#popup is such a goofball
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yxkipop · 11 months ago
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OoOo~ I am back from the dead~, and I have gifted you this in regards to my absence~ ;v;(This actually turned out better than I thought)
Error sans was made by Loverofpiggies
Pop-up sans (Ail) was made by me
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bunbeeplays · 1 year ago
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Ophelia signs her Tartosa friends up for a 6 AM yoga class at a spa in a neighboring town and, because they're the best friends on earth, they agree to go. They've got the Pizzazz wedding gig coming up, so they need to be in the zone!
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Ophelia has a little more experience than her friends.
Drew is a pretty confident person, but they're not confident they won't fall flat on their face during some of these moves.
Instructor: Just follow at your own pace.
Moses: If I was at my own pace, I'd still be in bed.
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Being ambitious, Ophelia sometimes struggles when she's not automatically the best at something.
Ophelia: Must… be zen… even if… it kills me.
Moses: muttering Or us. Ow!
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They're all really good at child's pose, at least.
Despite not being the best at it yet, they do have to admit that they enjoyed themselves. Maybe Ophelia was right, this wellness stuff could do them all some good.
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Ophelia: Oh, what now? Face mask or workout?
Drew: Uh, wasn't the whole point of this to relax?
Ophelia: Self-improvement IS relaxing!
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Ophelia is efficient and decides to go with a face mask AND a workout.
Ophelia: You're a strong, confident woman. You have great friends here and in Willow Creek. The awkwardness with Libby will pass someday. Right now, focus on being the best you! You're gonna kick life's ass!
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Xander: What up, Casper? Drew: Haha. I need a mask, and a drink, to make me forget how tired I am. Ophelia's self improvement kick is great and all, but that yoga class kind of kicked my ass. Moses: Don't act like you also didn't click yes to that Wellness liking popup
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Xander: Should we be concerned? Seems like she's hardly let herself have a free moment since the break up.
Drew: I think Ophelia's just like that, dude.
Moses: You know how ambitious Sims are, mate. Keeping busy is how they cope.
Xander: I guess you're right.
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Xander can't help but interrupt her boxing.
Xander: Come on, Lemon Cake. Time to take five. Don't want to wear yourself out for tomorrow. Ophelia: I don't want to. Xander: What if I said please real cute like with this face? Ophelia: I'd say no, real ugly like with this face.
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Xander: I might have to start calling you Sour Lemon with that mean mug.
That gets Ophelia to cut the act and let out a laugh.
Xander: I knew you couldn't resist! No one can resist this face!
Ophelia: Shut up! Fine, I'll take a break, you dork. Let's check out the pool.
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Before they can swim…
Xander: Listen, you're doing okay, right?
Ophelia: Why wouldn't I be?
Xander: You've got the garden you told us about and all this wellness stuff you're getting into. That's great and all, I just want to make sure you're not using it as a distraction.
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Ophelia: Distraction? Xander: I know some Sims throw themselves into new projects to distract themselves when life gets rough. I know that because I'm one of those Sims. If you need someone to talk to, we're here for you if it's too weird to talk to your other friends about.
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Ophelia: I appreciate it Xander, but I'm really just trying to better myself. Two of my friends had a baby recently, and it really put things into perspective. There's so much I want to do before, and after, I have kids, so I'm trying to become the future mom my kids deserve
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Xander: If my parents and Hilary had your wellness knowledge, they would have probably had an easier time dealing with me as a kid.
Ophelia: Ha!
Xander: For what it's worth, I think you'd be a great mom now, but you've got plenty of time to get even better.
Ophelia: Thanks.
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Ophelia: One thing about me, when I get knocked down I don't stay down for long.
Xander: That makes one of us. When things ended with my last partner-
Ophelia: Oooh, I'm getting some exclusive Xander Lore?
Xander: Not anymore, Lady Interrupts-A-Lot.
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Xander may be a goofball, but he's clearly a good guy, as well. Ophelia's glad she has someone like him in her corner.
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I didn't manage to get screenshots of it but she stole two things during the time she was at this spa. Look at her smug face. You can't keep getting away with this forever, young lady!
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loquaciousquark · 5 years ago
Talks Machina Highlights - Critical Role C2E82 (Oct. 29, 2019)
Good evening! There’s a lot to talk about tonight, so let’s hop right to it. Pre-roll: a couple of mini-figs of Taliesin & Sam.
