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negreabsolut · 12 days ago
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Representació del mes de novembre del calendari de pedra de la portalada romànica de Ripoll (segle XII), tal com apareix reproduït al Costumari català, de Joan Amades, llibre dedicat al mes de novembre.
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alegredespertar18 · 1 year ago
Gran éxito en la implantación del Sistema AS-SGA de AS Software en infraestructuras de ARSYS
Al confiar en el equipo de Sistemas y Técnico de AS Software Group y ARSYS, la compañía Coordinació Logística Sanitaria A.I.E (CLS) dispone de un servicio todos los días del año, durante las 24 horas del día, para la continua utilización del Sistema Automatizado de Almacenes, implantado en el año 2012. Este garantiza una conectividad segura en las instalaciones que ARSYS dispone en Logroño.
CLS, plataforma logística constituida por Corporació Sanitària Parc Taulí, Consorci Mar Parc de Salut de Barcelona, Institut de Prestacions d’Assistència Mèdica al Personal Municipal i Prestacions d’Assistència Mèdica S.L., se constituyó en el año 2006. En concreto, se encarga de abastecer a los diversos hospitales de la corporación Taulí en Sabadell y a los del consorcio del Hospital del Mar en Barcelona.
Maximización de recursos y minimización de gastos Situada en Santa Perpètua de Mogoda, CLS presta a sus socios una logística integral, tanto sobre el material sanitario fungible como el no sanitario, aprovechando las sinergias inherentes en el sector y uniendo los esfuerzos de dos grandes grupos de hospitales. De este modo, consigue maximizar recursos y minimizar el gasto que no aporte valor añadido a sus actividades sanitarias.
Gestión logística integral La gestión logística realizada con AS-SGA de la empresa AS Software cubre todas las áreas de la plataforma: desde la recepción de compras realizadas por los hospitales y el almacenamiento de la mercancía, pasando por la preparación de la distribución a los distintos centros de coste de cada unidad hospitalaria. A su vez se gestiona el transporte a los centros así como la distribución por sus plantas.
El material consumible que se suministra a los centros hospitalarios se efectúa en base a reposiciones de consumos reales de los sub-almacenes de planta del hospital, a partir de un sistema de doble cajón. En el caso del hospital Taulí, existe un aplicativo de Logística Interna para reposiciones, también aportado por AS Software, que recoge la necesidad de la reposición con la lectura de tags de RFID en buzones especializados.
Alojamiento en el Data Center de ARSYS La plataforma logística accede a la solución AS-SGA de forma remota y se aloja en el Data Center de ARSYS en La Portalada (Logroño). El Data Center se encuentra certificado como Tier III, lo que garantiza una disponibilidad del 99.982%.
Acreditaciones y certificados de prestigio Asimismo, gracias a ARSYS los proyectos de servicios de alojamiento permiten ofrecer a las empresas un mejor servicio con acreditaciones y certificados de los organismos internacionales más reconocidos. Concretamente:
Certificado ISO 50001 de mantenimiento y mejora de un sistema de gestión de energía en una organización. Certificado UNE-EN ISO 9001 de calidad. Certificación Internacional 27001 en cuanto a eficacia y seguridad de la gestión de datos. Certificación de AENOR en buenas prácticas comerciales. Tier III, Certification Data Center Portalada. Certificado de Conformidad con el Esquema Nacional de Seguridad. Las tecnologías usadas por ARSYS, punto clave Gracias a las tecnologías que utiliza ARSYS, la empresa dispone de:
Conectividad redundada de 20 Gbps entre los Centros de Datos en Logroño y los puntos neutros, con una MetroLAN en las instalaciones de Madrid. Conexión a Internet a través de 5 redes: NTT, GTT, DTAG, Telia y Level 3. Conectividad transoceánica redundada Europa – Estados Unidos (3x10Gbps). Monitorización de más de 1.200 indicadores. Suministro eléctrico de energías 100% renovables. Últimas tecnologías en seguridad física, lógica e industrial.
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vimogra-art · 2 years ago
Iglesia parroquial de Albalat Santos Reyes Siglo XV San Jaime Santa Quit...
