#portait yet to come
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This is a selection of selfportraits from a series I made in 2011-2016. They're made with colour pencils on paper. In them I placed myself into various existing paintings and artworks. The series progresses from a fully finished drawing to the least finished drawing. The title of each work in the series is a female name (in lower case) and a body part. The body part in the title is always obscured in the image or not in the frame at all. Out of the fifteen portaits five are full body format, five are half figure and five are shoulders and up. Several of the works have very Mormon themes, and those are the ones I wanted to lift up here.
You can see the whole series on https://inariporkka.tumblr.com/portraits at the bottom of the page. That might not work on Tumblr app, might need to look at it on a browser.

agnes (arms)
The name comes from the Latin term Agnus Dei, the Lamb of God. The painting inspiration is Zurbaran, specifically his Agnus Dei and his Saint Francis. The arms of the figure are obscured by the lamb she carries. It is ambiguous whether she is sacrificing the lamb or rescuing it. There is a possible indication of female priestesshood going on here. The background is a reference to an abstract artist whose name escapes me. I can't remember what I was going for there with the chalk on blackboard look - unfinished plans, maybe?

josephine (knees)
The name comes from Joseph Smith of course, and the main reference painting is of course that famous one of the First Vision. The other reference is this Renaissance trend of making religious paintings and inserting the donor of the painting into the scene. Like there are paintings of like Bible scenes like the crucifixion or Mary holding Baby Jesus and then some Renaissance guy in there too with them. So I put myself into the First Vision, like a donor. The figure is reading while kneeling behind a little... prayer box thingy that was in the original painting too, with the knees obscured. The idea there is that by reading other people's accounts of their experiences (such as Joseph Smith's First Vision) is like being there.

maria (shoulder)
The name is obviously a reference to Virgin Mary and the painting reference is to like early Renaissance/late Middle Ages iconography. Shoulders are hidden from view on one side by the veil and on the other by the baby leaning on the shoulder.

anna (loins)
I must admit I can't remember what the name is in reference to. But the painting is Whistler's Mother. I've drawn myself in place of the old lady in the original, my late dog is on the floor, and on the wall is my temple sealing diploma. On the left there is a white cloth - a curtain or the veil? The vibe is temple-y: either waiting to pass through the veil or having done it.

eva (nose)
The name refers to Eve. The nudity and the lush jungle all around (borrowed from Rousseau) suggest it's pre-Fall. Nose is hidden from view by the flower she sniffs. Since Mormons have a pretty different view of Eve compared to other Christians, it's kind of focused on just who she was, rather than eating of the fruit or any of those central story beats.

sara (neck)
The name refers to Sarah, the wife of Abraham. This is the most unfinished drawing in the series. To me it's about exaltation (hence the crown) and not being reasy for it yet. This one is also the first one in the entire series, so it follows the system the least - for example it's not as such a remix of a particular painting, just inspired by Botticelli in general, like the hair, really.
@personshapedsplder @lingering-sunrise
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Gonna do it in French, for the sentences part. Be prepared !
more fic writer asks!
reblog & your followers can send asks with the questions they’d like you to answer!
the last sentence you wrote
"Comme s’il n’y avait jamais eu le moindre mensonge, comme s’il s’agissait d’une visite de plus, parmi toutes celles qu’il lui avait fait, comme si rien n’avait changé et qu’il ne portait absolument pas encore il y a peu, un masque immaculé qui reposait encore entre ses mains."
Took the most intereting one. Otherwise, it would have been : "Il ne devait pas…." But these two were the last i wrote recently. Will probably write more this night XD
a character whose POV you’re currently exploring
Q!Aypierre. Again. But i'm in a QSMP fanfiction Arc, so....
how you feel about your current WIP
Proud and frustrated at the same time because i don't progress as mauch as i want XD
a story idea you haven’t written yet
One of the list ? Okay.... "When the time come.. " A what if, where Q!Max was about to break with Q!Aypierre, thinking he doesn't need him really but couldn't because realizing he was not well,thinking he will break with him later when he got better but.....He began to see sides of him he doesn't know and fall XDDDD But i have so many, you have no ideas XDDDD Some ghost fics, some soulamte fics, some more casual......
first sentence of the fifth paragraph of an unpublished WIP
"Mais tout cela allait prendre fin dans quelques minutes, n’est-ce pas ?". Comes from an OS about the ending of Purgatory, from Q!Guill point of view.
the word that appears the most in your current draft (wordcounter.net can tell you)
"De " XD Disappointed of the result i must admit XD
your preferred writing fonts
Times New Roman. Not original XDDDD
if you had to write a sequel to a fic, you’d write one for…
One for a fic i wrote before which was a mix between Alice in Wonderland and D gray Man, based on Alice through the looking glass.
start to finish, how long did it take you to write the last fic you posted?
....... I never finished a fanfiction. XDDDD Not because i don't like them, but i m always full of new ideas and some of them must be written down immediately, otherwise, i will loose the words that came XD
what is the longest amount of time you’ve let a draft rest before you finished it?
Months. Maybe, even years XDDD
a WIP you’d like to finish someday
"Les Marques du soleil. " A fic about how a RPZ character (Lenny Johnson ) obtain each one of his tatoos. A spin off of an other fanfiction about him and Kenneth.
a trope you’re really into right now
The clown who hides what he really think behind his smiles and jokes XD
a fandom you’re thinking about writing for
Red Queen. A prequel with Carmadon and Davidson.
where do you get your inspiration?
Absolutely everything around me. XDDDD Can be looking at something and.... Tada XD
favorite weather for writing
Don't really mind XDDD
favorite place to write
On my bed. XDDDD But i wrote in many places before XD
talk about your writing and editing process
Depends. I write often on the impulse,seeing the scenes before write them, immerge myself in the scenes,until i need to go to sleep, when i m in a writing session. Let the words and sometimes how the characters want to act. Sometimes I have ideas which turn out differently as if the characters guide my hands XDDDD I read myself a lot of time for be sure to make less faults XD Sometimes i write my chapters like Verne did (i learned this technic in a litteracy course : writing chapters by ideas you will use in this chapter ). But i use this when i have a good idea and i m afraid to loose how i want to build my chapter XDDD Sometimes i write the feelings the characters feel, to be able to immerge myself in when i take back the writing XDDDD
if you keep them, share a deleted sentence or paragraph from a published fic
I write mostly on the PC. I may have notes (when i was at university, i wrote on paper and write later on the PC at home) but i m too lazy to go upstairs and search XDDD
the most interesting topic you’ve researched for a fic
Was not for fics, but RP. China in the 19 th century with the occidental world and...... poisons XD
in what year did you publish your first fic ?
It was a song fic and it was published in 2012 XD
when did you publish your most recent fic?
In 2023.
do you ever worry about public reaction to what you’re writing? how do you get past that?
Yeah, but most of the time, i have so few person who like and comment about my works, that what i'm anxious about is, is there people who read about my works or/ and don't they comment because they don't like my works ? XD
pick three keywords that describe your writing
Feelings - Hurt and comfort - Slowburn . (you will not see me on silly ideas without plot ).
how do you recharge when you’re not feeling creative?
I play videos games, or i read. I do other things and don't try to force myself, even if sometimes i feel guilty XD
besides writing, what are your other hobbies?
Reading, playing videos games, diamond painting, paintings by numbers.
are you able to write with other people around?
Yes. but if not too noisy and if nobody talk to me XDDDDDD
your favorite part of the writing process
When letting the words come to me, and let the flow of the story guide me and change what i have in mind before.
your least favorite part of the writing process
When it's the 425857515124141 time i read mylsef again and i still find mistakes XDDDD
how easy is it for you to come up with titles?
Most of the time, easy but sometimes really difficult for me. Always in english, though. Easier for me.
share a fic you’re especially proud of
"Des châteaux dans le sable ". Which i will finish one day. A story about a child and an adult who try to save their souls in a war context, in D Gray Man context. Or "Les Marques du soleil".
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not only is the beginning of Aurélien by Louis Aragon one of my favourite scenes of literature as a whole, it also really reminds me of Brienne and Jaime. i couldn't find an english translation, so i'm going to translate it for you as best i can (and for french speakers, the original text will be right below):
The first time that Aurélien saw Bérénice, he thought she was ugly, frankly. At least, he didn't find her attractive. He didn't like the way she was dressed. A fabric he wouldn't have picked. He had opinions on fabrics. A fabric he'd seen on multiple women. This didn't bode well for her, who bore the name of an Oriental princess yet apparently thought she was not bound by an obligation to be tasteful. Her hair was dull that day, unkempt. Short hair needs constant care. Aurélien couldn't tell whether she was a blonde or a brunette. He hadn't taken a close look at her. He was left with a vague and general impression of her, of annoyance and irritation. He even wondered why. It was a bit disproportionate. Rather short, pale, I think... Had she been named Jeanne or Marie, he wouldn't have thought about her ever again. But Bérénice. What an odd superstition. This was precisely what irritated him.
It reminded him of a verse by Racine, a verse that used to haunt him during the war, back in the trenches, and later, when he was demobilised. A verse which he didn't even like, or at least a verse whose beauty seemed doubtful, inexplicable, but he had obsessed over it and still did:
"I remained a while wandering, by Caesarea..."
Usually, he wasn't much of a poet... But this verse kept coming back to him. Why? he couldn't explain it. Independently from Bérénice's story... the other one, the true Bérénice... He only recalled the gist of this romance, what a drag. She was a brunette, Bérénice from the play. Caesarea, it's near Antioch, near Beirut. A mandated territory. Quite dark-skinned even, with an abundance of bracelets and veils. Caesarea... a pretty name for a town. Or a woman. A pretty name regardless.
here is the original text in French!!
La première fois qu'Aurélien vit Bérénice, il la trouva franchement laide. Elle lui déplut, enfin. Il n'aima pas comment elle était habillée. Une étoffe qu'il n'aurait pas choisie. Il avait des idées sur les étoffes. Une étoffe qu'il avait vue sur plusieurs femmes. Cela lui fit mal augurer de celle-ci qui portait un nom de princesse d'Orient sans avoir l'air de se considérer dans l'obligation d'avoir du goût. Ses cheveux étaient ternes ce jour-là, mal tenus. Les cheveux coupés, ça demande des soins constants. Aurélien n'aurait pas pu dire si elle était blonde ou brune. Il l'avait mal regardée. Il lui en demeurait une impression vague, générale, d'ennui et d'irritation. Il se demanda même pourquoi. C'était disproportionné. Plutôt petite, pâle, je crois… Qu'elle se fût appelée Jeanne ou Marie, il n'y aurait pas repensé, après coup. Mais Bérénice. Drôle de superstition. Voilà bien ce qui l'irritait.
