#port by night
ltwilliammowett · 9 months
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La nuit ; un port de mer au clair de lune - Seaport by Moonlight, by J. Vernet, 1771
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myelicia · 5 months
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mrdrhenwardhykle · 4 months
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Here’s both fake screenshots
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hellhoundclown · 9 months
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old thing i made last year. in dedication to mario’s madness v2 (and to the people in my inbox telling me so)
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thunderstruck9 · 5 months
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Engelbert Bertel-Nordström (Swedish, 1884-1967), Nocturne, 1918. Canvas, 71 x 69 cm.
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gagedraws · 23 days
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Pillar Chase 2
Basically a Roblox version of Dead By Daylight & Monsters and Mortals.
While Survivors are their avatars, Monsters are different and unique characters such as villainous foes like Springtrap OR scary Creepypastas like MX.
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brownie-pics · 8 months
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'24.1.26 大さん橋付近、赤レンガ倉庫、馬車道にて
大さん橋は冷たく強い海風が吹きわたっていて、立っていると体がよろめくほどでした。・・ こりゃたまらんと赤レンガ倉庫を経由して宿のある馬車道に戻ります。
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toyastales · 11 days
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Brickell Neighborhood, Miami, Florida
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Still wild to me that it took 20 years for Fate/Stay Night to get an official international release. This is the visual novel that spawned a globally successful franchise. It is the origin of the iconic Saber. It has gotten 3 different anime adaptations, all of which have enjoyed varying degrees of international popularity. It is the basis for popular gacha mobile game Fate Grand Order. I know visual novels don't have much popularity outside Japan and tend to get dismissed as cliche dating sims, or porn games, but that's still just...so weird to think about. When I first read FSN some years ago, I had to find a website where I could totally legally download files for it and then play on an English fan translation. Because any official copy I could get would be absurdly expensive, and would also be in Japanese, which I can't read (at least not yet, I plan to start learning soon). And only now, two decades later, do we actually get an official release. And I'm really glad it's getting a remaster and stuff, don't get me wrong! It's just weird to think about is all.
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howlingday · 3 months
nother crack idea for jaune's exes: artoria pendragon has come to beacon to bring back her love to the safety of their little village! she knows jaune's dream is to be a hero but between his father giving him no training and him not getting into a combat school she worries about him, the only solution is to bring him back home for her to train in safety until he's ready! NO THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HER WANTING TO EAT HIS COOKING! SHE'S DOING THIS FOR NOBLE REASONS!
The classroom had gone hush with the sudden announcement of the young, blonde woman in armor. The target of this stranger had a mixture of reactions, including the reddening of his cheeks and the swiftness of his hand to his face. The woman made her way down the steps to where Jaune was sitting.
"Jaune, I command you to return home at once!"
"Please, no..." Jaune groaned.
"Excuse me, young lady, but I'm afraid you'll have to wait until class is over to-"
"BE SEATED!" Professor Port responded to this decree by immediately sitting at his desk. "It is rude to interrupt the royal business of a king."
"Aren't you a girl, though?" Cardin asked, brow raised at the intruder.
"BE STILL!" A roar proclamation erupted, forcing Cardin to fall backwards, mouth held shut. "Jaune, I command-"
"I refuse." Jaune said, knocking the woman off-guard. "Also, I'm attending Beacon."
"Jaune, who is this?" Pyrrha asked, confused by the casual way Jaune spoke to the stranger after watching her emasculate both Professor Port and Cardin Winchester. As annoying as it was, both were two of the most masculine people in the room, yet the woman shut them both down, only thrown off her high horse by the response of her team leader. "Do you know her?"
"Yeah." Jaune nodded. "She's my ex." Gasps resounded throughout the classroom. "Why is everyone so surprised?"
"Because it's you?" Weiss answered.
"Because she's so scary!" Ruby replied, putting up her hands in and waving them in defense when the woman glared at her. "Uh, not scary in a bad way!"
"What other way is scary supposed to be taken?" Blake asked.
"Er, when- when you say ex, do you mean ex-friend, or ex-lab partner, or ex-"
"Girlfriend." The woman answered. "And I refuse your claim."
"You said you were fine when we broke up." Jaune clarified. "You even said that you were thinking about travelling around a bit, too."
"Yes, and I did travel around as we discussed." She held an armored hand to her heart. "I've seen many things on my journey, but all of them paled when compared to you." This brought about a coo from the classroom, taken in by the romantic statement. It seemed she genuinely cared about him.
"You got hungry for my cooking again, didn't you?" The classroom nearly fell on their face.
"N-No! Of course not!"
"Then why did you suddenly decide to come find me here at Beacon?" Jaune held up a finger. "A good king doesn't lie to their people."
"Ghk!" The woman flinched. "I... You are correct. I did feel hungry for your cooking again."
"Uh-huh, I thought so."
"But regardless of my reasoning, I still intend to complete my mission!"
"If you're hungry, then just wait until class is over. It's almost lunchtime."
"No, that's not why I'm here." She dropped to one knee. "Jaune Arc, will you do me the honor of becoming Mr. Artoria Pendragon?"
"ABSOLUTELY NOT!" The class was in shock. Partially from the proposal by Artoria, but also from the refusal of this act by not Jaune Arc, but his partner, Pyrrha Nikos. All eyes fell on her and felt the urge to shrink back from them, but when her green eyes fell to those of the woman holding Jaune's hand, such urges dispersed. "Jaune Arc is a student of Beacon Academy and the leader of Team JNPR. I refuse to allow you to strip him of him of both titles and responsibilities just so you can eat."
"And who are you to challenge the King of Knights?" Artoria asked, standing tall against her foe.