La iglesia parroquial de Albalat dedicada a los Santos Reyes, fue segregada de Foios en el siglo XV. Se trata de un buen edificio del barroco, producto de una ampliación iniciada en el 1731. Presenta una planta de cruz latina, con crucero de tejas azules y blancas vidriadas. De la fachada, de perfil curvilíneo y coronada por pináculos, destaca la valiosa portalada escultórica, presidida por una hornacina en alto relieve con la Adoración de los Reyes. La escena la flanquean las efigies de los patrones san Jaime y santa Quiteria, cuyas vidas decoran los muros interiores en lienzos insertos en medallones. El blasón señorial que preside la puerta pertenece al VI conde de Albalat, Josep Toran Sorell (1726-1759). Las armas del conde figuran también en la decoración de la cúpula, donde aparece retratado un personaje que se ha atribuido tradicionalmente al conde. Las pinturas, de mediados del siglo XVIII, son obra de un seguidor de Antonio Palomino. En julio de 1936, la iglesia sufrió la destrucción de los retablos y obras de arte, así como la demolición del cuerpo de campanas de la torre (de 1725), que se reconstruyó en la posguerra (1942).
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relojesdesolgal · 3 years ago
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. [es] #Relojdesol en la #portalada de un #pazo del municipio de #Catoira (#Pontevedra). . [gl] #Reloxodesol nunha portalada nun pazo do #concellodeCatoira (#PO). . [en] #Sundial in the municipality of Catoira (Pontevedra) #Spain. . . . @concellodecatoira @obaixoulla @pazosdegalicia @elbarroquista @turismoriasbaixas @descubreasriasbaixas #gnomon #rellotgedesol #relógiodesol #sonnenuhr #cadransolaire #日時計 #barrocodeplacas #oeste #comarcadecaldas #obaixoulla #galiciabarroca (en Catoira) https://www.instagram.com/p/CS4B2T7LYT1/?utm_medium=tumblr
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macarulles · 2 years ago
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Els plaers de l’infern (portalada de la catedral de Reims). https://www.instagram.com/p/ChwqoQItoqxehWo2gD6_xlrssfupFAh0Q7wX0U0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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12endigital · 3 years ago
El Ayuntamiento estrena ornamentación navideña vegetal en su portalada, la Explanada y los accesos a Luceros
El Ayuntamiento estrena ornamentación navideña vegetal en su portalada, la Explanada y los accesos a Luceros
El Ayuntamiento de Alicante ha estrenado nueva ornamentación navideña con guirnaldas vegetales que enmarcan las portaladas del edificio consistorial. También en el inicio de la Explanada desde la plaza del Mar se da la bienvenida a los visitantes con un letrero vegetal de Bon Nadal, al igual que en las entradas al TRAM y a la plaza de los Luceros. Todos estos adornos están compuestos por planta…
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barba888 · 3 years ago
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eljoan · 4 years ago
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La portalada barroca de Santa Madrona, provinent del convent de Sant Joan enderrocat per l'obertura de la Via Laietana. #urbansketchers #barcelona #sketching #poblesec (en Poble Sec / Montjuic) https://www.instagram.com/p/CH5jdwphvc1/?igshid=ohaa751ehzuo
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copybiz · 4 years ago
Ismobel Group Profile Sample
Founded on December 4, 1981 in Logrono, Spain, by Jose Maria Martinez Albania, the Ismobel Group has since been a family business with a 100% inventory of Spanish-manufactured products using only European components.
Nowadays, Jose Maria, Diego, and Marta, the sons of the founder, share the same love and dedication as their father, guiding and watching over the Ismobel Group and its brands, including Ismobel and JDM Silleria.
Its first factory originally occupied a 300-square meter area but has grown yearly since it first opened. However, once it reached 2,000-square meters, the Isobel Group had to move to a new location. It is now at Polygon La Portalada II in a 25,000-square meter factory with more than 50 employees. Here, the group makes great improvements in technology and quality to offer more superior products.
From the start, the Ismobel Group has held the following core values:
DESIGN – Great design is at the core of every furniture piece.
INNOVATION & DEVELOPMENT – Up to 6% of revenue is reinvested into R&D turnover.
MANUFACTURING -The company has over 25,000 square meters used for manufacturing and storage. The latest technology in the furniture industry is utilized in manufacturing. The Ismobel Group also owns several additional warehouses all over Spain.
ENVIRONMENT – The group is committed to sustainability and generates clean energy, It also avoids contaminants in its manufacturing process.
GLOBALIZATION – The Ismobel Group has realized from the beginning it must target the global market. It currently sells to more than 25 countries and continues to grow from these relationships every day.
