#poor girl is on like her third day in Skyrim there
umbracirrus · 4 months
WIP Wednesday!!! 💛
I come with not one, but two snippets today! Both are wider scenes that I've posted a handful of lines from throughout this week (screaming about Elyse and Balgruuf not kissing but it's a slow burn so no kissing yet, and the last lines tag game from this morning), and both have something in common...
Elyse and her sweet tooth.
Tagging everyone who tagged me in that last lines game whilst I was sleeping last night hehe, so that means @thequeenofthewinter, @throughtrialbyfire, @pitiable-arisen, and @oblivions-dawn. No obligations of course 💛
Seeking the Sun snippet (chapter 3)
As a weak campfire began to flicker with light in the small camp they had cleared of bandits, Elyse couldn’t help but sit in the grass by the fire and stare up at the aurora which blanketed the skies. She hadn’t even been in Skyrim for a week, and in that time had been almost executed and survived a dragon attack... But she hadn’t been able to look up at the night sky and take it all in until that moment.
“A spectacle like no other,” is what her mother used to say. “I always liked to believe that the aurora is our ancestors in Sovngarde gazing down at us. Watching as we live up to their legacies. Perhaps I have been shunned for following my own path as opposed to the one that had been set out before me, but I don’t regret it for a second. Besides... I know for certain that our ancestors would be proud of you, El, and that’s all I could ever ask for.”
She had to quickly bring her sleeve up to her face to wipe away the tears building in the corners of her eyes, the snapping of a branch under the foot of one of her current companions bringing her back to reality. Her mother had done it no justice in her descriptions of the night sky in Skyrim, and if her beliefs were true... Then perhaps Ingja was up there and watching over her at that very moment.
“There isn’t much, but it looks as though those bandits had caught some salmon to eat... I gathered some snowberries too, if fish isn’t to your taste,” Ralof sighed as he took a seat beside her, a wooden plate clattering into the grass before him with the food in question. “Hadvar is refusing to take the stick out of his backside to sit down and eat, which means all the more for-“
A tut came from behind her as Hadvar approached the fire, his decision to stand at the opposite side to Ralof possibly bring an unconscious one, but quite notable to Elyse. Those two quite obviously knew each other since before the arrests at the border.
“If I get seen in the company of a Stormcloak by any survivors from the Imperial Legion-“ There was an edge to his voice, one which almost sounded fearful, “-then both she and I are dead.”
“Helgen is already little more than ashes. Do you honestly believe that any soldiers are going to be coming up the road now? They’re no doubt in Falkreath, Riverwood, or dead.”
“... If Riverwood hasn’t also been attacked by the dragon, that is.”
There was a tension in the air which made Elyse squirm as she reached out to take a small handful of the berries which Ralof had gathered, her eyes flicking between the pair. Ralof’s fists were clenching at the fabric of his trousers, whereas Hadvar’s throat silently bobbed before he slowly sat down and closed his eyes.
After a few moments had passed, she began to eat the snowberries and found herself quite disappointed that they didn’t taste quite as sweet as a Cyrodilic strawberry... yet at the same time incredibly relieved. It was the first thing she had ate since crossing the border beyond a stale piece of bread taken from the storage room in Helgen’s keep during their escape from the dragon, and it had been growing harder and harder to ignore the pangs in her stomach.
She reached the last berry all too soon, though she certainly wasn’t expecting a quiet chuckle from Hadvar at the grumble she let out at that realisation.
“You must’ve needed that.”
The Perfect Storm snippet (chapter 18)
There was something which Balgruuf found rather enjoyable about the simple act of roaming the streets of the city as time passed and the evening slowly transitioned into night, with little more than idle conversation about anything and everything to keep them entertained. Elyse would on occasion have something catch her eye, most often little pieces of jewellery or old-looking books, though didn't actually buy anything. Whenever he asked why she didn't want to indulge, even if just for one night, she would simply smile at him and say that good company was all that she needed for the night to be memorable, not a souvenir. That books and jewellery could be bought at any time, unlike a chance to unwind.
Before long, he started to become aware of the time, and let out a deep breath. It was dark by that point, with the faint glow of candles and lanterns across the streets keeping the city lit even as night took Whiterun firmly into its grasp.
"Elyse… I must apologise, but I have something which I need to do before I return to Dragonsreach, so I am going to have to leave now," he stated, placing a hand on her shoulder and stopping her in her tracks as they strolled around the festival.