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Plus, tonight Dani Cam is replaced by Jerry Cam, who responds with an eloquent “I don’t know” when asked if we’re on the internet tonight. These goofballs. Tonight’s guests: Taliesin & Sam, as anticipated.
We open with a cold argument over which side of the couch Sam has ever sat on before. Eventually, we make our way around to tonight’s announcements: the new show Mini Primetime, hosted by Will Friedle, premieres on the YT channel tomorrow at 7:30 PST with Sam as the first guest. PubDraw will air with Marisha & Matt tomorrow at 5pm PST. Undeadwood episode 3 airs this week; Sam didn’t realize it was airing and Taliesin hasn’t seen it. These kids.
Finally, we get to Episode 82: The Beat of the Permaheart
CR Stats: again, briefly derailed by Sam’s heckling. BWF: “A lot of hard work goes into this show.” Sam: “It does not look like it.” This episode set an all time record of natural 20s with 15. Taliesin felt like they were making “so many bad decisions that hardly mattered.” There was a four-episode tie of 14 before, including episode 26. BWF asks Jerry what happened in episode 26. Jerry does not know. Poor Jerry. Cad has given out over 2400 points of healing, which is five times Laura’s healing as Jester, even though he’s only been on the show a quarter of the time. Sam is asked if he understands what a Battle Mercy is. He does not. Jerry does not know this either. Taliesin explains it to us all, including that the pistol does a surprising amount of damage. (Well, he calls it a pop gun. It works. It’s fine.) Nott keeps the lead with the most HDYWTDT’s with 14. “Nott does a lot of damage. She’s a powerful little lady.”
Clay doesn’t understand any of the unnatural life things in the HFB - clones, soul jars - it’s all beyond him. He understands lichdom, but the rest is beyond him aside from the idea of cloning - like, cloning a tree by planting a new branch or grafting trees together. He has not absorbed the science of anything beyond that. “Percy’s sitting in the back of my head in so many of these fights going ‘nope, nope, nope, nope.’“ Caduceus’s very excited about the giant mouth.
Sam is not upset that he wasn’t asked to be in Undeadwood. He understands if he were on it he would be the unmitigated star and the most handsome, instead of part of an ensemble. BWF explains it was mostly about the fact that “Sam was born with a black hole inside him that sucks the joy and community around him inside of him.” Sam: “You know, it’s fine! You don’t need ratings, so it’s fine.”
Jerry, softly: “Brian, we’re thirty minutes in.” I abruptly admire and love Jerry.
Sam really enjoyed playing a large character during the ape polymorph; in the moment, Nott wasn’t giving it a lot of thought, but it was something she’s very interested in exploring and it definitely left a bit of a mark.
Caduceus thought the dreadnought was a shortcut, and he liked the metaphorical aspect of gently surrendering to the “big giant death metaphor” that felt appropriately symbolic, until they actually did it and discovered the very real monster inside.
We are, again, derailed by a primetime TV-esque popup of Will Friedle’s face in the bottom right with a text rollout advertising Mini Primetime tomorrow. BWF is genuinely appalled & speechless and fires everyone.
As regards time flying, both of them feel certain Travelercon will not be allowed to happen without Jester. (That makes one of us...)
Neither of them know what Oban’s final plan is, which is part of why they’re so worried. Is he trying to overthrow something, attack something, is he just causing chaos? They just don’t know. Taliesin likes getting as much information as possible before the confrontation. Sam gives Matt credit: as frustrating as it can be not to have all the answers in this campaign, it’s also a little addictive.
Cosplay of the Week: @baneb1ade on twitter with a genderbent Keyleth. It looks heckin’ AWESOME and his beard is amazing.
Caduceus has noticed Caleb’s hunger for magical power but is treating him like a recovering addict: he’s giving him space and trying to give him some respect & room.
Nott would not have gone into the dreadnought if not pulled in. “I, Sam Riegel, did not want to go in there!” Nott does not walk into a place unless she knows she can get out of it.
Caduceus is a non-aggressive Luddite. He feels it’s aggressive & a bit silly, but not really a threat. You need resources to make technology, so why would technology usurp nature. He does occasionally get a little worried about Nott’s final goals in some of these things. Sam: Nott has two purposes, keeping herself alive and keeping Caleb alive.
A lot of Nott’s violence is goblin instinct; Sam notes that while the lines between Veth & Nott are blurring now, he doesn’t know how much of Veth is really left.
