itsmoonpeaches · 9 months
obsessed with how the pjo show is going about what family means and how the gods work as a family. the found family is so strong?? how percy is essentially teaching annabeth what a close family does and how annabeth is teaching percy why she doesn't trust hers. how younger percy even though he's a son of poseidon was reluctant to swim and how that parallels the current percy who is reluctant to trust his father because what did poseidon do for him before then anyway?? and then the nereid says that he was wrong. poseidon did want to interfere but it's hard and that's just how the gods work and percy's fatal flaw is personal loyalty so who can he be loyal to if he can't trust them and—
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cjbolan · 2 years
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Still hooked on The Odyssey (thanks to Epic)...now’s a good time to mention The 1997 version was a huge influence on my own art. It’s still one of my favorite movies. DRAWINGS FROM HERE...
Gods Galore
I Will Always Return
Jake Bust 2
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chaostroberry1 · 4 months
(name), running to Poseidon : "please help me water bend!!! I beg of you!!!"
Poseidon : "foolish human. That's absurd of you to think that mortals can have powers."
(name) : "pleaaassee? I need to lie to everyone that I have cool powers!!!"
Poseidon : "No. I'd never do such. Especially for a human."
Literally 5 minutes later
(name), flapping their hands around in the air, making a scene close to the seashore : "look at me!!! I have superpowers!!!"
Zues, looking over to Poseidon : "so....what exactly got you to do this..?"
Poseidon (literally the one controlling the water to match Name's movements) : "Be quiet."
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Original by me
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poseidon-ror · 6 months
May I ask why did you drown that mortal kingdom, even after I told you that they were unworthy of such, dear husband?
Shame, I was quite fond of their pastries...
Ah, my sweet Amphitrite. It seems you have come to see me again. How wonderful you are. Why did I drown the mortal kingdom? Because they’re nothing but bottom feeders who sought my anger.…I hope you’ll forgive my insolence for not listening to your words..in exchange I’ll make sure my maids prepare all of the pastries you were fond of…
-your dear husband, Poseidon
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witchheryy · 10 days
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Maybe Odysseus is going to get in the water now (I'm sorry this is all Casper's fault) Anyway Posiren could lure all them sailors for a swim I'm sure
I forgot to mention, but this Poseison design was very inspired by the amazingly talented @gigizetz 🫶
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maidofthewaves · 4 months
My overall thoughts / opinions on BOZ Season 2
Spoilers ahead
Things I liked:
Character designs: (Especially for) Gaia, Persephone, HEKATE, the Sphinx - etc. An honorable mention is Artemis and her bow's design
Seeing characters with more screen time since the last season: Athena, Aphrodite, Demeter, Artemis - I'm sure I'm forgetting more. Demeter is part of the story, there's a few cool scenes with Athena, and we actually get dialogue from Aphrodite and Artemis. Not much, but some.
The plot / story: How they expressed what Hades and his family have to endure with Persephone leaving every six months
Seeing characters I honestly never thought I'd see: Cronus, Rhea, THE KOURETES, Hestia and again HEKATE
Hestia just being a badass
Seeing Hades' and Persephone's children
How Hades and Persephone meet / develop feelings for each other
More details to Seraphim's past / was not expecting to see him ever having a love interest
A better depiction of Hera
Seeing scenes of Zeus' birth and his early years of life. Zeus' early myths are some of my favorites. I loved seeing baby Zeus and the Kouretes this season. I could honestly just watch this show accurately depict the myths and be happy.
I will mention her again: Hekate. Her design, her role, her inclusion in general. Hekate just being present at Zeus' birth made me happy since theres a myth of Hekate being the one to offer the stone to Cronus to devour in place of Zeus. Also making the rocks actually resemble a baby's sound and movement makes Cronus look less silly.
We barely see Apollo, Hermes, Poseidon, and Hera. I understand why not so much of Poseison and Hera, and I'm glad Hades had a bigger role this season, but I think I just love Hermes and Apollo so much that I expected to see more of them.
Another honorable mention: Seeing the Amazons
Finally, the ending. I really liked what they did there.
Things I didn't care for:
Making Demeter a villain, basically. This was one of those things I had to try not let bother me more than it would have, much like how Hera being the villain last season bothered me. It's one of those times I have to remind myself this is just for entertainment purposes.