Turning to face him, he saw a clear dismay – possibly even hurt - across her features. She had clearly been enjoying herself, he had never quite seen her so lively before spending time with her that evening even if most of what they did was just walking and chatting. “Already?”
“I’m afraid so,” he sighed, bringing his hand up to “Though do feel free to stay here for longer, the festivities are set to continue into the early hours..."
Elyse’s face shifted to an expression that came across much more neutral than it had done moments earlier, before she nodded. “Fair enough... Do you have plans or something?”
“You could say so... I have something which I need to purchase before I return to Dragonsreach, and festival or no, I have business to attend to in the morning. A growing pile of paperwork that I have neglected after spending much of my time on audiences, arranging all of this, and...” He trailed off, pursing his lips together as he made a quiet but frustrated hum. Thankfully, she didn’t pry about what had gone unspoken, having been a first-hand witness to what he was referring to.
Elyse quietly wrapped her coat around herself more tightly as a particularly frigid gust of wind cut through the streets, before the smile which she had previously held returned to her face. “If you have the chance, you really should stop by the stall selling those tarts before heading back. The fact that almost nobody seemed to be buying them when I got mine was an absolute travesty."
He raised an eyebrow. "That sounds rather dramatic for tarts."
"It's hardly dramatic enough! You can’t deny that they were delicious."
He couldn’t help but shake his head and chuckle at her exclamation, not exactly in agreement with her opinion – still feeling that grainy yet syrupy texture from the fruit filling in his mouth - but finding her enthusiasm almost endearing.
In spite of his need to leave, they remained stood there for a further few moments, a comfortable quiet having settled between them. It was only broken by a distant cheer from the marketplace.
"So... see you next year then?"
Balgruuf stared at Elyse with dumbfounded confusion, taking in little more than the grin plastered across her face, before letting out an amused snort when he realised what she meant. "Yes, Elyse. I will see you next year. Enjoy your night."
After he had turned around and began to walk in the direction that they had originally come from, the strangest feeling began to creep in. One which made his gut feel as though it were twisting and churning, something which was wholly uncomfortable… He could only assume that it was that sickly tart hitting his stomach.
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Do'zami Zahkahr: [23]
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- A young khajiit, who was training to be an alchemist like her mother and grandmother, was caught passing the imperial boarder in an ambush meant to capture Ulfric Stormcloak. After escaping Helgen with several others, and defeated the dragon with Mujee-Naat, she started her journey to master the Way of the Voice. Her birthsign is "the shadow", which enables Do'zami to become invisible once a day for 60 seconds. Her focus skills are Speech, Alchemy, Restoration, and Archery. She is not interested in any factions. Her weapons are bows, daggers, and flame spells. She uses no armor, and rather wear simple robes and clothing. She supports the Imperial Legion and the Dawnguard. She lives in Honeyside, where she can sell her potions to the Thieves Guild and have an alchemy garden. She does not condone theft or unprovoked murder, Skooma, or racial stereotypes. As with some khajiit, she refers to herself in third person, e.i. "Do'zami wishes you a safe trip with good health." and "Do'zami does not like the looks of this." She uses light blue facial warpaint to make small "freckles" on her fur.
Mujee-Naat/"Ashen-Scales"/"Lapis-For-Eyes"/Mujeet: [22]
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- A young argonian who wishes to make Skyrim, and all of Tamriel, a better place for her kind and others who are subjected underneath the Nords' wrath. After being falsely captured by the Imperial Legion and was nearly executed in Helgen, and escaped after Alduin attacked, she made friends with Do'zami, and discovered that she is one of three people who are Dragonborn. Thus starts her journey to learn the Way of the Voice. Her birthsign is "the Serpent", which grants her the ability to use a ranged Paralysis poison on opponents once every in-game day. Her focus skills are Alteration, Two-Handed, One-Handed, Blocking, Speech, and Sneak. She is a student at the Bard's College, and plays the lute, drum, and flute. Her main weapon is the bow, which she can use to strike from afar, along with a steel sword and shield, and alteration magic. She wears light iron armor, with a leather and fur cloak to keep her warm. She supports and fought in the Imperial Legion against the Stormcloaks. She supports and fought with the Dawnguard against the vampire invasion. She lives in the Windstad Manor in Morthal, often protecting the town from vampires who like to camp there. Serana likes following her around. She does not support theft and unprovoked murder, but she'll give a few hundred coins to a beggar or encountered thief to avoid conflict. Dating Deja after spending time with her in Solitude.
