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shrimpyjackal · 3 months ago
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continuation of da post !
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Irep wasnt really buying that exuse even tho it`s kinda true... Missing moments of Peri ignoring Da Rules and other small changes is a tragic event, ya know!
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bruciemilf · 1 year ago
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Rendering has left the building
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qutiepai · 4 months ago
muie ctp
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onepiece-polls · 1 year ago
Frequently used tags
Hi all, I just edited the pinned post on this blog, but I thought I'd share this in a seperate post with you all too. For anyone who is curious about the tags I use...
Frequently used tags:
#polls - for any non-tournament polls
#not a poll - for any posts that (you guessed it) don't include polls
#other tournaments - for all posts from other tournament blogs (polls, submission forms, and sometimes non-polls)
#submission form - for all submission forms (from this or other blogs)
#results reblog - for when I'm sharing results of a poll (usually polls from this blog, but occasionally other tournaments/polls too)
#reblog at another time - for polls I've (re)blogged before, without any additional propaganda or anything.
#news coo delivery - for propaganda on ongoing tournaments from this blog.
#not op - for the very incidental post that has nothing to do with One Piece (which I try to keep to an absolute minimum).
#ask - for any answered asks/messages.
#about this blog - for posts that are about the blog itself (like this one).
You can block any tags you don't want to see, of course. You can also search for them on my blog (in the app) or use tumblr.com/onepiece-polls/tagged/[# you want to look up, without the actual '#'] if you're on browser if you want to check the posts in one of those tags.
Besides these general tags, every tournament has its own tag too, but that will be announced at the beginning of each tournament (and you can see on those posts). The current tournament is going by #opla fan cast polls.
I probably forgot some tag I often use, so if you've noticed one or you got a question about a tag, let me know!
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nox-scrie · 5 days ago
Updates (out of context) la fanficul meu anual!!!
(am scris 2000 de cuvinte deja si nici macar n-am introdus conflictul) (probabil puteti sa ghiciti despre ce e vorba in poveste but i am NOT going to spell it out hehe)
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am decis ca shipname-ul hyperion x catalina x catalin este hypecat si sincer? sunt asa mandru. let me have this.
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eu? adaptand tematica geniului romantic in contemporentitate facandu-l pe hyperion ultimul pick-me stereotipic? more likely than you'd think.
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simbolistica numarului 3 este foarte important aici!! (probabil nu va mai fi mentionata vreodata dar.....). also guessing game! cine credeti ca este cuplul de invitati momentan nenumiti din acest fanfic 👀?
ATAT am pentru voi momentan dar fiti atentx pe 25 cand va fi postat rezultatul final~~~ revin cu updates probabil maine dar nu va asteptati sa spulber misterul atunci 🤭
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ciochinaflorin · 4 months ago
222 I 2024. TREI MOTIVE POSIBILE PENTRU CARE S-A DAT PORUNCA ÎNVĂȚĂRII COPIILOR [Proverbe 22.6 I Proverbe 22.5 I Psalmul 32.8] 9 August 2024
222 I 2024. TREI MOTIVE POSIBILE PENTRU CARE S-A DAT PORUNCA ÎNVĂȚĂRII COPIILOR I Podcast I Pasaje Biblice : Proverbe 22 : 6 I Proverbe 22 : 5 I Psalmul 32 : 8 I Meditaţii din Cuvânt I Cezareea I Reşiţa I 9 August 2024 I Trei motive posibile pentru care s-a dat porunca învățării copiilor. Împăratul Solomon a poruncit învățarea copiilor. Dar trebuie să deducem că părinții erau ținta poruncii…
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amexicanidiot · 1 month ago
So i was one day just wandering the hellscape that is tumblr and i found this:
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and i found it very interesting, in what context would jax say that , so i drawn these little things:
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Serious Mad Jax
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Crazy Mad Jax
but there also the posibillity of:
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Jax just being Jax
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mylandofmyth · 1 month ago
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deci mi se pare incredibil sa te informezi de un posibil presedinte abia DUPA ce l ai votat, dar ma rog asta e nivelul din pacate.. TREZITI VA IN TURUL 2 I BEG
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fishyfishyfish0258 · 29 days ago
[tl;dr vent despre politică, experiența mea ca persoană queer și toate cele, sorry :[ ]
e un chin sa trăiești ca persoană queer acu' când sunt alegerile că numai chestii homofobe aud și parcă nu mai scap. mă simt ca o oaie neagră pentru ceva ce n-am ales și n-am cu cine vorbi că aparent toți oamenii cu care intru în contact sunt homofobi într-un fel sau altul.
