#poor lady. would have loved tumblr if she was alive.
cosmik-homo · 2 years
They should change the royala on British Currency to be prufrock themed instead. Or like you can do Prufrock, than Shakespeare, Than Arthuriana or whatever (isn't that actually french?) Going back in time the higher you go
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indecentpause · 8 months
I almost forgot!!! anyway here are some stories about ladies who love ladies
Stars in Our Hands
When Estrella is picked up by the paramedics after she’s attacked, romance is the last thing on her mind. All she wants is to get healed and go home. But Dani, one of the paramedics, gives Estrella her number in case she needs help, intending it to be used for difficulties with her treatment. And so begins their struggle to get Estrella out of the dangerous life that led them to meet, and the beginning of Estrella’s first time falling in love. Contemporary Dramatic Romance. F/F with cis lesbian and transgender lesbian leads. Ao3 || Wattpad
White Rabbit
Diana is falling apart at the seams. After she graduates high school, her parents kick her off their insurance and, no longer able to afford her medication for her bipolar disorder, turns to street drugs as a relief. Nobody in her life is in a rush to get her out of it. Then she overdoses. She ends up in a hospital, because she’s terrified if she doesn’t, she’ll go to jail. While she’s there, Diana meets a number of women who have all been abandoned to the system like her, and people she would normally hate become close, if temporary, friends. With their help, recovery doesn’t seem so far away, after all. F/F with a lesbian lead. Ao3 || Wattpad
When I Was Seven Years Old
Hongyu is seven years old when she meets the girl she knows she's going to marry. But that doesn't make growing up any easier. (short story). F/F with transgender female lead. Ao3
And All the Devils Are Here
Sigrun’s father is dead. Murdered. Executed with two well aimed bullets from a hitman’s gun. She’s never been completely stable, full of alternating rage and ennui, but when her father is murdered, it pushes her over the edge, and she goes on a rampage through the city, through every other mob family, close by or not. But the more she learns, the more she and her team start to realize this job may be closer to the family than they thought. F/F with two unlabeled sapphic leads. Ao3
And the Untitled Yearly Valentine's Fic
Josephine is in her twenties, halfway through college, and is finally going on her first date. Mai Ly is smart, and cute, and funny, and pretty. She's everything Josephine isn't. Her nerves make the date start up a little rough, but if the person is worth it, they'll stick around despite dinner plans going wrong. (short story) F/F with two lesbian leads. Tumblr
Current taglist: @abalonetea @only-book-lovers-left-alive @poore-choice-of-words @leadhelmetcosmonaut @jasperygrace @drippingmoon @athenswrites @magic-is-something-we-create @idreamonpaper @winterandwords @thelaughingstag @revenantlore
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c0smicstxrs · 1 year
Baby, I'm Jealous
Summary : During another one of Tony's parties, you see some woman flirting with your boyfriend, Steve and can't help but feel jealous and insecure (songfic! Inspired by "Baby, I'm Jealous" by Bebe Rexha)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader
Warnings : swearing, angst, low self-esteem, jealousy, insecure!reader, slight body dysmorphia, plus!sized reader, hurt no comfort, Steve might seem a little out of character I'm sorry 💀
Word count : 1.4K words
Author's Note : my first ever fic I'm posting on Tumblr- hope it's not too bad lol this is an older fic that's been saved on my notes app for a while now so my writing style does change later on.
Constructive criticism is appreciated ♡
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You stumbled through the dim, empty hallway with a bottle of wine in your hand, the burgundy liquid splashing out on your wrists, bruising your lips once more while you took a swig of it to your mouth.
The night felt noisy and alive, loud pop music blaring through the speakers as people danced drunkenly to the beat, some holding onto their loved one's sides.
You rubbed your eyes, not caring if the mascara would come off. Blinking hard, you placed a hand on the wall to steady yourself. You didn't know if you were blinking to get a clear vision in your drunken state, or if you were blinking away tears that threatened to spill out again.
𝑩𝒂𝒃𝒚, 𝑰'𝒎 𝒋𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒔
Steven Rogers was an amazing boyfriend, he really was.
He was everything you would expect America's Golden Boy to be- sweet, caring, protective, kind... you loved him.
But you didn't know if he felt the same way towards you.
𝑾𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒊𝒇𝒖𝒍 𝒕𝒐 𝒖𝒈𝒍𝒚
'𝑪𝒂𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒆𝒄𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒕𝒐𝒍𝒅 𝒎𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒅𝒐𝒏𝒕 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒎𝒆
It was another one of Tony Stark's parties. Music, lights and alcohol filled the lively space, and you could see people talking (flirting possibly), dancing drunkely, or hitting up on some stranger they have probably never met. It was a promising wild night.
And yet, you were sitting in a corner with Natasha, a tequila shot in hand, and eyes staring intensely at the sight in front of you.
Steve Rogers, your incredibly handsome boyfriend in an incredibly fit button up shirt, talking to an incredibly gorgeous looking woman.
She was constantly touching his muscled arm, laughing to something they were conversing about. And he was joining in too.
He looked happy and relaxed, his baby blue eyes that you grew to love so much, lit up like light bulbs. You wondered what they were talking so keenly about, 'Avengers? The 40's? Dating? About her stunning looks? 𝘔𝘦?'
It felt silly, even a little pathetic to think that. Of course not, why would they talk about you? 'It's not like I have any of those dark red lips of that woman, or her gorgeous eyes, or her fit and slim body, or her smooth skin, or her-'
You scoffed- what was this? A highschool teen drama? You're an adult, you should be able to handle this maturely. Instead, you're sending glares the poor lady's way- you could have sworn she had noticed you glaring at her by now.
"Hey, everything okay? Do you need a breather? You look like you could use some fresh air" Natasha's voice pulled you out of your thoughts, considering the option.
"Yes, actually. I do need some fresh air. I think it's time I retire for the night anyway"
As you walked past the happy duo, your nails dug into your palms. You pressed your lips together and gritted your teeth, 'Ofcourse he didn't notice me. Why would he? He doesn't love me anymore'
𝑨𝒍𝒍 𝒊𝒕 𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒂 𝒈𝒊𝒓𝒍 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒎𝒆
𝑶𝒏 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒎𝒆 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈
You always knew about Peggy Carter, Steve's 'first love'.
Sometimes you wondered if he ever remembered her. Does he wish he was with her? If he ever got a chance to time travel somehow to the past, would he do it? Would he go back to the 40's? Back to 𝘗𝘦𝘨𝘨𝘺?
You wouldn't blame him if he did. She was a wonderful woman, everything about her was impressive- not only her looks, but also her brains and skill.
She worked in the SSR during the time of the second world war, went as an undercover agent many times, helped in the formation of SHIELD, stayed with Steve during hard times, and- not to mention, her dark brown hair, bold red lips, and that air of confidence that always surrounded her was very admirable.
She seemed like the perfect woman for Steve.
Compared to her, you felt like a speck of dust. You felt so small and petty. You felt like you weren't enough- that you'll never be enough for Steve. You could never match her looks, her style, her attitude, her brains, or her whole self. You could never even be half of anything she is.
You were a second choice. And you always will be. Because who are you compared to Peggy Carter, really?
𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒎𝒆, 𝒂 𝒘𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏 𝒊𝒏 𝒅𝒊𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒐𝒎𝒚
'It's okay, it's not your fault. No one is the same. Everyone is their own person. You're good in your own way.'
𝑰 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒎𝒆... 𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒍 𝑰 𝒅𝒐𝒏𝒕
You laughed bitterly at the thought, more hot tears spilling out of your glassy eyes.
" 𝘎𝘰𝘥, 𝘐'𝘮 𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘱𝘪𝘥 "
𝑩𝒂𝒃𝒚, 𝑰'𝒎 𝒋𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒔
𝑶𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒑𝒊𝒄𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆
Flipping open his old compass Steve had in the 40's, a black and white photo of Peggy Carter comes into view, possibly cut from some old newspaper.
I watch as his eyes captured every detail of her, a look of love crossed his face, nostalgia overtaking his mind, probably, and a kind of sadness shone in his baby blue eyes, lips formed into a sad smile as he admired the picture.
Your stomach tightened and you looked away, feeling guilty.
Why were you feeling guilty?
Because you had come between them. Sure, it's been a long time and Peggy was probably married by now but he still admired her. He still yearned for a life with her. He still wanted to go back to her. 𝘏𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘥 𝘩𝘦𝘳.
And you were just an obstacle in the way- unecessary baggage.
It felt wrong to think of it like that- after all, if you lost your first love, and if you knew they were still alive, you'd be devastated too. You'd want to go back too.
But why were you with Steve then?
'Because he loves her, and I love him.'
𝑩𝒂𝒃𝒚, 𝑰'𝒎 𝒋𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒔
𝑶𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒈𝒊𝒓𝒍𝒔 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒆𝒚𝒆𝒔
Besides Peggy Carter, if there was another woman Steve would have been with, it was definitely Natasha Romanoff.
Although she was one of your best friends, you couldn't deny that she was attractive- beautiful green eyes, gorgeous red hair, great body, sharp thinking, amazing fighting skills, and that 𝘴𝘢𝘮𝘦 𝘥𝘢𝘮𝘯 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘧𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦.
𝑩𝒂𝒃𝒚, 𝑰'𝒎 𝒋𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒔, 𝒐𝒐𝒉
𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝑰 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒊𝒕 𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒕 𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕
'I should really stop comparing myself with other woman that are way better than I am'
𝑩𝒖𝒕 𝑰'𝒎 𝒋𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒔, 𝒋𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒔
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒋𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒅
Slamming my door shut, you took your heels off, throwing them across the room as you walked over to the vanity mirror to take off your ruined makeup.
After rubbing some makeup remover and a few wet wipes, you took a good look at your face.
Red, swollen eyes, dark bags under, and chapped lips.
" 𝘐 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬 𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘦 "
𝑰'𝒎 𝒋𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒚, 𝒋𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒚, 𝒋𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒚, 𝒋𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒚, 𝒋𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒐𝒏 𝒂 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆
𝑺𝒖𝒏𝒏𝒚-𝒔𝒊𝒅𝒆 𝒖𝒑, 𝑰 𝒈𝒐𝒕 𝒆𝒈𝒈 𝒐𝒏 𝒎𝒚 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒆
Standing up, you got ready to change out of your itchy dress, glancing in the mirror again as you stared down at your stomach.
𝑾𝒂𝒊𝒔𝒕 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒂 𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒆𝒓 𝒘𝒂𝒊𝒔𝒕
𝑩𝒖𝒕 𝑰 𝒄𝒂𝒏'𝒕 𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒑 𝒊𝒕 𝒊𝒇 𝑰 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒚 𝒇𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒕𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆
Gently lifting the extra fat on the sides, you sighed heavily and tears made their way back up again.
No matter how much you tried, how much you trained and went on diets, you felt like you could never look as slim and model-like as other beautiful woman.
𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒎𝒆, 𝒂 𝒘𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏 𝒊𝒏 𝒅𝒊𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒐𝒎𝒚
𝑰 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒎𝒆... 𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒍 𝑰 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕
'Why did Steve even choose me? Clearly, there were better partners for him out there-'
𝑴𝒚 𝒂𝒑𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒉𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚
-which was why you had tried looking at his text messages, search history, phone numbers etc... you felt bad, invading his privacy like that, but you knew you had to. You needed to know the truth.
𝑰'𝒎 𝒕𝒓𝒚𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒐 𝒍𝒆𝒕 𝒊𝒕 𝒈𝒐
"Sweetheart? Are you okay?" You could hear Steve call out from the other side of the door, his large frame forming a shadow beneath.
Wiping your teary eyes, you replied a low 'yes', not trusting your own voice to come out properly without cracking.
𝑩𝒂𝒃𝒚, 𝑰'𝒎 𝒋𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒔
𝑶𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒑𝒊���𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆
"Please don't lie to me, doll. Let me in, please. We can talk what you're upset about."
"I-I'm not upset... I just need some time alone, Steve" you answered, sighing.
𝑩𝒂𝒃𝒚, 𝑰'𝒎 𝒋𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒔
𝑶𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒈𝒊𝒓𝒍𝒔 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒆𝒚𝒆𝒔
"What happened? Is it something I did? Please, love- I'll be here for you, just let me in" he begged, and you shook your head, slowing walking to the bed.
"I'm sorry, Steve. Just leave me alone please. For this one night."
𝑩𝒂𝒃𝒚, 𝑰'𝒎 𝒋𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒔, 𝒐𝒐𝒉
𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝑰 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒊𝒕 𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒕 𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕
You heard a pause, then a soft sigh. Footsteps echoed away from your door, faintly disappearing, and you stared at the door for a few minutes until you turned to your side and turned off the bedside lamp.
𝑩𝒖𝒕 𝑰'𝒎 𝒋𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒔, 𝒋𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒔
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒋𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒅
Pulling the sheets close to your chest for some warmth, you lay awake in bed, moonlight dancing through the room as you stared out the window, the thoughts that cross your mind everyday echoing in your head again.
𝑩𝒂𝒃𝒚, 𝑰'𝒎 𝒋𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒔
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ben-the-hyena · 2 years
Also you may be wondering what dreams I had involving Lord MacIntosh I mentionned in tags 3 posts ago. I reassure you, surprisingly no porn
The first felt very realistic and was just me finding a whole blog about him that was trying to keep itself alive like @blazingdragonsrevolution is and I contacted the blog which I had apparently way back in 2012 and we met again asking how we felt, how I felt more invested in the fandom and asking if it was too late, them amused etc felt really realistic. There were more Brave fanart in general on Tumblr in that dream, I was sad it was fake
The second, from last night, was super cute ?! So cute I want to make it my headcanon (or rather of the bits I remember) ! It was playing like a short, same CGI quality as the movie and all. Lord MacIntosh and Young MacIntosh hunting down a boar on their home land which was covered in forest. Sneaky and silent through bushes, son and father cooperating... until for some reason Young MacIntosh tugs on his bow string a very weird way which has his dad lose his focus and ask him why the fuck he does that. Son goes proudly how he's trying a new style, and what matters is hitting the target anyway. Dad gets mad, you don't decide to shoot arrows a new youngster way out of nowhere especially on a hunt, you stick with tradition. So son gets cocky and has him remember Merida had them stop to go only after tradition. And dad retorts smugly that even she holds her bow the traditional way
They argue more loudly which alerts the boar who runs away, dad and son go ":0" and comically hunt after it all while giving each other counter indications and still arguing "NOW IF YOU HAD LET MET SHOOT" "YOU HAD TO NOT SHOOT NORMALLY" hitting themselves against branches and tripping, until they finally get back to their senses and cooperate again to kill the boar once and for all. Dad and son are reconciled and conniving again, they no longer talk about that bow thing (I felt like he would shoot normally again, and just not admit he ended up agreeing it was weird) and dad is proud of his progresses as a hunter and recalls how he was at his age
You think this is cute ? Just you wait. In the dream I did not see or remember Lady MacIntosh, she is just mentionned and alive, BUT I remember that they had 7 children in total, one son (Young MacIntosh) and 6 daughters. One is nearly as old as her brother, either one year younger or older (she looked like a black haired Merida out of dream logic), and kind of unphased and snarky especially towards her brother, and the others are 5 little girls of various ages going from 4 to 10
The cute thing is the dream had a running gag. WHENEVER Lord MacIntosh comes home, such as here when returning with the dead boar and chatting and chuckling with his son, the 5 little girls fucking JUMP on him happy to see their dad and somehow he keeps forgetting. He opens the door, "DADDY" and he gets smashed against the floor in a loud "OOF" as a lot of fuzzy black and brown hairs pin him fown and hug, Young MacIntosh just stepped back in time and elder sister goes "sup" through the doorstep (the MacIntosh home looked like a single medieval tower lost in the forest, dream logic btw). Lord MacIntosh sits back up dizzily patting some heads agreeing he should see that coming by now, and it opens up with a montage of ALL the times it happened
Him coming home after hunting, him coming home after a stroll, them seeing him after he had come home after having slept outside (he was having breakfast at the time. He gets POUNCED AWAY FROM THE TABLE his spoon stays midair). Him and his wife coming home after a date ("MUM IS RIGHT THERE" "leave me out of this") Him coming home after the movie's events (this time he sees them come, excitedly opens his arms, but they still violently crush him with their love so hard they all fall back some meters behind)
They are daddy's girls who get heavier as they age but still pounce on him like puppies and the poor man will lose some bones if it goes on but he says nothing
This is so fucking adorable I should draw it
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hello-delicious-tea · 2 years
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I posted 1,715 times in 2022
That's 1,535 more posts than 2021!
215 posts created (13%)
1,500 posts reblogged (87%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 650 of my posts in 2022
#babytea - 94 posts
#jane austen - 13 posts
#lady audley's secret - 12 posts
#mary elizabeth braddon - 12 posts
#dracula daily - 12 posts
#photo - 9 posts
#persuasion - 9 posts
#flowers - 8 posts
#gardening - 8 posts
#teaching - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#emma woodhouse handsome clever and rich with a comfortable home and a happy disposition had it seemed little in the world to distress and
My Top Posts in 2022:
Here is BabyTea’s soup recipe from yesterday, with the changes we made. It cooked up quickly and was easy - we used the frozen shiitakes I buy in bulk from the Asian grocery, plus some dried porcini mushrooms I had in the pantry. I think any combination of mushrooms would be delicious.
If you want lots of broth, keep half a cup of barley, but I like a thicker soup. Also easier to feed babies.
21 notes - Posted October 19, 2022
B. Dylan Hollis’s peanut butter bread - toddler approved!
38 notes - Posted August 4, 2022
Also, it’s a stroke of genius that Sir Walter Elliot is a baronet - he has exact one title below him he can look down on. He’s not a peer. He doesn’t sit in the House of Lords. There are richer landed gentlemen - Mr Darcy, if they happened to meet, could buy Kellynch Hall as a cute little investment property.
This article suggests that the cost of an estate would be about 30x the amount it generated in a year. A different article suggested it probably cost about £600/annum to rent Netherfield (and thus presumably Kellynch Hall, plus or minus some). If Sir Walter’s income was £1000/annum, he would apparently be in the 1%, which does rather put into perspective the Bennets, doesn’t it? And I doubt his estate is well managed.
Anyway, while he would definitely be a super rich dude by the standards of his day, it’s like fancy doctor rich, not top tier basketball player rich. Everything he has, from his title to his land to his income to his history (not very long, in the grand scheme of things) to his appearance, is relatively substanceless for the amount of weight he and those around him accord it. He’s a very little man, and Austen’s readers would very much be able to pick up on just how little he is. Which is, incidentally, why he’s also such a fucking sycophant to anyone even slightly higher up the social ladder.
87 notes - Posted June 20, 2022
…Jonathan, you do realize if you have a letter dated June 29 it doesn’t mean you have to be alive then? Like once you’ve written them you could be dead any old time. I don’t think that’s how the date of your death works.
109 notes - Posted May 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Poor Van Helsing - he gives two very simple instructions: don’t leave Lucy alone and make sure she wears the garlic flowers around her neck all night. And over the course of ONE FUCKING WEEK literally no one not even the dudes who are in love with her can manage this. They’re not even getting whammied, unlike the maids and Lucy!
Van Helsing, initially: well this isn’t fucking ideal but it’s early enough in the process, we can definitely -
Van Helsing by the end: I think you just want to fuck around and find out and by god you have found out.
Poor Lucy.
129 notes - Posted September 22, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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fanby-fckry · 8 months
So, tumblr discourse is already like, infamously ridiculous, right? How much worse do you think it’d get on voxblr?
Source: voxblr.vox #unreality cw #meta post #hellaverse #hazbin hotel #helluva boss
( 6 notes )
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🕸️ angie-fluffy-bootz Follow
24 min. ago
time sensitive question how flirt boy
🕸️ angie-fluffy-bootz Follow
2 min. ago
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thanks guys
Source: voxblr.vox #the fucking radio demon parody account replied to my post #with extremely UNHELPFUL advice #and charlie #is your advice unisex? #bcuz if thats how you got vaggie #im judging you both
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⚪️ Anonymous said r u dead?
📻 real-radio-demon Follow
4 hr. ago
Ha! Bold of you to assume I can be killed :)
📻 real-radio-demon Follow
4 hr. ago
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Show your face and per’’haps,’,’. I’ll come~.to you
🎀 charlies-angel Follow
32 min. ago
This account is fake. Nobody knows where Alastor is, anon. Stop wasting your time.
#this parody account is in really poor taste
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🕸️ angie-fluffy-bootz Follow
Jul 1
if I make it outta this alive, I’m gonna tell my crush I’m in love with him.
🕸️ angie-fluffy-bootz Follow
Jul 1
🕸️ angie-fluffy-bootz Follow
1 hr. ago
ya know, I don’t think I’ve confessed to someone and meant it in over a decade?
🕸️ angie-fluffy-bootz Follow
53 min. ago
haha would it be crazy if I said I forgot how?
#its literally part of my job to flirt with people #then i catch feelings and suddenly #i get all tongue-tied #i cant fall back on my old scripts either #he hates bullshit #he wants me #the real me #but the real me doesnt know how to do this!!!
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💀 be-gay-do-crym Follow
2 hr. ago
apparently people are canceling @.niffty-lady ? wtf?
🌕 m00nlight-h0wling 🌔 Follow
1 hr. ago
they are and it’s actually the stupidest thing i’ve ever seen
#and the bar was really fucking low #considering the amount of dumb chaotic bullshit my dad gets into ↯ #niffty lady
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👓 creepz0 Follow
3 hr. ago
It’s time to CANCEL @.niffty-lady
Here’s why:
Niffty LITERALLY KILLED a man in cold blood and now PROFITS off of his death
This so-called “lady” is INCREDIBLY rude to fans, ignoring requests leaving fans on read and answering asks with a NASTY attitude. NOT very lady-like if you ask me
Is associated with the VERY PROBLEMATIC @.real-radio-demon (self explanatory)
Writes TOXIC and PROBLEMATIC ships (spidermoth, radiohusk, reylo 🤢)
Writes NSFW when she herself is CHILD-CODED
PROOF is under the cut ⬇️
. Keep reading
#callout post ↯ #niffty lady #anti niffty lady #niffty critical
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📻 real-radio-demon Follow
3 hr. ago
Despite popular belief, I am not dead!
Well, not any deader than I’ve been since 1933! Hahaha!
↯ #is alastor dead? #ha! no ↯ #alastor the radio demon #real radio demon broadcasts
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⚪️ Anonymous said isn’t it disrespectful to write fics about someone you killed irl?
🪡 niffty-lady 📠 Follow
4 hr. ago
I have no respect for Adam. Hope this helps! <3
#answered ask #anon ask
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📺 voxblr4k ☑️ ☑️ ☑️ Follow
5 hr. ago
Is the radio demon dead?
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. 96,460 votes • remaining time 6 days, 19 hours
#polls ↯ #alastor the radio demon ↯ #is alastor dead?
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🪡 niffty-lady 📠 Follow
6 hr. ago
🍑 Forbidden Fruit 🍑
Adam x Reader | 10k words | Rated E
⚠️ Major Character Death
Tags: Smut, Whump, Sinner Reader, Forbidden Love, Bad Ending
After a night of reckless passion, you quickly became Archangel Adam’s favorite sin. Your love, as forbidden as the fruit of Eden, was destined to end in tragedy.
#niffty lady fic #adam x reader #angel x sinner #sinner reader #smut #whump #forbidden love #bad ending #rpf #aoos link #aoos fanfic
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📻 real-radio-demon Follow
6 hr. ago
Well, it looks like I’ve got some time on my hands!
I’m sure many of you have burning questions you’d like answered
So, ask. me. any’,thing. :)
#ask me anything #ama ↯ #alastor the radio demon #real radio demon broadcasts
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🐍 x-hiss-lord-x ☑️ ☑️ 🦀 👟 Follow
Dec 12, 2019
i can't have beef with the power of friendship trope because if someone wanted to hang out with me i'd probably reconsider my stance on turning the city into the 10th circle of hell
🐍 x-hiss-lord-x ☑️ ☑️ 🦀 👟 Follow
Dec 12, 2019
besides i can always just redirect my dark urges towards being violently protective of my new friends. there's no rule that says you can't do that.
🌈 hells-disney-princess Follow
7 hr. ago
I found Sir Pentious’s old voxblr blog, and I think I’m gonna cry
🌈 hells-disney-princess Follow
7 hr. ago
He made the ultimate sacrifice to protect his friends and the hotel during the extermination. He did exactly what he said he would in this post.
I wish I could thank him for everything he did for us. And I wish I could’ve done a better job of protecting him.
I don’t know where Souls go when they get erased; I don’t know if they go anywhere at all. But I hope that wherever Sir Pentious is now, he’s with people that he considers his friends.
Source: voxblr.vox #rip Sir Pentious #we miss you 😢
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📻 real-radio-demon Follow
8 hr. ago
↯ #alastor the radio demon #real radio demon broadcasts #the ink spots #we’ll meet again #Voxify
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⬜️ voxblrverse-meta Follow
9 hr. ago
Fanby’s Fake Dash Masterpost
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Hey there, long time no see!
I've been dipping in and out of Tumblr the last couple of weeks and have been keeping up with all your interesting discussions with anons (sorry, stalkerish I know, but I find it both insightful and entertaining.) I couldn't help but notice @just-a-poor-boy-queen posted about our good old friend on Instagram spouting her usual bullshit, only this time she apparently has proof that her claims are real from Lying Ass Jerkoff , sorry, Lesley Ann Jones' latest book. According to her, as you already know, she claims that Lesley denounces Jim and Freddie's relationship and Jim apparently confessed to her that he never loved Freddie, that he used him for fame, etc. etc.
Which is...very interesting. Because LAJ's biography, Bohemian Rhapsody, claims the exact opposite.
While I was out in town today, I visited my local bookstore and unintentionally stumbled across the book in the biography section. My first instinct was to ignore it - I know for a fact it's trash - but curiosity got the better of me and I ended up having a flip through.
First off, the amount of stuff she gets wrong is hilarious. Some of them were minute errors, others the average Queen fan could tell you is fake. I'm pretty sure she talked about Freddie taking Princess Diana out in drag and the party with the midgets carrying bowls of cocaine on their heads, which we know never happened. There was also a picture of Freddie and Mary (one where Freddie is leaning on Mary while she's smoking a cigarette,) that was captioned "the happy couple relaxing together," which made me laugh out loud because it was allegedly taken in 1975 when Freddie was dating David behind Mary's back. Relationship goals, ammirite?
