#portgas d ace x fem reader
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Rating: E Characters: Portgas D. Ace, Fushichou Marco, Izou, Thatch, Reader Warnings: Temperature Play, BDSM undertones, Wax Play Series: Kanon's Kinktober '24 Do not interact with this post if you are under the age of 18; the following material is intended for mature audiences only.
“You’re killin’ me,” Ace murmured, reaching out to smooth his fingers down your spine. You gasped at the trail of heat they left in their wake, your movements stilling. “Eh? Você gostou disso?” He questioned, his head tilting, watching as you quickly struggled to tug your pants off the rest of the way. Bingo. “I don’t know why you decided to do this new fancy trick with your hands-” “It’s not just my hands.”
HAPPY FIRST WEEK OF KINKTOBER. Some fun notes: -I'll be posting one fic for the next 4 weeks for Kinktober; my work schedule doesn't give me the free time to do a fic for every single day, so I decided one a week, posted on every Wednesday, with a bonus one on Halloween itself. -Each fic will be tagged appropriately, I'll even include a rundown of what to expect here in the notes. -First up is Ace, with Temperature Play ( Devil Fruits Are Fun! ) + Wax Play, with a fem!Reader. There isn't anything too crazy in here, just Ace being a little possessive and absolutely drunk on the reader. Also, Ace does use Brazilian Portuguese in this fic. c: As always: PLEASE PRACTICE SAFE, SANE, CONSENSUAL SEX. THIS IS LOWKEY BDSM MATERIAL. You should always have a system in place to check in with your partner when partaking in more intense scenes, and multiple ways to communicate if you can't speak for some reason- as well as a hard stop Safe word. Neither are used in this fic, but it is discussed in the fic, just in case. PLEASE use candles that are created specifically for wax play ( low burning candles ) if you want to safely try out wax play. Also, always be careful when using fire to not burn yourself, your hair, or anything around you. There are candles you can buy for this. The wax doesn’t heat up to such a high degree. Also, don't be silly, wrap your willy. <3
It was a rare treat to find the Moby Dick and fleet docking at an island for longer than a few hours for a restock run. The latest storm that was churning up the oceans in their pathway had made it too dangerous to even consider taking the whole fleet through. Ace didn’t mind, really; it meant more time to spend with the holder of his attention, the object of his affection. His gaze followed you across the tavern as you laughed with Thatch and Izou. His jaw worked slowly as Izou reached over, tucking a strand of her hair back from your face. Izou wasn’t interested in you, he knew that; Izou had his eyes on someone across the ocean from them.
Still, some part of him- some deeper part that he almost loathed- burned with the urge to make it clear to everyone just who you belonged to.
You was his, and his alone.
“You look ready to burn a hole through the wall,” Marco chimed in as he plopped down beside Ace, his gaze tracking Ace’s own. Ah, the little deckhand. “Got rooms for everyone, yoi. Go.” He waved a hand, and that was all Ace needed to hear as he rose from his seat, leaving a few berry behind for the flagon of ale that he hadn’t even touched- which Marco was greedily reaching for, his own gaze shifting to follow a pair of long legs.
“Ah, speak of the devil!” Izou greeted Ace as he approached, a brow raising as he took in the expression on his face. “I think your free time is over, dear.” He hummed, looking over to Thatch, who snickered into his ale.
You sighed as she leaned back in her chair, gaze flickering up to meet Ace’s in faux innocence. You knew just what had gotten him so worked up- you. Your antics from that morning, getting him all riled up before leaving to go attend to your duties, leaving him high and dry. A shame, really; it had left you aching for more, with this odd sort of anticipation that lingered beneath your skin. “Marco got us all rooms.” You informed Ace, watching as his gaze narrowed slightly. He hadn’t even spoken, yet. Oh, you were in for it.
“Have you eaten?” He asked finally, his hand smoothing over the back of your neck. The touch sent shivers down your spine despite how warm his palm was.
“Mhm,” you answered, bobbing your head. “Guess it is getting late, huh?”
“Don’t break her too hard, Pops wants us out by daybreak.” Izou warned, watching as Ace’s eyes widened, as his cheeks colored. Ah, that cool facade broke far too easily.
“I-I’m not- shut up!” He hissed, ducking his head as his hand dropped from your neck, only to be grabbed by your own hand, fingers lacing as you rose from your seat.
You reached over, stealing one more roll before winking at Izou and Thatch. “See you two in the morning.” Ace sighed with silent relief behind you as you led the way out of the tavern and down the hall. You glanced down at the key Ace was carrying, catching sight of the ruby numbers: 13. The last room in the hall, how nice.
He reached past you, sliding the key into the latch, unlocking the door with a soft ‘click’. You pushed the door open, eager to both be alone with Ace, and to have an actual bed rather than a hammock. As soon as the door closed, his hands were gripping your hips, pulling you back against him. “I’ve wanted you literally all day,” he murmured, lips brushing against the shell of your ear. “Do you know how hard I’ve been?”
“If an erection lasts longer than four hours-”
“I’ll bite you.”
“Do it. I’ll like it.” The teasing was normal, easing both of you into more of a relaxed state as you turned in his grasp. Your arms reached up, winding around his shoulders as you bumped your nose against his own. “You showered,” you whispered, fingers toying with the soft curls at the base of his skull.
“‘S nice to be clean,” his hands squeezed your hips gently, thumbs sliding beneath the hem of your shirt. “I got a question for you, baby.”
His hands were still warm. Oddly so; it wasn’t abnormal for Ace to get heated- literally- when you two were together. But something felt different here. It made your heart begin to slowly speed up behind your ribcage, had you pulling your head back to meet those gorgeous brown eyes of his. “Talk to me, love.”
His cheeks were rosy, his gaze unable to meet your own as he looked to the side. Despite the bravado, he would get shy with you. You were his weakness. “You mentioned an idea the other night that’s been on my mind.”
Your brows furrowed. What had you… Oh! “The candles?” You asked, reaching up to carefully pluck his hat from his head. Your fingers returned to his hair, slowly working through the slightly damp tresses. “Did you wanna try it on me, Ace?” You asked, voice soft- low. Your nails gently brushed against his scalp, watching as his eyes fell shut, as a shudder worked its way through him. “I wouldn’t mind it. I think it could even be pleasurable.”
He groaned softly, his head dropping, chin resting on your shoulder as he simply held you close for a moment. “You’re gonna torment me, huh?” He mused with a soft chuckle, turning his head to press a kiss to your throat. His eyes were heavy; he was tired, but not from exhaustion. The damned narcolepsy… “Strip.” Ace whispered, his lips trailing up towards your jawline. “All the way down,” a kiss to the corner of your lips, “like a good girl.” He finished with a proper kiss to your lips, one of his hands raising to cup your jaw, tilting your head back to deepen the kiss.
You were weak for him, and Gods, he knew it.
You didn’t whine, didn’t pout as he pulled back, a cocky grin pulling at his lips as he sat down on the edge of the bed, eager to watch you disrobe. Cheekily, you turned away from him, your fingers grasping the hem of your shirt, slowly lifting it to reveal your back. Shirt tossed aside, you leaned down, unlacing your shoes slowly while Ace admired the view of your rear. Boots unlaced, you toed one off, then the other, followed by your socks. Slowly straightening back up, your arms raised high above your head, stretching. The movement allowed Ace the grace of seeing the subtle swell of your breasts- and the hint alone got a soft groan from him. “Merda,” he sighed, shaking his head. Your hands smoothed over your sides as you continued your little show, fingers hooking in the waistband of your pants. Slowly- as slowly as you could manage, you lowered your pants down your thighs, over your knees, down to your calves before bending over-
“You’re killin’ me,” Ace murmured, reaching out to smooth his fingers down your spine. You gasped at the trail of heat they left in their wake, your movements stilling. “Eh? Você gostou disso?” He questioned, his head tilting, watching as you quickly struggled to tug your pants off the rest of the way. Bingo.
“I don’t know why you decided to do this new fancy trick with your hands-”
“It’s not just my hands.”
Your eyes widened as you turned around, facing him with blown pupils. “... Fuck.” You whispered, taking in the gorgeous sight in front of you- much the way he was also admiring the view of your nearly nude form. While you’d been giving him a show, he’d stripped down completely. The tan line from his shorts was always comical, but you weren’t focused on that. No- sweet Poseidon, he was already half hard.
“Trying to,” he reached over, hooking his fingers under the side of your panties, tugging you closer by it. “Gotta enjoy this meal in front of me first before I do anything else, though.”
“Ace-” You gasped, cheeks flushing at his eagerness, a hand raising to cover your mouth as his lips pressed against the sensitive skin beneath your naval.
His lips worked down, teeth scraping against the sensitive, soft skin before hooking in the hem of your panties. Wordlessly, he sank to his knees, tugging the fabric down with him. You knew the rules, now- hold on, and don’t let go until he was done with drinking his fill. Your panties fell around your ankles, and he did help you step out of them- just so that he could have you raise one leg up, settling it over his shoulder. You had nothing to brace against except for Ace, but he liked it that way.
The first press of his lips against your folds was gentle, an almost loving kiss pressed to such an intimate, sensitive space. Your fingers wove through his hair with one hand, the other reaching down to grasp his shoulder as his tongue smoothed through your folds, parting them for the near burning touch of tongue to sensitive clit. “Ace!” You gasped in surprise, nearly jumping back before his arm looped around your other leg, holding you in place.
And here you were, thinking that the ice you’d used a few weeks back had been a shock to the system. Nothing could have prepared you for the feeling of his abnormally warmed tongue lapping at your pussy like a man starved. He moaned against you at your taste, fingers squeezing the back of your thigh in appreciation. His nose brushed against your clit from this angle, each movement of his head giving you sparks of pleasure. His tongue lapped at your weeping center, drinking what you offered him. Your head tilted back, hips slowly grinding against his tongue, his nose, his lips, taking the pleasure he was greedily offering you.
You could stay like this for hours, with his head between your thighs, desperately licking at your core, at your swollen clit, gasping and moaning his name- and you had, multiple times. But something told you Ace had other ideas- and you weren’t ready to cum, not yet. Not that your legs would hold you up if you did, anyway. “Ace,” you panted, jolting with each hot swipe of his tongue across your clit. You glanced down- and good Gods above and below, that was a mistake. His hair was a wavy mess from your fingers running through it, tangling it. He was looking up at you, gaze lidded and afire, his cheeks rosy and as he pulled back for a moment, his chin and mouth glistened. “Holy shit.” you couldn’t help but whisper as he grinned, pupils blown so wide, they swallowed the chocolate of his gaze. “Baby- not yet, please.”
It almost pained him to pull back- but he did, only after placing a teasing kiss to your clit. “Lay down on your back.” He murmured, gently lowering your leg from his shoulder. He watched you stumble, reached out to grab you around the waist and tug you closer. “Careful, meu bebê.” He chuckled, grinning as you regained your balance. “Can’t have you falling. Unless it’s in love-”
“Your dick is within squeezing distance, Portgas.”
“Point taken.” Still grinning that mischievous grin, he released you, watching as you fell onto the bed. His gaze raked across your form, drinking down his fill. Shaking his head with a soft whistle he turned to the room. “Let’s see if I can do this.”
“Do what?” You asked, watching him curiously as he wiggled his fingers. The fire is him, and he is the fire- that’s what he had told you when you first started getting to know one another. You knew a fair amount about Devil Fruits, the different variations between nature based ones, animal based ones, and the weird ones that don’t fall into either category. Ace had insane control over his, could create a wildfire with a flick of the wrist. And now- now, with a wave of his hands, the candles throughout the bedroom flickered to life, their wicks catching flame with such ease. You gasped in awe as the golden glow of the candles bathed the room, as Ace looked at you over his shoulder with that damned smug smirk.
“That.” He answered, settling down onto the bed beside you. “Now- let’s lay out a few ground rules, yeah?” He reached over, brushing his knuckles against the apple of your cheek. “What’s the safe word?”
You thought for a moment. Something easy to remember, but not something you would just casually bring up in conversation. “Peppermint.” You decided, nodding. “And the basic color system. Green for keep going, yellow for a break, red to stop.”
“And if you can’t talk for some reason?” Fingers warmed by unseen flames traced your collar bones, dipped down to brush over the swell of your breast.
A shaky breath drawn in, you answered, “One tap for okay, two taps for slow down, three to stop.”
“Good girl.” He leaned over, capturing your lips in an eager, heated kiss. His tongue ghosted against your bottom lip before he pulled away, teasing. “You ready?”
You were nearly shaking with excitement as you nodded. He leaned over, grabbing one of the pillar candles from the side table. Easing back up onto his knees, you are gifted with a near godly sight. Ace, kneeling above you, his cock hard and the tip weeping- but even further up, the way the light from the candle bathed him in gold. He looked like a God.
Sometimes, you wondered if he was a God in mortal skin.
You watched as the flame flickered, the candle tilting slowly over before wax dribbled out- and onto the skin of your hand. “Too hot?” He asked; a test, you realized. Smart. You shook your head ‘no’, and he hummed. “Good.” The next drops landed on the tops of your breasts, making you gasp loudly in surprise. The sensation was sharp, the feeling almost painful at first before the wax began to cool on your skin. You drew in a deep breath, nodding.
And so, the game began.
Slowly, Ace dribbled wax across both of your breasts, until you were a squirming, whining mess. “I bet you’re even wetter now, huh?” He mused, head tilting slightly as he let wax build up one more in the candle’s hollowed out center. A part of him considered helping speed the process along- but that could make the wax too hot, and he’d like to avoid causing you actual harm. The candle tilted, and he watched the wax dribble down the center of your sternum, down over your tummy. You hissed as it got close to your naval, but he skipped down- and for a brief moment, you both wondered what would happen if it dripped further south.
He very carefully did not spill any, there.
No, instead, he moved it to your thighs, letting the wax spill over and drip down the insides of your thighs as you hissed and squirmed, moaning with the sharp form of pleasure the wax was offering you. “Ace,” you whined, legs spreading wider as he painted your sensitive inner thighs with wax. “Ace, please.”
“Please, what?” He asked, reaching down to cup your core, his palm heated up, mimicking the warmth that the wax offered. You shuddered at the feeling; your words failing you as his fingers parted you, brushing against your nub in slow, deliberate circles. “Words, Amoreco.” A soft tap- it couldn’t even be considered a slap, not with how gentle it was- was delivered to your core, making you jolt from the feeling.
You met his gaze, your own hazy. “Fuck me,” you whispered- and that was all it took for Portgas D. Ace to break. He leaned over, setting the candle on the floor away from the bed before sitting back up. You hummed, arms open as he slid into your embrace, his fingers seeking out the foil packet he’d placed on the bedside table preemptively. Just in case.
You never know.
A hiss escaped him as you rolled the condom onto his weeping cock, your touch like heaven for him in that moment. “Lube?” He whispered against the column of your throat. You huffed, reaching over for the small bottle as his fingers toyed with your entrance, teasingly dipping in before pulling out, feeling how wet you had become due to the toying. “Fuck, you’re dripping,” his words held no small amount of awe as you reached between the two of you, dribbling the lube onto his cock. He let out a noise not quite a hiss, not quite a yelp at the temperature difference that sent you into a giggle fit.
“Oops,” you snickered, feeling him pout against your throat. Your amusement was short lived as Ace lined himself up, the fat head of his cock slowly pushing in. The stretch was something you never got used to, your breath escaping with a soft, “Oh, yes,” as he sank in inch by glorious inch. Once he’d bottomed out, you both lay there for a moment, enjoying the feeling of being filled and filling you.