în țara asta încă se mai folosește gay ca insultă (cel puțin aia a fost experiența mea de gimnaziu și liceu) până la ăia care se plâng de lgbt pe facebook (că ai mei dau BLANĂ PE TELEFONUL LOR) că hĂĂ hĂĂ bărBAȚi îN fUStE hĂĂ hĂă.
nici nu-s impresionat, că educația cam... scârțâie aici. dacă nu ești violent și/sau nu ești vreo fițoasă, ești mâncat de viu și ești bătaia de joc al clasei (zic din experiență). nu te învață empatia, cum e să fii minoritate, toate cele. oricine-i diferit trebuie să prioriteze să iasă cu cât mai puține sechele posibil.
cam aproape toți din viața mea sunt homofobi și trebuie să înghit toate mizeriile doar ca să nu mă dau de gol. (nu mi-am făcut coming-out-ul și nici nu vreau pentru siguranța mea considerând cum e totul și sunt 100% sigură că nu voi fi acceptată). aud tot timpul de la cunoscuți cum existența persoanelor queer (și, indirect, existența mea) e anormală, păcat, ș.a.
și aia doare, ști? să fii țapul ispășitor și în școală, și-n societate pentru ceva ce n-ai ales. că societatea asta urăște oamenii ca mine atât de mult încât votează cu un dus-cu-pluta doar ca să scape de noi. singura oară când pot fi eu, așa autentic, e când sunt singur. nu cunosc alți oameni queer români cu care să le pot spune of-ul meu și începe încet-încet să mă apese.
încerc să mă țin tare că poate va fi ceva și pentru mine într-o zi. încă doare. dar e ceva.
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sitron-artblog · 1 year ago
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Update: 16.07.2023
I've sort of been working on this a little on and off, but I stopped posting updates cause I stopped being as excited about it? But today, thanks to my Good Productive Day, I finally feel like I made solid progress, and I enjoyed it a lot :)
I've realized two things through this drawing (and one of them is quite stupid)
1. I realized that it's been ages, like definitely more than a year, since the last time I worked on a pencil drawing of this scale AND with this level of detail. Like, I can't even remember the last time. I do a lot of quite small drawings, and there's really only so much detail you can put into someone's face when it's the size of one of your fingernails. I've done larger drawings in charcoal and other mediums, but they just don't allow for the same degree of detail. Idk. It's cool to see how my skills have progressed :)
2. You... You can use... A kneadable eraser... With graphite..... (yes this is the stupid one). I don't fucking know why but I just never tried it? I was introduced to kneadable erasers in an art class I took as a little kid, and always in the context of drawing with charcoal so like, I just, never used it for anything but charcoal???? Which is so stupid, like why the fuck would you not be able to use a kneadable eraser with graphite??? there is no reason!!!! It just. never occurred to me to try it out. allll of these years. Anyways. It's revolutionised my life 💕 so. that's it for this update :)
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Jeff Satur
wip - june 2023
(Rambling beneath the cut 💕)
Ok so the reason I decided to make this blog now, is yesterday I was working on this drawing for like three hours screaming crying yelling etc extremely fucking frustrated because it just would. not. happen. I'd done the sketch the day before and it went like. fine, I was happy enough with it, but then I picked up a pencil to render and... 💔💔💔 For like three hours. And then. Finally. It just loosened, and started to work and now I'm so excited about ittt!! Didn't have a chance to work on it today cause I needed to clean, and my energy was gone afterwards, but hopefully I'll get back to it tomorrow. It's joining the ranks as one of three jeff satur pieces that I'm currently working on actively, and I'm really excited about all of them, and truly feel like they're all going well, so! Yay!
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amethystfairy1 · 7 months ago
Amethyst… You can’t be doing this to me😭
No, but seriously, how am I supposed to get through finals while I have TT and TTSBC on the brain? That is to say, I absolutely adore your work! Reading it made me want to write again after… 6 years, I think. I’m debating participating in Beyond and I might just bite the bullet at this point.
Now let’s get down to business. You said you liked rambles, so I would like to offer my own thoughts.
First, for TT, does the hurricane have anything with a maybe missing siren/merman we haven’t heard of in a while?👀 I also remember you mentioning at some point that there might be a Xornoth appearance, so now my brain is full.
