#poor Antimony
avatarquake · 1 year
Coyote is such a fucking asshole! *cackling* God, I hate him! *rolling on the floor holding my stomach from laughter* Coyote, you jerk!
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fataldrum · 2 months
So I was looking into the Magnus Protocol Episode Hard Reset, and I am losing my shit for so many reasons.
1. The statement giver is Robert Hooke, one of the first people to publish research on microscopy. He was the person who coined the word "cell" in biology, because he thought they looked like the cells where monks lived.
2. The statement takes place in 1694. Hook references using the Protocol on London to stop a plague. Between 1665 and 1666, the Great Plague killed about 20% of the British population. In 1666, the Great Fire of London destroyed 60% of the city.
3. You know who made a ton of money from the fire? Robert Hooke. He made his fortune as a surveyor and architect in the aftermath of the fire, performing over half the property surveys. How fortunate for him.
4. Incidentally, there are no confirmed surviving portraits of Robert Hooke, only ones that may be him. This is rumored to be Isaac Newton's fault, because after Newton took over the Royal Society, they moved to a new location, and Hooke's portrait was "lost." No other portraits went missing.
5. The statement is addressed to Robert Boyle, who you may recognize for Boyle's Law in chemistry. There's a sculpture in Dublin of a young boy who is thought to be Boyle, and it's horrific.
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6. This time period is significant for Isaac Newton, because between 1692 and 1693, he suffered "a breakdown of nervous functioning," with insomnia, poor digestion, and "signs of irrationality" in his letters. Incidentally, hair samples from Newton's body later contained high levels of mercury, lead, arsenic, and antimony. Probably because he was literally tasting mercury samples as part of his research.
7. During the statement, I was picturing a scrappy little terrier. It occurred to me that we probably know what kind of dog Isaac Newton had. His favorite dog was a pomeranian. A fucking. Pomeranian. Just picture this little guy developing sentience and sprouting branches.
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8. The dog's name was Diamond, and he has his own Wikipedia page. Why? Because (likely apocryphal) stories claim Diamond knocked over a candle and burned over a year's worth of Newton's notes. The fire appears to be real, but blaming Diamond is unfair. Here's an engraving of the alleged incident.
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9. After the fire, Newton was said to have exclaimed, "O Diamond, Diamond, thou little knowest the mischief thou hast done." But Diamond would know if he ate from the Tree of Knowledge.
10. Remember Flamsteed from the Maxwell Raynor statement? He and Newton were bitter enemies.
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southern-gothic-comic · 10 months
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(Author Notes)
Panel 1-2-3: The next day at her job Imogen is looking tired and overwhelmed, resting her elbows on the counter and massaging her temples against a headache. The voices and thoughts of the other customers in the packed store crowd against her as she struggles to fill orders and she can’t seem to block them out. Everyone is clamoring for remedies, everyone is tense and nervous and angry, and all of them are causing her further pain. After a few panels she is flushed and sweating and on the verge of breaking down.
Miscellaneous Voices, spoken and unspoken: What do you mean, it’s out of stock? — What help is that to me? — laudanum, oatmeal, licorice root, antimonial — No! I said belladonna and chicory root, not licorice!! Are you even listenin’ to me? — Sweet Sarenrae what am I gonna do, where am I gonna get it? — Get a move on, stupid girl! — HOW MUCH for a healin’ potion?? — gods what’m I gonna do if he gets it too it’ll just be me left on my feet — Don’t you go cuttin’ the line, Esther Hayes. I’ve been waitin’ here all afternoon! — I got three sick kids at home! — You and everyone else in town. Get to the back of the line! — What is takin’ so long up there? — Momma, my throat hurts! Momma I wanna go hoooome! — quinine, chicken soup, epsom salts, mustardseed, honey — Two weeks, I can’t wait two weeks! I need it today! — how long is this line? — barley, oranges, throat elixir
Imogen, finally: Excuse me.
Customer: Now where do you think you’re goin’, girl? You’re not done with me yet!
Panel 4: She goes into the back room and leans against a shelf, trembling. Laudna, who is perched on a high shelf counting the dwindling stock, leans over to look at her.
Imogen: L-laudna? Are you in here? 
Her thoughts: I need you.
Laudna: Whatever is the matter, dearest?
Imogen: I’m . . . I’m not feelin’ too good.
Panel 5: She descends and Imogen falls into her arms and buries her face in her shoulder. Laudna leans back a little to support her weight.
Imogen: Everyone is too loud and too much and everything hurts and I can’t block it out and I don’t know why. It hurts.
Panel 6: Imogen leans appreciatively into the coolness of Laudna’s hand as she lays it against her forehead.
Laudna: Here, let me-- Oh, darling. You’re much too warm. 
Imogen: You sure it’s not just that you’re cold?
Laudna: No, you have a fever. You poor thing. Do you feel achy? Queasy? Itchy? Do you want some water? You ought to be home in bed, not out there being shrilled at by that gaggle of harpies.