Until you could feel Ace physically growing warmer- all over. He grinned in a rather feral way against your throat as his hips pulled back, only to slowly roll back into you, making you feel every inch that sank in. A wordless moan pulled free from your lips as he kept the torturously slow pace, his heat sinking into your skin- inside and out. “You feel so good,” he whispered, biting down on your shoulder gently. He was holding back.
Well, that wouldn’t do.
Your hands shifted from their position at his shoulders to smooth down his back- before you adjusted your hold, your nails raking down his back, leaving red lines in their wake. “Ace,” you purred, rolling your hips to meet his stuttering ones, “Puedes follarme mejor que eso.” The resulting groan and shudder was your answer. Ace liked being close when you two were together, but this required him pushing up, sitting up on his knees to gaze down at you. You moaned at the subtle change within, the head rubbing against that one damned spot that promised to make you see stars.
“Brat,” he muttered, his hands settling on your hips- holding you down as he pulled out. The next thrust in felt like a punch, your breath leaving you in a half-yell as he set a punishing pace. His hands felt like brands on your hips, and you almost hoped that they would leave a mark in his wake. You couldn’t speak, not with how he was moving, your mind stalling. “Takin’ me so fuckin’ well, look at that.” He groaned, reaching between the two of you to press his fingers against your clit, rubbing it in time with his thrusts. “Who’s this pussy belong to?”
“Say it again, couldn’t hear you.” He leaned down, tongue laving over one of your nipples, leaving an almost burning trail in it’s wake. “Who’s fuckin’ pussy is this?”
“Ace!” You sobbed, feeling your impending orgasm rapidly build- faster than you’d ever experienced. “My pussy is yours!”
Ace groaned, his lips circling a nipple as you wailed, the waves of your orgasm crashing over you. He grinned around your nipple as you shook, your walls clenching around him rhythmically. He didn’t slow his pace, groaning against your bust as he began to chase his own release. “Baby-” he moaned, brows pitching as he felt his balls drawing up, as that thread threatened to snap. Your hands grasped his face, tugged him up to capture him in a kiss- and oh, how he snapped. His hips stilled, buried to the hilt within you, as he moaned into the kiss.
Music to your ears.
His forehead pressed to your as you both panted, catching your breath. “That… Was amazing,” he laughed breathlessly, pecking your lips, the tip of your nose, your cheeks. You hummed in agreement, bone weary after everything. Ace slowly- carefully- pulled out of you, quickly discarding the used condom to the trash. He was tired, too- but before he could sleep, he needed to tend to you. He stepped into the bathroom for a moment, wetting down a wash rag with warmed water. He kept the rag warm in his hands as he returned, settling down beside you. “How are you feeling?” He asked softly, reaching over to cup your cheek, directing your gaze to meet his.
“Good,” you replied softly, blinking lazily. “Tired.”
He nodded in agreement, chuckling. Slowly, he cleaned off the wax bits from you, using his palms to heat them up to clean them off easier rather than simply peeling them off bit by bit. Red whelps lay in their wake, each one soothed by the gentle caress of the rag. By the end of it, you were clean and warm and freckled with the evidence of your coupling.
You brushed your fingers over one of the groups of whelps on your stomach as Ace joined you back in bed, curling against your side. “I like it,” you murmured as his head tucked into the crook of your neck, his arms winding around your middle. “The cleanup is more tedious than ice is, but I like it.” Turning your head, you pressed a kiss to his forehead. He was already half asleep, legs tangling with your legs.
“‘M glad,” Ace mumbled, his breathing beginning to deepen. It was a miracle he hadn’t fallen asleep before now. You smiled, enjoying the warmth he offered you as sleep took him away. Love wasn’t something either of you mentioned; the topic was a difficult one for him to speak about. But it showed in other ways- like him taking the time to clean you up meticulously, how he wrapped himself around you when he slept. How his fingers still sought out one of your hands, even when holding you now. No, love wasn’t something you said out loud-
But with Ace, actions would always speak louder than words.
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onim5 · 2 months
Reblog, like, comment
That is what you guys have to do, if you want me to post a . . . .
Portgas D. Ace x fem reader, speacial!!!!!
"What's so speacial?"
1. It's long, really long.
2. It's, uh, . . . . Smut/lemon (Idk) in it. 😳 It has a story too!!!
3. It has a little problem.
4. The reader loves cats.
5. It's a secret relationship.
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I'm to nervous to post this, just like that. I need your guys help. . . . . . .
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cloudzoro · 8 months
Kink Discovery | One Piece ♡
individual reaction/headcanon scenarios on kink discovery with op characters!
theres part 2 and part 3 featuring more characters :)
part 2 | part 3 | masterlist
genre: smut (minors dni)
characters included: Ace, Law, Nami, Robin, Sanji & Zoro
cw: spitting, biting, rough sex, sub!sanji, squirting, high heels, lingerie, fem!reader, big dick!law, big dick!zoro, possessive behaviour
Ace - hair-pulling
Ace is such a giver. He loves eating you out. He works his tongue over your folds before lowering down and dipping his tongue into your hole. What he lacks in strategy he makes up for tenfold in passion. He's eager to please. You writhe around with pleasure and, with nowhere to hold onto, your hands naturally slide onto his hair.
You don't catch the first time he grunts at the way you grip his gorgeous hair but, when you give a particularly harsh tug, he can't stop the moan that leaves his mouth in response to the stinging of his scalp. He knows he's been caught so he pulls away from your cunt to look at you.
“do that again”
You oblige, gripping his locks tighter and pushing his head back between your legs.
Law - biting
“We gotta be quiet, baby”, he whispers, covering your mouth with his hand. He has you against the wall in his room and is trying to keep you as quiet as possible so you don't get caught by any of his crew. His cock thrusts in and out of you, and it has you going delirious. You're deliciously stretched out that you can't help but moan into his hand.
Law isn't faring much better; the warm walls of your cunt squeeze his cock in a way that has him gripping the wall behind you. His orgasm is so close he can practically taste it. In the heat of the moment, with nothing else to muffle the sounds he makes, he sinks his teeth into your shoulder. The pleasurable sting pushes you over the edge with him, and you all but scream into his palm.
When he finally catches his breath he leans back, keeping his arms out to steady you, and admires the red bite mark decorating your shoulder. The marks make a possessive fire ripple through his body.
“this looks so pretty"
Nami - lingerie
Nami loves shopping. She often ends up buying clothes she thinks you'll look pretty in, so it's no surprise to you when she returns to the sunny, waving a shopping bag around in front of your face. She leaves the room, wanting to be surprised when you put her gift on. You open the bag to see a pretty red lingerie set. It's beautiful, just the type of stuff you'd imagined Nami would be into. Delicate lace in a scorching red colour is right up her alley.
She walks into the room and it's as if she's seeing you for the first time. You look like a present, gift wrapped for her pleasure. She guides you to stand in front of her, between her legs, while she sits on the bed. She leans forward, pressing tender kisses to your stomach and hips as her hands trace the lace covering your most intimate areas. Her fingers slide under the back of the panties and she grabs two handfuls of ass to pull you on top of her.
Now that you're seated comfortably on her lap, she's at a prefect height to show some appreciation for your tits. She whispers sweet praises as she lines the edge of the pretty lace bra with kisses. She's never taken this long to undress you before and you already know she'll have you shaking and begging before she's ready to unwrap her pretty little present.
Robin - squirting
Robin has you seated on her lap, legs spread open by two of her ‘arms’. She has two more of her arms playing with your pussy; one hand slides in and out of your used cunt, which is sensitive from already cumming twice, and the other is rubbing your swollen clit. Her real hands are gripping your tits, squeezing them and rolling your nipples between her fingers.
You had mentioned off-handedly that you can squirt, and Robin was immediately fascinated. She quickly became obsessed with the idea of making you gush for her. Your body is thoroughly shaking, and her lips pressing messy, wet kisses to your neck and shoulders does little to soothe you. You can feel another orgasm buying, and you don't get the chance to warn her before you arch so hard you almost fall off of her lap. A gushing noise accompanies your heavy breaths.
She can't decide what captivates her more; the way your legs shake with overstimulation or the way you whine and whimper her name. Pleased with her results she brings her soaked hand up to her mouth and licks your release from her fingers.
Sanji - submission
Sanji has always had puppy-like qualities; he follows you around and is incredibly affectionate towards you at all times. His love for you borders on worship, and you're surprised it's taken this long for that dynamic to work itself into your relationship. He brings up the idea of dirty talk first, just simple degradation, but over time, he gets bolder and bolder.
He gets a collar so you can drag him around to where you want to be. He buys you shoes at every place so you can look the part when you step on him. He's happy to get on his knees and eat your perfect pussy until you're crying. He wants nothing more than to be at your service twenty-four-seven. He remembers the first time he submitted to you so clearly.
“Good boy,” you say, slipping two fingers under his collar and pulling him into a sloppy kiss. It's rare for him to hear the phrase without degrading words preceding it. He whines into your mouth, desperate to get some release after you've been teasing him all day. “you can let go now,” you say, pressing your heeled shoe against his crotch. Being the good boy he is, his body follows through, and he cums in his pants at the pressure under your shoe.
Zoro - spitting
“You like that?” Zoro asks as he drills into you. He likes to have you in missionary so he can watch your face while he fucks you. You grit a response out through your teeth, barely able to get the words out. Another deep thrust makes you moan wildly, throwing your head back against the pillows. Your open mouth looks so inviting to the swordsman who reaches one of his hands up to your face to grip your jaw. “keep that pretty mouth open for me”
Zoro doesn't know what comes over him but he spits into your mouth. It's gross and possessive, just like him. You whine at the feeling of his spit hitting your tongue and you feel his cock twitch at the sound. You thought he couldn't fuck you any harder but you're proved wrong when he readjusts his grip on your legs. He watches your throat as you swallow and the grin plastered on his face is demonic.
“that's so fucking hot, you're such a good girl” The image of you letting him corrupt and defile you with his spit spurs him on to his orgasm. He holds off the best he can until you cum and then he finally lets himself go, panting and leaving trails of saliva across your pretty skin.
thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed :)
likes and reblogs are massively appreciated
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clare-875 · 12 days
Habits of Touch pt.2 (Ace, Law, Shanks)
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_____ Pairings: (Separate) Ace x Reader; Law x Reader; Shanks x Reader Summary: His favorite time/way to share physical affection with you. Warnings: Fluff, Slightly suggestive, alcohol Notes: The above images do NOT belong to me, Female Reader [One Piece Masterlist] [Part 1] _____
- Ace - Long days and Warm Hugs
When Ace loves it’s like you’re almost blessed with the comfort of a warm blanket wherever you may go. No matter if you had the most fulfilling or horrid day, Ace will seek you out; seek out your smaller form that also blesses him with a comfort only you could provide. You could hardly deny the man. How could you say no, when all you see is that wide, warm smile. How could you resist the hold he so easily provides, especially on days that seem to have no end. His hands were always gentle, his arms always wrapped around you tight. It was a sense of security and safety you would find yourself turning to every moment of your life. Ace loved it. Deprived of love in his early life, he now craves the ease at which you provide affection within his embrace. You gave a sort of comfort and a sort of love that he thought he would never find in his lifetime, but there you were every day of his life, so alluring and so utterly perfect. He adored your sweet scent that filled him as he went to embrace you. He adored your breathless laugh that reached his ears as he swung you around suddenly in his arms. He adored your gleaming eyes as you turned to him, full of devotion.
If he could, he would never let go.
Ace didn't see anything wrong with PDA, you were his and he was yours, and he would make sure that the whole world knew. Even as crew members often teased and laughed at his love-lorn state, all he could hear were your endearing words and laughter and joy. So even as his friends grinned provocatively all they would receive were passive words to leave the both of you be, they would never receive his eyes though, they were locked solely on you in his embrace. The times when your form meant most to him, however, were on long and draining days that made fatigue creep up on him. On days that maybe didn't go the way he hoped, or on days when darker thoughts swept the depths of his mind, you were the only one who could get him out of his forlorn state. Even his crewmates knew of this and sought you out whenever they saw the second division commander lose his usual lustre for life and adventure. He would do the same for you. You adored how his murmured words and you, buried within him were all you needed to lose sight of a long and tiring day.
If you could, you would stay in his arms for eternity.
"[y/n]~" His breath is mumbled into your form as warm hands inch their way slowly around your body. Suddenly you are engulfed by his arms and his heat and the scent of him. You laugh gently as he buries his head deep into the crook of your neck and breaths you in, while you reach your arms around his larger stature too. "Babe, 'm tired." You smile at his drowsy words and the childish charm that reached him after a long day. However, before you can reply, your world is suddenly turning as Ace falls to the bed by his side, pulling you with him as he does. You let out a slight gasp but he merely holds you tighter and you are trapped within him. "Let's stay here a while." You barely have any time to reply to his uttered words as he drifts to sleep, at peace knowing you are in his arms. "You'll be the death of me Portgas D. Ace." You say with a sigh, but your smile lingers within your words and his smile grows even in his sleep.
- Law - Late nights and Caresses
The entire crew knows of Law’s incessant need to be working until the early hours of the morning. The late nights spent on whatever research or stressors he deals with often taint his eyes dull and dark with lack of sleep. However, the crew also knows of the one cure to his constant exhaustion, the one cure to the irritation that brims throughout the day or evening and the headache he often harbours. You. If there’s anything Law craves more than peace from his thoughts, it is your touch that gives him that peace. Your fingers that carve through his hair are heavenly and as he is blessed by the ease of your touch, you are blessed by the sight of him in love. He wonders how a simple caress can rid of the stress he thought was endless as Captain of his crew, but your hands were divine as they raked through his hair. You were the centre to all he sought, and whenever he saw that the stress that lingered caught onto you too, he would find himself doing the same. During late nights when you needed comfort, his strong hands would carve themselves through your hair, providing release from a long and tiring day. However, Law would be lying if he were to say he didn't prefer it the other way around. He loved the way you provided comfort and care in silent recognition of his turmoil and the silent movement of your hands.
Tonight was no different.
You hear the creak of the door and look up from atop your bed unsurprised to see the dishevelled man that walks through it. It had been about an hour since you had last checked up on him, and now it was late into the evening, evident by the exhausted man before you. You sigh half-heartedly, slightly in concern, slightly in exasperation at how you can not get him to stop overworking himself. He groans as he quickly goes about the room getting ready for bed, and once he does, he all but collapses to your side. You put down the book you had been lazily skimming and turn to the man who is now lying next to you, eyes already closed. But you see the stress that still lingers, creeping up to him. Your hand moves as if on instinct to his soft raven locks, and your fingers gently thread through his hair. Almost instantly you see his reaction, as the etches of his face finally relax as though finally at peace. You continue and he moves into your gentle movements letting out a low hum of contentment. You smile at the sight of his ease, but, you then feel his fingers gently take your hand and you look down, surprised to see he has turned to you, his grey eyes looking at yours.
He guides you down to his side, and suddenly you are beside him, lying down and facing him, your book forgotten on the bedside table. You meet his gaze, surprised to see the deep emotion that shows itself in the late hours of the evening. His face is soft, and your hand still reaches out to him, caressing the depths of his hair. Momentarily you see his eyes close but one hand is still wrapped loosely around your free one. "Good night, love," he mutters, drowsy words almost slurred out to you. You feel your lips upturn at his gentle words and actions. "Good night Law, I love you." You are surprised further when before you drift off to your own sleep, you hear the same devotion softly muttered back to you.
