abdomen as he runs his thumb over the veins that run along the underside, barely audible as he drags his fingers across his tip, gathering the wetness before moving his fingers in front of your face. He gently rubs your lower lip, a finger working its way inside of your mouth, pressing on your tongue, eliciting a gag before removing it completely. “God, baby girl” he growls in your ear as his fingers brush up your soaking cunt “You look so innocent yet you were mastrubating right next to me” he goes on as he runs the tip of his finger back and forth, collecting your slick. Your eyes are pinched shut, lips parted ever so slightly, panting softly, a rosy flush coloring your cheeks. If it is the dirty element that gives pleasure to the act of lust, of his words, the dirtier it is, the more pleasurable it is bound to be—you are shameless, he thinks, swallowing the guttural groan that escapes him. You moan when he puts his fingers in his mouth, feverishly licking them, tasting you.
He is eagerly holding up his cock then he lines up your hole, he thrusts his hips forward, his cock pressing into your front, earning a squeal from you as he runs back and forth dragging his length across your opening and then slowly plunges into you. It is a slow, torturous process as your cunt stretches around him, accommodating his girth. Love is something he wants to nurture and grow, a connection that exists within each one of you—he has not missed a single one of your gestures, not one of the indications of your body and now it occurs to him that your eyes themselves have the color of love, they speak the language of both emotions and pleasure.
He breaks the intense eye contact to attack your neck, sucking and lightly biting on your weakest spot. Never have you been more aroused than, more needy as you continue to be relished by him by cock inside of you. "You are so bold sometimes. It's why I love you" he smiles against your hot skin, wondering how on earth he'd been lucky enough to find you. Whiny, stranded pleads leave your lips. His words are so sweet in comparison to the filthy trusts. His lips find yours as he feels you getting closer and he pushes you farther to the edge as he begins to fondle with your clit, your breathing becomes more labored. He keeps circling his finger in just the way that you love it and you can feel the beginning of the orgasm, sending your body into a wave of pleasure. You clenching around him—shuddering against him, as an orgasm washes over his own body. Bucky lose himself in your eyes—in the vocabulary of them as the pleasure goes through your body. The words became unnecessary. He made you feel loved.
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hanahanumana · 27 days
From AnaMaria Abramovic on Fb
Paste magazine has done an article about Michael and how underrated he is in Good Omens and I found a transcript since it's behind a paywall. Here's the link if anyone wants to subscribe. 💙
There’s so much to love about Prime Video’s Good Omens. A delightful adaptation of the popular Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett novel of the same name, the series is romantic, thoughtful, hilarious, and heartfelt by turns. The story of the almost-apocalypse and what comes afterward, it wrestles with big concepts like destiny, free will, and forgiveness, all framed through the lens of an unorthodox relationship between an angel and a demon whose love for one another is a key to saving the world.
As anyone who has watched Good Omens already knows, nothing about this series works without the pair of lead performances at its center. Stars David Tennant and Michael Sheen—who play the demon Crowley and the angel Aziraphale, respectively—have the kind of lighting-in-a-bottle chemistry that’s the stuff of legend, and their characters’ every interaction conveys both their deep affection for one another and the Earth they’ve made their home. Their romance is the emotional linchpin around which most of the series turns, and their heartbreaking separation in the Season 2 finale is so devastating precisely because we’ve seen how necessary the two are to each other’s lives.
But it’s Sheen’s performance in that final scene that really twists the knife. As Aziraphale’s face crumples following his and Crowley’s long-awaited kiss, the actor manages to convey what feels like every possible human emotion in the span of less than thirty seconds as the angel realizes what he has both had and just lost. The moment is emotionally brutal to watch, particularly after sitting through five and a half episodes of Aziraphale looking as lovestruck as the lead in any rom-com. Sheen makes it all look effortless, shifting from giddy joy to devastated longing and everything in between, and we really don’t talk enough about how powerful and underrated his work in this series truly is.
Though he’s half of the central duo that makes Good Omens tick, Sheen’s role often tends to get overshadowed by his co-star’s. It’s not difficult to see why, given that Tennant gets to spend most of the show swanning around in tight trousers looking like the Platonic ideal of the charming bad boy, complete with flaming red hair and dramatic eyewear. Tennant also benefits from Crowley’s much more sympathetic emotional arc. I mean, it’s hard not to love a cynical demon with a heart of gold who’s been pining after his angelic best friend for literal millennia even after being cast out from Heaven. Of course, viewers are drawn to that—likely a lot more easily than the story of an angel who’s simply trying the best he can to do the right thing as he wrestles with his role in God’s Ineffable Plan. Plus, let’s be real, Tennant’s sizeable Doctor Who fanbase certainly doesn’t hurt his character’s popularity.
As a performer, Sheen has a long history of playing both real people (Tony Blair, David Frost, Brian Clough) and offbeat villains (Prodigal Son’s Martin Whitly, Underworld’s Lucian, the Twilight Saga’s Aro). In some ways, the role of a fussy, bookish angel is playing more than a bit against type for him—Gaiman himself has said he originally intended for Sheen to be Crowley—but in his capable hands, Aziraphale becomes something much more than a simple avatar for the forces of Good (or even of God, for that matter). With a soft demeanor and a positively blinding smile, Sheen’s take on the character consistently radiates warmth and goodness, even as it contains surprisingly hidden depths. The former guardian of the Eastern Gate of Eden who gifted a fleeing Adam and Eve his flaming sword and befriended the Serpent who caused their Fall, Azirphale isn’t a particularly conventional angel. He enjoys all-too-human indulgences like food and wine, runs a Hoarders-esque bookshop that never seems to sell anything, and spends most of his time making heart eyes at the being that’s meant to be his hereditary adversary.
Given the much more difficult task of playing the literal angel to Tennant’s charming devil, Sheen must find a way to make ideas like goodness and forgiveness as interesting and fun to watch as their darker counterparts. It’s a generally thankless task, but one that Sheen tackles with gusto, particularly in the series’ second season, as Good Omens explores Aziraphale’s slowly evolving idea of what he can and cannot accept in terms of being a soldier of Heaven. His growing understanding that the truth of creation is colored in shades of grey and compromise is often conveyed through little more than Sheen’s deftly shifting expressions and body language.
Our pop culture consistently struggles to portray the idea of goodness as something compelling or worth watching. Explicitly “good” characters, particularly those who are religiously coded, are frequently treated as the butt of some sort of unspoken joke they aren’t in on, used to underline the idea that faith is a form of naivety or that kindness is somehow a weakness. For a lot of people, the entire concept of turning the other cheek is a sucker’s bet, and believing in something greater than oneself, be it a higher power or a sense of purpose, is a waste of time. But Good Omens is a story grounded in the idea that faith, hope, and love—for one another, God, and the entire world—are active verbs. And nowhere is that more apparent than in Sheen’s characterization of the soft angel whose old-fashioned waistcoats mask a spine of steel and who refuses to give up—on Crowley, on humanity, or on the idea that Heaven is still something that can be saved.
Though he and Tennant have pretty much become a matched set at this point (both on and off-screen), Sheen’s performance has rarely gotten the critical accolades it deserves. (Tennant alone was nominated for a BAFTA for Season 2, and Sheen was categorized as a supporting actor when the series’ competed in the 2019 Saturn Awards.) But it is his quiet strength that holds up so much of the rest of the show around him, and Sheen deserves to be more frequently recognized for it. That he makes it look so easy is just another sign of how good his performance really is.
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ingravinoveritas · 29 days
Lovely new article about Michael in Paste magazine. Article is behind a paywall, so here is a transcription (with thanks to the person on FB who transcribed it, and the parts in bold are my own emphasis).