Willow the Wisp/"Wispdaughter"/"Daughter of the Wispmothers"/"Daughter of the First Dragonborn, Miraak": [died at 20]
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- Before the time when dragons returned to Skyrim, Willow was a young maiden who was picking fresh snowberries for her poor family when a drunken huntsman mistaken her for a Wispmother, due to her unnatural beauty and the blizzard that moved into the region they were in. The arrow lodged deep into her chest, and warm blood was spilled onto the cold snow, and the girl fell lifeless and cold. Now, a coven of powerful ice sorceresses who turned themselves into Wispmothers heard the cries of the young woman, and when they found the corpse, became enraged at the huntsman. While the younger spirits gave chase and frozen him solid, the wisest and oldest of the coven, the Pale Lady "Aumriel", carried the girl back to the Frostmere Crypt in The Pale hold. There, within the inner chambers, the coven brought the girl back to life not as one of them, but still in her own skin, yet still changed: her eyes, frozen over, became pale with a blue glow and with cold wisps of steam floating from them; her cheeks sunken in, and like the rest of her flesh, covered in frost; her long and straight hair, once warm black, is now a snow white; her skin is ice cold to the touch, and staying close to her for too long with deprive you of your warmth, energy, and eventually your life force itself (this only happens when it is not cold enough for her to regenerate energy). When she needs to regain her energy, Willow stays still as a statue, hours passing by like seconds for her. And like her "mother and sisters", she possessed the inborn abilities of powerful frost magic, able to summon Frost Atronachs, Ice Wraiths, Wisps, Shades, and her coven to fight for her. When the trio returned the stolen Pale Blade to the Pale Lady, they discovered that Willow was a dragonborn after encasing Do'zami in ice after using the Ice Form shout (Mujee-Naat fortunately got her out before the Khajiit could completely froze to death). After persuading Willow to join them, Aumriel decided that this was the child's destiny, and motivated Willow to leave. After defeating Alduin, Willow was chosen to defeat Miraak due to her resistance of Hermaeus Mora's persuasion attempts—and after a long battle with the First Dragonborn, showing her complete mastery of the Thu'um, Miraak spared her, and when he realized that he was bested by a well-preserved draugr, he had a meltdown. The Wispdaughter felt empathy for him, and instead of feeding on his life force, she embraced the man, understanding that years and years of solitude affected his brain as it did to her's. He asked for forgiveness from her, which angered Hermaeus Mora. The daedra god attempted to slay both Dragonborn, and Willow fought for her and Miraak's sake, and won. With this triumph, she transformed half of his domain into an icy wonderland, and built herself a palace. With Apocrypha and Miraak freed from Hermaeus Mora's grasp, Miraak helped her understand the dragons more and how to befriend them, which also helped both Dragonborns bonding. In the end of her journey, Willow was gifted her own dragon, a large black and vanilla scaled dragon named Deussodovah (part of this mod). Her birthsign is "the Lord", which makes her resistant to both Magicka and physical damage. Her focus skills are Destruction, Conjuration, and Illusion. She joined the Greybeards after her journey ended, and lives in the Deus Mon fort that Miraak built for himself. Her main weapon is Frost magic and the Pale Blade. Her armor is a hybrid of Nocturnal's robe and a Wispmother's wrappings, which gives her a ghostly appearance. She chooses neither side of the war, because she cares less about politics. She does not care about vampires or the Dawnguard. Her only companions are her friends and Deussodovah. She is a very sweet and gentle soul, but is very introverted and hardly ever speaks.