- Shanks - Drinks and Waists
Shanks often finds himself among his crew, laughing and drinking as another day of success brings about another reason to celebrate. His allies also know this well, as oftentimes times when old friends would come by, they find themselves enraptured by the red-haired pirates' lustre for a party. However, unbeknownst to them, Shanks is never satisfied by the drink in his hand, never satisfied by the thrumming of music or the laughter of comrades unless a certain someone graced him with their presence. That someone? You. Unlike the allies that may come to join in on their celebrations the crew know of this all too well. Once alcohol has touched Shank’s bloodstream it only takes an instant for his eyes to wonder and his voice to call for you through the crowd. He will sulk like a child if you are not there beside him to celebrate the night with him. No matter how important the guests at the party were, or what occasion they were raising a beer to, his utmost priority was making sure you were by his side, his hands on your waist.
"Babe~" You smell the taint of alcohol on his lips as his hands roam to your waist before you are gently guided to his lap. You sigh and turn to your partner, who now has a slightly pink tint on his cheeks. "Shanks, I thought I told you, no more." You try to pry away the drink he looks to but you are surprised when he lets you move it away from him so easily. Instead he starts causing you to fluster as he places gentle kisses on your neck and pulls you tighter to him. "S-Shanks." Your words tremble in the air but he continues to hold you around your waist, and you are now almost straddling him. "Hmm, don't worry so much." His words are slurred against your form as you roll your eyes, but when you look up to meet his gaze, you are surprised to see them clear, as though sober. "You are beautiful, do you know that?" He whispers to you in the quiet of the slowly dying crowds within the bar. Your eyes widen momentarily at the sincerity of his words but you gently smile, caressing his hair as he thumbs gently circles against your hips. "Only because you remind me, like every minute of the day," you say teasingly, and are pleased to see the rising of red in his face at your words; the captain of the Red Haired Pirates, putty in your hands.
"Allow me to remind you, once again darling."
His words are uttered gently before you meet his lips with yours, the lingering alcohol now meeting you fully but doing nothing to betray your trust in his gently murmured words. By the end of the night, you are unsurprised to have to almost haul the Captain back to the ship, but his hands are still wrapped around your waist and pulling you close. "I love you, do you know that?" He whispers to you so bluntly and suddenly in the depths of the cool evening, it makes soft laughter erupt from within you. "Only because you tell me, every second of the day," you say softly, as the two of you finally make your way to where the ship is harboured. He then turns to you, eyebrows almost furrowed as he turns to you. "And you? Do you love me too?" He asks so softly and almost hesitantly, that you are caught off guard. You turn to his sincere but drunken gaze, still held tight next to him. You smile as your hand caresses his face gently. "Of course I love you." A grin enraptures his face before he leans onto you heavily, and you let out a heavy sigh knowing the alcohol has now lured him to sleep.
Just what will you do with him?
_____ @trinitrinitrini
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lamour-est-pur · 3 months
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A/N bonjour! welcome back, Ace is my favorite character so the next few post will likely be him unless someone else is requested❤ my first language is not English please be patient ❤
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Ace X Reader
Reader and ace get stuck in a snow storm together during a mission
genre-> Fluff
warnings-> use of Y/N
word count-> 4497
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The wind howled like a banshee, whipping snowflakes into a frenzy around you and Ace. You squinted, trying to make out the path ahead through the swirling white. What had started as a light snowfall just hours ago had escalated into a full-blown blizzard. The mission, originally planned to be a quick raid on a winter island notorious for its black market, was now a desperate struggle for survival.
"We can't stay out here much longer," Ace yelled, his voice barely audible over the roar of the storm. His normally fiery hat hung to his neck by the thin string, revealing windblown black hair plastered to his forehead. Concern etched lines on his freckled face.
Your teeth were chattering, despite the thick winter gear you wore. You cursed inwardly for underestimating the island's weather. "Do you see any shelter, Ace?" you shouted back.
A dark shape loomed up ahead. Ace, with his superior vision, spotted it first. "There! Cave entrance," he pointed, leading the way with newfound urgency. 
The cave was a small opening in a rocky cliff face. You practically tumbled inside, collapsing onto the hard, thankfully dry, ground. Relief washed over you as the biting wind died down to a low moan at the mouth of the cave. Inside, it was dark and cold, but a vast improvement over the icy blizzard outside.
The dim light filtering through the entrance barely illuminated the interior. You fumbled in your pack, desperate for any source of warmth. But your fingers brushed against empty compartments – the precious oil lamp you usually carried, lost somewhere in the storm's fury. Panic pricked at your heart.
"Don't worry, (Y/N)," Ace said, his voice steady despite the urgency in his eyes. With a practiced ease, he started rummaging around the cave floor. You watched, a sliver of hope flickering within you, as his gloved hands brushed over the rough, cold rock.
Minutes ticked by, agonizingly slow. The silence was broken only by the dripping of water somewhere deep within the cave and the occasional groan of the wind outside. Just as despair threatened to extinguish the spark of hope, Ace let out a triumphant shout.
"Gotcha!" he exclaimed, emerging from the shadows with a handful of dry twigs clutched in his hand. A sense of awe washed over you. You hadn't noticed any loose branches on the cave floor before. It felt like magic, a testament to Ace's resourcefulness and his unwavering focus on keeping you safe.
He carefully arranged the twigs into a small pile, his movements deliberate, almost reverent. You knelt beside him as he lit the sticks alight with his devil fruit power. 
the fire sputtered to life, casting flickering shadows on the cave walls, you felt a sense of gratitude blossom within you. It wasn't just the warmth radiating from the flames, but the silent camaraderie, the unspoken understanding that bloomed between you and Ace in the face of adversity.
He glanced at you, a ghost of a smile playing on his lips. Your eyes met, and for a long moment, the world outside seemed to fade away. The storm raged on, but in that small, fire-lit cave, a different kind of warmth bloomed – a slow burn of unspoken emotions, fueled by shared vulnerability and the quiet comfort of each other's presence.
You shifted closer, seeking the warmth radiating from his body, and he didn't pull away. The fire crackled softly, a counterpoint to the storm's fury, as you sat huddled together, a silent conversation flowing between you in the flickering light. You knew this moment, this unexpected intimacy carved from the blizzard's wrath, could change everything. But for now, you were content to simply be there, in the warm embrace of the fire and Ace's reassuring presence, 
As the fire died down to embers, Ace kept you close, his steady heartbeat a reassuring presence against the howling wind outside. You leaned against him, drowsiness creeping up on you as the warmth slowly seeped back into your body. Your eyelids fluttered closed, and the last thing you registered was the faint scent of woodsmoke and Ace's comforting presence.
Dawn arrived, painting the sky outside in hues of pink and orange. The storm had passed, leaving behind a world of sparkling white. You stretched languidly, only to realize you were still nestled in Ace's warm embrace. He was fast asleep, a peaceful expression on his face.
A blush crept up your cheeks as you watched him. This unexpected blizzard had forced you closer, a closeness neither of you had dared to acknowledge before. You gently traced your thumb down his cheek, a silent thank you for keeping you warm through the night.
Ace stirred at your touch, his eyes fluttering open. A slow smile spread on his face as his gaze met yours. "Morning,beautiful," he said, his voice rough with sleep.
"You know," he began, his voice low and husky, "being stuck in a blizzard with you isn't so bad after all." A shy smile spread across his face. You couldn't help but return it, your heart skipping a beat.
Before you could reply, he leaned in, his lips brushing softly against yours. The kiss was hesitant at first, then deepened as you both melted into it. It was a kiss filled with unspoken emotions, a promise of something more waiting to bloom when the storm finally passed.
When he finally pulled away, his forehead rested against yours. "I never thought I'd say this," he murmured, a playful glint in his eyes, "but maybe getting caught in a snowstorm has its perks."
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(A/N) Thank you for reading❤ REQUEST ARE OPEN please give me your ideas, I write for the one piece characters (Fluff, angst, comfort, smut) once again I do have post lined up that will be going up this week ❤ so please enjoy❤->
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turtletaubwrites · 8 months
My Pretty Little Thief
Thank you @wallachianblood for this request! The idea and prompts were so cute, and I had way too much fun with it 😊🔥 I hope you enjoy it!
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Pairings: Ace x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2004
Ao3 Link
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Summary: Ace knows where he left his hat. But when it's not there, he hunts it down, only to discover the culprit. How can he convince the thief to return his precious hat?
Rating/Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content, 18+ ONLY, MDNI, AFAB!Reader, She/Her Pronouns for Reader, Reader-Insert, Swearing, Smut, Established Relationship, Nipple Play, Cunnilingus, Penis in Vagina Sex, Unprotected Sex, (Wrap it up y'all), Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Just a bit of, Rough Sex, Temperature Play, Playful Sex, Teasing, Kind of Mention of Public Sex, (Ace just wants people to hear), Creampie, Maybe tiny Dacryphilia? (you have one tear that he thinks is "cute"), Pet Names, Fluff and Smut
A/N: I adore this man!! This one just feels super sweet and playful to me. Enjoy!
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“I swore I hung it up here,” Ace muttered to himself as he scratched his head, holding up a towel around his waist.
He recalled taking off his hat, hanging it on the door, and heading into the showers. 
Narrowing his eyes at the empty hook, he yawned before heading to his quarters. 
I know I didn’t leave it in here…
His room was a bit of a mess, and Ace sucked his teeth at the sight of the clothes on the floor. 
He knew it couldn’t be down there, but he had to check, annoyance building the longer his hat wasn’t in sight. 
Keeping one hand on his towel, Ace got to his knees, leaning down to check under his bed.
Ace tensed, flipping around to see his door close, but his eyes were only on you.
“Bam, got ya,” you said, mocking his voice as you pointed finger guns his way. You brought a finger to your lips, blowing imaginary smoke his way.
Ace’s eyes raked over your bare skin, loving the way your breathing hitched when he watched you. All you wore were cowboy boots, a belt around your waist, and… 
“That’s my hat,” Ace teased, just a hint of threat in his words. He sat on the ground, leaning his back against the side of the bed. 
“Are you sure? I think it looks better on me.”
“Oh,” he asked with a laugh, shaking his head at you. “Why don’t you come a little closer, and I’ll take a look?”
You bounced on your toes for a moment, giving him the cutest fucking smile before shaking your head.
“How do I know I can trust you?”
“Trust me,” Ace questioned, mock outrage given away by his shit eating grin. “You’re the thief. Guess I’ll have to take it back from you myself.”
He loved the look in your eyes when you watched him stand, leaving the towel on the floor. The way your eyes widened every time his cock sprang loose, as if you could never get enough of him. 
You held your finger guns out to ward him off, but he just grabbed your wrists, leaning down to kiss your fingers.
“Bam,” you breathed, shooting a fake bullet against his lips.
“Oh no, you got me!”
Ace cried out, falling to his knees as you giggled, his warm hands sliding up and down on your thighs. 
“Looks like I’ll have to take you down to get what’s mine.”
Your laughter turned into a gasp as he pushed your back against the door. 
He wrapped one hand into the belt at your waist, holding you firm, then spread your thighs with the other.
“My hat does look pretty good on you from down here, sugar. But I’m still gonna take it from you.”
Your reply was cut short by the press of warm lips against your core, his tongue dipping into your wet folds so fast you felt dizzy. 
You felt him chuckle against your skin as you wobbled, and he gripped your belt harder, forcing your hips where he wanted them. 
“Such a brazen thief, I wonder what kind of punishment you deserve.”
He watched you moan and writhe, pressing yourself up against the door. 
“Who knew criminals could taste this sweet?”
He swirled his tongue around your clit before sucking it between his teeth. He lifted one of your legs over his shoulder as he shoved his tongue into you as deep as he could go. 
“F-Fuck, Ace…”
“Oh, is my little villain already sorry? Ready to give me what’s mine?”
A cute whimper left your throat, but all you did was shake your head. 
He grinned, then sucked your clit back into his mouth. Then he made his tongue warm, and warmer, and hot, until you yelped, trying to pull away from him. He stopped the heat, but he didn’t let you escape, yanking on that belt while you squirmed. 
“Can’t take the heat…”
Ace teased you, pulling back to kiss your thighs. He looked up at your pretty face, your skin all flushed for him. 
He stood, pressing you against the door, his cock twitching as it traced against your skin. 
“You wanted to be a cowgirl, huh, baby?”
He grabbed your hands again, kissing them while you caught your breath.
Pulling one hand away, you pointed your finger at his heart with another breathy ‘bam.’
Ace let out a surprised, and joyful laugh. You were always so fun, so beautiful, so free. And you always seemed to want him. 
He lifted you up, and you wrapped your legs around his waist, twisting your fingers into his still damp hair. 
He had planned on taking you to the bed, but when your wet cunt rubbed along his cock, he lost all rational thought, head leaning forward to moan in your ear. 
Your back hit the door again, and you felt the wood groan from the weight. 
Your eyes rolled back as he rubbed his length along your clit, covering himself in your need for him. 
His head was buried in your neck, breathing in your scent, and the sound of his name on your lips was everything. 
He lined himself up, holding you against the door. Slowly pushing into your tight, wet pussy, he moaned softly as your body clenched around his with every inch. 
“Ace,” you moaned, this time your voice was high and strained as you fought to stay quiet against the door.
“My pretty little thief,” he rasped in your ear, thrusting so fucking slowly into you. 
There was no better feeling than sinking himself into you, hearing your soft breaths, feeling your frantic heart. 
The aching pressure building in you made you shake, and you were clawing at his back as you tried to stay up, and stay quiet. 
“Please,” you stuttered, moaning again as he tilted his hips up into you. 
“Alright, cowgirl.”
Ace finally took you away from the door, fingers digging into your ass as he slammed you onto him a few times before walking to the bed. 
You had already lost. The hat was about to fall off your head from the way you twitched for him. 
You gasped as he climbed onto the mattress, standing on the edge as he turned. With his back to the bed, your eyes widened at his mischievous smile.
“Wait, Ace, don—“
“Hang on to my hat, gorgeous.”
You grabbed his hat at the last second, hand pressing it onto your head as he let himself fall backwards onto the bed.
He laughed as he kept a firm grip on your hips, luckily keeping you in place as you fell.
But even with his effort to keep your body still on his, the slam onto the mattress made you both cry out.
You were reeling from the force of his cock, hitting so deep as you bounced onto the bed.
You slapped his chest, still panting, trying to breathe.
He couldn’t help the laughter that burst out of him at your blown out eyes, your outrage diminished by the desperate way your mouth hung open. 
“Go on then, cowgirl. Take me for a ride.”
You let out what had to be a growl, pressing your hands down on his chest as you tried to fuck yourself onto his thick cock. 
With all that he’d already done to you, your body was limp and shaking. You rolled your hips, running your fingers along the muscles of his stomach, his chest, playing lightly with his nipples until he let out a breathy laugh. 
You gained some leverage, digging your boots into the bed as you started to lift off of him until just the tip of his cock was sunk into you.
Then you dropped down on him, your aching cunt sucking him in, the intense heat of his body filling you up.
“Your cock feels so good, Ace. I need you inside me everyday, baby.”
Needy whimpers left his throat, until your legs turned to jello, and you couldn’t keep up the pace.
“My pretty little cowgirl can’t ride? Do you want me to show you how, darlin’?”