Il y avait un vers de Racine que ça lui remettait dans la tête, un vers qui l'avait hanté pendant la guerre, dans les tranchées, et plus tard démobilisé. Un vers qu'il ne trouvait même pas un beau vers, ou enfin dont la beauté lui semblait douteuse, inexplicable, mais qui l'avait obsédé, qui l'obsédait encore :
Je demeurai longtemps errant dans Césarée…
En général, les vers, lui… Mais celui-ci lui revenait et revenait. Pourquoi ? c'est ce qu'il ne s'expliquait pas. Tout à fait indépendamment de l'histoire de Bérénice… l'autre, la vraie… D'ailleurs il ne se rappelait que dans ses grandes lignes cette romance, cette scie. Brune alors, la Bérénice de la tragédie. Césarée, c'est du côté d'Antioche, de Beyrouth. Territoire sous mandat. Assez moricaude, même, des bracelets en veux-tu en voilà, et des tas de chichis, de voiles. Césarée… un beau nom pour une ville. Ou pour une femme. Un beau nom en tout cas.
#braime#brienne of tarth#jaime lannister#brienne x jaime#game of thrones#asoiaf#louis aragon#bérénice#aurélien#classic literature#french literature
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Four horror shorts you might like
I want to share four of my favourite horror shorts with you, two being animated and two "live action". They're all a bit unconvential, but that's what I love about them.
1. The Backwater Gospel
Triggers: blood, gore, religous (christian) abuse, some sudden lights and sounds
The premise is that there is this Undertaker, and each time he appears at a town, a person dies. However, when he comes to This Town, nobody dies for seven days. It's a brutal and symbolic tale of death and blind religous fanatism presented with a very unique animation style.
2. Dead Horse
Triggers: animal death, gore, disturbing sounds, body horror
This is a very short but very eerie animation. I couldn't really talk about the story that much. There is this... dead horse that is corrupting every animal in its twisted and dark image. The animation is beautiful and the sound design is chilling.
3. Portait of God
Triggers: a little blood, VERY fucking disturbing imagery (this can be potentially paranoia inducing, if you have psychosis or anything of that sort, or paranoid, I would advise to be very wary)
I have to admit, when writing this post, I rewatched all the works I talk about. Except this. Because to me at least, this is the most terrifying. And it hits a few personal strings as well.
The premise is that there is a girl, a christian girl, who is rehersing what it looks like a school project on a painting. The portait of God. And the painting depicts nothing but a pitch black darkness. Except some people claim they see something in the darkness.
This whole film caused me immense paranoia when I watched it, so as I said in the beginning of this section, keep that in mind. Why do I recommend it then? Because as much as it freaked me out, it was an experience. It felt like I saw something truly forbidden.
Triggers: nothing much, except the general eeriness. Well, one jumpscare and disturbing sounds
I could best describe it as atmospheric lovecraftian horror. But wait, where are the scary space squids? Well, to think Lovecraftian horror is about space squids is a bit... Missing the point.
You see, lovecraftian horror builds on the uncanny, the unfamiliar but strangely familiar. Like this film. There is a lonely man in a museum depot. A door. A book. These are all things we know. And yet, something is off, something that we cannot quite grasp. That is lovecraftian horror.
Also the outro music is fucking banger.
(Let me know if I missed any triggers. Also let me know your opinions on these. :D )
#ilmarinen.txt#ilmarinen's recommendations#horror#horror shorts#horror animation#tw disturbing#tw disturbing imagery#tw animal bones#lovecraft#lovecraftian#lovecraftian horror#recommendations#the backwater gospel#dead horse#portait of god#rood#Youtube#long post
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Maestro Hiccups 3: Chaos Incarnate Ch 84
You didn't know what to do. Without the light, you had no idea which way to go. So in an act of desperation, you slam down on the RIGHT button, getting the character to run away from the enlarged ghostly king.
You are able to keep the the group on their feet, and away from King Boo, but Darius decides to make things even harder for the group by making it hard for You to SEE the screen. You can only see small spots visible on the screen. You narrow your eyes. Now The game was REALLY becoming unfair. "Hey! There's some kind of cheat code on the side or the console!" Kiara says.
Your eyes shoot up in surprise. If there was a cheat code, maybe you could use it...but then again, you had no idea what this could do. What if it automatically took away all of your lives? What if it shut down the game and the others were trapped forever? You didn't know what could happen should you do this.
That's when the others made it to the end of the hard to see hallway. The screen was finally visible again, but Darius decided that he wasn't done yet. He and King Boo decided to start trying to zap the group into a portrait again, while Darius made various things around them come to life by possessing them.
You find yourself struggling to keep up with the fast action, but you don't know how long your luck would last. You keep slamming buttons as fast as you cam, but in the middle of the battle, Darius traps the group as the floor begins to crumble, and King Boo makes the portrait frame bigger, so that NO ONE will escape.
You Gulp. There looked to be no way out. You only had seconds before Darius attacks again, the group are stuck in the portait, and you lose another life. You are about to ask Kiara what the cheat code is so you can hopefully activate it. That's when the LINK button glows again, seemingly telling you what to do...but what do you do after that?
Drew, Darius, Kiara, Blossom Bay High, Blossom Bay and PLU belongs to @sundove88
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3 novembre
n. est de retour et je regrette presque mon intimité avec j. quand c'était juste lui et moi. cette semaine de maladie était très chiante mais je garde un bon souvenir de mes journées à écrire dans la cuisine avec ses visites occasionnelles. quand je suis entrée dans la cuisine pour faire mon porridge ce matin il était en train de raconter sa nuit à d. il portait une robe noire moulante et ses yeux non démaquillés étaient encore noirs de la veille. il disait que son amie suédoise avait fait une crise d'angoisse au kitkat parce qu'elle avait vu des gens baiser sur le dancefloor et aussi sur la scène alors qu'elle était sous kétamine + cocaïne et qu'elle avait trop bu. d. disait but you don't get a panic attack from any of those drugs et j. disait but they're 21 they're young they haven't seen much of life yet. moi j'ai dit see that's why i don't do drugs. hier soir avant que ses amis arrivent j'avais envisagé pendant deux secondes de sortir avec eux, pour l'expérience, pour pas avoir de regrets, mais c'était avant de savoir qu'ils allaient à une fetish party avec des gens qui baisent partout et des mecs à quatre pattes avec des masques en cuir attachés à une laisse qui sucent des bites EW. ils appellent ça des puppies et au bout d'un moment pauvre innocente j'ai dit what's a puppy? est-ce que je vais un jour de nouveau pouvoir manger mon porridge du matin sans entendre parler ni de sexe ni de drogues? est-ce que ça va me manquer à la maison quand je me retrouverai dans la cuisine avec léa salamé et nicolas demorand? il disait qu'il avait fait une micro crise d'angoisse lui aussi mais justifiée et je lui ai bondi dessus ah parce que celle de la fille était pas justifiée peut être?? il a failli se faire chopper par un vigile pendant qu'il prenait du ghb il disait he was coming towards me and i had nowhere to hide so i hid the gbl under my balls pendant que je remuais la cannelle dans ma casserole sans broncher.
j'étais quand même un peu soulagée de retrouver mon petit monde en sortant de l'appart pour aller au musée. il faisait soleil je portais mes collants rouges j'écoutais de la bonne musique et je marchais dans les rues avec un bon gros sourire grâce à mon état d'émerveillement qui surgit comme ça parfois sans crier gare, sans que je sache pourquoi. tout était beau et ça me rappelait cette matinée de juillet où j'étais partie écrire au cimetière après avoir vu les baskets de l'espagnol qui était au lit avec n. dans le couloir. cet étrange sentiment de satisfaction d'être moi. ça me l'a refait ce matin. je suis montée à l'étage du bus à impériale et je regardais les rues de kreuzberg défiler devant moi en écoutant une chanson douce de mathieu boogaerts que r. m'avait envoyée en me disant que j'étais contente qu'il existe dans ma vie et qu'il m'aime comme je suis.
4 novembre
hier au musée j'ai vu une installation vidéo qui m'a fait ouvrir la bouche d'admiration. j'étais assise sur une estrade en moquette dans une grande salle sombre avec sept écrans géants répartis dans la salle qui montraient tous des cours de danse différents filmés avec différents moyens pour qu'ils aient l'air filmés à différentes époques comme des fausses vidéos d'archive, c'était censé être des courants imaginaires mais ils ressemblaient tous à quelque chose de connu, y avait du contact improvisation, de la danse extatique, un truc qui ressemblait à du gaga, un truc de cassette vidéo d'aérobic, un truc de hip hop, etc. déjà c'était cool. et puis tout d'un coup ou petit à petit je sais plus, une seule musique a pris le dessus, un truc dramatique avec des synthés qui monte en tension genre para one, et tous les danseurs se sont synchronisés en faisant la même choré dans leurs environnements respectifs, l'image était légèrement ralentie mais ils dansaient tous à fond les ballons avec la musique planante et c'était trop BEAU, ça m'a fait penser à la scène de club de j'ai tué ma mère avec tell me what to swallow de crystal castles ma référence ultime en termes de scène de club au ralenti avec de la musique planante. c'est mon fantasme au carré: danser et en même temps être ralentie par la caméra et baigner dans le drame et la mélancolie de la musique planante. c'est un truc impossible dans la vraie vie. enfin je sais pas vu que j'ai jamais dansé en club, peut être que ça fait ça quand on a pris assez de drogues et qu'on arrive à entrer en transe. le cartel disait "a collective ecstatic experience" et "individuals are presented in an altered state." quand je marche dans la rue en écoutant de la bonne musique je peux être dans un altered state aussi. mais c'est pas très collectif. enfin moi j'inclue les gens, mais les gens ne le savent pas.
j'ai essayé d'expliquer l'installation à j.en rentrant, j'ai dit ça t'aurait plu. à chaque fois que je rentre d'un truc culturel il dit i should do more stuff like this mais je suis tellement habituée à tout faire toute seule que ça m'a pas traversé l'esprit de lui proposer de m'accompagner. il devait récupérer de sa nuit de toute façon. chacun ses loisirs. moi j'avais pas fait la fête et deux musées c'était déjà trop, au hamburger bahnhof je me suis contentée de me promener à travers le musée sans rien lire parce que ça me demandait trop d'effort et aussi ça fermait bientôt. je me promenais à travers les pièces sans chercher à comprendre les oeuvres, je me reposais juste sur les sensations qu'elles me procuraient, et c'était pas folichon.
