jcartsoffical · 6 days
Love it!!!!
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Art trade with @jcartsoffical
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jcartsoffical · 8 days
More Amelia Holmes face expressions art trade for @phoenix-the-mistfit-fire-bird
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Hope you like this one
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jcartsoffical · 13 days
Hey, JCArtsOffical here, I just wanted to do a Tumblr update that I will be accepting art trades, fanfic stories or anything else, just ask me and I'll be doing it for my fellow Tumblr friends and users
Thanks, peace out.
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jcartsoffical · 15 days
Love it!! Good as always!!!
Hey Phoenix, so I recently started my new fanfic a while back, can you do where Clay finds out Josh got hurt, and he shows his emotions
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jcartsoffical · 15 days
Fear Factors
Fanfic for @phoenix-the-mistfit-fire-bird
On a peaceful weekend with no rehearsal planned, Amelia visited the group for the weekend and she had the week off.
Everyone was in the lounge having fun conversations with each other and laughing. " Ok, ok. I think we've heard enough of that, Gunter." Buster said trying to breathe from laughing.
Mia sighed at the exhaustion from laughing. "Ok, what do you suggest we talk about that we never did?"
As everyone thought of something, an idea popped in Johnny's head. "Ooh! I know! How about your worst fears." Johnny suggested.
Mia grinned. "Ooh. That's a tough one. Hmm, let's see. I used to be scared of ghosts but not anymore."
Porsha giggled. "Well, I'm still scared of snakes."
Josh smiles. "You think that's scary? I'm scared of spiders. Their tiny legs are just..." Josh shivers.
Nooshy smirked. "Oh, come on, Josh. They're not that scary. To be fair, I'm really scared of sinkholes.
"Really?" Ash asked. "Well, I'm scared of the dark. I mean, as a kid, you know."
Meena was next. "I'm scared of tight spaces. I'm really claustrophobic."
Johnny went. "I'm really scared of deep waters. You never know what's down there."
Gunter was last. "I don't know what I'm afraid of. Maybe creepy dolls. They're really scary."
Buster didn't want to say because he knew what he's afraid of ever since a certain incident between him and Crystal.
"Alright, well since we're all having a scary moment here, how about we all get a lunch break? Buster suggested.
Mia smiles. "Sure. I could use a bite to eat."
"Yeah, totally." Josh said
After a frightening moment talking about their worst fears, everyone stood up and left the theater. Maybe opening up to something scary or personal isn't really a bad thing. Sometimes you have to make it worth it.
A little short but hope you like it so far.
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jcartsoffical · 18 days
A group photo of Clay Calloway, Ruby Calloway, and Priscilla Parker (pregnant with Josh) in Clay's get-together party
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An idea for me and @stinkyhyena9000
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jcartsoffical · 19 days
Grabs you
Wanna do an art trade bestie <w<
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Here you go Bestie @cattytheartcat
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jcartsoffical · 20 days
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Meet the Parker Family
David Parker (left), Priscilla Parker (left middle), Jacob Parker (right middle), and young Josh Parker (right) 🐺
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jcartsoffical · 27 days
Love it!!
Hey Phoenix, hope you're feeling good today, for an art trade can you do where Josh witnesses Busters PTSD attacks and Josh tries to comfort him?
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jcartsoffical · 28 days
Burdened Pain
For @phoenix-the-mistfit-fire-bird
The Moon Troupe was starting to get better during the week of their new shows, everyone was in for rehearsals as Josh came by for a coffee break and all of the sudden he heard strange noise coming from the lounge.
As he went inside he saw Amelia sitting in the corner of the couch along with a huge mess that was made.
"Aunt Mia? Are you ok?" He asked while slowly getting closer to her.
He laid a hand on her shoulder and Mia screamed in pure fear. "AAAAHHHH!!!". She and Josh both screamed in unison.
"Mia!! It's Ok!! It's just me!!! You're ok." Josh assured her.
Mia's breath quickens as she apologizes. "Sorry Josh. It's just..."
Josh sat right next to Mia on the floor. "What's wrong?"
"I don't want to talk about it." Mia said.
Josh laid a hand on her shoulder. "Mia, look at me." Mia looked up at Josh. "Your pain is my pain. Don't hide it. Please, talk to me."
Mia sighed. "It's just... Every time I try to go through detective cases and everything goes south. And just one thing or anything that gives me PTSD and I can't get out of it. It just keeps repeating over and over. I just can't break the cycle." Mia explained.
Josh sighed. "Aunt Mia, you know you're not the only one who suffers from PTSD. I used to suffer from it when my brother died. I spent almost 2 years going through it. But, I realized that I just need to let it go. Let it pass on."
Mia sniffled. "How did you get over it?" She asked.
Josh smiles. "By doing the things I love the most, which is singing. I told you my story, Aunt Mia. Sometimes you just have to make new changes or it'll eat you alive."
Mia chuckled. "Never heard that one before. You're right."