“Mmhm,” you moaned, eyes heavy lidded as you nodded. 
“Ya gonna give me my hat back if I make you scream on my cock, princess?”
“Fuck, please, Ace.”
He thrust up into you abruptly, reaching a hand up to touch your beautiful face. He brushed away a cute little tear as you pressed your face against his warm hand.
“That didn’t sound like a yes. Guess I’d better not make deals with thieves.”
He stopped every movement, your own movement falling limp without his support.
“Wait, yes, please! Please make me come on your cock, I swear I’ll give your hat back.”
He rubbed his thumb over your drooling lips, smiling when you didn’t hesitate to suck it into your mouth. 
“There’s my pretty baby. Hold on tight.”
You gripped his chest again as he dug his heels into the mattress. He held the belt tight on your waist, using it to fuck up into you harder and faster than you were expecting so soon, and you let out a small, but filthy scream.
He kept thrusting as he laughed, so fucking pleased to watch you unravel for him.
“Already screamin’ for me, huh, baby? Looks like I get my hat back now.”
He sat up, pressing your bodies together as he rocked into you on his lap. 
Your faces were so close, breaths mixing as he teased raspy words in your ear.
“You look really good getting fucked in my hat, darlin’. You like getting in trouble, don’t ya?”
All you could could was moan, high and desperate. He could tell you were so close to that edge, and he needed it, needed you.
“You want me, baby?”
His question had you clenching on him harder, and he moaned while you answered.
“I want you so bad, Ace. I want you to fill me up. Fuck, please come inside me, I need you.”
His fingers dug into your thighs, body fighting not to give into your words that very second.
“Give me my hat back,” he said in a growl, watching your body shiver at his demand. With shaky hands, you lifted his hat up, your hair so adorably mussed, then set it on his head while he kept gently pushing into you. 
“Good girl.”
He flipped you onto your back, wasting no time. He pressed your thighs toward your shoulders, hunting for that spot that makes you melt.
You came almost instantly, knuckles shoved between your teeth as you tried, and failed, not to scream. 
Ace didn’t care if anyone heard. He loved that everyone knew how much you wanted him, loved hearing you scream his name.
He would have told you not to hide it now, but the sight of your sweet body, writhing underneath him, was too much. 
“Fuuckk... Coming, princess.”
He used the belt like a handle again, shoving as deep inside you as he could. 
You milked his cock of every fucking drop, his come filling you, a wave of liquid heat inside you.
You were limp as he pressed slow kisses on your chest and face. Finally, you made little whimpers and squirmed as he pulled out of you. His eyes almost rolled back at the sight of his come spilling out of your messy little cunt.
“How’s my pretty hat thief?”
You hummed, a contented smile on your lips making him want to do this everyday. To make you feel good everyday. 
“I think you killed me,” you laughed, voice weak as you reached your hand up to touch his cheek. 
“I could never kill my little criminal,” he teased, kissing your lips so softly as his eyes melted into yours. 
“I love you too much.”
You pinched his cheek, face flushing as you grinned, the sight of you stopping his breath for a moment. 
“I love you too, Ace.”
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Likes and reblogs bring me much ✨dopamine✨ thank you so much!
a/n: I would like to take him home and protect him from the world, pretty please??
Tag List: @shewrites02
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dfortrafalgar · 6 months
Portgas D. Ace x Fem!Reader
You and Ace intended to spend the day at the beach, but he can’t seem to be able to relax.
Warnings: modern au, so much smut. like so much smut. wet, sticky smut. 69-ing briefly. reader is also written to be on the chubbier side (im projecting <3) ace fucks you in the back of his car, basically. MINORS DNI. YOU WILL BE BLOCKED.
I woke up thinking about Ace today so I cranked this out in, like, an hour. It was a nice change of pace while I've been finishing up IMLY and the Luffy fic from my poll, which is almost done! (speaking of which, thank you for 200 followers <3)
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Ace hadn’t seen your swimsuit yet.  All he knew about it was that you purchased it recently on a shopping trip with a group of your friends, but it was currently concealed under a light t-shirt and denim shorts.  Throughout the drive to the shoreline, he was anxiously eyeing your bare thighs, his grip on the steering wheel of his station wagon turning his knuckles white.
“What’s got you so nervous over there?”  Your airly voice shook the freckled man out of his daze.  “Eyes on the road, hotshot.”
“It’s nothing,” he blurted, pouting and turning his attention back to the road.  Maybe he should have you sit in the backseat when your skin was exposed.
His own friends often joked that he was no better than a dog.  It wasn’t his fault that his sex drive was higher than cruising altitude… or maybe it was.  But he couldn’t help his wandering eyes when the soft skin of your plush thighs was exposed, or the way your deft hands fiddled with your cuticles as you stared out the window, sparkling eyes taking in the cloudless summer day as the backroads passed by on the drive to the beach.  Most of your evenings together were spent with either his head between your legs, your head between his legs, or your face smushed into a soft pillow while Ace desperately railed you from behind.
It was a good life, that’s for sure.
“It’s been so long since I’ve been to the beach,” you suddenly stated, turning your head to look at your flustered boyfriend.  “I’ve only ever been swimming in pools recently!”
“Yeah, me too,” he replied, his voice shaky.
Your eyebrows furrowed in concern.  “Ace, are you really alright?  Your face is kind of red.”  You reached your hand over to press your palm to his forehead.  “You don’t feel like you have a fever, do you?”
“Nah, I feel fine.  Honestly.  Just… thinking.”  One of his hands left the steering wheel to rub his sweating palm against the fabric of his swim trunks.  All he had on, other than the baggy trunks, was a white tank top that had a very unfortunate oil stain around the chest area.  He was sure his entire upper body was flushing red with the debauched thoughts that plagued his weary brain.  He hadn’t even seen your bathing suit yet and his mind was running in circles.  (He started to debate calling up that therapist that Sabo recommended.)
“Well, tell me if you really don’t feel good.  I don’t want you to force yourself to be out today just because of me,” you cooed, your voice soft and comforting.
He needed to tell you to stop talking.  Even the sound of your voice made butterflies swarm in his gut.
He might as well have been ovulating.
After what felt like an eternity, the trees surrounding the backroad route he had taken began to dissipate, replaced with the beautiful sight of the shoreline.  The ocean spanned outward as far as you could see, disappearing along the horizon and blending in with the bright blue sky.  A few small beach houses dotted the shore.
“You said this was a public beach, right?” you asked curiously.
Ace nodded, swallowing a thick glob of spit.  “Public, but very minimal.  There’s some private properties surrounding it so a lot of people assume the entire place is off-limits to locals, but there’s a small parking lot set back from the beach near a tiny bathroom shack-lookin’ thing.”
You grinned.  “Nice.”
“Do you not like public beaches?” he inquired, tossing you a side eye as he pulled further down the road, approaching the aforementioned parking lot.
“I don’t mind them,” you replied.  “But sometimes really busy beaches make me nervous.  Sometimes I don’t feel comfortable swimming when there’s too many people around… I get self-conscious in my bathing suits!”  Your statement was punctuated with a fluttering, nervous laugh as you involuntarily squeezed the skin of your thighs.
“Well, you don’t have to worry about that when I’m here,” Ace replied, flashing you a cheeky grin.
The parking lot seemed sparse.  It was entirely gravel with a few decrepit wooden fences separating where cars could park, some overgrown weeds poking through the impacted dirt here and there.  Sure enough, there was a brown, run-down bathroom shack between the beach and the parking lot.  During high tide, it almost seemed like the entire area would get flooded, but the gravel was drier than bone thanks to the beating sunlight.
You dug through your bag, removing a tube of sunblock.
“I thought you already put on sunscreen before we left,” Ace said, pulling into a spot and putting his beat-up station wagon in park.
“I did, I’m just putting some extra on my face,” you responded, uncapping the tube and squeezing some of the white gel onto your fingers.  You deftly rubbed the lotion onto your skin, across your cheeks and brow, down your nose, and down your neck.  
Ace needed to look away from you as your hands trailed down your neck and across your collarbones, ridding your hands of the excess lotion.  You weren’t provoking him on purpose, he knew that, but clearly his dick was taking charge of the day.
Little prick.
The two of you excitedly exited the car, grabbing your small umbrella and towels to find a nice spot to set up camp on the sand.  You were quick to lay down your towel when you found a spot, Ace digging a deep hole into the ground to mount the umbrella and provide a shelter from the beating sunlight.  Only a few other people were dotted around the beach, mostly older folk who were most certainly retired and enjoying their elderly days basking in the sunlight.  The thought made you smile.  You watched with glittering eyes as Ace pulled his tank top over his lean body, his muscular chest rippling with his movements, letting the cloth fall into his bag in a wrinkled heap.
“Oh, shit, forgot the cooler,” Ace mumbled suddenly.  “I’ll be right back.”  He swiftly turned tail and hiked through the sand back to his car.
You smiled, crawling under the umbrella and feeling the sand beneath the fabric shift below your knees.  You slid your denim shorts down your legs, shifting your weight to pull them off before folding them neatly and tucking them into your beach bag.  Your shirt followed, your hands hooking under the bottom hem and pulling it up over your head, repeating the process of folding it and storing it away.  Weirdly enough, you felt more comfortable on this beach than any other.  While some old folk liked to gab, the sparse population on this beach seemed more than willing to keep to themselves.  And there was no risk of creepy men your age or obnoxious teenagers to toss rogue comments about your body or shitty pick-up lines.
And you had Ace, of course, who would kiss the ground you walked on if you asked.  The thought made your stomach flutter with glee.
Back in the parking lot, Ace was quick to haul open his trunk and grab the small cooler they had packed with water, some sodas, and some light snacks, slinging it over his bare shoulder and slamming the door closed.  The hinges made a terrible squealing noise as the door moved.  He really needed to get that fixed.  He quickly jogged back to the shoreline with the cooler bag in his possession, his sandals making scuff marks in the gravel.
He almost died and came back to life when he saw you from behind.
Your clothes were off, your body hugged in a bikini that looked sculpted for you and only you.  The strawberry-print bodice was tied around your neck and below your shoulder blades with thin straps, the front of the suit being held together in the front with a metal ring between the bust.  Your plump breasts peeked over the seams slightly, making blood rush to Ace’s face.  The solid-colored bottoms squeezed your hips and ass perfectly, with one side open and held together with strings in an intricate criss-cross pattern.
Ace’s feet were moving on their own, his soul ascending from his body as he floated toward you.
You heard the rustle of his swim trunks from behind you as you approached, turning to look at him over your shoulder.  “Hey!  All set with the cooler?”
He plopped to his knees on his own towel, the cooler hitting the ground with a thud.  “Yeah, all set…”  His voice trailed off as if he wanted to say something else.
You gazed at him with confusion painting your features.
“You… you look…”  Ace could barely look at you.  “You look so fucking hot… oh my god.”
Suddenly, his demeanor in the car made much more sense.  The constant red flush painting his adorable freckled cheeks, his mouth in a perpetual tongue-tie, his lips pursing together tightly as he struggled to keep his composure.  Your lips pulled into a bright smile, relishing in the flustered behavior of your boyfriend.
“Aww, thank you, baby!” you cooed, moving closer to him.  Your hands trailed down his arm, ghosting over the tattoo on his bicep before teasingly falling to the cooler and unzipping the top, pulling an orange soda out of the bag.
“Please don’t tease me, I think I might explode,” Ace huffed.
You popped open the can with a satisfying click, taking a quick sip from the opening.  “You know… I don’t think anyone’s going to mess with our stuff if you want to go back to the car…”
Ace’s dark eyes darted toward you, assessing the mischievous expression on your face as you kept the cold soda can pressed against your mouth.  The metal was rapidly developing condensation thanks to the heat in the air, droplets of water dripping down the orange can and onto your fingers, plopping against your folded knees.
He carefully removed the soda from your hands, tucking it back into the cooler to make sure it didn’t spill, before standing up and hauling you to your feet, dragging you by your hand across the hot sand and back to the parking lot for a third time.  He ripped his car keys from the pocket of his swim trunks, shoving the metal key into the door lock to open the vehicle before leading you to the trunk and popping open the door.  You quickly clamored inside, him following behind you and closing the trunk from the inside.  He chucked his keys somewhere towards the front of the car.
He wasted absolutely no time in smashing his lips against yours, making you wince slightly at the feeling of his teeth hitting your own, but the way his long fingers expertly groped the skin of your breasts below your bikini top made you forget about the momentary discomfort.
After a few stifling moments, Ace pulled away and heaved into the skin of your neck, holding you down by your shoulders.
The best part about him owning an old, refurbished station wagon was the ample amount of room in the back, as well as the lack of center console between the two front seats.  It was a car built for fucking.
“Is this what you were thinking of on the ride over here?” you asked, a coy tone on your tongue.  “About what my new swimsuit would look like?”
Ace grumbled, a childish pout on his lips as one of his hot hands continued to rub patterns up and down your side.  Up to your breasts, his thumb ghosting over your concealed nipple, trailing down your waist and groping the plush flesh of your belly, down your thigh to squeeze your ass.  The way the strings on the exposed side of your bottom piece fit into your skin made his cock throb.
“You’re insatiable,” you giggled, your own hands leaving scorching patterns over his shoulders and arms.  “Are you ovulating?  You’re acting like me before my period.”
“Shush,” he grumbled, followed by another sweltering kiss, all tongue.  You felt a dribble of spit leave the corner of your mouth, sticking to the skin of your cheek.  His lips moved against yours, exchanging a blistering heat.  Ace always seemed to radiate warmth even on the coldest days, and his presence in this moment filled your body with a heated, lustful buzz.  Goosebumps rose on your skin when he pulled away from you leaving your front exposed, gently biting your puffy lower lip with his teeth.
“How worried are you about someone messing with our things on the beach?” he asked, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
You adjusted yourself slightly below him, his knees beside your hips caging you onto the floor of his trunk.  “Hmm… not too worried.”
“Perfect,” Ace replied swiftly, tugging his swim trunks down.  
He had such a nice cock, perfectly shaped with a cut tip that flushed a beautiful rosy hue.  A slight upward curve, lean and not too long, perfect.  He was either hard for the entire time you were setting up your small spot on the sand and you hadn’t noticed, or he was fighting with every fiber in his body to keep the erection at bay.  Whatever the circumstance, the fantasy of spontaneously fucking you in the trunk of his car in that sexy bikini of yours that he daydreamed about on the drive down was finally coming true.
Your hands made a move down to your hips to pull on the fabric of your bottoms before his fingers wrapped around your wrists, halting your movement.
“Sorry,” he uttered, his voice a soft whisper filled with a desperation you rarely saw from him.  “Your suit stays on.”
Your mouth morphed into a grin as he released you, leaning back up on his knees and idly stroking his cock with his right hand.  You parted your legs for him, making a show of smushing your breasts together under your tight top.  God, your suit could have been molded onto your body, it looked so good.
“Are you going to stay there and jerk off over me, or are you going to share some of the fun?” you asked deviously, one of your hands crawling below your bottoms and teasing your clit with the slick that had built up.  A pleasant, tingling flutter resonated in your belly and floated down your thighs, but nothing was better than the feeling of his fingers and cock doing the work for you.
“I want to do everything to you,” he muttered, releasing his dick from his slow ministrations.  “I don’t even know where to begin.”
You watched as it bobbed in the air, so hard it held itself out away from Ace’s toned stomach.  You involuntarily licked your lips at the sight.  “You’re so pretty…” you muttered.  You took it upon yourself to sit up, gently pushing against Ace’s shoulders to get him to sit on the trunk floor on his ass, leaning against him further to get the hint to lay down in the position you had just been in.