Her thoughts: gods she is burning up what should I do where to find a doctor all right get her home put her to bed keep her safe but there’s no medicine left what should I do
Imogen: Can’t leave while the store’s still so full. It’s fine. I just need to sit down for a minute . . .
Laudna: You leave that to me.
Panel 7-8: Laudna leaves the stockroom briefly, leaving Imogen sitting on a grain sack. Screams are heard. She returns.
Laudna: Shop’s empty! Let’s go.
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sirenjose · 3 months
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The Proof of Azoth's Theorem - (Concept Art) Analysis
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(About Philosopher's Stone, Stibnite, Maria's Axiom, Philemon's Altar, Azoth, and a few of the symbols on each of their outfits)
Philosopher’s stone: the goal of turning base metals like iron into precious metals like gold or silver. It was also said to provide the elixir of life, which could cure any illness or bring longevity. It was considered the most pure and perfect of all substances.
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Stibnite: an ore that is the primary source of antimony
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Described in Basil Valentine's 1st Key (the image Fool's Gold is holding). This depicts purifying gold using melted stibnite.
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Impure gold dissolves in melted stibnite. Metals besides gold are turned into sulfides and rise to the surface, while a white allow of antimony and gold sink to the bottom. Roasting this alloy causes the antimony to evaporate, leaving only the purified gold behind.
In the image of the First Key, stibnite is likened to a hungry wolf in the First Key due to how quickly stibnite dissolves (devours) metals.
In German, stibnite is called “spießglanz”, which means “spear shine” due to its shiny “spear” like crystals, thus why the First Key says “on account of his name, is subject to bellicose Mars”, as a spear is a weapon and all weapons are subject to Mars (the god of war).
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This is like what is described by Nicholas Flamel, where silver is combined with mercury and antimony then distilled and cohobated (repeatedly distilling a liquid then pouring the distillate back onto the residue to extract more of the desired substance) to produce red power.
Maria’s Axiom: “1 becomes 2, 2 becomes 3, and out of the 3rd comes the 1 as the 4th” (also described as “1 becomes 2, 2 becomes 3, and by means of the 3rd and 4 thachieving unity, thus 2 are but 1”)
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Carl Jung uses this as a metaphor to describe the process of “individuation”. This refers to the process of self-discovery to become our true, unique self.
This involves finding your identity outside of the roles and expectations imposed by the outside (society, others, etc…). The goal here being to achieve a sense of “wholeness” and “unity” with yourself.
1 is the 1st matter, or prima materia, containing everything you need. This is then divided (into opposites), with each element purified by itself then united again (reconciliation of opposites) into a complete whole more perfect than the starting matter, the philosopher’s stone.
Philemon’s altar: may refer to Jung’s Philemon, which is based on Philemon and Baucis from Ovid’s Metamorphosis and Goethe’s Faust.
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With Ovid, Jupiter and Mercury are disguised knocking on houses but not shown kindness until they meet Philemon and Baucis, an old, poor couple. They let them live while killing everyone else (the wicked), with the couple’s house being transformed into a temple.
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With Goeth, Faust is building a city on land reclaimed from the sea and asks the devil Mephistopheles to move Philemon and Baucis, but Faust is horrified to see the demon burn their house down with the couple still inside. Faust then decides he needs to atone for his crime.
Philemon was a figure in a dream of Jung's, a wise old man that represented superior insight and wisdom. For Jung, Philemon symbolized the “artifax” or skilled alchemist, with the goal to purify and perfect materials (transform base materials into noble ones like gold).
On a spiritual level, the goal of the artifax is to purify and perfect the human soul, achieving enlightenment (becoming a higher/whole human being).
Over Jung’s gate he put the inscription: “Philemon’s Shrine – Faust’s Repentance”. This involved integrating the moral questions raised by with the spiritual goal of alchemy via the opposing figures of Philemon and Faust (so acknowledge necessity of confronting evil on the path to individuation, atoning for Faust’s crime, and affirming the goal represented by Philemon).
Azoth: Considered to be a universal cure or Elixir of Life that could be created by the philosopher’s stone.
It is also essential agent of transformation in alchemy.
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As the Universal Life Force, it's the energy responsible for the drive towards physical/spiritual perfection
Azoth is called Prima Materia in Latin. This was the first matter, the starting material required for the creation of the philosopher’s stone. It is the primitive formless base of all matter similar to chaos, the quintessence or aether.
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It is the 1st matter at the beginning as well as its perfected essence (philosopher’s stone).
It relates to unity, wholeness, and synthesis of opposites
Alchemy Symbols:
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Philosopher’s Stone:
triangle = fire
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triangle in a circle = Wheel of Fire (Ignis Rotae)
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entwined snakes = likely Hermes Caduceus (Hermes as Hermes Trismegistus was closely associated with alchemy)
upside down triangle = water
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hexagram?() = represented the reconciliation/union of opposites (fire and water)
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- triangle with a line through it = air
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Maria's Axiom:
- downward triangle with a line through it = earth
- symbols on her dress and floor for Mercury/Quicksilver, Venus/Copper, Moon/Silver, Saturn/Lead, Jupiter/Tin, Mars/Iron, and Sun/Gold
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There were several bits that looked like they could be symbols but I haven't been able to identify them yet (I've already spent so long working to identify everything. I'll try to add more if I identify them later).
