#poor irene
dolphinssims · 10 months
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she's still upset about it
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redvelvetcult · 10 months
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Chill Kill (2023)
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devouringyourson · 4 months
sounds like yet another holmes adaptation has fallen victim to accidentally giving johnlockers hope then going "fuck! no we're not doing that sorry we wouldn't want to mess with the canon in such a way" despite already messing with canon in a multitude of ways like what is this absurd mental block about making holmes queer??? he can be a rat they can all be androids in whatever time period it's all fine. every adaptation happily mess with female character from the stories making them love interests or dead or flipped gender it's all fair game apparently but if anyone dare suggests the men who live together for decades might actually love each other it's straight to holmesian jail like the fuck??? i know I've been harping on about this for decades but it's just insane holmesian stories have been contorted to the edges of creative licence for a century and no one bats an eyelash until queerness is mentioned and suddenly it's a step! too! far! i adore the holmes canon exactly because it's inspired such love and offshoots over the years so much if modern media can be traced back why on earth is this innocent, well meanings and frankly obvious interpretation still so taboo? (queerphobia)
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chearyeongs · 2 months
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IRENE, JOY, YERI 'Cosmic' ending fairies [240707] - bonus because they're genuinely so funny for this
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abyssalhuntersnerd · 1 year
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The train of DEATH-
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brazen-art · 5 months
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Gang's on the move
(a pipe burst in the hoard storage room)
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cyber-corp · 8 months
“saul goodman gaslights old women” sounds like a plausible episode idea, because it is. he spends an entire episode doing just that
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ariensart · 10 months
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rest, at last
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The bloody-handprint-on-cheek kiss in King of Attolia literally rewired my neurons and altered my brain chemistry and I will never get over it
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sprooknooky · 17 days
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Omg why do they look like that <3
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catboyelimgarak · 3 months
Just reminded of the part in his memoirs where Andy says he was on a diet that made his ass plain stink and when Dirty Harry went to see his play and (unbeknownst to everyone) Dirty Harry’s date’s fur coat got singed from a cigarette, the whole place stank and everyone on stage were like “Andy stop fucken farting dude” but it was in fact the fur coat
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floralneonlights · 1 year
Divine Warriors and Relics Overhaul.
The last major post I made was about the regions in my MCD rewrite but this time around it's going to be the Divine Warriors because they scratch my brain. Also this post is probably going to be LONG.
The Divine Warriors are characters we have heard before such as Irene, Shad, Esmund, Enki, Menphia, but I added two more as well, that being Drorit and Fionn.
I did rework some of the titles given to the Divine Warriors as I just didn't like them. Shad the Destroyer specifically felt too on the nose.
So, we have
Irene the Matron
Shad the Vandal
Esmund the Guardian
Enki the Astrophile
Menphia the Fury
Drorit the Defiant
Fionn the Traveler
I will explain some of the changes
Shad the Vandal
As I stated earlier, "Destroyer" felt too on the nose. While Vandal isn't a positive trait, it doesn't imply that Shad has always been a bad individual and was just know for delinquent tendencies, a loose screw in the guard. This allows Shad to be seen as more than someone who was always evil, although I would like to keep "Shad the Destroyer" as another title for him after the betrayal and uprising of Shadow Knights.
Esmund the Guardian
I just didn't like "Protector." That's just it. Nothing deeper.
Enki the Astrophile
Enki was known as "the Keeper" which felt too vague to me. In my version, Enki was an archivist so he was keeper of archives, keeper of knowledge. Although that doesn't explain the "Astrophile" part since that means lover of stars. I can't explain it any further than Enki has a relationship with nature thus the stars and the stars have always been symbols of knowledge in my mind. So that's what I'm doing here.
And then explaining the two NEW characters, Drorit and Fionn.
Drorit the Defiant
Her title is self-explanatory along with Fionn's. Drorit tends to create riots for a cause and doesn't follow the rules, she hates having to follow strict order and wants people to have the ability to have freedom in their choices instead of walking on a tight rope.
Fionn the Traveler
Self-explanatory BUT Fionn is a traveler by sea and is a water spirit. At first, he's a scammy merchant who tries to trick the Divine Warriors into a pitiful deal and only ended up joining for selfish reasons but ends up becoming very valuable to the group, actually being the most well-versed in magick.
Now let's talk about the changes to the Divine Warriors themself.
Irene in the rewrite is a Swan Maiden. If you don't know what swan maidens are, they are shapeshifting women who can transform from a swan to a woman but they tend to still have their feathers in their human form. They're usually married off to higher up power, like kings, and have their feathers plucked so they cannot fly away.