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negreabsolut · 21 days ago
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Gravat que apareix al volum 14è del Costumari català, de Joan Amades, i que reprodueix la representació del mes d'octubre del calendari de pedra de la portalada romànica del monestir de Ripoll, del segle XIII.
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nibaldop · 4 years ago
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La Basílica de Montserrat es de una sola nave, de 68,32 metros de largo y 21,50 de ancho, con una altura de 33,33 metros, y sostenida por unas columnas centrales, con tallas en madera. Alrededor de la nave central hay 5 capillas de cada lado. En la cabecera está situado el altar mayor, decorado con varios esmaltes vítreos con escenas bíblicas; y justo sobre este altar se encuentra el camarín de la Virgen al que se accede después de atravesar una portalada de alabastro. Los mosaicos sobre las paredes representan, a la izquierda, a las Santas Madres, y a oa derecha, las Santas Vírgenes, obra del fraile Benet Martínez. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ... The basilica of Montserrat has a single nave, 68.32 meters long and 21.50 wide, with a height of 33.33 meters, and supported by central columns with wood carvings. Around the central nave there are 5 chapels on each side. At the head is the main altar, decorated with various vitreous enamels with biblical scenes;  and just above this altar is the Virgin's dressing room, which is accessed after crossing an alabaster portal. The mosaics on the walls represent, on the left, the Holy Mothers, and on the right, the Holy Virgins, the work of the friar Benet Martínez. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ... ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #basilicademonserrat #basilica #iglesia #church #eglise #esglesia #Iglesiacatólica #catholicchurch #monasterio #monastery #monestir #monasteriodemonserrat #abadia #abbey #monserrat #abadiademonserrat #barcelona #monistroldemonserrat #monestirdemonserrat #monserratmountain #cataluña #catalunya #españa #spain🇪🇸 (en Basílica De Montserrat, Barcelona, España) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFh5ObNFM5D/?igshid=1sadr1l3r4gqk
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joanmolar · 5 years ago
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Peterborough és una bonica vila medievalconvenientment situada en la ruta de Londres cap al nord, per exemple cap a Escòcia. També està idealment emplaçada si el que voleu fer és una volta per les ciutats més boniques de l’Anglaterra medieval, com ara Cambrigde, Ely, Lincoln o York. Peterborough te una catedral preciosa, amb una portalada que us deixarà bocabadats. Dins l’art normand més pur es…
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relojesdesolgal · 5 years ago
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. [es] #Relojdesol en el municipio de #CangasdoMorrazo (#Pontevedra). . [gl] #Reloxodesol no #concellodeCangas (#PO). . [en] #Sundial in the municipality of #Cangas do #Morrazo (Pontevedra) #Spain. . . . #gnomon #rellotgedesol ​#eguzkierlojua #relódesol ​#relógiodesol #sonnenuhr #cadransolaire #aurinkokello #日晷 #日時計 #haicans #cuidadoconelperro #bewareofdog #cavecanem #portalada #coiro #omorrazo ​#galiciamola #galiciarural https://www.instagram.com/p/B8yS11PiHGZ/?igshid=6y195g021onk
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theleaderdotinfo-blog · 6 years ago
WATCH - Now it’s the worst storm seen in 73 years has been published at http://www.theleader.info/2019/04/21/watch-now-its-the-worst-storm-seen-in-73-years/
New Post has been published on http://www.theleader.info/2019/04/21/watch-now-its-the-worst-storm-seen-in-73-years/
WATCH - Now it’s the worst storm seen in 73 years
Water, water and more water. The cold spell that has been lashing the province since Thursday night has completely ruined Holy Week and left with it a trail of desolation, with floods, everywhere, falling trees and palm trees and flooded municipalities . It is now said to be the worst storm in the month of April since 1946, 73 years ago, and has overwhelmed the emergency services, which have failed to cope with the nearly 300 call outs throughout the province. In many of the provinces weather stations results show that the rainfall has exceeded 100 litres per square metre in just 48 hours. Professor Jorge Olcina, who is the president of the Association of Spanish Geographers (AGE), said yesterday that there has not be as much rainfall since 1946 , when there was a major flood in the Segura, which also occurred on Good Friday, never before has it rained "as much or been as widely distributed across the Iberian southeast as it is now". In fact, between Friday and Saturday there was as much rain as the entire amount that we saw from January to April, and whilst the rain reduced the deficit the fields across the whole province and the region of Murcia have been well soaked. The main problems occurred in the south of the province, in the Vega Baja, where the city of Torrevieja, which has seen more than 200 litres per square metre, suspended its urban transport and closed such important roads as Rosa Mazón and Delfina Viudes, the road that provides access to Crevillent, along the CV-905, which is practically a highway. But the