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Also I did notice/wonder how that shadow thing has eyes that appear around it could relate to Hunter Norton's weapon, which almost looks like an eye. Matthias also might have something on his boots but it's hard to be sure.
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extraskully5 · 4 months
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A silly little doodle comic of Ari and Fever's feelings about the situation
They're both a little confused and very worried for these poor mystery pokemon
Fever, Ari, Antimony, and all of Fever's pokemon are open for asks (they almost always will be)
Cold Strike and Aster are as well
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thethirdromana · 9 months
Given how relevant it is to the current epoch, I did a bit of reading into treatment of typhus in the 1840s. TL;DR: oh god, poor Marian.
Content warning: discussion of grim historical medical practices.
The Woman in White was written in 1860 and set in 1849-1850, which is right at the beginning of germ theory. It was only widely accepted by the 1880s. All the doctors in the Woman in White most likely believe in miasma theory; they aren't aware that typhus is a bacterial infection.
Mr Dawson prescribes a "saline" treatment. A Short Treatise on Typhus Fever, by George Leith Roupell in 1840, recommends "saline substances" and refers to "their agency in rendering the blood florid, and duly stimulating the heart and other organs." In practice:
Salts are the combination of acids with salifiable bases; those recommended by Huxham, are carbonate of potassa or sesquicarbonate of ammonia with lemon juice and nitrate of potassa
I don't really have enough medical knowledge to judge but this doesn't seem obviously harmful? Or even if it is... not compared with some of the alternatives below.
The History, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Typhoid and of Typhus Fever by Elisha Bartlett in 1842 runs through the treatments available.
Dr Jackson of Boston suggests complete bedrest, an emetic and enema, and if "vomiting and purging" aren't followed by great relief, bloodletting. Tartarised antimony (a strong emetic) should be given every two hours in increasing doses and the bowels kept open. If the patient has diarrhoea, they should be given opium. However, if the patient has advanced to the second week of the disease, none of this will be effective. Food should be very limited and bland.
Dr Nathan Smith thinks no treatment should be given if the disease seems to be running its course naturally. (Phew). There should be bloodletting of up to half a litre of blood only in severe cases of uncommon pain in the head. He would also recommend emetics only in cases of nausea and only the use of gentle laxatives. Mercury shouldn't be used. However, the most effective thing is to uncover the patient's body and sprinkle it with pure, cold water.
Chomel in Paris mostly favours refreshing drinks, emollients, sponging the body with vinegar or water, "mucilaginous injections" several times per day, and moderate bleeding at the onset of fever. In cases of severe pain, he suggests leeches. But if the disease is severe or inflammatory, the patient should not be allowed any food (even in liquid form) and there should be more bleeding and more leeches. He also suggests "cinchona, wine, camphor and ether", thinking that cinchona is better than quinine.
(I think this suggests that Fosco is right about experts recommending "brandy, wine, ammonia and quinine".)
Louis says much the same as some of the others. He doesn't think bloodletting is particularly effective but recommends up to half a litre "once or twice" anyway. He is in favour of quinine.
Bouillard is also in favour of bloodletting:
The number of his bleedings varies from one to five or six, of from twelve to sixteen ounces each; and nearly or quite an equal quantity of blood is taken from the patient by means of leeches or cups.
Unless "ounces" means something wildly different here (and the British fluid ounce, US fluid ounce, and ounce of blood by weight aren't that different), this means a maximum blood loss of 96 ounces or... 2.8 litres?? That's about what was taken from Byron when he died, and in all likelihood it contributed to killing him.
All this leaves me with no idea what message we're supposed to take from this chapter. Mr Dawson's approach does seem to be old-fashioned compared with what Fosco proposes. Some contemporary doctors would agree with the new physician, but others would think him dangerously hands-off. Maybe we're just not supposed to know what the correct approach is.
But from the perspective of medical knowledge that there's no way Wilkie Collins could have had, Marian is lucky to be alive.
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creepweirdo · 1 year
so what r the 6 good eames/arthur fics 👀
(i was gonna make a post about this the other night so this is why im prepared 💀✋️)
here the the 6 good arthur/eames fics 😌🫶
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show me the way home is actually hilarious and minutely angsty just bc of how insane arthur is 💀 poor eames' sofa 😔
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orgins verse is a classic—its probably due for a reread !! im like 99% this one came up with the headcanon of their respective matching totems. lol maybe that will be my weekend plans 🤔
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in our line of work is also a classic—LMAO to me all these fics are 🫶 but this one has a scene in it that plays in my mind every couple of months (arthur and eames pretend fight in a vietnamese supermarket and get kicked out by an old lady with a broom) it's so goooood it makes me laugh
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antimony has such good worldbuilding ! i reread it within the last month and it still felt so fresh. i really liked eames' voice in it! also makes me envious about how good the author is at expanding the narrative post-inception without it being silly. like how do people come up with CONCEPTS and then VERBALISE them ???