The cause for the up rising / the final straw was Irene herself being taken away and forced to have her feathers plucked so she could be married off to the King of Ru'aun. She soon runs away with two guards of the king and begins to study magick with the rest of her group. Along the way, she makes allies and builds of bonds with others.
Once the King is overthrown, Irene declares that no one person should rule an entire region, and then settles down as lord and founder of Scaleswind, where the rest of the group followed her. At this point, she had perfected her magick of light and healing. Healing was a lost magick even then, but with a witch's help, she was able to bring that art back to life. Since she is a swan maiden, a sign of purity and hope, it was easier for her to learn.
When one of the guards was overcome with darkness, that left the Divine Warriors as the only ones who could take him down as there was no need to bring innocent parties into this. Before the final battle, Irene asked one of the group to put a magick seal onto gems where, if they were to die, their magick would automatically go to that gem. Each member wrote an encryption onto the gem and went into battle by Irene's command, who held back as a final answer to the problem.
As she felt her friends die, Irene felt herself begin to fade. She didn't head to the battle ground for months as she became a recluse and her villagers and knights began to worry. And one day, there was a big, flaming light that walked down the road, and Irene the Matron was gone.
Phoenix Drop was named after this event as many people believe the light was a Phoenix signifying the end of an era.
Esmund and Shad
Esmund and Shad are put together here as they were both Royal Guards of the King of Ru'uan, Kieran. Esmund was the head guard of the kingdom, while Shad was still but a trainee despite being there for so long due to his rebellious actions. He tended to disobey the king for fun rather than to make a statement, which made Esmund very annoyed with him. The two bumped heads a lot.
When Irene was transferred to the kingdom as Kieran's fiancé, the two were assigned to guard her. They obeyed this command, Esmund because he would always obey the king and Shad because he just wanted to see who on Earth (Known as Terra because MCD is special) would marry him. When they saw a swan maiden without her feathers, both were horrified.
Even though both had sworn their loyalty to the king, more or less, they both realized how cruel this was and how they couldn't let an unwilling party be stripped of anymore rights. They hatched a plan and later escaped to meet with the archivist of Yggdrasil. They continued to run, going to Tu'La, Ivorian, Umbre'en, Aerania, and Rigguard. All places being of worth as Umbre'en and Rigguard were Shad and Esmund's home regions, respectively, which they had seen how Ru'aun's monarchy was slowly taking over the other regions and the protests surrounding this. This sped up the process over overthrowing the king.
Esmund became head guard of Scaleswind, but Shad became Irene's right hand man. They had also become skilled in their magick sets which complimented the other; ice and protection (shielding) and shadow and imprisonment.
Both loved Irene and they both knew she could only love one of them or even neither of them. Esmund felt peace with that, while Shad felt a pain in his chest whenever he thought about the possibility.
Although Irene showed feelings towards Shad, he became more and more bottled up with disgust and despair towards those around him, feeling as though he is still looked down upon as some sort of rebel because of his previous actions and not with all of the good he has done. The darkness in his magick was dangerous to learn, as dangerous as Irene's light magick, and it began to physically and mentally consume him as he lost more control of his thoughts and anger. Esmund, Irene and the others desperately tried to get Shad out of this state, but it failed.
Shad later escaped to the Nether/Underworld (It's Both) trying to attempt to build a kingdom of his own, which previously was just a place of darkness. Esmund felt defeated, and made sure to inscribe his relic to go to someone who was loyal and protected, and did not strive for power.
Esmund was the last person to fall to Shad, he was hoping and praying that maybe if he still stood up and fought, Shad would eventually be reminded of their training days, but that never happened. Shad lost his heart.
Irene had put a seal on Shad's relic, after she defeated his, at least, physical form which put the magic in his relic. The seal being it can only go to someone who had a kind, intelligent soul.
Enki and Zoey
Enki and Zoey are siblings in my rewrite. Zoey was roughly around 10 when Irene was around even in MCD and I thought it would be nice for her to be related to one of them somehow. Enki is a well known archivist in Yggdrasil, near the kingdom in Ru'aun as they get most of their resources from there. Actually, Enki is THE royal archivist, holding all files and letters the king has received and sent, along with anyone else in connection with him. He was a trusted figure. His magick was not seen as a threat during this time as he was more so of a support type rather than an offensive type.
Enki kept a book of myths and read them to Zoey every night as well.
When Esmund, Shad and Irene came to him, asking for help about getting away from the king, relaying all of this information, he was hesitant. But since Esmund was head guard and Irene was the queen-to-be, he felt obligated to show them the files they wanted to see. After a lot of convincing, Enki eventually joins them, not before giving Zoey the book of myths.