Calling Hekate a witch: Look, I get it. Not a big thing. It gives her more depth and we only know so much of Hekate before she started to get linked with magic.
Was it just me or did this season go by quick? I think both seasons have 8 episodes so I don't know why it felt like this season just went by so fast but it did.
Those things slightly bothered me, the list below really bothered me.
Ares. You know what I'm talking about.
Watching the Keres eating.
The worse for me was, what's he called... the tree bender? Did I really have to see him kill a man that way? Did he really have to fucking kill Gorgo? I'm aware this show is made by the same team behind Castlevania and I don't do gore well.
Overall happy with this season and am so happy they made a new season. I read that they have enough material for 5 seasons. Let's hope!
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trashc-anon · 2 months
Disney PJO is mellow
post with spoilers, duh. srly I doubt I'm thinking anything new, but I need these thoughts out of my head!
i recently watched Season 1 out of curiosity (i know, so late) and wow! first impression is how they mellowed out almost everything. I'm re-reading book 1 to double check my impressions and coulnd't get past chapter 3 without writing this post, because the changes in tone are so drastic!
HUGE POST BELOW kinda rant-y
First things first: I adore they decided to cast age aproprite actors, make the insanity they go thorugh obviously insane! (im englishing well)
That said: Percy in the books is an angry lil shit! Boy was ready to throw down with anyone and everyone. Series!Percy barely has a funcionting personality. Not dishing on the actor! When the character is supposed to be angry and angst-y, I can see him doing his best <3 My critique is with the writing. It seems they decided to make Percy more approable and relatable as a "good kid" as opposed to a traumatized ADHD student with consistent behavioural issues. It happened in the movies too. Movie!Percy got to be snappy because the actors and audience were older, but not nearly the level of rage and disrespect a 16 year old could have.
Given how mild series!Percy home life is vs book!Percy I don't mind as much as the the series develops because it looks like character development after repeated murder attempts.
Which brings me to point 2 - the reason I can't get past chapter 3: SALLY FUCKING JACKSON! She's a saltless cracker, overgrown teenager still wheeping over her summer romance with "the guy"! I knew the fandom had glorified her, I've seen some posts "hey, did you actually read the book?" And I hadn't since middle school, so my memory was clouded, but fucks sake! I was drinking the emo Kool-Aid to forget that mess of a plot hole. Thank fuck they rebranded series!Sally. She actually has a personality and seems like to know what is what and try to prepare Percy as a demigod who will outgrow her protection.
The diner flashback scene in which she talks to Poseidon helps her "I knew all along" know it all attitude, which doesn't work in the books because as far as she explains it: she and Poseison did the do, she got pregant and they never saw each other again. No reason to be greek mythology geek, definitly not enough to know about camp and the lastest breaking news in the mythic world.
(Poseidon's involvement creates some morality questions for me, some "how are we going to handle some topics later on" issues when episode 3 comes up, but more on that later)
I blinked and missed the reveal that she married Gabe to protect Percy, and the cascading logic of how her different personalities affected that marriage is mindblowing.
It affects the type of Gabe she married, therefore, how much of his abuse was Sally's fault. Series!Sally has agency and talks back, the kind of woman I can see attracting a god. More importantly, if she's making the decision to deliberately put her beloved son in contact with a nasty person whose smell will deter monsters, she won't put up with a monster herself, rather a loser who might as well be stanky trash sitting in the corner for too long. B
ook!Sally just doesn't sell that kind of confidence and since the books are first person POV we have to postulate that over the years Sally fell victim to Gabe's abuse (resulting in her lack of outstanding personality) and justified staying in the relatioship as "protecting Percy", which makes her complicit. Which is not great mom. And I do remember later in the books its resolved off screen and she "marries a nice guy, florishes as a person and has his baby". Errrr.... It's fiction, and I don't care for the mother character abused for the sake of her child to be saved by another marriage and have another child.
3: don't have much to say about Groover, I love him every time. <3 Book!Grover whines more and is a bit of a coward, while series!Groover is more like the sweet resilient pacificist that chooses non-violance. (and a twelve year actor saying "I'm 24" to Ares was hilarious!)