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steady hand THIS ONE AHHH im pretty sure i mentioned this one off hand like last year but i finally reread it just now ! this one alternates between their perspectives but it doesn't just regurgitate the same scenes/feelings. this is honestly like a movie to me 🫶 lol in the comments someone said this walked so vikings could run. also if you read it, read through the first 3 pages of the comments, the author says what happens in the future for them ❤️
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HAHAH omg and this one 💀✋️ it TECHNICALLY counts. also like its very content heavy but the worldbuilding is so good, and also like a movie to me. every year or so when i do my rewatch of nolan's batman trilogy i tack this on at the end ✋️ maybe one day we'll get a third nolan movie with both tom hardy and jgl again (if jgl stops being unemployed and trying to get people to be voice actors via his twitter 😭)
okay lol that's it from me !!! if anyone has any others that should be on this list please let me know 🫶
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rageofbluejupiter · 1 year
Dull gray blue eyes glared up at the ceiling, angry at its silence. The gaze from his eyes could easily pierce the sky, while the rest of him was stone cold. All the rage of life burned in his eyes, brighter than the halo that sat above his long shaggy hair. He stayed motionless, gazing up at the ceiling for what felt like hours. I was there, watching him. 
Poor Antimony, I thought as I quietly left my perch in the tree outside his window. I was lucky to have quiet wings, as he would surely be ashamed of himself if he had noticed me.
 Antimony knows I love him deeply. He knows I don’t want to see him in pain, or hurt. But I can’t understand why he won’t stop treating himself as if he were a plague on those around him. I told him I love him, I told him that I’d never leave him, that he is perfect in every way, but he won’t stop hating himself. Why? Why won’t he believe me?
Antimony slowly rose from his floor, tears drifting down his face. That was what hid behind his rage; a person who could not look at themselves in the mirror without hating the reflection. 
It made me want to cry, or maybe scream at the world on his behalf. Darling Antimony, dearest Antimony, how I wish you could see yourself through kind eyes. 
He will never know how much he lingers on my mind. His kindness, his caring, his charity, his passion, his understanding of things around him. I know something the rest of the world does not. This is his truest form, his kind and sensitive form which wants to see everyone happy and cared for. 
I know his other side, walls up, disengaged, worried that something could happen any moment to him. I know what he is like around the unfamiliar when he feels out of place or scared. It pains me to see how different he is when he feels unsafe, to see how cold and distant he can become. It hurts knowing why he is like that. 
Antimony, dear, you didn’t deserve what happened to you. You suffered and suffered, and had no one there to help you, or save you, or fight for your justice. I am sorry I didn’t know you before, but I am here now. I am here to help you now. 
I love you so completely, Antimony. I feel like you have existed around me all my life, in bits and pieces of my days, in my surroundings, in my thoughts. But I have found you, in your completeness, in your totality. I have never yearned so desperately to be around someone, never have I craved the kind eyes and loving touch more. You have been the only one to show me such care, such interest, such love that I only thought was a fairytale. I am the luckiest in the world to know what it is like to have that pure and beautiful love. How lucky am I that in my short life, I get to experience you. 
Antimony, my love, how I wish you could see the beauty of your design. I wish that I can see the day that you finally forgive yourself, and I hope to still be by your side when you do.
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dnnikhil · 7 months
Antimony is a shiny grey chemical element that can be found in metallic and non-metallic forms. The metallic form is hard, brittle, and dazzling silvery-bluish in color, whereas the non-metallic version comes in a grey powder form. It's made from ores like stibnite and valentinite, and it's a stable element in dry air that's also resistant to alkalis and acids. Because antimony is a poor conductor of heat and electricity, it is widely employed in semiconductor devices such as infrared detectors and diodes, low friction metals, batteries, ceramic enamels, flame-proofing materials, and paints.
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Welp. You said so. So I'll make up a horror story. Just give me a second to think long term but I'll get this short plot out of the way.
'I had been here for an hour. And nothing...or at least I think it's been an hour? I can't tell'
Thought the poor soul who had been wandering the land he was in. It all started when he found a bag. A bag that was nothing too special. It was a simple purple bookbag any little boy or girl would use to walk into a school like any other person like you or me would see and not think about. They knew there was a name tag on it showing it had more then one previous owner but now. Now they were here. This place. There wasn't much different from the outside of the bag. The sky was clear and cloudless. The sun shined the grass was green. But...things made less sense the more they thought about it. There was bird sounds yes. But no matter what they did they never found the birds that made sounds. The grass was soft but never grew or died. The sky nevered moved the moon and sun were always in the sky but also never moved. The darkness always stayed and the brightness stayed till some odd..time? Chance? Event that made the "day" and the "night" swap places. The thing that baffled the traveler more was that there was the people....if you can call them that.
The traveler kept walking and saw the nearest town. They had been to 2 towns so far. The first one was a town full of people with stitches that had buttons for eyes and zippers for mouths. These people were talkative but talked like young children. Or at least a child trying to sound adult. These people were always creepy no matter they did. They could be petting cats that barely moving playing with plush toys or even counting buttons and zippers along with needles. And it always rubbed them the wrong way. This town was hopefully better...no scratch that. They're wrong too.