Neither of you had a strictly dominating or strictly submissive attitude.  Rather, you mutually shared the moment, taking charge when you wanted and snatching the lead away whenever you pleased.  This was one of those moments as you rotated your body on top of his, moving your ass closer to his face as one of your hands ghosted along his hip bone, your other arm supporting you and keeping you upright.
Ace got the hint almost immediately, his greedy hands groping and squeezing your ass as he pulled you downward to rest your clothed cunt against his mouth.  The hotness of his breath and the feeling of his lips against your weeping pussy concealed by the polyester made your breath hitch as your lips traveled closer and closer to the tip of his dick, watching hungrily as it seemed to pulse in the air, desperate for attention.
Your boyfriend made the first move, pulling you down by your hips and resting your cunt over his mouth, his tongue forcing its way between your folds through the suit and quickly finding your clit.  You gasped, your arm shaking somewhat as you quickly followed his lead, wasting no time in taking his cock into your hot, ready mouth.  
And goodness, did he taste good.  A familiar slightly salty musk partnered with the residual scent of his daily body spray, a vanilla and cedar flavor that always made your heart flutter in your chest.  His cock might as well have been burning as you hollowed out your lips and took him further down your mouth, loving the way the organ pulsed against your tongue.  
On the other end, Ace’s fingers had found their way into the fabric of your bathing suit, holding the barrier aside as two of his digits spread your natural slick over your cunt and lubricated his skin before he pressed them into your pussy, addicted to the way your muscles constricted around him.  Your entrance was always on the tighter side no matter how many times you fucked, and it was absolute heaven for him.  He turned the pads of his two fingers forward, pushing gently against the roof of your vagina where he knew you were acutely sensitive, and smirked to himself when your thighs clenched around his head.  Your movements over his cock momentarily stuttered at the feeling of his thumb connecting with your clit to simultaneously stroke the needy bud while passionately fingering your pussy.
He knew you too well.  He knew what you needed.  Ace wasn’t a selfish lover, he had learned your quirks and needs very early on in your relationship.  You loved your clit rubbed in somewhat slow circles, alternating between various pressures.  You responded to his fingers against your g-spot, and you loved when his dick curled upward into the same area.  Not too deep so as to hit your cervix, which hurt you quite a bit, but deep enough to reach those sensitive areas that had your legs shaking.
You learned quickly too, however.  Ace’s tip was the most sensitive part of him, his breaths growing shallow when you delicately sucked your lips around it and trailed your tongue along the slit, collecting the small amount of salty precum that emerged from the tip.  He loved it when you gently fondled his balls, rubbing the wrinkled skin between the pads of your fingers.  He adored the inside of his thighs being caressed, and you tried your best to do both with one hand as the other trembling appendage fought to support your weight as you continued to blow him.
You popped off of his cock momentarily, stroking the base with your hand.  “Did you have fruit recently?” you asked, turning your head somewhat to look over your shoulder.  Not like you could see much.
Ace paused his motions against your pussy.  “... Maybe.”
You grinned, the usually salty, bitter taste of his essence now replaced with something slightly sweeter.  You wanted to egg him on, to ask him if he had planned for this to happen and eaten some pineapple or citrus with his breakfast in preparation, but you decided to keep your inquiries to yourself and return to your task of sucking him off.
Ace was content to keep fingering you, his current position in between your thighs a bit too difficult to involve his tongue, but he knew he could please you regardless.  The circular movements of his calloused thumb against your throbbing clit had you sucking in sharp, lustful breaths through your nose, small whimpers leaving your throat and vibrating down his shaft making him bite his lip and stifle a wheeze.  Your thighs were quivering as he continued to curl his fingers into your g-spot, following the rhythm of your lips around his cock.
After some moments, however, you quickly scrambled off of him, your hand clutching around your stomach as you pivoted above him, capturing his lips in yours.  You ground your clothed cunt over his pulsing cock, keeping it locked between your pussy and his toned abdomen.
“Now who’s the desperate one?” he asked, teasingly, his signature boyish smirk traveling right back to your clit.
“I can’t help it, you’re contagious,” you huffed against the skin of his cheek.
Usually, the two of you used lube.  It didn’t matter how wet you got thanks to foreplay, the sensations were always heightened when there was no risk of chafing.  But clearly, you didn’t have that luxury today.  Nor did you have any condoms.  Instead, you bit down your thoughts, reserved yourself to spending 70 beri on the morning-after pill later that day, and hovered over his cock.  You pulled your swimsuit to the side and took his dick in your hands, wasting no time in slipping it through your folds that were thoroughly drenched thanks to Ace’s expert fingers.  
The first insertion always hurt somewhat.  A slight, red-hot throbbing pain that radiated through your pelvis, followed by a pleasant pressure as his cock slowly intruded into your tight muscle.  The groan that radiated from Ace’s throat made your pussy flutter.  
That was another thing you loved about him.  He was loud.
Maybe on a normal day you’d be worried about someone hearing you, or seeing the way his car shook with the force of your collective moments, but both of you had succumbed to desperation and couldn’t care less.  Traumatize the elderly beach goers who might happen to walk through the gravel parking lot to their own cars.
You sunk fully down onto Ace’s hips, his dick perfectly nestled inside your wet and willing pussy as his hands tightly gripped your hips through your suit bottoms.  You slowly rocked your hips, desperate for some extra friction against your clit.  It was much harder with the fabric covering you, but eventually you found a movement that felt just right.  Edging your hips slightly forward, you rolled your pelvis against his, dragging your clothed slit over the taught skin of his lower abdomen, moaning at the feeling of his dick pulsing within you.
Maybe you really didn’t have to worry about lube today.  Every motion against the walls of your vagina had you biting your lip and arching your back over him.
Ace’s hands assisted with bouncing you on his cock, his voice slowly increasing in volume as he watched you through half-lidded as your breasts jiggled with each movement, how the fat of your belly and thighs rippled so deliciously as you gyrated above him.  His voice was delectable, gruff and whiny, higher-pitched than usual with stuttering breaths and hitches in his throat that had your heart beating a mile a minute.
Your legs were growing tired, and Ace could tell.  He wordlessly beckoned you off of him, being quick to lean you over the back seats and move your suit to the side again, slipping his cock back in between your folds.  This angle always fit the both of you.  As much as Ace loved it when you rode him, taking you from behind came with many more benefits.  His free hand could travel down to dip beneath the cloth of your swimsuit and rub those delicious circles against your clit while simultaneously thrusting his desperate hips against your ass.  His chest pressed into your shoulder blades, his free hand supporting him against the back of the seats as you held onto the leather for dear life, whining with each motion of his cock against your inner walls and his calloused fingers against your clit.
It didn’t take long for you to unravel, the feeling of his rough finger pads against your desperate nub too much to bear.  Your orgasm approached slowly at first, filling your stomach with warmth, the insides of your eyelids flashing purple and indigo, before your body snapped and you were shuddering against Ace, moaning out loud as your pussy involuntarily clenched around his cock, your cunt feeling feather light as it fluttered.  The force of your orgasm caused you to gyrate your hips back against his, weak, airy moans escaping your tongue as the red-hot pleasure radiated through your entire body leaving your pussy buzzing with the aftershocks.
Ace was barely holding it together.  The force of your orgasm causing your pussy to clench around his cock had his arms weakening against the seat, his hips frantically rutting into you as sultry moans left his lips at the feeling of his cock burning inside you, begging for satisfaction.  His fingers never stopped rubbing your clit, caught up in what had essentially become second nature for him.  The overstimulation had you twitching around him, shallow breaths heaving from your lungs.  Ace’s pace increased as did the stuttering of his hips, his thrusts growing more shallow as his own orgasm approached.
“A-Ace… fuck, baby…” you whined, dropping your forehead against the back of the seat.  “You’re gonna make me cum again…”
The man was too caught up in the throes of pleasure.  Calling him desperate earlier was clearly an understatement.  A loud, throaty groan reverberated from his lips as his hips rapidly drilled into you, forcing you against the back of the seat.  His shallow breaths only helped to fuel your second orgasm that rocked you with a sudden wash of white light behind your eyes and you were shuddering against him again, your own moans filling the stifling air of the car.  
Ace barely had time to call out your name before he was thrusting disjointedly into you, crackled, weary moans leaving his lips as he came into your sore cunt, his hands pressing down onto your lower back to keep you still as he buried his cock into you, soaking you more than you already were.  You felt him pull out of you, your cunt fluttering around nothing as the sound of him falling backwards against the closed door of his trunk filled your ears.
Your own spent body dropped to the side, sitting on your hip and barely holding yourself up with one hand.  You slowly picked your head up, gazing at your boyfriend and assessing his condition.
Black hair mussed beyond belief, his freckled cheeks and shoulders flushed with a delicate red hue, his lips wet and swollen parted with the force of his labored breathing.  His eyes were closed, jaw slack as his pelvis continued to twitch from the force of his orgasm.  A few last drops of cum were bubbling from his tip, slowly dripping down his drenched dick that almost glistened, covered in your own fluids.  You felt wet between your legs.  It would have been a nice feeling if you weren’t already so stifling, your entire body feeling sticky.  You finally noticed the way the windows had fogged up.  You didn’t have time to think about carbon dioxide toxicity before Ace’s weary hand traveled up to the back window of his trunk door, blindly popping the window open a crack to let some fresh air flow into the car.  The summer heat felt oddly cool against your sweaty skin.
You slowly crawled closer to Ace, ignoring the way your drenched cunt sat uncomfortably inside your bathing suit.  You combed a damp strand of black hair off of his forehead before delicately pressing your lips against his cheek, encouraging him to finally open his eyes.
“You alright?” you asked, your voice low and quiet.
He finally smiled, his narrow, dark eyes filling your chest with warmth.  “I think my heart almost stopped.”
You giggled, running your sweaty hand up and down his skin.  “Should I wear bathing suits around you more often?  I don’t think you’ve ever fucked me like that.”
Your boyfriend’s humble laughter made you grin.  “For the sake of my health, you probably shouldn’t.”  He finally leaned forward to press a tender kiss against your wet lips.  “Though, if I were to die fucking you in a bikini, I’d die a very, very happy man.”
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sexydoffyman · 1 year
may i have a yandere somnophilia law + ace (same prompt- different fics) please 🤲 thank u 🫶🫶🫶
Sanji and Katakuri version here
genre: smut
characters: Trafalgar D. Water Law, Portgas D. Ace
A/N: Dang sorry for not posting for a couple of days.🪰
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A lot of people see him as a constantly annoyed person. I like to think he is more of a creep.
Yk, that kid that stabbed a frog in kindergarten kind of dude.
He enjoys getting attention by being creepy.
However, in this situation, he will try to be as sneaky as possible.
He will be just staring at you when you sleep.
It will soon turn into him jerking off.
He has a room around him just in case you wake up.
His weird hobby will progress into touching your bare skin while you sleep.
Running his hands up and down your inner thighs.
He has withstood his urges a lot of times, but his curiosity got the best of him.
He silently takes off your pants and underwear.
He slips himself inside of you going real slow not wanting to wake you up.
His whispers of "fuck" fill the room as he feels your warmth.
He will cum on your body, but don't worry, he makes sure to clean it up, real good.
Kisses you before he leaves.
When you two interact normally, he can't keep his eyes off you.
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Ace is not as creepy as he is curious and desperate.
He silently watches you sleep, adoring the way you move around.
He will start more romantically.
Kissing you softly. Caressing your cheeks. Looking at you like a teenage boy who fell in love.
His intentions are pure and innocent.
It was only one day that he got hard watching you sleep.
He was just like. "Fuck it." and jerked off to your sleeping form.
Post-nut clarity hit him hard.
He was thinking of why did he do that.
Those thoughts were shut off the next night when that urge caught him off guard again.
As time passed, he became addicted to it.
He wanted more. He was greedy.
He started touching you with his dick to get some kind of sexual tension.
In no time, the day comes when he gets too carried away.
He puts his dick inside of you and completely melts.
All the pleasure and pressure he is feeling right now is indescribable.
He whimpers but tries to keep it as quiet as possible.
He pulls out just in time and finishes into his hand.
He stumbles out of your room.
2K notes · View notes
cindol · 9 months
Portgas D. Ace x black fem reader
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꒰͡ 𐙚 ͡꒱ syn — inviting your ex rockstar boyfriend over isn’t such a bad idea, right?
wc: 3409 words (3K words)
tw— funny/corny banter(deal with it!!), smut, ex bf ace, slight unfaithfulness, ace signs a woman’s titties, oral(woman receiving), fingering, cum eating, dick riding,creaming,
a/n: was suppose to be based on Olivia Rodrigo’s song Vampire but the plot shifted lol !
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a cheeky look was on y/n’s face as she looked at the contact on her phone. Her finger was hovering over the call button from the contact “🔥❌❗️”. For the first time in a long time she felt needy, as embarrassing as it was for her to say. It didn’t make sense, she was a very thirsted woman in the media, always having some random or underground rapper in her dms trying to hit on her but still she was lonely and it was all Portgas D. Ace’s fault.
Even after the months following their breakup she still wanted him whether she wanted to admit it or not. Many men couldn’t keep up with her humor or banter the way the cocky rockstar did. He always could respond on time to her sass leaving her bashful and silent. But even with a relationship so balanced they had their issues and it was unsurprising, having two cocky people in a relationship would cause issues. Issues like Ace always being so comfortable with his inappropriate fans, signing their tits and encouraging their behavior made y/n livid and even fuming when seeing how little he cared. It always turned to y/n doing petty things in response and it’s what led to the breakup itself.
Even still after they broke up being the woman y/n was, she still subbed him in anything, always posting a pretty picture of herself with some petty caption that the public could figure out was about her ex rock lover and in reponse ace did the same. Posting corny tweets along the lines of,”she still wants me, yeah I can tell baby they don’t call me the fire rock for nothing 😎🔥” it doesn’t help the fact the two still have each other’s numbers so they argue to the max in messages.
The arguing never stays PG too. Always going to arguments of calling him cocky to borderline flirting. It came to a halt this Saturday evening as her finger hovered on the call button on his contact. She was stuck between giving him the awaiting call since she hasn’t talked to him in over 9 months or keep playing it safe in messages. She bit her lip,”fuck it.” She’ll bite. Pressing the call button she put her phone to her ear. She heard the dial up sound and then what sounded like a pick up on his end and a deep lazy chuckle.”The princess finally calls for her rock.” The line was corny but made her wanna chuckle as she did an eye roll and small smile.”Well a lady shouldn’t even be doing the call first, just did it because I knew you ain’t have it in you to call first.” The sound he spat out was the mix of a laugh and scoff.”Let's go with that baby, sure. I’m just glad to have this awaited call with you.”
She made a soft hum at that.”I’m sure you were.” He chuckled and snorted. She could by that lazy chuckle he was in the position she always saw him in but needed a visual.”what are you even doing right now? Sounds like you’re just on your ass.”
“I’m just laying down.” She huffed.”more details please?” Ace could tell she was in that mood, he could tell with the short breathed huff she made and how quick she said her sentence so he delivered what she needed in a lazy voice.” ‘m laid up on my couch, slouched with my legs spreaded, one hand resting on the arm of the couch with my other hand holding my phone to my ear.” Manspreading, she nearly made a moan. She wished she could see him manspreading in action.