He is the one functioning "trust worthy" adult in the entire camp and he leaves for months at a time to teach at private schools? Leaving behind, I don't know, teenagers and a drunk god to look after the smaller ADHD kids with powers all year round? Does no one see a problem with this? *side eye*
As a plot device it only serves to give Percy A SUPER POWERFUL SWORD WITHOUT HIM EVER HAVING BEING TRAINED FOR IT, and to have Percy trust him before arriving at the crazy camp that regularly send children to their deaths.
*inhale**exhale* I'm cool I'm cool
I will probably have more thoughts as I reread the book. I think I will write my impressions of series!Annabeth before she turns up in the next chapter so I have a more controled before and after impressions.
so far, overall, I was bored up until episode 3 with Medusa, and boy! that's when you can tell Uncle Rick is involved in the production process. After the first book series being critized for lacking diversity, he did his homework on many polarizing subjects which I appreciate being talked about in middle grade books/ series. And I think that will bite him in the ass when it polarizes the fandom in coming seasons and Disney cuts him out.
See ya!
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mizz-sea-nymph · 2 years
Adamas: the fuck is a Olive Garden!
Poseidon: your so dumb, it’s clearly a garden with olives.
Zeus: I like olives, I once birthed one!
Adamas ignoring Zeus completely: so it’s a garden made out of olives?
Poseison: no it’s made out of a Italy, whatever that means..
Zeus: I once dated a Italy!
Hades: goddammit. All of you.
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jimothy-hopkins · 2 years
What Godly Parent/CHB Cabin I Think Bully Characters Would Be In.
Zoe Taylor.
Bif Taylor.
Gary Smith.
Pete Kowalski.
Russel Northrop.
Seth Kolbe.
Jimmy Hopkins.
Thad Carlson.
Dan Wilson.
Wade Martin.
Christy Martin.
Beatrice Trudeau.
Donald Anderson.
Parker Ogilvie.
Max MacTavish.
Peanut Romano.
Justin Vandervelde.
Mandy Wiles.
Derby Harrington.
Pinky Gauthier.
Gord Vendome.
Edward Seymour II.
Lola Lombardi.
Kirby Olsen.
Trent Northwick.
Cornelius Johnson.
Norton Williams.
Bryce Montrose.
Eunice Pound.
Vance Medici.
Bucky Pasteur.
Tom Gurney.
Troy Miller.
Angie Ng.
Bryce Montrose.
Juri Karamazov.
Casey Harris.
Hal Esposito.
Karl Branting.
Johnny Vincent.
Lucky De Luca.
Ricky Pucino.
Lefty Mancini.
Melvin O’Connor.
Earnest Jones.
Ethan Robinson.
Algernon Papadopoulos.
Luis Luna.
Fatty Johnson.
Ivan Alexander.
Damon West.
Constantinos Brakus.
Davis White.
Chad Morris.
Ted Thompson.
Bo Jackson.
Tad Spencer.
Staff bonus
Ms Philips
Mr. D
Mr. Galloway
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Descendants Hiatus Masterlist
*these ocs are not currently being scrapped, just lacking inspiration so I'm putting them on hiatus to see if either I decide to scrap some of them (or put them up for adoption) or if inspiration will come back to me – in at least half of them I'm pretty sure it's just about not vibing with faces or just lack plot ideas so I don't want to give up on them yet
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Name: Arden Of DunBroch
Story: A Change Of Fate
Parents: Merida
Face Claim:  Hailee Steinfeld
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Name: Bessie Sawyer
Story: Curtain Of Charity
Parents: Becky Thatcher & Tom Sawyer
Face Claim: Saorise Ronan
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Name: Chryseis
Story: We Could Be Immortals (Just Not For Long)
Parents: Poseison
Face Claim: Holland Roden
Poseidon isn’t a hero.  He’s a god, yes, but not a hero.  His granddaughter Ariel is a hero, his nephew Hercules is a hero, but Poseidon is not a hero.  So no one is really sure why his youngest daughter has just started at Auradon Prep, only days after Ben announced the impending arrival of four villain kids.  But Chryseis knows.  Mal, daughter of Maleficent, is also the daughter of Hades, and the Olympians are afraid.  And Chryseis, only sixteen and still learning to be a goddess, is the only person who can find out her intentions, the only person who can stop her from potentially destroying Olympus.