These people were worse. These beings don't look human. Or well if they were human they didn't look right. The "humans" had limbs or smiles too wide or moved incorrectly. One just moved their wrists and fingers like they were made of a inflatable pool noodle. Another was far too tall and boney so they were hunched over. The last one had her? Face upside down. Eventually the traveler soon finds a large map of the areas they gently pulled put a toy camera they found on a....broken toy? It was a wind-up solider with missing legs a shattered arm and a caved in face showing that the insides were gooey ink and paint in simplified attempts to recreate human antimony with drawings and more. Didn't help their bones were shattered in ways that made it look like they got mauled but whatever the equivalent of a bear was here. Their bones also looked like plastic or metals. When the traveler took a photo of the map they heard a voice. It belonged to a ragged dirty worn out and badly smudged doll. It looked like it was made of faded procaline. They remember seeing a movie based around a toy like that. Claimed they were a very VERY old brand.
"Oh hello young traveler. I take it you are headed to find our mama?"
"Not mama? Maybe mommy? Auntie? Uncle? Grandpa? Grandma?"
"Oh I'm sorry. I'm Mister Sen Say"
"You came from that bad scary place? Oh really scary makes us think there's boogeymen in there."
"Maybe people go in and never come back and we have to say bye-bye every time."
The talk was long and confusing they eventually got them to tell the point. They wanted directions to a way home. The elder doll said that the big city might have the way but the big city was far far away. They then asked that they'd ask Big Brother Freddy. But...something told them Big Brother Freddy wasn't going to like them.
As the traveler left and took a small dirt path down a certain way to go to a new town a new place to explore whatever they're in.
A beast loomed a broken toy to which it dragged the toy away that was soon put into a large box labeled 'Repair' and dragged the box away.
The beast soon loomed closer to the edge of the nearby terrain the knuckles dragged tearing up the ground showing that the very foundation of the very dirt was nothing more then course sand that seemed to work like some kinetic sand as the long pale bone thin with thinner skin wrapped around a rather thick tree made of cardboard the beast stored at the intruder and makeing tiny cracking sounds as their body moved and twisted while warped and hissing out.
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xingtia · 2 years
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What is the purpose of the zinc bloom in galvanized steel sheet plate?
What are zinc blooms?
The beautiful zinc flower is one of the main characteristics of the traditional galvanized steel sheet plate. The most complete form of zinc crystals is similar to a snowflake or hexagonal star, so the zinc crystals obtained by the hot dip plating process on the surface of the strip are most likely to form a snowflake or hexagonal star-shaped zinc flower.
In fact, zinc flowers have only ornamental value, not practical value. On the contrary, zinc flowers have poor corrosion resistance and look bumpy levels if painted on the surface. Therefore, there is a tendency for the home appliance and automobile industries to choose galvanized steel sheet plate without flowers, and the beautiful-looking zinc flower products are used in the construction industry.
High-purity zinc solution does not solidify to form a zinc bloom when it is cooled. This is because there are not enough of the required crystalline nuclei in the zinc solution. The prerequisite for obtaining a typical zinc white is the addition of two alloying elements with different properties to the zinc liquid in the right amount. One alloying element is completely soluble in the zinc liquid and almost insoluble in solid zinc with lead, titanium, etc. The other alloying element is somewhat soluble in liquid and solid zinc. For example, aluminum, tin, antimony, etc. If only one alloying element is added, the surface state of the zinc layer will change after solidification, but not enough to form a typical zinc bloom.
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Since the total production of galvanized steel sheet plate with zinc bloom is relatively small today, is it possible to replace the hot-dip galvanized raw material with zinc bloom with a hot-dip galvanized raw material without zinc bloom?
There are two types of hot-dip galvanized steel sheet plate with zinc bloom:one with normal zinc bloom and one without zinc bloom. In the past, hot-dip galvanized products had some zinc bloom on the surface because the lead in the zinc solution could not be extracted purely, so people had the old idea that hot-dip galvanized sheets had zinc bloom.
With the development of the automotive industry, hot-dip galvanized automotive sheets have to be sprayed, and the zinc bloom is harmful to the spraying. After reducing the lead concentration in zinc ingots and zinc liquor to a few tens of ppm, it is possible to produce products with no or very little zinc bloom.
The normal zinc bloom is the zinc bloom that is obtained by cold-doubling the zinc layer under normal conditions after hot-dip galvanizing, and it is used for general purposes.
The zinc-free galvanized steel sheet plate is the unique production process, which generally involves manipulating the lead at a certain level in the zinc pan, or after the hot-rolled strip comes out of the zinc pan through a unique solution, such as a small zinc treatment process or spraying zinc powder, to manipulate the zinc below a certain level to obtain zinc-free galvanized steel sheet plate. steel sheet plate.
The key to zinc non-ferrous products is the further zinc non-ferrous treatment of the pure zinc products after the zinc pan, resulting in a non-sparkled, dark gray, dull coating. The main use of the product is for further painting, and it is not suitable for bare use.