There’s so much to love about Prime Video’s Good Omens. A delightful adaptation of the popular Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett novel of the same name, the series is romantic, thoughtful, hilarious, and heartfelt by turns. The story of the almost-apocalypse and what comes afterward, it wrestles with big concepts like destiny, free will, and forgiveness, all framed through the lens of an unorthodox relationship between an angel and a demon whose love for one another is a key to saving the world.
As anyone who has watched Good Omens already knows, nothing about this series works without the pair of lead performances at its center. Stars David Tennant and Michael Sheen—who play the demon Crowley and the angel Aziraphale, respectively—have the kind of lighting-in-a-bottle chemistry that’s the stuff of legend, and their characters’ every interaction conveys both their deep affection for one another and the Earth they’ve made their home. Their romance is the emotional linchpin around which most of the series turns, and their heartbreaking separation in the Season 2 finale is so devastating precisely because we’ve seen how necessary the two are to each other’s lives.
But it’s Sheen’s performance in that final scene that really twists the knife. As Aziraphale’s face crumples following his and Crowley’s long-awaited kiss, the actor manages to convey what feels like every possible human emotion in the span of less than thirty seconds as the angel realizes what he has both had and just lost. The moment is emotionally brutal to watch, particularly after sitting through five and a half episodes of Aziraphale looking as lovestruck as the lead in any rom-com. Sheen makes it all look effortless, shifting from giddy joy to devastated longing and everything in between, and we really don’t talk enough about how powerful and underrated his work in this series truly is.
Though he’s half of the central duo that makes Good Omens tick, Sheen’s role often tends to get overshadowed by his co-star’s. It’s not difficult to see why, given that Tennant gets to spend most of the show swanning around in tight trousers looking like the Platonic ideal of the charming bad boy, complete with flaming red hair and dramatic eyewear. Tennant also benefits from Crowley’s much more sympathetic emotional arc. I mean, it’s hard not to love a cynical demon with a heart of gold who’s been pining after his angelic best friend for literal millennia even after being cast out from Heaven. Of course, viewers are drawn to that—likely a lot more easily than the story of an angel who’s simply trying the best he can to do the right thing as he wrestles with his role in God’s Ineffable Plan. Plus, let’s be real, Tennant’s sizeable Doctor Who fanbase certainly doesn’t hurt his character’s popularity.
As a performer, Sheen has a long history of playing both real people (Tony Blair, David Frost, Brian Clough) and offbeat villains (Prodigal Son’s Martin Whitly, Underworld’s Lucian, the Twilight Saga’s Aro). In some ways, the role of a fussy, bookish angel is playing more than a bit against type for him—Gaiman himself has said he originally intended for Sheen to be Crowley—but in his capable hands, Aziraphale becomes something much more than a simple avatar for the forces of Good (or even of God, for that matter). With a soft demeanor and a positively blinding smile, Sheen’s take on the character consistently radiates warmth and goodness, even as it contains surprisingly hidden depths. The former guardian of the Eastern Gate of Eden who gifted a fleeing Adam and Eve his flaming sword and befriended the Serpent who caused their Fall, Azirphale isn’t a particularly conventional angel. He enjoys all-too-human indulgences like food and wine, runs a Hoarders-esque bookshop that never seems to sell anything, and spends most of his time making heart eyes at the being that’s meant to be his hereditary adversary.
Given the much more difficult task of playing the literal angel to Tennant’s charming devil, Sheen must find a way to make ideas like goodness and forgiveness as interesting and fun to watch as their darker counterparts. It’s a generally thankless task, but one that Sheen tackles with gusto, particularly in the series’ second season, as Good Omens explores Aziraphale’s slowly evolving idea of what he can and cannot accept in terms of being a soldier of Heaven. His growing understanding that the truth of creation is colored in shades of grey and compromise is often conveyed through little more than Sheen’s deftly shifting expressions and body language.
Our pop culture consistently struggles to portray the idea of goodness as something compelling or worth watching. Explicitly “good” characters, particularly those who are religiously coded, are frequently treated as the butt of some sort of unspoken joke they aren’t in on, used to underline the idea that faith is a form of naivety or that kindness is somehow a weakness. For a lot of people, the entire concept of turning the other cheek is a sucker’s bet, and believing in something greater than oneself, be it a higher power or a sense of purpose, is a waste of time. But Good Omens is a story grounded in the idea that faith, hope, and love—for one another, God, and the entire world—are active verbs. And nowhere is that more apparent than in Sheen’s characterization of the soft angel whose old-fashioned waistcoats mask a spine of steel and who refuses to give up—on Crowley, on humanity, or on the idea that Heaven is still something that can be saved.
Though he and Tennant have pretty much become a matched set at this point (both on and off-screen), Sheen’s performance has rarely gotten the critical accolades it deserves. (Tennant alone was nominated for a BAFTA for Season 2, and Sheen was categorized as a supporting actor when the series’ competed in the 2019 Saturn Awards.) But it is his quiet strength that holds up so much of the rest of the show around him, and Sheen deserves to be more frequently recognized for it. That he makes it look so easy is just another sign of how good his performance really is.
I love this so much. The thoroughly well-deserved praise for Michael's incredible performance as Aziraphale, but also that Aziraphale and Crowley's relationship is specifically described as a "romance." And of course, the first sentence of the last paragraph that acknowledges how much Michael and David are indeed a "matched set" that cannot (and should not) be separated...
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yourstrqly · 6 months
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[ preview ] to lewis and yours excitement you're finally pregnant, causing not only happiness but also a slightly feral Lewis because of your body changes.
[ tw ] smut, pregnant reader (= sex whilst pregnant (honestly made me slightly uncomfortable but requested), soft sex, mention of jealousy + possessiveness on Lewis part, unprotected sex, fem oral, missionary, begging, slight praise kink
[ tags ] @e-nonsense for giving me the idea and this request 🖤 hope i did it justice and I might write a cute little smau for it too, just because I love soft lewis and I'm slowly converting to a lewis girly (pls send more requests for him or other drivers!!)
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. previous |minors do not read | masterlist .
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It's been quite a few months of free practice as Lewis likes to call it, before you finally held the white plastic stick in your hand with the word positive blinking on the screen, causing your man to tear up because of the excitement and relief that had rushed through his body. He had embraced you, whispering sweet promises of the journey that would begin now, telling you of plans before the baby arrives. You reduced working hours, enjoying the soft glow lulling you into motherhood.
It's a beautiful thing to witness yourself turning into soon to be parents and it's a whole lot of new experiences like renovating the guest room to fit it into your child's room, something that blesses you often with a shirtless sweaty Lewis building the furniture together. Meanwhile you sit in one corner of the room with a snack on the moss green armchair Kevin Magnussen's wife recommended you, gazing at the muscles flex as he moves around.
Another trait of Lewis shines brightly — he detests leaving your side, would rather choose to sit out a race than leave you all alone back in England, even though his mums as well as yours are there for you.
He also hates the amount of attention you get since falling pregnant; everyone likes to comment on you, friends like to touch your stomach as if his child would react to their touch — Lewis doesn't let go of you, having you close, almost hidden behind his massive build and pulls you away when people get to close to his liking.
And last but not least, it's impossible for him to keep his hands off your body, especially when your stomach shows, your breasts are fuller and the face slightly chubbier. "You're too stunning to resits, pretty girl", he'll mutter while pressing a soft kiss on your forehead, arms slung around your hips.
Whenever he's home you'd be woken up by his gentle whispering, telling your child of crazy yet child friendly memories around the track or of you, nuzzling his nose to your bump and kiss the faint strechmarks.