And don't get me started on the Barbara stuff, I stg, LAJ seems low-key obsessed with her.
Anyway, I ended up skipping to the end where she talks about Jim; she does indeed claim that she stayed with him in Carlow (not sure what year,) and that she interviewed him while she was there. This is what she had to say:
On Jim's motivation for writing M&M: (Jones) "Jim Hutton later explained that it was anger, not money, that prompted him to write his memoir. He wanted the world to know the truth, and could see no other way."
(Jones) "There is no doubt that Jim, the bereft lover, embarked upon his selective 1994 biography with the intention of creating a tender tribute to an adored partner. This was blurred by a co-writer who dwelled more on sensational aspects of the relationship, as well as on intimate details of Freddie's final days."
(Jones) "Given Jim's Catholic background, and the fact that his mother was still alive when he published, it must have taken immense courage to write the book."
About the GL boys being erased by Jim Beach: (Jim) "I think Jim Beach was angry that my book ruined the myth of Freddie. All it did was return him to his original status of a human being. It told the truth. Beach wanted fans to believe that sweet Mary Austin was the love of Freddie's life, and what a great, tragic, romantic tale it all was."
(Jones) "Jim was consequently banished from the Queen camp." (She goes on to explain it's likely because everyone was grieving, but I don't buy it.)
(Jones) "Freddie's will raised countless questions, some of which would never be resolved." (I thought this was interesting, given that I've seen speculation that Freddie might have been influenced over what to put in his will before.)
On Dave Clark: (Jones) "The press reported that Dave Clark had said he was the only person in the bedroom when Freddie died. 'He was not the only person in the room,' Jim stated. 'But it was quoted all over the place.' The error must have been perturbed the sensitive and caring Clark, for on his birthday, Jim received a beautiful card from him. 'The inscription he wrote inside read "you were there.' " (Jim goes on to recount the exact same version of events written in Mercury & Me about Freddie's death. He speaks highly of Clark, saying he was brilliant when Freddie was ill and would sit with him for hours. Jim seems more angry at the press spreading lies than at Dave himself. I've seen people argue that Dave was the one spreading the rumours to the paper or he did nothing to refute them, but who knows, perhaps he was a victim of the tabloids too.)
Phoebe testifying to Jim's character: (Phoebe) "Those concerned have to live with themselves. Mary once said of Jim that he had 'a very vivid imagination.' I knew Jim a very long time, and never knew him to be anything other than totally honest. Jim's conscience, like mine, will always be clear." (Given how Phoebe now makes a point of saying that Jim "exaggerated" stuff in his book, I find this a tad hypocritical. Still, I appreciate him sticking up for Jim and saying that those who are trying to change Freddie's legacy will have to live with that on their conscience. Also, fuck you Mary, if you did say that about Jim.)
On Jim's love for Freddie: (Jones) "There are still times when I can be pottering around in the garden, and Freddie's facial expression when he died will come into my mind," he told me in Ireland, "I can blank out what happened consciously but not subconsciously. It is impossible to forget. I learned so much from him, not least a positive outlook. Freddie's attitude was always, 'But you can, don't you see? You can do it. Put your mind to it, you'll see what you can do' That was one of the loveliest things about him."
(Jones) "During the time I spent with Jim in picturesque County Carlow, there was no doubt that the love Jim claimed to have felt for Freddie was genuine. He was a warm and decent man who was content with his lot. He was eternally grateful, he told me, for having experienced the superstar lifestyle through Freddie."
(Jones) "Jim would never truly recover from the loss."
I took screenshots of all the quotes above, which I'm happy to submit if anyone is interested. I would love to have seen what else she said about Jim, but taking pictures of book pages in the middle of a shop isn't the best look, so I kept it brief. 
So, overall, Lesley seems to have a very high opinion of Jim, and believed the love between he and Freddie was genuine. Which is quite surprising, given that she downplays all of Freddie's other relationships with men in favour of promoting his fictional "romance" with Miss Valentin. Of course, this could all be complete bullshit and she never met Jim at all, but if she is telling the truth for once in her life, then she's one of few biographers who was very much supportive of Jimercury.
As one of the anons correctly stated, we have two possible scenarios.
A) If crazy lady is telling the truth, and Jones does make all these negative claims about Jim in her new book, then she was either lying in Bohemian Rhapsody or she's lying now in her latest cash cow. In this scenario, she's a liar either way. But tell us something we don't know.
B) Crazy Lady is pretending to have read the book, or read it and was angry there was nothing bad about Jim, and is fabricating quotes to suit her anti-Jim agenda, knowing her thick-as-bricks followers will just take her word for it and not bother looking for evidence. This is the most likely scenario. 
I know most people with a brain know not to trust the word of either of these women, but I thought it would be fun to dismantle some of Insta lady's claims regardless, in case there was anyone out there having doubts.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
Hi there! It's good to see you again.
This...is a lot to think about lol. Since LAJ is such a liar, it's hard to believe she really sat down with Jim, or that most of what she said was from primary sources. However, it is strange that she spoke so highly of Jim given...everything else she's ever said lol. The quotes above do fit with what other people have said about Jim and Garden Lodge as a whole, though. It's very strange because it's either she decided to be factual with this, or lie about getting these quotes but decide to stick up for Jim, anyway. Weird, weird, weird.
It's really hard to know who's lying in the new book, LAJ or the hater lady. They're both so unreliable. It does seem too convenient that what LAJ supposedly says lines up with the hater lady rhetoric, but idk. Apparently LAJ blocked the hater lady on twitter, too lmao. So maybe it's the hater lady who's lying? But I can believe LAJ suddenly changing her tune, too.
I don't know. Thank you for sharing this information. I have more questions than answers now lol but still
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dayseternal-blog · 4 years
Bunny-Hoodlum's eblogs of your posts actually got me wondering: what's your top 5 fanfic?
After thinking about this ask for probably too long, I think I have different Top 5s, like within different categories.  And like bunny, my faves are influenced a lot by who was writing when I first entered the NaruHina fanfiction world because they made the most impact on me in developing my own style.
I’m sorry, this is super long, like, I have a problem.
🙌🏼My Top 5: Best Characterization, Plot, & World🙌🏼
All of the following just set the bar really high when it comes to creating a living, breathing main character.  The storylines are daring and fresh.  Side characters are treated with careful attention.  Each chapter brings something important and new.  There are no wasted words.  The world the characters live in is vibrant and necessary.  Basically, these stories deliver in a way that I could never hope to even try to emulate.
Btw, these all have a strong or healthy dose of AnNGgSssT.
💯 “Tainted and Possessed” by cafrye017 - Demons/Angels AU. Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Rated E for a lot of things.  Adventure, Drama, Action, Eventual Romance. - Naruto, enslaved by the Sanctified for his Forsaken blood all his life, learns that he holds a power great enough to one day change the system, but he’s not on this journey alone.
💯 “Common Side Effects” by @katarinahime & “Medicated” by @szajnie - Crime/Modern AU. Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Rated E for a lot of things.  Drama, Action, Romance. - Naruto and Hinata, in a struggling relationship, must confront the pain inside before they can love each other.
💯 “Powerless” by @bunny-hoodlum - Mystery/Crime Modern AU.  Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Rated E for a lot of things.  Drama, Action, Eventual Romance. - His family’s past can’t be taken at face-value, and it comes clawing back to hurt him in ways that are out of his control.  DELETED FIC.
💯 “A Place in the Sun” by ihaveastorminme - Canon-Divergent AU. Multi-chapter, Incomplete Forever. Rated E.  Action, Romance. - Naruto realizes that he’s not enough to love her.  He’s not enough to save her, either.
💯 “Stolen Beginnings” by @utsus - Mystery/Crime Modern AU. Long One-Shot/Incomplete. Rated M.  Drama, Action, Eventual Romance (?). - Naruto always covers his tracks, not realizing he’s leading Hinata down the wrong trail.
Yeah.  Those five are the strongest I’ve ever read in technical composition.  The characters have depth, the plot is gripping, and the setting is alive.
❤️My Top 5: I Just Love Them So Much❤️
These next five are ones I’ve reread and practically studied!  I’ve taken pieces of these stories and pocketed them as essential to how I write characters, scene transitions, descriptions of smut, emotions of falling in love, etc.!  If these writers have ever read my stuff, they’ll be like, hey 😠 is she copying me?😠.  And the answer is, yes 🙇🏻‍♀️, yes I am 🙇🏻‍♀️.
These 5 stories align best with what I personally like, so basically, these are all the foundations of how I attempt to write:
💖 “Unless the World Were to End” & its successor “21 Days” by @bunny-hoodlum - Modern AU.  One-Shot & Multi-chapter, Incomplete.  Rated E for smutttt.  Drama, Romance. - Anonymous internet buddies decide to meet up IRL and give each other their first times.
💖 “Serenity Prayer” by @katarinahime - Modern AU.  Multi-chapter, Incomplete.  Rated E for a lot of things.  Drama, Romance. - When their fairytale endings smash to ugly pieces, Hinata and Naruto help put each other back together.
💖 “Love and Water” by nineetaaaillled - Canon-Divergent AU.  Multi-chapter, Incomplete.  Rated E for smut.  Drama, Romance. - The hardest part isn’t acknowledging that he’s in love, it’s believing that he can be loved.
💖 “Made in Heights” by @utsus - Spy AU. Long One-Shot/Incomplete.  Rated E for smut.  Drama, Action, Romance. - Hinata is definitely skilled enough to infiltrate the highly secured Uchiha party and steal sensitive intel that will save lives.  It’s just a matter of making it out alive.
💖 “Lady Usagi” by @mmmbuttery - Canon-Divergent AU. One-shot.  Rated G.  Drama, Romance. - A quiet girl working in an inn meets a noisy young lord, but all is not as it seems.
No matter how many times I read these, they never lose their shine.  I can always fangirl over those 5 (6) favorites.
🥵My Top 5: Favorite Smut Stories🥵
because yes, this definitely needs its own category, it’s very important.  I would put “Unless the World Were to End” in here, but also that’s just a general fave, so I won’t include that one on this list.  My favorite porn with plot, here we gooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
😳 “Side Effects” by Cheating Death - Modern AU. Multi-chapter, Complete.  You can easily skip the rape and non-con without compromising the plot, the author warns you before it happens. - When Naruto and Hinata decide to participate in a high-paying clinical study, they wind up signing up for much more than they bargained for.
😳 “Money Shot” by callmesenorita - Modern AU. Multi-chapter, Complete. - When Naruto meets Hinata again, he can’t help comparing her to his favorite cam girl. 
😳 “Out With the Old” by agitosgirl - BDSM Modern AU. Two-Shot, Complete. - A poor submissive meets a new Dominant to take care of her.
😳 “Shinobi Passions” by HoneyWriter78 - Canon-Divergent AU. Multi-Chapter, Incomplete. - When a mission takes a surprising turn for the worse, only Naruto can help her through the night...
😳 “Ghost (touch)” by @linisen - Soulmates/Modern AU. One-shot. - A soulmate AU where you feel where the other person is touching their body and thinking about you - like a ghost touch.
Hmm maybe honorable mentions would be “Timer: Naruto Edition” by funkychicken67, “Differences” by EroPrincess, “Secrets of the Hidden Leaf” by Sessakag (wait, does that one even have a plot), and “I’m in Here” by @bunny-hoodlum (hmmm actually that’s definitely porn without plot lol).  There are tons of really good NaruHina smut fics, so this was hard.
✨My Top 5: Best of 2020✨
The stories of this past year that really, really made me look forward to checking the AO3 update list!!  Like, there were a ton of new stories last year, and I didn’t get to read a lot of them, and especially for the long multi-chapter ones, I just didn’t have the emotional capacity to start them.  But out of what I did get to read, the following were the most memorable and left an impression on me (pretending to exclude @bunny-hoodlum​’s “Territorial”, because that’s just starting to feel unfair of me if she’s in every list lollllllll).
💫 “Still Falling for You” series, especially “August” and “October” by @chloelapomme - Various AU based on the NaruHina2020 Prompts. One-shots and Multi-chapters, Mostly Complete. Various Ratings and Genres. - August: Despite differences in cultures, appearances, and current occupations, Naruto will always feel at home with Hinata.  October: Hinata has an unhealthy obsession.  Naruto does, too...
💫 “A fate worse than death” & “A risky bet” by Caelestia - ABO Canon Universe. Two-Shot, Complete. Rated E. Romance. - Improperly socialized for his inner Alpha as a child, Naruto struggles with the intimacy of his mating bond.
💫 “Harbinger of Light” by @mysterious-crimson-lotus - Canon-Divergent AU. Multi-chapter, Complete. Rated T. Action, Romance. - Hinata is his light in the middle of the war.
💫 “As Luck Would Have It” by @vegebulsoup - Modern AU. Multi-chapter, Complete. Rated M. Romance. - Two strangers wake up naked together in Las Vegas with no memory of the night before.
💫 “Come and Find Me When the Weather is Fine” by @badluckbrebis - Modern AU. Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Rated T. Drama, Romance. - When she comes back for a wedding, years later after moving abroad, Hinata catches Naruto’s attention...but is he ready for a relationship?
AHHHHH I’M FINALLY SATISFIED WITH MY ANSWER.  This took me sooooo long to put together because I kept rereading 🥺 all the stories I clicked on 🥺.  Time to go to bed.
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baoshan-sanren · 4 years
The YinYang Master (2021) liveblog
okay so the city is where the people live and outside of the city is where the monsters live, got it
the yinyang bureau are the dudes who fight the monsters? sure
off the bat, chen kun (qingming) is accused of like killing a bunch of people in the bureau, no clue if he actually did it, but the person i assume to be the female interest does not believe a word of it (or does she)
anyway, he gets the fuck out of there, good for him
seven years later?
are these?
three raccoons in a trench coat? 
there are. there are three raccoons in a trench coat, each wielding a sharp and deadly weapon
it’s been ten minutes and this movie has got my attention
hello flying demon things I like your wings
here’s the female love interest again and uh
a bit terrifying now
whoever is dubbing her must’ve smoked two packs a day for ten years because holy hell that is some gravel
the flying demon thing stole some red gem that I assume is very important
okay these things aren’t raccoons, what the hell are they? are the weasels? I’m gonna call them weasels 
anyway I’ve had these weasels for 15 minutes but if anything happens to them
this is quickly getting out of hand you feel me?
can you imagine having to report to your boss like, I stole the thingy but then I was defeated by three ferrets 
I would die on the spot, like rip to this dude but I’m different
she has some kind of freezing ice power and I like it
now where are we
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anyway, I’m not feeling too hot about this poor ferret’s prospects bc that red gem thing TALKS TO YOU and it sound pretty evil
ah shit, so the yinyang bureau is all like “those ferrets belong to qingming so he’s the one who did it, which means we were right to accuse him of trying to steal the red gem seven years ago”
no wonder this dude drinks, everyone’s out to get him
so the red gem is actually the snake? or like it was the snake? or is the soul of the snake?
this official-looking dude is just talking shit in front of this gravelly female chief of the bureau like he’s got a death wish
good, tell him to zip it
oh shit now we’re getting some past events and they are.... eventful
hm this cimu guy is getting a lot of screen time for a dead dude, perhaps he is not dead?
just now realizing the yinyang bureau boss lady is zhou xun I feel stupid
he’s in some deep shit for losing the tribute to a drunk dude and a bunch of ferrets in a trench coat 
and I have to say that’s a pretty valid thing to be in trouble for
"I fought with Qingming and he fled in defeat” *SNORT*
did this girl just
hit him with a really long cucumber?
w h a t  i s  h a p p e n i n g
her name is Shenle and I am now signing the adoption papers 
her and boya are going into the monster realm to find qingming and I can just sense a bunch of oncoming shenanigans 
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I was right
i’m just now realizing that qingming intentionally left boya this spell so he can summon the bridge and come find him
what are you up to mister?
qingming just made boya his familiar and let me tell you
not nearly as romantic as it was in the dream of eternity
qingming is kind of a dick too and I think I like him more
jghgjfkdghdks what is this little red monster thingy what is happening
idk what makes costume designers stuff chen kun in these high collar robes but I am here for this look
this is a lot of romance for me personally right now but
i’m fucking really digging the fact that both chen kun and zhou xun are like 
grown-ass adults and experienced actors
she’s even older than him by a couple of years I think so like
for a hetero romance this is basically the only kind I care to see
oh maybe he’s dead actually? what is his DEAL
okay this lady isn’t listening to anything you’re saying like why even bother
this poor fucking ferret
okay this bitch can eat my entire asshole, fuck her and her righteous bullshit 
aaaand now we’re all getting drunk
chen kun shouldn’t be allowed to do anything ever seriously he’s too hot to exist I feel attacked 
hey asshole lady, do you think maybe now you can admit you were wrong and qingming was right?
now we’re all “I should’ve trusted you”
she’s literally going “when this is over, this bracelet will be yours again” I know there’s some magic thing happening w the bracelet but that’s an euphemism if I’ve ever heard one 
you just called him a monster to his face like 10 minutes ago
this lady’s got some balls
qingming you’re too nice, I would’ve made her work for it
hnggg this fight scene is just
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I am watching this film for the plot
oh crap the asshole lady is dead already?
that was a short redemption arc
and the snow lady is dead too hmpf I actually liked her unhinged little laugh
i feel like the entire monster-fucking dark side of tumblr needs to get a load of this dude
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where you going spider dude?
oh this is
not a good development 
okay I am definitely not vibing with boya being depicted as an absolute dumbass for 90% of this film like
you could take him out of the movie completely and not lose any of the plot which is... not good
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I have to say these special effects are a bit over the top but so visually satisfying omg
also like
making me actually invested in every single small character within a space of 2.5 hours is pretty impressive 
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i’m starting to think that the whole point of this movie is to showcase how hot chen kun is in any clothing with any hair under any circumstances 
oh so now that the bad guy is dead the asshole lady is alive again
which is kind of a cop-out but whatever 
“you promised to live and die by my side and never betray me” BIG WORDS FROM SOMEONE WHO BETRAYED HIM FIRST
ahh I get what he did now
that’s pretty cool
and kind of sad
I’m not crying kind of sad but that shit hurted
still, I do like this ending
although this whole thing would’ve been much better as a drama at least 30 episodes long I don’t feel like I wasted 2.5 hours
so yeah, I def rec this if you have time to kill
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please do make a list of Korean Isekai you’ve read, I’ve been wanting to get into them more 👀
And the word has been spoken
I was going to use images for each but tumblr only allows 10 or them 😑. Imma list all isekais/re incarnation webtoons that I personally recomend, a note though that last night I actually opened just a few more tabs with new ones to read so I may give this list an update later lol.
Long list bellow!
Doctor Elise
Not exactly my best recomendation seeing I kind of dropped reading it but I still go back from time to time. Main character is currently on her 3rd re incarnation and set on being a surgeon and making use of all her knowledge on earth. It's actually really interesting! Reason I dropped is more related to the romance, but that is simply out of my own personal preference and I don't consider it bad at all.
The Justice of Villanous Woman
Also dropped but it was actually because I missed too many updates and now I need to re read it jajdjxkwhdjskaj, it's not a WOW story but it's good, specially since the main character is pretending to act like a villainess (two faced on purpose) against the ACTUAL villainess who was just pretending to be nice. It was a really good twist.
La Dolche Vita di Adelaide
This one is actually completed! And it's really good too!! The female lead is very assertive and the male lead is one or those that can be pretty shy lol. It's a really nice read.
Reminiscence Adonis
Badass female lead that I would gladly let step on me. It's really good but I also dropped due to missing too many updates lololol. The main character and the male lead basically flirt with each other all the time later in the story it's ridiculous l o l o l o l.
The Abandoned Empress
Though I dropped due to it not being my cup of tea it may just be yours since although not my preference I can't deny the story is actually good. Female lead was done so much wrong to her in the past and is trying to change her destiny even against God.
Survive as The Hero's Wife
One of my favorites big time!!! Female lead is amazing and male lead is so. damn. cute I can't even. Also ART????? It's so damn pretty. Female lead re incarnated inside a novel, she makes a REALLY good use of all her knowledge.
They Say I Was Born a King's Daughter
Not gonna lie this is just one I read to pass the time. Entertaining enough though the story itself is, ???????. It takes a while to get used to the art style. Though I only find it mildly interesting, it can be really good to someone else. And I really cannot say that this one is in any way bad because it absolutely isn't. Prepare for frustration directly related to strong mysoginy though.
The Reason Why Raeliana Ended Up At The Duke's Mansion
Another one I dropped because I missed too many updates jshbdcjshejcksjenfoskjfjoa but it's really good and the main character basically takes to shit. Her main goal is scape death.
Miss Not-So Sidekick
This one is a very comedy centered one , I dropped due to the fact because updates are pretty damn slow I ended up loosing the track of the thing, what I am doing now is waiting for it to basically end so I can read it all in one sit. It's actually pretty good and the art style is very unique!
Suddenly Became a Princess One Day
ALL TIME FAVORITE OH MY GOD WITH EVERY UPDATE I LOSE ANOTHER YEAR OF MY LIFE SPAM. Just, just give it a go. The art is BEAUTIFUL, the characters extremelly well made, and the main character is just fucking great I love her.
I Was Born As The Demon Lord's Daughter
Another one I dropped due to slow updates that caused me to lose track;; But it's actually good! And the autor did the thing many don't do in these stories: have the main character actually be someone and give her a story that actually becomes reason of many of her actions and feelings in her current life. Also soft good Dad uvu.
The Emperor's Companion
This one was too frustrating so I ended up dropping but I can't deny it's good so I will recomend it. To wake up in a body of someone who was supposed to have a lot of responsability but has been in a coma basically all her life which resulted in her underlings going ape shit under corruption and now that she's awake she gotta fix it.
The Villainess Reverses The Hourglass
ANOTHER ALL TIME FAVORITE AND THE ART IS SO GOOD TOO. The main character is NOT pretending to be a villainess, she is straight up made of wrath and spite and is set on ruining those who ruined her first in her previous life.
The Duchess With an Empty Soul
So. Damn. Interesting!!!! The way the main character is portrayed wasn't something I have seen many do, and she's a badass!! Male lead is a good man uwu. Also it's one of those with 'marry me but don't expect love'.
A Stepmother's Marchen
One 👏 More 👏 Favorite 👏 the art is BEAUTIFUL, the characters are WELL MADE, and I just LOVE the interactions between them, be it from interactions I want to punch one of them in the face to interactions where I just am in love. Also OLD PEOPLE ARE DRAWN SO BEAUTIFULLY. The art in this one is just BEAUTIFUL and I really can't even-
Beware of The Brothers!
Same creator as Suddenly Became a Princess One Day, only this one is actually deal with a lot more, serious (?), subjects in which one(just a single one) of them was the reason I dropped. But in fact, said subject is currently being really well fucking written, so although not my cup of tea, it definetelly deserves a chance.
Beware of The Villainess!
I KNOW many of you know this one and I KNOW all of you also love the female lead, the blue werewolf, the *cough* lesbian *cough* heroine and the maid. I love them too. It's a REALLY good one and it also is one of my all time favorites. Be ready to want to kill some guys though lol.
Just- just read it. It's GOOD. And recent updates just started going deeper. Please. It's good, I promise-
The Evil Lady Will Change
It's also pretty damn good and also has the thing with 'marry me but don't expect love'. Both female and male lead are actually pretty good guys but their reputation was twisted so now they are seen as villanious like in public eye.
Priscilla's Marriage Request
Powerful female lead that is set on avoiding the outcomes of her previous life. But of course, once one manages to change the course of the previous story a new one starts, and in that new one she won't have her previous knowledge for it. Also she has a crush on the male lead ever since her previous life l o l.
This is an Obvious Fraudulent Marriage
Female lead is quite oblivious and the male lead only becomes better with time. The female lead may throw a few tauntruns but they're never annoying. I really like this one.
I Became The Villain's Mother
Also dropped because of slow updates, to be reborn as the mother in a family of villains and trying to give them the love they lacked. Both father and son and little shits.
The Villain's Saviour
Though the fact that the female lead cries way too much is a bit annoying, the story is so damn interesting. Male lead is basically a literal psychopath. The drama is off the charts too, specially since this one also makes use of Soulmate Marks.
One more on the list of dropped because of slow updates so now I am waiting for it to basically end so I can read it all in one sit. The fact she is insekaid is only shown at chapter 4 nsksjxksnekxjasfo, it's a good one though.
IRIS - Lady With a Smarthphone
Although I wish they would have actually focused more on the fact that she has a phone and put it to more use, it's actually a really interesting story in which the female lead is aiming to destroy everything related to all the pain she faced in her past life, and she is being very through with it.
The Youngest Princess
Badass female lead re incarnated in the same world so it's not isekai but it's very much re incarnation. Family interactions are great in this one lolololol, female lead is really good as a character. I have re read this one quite a few times though it's still very much only on the beggining of the whole thing.
The Duchess' 50 Tea Recipes
Came for the isekai, stayed for the female lead's obsession with tea to the point you could make memes about it. Poor male lead losing his position to TEA. It's in all honestly one of my all time favorites and though it is very focused on tea, it's very entertaining as it deals with other subjects too. It's so amazing how some problems were actually solved with tea. Very recomended.
When you are reborn in a world that of all game functions it has decided to be GATCHA. It's really damn good though and the art is hella great, extra plus for comedy material lololololol.
The Villainess Lives Twice
Female lead is very particular, she isn't nice but she isn't necessarily evil, her actions are pretty manipulative due to it being all she has ever known and she uses herself as a mere tool to have others achieve their goals, automatically achieving her own goals. I just find the way she works really interesting as she goes against those who ruined her in the past.
A Capable Maid
Not really isekai nor re incarnation but I felt the need to put it here due to the fact that not only it is great but also due to the fact that the female lead had visions of several times in history that has helped her in many tasks.