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Wait what?? My girl?? My Best Girl?? Is number 2?? We haven’t seen Renard yet, so maybe he’s number 1??
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sdfjksdkjldsjkljkls OH NO HONEY
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extraskully5 · 6 months
Oh that immune to healing stuff is really brutal tbh in a world where you can just use a healing spray ect, so any healing going forward has to be purely natural self sustained healing with some any medical intervention like stitching bandages ect but other than that literally just gotta heal on its own? Poor Antimony :c
Though I will say he's not immune to healing moves that he uses himself like rest and recover. He will learn Recover at some point but it'll be a kind of double edged sword since it'll take a lot of energy for him to use. He will still need lots of eep and some natural healing because of it
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livingdead666 · 7 years
Another Gunnerkrigg Rant: Annie’s Intelligence
Anyone who reads Gunnerkrigg Court knows that Antimony Carver is not perfect, which makes her a compelling protagonist. Her flaws include being insensitive sometimes, thoughtless, and impulsive. However, we can all agree that Annie is NOT stupid. Maybe she’s not Kat (not many people are), but she is quite well versed in the field of the aether magic, and the supernatural. So, she’s not intelligent in the usual subjects, but she is far from stupid. This reflects more poorly on Tony, who clearly makes passive-aggressive jabs at it, whether he means to or not. One of Annie’s biggest issues is thinking that she isn’t bright, especially compared to Kat, when she clearly has her own area of expertise. And she’s so tough that it’s heartbreaking to see Tony tear her down whenever she thinks ‘Hey, I’m actually pretty smart’. One user has stated that they believe Tony is the reason why Annie is so self-conscious about it. Even before Surma died, it’s possible that there were many assignments and tasks that ‘required more work’. Or in plain terms, were never good enough.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Wednesday 30 March 1836
7 40
11 ¼
no kiss A- rather better, I think, this morning - sent off her letter written last night in answer to sheet letter from Miss Sutherland received yesterday afternoon to say poor little John (A-‘s nephew) was dead - A- also sent off note this morning to ‘Mr. Barstow grocer North bridge street’ to say the Bouldshaw coal was disposed of - she sent letter last night compliments to Mr. Drake ‘Thomas Francis Drake Esquire Nid Cottage near Ripley’ and to say she should be glad to become his tenant for the spa house croft to prevent all disturbance as she heard Gledhill wanted to take it to gain a right of road to his farm house below - Mr. D- to name whatever rent he thought proper and to be so good as let A- have the 1st refusal if ever he thought of selling the croft - fine but dullish morning and F42 ½° at 8 40 breakfast at 8 ¾ in about ½ hour - A- said my father was rather better - had Mr. Husband about A-‘s water lane mill waterfall - a plank wanting there somewhere - told him to look after it in the course of the day - then out for a few minutes - at the place in the court my bowels quite loose and had had a motion on getting up - about before 10 went to my father - a mistake about his better - much weaker - I think him very poorly - Mr. Jubb came before 11 - will come again this evening - about 12 sent A- off (Frank drove) in my father’s phaeton to the school (business) and then to call for a few minutes at Cliff Hill to tell her aunt we thought there was little chance of my father’s continuing long - A- back before 2 - Frank to sleep tonight in the hall chamber and be ready to assist my father if wanted - he did raise him in bed this evening (between 6 and 7) but that was all - a thoroughly rainy day from soon after 9am - some of the workmen here ¼ time but all driven - hardly a moment fair - high wind towards night and then the rain abated - F41 ½° at 9 ½ pm - Had Joseph Mann between 4 and 5 for near an hour - he got down into the pit this morning - suspects old Whitworth tells all we do,  for Rawson had no assafoetida burning this morning - knew we were driven off the low bed pheying and probably knows we are going to try the upper bed and when we got too far for him, he will assa-foetida us out from there too - asked if Joseph could keep a secret - started the plan of raising the Spiggs water 3ft. above the level I shall even want it for the meer so as to run no risk of losing it, and at that height turning it on to R- planned getting rid of old Whitworth and the whole thing Joseph to think about it - and not tell even his brother Robert or Holt but walk to Leeds and let me take him quietly from there to explain so that I can get a law opinion as to what I can safely do - Joseph himself has no idea of my real plan – i.e. to give Jonathan Gray the necessary information and get a chancery order to go into R-‘s pits before my one suspects what I am bout - except this hour with Joseph Mann and a little now and then with A- who came into my father’s room for a little in the afternoon I have been all the day with Marian in my father’s room - he could not raise himself in bed - and has taken nothing during the day but a spoonful now and then of warm milk or, in the morning and now at night, of tea - Mr. Jubb came about 8 - thinks my father very poorly but that he may get  pretty well over the night - nothing to be done - he refuses medicine - try to get down an antimony and calomel powder in his milk or tea - one this morning and one while Mr. Jubb was here but the calomel sinks to the bottom - dinner at 6 ¾ coffee and A- did her French - we were just gone to my aunt when Mr. Jubb came - my aunt tolerable - had had Mr. Husband just before dinner - brought A- a hastily made model of the damage done to and by flood gate at Water Lane mill - this model explains the thing very clearly - said I was much pleased with his attention, and A- told him to get the damage repaired tomorrow - if SW- had looked better after it, the additional damage done last night would not have happened - sent George to Hx about 2 pm with note to the Bank enclosing 3 bills = £290.19.0 (A-‘s) when [duex?] cashed to be placed to my account - Note back acknowledging the receipt of the bills - note to ‘Miss Hebden’ in answer to hers received yesterday telling her to get the things she mentioned for Charlotte Booth - sent note also to ‘Mr. Duncan’ to countermand George’s clothes (ordered on Monday) that might not be cut out - note back to say all cut out but the dress black plush smalls - so desired these to countermand for the present and the rest to be made - Incessantly rainy day and windy all the day but high wind towards night and fair F41 ½° at 9 ½ pm till 10 wrote all the above of today
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gomustanggirl16 · 4 years
Traitor Cat
Based off this random idea I have that’s a mix of my own two cats, Corona (no we named her after alcohol two years ago but it is a fitting name) and Tanqueray (gin we have a theme). So Tanq is more my cat, she likes cuddles, she likes to sit on my chest and be in my face and does know when I’m not okay and seems to take my anxiety away. Then there’s Corona, my moms cat, who well lets just say I call her a gargoyle because every morning she sits on the end of my moms bed like a gargoyle staring at her in the dark until she gets up.