As of right now Lewis impatiently waits for your family to leave, his hands itching to touch you. The love your guests give you are making you glow and giddy, even more so than the first half of the week with only him, causing the ugly feeling of jealousy to strike within him. He knows he shouldn't feel like this but he wants to be your sun, not one of many stars shining on you.
Jealousy is a horrible emotion.
A delightful sigh escapes him as you hug your sibling goodbye before closing the door and falling right in his awaiting arms, bump pressing against his abdomen. Its innocent, you just want to feel his warmth, through your man has other plans and slowly drops his hands from your the small of your back to your perky ass, pulling the cheeks apart just to let them jiggle, which results in you snickering.
"You're horny again, Lew?", you sweetly ask, hands wandering to his braids, tugging them.
He groans and you feel him getting hard. "You know I can never not touch you. Making me all hot and bothered, specially like this, so full of me." His tone holds honesty and leaves no room for anything other than his endless love he showers you in as he guides you down the hallway and into your shared bedroom, where he clicks the lights on. He wants to see you when you take his cock and make a mess on it.
"I'm a lucky bastard, if not the luckiest, having you, the most drop deep gorgeous woman carrying my baby and to make love to you as long as you let me", he husks, "to kiss those lips, to touch your beautiful body."
He grabs the hem of your cute summer dress and then your underwear, gently removing both clothing articles from your body to see all of you. You're beautiful like this, naked and natural, blushing under the confession he has said and the avoiding of eye contact because he knows you're shy now.
"Lay down for me and spread those legs, yeah?", he whispers, still in awe of you.
You do as he says, body tingling as his eyes roam freely over you, taking you in, while taking his clothes off. Then he stags up to you, slothing between your legs and press a butterfly kiss on your sensitive pussy that has you whimper desperately. A hand of yours curls in his hair and you look down at Lewis, a blissful expression on his face as he has his eyes closed and his nose nugging your clit.
He's fully focused on making out with your pussy, pressing open mouthed kisses and slurping the juices like its his last time. Hands roam your body until your legs close around him, and he pulls them apart, holding them up as far as possible with your bump — it's not that big but can get in the way of things.
"So beautiful and all mine." His hot breath faws over your wet cunt that flutters around nothing. "You're so needy, want to have a finger in you, don't you, pretty girl?" You prob yourself on the elbows, gaze at him to already find him looking at you — there's a smug smirk on his wet covered lip and he waits for your answer. "I— I need your cock Lew", you sob,"please don't tease me, fuck me."
The sobbing is music to his ears. "Nah, baby, beg some more. Ain't gonna fuck you with my cock if you're not behaving correctly, you know that." Your boyfriend moves over you, elbows resting on either side of your head as he leans down to crash his lips on yours. Instantly you open your mouth to let his tongue glide in and interweave your hands with him. Kissing him itself is sloppy and breathtaking, intense even because he re-focus all your senses on the feeling of his tongue brushing against yours and plush lips moving sensually. A loud whine fills the space when he breaks the kiss. "Beg for me, pretty girl, be good f'me."
"Please. . please fuck me", you cry out, "Want your cock inside of me, please."
Lewis raises his eyebrows. "Don't you think you forgot something?"
You gulp. "Sir, please fuck me. I'm so so wet for you."
"That's better", is all Lewis says before you feel him rubbing his thick tip along the slit of your slick cunt and hear him groan. "Someone is just as horny as me, huh? Have you been wet all day, pretty girl?"
A loud incoherent moan slips from your lips when Lewis bullies his length past your tightness, grinding his hips as he's fully sheated between your gummy walls. "Can't talk to me anymore? Already gone, huh?" Lewd squelching are heard when he pulls out till only an inch is in you, and then he trusts, first one slow, the second one a bit rougher, pace growing faster as your begging cries echo through the bedroom. He grabs your shaking legs, laying them on his left shoulder to get a deeper access to your wetness.
Meanwhile your eyes fill with tears of pleasure, abdomen tightening and toes curl, nearing the edge. Lewis knows your body inside out, and dips a finger between your lips. You suck on his thumb, tongue tracing the tip as if it is his cock. But before you can register what comes next, he pulls his thumb out and smooth it on your clit, circling to push you to the orgasm.
Moaning uncontrollably, your back arches off the bed as the pleasure crushes you, shine glazes over your eyes and you're a goner. Through the high, long dick still slides into you despite the come flowing out on either side, making Lewis grunt. He's much closer than expected, having leaned over again — he's now kissing your tears tenderly away, you're feeling giddy. "Such a pretty girl", he groans, his own high peeking.
You cling to him as you both come down the high, peppering you with kisses and praise. It has you glow in his strong arms, and you're sure there's nothing better than this — building a family with the man you love beyond the stars.
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st4rrth0ughts · 8 months
Hello!!! Since I've been reading all of ur fics especially the hsr ones, I like it so much(⁠๑⁠♡⁠⌓⁠♡⁠๑⁠) . I don't know how you got the idea of it and it makes me feel giddy. If u may , can I request: I want to do unspeakable things to Welt Yang(I main him) like I wanna mark him, bite him, doing different positions, just mating non-stop, I don't know what to add for the reader, you can add tho if ya want, but I want the reader taller (⁠。⁠・⁠/⁠/⁠ε⁠/⁠/⁠・⁠。⁠). This is my first request btw (I apologize if I have the wrong grammar or the text of it)
Can I be your "❄️" anon? (⁠>⁠0⁠<⁠;⁠)
bestie no need to apologise that thought is so real (btw whats your team comp i need one for peepaw)
welt with a taller baker reader from the luofu 👓🦯
tw, cw: angst (reader is dead in hi3,) i dont play hi3, food play (occasionally feeding him some chocolates for being a good boy, nothing extreme), petplay, reader is immortal and thus is extremly confused on how Welt's vocal cords are working a/n: 1. what the fuck is a honkai 2. should i play hi3 3. does anyone hate feeding and fattening related kinks??? sorry but i just- cant even try and read those fics ngl the art makes it WORSE
welt loves you. at least, that's what he tells himself, seeing your counterpart work around in the luofu's famed bakery, having been years since he's held your dying body in his arms, sobbing as the light drained from your eyes. He's snapped out of his thoughts as you shoot him a friendly grin, gesturing the man and his two companions to come in. You look the exact same that he remembered you. But your not the same person. He cant just go in and try to convince you he's your lover from another universe, he'll look like a maniac! well, it seems the months of exchanging letters and gifts has won him the spot in your heart. Oh, and in your bed, as a bonus.
Sometimes, when Welt looks at your face, he feels like both crying and hugging you. You just- looked so much like your dead counterpart, from your eyes and hair, down to the way you fucked and handled him with so much care in bed. But he knows that you aren't them, never will be, in fact. And that's okay. He loves you in his own way, just like he loved them once. The man would never lump the two of you together, because you aren't them. (blade im looking at you)
But for now, he doesn't focus on that, simply relaxing in your hold, letting you unbutton his shirt, slide your hands over his underwear, your coarse but gentle voice sending shivers down his spine. A small whimper escapes his mouth as your finger teases his entrance, while you grin at how slick he already is, at least you dont have to find the lube. Lifting his thighs onto your shoulder, and licking that sweet pussy delicately, eliciting a delightful moan from the man, fisting your hair as he tries to grind weakly against you face.
This lovely man, for someone that's 82 years old- well, in human years? You were an immortal from the Luofu, humans are confusing. That being said, from what you've read, humans are more fragile in this state. How he was squealing and crying out in such a high pitched voice, arching his back as tears spill from his eyes as your tongue ravishes his pretty pussy, you figure that he's straining himself, just for you. How adorable, he's doing such a wonderful job. and good boys deserve a huge reward! Cooing softly as you push a small piece of chocolate in his mouth, watching him swallow it as he pants softly, a delirious smile on his face.