After the kingdom fell, he joined Irene and the others in Scaleswind as the archivist there, still visiting Zoey every so often. Similarly to everyone else, Enki had mastered his magick of plants and stars (the stars part is with support -- typically asking for support spells from the galaxy. Isn't as OP as it sounds, it's like Wendy's support magick from Fairy Tail where they either feel lighter or move faster.)
When Shad strayed from the path and the relics were made, Enki went to a remote island (later where the Enki Warrior Tribe is located) and left all of his archives there, out of the weather and where they would be safe, and handed his relic over to Zoey. The encryption was simple, only one of his relatives of the next generation can inherent his power. Enki did not have any kids as much as he hoped he would.
Despite knowing that they would statistically fail against Shad, Enki still went all in when fighting, hoping he wasn't wrong even in the slightest.
Menphia and Drorit
Menphia and Drorit have a lot of overlap between their goals and morals and were also married! Canonical wives in my rewrite.
Menphia comes from Tu'La, a very chaotic region where magick beings and demons roam freely, Menphia being a cat yokai (like KC/Nana). Due her upbringing, she's hotheaded and quick to join fights, she bites. But she is a very supportive person, puts her entire being into everything she does, and loves hard. Most of the chaos as caused by the king as he actually turned Tu'La into just an extension of Ru'aun, so of course she would jump at the chance to overthrow him.
Drorit is from Ivorian and is a big protestor. Ivorian is known for it's precious gems and materials, and her being a person of the public, was scared what might happen if the king of Ru'aun, a tyrant, were to get their hands on these gems. Drorit is a ride or die sort of person, she is willing to do anything for anyone for the cause she believes in. Every action she did was not void of purpose, so she easily joined the Divine Warriors.
We know the drill, kingdom fell, Scaleswind was made, they joined, and they mastered their magick. Menphia's being fire (including explosions and lava) and ground, and Drorit's being wind and flight.
When Shad betrayed then and attempted to make a kingdom, Menphia felt betrayed and Drorit was sickened. Menphia viewed Shad as a brother figure and the two were very close, seeing her... Brother, basically, being taken over by the magick he chose to learn hurt her. Drorit wasn't all that close with Shad but knew him as a honest and passionate man, which is why she was sickened to see the outcome. Drorit did the most damage out of them all during the battle while Menphia was one of the last people standing with Esmund.
Drorit's relic was meant to go to someone who stuck to their beliefs, much like Drorit. Menphia's relic is to go to someone who knows the ins and outs of every battle.
Finally, Fionn.
A traveling merchant from Aerania, a region KNOWN for trade, and him being a water spirit. Water spirits can be a little devious and Fionn was just that, always being able to swindle people into giving him ever so slightly more money than intended. That's also what he wanted to do with the Divine Warriors as they caught him on one of their off days, until he say the gems they had in their possession with Drorit had taken from home. He soon warmed up to them, agreeing with them, and faking the passion. Like Flynn Rider/Eugene from Rapunzel.
Along the way, he realized how interesting they all were and how adventure was truly something he liked more than selling stuff for outrageous prices. He enjoyed being with them and learning about their lives.
Once the king was overthrown and Scaleswind was made, he.... Get this... Mastered his magick, being water and storms.
Fionn was the one who created the relics, he was the one who enchanted them and inscribed them with the seal. He had an old book he bought off another merchant that had the ability to take away magick and let it back out depending on how you write it out. He was the only Divine Warrior not to die in that battle as he was the one to hide the relics. Fionn's relic is meant to go to someone who understands the meaning of trust.
After Irene's disappearance, Fionn died from heartbreak.
This was just one big word dump and I am very sorry, but just a little more of you're time and I will talk about
The Relics.
Irene's Relic
Similar to the one that is in the original MCD, where it looks like a bunch of flames but instead it had light purple on the outside but a deep violet as the center. The relic is still in Irene's Dimension in the rewrite.
Shad's Relic
Somewhat the same as Irene's relic with the looks of flames, although they are more scattered and wide. It's also a light pink relic with a red diamond in the center. This relic is also in Irene's Dimension, so she can forever protect it.
Esmund's Relic
A square relic with rounded edges and carved like a diamond, it has varying hues of blue. The relic was in the possession of O'Khasis until Garroth faked his death in help with his mother, who handed him the relic to both protect him and the relic itself.
Enki's Relic
The relic resembles a bug with a pale green center and a dark forest green on the outside, some of it stemming off to look like "legs." The relic is in Zoey's possession BUT the Enki Warrior Tribe says that they have it to bring comfort to everyone else.