Thorrin "Thorn" Lichengrass: [21]
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- A young but idiotic and desperate (Irish) elf who was an orphan in Riften who dreamed about joining the Thieves Guild. When he turned twenty, he finally became a member, but was promptly temporarily suspended for flirting with the women, especially Sapphire... Now, he is journeying around Skyrim, making a few coin grabs and pickpocketing coin purses from old hags, getting into petty fights, and hitting on tavern wenches, manly drunkards, and harlots. When bad luck struck down on him one day, leaving him drunk on ale and mead on the side of the road, Do'zami nursed him back to health (which consisted on her patting him on the back as he was throwing up behind a large rock and giving him clean water after), he decided to join this small group of friends, and finding the true meaning of life isn't all about tomfoolery and having intercourse. His birthsign is "the Thief", which allows him to learn stealth skills 20% faster. His focus skills are Pickpocket, Sneak, and Lockpicking. He planned to join the Dark Brotherhood, but destroyed it after Astrid rejected him. He uses a steel dagger, bow, and duel wields iron swords. He wears Thieves Guild armor, with a sack mask with an open slash for his eyes underneath his hood. He doesn't do politics, and he supports the Dawnguard, but says he supports Vampire Stormcloaks (rebels that are also Volkihar vampires—basically racist vampires) just to get a reaction out of everyone. He still lives in the Ragged Flagon, but usually sleeps on the floor or passed out at a table. He has no companions, other than his current friends, because no one else can tolerate him. He does support theft and unprovoked murder, but only if it's for good intentions and self defense. He keeps trying to flirt with or grope Delphine, who usually beats him up, but eventually wins her over with his patheticness, admiration from afar, and constant compliments. He is just a sore loser who needs gentle kindness.
Selvibrina Turienus/"Selvi": [79]
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- An old Imperial woman who was a great sorceress and arcane teacher at the College of Winterhold in her prime, but now due to her old age she cannot cast as much magic as she used to...or that's what her students say to new mages. In truth, Selvibrina Turienus is a daedric witch in secret, accepting quests given to her by the Daedra and the Divines, all for personal gain and power. Her main contractor is Dovah (@joanathedummy). She is a good person at heart, and is truthful about her second life if someone accuses her. She is like a sweet and gentle grandmother to all who knows her. Her birthsign is "the Mage", which helps her learn all magic skills 20% faster. Her focus skills are Enchanting, Illusion, Conjuration, Alteration, Regeneration, and Speech. Her weapons are Destruction and Conjuration magic. Her armor is enchanted hooded robes. She sides with the Imperial Legion, but doesn't mind vampires running around...for their ashes, vampiric blood, night vision eyes, and grounded up fangs, anyway. Her home is Darklight Tower in the Rift hold, self-claimed after she slaughtered all of the old residents within. She does not condone theft and unprovoked murder without reason—but that doesn't stop thugs from trying to rob her, so she only trades goods and services instead of carrying valuable items like gold and jewelry.
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severalbakuras · 7 years
survey thing           
i think this is under a cut, the edit post function isn’t giving me any indication that it is though. so sorry if this post is super long.
edit it’s not aaaaaa
Rules: Tag 9 people you want to get to know.
Tagged by @scrawlers
Relationship Status:
single af
Favorite Color:
you want me to pick one wtf? all reds, all purples, warm browns
Lipstick or Chapstick:
Last Song:
that sia song from the MLP movie it’s p. good.
Last Movie:
some christmas movie about a reindeer that isn’t rudolph. he’s prancer’s estranged son and not used to his mother marrying some other deer and getting a stepbrother and he gets kidnapped by eagles led by a white wolf who hates santa because he killed her brother i think and the main deer teams up with some loner deer to save his brother and also he can casually fly.
i think it’s a sequel to some other movie bc there’s got to be a reason prancer and forgettable mum deer divorced. for how cheap it looked the backgrounds were surprisingly nice.
my baby cousins loved it so what i think of it doesn’t really matter lel
Top 3 Shows:
khhhh i don’t watch many tv shows tbh
revolutionary girl utena (+ movie)
voltron legendary defender (subject to change in the future if i get bored)
Top 3 Ships:
i’m shamelessly copying scrawlers here to describe my ships lelel
Top 3 Romantic Ships:
keitor - keith/lotor (VLD) - ok so like this ship murdered me it came the fuck out of nowhere about midway through S3 and at the time i was like ‘welp cracky trash ship for me! there’s always one!!’ but then it suddenly Wasn’t around the time S4 came out and it’s not even close to canon but tbh when has that fucking stopped me see the next ship on this list lmaoo
garrosh/jaina (WoW) - canonically, absolutely fucking not because he’s dead and was incredibly shitty, but in AUs? my god i want all the AUs. give them to me. what happened to that one ‘boar and lioness’ rp blog i need it. the aesthetic of this ship slays me every time and there’s so much POTENTIAL.