Ace noticed her breathing noises into the phone and shook his head smiling. He was affecting her sooner than he thought.”Now how bout you tell me what you’re doing since you’re making these deep breaths.” His quip got her by surprise but she responded.”Well right now, I’m just chilling. I’m laying on my stomach with my legs kicked up and shit.. not like you and that man spreading.”
A loud laugh erupted in her ear.”please princess, you love me man spreading, driving you crazy you can’t see it though don’t it?” She shivered a bit at his response and took a deep breath before regaining control again.”as much as you’d like to see me in those pretty outfits I’ve always worn for you ace?” When she said that it was like a flashback when she was wearing and modeling all the sexy lingerie she had in black and red for him while he watched.
By his lack of response she could tell she had him.” ‘member the fire colored lingerie and even the bikini’s ace?” She was speaking in a soft tone now making him sweat but he wouldn’t give in too soon.``well let’s talk about the now yeah? Those little bikini’s were fucking hot but what is your pretty little self wearing now?” She giggled at how he switched the conversation.``right now I’m just in some yoga pants and a white tank top, something simple really.” He put the phone away from him for a bit and groaned before placing it back to his ear. He could imagine her body in some yoga attire, seeing her ass in some stretchy yoga pants made him lick his lips.
She checked her nails.”How about you?” He shrugged.”Just a pair of jeans as usual, you know me baby.” SHe raised a brow.”And that hat?” He gave her a ‘mhm’. She was familiar with his hat, not because it was a big staple of his wardrobe and who he was but from past personal experience.
The two sighed thinking of each other now.
“I wanna see you tonight, come over.. please.” He could hear the hitch in your voice and made a soft laugh.”You'll see me when you see me tonight princess.” With that he hung up leaving y/n wanting even more, in her luck he sent her a photo of his lap, the background was the inside of his jeep. She was looking forward to this night
Ace didn’t know how long it took him to be in front of y/n’s door but it couldn’t have taken long with how fast he got here right after their call ended. It surprised y/n when he showed up at her door in 30 minutes. Looking through her door hole she saw him in all his glory. She was truthfully a bit nervous to open her door to him but make a sharp breath and opened it, finally seeing his full body in front of her since the months they broke and were apart made her remember how tasty he looked, to his cowboy hat, black hair down to his beaded red necklace, naked chest and dark blue jeans. The set smirk on his face as he looked down on her wasn’t any better also.
She squeezed her thighs and put a hand on her hip as she saw him staring her down the exact same way she was staring at him.”Are you looking at something rockstar?” He snapped out of it for a second looking at her face then back to her body. The lilac silk shiny robe she had matched her perfectly and hugged her body just right, looking at her chest he could see she was wearing this robe without anything under it. His stare went back to her round face looking at two toned lips and brown eyes then her 4C hair in two puffs.”I’m definitely looking alright.” He leaned on the door a bit, making her just chuckle and shake her head at his little antics.”you’re too much ace, c'mon in.” Stepping away she entered back inside with ace following inside and closing the door.
When looking around everything was so familiar. Turning to see the red velvet couch he always saw in her living he smirked at the memory they shared on it.”takes me back, the nice memories on that love couch mhm..” he said it in a soft tone with his hands in his pockets just making y/n scoff and laugh.”you and I both know the only memories we shared on that couch were sweaty nasty hot ones.” He just scratched his neck humming as if to show he couldn’t argue on that.
Y/n stepped forward to him wrapping her arm around his wrist“Now c'mere, we got a lot to talk about Mm yeah?” She said it in that seducing accent, they both should know they were absolutely getting no serious talking done once she led Ace up her brown wooden stairs.
Once the two got inside her room on top of y/n’s bed their lips were smushed together. The tension they felt from their texts, the call and all the way downstairs was coming out finally. they separated with a string of saliva and a gasp from y/n while Ace took a sharp breath.``what about our talk?” Ace teased but y/n sucked her teeth.”fuck the talk.” With that ace went along to unbutton his jeans and threw them off somewhere. Y/n was on her way to doing the same with her robe till Ace grabbed her wrist.”nah let me, wanna see all of you unravel.” She giggled.”Nothing you haven’t seen already, just a little pudge added.” He just made a cackle at her saying that.”more for me.” He said it in a starved raspy tone making her snort more.
Once his hands went to the long strings holding her robe together and unwrapped them y/n felt this sudden bashfulness come. It wasn’t that she was shy of him seeing her body in so long, just that it changed from last he saw. Her cheeks are more round, breast more fuller and stomach having more pudge including her thighs being more thick. She looked away from his stare. She couldn’t tell if it was a good stare or a bad one.”If you wanna end this we easily can, I can easily find some discarded dildo if you’re not feeling all this.”
He just stared her down making a humming tone. Shd hated it when he did that, it always left her in suspense. Grabbing her chin for her to look up at him he then did a toothy grin and put his own hat on her head.”don’t doubt my abilities baby, I was raised like a good boy. I know how to handle some pudge.” Once her robe then fell off her body revealing her bare naked body, an amused noise came out from his lips. He gripped her hips with his strong hands, making her gasp.”plus I think ya look good, motherly. Might even dump some good kids in ya!” She made a pout, slapping his arm at that.
Letting go of her for just a second he pulled down his boxers letting his dick flop out. Y/n’s eyes peered down, staring at it looking so dumbfounded, making him laugh and pat her head.”Nothing new for you baby, I think you can take it all just like every other time right?” She dumbly just nodded. Flinging off his boxers somewhere he turned his full attention to his ex girlfriend. He gripped her jaw giving her a heated kiss.”No playing games anymore, I’m gonna give you everything you’ve been missing for 9 months, understand?” She just stared at him, no words coming out from his switch up from cocky to serious. She nodded up at him, making him grin at her understanding.
Now sitting on the bed he patted his lap.”Now c'mere.” Crawling over she stared at his lap for a second, eyeing his dick.”Not like it’s gonna bite ya, cmon.” She gulped sitting on his lap but not exactly on his dick a flush was on brown cheeks when he abruptly parted her legs not even wasting time. He put his own fingers in his mouth before inserting two inside her.”oh?” When he moved his fingers around there was a small squelching noise, already wet even before everything.``Needy even before we started?” His other hand multitasked with squeezing her brown mound. She made a soft whimper, nodding.”t-those calls and texts are something y’know? Got me all worked up and shit..”
He was pleased with the effect he had on both her body and mind, he needed to hear more and her exact thoughts too.”yeah? Tell me baby, how’d I make you feel with the texts and calls?” The thrust of his fingers had a steady pace making her arch against his chest.”m-mmph! Got me so needy, even when we were arguing I couldn’t stop thinking of you… you were my ah…! Every thought and in my dreams.” He gave a sharp thrust making her moan out.”What kind of dreams?” She let out what sounded like the mix of a cry and moan.”my wet dreams! You were in my wet dreams!”
He did that familiar hum, something she would be hearing all night.”exactly what I like to hear.” His fingers thrusting pace changed, going from steady to a more fast beat making her throw her head back and whine. He placed soft smooth kisses on her neck.”know my baby’s been needy.. all the texts and fighting back, just let go for me.” He cooed into her ear making her nod, making impatient “mhm!”’s. He added 2 more fingers into her hot snatch.”It's okay though, gonna make it worth your while now.” All that was heard between the two was breathy moans, whispering, kissing and the squelch of her pussy as he jerked his four fingers inside of her.
a sudden gasp came from her as she gripped his wrist.”ace! Gonna cum!” He smirked, moving his fingers faster.”yeah? Gonna cum on my fingers baby?” She frantically nodded her head.”cum” with that one word she creamed on his fingers with a yell. Coaxing her out her orgasm he rubbed her back as her head laid against the front of his shoulder with a bashful lusty look on her face, it was cute really till ace ruined her fun time. Laying her down on the bed he stood up in front of her.”we’re not done yet baby, still got a lot to show you and prove through those texts right?” She softly whimpered in response, looking still with hooded eyes at his taller figure.
Taking her legs in both hands he placed them on his strong shoulders doing a wide eyed big grin peering down at her. She made a weak chuckle from her first argument, trying to humor him a bit.”we’re excited tonight, your first time in a while getting good cooter or something?” He made a small “tch” with a laugh mixed at her quip.”Speaking of cooter,” he lifted her body a bit, getting her comfortable for his feast.”I recall you doubting my abilities, yes? Something like..” he caught by surprise doing a strip lick of her pussy then continuing his talk.”I can’t handle it right? I can’t handle your cooter or something?” Gasping from the first lick and still recovering from the whiplash she didn’t respond as quickly, making him give her a spank on the pussy. That made her whimper and cry out.”y-yes I said that ace!” He gave her another lick getting her sensitive with each one.”Then I think I should prove you wrong, yes? Because you just were obviously talking out your mouth from being depraved for so long baby.” She made a simple nod looking at him with brown eyes.
Gripping her thighs which were placed on his shoulders he bent his head down digging in. His mouth practically made out with her pussy, tonguing her clit and even getting her fat lips wet while she cried out and moaned gripping her sheets. He sucked and licked at her with such a sloppy roughness making her hands go from the sheets to gripping his jet black hair, not that he minded. The more she gripped just means he was doing fantastic. Even with her plea’s he knew she just wanted more.”Mmph! Gonna cum ace! Please!” She exclaimed in a shout but his mouth stayed on her. With no surprise she embarrassingly creamed inside his mouth making him get off and just swallow smiling, making an ‘aah’ sound and her show a brown tinted blush on her cheeks.”so indecent..“. “You love my indecentness though.” She knew she couldn’t argue and made a soft sigh.
Staring down at his lower body she could see his dick was up and ready. Even from just now creaming on his face she made a smirk at it.”morning wood?” She joked pointing down once he let go of her legs. He tsked looking down and clicking his tongue at her joke.”More like night wood baby.”
She hummed while sitting up.”Well, the little man is obviously awake and ready.” He crossed his arms behind his head stretching.”Well you gonna do anything to cure him?” She bit her nail.``Mm.. how bout you c'mere and lay for me, you haven’t even put your dick in me in months and you’ve worn me out already.” He made a small side eye doing a toothy grin while she sat pretty even with tired eyes.”Your wish is my command oh great princess!”
He didn’t waste a second on doing as she pleased and laying on his back for her. Her 5’6 frame towered over his tall 6’1 body a bit but she still looked small anyways. She rubbed his thighs, looking at his tan dick for a minute as he laid there with his hands behind his head.”it’s not gonna bite baby, I’m sure you remember how to ride it real nice right? Or should I just leave while I can?” He teased making her gasp furrowing her brows at him, it was easy to play her and get her to play along. Not wanting him to deceive her skills even in a joking way she gathered her courage slowly inching herself on all his 9 inches doing a small whisper count down before she sat on all of him. a breathy gasp came out feeling all of his thickness inside her for so long.
Ace could see her hesitating before he gave a harsh slap to her ass.”prove me wrong.” That made her clench, making a low groan come from Ace's throat. Putting her hands on his shoulders she rode him at a slow pace at first, getting more sloppy with it as her pussy made squelching sounds. Moans, whimpers and groans echoed inside the bedroom with sounds of skin slapping. She made short breathing gasps losing her pace from energy and ace noticed. Giving both ass cheeks short slaps he grabbed her attention again.”I’m gonna have to help ya or something sleepy head?” He gave a sharp thrust making her cry out.”you gotta prove me wrong baby,”
She nodded along with a single tear in her eye from his unwarned thrust.” ‘m am..” with some of ace’s help lifting her ass and slapping her back down she got back into the rhythm, this time her pace being faster with ace’s rough hands gripping on her waist to slam her down making cries and high moans coming from y/n while grin had a toothy grin showing his shiny whites.”you gotta prove me wrong ‘member?” She just made a cry in response, gripping on his shoulders, bouncing herself.”a-ace! Can’t pleasee, ‘m gonna cum please please!” She made a plea in a whiney voice through her moans.
Ace groaned with her feeling her clench and took over.”never can take the lead? Was always my needy girl.” With some sloppy thrusts from Ace she felt an orgasm coming.”Mm! Cumming— gonna cum ace I-!” With a loud squeal she creamed on his dick. Ace made a hum at how in weakness she laid her head on chest.
“I’ll give ya a break, pretty sure I could get some more outta ya.”
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xxelfmamaxx · 1 year
Ace:okay serious talk
Ace:there's no breaking up in this relationship
Ace:if you're tired of me
Ace:take a nap
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cyborg-franky · 3 months
For @whitewineandpizzapuffs ! Thank you for the support and please enjoy <3<3
Ace x F!Reader SFW WC: 729
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“I need to get away from this ship for a bit,” You said, putting hands on Ace’s shoulders as he leaned back on his chair, almost tipping over if not for you. “Yeah?”
You nodded and pushed him back to sitting, the chair making a thud on the floor before you wrapped your arms around him, resting your chin on his head and sighed. “I just need to get away from all the, ya know… men.” You huffed into his hair and heard him laugh at that. “Getting too much testosterone in the air, huh?” he teased playfully. 
“I can just go on my own,” you tried to pull your arms away, but Ace whined and grabbed you. “Aw, come on, don’t leave me.” You rolled your eyes at the whiny tone as he pawed at your arms. He acted like you were dating sometimes, not that you minded. You pushed those thoughts aside. You didn’t need to focus on your crush right now; you just needed a break from the ship.
Taking the striker to a small island, you gripped the picnic basket for dear life as the small fire-powered boat shot across the waves, skimming over the surface. The wind in your hair and against your face felt nice. Ace would get you both there safely; you were just still getting used to going from the stable footing on the Moby to being rocked around.
Ace helped to pry you from the striker's mast. Taking his hand, you let him help you off and onto the sand. You signed and took a breath as Ace grabbed the basket and headed to the shady area under the palm trees.
This island was smaller than it looked on the map, but that meant it was all yours, just the two of you. You watched Ace set out the picnic blanket before he kicked off his heavy boots, flopping down and letting out a pleased sound as he wiggled his toes. You tossed your backpack to the ground and joined him.
“This is nice; I already feel so much better,” you said as you rummaged in your bag for a sketchbook and pens. Ace’s face lit up when he saw the marker pens. You got comfy against him, reaching into the picnic basket, getting out a bottle of soda, popping it open, and taking a swig. 
You quirked an eyebrow when Ace arranged your leg across his lap, a blue pen in his hand. You watched him uncap the pen and start to colour in one of your many tattoos. Your arms and legs were covered in lots of black line work, and you’d never considered you’d make the perfect coloring book.
Watching Ace focus on your leg, gently colouring in one of your tattoos, how his nose scrunched and the tip of his tongue stuck out as he focused on his work. He finished with the blue and then switched to green. You laughed out, and he blinked up at you. “Sorry, it tickles,” you said with a giggle.
Ace couldn’t help himself, smiling at hearing the giggle as his heart fluttered. The sound of you happy was everything to him, even if it was just you being ticklish. “I didn’t mean to, for once,” he said as his smile turned into a cheeky smirk. “Sure, I believe you,” you poked your tongue out at him and started to sketch as he went back to coloring.
This was exactly what you needed: time away from the busy ship, a small tropical paradise, and spending time with your best friend. The sun started to set, and you’d curled against Ace as you watched the sky change above. 
“I think you made me look pretty, Ace.” You said, stretching out your arms and legs and looking at all the colours he’d added to your tattoos. “Nah, you're already pretty. I just added a little something.” Ace said giving you a wink.
