#porsha... porsha did ok
hoperays-song · 2 years
Self Defense Lessons
*Porsha, Ryan, and Johnny getting ready for their first class*
Ryan, sighing: I can’t believe we have to take self defense classes. I’ve never done anything like this. What about you pretty boy, you know some fighting stuff right?
Johnny, wrapping his hands: Well, yeah. Kinda came with the territory growing up. I mainly box though my dad made sure I knew some MMA as well. Don’t worry, it’s not that hard once you get going.
Ryan, trying his best to mimic Johnny: I mean, I heard dancing can translate pretty easy into martial arts so hopefully I won’t be terrible.
Johnny, reaching over to fix the taller boy’s wraps with a smile: I’m sure you’ll do great Ry! I’m here to help if you need anything, I promise. *Turning to Porsha*  How about you Porsha, ever done anything like this?
Porsha, cheerfully: I actually have a black belt!
Johnny, happily surprised: Really? That’s awesome! What in, Karate or Aikido or something?
Porsha, looking confused: ...
Porsha: No, from Gucci... What are you talking about? I wasn’t listening.
Johnny, sighing: Never mind. Do you need help wrapping your hands?
Porsha: Yes please!
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cutekoala1001 · 8 months
What is your favorite head canon for all characters in sing?
Favourite head canon for ALL the characters?? Well, if you’re interested, I do have lots of hcs! These are just some of mine (so it’s ok if you disagree!) :
Buster - He’s physically small, but as someone in charge, he prefers to be seen as bigger. So he stands on the moon prop or stands on objects to be closer to others’ eye level, or even to have them look up at him.
Eddie - I suspect that Nana isn’t the only diva in his family. And his father either runs some sort of successful business or is in show business himself. His father is never around.
Meena - She comes from a very supportive, and very religious, family.
Ash - Doesn’t have a good relationship with her parents; comes from a rough upbringing. Moved out and in with Lance as soon as she could.
Rosita - Has a “live, love, laugh” sign somewhere in her home. Family is everything. Thanksgivings are nuts.
Gunter - has ADHD and is quite a talented creative.
Mike - did not survive the bears 💀
Johnny - Was popular with the girls at school, but hesitated to date anyone seriously. Or maybe he had a serious gf once but because of heartbreak (and family gang stuff) he needed time before getting into another serious relationship.
Alfonso - is interested in “Eastern philosophies” (he’s wearing those beaded bracelets) and is probably into meditation.
Porsha - Mother left when she was young and her rich father spoiled her in place of being there for her. She’s been given anything she wants in place of the attention from her busy father, but her father’s attention is all she ever really wanted. A daddy’s girl and will probably find a sugar daddy to support her.
Klaus - I’m 100% with @picapicamagpie ‘s hc on his history and upbringing! She explains it very well in her fic.
Clay - He went on to do solo tours and reunite with old friends in the industry. He’s healing and moving on from his past.
Nooshy - Also from a rough upbringing. Was homeless at one point.
Miss Crawly - She has been with Moon Theatre longer than anyone else in Sing. She has seen a lot. She has also forgotten a lot.
Nana - Buster’s business partner and, I would assume, oversees the financial aspects of Moon Theatre seeing as it was through her fortune that it was revived. Has had a dynamic life in showbiz. Divorced. Has a lifetime of working hard to acquire fame and fortune. Past experiences have left her bitter and resentful; it’s difficult to trust others; she isolates in her retirement; lives in the past when she was in her prime; is self-absorbed; and has high standards for others and herself. But underneath it all she actually does want to help and give back to the world.
☆ I hope we’ll get a glimpse of a little more into the character’s pasts in the 3rd movie!
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jcartsoffical · 3 months
Broken Bonds
(a story requested for @phoenix-the-mistfit-fire-bird)
It was a great night after Buster invited his good friend Amelia to watch his next big show. After the show was done, the group had a meet and greet at the Theater.
After the guests were gone, a mysterious figure which happens to be a leopard entered the theater.
The whole group gathered at the auditorium. "Great job, gang. That was amazing! Mia, glad you can make it."
Mia smiles. "Thanks, mate. Wouldn't want to miss it."
All of a sudden, they heard a strange noise from the backstage area. "What was that?" Nooshy asked.
Mia shook her head. "I don't know. I'll go check it out."
As Mia went to the backstage area, she looked around and there was nothing there, until a shadow figure came behind her and knocked her out.
Everyone was wondering what was going on. "Where is she? She should've been back by now." Rosita said.
Gunter nodded. "Ya."
"Maybe I should go find her. She should be-" Josh stopped after he saw a gun pointing to his head.
The middle aged leopard came out of the backstage area. "Well, well, well. What do we have here."
Everyone was shocked by what was happening.
"Who the hell are you?" Josh said as he stood in fear.
The older leopard grinned. "Names Randy. And I've heard a lot about you, Parker."
Josh's eyes were wide. "After hearing about you dating my boss's daughter, I'm pretty sure he was not happy about it. So, I'm doing him a favor and putting an end to this relationship." Randy said while he cocked the hammer of the gun.
"JOSH!!" Porsha screamed with fear.
In a split second, Randy was knocked out by Mia.
"Mia!" Buster shouted.
Rosita rushed to Mia. "Are you ok, Mia?"
Mia smiles. "I'm fine, Rose. That bloke came out of nowhere and just knocked me out." She said while she put cuffs on Randy's wrists.
"He said he heard about me and Porsha dating, but I'm assuming he heard about the shows we did."
Johnny got off the phone with his father who is on his way to help. "My dad is coming to help, Mia."
"Good." Mia said.
After 15 minutes, Marcus came along with the cops while they took Randy into police custody.
Mia and Josh had told Marcus the same thing of what happened. "Wow. So, that bloke heard about you dating Porsha?"
Josh nodded. "Yeah. Apparently he saw the newspaper or something. Mia, are you sure you're alright?"
Mia chuckles. "Believe me, Josh. I've been through worse, and I'd be happy to tell you about that."
Josh smiles. "I would love to, but right now we need some rest after tonight."
Buster chuckles. "You got that right!."
(Again, sorry if it's short but hope you like it)
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inklyqueen · 3 years
Jimmy Crystal's Criminal Offenses
Incase anybody needed it for fanfic/headcanon or other purposes
Also this is a really long post
We essentially all know what he did, ok, but if you got here somehow out of nowhere, beware, there's spoilers for Sing 2 in this.
Topic Warning: Attempted Murder, Verbal Abuse mentions, Kidnapping,
Also disclaimer I am not a lawyer or a legal counsel, I grew up off of MatPat and I learned his research tricks, so this is all based on research.
For those with zero context, Sing 2 puts the main theatre group from Sing (2016) (Buster Moon, Johnny, Meena, Gunter, Ash, and Mrs. Crawley *yes Mike the asshole mouse is absent) in Redshore City, which is essentially fictional Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. They go in an attempt to get signed on with Crystal Entertainment, basically a talent agency, run by Jimmy Crystal. Now Jimmy is obviously picky here. He upright denied a horse that got through her opening piano and sang "Hello" and was instantly denied, probably because of the song choice, but who knows.
Not even joking.
So The Mane Six™ show up unannounced and sneak in for an audition because they're told by the talent scout they're not "good enough," and you got Buster who won't take that for an answer, and of course, they're rejected. Jimmy monologues about how he wants a new and big idea, and Gunter starts talking about his idea for a Space Musical. That hooks Jimmy in, they sing a Bono song to roll with it, and AGAIN, somehoW NOT LEARNING HIS LESSON FROM THE LAST TIME, Buster lies and says he knows Clay Calloway, an old singer who vanished after his wife passed from an illness. Nobody knows where this dude is.
Why am I going through this part of the movie? Because it's part of Jimmy's criminal offense list.
Jimmy immediately "green lights" the group and says he wants the show ready in three weeks. He's paying for all of the props, stage set, costumes, labour, etc etc, so obviously he justifiably says "Don't do anything to embarrass me."
Buster says, "I won't let you down, sir."
Crystal responds, "Better not, or I'll throw you off the roof."
And this isn't jokingly. This is in Buster's face, brows knit and everything. Buster is visibly fearful but laughs nervously anyway.
Everyone in the theatre group is there to witness this, including Jimmy's security, his assistant Jerry, and the talent Agent Suki.