"My name is Pyrrha Nikos, the partner of Jaune Arc." Though the word held different meanings, in this instance Pyrrha's words held them in their most simplest form. Even if Pyrrha wished they meant something deeper. "And I refuse to allow you to take him away from me."
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verysmallcyborg · 5 months
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do they need new clothes that aren't ill-fitted on them? NAH.... what fornax needs is a towel to wipe off their hands
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lowlightsahead · 4 months
You wouldn't last a day in the asylum I was raised in
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webdiggerxxx · 5 months
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Why not leave?
I find it interesting how almost all the higher ups in the mafia don't really wish to be there, but despite having more than enough power and resources to leave, they don't.
Kouyou has been an executive since 15 (at least), and throughout those seven years I find it impossible to believe that she never thought about leaving. In fact, this is even addressed in this manga by Mori himself, to which she just responds with something lighthearted. Her earlier escape attempt was a fail, yes, but surely she understands that things are much different this time?
It is not her capability which is preventing her, but rather her mindset. And while this also ties into her responsibility, it is also important to note that she may very well believe that she can never truly be rid of the mafia and its teachings. It took an immense amount of reassurance for her to trust Kyouka in the hands of the agency, and even then, very reluctantly.
To Kouyou, I don't think that's a demonstration to her that she can leave, but rather a reminder of what she couldn't achieve in the past. And now, she most likely thinks that the mafia's influence on her is too deep to be shed off. She says as much herself to Kyouka, who has barely been in the mafia for 2 years at that point. Imagine what she thinks of herself. I do think that her duty to the mafia also makes her stay, she acknowledges that she's an important piece in their operations and jokes that it would fall apart without her. She has accepted her role in the mafia, and knows thinks it's too late to get out.
Mori, the leader himself, despite being...well, the leader, simply views his role in the mafia as necessary. He doesn't want to be the PM boss, his life in BEAST is clearly indicative of what he actually wants (you can't tell me an 'inherently evil person' ends up taking care of an orphanage in some universe), but he knows that he is the person best equipped to handle this role. His strategy of the "optimal solution", speaks to his neutrality and general capability of remaining apathetic towards necessary events which would most likely break someone else emotionally and mentally.
This isn't to say that he doesn't have any emotions, the man has a lot of them, it's just that he's incredibly adept at putting them aside and dealing with a situation completely unbiased. Fukuzawa acknowledges in canon that despite their great differences, a common motive that they share is the well-being of their city. In fact, Mori's making a HUGE sacrifice in his life just to maintain the workings of Yokohama. That's something you have to respect.
Chuuya is more of a complicated case. A lot of people in the fandom seem to disagree over whether he wants to stay or leave, but the answer is a bit more complex than the black and white ones we've been looking at. I'll be addressing this separately later, but for now, about Chuuya : I personally think that it is both, and he has conflicting feelings on this situation.
To start with, unlike Kouyou, we actually know when Chuuya came to be affiliated with the mafia. And that in itself isn't the most ideal set of circumstances, he had just been betrayed by his friends (who essentially raised him) because of a situation clearly orchestrated by the mafia (specifically Dazai, the one person he was coming to trust and resonate with), and more or less forced to be a new recruit. From stormbringer, we know that Chuuya's incentive for not leaving came from his need to protect his friends (who had already betrayed and backstabbed him at this point) from the mafia.
Any sane person would assume that Chuuya absolutely abhors the mafia at this point, but this isn't the case. Despite having his friends' lives hung over his head, he was still able to respect Mori and what he was working for (especially since he considered his own period of 'leadership' to be a failure). He was still able to care about the lives of his comrades and underlings who were also a part of the mafia (depicted in the dragon head incident). And he was still able to remain loyal to the mafia despite the several hardships and burns he faced for it.
Aside from his respect (and possible admiration) for Mori and the mafia itself, Chuuya's a person who's really attached to his relationships with people. He doesn't just respect the mafia, he also views it as his family. He has formed bonds with Kouyou, Mori, Dazai (shhh I don't want to hear anything), Akutagawa, Hirotsu...and even Gin, Tachihara and Higuchi. I mean, is there any known character in the mafia who this man doesn't know? He probably even knew Kyouka before she left. The only exception to this is Kyuusaku, and even that is because of his attachment to people (he's mad because Q, directly or indirectly, caused the death of his subordinates). He talks about burying his subordinates personally and contacting their families, if that isn't care, I don't know what is.
I think his arc with the mafia supporting him unanimously in stormbringer helped strengthen his attachment to it, which is why we've got the epilogue of him seeing his biological parents and declaring that the mafia is his true family in that LN. It's safe to say that he appreciates what he has right now a lot. But does that really mean he doesn't want to leave? In the very same light novel, it is ALSO implied that Chuuya longs for a life outside of the mafia. Hell, we literally have a character who was dedicated to bringing him to the light. And now, there is no risk associated with it either. But he chooses to stay. Or maybe the choice was never his.
With all of that said, I think it's incredible how BSD manages to portray what it's like for someone to lead a life of crime in the dark somewhat realistically in terms of feelings. It isn't some "badass mafia person" aesthetic (even though some people interpret it that way), it actually depicts the complexities that come with being associated with a criminal organisation in a fictional setting (to the best of its ability). Literally nobody in the mafia wants to be there, they just have to be. Sure, it offers them resources and opportunities which is why they choose to stay, but as an ability user, if they don't have the choice of living a normal life with the opportunities offered to an average person, do they really have a choice about being in the mafia at all?
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panaceatthedisco · 3 months
It's been over a month and I'm still wondering where the boys go/what they do at night
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alejandramelody · 5 months
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It's been a while...
I love bunnies <3
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