Fanart of the Week: @riquezadilla on twitter with an adorable Beau & Little Willy portrait.
Ha! Arsequeef facetimes in because his tiny picture has moved off the skull for Halloween. He also gives a quick reminder that Mini Primetime with Will Friedle airs tomorrow at 7:30 & it’s hilarious. BWF places the facetiming phone against the skull in replacement. How cute.
Caduceus liked the idea of Jester communing; it’s a weird god, but they can use all the help they can get.
Nott understands how many messages Jester has to message (”she has 12 GB a month”) and doesn’t feel the need to see her family again right now since they saw them so recently.
Caduceus is occasionally irked when Jester puts down the Wildmother, but mostly he’s pretty fine with everything she does.
If Nott could understand something Caleb couldn’t, it’s only because he passed on his knowledge to her as a good teacher & he was having an off night.
Taliesin has two backup characters ready to go in case something happens to Caduceus. However, they’re at the point where unless something disastrous happens, they should be good to go. His main thought was that they were about to waste a very expensive diamond.
Marisha comes to take a nap on their laps. It’s unbelievably heartwarming.
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We are again derailed about a very excitingly told story about a puppy placed on top of the fine imported easily-scratched bar top over the weekend. Sam had to leave pilates class because his phone was blowing up & he thought the studio was on fire.
Sam was expecting a world of horrors & a portal inside the dreadnought. Taliesin thought it would be a big metal ship. Marisha thought it would be an interdimensional submarine.
BWF breaks character for a moment to really compliment Jerry on him painstakingly putting together every mini house seen on Undeadwood. It took him two weeks of solid work.
And we out. Have a lovely week, and is it Thursday yet?
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these-are-the-first-steps · 4 years ago
Anyway, thanks to everyone who enjoyed my kim nam-gil posts. You should def watch his stuff. Those posts in particular are from a show called “live up to your name” which is on netflix right now. I first saw him years ago on what was apparently his break-out role in “Queen Seon-duk” which is another excellent show- the man can go from lovable goofball to careless, unhinged killer in half a second and it is pure beauty to watch. That show also has one of the best villains I’ve ever seen on a show, Mishil, who incidentally is his character’s secret mother who abandonned him. I think you’re picking up on the vibe here. 😏
“Live up to your name” is way more light-hearted but with an excellent, history-spanning love story with fantastic actors, so I recommend that on Netflix if you’re looking for something! Local man from the 1500s kills himself repeatedly to travel through time to modern day to be with the woman he loves. 🥺 “Mystic Pop-up Bar”, also on netflix, is another one that had me laughing hysterically and sobbing all at once- local girl falls in love with the wrong guy (oops, a prince!) and kills herself at a sacred site, contaminating it, and must do penance in the afterlife by going back into the world and settling the grudges of 100,000 people in 500 years or go to hell. What about that prince? Is there more to the story? Who’s this random guy helping her now at the popup bar, and how did some kid who found them have the ability to get people to spill all their problems to him? Hmm?? 😏😏😏
“My only love song” is also an excellet time-hop series that’s even more funny if you’ve ever worked on a tv/movie set. I think that’s also on netflix lol.
Anyway, with star wars over, what have you been watching now? Share your recs!!!
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kathydsalters31 · 4 years ago
The Best Disney Dog Costumes for Halloween, From Mickey to the Minions
Our internet site utilizes cookies. By continuing to use our site, you consent to our use cookies. To see what cookies we serve as well as set your own choices, please testimonial our Cookie Policy. Find out more.
Updated September 9, 2020|For Dog People This blog post contains affiliate links. Learn more here
. Table of Contents When it pertains to selecting a Halloween outfit for your
dog, absolutely nothing is extra
captivating or instantly identifiable than a Disney personality. Whether dressed as a goofball like Frozen’s Olaf, a royal prince or princess, or a timeless personality like Mickey or Donald, your canine will certainly look the get rid of one of the outfits listed below– best of all, every one of these Disney pet dog costumes are officially accredited by the legendary firm itself. Bear in mind that one of the most vital consideration in picking a costume should be dimension. Because pet outfits are not all made in the same way, your pet dog could be a medium in one outfit as well as an extra-large in another, so make sure to measure your dog and utilize your pet’s measurements as well as the item dimension graph as an overview to guarantee their best fit. The Best Disney Dog Costumes for Halloween
Scroll on for 15 incredible Disney dog costumes for Halloween, inspired a multitude of memorable Disney personalities.