Both of you suddenly felt warm, cheeks dusted with pink at his comment. “M-maybe I should get these coloured for real,” you mumbled, looking at your skin. “Yeah, you should,” he added, looking away.
“Wanna head back?” he asked, going to stand before you stopped him. “Just a little longer?” you asked, a gentle plead in your voice, and he nodded, getting comfy next to you. “Thank you, Ace.”
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cloudzoro · 3 months
One Piece Characters who are OBSESSED with eating you out. ♡
cw: fem!reader, smut
“Sit on my face, none of that hovering bullshit.” type of people who'll lay down and take what you give them. If you're gonna sit on their face, you better commit to that shit and ride their face. They'll keep a strong grip on your ass to guide you on their tongue.
- Zoro, Reiju, Smoker
Don't wear a skirt or little dress around them unless you want them to bend you over the nearest surface and eat it from the back. They'll spread your cheeks, tongue fucking your cunt then licking up to give your other hole some love too. They love the way your legs shake and you struggle to keep your balance as you cum but it's OK because they've got you and they're not letting go any time soon.
- Ace (heavy on him 🤤), Robin, Crocodile
First thing in the morning they're making sure you stay in bed with them just a little longer so that they can kiss their way down your body and lick at your pretty pussy. They know exactly where to lick and where to suck to rile you up in minutes. Plus, you're so sensitive in the morning that it doesn't take long to make you cum. They suck love bites into your thighs to leave reminders of your intimate morning all day.
- Shanks, Law, Tashigi
They're messy about eating your pussy; spitting on it, making you cum multiple times and cleaning it up with their tongue, even licking their own cum from your sensitive used pussy. They make you cum until their mouth, cheeks and chin are covered in your juices. They're not not satisfied unless they've made a mess of you and the bedsheets beneath you.
- Sanji, Nami, Ace
masterlist | one piece masterlist
thank you for reading and enjoying! reblogs/comments are very greatly appreciated
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clare-875 · 22 days
How do I look?
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_____ Pairings: Zoro x Reader; Ace x Reader; Sanji x Reader; Law x Reader; Luffy x Reader Summary: How he would react to you dressed up for a date. Warnings: Fluff Notes: The above images do NOT belong to me, Female Reader [One Piece Masterlist] _____
Zoro Zoro looks up from where he had been sitting on the floor, waiting for what seemed like forever for you to get ready. He had gotten himself dressed in much nicer clothing than he was used to after Nami had scolded him for the clothing he had chosen prior. "Are you serious?! You can't wear that to a date!" He still hears the sharp ringing of her voice as she passed him clothes muttering about how she couldn't believe you had actually agreed to date him. He had been exasperated, but now as he sees you smiling as you come out of the room you had been in, it is almost worth it. He feels the flush of his cheeks rising as he desperately tries to keep up his nonchalant facade. You are adorned in a beautiful dress, your hair pulled up perfectly and your makeup bringing alight your features. "How do I look?" Your voice is slightly teasing as you easily spot the rising red of his face but he turns away from you quickly before you see the influence you have on him.
"Fine," his voice is low but in turn for the lack of words he shares, you feel instantly his warm hands that creep to hold you around your waist. "Just fine?" You say, rolling your eyes but when he turns down to meet your gaze, you see his eyes widen, face flushing redder than before. "Yes woman, now let's go." You laugh at his flustered state and feel warmth grow in your heart at the sight of the usually stoic swordsman showing you the depth of emotion his words cannot convey. Needless to say, you also do not miss the wide smirk on his face as he holds you to him, watching men who also stare at your beauty with pride. You were beautiful. Of course, you were. And you were his. Ace When Ace turns to you as you call his name, he feels himself at a loss for words. He almost combusts right then and there. "Ace!" You turn to your partner, finally ready for your date before doing a small twirl, feeling the ends of your dress flutter outwards at your movement. "How do I look?" Your face, already so beautiful gleamed wide with your smile, excitement in your eyes as it had been a while since you had gone ashore with your boyfriend. "Yeah, Ace, how does she look?" The shit-eating smirk on Thatch's face widens as he turns to the man who stares frozen at your form. It had been a while since he had seen you free of the clothes you wear out at sea. Flames lick his skin as he tries to ramble out the words he wishes to say, but unfortunately for him, Marco takes the chance to tease him further. "Well, I think you look stunning-yoi." Marco grins as Ace glares sharply from his side. "Oi, birdbrain, that's my girlfriend!" Ace quickly grabs you by the hand and drags you away from the Whitebeard crew after he hears enough of their prying and teasing. You just laugh along with them as Ace pulls you to a more quiet space.
"Ace?" You ask when he has seemed too quiet for a while. You feel slight worry at the sudden silence, however, it is a concern you don't need; he is simply trying to process your beauty. When he finally turns, his face is burning red and you can no longer tell if it is because of his devil fruit powers or not; probably not. He pushes away the fluster you so easily cause in him for a moment and grabs your hand in his, raising it to his lips. You watch wide-eyed at his gentle gesture. "You look beautiful [y/n]." It is your turn to feel the flush rising in your face as you turn to his earnest eyes. You smile at his words as he pulls you close to him. "Not bad yourself." You say under your breath and you see the wide smile on his face brighten even further. Sanji This is Sanji, so of course when he sees you leaving the confines of your room he is all over you in an instant. "How do I look?" Your words linger in the air, but you honestly didn't even need to ask; he would shower you with compliments anyway. You see his eyes enlarge, hearts almost pouring from them as he shouts to you words that have you smiling sheepishly. "Stunning, my love, as usual!" "The Gods have blessed me with an angel!" He continues, words splurging from him as he drinks in your form; so perfect. You were dressed in a beautiful dress that Nami and Robin had helped you pick out, your hair and makeup done intricately and highlighting your already ethereal features to the love-drunk cook. You laugh as he spews his words, "Stunning," "Breathtaking," and "Beautiful" to you, but quickly take the chance to grab his hand and allow him to take a breath. "Thank you, Sanji." You say, smiling gently as he freezes at your hold and stares at you in utter wonderment. Sanji almost melts to the floor; almost. However, he surprises you when you watch as his eyes that were ablaze with his devotion suddenly sober of his crazed adoration and turn into simple love.
"My love, you are truly divine," Sanji speaks his words softly this time as though in disbelief, eyes earnest as he stares into yours. His voice is filled with such sincerity you are almost taken aback by his seriousness, by his awe. You smile even wider then, and Sanji feels his world enlightened; you are smiling at him. You are dressed up and waiting for him. His arm is held out to you, ever the gentleman, as you take it in one hand and he guides you off the ship. His gaze never leaves yours and your smile never leaves your face, you were perfect, and somehow, you were his. Law Law sighs heavily under his breath as he pulls at the clothes he wears. He didn't know how you had convinced him to take the evening off, but here he was dressed up and waiting for you to get ready for a date. His mind could wonder but in all honesty, he knew you just had that way about you; you could convince him of anything, including this date. "Law?" Your voice is soft as he looks up to see that you have finally left the confines of your room, but the surgeon suddenly finds himself free of anything but speechlessness as he turns to you. He was so used to seeing everyone in boiler suits that he had almost forgotten the beauty you encapsulated, adorned in the clothes you now wear. "How do I look?" Your words are almost shrouded with shyness as you turn to your partner and captain hesitantly, unsure of his thoughts under his forbearing facade. Unbeknownst to you, Law is having a mini heart attack as he looks to you so perfect and gorgeous before him. He fights the flush that threatens his face and has to clear his throat before he turns to meet your gaze.
"You are beautiful, love." Your stare widens with surprise at the sincerity of his words, and the depth of emotion in his eyes as he turns to you. His hands envelop yours in the stunned silence as he gently guides you through the polar tang, ready for your evening ashore on the Island. You feel the flush of your face and the thrumming of your heart. Even though the two of you had been dating for a while, you don't think you could ever get used to Law's softer side or the compliments he would offer when it was just you and him. When the two of you make it ashore in the comfortable quiet he turns to you once more, and you swear you see the upturn of his lips as he meets your eyes. In his mind was one thought: He was so lucky to have you.
Luffy Luffy has gotten used to the thrumming of his heart whenever you are around. At first, he thought the funny feeling you ignited within him was born from some sort of adverse reaction, but then Robin had amusedly told her Captain, that maybe it was the feeling of love. Luffy had never thought of such a thing before, his goals and responsibilities as Captain hindering any such prospects. However, as the emotions grew with every passing day, at every touch and during every time you shared your company, it finally led to the both of you dating. Despite him becoming accustomed to the sensations you would bring about him, he felt his heart rate rise abnormally higher when he saw you leave your room. You are dressed in a simple sundress, ready for a date that you know will turn most probably into an adventure, knowing your Captain. But when you look up you are surprised to see him quiet and not jumping to go to the island immediately. "Luffy?" You say, tilting your head in question before fidgeting at the hem of your dress in nervousness at his gaze. "How do I look?" Luffy finally seems to shake himself free of the thoughts that clouded his mind as he meets your gaze with his signature wide smile, brimming with joy.
"You look really nice [y/n]!" You are taken aback by his blunt praise and by the sincerity deep within his words, but you find yourself smiling as you let out a laugh. "Really?" Luffy grins further as he snatches your hand into his and turns to you. "Yeah, now let's go! I'm starving!" You continue to laugh at his words as he is forever drawn by the food that awaits but you also feel your love brim at the sight of his warm gaze, ready for another adventure to begin... with you.
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lawsvalentine · 1 year
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How They Flirt • OP Men HC •
Characters: Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, Ace, Law
CW: slightly suggestive on some but overall fluff, bit of humor
Cee’s Note: Be honest ya’ll…..would you fold? 👀
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VERRRY touchy 👀
Mans is literally attached to your hip
If y’all are standing, he wraps his arms around you and holds you from the back
If y’all are sitting, he either has his arm over your shoulder or he’s resting his head against your chest
If y’all are lying down, he’s either laying on your stomach/ass or cuddling you
The funny thing is he does it like it’s the most normal thing in the world
Your in the middle of a conversation with the girls.
“Hey guys! What island are we heading to next?”
Luffy comes up behind you and wraps his arm around your waist. Despite your flustered face and the girl’s weird looks. Luffy carries on the conversation without a second thought.
Luffy is also very blunt with his feelings
You will not have to question whether he is into you bc trust me he will make it KNOWN
Nami had to knock him silly a couple times for blurting out something inappropriate
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Zoro is more lowkey with his flirting
He will playfully tease you by calling you princess and dollface just to start banter between you two
He finds it so hot that you challenge him and don’t back down from his taunts
He likes seeing how passionate you get when you too bicker
He sees you carrying something heavy
“I don’t think you can handle all that, princess.”
“I can handle myself just fine, tough guy”
PLS his dick is so hard for you sgdhdj
Even though you say you can handle yourself that doesn’t stop zoro from doing things for you
Not that he doesn’t think you can, but it’s just in his nature to want to protect you and help you
Despite all this, don’t expect him to confess his feelings first sgshdj
You will have to be the one to make the first move
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Mans will say every and anything to impress you shshdj
Just lying straight through his teeth about “being an expert” at whatever the hell you are interested in lol
If you suddenly pick up a hobbie for shell collecting, suddenly he is the shell connoisseur and will go out of his way to find shells for you
“This one is so pretty Usopp, thank you!”
“Oh please, this little one is nothing! You should see the massive collection of shells I have back at Drum Island. It will blow you away!”
This man….
He will also try and act like he’s so experienced saying he’s been with so many women when in reality the farthest he’s gone was a hug by nami sgshdjdj
If you play along and take him up on his offer to “rock your world” you will have him a flustered stuttering mess 😭
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Ok let’s be real….
Ace got the best rizz out of all the men here sgdhhd
He is just naturally charismatic and charming without even trying
But ironically when he’s actually trying to put the moves on you he can be corny asl 😭😭
I’m talkin pick up lines corny shdhjd
“Does your feet hurt?”
“What are you-“
“Because you’ve been running through my mind” 😏
“…..” 🧍🏽‍♀️
He’s so…..
Let’s just say he’s lucky he’s pretty lol
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This man does not know how to flirt to save his life sgshdjjd
If you actually thought he had rizz be so fr 😭
Mans is antisocial and keeps to himself
But when he does have a crush he literally doesn’t know how to handle it sgdhdj
His way of flirting is trying to give you fun facts about anatomy sgshdj
“Did you know that the female body is naturally more flexible than men due to them having more elastins in their tendons”
“Ok…..good to know?”
PLS he’s such a nerd shddjj
He’ll also gush about his favorite comic if you show an interest in it so prepare for even more facts 😭
Just like Zoro, will absolutely not make the first move so you will have to literally spell it out to him that you like him sgdhjd
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penkura · 4 months
Father's Day Moments
Note: Sorry this so late today, I've been busy with my own stuff this weekend, but I got it done! :) This is simply Father's Day moments with a small surprise in each of them, I had a blast writing these. 💚 I know again that this day can be hard for some, so if this isn't something you're okay with reading, please feel free to skip it and read something makes you happy today. 💚💚
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Ace has rarely ever thought about Father’s Day, considering his own issues with his father and all that growing up. Even after joining the Whitebeard Pirates he never thought too much of the day, only when Marco or someone else brought it that it was about that time of year. Once he has own his children, the sweet little girls you both share, he still doesn’t think about the day as being that important, it feels more for the kids then it does for the dad in his mind. You do most of the caring for your daughters anyway, even though Ace helps as much as he can when he’s not busy, you two are a team, you should use the day to rest together, right?
That’s why, after you get Rogue and Ann to give Ace the little handmade cards you helped them with (he’s not crying, you’re seeing things), Ace tries to pass the girls off to Marco and Izo for the day, having asked the two the day before if they could take the girls off the ship for the afternoon so you two could relax together. They both had agreed, you find it very odd they’re so willing to take the two when they’ve jokingly called your daughters little hell fires, Rogue and Ann are happy to go with them onto the island you’re docked at for a couple hours.
You’re still skeptical even when all Ace does is pull you into bed for a nap (just a nap, he swears when you ask if he’s got other motives). “Ace, what’s this all about? You know it’s—”
“Father’s Day, yeah, I know,” Ace buries his face in your hair and you can’t help but nearly melt in his arms, he’s so warm all the time, it feels so nice just to lay with him, “But you deserve some time off too~”
The way he nuzzles into your neck makes you giggle, wanting to say something about how you already had your day until he speaks up again.
“I wanna have another baby with you~”
That’s not a surprise to you, he’s said it several times since Ann turned four and you first brought it up, just wondering what his opinion would be and Ace promising he’d get back to you when he had decided. He finally did just about a week or two ago, right after her birthday, telling you that one more would be perfect, your family would be complete whether boy or girl.
“Yeah, that sounds good, Ace.”
It’s a few moments of silence before you hear him snoring, but it still makes you laugh softly before running your fingers through his hair while he sleeps.
“Happy Father’s Day, you dork.”
Father’s Day had left a bad taste in Law’s mouth for a long time, having lost his own father and then Corazon, it first made him resent the day before it became just another day that meant time was passing by. No one to celebrate meant he could ignore it, until you came along and blessed him with your son and daughter, the two angels he watches play doctor almost every day with their stuffed animals. Eight-year-old Rosi and two-year-old Cora, both his spitting image and the brightest part of his days, apart from you obviously.