5 novembre
le mois dernier j'avais parlé à j. de mon rêve de faire du bateau sur la spree la nuit et ce soir il m'a demandé ce que je voulais faire pour mon anniversaire et il m'a dit qu'il s'était renseigné pour la location d'un bateau mais que la saison était terminée depuis octobre et j'arrive pas à croire qu'il se soit renseigné cet amour. on est allés au vernissage des étudiants de la udk auquel philip nous avait invités, c'était un peu nul mais j'étais avec j. donc c'était bien. je lui ai parlé de mes semi-regrets de jamais avoir fait d'école d'art et une fois de plus il a sauté sur l'occasion then you should stay in berlin and go to art school!! et j'ai dit mmh no parce que c'est tout ce que je sais dire. c'est comme si j'avais déjà fait une croix sur tout ce que je pourrais faire de ma vie. je dis non et à chaque fois j'ai une fausse excuse qui fuse. il était assis à côté de moi dans la u bahn et il m'a dit i'm the devil on your shoulder et j'ai dit non pas du tout you're the angel on my shoulder telling me to live my life and I'M the devil, c'est moi le diable rusé qui essaie par tous les moyens possibles de me faire rentrer à la maison pour retrouver mon confort chéri et moi je l'écoute, je m'écoute avec plaisir.
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Inquisitor as companion
Inquisitor’s Name: Osa Trevelyan
Race / Class / Specialization: Human / Mage / Rift Mage; Osa relies heavily on storm and winter schools of magic, her spells focus more on attack than stat-boosting or defense
Gender Identity: Female
Varric’s Nickname for them: Stormcloud - “Always carrying something heavier than she lets on, takes a bit to find that silver lining, but she’ll get there.”
Short bio: A child of the upstanding Trevelyan family, Osa was previously deeply entrenched in Chantry life, dedicated to honoring her family’s Andrastian loyalties. She and her brother have been scrambling to navigate the burning landscape of post-Circle Thedas and reimagine their lives moving forward. She moves with confidence, something that might almost be grace. That paired with a talent for powerful magic makes her deadly in combat
What would their companion card look like?
Initial Card: The high priestess, reversed
Loyalty: The hierophant, reversed
Romanced: Temperance - Osa faces east, one foot half submerged in choppy water and the other balanced on the rocky shore. Her hands are clasped together lightly, one resting on top of the other. Something bright spills from between them- glass, perhaps. She is looking at the viewer, head tilted slightly, a faint smile on her lips
Recruitment mission:
Upon interacting with Leliana, she will tell you that her scouts have reported a particularly aggressive clash between a group of apostates and templars in the Hinterlands that is endangering farmers and refugees passing through the area. She points out that it would be to the Inquisition’s advantage to pacify the conflict and aid the threatened passersby, cultivating goodwill and securing the area for the Inquisition.
When you arrive at the location marked on the map, you will find a group of five templars closing in on a group of frightened and injured apostates being tended to by a mage and her templar brother. Once you approach, it will trigger a cutscene.
Shiori stands to confront the advancing templars, calling for them to back down and end the senseless violence, letting the mages live. One of the templars calls him a traitor and Osa, laying a newly dead mage gently down, cuts in. Invoking the Chant of Light, she lashes out, likening their mindless slaughter to the death of Andraste herself. The templar commander accuses her of heresy and demands that they submit to the Chantry’s judgement. As they are poised to attack, two mages who had been huddled together on the ground murmuring to themselves give in and transform into a pair of despair demons, much to the horror and grief of the Trevelyans. A battle then ensues in which you help the twins defeat the templars and demons to complete the mission.
After the fight, you speak with the twins, learning that they had been attempting to escort the small band of apostates to a safehouse. When they arrived, they were met by the templars, who had reduced the barn to rubble. Requesting that you take the remaining injured mages into your care, they willingly accompany you back to Haven, after which they can both be found on the party select screen.
Where they may be found in Haven: She and Shiori can be found outside the village perimeter, across the road from the gates on a snowy bank. They stand huddled together, exchanging quiet words and occasionally glancing towards the sparring recruits
Where they may be found in Skyhold: Initially, the twins can be found in the back corner of the lower courtyard near the stables. Once repairs are made and things are more settled, Osa can be found at a table on the second floor of the Herald’s Rest nursing a drink and studying a book
Personal quests:
Quest 1: Far From the Tree
The cutscene will open in Skyhold’s library where Osa chats lowly with a smiling Dorian, retrieving a book from a high shelf and adding it to one already in her arms. She will greet you, asking if you have a moment, at which point she will lead you out to the battlements for more privacy. She is straightforward- she wants to reach out to her family. She hasn’t had contact with them since the fall of the Ostwick Circle, and more to the point, she’s sure their connections in the Tevinter Imperium or Nevarra could benefit the Inquisition. However, she is unsure if they will be willing to work with the Inquisition, given the speculation over Divine Justinia’s death and the future of the Chantry.
This will trigger a war table operation. Leliana will not participate in this mission. Josephine suggests delivering a message through an allied noble in the region, insisting that going through the proper channels will make for a smooth reception. Cullen reminds you that it doesn’t hurt to make a grand impression, and recommends sending an outfitted Inquisition unit to deliver your regards, as well as Osa’s message.
Quest 2: Bitter Pill
Osa, having a drink with Shiori and the Chargers, spots the Inquisitor down the bar at the Herald’s Rest and indicates that she wants talk. She gets up, sharing a laugh with Krem, and comes to sit beside the Inquisitor. She is more relaxed this time around but her tone, though light, is still serious. She wants your help obtaining a recipe for a healing potion, though she will only specify that it’s for her brother to a high-approval Inquisitor. She already has a contact for the recipe and hopes to meet with them as soon as possible. Upon completing this conversation, the location of the meeting will become available on the war table.
You travel to a crumbling chateau that initially appears abandoned, but as you draw closer, you can see that a large, thriving clinic has set up camp amongst the ruins. When you get close enough, you find the clinic besieged by a group of red templars. Once you help defeat them, the leader of the clinic, an elven mage and healer named Mailani offers her thanks. They had been operating covertly for weeks, treating refugees and sheltering apostates, when they were discovered by a band of red templars. According to a missive you find on one of the corrupted templars, they had received orders to cut off the camp’s supplies before moving in to finish them off. The leader tells you that they were after not only the mages in the clinic, but the tomes of spells they had been protecting. It is a relatively isolated area, and supplies are hard to come by. She is glad to accept help from the Inquisition in exchange for the knowledge they have collected, including the recipe that Osa is after.
Back in the Herald’s Rest, Osa thanks the Inquisitor, saying that it means a lot to her personally. She confesses that things hadn’t been easy for her and her brother after the fall of the Circles. She speaks a bit more candidly about the strictness of her family and the pressures of Circle life. If the Inquisitor has high enough approval, she talks wistfully about Shiori’s confidence. In a harder voice, she says that she would do anything to preserve his sense of self worth. Her words hint at past turmoil, perhaps related to the potion, but she will not go into detail even if pressed. Shaking off the seriousness of the topic, she jokes that she’ll have to hunt you down if you ever tell her brother about her protectiveness. Despite the hardships, she insists that having their freedom for the first time in their lives has been worth the trials they still face, and that she’s glad to be here with the Inquisitor.
Breakdown of Approval Ratings for Major Missions:
Fate of the Mages
Conscript: Greatly disapproves
Ally: Greatly approves
Fate of the Templars
Disband: Slightly approves
Ally: Slightly disapproves
Inquisitor’s Lead:
A Dwarf/Elf/Qunari Stands for us all: No approval change
Example as a Mage: Approves
For Faith: Slightly approves
For Order: Slightly disapproves
For What’s Right: Greatly approves
To Stop Corypheus: Approves
For Personal Power: Greatly disapproves
For Vengeance: Slightly disapproves
Fate of the Wardens
Exile: Disapproves
Ally: Approves
Ruler of Orlais
Gaspard: Disapproves
Briala: Slightly approves
Celene: Disapproves
Reunite: Disapproves
Spare Everyone: Slightly approves
Arrest Florianne: Approves
Save Celene: Slightly disapproves
Kill Celene: Slightly approves
Abelas Alliance
Ally: Approves
Reject: Disapproves
Drink from the Well:
Non-Lavellan Inquisitor Drinks: Disapproves
Lavellan Inquisitor Drinks: Slightly approves
Morrigan Drinks: Slightly disapproves
Other ways to gain approval: Gaining high approval from her brother, helping mages, generally using reason over force, helping Josephine restore her family’s status, working with Frederic of Serault
Other ways to gain disapproval: Disrespecting Andrastian faith (neutral to different beliefs, but active scorn is regarded with distaste), mistreating mages, killing dragons
Are they romanceable? Yes, by a female Inquisitor of any race
Can you have sex with them? Yes, but only mid- to high-approval Inquisitors
Are they open to polyamory? Yes, but only when it’s relatively casual. If it starts involving more serious feelings from any party, she won’t want to get too tangled up in it and will take her leave
If they can be romanced and are not, will they begin a relationship / relationships with other character(s)? If so, who? There are hints that she and Sera hook up, but nothing serious ever comes of it, and Sera still ends up with Dagna if unromanced
Who are they friendly with? Dorian, Bull (plus Krem and the Chargers), Varric, Sera (kind of). Osa finds solace and understanding in Leliana, and shares some much-needed levity with Josephine (the family connections help, but really she kind of appreciates the frivolity of chats with Josie)
Who do they dislike? Vivienne. She tries initially to approach the Court Enchanter with deference, but her disdain and rigidly structured views end up rubbing Osa exactly the wrong way. She likes Solas initially, curious to learn and see from different perspectives, but eventually his aloofness and world-weary pretensions get old. She generally avoids Cullen. She doesn’t necessarily have a problem with him, and she’s not going to find out. Too much trauma with templars
Opinions on mages / templars / how the world is going to shit? “Faith may not save us, but it gives us the strength to face another day. The sun rises and we move forward.”
Something guaranteed to make them leave the party: Osa won’t be tempted to leave that easily, but if you manage to make Shiori leave, she’ll follow his lead
Special Events:
Imprisoned at Redcliffe: How is your Inquisitor holding up in Redcliffe, being slowly infected with red lyrium over the course of a year?
She stares unseeing at the wall of her cell, trying to read the lines of lyrium that cover its surface like spiderwebs. She murmurs to herself, pieces of phrases that might be an ill-remembered Chant of Light. Her head snaps up, eyes clear for a moment, as she says “Shiori-,” then trails off, descending back into muddled recital before the Inquisitor interrupts. “Inquisitor!” She stands quickly, pressing a hand to her temple, slowly shaking her head as if plagued by a bad headache. She breathes deeply, slowly coming back to herself, and her muddled thinking is replaced with angry intent.
At the Winter Palace: Does your Inquisitor enjoy the party, any special events with them at the Palace?
Osa loves Orlais. Fascinated with the sheer opulence almost as much as the Game, she thoroughly enjoys the masquerade from behind a half-full glass of wine that she nurses the whole night. She’s knows that it’s not nearly as glamorous as her first impression, but she’s striking enough in her own right to pique the interest of powerful people and it’s at least a little thrilling. She’s been trained her whole life to wear a mask and she falls into the push and pull of intrigue with ease. Plus she gets to see Cullen surrounded by a flock of cooing nobles and it’s hilarious enough to make the evening worthwhile
In the Fade:
“Maker help us, what next?”