Your pet is already a hirsute beast of type(with the heart of a prince ), so why not celebrate it with this Beauty and the Beast costume
? It features a headpiece as well as a step-in bodysuit. Store on Amazon
This Minnie Mouse costume has all of it: the huge ears, extra-large bow, as well as iconic polka dot red gown. And also, the outfit has velcro
in the front to safeguard it, and there’s an elastic strap to maintain the headpiece in position. Store on Amazon
Even the tiniest of canines will certainly look surprisingly buff with this step-in Genie costume from Aladdin. It features a” muscular tissue t-shirt”and a different headpiece. Shop on Amazon You do not need to take a trip to infinity and past to get a kick out of this Buzz Lightyear canine outfit. In addition to the headpiece as well as tee shirt, the outfit includes an attachable”jet-pack”that illuminate! Store on Amazon With this Incredibles Halloween outfit, you can dress your pet as the covert superhero you recognize that he is! It includes a tee shirt and also an optional eye mask. Shop on Amazon
There’s simply something funny concerning a dog putting on a seashell bra. Past that, this three-piece Ariel canine costume consists of a mermaid tale and an attractive bright red wig. Store on Amazon Rex from Toy Story is known for being more silly than relentless. With this green step-in costume, total with tail, arms, and a separate headpiece, you can transform your dog into every person’s favorite T-Rex toy. Shop on Amazon
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Many Amazon reviewers described this Belle canine outfit as “stunning, “as well as it’s not tough to see why.
The yellow dress
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safeguards with velcro near the bottom, and also the outfit features amatching increased collar and a brown curly wig. Store on Amazon Transform your canine right into a lion king with this Simba pet dog outfit, complete with an attached tail and also a separate headpiece with a rowdy lion’s hair. Desire extra lion pet dog costume concepts? See our short article, 8 Lion Dog Costume Ideas to Make Them Roar. Shop on Amazon&
If your canine is not the princess kind, consider this Maleficent Halloween costume rather, including the
mistress of wickedness’s trademark purple as well as black bathrobe as well as different headpiece. Store on Amazon
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Not just is this two-piece Minion costume definitely adorable, yet Amazon reviewers state that it appeared really comfortable for their pets to wear. Store on Amazon< a class="easyazon-link" href="https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07PQCPLRH?tag=september2020rover-20&linkCode=ogi&th=1&psc=1" target =" _ blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" data-cart="n" data-cloak="n" data-identifier="B07PQCPLRH" data-locale="United States" data-localize="y" data-popups="n
” data-tag=”september2020rover-20″ >
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This two-piece Olaf the snowman set functions as a Halloween costume however can likewise function as a winter-themed attire, also, when it comes time to position for your yearly holiday photo. Shop on Amazon
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Your family pet will certainly be the bell of the (Halloween) round in this Cinderella costume, which includes a blonde wig, collar, and also blue outfit. Shop on Amazon
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This Donald Duck dog costume is paw – fect for pet dogs that do not appreciate using clothing around their bodies. It comes with 3 items: the legendary blue hat (total with bits of white duck plumes beneath), a red bowtie collar, and also yellow duck feet. While the feet might not remain on long, they do look adorable for a photo-op. Store on Amazon
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For a instantly identifiable however subtle costume selection, look no more than these Mickey Mouse ears. It’s a cute choice for pets that might not like putting on an outfit yet will certainly endure a headpiece. Shop on Amazon Further Reading sidebar
The Dog People E-newsletter Sign up and get $ 25 off pet resting as well as pet dog strolling! source
from Lucky Dog Solutions https://luckydogsolutions.blogspot.com/2020/09/the-best-disney-dog-costumes-for.html
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barryswamsleyaz · 4 years ago
The Best Disney Dog Costumes for Halloween, From Mickey to the Minions
Our internet site utilizes cookies. By continuing to use our site, you consent to our use cookies. To see what cookies we serve as well as set your own choices, please testimonial our Cookie Policy. Find out more.