This is the FIRST offense that we know of.
As the movie goes on, Jimmy's threats become more severe. He calls Buster out on his lie about knowing Calloway (his lawyers spoke with Calloway's lawyers, which is fine), and Jimmy again reminds him that he will throw him off the roof if he doesn't have Calloway on set within the week.
This is twice now that he's made this direct, verbal threat.
Jimmy uses his power over Buster to put his daughter Porsha in the leading role of the musical, and later, Buster tries to give her a different role. Porsha overreacts, thinks she's being fired, and storms off to tell her father.
This makes headlines in the celebrity news world, and Jimmy is enraged, not because his daughter was ridiculed, but because he's facing public humiliation. He makes a point of saying that everyone in the world now thinks that he "has a talentless excuse for a daughter" (paraphrasing), and makes no attempt to console his daughter who is sobbing in his office.
This is the last straw to Jimmy, who calls Buster to his office again. Buster tries to explain himself, but isn't given the chance, and literally grabs Buster, carries him to the balcony, and is about to drop him over the fenceline when his assistant, Jerry, comes in and reminds him of his TV appearance with a talk show. "Maybe it's best we put a pin in this for now, sir?"
More on Jerry in a minute, but this is Jimmy's first attempted murder of Buster Moon.
Buster is then locked in a closet, and later let out by Suki, and is told that he needs to get out of town ASAP. Which is what Buster immediately sets off to do, and calls the gang together to pack up their things.
Jerry comes into Jimmy's office a little later, finds Buster is gone, and immediately calls Jimmy, who orders two of his security men to find the gang and keep them in the hotel until Jimmy can finish the job. Jimmy's on the talk show talking trash about the gang, and there's the usual inspirational "He can't bully us out of this show" and they decide to put the show on "whether Crystal likes it or not." This counts as trespassing technically but that's not important here.
There's a pursuit, they sneak back in to the theatre, and even get his daughter Porsha on board.
Of course the second Buster announces this musical to patrons at Crystal's convention center/hotel/theatre (the dudes got money what did you expect), the manager calls Jerry, who goes to get his boss, and they immediately go to the theatre to shut Buster down.
During this, Jimmy manages to grab hold of Buster again, takes him up to a landing via a service elevator backstage, and literal quote, "I can do whatever I want," throws him off the landing (Buster's a koala so literally throws) and if Rosita hadn't jumped with her bungee cord/harness thing (words) she wouldn't have caught him in time to save him.
Jimmy is grabbed by Johnny's dad (a literal gorilla twice his size), and by the end of the movie, he's walking out in handcuffs after his casting agent called the cops.
This is the second attempt on Buster's life.
With all of this in mind, that's:
Two counts of attempted murder
Two counts of criminal verbal threats
Possibly a count of kidnapping by locking him in the closet
And probably a couple counts of blackmailing if he's got a whole group of people that know he's made murder threats and didn't report it (but I won't count that here because it's speculation)
So now Jimmy's in a holding cell, most likely doesn't have the chance to pay bail money to get out because he's considered a "risk to public safety," (specifically Buster's and the rest of the gang), and is going through criminal court trials. He's gonna have a good lawyer, no doubt, dudes got money, but at the end of the day, sometimes a really good defense attorney doesn't change the fact that there are twelve fucking witnesses (the additional being Clay Calloway, Johnny's father and his groupies, a choreographer that was hired on by Johnny, and yes I'm counting Ryan the tiger in this too) to you attempting to murder this Koala by throwing him from a high place. Plus the off chance that anyone in the audience saw Rosita rushing to jump off the landing with her harness and bungee cord to catch something falling and drop it backstage safely.
So let's say that the hearings have been done, the closing arguments are complete, and the jury moves to deliberate on whether or not Jimmy is guilty of attempted murder.
I'd assume all of the theatre group testify as witnesses for the prosecutioner, including Suki, Clay, and Ryan, and they've all given statements under oath.
Based on information for the state of Nevada (since Redshore is a fictional Las Vegas):
It can be charged as a misdemeanor to verbally threaten someone's life in which the victim actually feared the threat would be carried out, from 6 months to 2-15 years in prison, and possible fines to the court
A conviction for attempted murder (category B because no poison was used) in Nevada can carry 2-20 years in prison, 22-40 since he attempted this twice
A conviction of kidnapping with intent to murder (I'm counting it as kidnapping because he locked Buster in a closet against his will) (category A felony) is Kidnapping in the first degree. If the victim sustains substantial injuries (inflicted by captor for example) can carry life in prison without parole (a chance to get out of prison early) at the highest form punishment, the lowest 40 years with the chance of parole after 15 years
Since Buster didn't sustain any injuries (besides a metaphorical heart attack maybe), the sentencing can range from 15 to life in prison, with a chance of parole
It seems to me that Jimmy has committed this kind of act before, as in murdering someone for making him look bad, lying, etc, since Porsha makes a comment about how none of them, including her, his own daughter, are safe from Jimmy. He most likely managed to get any prior 'incidents' covered up as a s****de.
But since this isn't confirmed, we're not gonna count it here.
Since there's no actual trial, judge or jury, this is also speculation since there's the annoying off chance that he can get acquitted for this crap. It's a very low chance, but it's a chance.
So, in the Courtroom of moi, I could say pretty confidently he would be charged with two attempts first degree murder, at least one count of verbal threatening or harassment, and one count first degree kidnapping with intent of murder.
That can add up to 140 years in prison at the maximum, not even touching his chance at parole.
Oh, and as for Jerry, he's up for aiding/abetting 1st degree kidnapping, misprision of felony (failing to report his boss's attempted murder/Kidnapping to the police even though he knew about it), and aiding/abetting attempted murder.
In Nevada, the kidnapping charge for Jerry would be the same, he'd still be up for life in prison. Misprision of felony can carry up to three years in prison. Aiding/abetting attempted murder can go up to 15 years in prison. At maximum punishment, that's 118 years in prison.
Oh no, he ain't getting out of this one either.
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In other words, both of them could go away for life, though I think Jerry could be eligible for parole at some point down the line. As for Jimmy, could see him uh- casually acting all goody two shoes to get parole when he's eligible and then violating his parole (leaving the state, not checking with the parole officer, violating a restraining order that I'm pretty damn sure Buster files, etc) to try to finish the job. Wouldn't put it past him
This doesn't touch any argument the defence teams could've made, I just summarized a possible outcome of all of this. Hope this was a bit informative :3
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puppiesandnightlock · 3 years
Breakdancing and Romancing Chapter 3
Hiiiii! Here’s the next part!!
“Ok, nooshy. We are going to see how much work we need to do. Repeat after me.” Rosita and Meena lead her on a series of vocal warm-ups, and to their surprise, Nooshy wasn’t as bad as she made herself out to be. In fact, she was pretty good! Seeing the looks on her friend's faces, she groaned. “That bad?” “No, no, it’s actually really good! You have a naturally lower voice, but a wide range.” Meena told her. “You have clear vocals, and very good posture and breathing......you’ve sung before, haven’t you?” Rosita asked. “No!” Nooshy exclaimed suddenly. “I mean, no. No, I haven't sung before. I’ve never had vocal lessons ever.” It was painfully obvious she was lying, but the two decided not to pry. However, they would ask Johnny about it later. “Ok then. Your voice is a bit out of shape, so we can start with some simple pieces.” They practiced for about 2 hours until Buster came into the room and said, “Looking good, ladies! Hate to interrupt, but Nooshy, you have acting lessons with Gunter that start in a few minutes.” “Ok thank you.” “Well, it’s sounding good! Tomorrow, we’ll start practicing with the songs that you have to learn for the show.” Meena said. “Thank you, guys! Welp, gotta run! See ya!” Nooshy sped out the door towards the stage. When she arrived, only Porsha was there. “Hey, Porsha! What’s up?” “Just waiting on Gunter. He’s giving me acting lessons.” the wolf replied. “Me too! I just came from vocal lessons.” “Really? Sing something.” “I’m not as good as you!” “I don’t care. I just wanna see!” “Fine. What is your request, oh great one?” Nooshy said sarcastically, bowing. “Baboon 5, Memories.” “Dude, how long were you waiting to say that?” “I also workshopped a few more to ask. I’ve been trying to get the others to sing for me.” “Well, get ready for your ears to burn.” Quietly, Nooshy began to sing a very soft version.