A Returner's Magic Should Be Special
Now I'm not sure if it's korean but I love it so it's here. This time we have a male main character, it's really damn good and I read it all first in one sit. Main character went back in time before apocalypse right after he just destroyed the cause of said apocalypse in the future. Now he is aiming to avoid the apocalyspe alltogether and make sure his loved ones stay alive and well this time around.
The Pet of The Villainess
This one is so damn interesting, seriously. It destroyed so many too often used tropes in these kinds of webtoons and its PERFECT. I seriously recomend it just from the fact it takes a completelly different approach to many now "cliches" in these kind of webtoons.
Please Throw Me Away
Another interesting one, male lead is a huge puppy in love with a distrustfull cat female lead. Her family is shit and I would pay to have them destroyed. Have I said the male lead is a huge fucking puppy.
Actually, I Was The Real One
When you are accused of being fake and sentenced to death only to be told by the fake herself that you were actually the real one all this time. Main characters has no socializing habilities and it's cute lol, she is doing her best. This time she is making sure to try to avoid the same ending, and searching to know why she was brought back in time.
I Became The Hero's Mom
This girl took stanning to the next level and decided that no, since now I have the chance I will make sure my favorite character grows up as a happy child being loved and smiling instead of suffering. Male lead is the dad and he is so fucking great.
A Young Lady is a Royal Chef
This one is pretty centered in food as the title says, it's pretty new so the story hasn't gotten a chance to fully develop just yet but it's still interesting enough to keep me hooked.
When The Villainess Loves
B O I, I DIDN'T EXPECT TO LOVE IT BUT I DID AND HAVE RE READ IT MANY TIMES AND I NEED MORE UPDATES AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Anyways this can actually manage to hurt your feelings with "fake angst" and I give kudos to that lolololol. The male characters are killing me seriously, they're too cute, then too hot, then too cute, THEN TOO HOT, BUT THEN S O C U T E-
I've Become The Villanious Empress of a Novel
Also one fairly new to the point the story hasn't fully developed yet, I really like it solely for the fact the female lead is now on the road to fix the bullshit around her. She's also a badass I would gladly let step on me.
Shadow Queen
A big FUCK YEAH to this one because the main character deserves it. After dying to a very thought out plan and even having her son killed, she is now planning on turning the tables and ruining the ones making the plan from inside. She is amazing and I love her pls read.
The Lady and The Beast
Honestly this one is both comedy gold and angsty at the same time the mix of feelings makes me go jshejdhsowjebfoshexiwnnfso, it's so hella great though, it's also basically new but it has developed it's story quite a bit.
This Girl is a Little Wild
And to finish this list on a gold but sad key, this one is also one of my all time favorite, the female and male lead are adorable and ridiculous together and I love them, the main character is so likeable and the plot has so many puzzles but, rumor says the original creator has dropped this, thought it is sad I hope said creator is okay, even incompleted it's still a really damn good read.
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talpup · 3 years
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Summary: Yami Sukehiro just wanted to join the Magic Knights and make his mentor proud. He knew there would be trails. He knew trouble would come his way. Knew he would be faced with discrimination for being a foreigner and a peasant. What he didn’t know. Didn’t expect. Was that literal Chaos would come his way. That he and his mentor’s sister would be at the center of world ending trouble. Or that he would fall in love with his mentor’s sister and face more than discrimination; but the jealously of Nozel Silva who loved the same woman he did.
Please remember this fic is rated mature and has warnings of violence, abuse, sexual tension, sexual behavior, and other possible triggers. For a full list of story tags please check the fics AO3 (link to that at the top of my tumblrs homepage).
IMPORTANT NOTE: Also, there’s a very small part in this chapter that turned out a bit more spicy than planned. It’s not explicit and definitely not enough to change the fics tags, clothes stay on and nothing happens under them. But since it’s a bit more steamy than I had planned I decided to mark where the spice starts and ends for anyone wanting to skip it.
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Chapter 97
Teris stepped into the great room surprised to see Yami there. “I thought you were going to tend to the wolves.”
“Is that why you chose now to leave?” Yami asked, closing a book and getting to his feet.
“And just where do you think I’m going?” Teris tossed back.
“So you are leaving.” Yami said, both aggravated that she had attempted to sneaking off and proud at how well he knew her. “I’ll go with you.”
“You will?” Teris questioned.
“What? I helped save them.” Yami said.
“I didn’t claim otherwise.”
“It’s just--” Teris released a breath with a slight shake of her head. “Never mind. You’re more then welcomed to come.”
“Good we can talk about what you did down there on the way.” Yami said.
“What did I do?” Teris asked.
“Don’t play dumb. It doesn’t suit you.”
Teris sighed. “I knew what you would say and made a choice.”
“You’re damned right I would have stopped you. Alowishus said it was trying to decide if you were you, what with him having given you some of his mana.” Yami’s fist clenched at the memory of it.
It wasn’t so much that Alowishus had pressed his lips to Teris’. Though Yami certainly hadn’t likedthat. It was the fact that the man had forced his mana upon her. According to Julius, Alowishus forcing his mana into Teris’system had born sizable risk to Teris’ life if her system hadn’t accepted it but was too weak to expel or assimilate it. The fact that Teris had gone along with Alowishus’ plans for them to open the vault doors without fully explaining the risks involved,made Yami cross with her. Sure he understood why she’d done it. But even so, Yami never would have allowed her to take such a chance with her life. The fact that Nozel and Fuegoleon would have agreed with him, even knowing what it would mean for the them, made Yami all the more adherent to his stance.
Yami stepped in front of her, grasping her arms. “Teris, look at me.”
Teris stared back at Yami, impatient and annoyed by the continuation of the topic. Sorry as she was that she had in essence deceived Yami, she wasn’t sorry about what she did. Mana only knows what Alowishus would have done to them if she refused. Nozel and Fuegoleon certainly would have been put to death.
Seeing her petulant expression, Yami snapped. “I need you to listen. This is important.”
“Fine.” Teris snipped back.
Yami ground his teeth, the two staring at each other. Finally he told. “Don’t you ever take a chance like that with your life again. You hear me? I need you to promise me, Teris.”
“I can’t promise you that. I’m a Magic Knight, same as you. Could you promise me such a thing?”
Yami was silent.
“Well?” Teris pressed.
“That’s different.” Yami rumbled.
“Why? Cause you’re a man?”
Yami scoffed. “No.”
“Then why?”
“Cause I’m not half as important as you.”
Teris frowned. “Yes you are.”
Yami gave a mirthless smirk. “I’m a poor, foul mouthed, ill tempered, irreverent foreigner.”
Teris cupped his cheek, other hand resting on his chest. “Yami. You are so much more than that. You are… You’re everything to me.”
Yami clasped her neck, palm lifting her chin. He pressed his forehead to hers, her dark eyes filling his vision. “That’s why you can’t ever chance your life like that again, Ikigai. You’re my everything. The reason I get up and do what I do, and go on. I can’t lose you. I refuse to lose--” He stopped and swallowed, remembering how he had lost her for a few seconds that had felt more like an eternity the morning of the Summer Solstice.
Finger tracing his stubbled jaw, Teris looked sadly at him. “Yami, I love you. But even in a world without crazies interested in us,I can’t promise you that.” Her hand lowered, joining the other one on his chest. Pulling her forehead from his, she went on. “But I promise I’ll try never to take such chances. Will that work for you?”
“Hardly.” Yami huffed. His thumb tenderly caressed her cheek. “But I’ll take it.”
Teris gripped his wrist, pulling his hand down from her face. “Will you promise me the same?”
“Are we exchanging vows here? Can I make you mine, Princess?” Yami grabbed her waist, pulling her against his solid frame.
Teris knew exactly what he was doing. He was trying to get out of making the same promise she’d made. Annoyed, she tried to come up with a response but was too flustered by his words and desirous gaze.
Yami smirked crookedly. “I got all sorts of promises I’ll be making you the day you fully give yourself to me. Fair warning, most aren’t be for public ears.”
Teris’ own ears warmed, blush deepening. Swallowing her nerves, she met his gaze and tried to match his toying, lustfulsmile with one of her own. “I hope you plan on giving more than words if such a day ever comes to pass.”
Yami pressed closer his hands sliding down to her hips and around to her ass. Pulling her into him, his large hands squeezed and lifted her to her toes. “Just you wait, Princess. I got all sorts of things planned.”
Teris shivered at the low rumble of his voice. Though the lady she had been taught to be told her to shrink away and scold him, she instead listened to her inner wanting, reveling in the trusted freedom she had with Yami.
Wrapping her arms around his neck, Teris pulled him down and kissed him.
Yami’s hands panned up her butt to wrap around her waist. Leaning over her, he returned her kiss with hungry excitement.
Teris sighed into his mouth, hands tugging at his hair.
It wasn’t long before Yami had to pull away. Breaking the kiss, he turned his hip to her. It was his own fault. His thoughts and words, coupled with the feel of her had excited him enough to make things stir.
“Done already?” Teris asked, looking disappointed. She gave a playful pout. “You’re not giving me much hope for these so called plans of yours.”
Yami gave a throaty growl. Taking her words as a challenge, he told himself would surpass his limits of self control and deny his wanting till he left her dizzy and breathless. Leering over her, he backed her up, large hands on her hips.
Teris lowered her hands, reaching back to feel for the wall that she knew was there.
“Why do you suddenly look nervous?” Yami teased with a predatory smile.
“I—I’m not--”
Yami swooped down and kissed her,cutting off her words. His bodypressed into hers as hedeepenedthe kiss, tongue dancing with hers.
Teris’ lips became delightfully sore from the pressure. Her face raw from his sandpaper like stubble. Still, she kissed him back. Heady relief that she, Yami, Nozel, and Fuegoleon had made it out alive two days ago mixed with her love and desire for Yami.
**** extra spicy bit starts ****
She pressed back against Yami as he pressed her against the wall. Just when she thought she would faint from lack of air, Yami pulled away only to dive to the curve of her neck. He kissed and nipped as he slowly made his way up to the tender point just below her ear. His tongue leaked out to trace its way up to her earlobe which he flicked and nibbled.
“Yami...” Teris’ hands ran up his arms, trimmed finger nails pricking his skin ever so lightly.
Yami gave a low hum in reply. He nuzzled deeper into her neck when she tried to turn and return the favor. His hand lifted, clasping her just beneath the jaw. Gently, he turned and tilted her head, better exposing her neck.
Taking his hand, Teris kissed it. Her teeth plucked at the calloused skin of his fingers. Yami laced his fingers with hers, knowing that if she took one of his fingers between her lips he would be finished. Just the thought of it made things below his belt twitch. At that he gave another throaty hum which turned into a soft, low growl of frustrated wanting when Teris arched her back her breasts pressing into him.
He took her other hand and pinned both her arms to her side. Teris strained against his hold wanting to touch him.
Yami lifted from her neck wearing a grin. “Let’s see how long you can keep your hands off me.”
He slowly releasing his hold. Teris reached for him, but Yami gripped her wrists pressing them back against the wall.
“You’re not even trying.”
“Where’s my incentive?” Teris questioned, hips swaying. There was that familiar pulsing warmth in her core that Yami often caused, her legs squeezed together trying and satiate the need.
Yami slowly looked her over. Seeing the slight dance of her hips, his lips curled upward. The year and a half till her twentieth birthday seemed painfully far away. But he was set on waiting until they were wed. Even if he thought he had a chance of convincing her otherwise, which he didn’t, they were faced with so much as it was.
Seeing her like that. Realizing that she wanted him just as much as he wanted her. It should’ve been enough to make him step back and let them both calm. But he didn’t.
Smirking, Yami told. “You keep your hands to yourself till I’m done with you, and you can have anything you want.”
“Elaborate what you mean by anything.”
Yami’s eyes pulled over her form. “Anything.”
“That certain you’ll win this little game of yours?” Teris grinned, warming to the idea.
Yami didn’t reply. In all honesty, her tone only heightened his wanting and made things all the harder on him. But he didn’t caring about winning in this case. He simply didn’t want to stop yet and thought this tactic might help his cause.
Teris’ arms relaxed in his hands. “Fine. Have at me.”
Yami groaned. Her words. The huskiness of her voice. The look in her eye. She wasn’t playing fair.
Teris gave a surprised squeak and bliss filled laugh when Yami pounced.
Yami’s lips latched onto her collarbone. Arm snaking around her waist, his other hand gripped the back of her thigh lifting it his side. His hip pressed against her core.
Teris’ laughter ceased with a hitched in take of breath. Her head fell back against the wall further exposing her neck to him. Yami gladly took the invitation, lower lip pulling up her bared throat. Her hands moved to touch him; but she wasn’t about to lose this game so easily. Pressing her arms against the wall, her fingers curled into fists.
Yami tugged at her raised, held thigh. A soft, short moan escaped her. Lashes fluttering against her cheeks, Teris pressed her kiss swollen lips between her teeth trying to stifle any further noise.
Yami began to gently pull at her thigh and hip in time with every forward thrustof his hip.
Teris’ hands lifted, grasping her wrists above head. Breath uneven, she trembled with desire.
“Yami...” Teris exhaled in a needy moan.
Nipping along the line of her jaw, Yami made his way to her lips. He kissed her just as she released another moan. His chest reverberated in a responding groan. He released her thigh, his hand lifting to cup the back of her neck. Deepening the kiss, his other hand trailed up from her hip and curved around her ribs. His thumb came to rest just beneath her breast. He felt the tension within her change slightly. But when his hand didn’t move any further she relaxed and melted back into him, giving herself over to the heady feelings and sensations he caused.
His hip ceased thrusting and began to grind against her. Teris rewarded him with a long throaty moan, her body both tensing and easing at the same time. Yami’s hand pivoted, fingers sweeping up from her side to cup her breast. He followed her as she tried to break the kiss. His other hand, still cupping her neck, holding her in place.
Teris’ hands had dropped to Yami’s chest. But all thought of pushing at him to stop, fell away when Yami’s thumb swiped across the perk sensitive bud covered by her top and bra. Her body thrummed at the pleasurable jolt. She tired to suck in a breath, but with Yami’s mouth still attached to hers, was unable to.
Teris’ fingers clawed at Yami’s bicep. She wanted more. Needed more. And Yami gave her exactly that. His thumb traced around the pebbled peak as his hip moved in tandem against her core. Though she clearly enjoyed it. It wasn’t the response he had been hoping for. Experimentally, he ran the pad of his thumb back and forth over her excited flesh. Teris’ chest heaved, giving another mewling moan.
Changing his dance, Yami’s hip and thumb swiped in opposite directions as they pressed into her. He felt Teris’ body shudder, her muscle clenching and releasing only to tighten and release again and again. Not wanting to drown out the perfect sounds she was making, his lips moved onto her neck.
Teris whined, breath coming in starts and stops. “Yami.”
There was a growing tightness in her abdomen. The wetness in her underwear so that, if she weren’t lost in the throws of the moment, she would’ve worried it had seeped through and showed on her pants.
Teris pulled at Yami’s shoulder, other hand running up the back of his neck. All that existed was Yami, and the feeling his movements caused within her.
Her head rolled forward to rest on his shoulder. “Yami...”
The coil in her center tightened further. Yami’s strong body pressed harder against her as if trying to become one. What was left of Teris’ thinking mind wondered if this was what was meant when they said man and wife would become one flesh. The thought brought on a completely different kind of jolt. They had said they were going to wait. Yami had said he wanted to wait just as much as she did. They had to stop.
“Yami.” Teris said, voice more sober but still heady.
Her eyes fluttered open, mind caught between the unthinking tide of pleasure and wanting to tell him to stop. Only she didn’t want him to stop. She wanted him to continue until the coil within her snapped.
“Oh, Yami.” Teris mewled, melting back into him.
**** extra spicy bit end****
A burst of light from over Yami’ shoulder pulled at her attention. Teris blinked, seeing a darkened silhouette. Her muscles tensed for a completely different reason. Her hand dropped from Yami’s neck to push at his chest, other hand patting at his shoulder. They were no longer alone.
“Yami.” Teris whispered.
Still, Yami continued.
Eyes adjusting to the brightest of the incoming light, Teris recognized the figure. “Nozel!”
Nothing could have brought Yami out of the moment quicker. His head pulled back, movements instantly ceasing. “Nozel?”
Yami saw Teris’ wide eyes trained over his shoulder. A short, angry growl rumbled from his chest. Now that his focus wasn’t drawn to better things, he could sense the other mans raging Ki. For mana sake, why couldn’t he and Teris get a moments peace? What was the damned Ball of Pride doing here anyway? Wasn’t he suppose to be recovering at Healers Hall or something?
Yami let Teris push him back a step. Shoving his hands in his pockets, he balled them into fists to better hide the tent in his pants.
His eyes trailed over Teris wondering again how much she knew about sex or a mans body. Even if her mother had lived, Yami didn’t know what the ranking class taught their young unwed daughters. It wasn’t as if he could ask Julius about it. He considered just asking Teris. But even with them both wanting a relationship of free and open communication, some topics would have to wait until they were wed.
Nozel stood as still as a statue. Boiling inside, he wanted to lash out and end Yami Sukehiro. He wanted to demand to know what the hell Teris, his Intended, thought she was doing. But he couldn’t find the words. He was so shocked he couldn’t even move enough to tear his eyes away from the scandalous disarray of Teris’ hair.
Jax entered the great room from the back hallway. He lifted Teris’ report, squinting. Mana he swore her scrawl was worse than Yami’s. It was almost as messy as Julius’. He shook his head. Julius better get use to writing in a neater hand. The Magic Knights would find themselves in a bad way with a Wizard King whose penmanship no one could decipher.
“Yami. Can you read— Nozel?” Jax stopped.
The Black Bulls Captain blinked in surprise. They had said Fuegoleon’s injuries were worse; but still, even after two days of constant healing spells he would've figured the Silver Eagles Vice Captain would still be at Healer’s Hall or at least convalescing at home.
Nozel didn’t even turn to acknowledge the Black Bulls Captain.
Jax followed Nozel’s gaze. First he saw Yami and wondered what the man had said or done to antagonize the royal this time. Then he caught sight of Teris, who he had thought had already left to visit the Crimson Lion and Silver Eagle Vice Captain's. Taking in Teris’ somewhat disheveled state, Jax instantly pieced together what Nozel had walked in on.
Sighing, Jax muttered to himself. He felt annoyed on Yami and Teris’ behalf. Given all of Julius’ rules, meant to keep Yami safe from further attempts by Nathyn Silva, this was the only place the young couple could truly be a couple. And now Nozel had walked in making them, well at least Teris, feel uncomfortable at even that. Granted it wasn’t Nozel’s fault; but it didn’t change how aggravating the situation was.
“Yami. I need your help with this.” Jax called, lifting Teris’ report.
Yami turned to the Captain. It would probably be best for all of them if he left Teris to handle this anyway. He gave Jax a nod. Still facing Teris, back to Nozel, he lowered his head and uttered. “Go ahead and visit the Lion Cub without me. See you later, yeah?”
Teris nodded, mutely. Yami ran his hand down her arm as he took another step back and followed Jax down the hall.
Nozel watched Yami’s fingers trail across Teris’ stomach as the man walked away. Saw Teris’ slight tremble at the contact. He told himself it was because she found Yami’s touch revolting., but knew better.
As badly as he would rather turn away and leave, Nozel stepped fully inside. His hand slapped the front door closed, flinty blue eyes never leaving Teris’.
Teris jumped slightly at the slamming door. She shouldn’t feel guilty; but she did. Frowning at the feeling, her kiss swollen lips pressed together. She wondered if her mouth and neck looked as hot and red they felt, tender from the pressure of Yami’s kisses and scrapped by his stubble.
The awkward discomfort grew turning seconds into minutes.
A small wicked part in Teris heartlessly thought that maybe Nozel would finally believe that she wouldn't obey Fyntch and marry him. She hated herself for the thought. Nozel was her friend. She didn’t want to hurt him. If only he didn’t care about her that way.
“I’m glad to see you’re up and released. We,” she glanced over her shoulder down the hall where Yami had long since disappeared with Jax, “were just going to visit you and Leon.”
Nozel stared at her without word.
Teris cleared her throat. “Are you alright?”
“I wouldn’t have been released if I wasn’t.” Nozel clipped, coolly.
“And Leon?” Teris asked.
“Likely released tomorrow.” Nozel answered, shortly. He began to turn back to the door.
Teris took another step toward him, hand reaching out.
Nozel eyes lowered to her hovering hand. Unlike usual, there was little inclination to bridge the gap and connect with her. He had known, had imagined the things she and Yami did. Having seen the marks Yami once left on her neck, it was all too easy to picture the allowances Teris let the foreigner have. Even so, Nozel had scolded himself. Told himself that his imaginings were so much worse than what actually went on. He had been wrong. So very wrong.
“Are you sure you’re alright? I was so worried.” Teris said. The unwelcome memory of him and Fuegoleon hanging from the tree, blood dripping from them, filled her mind. Nozel’s stifled screams followed by his cry of pain echoed in her ears. She shook the image and remembered sound away, unable to bear it.
“Fine.” Nozel’s voice caught. He coughed lighted and stepped away, turning. “I should go.”
Teris stepped after him. “Nozel. But—you just got here. Don’t you want to--” Want to what, she wondered feeling foolish. Stay here and draw out this clear discomfort between them? She wasn’t going to apologize for what Nozel had walked in on. Sure she and Yami had once again gone too far; but that had nothing to do with Nozel. Guilty as she felt for whatever hurt it may have caused him, she wasn’t ashamed. She wished Nozel didn’t like her. Why did he have to like her?
Nozel stopped but didn’t turn back to face her. He couldn’t bare to look at her anymore. Couldn’t bare the sight of her kiss swollen lips. Couldn't stand the sight of her reddened mouth and neck which had been scratched raw by Yami’s few days growth; because the ill bred peasant foreigner refused to regularly shave like a civilized person.
“I was just released from the healers.” Nozel said, not mentioning that this was the first place he had come. He had needed to see Teris. Needed to know she was alright. Well now he knew, she was more than alright. He swallowed the bitter bile that rose in his throat. “Several Crimson Lions were visiting Fuegoleon when I left. If you’re truly interested seeing him, I’d wait a couple hours for him to rest and recoup some energy.”
Teris fidgeted, plucking at her fingers. “Of course I truly want to see him. I wanted to see the both of you. To see for myself that you were truly okay.”
Nozel’s eyes closed. He hated how her words both soothed and stung. Why did he have to love her? How had he even fallen for her? They were so different. It wasn’t as if she had led him on or given him hope. Was he really that in need of affection that what little she had given him as a friend had sparked an interest that grew into this love that was now his doom? If so, how did he get over it? How did he get over her?
“Nozel. I’m so sorry about what happened. You and Leon being taken by the Agents of Chaos because of--”
“Stop.” Nozel silenced. He couldn’t say what upset him more; the fact that he first thought her apology was for the allowances she afforded Yami, or that she was blaming herself for what those lunatics had done. He turned on his heel, blue eyes piercing her dark ones as he avoid looking anywhere else on her. “What the Agents of Chaos did wasn’t your fault.”
Teris’ mouth clamped shut. She wanted to argue; but her guilt would only make him feel worse, and that was the last thing she wanted.
Nozel’s head lowered in shame. He was the reason Fuegoleon was still at Healer’s Hall recovering. They had tortured the Vermillion until Nozel had broke and answered their questions. His shame built at having broken and answered their questions. But Fuegoleon would have died if he hadn’t. But he had told them things about Teris… It was a spiraling cycle that would bury him and seeing Teris made it that much worse. Why had he come? Why couldn't he have just trusted the reports that said she was alright? Why did he love her so much? Why couldn’t she love him?
As if reading some of his thoughts, Teris told. “It makes no difference what you told them, so long as you and Leon are safe and alive.” Unbidden images from two nights ago flicked through her mind once again. Overcome with relief, she rushed the rest of the way to him and hugged him. “I’m just so thankful that you’re alright. I was so worried.”
Nozel stood there trying to resist the urge to hug her back. He lasted all of a second before his arms lifted and returned her embrace. “You’re not the only one who was concerned. Promise me you’ll never bargain your life and safety like that again.” Though his tone was stern he silently pleaded, even if you never promise me another thing again, promise me that.
Teris exhaled, annoyed and amused. “You sound like Yami.”
Nozel bristled. He pulled away from her, voice rising in temper and volume. “I beg your pardon!”
“No Magic Knight could make such a promise.” Teris said.
Nozel wanted to argue that she wasn’t just a Magic Knight. That she was his Intended. His beloved. His friend. But he held his tongue. “I need to check in with Captain Kess and work on my report. I have a full debriefing tomorrow morning and would like my report ready to hand over by then, if not sent in later today.”
“Please don’t over do it. You were only just released from the healers.” Teris said.
Nozel gave a curt nod but didn’t make any promises.
Without invitation Yami plopped down in one of the chairs in front of Jax’s desk. Jax closed the office door and made his way around the desk easing into his seat.
“Did you really need me, or were you just trying to get me out of there to spare the Royal Bird?” Yami asked.
“It’s unlike you to sound so petty and jealous.” Jax commented.
Yami scoffed. “What do I have to be jealous about?”
“You tell me.”
“I’m not jealous. Just pent up and aggravated.”
“I noticed.” Jax’s eyes darted down to the bulge in Yami’s pants, quickly lifting back to meet the mans gaze.
Yami growled and crossed his arms. “I just want a moment of undisturbed peace. Is that too much to ask?”
“Until you can better control yourself, I don’t think you and Teris should be spending a sizable length of time alone. That is unless you changed your mind about wanting to wait for certain things.” The Captain’s brows rose in silent query.
“No. I mean, yeah. I was in control of myself.”
Jax sat back sighing. This would be so much easier if Teris wasn’t Julius’ sister. Sure he looked out for every member of his squad no matter their rank or age; but Julius being his closest living friend added a whole other level of responsibility.
“Nozel’s scheduled to be debriefed tomorrow morning. I want you there with me.” Jax told.
Yami sat forward, remembering Alowishus had said he had tortured the Silver Eagle and Crimson Lion into answering his questions. Given the state Fuegoleon and Nozel had been in, Yami figured neither had been all that forthcoming. But Alowishus had said they eventually broke. “What kind of questions were they asked?”
“I don’t know. But considering who was doing the asking, is there any doubt it was about you and Teris?”