tidus and yuna (FFX) - LISTEN. listen. ffx was both my first FF game and my first RPG. it was my third videogame after pokemon and spyro. i had literally never seen this kind of thing before. little eleven year old me was so invested in these two that when they kissed i was sobbing. ‘suteki da ne’ still kicks me in the heart as does pretty much every song on the ost. i will defend every awkward translation or dialogue to the death. (and i will call him ‘teedus’ the day i say ‘jif’) (THE STORY REVOLVES AROUND THE OCEAN AKA CHANGING TIDES AKA TIDE-US FUCK YOU)
Top 3 Familial Ships:
magdeline and biggs (WoW) - ocs are cool right. anyway. both undead. both worgen. magdeline is the literal official deathlord of acherus. biggs is... not. he’s huge but he’s incredibly clumsy. they met when he failed miserably on his assignment during the destruction of the scarlet enclave and magdeline ended up rescuing him. she took him under her wing to save him from razuvious after being inspired by thassarian and koltira and they’ve stuck together ever since. in cata and with the return of gilneas to the alliance (sort of) biggs managed to track down his still living family but was soundly rejected. so did magdeline, who was only able to find her sister. biggs sort of wonders if magdeline would’ve kept him around if mackoire had accepted magdeline. the answer is absolutely. mackoire might be her older sister but biggs is magdeline’s little brother.
kolivan and keith (vld) - kolivan is doing his damn well best to keep keith alive the finale of S4 was not kolivan’s fault. just getting that out of the way. but yeah anyway. i live for keith getting a father figure alongside shiro (like the fact that kolivan is introduced and he and keith can connect before shiro vanishes is one of my favourite things because kolivan isn’t filling a void he’s just helping keith explore a new piece of his identity). and i live for kolivan taking a personal interest in the newest recruit and accompanying him on missions and by god just tell him about his mother if she was a blade already ;;;;;;;;
farkas and the dragonborn ‘diego’ (skyrim) - oc again. i’m pretty sure that farkas is everyone’s bro in skyrim but fuck it he’s diego’s bro the most. she want ballistic when his other brothers and sisters in arms insulted him and brawled them into submission, when they’d barely known each other a day and he wasn’t even in earshot at the time. she cured his lycanthropy without question, securing his soul a place in sovngarde. she trusts him to protect her beloved wife and children and home. he was her first friend in whiterun and she’ll never forget that.
Top 3 Human & Animal Companion (Platonic Soulmate) Ships:
valcia and eleanor (wow) - ocs again lol can’t stop won’t stop. eleanor the white devilsaur is valcia the blood elf’s most trusted companion, from pretty much the beginning. when valcia came of age just prior to the rediscovery of pandaria she made her way down to un’goro crater, surviving one of the fiercest jungles on azeroth as a sort of ‘skip the frying pan let’s jump into the volcano’ thing. there she found eleanor, trapped in a tar pit. initially she considered putting the poor thing out of her misery, but there was something in those bright eyes that made her put the bow away and use what little magic she knew (and rope) to pull the devilsaur free. she expected her to run away or try to attack once the tar had been cleaned off and she recovered her strength, but neither happened. instead, she just followed valcia around the entire crater, not too close but never too far away. one night her sleep was interrupted by vile chittering and silithid carapaces being crushed. when she investigated she found the devilsaur trying to fend them off - the two of them fought at each other’s side until daybreak and all of the bugs were dead. valcia treated the devilsaur’s wounds and after that they were inseparable. she’s loyally battled alongside valcia against gods, demons and everything in between, she’s crossed dimensions, planets, even timelines alongside her with little to ask in return except a chin rub and maybe a nice kodo haunch. it’s eleanor’s judgement of someone that matters most to valcia and she’s the only family valcia needs. i love them i could write more but that’s getting into nitty gritty wow lore lel.
i actually can’t think of any that i’m as emotionally invested in as these two lol so i’ll leave it at that
Tagging anyone who wants to do this lol
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thegeminisage · 8 years
more zeldablogging! hello, future me, i hope you’re enjoying these
today: lake hyrule!
the tower is next to not-eldin bridge so maybe i should approach from there and not faron tower
but i can see farosh's bridge from here and it's juuust the right time
maybe i'll just got wait a few moments and see if he appears
and another scale :3
i wish i could get horn shards tho :/
lol i get super sad whenever i go back to the plateau even just to glide off the tower ): old man ))):
i used to think it was so tall! and now it looks so normal bc i've seen so much taller.