Grunting as you gently placed a collar around the man's neck, the leash's end gently clicking around the loop, smiling as he whines softly at the gentle pressure on his bite ridden neck. Pulling the leash closer, the bell jingling lightly as you pull him in for a sloppy kiss, free hand reaching down to fondle his nipples, watching the brunette throw his head back as he jerks from the stimulation, shrill shrieks escaping the man's mouth as he begs for your cock in him, to fill his cunt with your cum. He's been doing such a good job, he deserves the final prize.
Muffling his sobs as your cock pounds into him from behind, only for his head to be yanked back as you tut your tongue disapprovingly, his mind only registering about how he was being such a naughty little puppy, and that if he does that again, you'll just stuff a plug up his pussy, and leave him there, and he doesn't want that! So he's your good boy, eyes rolling back and tongue lolling out as he makes sounds that rival the top pornographic models you've seen. Aeons- you can practically feel your cock threathening to cum when he squirts for the nth time, kiss ridden thighs quivering as he begs so, so sweetly for you.
When you finally cum in him, he wails as he creams around your cock, weakly fucking himself back on you, pupils dilating as he weakly falls on the bed, ass in the air as your seed spills from his puffy cunt, overflowing as you coo softly, in that mocking, sugar coated voice as you line your shaft with his entrance again. The sheets were already soiled with the poor man's cum and sweat, as he screams in overstimulation, babbling about how he couldn't take anymore. Nonsense. He's swallowing your cock so greedily, your not falling for that.
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ssahotchnerr · 10 months
just saw this (https://www.tumblr.com/ssahotchnerr/732194441050374144/the-person-talking-about-their-dream-scenario) and it inspired something in me KATIE listen imagine during a pinning era with aaron and you ask him to hold a small mirror that you carry everywhere in case you need to fix your make up/ redo your lipstick!! while applying your lipstick your lips went 😗 and aaron trying so damn hard to keep it together he's just blushing due to the close proximity between the two of you i want need to kiss him so bad
no i need to kiss him cw; bau!reader, gn! but reader wears makeup, small suggestiveness, mutual pining and fluff <3
"hey," you picked up speed in your pace, weaving past some officers and allowing you to catch up with aaron a bit more quickly. "do me a favor?"
"well, it depends on the favor."
you shot him a playful, exasperated expression. "ha ha. if you don't mind," you held up a small compact mirror in one hand, your usual lip liner and lipstick combination in the other. "someone's in the bathroom, so i gotta go with plan b. and it's an emergency."
your sentence finished in a near whine - by now, aaron understood your sense of humor, and frequently bounced it right back at you - in case he needed any convincing (he didn't).
"sure, of course." with a gentle chuckle, aaron retrieved the mirror from you, opening such and holding it aloft, steady with his index finger and thumb.
"my hero," you teased and released a dramatized breath of relief, a delighted glint in your eyes.
first, you adjusted his hand a smidge - the brief skin to skin contact causing your heart to skip - alternating the position of the mirror as he was much taller than you. once you could perfectly see your small reflection peering back at you, did you uncap the lip liner and fall into immediate, firm concentration, lining the top edge of your lip.
as aaron stood there patiently, a nervousness trickled into him. he internally questioned whether or not you wanted him to, or were expecting, him to look away. would his unwanted attention possibly break your engrossment? or was it just, awkward? you applying your makeup, with him silently standing there. though, it didn't feel awkward - it felt rather comfortable, actually - but he could almost laugh at himself. this felt similarly like high school, running his mind and second guessing his actions.
but regardless of your preference, he couldn't pull his gaze away from you even if he tried.
the close proximity allowed him to admire you, and all your features, to his heart's content unreservedly, with zero holdback. for example, he never noticed the faintest of freckles scattered across the bridge of your nose, completely unknown to the plain eye. it filled him with a silly giddiness, something he would be embarrassed to admit aloud; noticing yet a new part of you, one others probably didn't have the knowledge of.
you secured the cap onto the lip liner, and aaron immediately offered his continued assistance, obtaining it with his free hand. you flashed him a bashful smile, before puckering your lips and beginning to apply your nude-pink lipstick slowly.
your lips, dangerous territory. as his eyes dropped, heat immediately pooled in his face, his ears flushing as well. aaron bit down onto his bottom lip, hard, silently urging himself to snap out of it and pull it together.
but it didn't help he could feel your light breath occasionally fan onto his skin, reminding him of the proximity. it would be way too easy to lean in just a bit closer, to foremost and finally kiss you, just like he's been dreaming of.
aaron let out a not-so-silent exhale at the thought, and before his mind could wander, as if it hadn't already - your lipstick lightly tinting his lips, his neck, or scattered along numerous parts of his body. the sound gained your focus, and drew your attention to his profusely blushing face.
your eyebrows crinkled as you pulled the lipstick a few centimeters away from your lips. "are you alright?"
it took aaron a second to find his voice, speaking after a nervous swallow, small strain present and accompanied with a brisk, stiff nod. "fine."
"you don't seem 'fine'." you shrugged, resuming your task. only this time, your lips were parted lightly, forming a small 'o'.
"jus' a bit... hot." aaron managed softly, blushing even more if it were possible and finding it difficult to hold the mirror perfectly still. his eyes involuntarily shot back to your lips, but he indulged himself - letting his gaze linger.
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Subtle-tea (Benedict Bridgerton x Reader)
Summary/Prompt: “You’re only semi-lucid and are sort of reaching for my face, and for various reasons I shouldn’t kiss YOUR face but your hand is right here and I still need to convey affection.”  AKA. You and Benedict drink too much of Colin’s special tea and it spurs you to act upon previously hidden feelings. 
AN: Benedict is the bee’s knees, just a silly lil art guy. I got inspired and I’ve got two more Benedict fics coming out rip. But it’s just so difficult to write for Bridgerton cus you can’t write any gay stuff without it being tragic and/or a secret. Oh well, don’t expect me to write much more female reader content of my own volition/not inspired by my friends.
Content warnings: Reader uses she/her, use of Y/N and L/N, is referred to as “wife” 
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Masterlist // AO3 
You had no idea what on Earth was in that tea. But you would have to ask later, because currently you felt as light as a feather and giddy as a giggle, laying on the sofa in the art studio as Benedict was launching himself between two walls, orating about his great desires to create. By far, you were experiencing the greatest emotions on the whim of your artistic associate.
“There’s just so many colours that we are privy to, and we take every single shade for granted!” He declared, his arms wide open to the heavens.
You pointed at him in an accusing manner, “Have you seen purple recently? It’s glorious! No wonder it was the colour of status in the Roman Empire, I too would want it all for myself and my friends.”
“How selfish you are, Miss L/N,” Benedict scolded, “Surely everyone should be given the chance to wear such a colour.”
His anger faded fast. As endearing as it was, it was nothing compared to that grin of his. So naturally you decided to make him smile even more with a ridiculous notion that just jumped into your woozy mind. 
“Do you know what would happen if my mother knew where I was?” You said in a loud whisper. 
Benedict pouted and nodded, riddled with pantomime guilt as he leant over, “You. Me. In a room. Alone.”
“Unchaperoned,” You said then gasped, your hands clapping against your cheeks in shock, “I would be ruined!”
Benedict mimicked your appal by dropping to his knees before you, “We would have to marry to save your reputation!”
“Imagine me, your wife!” You threw your head back as you flashed your bare left hand to him. Somewhere in the back of your mind, an inhibition screamed at you to stop lingering so openly on something your sober self was set on not happening
But your heart grew gleeful as Benedict grasped your hand gently. 