The day is quiet while your children play, Law trying to take a nap for once when he feels someone come over and put something on his chest, cracking one eye open to see Cora has her toy stethoscope while Rosi holds her up so she can reach, and it makes him smile. They’re both just darling, even if Rosi is reaching the point where he’ll say how embarrassing such statements are.
“What’s up? I need a checkup from Dr. Cora?”
She giggles and nods, while Rosi huffs a little. Cora has gotten so big, its hard for him to hold her for very long. He asks if she’s almost done, when she nods again and takes her toy off Law’s chest.
“All done!” Law ruffles her hair a bit and thanks her, as Rosi tells her they should go check her stuffed bunny now. The two hurry back to their toys, as Law tries again to nap before he feels like someone else is watching him, opening his eyes to see you leaned over giving him a smile.
“Have you gotten to rest at all?”
“No, but it’s fine,” shaking his head a bit, Law notices you seem to want to say something, and gives you a look, “You okay?”
“Mm,” nodding you look over to your children, watching them briefly as they wrap bandages around the bunny’s ears, “Just…what would you say to one more?”
Law raises an eyebrow and sees how fidgety you are by asking, wondering if you’ve already gotten an answer and you’re just double checking with him that it would be okay, or if you just suddenly have baby fever again. Either way, he doesn’t think it would be a bad thing. It would be welcomed.
“I think that would be fine…”
The way you light up and grin makes Law start to smile too, even when you begin to ramble a bit about how you haven’t felt well, which he knew already, and how you had gone and taken a pregnancy test, and well, looks like your ���one more’ is coming sooner than expected based on the pink plus sign when you show him the test. Rosi and Cora were both planned, and while this one wasn’t, there’s an excitement in his heart that Law can’t deny at the thought of having another child with you.
Its not such a bad Father’s Day gift honestly.
To be honest, Penguin never thought he’d be this lucky. He never thought he’d be lucky enough to find you, to get married and have two daughters with you, and now have the joy of bringing home your newborn son on Father’s Day, two days old and baby Sage has joined his sisters in your home, the eight-year-old and four-year-old girls both squealing over how tiny he is.
Penguin beams with pride while he watches them, Wren has gotten over her jealousy of having little siblings ever since Ivy started to get older and could play with her. When you told them the baby was a boy, they were both ecstatic to get a baby brother, and loved coming to the hospital to see and meet him.
As the two try to push each other out of the way to see him while Penguin holds Sage, you put your hands on their heads and quiet them down.
“Hey now, that’s enough. We don’t want to scare him. Don’t you two something for daddy anyway?”
Wren gasps loudly before nodding and grabbing Ivy’s hand, yelling for Penguin to wait there while they ran off to their room. He gives you a confused look while you sit beside him and start to coo at Sage.
“Babe, what’d you do?”
“I didn’t do anything. It was all them.”
When they finally come back, both are holding drawings they’d made the other day with you watching them (mostly since they were using markers). Wren had drawn your whole family as penguins while Ivy had mostly done stick figure drawings of your now family of five, both making sure to include the newest addition. They both tell Penguin ‘happy Father’s Day’ as they hand the pictures over, and he has to fight to not to cry while he hugs them close, kissing them both on the cheek multiple times and making them giggle.
“You’re both the best daughters I could’ve ever asked for!”
Sanji doesn’t take a day off, what are you talking about? The man is a chef, a professional one at that, and with your twins tenth birthday just two days away, he’s busy making their birthday cakes and all the snacks and treats their friends are going to want at the party too. Even though he knows it’s Father’s Day, you know it too, your twins and second daughter have already given him the cards they’d made, he did cry and didn’t try to hide it, and he went right back to work. It might be a day for him to relax, but he doesn’t for more than those few minutes earlier in the day. He’d taken your three-month-old son Elie after you’d finished nursing him, strapping him against his chest in a baby carrier and getting to work while your baby slept against him so you could rest instead.
Honestly, it kind of made you feel bad because you’d already gotten your day, and Sanji was using his to prepare for your twins birthday party and watch your youngest son, your older three children were busying themselves with cleaning their rooms. You’ve already finished the laundry for the day and go to the kitchen to see Sanji isn’t up and cooking at the moment, instead sitting at the table and playing with your small son’s hands while talking to him while Elie looks up at him.
“I feel really blessed to have all of you, Elie. I really hope that you and your siblings know that as you grow up…” Sanji sighs a bit and places a soft kiss on Elie’s head, “I never want you to feel like I did.”
“They won’t,” you surprise Sanji by wrapping your arms around his shoulders and kissing his cheek, “You’re a wonderful father and doing so well with them, Sanji. Just from watching you with all four of our babies, they all absolutely love you.”
“My love—”
“And don’t argue with me, you know its true.”
Sanji laughs and nods, knowing he’d lose that argument in a heartbeat. You’re always so headstrong and just want him to realize that yes, he’s doing a million times better than his own father did, he’s on par with Zeff nowadays, who your kids also have come to adore as their grandfather.
You look around the kitchen a bit, asking if Sanji wants any help, before he starts listing off everything he still has to do and you just watch him. He starts to take Elie out of the baby carrier and hand him over to you as he sees the look on your face.
“Yeah, I’ll uh…sit with Elie while you cook.”
He laughs again, before kissing your forehead and giving you a smile. “That would be wonderful, my love.”
You never truly know how to celebrate Father’s Day when the father of your children is Zoro. It feels like he doesn’t care about it, even when you roll your eyes at him and tell him just to tell you what he wants, before he shrugs and says he doesn’t need anything. He’s got you, Keitaro, and Kuina, and the rest of the Straw Hats, what else could he possibly want or need? There’s nothing material he needs really, unless you want to get him the expensive sake he likes but you think a liquor store owner might find it highly concerning that a seven-month pregnant woman is buying alcohol, which just made Zoro laugh at you when you brought that up.
Ah right, that’s right, it’s not just you, your two children, and the rest of the Straw Hats anymore, or won’t be in a few short weeks. The baby you actually planned this time would be joining you all soon, that’s more than enough. He definitely doesn’t need anything when he thinks about that, just that you and this baby are safe through the rest of your pregnancy and the birth. That’s all he really wants.
Maybe some of that sake still but he’ll get that another way.
His morning meditation that day is interrupted when he senses Keitaro nearby, the seven-year-old trying to sneak up and catch Zoro off guard, though it never works thanks to his observation haki. Even when your son throws his arms around him and yells “gotcha!”, Zoro just smirks a bit, keeping his eyes closed.
“I knew you were there.”
“Daaaad, you’re cheating!” Keitaro whines and pouts, trying to climb onto Zoro’s back before giving up and going around to sit in his lap. “Mama said haki is cheating!”
“That’s only cause your mom can’t sneak up on me either.” He opens his one good eye and stares down at his little clone, the boy still pouting with his arms crossed over his chest. “Where’re your mom and sister?”
“Umm, Kuina’s still asleep, and mama was awake, but said she was going to lay down cause the baby was making her sleepy again.”
“And what are you doing up so early?”
Keitaro starts to look away a bit, shyly trying not to give anything up, before leaning his head against Zoro’s chest and saying “I wanted to hang out just with you…”
When he was younger, Zoro never thought that having kids was for him. He thought they’d get in the way, that there wasn’t any reason to really have them around apart from legacy, but then you showed up and turned everything upside down. Keitaro wasn’t planned, but he’d brought so much more to both your lives than either of you expected. Your sweet Kuina was a surprise too, you swear she’s made Zoro softer in more recent years, something he tries to deny but everyone else can see it when she’s got his attention.
And your coming addition, the one that was planned, even if they hadn’t been you still would welcome this baby happily. Sometimes, Zoro still isn’t sure that fatherhood suits him, but you swear to him that he’s the best father you’ve ever seen, even better than your own, and maybe you’re right, just from how Keitaro quietly wants to spend time with his dad, just the two of them before the day really gets started. Its more apparent when Kuina convinces him to read to her, and when your unborn child kicks at his hand while he talks to them.
“All right, buddy,” Zoro sets one hand on Keitaro’s back and strokes his hair with the other, watching as he starts to fall back asleep too, not used to being up this early, “You stay with me for now then.”
Maybe he’s not so bad at this fatherhood thing after all.
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turtletaubwrites · 9 months
Can you do a reader x Zoro where the reader has a sex dream about Ace and Zoro gets jealous
Thank you so much for the request! 🙏🏼😊 I've been wanting to write for Ace, so this is a little taste for now. I hope you enjoy it!
Just a Dream
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Pairings: Zoro x Fem!Reader, Ace x Fem!Reader (just a little dream)
Word Count: 1288
Ao3 Link
Summary: You have a delicious dream about your captain's brother. Your boyfriend, the first mate, is not pleased when you wake up.
Rating/Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content, AFAB!Reader, She/Her Pronouns for Reader, 18+ Only, MDNI, Reader-Insert, Swearing, Smut, Established Relationship, Unprotected Sex (Don't Do That), Jealousy, Anger, Dom Zoro, Vaginal Fingering, Hair-Pulling, Rough Sex, Penis in Vagina Sex, Come Shot, Comeplay, Sex Dream, Possessive Sex, Multiple Orgasms, Overstimulation
A/N: This one shot isn't part of my We've All Got Needs series. I hope you like it!
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The cold night kept you up, so you left your tent shivering, heading toward the small fire. 
“What’s wrong, sugar, the night too cold for ya?”
A gasp left your lips when you saw Luffy’s brother across the fire, tilting his head with a smirk. 
You felt a blush creep up your cheeks, and your lips parted as Ace sauntered around the fire, sitting close enough to breathe along your cheek.
“I can warm ya up.” 
His voice came out in a low rasp as he ghosted his lips along your neck.
He chuckled, the sound making you shiver, the cold night already forgotten as Ace licked your collarbone, leaving kisses and bites on your skin. 
Ace pulled back, smirking at you as he placed his hat on your head. The intense warmth of it traveled down as he sat back on his heels.
“What a pretty thing you are.”
He pushed you back onto your elbows and tugged your shorts down, the cold air hitting the wetness already dripping for him. 
“Mm, so eager for me,” he teased, plunging one finger, then two into you. Everything was happening so fast, and you were overwhelmed, desperate for more. 
“Ace, please…”
His thumb moved to your clit, but you couldn’t feel it as the weight of blankets shifted on your skin.
You yawned as the scene drifted away, a small whine escaping your throat while you tried to hang onto it.
“Did you fuck Luffy’s brother?”
Zoro’s voice, thick with anger, pulled you from sleep. Rubbing your eyes, you shook your head, trying to sit up as you looked at your boyfriend.
“What’s going on?”
Zoro was sitting against the headboard, arms crossed as you turned to face him. 
“You were fucking moaning, telling Ace to heat you up and shit.”
He practically growled those words, and his eyes narrowed as he watched your skin flush. 
You couldn’t help but laugh, instantly regretting it when Zoro’s jaw tightened.
“It was just a dream, it doesn’t mean anything.”
“Right, a loud dream about you fucking the captain’s brother.”
Still not fully awake, you took a breath before diving back in, Zoro’s feelings clearly more affected than you realized. 
“It was only a dream, Zoro. Nothing ever happened. And I don’t want it to. I’ve got everything I need right here.”
His scowl only deepened as you grabbed his thigh.
“You’re in my bed, you came on my cock how many times last night, and you’re dreaming about getting fucked by that- that pretty boy? Luffy’s-”
“Zoro, Zoro, I’m sorry. I can’t control what my brain does when I’m asleep, I promise you’re the only one for me.���
Internally grinning at his ‘pretty boy’ comment, you crawled onto his lap, straddling him. You laid kisses on his neck, but gasped as his hand reached into your pajamas, his fingers pulling away with thick strands of your slick. 
“Zoro, I-”
“I was about to wake you up with my cock since you were moaning so pretty. But you were too busy getting fucked by another man.”
His voice was low and even, making your breath catch.
“Zoro, please, it was just a dream. I promise-”
“I’m gonna make you forget he exists.”
The threat in his words, and the sudden grip he took on your hips made you gasp. He forced your body closer, until you were grinding on his hard length, the pressure on your clit drawing moans from your lips. 
Zoro gripped the hair at the nape of your neck, pulling your head to the side. His lips, tongue, and teeth were rough on your skin, and you shuddered, digging your nails into his shoulders.
“That’s right, Y/N. The only word out of your mouth better be my name. At least until I fuck it into you.”
High, breathy moans left your throat as he continued rolling your hips, his cock twitching under your clothed pussy. 
“Say it.”
He growled as he pushed you off of him, pulling your pajamas off while your skin burned for him. 
“Keep it up, because I’m not stopping 'til you pass out. Then you’re gonna fuck me in your dreams. Is that alright with you?”
He had taken his boxers off, asking for consent as he caged you in, his arms planted by your head, while his cock was dripping precum as it twitched above your core. 
“Ye-” you started, but his eyes narrowed, jaw clenching as his face loomed closer.
“Zoro! Zoro,” you corrected, nodding while you squirmed against the sheets beneath him. 
He grabbed your chin, holding you still as he brought his lips to hover just above yours. His eyes burned into yours from so close, and you held your breath, the thrill of his jealousy making you wetter than it should have. 
“You’re mine.”
He breathed those words into your mouth before kissing you, claiming you with his tongue. 
Chuckling, he ate your moans as he rubbed his leaking tip around your clit. 
He pulled back to watch your face as he pressed into you, only the slick from your dream and his threats to prepare you for him. 
You bit your lip as he worked each throbbing inch into you. The sweet sting of the stretch sent your eyes rolling as you moaned his name.
Pulling out slowly, he thrust back in while you whimpered, your mind already empty of everything except for how he made you feel. He laughed at you again, rolling his hips as he built up speed.
“Look at this greedy pussy of mine. So fucking hungry, sucking me in like this.”
Zoro ran his strong hands over your thighs, pressing them down to get a better view of where your bodies connected, the sloppy sounds getting louder with each thrust. 
He was hitting so fucking deep, gliding over the sweet spot inside you. You had to keep fighting your instincts to moan how good it felt, instead letting his name through your lips like a mantra. 
He smirked down at you as he brought his thumb to your clit, and you clawed into his back while you fell apart.
“Whose cock are you coming on, baby?”
He didn’t let up, thrusting through your orgasm, before rolling you onto your side. He lifted one of your legs over his shoulder, then slammed into you, the new angle curling your toes as you screamed. 
You were a twitching, drooling mess as he kept going, folding your body however he wanted. Your mind was so lost in the pleasure and overstimulation that you couldn’t even say his name, let alone anything else.
He flipped you onto your back again, smiling as his thumb wiped the drool from your lips, wringing another orgasm from your wrecked body. 
“Now there’s my good girl. You’re gonna go back to sleep now, looking so pretty with my come all over you. And I’d better hear my name on those lips, or we’re gonna have round two.”
Nodding dumbly, you opened your mouth and let your tongue hang out while Zoro pulled out of your aching cunt, fisting his cock.
“Fuuck, who do you belong to, baby?”
“Zoro,” you moaned, twitching with pleasure as hot lines of come covered your chest, some landing on your chin and tongue. You licked your lips clean, and he kissed you, rubbing his pleasure into your skin.
He pulled you against him, wrapping his arms around you as he covered you both with a sheet.
Part of you wanted to argue, to go clean up, and get ready for the day.
But Zoro kissed behind your ear, and his whispered words made you forget about everything but him. 
“You’re mine.”
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Thank You for Reading! 💜
TurtleTaub Fanfic Masterlist
A/N: I hope you enjoyed it! 💚
Buy me a coffee ☕🙏🏼
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