did NOT miss the rain while i was at death mountain
lol i can't believe these two puny lizalfos once prevented me from crossing this bridge bc it was too difficult of a fight
and FINALLY i'm across for real
and map obtained
i feel like lake hylia is about the same size here as in tp, but in tp it feels much bigger than it does here bc this world is already so huge and dwarfs even the massive divine beasts
god i can't BELIEVE i am always so low on arrows. frankly: an outrage
lol instead of going to the lake im getting the shrines i have seen from other provinces first
whoa these colums are cool
this zone is called faron woods? not even in faron province, hahaha
ooh there's a lady here talking about the horse revival fountain! i did see something about a lord horse lake or something on the map, so i guess that's it
ugh why is it ALWAYS raining
i'll admit i'm in the stage where like, i'm okay with not walking BY every tree, just maybe seeing them all, maybe even seeing them from a distant ledge or my glider
which isn't to say the world has lost its charm or im tired of exploring, exploring and crafting is basically all you do in skyrim and it pretty much never gets old, but i'm more anxious now to uncover the plot than i was before, which speaks to the game's storytelling skills, yet still feel the compulsive need to explore Everything before moving on lol
i don't typically do a lot of post-game play so i know after i kill the final boss that'll be that
ah here's the shrine maybe the rain will have stopped by the time i get out
NOOO a combat trial......!
but it says minor test of strength so that should be okay :|
ahaha got it in half a dozen hits
unfortunately i have so many great weapons i can't hold the ones i get from this thing or the one in the chest :| i need my shit to break!! i guess i need.....to fight more. ugrh.
god i have like 12 orbs now i should go trade them in lol
i keep forgetting!!
@self pls remember
jesus. it's still raining.
me: i need to fight more!
me: sees two lizalfos, groans
if i had arrows i would just take them out from afar
that's my instinct in skyrim, you know? i'm a sniper at heart, combat isn't my thing
but i have no arrows and too many weapons so i guess i gotta change it up
lol and learn to block my shields NEVER break bc i don't use them bc i don't really know how
that and i'm always fucking carrying two-handed weapons :| i want more one-handers
MAN i one-shotted both of them when it took three hits before with the same weapon...! this atk+ helmet does not fuck around im never taking it off again
the ruins in these woods are making me feel Some Kind Of Way
i hope the lost woods are in this game
i mean, they gotta be, if the master sword is sleeping somewhere in a forest
i hope it's cool when you get the sword. that's all i care about
i'm lying i hope ganon the man is in this game too but
im trying to keep my expectations reasonable
I HEAR KASS! where are you buddy i can't see you
ooh this shrine puzzle is about a forest dragon....FAROSH, MY BUDDY
lol yesterday my brother texted me like where the fuck are you getting all these hearty radishes? me: faron my dude
faron and apparently lake hylia too are absolutely thick with them
oh my god there's a lizalfos camp here and they saw me coming from MILES away how even
naturally they've ALL got shock arrows in this very marshy watery area
good thing i can one-shot them.
oooh there's a glowing goddess statue here
ah this is where i offer a farosh scale, like i offered one for naydra and need to offer one of dinaal
weeeeellll i do have 3-4 of them now so i guess so!
i'd hate to miss a shrine and have to come back
holy SHIT there's a thunderspear in here! fair trade my dude! glad i broke one of my swords at the lizalfos camp lol
ah and now this goddess statue will let me trade orbs!! YES
i got 1 heart and 2 things of stamina which means i have 2 full wheels. i can do ANYTHING
i just swam climbed ran and glided with the same burst without putting on special gear it was GREAT
YES i found the horse lake and there's a great fairy here!!!! fuck yeah!!!!!!!
awww it plays epona's song
ah and i found a stable nearby!! good
there's an obstacle course here that i can do w/ my horse for gear, which i Want, but i SUCK at it, so
omg i made friends with a dog ;w; it follows me around
i tried to feed it meat but no dice
the start screen said something cool about befriending them...i wish i remembered what exactly!
ooh there's a quest here to catch the Giant horse...im gonna try it
im riding jemma now as well :3 these places have easy access for horses and i'm not as compulsive in my investigation of Every Single Thing so thats nice
nooooo there's a lynel in the way ;_;
even IF i snuck past it to GET the horse to REGISTER it i never could
i have to fight it. i have no choice
gotta get jemma out of harm's way first
im so nervous )))):
but i put on my soldier's gear and atk helm and drank a defense elixir and gave myself extra hearts so!!!!! hopefully!!!! it'll be ok!!!!!!!