As for TTSBC, (I was debating for a while if I should even share this, but here goes nothing) I came up with a sub-species and was wondering what you would think.
I’m imagining there is a community of something called shadow mutants. They are like the second removed cousins of the voidwalkers. They are, first and foremost, living shadows. You know how when it’s dark and you can’t be sure if what you see (or more precisely, can’t see) is the darkness or just shadows? I’m basing them on that whole felling. A kind of mutant that is the boogieman of the under-city.
They are reclusive, much like blazeborns, they just do their own thing. They live in caves, mostly in the deep dark, making their homes out of the shadows and darkness. Their whole thing is that they can disappear in the shadows and live there their whole lives. When they are little, they have to learn to use glamor to maintain a “human” body, and even then, they have the shadows moving on their skin and pitch black eyes (I mean that the iris and the sclera are black).
They can take over shadows, be it that of an object or a person, but they have to be careful. When they take over a shadow, their “body” stretches or contracts to fill out the space and it can feel like breaking bones and tearing muscle. It takes a lot of glamor control to make it so that the mutant isn’t hurting in a situation like this.
They both worship and are afraid of lights, as light is the thing that creates shadows, but take the object away and the shadow effectively “dies”, so they have to think about when and what shadow to take over. The most powerful ones can even control the object or person in whose shadow they are.
If they chose to live between the folk in the under-city (a lot of them chose to never leave their shadows, never using their human body), they work odd jobs, but mainly as cave explorers and/or armed forces for some of the mobsters down there.
It’s a universal truth about them that in fight or flight situations, they hide. If they are felling threatened while in a shadow, they will either stay there and wait, or move over to another one, jumping from object to object to get away. If they are in their physical body, they will try to get to the closest corner and make themself as tiny as posibile if they don’t have shadows they can hide in. As a last resort, the shadows will peel of their skin and act as a distraction, moving on the walls or behind them, creating the illusion of something bigger.
What do you think? I hope you enjoyed my rumbling and you take care of yourself.
Now I have to go back to finishing my project for todays presentation (I’m a procrastinator at heart, it’s my own fault, but I’m gonna get through it just so that I can post some of the works I have drafted).
They sound so cool!? Shadow mutants? That's so spooky and awesome sounding! I love the concept of them moving between shadows and using glamor to materialize, that's such a fun dynamic!
Oooo does it have to do with a certain missing mer? Maybe, maybe, that's certainly a good catch there, not many people pointed it out because they were too busy worrying about Gem going after Scar's head 😆 Hope your presentation went well! Thank you thank you for sharing your subspecies idea, I loved it!!! 💖
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glassygate · 17 days ago
I find it funny how DPxDC fandom has replaced the early 2000s "Danny&Dick are siblings/twins" trope with "Danny&Damian are siblings/twins."
But I also wanted to try and figure out why it happened.
The main reason why Damian wasn't originally even considered as posibile relative for Danny is quite simple: Damian literally didn't exist until September 2006; a month before DP season 3 started airing.
Sure, the concept of Talia and Bruce having a son is much older. Kingdom Come from 1996 is probably being the best known example of this and I'm pretty sure there is even older comic where Talia has miscarriage. Plus, when have the fandoms cared about canon relationships when coming up reasons to make two characters related?
But in the early days there was another reason keeping Danny from becoming related to Bruce:
A little show known as Teen Titans.
Teen Titans cartoon originally aired from 2003-2006. This meant that when Danny Phantom started airing in May 2004, it was only natural that the fandoms of these two superhero teen cartoons would overlap.
Teen Titans was also very strong on the "found family" trope. The show had also already shown that the Titans were more than willing to take in additional members (Terra, Januarry 2004) so adding Danny in the team as a new member of the team was an easy base for a crossover. However, even back then, Phandom was just angst and gore loving as it is today so a lot of fic writers wanted a tool to ensure that the freshly traumatized Danny had a reason to trust and stay with group of strangers. And making Danny Robin's brother or twin was a perfect trick for that.
(Plus if you have two shows, with overlapping fandoms, that have characters with even slightly similar traits... You bet that someone in the fandom is going to make them related.)
So that was Teen Titans era... What next?
Well first we had "The Batman" cartoon which was allowed to add Robin in its 4th season thanks to Teen Titans ending (Bat-embargo). I don't really remember there being any bigger crossovers with Danny Phantom, but it did keep the idea of "Dick Grayson is Robin in cartoons" idea living.