“I shall imagine it!” He declared and lowered his lips, and planted a loud kiss upon your knuckle - right where the engagement and wedding bands would sit. You lowered your chin just in time to see this with your own eyes before Benedict met your gaze again, still beaming with roguish delight, “Oh what a beautiful imagining it is.”
Your legs curled up beneath you on the couch, and you fell over in hysterical giggling. You clasped your hand to your chest and cradled it like a newborn. As you lay sprawled out, Benedict popped into your field of view with his hands either side of your head, tactfully avoiding your hair. 
“Your laugh is like music! As your husband, it would be my purpose to make you sing at least once a day.”
“Then kiss me again, you silly man!” You squealed, offering your hand once more. 
Balancing on one arm, and completely unaware that this compromising position was aiding in your dizzy frenzy, Benedict kissed the same spot then turned the palm against his cheek. He held it there as he said:
“Look, it’s like you were sculpted to hold me.”
Euphoria ran riot across your body, your heart beating so fast you thought you would die from delight. 
“And you were carved to be held by me.” From your vantage point, with newly founded confidence, you tried to pull his lips down to yours, but Benedict resisted. 
“We shall not kiss ‘til we are married.”
Eyes wide, you squeezed the back of his neck to keep him close, “Is this a proposal?”
“I do not think we are in the right state of mind to make rational decisions,” and Benedict bumped his nose to yours, causing a little laughter before continuing: “But marrying you is the sanest idea I’ve had all evening.”
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kissofhoon · 3 months
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૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡⠀ ── ⠀ 𝖻𝗈𝗒𝖿𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖽 + 𝗋𝗂𝖻𝖻𝗈𝗇 = 𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗉𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌𝗌
𝒑𝖺͟𝗂͟𝗋͟𝗂͟𝗇͟𝗀 𝗉𝖺𝗋𝗄 𝗃𝗈𝗇𝗀𝗌𝖾𝗈𝗇𝗀 𝗑 𝖿𝖾𝗆 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 𝙜𝖾͟𝗇͟𝗋͟𝖾 𝗇𝗈𝗇𝗂𝖽𝗈𝗅, 𝖿𝗅𝗎𝖿𝖿, 𝖾𝗌𝗍. 𝗋𝖾𝗅𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗉 𝒘𝗈͟𝗋͟𝖽 𝒄𝗈͟𝗎͟𝗇͟𝗍 𝟦𝟦𝟨 𝗐𝗈𝗋𝖽𝗌 𝒘𝖺͟𝗋͟𝗇͟𝗂͟𝗇͟𝗀͟𝗌 𝗇𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝒏𝗈͟𝗍͟𝖾͟𝗌 𝗆𝗒 𝗁𝗂𝖽𝖽𝖾𝗇 𝗅𝗂𝗍𝗍𝗅𝖾 𝗀𝖾𝗆 </𝟥 ( 𝓵𝗂𝖻𝗋𝖺𝗋𝗒 )
jay knew how much you loved to do your hair. he knew how meticulous you were with your hair care and how you’d never damage it. he also knew how impulsive you were when it came to buying new accessories to adorn your oh-so luscious tresses. it was no secret to him that you loved your hair.
so when you visited him one day with bows in your hair, he couldn’t help but admire the way you looked with them. they matched your outfit perfectly (he had to admit — you had quite the style) and he fawned over how pretty you looked, constantly showering you with small compliments and kisses all over your face.
“how’d i land such a beautiful and stylish girlfriend?” he had asked, you playing with his hair.
“i dunno.” you shrugged in response, a ghost of a smile on your lips.
the two of you sat on his couch in comfortable silence, taking in each other’s presence all while relaxing besides each other, his tv quietly playing a show in the background. it was cut short when an idea crossed your mind.
“hey jay?” you mumbled, looking at the man resting next to you.
he looked at you, humming a response in return.
“can i tie a bow around your bicep?”
his brows furrowed and his head cocked back in confusion. it’s not that he believed it was an odd request — he didn’t think it was — but it was an unexpected one.
“sure. why not?”
with a delighted giggle, you fixed your position on the couch, sitting on your knees and facing him. you carefully undid one of the ribbons in your hair while jay rolled up his sleeve. he waited for you to finish undoing your ribbon, his arm extended on the back of his couch. when you did finish, the bow in your hand, he extended his arm towards you, and in a delicate manner, you wrapped the pink ribbon around his bicep, tying it off with a bow.
you reached for your phone, opening up your camera to film him, a manicured hand grazing his bicep. he flexed, which caused your cheeks to burn up and a nervous giggle to slip past your lips. clouded by giddiness, you stopped your recording.
it was quite amusing for jay to see you so shy, making him chuckle at the blush that formed on your cheeks.
“happy?” jay smirked, his head tilted to the left just slightly.
you nodded quickly, turning off your phone and hiding your cheeks with your hands. it caused jay to laugh lightly, pulling you in for a hug. he pressed a quick kiss to your head.
© kissofhoon, 2024
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twistedchatterbox · 2 years
Wedding Whims
summary: their favourite parts of your wedding tags. Marriage, GN reader, Fluff, Smitten boys 4 Thou'st's' Enjoyment, No Spoilers, no beta we overblot like men, tweels are too deep in love.
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Wordcount; 600+ | Masterlist & Taglist
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The cake; Your future husband could have quite the sweet tooth occasionally, though whether he is pleased about it or not is up for debate; you know him better than that. He holds up the fork of samples for the cake for you to snack on, and the adoration on his face is so much more sweeter than the flavor when you let him feed you. The way he looks delighted upon seeing you return the gesture makes your heart run a marathon, you cannot wait to do this all over again at the wedding, and he cannot wait to be your husband. -Riddle, Trey, Che'nya, Ace, Ruggie, Jamil, Kalim, Idia
The venue; Whether it's his artistic 6th sense or a whisper of the wind and tide, he just knows that he wants your wedding to be at a beautiful location. Sentimentality, beauty, meaningful and lovely. His heart skips a beat at every location suggested by the wedding planner as he envisions the way you'd look on your wedding day. To him, this place must be worth being graced by your radiance; and he knows exactly what he wants. He can barely wait to see the day; and even then, you take his breath away. -Cater, Jade, Rook, Vil, Lilia, Malleus, Kalim
The clothes; regardless of the theme and slash or the dress code of this wedding, he knows you will look stunning. He goes through the isles upon isles of his choices and every time he looks at something that catches his eyes, he thinks of you. Specifically, the way he'd look next to you, and that motivates him to go and pick the perfect fit for you, as he intends to be the same. Every day, every night, the way you'd look on the wedding day lives in his head rent free, making him daydream as he indulges in his imagination which he does more than he'd admit to anyone. -Azul, Vil, Sebek, Silver, Neige, Jack, Deuce, Epel
The vows; of course, this is often overlooked as everyone does, or at least claims to, put their heart and soul into it. Well, he would put his everything and the entire world's treasures too if he could and if you asked it wouldn't even be a joke. Obsessed, he could be, for you he could be. Anything. You've got his heart in your tender loving hands and he intends to put his everything on display, for you, he could, for you, he would. There is no punchline, really; it's not a vow to him, it's an oath. -Jade, Floyd, Malleus, Rook, Jamil, Leona, Floyd again, Idia
The dance; Ideally, you would only dance with him, as it meant a big deal to your husband-to-be. Would it be a slow dance? Would it be waltz, tango, something cute, sweet or something a bit more intimate? He would dance to your whims, today, now, for the rest of your lives. This tempo of tandem hearts, he finds himself being in sync wit you, he knows the two of you will trip, fall, but he also knows you'll get up together; and it tightens his hold ever so slightly on you as the loving gaze in those cupid struck eyes intensifies for you. Let him twirl you, dip you, spin you, and kiss you lovely between steps too. -Floyd, Riddle, Epel, Ace, Leona, Lilia, Neige, Silver
Oh and, Ortho was positively delighted about catching your bouquet! The boy's giddiness and happiness was so contagious for you that it became one of his favourite memories too.
