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Your Text Here
A demonstration performance of Your Text Here, a video graphic text score culture jamming self-help advice and the Utopian vision of Fluxus.
This was a project formed between Lucia Graf, Maurice Trentzsch and Jolon Dixon for the Die Anemonen Itinérrances — Unsicherheiten workshop programme and was first performed at Institute für Zukunft during Literarische Herbst 2022.
#fluxus#performancepoetry#graphic score#text art#video score#klangkunst#experimental music#self help#self-help#self development#experimental voice#portfolio#portfoliage
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part of rgbproject
I grew up with Television filling up a large part of my attention, forming a large part of my dreams, at night I’d rub my eyes and see pictures of golden chocolate bars from the ad break, sparkling on the insides of my eye lids.
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Telebaby: Resurrection part I and II
Telebaby: Resurrection part II was a work for Galerie Kub. A piece of site-specific and participatory work. A lot of the time, the participants are just chatting to one another since I asked them to.
I don't know how to produce documentation for it. Is it ok to include all the audience members in the pictures? I could share the audio or even the video, but when I allow the participants to "perform", it's hard to tell their responses and feelings without having a documentary crew. Really, you might have to be there.
I know that I'd like to perform more and more not being the centre of attention or at times even invisible or forgettable. Of course when it suits the project.
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well ok, then I'll try to treet you to plantiful puns, that will leaf you stunned and amaized, a sheer pleflora of a dandillion little jokes, a whole punflower field of unapollengetical reediculousness! Sure, some of them may only be oakay, or come of as hyacinical, but hopefully not too beanspirited, as I will try not to include too much weedlessly dumb dewmor. let me just look through my portfoliage, to seed if I canna find some marigolden puns, some that can really rose to the okrasion, although I garda warn you, my sysstem of oreganization is a bit chayoteic (ive gourd a lot going on in my geranium up there in my heath) so vineding the pearfect puns might take some thyme
oh my GOD that's so many. i am. literally stunned and amaized that's incredible
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Everything Wrong With The Force Awakens
I liked The Force Awakens a lot but @portfoliage didn’t and we have a lot of nerd quibbles so here’s a list of petty hateful complaints before red letter media makes a 5 hour video saying the same thing (my comments are denoted by a dash and hers by an asterisk)
-small arms fire stops Poe's x-wing from taking off but the concentrated fire of a stormtrooper squad fails to damage the TIE Poe and Finn escape in
-there are now ethnic gangs in star wars even though human ethnicity is irrelevant in the star wars universe
-the rathtars eat and dismember everyone else right away but decide to save finn as a snack for later
-finn accidentally activates the dejarik board on the millennium falcon and the whole movie grinds to a halt to remind you what it was like to be alive in the 70s
-the only original trilogy alien species we see in the movie are a sullustan x-wing pilot and Squidface McTrap even though we're making callbacks to everything else
*maz was a useless ugly cgi demon who didn't say anything the characters and audience didn't already know
*wise old lady with zero wisdom probably only there to tick off smugly that there's another female character
*I liked the robot that reported their arrival to the resistance vs the weird enslaved sex lady reporting to the death eaters
*it makes no sense that dumb raisin bartender lady has luke's lightsaber but not luke's hand
*so mad she doesn’t have creepy mummy luke hand
*maybe rey ate it and thats why shes a jedi
*i wish rey had been developed more she has potential to be cool, she’s kind of just flawless and boring
-she can shoot better than stormtroopers by her second blaster shot which is really unfortunate for stormtroopers (i like rey a lot)
*get this... we'll make a death star again........ but BIGGER...
-I was ok with this death orb but no more, they’ve used up their death orb allowance
-the briefing to destroy starkiller base is the funniest scene in the movie: “it's gotta have some kinda fuckin’ thermal oscillator” “it does, right here” “ok that'll probably work”
-kylo ren leaves the girl who just out scanner'd him and who's strong in the force defended by a single shitty stormtrooper
-why does captain phasma disable the shields just because they threaten to kill her, why wouldn't her character just say "shoot me" rather than sabotage the key weapon of the first order
-they only attacked with a fleet of x-wings so they didn't need to disable the shield since the millennium falcon established that you can fly under the shield at lightspeed
-lord snoke looks just like a mashup of voldemort and nero from jj trek
*he looks like someone took an actual villain and used the smudge tool in photoshop
-the trench run squeakquel felt really obligatory and pointless besides watching x-wing pilots get fried in familiar circumstances
*ya why would you ever come up with new content if you can just use the same exact shit over and over again why bother actually creating a unique film when you can just slap together a bunch of shit like a clumsy idiot
-rey uses the force to download how to lightsaber fight like it’s the fucking matrix
*junk jizz abrams
-jizz is a canonical genre of music in the star wars universe and it's a crime that of all the callbacks and pandering fanservice this was totally ignored
#star wars the force awakens#the force awakens#star wars episode vii#clickbait title :3#portfoliage#spoiler#spoilers
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portfoliage replied to your post: unpopular opinion:
he’s not attractive and his character is even less attractive
i know absolutely nothing about him tbh except what i've learned from tumblr so i can neither confirm nor deny this statement but i do not find that surprising somehow
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Optical score for piano four hands. First Prototype. The shapes trigger textures and rhythms like running your hand across an old table-top. I encourage the performers to turn the visual textures through their bodies into sound through their fingertips.
copyright 2019 Jolon Dixon.