City Council reported that many drivers were either ignored their warnings or were not aware of the danger of driving on some of the roads which had been transformed into lakes. Many vehicles still remain abandoned, although there were no major incidents because the drivers chose just to leave them where they had broken down. Torrevieja, once again offered an image of a city that is ​​unable to deal with its floods due to the lack of infrastructure, something that has worsened since the size of the city has almost doubled, encouraging for many years construction that it could not deal with. The water has nowhere to escape and when it reaches the level of the salt pans it simply floods wherever it can. The works carried out to alleviate flooding during recent years do not repair the deficiencies that the city has. Elsewhere in the region, in Orihuela, the Segura Hydrographic Confederation was watching all day for a possible overflow of the river, something that occurred in the Reguerón area, when the Segura exceeded 3.5 metres in height, flooding some adjoining houses. In the basin of one of the driest rivers in Spain, up to 80 litres per square meter were registered in 12 hours. In some points the levels surpassed five metres in height, but fortunately there were no major incidents or dangers. The only injuries occurred on Friday night when a wall of an abandoned house fell on two men as a result of heavy rains, as reported by the Emergency Information and Coordination Center (CICU). According to police sources, the men were both homeless and had taken refuge from the rain in the house, located in the hamlet of Correntías. In Guardamar, the País Valenciano avenue was closed in the morning when masonry fell from several buildings, but which were removed by the firemen. In Elche, the water flooded one of the tunnels of the main ring road, when the drainage system failed, trapping three vehicles, making it necessary to rescue two drivers who had left their vehicles before the rise of the water. Up to 14 routes were closed to avoid incidents. During the Friday/Saturday night, numerous incidents related to the heavy rain were attended by the emergency services. The main roads affected were the Circunvalación Sur between Avenida Santa Pola and Portalada, the N-332 at its access to Arenales and the old Santa Pola road. According to reports the Consortium of Alicante Firefighters rescued four people from three vehicles, one of which fell into an irrigation ditch in Orihuela, while the other two were rescued from flooded watercourses located in Novelda and Sax , although none of them suffered injury. In Novelda, in  a flooded ravine that connects with the Vinalopó River, a car completely although the driver and his passenger were able to get out of the vehicle before it began to sink. There was just one rescue in Sax, on the ravine of a flooded gully, when water began to enter a vehicle through the exhaust pipe although the firemen were able to remove a woman without injury. In Alicante, the strong rainfall at night and early morning caused damage to the city and beaches due to water accumulation, gusts of wind and waves. A palm tree fell on a vehicle in la called General Espartero, while another a tree fell on a building in the area of ​​Campoamor. There were also floods in many sections of the Park, with abandoned cars. The firefighters had to perform more than 70 call outs to reduce water in some basements and to remove the branches of the fallen trees. One large tree collapsed in the plaza of the courts of Benalúa, according to sources from the Palace of Justice. It is the second tree that has fallen in the square, since last March when a similar incident occurred. The beaches suffered the worst effects of the storm, with notable damages on the Albufereta sands, where the force of the sea had completely wrecked the wooden walkways and that had been built for the Easter holidays. According to Olcina, it is expected that the situation will be slightly easier today, as the cold drop moves to North Africa and will gradually diminish from north to south across the Valencian Community and Murcia. "However this is not the end of it as next week we will have more turbulent weather, with the possibility of storms forming between Tuesday and Thursday. Although not with the same amount of rain, or intensity of the cold drop. They will be scattered storms." https://www.facebook.com/proyectomastral/videos/440575590028096/
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macarulles · 3 years ago
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El desig humà encotillat (imatges del pecat original i el judici final a la portalada de Sant Tròfic, a Arles). https://www.instagram.com/p/CXYvPpHthrBb-0E9849M355e9AxKabMwxk5I5g0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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barna21 · 6 years ago
Gaudir Gaudí: Modernismo en España: Cementerio Comillas (I) Lluis Doménech i Montaner
Gaudir Gaudí: Modernismo en España: Cementerio Comillas (I) Lluis Doménech i Montaner
El cementerio está sobre unas ruinas góticas, restos que antes fueron una iglesia. Doménech se encargó de su ampliación, aprovechando su portalada de reja en hierro y la apertura y conservación de varios arcos en la antigua iglesia.
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