...He was too busy admiring your happiness to watch anything else, though. -Trey, Cater, Riddle, Jack, Malleus, Silver, Deuce, Azul, Floyd, Jade, Kalim ....He rolled his eyes out of habit with a huff, but his happy smile spoke for itself and him too. -Ace, Leona, Ruggie, Sebek, Lilia, Jamil, Epel, Vil, Rook ...He couldn't help but grin alongside you, as it was just as special to him. -Idia
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jellys-compendium · 6 months
My Papa
A Cozy Dad!Vash Drabble
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Rating: G
Summary: Vash tries to teach his two rambunctious twins a new word. Cw: Soft Dad!Vash will make you melt. Prepare yourself. Word Count: ~1K A/n: More soft Dad!Vash on the way! This drabble is based off of my Trimax series. Hope you all enjoy this one!
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Vash takes a seat at the kitchen table, his two toddler-sized infants sit side by side on their high chairs just opposite him. Their big blue eyes are on him, alight with delight and curiosity as their papa theatrically reveals the children’s book that he’d been hiding behind his back.
“Behold!” Vash proclaims, proudly holding the book upright before his children and giving it a little shake. Luca and Layla giggle at their father’s goofy antics, their plump little fingers reaching out to try and take the book from his hands.
“Nuh uh,” Vash pulls it just out of their reach. “Both of you will get to look at it when I’m done. Right now, your papa is going to read you a story!”
The twins look at Vash quizzically, but once Vash excitedly opens the book, their eyes are immediately glued to the colorful pages before them.
 A tender smile spreads across Vash’s lips at their eagerness. For a man who had seen everything—who had met all sorts and witnessed horrors unimagined as he wandered the desert, the ex-humanoid typhoon would never tire of the wonder in his children’s eyes. 
“Today, I’m going to help the two of you say a new word.”
Vash scooches in closer and Luca and Layla wordlessly follow suit. The three of them lean in close to one another as they partake in the story that is about to unfold. Vash turns to the first page. On it are adorable drawings of a laughing child and a bearded man. Vash points to the picture and begins to enthusiastically read.
“This is my papa! I love him and he loves me!”
Vash grins, lifting the page just enough for his twins to grab it. Without missing a beat, the two turn the page, both transfixed by the colorful drawings and their father’s dramatic reading. 
Vash’s smile widens. He is positively giddy. He just knows in his gut that he’ll get them to say it this time. He can feel it!
 “My papa is tall!” Vash reads, standing up from his seat at his full height. His children erupt in a fit of giggles before turning to the next page. 
“My papa is strong!” 
Vash flexes his muscles before turning around and lifting the chair he’d just been sitting in up and over his head with a single arm. The twins roar with laughter as Vash makes a show of pretending the chair is heavier than it actually is. Then as Luca and Layla turn the page, Vash puts the chair back down and reads.
“My papa is fast!”
In an instant the energetic father of four sprints from the table and across the kitchen. His children’s laughter follows him and Vash can't help but savor that angelic sound for the briefest of moments.
But no sooner does Vash take that moment, he opens his eyes and turns back around quickly, racing back to his two little munchkins.
Vash’s fingers are outstretched and ready to tickle the twins’ plump little cheeks and necks once he reaches them. Luca and Layla squeal with delight, wiggling in their high chairs as they try to tickle him back, and Vash’s heart practically melts into a sappy little puddle on the floor.
Vash stops his tickles, then he sits back down and turns the page.
“My papa is gentle.”
After he reads those words, Vash reaches over to his two children and pats their heads tenderly. The two of them coo, their own fingers reaching up to capture and caress his palms. Vash smiles, and continues the story. He’s read it to them so many times, he doesn’t even need to turn the page. He knows it by heart.
“My papa is brave.”
Vash stands up and leans over the table to plant soft little kisses on his children’s foreheads. He nuzzles each one, closing his eyes as his heart swells so full of love it’s near bursting. And as Vash recites the next line, his voice cracks, just like it does every single time he reads them this story.
“M-my papa is kind.”
Vash then leans back and holds his hands up. His children don’t miss a beat, both reaching up to put their hands in his. Vash is ever so gentle as he wraps up their fingers in his tender hold.
“My papa holds me tight.”
Vash smiles and his children smile back, connecting as he recites the final line.
“My papa loves me. Morning, afternoon, and night.”
Silence fills the space then, and Vash waits for his children to respond. But the twins just look at him with happy little smiles on their faces. Vash leans in and whispers.
“Okay, go on you two. Come on, say ‘papa’!”
Luca and Layla look at Vash curiously, their adorable little heads tilting to the side as they try to grasp what their father is getting at. But as the seconds tick by in silence Vash sighs, the weight of defeat beginning to sit heavy on his chest.
“‘Papa!’ Come on, you can do it! Papa, papa, papa!”
But his children simply grin and reach for the book, turning the pages back to the beginning and looking at Vash expectantly. Vash sighs dramatically, throwing his hands up in the air as he leans back in his chair. If he didn’t know better, he’d think that the giggling from his two little babies was the universe’s way of mocking him.
“This is the fiftieth time I’ve read this to you two. What will it take for you to say ‘papa’?”
The front door opens, and the three Saverems look towards the kitchen’s threshold as familiar footsteps vibrate across the family home.
“Let’s bring these groceries into the kitchen.”
The sound of your comforting voice rings gently through the house, and upon hearing it, both Luca and Layla immediately perk up and shout out loud,
Vash groans as despair sets in his bones. Distraught, he hides his face in his hands as you, Nico and Nova enter the kitchen. It only takes one second for you to deduce what happened once you enter the scene.
Vash buries his face deeper into his palms when he hears you softly chuckle.
“You can’t win them all, typhoon.”
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Want more cozy dad!Vash drabbles? Check out the series here!
dividers by @/saradika
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Hm...I wonder if Baldwin ever experienced cuteness aggression to his dear wife 🤔 like his wife just existing and breathing and there is Baldwin being giddy and ready to shower her with his love 🫣
♡ Sweet Girl - King Baldwin X Reader ♡
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♡ Fluff ♡
A/N: IM BACK EVERYONE!!!!! Hello Anon!! I am so sorry that its taken so long to get to these, I havent written in agesss but i'm back and ready to provide again!! I hope you like it! As always, this is based on the film Kingdom Of Heaven, not the real historical figures. Enjoy!
TW: Leprosy
Baldwin retired to his chambers early in the evening.
He had finished with the necessary duties for the day and was ready to spend the rest of the night with his beloved wife.
The king ascended the stairs slowly, trying his best not to groan from pain. Each step was a nightmare. But all agony was washed away in a second at the sight of y/n.
His lovely wife sat curled atop their large shared bed, book in hand. Her soft body clad in white robes, her hair brushed and spilling out over her shoulders.
Baldwin grinned behind the mask as he stepped forward. Noticing her husband’s presence, y/n looked up from her book and smiled as he removed the mask, placing it on the nightstand.
“Hello darling” she said happily, her gentle voice was the only thing that could soothe him now.
The king wordlessly climbed up onto the bed as fast as he could, pouncing on his beautiful wife to cuddle into her chest.
Y/n giggled with delight at his affection and was quick to wrap her arms around his thin form. Baldwin nestled his head into her, squeezing her lovely body as hard as he could without harming her.
