#portuguese actors
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nudeartpluspoetry · 1 year ago
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Sara Martins, Cape Verdean/Portuguese actress.
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yourdailyqueer · 1 month ago
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António Serzedelo
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
DOB: 15 May 1945
Ethnicity: White - Portuguese
Occupation: Human rights activist, journalist, radio DJ, actor, scholar, teacher, civil servant
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vadersangel · 25 days ago
do you ever wake up in the middle of the night and think about the fact that you will never ever fuck that fictional character that you desire?
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seekerbr · 1 year ago
So, I was watching some Yugioh out of context clips from the dub here from Brazil, and realized how different Marik's voice is from the american and japanese version.
Here are some clips of it i guess
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colby-jac-cheese · 11 months ago
Was drawing something for my Fanfic, had to stop halfway to do my duolingo, and ended up merging the two. Enjoy I guess?
Look their super toxic but they both knowingly consent to that toxicity so . . . Is it still toxic then?
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Translation: 'love me.' 'Feed me.'
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The jumbled thoughts I had while watching Fast & Furious X, as someone who didn't watch any Fast and Furious movies before:
- Car chase and machine guns within the 1st 10 minutes. Perfect. Exactly what I came here for.
(Did they film the initial rio scenes in portugal??? The extra's Brazilian accent was almost as weird as Joaquim de Almeida's lol)
-"The big strong man is having feelings" my friend when Vin diesel looked constipated while talking to Michelle Rodriguez
-If I didn't already know I was bisexual, Charlize Theron and Jason Mamoa's confrontation would make sure I became aware of it
-Jason momoa licked the knife and my friend and everyone else groaned. I proclaimed myself in love with him. I don't think I'm ever gonna live this down
-The truck flipped, and they willingly crashed into it. How are none of them dead?????
-I love Jason momoa's character. I really do.
-How tf is Vin diesel still alive???????
-How is anyone still alive!!!???
-I hope the cop dies (Aimes). Kill him brie
-Me watching Mia kick the asses of armed men "I love women"
-John Cena?!?! I literally yelled I'm the movie theater btw
-Shots 😂😂 I love Brie Larson
-What exactly is the plan brie?????
-Why is daniela melchior speaking with a Brazilian accent???? Why are Portuguese actors pretending to be Brazilian???
-Oh, Dante is crazy crazy. God, I love him
-Pete Davidson?!?!??!?!
-Really?? C'mon Michelle (Letty), priorities
-As a portuguese person, I'm very proud of the fact that the best moments of this movie take place in portugal.
-This is also the 1st time I've ever worried about the consequences of what happens to the country and the people that live there during an action movie.
They blew up the dam and now the entirety of Northern portugal is without power.......... fuck these guys.
-Aimes still working with Dante after 10 years and never trying to double cross him for more power (as is implied) sounds very gay to me and my friend. I ship it now. Love me some villainous gays!!
-My friend watching them leave the river: "good for them cause it's not everyone that leaves the Douro alive"
-Gal gadot?!? I read somewhere she dies In another movie. Does anyone die in this???
-The rock!!!!!!
-That's it?!?! Where's the rest of it???????
All in all:
Silliest thing I've ever seen in my life. I can see why people like it and will definitely be watching the next ones and binge watching the ones before!!
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mayura-chanz · 5 days ago
Kagerou Daze VII — from the darkness — Shinigami Record V
Tradução feita a partir da tradução em inglês da Yen Press.
Apoie o autor comprando a novel original.
...O que são essas coisas brilhantes e cúbicas?
Tirei os olhos do local por um momento, e mais uma vez fui recebida por um novo objeto maluco. Era exatamente o mesmo de antes.
Esse mundo era um pé no saco.
Olhando para as caixas brilhantes na minha frente, avistei um homem parado na frente delas, vestido com roupas de aparência escandalosa. Ele olhou para o meu rosto. Então suas sobrancelhas se arquearam em surpresa. Ele parecia humano, mas eu já podia dizer, aqueles eram os “olhos clareadores”.
Havia uma pessoa esparramada aos meus pés. Ele tinha crescido muito, mas eu podia dizer quem ele era imediatamente, também. Mas...morto? Sério? Como ele deveria ver alguma coisa no estado em que estava? Que idiota.
O sangue fluiu em um ataque pelo meu corpo, quase fervendo em minhas veias.
O sentimento explodindo do meu peito...Acho que “raiva” descreve melhor.
Eu não sabia quanto tempo eu poderia permanecer viva no corpo da minha neta...Mas isso não era um problema real. Eu era, afinal, um monstro. Razão não se aplicava a mim.