Updated September 9, 2020|For Dog People This blog post contains affiliate links. Learn more here
. Table of Contents When it pertains to selecting a Halloween outfit for your
dog, absolutely nothing is extra
captivating or instantly identifiable than a Disney personality. Whether dressed as a goofball like Frozen’s Olaf, a royal prince or princess, or a timeless personality like Mickey or Donald, your canine will certainly look the get rid of one of the outfits listed below– best of all, every one of these Disney pet dog costumes are officially accredited by the legendary firm itself. Bear in mind that one of the most vital consideration in picking a costume should be dimension. Because pet outfits are not all made in the same way, your pet dog could be a medium in one outfit as well as an extra-large in another, so make sure to measure your dog and utilize your pet’s measurements as well as the item dimension graph as an overview to guarantee their best fit. The Best Disney Dog Costumes for Halloween
Scroll on for 15 incredible Disney dog costumes for Halloween, inspired a multitude of memorable Disney personalities.
Your pet is already a hirsute beast of type(with the heart of a prince ), so why not celebrate it with this Beauty and the Beast costume
? It features a headpiece as well as a step-in bodysuit. Store on Amazon
This Minnie Mouse costume has all of it: the huge ears, extra-large bow, as well as iconic polka dot red gown. And also, the outfit has velcro
in the front to safeguard it, and there’s an elastic strap to
maintain the headpiece in position. Store on Amazon
Even the tiniest of canines will certainly look surprisingly buff with this step-in Genie costume from Aladdin. It features a” muscular tissue t-shirt”and a different headpiece. Shop on Amazon You do not need to take a trip to infinity and past to get a kick out of this Buzz Lightyear canine outfit. In addition to the headpiece as well as tee shirt, the outfit includes an attachable”jet-pack”that illuminate! Store on Amazon With this Incredibles Halloween outfit, you can dress your pet as the covert superhero you recognize that he is! It includes a tee shirt and also an optional eye mask. Shop on Amazon
There’s simply something funny concerning a dog putting on a seashell bra. Past that, this three-piece Ariel canine costume consists of a mermaid tale and an attractive bright red wig. Store on Amazon Rex from Toy Story is known for being more silly than relentless. With this green step-in costume, total with tail, arms, and a separate headpiece, you can transform your dog into every person’s favorite T-Rex toy. Shop on Amazon
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Many Amazon reviewers described this Belle canine outfit as “stunning, “as well as it’s not tough to see why.
The yellow dress
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safeguards with velcro near the bottom, and also the outfit features amatching increased collar and a brown curly wig. Store on Amazon Transform your canine right into a lion king with this Simba pet dog outfit, complete with an attached tail and also a separate headpiece with a rowdy lion’s hair. Desire extra lion pet dog costume concepts? See our short article, 8 Lion Dog Costume Ideas to Make Them Roar. Shop on Amazon&
If your canine is not the princess kind, consider this Maleficent Halloween costume rather, including the
mistress of wickedness’s trademark purple as well as black bathrobe as well as different headpiece. Store on Amazon
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Not just is this two-piece Minion costume definitely adorable, yet Amazon reviewers state that it appeared really comfortable for their pets to wear. Store on Amazon< a class=“easyazon-link” href=“https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07PQCPLRH?tag=september2020rover-20&linkCode=ogi&th=1&psc=1” target =“ _ blank” rel=“nofollow noopener noreferrer” data-cart=“n” data-cloak=“n” data-identifier=“B07PQCPLRH” data-locale=“United States” data-localize=“y” data-popups=“n
” data-tag=”september2020rover-20″ >
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This two-piece Olaf the snowman set functions as a Halloween costume however can likewise function as a winter-themed attire, also, when it comes time to position for your yearly holiday photo. Shop on Amazon
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Your family pet will certainly be the bell of the (Halloween) round in this Cinderella costume, which includes a blonde wig, collar, and also blue outfit. Shop on Amazon
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This Donald Duck dog costume is paw – fect for pet dogs that do not appreciate using clothing around their bodies. It comes with 3 items: the legendary blue hat (total with bits of white duck plumes beneath), a red bowtie collar, and also yellow duck feet. While the feet might not remain on long, they do look adorable for a photo-op. Store on Amazon
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For a instantly identifiable however subtle costume selection, look no more than these Mickey Mouse ears. It’s a cute choice for pets that might not like putting on an outfit yet will certainly endure a headpiece. Shop on Amazon Further Reading sidebar
The Dog People E-newsletter Sign up and get $ 25 off pet resting as well as pet dog strolling! from Lucky Dog Solutions http://www.luckydogsolutions.com/the-best-disney-dog-costumes-for-halloween-from-mickey-to-the-minions/
from Lucky Dog Solutions https://luckydogsolutions.tumblr.com/post/628908254986108928
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