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Name: Prince Elias
Story: Myth And Mystery
Parents: King Raul & Queen Lucia
Face Claim: Frankie Rodriguez
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Name: Fleurette
Story: Seldom All They Seem
Parents: Flora
Face Claim: Julia Lester
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Name: Halle Finn
Story: River In The Rain
Parents: Huckleberry Finn
Face Claim: Kathryn Newton
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Name: Hayden
Story: Dying Is An Art
Parents: Hades & Maleficent
Face Claim: Jenny Boyd
Summary: Hayden was raised by Hades, knowing full well who her mother - and sister - was.  But Mal doesn’t know about her.  So for most of her life, Hayden hid.  She hid away in her dad’s cave and had very few friends.  And then Prince Ben summons five Villain Kids to Auradon - the son of Jafar, the son of Cruella De Vil, the daughter of the Evil Queen, the daughter of Maleficent, and the daughter of Hades.  But only Hayden knows the truth.  And now she has to keep her secret, and try to stop her sister and her friends from stealing the wand, but she might have to choose between her two missions.
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Name: Krystal Of Arendelle
Story: More Than Just The Spare
Parents: Anna & Kristoff
Face Claim:  Willow Shields
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Name: Lovetta Garou
Story: Hungry Like The Wolf
Parents: Big Bad Wolf
Face Claim: Kaitlyn Dever
Love Interest: Ben
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Name: Maisie
Story: Who Is The Monster (And Who Is The Man)
Parents: Esmerelda & Phoebus
Face Claim: Medalion Rahimi
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Name: Nasira
Story: Running On Raindrops
Parents: Raya & Namaari
Face Claim: Natasha Liu Bordizzo
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Name: Roisin Spriggins
Story: Children Will Listen
Parents: Red Riding Hood & Jack The Giant Slayer
Face Claim: Sadie Sink
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Name: Roni Philip
Story: Ever Ever After
Parents: Giselle & Robert Philip
Face Claim: Sophie Turner
Love Interest: Chad Charming
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What did you do?
Poseidon: AGH!
*The memories start replaying*
Poseison: Ngh…Triton…Amphitrite…
“How much shame do you think they’ll feel when they see you now?”
“Poseidon, their beloved husband and father, pathetic enough to overthrow Zeus.”
“Siding with the mother of monsters?!”
“They would never look at you again!”
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Wanna know what I think the coolest and most ridiculous thing Rick could have done was?? Made the first prophecy be about a child of aphrodite. "The eldest gods" were not Zeus, poseison and hades. Truly the eldest gods were the children of chaos ((nyx, eros, erebus, gaea and tarturus)) but ofc Rick was going with the Olympians so, the dest god in that sense is aphrodite. She did not come from cronos nor any of the other Olympians. I think she was actually born before rhea but take that with a grain of salt I might be wrong. But literally aphrodite was the oldest Olympian. THE PROPHECY SHOULD HAVE BEEN ABOUT ONE OF HER KIDS
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iincantatorum · 2 years
what is a desire most embarrassing to each muse?
Ulysses has a secret desire to be accepted by Poseison, which he also finds shameful considering the atrocities and rejection from that very sea god. He finds the term ‘bastard son’ unacceptable and over the years it made him more bitter that his siblings, the children of Amphitrite are revered while he is given a cursed existence of being unable to live too long in the sea nor land. The curse of never being able to settle down. 
Delia’s most embarrassing... well she doesn’t get embarrassed easily. But she does have a secret- and it’s that she wants to settle down and be in a happy relationship and have many children, to fill the void of not having a true family when she was growing up. She feels like she is in a good place in her life and will do anything to gain that protection and calm to raise happy children.
Devlin is not sure if he has any embarrassing desires. At least not yet.
Maverick wants to do metalwork, and he’s embarrassed because he only knows he wants to do this because he actually can’t. His body rejects the mere touch of metal, especially silver. He doesn’t know why he gravitates towards things he can’t have. 
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dreamwar86 · 2 years
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#poseison #merfolk #triton #beach #manzanillo #playa (en Manzanillo, Colima) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgXmGpuOWFx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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coffeeworldsasaki · 2 years
Do the people so mad that Annabeth is black in the show and that they might have black actors play gods too at this point know that the Greeks took a lot from Egypt for their myths or...
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sylvianritual · 4 years
fuck yall for hyping up dionysus and aphrodite when are we going to talk about poseidon and artemis
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