Menphia's Relic
A cross shaped relic with a vibrant orange hue that leads to a borderline red. The relic was found in the Nether when Aphmau was saving the werewolf pup from there. Shad had stolen Menphia's relic which caused the Nether to turn into a firey pit of hell.
Drorit's Relic
Two sharp, skinny diamond shaped relics with a piercing teal color. The relics were previously in the palace in Ivorian before the kingdom fell and was reborn with a tyrant, it is now in a treasure hunting guild known for criminal activities.
Fionn's Relic
A water droplet shape relic with a deep, blood red color. The relic was placed in a underwater temple, which Fionn had flooded.
If you have ANY questions regarding my rewrite, please ask. I am currently working on getting a stable rewrite on the characters right now so by all means, THINGS WILL CHANGE and have been changing.
Thanks for reading :3
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this is the face of a man who has fucked up so badly
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sweet-beezus · 1 year
I've always liked the idea of choices and how they change the narrative, so for this day of @khoc-week we'll be poking around one of each's most impactful choices that could have changed everything!!
This'll be like... AU 2: Electric Boogaloo, except it's a different flavor of course.
They're all very angsty, so no one wins this one, alas.
Day 6 - One Choice, New Life
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Ohhhh yeah~
Right out the front gate we're starting strong!
Since Iris, thanks to poking around in places she shouldn't, ends up getting smited before the Keyblade War even began, imagine if she kept her nose out of things just long enough...
She gets to know everyone that Alto got to meet, and finds herself having even more things to add to her list of suspicions as time goes on.
She finds out about the Dandelions, about the weird happenings and disapperances, about the fact that the Foretellers are hiding more than they are letting on.
Things start to get more tense, more stressful. Iris grows a resentment for the Union leaders and those they associated with, as the days lead to competition that grows ever more violent.
Her final straw was when Aced dared to strike down Alto, who just wanted to spare two wielders an otherwise fruitless fight near the fountain square. She denounces her Union involvement, essentially going rogue all to keep a protective eye on Alto.
She turns down a spot on the Dandelions only because Alto did, despite her efforts to plea with him so they could leave safe and sound. But she respects his choices, so together they will face the music head on.
Eventually, the Keyblade War swings around. Even though it's a free for all at this rate, she still teams up with Alto to stay close and keep them both alive no matter the cost.
Now, ideally she would get taken away with Alto to the digital Daybreak Town and the two would continue to suffer towards the end of the world, perhaps both finding themselves on a journey to reincarnate in Scala ad Caelum, however the newly uncovered, very hostile Foretellers of the Apocalypse have other plans.
Despite Igni being an angel of the battlefield, at least in the eyes of the wielders she saves, for very interesting reasons never really disclosed she just leaves Iris to die, or rather finishes the job herself. Either way, Iris does not make it out, at least not in an ideal state.
Nobody in the future gets to learn who Iris is despite Alto carrying her memory with him, he had forgotten her just as much as he forgot everyone from that time.
Her Chirithy got to her just in time before she was whisked off to sleep, and she now resides in the Realm of Dreams as a Necho Cat, assisting in keeping that realm and the other lost wielders safe.
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Irene also had a strong case of sticking her nose where it doesn't belong, which later ended in an act of martyrdom for two boys that barely gave her the time of day.
This time around, despite her heart telling her to act, she kept to herself and followed along blindly alongside the other castle staff (loyalty to Master Ansem and all that), where it eventually lead to her witnessing all of the horrid experiments happening within the castle walls.
She ends up involuntarily becoming a Nobody, Nexier (it's just Reixen backwards lol), with a healing element, one of if not the only passive member of Organization XIII. While not branded as an official member, she is given her own infirmary quarters in the Castle That Never Was, where the other members are sent to receive mending and care, most likely a hint to all that remains of who she was.
When she's returned to wholeness, she's confronting Sora on his final trek to confront Xemnas. It's more of a mercy upon her granted by Sora, but part of her seems so far gone even when recompleted. She will never be the same, now jaded towards her place of work, yet she stays because where else does she have to go? She needs to be there for the others who also suffered the same fate...
All we have is hope that maybe she could find healing from all this.
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I thought of two for her, so I'll share the less dark option first!
When she takes up a roost with her uncle after the fall of her world, a pivotal point was her choice to leave and seek closure in the depths of space. Here, Russell managed to talk her down from persuing what isn't there, so she doesn't take off on a fruitless chase for answers. Instead she takes up work as Russell's apprentice at his shop, biding her time until she can handle the journey on her own. Or with friends-
She ends up in Sora's mess here anyway, just with less death on her end this time around. Unfortunately, destiny has it out for her either way-
The second option was from before she left her home world.