Yami’s teeth pressed together. He was tempted to march back out to the great room and demanded answers from Nozel now.
“Ellara will be there. So I need you to do whatever it is you do to relax and calm that temper yours.”
“I’m fine.” Yami rumbled.
“No. You’re not. You’re clearly angry, and rightly so. But on top of that you’ve been more easily annoyed than usual.”
“You’re annoying me.” Yami stared across the desk telling himself that he couldn’t hit the Captain. That Jax had a point, and if he was thinking clearly he wouldn’t even want to hit him.
“That’s exactly what I mean. You have a short enough fuse as it is. But for the passed month or so that fuse has been near nonexistent.” Jax said.
I’ve been struggling with this heightened temper for well more than a month, Yami thought, anger bubbling near the surface. It’s just that he had begun to lose his battle with controlling the shortened temper this passed month.
“Either you get a handle on whatever’s been bugging you by tomorrow morning or I’m not taking you.” Jax went on.
“You’re not taking Teris!” Yami stormed, feeling an overwhelming swell of protective possessiveness that wasn’t like his usual self.
The only reason Jax didn’t say he was the Captain and could do whatever he wanted was because he could see Yami’s inner struggle to control himself. “Of course not. The last thing Teris or Nozel need is for her to be there while he relays what he likely feels is a betrayal.”
“Any answer he gave them was a betrayal.” Yami said.
Jax almost spoke in Nozel’s defense; but realized that in the state Yami was in, it wouldn’t make a difference. Shaking his head, he told. “Just get this extra aggression out of your system and be ready to go before breakfast.”
“Are you ever gonna tell me?” Yami asked.
Jax’s eyebrows furrowed. “Tell you what?”
Yami shrugged. “Don’t know. But there’s something you’ve been hiding for a couple weeks now.”
Jax thought of the journal sitting in his desk drawer that he had found thanks to Iban’s very belated confession about his family’s past. The journal Marx had used his magic to copy; and Julius had asked him not to tell Yami and Teris about just yet. Even Greywright had agreed with the Azure Deers Captain; though the Knights Commander hadn’t ordered him to keep quiet. After the Agent of Chaos, Flic, had turned himself in, Jax had decided he was going to tell his Vice Captain's about the journal. But that was before Fuegoleon and Nozel, and Yami and Teris had been taken. Even with it over and the four Vice Captain's safely returned, Jax had changed his mind and decided to wait for at least a few days.
“That Ki of yours tell you that?” Jax asked.
Yami shrugged a shoulder. “Ki, knowing how things work, and a tiny bit of guessing.”
Jax huffed. Thanks to Yami’s sense of Ki, he was able to read him almost as well as Bronn had. “I’ll tell you--”
“Jax.” Commander Greywright’s voice sounded from the communication orb sitting on the bureau behind him.
“I’m in a meeting with one of my Vice Captain's.” Jax said, so the Knights Commander knew he wasn’t alone should anything be confidential.
“Good. Bring whoever it is too.” Greywright responded.
“Bring where--” Jax’s question died on his lips as Cob stepped through a portal and into his office.
“Hidy ho.” Cob waved.
Yami and Jax shared a look.
Pushing out of his chair, Jax exhaled. “You heard the Commander. Let’s go.”
Disappointed that Fuegoleon had still been asleep but glad to see he had been resting peacefully, Teris turned the corner and nearly bumped into Mereoleona.
“Leaving Leon’s?” The Crimson Lion Captain asked.
Teris nodded. “He was resting but it was good to see him just the same.”
“Then maybe I should wait before going in. I’d likely tell him to wake up and get to work, and we both know he needs the rest.” Mereoleona took in her cousin’s downcast face. “Hey. You’re not being stupid and thinking this is all your fault are you? I’ll knock some sense into you if you are.”
Even though she was, Teris shook her head. “I just wish Leon and I hadn’t argued at Nebra’s party.”
Mereoleona’s eyes narrowed. “I thought I told you to enjoy things while you could.”
“Yeah, well that’s easier said then done.” Teris snapped.
The Captain arched an eyebrow.
“Sorry.” Teris apologized. Looking down at her feet, she mumbled. “But it is.”
Mereoleona sighed. “I could use a drink. You look like you need one too. Come on.”
“What kind of drink?”
Mereoleona looked at Teris out of the corner of her eye. “I know you’re not that stupid or innocent.”
“There is something I would like to ask you about.” Teris said, more to herself.
Hearing, Mereoleona smirked. “Don’t tell me you’re in trouble, again.”
Teris bristled. “What do you mean, again?”
“I don’t like to repeat myself, but I’ll say it again, you’re not that stupid.” Mereoleona threw her arm around Teris’ shoulder and led her down the hall. “You can ask all you like at the pub. I’ll even let you pay first round.”
Seated in a corner table at the Boiling Brew, Teris looked about in interest. She might not have been a perfect royal lady; but she was upstanding enough to stay away from pubs in Black Magic Alley. Taking the place in she didn’t see the difference. Was it just the pubs location that carried a stigma? Because it looked like any other bar she had been in.
Mereoleona clearly came here quite often as the waitress asked her cousin if she wanted the usual. Even though it was a bit early in the day and there was no occasion for it, Teris ordered a stout thinking the drink would help settle her nerves.
Teris tried to pay for the drinks after they arrived. Mereoleona laughed and waved her off.
“I was joking about you paying first round.” Mereoleona turned to the waitress. “Put it on my tab, Lisbet.” Looking back at Teris, she teased. “Unless you’re wanting to open up a monthly tab of your own.”
Teris’ eyes widened. “No, no.” She gave the waitress a polite smile. “Not at this time. Thank you.”
“You can be so cruel, Leona.” Lisbet chuckled, shaking her head at the Magic Knights Captain. She patted Teris’ forearm. “No worries, lass. We’ll be happy to serve you if you ever come again.”
Back straight, Teris watched the waitress turn and go.
“Ease up. It’s just us. There’s no older brothers, stuffed up royals, or Silva’s here to judge you.” Mereoleona told, sitting back in her seat.
The tension in Teris’ shoulders eased.
“Take a drink and tell me what’s going on.” Mereoleona ordered.
Teris took a small sip. Looking at her cousin over the rim of the mug, she took another, longer draw of alcohol.
Mereoleona chuckled when Teris took a third quaff. Picking up her own mug, the Vermillion took a swig. “Better?”
“A bit.” Teris took one more sip before placing her half empty mug on the table.
Mereoleona sobered. If half a pint of beer wasn’t enough to fully relax the her then what Teris wanted to talk about must really be troubling. “What’s going on?”
“I—I wanted to ask— I want to ask about...” Teris stopped and fidgeted.
“Spit it out.” Mereoleona commanded, impatient nature getting the best of her.
“It’s only—with my mother gone I never learned such things.” Teris said. Sighing, she muttered. “That’s if mother would have told me about them at all.”
Mereoleona frowned. Teris wasn’t looking for sympathy. Even if she were, she had come to the wrong person and they both knew it. “What things?”
Teris lowered her gaze trying to summon her nerve.
“Teris. What things?” Mereoleona asked, impatience growing.
Taking in a breath, Teris lifted her eyes and questioned with more volume than intended.. “What happens when a man and woman are married? What makes them one flesh?”
Caught off guard by the question for a moment, Mereoleona grinned. “Ask the whole pub why don’t you.”
Teris blushed beet red seeing that her unintentionally raised voice had garnered a number of looks.
“I’d be happy to show you, lass!” A patron called to her.
Mereoleona looked over her shoulder ready to tear the man apart. Seeing he was an old man who wore a humored expression that bore no hint lewd intent, she chuckled along with him.
“Leave the ladies alone, Merv.” Lisbet told the man.
Mereoleona looked back at Teris seeing her color. “You sure you should be asking such things if you can barely make yourself voice them, and redden so once you do?”
“I— It—it’s only—just— It’s not like we’re doing anything.” Teris finally managed to get out. “We both want to wait. It’s just--”
Teris might feel like a fool; but she wasn’t completely innocent. She had touched herself. Doing so while thinking about Yami until the coil in her belly snapped and left her floating on a wave of mindless ecstasy. But there was a difference between her creating those sensations and Yami doing so. Wasn’t there? She had to make sure that what she and Yami had been doing wasn’t what was meant for marriage. Yes, it was still more than what they should be doing. But she had to know that she hadn’t been about to give herself and become one with Yami if they hadn’t been interrupted.
Mereoleona sighed when Teris didn’t go on. Thinking about a long ago Captain's meeting, she said. “Well, I already told everyone you and I had this talk so I guess it’s only right we have it in truth.”
Teris stared wide eyed, the color draining from her face. “What do you mean ‘told everyone’? Who did you tell?”
Mereoleona waved her off. “Never mind that. Lisbet!” She yelled, signaling to the waitress for another round.
The waitress gave a nod.
Looking back at Teris, Mereoleona asked. “How much do you know? Our should I just assume you know nothing?” Before Teris could answer the Crimson Lion downed her drink and went on. “Well I guess you know the basics. I saw the marks on your neck the morning after the Lava Springs party last year.”
Mereoleona sighed thinking it fitting that she hadn’t hosted one this year. Since Bronn had been the one who gave her the idea in the first place, it wouldn’t have felt right having it without him. Or maybe it would've been a way to honor the bastard...
“Stop your blushing.” Mereoleona snapped at Teris.
“Leave the girl alone.” Lisbet scolded, setting the drinks on the table. Smiling at Teris kindly, she asked. “Are you aware of the male form, lass?”
Maybe it was a mistake to ask Mereoleona instead of Venice. Teris had thought her cousin would be up front and straight to the point without all the teasing Venice would likely do. But now…
“I—I just don’t want to—you know. Have sex.” Teris mumbled.
“Ever?” Lisbet blinked.
“She and her beau want to wait till they’re wed.” Mereoleona told her friend. Looking at Teris, she thought that it didn’t matter whether Yami and Teris wanted to wait or not, they had to and sure as hell better.
Lisabet huffed and rolled her eyes. “Sure he does.”
“He does.” Teris said.
“Actually, I think he does.” Mereoleona told Lisbet. “At least as much as any young, excitable man is able.”
“Well isn’t that sweet.” Lisbet cooed.
“So you know next to nothing of the way of things and are afraid of unintentionally having sex.” Mereoleona stated, wanting to be sure she understood.
Lisbet sputtered, both at how preposterous such a worry sounded and Mereoleona’s bluntness. Mereoleona gave the waitress a look.
“It might sound silly and completely stupid to you; but yes.” Teris said, a bite to her voice.
Lisbet sobered, sorry she had laughed. “It’s alright, lass. Innocence is nothing to be ashamed of. We all gotta learn sometime.”
“What brought this on?” Mereoleona asked.
“Ah...” Teris drew out unsure how to respond. If she and Yami had truly come as close as she worried they had she wasn’t sure what Mereoleona would say or do.
Mereoleona felt herself becoming truly concerned. “Have you done anything below the waist?”
Teris thought of Yami’s hip pressed against her and how the coil within her would’ve snapped from his rutting if they hadn’t been interrupted.
“Beneath your clothes. Skin on skin. Things going in places.” Mereoleona clarified, growing worry when Teris didn’t answer, making her bluntness turn crass.
Teris’ eyes widened. “Certainly not!”
“Don’t be crude, Leona.” Lisabet chastised.
Teris wiggled in her seat, distressed and uncomfortable. Things going in places? What was that about? Sure she had once taken Yami’s finger into her mouth...
Mereoleona exhaled, relief making her smiled. “You have nothing to worry about.”
Lisbet swallowed a smile. “I’ll leave you ladies to it. Let me know if I can get you anything else.”
“A piece of lead and scrape of paper.” Mereoleona told.
“What?” Lisabet scoffed. “You gonna drawn her a diagram?”
Mereoleona shrugged a shoulder. “Should be the easiest way. Unless you wanna give her the talk.”
Lisabet shook her head. “Even if the lass didn’t want to wait. You’ll probably scare her off sex by the time you’re through. Just… Try to draw things to scale. Wouldn’t want her being too afraid. Or worse, disappointed when the time comes.”
It was just happenstance that Jax and Yami came across Julius in the large courtyard that connected the headquarters of the four divisions.
Walking up to the fellow Captain, Jax stormed. “Where the hell have you been? Where’s your communication crystal?”
Julius patted his pockets.
Standing beside him, Jon told his Captain. “You left it in your office saying we’d only be out a moment, Sir.”
“That’s right.” Julius nodded.
“Though it’s been far longer than a moment.” Jon muttered.
“How was I to know I’d get caught up?” Julius asked.
“Cause you always do.” Marx said, though in this case it was partially his fault.
“You look upset. What’s wrong?” Julius asked Jax.
“The Agents of Chaos traitor, Flic.” Jax said.
Julius tensed. “What about him?”
“He’s ill.” Jax said.
“How ill?” Marx asked.
“Deathly.” Yami rumbled.
“The Healers can’t do anything for him. They can’t even say what’s wrong with him.” Jax said.
“Ellara?” Julius questioned, softly.
“Hasn’t been anywhere near him, according to Greywright.” Jax said.
“But if she used her magic to tamper with the guards memories.” Julius pressed.
Marx shook his head. “The day Mister Flic arrived I recommended to Commander Greywright that he only assign guards he knew to have a memory block. Though the number was few, he readily agreed.”
“Could the Agents of Chaos have another follower in place at Headquarters?” Jon wondered.
“Let’s not go there.” Julius told his Vice Captain. Looking back at Jax and Yami, he said. “If Alowishus’ magic truly is death magic, then that combined with the fact that he obviously uses Black Magic would be enough for him to kill Flic from afar if he had some piece of the man on hand.”
“That would explain why the healers can’t figure out what’s wrong or how to help him.” Jax said, finding it as good an explanation as any. He certainly liked it better than the option Jon had put forward.
Yami scowled thinking about the pieces of him and Teris the Agents of Chaos had taken during the first time they were attacked. Voicing the concern, he asked. “What about the bits they took from Teris and me our first year as Magic Knights?”
Jax’s eyes widened. He stared at Julius in silent query.
Julius made a face, considering a moment. “Most, if not all of what they took would’ve been used to make the personalized mana blocked cell they held you in during the Summer Solstice.”
“You said most.” Yami grumbled.
“It’s difficult to say without knowing exactly how much of each piece they took from each of you.” Julius said, not liking it any better than Yami did.
“It’s doubtful they would even bother with such attempts.” Marx said.
“Why? Because they still need Yami and Teris for their plans.” Jax said, finding small comfort in that.
“Also because of the way the pieces were taken and their age.” Marx said. When everyone looked at him expectantly, he explained. “Such spells are not only determinate on the skill of the Mage; but the freshness, as it were, of such items.” He cleared his throat in distaste. “Then there’s the fact that you and Teris didn’t give the pieces of yourself willingly.”
“Damn right we didn’t.” Yami growled.
“Though not impossible, it’s always easier when the item for the spell was freely given. Just like it is with my memory absolute spell. I can force my way in. But it’s far easier and requires less time and mana if the person willingly accepts. Those factors, coupled with what Captain Jax said, and the likely limited ingredients that Julius mentioned make it highly unlikely that such a thing will ever happen to you or Teris. Especially when they have proven on several occasions that they can reach you by far simpler means.”
Though true, Yami and Jax glared at the Investigations Mage.
Trying to draw the two Black Bulls heated attention away from Marx, Julius said. “Suffice it to say, there’s no cause to worry they’ll do such a thing to Teris and Yami.”
Jax turned away from the group. “I need a drink.”
“Same.” Yami turned, following his Captain.
“Yami, wait.” Julius called, walking after him.
Jon trailed behind. Marx turned back and made his way to Magic Investigations. He would see the men tomorrow morning during Nozel Silva’s debriefing, and then later tomorrow night for a planned meeting at the Black Bulls base. Given all that had happened, that secret meeting couldn’t come soon enough.
Julius fell into step beside Yami. “Has Teris talked to Nozel or Fuegoleon? Has she said anything to you about what they said? What questions the Agents of Chaos might've asked?”
“No.” Yami told his mentor, wondering if Teris was still in the great room visiting with Nozel.
“I’m bringing him to Nozel’s debriefing.” Jax said.
“Is--” Julius lengthened his steps to walk beside Jax. He looked over his shoulder at Yami and lowered his voice. “Is that wise?”
Jax looked at Julius out of the corner of his eye. “When has wise ever been an apt description of me?”
“But…” Julius cast another backwards glance at Yami.
“If they haven’t killed each other yet, especially after this afternoon, it’s safe to say they’ll be fine in the same room debriefing room tomorrow.” Jax said, still surprised Nozel hadn’t attacked Yami then and there in the great room. So long as Yami followed his command to get rid of his pent up aggression, Jax figured everything would be fine at tomorrows debriefing.
Julius’ brow furrowed. “Why? What happened this afternoon?”
“What were you doing at Investigations?” Jax asked, dodging the query.
“You’re not taking Teris to Nozel’s debriefing are you?” Julius asked.
“Mana, no.” Jax said.
“Then why are you taking Yami? What are you thinking?” Julius questioned, suspiciously.
“Nothing. You should know me well enough by now. I rarely think.” Jax said.
Julius’ eyes narrowed. “That’s why I’m asking. Cause I do know you well enough. You may pretend not to have schemes and ideas but are full of them.”
“Those bastards killed my Vice Captain nearly six months ago. If they think they can continue messing with my two new ones, they got another thing coming..” Jax said.
It wasn’t an answer; but he clearly wasn’t going to get one, so Julius let it be. The four walked the rest of the way to the Boiling Brew without word.
Upon entering, Yami’s eyes skimmed the pub. Seeing Teris, he blinked in surprise. There was a man standing over her, his hand on the back of her chair, other on the table, boxing her in. Leaving Julius, Jax, and Jon; Yami made his way to the table.
Stopping behind the man, Yami told him. “Walk away.”
“Yami!” Teris looked up at him in surprise and relief.
“Find another woman. I saw this one first.” The man called over his shoulder. He smiled drunkenly at Teris. “Pretty, innocent little thing. What do you say I take you out back and I give you the answers to all those questions of yours with a hands on lesson, eh?”
Yami reached for the mans shoulder to spin him around, fist already primed, when a fiery lion paw gripped the top of his head and pulled him back a pace.
“We’re you really gonna start a fight? The man is clearly drunk.” Mereoleona glared.
“I wasn’t gonna start anything. I was gonna end it.” Yami said, glancing spitefully up at the magical paw that still held him.
Mereoleona didn’t doubt that Yami could knock the man out cold. And she might've liked to see it, if not be a part of it, if it wouldn’t have caused Lisbet any trouble. “You and I both know Teris can fend for herself.”
The man reached out to touched Teris. Both Yami and Mereoleona made for him. Teris grabbed the mans arm before he could touch her.
Twisting his wrist in on itself, Teris told him. “I said, no.”
Though she wasn’t putting much pressure, the man tried to turn his body to lessen the painful wrenching of his wrist.
“You’re drunk. Go home and sleep it off.” Teris told.
The man nodded vigorously.
“Make sure to leave your waitress a good tip.” Teris said, releasing him with a push.
The man took a couple unsteady steps back. Turning he looked for his table, but couldn’t find it with the way everything spun around him. Instead he merely tossed several coins in the air and stumbled to the door.
The fiery paw on Yami’s head disappeared. Smiling proudly at her cousin, Mereoleona told Yami. “See. Told you she could take care of herself.”
“Never said she couldn’t.” Yami said.
Mereoleona plopped back in her seat across from Teris. “I leave you alone for a couple minutes and you get yourself into trouble.”
“I didn’t do anything.” Teris argued.
“You’re right. That was unfair. It isn’t always you who finds trouble. Half the time it’s trouble that finds you.” Mereoleona teased.
Teris was too annoyed at the truth of it to find her cousin’s words amusing.
Stopping behind his sister, Julius demanded. “What are you doing here?”
Teris spun in her seat, eyes wide and anxious. “Julius!”
“Leave the girl alone, Julius. I brought her.” Mereoleona told, leaning back in her seat.
Julius’ eyes leveled on the Crimson Lions Captain. “Have you no care for my sister’s or family’s image? The women that come to bars in Black Magic Ally are--”
“What?” Mereoleona sat forward, forearms on the table. “What kind of woman am I, Julius? You are referring to women like me, aren’t you? Given that I frequent this place.”
Julius swallowed thickly, reevaluating the wisdom of his argument.
“You come here quite often too. Don’t you, Julius?” Mereoleona pressed when he didn’t answer.
“Let it go.” Jax told the fellow Captain's, taking the seat to Teris’ left.
Yami pulled out the chair to Teris’ right, sliding it closer to hers as he did so. Sitting down he gave her an appraising look.
Teris blushed, feeling self conscious after everything Mereoleona had told her.
Yami smirked thinking her blush was from remembering what they had gotten up to earlier today. “How was the Lion Cub?”
“Sleeping when I got there. He looked good though. No lingering sign of outward injury.” Thinking about everything Mereoleona had told her, Teris tentatively touched Yami’s arm, eyes darting over him.
Yami quirked a brow, wondering at the way Teris was looking at him.
Knowing what she now knew, Teris felt silly for her earlier worry. Making love was so much more than she had imagined. Her eyes fell lower. Though rudimentary, Mereoleona’s drawings had given her an idea of what Yami was concealing. The thought of seeing him naked. Of him seeing her naked. Of Yami touching her where no other but she had seen or touched before. It both made her nervous and excited. No wonder it was customary for such an act to be put off until marriage. It was just so personal. So private. So meaningful and intimate. To share such a thing with someone you hadn’t yet promised your life and love to seemed nigh to impossible to her. Not that she judged Venice or anyone else who didn’t wait or had more than one partner in their lifetime; she just couldn’t see herself doing so.
Julius clasped his sister’s shoulder.
Teris jumped, startled out of her thoughts. Her hand jerked back from Yami’s arm, blushing at where her mind had gone. She ducked her head wondering if Julius had been able to tell and that’s why he was frowning at her.
Julius shook his head. He wondered if there was a set number of times he had to tell them before they listened. Though not an excuse, at least Teris didn’t know the full reasoning behind it all. Yami on the other had faced two attempts on his life because of Nathyn Silva, and yet he still tempted fate being close and alone with Teris when out in public.
Looking down at Yami, Julius ordered. “Scoot.”
Yami growled under his breath and moved his chair a couple inches away from Teris’.
“Scoot over a seat.” Julius clipped, irritated. Had Yami forgotten about the two attempts on his life? Or did he just not care?
“Let the man sit next to his girlfriend.” Mereoleona said.
“Not so loud.” Julius hushed, eyes darting to the surrounding patrons.
Teris stood up. “It’s alright. I’m leaving.”
Julius looked after her, expression pained. Why were they making him out to be the bad guy? He was just trying to protect them.
Getting to his feet, Yami told Julius. ���There you can have your choice of seats. Happy?”
“Sit down.” Jax ordered.
Yami stared at his Captain. “After what we learned about the crazies traitor. Are you really fine with her going off alone?”
“I’ll see her home. Shall I, sir?” Jon asked his Captain.
“Thank you, Jon.” Julius nodded.
Jon turned and made after his Captain's sister.
Sinking into the chair Teris had vacated, Julius told Yami. “This was your doing. When are you going to learn? Unlike Teris, you are all too aware of the full reasoning for such discretion.”
Mereoleona’s lip twitched, remembering the threat to Yami’s life that she had spoken to her father about. Looking at Yami, she told. “Much as I hate to admit it, Julius has a point. You should have more care; for both of your sake's. If you truly are interested in marrying, you’ll have the rest of your life to be as free as you want after. Well,” she lifted a shoulder and grinned, “as free as Teris will let you be.”
“Is this the fine young man that’s willing to wait?” Lisbet asked Mereoleona, glancing at Yami.
Jax turned to the waitress. “Why would we have to wait? It’s not like you’re full up with patrons.”
Mereoleona smirked and nodded at Lisbet.
Lisbet’s smile widened. “What can I get you gentlemen?”
“Ale.” Jax and Julius ordered.
“Same.” Yami said.
“Yours is on the house.” Lisbet told Yami.
Yami took in the woman’s curious expression. He wondered at her generosity but wasn’t going to question the good luck.
“This one drink.” Mereoleona told before Yami could get any ideas. She had seen the man drink and didn’t want Lisbet’s pay going to cover Yami’s tab.
“How’s Leon?” Julius asked as the waitress went to fill their orders.
“They say he’ll be released tomorrow morning.” Mereoleona said. She looked at Yami giving him a nod of thanks for going along with the Agents of Chaos’ sick game. No doubt they would've killed Nozel and her brother if Yami and Teris hadn’t obeyed.
Yami looked away from the Crimson Lions Captain. He had nothing against being praised and recognized. But in that case he hadn’t even have a choice.
“I’m just glad that the Future of Chaos wasn’t there. Who knows what ill a man like Alowishus could do with such knowledge.” Jax said.
“I’m just glad it’s not cluttering up my or Teris’ grimoire.” Yami said.
Despite the thing likely being a single magical page like the History of Chaos, Jax understood Yami’s meaning. The Black Bulls Captain was also grateful that Teris didn’t have such a thing to focus and fuss over.
Lisbet returned with four ales. Sliding one to Mereoleona, she gave her friend a wink.
“Thank you, Bet.” Julius said as the waitress set a mug in front of him.
Jax noted that Lisbet didn’t give the Azure Deers Captain her usual flirty smile. As soon as she left, he quietly asked. “She still have a thing for Julius, Leona?”
“Who’s that?” Julius questioned.
Jax gave his friend a look. “Don’t play dumb.”
“That ended long ago. Though I’m sure she’d change her mind right back if Julius ever offered.” Mereoleona said.
Julius’ ears heated. “Can you two please stop.”
While Lisbet was good company and certainly attractive enough, she struck Julius as the type that was looking for a relationship. With his work as Captain, all that was going on with Yami and Teris, and his endeavors to become the next Wizard King. Relationships were something Julius didn’t have the time or inclination for. Even if Lisbet wasn’t Mereoleona’s friend, he wouldn’t have wanted to chance hurting the waitress.
“You and Marx come up with any ideas on who, where, and when the Future of Chaos was moved?” Jax asked Julius.