So that got me thinking of Liho naturally and I had 15 minutes in an MRI machine (it’s fine I’m fine) to think clearly while ignoring the odd bagging against my back that reminded me of a child kicking the back of your seat on an airplane. So here we have Steve meeting Liho for the first time, this takes place right after TWS and this is also one of many forms of the idea and I’ve had wine so bare with me.
It had been long day, hell it had been a long year, Natasha lost her job, her antimony, her apartment, her parents apparently though that had been years ago, and now she was living in Avengers Tower because gaining her aliases back had been harder than ever before and she had started wondering if it was worth trying. But at least she had Liho, stubborn cat she was she’d missed her after leaving her with the Barton’s while she went Russia she’d found she missed the cat and Liho had seemed to miss her to, crying when she went to the farm to pick her up and see the family. 
It was late almost midnight, she’d been tracking a shipment of S.H.I.E.L.D. contraband at the docks that led nowhere, yet. Natasha checked Liho’s bowl her dry food touched, but her wet food she’d asked Tony to put out untouched. That was highly unlike her, but she was still getting used to her new surrounds, now that she wasn’t allowed outside she was going a bit stir crazy, having come into her room the other day carrying one of Tony’s socks collapsing on the floor and proceeding to “kill” it like a mouse. 
Natasha moved to her room, going through the motions as she got ready for bed collapsing into the oversized bed and abundant pillows Liho loved hiding in, slowly drifting off. Next time Natasha woke partially spreading her legs only to pause realizing Liho wasn’t at her usual spot at the end of the bed. She looked at the clock to see it was almost 2:30am and felt a slight panic pulse through her. Liho always came to bed. Even when Natasha didn’t want her to she’d sit outside the door and scratch and meow until she was let it, but there her door stood ajar and no Liho.
“Liho?” Natasha called out, nothing.
“Liho?” Natasha tried again getting out of bed and going to her door.
She went through the penthouse calling Liho but nothing. No reply. Oh no, Tony had been shocked learning she had a cat, and even more so when she’d asked him to feed her. He owed her that, but he wasn’t used to owning pets let alone Liho who tried escaping out the door every time it opened. oh no.
“J.A.R.V.I.S. are you able to track Liho’s movements?” Natasha asked trying not to think about all the possible ways Liho could be trapped or hurt or...
“Yes, reviewing the Tower’s surveillance it seems she got out when Mr. Stark fed her this evening and made her way into Captain Rogers quarters.”
Oh god...Steve had just gotten back from Spain tracking Bucky. They made plans to have breakfast later this morning. She needed to get Liho back upstairs before she gave poor Steve a heart attack. She quickly made her way out to the elevator and punched the button for Steve’s floor. Just like she knew he would his front door was unlocked, and she quietly made her way into the living room.
“Liho!!” Natasha whispered looking through the space for black ball of fur while trying not to wake the soldier. She went room by room until she reached Steve’s bedroom and her stomach knotted, knowing her cat this would be it, it’s door was cracked and she peaked in.
Sure enough there she was curled up at the end of Steve’s bed sound asleep.
“Traitor.” Liho stirred yawning and stretching with a little meow. “shh, come on.”
Instead of Liho following her Liho made her way further up the bed towards Steve’s sleeping form. Don’t you dare. Natasha moved quickly around the bed quickly snatching up the cat as she was about to climb up onto Steve’s chest. She was about to make it out the door before her foot snagged sending searing pain through her foot and her to the floor.
“What the Hell?” Natasha looked up and turned on her back to see Steve rubbing his eyes as he looked down at where she was on the floor.
“Natasha? Are you okay?” He got up realizing what had happened, helping her up off the floor.