She had already been actively packing to leave by now, a slow process considering she had to swipe many things from under her parents' noses. Unfortunately, finishing that task couldn't have come fast enough.
During its final day standing as the world was crumbling to pieces, she had tried returning to her home city to grab her brother, the last thing she needed in order to go. The only thing holding her back was swarms of Heartless and, well, the world actively falling apart.
Originally, she realized she was outmatched and decided to flee, since she knew fighting her way through would mean certain death, and with certain death it meant no one would be able to go back and save it later, nor could anyone escape that hadn't tried already.
It was devastating to leave her brother behind, but it was necessary to make sure she wouldn't lose him completely.
This time around, however, she continues to persist, battling through hoard after hoard to reach the city gate... only for the city to totally sink into darkness before she could make it there. Her way back was starting to crumble as well, so she was all but completely trapped.
Of course, Heartless are an inconvenience, so on her furious trek back she nearly makes it to the ship, but! Comes up short as she is taken with the broken pieces of her world to the Realm of Darkness.
Her persistence kept her from being swallowed completely -unless she totally gives up which is possible- nevertheless she ended up finding herself wandering this new realm aimlessly for a couple of years, maybe bumping into Aqua-nort and her mildly unhinged gf, Myst, while she's at it, until by pure happenstance she may be rescued...
By Sora, of course. She can never avoid him-
She doesn't come out of this herself anymore, in fact she's far from the person she may have been, left now to take her time relearning how to be human, and her recovery monitored in Radiant Garden while the Guardians of Light are actively hunting down where Terra ended up.
Oh, how I love me some angst!
The most heartbreaking part is that if this is all part of one timeline they never get to meet, with the exception of Iliana and Irene I suppose, but they won't click in the same way they do now. Maybe they learn to heal together, but it's so strained that it's best to let them handle themselves separately.
Iliana would also have no reason to take the Mark of Mastery until way later this way, if at all, so she'd never meet Dreameater Iris, alas.
Wowie zowie, we're almost at the end, just one more day!!
I'll see y'all tomorrow for Day 7!!
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The best part about solving the e-mail was how hungrily Irene acted towards Sherlock.
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And the fact that neither Sherlock nor John were paying attention to her. LMAO.
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umarthiels · 9 months
surprise surprise, les mis letters has got me Thinking about Catholicism again!
#les mis letters#just tagging for personal use hfjfjwj#but yeah myriel my beloved#les mis published in 1862... idk when exactly myriel becomes bishop of digne but its so interesting#bc myriel is really serving that preferential option for the poor swag#i love myriel so much im breaking out my catechism handouts HAHAJSHDHF#but seriously to my knowledge All That is only really articulated in the 1960s and 70s onwards with the really revolutionary clergy#and its interesting to like grapple with/get into myriel and catholicism in general as it’s presented in lm#while knowing that. this is published 1862!!! the ph is still colonized by then!#noli me tangere was published 1887!!! and in it is padre DAMASO!!! a FRANCISCAN! who OUGHT to be like myriel but literally steps on '>#'indios' and DEMANDS they pay obeisance. a FRANCISCAN portrayed like that! and here is myriel#a BISHOP!!@#padre damaso is also a franciscan iirc and dont get me started on irene and camorra (CAMORRA MY BELOATHED DIE BY MY SWORD)#sorry digression but yes very interesting#i guess part of it is that hugo was writing post revolution... that france had already had its anticlerical frenzy with the revolution and#hugo wasnt anticlerical and all that... and of course while the clergy did do oppression in france i don't think it was as bad as in the ph#where they were complicit in and participated in incredibly harsh and inhumane oppression and racism#(cough the monasterio de santa clara only accepting full blooded spanish as nuns until 1898 when the americans came.. though they did accept#native lay sisters who did household work etc)#like the church in lm is cruel in its discompassion/as a part of the wider world which is cruel bc it does not care/bc of apathy#meanwhile the church in noli and fili is cruel bc. okay first off inherently oppressive but second the people in it are personally shitty#damaso isnt just cruel in apathy he literally [*****] someone and has ibarras father disgraced#and he didn't do anything about what he knew was happening in the convent#anyway just spitballing im overdue for a reread of both anyway#but i have been doing research on the catholic institutions of the ph recently for Reasons#and the things they did.... dear god the children in the monasterio de santa clara....#the 'problem' with the friars coercing women in the confessional....#agh sorrh uh#tw clerical abuse#i think
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