Osa is awed, wide-eyed and fascinated, edging on disbelieving. Fear keeps everyone on their toes, but she is obviously taking everything in with a hint of wonder. However, she is particularly shaken by the encounter with the spirit of Divine Justinia.
Nightmare: “You’ve worked so hard to be what they wanted. Such a shame, really. What a disgrace.”
Osa: “Right. Just another voice to temper. But piss off!”
Her gravestone reads: “Aimlessness”
Inseparable as ever, she and Shiori can be found crowding the bar (with the Chargers, if spared). They look a bit older, a bit road-weary and significantly more seasoned by the experiences of the past few years. Osa has penned the occasional missive to the Inquisitor, informing them of her and Shiori’s whereabouts and ongoing projects. Over the last two years, the twins have traveled all over Thedas, lending aid mainly to refugee resettlement and support for displaced mages building new lives. Josephine’s notes reveal that several attempts by their family to reach them through the Inquisition have gone very clearly unacknowledged.
Marriage, while not completely out of the question, is not on the visible horizon. It is likely that the ensuing commitment to stopping Solas’ newly-revealed plans will leave little time for the indulgence of a full-blown romance. Osa will go where she is needed, finding purpose in helping those displaced by the events surrounding the Breach who are making the effort to rebuild their lives. However, she will return to the Inquisitor’s side when she can. When she does, she lingers. Maybe for longer than she ought to, she thinks. But solace is fleeting and some kinds of healing can only happen in the company of someone you love
#dragon age ocs#oc stuff#ocs: osa trevelyan#da#my writing#I guess#portait yet to come#hnnngghh my brain is dead rip#talk about wordy#osa's changed a helluva lot since I first started expanding on her character
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some enlightened mistspren…
We didn’t yet get a description for how these two look in The Cognitive Realm, so I like to hypothesize. The depictions but rspixart on their coppersmiths page certainly have been some inspiration (like Glys‘ red crystal mask), but I enjoyed creating my own tweak for them. Also Renarin does need a puffy vest... Or at least a warm vest. He does look a bit cold in those listener clothes. Give that man some stormlight!

--------------------------------------------- [Image description: 1) portait of Glys, showing his misty, lanky physique in full colour in front of a green background and wrapped in a quilted vest with strings of large, interlocking hexagons of a darker colour on a lighter ground and a green collar and trimmings. His grey pants are padded but in a pattern of long strips and come down to under his knees. There are several small pouches on his belt. His overly long arms are covered in long gloves that go over his elbows and shift in colour from a muddy green on the hands to a bright red further up. His face is a mask of porcelain with a thick layers of red crystal on top, the original white colour only still visible around his chin an mouth but then smoothly shifting to the deep red. He has big glowing eyes and the misty parts of his body glow where the lights hits them directly. There his a thick hazy line of red in the midst of his torso, neck and limbs. Whisps of mist fan out behind his facemask, like hair strands caught in the wind. His expression is attentive and slightly tense. The right fingers are posed like his is about to snap them. 2) Portrait of Tumi. They are wearing a warm brown tunic and pants of a slightly cooler shade. Their body is broad-sholdered with a small head and small hands in dark red gloves. The orange-red crytals on the white porcelain mask are small and scattered along the rim of his, dappling part of the forehead and the cheeks more akin to freckles. There is an almost rosy glow to the misty body peaking out from where it is hidden beneath the clothes. 3) six versions of Glys standing with his head slightly crooked as if curious about something. His face is a mask with crystals sprouting from his forehead. His misty figure is lean with overly long legs and arms. His attire each time a combination of a short cape or vest leaving his midriff bare and knee length breeches with narrow stripes, a check pattern or one leg another colour. His long arms are covered in gloves that stop short under or go over his elbows. On his feet he wears different kind of sandals 4 and 5) sketches for the Glys' and Tumi's portraits. more simple line drawings. In this first draw Glys wears a short cape instead of the patterned vest.
6) four full body drawings of Renarin in different outfits. One monochrome one on the left shows him with Glys' padded vest with the hexagonal pattern and the high collar. He is wearing his uniform shirt, trousers and boots underneath. His sleeves are rolled up and his hand in his trouser pockets. The other three to the right are in colour and his is wearing differing listener attire. The first includes an open striped vest over a bare chest and a grey, blue wrap with a colourful cord as a belt. The next one is a short cape with a rhythmic pattern, bunched up and bound with a thin cord at one shoulder. It is short enough to show his midrift. underneath he wears grey wrap trousers. The last one has an orange shawl wrapping over one shoulder and his hip held in place by several cords with the same pattern he has earlier. His beige trouser are more an alethi style and close in tight with buttons under his knees. he wears sandal on his feet in this one. (in the other two drawings his feet are bare). also he has the beginnings of a beard in the last one making him look older.]
#rhythm of war#stormlight spoilers#row spoilers#stormlight archive#character illustration#character art#character design#mistspren#brandon sanderson#cosmere#procreate#roshar fashion#tumi#glys#described
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"Never content yourself with standing there and wishing. Whatever I possess, be it in skill or any secret knowledge, you should know that it's yours. You need only ask."
It feels... Close. A coveted moment. And perhaps, if one dares, a heartbeat from intimate.
Gale listens. Even in conversations one might determine banal, she's always nursed this talent at reigning his attention, bottling it up wholly and corking it up tight. Yet, when the topic would meander toward all things magic, that charm she possesses impossibly doubles, and suddenly, he's taken. Predictably, he's had. She praises him, enchanted, but there's something inthe foreground... And while Gale wears a smile with a flavor of pride, he determines it's ferocity; her eyes burn like fire.
Eve adores magic. Eve must have her taste. The wizard casts his gaze upon her to see his own self reflected: that hunger, that yearning for power and more.
The electricty crackles, and her hand finds his own.
All is — promise. Curiosity. He holds his sights on her, her expression claimed by reverence, and he feels, as he oft does by her side, equal parts pride and measured fascination. "That answer suits you. You come alive and most brilliantly when you tangle yourself with magic," Gale answers, watching as she parts, whispering ignis. Again, he discerns it, that raw and rumbling rush of power. He follows suit, somatic work perfect. "There is no greater feeling. It is... exhilarating. I would work my fingers, whisper words in a myriad of ancient tongues, and what would come over me is something of a great and powerful wave. There is nothing quite like it. It's the intimacy of being had." He speaks like it's devotion. Gale conjures an incredible flame, and embers, fierce and wild both, lend him a portait of smoldering confidence. "My favorite part is the surrendering," Gale confesses, swapping to ice. "I am but a willing servant, eager, and I aim to please."
"Perhaps easy is the wrong word, but you truly make it look EFFORTLESS sometimes. I feel tremendously proud of myself in many moments, but I watch you sometimes and I can't help but wish I knew the Weave the way that you do. I tease, but..." But as competent as she felt she was, he had more experience.
The air between them is quite literally crackling with magic and with potential, and she watches his face as he delights in this. He's so at home with magic the way she feels most of the time, and it thrills her and she wonders if he knows how truly incredible he is. He's so quick to wave a hand and say it is simply practice, but the way his eyes twinkle tell her a different story. She's certain he's just as thrilled as she is that she's delighted in his talents.
As the glow fades, Eve reaches her hand out to his, DESPERATE to feel the lick of the crackles of thunder on her own fingertips before it's gone. It's hard to contain the smile on her face now, and she steps in closer to him, wishing to reignite the crackles with her own magic to keep them there as her eyes watch her fingertips seek out his own, butterflies taking flight in her stomach. "I can..." she manages to answer, eyes moving to his.
The air is charged with promises and anticipation, and she can't stop her movements--not that she wants to. Perhaps it isn't the time nor the place, but her nerves are alive and there's still magic to be plucked around them, and she's convinced that the magic they could weave together is stronger than anything she could achieve on her own. So, she moves her hand a little plucking some magic of her own to show, her hand glowing a bit.
"My favorite part of a spell is how it feels dancing down your spine. Alive. Alert. When I reach for it, I can feel it at my core wanting to spill out until I have to unleash it," she explains, taking a step out of his comforting warmth and pulling her hand back to make a fireball. "How is it for you? What's YOUR favorite part?"
#WILDSKISSED#Gale is so honored... One of Eve's favorites? Oh! He#will keep it between them but do know he is silently preening. :))#She is always impressing him. That she woulf look to him with such awe is like#don't get me wrong Gale knows hes great. He is flattered. But she should never sell herself short#and Gale could tell her that until all the stars in the sky blink out and STILL say it.#God. Still. Gale will teach her. Help her grow. Guide her.#I love this... Eve and Gale in such engaging talks about the arcane. Intimate questions about their relationships to magic...#Don't @ the wizard if he makes it all sound impossiblt sensual. It is! Deeply personal!!
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Their S/O has painted them | Headcanons
gender neutral
-> During your off days, you enjoy painting to spend the time. But then, your boyfriend notices that he has been your muse for your last work of art.
-> Sanemi Shinazugawa, Inosuke Hashibira, Kyojuro Rengoku, Zenitsu Agatsuma.
Sanemi Shinazugawa
You had been hiding your painting from Sanemi for a while. You wanted it to be absolutely perfect once he saw it, but you always found a detail you didn’t like. But for real, you were scared ; it was a portrait of him -exactly how he looked like right now.
Of course, to you, he looked perfect. You thought he even looked adorable on your portrait, with a tiny smile on and his cheeks a bit tainted in pink. « That’s what you’ve been working on for so long ? » you suddenly hear behind you.
« Don’t look ! I’m not done yet ! » you replied, trying to hide it. « Looks pretty done already. But if it’s a portait of me, why not make me more attractive and less fucked up, hm ? » he asked, hurting you a bit ; what did he mean ?
« … You don’t like it ? » you asked, not hiding it anymore. « I love it. You’re a talented artist. But you could’ve painted me without all my wounds y’know. I just thought, objectively -art wise- it would be better. » You understood the problem.
You held your boyfriend’s cheek, caressing a scar he had on this spot in the process. « Your scars are beautiful, Nemi. It wouldn’t have looked complete without them. They’re a part of what makes you handsome. » It was enough to make him hug you.
Inosuke Hashibira
This painting was like a dream. You were just witnessing Inosuke understanding why people loved art. Yes, he respected that you painted, but never really understood the point. But right now, he got it. Of course, he called everyone to see.
« See ? (Y/N) painted me as a true beast ! My boar skin, it gets all over my back ! Look at my fangs ! I look gigantic ! » he kept repeating, very proud that it was probably the image of himself he was giving you. « This pile of skulls is… very realistic. » Tanjiro commented. You nodded.