— Não me faça desviar do meu roteiro, sua desgraçada, — gritou a visão inescrutável diante de mim.
Com quem diabos ele pensa que está falando?
Tentando me levar...ele devia saber o quão inútil era, não importa quantas vezes a Terra gire.
— Não se preocupe. Você tem contado essa história ridícula por muito tempo.
— ...Estou acabando com tudo agora mesmo.
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<<anterior — próximo>>  Índice — Novels
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fluffbeast7 · 1 year ago
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not only is this the design and characters ive been needing my whole life, this dude- the brazilian portuguese dub is coming out and the voice actor is one of my favorites!! very famous and loved by many, he voiced the characters in portuguese: mickey, buzz lightyear, superman in a few cases, and even mewtwo!
i love a lovable silly fella, despite having no face he is one of the most expressive characters of all! making the jaws move like eyebrows is so smart :D i'd love to know more about him, the silly ai guy (who in theory, is just an ai made for a video game who's supposed to entertain children for a little while, not keep adults sane! <3)
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hear me out on gangle, she's adorable! but probably an anime fan, i might wan to look into her internet search history
but fr after i finish my pomni drawing she's NEXT! i cant wait to see who dubs her in portuguese when it comes out, the dubbed pilot only has pomni, jax, caine and ragatha
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KINGER, me loves an old man (affectionately), i'm sorry about your wife dude :( love u tho <3, i think we all know he has some deep shit to talk about and maybe he knows something the rast of the cast doesn't
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AAASHAHDSSASH THIS LOOKS SO FUN TO DRAW I CANT WAIT TILL I HAVE TIME, i wouldnt for the life of me design this character, SJSDF, they were so sassy in the pilot
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i dont even have to tell u what i think about jax, what a sun of a bitch, i love him. classic ''i'm going to annoy everyone because we might as well die at any moment'' energy
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anyways, perfect show for me, this is going to be my life for maybe the next 3 years and i'm def crushing on pomni how would i not crush on the clown girl please i want to draw us hugging and having fun, the cringe in me is SPEAKING
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yourstrulyjasmine · 2 months ago
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bitchliteraria1906 · 3 months ago
I watched Isle of dogs for the first time today and omg.
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nightmare-of-homophobes · 4 months ago
I'm watching Gordon Ramsay's Food Stars and I'm not even paying attention to the challenges anymore because every time Lisa Vanderpump comes on screen I fucking melt
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yourdailyqueer · 2 years ago
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Corina Freire (deceased)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
DOB: 14 December 1897  
RIP: Around 1975
Ethnicity: White - Portuguese
Occupation: Singer, actress, musician, singing teacher
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xxe123spiderfreakxx · 1 year ago
PROJECT SHADOW (2023) | Full Short Film (ORIGINAL pt-br) -ft: @Freshfilm...
DID YALL FUCKING SEE THIS SHIT????! (there's also an english dub btw) BUT IM!!!!! LOSING MY MIND!!!!
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cursed-rat-of-homosexuality · 4 months ago
hey guess who started watching X-Men '97
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futuregws · 2 years ago
I think it's so funny how Portuguese people (I'm Portuguese so don't come for me for saying this) wanna take credit in the smallest things and I think "taking credit" might not be the right words, so I will just explain, the new short film coming out with pedro pascal "strange way of life" that film has a Portuguese actor in it (not sure what role he is playing but pedro has posted photos with him) and the name of the movie is the name of a veryyyyy iconic song here in Portugal from a very well known and loved singer that is no longer alive, and during press for the last of us one Portuguese interviewer asked pedro about it and I have no idea what he said I wasn't paying attention but from what I've seen this film has NOTHING to do with the song or the singer they just used the name of the song and translated it to English and Spanish and people here were milking that shit, soooo that's what I mean and it's amusing to say the least
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hikarry · 2 years ago
Well, well, well
I'm onto my 4th rewatch
I took it upon myself to rewatch the season in every language I know and, so far, the Portuguese dub - excluding the original, obviously - takes the cake. And maybe I'm biased cause I'm Portuguese but hey throw my corpse into a barrel you can't blame me for anything
My fourth rewatch will be in Brazillian Portuguese and I'm ready to be flabbergasted cause, lord knows the Brazillians are good with dubs
Alas, I've decided my fifth rewatch will be in Portuguese again cause I just really love the dub and listening to You Know What in my mother tongue makes it all even more heartbreaking and I'm a masochist
The sixth rewatch will be the original again because that's clearly the superior version and...boy, i don't know how many more excuses i can make to watch this season again and again and again
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