“I’m fine, you know you should really keep that thing on the wall or between your night stand and your bed.” She said looking at his shield now laying in the middle of the floor.
“Yeah, wouldn’t want people tripping over it in the middle of the night who weren’t already here when I went to bed. Speaking of, what are you doing in my room?” 
Natasha hesitated, her eyes traying just a bit down his bare torso to where his sweats hung low on his hips-
“Right-shit where’d she go?” Natasha looked around realizing Liho was gone again. She had to be around here somewhere though.
“Where’d who go? Nat are you sure you’re okay? Even for you this is a little strange.” She frowned getting back on the floor to look under his bed.
“Liho!” She hissed but the only thing there was a duffle bag. “You got any lunch meat? Ham preferably. She doesn’t like cold chicken.”
“There’s a sandwich in the fridge...” Steve replied now more confused than ever. I mean he did wake up to her in her pajamas tripping as she tried to make her escape from his bed room.
She made it to the fridge her foot still stung but she pushed it away as she opened his fridge.
“Nat why don’t you sit down let me take a look at your foot.” Steve tried to insist as he came out putting on a zip up.
She found the remaining hoggie in the fridge and sat down on the stool at the island as Steve went through the freezer for an ice pack,
“Liho, momma’s got ham!” She heard Liho’s distinct chirp before the cat jumped sliding across the counter to get her treat. 
She watched Steve jump looking back in the direction Liho had come from then to Liho her self as she tore the thin slices of ham up into smaller bites for Liho. Poor thing was starving.
“Where-whose cat is this?” Steve asked dumbfounded as Liho devoured the ham from his sandwich.
“Steve meet Liho, my traitor cat.” Liho slept with no one not even the Barton kids but her and she was incredibly picky, yet here she was, cozy as could be with Steve.
“Why were you and Liho in my bedroom?” Steve asked again as Liho went over to him head butting his stomach to get him to pet her.
“Because I asked Tony to put some wet food out for her while I was working and he let her get out. I told him she’s sneaky and can’t be trusted, but she still got out. I didn’t noticed until half an hour ago when I woke up and she wasn’t in bed. J.A.R.V.I.S. was the one who told me she’d made it in here. Not sure how long but I found her sleeping on your bed with you and not me.”
Liho seemed completely un-phased as she started purring as Steve paid her attention.
“Probably should have realized there was something in my bed, but Sam and I spent the last three days wide awake and I crashed.” He did look tired really tired.
“I know, I’m sorry I woke you, but she was about to use you as a bed and she likes to lay across your neck until you can’t breathe.” He frowned looking at the cat that was now propping herself up on his chest trying to paw at his face to get his attention back on her.
“So it’s true what they say, pets are their owners.”
“I resent that, I don’t own her, we live together.” Had for two years now.
“That why you refer to yourself as her mother?”
“Oh so you’re cheeky when your half asleep huh?” Truth was it was Clint who started that and it just snuck into her vocabulary.
“So you say. How come I never knew you had a cat?”
“There was no reason to tell you.”
“How did you manage that you were gone so much?”
“Oh Nick would watch her for me.” Steve raised an eyebrow at that and she laughed, “Don’t tell him I told you, but he is quite the cat person, has one himself, used to follow him around hang out at S.H.I.E.L.D. but she passed away a few years ago, so you wouldn’t have seen her.”
“Well alright then. Say what does Liho mean? It’s Russian but I don’t think I’ve heard it.”
“The embodiment of evil fate and misfortune.”
“That’s a terrible name for a cat.”
“Its supposed to be ironic, she’s been everything but for me. I can shut everyone out, but she still wiggles her way in. There are days where I can’t get out of bed, and if I have nowhere to be, I had no reason to, but she won’t let me. She cries and won’t leave me be until I get up, even runs to the shower because she likes to play with the water left in the tub and if I turn it on, I’m not going to waste water. Granted most people think that’s just her hungry and wanting to make a mess, but she’s been my reason for getting up now more than ever. God I felt so scared when I realized she was gone, and a little betrayed. I’m sorry I have no idea why I just told you all of that.”
She looked away from him then playing with Liho’s tail to get her attention.
“You know if I stop looking for him-for Bucky I sometimes think I might go insane. Nat we just destroyed the one infrastructure we had...animals know this.”
“Yeah they do. Last time I leave her with Tony.”
Steve laughed a little shaking his head.
“Not to speak i’ll of the man currently housing us for free, but he can barely feed himself Nat.”
“Yeah, I mean he did what I asked, he just underestimated her willingness to go outside.” Steve smiled at her giving Liho one last pet.
“So, we still on for Breakfast? I know it’s three am now, but I don’t know about you but I’m not going back to sleep.”
“I could go for something to eat, let me cook, I was going to already, but now I think I really should since I woke you up by breaking into your bedroom.”
“Sounds good to me. Come on Liho,” Steve picked her up and Liho settled into his arms like a ragdoll.
Natasha would later recall that as the night she started to fall for him, the way Liho reacted to him, like she was telling her Steve was it, he was the one.
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