🎵Here’s to the wish you were here
But you're not
The memories bring back memories
And the memories bring back you🎵
Porsha started to clap, and Nooshy immediately shut her mouth and felt her ears start to burn in a blush that crept into her cheeks. “No way. No freaking way!” ‘Crap.’ Nooshy groaned inwardly. It was Johnny, coming in from backstage. “Oh, shut up! Shouldn't you be in a studio playing the piano or something?” “I’m glad I wasn't or I would have missed this! You never told me you were a good singer!” “ 1. You never asked. 2, I am not a good singer. Rosita and Meena are miracle workers is all.” Porsha scoffed. “Miracle workers, my tail! That’s all you girl!” “All you!” snickered Johnny. Nooshy hit his arm and said, “Get back to your studio, ya big weirdo.” “Sure thing.....Nosiwe.” “SHUT UP!!” she squawked. Pounding him with her fists(playfully, but still hard), she yelled every insult she could think of while he yelped in mock pain. “I’ve had enough of this!” snatching her from his back, he started to tickle her. She burst into uncontrollable laughter “No! Stop it!” Nooshy gasped. “Nope!” “What’s going on?” Ash came in, bewildered by the scene. “It’s complicated....” Porsha moaned, ever the drama queen. Instantly, Johnny stopped tickling Nooshy, who got up and pretended nothing happened. “Hi, Ash. What can we do for ya?” “Um, Gunter won’t be here today or tomorrow. He caught a cold.” “Thanks for the update!” Johnny and Nooshy went back to squabbling, while Ash leaned over to Porsha. “You saw that right?” Porsha snorted. “It was a little hard to miss. I can’t believe I wasn’t recording that!” “No, no. Did you see IT?” Ash whispered, subtly motioning to the two. “Ohhh. OHHHH. Omigosh I SHIP IT!!!!!” “Let’s keep an eye on them, see where it goes. If necessary we move in. BUT ONLY WHEN NECESSARY!” “Yes’m. Hey nooshy, we've got about 2 hours of free time. Wanna grab some lunch?”  “Sure! You two want anything?” “Nah. I’ve got to go back to practicing.” Ash responded. “Same goes for me. Thanks anyway.” Johnny and ash both went back to their studios. Strolling out of the building, Porsha said, “So where are we going?” “How do you feel about the roundabout?” “Sure! Can we stop by Starbarks on the way back?” “Definitely.” Walking towards a little cafe about two blocks down, Porsha’s phone vibrated. She pulled it out and saw it was a text message from Ash. ‘Ik what ur doing.’ it said. ‘If ur gonna pry, don’t get caught. I repeat, don’t. Get. Caught!!!!!’ “who is it?” Nooshy asked. “Oh um, it’s ash. She wants a dark chocolate caramel frap from Starbarks.” Porsha lied smoothly. ‘Yea yea Ik Ik. You wouldn't happen to want a dark chocolate caramel frap from star barks would u?’ ‘Oddly specific, but ok.’ “Great, we are all set.” Porsha said as she put away her phone. The friends walked into the charming little diner. “Hello! Welcome to the roundabout!” a waitress walked up to them. “Hi! Can we have a booth for two, please?” “Sure thing! Right this way!” Porsha and Nooshy sat down near a small garden with a baby waterfall. “What can I get you two ladies?” “I'll have a strawberry lemonade.” Porsha responded. “I’d like a Dr. Pepper, please,” Nooshy said. “Sure thing!” the waitress went to the kitchen while Porsha started what she had came for. “So, how do you feel about the show?” “Well, I’m not hating it like I thought I was going to. I’m doin’ ok with vocal lessons, and my designer is really nice.” “That’s good. How do you like your role?” “The more I hear about Cindy, the better I feel. This character sounds like my double, but it’s gonna be really weird considering her romantic interest is played by my best friend.” ‘Oh yeah, now we’re getting somewhere.’ Porsha thought. “Really? What’s so weird about that?” “He’s my best friend!! I’m gonna have to kiss my best friend!” Nooshy nearly screamed. “Whoa, chill!” “Sorry. It’s just gonna be so awkward, you know?” “I know. But you can’t let it get to you.” Nooshy sighed. “I guess. Why all the questions anyhow?” “Ummmmm...I was just curious.” the waitress came back and they ordered food. When they got back to the theater, drinks in hand, it was already time for some line memorization. Handing Ash her frappuccino, the cast gathered on one of the finished sets. “Ok guys. I’m going to start you off.” Buster said. Handing everyone who was there the script, he started. “On the outskirts of a little city lived a rich man and his daughter......”
Lol did ya catch all the stupid animal puns I put in there??
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ashxjohnny · 3 years
Here's another theory! We all are too impatient to listen to the new songs of Ash, Johnny, Meena, Gunter and Rosita. In the trailer we’ve seen images of their performances in this space musical: Ash is going to wear a shining costume, which makes her look like a star, and will sing a duet with Clay Calloway, Johnny is going to fight his own dance instructor while he dances surrounded by fire and wearing an incredible armor and Rosita will be like an astronaut who will have to face her fear of heights to jump in his performance with Gunter, who will be wearing a robot costume. (Piggy power!) Also, we know Porsha, Jimmy’s daughter, is going to join the musical. However, we don’t know anything about Meena’s performance. We just have seen she looks like a space princess and we love that.
Whatever, each of their performances has a different atmosphere. Let’s start with Rosita and Gunter.
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It seems there is a background which represents the space, the stars and the galaxies, which is decorated with planets. Gunter and Rosita will have to be trapeze artists and jump from the top of the stage to fly over the audience while they’re singing. Wow! That sounds great! Now let’s focus on this image:
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After this moment of support to Rosita, let’s talk about the bottom of the stage, where we can see something that looks like a swimming pool.
Now it’s Ash’s turn.
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I’m not ready for what is coming with this girl. I AM NOT READY. And I know I won’t be able to get over this performance. I haven’t got over the ‘Set it all free’ performance yet!
Whatever, we can see Gunter and Rosita standing in the background while Ash rises her arms to make the public sing with her. (The way she controls people to join her just like she did in the first movie. Iconic!) The fact that Rosita and Gunter are behind her means that they have finished their performance before hers. I don’t know the order of the performances, but maybe Ash and Clay’s is the last one because the final surprise would be Clay Calloway returning to the stage after a long time.
I think that the swimming pool water of the Rosita and Gunter’s performance has frozen because of the ice of Ash and Clay’s stage.
Now let’s talk about Johnny’s.
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This boy is so hot he's burned the stage! (Ok, sorry lmao!)
Johnny’s stage is literally on fire. Firstly, I thought his fire could melt Ash’s ice (that sounds kinda romantic, right?) but according to my theory that Ash and Clay’s performance is the last one, that wouldn’t be possible. Maybe his performance was before Gunter and Rosita’s and their water put off Johnny’s fire.
These three performances count on natural atmospheres in the space, but what about Porsha’s?
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I’m trying to analyze her stage, but it’s kinda weird. She’s standing on the summit of something that looks like a Christmas tree made of crystal and there are fireworks, volcanoes and colorful asteroids everywhere. I think she will sing a happy song surrounded by a fantasy atmosphere. I don’t understand her stage yet but it looks curious!
According to Meena, we don’t know how her stage is, but she looks this gorgeous.
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Look at that blue eyeshadow, that brilliant hood which covers her head and her dress! She’s literally a princess and I can’t wait to see how she drives me crazy with another song like she did with ‘Don’t your worry about a thing'.
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jobesimming · 3 years
"This is...Issue 32" August "
"This Is...Daring Darling Family" magazine issue 32, August
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Transcript Below:
The Daring Darlings aren't so daring as we thought?
Written by Carrington Williams
Welcome back "This is.." Family, today we have everyone's favorite family, "The Darlings". A family filled with secrets and lies...But whose family is normal right? There's a difference between "normal" and "keeping-a-child-secret-for-sixteen-years".
"Adrienne was my girlfriend at the time I got my ex-high school lover, pregnant. Porsha didn't even know of the status of our relationship. I wasn't even aware either were pregnant until Maverick came and a few months later, Posha messaged me on Simbook about Belle." Said Messer Darling. Wow, imagine committing infidelity and trying to blame your partners because you're a douchebag? May I add that he and Mrs. Darling were engaged at the time? What do you mean by girlfriend Messy Messer? I know the burning question is.."Why now?"