« It’s all of those I have defeated ! » Inosuke laughed. « This demon is very well done too, (Y/N) ! I mean, I already knew you were talented, but this much ?! » Zenitsu also said, really impressed. Indeed, a beast Inosuke with blood spread on him while fighting a demon on his pile of skulls was very… imaginative.
« How do I keep it forever ?! » the boy asked, excited. « Well, we can ask Shinobu and Aoi to keep it at the Butterly Estate, so everytime we go there, we can look at it. » you replied. Inosuke agreed. « Yeah ! And anyone going in there will know about the great Inosuke ! »
You laughed. « I’m glad you liked it. I’ve been wanting to paint you for a while. » He pointed to himself, grinning under his mask. « Teach me now ! » You blinked. « But you always refused before ? » He frowned. « That was before I knew I could paint myself as a beast ! »
Kyojuro Rengoku
You were finally done. You had painted Kyojuro in the middle of your canvas, hair and haori floating, with flames surrounding him, matching his own colors. You wanted to let it dry before showing it to him, but he had already beaten you to it.
« It looks absolutely perfect ! » You jumped at the sudden loud voice right behind you. « Kyo ! I’m glad you like it. I worked hard ! » you said, happy that he was proud of it as well. « It’s for you. I wanted to portray how strong you are. »
« It looks absolutely perfect ! » he repeated. « Shows that I’m the flame pillar. I love it ! I think it’s your best painting yet ! And I love all of your paintings ! » you giggled at his enthusiasm. « I would hang it in my room at the estate, but I want everyone to see it. »
Kyojuro was usually very proud of you whatever you made, but you could tell that this one really was his favorite. He did hang it in the estate, and the other pillars commented on it. They were kind of forced to though, as Kyojuro just harassed them to come and see.
« I think it’s their best one cause they made it with all their love for you. » Mitsuri said, seeming very touched and happy. Kyojuro laughed out loud, nodding. « Probably ! It’s my most precious present now. So doesn’t anyone dare touching it. » he sounded dead serious.
Zenitsu Agatsuma
« (Y/N) ! I can’t believe when you painted Shinobu you painted her all strong, and me ? I just look like a baby ! Why do I look so weak ?! » Fuck him. You spend all this time painting him and that’s how he reacts to it ?
« It’s literally inspired from the look you gave me on our first date. But whatever I guess, I’ll paint you with your shitty katana and electricity if it’s all that matter ! » you yelled. Tanjiro nodded. He was so shocked by his friend’s reaction, even more after he had just told you how he thought he would like it.
« Uh ?! I’m sorry ! I’m sorry, it’s beautiful ! It’s just that… I’m not that strong so I thought you would… picture me in a better light… » he admitted. You knew Zenitsu was very self-conscious, but he often didn’t realize how his words would come out to others.
« I wanted to illustrate how I love you, you know. I love it when you give me that look. To me, it was way better than just painting you fighting when you’re sleeping only so you could see it yourself. » It was obvious that he had hurt you, so he hugged you tightly.
« I’m really sorry, (Y/N). I truly love it. I just knew that I was going to show it to everyone, so I wanted to impress them with a portrait of me fighting. I’m really sorry I hurt you. It’s really cute that you wanted to paint something more personal. » After having a talk about it, you realized that he truly loved it. Maybe next time you’ll paint him asleep, though !
#demon slayer#kny#kimetsu no yaiba#headcanons#hashibira inosuke#inosuke hashibira#inosuke hashibira x reader#sanemi shinazugawa#shinazugawa sanemi#sanemi shinazugawa x reader#zenitsu agatsuma#agatsuma zenitsu#zenitsu agatsuma x reader#kyojuro rengoku#rengoku kyojuro#kyojuro rengoku x reader#rengoku kyojuro x reader
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Pairing:gang leader! Jungkook x Gang leader! Leader
Chapter description: y/n finally meets the kind “J” in a different light, which opens up a lead in Carmens brutal murder. Later on, the FBI arrives for another visit, and along comes Jungkook, appearing in front of Luckis eyes after three long years. With her fuming and irritability, Luckis emotions end up boiling over, but she realizes she has to make an important choice in order to make the case move forward; Even if she has a strong feeling she’s going to regret her decision.
Taglist: @bloodline1632 @lchimmyl @namjooncrabs @zoroscrustyboogers0 @monochrome-707
A/N: Enjoy! Happy late birthday @bloodline1632 I LOVE YOU SWEETIE AND HOPE YOU ENJOY!!!! <3333333
Lucki found herself standing in front of a gigantic building on the edge of Manhattan. The infrastructure was entirely futuristic, which meant that it had to be wildly expensive. Was this the type of life “J” lived? So lavish and luxurious.
Lucki wasn’t used to this at all. Where she was from, everyone lived in apartment buildings. The typical section eight. Barely any AC and broken pipes. Broken dreams, and broken cries instead. No one could live like that. Fate just didn’t allow them that chance.
Y/n braced herself as she stepped forward to ring the houses doorbell. She tapped the black button, and suddenly a pleasant sound was presented to her in the form of music. A cute little ringer for such a fancy place. You see something new everyday around here, huh?
The same feminine voice that answered “J”s phone spoke over the outside speakers.
“Lucki. Or y/n Jung.”
“One moment please!”
There immediately came a buzzing sound, from one of the speakers at the door, and a click that followed.
The door was opened, revealing the inside of the mysterious yet entrancing building.
Portaits of art lined the home, completing the pair of velvet furniture to go with it. Comfortable couches fit for the monarchy, and glass tables so shiny one could see their own reflection in them. Glittery chandeliers Lucki couldn’t even afford to pay for with her life. Yes, everything looked that expensive. So expensive that with her near twenty year experience, she wouldn’t be able to afford damage.
Lucki continued walking cautiously through the living room, both trying to avoid accidents and sudden confrontation. In her efforts, she couldn’t feel the presence behind her, curiously watching her every move.
Lucki became shocked in an instant, placing her hand on top of the waistband of her pants, where her gun sat ready and cocked. It was her go to defense mechanism. Force of habit, one would call it.
“You are Ms.Jung, right?” The person asked
Lucki faced them, still on high alert. She was greeted by a familiar face; one of the guards traveling with J when they had first met at Carmens funeral.
“Oh…yea,” Began Lucki. “I’m here to see Mr.Park.”
The guard simply and softly smiled at Lucki, nodding her head in understanding.
“He’s just right upstairs, first door to your left. But first, I must take your weapon from you. The boss doesn’t allow people to see him with weapons in hand.”
Lucki nodded and handed over her handgun, reluctantly. Her gun, her protection. Their separation seemed like an omen of her death.
Unfortunately, this seemed like a set-up. But, this was Mr.Park. The same Park who showed her compassion at Carmens funeral. The same exact Park who even offered to help her solve her best friends murder.
Why would he want to set her up?
He was probably terrified. Petrified of guns and violence. He seemed to be a spectator, one who watches from outside the scope. Seeing everything the eye can behold, good and bad, sad and glad. Glory. Defeat. He probably had seen it all and prayed he wasn’t next.
That’s the only reason, Lucki thought. That’s the only reason a man would live like a king exiled from his own kingdom.
Before Lucki could turn around and resume her examinations, the guard spoke once again.
“Also, before you go up there, please change into these robes.” She advised, as she handed Lucki a soft white robe, completed with white fluffy slippers on top of it. “The boss hates outside germs inside of his home. He’s a bit of a germaphobe, so be careful.”
Lucki nodded once again whilst taking the articles of clothing from the guard. She somewhat understood the concern, germs were bad of course. But changing clothes? That was interesting to say the least. Even a bit excessive of Mr.Park.
Just as quick as she received her orders, Lucki changed into the stylish, but comfortable, garments. Her body felt as if it was wrapped in an everlasting warm hug. At all times, she was being snuggled by the robes fleece.
She began ascending the stairs, tiptoeing lightly. The stairs were built in a circular motion, making it feel like a merry go round. Y/n was slowly coming into dizziness, the constant twirl of the stairs, making her head and stomach spin.
Just in time, she reached the first door to her left, just where the guard said Mr.Park was. She gracefully knocked, waiting a bit for a response.
The door immediately is opened, to her surprise. Standing to greet her was a beautiful woman who had no hair: tattoos covering her head in place of tresses. She was wearing a very flattering white blouse, with long black bottoms and Christian louboutins.
“You’re Ms.Jung aren’t you?”
So she was the voice. The voice over the speakers, and over the phone when Lucki originally called.
“Uh, yea.”
“Please come in! Have a seat in front of him.”
“Thank you.” 
At long last, Lucki was able to greet Mr.Park in person, properly at least. She plopped down in front of him, deciding to examine his office like she had done to the rest of his home. Lucki soon diverted her eyes to Jimin, who sat patiently waiting for her attention with a welcoming smile.
“Nice to finally see you Ms.Jung.”
Lucki paused her excavation, now looking at him.
“Thanks. It’s nice to see you too, Mr.Park.”
Lucki and Mr.park both extended a hand to meet each other’s in the middle. They shook each other’s hands happily.
“Please, call me Jimin. There’s no need for formalities.”
“Ok.” Said Lucki.
“Are you hungry? I’m sure you haven’t eaten well in the last few days.”
Jimin was incredibly perceptive. He was extremely correct. Food had barely touched the corners of y/ns lips. She was just eating basic snacks, something like little Debbie pies. Things like little chips here and there. She couldn’t force herself to eat a full meal just yet. The power of grief made her feel sick to her stomach. Mourning took away her human needs, and the effects of that looked very visible on her.
“……… yes.”
“Aldina my darling! Please bring two menus here for my guest and I.”
There was a bit of silence before the same woman who greeted Lucki at the door arrived again with menus in hand. She grinned softly, but there was light radiating from herself. Lucki admired the woman’s uniqueness. She’d never seen someone be able to express themself so extremely. Numerous tattoos lined the woman’s cranium, decorated like a painting that was crafted meticulously for hours.
“Here you are,” she said as she handed both of them small brochures. “I am Aldina. If you need anything, please do not hesitate to tell me.”
“No problem. Thank you.”
Aldina excused herself, but not without Jimin’s longing puppy eyes following her sashaying figure out of the room. Lucki saw this. She understood how Jimin probably felt for Aldina.
“You should go for it, Jimin. She’s really pretty and nice too.”
Jimin froze, his cheeks turning an angry shade of red.
“Was it that obvious?”
Lucki smiled and nodded twice.
“Let us look through our menus!” Jimin announced as he pushed his nose into the open brochure, trying his very best to hide from embarrassment.
Lucki chuckled, and began to read her own menu right after.
“I really want to date her, but I’m afraid. She’s so daring and loves trying new things. And me, I’m more prude and sheltered. If I could never leave my home, I would but, my job forces me to.But then again, that’s simply what I love about her. ”
“Well,” y/n started. “If you really like her, you should be willing to try the things she likes, and vice versa.”