“Too many and none worthy of mentioning.” Julius sighed, aggravated disappointment showing.
Yami set his drink down. “That labyrinth really was two hundred thousand whatever--”
“297,353.” Julius nodded. “Yes. It was.”
“Crazy Happy Killer Voice said the Future of Chaos would be found there.” Yami said, thinking. “So if Crazy Happy Killer Voice was this Yurist guy and Yurist wrote that the ones who found the History of Chaos would find the Future, does that mean he’s wrong? That the chances of Teris and I finding the Future of Chaos are the same as anyone elses? I mean the damned thing could be destroyed for all we know. Right?”
“Such a magical item would be near impossible to destroy.” Julius said.
“Even so, the thing could be anywhere.” Yami pressed. He didn’t know if he believed in Yurist’s prophecies; but he had hoped Julius would tell him that the Future of Chaos missing from the labyrinth meant that he and Teris were off the hook.
Julius shook his head. “I simply can’t say.”
“Well if you and Marx ever do find out where the thing was moved, be sure to tell me so I can keep Yami and Teris well away from it.” Jax said.
Calen rose from the chair before Alowishus’ desk. Straightening the orders his Master had given him to pass on to the others, Calen took in a fortifying breath.
Alowishus had been murderous since the night of the labyrinth, but the matter was too important to put off any longer. While Flic hadn’t had any pertinent information about their plans and Sanctuary was magically moved by Alowishus on the night of every new moon, meaning Flic could no longer tell the Magic Knights where they were. The man still had to be dealt with. His crimes of betrayal could not go unpunished.
“Master, if I may. We’ve yet to receive word from Lady Ellara about the traitor, Flic.”
“Nor will we.” Alowishus told. His dual colored eyes lifted from the book he’d just open. “Ellara cannot be anywhere near Flic. It would only give those already suspicious of her what they so desperately want.”
“Iam handling it. Have you learned why Flic abandoned us yet?” Alowishus asked.
“It would be easier if we could bring Ellara to search the lesser members memories.” Calen said.
“Ellara will not be of help with this.” Alowishus said, irritation growing.
“Then if you would allow me to question them more openly.” Calen said.
“No.” Alowishus said, shortly.
Calen inclined his head. “As you wish, Master. I will continue my endeavors.”
“Do more than endeavor.” Alowishus told.
“Yes, Master.” Calen bowed.
Alowishus watched the man exit, closing the door behind him. Left alone, he pushed to his feet and turned to the bookshelf behind his desk. Placing a hand on the now quiet skull, he slid it to the side revealing a small saucer-like dish made of obsidian.
He smiled, seeing the fingernail in the dish was almost fully dissolved. Flic would be dead before the night was through. Pushing the skull back in place, he returned to the desk.
After Captain Shadow Banashe had killed his sixth iteration, Everard Spade, Alowishus had taken the first hundred or so years of his seventh life to work alone. When he had finally decided to rejoin the group he had started in his third life, he took his time to win over the members that called Alric Halvor Master before challenging him for the right to be Master of the Agents of Chaos.
After seeing the dead Alric Halvor’s family expelled, graciously allowing them to seek refuge in the Clover Kingdom, Alowishus had made all the existing members go through a ritual of cleansing and loyalty. Though all of those members were now long dead, Alowishus had made the ritual a prerequisite for joining the Agents of Chaos. It wasn’t the pomp that he was interested in; but the right thumb nail that each person willingly gave during the ritual. Such a thing was hardly necessary for a cleansing and promise of loyalty to him, Chaos, and their cause; but it was a simple way to get what he wanted without anyone asking questions.
This was hardly the first time he had needed to use a followers given nail to find, or kill them from afar. At least Flic’s treason had come at a time when their Sanctuary was routinely moved so Alowishus had not needed to expend any excess energy in moving their base should Flic have told the Magic Knights were to look for them.
With a sigh he looked over his grandfathers final journal. Many said Yurist had gone mad well before the journal was written. And given how jumbled and lacking of sense most of the phrases and sentences were, Alowishus would agree. But that didn’t mean the writings didn’t contain helpful truths.
Considering how many times Alowishus had read the journal that was nothing but snippets about Chaos, Death, Light, and Darkness; he doubted he had missed anything. Still, he hoped Yurist had written something in there that would tell him where his father had moved the Future of Chaos. Surely Yurist’s prophecy magic had shown him that the page would be moved from the labyrinth he had placed it in. And if Yurist's magic had shown him that, then surely he had made some note about it.
Alowishus refused to believe he would never find the Future of Chaos again. Not when having it would guarantee the success of his aims.
Unlike the History of Chaos which was a set spelled page that could only show Chaos’ passed; the Future of Chaos was a volatile, changeable page that could answer questions. It wasn’t alive but imbued with some of Yurist's prophecy magic. And since the future of Chaos wasn’t yet set, like Yurist's prophecy magic, the answers given could often be unclear or altered depending on events and how close those events were to fruition.
Alowishus had had the Future of Chaos for all but half a day before his father stole it; and most of that time with the page had been trying to get somewhere secure so his father couldn’t take it back. As such he had only been able to ask the page how to awaken Chaos and end existence. While such an answer wouldn’t or shouldn't change, it would have been extremely helpful to have the page in hand.
As troublesome as the Spade Kingdom Magical Scientist Rayla had been. Her taking Yami and Teris had ultimately been a help. With his having taken a portion of the overflow of Yami’s mana, Alowishus had been able to track him. It meant Ellara hadn’t needed to use her magic to affect Jorah to assign Yami and Teris to a set area to search for the royal princes.
With two Magic Knights Captain's suspicious of Ellara, her not adding to their suspicious by affecting the Wizard King for something that had ended in failure was the one good thing to come out of all this. And it hadn’t been a complete failure either. While the questions he asked the royal Prince’s had been purposefully all over the place, he now knew what type of mage the Black Bulls were sure to want come the next Magic Knights Entrance Exams in three months.
A spatial mage, Alowishus thought with a smile. Was poor dead Vice Captain Bronn that missed yet so easily replaced? Well if giving up one of his spatial mages would make Yami happy, and get one of his Agents of Chaos welcomed into the Black Bulls, Alowishus would gladly do so.
“Commander Greywright?”
Seated at the desk in his office, Greywright looked up and blinked in surprise. “Vice Captain Nozel.”
Standing outside the open office door, Nozel glanced at the empty assistants desk in the anteroom. “Forgive me for disturbing you, Sir, but there’s no one here to check-in with.”
“Unless there’s something going on, I insist Luca calls it a day by six at the latest. I see no sense why at least one of us can’t have a life and rest outside work.” The Knights Commander lowered his quill. “Speaking of getting rest. You were just released from Healer’s Hall this afternoon, you should you be at your home or base recuperating.”
“I will, Sir. But I wanted to hand in my report.” Nozel said, lifting the paper.
Greywright beckoned him in with a wave. “One. This report didn’t have to be done until your debriefing tomorrow. Two. You didn’t have to personally hand it in. You could have sent it through secure magical carrier. But having been a Magic Knight for nearly four years, you know that. Take a seat.”
“Thank you.” Nozel sat in one of the two chairs in front of the Commander’s desk.
Greywright noted Nozel’s stiff movements and slight grimace as he sat. The royal really should be at home or the Silver Eagles base convalescing. So why wasn’t he? “What can I do for you, Vice Captain?”
Nozel noticed the untouched touched dinner, pushed aside on Greywright’s desk and felt a margin of guilt. The Magic Knights Commander was clearly busy if he had ignored his supper. But the matter he wanted to discuss was important, and after he and Fuegoleon had been taken and tortured by the Agents of Chaos, he felt that he had a right to some answers.
A knock sounded before Nozel could speak.
Greywright looked to the door. Without waiting for leave, one of the guards who worked at Magic Knights Headquarters entered.
“Commander.” The stony faced man greeted, handing Greywright a slip of paper.
Greywright read the short note and sighed. “Sir Jorah has been informed?”
“Yes, sir. And someone was sent to inform Advisor Ellara as well.” The Guard said.
Greywright nodded. “Dismissed.”
“Sir.” The Guard saluted and exited the office.
Folding the missive and setting it aside, Greywright told Nozel. “Your time just got considerably shorter, Vice Captain. I’d hurry up and speak if I were you.”
“Sir?” Nozel’s brow furrowed, not understanding.
“Flic has died.” Greywright said.
“The Agents of Chaos traitor!” Nozel blinked.
“Yes. And the Wizard King will likely be sending for me shortly, so speak.” Greywright said.
He would’ve gone to the Wizard King’s office immediately; but Greywright couldn’t see what harm Ellara could do in this instance. Ellara had been strangely uninterested in the traitor Flic after that first day. And they had already known Flic would likely die sometime before tomorrow morning. Greywright couldn’t help a dead man; but he could listen to and hopefully help one of his Magic Knights.
That would be nice, Greywright thought. To be of actual help again, instead of just trying to stave off and mitigate disasters.
Nozel stared, wondering why the Knights Commander wasn’t rushing to the prisoners body or Sir Jorah now.
Seeing his wondering pause, Greywright told. “Flic’s death was sadly expected, Vice Captain. He had grown considerably ill at a rather alarming rate and there was nothing the Healer’s could do for him. But that isn’t why you came, so why have you?”
“I--” Nozel faltered when the Knights Commander held out a hand. Mind still whirling from the news he just heard, it took him a second realize Greywright was asking for the report he still held. He passed it over. “I was hoping for answers, sir.”
“Answers? To what?” Greywright asked, looking over the report.
“The Agents of Chaos.”
Greywright’s eyes lifted, all hope of being of help to someone crumbling to dust. “The Magic Knights Captain’s were told what information they were allowed to give their squads. Seeing as Kess seems like a fairly open Captain and you’re her Vice Captain, I would imagine she told you all she could.”
“Yes, sir.”
“And you were there when Vice Captain's Yami Sukehiro and Teris Nova convinced the now dead Mister Flic to yield to my interrogation.” Greywright said, lowering Nozel’s report.
“Yes, sir.”
“So what else is there for you to know?” Greywright asked, disappointment making his tone stern.
“With all respect. Everything, sir. What did Mister Flic say during your interrogation of him? What has Magic Investigations learned of the Agents of Chaos and how the group plans to go about their aims? What are we doing to find and combat them and those plans? What exactly happened during the Summer Solstice that lit up the sky almost a year ago? Why is Alowishus Spade seemingly fixated on Lady Teris and Yami Sukehiro?”
Greywright didn’t miss the bite to Nozel’s tone when he said Yami’s name, but didn’t comment on it. “Those are a lot of serious questions, Vice Captain.”
“Being taken and tortured is a serious matter, sir.”
“Is that why you think you deserve answers when you have the same information we are willing to allow any other Magic Knights Vice Captain?”
“Lady Teris and… he have more information.” Nozel said, unable to say Yami’s name again when the image of Yami pressing Teris against the wall refused to leave his mind no matter how far back he tried to bury it.
“Sir Jorah has only allowed them more information relatively recently, and that is only because the matter involves them.” Greywright said.
Nozel lifted his chin slightly. “Fuegoleon and I were taken and tortured. It involves us now too.”
Greywright lifted and skimmed Nozel’s report as he spoke. “Yami and Teris’ report stated that Alowishus Spade said you and Fuegoleon were taken as means to force them to do his bidding; and from what I see here, you say pretty much the same.” He lowered the paper and sighed. “I understand you’re upset and want answers. None of us here are happy you and Fuegoleon were abducted and used as pawns.”
Nozel’s eye twitched at being called a pawn. Yes, that’s what he and Fuegoleon had been to Alowishus and the Agents of Chaos; but it didn’t mean he liked it.
“But, upsetting as it is, being taken and tortured does not equate to being involved in this.” Greywright continued, thinking that he would seriously consider quitting, his promise to Sir Jorah be damned, if any more of his Magic Knights became the focus of these crazies.
“Teris is my Intended.” Nozel stated.
Greywright paused briefly at that. “I am aware. But I do not understand what you think you’ll gain by saying that.”
Nozel’s eyes shifted down and away from the Knights Commander. Honestly, he wasn’t sure what he had hoped to gain from saying it either. He knew full well it meant nothing in this instance. It was just that after seeing Yami and Teris this afternoon a part of him had needed to say it. Had needed to hear someone in authority acknowledge it. As if saying and hearing it would somehow fix everything and erase what he had seen.
“I’m sorry, Vice Captain.”
Nozel’s gaze lifted. For a moment he thought the Knights Commander was apologizing for what he had witnessed between Yami and Teris.
“I know this can’t be easy. But until Sir Jorah says otherwise, I cannot tell you any more. You will have to be satisfied with the answers that you have.” Greywright straightened at the sudden appearance of Cob outside his door. “Ah, Cob. I was wondering when you would show.”
“Good evening, Commander. The Wizard King wishing to meet with you immediately.” Cob said, jovially.
“Yes.” Greywright stood, taking up his transportation charm. “Please do me a favor and see Vice Captain Nozel either home or to the Silver Eagles base. He has a long morning ahead, and needs to rest and recuperate.” Greywright looked at Nozel. “If you must. Consider that an order, Vice Captain.”
Nozel’s hand twitched at the twinge of his still tender side as he slowly got to his feet. “Yes, sir.”
“See you tomorrow morning.” Greywright said andactivated the transportation charm.
Wiping her mouth with a napkin, Teris got to her feet and told Yami. “I’ll meet you out by the picnic table.”
“You barely touched your plate.” Yami commented.
“Can blame her.” Tobin muttered, chewing around the overly dry food.
“Hey.” Gendry scowled, offended on Abril’s behalf.
“Then tell your girl to learn how to cook.” Tobin shot back.
Ignoring the two men, Jax looked between his Vice Captain's. “Where you two going?”
“Taking Pilfer and No Name out for a run.” Yami said. It was actually a date; but that wasn’t anyone’s business.
Jax shook his head. “No.”
Yami glowered. “What do you mean, no?”
“Exactly that.” Jax said.
“You’re the one who told me to get this aggression outta my system.” Yami stormed.
“Find another way to do it. You’re not going out. And if you can’t you’re staying tomorrow.” Jax warned.
Still standing at the table, Teris looked between the two. “Why? What’s going on tomorrow?”
“Nothing.” Jax and Yami said. A sure sign that it was definitely something.
“What’s the harm in taking a ride?” Yami asked. The anger building in him might've been a bit out of proportion for the circumstance, but Jax’s order was just as overdone.
“I. Said. No.” Jax clipped.
Muttering a curse, Yami grabbed and lifted the tables edge, slamming it back down.
Teris stared wide eyed.
Tobin’s drink fell over onto his plate. He cursed then shrugged; it couldn’t have made the meal any worse.
The rest of the Black Bulls sat silently, watching out of the corner of their eye.
“Are you finished?” Jax questioned, calmly.
Though the outburst had helped his growing temper, Yami snarled. “It’s just a damned ride.”
Jax threw his napkin down. “It’s never just anything when it’s the two of you. Damn it, Yami! Why must you tempt fate? I swear, Julius is right. You never learn!”
“If fate has plans for me and Teris, I’ll kill the bastard along with the Agents of Chaos.” Yami growled. He looked at the Captain, sudden temper further diminishing. He needed space to breath. The base and people making him feel as if he’d been caged in for far too long in a too small enclosure. “I just want a moments peace. That’s all. Just an hour out and away. Two at most.”
Jax’s expression softened. He felt for Yami; but that didn’t change the fact that his squads safety was far more important than their wants or needs. Mereoleona had been right when she told Yami he had the rest of his life to be as free with Teris as Teris would allow once the mess of Nozel being her Intended was over with. Then again, the loss of his love Belinda, and Bronn’s death had proved that fate was cruel and laughed at such hope filled plans.
Jax shook his head clear of the depressing thoughts. “With you and Teris being taken only a couple days ago and the Summer Solstice so near--”
“They have no plans for us for the Summer Solstice. Alowishus said so himself.” Yami argued.
“Which could be a lie.” Jax said.
“That sick lunatic has done a lot to us, but he’s yet to lie.” Yami said.
“Yet.” Jax stressed. “He hasn’t lied yet. Come on, Yami. With what’s going on with Flic you should’ve seen this coming.”
“Tch.” Yami turned away, making a face.
Teris looked between the two. “Why? What’s going on with Flic?”
Jax glanced at Teris, then back at Yami. “You didn’t tell her?”
“Tell me what?” Teris questioned.
Jax explained about Flic’s unknown illness and the likelihood he would be dead by morning.
Not sure which Vice Captain he was apologizing to, Jax apologized. “Sorry. I thought Yami would've told you.”
“One would've thought.” Teris frowned down at Yami.
“I was going to.” Yami said.
“Sure you were.” Teris spun on a heel and stormed away, leaving her dirty plate.
“Teris, come on. Teris!” Yami called, watching her disappear through the dining room door. Getting to his feet, he cursed and grabbed the table lifting and slamming it back down.
Jax lifted his hands watching his drink tip over. Maybe taking Yami tomorrow really wasn’t the smartest thing.
Climbing the stairs two at a time Yami caught up to Teris as she reached the second floor landing. He grabbed her arm, stopping her from continuing on up to the third level girls wing.
Pulling her back down the two steps she had climbed, Yami griped. “Will you just wait a dang second and listen.”
Teris tried to pull free, her voice angry and wounded. “Why? So you can explain away why you’re still not telling me stuff? I thought we had moved passed this after— Iban.”
Yami opened his mouth to say that they had, but followed Teris’ gaze to see the Blood Mage watching them from the ground floor. “Go away before I kill you, Creepy.” He turned back to Teris, not waiting to see if Iban complied. “Come here.”
Teris’ eyes widened when Yami tugged her down the hall toward the boys wing. “No. Yami. I can’t go down there!”
Growling, Yami bent and lifted her over his shoulder.
Teris yelped. Squealing, she kicked out. “Yami! It’s not proper!”
Yami gave another rumbling growl, feet staggering slightly from Teris’ squirming and kicks. Shifting the balance of her weight, he continued down the hall, giving her butt a sharp smack. “Settle down.”
He kicked his bedroom door open and stepped inside. Setting Teris down on her feet, he closed the door and leaned against it.
Teris blew her hair out of her face, wide eyes darting around the space.
Yami crossed his arms and smirked. She looked like a trapped hare. As cute as he found it, he didn’t want her to be nervous or afraid. “Calm down. It’s not like I haven’t been in your bedroom before.”
Teris stepped backwards. “That’s different.”
Yami quirked a brow. “How so?”
She bumped something and gasped, spinning around.
Yami chuckled. “That’s my bed. You can have a seat if you want.”
“No. Thank you.” Teris took a sideways step.
Yami’s smile grew. It was cute how the royal politeness of her upbringing so quickly and easily came forward despite her clear ire and nervousness. He pushed away from the door and stepped to the bed. Falling back into the mattress, he pillowed his head with his hands and stretched out with a sigh. “Fine. I’ll take it then.”
Teris watched Yami kick out his legs, crossing his ankles. “Why didn’t you tell me about Flic?”
“I was going to.”
Teris huffed.
Yami lifted his head, looking at her. “You doubt me?”
“Just when were you planning on telling me? After he was dead?”
Yami laid his head back down. “I was gonna tell you after our ride tonight. Didn’t wanna ruin it with the news. Instead, Jax ruined it all anyway.”
“I don’t like it anymore than you do, but he’s just worried about us. Besides, he has a point.”
Yami sighed. The dark, brooding feeling within him that was constantly simmering wanted to bubble up in anger at Teris for agreeing with Jax’s point. But he knew that wasn’t really him. It was the thing inside him. The thing he had been battling since the sun set on the night of the Winter Solstice. He wondered if Teris had struggled with the same when the supposed primordial force inside her was on the rise, but didn’t want to ask. He didn’t want to worry her if it hadn’t been the same. Surely she would've said something if it had been like this for her.
He sat up and pushed back in bed leaning against the headboard. “Sorry. I should've told you sooner.”
“You wanted us to enjoy ourselves without all that mess. I’m sorry I got angry. I never should have doubted you.”
“Jax wants to take me to Nozel’s debriefing tomorrow.” Yami said.
Teris sighed. It was an easy enough thing to figure given the way Yami and Jax had responded to her questioning in the dining hall. It wasn’t as if she hadn’t already known about Nozel’s scheduled debriefing. She wondered if and when Yami had originally planned on telling her that. Possibly after their date this evening too. She’d never know for sure now, she sullenly thought. She was just as frustrated by all the rules and restrictions as Yami was. Would they still have to face house arrest and escorts? They were Vice Captain's for mana sake.
She turned away, her disgust at the situation switching to curiosity as she took in Yami’s bedroom. Yami smirked and watched her look about in interest.
“Is it was you imagine?” He asked.
Teris looked back at him, the slight tint in her cheeks belying the surety of her tone. “I thought it’d be messier.”
Yami smiled crookedly. “Yeah well, I haven’t been spending much time in here and the clothes were just sent out for washing so...”
Teris gestured to a box on top of a chest of drawers. “May I?”
“Look through whatever you want.” Yami said.
Teris tentatively opened the long, thin box. It contained instruments used for detailing his katana.
“Don’t stop there.” Yami told.
She could hear the taunting smile in his voice and took it as a challenge to continue, knowing he thought she wouldn’t.
Yami lazily sat back watching her open and close various drawers and cupboards. “Looking for your bra?”
Teris’ eyes slid to him without amusement.
“You’re nowhere close.” Yami taunted.
She closed a drawer overly hard.
Yami watched her walk around the bed to his desk and smiled. “You’re getting closer.”
“Shut— I’m not looking for it. So just—stop.”
Yami chuckled at her temper. “Fine. Forget I mentioned it.” He swung his legs off the bed closing the nightstand drawer she had just opened. “Not that one.”
“What happened to, look through whatever you want?” Teris teased.
“Whatever you want but this one drawer.”
Teris shook her head. “That’s not what you said. You said--”
“I know what I said.” Yami interrupted, hand lifting off of the drawer as he stood.
“Then?” Teris stared up at him, fingers wrapping around the knob and slowly pulling the drawer open.
The side of Yami’s leg pressed against it, closing the drawer back up. “So I misspoke. What of it? You don’t see me going up to your room looking through everything.”
“No. Just stealing undergarments.” Teris humored brow raised.
Yami smiled proudly at that. “If I remember correctly you threw them at me.”
“And if I remember correctly, I never gave you leave to go looking about my things, where as you gave me permission to look.”
Yami grabbed her wrist, arm wrapping around her to pin it to her back. “You’re a greedy little brat, you know that.”
He looked her over, eyes lingering on the rise and fall of her chest. His other hand skimmed up her free arm to cup her face.
Teris’ teasing smile faltered. “Yami. I—we--”
“Shh.” Yami’s thumb brushed lightly across her lips. “Leave what’s in that drawer alone. You’ll find out was in there soon enough. Think of it like sex.”
Teris’ eyes widened, heart quickening.
Yami smirked at her expression. “Something to wait for.”
“You still do, right?”
“Still do what?” Yami asked.
“Want to wait.”
Yami’s brows furrowed. He had told her as much. Why was she... “Are you asking cause of what we did earlier today?”
Teris became defensive. “I know it wasn’t sex.”
“Who would think that was sex?” Yami chuckled.
Blushing at her naivety, Teris pushed him back. “Shut up.”
Yami laughed louder. When she tried to pull away from him, he grew serious. He stared a moment, confused at how upset she had become. “What’d I say?”
“Nothing.” Teris shook her head, crossing her arms when Yami released her.
“If I don’t know, how am I to not do it again?” Yami asked.
“It’s nothing.” Teris said, temper in her tone lessening.
“You can tell me anything, you know.”
“And you can show me anything.” Teris said, eyes flicking to the nightstand drawer with interest.
“Alright then.” Yami grinned, mischievously.
Teris’ eyes brightened then closed tightly shut when his hands went to his belt buckle. “Yami!”
Yami laughed, looking freely over her.
“Is it safe?” Teris timidly asked.
“Hardly.” Yami’s deep voice rumbled, eyes raking over her form.
Teris’ eyes opened.
“What?” Yami asked, innocently.
“What?” Teris echoed. Her eyes darted down, both glad and slightly disappointed his buckle and pants were still done.
Yami smiled crookedly. “You’re too easy, Princess.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Teris asked, a hint of temper in her tone.
Sitting in bed, Yami gripped her hips and pulled her closer, his legs spread to either side of her. Teris stopped, unable to get any closer without falling into bed with him.
“Don’t worry, Ikigai. I’m far too easy when it comes to you too.”
“Are you ever going to tell me what that means?” Teris asked.
She saw a bit of color peeking out from under Yami’s pillow. With a blink she realized it was her bra. And here she had been certain it had been hidden in the nightstand drawer he wouldn’t let her open. Now she really wanted to know what was in the drawer.
Yami’s eyes lowered to the front of her upper left thigh. “Let me kiss that birthmark of yours and I’ll consider telling you want it means.”
Teris’ eyes shot back to him. “Yami!”
“Alright then, just let me see it.”
“What? It’s not like I haven’t seen it once before.” And a million other times in my head, Yami thought.
“Fine. Then can I touch it?” Yami asked, hand already sliding down from her hip to do so.
“Yami! No.” Teris squeaked and laughed, slapping away his hand.
Yami bent, lowering his head. “You sure I can’t kiss it?”
“Yami!” Teris put her hands on his shoulders holding him at bay.
There was a quick knock followed by the bedroom door opening.
Olsen poked his head in. Seeing Yami sitting on the bed. Teris standing between his legs. Yami’s head bent, face so near Teris. And Teris gripping the mans powerful shoulders. The Water Mage quickly ducked his head back out. “Sorry! Sorry.”
“No. No.” Teris called. She stepped back, Yami’s hands falling to his knees.
Olsen peeked back in, apologizing once more. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
“There was nothing to interrupt.” Teris said.
“Says you.” Yami grumbled. Turning to Olsen, he demanded. “What do you want?”
Olsen continued as if neither Vice Captain had spoken. “It’s only Iban said I could find you up here. But, he said nothing about Teris being with you.”
“Of course he didn’t.” Yami muttered and asked again. “What do you want?”
Teris made of the door. “I’ll leave you two to it.”