"Why now? Well, I want the world to know who my family is. It's extremely hard dating someone outside of your race, you know? So between the many death threats and Adrienne's pregnancy? I was stressed. So when Porsha reached out...I ignored her. I was 27 and my career was taking off, I couldn't let this mishap ruin my career because I was horny and young." Messer continued. Now we're getting to the truth! Here you have it, folks, Messer Darling has admitted to not being shit! Also knowing Adrienne was pregnant. And that concludes "This is...(MESSY)Messer". #BOYBYEMessyMesser #CancelMesserDarling #AdrienneDeservesBetter #WhenIsAdrienne'sNextMovie
"This is...interracial love"
"I think what was really hard...was explaining to the kids their black and white. 'But people at school call us black'. It was so difficult explaining to them, they're biracial and have two different sides to them. Blair is kinda the only one with kinky hair. Maverick and Brysen, their hair ranges from straight to curly a lot." Adrienne confessed.
Love comes in many shapes and sizes and in this case, skin tone. No one can deny the cultural differences that exist here. Look at the wonderful and beautiful set of kids they made! True love shows through family first.
"My parents are...racist, which is why we didn't date in high school. But they're coming around, mainly because of the kids. I knew Porsha, we were best friends because of cheer. There was always resentment because of Messer. "
The way people are treated because of their appearance is shameful. Back then, I think I was in the eighth grade, and I was obsessed with the couple! Messer used to take her to basketball and football games, they were cool. It is true though, many did hate Messer because he married a white woman. People assumed he was a colorist, but the love between them is true. He loves her for her, not because of her skin and the same for Mrs.Lauren-Darling.
"I love what Messer and I made. I look at my kids every day and start crying. To think two different people from different settings came together and made this beautiful and wonderful blend...warms my heart. "
Congrats on sixteen years of marriage Mr. and Mrs. Darling! Can't wait to see what's next for this couple. "I know they can't hear me...but I want to end it off. I'm Adrienne Lauren-Darling and this is...Interracial love!"
Belle'Anna's Interview
I was honestly shocked my former classmate ok-ed an interview between the two of us. Belle'Anna is the daughter of Porsha Richards and Messer Darling.
Q: We're curious, whom are you dating and how long has it been? What happened to aspen?
A: Aspen broke up with me after prom. I was so hurt and sad. My bestie Naura wasn't having it though. So we'd go out. One day we went mini-golfing and Colt walked up to me, "Wow, you're gorgeous. I hope this doesn't sound weird..but I follow you on Simstagram and it's crazy I'm seeing you in person." It was funny though because his family is famous and wealthy! Like he was fanboying and it was so cute. It started off as a friendship until he expressed to me how he felt about me...then late April he asked me out. We've been to get her for four months, five next week.
Q: Are you going to college?
A: Yes, I'll be attending Howard in a few weeks
Q: What's your major and/or minor?
A: I'm majoring in Media...and my minor is acting
Q: Do you plan to marry Colt?
A: *Turns around* Is Colt in here..*laughs* I do, he talks about it all the time. He wants four kids!
Q: Do you want kids?
A: I already feel like a mama because of Naura. I live with her and Silas, her son. For the most part, she takes care of him...but I hate when date night comes because Silas wants me to sing, read, dance, cook, and play! I order zoomers delivery and put on some kids toons. But I do want kids. I want black kids though. It's been a dream of mine to raise black kids. Colt agreed, but he really wants kids of his own.
Paragraph by grad photo:
Belle'Anna has recently graduated from high school and was named "Class valedictorian". She also won Prom Queen, Homecoming Queen, three scholar awards for best young novelist. It was rumored that their class salutatorian wasn't supposed to be the famous "Luna Villareal" and it was originally "Kimberly Jeng". The Principal felt that there should be a "racial balance"..whatever that means.
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brookecamhi · 8 years
The ‘New’Celebrity Apprentice Premiere Thoughts:
ok so i rewatched that CA premiere and it’s... not as bad as I remember it to be live!
Some thoughts on the premiere:
The start was odd. They couldn’t even do a proper voiceover when introducing the celebs? I legit didn’t even remember about three people by the end and I forgot the last names of some celebs while I’m usually good at memorising them.
After CA7 it looks like we’re sticking to 40-ish minute eps. While it really worked on CA7, here, it feels really, really weird. We didn’t even see the presentations in full and the tasks were so rushed that I almost felt like I was watching TARUS production post-25 edit this show.
That said, the BR is still entertaining to see but still, the editing needs to get fixed. We hear shit like Porsha apparently being close to Snooki but we don’t see anything at all before and it’s just rly jarring.
Tyra is amazing and should have been the boss instead of Arnold, especially considering she’s not on ANTM anymore. Hope she continues to make good reactions though her passively staring at the men’s video and then going =O for a good 5 seconds at the women on task 1 was hilar <3
Arnold is ok. He was kind of weird ep1 but settled in a bit better on ep2. Firing lines are hilariously cheesy though and that one random shot of him whispering requiring subtitles to show what he was talking about though lol <3
That said, despite my complaints, I think this season has potential and I will keep watching it as filler until Survivor/TAR return, as a bad premiere does not necessarily mean a bad season immediately (see TARA5/Kaoh Rong), and a good premiere does not mean a good one as well (see TAR28/BBCAN4)!
Some thoughts on the celebs:
Porsha Williams - Episode 1 was the Porsha show. Annoying everyone by going on and on (including Arnold) and still surviving <3 Screaming at Carnie to fuck off on ep2 and Carnie actually fucking off <3 Pls win.
Lisa Leslie - She singlehandedly told Carnie she was going to tell her in the BR on ep2 what she did wrong and then after she spoke her speech made Arnold save her and Snooki and THEN fire Carnie immediately without her having a comeback <3 LEGEND!
Boy George - He’s an OTT control freak but the fun kind <3 His mini-feud with Vince and being so pressed’t over him drinking during the task was lulzy and he’s genuinely fun to watch.
Jon Lovitz - Bringing his dog and then saying his suitcase carried drugs was a nice way to begin his journey <3 I also rly like his dynamic with Arnold and it could be really fun to watch down the line. We’ll see.
Kyle Richards - She was pretty quiet on the first ep but on ep2 she morphed into a CPN monster who immediately snapped at Lisa when Lisa tried to throw her under the bus at the BR even when she wasn’t PR and she STILL didn’t get sent back <3 More please.
Carson Kressly - He’s just rly fun all-around. His jokes don’t feel forced, he’s just naturally having fun and being positive and it’s just nice to see a person who’s naturally OTT but not forced in the edit? Loved him working the makeup task on ep1 and leaving the guys shook at his makeup skills.
Nicole ‘Snooki’ Polizzi - I was actually lowkey disappointed because I was expecting Snooki in a business environment to still be Jersey Shore Snooki but instead she was someone who tried to play passively and was afraid to throw people under the bus or start drama :/ She’s a fave simply bc I like her overall and don’t mind her presence, but she’s really disappointing so far.
Brooke Burke-Charvet - MORfun strategist who actively tries to push PM to other members of the team to avoid taking the fall <3 Hope there’s more because she gives off a potentially fiery vibe when she’s eventually forced to become PM.
Carrie Keagan - She was a UTRN presence and was just generally evil throughout the first ep in a fun way by judging everything and then delivering death stares while everyone else argued at the BR. I’ll actually miss her lol.
Laila Ali - She hasn’t spoken much (only one confessional and an interrupted BR question via Snooki) but it’s interesting how she’s always integrated with her team and not questioned at all. She’s not as fun as everyone else yet though but she’s okay I guess.
Vince Neil - UTR episode one, kind of fun on episode two but not enough to stan for just yet rly.
Ricky Williams - Same but he was UTR ep2 instead of 1.
Matt Isematt - Who?
Chael Sonnen - Who? x2 (I s2g he was even more INV than Lucy Huang in three episodes and this was a 2 hr premiere)
Go Away:
Carnie Wilson - Annoying. Overconfident. Smug. Thank GOD she left via Lisaownage.
Eric Dickerson - Nothing annoys me more than someone who brings nothing to the table and then vanishes for a task, thus surviving another round. Just really, really, annoying, and a pet peeve for this RTV concept.