2010, we got Young Justice. And once again Dick Grayson is the Robin.
If I remember correctly, Danny&Dick are sibling fics were still a thing back then, probably thanks to TTxDP fandom being still fairly active in FF.net. And of course a lot of these people would be influenced by, or move to, YJ fandom. Heck... I personally was introduced to YJ thanks to its influence and characters bleeding to TTxDP fics.
But YJ had something TT didn't: the Justice League and mentors. The Team being a "training school" for young heroes gave the show multiple reason for Danny to stay around, no matter the backstory. Danny could still be Dick's long lost brother. Or like Connor, he could be a laboratory experimet with no other place to go. Or perhaps, the League had found him solo-heroing like they did with Artemis and now wanted to train him.
So yeah, the Dick&Danny are sibling trope was still alive but slowly losing it's popularity. Early 2010s was also the time when people started to move from FF.net to AO3 and some fandoms and tropes just... didn't seem to survive the move as well as the others.
But the question still remains.
Why and how Damian replaced Dick as Danny's sibling?
And to answer to this question, we need to narrow down when it happened.
Though Damian had made several animated cameos over the years, his first big role as animated Robin started in 2014 thanks to the DC Animated Universe films (Son of Batman ->). When it came to Dick, he aged naturally into his Nightwing identity and ended his 10 year career as the main animated Robin.
So surely; this was the turning point that started it all?
Well... It turned out... that the answer to that is no.
Let me show you AO3's "Danny and Dick/Damian are siblings" tags
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Damian didn't appear in Danny Phantom fandom tags until 2015; a whole year after his movie debut. And even after that, it took almost 7 whole years for "Danny and Damian are siblings" tag to appear.
(Sure, the "Danny Fenton and Dick-or-Damian are siblings" excludes a lot of potential fics (including the oldest ones), but it seemed to be the parent tag and gives a good idea of how this trend has evolved.)
Heck! Damian Wayne is tagged in Danny Phantom fics only 24 times by the end of the 2021! I knew Phandom is going through its "DC renaissance" but with his ever growing role in animated media, I still assumed Damian to be more commonly used character.
So the new question is: what the heck happened in 2022?
All animated and video game appereances I can find for Damian are from before 2020s. Sure, shows like Harley Quinn continued after that but I don't think that is the reason for Damian's sudden popularity.
So I decided to dig a little bit deeper.
In AO3, the first time I could see a fic with Damian and Danny as siblings is January 2022. The parent tag "Danny Fenton and Damian Wayne are Siblings" appears later the same month.
Before August, the tag has been used 3 times.
Then 22 times in the remaining 5 months.
And when I looked into those 22 fics, "What happened in 2022" turned out to be a completelly wrong question.
What I should have asked was WHO happened.
Because out of those 22 fics written between August adn December 2022... 14 were written by a single author.
I'm not going to name them in case this post causes unwanted traffic for them. Plus they might just be the one popularising the tag but not the trope itself. However, I have read some of their fics before this little project and they are a good writer. So no surprise if they managed to inspire other people to use this idea more often.
I also know I am probably missing something. The previously mentioned DCxDP renaissance was already started/starting back then. Of course it made people to make up a biological connection between Danny and Bat-family member with similar-ish age. It is the same logic that early 2000s fandom used to connect Danny to Robin the first time.
But if you just look at AO3 statistics... It creates an image of a trope being created by handful of fics and less authors than I have fingers to count.
And that is definitely one of the main reasons I love internet fandoms.
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ladyfrey-art · 28 days ago
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"only you, in all universes... of all posibillitys"
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„Pentru că oamenii sunt ca oglinzile. Te așezi lângă unii și te vezi urat. Lângă alții te vezi prost. Iar lângă alții te vezi neclar și nu știi ce să crezi. Iar asta îți creează nesfârșite păreri de rău. Uneori însă, rar, foarte rar, sunt oameni lângă care te vezi nu neapărat frumos, nu neapărat ideal, ci doar întreg, sau complet sau pur și simplu într-un mod pe care îl găsești acceptabil. Nu e nevoie să îi cauți, ei apar dintr-o dată din mulțimea mută, trebuie doar să fii atent și, dacă e posibil, să ți-i apropii.”
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nox-scrie · 2 days ago
Sărbătorile se simt din ce în ce mai obositoare pe măsură ce îmbătrânești, iar singura scăpare e ficțiunea clișeică? Mai jos găsiți remediul pentru această afecțiune ce poate fi fatală!