Jimin nodded along. “That is true.”
Sooner or later, the pair ordered and was brought their piping hot meals. It was brought out like how it usually happened in the movies. Unveiled from the steel basting cover, revealing one of the most beautiful meals Lucki had ever feasted her eyes upon. Finally her stomach gave in. It unclenched and was ready to allow her to devour a meal after this long.
As they dug in, Jimin went into his drawer and pulled out a creme folder.
He opened it, the first picture in the deck of evidence being a picture of a playing card. An Ace to be exact.
Lucki stared holes into it.
“I bet you’re wondering what I even have to do with this case.” Said Jimin. “At least a month ago, my sister was left incredibly handicapped by someone. A gunshot wound to the head, and one to the chest she brutally received. Just like everyone else in the folder of evidence. The FBI couldn’t give me an answer, so I went searching for them myself.”
“This took me a little time, but it felt like centuries. I spent time immersing myself and my team in the streets, gathering important information, and playing devils advocate. I made lots of potential friends, that led me up to this point.”
“The killers Alias is Ace. Ace as in Ace of spades.”
Lucki dropped her fork in her food, looking up at Jimin in awe of his ability to figure out such information. Tears formed in her eyes. She was finally getting close, close to putting Carmens death to rest.
“Yes. It took so long for me to find out, but I figured it out. The killer left a piece of evidence at every scene, trying to tell people who they were.”
Jimin removed a stack of pictures from the folder and handed it to Lucki.
“He left a playing card, an Ace covered in blood at every scene.”
Luckis grip was everything but calm and steady as she examined the cards details. Just as Jimin stated, the card was drenched in blood, but one was still able to see that it was an Ace regardless.
The FBI neglected to show Lucki this piece of evidence before. Was it because they didn’t know about it?
“The FBI wants me to stop meddling in this case, cause they say it’s too dangerous, but they’ve proven to me that they’re incompetent. That’s why I believe people like you and I, are best for solving this. That’s why I called you. I knew that together, we could bring justice for my sister, and your best friend. Only if you’re willing of course.”
Lucki was quick to decide. She wanted nothing more than to bring justice to whoever took Carmen away from her. She wanted nothing less than to spit on the grave of whoever stole Carmen’s life as it blossomed in its prime. Killing a caterpillar in its cocoon. Someone had to pay for that.
“Yes. Without a doubt, yes.”
Jimin grinned brightly. He reached over the table to engulf a hand of Luckis within his own.
“Thank you, Ms.Jung. It’s a pleasure. I will make sure that we catch this person and put them under the jail for what they’ve done to us and several others.”
Lucki nodded firmly. She already felt herself trusting Jimin’s words. The man seemed highly genuine, not an inch of deceit coating his soft spoken words.
But his position in her world was confirmed. He was a spectator. He did watch from the sideline in a way. Maybe only meddling when he needed to. He wasn’t off putting, even as a rich person, which possibly put him in a good position with a bunch of other people in the streets. Everyone hated the condescending, but loved the curious. There was a noticeable difference when it came to rich folk who reared their heads in gang politics. Jimin was obviously the latter: curious.
Lucki was Jimin’s first guest in a long while to be waved off by him at his own front door step. His usual goodbye happened from the confines of his office, but he felt he had a heart to extend to her. They were in the same situation. They were both looking for answers in a place where there seemed to be none.
Lucki waved goodbye too, happiness drenching her skin for the first time since Carmens death. Jimin’s revelations were a godsend. For the first time, her search felt meaningful. She could have hope and faith that the murderer would be found. She could tell Carmen that she could truly Rest In Peace.
Finally, Jimin’s private cab drove off, speeding away from his expensive home.
Lucki watched on for a second time, as the tall glass buildings complimented this side of town. The condos, and the fancy stores and shops made her eye twinkle. Like a child, she reached out for her distant dreams of the opposite of poverty. The bright side of the moon that she couldn’t see.
Y/n stared for what seemed like forever, until her thoughts were interrupted by her blaring ringtone.
It was Hobi.
“Yeah,” answered Lucki.
“Y/n, the fbi wants to meet with us again. The location is Paco’s coffee and creme. Hurry up and get there in like ten.”
“Ugh,ok.” Lucki said, disgusted. The last thing she wanted to do was speak to those assholes, but she couldn’t evade the law unfortunately. She was still latched onto the thought that hey probably would arrest her and anyone associated with her if they didn’t comply. Of course she wouldn’t want to take such a chance.
She tapped the driver on the shoulder, alerting him of her sudden detour. He rerouted, efficiently switching directions.
Conveniently, Paco’s coffee and creme was just down the street from their current location.
Quickly, Lucki hopped out of the car, saying thank you. She dashed up to Hoseok, standing next to him and watching the license plate of the car jiggle as the car sped off.
Hoseok eyed his sister. “How was that Park guy? Was he cool?”
“Yup. He made a break in the case these dumbasses couldn’t. Why do they even want to meet us again? Didn’t they say they would wait until we called?”
Two years worth of memories flooded Luckis brain with just a whiff of a familiar fragrance. Dark Noir, the cologne of a boy who once had her back. He was once proof that in this world, she could trust no one but her own family. He was evidence that a kiss meant bullshit. Feelings and crushes meant dog shit to people, and they were willing to trade it and break it for business deals and a double cross.
Yes, it was him. It was that asshole who broke her little teenaged heart.
“Uncle hobi, nice to see you.”
Undeniably him, the boy who had to trade loyalty for his manhood.
“Lucki. Longtime no see.”
Jeon Jungkook. Nearly the bane of her teen existence.
“Nice to finally see you both after so long.”
His voice reverberated in Luckis cranium, as she couldn’t believe it was really him. She hated him. Why was he here?
Of course, Hoseok was delighted to see the “traitor”. His reaction was merely natural. Anyone would be excited to see the child they once baby-sat all grown up.
Hobi hugged Jungkooks muscular frame, patting his back lovingly.
“Ah, you’re all adult now! I feel like an old man standing next to you and y/n. My babies are finally grown. It’s like from an ugly duckling to pretty swans.”
Jungkook laughed, whilst Lucki scoffed. That was Hobis way of showing love; making wise cracks.
To spoil the moment, Detectives Min and Kim appeared. It seemed like they sucked the fun out of the atmosphere whenever they arrived.
“Let’s head inside shall we? We have important matters to discuss.” Detective Kim commanded. He led the way into Pacos, and Min secured a table for them all to sit at.
Jungkook kept a lingering stare on Luckis backside. Seeing her again for the first time in two years was surreal. She was even prettier than her seventeen year old self. Even then, she seemed to be the same old y/n. She still dressed the same, with her baggy jeans, and tight fitted shirts. He remembered that her and Carmen liked to dress alike.
Jungkook felt sorry for Lucki. He knew how much Carmen meant to her. Everyone knew it, but to see their friendship at work was a different story. He’d lived it, honestly. They truly were a dynamic duo in their own right.
As they all took their seats, Luckis shoulder brushed Jungkooks broad one, making Jungkook shudder. He felt as if he was treading on thin ice around her. The atmosphere was rigid. It felt like something was going to explode near him, and all he had to do was just wait for it to happen.
Kim started, sighing in defeat already. He had gotten no where with this case since he and Min had been assigned to it, and he felt like shit. They hadn’t even touched the surface of the rabbit hole the case bled into, and every piece of “evidence” they collected were nearly already public knowledge.
“As you already knew, this case is a huge case. We interviewed your friend over here, Mr.Jeon, and we’ve concluded that he had nothing to do with it.”
Luckis eyes couldn’t stop themselves from slipping to the back of her head. “Ok? What does that have to do with me? Have you even found anything other than that?”
Hobi jumped, startled, but not shocked by his sisters answer to the statement.
“Lucki, please.”
“No Hobi. Don’t try and silence me,” Lucki glared at both investigators, their antics putting her at her wits end. “You are both incompetent! You haven’t found any other piece of evidence that can move the case forward. There are people who have gotten farther with this investigation than you two have and I’m supposed to trust you with my best friends justice? Fat chance, at best.”
Kim, now on his defense, had veins popping out of his neck. It was like Lucki was rubbing it in. He knew that they hadn’t found anything, it wasn’t like he was ignoring the fact.
“I fucking get it! I know that we haven’t fucking found shit on the case, alright? We’re frustrated too!”
“Not enough!” Yelled Lucki. “You clearly aren’t looking hard enough. If you were, you would know that the killers alias is ace!”
The room paused, as all of the tables guests exchanged glances with each other. It was now Mins turn to chime in.
“How did you know that? Why didn’t you tell us earlier?”
“I just found out today from a little birdy. He’s gotten way farther than you both have.”
Kim facepalmed, as Min wrote the important information down. It was clear that they needed to come to a compromise. Kim needed this big break, and Lucki wanted Justice. There was only one way for them to do this.
“Fine,” Kim began. “I’ll admit, we’re down and out. I don’t wanna let this case slip out of my fingers, so let’s just do this. How about, we work together? We can make real things happen. We’re the FBI, right? We can really arrest people when push comes to shove.”
“We can make sure that whoever Ace is, will be under the jail, but that would mean that we all have to work together. Everyone’s level of expertise would be needed.”
Lucki hated the sound of that plan. This means that she would have to work with Jungkook, and she despised his guts. But on the other hand, Kim was right. The FBI had plenty of authority. They could do a lot more than Jimin could probably do, with his limited authority.
With a deep breath and clenched eyes, Lucki nodded in reluctant agreement.
She was to compromise.
“Okay. I’ll do it.” She said.
Jungkook went wide eyed, surprised at Luckis answer.
“I’ll do it, too.” He said.
“Okay. We have ourselves a deal.”
“But one condition,” detective Kim said.
“You tell us everything your source is telling you.”
#sub!idol#sub!bts#sub!jimin#sub!jungkook#sub!hoseok#sub!jin#sub!namjoon#sub!taehyung#sub!yoongi#mafia!jungkook#jungkook#jungkook x reader#jungkook fanfic#gang leader!jungkook#gang leader!reader
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i also just think like w certain people ur inner children comes tf out to say hello, out from under mommy’s skirt (but tbh mommy is pushing you away from her saying get off already) and you break out all your toys and all your stories and just want to take them in like a picture to remember a little portait of the person but not in a weird way just so you have a reference--i think for me it shows that i want to be friends w someone when i like try to give them all my books .. when i was a kid i’d meet a new babysitter and go up and down the stairs to the basement where toys were kept and break everything out and put them in order...and say look! is this my virgo venus ? why can’t i be a libra venus just like putting my head on someone’s shoulder for a moment or giving someone a taste of what im eating off my fork or one of my fingers? bc like intimacy is just a fact -- little kids do this with their parents...i did it with my mom and dad before i was told i was too clingy. im sure ill return to that place. i would just like to know why i am 25 and somehow believe intimacy to be excessive, insincere, a burden and yet when im showed the tiniest bit of it (my roommate examining my wrist where they gave me a tattoo, someone asking me if they have something on their face and me helping them brush it off, someone new giving me a strong hug upon meeting or bumping knees with me and not moving them away) i almost explode, become that kid again, so free so in tune so aware of the sunshine on my face, saying god bless you because i think someone near me will sneeze soon...