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womenofcolor15 · 5 years
Nene Leakes Texts Wendy Williams Hinting At QUITTING ‘RHOA' Again & A BIG Secret, But Nene's Rep Says Otherwise!
Wendy Williams received a text from Nene Leakes this morning claiming she as quitting the "Real Housewives of Atlanta" again and that Nene has a BIG secret that will make folks "feel sorry for her." Now, Nene's rep is clearing up the rumors. More inside...
While in the middle of an interview with guest Jerry O’Connell this morning, daytime talk show host Wendy Williams dropped a bombshell about “Real Housewives of Atlanta” star NeNe Leakes.
During a commercial break, Wendy claims she received a text from the self-proclaimed “RHOA” HBIC that she was QUITTING the Bravo series…again.
“I took a break between commercials, my office is right there behind the set. I had to go to the bathroom and so I looked at my phone between commercials. And NeNe texts, ‘I’m quitting,’ ” Wendy revealed to Jerry during their interview. “I’m surprised I got it, because I have no service in my office, but I got it.”
If you didn't know, Nene and Wendy have become close friends since Wendy lanuched her "new life" after she filed for divorce from her husband of 20+ years, Kevin Hunter.
          View this post on Instagram
                  NYC Date Nite just the 2 of us and our favorite soup It’s good to have friends who listen & laugh @wendyshow #newyearnewgoals #nojudgingallowed #wejustalkaboutlife I always bust out laughing! I can’t help it
A post shared by Nene Leakes (@neneleakes) on Jan 5, 2020 at 8:17am PST
  The 55-year-old daytime talk show host when on to say Nene has a BIG secret “that you all will cry, be sad, feel bad for her.”
"I know something about NeNe that you all will cry, be sad, feel bad for her," Wendy continued, "She's carrying the weight of a huge thing on her shoulders."
Wendy claims the news was so shocking that it made her cry.
"I’m not going to say it, she’s got to say it. But in my opinion, NeNe, you need this platform to explain the other part of your life. Forget arguing with them broads! You’ve got that secret, and that secret is going to melt their hearts,” Wendy added. “Because when she shared it with me, I cried with her.”
Oh? Jerry kept grilling Wendy what the big secret was, but she wouldn’t reveal. By the way, Jerry is married to “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” star Rebecca Romijn, who joined the Season 9 cast.
However, she did say it had nothing to do with her husband Gregg Leakes’ health, who recently beat cancer. She also said the secret had nothing to do with Nene’s health and everything is OK with her sons.
"But if she keeps carrying this burden, you know what I'm saying, you know how you carry a secret long enough ..." she continued. "NeNe, you need that platform to explain, that's all," she concluded.
Wendy then encouraged Nene – who has been on the show since 2008 - not to quit the show again.
"I'm telling you, NeNe, don't quit! I can't believe I've come to this."
Check it at the 26:44-minute mark below:
You’ll recall, the OG Housewife stepped away from the show for Season 8, although she appeared a few times as a guest. She sat out Season 9 completely and then came back with a peach for Season 10.
Season 12 is currently airing, where viewers have seen Nene argue mainly with her longtime nemesis Kenya Moore while trying to salvage her relationship with co-star Porsha Williams and seemingly Cynthia Bailey.
After Wendy spilled the tea about Nene, the “RHOA” star’s rep sent a statement to TooFab to address the news about Nene’s allegedly giving up her peach again.
"It's been an especially difficult couple of weeks for Nene, and she was venting to her friend in private correspondence. Nothing has been confirmed or officially decided for next season,” Nene’s rep said.
Nene even hopped on Instagram, posting a picture of herself with the caption, "WHO SAID DAT!?!?! #SMH"
          View this post on Instagram
                  WHO SAID DAT!?!?! #SMH
A post shared by Nene Leakes (@neneleakes) on Jan 21, 2020 at 9:36am PST
  In the wake of the news, Nene put up a new YouTube video where she talked about her Ladies of Success networking company, where she kept encouraging people to book her for shows. She also talked about hosting an all-female comedy tour. She then talked about how at first she didn’t realize Ivy Park was Beyonce’s collection and then questioned why she wasn’t sent any pieces from the newly released line. Now, sis.
She also plugged a wig company and more. Check it below:
Photo: Nene's IG
      [Read More ...] source http://theybf.com/2020/01/21/nene-leakes-texts-wendy-williams-that-she%E2%80%99s-quitting-%E2%80%98rhoa%E2%80%99-wendy-says-nene-has-a-secret-
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hoperays-song · 1 year
Okay, we got your opinion on everyone’s favorite candy and if they like sour things.
So, on a scale of 1-20, what is the New Moon Troupe’s level of tolerance when it comes to spicy foods?
Thanks for the ask! I actually already made this scale but with 1-10, so that's what I posted. I hope that's ok and you enjoy! - <3 Gooseless
Johnny: He grew up eating pretty spicy food as both his parents have a high spice tolerance and he definitely inherited it. 8.7
Ryan: I headcanon his step-mother to have made sos ti malice for him a lot as a kid and for his favourite food to be sichuan cucumber salad so he has a pretty high spice tolerance. 9
Nooshy: Not as high of a spice tolerance as her younger brother by any means as they did not grow up eating much spicy food at all. 7.8
Ash: She will put hot sauce on just about everything she can and absolutely loves spicy food. 9.2
Meena: While she enjoys spicy food and is used to eating it, she does not have as high of a spice tolerance as some of the others. 7.5
Porsha: This girl has had spicy food like twice in her life and hated it both times. 4
Buster: He would think milk is spicy, let's be honest here. He will still eat spicy food because he pretends to have a spice tolerance however, but never gets further than like three bites. 2
Eddie: He has an about average spice tolerance and has a fair bit of spicy food but it's not like his favourite. 6.6
Nana: She loves spicy food and strengthened her spice tolerance during her travels as an opera singer back in the day. 8.1
Hobbs: He doesn't love spicy foods but has gotten used to it due to working for Nana for years. 6.9
Rosita: I headcanon her to have cooked a lot as a kid and learned her family recipes from her abuela as a young kid. As she got older she began experimenting more and modifying the recipes to her taste by upping the spice level in the dishes. 7.9
Gunter: He had literally never had spicy food before meeting Rosita and so his spice tolerance is currently extremely low. But it is getting stronger. 4.2
Marcus: I headcanon him to have had like zero spice tolerance as a kid but deliberately trained himself to have one as he got older and started dating Johnny's mum (the daughter of a chef) since he was exposed to spice a ton more. 8.6
Barry: Not only does he enjoy spicy food, he also enjoys torturing Stan by stocking up their apartment with spicy food only. Barry developed a spice tolerance after getting used to Marcus's cooking. 7
Stan: The odd one out of the gang, Stan's just never liked spicy food despite all the others loving it. 4.6
Clay: He loves spicy food and is always willing to try new food that others, especially Ash, offer him. 8.5
Mrs. Crawly: Mrs. Crawly would only season things with a pinch of salt and like a flake of pepper. 2.5
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martadwatson · 6 years
Real Housewives Of Atlanta Season 11 Premiere Recap
Last night’s season premiere of Real Housewives of Atlanta was all about Porsha Williams turning right instead of left and finding Prince Charming – aka The Hot Dog King Of Atlanta, and hopefully getting a big ol diamond ring out of it. HINT, MEGA-HINT, HINT.
As we alll know Porsha is dating Dennis, who owns several clubs in addition to The Original Hotdog Factory. “Everybody loves hot dogs!” Porsha cheers, “Especially me!” And Dennis’s wienie in particular. Porsha met Dennis at one of his clubs, then went home with him. Porsha and Dennis’s one-night stand has now turned into ring shopping. He apparently told her he loved her the first night they met. “It just feels natural and we just went with it,” she gushes.
Porsha drags Dennis to her jeweler – the same one who provided her rings to Kordell, because, “Different man, different right, right?!” And bigger girl, bigger diamonds too! She’s a grown up now, no more playing housewives with a man who acts like her father. Also, it’s not like the jeweler cursed their marriage – RHOA did.