“You're so beautiful!” the king said with excitement.
“So adorable and soft” he nuzzled against her chest. Y/n smiled with delight and confusion. She had never seen him act like this before, it was wonderful. He was always so calm but now he seemed positively giddy! It was the cutest thing she had ever seen.
“Oh Baldwin you never cease to surprise me” the queen chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck gently as he popped his head up and grinned.
“And you never cease to be the most perfect thing in all the land!” he replied before burying himself into his wife again, covering her neck and cheeks with kisses as she giggled in delight.
“Baldwin my love, relax! I don't want you hurting yourself!” y/n said in between laughter.
“It would be worth it for you!” he replied before going back to peppering her cheeks with kisses.
“I love you, I love you, I love you so much!” Baldwin exclaimed, rubbing his bandaged face into her neck.
“I love you too!” y/n replied, “where has all this energy come from!?” she added, cupping his cheek in her hand.
“I don't know but it's wonderful, I'm just so happy to see you!” he said, finally snuggling down into her warm body, enjoying the feeling of her arms wrapped around her.
“This is what I long for each and every day” Baldwin mumbled with a smile.
“As do I sweetheart” y/n replied, running her fingers through his hair, soaking up every sensation of his body pressed into hers.
He was truly full of surprises.
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myers-meadow · 7 months
Hellish beginnings
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Pairing: Haarlep x Raphael, budding Raphael x Tav and Haarlep x Tav
Summary: After you paid the House of Hope a visit, you were gone before the master of the house even knew you were there. Yet, you left his personal incubus Haarlep with a delightful present that they just can't wait to share with their master. Perhaps this is not the last time you entered the House of Hope.
Warnings: none. Teen and up rating. They/them used for Tav, no appearance mentioned.
Wordcount: 578
beautiful divider by @cafekitsune. If you enjoyed, please reblog or comment! It is fuel to the fire that is my love for these characters <3.
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"Oh, Raphael," Said Haarlep, in sing-song tone, as soon as their master entered his boudoir. "You'd never guess which of your clients paid me a visit today."
Raphael shed his mortal disguise as he walked over to the bed. By his walk, Haarlep could tell how their master's day had been. Not that good. Not that it mattered much to them, but it was good to know.
"I'm not in the mood to guess," Raphael answered, voice thick with displeasure.
"Only your most cherished one..." They said, and their form shifted. Raphael's little mouse laid on his bed then, draped casually, erotically over the ruby sheets. Raphael, who only barely paid attention to his personal incubus, did a double take. His eyes widened. For one joyful moment, he didn't know what to say. Haarlep's grin widened.
"Really?" He then asked, with one eyebrow raised. "Tav." His tone darkened. It was difficult to tell whether he was angry, or intrigued. You very well know that entering the House was forbidden as per your contract, the consequences could be devastating. He'd so hate to have to hurt you, just as you show such promise. "That is quite the surprise."
Haarlep adjusted their position, showing off your features in a different way this time. Giddy, they tugged alluringly at the straps of their underwear. Raphael, drawn in by the sight of you, climbed onto the bed. Haarlep was quick to make room for him.
"You like it?" They asked, rolling over and showing off your backside, curving your back like a cat doing a big lazy stretch. Raphael only hummed, but watched with eager eyes.
"I cant say I haven't thought about them..."
"They were so fun," Haarlep drawled. "Desperate and mewling after just a few kisses. Too bad you weren't there."
"I wonder why they came. If they thought they could break the contract-" Raphael clenched his fists.
"Oh, not to worry, they left without even getting that far. They just had a little gander at your archive, a little poke around the place. I'm sure this is their favourite room of the house. They spent the most time here, after all."
Haarlep changed shape again, into Raphael's glamour, determined to smooth over their master's anger. They laid a warm hand on his hip, trailing fingers up and down the formal doublet. With a flick of the hand, the doublet was gone. Hunger shone in Raphael's eyes, and Haarlep knew just a little convincing would be enough. It would be fun, to have a play with someone else for a bit. To have a third in the bedroom. They were curious to see what would happen. It was one of Raphael's known weaknesses that he got too involved in mortal lives, but this one seemed special.
"Surely it doesn't have to be such a big deal... They didn't do anything bad, after all."
Raphael tutted, finding comfort in the familiar touch. He played with the chains on Haarlep's outfit, tugging the incubus closer. "Perhaps we should invite them for a formal visit. Let us see if we can't talk this over."
Haarlep answered with a wicked grin. "They admitted they have thought of you too. I'm sure they'd be willing to... negotiate."
With his head falling back on the pillow as Haarlep pushed him on his back, Raphael laughed. "Oh, the plot thickens... Why don't you show me what it was about you that had our little mouse mewling, hm?"
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boozenboze · 2 years
Hiii!! Hope you’re doing great! Love your writing btw!
Just had a request. It’s been stuck in my mind like a post it for a while.
So what would be the task force 141 + Alejandro, Rudy and König’s reaction to a reader that’s known for being sweet and caring. (Code name Angel)
They’re a field medic but haven’t been on the field in a while, somehow they have to protect the sweet boys and they find out reader is in fact ruthless when fighting and v deadly. (Maybe they gotta change the code name to Archangel lol)
Anyways have a good day/night. No worries if you can’t write it!
Árchangel In Battle
Task Force 141 +Los Vaqueros+Konig x Medic!Male reader
Summary:Angel is the code name M/n aquired because of his gentle nature though it’s always changed when he’s on the field.
You will be referred to as Angel in most parts
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Females She/Her and She/They DNI
If the other soilders had to choose the nicest member out of the 141 all answers would be the same.You,aka M/n was a total sweetheart to everyone.Always giving a gentle smile when walking around the base which naturally made everybody fond of your presence.
When you first met the Los Vaqueros they were immediately delighted by your presence.Alejandro was the first one to call him Angel and sooner than later it became his official unofficial code name.Rudy can remember the way M/n smiled at them when they first met.A smile in which he believed only a Angel could have.
When König had first arrived he was quite nervous.Sure he’s 6’10 and was the tallest guy but he seemed awfully shy and nervous to speak.After a few days of him being at the base,one day during training he had grazed his arm.So of course he’d went to go see a medic.Angel being the specific medic he was going to see.König enjoyed the males prescesnce especially since he was so caring and gentle,it seemed unrealistic for a guy.
“Hey Angel~!”König said happily as he walked towards the medic who already had a smile on his voice before the Austrian walked in.
“guten Abend Schatz what brings you here?M/n spoke with a little german added on which made König giddy.
“One of the seargents accidently made me scrape my arm I was wondering if you could take a look at it.”König g said while sitting on one of the beds.
“Ok let me have a look.”M/n stood from where he was seated and approached the taller male.M/n grabbed the arm König was talking about and slightly grimaced by the torn skin.
“Well this is one hell of a scrape if I do say so myself.Well,no matter I can make you feel better Liebe.”M/n spoke out while grabbing the needed supplies from a tray.König was blushing M/n kept speaking to him normally at one moment and the other he started speaking to him in German.M/n continued talking to König ig till he completed his given task and König was in a trance.M/n’s voice practically had him in a trance and his feather like touches were the only thing getting his attention.
“Alright big guy your good to go!”M/n chirped in enthusiasm as König g sulked under his mask.He wanted to stay in the room and keep the Medic company but he knew he had other things to do.
“Okay..., bis gleich Liebes!”König yelled out while exiting the room.M/n smiled as he cleaned up the small mess left by the adhesives and bandaids.