Josh smiled. "Like I said, you're not alone. Come on, let's go join the others." He said as he helped Mia up on her feet.
"Thanks, Josh. When did you get to be so wise?" Mia asked jokingly.
Josh chuckles. "Mostly from my brother.
Mia smiles as she thinks about what Josh had told her. Maybe he was right. Maybe she should let her past pass on.
(A little short but I hope you like it.) ☺️
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jcartsoffical · 1 month
I love it!! Thank you!!!
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Art trade with @jcartsoffical
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jcartsoffical · 1 month
Best Aunt Ever
A story for @phoenix-the-mistfit-fire-bird
After a long day of rehearsals, Ash, Porsha, Meena, Johnny and Josh were in the lounge having Meena's famous cookies while having fun conversations about each of their fun moments throughout the last couple months performing together.
Josh was telling his story about the time that his brother Jacob was the one who got him into singing. "This is your brother Jacob?" Ash asked.
"Yep. When Mom was a singer for a long time, Jacob decided to follow her footsteps and I decided to follow his." Josh smiles.
Porsha giggled. "You know, Jacob would've been so proud of you for following his footsteps."
The door opens when the group of teens see who it was. "AMELIA!!!" They shouted in unison.
Mia laughs as the teens run towards her for a hug. "Well, ello kiddo's. Happy to see your favorite Aunt ever!
"How are you Aunt Mia! You look great today! Have you lost weight recently!" Porsha giggled.
Mia chuckles. "Well, I'm glad you noticed I've been a little slim lately. I've been busy working out, working on my endurance for my famous detective cases."
"Oh, I have something for each of you. I've got a guitar pin for Ash."
It was a gold guitar pin. "Wow, Mia! I've been wanting this since forever!
Mia smiles. "A cook book for Meena! That's the limited edition.
Meena gasped in joy. "Oh my gosh! Thanks Aunt Mia!
Mia continues. "A brand new Rolex watch for Johnny!"
Johnny smiles. "Whoa Aunt Mia, how could you afford this?!"
Mia smirked. "Johnny, you know I get a raise for some of my cases."
Johnny smiles gratefully. "Thanks."
"And for you Josh and Porsha, since you two are dating I might as well get you these." Mia handed them two small jewelry boxes for each of them and it turned out to be two matching necklaces with their own names on them.
Porsha and Josh smiled gratefully. "Aww Aunt Mia, you shouldn't have." Porsha said.
"She's right Mia, these must be really expensive." Josh said.
Mia smiles. "Really, it's the least I can do for you guys. Besides, you have the best Aunt ever."
Josh smiles gratefully. "Well, I really can't say no to this, but thank you... Aunt Mia.
Mia chuckles as she and the teens gather for a group hug. Mia had been through a lot during her years of service as a detective. Maybe she is their Best Aunt Ever.
Hope you like this one @phoenix-the-mistfit-fire-bird
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jcartsoffical · 1 month
An idea for me and @alexanderaceves
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jcartsoffical · 2 months
Hey Phoenix, so today's my birthday and I was hoping if you could do a birthday art trade of where Porsha and Josh (with his guitar) singing together
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Happy birthday.
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jcartsoffical · 2 months
Tough Love
Story requested for @phoenix-the-mistfit-fire-bird
It was a long day of rehearsals for the New Moon Troupe, Mia was just entering the theater to the backstage and suddenly saw Rosita in one of the practice booths, sitting alone, feeling downed.
"Oy, Rosita. What's wrong?" Mia asked as she sat beside her.
"Oh, nothing's wrong. Everything is fine." Rosita said forcing a smile.
Mia frowned as she sat closer. "Rose, I know when you're lying. Your mascara is messy. Talk to me."
Rosita sniffled. "It's just... I keep flashing back to the moment we almost lost Buster. I just can't stop thinking about it." Rosita said, bursting into tears.
"Losing him scares me more than my fear of heights." She wept as Mia pulled her into a big hug.
"Rose, I know how much he means to you. I know what PTSD feels like. But you shouldn't have to suffer alone. You know you have all of your friends by your side. Especially the ones closest to you. I know stress can make you feel down but there's always people you can trust. You're like a big sister to me. I promise Rose, if you ever need anyone to help you with anything, call me and I'll always be there for you." Mia said as she sheds a tear herself.
Rosita sniffled as she tightened her embrace as Mia sat with her. Maybe they are like sisters. Maybe they are sisters.
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jcartsoffical · 2 months
Tagging my friends @stinkyhyena9000 @alexanderaceves @phoenix-the-mistfit-fire-bird
tagged by @anticurser thankuuu <33
put your music library on shuffle, then list the first five songs that come up in a poll to let people vote for which one they like the most!
tagging: @angelofviscera @perfectday1972 @good-names-are-taken @faye-femme @halfdamage and anyone else who wants to do it!!
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jcartsoffical · 3 months
Hey, can you do the part where Josh and David forgive each other after their argument
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