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And here is your request @genshin-idiot !!! As for who I pick... Malleus fits very well with this particular set!! This one would go...
xiii. crumbling castles, empty cathedrals, ghosts of the past, cold air, echoing footsteps, candlelight, faded colors, faint touches, old portaits
"You know, I never thought I'd end up in these kinds of places."
'These kinds of places' being old, ruined and/or abandoned buildings.
You had thought Ramshackle would have been the only place you would ever willingly go to that was that run down. Even after fixing it up as well as you did.
Turns out, being friends with one Malleus Draconia, your Tsunotaro, means the favored activity to do is exploring decrepit buildings.
In all honesty though? As much of a health hazard these places could be, you found some of the coolest things in the places Malleus showed you. There was this one time he showed you an old cathedral, and you spent most of the time playing with the acoustics of the building.
(You don't know how he found the time to do any of this, let alone get Sebek and the rest of his guards off him long enough to let him do this in the first place.
You don't ask. Plausible Deniablility is better than facing the full brunt of Sebek's ire, even if he's mellowed out just a bit towards you.)
"And yet, you have never turned me down. Do you actually not like coming with me to these sorts of places?" Malleus raises a brow, and if it wasn't for the medical mask, you'd probably see his pouting.
"I never said that." You adjusted your backpack and looked up at Malleus' current haunt; ruins of a huge manor, with gargoyles lining the roof, obviously. "It's just, back home you'd have to cross the ocean to find things this old. And most were either privately owned or were a museum you needed to pay a fee to enter."
Malleus hummed at your reply, but did not continue the topic. Instead, he headed for the front door and and pulled out a key. The padlock holding the large doors chained closed easily came undone, but Malleus had to shove the door hard with his shoulder to get it open.
Once it was open though, he stepped aside to let you in first.
"After you, my dearest Child of Man."
"Why thank you, my dearest Tsunotaro."
You giggle and step into the manor. Malleus follows behind, and the door falls shut once he lets it go.
Dust motes float about in the light that streams in from the windows, and cobwebs seem to be in every corner. The grayed hue to everything is proof of how long it's been since anyone has been inside this castle-like manor.
"Let us head further in. We have much ground to cover, and only so much time. I would like to view the gargoyles before we leave."
Malleus holds his arm out for you to take, and after adjusting your own mask, you softly place your hand in the crook of his arm, and the two of you proceed into the dim halls, your footsteps the only sound between you.
Even though a part of him had yearned for it for a long while, Malleus still couldn't believe that he had someone he could truly call a friend.
The little brunet had surprised him over and over with how plainly genuine they were.
"Oh. Oh holy cow, Tsunotaro look at this painting!"
He allows his Child of Man to gently lead him along, knowing that they will never lead him astray.
He glances up at the grand painting; a wide landscape painting of a meadow with a forest off to the side. A person in the meadow is depicted offering their hand to something in the forest, though the low lighting in this peculiar, out of the way hall and the dark coloring of the forest has made it difficult to see what.
He then notices a candle holder on the wall with a candle still in the stand. A quick flick of his pen lights up the candle.
With the new light, he can see the painting more clearly. He shuffles just a bit closer to the painting, peering carefully into the painted woods and sees-
Twin breaths hitch.
Camouflaged within the woods is what is easily recognizable as a fae, peeking out from behind a tree.
There is no way this sort of painting should exist in this manor, not this gentle scene. The last owners of this manor before it had been abandoned were from the time of the-
"I see you have found that painting quite the conundrum."
Startled, Malleus pulled his friend close before seeking out the owner of the sudden voice. Speaking in Old Trade... a ghost? But this manor is no where near any magical hot spots.
"Who- Who's there?" Kallisto called out, gripping tightly to his coat.
"Show thyself, or I will force thee!" He demanded, slipping closer to Lilia's dialect in his anger. He won't allow anything to harm his Child of Man.
"No need for any such violence, I am here, on the wall."
Blinking, they turn to the wall opposite the painting, and upon it, off to one side, is a portrait. A talking portrait, it seems, not unlike the ones back at Night Raven. Though this one is a little crooked.
"Hello...?" He hears Kallisto greet the painting as they relaxed their death grip on his clothes.
"Hello young one. Forgive this old painting for startling you. You seem confused as to the subject matter of the painting, yes?" the portrait inquires.
"This manor is several hundred years old, and the last owners were from the time of the Fae-Human War era." Malleus began, "This sort of painting... it would have been seen as traitorous, heretical even."
"And yet, it is here."
The 'Why?' lingers unspoken.
"The last Master was indeed someone with such a controversial view." The portrait explained, "It was a secret, of course. Even so, he painted works such as this, in the hope that, one day, it would be something true."
The portrait smiles kindly at them, and Malleus can only wonder as to what this portrait had seen in it's time to look upon them with such a heartbreaking warmth.
"To see a pair such as you two... I believe the Master's spirit would be truly happy to know his wish eventually came true."
He feels Kallisto bury deeper into his hold, and he looks down at his companion in worry. They merely press closer, muttering quietly.
"I'm really glad I could meet Tsunotaro too."
Malleus' heart stutters in his chest, and he wraps his arms tighter around his dearest friend. He knows he would be a much different person without them.
"I am as well, Child of Man.
I am as well."
#twst#twst language barrier au#twisted wonderland#Malleus Draconia#twst oc#Script Annotations#genshin-idiot#little more Worldbuilding here than intended sorry
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5x06 Reaction
JARCHIE!!! I missed their interactions so much... like honestly in S4 they barely spoke. I’m loving the “roommates” dynamic.
Ok the kevin/fangs/toni apartment(?) is... amazing!!
I love how they hired actual teenagers (or close to it) to play the high school kids... since all the “teachers” were playing high school students, what, 3 episodes ago??
Ok mechanic Betty is SO HOT
Veronica’s taking over the Blue Velvet!!! Why not reuse that set lmao
Thoughts on this initial barchie interaction:
I’ve seen all the discourse about it seeming like Archie doesn’t care about Betty’s problems, or not taking them seriously, and people comparing Archie’s “oof - that sucks” to jughead’s “white noise” speech in 1x08 (which I thought was cringy AF and I even liked b*ghead at the time) and here’s what I’ll say:
His “oof - that sucks” comment as MATCHING Betty’s tone - she says it kind of matter of factly and with a bit of an eyeroll, she does NOT seem very upset about it, and she is a grown ass adult who DOESN’T need Archie’s condolences in that moment - and Archie knows that.
She then brings up Polly, and Archie ASKS A FOLLOW UP QUESTION: “didn’t your mom say she does this? Takes off for a couple of days” which shows that he is referring to a previous conversation about this - they’ve BEEN talking about it and he DOES care (not to mention they showed that he had texted her about Polly at the end of the last episode)
She says she’s trying not to panic - because she knows this is something Polly does and may not actually be in danger - SO HE OFFERS A DISTRACTION during a time when she is basically asking for one, and then SHE COMES UP WITH THE IDEA OF WHERE TO GO HAVE SEX
Anyway I have argued with enough people on twitter about this lol.. I feel strongly. Also, this scene was super cute and both Archie and Betty look so good in it.
I love Tabitha. Smart, enterprising, witty... I’m all for the Jugitha pairing. (seriously though, is a ship name decided for them? I’ve seen Tabhead and Jabitha as well, lol.
Uhhhhh ok this car sex scene? It somehow feels even more explicit than the shower scene?? The moaning and breathing?? HOW DARE THESE STONEWALL KIDS INTERRUPT THIS
Is it just me or is Sheriff Keller looking really hot? Silver fox??
I have to note that Archie’s hair colour looks SO BAD in this whole episode but especially this football scene with the Reggie confrontation. It’s like, almost burgundy? But somehow bright orange at the same time? I hate it.
Ok Cole is absolutely nailing this “down on his luck, beaten down” adult Jughead. His character is funny all the sudden?? I love that he kept the money in the tip jar like OF COURSE
Ok Chad coming into Veronica’s class HE’S THE WORST!!! And then SITTING AT THE BACK I HATE HIM SO MUCH FOR THIS
Alright, now we have another scene that has people talking, which is where Archie meets Chad. My thoughts:
Archie clearly sizes up Chad. I mean, he dated Veronica for 3-ish years (in the show’s timeline) so yeah, it’s normal to meet your ex’s new partner and size them up. It read more like “he thinks Chads a douche” as opposed to “he’s jealous of Chad because he wants to be with V”.
They show makes a point of showing Betty’s reaction to them meeting. THIS SHOT IS NOT RANDOM. Yes, I’m sure the show will go there, she’ll get jealous of V at some point. Betty thinking that Archie is jealous of Chad is not the same as Archie actually being jealous of Chad.
I kind of loved how Chad just jumps in here to join in the karaoke night - he didn’t redeem himself from the previous scene where he SAT IN THE BACK OF HER CLASS WHILE SHE WORKED but I like how they’re not playing him completely evil
Next scene: BETTY AND TONI ARE TALKING!!! I REPEAT!!! BETTY AND TONI ARE TALKING!!! Seriously, it’s so refreshing that they’re actually letting all kinds of new dynamics and character interactions happen this season.
I am living for Cheryl being completely beautiful whilst yelling at construction workers.
So like... she actually doesn’t have that much money. She couldn’t really afford the donation for the school... I kind of wish that once she says “I can’t afford it” people would like, not keep pushing? I’m looking at you Toni, whom I absolutely adore, I just wish the writers didn’t make it like Cheryl’s being squeezed dry. I get that it’s needed for plot purposes but I don’t love it.
Kevin and Betty are friends again!!! Love it!!!
Karaoke night thoughts:
At no point is Jughead hanging out or interacting with the rest of the group. He stays separate from them - with Tabitha, which I appreciate, but I am just noting this because I’m sure it was done purposefully.
“She probably forgot it’s Gekko now” uhhhh didn’t Toni announce V as “Veronica Gekko” in the last episode?? LOL THE SHADE
I love Veronica’s voice
Ok so Chad actually comes off so great in this scene?? I guess this is part of his manipulation - come off as such a great guy in front of all her friends to get them to like him?
Jughead’s reaction to the duet is so me every time I’ve watched people do karaoke lmao
During the “or do you need more? Is there something else you’re searching for” they cut to Archie’s and Betty’s reaction. Archie is not thinking about V in that moment.