“Teris, wait.” Yami reached, but she was too quick in her steps.
Olsen inclined his head as Teris passed.
Yami listened to her footfalls as they hurried down the hall and up the stairs. He eyed Olsen murderously. “What have I told you about entering without leave?”
Olsen held up his hands in a placating surrender. “You’re right. I’m sorry. But whatever was going on would've come to a halt whether I waited for a response or not.”
“Nothing was going on.” Yami said.
Looking back over his shoulder, Tobin pushed his way passed Olsen and entered Yami’s room. “Was that Teris I saw rushing from this way?”
“Shut up.” Yami snapped.
Olsen gave Tobin a nod.
“What happened to wanting to wait?” Bran asked from the doorway.
Tobin smirked lewdly. “I knew you couldn’t wait. You--”
“If you want to keep your tongue, stop using.” Yami growled. He got to his feet and frog-stepped Tobin and Olsen out of his room. “Bran! Go feed the wolves.”
“Gendry took them out for a run.” Bran said.
“Then go do something else useful.” Yami said.
“Like stepping in here and stopping what you and Teris were up to?” Olsen asked.
Yami glowered. “I told you, nothing was going on.”
“You should take more care.” Olsen said. “That is if you truly wish to wait. A year and a half may not seem like much. But it can be a very long time indeed.”
Tell me about it, Yami thought.
“A word of advice. Holding out for such a time would greatly be aided if you didn’t enter each others bedrooms.” Olsen went on.
“What he said.” Tobin said, backing into Bran as he was backed out of Yami’s room.
“Didn’t ask for your advice.” Yami told the two men, slamming the door in their faces.
Exhaling, Yami ran a hand through his hair. He turned around and leaned back against the door. He saw Teris in every area she had been, and several places she hadn’t. Namely his bed. Closing his eyes, his head banged back against the door.
Unwanted advice or not, Olsen was right about one thing. A year and a half seemed like a very long time indeed.
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***Important question***
So I have what would be some longer chapters like this one. Currently, they have been cut in half to cut down on length and give me a buffer between what I’m writing and posting. The question I have for you all is, do you like these weekly updates, which would mean those longer chapters would stay cut in half? Our would you prefer longer chapters like this one, which would mean switching from weekly to every other week updates?
Also I got a couple asks this past week that might interest some readers. One is a reader theory and the other is about the fic length and how I section it. There's links on ao3, or you can just go to my tumblr's honepage.
Comments are VERY MUCH appreciated and really make my day. Thank you to those who have left hearts. And a special THANK YOU to those who have recently commented or re-blogged. It really means a lot.
Next chapter snippet:
“If all the History of Chaos covered was strictly just the history of Chaos why would it even make an attempt at showing you the image of Alowishus Spade or the Master of Master's? No matter how old Alowishus Spade is, I seriously doubt he’s old enough to have been alive and around during the time of Chaos’ reign and defeat which brought about Order.”
Teris frowned, having never thought of that. Her eyes lifted to Marx realization dawning. “You think the portrait is of Yurist.”
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This one-shot is my entry for @jtargaryen18 's super spooky Haunted House writing challenge! The prompt was - A celebrity haunted house for charity will be open one night only, Halloween night. You spent days trying to get a ticket online for the event. Thanks to a bad day on Halloween, you get there only a minute before the line closes. You’re the last person to go in and thinking that’s either really bad (everyone is tired or would be in a hurry to see you out) or really good (maybe you’d get some extra time with the one you came to see). You are never seen again.
I had extremely fun writing this story with Mr Freezy! 😍 I hope you guys enjoy it! Please click here to check out all the other wonderful entries!
Description: Villain!Reader meets Mr Freezy aka Robert Pronge and, let's just say they don't get along well.
Warnings: Torture, mentions of murder, non-consensual acts of sex, abusive language, dark theme. ONLY PROCEED IF YOU ARE 18+
Word count: 4300~
My Main Masterlist
I don’t consent to have any of my work published or featured on any third party app, website or translated. If you are seeing this fanfiction anywhere but Tumblr and AO3, it has been reposted without my permission. In that case, please do share the link and let me know.
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You looked at the pale, lifeless face of a certain Mr Patterson. Skin shriveled up, eyes gouged out, side of the face smashed in and the mouth permanently set in a horrified expression, Mr Patterson laid on the table in front of you as his widow sobbed beside him.
"I-I can't ev-even look-k at hi-him," she croaked between her tears, "My sweet-sweetheart, who-o would d-do this-ss to yo-you?" she wondered rhetorically as she completely broke down in the arms of her daughter, a woman of closely your age.
The daughter couldn't bear to look at her deceased father as she consoled her other parent. She looked at you with sadness, "Can you, maybe, make him look, a little, a bit, presentable?" she inquired quietly, "It's not going to be an open casket funeral. But we, we just want him to, you know, look a little…like slightly, better."
You almost laughed at her face on the request, but years of working at a funeral home as a makeup artist to the dead had trained you not to gawk any client's requests.
You successfully suppressed your laughter, and instead donned a sincere expression, "I will surely try my best ma'am. I am sorry for your loss, please accept my condolences."
As the mother-daughter duo left the room, you turned to face Mr Patterson. "Condolences my ass," you muttered as you spat at his face. It was ironic how the majority of your victims found their way to the funeral home where you worked. Take Mr Patterson here for example, not less than 48 hours ago he was begging you to spare his life, and now, here he was, laid out in front of you, lifeless.
You considered him for a moment, then decided against wasting your good makeup on this pervert bastard. Or maybe he might have been innocent? Who cared, he was dead now. Maybe he was truly looking at the Halloween decorations hung around the house behind you that night, or maybe he was just ogling at you. It was dark so you couldn't get a good look. But hey, you had a suspicion that he was checking you out, so you obviously had to teach him a lesson!
You still remembered killing your first victim. It had been your piano instructor. That lecherous pedophile had forcibly pulled you down on his lap, stating that sitting on him will make you a better pianist. You had grabbed the nearest glass vase and brought it down multiple times on his head, until the carpet beneath was red and his screams were all but an echo in the living room of your parent's house.
Since then, murder had become an activity from which you rarely partook in, then turned in to a pastime, a hobby, a passion and now finally, it was as natural and as necessary as breathing for you.
It didn't matter whom you killed anymore. Whether it was an old man looking at his neighbor's Halloween decorations, a dull attendant at the supermarket, an enthusiastic door-to-door salesman, a college student listening to irritating music on their headphone, or an incessant toddler crying for attention in the store, you didn't care. Anybody who irritated you, or pushed your buttons in the wrong way, or just, was at the same place at the same time with you doing something you disapproved of in your mind, you made sure to dispose of them.
The world had enough idiots, you didn't need any more of them around you.
You quickly wound up your work and left. Halloween was tomorrow and you had to make a quick stop to a local celebrity haunted house that you hoped had already been set up. It was being organized by an NGO for some God knows what charity and the tickets had proven to be difficult to procure. So you had just decided to break into the establishment a night prior.
Unfortunately, the exhibit was still being set up when you reached the venue and so, you decided to try again tomorrow night.
"OMG I can't wait to see him!" the teenagers standing in the line for the exhibit squealed as you watched them from the shadows. You looked at them with disgust, open contempt. Bloody fucking teenagers, you thought as you regarded their extreme enthusiasm. Clad in rhinestone studded clothes which sparkled under the streetlight, all the teenagers were busy on their iPhones. You rolled your eyes as each girl went live on either Instagram, Snapchat, Tik Tok or God knows what app. Fortunately, they were the last group to be admitted inside the exhibit, and if you could just time everything right, then you could maybe pull this off.
Gingerly, you approached the one who was facing away from the group, her front camera facing her with the entrance of the exhibit behind her. You cleared your throat, "Hi, um, excuse me, could you please help me?"
The teenager looked at you and flashed a wide smile, "Sure what's up?"
You smiled in relief, this would be easy, "I think my car keys fell somewhere back there, and my phone died so I can't really find them. Will you please come with me? I could use your phone's flashlight."
"Oh sure absolutely! Hey guys," the teenager called her friends, "Let's go and help her find her car keys."
"Oh no no no that's not necessary," you said urgently as her other friends grinned kindly at you, "I really just need one person. You guys stay here and hold your position in the line. We will be back in a few minutes."
"Are you sure?"' inquired another girl from the group.
"Yes yes," you smiled back in a reassuring manner.
The teenager who came with you - Ashley - looked at the grass and sidewalk at your request. If you hadn't want to enter the haunted house so much, then you would have considered sparing poor Ashley's life. Meh, you thought as you slowly crept up behind her, life wasn't always fair.
"Hey Ashley, please look under this car. I think it might have gone underneath it," you requested with a sincere expression.
She nodded as she got on all her fours, "It's not here."
"Try inhaling a big whiff of air. The keychain has a strawberry scented air freshener on it. Maybe you could smell it?" you suggested, knowing full well that the cyanide sprinkled under the car by you would instantly kill Ashley.
Your plan worked almost too well. As she painfully writhed on the floor gasping for air, you took her smartphone, hid her hideous rhinestone phone cover in your pocket and headed towards the exhibit.
Ashley's friends were waiting for her at the entrance when you reached. You told them that she was on a call with someone and would join them soon. While they still waited for her, you showed the guard the e-pass on Ashley's phone and entered the haunted house.
You were thrilled at seeing your most favorite characters almost alive in front of you! The animated wax statues bore close resemblance to their movie counterparts. Whether it was the Ghostface from Scream, the creepy Annabelle doll, the weird guy in the hockey mask, the Nun, Pennywise the Clown or the long-haired lady from The Ring, they all looked truly horrifying and you were loving it!
As you ventured further, you were surprised to see Chris Evans' character Mr Freezy or Robert Pronge. The movie wasn't exactly popular, but you figured they had maybe included this character now that Evans was all the rage thanks to the uptight stick-in-the-ass Captain America character.
Mr Freezy was standing besides his ice-cream truck, inviting you to enter it in repetitive robotic movements. His face with his signature long hair and glasses smiled at you vacantly as you looked on.
You vaguely remembered watching this movie, hell, you had even copied the cyanide idea from Mr Freezy himself! Just when you squinted your eyes, hoping to remember more parts from the movie, you heard noises behind you.
"She came inside, Officer," said a voice that sounded like one of the girls from the group. Shit! They must have discovered Ashley! you panicked as you looked for a way out. The door ahead of you had been mechanically locked shut, and the voices behind you were growing louder by the minute. The bright lights flickered on and the animations of the objects around you completely stopped.
Except for Mr Freezy.
His movements increasingly sped up and his eyes grew wider. At first, you thought it might be a malfunction, but you were shocked when he whispered your name, "Enter the truck to escape. NOW!"
As if on auto-pilot, you opened the door and hurriedly stepped in. The dry ice engulfed you, the voices lessening in volume behind you. A moment later, the entire truck shook violently, causing you to blindly hold on to the sides and yelp in surprise.
Suddenly, someone pressed the brakes and you lurched forward. The dry ice cleared inside the van as you stumbled towards the driver's seat. You heard someone close the door and walk towards the back of the truck. A moment later, the backdoors of the van were opened by none other than Mr Freezy himself.
Your jaw dropped to the floor and he mirrored your expression, the pair of you taking in each other's appearances.
Your modern 21st century clothes were completely out of place in the 1960s America that was home to Robert Pronge. His blue eyes from behind his long curtain of hair seized you up as he recovered from shock.
"Who the fuck are you and what the hell are you doing in my van?" he broke the foreboding silence.
You cocked your head to the side, your brain unable to comprehend the reality of the situation. Did you just appear on a movie set? What sort of time-space travel bullshit was this?
"ANSWER ME YOU CUNT," Mr Freezy's voice was loud enough to break you from your reverie, but the strong, tall, well-built man hardly intimidated you.
Instead of cowering as he expected you to, you raised your eyebrow, "So you are one of those method actors huh? Sorry I appeared on your set unannounced Mr Captain Evans," you said with spite as you walked towards him and crouched down to be at his eye level, "I will be on my fucking way now."
"Mr Capta-what? Who the fuck sent you? How did you come inside my van when I locked it? You weren't in there when I left Atlantic Avenue. What the fuc-"
You punched him in the face before he could finish his sentence. Though you liked his deep, smooth voice, his incessant cursing and hostility had started to get under your skin.
As he stumbled backwards from the force of your punch, you looked around him and noticed the absolute absence of large lights, cameras, large crew and any kind of set whatsoever.
You jumped from the van and looked at Chris Evans again as you landed on your feet. He looked exactly like his character in the movie. But something didn't feel right. That's when you heard the small click of his revolver.
Before he could aim it at you, you hit his right palm that held the firearm and twisted it, effectively breaking it in the process. He screamed in pain and tried to move away from you, but you weren't done yet.
Pulling him towards you, your knee brutally met with his pelvis and you punched the air out from his stomach. He doubled down with pain, his eyes watering as he tried to regain balance. But one swift blow to the back of his head turned his world dark.
You were panting when Mr Freezy finally lost consciousness and collapsed on the ground. You looked around again. The streets were isolated and there were barely any houses lined on the sidewalk.
You felt around your pockets for your belongings, but found them empty. You waited around for a few minutes, hoping to get some sense of clarity for your situation as Mr Freezy drooled on the street.
Finally, you resigned and hauled his heavy ass back into the van in the passenger's seat. Desperate for some sort of explanation, you put your hands inside his pants' pockets. You were rewarded with his wallet, some keys and a bunched up paper with an address roughly scribbled on it.
The year on the license was 1963 and the city stated was Jersey City of New Jersey.
Just as you secured his unconscious body with the seatbelt, you took a close look at his face. Despite the creepy hair, he did look handsome. Afterall, it was Chris Evans! Or some sort of alternate-universe-reincarnation-asshole version of his. His soft plump lips looked a bit dirty, so you looked down at his crotch. The pants had riddled up when you had placed him on his seat, giving you a clear outline of his dick.
And my was it a sight!
His thick member was struggling against the uncomfortable position of the pants. The rotund rod was anything but flaccid. You squeezed and rubbed your palm over the semi-hard member, cherishing the disgruntled noises that escaped his lips.
After about 5 minutes, you decided to drive his van back towards the line of houses. You guessed you were at the outskirts of the city and right now, you needed to find how to blend in with the people.
Soon enough, you were deep within the city and found a dress shop. All the signs on the shops which you passed seemed to fit the 1960s, thus leaving no doubt that you had actually time traveled into the past, that too in a completely different timeline.
You considered breaking into the shop and stealing a few clothes, but then decided against it. You were absolutely against stealing. It was probably the only crime you couldn't excuse.
The only time you hadn't paid for your stuff was when you wanted to buy a yellow dress. The lady shopkeeper with kind eyes had told you that the colour purple suited you better than yellow, and insisted that you buy the same. Later that night, you had calmly walked over the old woman's dead body and grabbed the yellow dress that you had loved.
You looked at the dresses in the shop window and decided to come back tomorrow. That's when you noticed the sign "WHITES ONLY".
You went back to the van and grabbed the revolver. Three suppressed shots from the silenced gun destroyed the sign, the wreckage of which witnessed you breaking into the shop and literally stealing everything that was on the premises.
Two. There were two crimes you wouldn't excuse.
You turned the van around and headed back towards the outskirts of the city. It was almost morning by the time you reached the address that you had found scribbled in Mr Freezy's pocket. It seemed to be some kind of a cold storage facility in a dilapidated building.
As you managed to make your way to the second floor with his limp, but still heavy, body, you remembered seeing a similar storage facility in the movie where Mr Freezy stored the dead bodies of his victims.
Your suspicions were proven correct when you picked the lock and entered the room. You found the tub where he cut the bodies of his victims and the chains he used to tie their bodies with.
As you ventured further, you found the dead body of the girl who had been force-fed pufferfish. That you remembered well, because you had tried to buy one but couldn't get your hands on the costly bugger fish.
Looking around, your eyes fell on the chains again and an idea popped into your head.
Robert Pronge woke up to find himself naked, spread eagle on his table, hands and legs wide apart, tied to the table with secured chains. The worst part? Large chunks of ice were wrapped around his palms and feet, rendering them numb. Waves of painful, frostbiting cold passed through his body. Hardly any sounds escaped his gagged mouth as he feebly tried to recollect what had happened last night.
He vaguely remembered you, a strangely dressed woman who had suddenly appeared in his van and knocked him unconscious.
He tried to look around him, a painful but necessary moment, and he realised he was in his own facility.
After what seemed like a few hours, he heard the door open and the clickety-clack of a woman's heels came near him.
Still shuddering with cold, he looked at you with his hooded eyes, the blue irises filled with hatred.
You chuckled at him. This was going to be fun. "Good morning Robert. Or should I call you Mr Freezy? Do you have a preference?" you cheerfully asked him as he kept staring at you.
You were wearing a yellow dress with white polka-dots, and a small artificial bouffant completed your look. Basically, you were dressed like any other cunt in 1963.
"Oh silly me," you scoffed at yourself, "I forgot about the gag."
A slew of profanities escaped his plump lips as you removed the gag, "You fucking whore! Untie me right now you bitch. Who the fuck do you-aaarrgghhh!" He shut up mid-rant when you slapped his cold naked dick.
"I will not tolerate any bad language. Let's take it from the top, shall we?" you reprimanded him and gave him your name.
He tried to spit at you but failed, his body dehydrated with the cold.
"You have no idea who you have messed with bitch. When my friends find out-"
"Friends?" you asked him, feigning surprise, "I thought you worked alone. Or has Mr Freezy gone all softy for The Iceman?"
Watching Robert gulp in anticipation gave you immense satisfaction. You went away from him, the dull clang of the metal chains filled the air as you heaved and huffed. Finally, he heard you crank the lever and the metal rattled as something huge was hung upside down on the metal hook.
Richard's dull, muted musk reached his nostrils before his dead body came into view. His feet were secured on the hook while his lifeless eyes stared into nothingness. His arms waved around a bit before the metal conveyor belt was brought to a stop.
"See? Richard found you," you claimed excitedly as Richard Kuklinski or The Iceman's body slowly turned above Mr Freezy.
Robert went still. Too still. A different chill had now consumed his body, his heart. He recognised the ugly emotion. He was scared. Terrified. It had been a long time since he had felt this horrible emotion but now, he lay motionless consumed by it.
His desperation grew when he heard you hum lightly, "You don't own me, I am just not one of your many toys". He had to get away from this place, from you.
As soon as he saw you disappear inside the freezer storage, he started struggling against his bonds once again. But the chains did anything but budge. "Now now, that is no way to thank me for making sure you meet your friend,* you scolded him, returning with a heavy block of ice.
"Let me tell you-UGH," you irritably shoved aside Richard's limp body as you came to stand beside Mr Freezy's horizontal torso. "Let me tell you how this is going to work. I want the names and addresses of those dusty, old, poor excuses for flour sacks 'Mafia Bosses' who apparently rule this city," you emphasized with air quotes.
Mr Freezy regarded you carefully. He knew by now that you were dangerous, but even he had his doubts that you would be able to destroy the mafia families in New Jersey. "Rot in hell bitch," he managed to spit weakly.
You rolled your eyes, "Men. Why do they always have to be difficult?" you muttered as you placed the heavy block of ice on his chiseled abs, and he immediately started writhing with the cold. "What did I tell you about your language? Tut-tut, looks like someone needs to be taught a lesson."
And with that, you made your right hand travel down his stomach and towards his thick naked member. Upon the contact, Mr Freezy tried to still his body, but the unbearably cold chunk currently resting on top of him made it impossible for him to stop moving.
You played with the hair surrounding his trunk, twisting and pulling almost teasingly, your eyes searching for his, but unfortunately, Richard's body hung between the two of you, blocking the view. So Mr Freezy couldn't see you and you couldn't see him. But who said there was romance in maintaining eye contact?
You gently wrapped your fingers around his length, making him gasp. "Someone likes this huh?" you cooed as you sped up your gestures, his length soon hardening under your touch.
"St-stop," his command was almost a moan.
You laughed at him, at his pathetic state and at his measly little request, "I don't think you want me to," you teased him as his member was almost erect now. You increased the speed of your strokes, your hands applying more pressure to thick rod that was now bulging with veins.
His hips and thighs tightened, indicating that he was close to the finishing line. But you were not done with him. Not yet.
You completely stopped your ministrations and lifted your hand. A small groan escaped his mouth before Mr Freezy caught himself.
"N-now you lis-listen to me you bit-AARRGGHH" he tried to speak between his pants, but shrieked when you roughly slammed an ice cube against his penis.
"What did I tell you about the swearing?" you chided him as you pressed the ice cube further to his length and balls.
Mr Freezy started fighting his bonds again, and frankly speaking, his refusal to accept his fate had started to get on your nerves in a bad way. You decided to keep the chunk of ice between his legs and grab some early lunch.
You returned in about 2 hours, just to find him in the same position as you had left him. The only difference was that all the ice had now melted. Oh, and there were huge, deep, red cuts on his wrists and ankles, probably due to all the fidgeting.
He was still slightly shivering though. Eh, it wasn't your problem anyway.
"Let's try again shall we?" you asked him as you got a fresh chunk of ice from the freezer. Richard's body was still hanging exactly where you had left it when you reached for Mr Freezy's lollipop again.
He tried to shake his hips, his length dancing along with his movements, as if to discourage you. "No," he muttered through gritted teeth, "No. Stay where you are. Don't you dare don't you fucking da-"
He shut up as soon as you started stroking him again. "We need to do something about your swearing Mr Freezy. Is that the language you use when you talk to kids? Huh? Looks like I will have to teach you some manners."
He soon started feeling the knot in his stomach, ready to unwind at any second, but you stopped. Completely. Again.
Even though he was mentally prepared for the cold hard ice to be rubbed against his genitals, his body wasn't.
This continued for 4 times more before he gave up. As you tried reaching for him for the sixth time, he almost pleaded with you, "I will give you their names, addresses, fucking every detail you would want about the mob bosses. Just let me go."
You laughed at his admission. He nearly jumped out of his skin as your sickeningly sweet laughter filled the isolated room. "Do you really think it's about that now?" you asked him, am incredulous expression on your face, "Ooooh Mr Freezy. I can get that information from anyone! Sure it would be convenient if I got it from you. But that's not what all this is about."
"Wh-why?" he asked, as if he already knew the answer and was terrified by it.
"Because I like breaking strong men," you replied with a pleasant, innocent grin. "Now, let's get back to work. Hhmm?"
"No no wait. I can. No. I will give you whatever you want. You want me to kill for you? I will-"
"Do you think I need a handy boy?" you interrupted him. "You want to give me something? Fine. Then stop swearing!"
He nodded eagerly, "Done. Not a single bad word. I will stay quiet. I promise. Just let me go."
You regarded him carefully, "No," you shook your head, "I don't think you have learned your lesson yet," you claimed decisively as you headed towards his legs.
With what bare minimum strength that was left in him, he shook his body again, hoping to get away from you. "Stop touching me! Stop!"
"It's funny that your mouth says stop," you grabbed his member again, "but your dick says the complete opposite." You bent down to kick a wet stripe from his balls to the tip of his mushroom, giving it a gentle suck as you reached the tip.
Mr Freezy's breath hitched in his throat. While he felt filthy and dirty everytime you touched him, the organ between his legs was aching for your attention. A tear escaped his eye as he realised this was probably the end of his life, that he might never see his son again.
As you set to work on him again, the part of his mind which had refused to accept his fate, slowly started succumbing to your sinful torture. His rebellious spirit was only left with one thought now. To be afraid. Very afraid. Of you.
Permanent tag: @donutloverxo @notyourtypicalrose @just-one-ordinary-fangirl
Chris Evans and his characters taglist: @onetwo3000 @bluemusickid @badbo1-evans (unable to tag you ☹️)
Taglist open! Just comment, send an ask or message!
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caranfindel · 4 years
Recap/review 15.17: “Unity”
THEN: Chuck is destroying all his worlds. Dean tricked Amara into going along with their plan. Empty!Meg is on Billie's side because she just wants to go back to sleep. (Don't we all, dear.) Billie wants Dean to be ready. Dean finally told Sam the truth and Sam was MAD.
NOW: Amara is enjoying a hot pool and a glass of wine in Reykjavik, Iceland. (She's pretending to read but there's no way she can see that book. Although I guess she could have super vision. Why not? And I'm sure the book itself is significant and maybe I'll look that up later but let's face it, I probably won't.) Her glorious view of the Milky Way is punctuated by what seems to be a falling star. But there are more and more and more and she knows what it really is. "Welcome home, brother."
Title card!
Bunker. Sam is on the phone with Cas, who just found out a possible lead in the "Basilica of Guadalupe" was useless. I wonder if he means the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico? A 35-hour drive from Lebanon? "That's all right," Sam says. "We'll find a way." {Sidebar: Eternal optimism or simple bullheaded refusal to accept the inevitable truth? Discuss.} Dean enters and asks if that was Cas, but Sam doesn't answer.
So, this is how it's gonna be? You're gonna give me the silent treatment?
I'm not sure what you want me to say.
That you get it. Like I said, killing Amara, Jack, dying, that's the only way.
Sam huffs and imitates Dean: "The only way. Our one shot. Our last chance. You ever get tired of saying stuff like that?" The guys are interrupted by a noise, and I'm just going to stop here for a minute, because I need to talk about Sam's anger. Sam's delicious anger. Apparently some people thought it was inappropriate for Sam to be so mad at Dean last week. At least that's what I read on the Tumblr. I'm sure no one reading this post feels that way. I mean, anyone who found Sam's anger inappropriate would have stopped reading my crap a long time ago, right? I just don't get it. This isn't an "I can see both sides" situation. Dean withheld information from Sam - lied to Sam - and I know they've both lied to each other before, but this was something catastrophic involving someone he loves. And when confronted, Dean doubled down. He didn't say "sorry, I just couldn't bear to tell you" or "I was hoping Cas would find some other way" or "I was trying to think of a way to break it to you easy." He blamed Sam. He told Sam he wasn't qualified to have that information because he would have done something about it. And after Dean spent the entire episode whining about having no control over his life, being a hamster in a wheel, he sentenced Sam to the same fate - he told him that he didn't have the right to know about Jack because he refused to just accept that this is their destiny.