After diamond browsing, Porsha swings by Swagg Boutique to check in on NeNe Leakes. And NeNe is not doing well. Gregg has been diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer – which I didn’t know his cancer was so advanced! – and most of his colon was removed. NeNe is taking care of him, and trying to be strong, but in her car and at night she cries. Gregg is determined to fight – if only to have more time with his wife – so they host a revitalizing prayer circle of family and friends to boost his spirit and keep him strong.  NeNe gets Porsha for her spirit boosting! Gregg looks so ill and depleted, I am heartbroken for this family. And alas I just cannot make fun of NeNe’s confessional hat at a time like this. So she gets a pass, because of Gregg.
Porsha came to Swagg because she just had to see NeNe’s face to truly understand where she is. They speak on the phone regularly, but Porsha knows NeNe is hiding her true feelings and has decided to make it her sole mission (other than getting a ring) to make NeNe laugh to cheer her up. And Porsha, bless her heart, she is ride or die about shaking her booty for a friend in need.
Dennis is taking Porsha to Miami to celebrate her birthday and guess what – NeNe is also headed there for a comedy gig. NeNe somehow talks Porsha into trying on this tie-dyed two-piece number which looked like a Crayola box exploded on Porsha’s ass, or maybe like one of those Jackson Pollak paintings that sell for millions.
NeNe wants to see what’s cooking with Porsha and her Swagg outfit. The answer is stir-fried crazy. Crazier than a tye-dyed spandex outfit.
What’s also cooking is that Porsha has a brilliant idea. Well, at least for her it’s brilliant. She – ahem, the producers – decide this is the perfect opportunity for Porsha to plan a girl’s trip to surprise NeNe in Miami to cheer her up. Yes, I’m so sure Porsha came up with this all on her own. Just like I’m so sure Porsha and NeNe just so happened to be traveling to Miami at the exact same time…
Next, let’s check in on Cynthia Bailey. Fifty Cynt turned out to be a bad year, but Fifty Cynt & Change is doing OK. Cynthia is now dating – and quite serious with – Mike Hill, a sportscaster who lives in LA, but visits Lake Bailey regularly to dive into its cool, swampy waters. Mike calls for some Skype-Sex and Cynthia is all prepared with a glass of wine swimming with frozen green grapes so it looks like she’s drinking a witch’s brew filled with eyeballs. Then in the middle of Mike telling her how he likes to be in control, Noelle walks in unannounced. Noelle and Mike have met, and like each other – so much so that Mike and Cynthia almost continue their raunchy talk while she’s sitting on the sofa taking a selfie. Classy!
For Kandi Burrrus her personal life is problematic while her professional one is hitting the highest notes ever. Starting with Xscape being honored with an aascap Golden Note Award. The award is all fine and good, but the really important matter for these Ol Girls of the 90’s music scene is what craft services will be serving backstage. Um, aascap isn’t using OLG as their caterers? Aunt Bertha won’t be personally presiding over the koolaid kocktails while terrorizing the other esteemed attendees? Apparently not because it doesn’t even appear that Mama Joyce attended.
Instead, Kandi brought her toddler and Riley, neither of whom want to be there. Kandi is shocked that Ace is cranky and crying – she doesn’t even seem to realize what time he goes to bed. Probably because, as Riley points out, Kandi is constantly working and never home. Todd is essentially running “Daddy Daycare,” but while he’s at the bar getting a much needed drink after finally escaping the kids, Don Jaun Daycare had to take over while Kandi grimaced from the red carpet. Girl time to hire a NANNY.
We also need to take a moment to truly honor the star of that show: Kandi’s weave. It must have been supplied by Porsha’s Go Naked Hair!
Of course, while Kandi is missing school meetings she forgot were even scheduled (OK I’ve done that too) and being publicly called out by her teenager for ignoring home responsibilities, she’s contemplating another baby because duh – she has two frozen embryos left which she’s not sure what to do with. Yes – another stupid embryo storyline! Really Bravo… you have got to cook up some new recipes. Let Porsha get into that kitchen and open the oven and stuff a hotdog bun in there or something.
Eva Marcille had Michael Jr, and is now engaged to regular-old Michael. Basically, everything is great except that her wedding is in about 6 minutes but she has no wedding planner or anything else done. However, she does have professional family photographs with everyone wearing denim-on-denim like this is 1992. So priorities. After taking a couple photos with the kids, Eva quickly shoos them away, kicks off her Louboutins and turns this into The Eva Show to relaunch her modeling career. Does ANTM do a senior series? Wasn’t LeeAnne Locken on something like that way back when?
Porsha comes home carrying a Chick-Fil-A cup the size of her head and announces that she’s going to call all the girls to invite them to Miami on a mission trip to recharge NeNe’s batteries. She’s scared though because she’s well aware that none of her s0-called friends even like her! She starts with Cynthia, who is too busy sucking on frozen grapes to be mean and having nothing to do, is an easy yes. Next Porsha downs a shot of Hennessy to give Kandi a call. Kandi was just telling us how much she loves to work, so she had no problem jetting off to Miami at a moment’s notice and ditching her kids (again) to fulfill her Bravo contractual obligations. Everyone else, obviously, can go because these trips are sooo authentic!
Porsha pats herself on the back for being brave enough to work the telephone and surprisingly everyone was nice. Even Kandi. Good things happen when you project your happiness to the world in the form of constant hair flips and high pitched shrieking giggles. Porsha in love is worse than five 8th grader girls.
Porsha prepared for Miami by packing all white, because she’s having a very bridal moment – hopefully – and then adding a bring red wig to signify love. Also red is the color of ketchup – which pairs perfectly with hot dogs! I assume Porsha is no longer vegan? If Dennis doesn’t propose in the next 5 minutes she’s gonna explode like a hotdog cooked too long in the microwave! When he arrives to pick her up and fly her in a private plane, Porsha is literally bursting with glee and practically levitating at the thought of being proposed to during the trip. Did I mention that they’ve only been together five months?
Meanwhile, NeNe is calling Cynthia hourly to beg her to come to Miami where she’ll be doing her first comedy show since Gregg’s diagnosis. Cynthia is the worst liar ever and stumbles over pretending she has to get off the phone for conference calls and phone sex and any other reason, oh my! Then she’s so flustered she packs the wardrobe equivalent of Porsha’s personality.
Driving to their hotel, Porsha prattles on about how she has so much to do in Miami like wear WHITE. A LOT. And make NeNe feel better by showing off her GIANT ENGAGEMENT RING, but there are no plans to introduce Dennis to the girls. Porsha wants to protect him from them eating him alive. Dennis actually already knows Kandi… from around. No details given. Also, he used to frequent OLG Restaurant on the regular, being that he lives right across the street, but since meeting Porsha he hasn’t partaken in their fried chicken. Hmmm… so do we think Dennis is a famewhore? Or something else? Porsha is choosing to remain unbothered by this revelation because she is much more focused on the fact that Dennis could be proposing this weekend. HINT HINT.
Dennis has the room all prepared with a private chef to make gourmet food, and WHITE (hint hint!) rose petals on the bed and we all know what white rose petals mean… THERE IS A RING HIDING IN PORSHA’S SALMON STEAK. Like a bad sitcom, Porsha runs into the bathroom to frantically call her sister, whispering about how she knows this is the night. She’s in there so long Dennis finally asks if everything is OK. Cause nothing says sexy like your man thinking you have explosive diarrhea!
Finally, Porsha sits down on the bed and Dennis whips out a giant jewelry box and … TO BE CONTINUED.
Also, of course, Dennis knows Kandi. And of course, Kandi will know something nasty about him.
[Photo Credits: Bravo]
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from Diamonds & Jewelry Consignment Shop https://sellringsonconsignment.com/top-posts/real-housewives-of-atlanta-season-11-premiere-recap/ from Sell Rings On Consignment https://sellringsonconsignment.tumblr.com/post/179791513568
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jcartsoffical · 17 days
Fear Factors
Fanfic for @phoenix-the-mistfit-fire-bird
On a peaceful weekend with no rehearsal planned, Amelia visited the group for the weekend and she had the week off.
Everyone was in the lounge having fun conversations with each other and laughing. " Ok, ok. I think we've heard enough of that, Gunter." Buster said trying to breathe from laughing.
Mia sighed at the exhaustion from laughing. "Ok, what do you suggest we talk about that we never did?"
As everyone thought of something, an idea popped in Johnny's head. "Ooh! I know! How about your worst fears." Johnny suggested.
Mia grinned. "Ooh. That's a tough one. Hmm, let's see. I used to be scared of ghosts but not anymore."