Da, am terminat în sfârșit fanficul cu Luceafărul x Cătălin x Cătălina (Hypecat!!). Da, e mult mai cheesy decât îmi închipuiam că poate ieși.
În această poveste, Hyperion, mare magnat ce știe mult prea bine că banii nu pot cumpăra fericirea, încearcă să o invite la un date pe femeia de care este îndrăgostit, pe numele ei Cătălina, ce este administratora + propietara unui lanț de pensiuni cu numele de Luceafărul. Motivul pentru care Hyperion (thinks he) fumbles pe una dintre cele mai frumoase persoane pe care le-a întâlnit vreodată? Ei bine, Cătălina este măritată de mulți ani- și de ce este oare soțul ei, Cătălin, tot atât de frumos pe cât este și ea?
Hyperion ar vrea să dispară de pe fața pământului de rușine când își dă seama că voia să se bage pe o femeie măritată (și pentru o secundă și pe soțul ei), dar nu o face, căci datorită unui mecanism narativ foarte folositor (fenomenul înzăpezirii), Hyperion este obligat să stea cu aceste două bomboane de propietari și să navigheze sentimentele complexe și conflictele inutile pe care aceștia le trezesc în el ca simpli moldoveni queer. Serios, fanficul ăsta e doar Hyperion fiind a loser în cel mai aesthetic și adorabil mod posibil.
Dacă vreți să vă alăturați lui Hyperion, Cătălinei și lui Cătălin, alături de doi invitați speciali complet irelevanți, anume Mihai Eminescu și Ion Creangă, găsiți link-ul mai jos. Acestea fiind spuse, lectură frumoasă și aștept să aud de la voi orice fel de opinie, emoție sau gând demn de a fi împărtășit pe urma lecturii.
Crăciun fericit! 🎄☄️🌄❄
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goodevilgirlintentions-blog · 3 months ago
Daddy's rules 😈 ~1~
1. Când ne vedem, porți doar rochița/fustiță FĂRĂ LENJERIE
2. Pussy pic zilnic
3. O zi pe săptămână să mergi cu buttplugul la muncă/facultate
4. Când vin la tine, să te găsesc goală, masturbandu-te, așteptând să intru în tine
5. O sugi oricând și oriunde am chef
6. Nu comentezi când vreau să te ling în locuri publice
7. Porți mereu vibratorul lush în tine, si o pot controla oricand, de oriunde
8. Nu te poti termina fara acordul lui daddy
9. De fiecare data cand te masturbezi, il intrebi pe daddy daca te lasa sa te atingi in locurile tale de printesa.
10. De fiecare data cand te masturbezi, daddy trebuie sa vada
11. Esti mereu la dispozitie cand daddy are chef de sextalk, facetime
12. Corpul tau este un "free-use" pentru daddy. Oricand te poate atinge, se poate juca cu tine, chiar si in somn daca vrea.
13. Orgasmul tau e proprietatea lui Daddy.
14. Daca il superi pe Daddy, te vei duce la colt, vei sta in genunchi cu limba scoasa
15. Daca Daddy decide ca ai fost obraznica, te va pune pe burtă la el in brate, iti va da chilotii jos si te va disciplina cu palme peste fund pana iti ceri scuze
16. Când Daddy îşi scoate centura, te pui doggy şi aştepți loviturile pe fund.
17. Când Daddy te penetrează în poziția misionarului, te uiți mereu în ochii lui, eye contact mereu!
18. Îl satisfaci vizual cu poze în lenjerii sexy cât mai des posibil.
19. Sugi orice îți pune Daddy în gură, indiferent că sunt degete, jucării sexuale sau pulă.
20. Dacă Daddy vrea să te plimbe în lesă prin casă, te pui în patru labe şi aştepți până îți dă comanda.
21. Îl vei trezi pe Daddy în fiecare dimineață cu un sloppy-toppy blowjob.
22. Înghiți, MEREU!
23. Daddy are acces la FIECARE gaură.
24. Îl laşi pe Daddy să filmeze cât de disperată şi udă eşti pentru el.
25. Te îmbraci în costume sexy ca să îl surprinzi pe Daddy.
26. Nu exista "nu" în vocabularul tău. Ce spune Daddy e sfânt.
27. Dacă Daddy te pune în genunchi, nu te ridici fără permisiunea lui.
28. Daddy îți alege ținutele!
29. In preajma lui Daddy, vei purta pe buze doar ruj roșu 💄!
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