I mean, I'm not bitter or anything.
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Silver lining: Dean treating Sam so horribly at least means I got some tasty, tasty Angry Sam. (Mandatory disclaimer: I love Dean. I love that he is heroic and self-sacrificing but also deeply, deeply flawed.) Moving on.
Wait. I also love that Sam's justification for the silent treatment isn't I'm punishing you or even I'm mad at you, but is literally there is nothing I can say to you. Nothing I say will mean anything to you. All right, now we're moving on. Searching for the source of the noise, the guys find - Amara! Drinking their beer! Wearing pink again, but this time it's sparkly! "We should talk," she says.
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Or, you know, we could just look. Looking is good. We have a little time jump in order to gather Jack. Amara tells the boys that her brother is back, and Jack knows this means it's time. She asks how they're going to cage Chuck, and Dean lies that Jack will be able to do it. Amara hopes she and Jack can get to know each other afterward, and Jack lies that they will. He just has to complete one final ritual. Sam doesn't lie to anybody; he just stands there looking unhappy. Amara asks what she can do to help, and they cut away from any discussion of what she's going to do, but then we get this. When the time comes, we can count on you, right? Like I told you when we first met, you and I will always help each other. Awkward! The way Amara is looking at Dean, I'm pretty sure she knows he's lying, and is just waiting for him to break down. (Spoiler alert: why do I even try?) But Dean and his lying, lying eyes do not break down.
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But those eyes don't exactly hide any secrets either, do they? Meanwhile, Jack is concerned that Sam is angry at him. Or disappointed. Sam manages to express both support for Jack doing the thing and a strong desire for Jack to not do the thing. "Sacrificing your life for a cause takes a lot of courage," he says."I still think it's wrong, though." OH SAM. YOU WOULD KNOW. AND YOU WOULD DO IT ANYWAY. Apparently Jack's final ritual is taking place in Santa Fe. Dean's ready to go, and says they can be there by morning. (Oh, I hope she tells us if that's possible, they said sarcastically.) Hey, anyone who doesn't want a deep dive into the logistics of Winchester travel can write their own damn recap skip this part. I think the guys actually went to Santa Fe last season? Ouroboros? Anyway, it's 10.5 hours away. 11 hours if you avoid highways, which we know Dean likes to do, although that route would take you on some mountain roads that would probably be a little much for the Impala. So yeah, depending on what time it is now, "by morning" is doable. I know you're relieved. I think the bigger question is when will Cas get back from Mexico City? (Yes, I'm sure he drove - he was standing by his blue truck. Yes, I know no one else cares.) Dean is surprised to find that Sam's not going. He accuses Sam of "taking a knee," but Sam says that's not what he's doing. He's still looking for another way. Sam, you and me, we have to do this; it's in the book. Oh, Chuck's death book, right? Come on, man! Blindly following orders, sending Amara to her death; does any of this feel right to you? It doesn't matter how we feel! You know what? Stay. Stay. But somebody's got to be the grownup here. Yeah, well, someone has to keep fighting for Jack. He knows what he signed up for! Last I checked, we don't give up on family. Jack's not family! I know how you feel about the kid, okay? I feel for him too. I do. But he's not like you. He's not like Cas. He's just not. I have to confess, I maaaayyyybeee haven't been keeping up with the A plot as much as I should have, because I wasn't aware they were actually operating from a book. (Or I was and I forgot. Stranger things have happened.) I thought this was just Billie's plan. But if it's a book, that means it was fated to happen, right? Um, like the Ma'lak box? And why isn't Sam pointing that out? Why isn't Sam saying "we've already changed one of Billie's unchangeable endings, what makes you think we can't change this one?" But, you know. That's not important. What is important are two things: 1, the way Sam reacts when Dean says "Jack's not family," and B, the fact that Jack has entered the room at some point and heard some of that. Again, awkward! How many times has Jack come up behind someone and overheard something like that? Why don't they put a bell on that poor kid? Jack says he's ready, Sam gives him a sad, broken little smile and Jack and Dean hit the road. Boy, that's gonna be an uncomfortable 11 hours.
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Whatever you think about this scene, you have to admit Jared is acting the hell out of it. Bunker. Cas is back, so I guess it's been 35 hours since that phone call. "Stayed behind to find another way, huh? I would have done the same." They research together. Wooded park. Amara. Chuck shows up. A title card weirdly informs us this is Amara. Yeah, we know that. I don't really care that much about their convo. All you need to know is he wants to do a "hard reset" - another Big Bang? - and can't do it without her. But she cares about this world now and wants to protect it. He thinks humans are lame and boring, and she says "what about your first children?" and zaps him into Heaven. He's welcomed by a small, adoring group of angels, but Crystal (an angel named Crystal?) annoys him so much that he snaps them all away. Amara offers him balance, darkness and light, here on this Earth, but he's not interested. So she zaps him into the bunker, which she has made into a trap for him. Impala. Dean, says the title card, unnecessarily. (Now that I've figured out what they're doing, I'd say the odds are 50:50 that Sam will have a title card.) Dean starts to talk about what Jack heard - not necessarily to apologize, but Jack says he understands that he's not like Sam or Cas. Okay then. Morning. They show up at a jewelry store and are greeted enthusiastically by the man and woman inside. "I'm Adam," the man says. "You know. God's primo. First dude off the assembly line." The woman with him is not Eve, but a hippie angel named Seraphina. I guess that means she's a seraph? Get it? (Sorry, I have to amuse myself sometimes.) She proclaims Jack's aura is "like Skittles," and of course it is. What else would it be like, other than something sweet and rainbow-colored? {Sidebar: Or should it be like nougat? Discuss.} Adam and Seraphina are very into Jack and also very much into each other. They separate long enough for Adam to take Jack for a "pop quiz." Seraphina says she knows Jack will pass because she saw it in a dream, which annoys me because angels don't sleep, but it turns out she means a mushroom-induced hallucination. She tells Dean that so many things had to happen for Jack to end up here, it was obviously "meant to be." Which doesn't sit well with Dean. Meanwhile, Adam explains to Jack that because of what God did to him and his sons, he's been wanting to kill him for a very long time. Billie is working with him, and kept him alive so he could finish the job. They've just been waiting for Jack. Adam shows him a tray of crystals and tells him to pick the one that was touched by God. Jack points to one, and Adam is disappointed. That's your choice? Yes. And... the others. All of them. They're just rocks, but their existence makes them divine, because God is in everything. And that's the right answer! Jack and Adam return, triumphant, and Seraphina celebrates by plunging a knife into Adam's chest and prying out a rib. Ew. "Everything can contain the spark of the divine, but this puppy? Is packing enough punch to create life. Or in this case, destroy God." With the power of the rib, Jack will turn into a "metaphysical black hole for divine energy" that nothing can escape. Not Amara, not God. But once is starts, it can't be stopped, so Jack shouldn't use it until "game time."
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I'm pleased that Adam is a Middle Eastern guy. Back in the Impala, some hours later, Dean pulls over right before they get home. He apologizes to Jack for hearing what he heard. Not for saying it, but for Jack hearing it. He tells Jack that he hasn't been free his entire life. "But now, now me and Sam, we got a shot at living a life. Without all this crap on our backs. And that's because of you. So, I want to say, I need to say, thank you, Jack." Well, that's a nice emotional moment, but isn't Jack doing this to save the world? Not just to get Dean off the hamster wheel? Dean's phone buzzes. It's time. Jack takes the rib out of its baggie and absorbs it into his hand and oh, Jack, I don't think I'd have done that just yet. Bunker. Is this Sam's section? Yes, it is! \o/ Sam hurls a book to the floor in frustration and is comforted by Cas. Guys, Sam and Cas tend to do some crazy fucked-up shit when they're left together unsupervised, and I am here for it. Sam wishes he could talk to Billie about her plan, and Cas immediately assumes he's going to kill himself and puts his foot down. But Sam suddenly remembers what Sergei said about the key to Death's library. "Oh, is that why I invited Sergei here to the secret bunker," Cas says, "because now that makes sense." They start digging through old wooden chests and I'm fairly sure these are boxes full of cursed objects, although all they find are a large novelty chess piece, a gold leaf cross from Hobby Lobby, and the Holy Grail.
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Tell me you didn't think the same thing. But Cas eventually does find the box with the key. The box has an inscription in Latin, which Sam reads out loud. By the way, Sam Latinating is always hot, even though he looks like he doesn't understand what he's saying. As the guys watch in amazement, a portal and keyhole appear in the wall. Cas wants to go with, but Sam asks him to stay and buy him some time if Dean comes back before he gets out, even if that sounds crazy. "Sam, for what it's worth, I don't think you're crazy," Cas says. "I think your internal compass is functioning perfectly." And Sam's all, aw, that's the nicest thing anyone's said to me in a long time.
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"Donde está la biblioteca?” He puts the key in the keyhole and opens the door into the W section of Billie's library. I want him to start pulling books off the shelves and reading versions of his death, but he's distracted by a dead reaper on the floor. And more dead reapers. And the sound of one begging for her life and then noisily dying. He finally sees Empty!Meg (\o/) sitting at the circulation desk, as another reaper pleads for his life. "Please," he cries, "she won't come!" He prays unsuccessfully for Billie to come, and gets his neck snapped for his trouble. Sam immediately tries to nope the hell out of there, but Empty!Meg snaps her fingers and he appears in front of her. Sam Winchester? Meg? Sorry, she's still dead. Just borrowing the queen's pretty face cause really? I'm empty. {Sidebar: Why would Meg's meatsuit go to the Empty with her? Discuss.} Empty!Meg is trying to get Billie's attention, and she drops a bombshell on Sam. Billie intends to become the new God. "Classic narcissist, right? So tingly for the rules, the good old days. Everyone back to where they belong. Realities, dimensions, graves. What should be dead dies, angels off Earth, demons back to Hell, and I go back to sleep!" Oh, wait. Graves? So anyone who was dead at some point, and was brought back to life, would go back to the grave? She tells Sam that he's in God's book - the ornate book in front of her that only Billie can read. "She always talked about how you should be so dead, except she needs you." Empty!Meg decides that hurting Sam might get Billie's attention, and well, y'all know I'm not opposed to that. (If you're new here, hi, my name is caranfindel and I have a problem.) She brings Sam to his knees, but he finally manages to say "Billie sent me." Oh, Sam. He claims Billie sent him to get the book, because she's trapped on Earth. Empty!Meg can't go to Earth unless she's summoned (hmmm, wonder if that will come up later), and Sam says he has a message for her, from Billie. "Billie will honor her promise. God, Amara, they die. And you, you can go back to sleep." Empty!Meg decides to believe Sam, even though he didn't even know who she was or why she was there when he got there, or that Billie had even made any promises, but I'd have a hard time saying no to that face too.
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I'll believe your lies. When Sam comes back through the door into the bunker, Cas greets him with "finally" as if he's been gone a long time, so time must flow differently in Billie's library. Cas tells him Chuck and Amara are here, and it's time. "We can't let that happen," says Sam. "We have to stop it." In the trap, Chuck narrates what's happening elsewhere in the bunker. "You hear that? Dean. Brought to the edge of doubt. His sense of duty, his rage, winning out in the end." As Dean drags Jack through the hall, Sam tells him about Billie's plan to take advantage of the power vacuum and become God. Dean doesn't care - he doesn't mind being duped as long as it's not by Chuck. "And poor Sam," says Chuck. "Always gotta know everything. Can't leave well enough alone." Poor Sam stands in front of Dean, trying to stop him. Dean yells that Jack already "lit the fuse" and they can't wait any longer. "This is my ending," Chuck says. "My real ending." And just as I'm wondering if he means his preferred ending, where one brother always kills another, Dean pulls his gun out and points it at Sam's heart. "Move, Sam. Move!" Sam's horrified. Cas and Jack are horrified. I'm horrified. And also, I'm ashamed to say, very entertained. I mean, I don't want the brothers fighting, and yet for Dean to lose the plot so badly that he'd actually shoot Sam in order to get off the hamster wheel? That's some gloriously messed up stuff, friends. Amara is shocked that Chuck orchestrated all of this. "What part of omniscient do you people not understand?" he says, and YES. THIS is something that has long needed to be said. He says that even though he can't read his death book, all he had to do was plant a few visions, mess with a few outcomes, bada bing bada boom! Nobody's killing him! Hallway. Sam pleads with Dean. "I don't want to do this," Dean says, "but this is everything!"
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THIS is everything. Trap. Amara tells Chuck they're going to cage him, not kill him. Hallway. Dean does that thing you do with a gun when you want someone to know you're serious. Clicks off the safety, or whatever. Sam makes a have we really come to this? face and yanks Dean's gun hand away. Dean punches him and he drops to the floor. Trap. Chuck tells Amara that TFW is planning to kill both of them. Hallway. Dean drags Jack toward the trap and Sam tackles him. Dean punches him again. Cas just watches all this. What the hell, Cas. Trap. Chuck says the Winchesters are using Jack to destroy them. Amara says that can't be, because Dean can't hurt her. "No, but he can lie to you. He can send you into the meat grinder with a wink and a smile." But isn't that hurting her? Hallway. Dean orders Cas and Jack to go. Sam yells for Jack not to do it. Cas asks why not, because... Cas has suddenly forgotten what side of this argument he's on? "Because if Billie takes over, then everyone goes back to where they belong!" Sam says. "That means everybody from Apocalypse World - Bobby, Charlie - they get sent back to a place that doesn't exist any more. And everyone we saved! Eileen, she just dies, again! And that's just the beginning!" Trap. Amara is devastated. Hallway. Dean yells that they don't have a choice, and Sam says "we always have a choice!" Trap. Chuck tells Amara "the only ones who ever really get us is us." Hallway. Dean says there's nothing they can do but get out of the way, and he doesn't care if Billie becomes God. I'd trade it all, I'd trade 'em all, for Chuck! In a heartbeat! What about me? Would you trade me? Okay, is this Sam pointing out that if Billie becomes God, he dies? Because it's awfully subtle, and I think he just needs to come right and say "that's fine, Dean, but when I told you everyone we saved would die again, I meant everyone, and that includes me!" And Dean would probably also want to know that angels will be banished to Heaven, don't you think, Sam? Anyway. I saw this on Tumblr, and I can't get to it now because Tumblr is being a little bitch, but basically: Sam Winchester may have low self-worth, but he absolutely knows what he means to his brother, and he does not hesitate to use it. Trap. Chuck offers Amara the balance she said she wanted. "Us, starting fresh, creating something new, something beautiful, peaceful, together. And we can finally forget about all this pain. No baggage. Only balance." He extends a hand. Amara takes it and dissolves into smoke, which is absorbed by Chuck, who now has one demon-black eye and one angel-blue eye. And a sadistic grin. Hallway. Chuck has to die. He has to! Otherwise he'll keep us tap dancing forever, and I can't live like that, man! I can't live like that; I won't! I know you feel like that right now, okay? I know you do. But you gotta trust me. My entire life, you've protected me. From Dad? From Lucifer? From everything. I didn't always like it, you know, but it's the one thing in the whole world that I could always count on. It's the only thing I've ever known that was true. So please, put the gun away. Just put it away. We'll figure it out, Dean; we'll find another way. You and me. We always do. Gotta admit, I'm torn about this scene. I mean, on the one hand, it's beautifully done, so much emotion and angst and anger and teary-eyed, shaky Sam. Once again, Jared is acting the hell out of it. (And Jensen too, but come on.) And yet, on the other hand... how bad is Sam's Stockholm Syndrome? "You protected me from Dad?" Have we seen any evidence of that? I'm sure Dean was forced to be the referee sometimes, but have we seen any evidence that Dean ever said "no Sam, you're not disowned just because you want to stop hunting and go to college" or "no Dad, I'm not even going to pretend I'll kill Sam," rather than consider it an option until he was actually faced with it? It seems like "protecting Sam from Dad" mostly meant "trying to get Sam to do what Dad wanted, so he'd stay out of trouble." And Lucifer? When Sam told him he was Lucifer's vessel, and the Devil was coming to him in his dreams, Dean basically said "sucks to be you, now pick a hemisphere." Now, I'm aware that Dean has actually protected Sam from many, many things. In good ways and in bad ways. And yet he's also hurt him in some pretty awful ways. I mean, he just now threatened to shoot him for refusing to accept his destiny is to help Dean escape the slavery of his destiny. So for Sam to say "you protect me" is one thing. Dean absolutely does that. But to say it's the only thing that's true, and to specifically mention John and Lucifer, well. Hmmm.
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Let's just concentrate on the pretty. Anyway. Dean puts the gun away, Sam sighs a tearful shaky sigh of relief, and then the door to Amara's trapped room explodes. Chuck walks out dramatically - not nearly as hot as Demon!Demon dramatically walking through his own destroyed door - and yells at them. "Are you kidding me? After everything, after all that, you did it again!" He tells them he absorbed Amara, mocks Castiel (which is kind of funny), and says they're all stupid, stubborn, and broken, and he's done with them. "You know what you do with broken toys? You throw them out. So, kill each other, don't kill each other, I don't care." Then he tells them to have fun watching Jack die, and zaps on out of there. Jack collapses, and bad things are clearly happening to him. Well, it's hard to get worked up over Jack dying again (what would this be, the third time?). After all, as Dean said, he's not Sam. I'm more interested in finding out if Dean understood he was sentencing Sam to death when he said he didn't care if Billie became God. {Sidebar: Would Dean die too? Or would everything that happened because Sam was brought back be erased? Discuss. And maybe fic.} And now Amara is gone. But, conveniently, destroying Chuck will also destroy her, so. Balance! Unity! Hugs and puppies all around! Oh, friends. The end is near, and I don't feel good about it. I'm anxious about a lot of things happening next week, and the third-to-last episode of Supernatural is one of them. How do you feel? 
Please help me stay unspoiled, including episode titles and casting info, thanks!
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devintrinidad · 4 years
So Uhm, CAW anon here. I haven’t been into Hetalia for years. But I feel like talking about a few things I noticed back in fandom a lot that I didn’t see at all in the canon manga/anime (though Hetalia itself is just a fanfic of history. I’m only focusing on character and relationships present in the canon series). 
Ok a lot has probably changed since the last couple of years in fandom. But back then I saw a lot of depictions of the FACE group: England and Canada not having much of a relationship. France and Canda being the closest while France and America aren’t close at all. America and Canada having a strained if not dysfunctional brotherly bond. Canada having no backbone and being a sad sack all the time or just being a pure angel with no flaws. America being too childish.
I’m going to try to remember all the canon bits to back me up. But I’m mostly curious if there’s anything off and your (most likely much more up to date and informed) thoughts. 
Canada and England have a pretty good relationship from what I’ve seen. We’ve sen plenty of material of England being present in colony Canada’s life. He used to cook for him too (poor Canada) and Canada spent almost about the same amount of time with him as America did. Later on Canada chose Enlgand over America when the colonies revolted. He didn’t want to pick a side but in the end he did. He fought against American troops. Was there when England was heartbroken over the fighting. He even acted as a strategist, using his knowledge as America’s twin brother to use America’s weaknesses against him (sending surrender papers inside a basket of food. America was so hungry it took George Washington telling him to resist to not take the bait).  Later on when America and Canada were trying to mend their relationship. Canada would get so nervous and have England talk for him all the time instead (which only confused America). England did it without any fuss despite any issues he and America might still have. Overall Canada recalls having a good childhood and England was a part of that. The two might not be as close as America and England are, but they have their own history and bond both are very comfortable and happy with each other. 
America and Canada. Fans I ran into often focused on America and England’s dynamic history. But the North American brothers have a lot of their own turmoil and strength to them as well. While Canada might,moan about being invisible and such. Canada also remembers having a very fun childhood with America. So much he remembers how sad he was when America grew up much faster then him and couldn’t play with him all the time like he used to. When Canada told America he didn’t want to fight, only to choose England, America felt betrayed. He loved Canada and wanted his twin brother to fight for freedom with him. Their relationship went pretty sour for a long time. But the two did end up trying to be mature later on in life and congratulate each other despite how annoyed they are at how different the other is. 
From there we only get brother goodness. They can bug each other a lot. Canada takes for granted everything America has done and gone through, things that have also been good for Canada. While America likes to mess with Canada and act pushy with him. They do like to horse around and spend time together. Despite their differences, they’re probably the closest siblings in the world of nations. They’ve gone through their bitterness and still chose to be close brothers in the end. They like to play sports together. They like to use their appearances to mess with England who can’t tell them apart like France can. They call each other on the phone a lot. They have a joint Search for Santa Claus operations every winter. America respects Canada’s opportunity and ability to easily get along with others. He also takes Canada’s concerns very seriously and offers reasonable and helpful advice such as how to help his citizens get along. Canada’s opinions must mean a lot to him since Canada is the only individual to make America cry in despair when he went into his 3 hour insult rant against him. Despite his complaints about his personality, Canada looks up to America as a big brother who he always goes to for comfort or help. He respects and admires America a lot and trusts him as his closest confidante (after his polar bear. Not that that bear is ever helpful). Overall America and Canada have their downs like every sibling pair has. But they also seem to have a very strong and stable connection where they can act like brothers and best friends. Sometimes I think it’s easier to imagine America is closer to Canada then he is to England. 
America and France. Back then these two didn’t get a lot of attention. Which is strange because there’s tons of material of them interacting throughout the centuries. France used to cook for America when England wasn’t around (I bet when Colony America said English food was as good as French food, some thing broke inside France. The reason America started disliking English food is because France made it his mission to salvage some of his tastebuds. Xp). France has been the only FACE member to stay by America’s side without conflict. Both of them obviously had a close bond since France gave America Lady Liberty and you could see teasing and ruffling America’s hair like a big brother. The two hang out a lot. They go to Maid Cafes together. They seem to have lunch together all the time at conferences since France is always looking for America to go eat together. They apparently also have sleepovers a lot and like to compare different genres of movies. Whatever issues their people can have with each other never seems to affect their personal interactions. France is the big brother of love and that’s sometimes a running gag for jokes. But he really seems to be like a normal big brother figure for America. He often worries about America and Russia’s scary relationship and chides England for raising America to be weird. In a deleted strip, France is preventing America from drinking alcohol because he’s too young (being physically 19). It also gets a bit heartwarming when you recall the Joan of arc strips where France meets the reincarnation of Joan and she’s an American. Almost like America is now taking care of Joan and giving her the opportunity to be free and happy in ways she couldn’t before. 
Also while it’s not part of their dynamic. It’s always interesting that when the author wanted to show the Nation’s personal relationships with humanity. He always chose America and France. The supposed happy go lucky airheads who often gain a affectionate yet somber (to even downright tragic) experience from it. 
Overall America and France have a nice quiet and stable relationship. You could say while England raised America as a colony. France was among the mentors to America on how to be his own Nation. 
I think that’s it. Again my memory might be foggy but that’s what I can recall. =P
Okay, I’m going to prioritize this ask/submission thing first because wow, you’re a Hetalian and Hetalia has a special place in my heart. First of all, I’m kind of flattered that you think that I’m up to date for this, hahaha. I’ll have to tell you, while I do know a lot about American history, I’m actually more of a fan of the Itabros, hehehe.
A few tumblr people that I know specialize in Hetalia and have already posted FACE dynamics a lot in the blogs are, but not limited to: @historihet  @stirringwinds and @ellawritesficssometimes. I’m not sure if Ella is still active, but there’s a lot of content that you can browse through if I’m not thorough. Also, again, the list of tumblrs that have been associated with FACE are definitely more than I can imagine, those are the three that I follow and know off the top of my head.
To @historihet @stirringwinds @ellawritesficssometimes, I love your interpretations and love for history! If I say anything inaccurate or something you don’t find to your liking, please inform me! I don’t want to spread misinformation and I’m just so excited to talk about Hetalia to my dear Anon Friend :D 
If you’re reading this, I hope that you all have a wonderful day! And keep up the great work with your own analyses/fanart/fanfiction/etc. You guys rock and keep the fandom alive. :D
Anywhoozles, what you said here is fairly accurate. FACE definitely has its up and downs. Assuming that you haven’t been active in the fandom since... let’s say 2012-2014ish era, you might have noticed that the common bonds are Canada and France (platonic), France and England (rivalry/lovers/enemies), and the most concerning relationship America and England (brothers/rivals/lovers???). What you said in your analysis really applies within the sense of what is considered to be manga/anime canon, not necessarily historical canon. 
In historical canon (if you want to go down that route), FACE is one dysfunctional mess if you want to consider it as one family unit. Every one of them at one point has been at each other’s throat at one point (whether it be at war or just snubbing the other because of politics). 
We have:
1. The Revolutionary War (England vs America)
2. War of 1812 (Canada/England vs America, with special emphasis in 1814 because Canada burned down America’s White House if I remember correctly)
3. The XYZ Affair (I’m pretty sure it was a snub in diplomacy??? which actually started a war???)
4. The fact that American promised to help France in their own revolution, but Washington said no because we’re still a new country and all that jazz (...I know this because of Hamilton IF YOU’RE ALSO A HAMILFAN I WILL CRY)
5. And like the entire history of France/England is just its own thing
As you can probably tell, FACE... I think was just a  term for the fans to make this makeshift family dynamic that is cute in some respects if this was like a human au, but definitely a cluster of effs if you imagine them as eldritch abominations that were brought to life because of human imagination. 
Like, the dynamics can go in so many directions if you want to choose one aspect of history over another. 
In @stirringwinds, they often write/draw about America as this Prodigal son who happens to be like the Crown Prince succeeding his once proud father. (America turning into a superpower after the World Wars and the English Empire just kinda dismantling itself because of everything.... OF COURSE THAT’S AN OVERSIMPLIFICATION, PLEASE DON’T KILL ME FOR INACCURACY!
Whereas for another tumblr, @historihet they portray the USUK relationship as more of a ship. Like, the whole brother relationship that is skewed in the anime/dubs/subs (this is due to the fact that some fans take the whole older brother thing too literally because in Japan, you call your elders/peers that happen to be older than you via polite endearments) is more of a... I’m not gonna say paternal, but it was more of a mentor thing? I’m not sure, I haven’t interacted with them much, but I’m pretty sure they ship it. Plus, their art is so amazing and they’re obviously a fan of history because wow, their head canons and their art is so beautiful and detailed.