Porsha giggled. "Well, I'm still scared of snakes."
Josh smiles. "You think that's scary? I'm scared of spiders. Their tiny legs are just..." Josh shivers.
Nooshy smirked. "Oh, come on, Josh. They're not that scary. To be fair, I'm really scared of sinkholes.
"Really?" Ash asked. "Well, I'm scared of the dark. I mean, as a kid, you know."
Meena was next. "I'm scared of tight spaces. I'm really claustrophobic."
Johnny went. "I'm really scared of deep waters. You never know what's down there."
Gunter was last. "I don't know what I'm afraid of. Maybe creepy dolls. They're really scary."
Buster didn't want to say because he knew what he's afraid of ever since a certain incident between him and Crystal.
"Alright, well since we're all having a scary moment here, how about we all get a lunch break? Buster suggested.
Mia smiles. "Sure. I could use a bite to eat."
"Yeah, totally." Josh said
After a frightening moment talking about their worst fears, everyone stood up and left the theater. Maybe opening up to something scary or personal isn't really a bad thing. Sometimes you have to make it worth it.
A little short but hope you like it so far.
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inklyqueen · 2 years
Buster Moon Headcanons
As part of the other half of that Ask
I'm sorry this took so long
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Joseph Buster Moon
39, He/Him, Cis-Asexual
Just not interested in a relationship right now, but he believes he'll find that special someone down the line
No it is NOT Jimmy Crystal
Get off my page if you ship them ok he tried to murder buster TWICE
His father's name was Buster Christopher Moon and his first name was given to his son as a middle name, but Joseph goes by his middle name out of respect to his father's work to get him that theatre
Some people called him "Junior" when he was a kid
His father passed of old age/naturally
Mom was Monica Cassidy Moon
She died of leukemia when "Buster" was really small
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Buster's father was the sole owner of the theatre when he first acquired it, he left it to Buster in the Will with instructions to use the remainder of his Life Insurance after funeral costs to pay off the remainder of the mortgage
Unfortunately, there wasn't enough left over for the mortgage after cremations and the ceremony and the burial and the plot for his father's ashes was paid for
Buster was certain that he could pay off the mortgage with funds from shows
Granted, that meant spending money on the actual productions for said shows
And concessions
And costumes
And advertising
And the bills for electric company, the water company, etc etc
So he took out a loan
And then another loan
And then another loan
And then a private personal loan
And then another loan after that
Dude was about $130,000 or so in debt because the shows weren't selling tickets
And most of the actors quit when there wasn't much publicity
Hey it's discouraging when you want to put on a show and no one actually comes y'all
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Oh God I never noticed the look on his face in the film until now I'm 😫😫😫
Ms. Crawley isn't exactly a paid employee of Buster
She also lives in an apartment next door to the theatre
She's technically supposed to be in Senior Care
But she doesn't have any family left to actually pay for it so she's kinda just there
She has her apartment because the landlord felt bad for her and let's her stay there rent free
She wandered into the theatre one day
And Buster welcomed her in and she's been there since
He makes sure she's taken care of
They've only had to put a Silver Alert* out for her once
Or twice
Ok technically three times if you count the "interaction" with Clay Calloway the first time
She still gets the job done like a Trooper
And Buster literally could not do anything without her honestly
*A Silver Alert is a public notification system in the United States of America to broadcast information about missing persons – especially senior citizens with Alzheimer's disease, dementia, or other mental disabilities – in order to aid in locating them.
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He met Eddie Noodleman in High School when Buster's school was combined into Eddie's
Aka, Eddie's high school was in an upper class area
Buster's was a low income area
The school was undergoing renovations under a new budget so they were temporarily combined into nearby schools
It was Buster and Eddie's Senior Year, so the ended up graduating together
Eddie's college tuition was covered in full by his dad
Buster got a lot of scholarships under his belt
Buster met Nana Noodleman on accident, actually
She was at their college graduation
And Buster... Had a so-so interaction with her
To say the least she was not impressed by his bluntness
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Buster treats the gang like they're his kids
He doesn't want them to feel like they're not getting the spotlight they each individually deserve
Taking Rosita's lead role for example, he made sure Porsha got her chance to shine
Ash is like his grown independent child
So is Rosita
Shops for all 25 Piglets' birthdays
He is very careful about how he talks to Porsha
Not because of her overreacting to the role swap, but because she's told him some of the things that Jimmy's said over the years
Some, not all
Buster had decided he'd heard enough after "talentless excuse for a daughter"
Never calls her a brat
Definitely brought her down from the rich life a bit as far as being independent
Even though technically she's still filthy rich because she inherits that money now
She now knows how to make her own French Toast ✨
Buster is one much better terms with Clay now
They'll have a beer from time to time
Though Buster doesn't like beer—
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Sense of fashion is yes
Sense of Aesthetic is yes
Dude was so used to having to do every single bit of planning that having Nooshi on to do the choreography was both nerve-wracking at first but relieving as time went on
Took him a hot minute to remember that the choreography was in good hands
Not because he didn't trust her but because he was so used to having to do it all himself
Makes sure she's got her own space
The choreography room has been completely redecorated into a more "energetic-slash-lively-go get em" space
Basically, it's Nooshi's space
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He personally got the newcomers nice apartments when they moved to town
Porsha stayed with him for a little while in the guest bedroom of his apartment
Oh, and Ms. Crawley has her own room in Buster's apartment too
He made sure of that before he bought it
He worries about her health from time to time because she's up there in her years
Has also caught her writing a will
So the anxiety went 📈📈
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Is relishing in the Touring Life™
Does worry about Jimmy Crystal returning
Or hurting Porsha
Considered a restraining order but the story usually went that getting a restraining order was a surefire way for the dude to come for you
Keeps it in his back pocket
Porsha is on his own will now as next of kin because of how much she's grown from the toxic hell hole her dad had her in
The Bucket™ is now on display in the Theatre
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puppiesandnightlock · 3 years
Breakdancing and Romancing chapter 4
*3 hours later*
“Are we done yet?” nooshy groaned. “Shut up and suck it up, Cindy.” Porsha sneered. “Bite your tail!” She retorted. “Come on, guys. We’re all tired.” Meena sighed. “Alright guys, I think we can stop here tonight.” Buster said, seeing the cast’s petty argument. “See ya!” Nooshy ran out the door without even looking back. “Wait!” Johnny called after her, frustration leaking into his tone. “Uggggggghhhhhhh.” he groaned. “What’s wrong? Why do you care?” Ash asked. He shot her a look that clearly said ‘not in the mood’ stalking out of the building, he was surprised to come across the lynx hiding in the alley next to the theater with her head between her legs, looking like she was gonna burst into tears at any second.
           “What are you doing here?” he immediately wished he could take it back because the words came out seemingly harsh, making her recoil back into her little bubble. “Go away.” she muttered. “Sorry, I didn't mean it like that. Are you ok?” “Just go home. Leave me alone.” “I’m not leaving. I’ll stay here all night if I have to.” “Why?” she moaned. “Why did I ever agree to taking that...that stupid role?!” “What’s going on?” “I don't know. It’s just....I've never done this before. The vocal lessons, the acting, the memorization....and the fact that I have the main character. I don’t know if I can do that. I lived on the street for 10 years of my life, I should be able to handle this! And yet, I can’t.” Watching her friend’s face, she said, “it’s ok. I’ll get through it fine. You can go home now. I’ll be along in a few minutes.” Offering a weak smile, she shooed him out of the alley. Reluctantly, Johnny went home. About an hour later, he felt something was off and went to go check on Nooshy’s apartment. Finding no one, he sprinted to the alley and saw her asleep on the pavement. “Oh, noosh....” he sighed.
   Gently, he lifted her off the ground. Turning to go home, he bumped into Rosita, who gasped at the sight of the lynx in his arms. “Is she ok?” “Physically, yes she’s fine. Mentally? It’s hard to say. I think the pressure is getting to her. She fell asleep in the alley.” “Poor dear. Imagine, she probably slept in alleys all her life.” “I’d rather not have that image in my head.” he grimaced, imagining a little Nooshy asleep on the cement, a backpack the only thing she had as a pillow. “I should get her home. Good night Rosita.” “See you tomorrow.” Walking into the apartment complex, Johnny passed their landlord, who said, “Good night, Johnny.” before doing a double-take and whispering, “What happened?” He sighed and explained. After hearing it, the landlord exhaled and said, “Do you need a key for her room?” “No, remember how she would lock herself out all the time? Well, she gave me an extra just in case it happened again.” “ Alright. Have good night then.” He walked up the stairs and shifted his sleeping friend onto his shoulder so he could take out the keys. She gave a little murmur and buried her face in his shoulder. He gave a little smile and opened the door as quietly as possible. He lowered her gently onto her bed and covered her with a blanket.