Live recording aligned with the video score. Played by Gregor Forbes and Emi See in Glasgow as part of the Glasgow Experimental Music Series 2018/2019.
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An Assortment of Sound Performances in Spaces
A collection of site-specific performances for objects, instruments and bodies in a number of different places, made in recent time
#portfolio#portfoliage#experimental performance#performance art#klangkunst#sonic art#free improvisation#site specific
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ebbonie n respawnsibilitee
please search for VinylDinosaur on bandcamp so you can supply us matcha moolah
or click here
so we can divert our matcha moolah to a music-making fund
#albumrelease#matchamoolah#handmedowns#handmedowneconomy#bedroomperformances#musicmakingfund#portfolio#portfoliage#albumcover#piano#piano improvisation
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I arrange these clips from walking to find a hill; a different hill though.
Here is a situation-specific video poem opera from a walk in Leipzig on a very fine Spring day.
#Vimeo#sitespecific#situationspecific#environmentalart#videoart#poemlet#spokenword#poetry#walkingart#spring#hills#response#portfoliage#opera#performance art
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Telebaby: Resurrection
A live experimental radio spectacle about place and displacement and outer space
Kindly captured in D21 Gallery, Leipzig as part of the 100 JAHRE RADIO-GESCHICHTEN programme:

Sound Art Lab · Wochenende 6 : Vinyl Dinosaur aka Jolon Dixon : Liveperformance
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B.O.R.E.D.G.A.Z.I.N.G is an ongoing project dealing with the current circumstances in Europe. Now the impact of web technology in our daily lives is greater than ever before.
In our performance we use Zoom to connect ourselves - Olga Uzikaeva in Belgrade and Jolon Dixon in Berlin. Zoom was originally intended for business communication. In these present times, it has become a social space and a medium for performance and art. Many performers engage with audiences and most of us feel the need to be social and fill up our time.
In some ways, Zoom replace aspects of ordinary life through microphones and cameras. We become close and make hybrid spaces; Our windows sit next to each other and the backgrounds are often intimate. A group video chat becomes a collage or jigsaw puzzle made of our living rooms, kitchens and bedrooms.
On them other hand, it can be distancing: there is lag, the glitches of data compression and echo correction and the transformation of our presence through microphones, lenses and circuitry into 2-dimensional digital images and monaural sound, which can remind the viewer of the spaces and temporality of cubism.
We explore our hybrid Zoom space with movement, sound and objects; It is a virtual site-specific structured improvisation where we play with our bodies and sounds being broken into parts and then reconstituted by the computer and the viewer. Through a self-imposed grid, we make our limbs bend and objects glide through algorithms and games and respond to our failures to follow these rules we push onto ourselves. How can we make true contact with each other within these systems? How can we take pleasure in being out-of-sync?
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From the Kiez-schaft project. Check out the whole time-line: https://www.kiez-schafft.com/projekt
Following on from Cruz Proxy is Jolon Dixon’s Current / Draught is a work of poetic anthropology meeting a music video. Jolon intended it to be a denouement for the Kiez.Schafft project. Denouement means to untie in French, but he thinks he’s tangled and mangled all the threads that run through the series so in truth it’s a nouement.
The videos explore the themes of modularity, the industrialisation of knowledge and personal reflections upon the works that comprise the Kiez.Schafft series. He react to the robot in Atlasbackflip.com with empathy, recognising the feeling of flipping and failing to flip in a portfolio career life, jumping between day jobs, making art and attempts at being an impressario, between the post-industrial world we walk and commute within and the virtualised realm of the internet. All that demands a sense of weightlessness when we are most definitely tied to the earth.
So Jolon folded the spirit of the robot becoming human and the human being robot into this mix of veiled allusions and visual, sonic and poetic rhymes and references to the whole series.
Check out the full project here: https://www.kiez-schafft.com/
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bootleg handmedowns
please search for VinylDinosaur on bandcamp so you can supply us beermoney
or click here
so we can channel our beer money into a #musicmakingfund
(at Glasgow, United Kingdom)
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Visual Missive Collecting
Bringing together threads so it's out-of-the-box for you, it's out-of-the box and straight onto your screen.
A collection of my first person video pieces, collecting from my wanderings around a certain part of a certain city.
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portfoliage replied to your post “i need to get glasses but contemporary frame styles are all really...”
get transition lenses
this is the worst thing youve ever said
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