As for the whole France and Canada relationship, I think this can be further elaborated via @ellawritesficssometimes. I remember reading that France and Canada, while having a similar relationship to England and America, it wasn’t that close or as heartwarming as many fans make it out to be. If you follow Canadian history, I’m pretty sure Canada was under French rule for a sort time before becoming part of the English Empire. Like, Canada was part of the Empire for a longer time than under France. This means that France wasn’t always there, England was. You can further read between the lines about the English/Canadian relationships, especially if you consider the fact that America fought an entire revolution to get away from England because of neglect on England’s part and on Canada’s part.... all he had to do was ask. 
Overall, I’m glad that you told me that you were part of the Hetalia fandom. It’s nice to see that the fandom is still alive and kicking, hahah. That reminds me, I’ve got to finish my series concerning Italia Veneziano, oops. Just wondering, but why did you want to talk about this? Not that I mind, it just seems out of the blue... 
Thanks for the analysis and your chat! I hope that you have a wonderful day! :D
Please don’t tell me you want a FACE fic, hahahah. XD
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itwillbeall-dwight · 4 years
hi king,,, i saw u take drabble requests and i humbly ask for some fluff ft. the grandpas (overconti) if that's something u feel like doing. there's not enough ace fluff out there ;w;
me staring at this ask since last night like surprised pikachu.. tumblr user dweetwise give me ur autograph-
you are absolutely right, and it’s a crime that I haven’t made any content yet. this was more hurt/comfort than fluff, but there’s some cute in there, just for you <3 i rlly hope u enjoy this, it was a lot of fun to write!
likes < reblogs, any comments in the tags are appreciated
ao3 mirror in the reblogs!
lovesick - ace visconti/bill overbeck; canon typical violence; tiny emeto tw; 2908 words
Preview: The two of them walked out of the basement side by side, Ace taking the lead to make sure the coast was clear before they left, taking the exit closest to them through the hole in the wall, heading towards a corner where a generator remained half-power, mechanisms slowly chugging from the inside. The soldier nodded to him, quickly taking over the lead and taking the long side over and leaving Ace to take one of the shorter sides, with the wires exposed. "Hey, Ace?" “Hm?” Ace looked up at the sound of his own name, odd coming from Bill, even now. “...Thanks.” “What for?” “Wh- what do you think?” “Oh, I know, I just wanted to hear you say it.” Bill scowled, though only momentarily, the shit-eating grin on the gambler’s face was enough to make him crack into a brief chuckle, even if it did make him a little (read: a lot) more punchable, before resuming work on the generator.
Ace was not the overtly romantic type.
Well, that wasn’t entirely true. He had the charisma to back him up, a backlog of dirty euphemisms and sultry compliments for him to cruise off of when spoken in a low whisper at the poker table, but that was only enough to get him one night of fun, maybe two if he pushed his luck (which he did, quite often). He was plastic flowers and Las Vegas weddings - the fake kind of love that you could easily replace once it got broken. And for a while, he was fine with that. At the craps table, you couldn’t count on a forever, so going from lover to lover was a fate he’d more than settled with. Hell, even if his engagement only lasted a few months (the man had some sense, at least - the last Ace heard he’d gotten hitched with another man much richer and happier up in Illinois), it made for one hell of a lie to cover his bluff for a losing hand.
Romance hadn’t been something he’d thought about a lot, in the fog. There were more important things to think about, weren’t there - whether it was those cocky kids from the Legion wanting to go for a swipe or the bony form of the Hag slashing at his heels, his main focus was on escaping first, and testing his luck second. That didn’t change, for a while. Or at least, didn’t change enough for him to notice, until, like an unstable cliffside, everything caved in and he realised just how much shit he was in. It was a gradual process, not like how he’d rush things from the casino floor to the bedroom day in and day out for years at a time, knowing that it was likely to be his only chance before they moved onto someone new and better.
Ace didn’t know why it was him. Bill was a hardass, a stickler for the rules, a self-sacrificing hardass who could just say was way too high up on his horse and leave it at that. And normally, he would. But this time… he didn’t. He watched the old soldier with intrigue, with the way he commanded the room despite them being in the forest, his biting wit and genuine strategy enough to straighten the backs of even Nea and David, and that was a task worse than freezing hell over. He would listen to the words he used, insults peppered in like salt to a cheap takeaway meal, half drunk and lost in the belly of the Californian night, how his brow furrowed and how his eyes flickered with intent between survivors, and how his lips quirked and moved as he talked, or didn’t talk. All these little details finally came to a head when he’d began noticing how his words would bounce off of him like glue to rubber, unfazed mostly - though one time, he got a laugh out of him, while making a joke about David’s recklessness as the two offered their assistance in patching him up behind a rock (“takes an idiot to know one, Visconti”, he’d said). And that small chuckle was all it took for Ace to realise he was in deep, deep shit.
While luck had always been on his side, courage had not. Ace had let his feelings sit for a long time, trial after trial, not sure whether to be grateful that he was finally yearning for attachment or cursing the heavens that it had to happen here, of all places, enough to the point where avoiding Bill had become as natural as breathing air. Wasn’t anywhere to run eventually, though, as a terrible trial in the Autohaven Wreckers, where generators remained powered down and Micheal patrolled in his usual, methodical way, had left the two of them the only ones left alive. Hiding behind a wall, they had been silent for a while, before the old soldier had pressed him about his odd behaviour, calling him out to the very centre of it. And for the first time in a long time, Ace didn’t have a retort - there was no shitty movie quote, no stupid joke he could bounce off of - leaving him stumbling and hanging slack-jawed as his face grew hot and he rubbed the back of his neck, enough to make Bill growl and start to stand to his feet, ready to take the fall as he’d done so many times. But as if on instinct, Ace had grabbed his wrist and pulled himself to his feet, asking him to take a chance, just this once. Bill had chastised him as he normally did, pulling his arm away as he did so. And Ace had swallowed hard and looked him head-on, letting his eyes fall on every feature of his face, before grabbing the old fool by the collar of his shirt and pulling him in for a long-overdue kiss that seemed to last too long but not long enough, hoping that that was enough of a message to say that he’d trade his life for Bill’s in a heartbeat. He did, evidently, meeting his end at the hand of a knife in his lungs, but behind tinted glasses where he quickly lost vision, he’d seen Bill running for the hatch, glaring daggers at him as Ace could only smile, and die. Words were said at the campfire when he got back, but the message had been sent, loud and clear, earning him another kiss back when the two were, pinned against a tree with the glow of the campfire on his back, an answer to the silent question that he had posed for if it was really okay to do this. And it was. 
It had been a good while since that moment, though Ace played it in his head over and over as if it was some crazy dream that he was getting to live in. Things hadn’t really changed between them - he was still just as stupid, if not more so, trying to impress the man who made the mistake of liking him back, and Bill was still as much of a hardass - but there were moments now that made every injury, every lost chase and terrible mistake, and every death, so much more worth it. The soldier shared with him small smiles, laughs and jokes and tales of old friends, his doubts and his anguish, but most of all, showed him a side of himself that wasn’t as harsh, a side of himself that was vulnerable, and kind - a bleeding heart, as it were, and that was the side where their hands interlocked walking back from the campfire, where they’d joke and slow dance and laugh like normal lovers did, out on the edge of the campfire. They had each other’s back, and out here, that’s what they needed most. 
Another trial was underway now, as one always was, and the forest of the Macmillan Estate was cold as it always had been, especially around the old ironworks. The atmosphere in the old factory giving off ice cold vibes of unhappiness and solitude. Ace felt a shiver run its icy fingers up his spine from under his shirt, pulling his hands away from the generator for a moment as his head twitched a little from the moment, recovering quickly with a quiet sigh before he got back to work. The trial had been rather relaxed, as of now; one generator was already powered (he’d watched Dwight and Nea work on that together, which was like seeing snow in July, as far as he was concerned) and he’d only heard a few yells of pain after that as he was searching around the factory through chests for a key (no luck this time) before hoping down again. Over the sound of the mechanisms powering up like a beating heart, the fountain behind him flowed, the sound of pure water almost calming, if not for the sign that the Plague was roaming around.
Two wires he was holding sparked together, and that was enough to get the generator to flicker on. Perfect. Ace stood to his feet and took off his hat for a moment, scratching the top of his head before he put it back on again, as if it would help him figure out his next move. As if just going for a stroll (the poor priestess was making this trial seem like a cakewalk, after all), he slid his hands into his pockets, beginning to head out of the factory-
Running towards him made him step back inside, pinning his back against the wall near the door, his heart lurching into his mouth. From out of the corner of the doorway, he saw Bill sprinting past, the tall form of the Plague not too far behind. Ace smiled despite himself, though that soon faded as he heard the gagging coming from the woman, before she swallowed down her own vomit as the soldier turned a corner, and then subsequently hit her with a palette as she tried to follow after him. 
With the threat gone, though that wasn’t as reassuring as it ought to have been, knowing it wasn’t far behind the man he loved - Bill was capable enough, though, so there wasn’t much to worry about, was there? Right? - Ace moved away from the wall and sighed. Better to head in the opposite direction of the scary lady with the sacrificial censor and the terrible disease. But as he started to make his way towards the hole in the wall under the stairs, his eyes fell onto another set of stairs that were all too familiar. The whispers of the basement were calling for him. Ace swallowed, fiddling with the collar of his jacket. ...Bill had this, right? And if not, Nea and Dwight would have his back, surely. It was fine for him to dig around for another key, right? He looked around. No one was here to tell him not to, so the only other choice…
He descended the basement stairs carefully, a hand running along the rotting and misshapen planks of the old wooden wall the didn’t fit with the rest of the factory at all, as if it had been stolen and shifted from another building entirely. Those whispers of death were louder now, as he turned a corner and saw it, the chest at the back. Ace rubbed his hands together, hoping to channel some sort of magic to get this thing to open up. The gambler got down on one knee, picking at the lock of the chest while grumbling and talking to himself, praying for a key, or a flashlight to toss to the feisty young Swede if he saw her again. It didn’t take long to open, though nothing was waiting for him inside but a crusty old medkit. Ace stood up again with a frown, cursing Lady Luck for turning her back on him-
Heavy hands hitting the wall of the killer shack startled him, heart in his mouth. The Plague was probably already mad enough with how things had been going, he didn’t need to be spotted hiding out in the basement to make matters worse. Scrambling to his feet, the gambler lept for the locker just behind him, and clambered inside, hoping not to alert the tall, diseased woman that he was an easy target. But instead of sickly breaths and the sound of bare feet on concrete, the stumbling, heavy footsteps down the stairs and strained, pained breathing were enough to get him to poke his head out-
“Oh, shit- Bill!” 
The panicked whisper made the soldier look up, watching as Ace climbed out of the locker, leaving the doors to close on their own as he jogged over. Bill gritted his teeth, knuckles white as he clung to the edge of the wall beside the stairs with one hand, the other clutching his stomach. “Dammit, Visconti, what’re you doin’-”
“Don’t matter. C’mere.”
“No- get off me, dammit.” He tried to swat the gambler away, but lost his balance as he did and slipped from under his feet, yelling quietly as Ace rushed to grab him and help him stand, his hand grabbing hard at the side Bill was holding.
“Ah, shit- sorry, babe. Come on, there’s a medkit over here-”
“Oh, of course you were fuckin’ around in here-”
“You want the help or not?”
Bill paused, about to open his mouth again before catching the look on Ace’s face, an oddly solemn frown that seemed out of place, before sighing in resignation, if only to see the small smirk that overtook the other man as he led him over to the chest, letting him lean against the locker and slide down to sit.
“You’ll thank me later, trust me.”
“Just get it done.”
Ace nodded, taking the medkit out of the chest and opening it up, fishing through what little supplies were in there to try and help, hands shaking ever so slightly. For as long as the two of them had been here, you’d think he’d be used to this by now - but he was as cowardly at heart as always, it seemed.
He wasn’t an expert medic, but in the fog, you had to adapt fast, so Ace had picked up a few things from watching Claudette patch people up (and watch Nea complain about how wrong it was, but even he would doubt her judgement in that department), enough that he thought he was doing a pretty good job as he slowly wrapped the gauze around Bill’s torso, watching at the heavy bruising was slowly covered, and listening for a wince of pain every so often to tell him he was doing it a little too tight. Ace glanced up to him as his glasses fell down his face from looking down, just catching the soft expression he was giving before he grumbled and look away, making the gambler chuckle to himself as he finished tying off the gauze, moving his hand to gently hold his shoulder.
“She get you up there?”
Bill looked back again, an eyebrow raised.
“Vomit Queen up there. You caught anythin’?”
“Oh, hell no. Saw Karlsson instead, went after her ass. Considerin’ the run around she’s been givin’ her, ain’t surprised.” He paused, trying to push himself up now. “I gotta help her-”
“Aht, aht. Down, boy.” Ace put a hand on his shoulder and pushed him back down to sit. “C’mon, Bill, she’ll look at you funny and you’ll go down if you go up there again, ‘Sides, Nea ain’t a damsel. A few more minutes, yeah?”
“And Dwight?”
“He’s no idiot either. He’s our leader for a reason.”
He stared, before looking away again.
“We’ve talked about this, Bill. I know you gotta stick your neck out for everyone else, but you can only go so far.”
He didn’t say anything else, but from the way he tapped his fingers against the concrete floor, he wasn’t happy about it.
“There… no worries, you old coot, I got you.” Ace laughed as he got a punch to the chest, moving to hold a hand where the impact had been made, expression going soft as Bill laughed too, albeit it was quieter. He stood to his feet and wiped the dust and blood off of his knees where he’d been kneeling before offering the soldier a hand, which he took, helping him stand to his feet with only minor wobbling. "You good?"
"Yeah... yeah. Just... give me a second."
"Take all the time you need."
The soldier kept his grip tight in Ace's hand, sighing to himself before he went to move his hand away.
Though Ace kept his grip, if only to bring the hand up to his lips and gently kissed Bill’s knuckles, skin old and weathered on his lips, before pulling away and running his thumb across them. “Now come on. We've got a trial to finish."
The two of them walked out of the basement side by side, Ace taking the lead to make sure the coast was clear before they left, taking the exit closest to them through the hole in the wall, heading towards a corner where a generator remained half-power, mechanisms slowly chugging from the inside. The soldier nodded to him, quickly taking over the lead and taking the long side over and leaving Ace to take one of the shorter sides, with the wires exposed.
"Hey, Ace?"
“Hm?” Ace looked up at the sound of his own name, odd coming from Bill, even now.
“What for?”
“Wh- what do you think?”
“Oh, I know, I just wanted to hear you say it.”
Bill scowled, though only momentarily, the shit-eating grin on the gambler’s face was enough to make him crack into a brief chuckle, even if it did make him a little (read: a lot) more punchable, before resuming work on the generator.
They got out of that game alive, thankfully, Bill saving Dwight from a last-minute hook and the two of them shielding him on their way out. As the two younger survivors rushed on ahead to give their friends the good news, Ace and Bill hung behind, strolling back hand in hand. It wasn’t an ideal world, but it was theirs, and having each other was a hell of a lot better than not.
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localswordlesbian · 4 years
Something There That Wasn’t There Before: Chapter 2
Read Chapter 2 on AO3
Read Chapter 1 on Tumblr
In which Martin realizes what his mother's actions mean for his future, and he finally meets this reclusive "boss" he's been hearing so much about.
Martin blinked at where the door had bin, his brain coming to a complete halt as he stared. What had just happened?
A whistle behind him shook him out of his stupor. He turned to see the two strange people looking at him. Helen looked amused while Michael looked troubled.
“Well, that was the most fun I’ve had since Mary dropped little Gerry off months ago!” Helen crooned, dropping to balance on the balls of her feet to be level with Martin – he hadn’t noticed he’d sank down against the wall, sitting on the damp ground.
“I have to say,” Michael mused. “She seemed nasty, but I didn’t expect that. Are you okay?”
Martin couldn’t answer. His mother wanted him to stay. She wanted him to stay in this terrifying castle with these weird people rather than going home with her. She no longer wanted him to care for her – he’d braved the woods, and for what? The bitterness rose in his throat again and threatened to choke him, and his eyes stung. He blinked, refusing to cry in front of these two. Whoever they were.
When he managed to look up, there was another door, this one purple, shimmering in the wall. Michael was looking at him, his expression soft. Helen had a gleam in her eye that made Martin shiver with apprehension.
At his doubtful look, Michael shrugged. “This will go to the dining room. You look like you’ve had a long night.”
Martin debated arguing, saying he didn’t trust Michael as far as he could throw him, but exhaustion weighed down his bones, and even holding his head up and eyes open was taking all his energy. So he took a step forward, opening the door and stepping through. As the door closed, he felt a pressure at the back of his head that had him groaning in pain before he stepped out onto solid ground, vertigo causing him to lean to the side before collapsing with a heavy thump.
He vaguely heard voices shouting as he drifted out of consciousness, and the last thing he heard was someone asking “Is he alright?” before the darkness took over his vision and he fell into blessed sleep.
Martin came to slowly, grogginess keeping his eyes closed. He heard several voices around him.
“He came through one of Helen’s doors. I wonder what happened.”
“I saw him when he walked in, freezing his poor arse off. Said he was looking for his mum.”
“D’you think he found her?”
“Do you happen to see an old lady anywhere around here, Tim?”
“Maybe Helen sent her through a different door!”
“Well, he’s here now, wherever his mum is.”
There was a pause in the conversation, then: “He’s pretty cute, though.”
“Oh for god’s sake, Tim–“
“What? I’m not wrong.”
Martin fought to open his eyes, bright light assaulting his senses as he took a deep breath. He vaguely saw three figures hovering over him. “Where am I?”
“Oh, good, you’re awake!” one of the figures exclaimed. Martin squinted, trying to make out any features, to  no avail. Someone must have taken off his glasses.
As if on cue, a hand held them out to him. “Here,” came the kind feminine voice. Martin put on his glasses and saw a dark skinned girl sitting on the couch near his legs, with glasses of her own and her dark, curly hair pulled back into a high ponytail. She had a kind smile on her face. “How are you feeling?”
Martin sat up, attempting a smile back. “I– I’m alright. Confused, but alright.”
The girl smiled sympathetically, fidgeting with the hem of her dark T-shirt. “That’s understandable. My name’s Sasha. Sasha James.” She stuck out her hand to him, and he shook it.
“Martin. Martin Blackwood.”
Sasha smiled at him again. “It’s nice to meet you, Martin. Welcome to our weird little family.”
Martin took another look around the room. Standing next to Sasha was the man he’d encountered yesterday, dressed in a black studded leather jacket and ripped jeans. He nodded at Martin, and Martin nodded back. “Gerard Keay, but you can call me Gerry.”
“Nice to meet you,” Martin said meekly.
Lastly, next to Gerry, there was a man dressed in a Hawaiian shirt so bright and colourful that Martin wondered whether this man was Helen and Michael’s missing third. He was broad, with tanned skin and black hair that looked like it was purposely styled to be messy. He was grinning, leaning down and bracing his hands next to Martin and leaning close to his face as Martin leaned away. “Yeah, I was right, he is cute,” the man said conclusively, and Martin could feel his face heating. “I’m Tim Stoker. Guess you’re one of us now.”
Martin chuckled nervously. “And, uh, who exactly would that be?”
Tim leaned back, crossing his muscular arms over his chest. “Archival Assistants, which basically means we laze around and sometimes fetch a file for Jon.”
“Jonathan Sims,” Sasha explained. “Our boss.”
That must have been the boss Michael and Helen mentioned. “Ah. Helen and Michael mentioned him. Wondered if I was, uh, his type? Anyone know what that’s about?”
The three assistants exchanged a look, seeming to have a silent conversation that Martin wasn’t privy to.
“That’s a long story,” Gerry finally said. “If you want to stay, you can. If not, you’re free to go. You don’t have any responsibility to anyone here.”
Martin considered Gerry’s words. He could leave, try and find his way back to town, figure out what to do. What would he do? His mother didn’t want him, she’d made that perfectly clear. It wasn’t like he had friends he could stay with, and though he could live in the library he didn’t particularly want to burden Phil. He remembered his promise to Jack with a pang, wondering whether the boy was waiting at the well for him to return and read to him. “I–I don’t really have anywhere to go,” he said finally, cringing at how self-pitying he sounded. Good job, Martin.
Sasha gave him another kind smile, placing a hand on his knee. “It’s okay, Martin. You can stay here. It might even help, having another assistant.”
Martin nodded, returning Sasha’s smile shyly. “Do you guys live here? Is there anyone else?”
Tim pursed his lips. “Yeah, we live here, though not by choice.” Sasha smacked his arm. “What? Might as well tell him the truth.” At Martin’s concerned look, Tim’s face softened. “Basically, the boss pissed off a very powerful witch of a man, and we all happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. That place being here, and the time being when that bastard–
“Fine, absolute piece of shit fucker–“
“Oh, come off it, Sasha! You know it’s true. That asshole decided that the best punishment was to trap Jon here, turning him into an avatar of the Beholding until someone falls in love with him. So, of course, Jon being Jon just locked himself upstairs in the West Wing half the time because he thinks no one could love a monster.”
“Give Jon a break, Tim. It can’t be easy for him.”
“I know it’s not.” Tim sighed, meeting Sasha’s eyes for a moment before looking back to Martin. Gerry stood quietly off to the side. “Look, I love Jon as much as any of you guys, but this is getting ridiculous. The longer he stays locked away, the longer we’re stuck here.”
Gerry met Martin’s eyes. “Don’t take this the wrong way. We’re not asking you to seduce our boss or anything. We’re just explaining the situation.”
Sasha jumped. “Oh, of course we’re not suggesting anything, Martin!” she said hurriedly. “No one expects you to. Like Gerry said, just explaining.” Tim said nothing.
“What’s the Beholding?” Martin asked. “And who was this witch man?”
Tim sighed. “The Beholding is one of fourteen fear entities that sort of–watches over our world. Every fear is a result of these fourteen. The Beholding is the fear of being watched, your secrets being known. Jonah Magnus, the motherfucker, was an avatar of the Beholding a couple hundred years ago, and has kept himself alive by transferring his eyeballs into a host.”
Martin cringed. “Ew.”
Tim nodded gravely. “Ew indeed. Anyway, that host is who cursed Jon, because he refused to become an avatar willingly. So now we’re all fucked.”
Martin sat back, mind reeling. “Huh,” was all he managed to say.
Sasha nodded before patting his knee again. “I know, it’s a lot. Don’t worry yourself too much – again, it really doesn’t need to involve you.” She sounded genuine as she gave him a smile and stood. “Come on, I’m going to make tea. Maybe you can meet the others, too.”
Martin smiled gratefully at her as he stood, Gerry following while Tim threw his arm over Martin’s shoulder, his mischievous grin back. “Welcome to the family.”
Martin did end up meeting everyone. Daisy, with her muscular, scarred arms, freckled skin, shorn blonde hair, and clipped Welsh accent. Basira, with her soft smile, olive skin, and pale blue hijab matching her mug of tea. Georgie, with her friendly demeanour, skin just a shade lighter than Sasha’s, and kinked hair pulled back with a headband. Melanie, Georgie’s girlfriend, with her brown bob of wavy hair, pale skin, perpetual scowl, and sightless glass eyes. He even met the cat, The Admiral, a fat orange thing that purred like an earthquake in a blender when scratched behind the ear just right.
Over the next few days, Martin helped where he could, retrieving files for Sasha that were too high for her to reach, helping Basira sort through old papers and journals in the castle’s library, giving Georgie a hand with cooking. He even had some lively discussions with Gerry about books they’d both read.
Martin also learned everyone’s tea preferences, and would occasionally bring people piping hot mugs while they worked or relaxed. If he was going to be staying here, he was determined to be helpful.
That left one person he hadn’t met yet – the reclusive Archivist. Jonathan Sims. The cursed man, the man someone had to fall in love with in order to free everyone in the castle.
Everyone except Martin.
He nearly scoffed at the whole situation. It sounded right out of a fairy tale. He wondered what being an avatar entailed. Could Jonathan Sims see everything? Hear everything?
“Essentially, yes.”
The unfamiliar voice behind him – posh, deep, and smooth – made Martin jump, spilling piping hot tea over the rim of his mug and splashing his hand, causing him to hiss in pain. He whipped around, clutching his hand, to see who had spoken, and he nearly crashed into the counter.
Standing in the doorway to the kitchen was a frail man, with brown skin covered in circular scars. The man was short, the top of his head perhaps reaching up to Martin’s nose. He had a mottled burn scar covering one hand, and a line at his throat as though he’d been held at knifepoint. He had long, wavy black hair that was streaked through with gray, which he’d put in a bun on top of his head. He was dressed in a collared shirt and jumper, and a pair of glasses perched at the end of his nose.
For a moment, Martin simply stared, speechless. “I–what?”
The man walked over to him, eyes never leaving Martin’s face. Martin’s neck prickled, like he was being watched. “You were wondering if I, Jonathan Sims, can see everything, hear everything. Because I’ve been turned into an avatar of the Beholding. And the answer, essentially, is yes.”
It took Martin half a minute of gawking at this man before he could answer. “You can read my mind?”
“For the most part. I tend to stay out of people’s heads – it’s a bit of a privacy issue. But you’re new, and I was curious. Martin Blackwood, was it?”
Martin blinked. “Yeah, I– could you not do that? Look in my head? Privacy issue and all.”
Jonathan nodded. “Of course. I apologize, I should have mentioned it before. Also, you can just call me Jon.”
Martin nodded slowly. “Okay, Jon,” he said. Jon looked up at him, an amused smile quirking his lips upward. Martin realized with horror that he’d said Jon’s name just for the sake of saying it. He fumbled for something to say. “Would you like some tea?”
Jon looked up at him for a moment before nodding. “That would be nice.”
Of course, Martin thought. Of course the reclusive guy that needs someone to fall in love with him is exactly my type. Of course he’s adorable and good looking. God has cursed my hubris.
Martin tried to chase the thoughts out of his head as he got to making Jon a cup of tea, but it was no use. He was in so much trouble.
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