       Kicking off a blanket, Nooshy once again frantically sat up in bed. ‘Where am I?’ looking around, she saw Johnny passed out on a chair in her living room. “Hey! What are you doing here?”  she demanded, her loud tone making him jump up. Yawning, he stretched and said, “You fell asleep in the alley.” with an accusing glance, he continued to explain. “I brought you into the house and stayed here so you A. Didn't panic, and B. Try to escape. Your welcome.” “I wasn't gonna thank you. Now out!” she said, pointing. “Fine by me.” he walked towards the door, but right before he opened it, he said, “But just to let you know, you’re late.” she threw a pillow at him, but he was already running down the hall, his laughter bouncing off the walls of the hallway. “I HATE YOU!” she screeched, nonetheless feeling the giggles bubbling inside her.
   When she finally arrived to work, Rosita and Meena were already there. “Sorry I’m late!” she said cheerfully, entering the room. Seeing the solemn faces, she asked, “What’s wrong?” “Why didn't you tell us it was too much?” Meena demanded. “I uh.....what are you talking about?” “You fell asleep in the alley!” “He told you?!” “No.” Rosita entered the conversation. “I bumped into him when he was going to take you home.” “I’m fine.” Nooshy brushed off the concerns. “I was just a little tired last night is all. Let’s get on with it.” “Not until you tell us what’s going on with you.” Porsha came into the room, with the rest of the crew in tow. Seeing Johnny among them, she scowled and said, “You have something to do with this, I can tell.” “That may be, but it’s not healthy to keep it bottled up.” “Tell us what’s wrong.” Buster urged. “I’m fine guys, just getting used to the schedule.” “That’s not it and you know it!” Ash nearly screamed in frustration. “We’ve all been watching you, and this is not getting used to the schedule.” “How would you know??” Nooshy shot back. “It’s only been the first day.” “No one hides in an alley on the first day.” Porsha told her. “I DON’T WANNA TALK ABOUT IT!!” Nooshy exploded. They all flinched, and Rosita, being the mom, put a hand on her back and said “Ok. Let’s just....put a pin in it. For now.” Meena gave a look that said ‘Clear out.’. They all shuffled out of the room, with a last glance at the nearly hyperventilating lynx, her fists clenched. The minute they were out, Ash said, “She’s hiding something.” “Well, no duh.” Porsha replied, rolling her eyes. “Don’t pry.” Johnny, who up until now has been silent, cut in. “What?” “I said, don't pry. It’s something painful. It hurts her, whatever it is. She’ll tell us when she wants to.” “Or when it eats her up.” “Porsha!” Ash hissed. “What? It’s either-or.” she shrugged, not noticing the worry she was causing the gorilla. “I’m gonna go.” he muttered, shoving his hands in his pockets. “What are we going to do?” Ash groaned.
A bit touchy-feely this chapter was. Congrats, it only gets worse!
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Porsha Williams Hospitalized: Nene Leakes Urges Fans To Pray For Pregnant ‘RHOA’ Co-Star – Is She OK?
Porsha Williams Hospitalized: Nene Leakes Urges Fans To Pray For Pregnant ‘RHOA’ Co-Star – Is She OK?
Porsha Williams made a trip to the hospital today & Nene Leakes asked fans to keep the ‘RHOA’ star in their prayers! A source close to Porsha told HL EXCLUSIVELY how she was ‘in pain’.
Porsha Williams was hospitalized on Nov. 4, and right now, the details are slim as to why. Taking to Instagram, Nene Leakesshared a photo of Porsha’s arm hooked up to an IV. While she did not disclose what the…
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jobesimming · 3 years
Legacies - Episode one (Pt.1)
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POV: Belle'Anna Darling
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UGH! Another day in this horrendous house! Thank God I'm going out with the gang. Before I could even breathe this morning— My mother Posha was in my room yelling at me. I understand this is my first ever "C" on a test...but girl it's most definitely my last dealing with you. Porsha has always been on my ass for the simplest things. I think I'ma apply for a job at Naura's Family Vet because I'm ready to move out. And my father, you ask? I don't know him and have never met him. I only know he looks just like me and his name is Messer Darling. The fuck type of name is Messer?
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(LOL, I thought it said brunch and I'm sorry....but I'm not fixing it!)
Man, why did Aspen ask us to be here so early? I love the twins dearly...but they're doing too much. Yes, the boys are famous because of their ridiculously hot father-- but why they gotta fuck with my sleeping schedule? I don't mean to get off topic but.....
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Mr. (Andrew) Martinez, Monroe, and Aspen.
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But I mean...just look at their dad... How can a sim be this hot? But like I was saying. We're all gathered at "Sarah's" for brunch. Only for the simple reason that Aspen wanted us all to start hanging out again. I haven't seen the twin since the beginning of school. They were on tour with Mr. Martinez all school year. The funny thing is, Aspen is starting to act and Monroe is more of an influencer and a singer. And they're kinda our glue. The girl sitting next to me...I don't even know her. Jer'isha is their cousin and she's extremely pretty. I remember Micheal liked her...
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Then you know...Hot girl summer came......BTW WE'RE NOT DATING! Babes... it's hot girl summer...no, ma'am. You can never take the city out of this girl.
"I really missed you guys." spat from Aspen's mouth as he continued to chow down on his "veggie" burger...btw, ew. "I'm sorry we haven't been here to hang. Promise to not hate us too much."
"Yea, yea, yea, whatever. We missed y'all, y'all missed us. I just want to know if Mr. and Mrs. Martinez will let y'all come to my party. Y'all gotta turn up! I'ma get some big booty bit-"
Naura abruptly cuts me off with her hysterical laugh, "Yea no. The Twins can't be caught in a scandal."
Here goes Mama Naura. Which brings me to think—she's still crushing on Monroe; someone she's been looking at all day...well, morning. I told her to ask him out before he had left for London last year. But of course--she let her toxic father control her! Hell, just to let her breathe, she spends the night at my house. It's ok though, Ms. Youtuber will be moving out soon. I stared at her and she giggled, "Whatever." she mouthed and I flicked her off. Aspen gasped, which caused us all to laugh. A few minutes later we ate and caught up with one another. Aspen explored his sexuality, Jer'isha is now going to our school and she's moving in with the twins, Monroe sings now, and that's about it. I mean Micheal said something about an early summer fling....but no one knew who he was talking about and I wasn't paying attention. I had just thought about it when Naura texted me about it. I'm not going to bore you with that conversation though. I don't even like Micheal. I just wanted a nut and I dipped. We slutting these boys out all summer. I don't know though, Aspen looks good. He's definitely the cute twin.
"So how does that work Asp? Like are you gay now?" asked a very confused Naura. Please excuse my very ignorant friend. She comes from a very dull household.
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Aspen chuckles, "Honestly, I'm just human and living life at this point." When he said that, it confused Naura even more— so he continued to say, "Meaning I'm not living life with labels. I am Aspen Myles Martinez and I plan to live life to the fullest."
LORD, could Aspen be any hotter... Naura was STILL lost so I had to explain, "Basically... it's none of your—OR anyone's business Naura." She got it now, but she's a little hurt. I mean it's not her business to know unless she wants to get in his pants. AND she bet not, that's my twin.
After that nice and friendly exchange. It was time for us to leave. Naura and I have a nail appointment, the twins have an audition, and Micheal is visiting family. We started to say our goodbyes and Monroe pulled me to the side, "Wow, you somehow managed to look even hotter than the last time I saw you." Which left me completely dumbfounded. Before I could retort, Asp had yelled for him, "See you tonight." left Monroe's lips, then he disappeared into the distance.
Hey guys!! Hope you guys liked the first part of episode one! I think I'm going to do eight episodes for season one. Season one will be, summer, Season two will be when the Kids go back to school. The series won't just be about the kids, but also their parents and families.
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