Angel was called back into the field.It had everybody on edge since the Medic hadn’t been on the field in a couple years.Price was skeptical about letting Angel come since he didn’t want want the male to get hurt but with the mission they were going on he was needed,many soilders were bound to get hurt and Angel was a quick man on his feet.On the following days M/n was training just to make sure he was still cabable if doing what he was best at.The male was good with snipers and he could’ve been a sniper if he really wanted but he’d rather stick with his current position.
Today was the day of the mission and everyone besides Angel came up to an agreement.They were all gonna do their best to protect the h/c haired male even though they had new clue what the man was still capable of.Now exiting the vehicle M/n was paired up with Gaz to take down the guards blocking the front of the building.When Price was giving orders M/n didn’t wanna waste time so he quickly sniped both of the in the head.
“Geez doc,ya didn’t even let Price finish?”Gaz exasperated as Angel huffed.
“Well we gotta get this down as soon as possible.Can’t afford to do anything last minute ey?”Angel asked as Gaz shrugged his shoulders as they made their way to the buildings entrance and walked inside.
“Angel,Gaz How copy?”König’s voice could be heard on the other end of the radio.
“All is well on our end,what about you and the others?”Angel spoke out as Gaz listened into the conversation as he shot down a few spotted enemies.
“Start headin towards the fifth floor we’ll meet up there.”Ghost spoke out in his usual rough tone of voice.Gaz and M/n began making there way up the stairs having to take down a few enemy soilders down.
“They should be up here.”Gaz murmured as Angel held his gun up prepared to shoot.
Gaz slowly opened the door just to be lucky enough to see the rest of 141 and the Los Vaqueros.
“Angel I’m glad to see you hermano-!”Alejandro was cut off by the click of several guns.They all turned around and they were surrounded
“Don’t fucking move!”One of them spoke out as König grabbed Angel’s arm in attempts of pulling him back to which Angel yanked his arm back.
“Angel du musst zurückbleiben!”König whispered yelled into Angels ear to which he responded.
“I can handle myself König.”Angel spoke out while slowly dispersing himself away from the huddle.
“Hand us the files and we’ll let you go.”A deep voice spoke out while aiming his gun at Rudy’s chest.
“Nae pumpin' happening assholes!”Soap yelled out defensively as one of them began moving closer and putting a gun to Alejandro’s skull.
“You’re going to regret doing this estúpido!”Alejandro yelled out as the man pressed his gun into Alejandro’s head harder which made him grunt.The leader was about to speak again until a muffled scream was heard gaining everyone’s attention.Price looked around and noticed that Angel was nowhere to be seen.
“Wait where’d Angel go?!”Price yelled out which made the rest realize the h/c haired male wasn’t with them.Suddenly a thud was heard and one of the enemies saw his teammates head rolling towards him.
“What the fuc-“The man was cut off by a knife lodging in to his skull.
“Stand your ground stay alert!”The leader yelled out only for another soilder to get shot in the skull.
“What the hell?”Gaz whispered as he saw something run across the room.He noticed the figure put two fingers up which Gaz remembered was a signal that Angel had taught him.Peace sign meant get ready in Angels code of silence,so Gaz grabbed his gun.At that moment M/n shot another soilder in the head and Gaz did the same.Angel rushed at another guy and slit his throat and used his now limp body as a shield.Ghost punched another one,knocking him to the ground and Soap tackled another one of the others to the ground and began punching him senseless.
König broke one of the men’s spins over his leg killing him instantly before throwing his knife in another’s skull.Alejandro was punching the guy who held the gun to his skull while Rudy stabbed one of them repeatedly.Gaz was about to turn around but the leader grabbed him and held a knife to his throat.
“STOP NOW!”He yelled out gaining everyone’s attention.“Drop your damn weapons.”He spoke out while pressing his knife onto Gaz’s throat making the Brit groan.They all lower their weapons now worrying for Gaz’s wellbeing.
“Just give me the damn files and I’ll let him go!”He yelled out as Price glared heavily at him.Nobody said anything and it seemed to have made the leader angrier.
“Ok..,y’all asked for th-AHH!”The male yelled out as Angel appeared from behind him biting into his neck.The man cried out as he pulled a chunk of skin off the males throat while also ripping out his vocal cords.The look the e/c eyed male gave him was nothing but cold as he ripped the mand vocal cords out his throat.Angel got down and began strangling the male with his vocal cords and the others could only watch as the man’s body went limp against his own appendage.141 and Los Vaqueros watched the male stand up before looking them all in the eye.
“What?I couldn’t just stand there he was gonna kill Gaz.”Angel spoke out as König jumped happily in place.
“No no it’s just the uh-we ain’t expect that out of ya considering you haven’t been on the field in a while.”Price spoke out as everybody made noises of agreement.
“Seems that the Angel has turned to the Archangel.”Soap spoke out jokingly as Angel chuckled.
“Yeah I think that’d have to be my new name on the field.”Angel spoke out as they began to exit the building.
It was decided Angel off the field and Archangel upon it
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I love your writing. If you want to, could you write something about an asexual hero x incubus/succubus.
"How come you're not trying to seduce me?"
"Excuse me?" The incubus turned to face them. He really did look like the kind of fairytale that ended up in broken hearts; too beautiful to be quite believable.
The protagonist swallowed. "How come you're not trying to seduce me?"
"...you're asexual. You're not going to be seduced by me. You're not going to be dinner."
"Some asexual people are very sex positive, I'll have you know. Big libido. All the kinky fantasies. Love all the incubi fun times."
"Are you one of those asexual people?"
"I'm just saying, it would be nice to get a bit of effort. I'm supposed to be your date tonight."
The incubus blinked.
"Just forget it!" the protagonist snapped.
"Are you feeling neglected?"
"I said forget it."
"Because I can certainly try and seduce you." The incubi's voice switched tone entirely; a rough octave drop perfect-made for silken sheets and slips. His hand pressed warm against the protagonist's waist, drawing them in, strong and sure.
The protagonist's breath caught because - well, sex was sex, but this. The electricity. The possibility. The giddy, intoxicating feeling of being the only thing that those eyes wanted to see, above everything else in the room.
The incubus could have anyone they wanted. It was stupid. It was embarrassing. They never should have said anything.
God, they wanted more of it.
They wanted the incubus to pick them out of a crowd and lead them onto the dance floor. They wanted the dips and the romance; the roses and all of their thorns.
They wanted everyone's eyes to stop skimming over them, the second they heard the word 'asexual', and they knew that was wrong but...
The incubi's lips dragged hot against their throat, pressing against the shell of their ear.
"The problem," the incubus murmured, "is that I rather like you, and I'd rather not kill you."
It snapped them out of the fantasy to - to the incubus's eyes, warm and amused and something else entirely. To the kindling-curl of the incubus's lip, dragging the protagonist's mouth helplessly up into a matching smile.
"You like me?" the protagonist managed.
"I invited you here."
"I just thought you wanted a buffer. Someone who didn't helplessly throw themselves at you."
The incubi raised a brow. "And that pique of...whatever that was...was you being totally cool and not desiring me in anyway whatsoever?"
The protagonist opened their mouth. They closed it. They wanted the floor to swallow them. "Well, I still don't want to sleep with you!"
"Well, thank god," the incubi replied. He flipped the protagonist's hand, pressing a kiss to their knuckles, holding their eyes. "Now come dance. We've got a scheme to foil, don't we, my hero?"
My hero. They could get entirely too used to that. The incubus looked like he knew that.
"You're a bastard," the protagonist said.
"Mm. And you're seduced." The incubus's grin was a wicked, entirely delighted thing.
"Such a bastard."
The incubus winked, and dragged them out onto the dance floor.
At least for the night, for five minutes, the protagonist felt like the story they'd always wanted to be.
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