I am not seeing one iota of jealousy from Archie. He looks genuinely happy for them.
This Chad and Veronica bed scene makes me uncomfortable. But I’m glad they’re showing their softer moments!
The Archie/football recruitment sequence... Chad in the back of Veronica’s classroom again??? HOW IS THIS HAPPENING I HATE THIS!! Also, this is another scene where Chad looks jealous of Archie... not the other way around.
Britta!!! I love her. And I feel like the writers inserted her in specifically for Britta Lundin, former Riverdale writer and acclaimed author (read her book Ship It, seriously, it’s so good), and I love that. BUT THE WAY ARCHIE LOOKS AT BETTY IN THIS SCENE IS THAT EVEN LEGAL
We get the first glimpse Toni’s “Operation Bring Cheryl Out Of Hiding” plan here, when Archie asks her for funding for the football team and says its earmarked for something else (hmmmmmmm... this plan has been in the works for a while... and I’m here for it)
Ok. This scene where Archie goes to ask Cheryl for money is... a mess. My first reaction is that it was so OOC for Archie to bring up Jason in that way. Then I got to thinking... Archie probably would want to honour his dad in that way and was genuinely suggesting that as something that might actually be helpful to her, as opposed to purposely trying to manipulate her. He knows what it’s like to lose a family member, he just didn’t realize that Cheryl doesn’t grieve in the same way. The boy doesn’t have a malicious bone in his body. Anyway, now he’s been banished from Thornhill! But don’t we see him (and everyone) there in a bts photo from possibly 5x08? Isn’t that at Thornhill? Will this be addressed or will the writers just forget it ever happened?
I love Betty and Kevin investigating together. It’s so refreshing.
Ok this place Jughead is going to is legit the creepiest shit I’ve ever seen. I am having trouble making myself care about this “Mothmen” plot??
Betty’s “Straight to the Point” interrogation style is actually effective in this truck stop stakeout scene.
Alice again with her wine... I wonder if there will actually be an “Alice is an alcoholic” storyline or is the wine just part of her personality now?
Ok like it’s so inappropriate for a teacher to be wearing an HBIC shirt BUT I AM HERE FOR THIS DRAMATIC VIXENS HALLWAY WALK!! And Toni is correct, Cheer is a sport so sit down, Archie. Notably Toni adds in “not even Cheryl managed to do that” - I’m thinking she new Ms. Bell would be eavesdropping ;)
Is this Minerva character going to be important?? I keep seeing people talking about how she and Cheryl are going to hook up but is that just because she’s a female character who interacts with Cheryl? I’m not seeing it yet but hey, it’s Riverdale.
Seriously though, since we know Jughead wasn’t there when Archie said that, there’s two options: Either Archie told him he said it, or (my preferable theory) Archie used to just SAY THAT REGULARLY and has said it in front of Jug lmao.
Chad again seems legit supportive when she tells him about her jewelry store plan?? THEY’RE SO UP AND DOWN!!!
Ok, so Betty is an FBI agent (trainee, whatever) and she JUST NOW THOUGHT OF TRACING POLLY’S CELL PHONE
This scene... when Veronica finds out Chad has been talking to Hiram behind her back... this is where she decides she’s done with Chad.
Another scene with Archie - I am still getting zero vibes that he’s into Veronica? And zero vibes that Veronica’s into Archie? It makes complete sense that Veronica would want to help the bulldogs. Chad is a total dick here and is definitely threatened by Archie... again, not the other way around. Side note: Chad, if threatened by Archie, is a TOTAL IDIOT for suggesting Archie renovates the Pembrooke - like, he’s going to be working? All the time? Where Veronica is staying? And probably taking his shirt off because he’s sweaty from all the working?? WHYYYYY WOULD CHAD ENCOURAGE THIS
This little flirty scene between Jughead and Tabitha (and it’s the first that I would say has any flirty undertones whatsoever) is pretty cute.
The fact that people are suggesting Betty showed up there because she wanted to talk to Jughead is SENDINNNNGGGGGG
Let’s be clear, she only asked about Jughead so she could make sure he wasn’t home so that she could bone Archie. There is no other interpretation for this.
They are playing the song from the porch scene in the pilot... DON’T TELL ME BARCHIE IS MEANINGLESS WHEN THEY ARE USING THIS SONG
I think the fact that this is the first time they had sex and we didn’t see it is meaningful - they are showing that the relationship is deepening and they are more than “just sex”
As Betty leaves, Archie looks like he wants to reach out for her and then stops himself - he is definitely falling hard and he’s afraid Betty isn’t feeling the same way
Ok, Cheryl is straight up wearing lingerie in Toni’s office!!! And the red lipstick is back - notably, throughout the entire show, she has worn the red lipstick as a kind of shield - she never has it for her “vulnerable” scenes. Seems like that is still happening. AND this is where we see Boss Toni’s plan come into fruition - she started up the vixens and MADE SURE CHERYL FOUND OUT ABOUT IT because she knew that was the one thing that would make Cheryl come out of her Thornhill hiding spot. Well played, Toni.
Archie and Veronica announcing the bulldog funding... again, I’m not seeing ANY “romantic/attraction” vibes here? He does react when she says her last name is Lodge again but like, anyone would?
Is Reggie... filing his nails? Lmao
I really hope Polly isn’t dead?? Like I very much want a Polly redemption story!!
Sooooo I guess Archie and Jughead are both going to die in this fire? Lol... well... they’re main characters so I’m sure they’re good.
I’m doooone for this week! So far really enjoying the timejump? Obviously because of barchie but also, everyone is just - better.
Well this turned out to be a novel. If you made it this far, thanks for reading :)
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How Donnie’s Soft Shell In Rise Would Affect Him
As ur friendly neighbourhood ex-donnie stan, I love how he was written in rise. It’s so different to how he’s been portaited in every other variation, yet so true to how he’s always been. He’s so sarcastic and dry while also caring so much about his brothers. However, one major difference thats never really properly addressed and only mentioned in passing is his soft shell. So to counter that, he wears multiple tech-based shells to protect himself. But that’s not what im here to talk about. How would it affect him emotionally and mentally?? (im also going to do one of these for all of the turtles about some kind of insecurity they may have so yes i am totally treating this like a spam account lmaooo)
-First of all, naturally, it’ll be a delicate subject. Literally and figuratively. As raph says in literally the 3rd episode, he didn’t want to tell him his gifts were rude and annoyed them because he has a soft shell. What if because of his shell, he feels he has to fill in for some inadequecy by being cold and sarcastic. Possibly a defense mechanism? Not unlikely.
-Secondly, what if he stepped up and became ‘’the smart one’’ as another way to cope with his feelings of inadequecy?? He figured that because he wasnt physically as tough as his brothers, he’d have to try and fill some kind of mold so they wouldn’t go off without him.
ok now onto the stuff that’s been living in my head rent free for the last 3 days since i saw a post talking abt how his shell would affect him. bare in mind these are hc nd not me analysing the show bc lets be real im barely passing english i dont think i can rlly step up there lmaooo
-This is kind of an extentsion of first one but what if he’s actually really insecure about it? Like as in he has genuine self esteem issues because of this and a warped perception of his self worth? obviously his brothers love him no matter what but he probably doesnt see it that way. to him they’ll always see him as weaker because of his shell.
-when they initally went up to the surface for the first time after living in the sewer for years, donnie was so anxious about it he straight up tried to refuse to go. eventually, leo coaxed him out of his room/lab and convinced him to go solely on the promise he wouldn’t let go of his hand. and as the good, true to his word brother our leon is, he did not :D
thank u for coming to my ted talk
#tcesters if you breathe on this post ill end u#pls dont#hc#my hcs#rottmnt#rottmnt headcannons#rottmnt donnie#rottmnt donatello#headcanon#headcannons#ignore my shitty spelling im dyslexic nd i dont have my glasses on like a fool
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Thank YOU for the time to read all my ramblings about tennis and the media. As I said, I just wanted to offer a different perspective.
When it comes to young tennis players (either from the WTA or the ATP), my worry is that the moment they get more sponsors or better sponsor deals after winning the tournaments, the spotlight and all the pressure from the press then becomes too much.
Sponsors (especially Nike) want them to became a sensation overnight or an instant legend, it also then becames a popularity contest, and I worry that they get lost in all of that.
I remember how the meadia reported when Coco was barely 16 years old, and how hard they pushed for her to be the new Serena, like a legacy or something like that, and yet only since last year did she managed all that presure.
I remember when Felix was one of the young ones who they pushed as the next best thing, and yet only after he parted ways with Toni Nadal did he started to have better results.
So my wish is that the media/sponsors let the young players build their carrers and not push them too hard to be everything in tennis, like take it step by step.
When it comes to emotions on the court, its a slippery slope, because if the players have much emotions oh they are trying to hard or they are too emotional and cant handle the presure(or they are so passionate if most of the tennis reporters like them), on other hand if they dont have not enough emotions, oh they are boring and not fun.
I like to say, to each their own. But yet again the double standard from the press can make a difference in how the player is portraited.
Over the years I've learned to trust the tennis media less and less, and when they try to convice or mislead the general public or just casual tennis fans that something happened that didnt really happend, I always try to find real online videos of the said situations, comments or something like that.
Even some tennis channels like to put two videos together that actually didnt happen in real time (in sequence) to make it seem something was said or done. Seems silly to happen in tennis but it happens more often than you think.
Also, its very funny to me how the media likes to portait grand slam records and who holds them, as well as who is number 1 in the ATP ranking/singles race.
It used to make me so mad at how they ommit the importang details, but now I just dont care and I laugh at the media desperation.
welcome to another episode of me yapping into the void about tennis…
so Djokovic. he is a legend. probably when he retires the big 3 will be only a memory because all the records will be his and the goat debate will be (seemingly) settled for generations. and there are some things that he should be respected for like his ability to adjust and change his game and learn and always try new things. these are qualities of a true champion and winner.
but other than that? no sympathy for him at all. I know that crowd’s sympathy is not a thing that ultimately makes you a winner but Djokovic seems to complain about his unpopularity a lot. it sounds like a pure hypocrisy. he does so many borderline things or things that are outright wrong such as his Covid controversies, his support for Russia or even the one related to the game where he antagonises the crowds and feeds his confidence by degrading others (the best example is the recent on-court interview after his defeated rune).
all in all, he may be a record-holder but he should not be placed as an example. he tries to play the family guy card, but in the light of everything he does, it is seems not genuine. he cares a lot about the game and has some really important messages to voice such as a the paddle as a competition, but is he himself a good promotor of the game? not really. for the audience, the message is: the player has to degrade you to be successful. not a great endorsement.
to conclude: is he the most dominant player? yes. is he the goat? i believe there is something more to the term than just numbers and titles.
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