i did it!!! it actually wasn't even too bad with the elixir and the armor
this is gonna be a long boring walk...highkey tempted to go get jemma but im afraid she would get hurt. and like. i know, i can revive her. but god.
god i bet this WHOLE LANE is full of them
good thing i didn't bring jemma
beat him!! Not Even That Bad
and it looks just like ganondorf's, which my brother spoiled for me hahaha
ohhh my god im so nervous. him Big
i know it takes at least two full wheels to soothe him, which i have, but i brought potions too, like i just happened to cook some up last time
GOD I DID IT but okay jfc this is only the beginning i still gotta get him aaaaall the way back to the stable ;_;
and you have to do it at the slowest speed or he'll buck you i think
oh my god oh my god
we did manage a light trot a few times but i don't wanan risk it too much
i soothe it every time it does what i ask haha and it's given me the hearts many times!! so that's a good sign
so far so good abt halfway there
and shocked him!! poor baby
fucking HELL he ran away
i caught up to him and thank god he let me get right back on
maybe i'll get off and feed him some apples tbh
thank god i cleared out so many of these enemies beforehand tbh
tho i noticed lol the coyotes ran away from it maybe more things do!!
oh my god so i’ve been seeing bigass skeletons on the ground but they don’t move and i thought it was decoration or w/e, rightbut i rode past one on the way to catch the horse, and rode past it AGAIN on the way back, and IT’S A FUCKING HINOX SKELETON UP WALKING AROUND fuck no i’m glad we’re up on a cluff and it can’t see useven the live ones just sleep all the time my dude what the fuck?
we took the last third of the way at a light trot so we're making progress!
uh holy shit apparently im already at max bond?? god Damn
oooh my gosh what do i NAME him
ganondorf's horse doesn't have a canonical name...
king of something?? idk if i even have room
thief by itself seems a little underwhelming...
ooh maybe phantom? for phantom ganon
midnight is too common, something with flames or fire could be cool for the mane but
i think phantom is what we'll go with
oh my god i'm trying the obstacle course with phantom and i LOVE this horse he turns SO well
AND once he gets to top speed, which admittedly isn't fast, he can stay there forever bc unlimited stamina!!
i still can't do the obstacle course lol the horse just straight up goes around the things most of the time and i looked up like, tips online, and apparently it's really fucking buggy, so, no. i got better things to do
LMAO so im going up to lake hylia finally and i have already run over so many birds this guy can trample anything hes a Big strong Boy i love him
oh hey there's a zora out here at this island!
ohhhh my gosh dude farosh is here at the lake too !! man he is. so cool
he? she? i saw someone online refer to them as shes
theyre named after goddeses but dragons were always boys in this series
i like girls better tho so
she doesn't stay very long here
like, she leaves very quickly as opposed to down in faron where i've seen her circle many times
oh god im at the ruined village again where i saw my first blood moon... #cursed
at least it's daytime now
omg a super fire rod. a meteor rod. #nice
lol wizzrobes are easy to fight you just use the proper elemental arrow and don't let them see you. if they DO see you you die tho
now that im not pissing myself in sheer terror these ruins make me Sad jesus christ im so sad for all of hyrule
BRUH there's a stone talus here!!!!
ugh i wanted to mark the miniboss spot but im OUT OF STAMPS
guess i can't mark cooking pots after all but with the interactive map + my sheikah sensor if i ever TRULY need to find one that should be ok i guess :/
/unmarks them all, SADLY!
killed the talus without even using any special food, haha - don’t have to be afraid of them anymore! becoming less afraid of red lynels, can’t wait for the day when i’m not afraid of guardians
there's a korok seed puzzle here where you have to roll a boulder UP a hill are yu fucking kidding me
ooh maybe i could have used stasis from up there...lmao fuck
maybe i can use it from down here
i hate using stasis tho like it fucks up your weapons and i know i said i need to break some but that's just WASTEFUL
wow and it didn't do anything from down here anyway. ok i'll just come back to this :/
hey and that's all of lake hylia explored :')
tomorrow: gerudo desert!!!! me: HYPE!!!!!!!
well actually my brother's visiting so tomorrow: amiibo, but. yeah.
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