#pool party draven
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rotzaprachim · 2 years ago
obviously this stars Luke skywalker as a gay little detective traipsing around in full Benoit Blanc gay little swimsuit style to put the pin in who Did this except unlike Benoit Blanc he never actually figures out who did it because there are too many possible suspects and no one seems to feel particularly bothered he died
Really would love some kind of rogue one/andor au that’s like an Agatha Christie style locker room mystery in terms of who killed Galen erso? Well. There was a line
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thehigherthetide · 5 months ago
today i will categorize every league of legends champion as either hot or not. some exceptions and exclusions.
aatrox: hot
ahri: hot
akali: hot
akshan: hot
alistar: hot
anivia: not hot
aphelios: hot
ashe: my favorite nsfw artist draws her so beautifully so hot
aurelion sol: hot
aurora: cute but not hot
azir: hot
bard: not hot
bel’veth: hot
blitzcrank: not hot
brand: ironically, not hot
braum: very awesome but not hot
briar: not hot
caitlyn: hot
camille: hot
cassiopeia: as she currently is, not hot
cho’gath: hot
darius: ugly
diana: hot
dr. mundo: not hot
draven: situationally hot, he looks good in his newer skins
ekko: not hot
elise: hot
evelynn: hot
ezreal: also situationally hot
fiddlesticks: hot
fiora: hot
galio: not hot
gangplank: ugly
garen: super ugly
gragas: ugly
graves: hot
gwen: hot
hecarim: hot
hwei: hot
illaoi: hot
irelia: hot
ivern: not hot
janna: hot
jarvan iv: only hot in pool party and nightbringer and maybe lunar beast
jax: hot
jayce: not hot
jhin: hot
jinx: not hot
k’sante: hot
kai’sa: hot
kalista: hot when she was alive
karma: hot
karthus: not hot
kassadin: not hot but i can see the potential
katarina: hot
kayle: hot
kayn: hot
kha’zix: not hot
kindred: hot, both of them
kog’maw: not hot
leblanc: lol ugly, lor hot
lee sin: not hot
leona: not hot
lillia: not hot
lissandra: not hot
lucian: situational
lux: not hot
malphite: lol ugly, lor kinda hot
malzahar: please give him an asu please i know he’s hot
maokai: not hot
master yi: lol ugly, lor super hot
miss fortune: hot
mordekaiser: hot
morgana: hot
nami: cutest girl in the world, not hot
nasus: hot
nautilus: hot
neeko: not hot
nidalee: lol ugly, lor kinda hot
nilah: hot
nocturne: hot
olaf: lowkey hot
orianna: not hot
ornn: hot
pantheon: hot
pyke: hot
qiyana: hot
quinn: hot
rakan: hot
rammus: not hot
rek’sai: not hot
rell: not hot
renata glasc: hot
renekton: hot
rengar: hot
riven: hot
ryze: not hot
samira: hot
sejuani: hot
senna: hot
seraphine: not hot
sett: not hot
shaco: soul fighter shaco is kinda hot
shen: hot
shyvana: lol ugly, lor hot
singed: not hot
sion: not hot
sivir: hot
skarner: not hot
sona: hot
soraka: hot
swain: hot
sylas: hot
syndra: not hot
tahm kench: hot
taliyah: not hot
talon: kinda hot in the katarina webtoon
taric: not hot
thresh: hot hot hot
trundle: not hot, not even traditional trundle
tryndamere: ugly please ashe just give me one chance
twisted fate: only cutpurse is hot
twitch: not hot
udyr: not hot
urgot: not hot
varus: hot
vayne: hot
vel’koz: hot
vi: lol kinda ugly, arcane hot
viego: situational
viktor: hot
vladimir: not hot
volibear: hot
warwick: hot
wukong: lowkey hot
xayah: hot
xerath: hot
xin zhao: hot but especially firecracker
yasuo: situational
yone: always hot
yorick: hot
zac: hot
zed: hot
zeri: not hot
zilean: not hot
zyra: not hot
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league-of-skins · 2 years ago
Draven, the Glorious Executioner
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League of Legends
Original Draven
Soul Reaver Draven
Gladiator Draven
Primetime Draven
Pool Party Draven
Beast Hunter Draven
Draven Draven
Santa Draven
Mecha Kingdoms Draven
Ruined Draven
Debonair Draven
Fright Night Draven
La Ilusión Draven
Wild Rift
Original Draven
Primetime Draven
Soul Reaver Draven
Draven Draven
Ruined Draven
Glorious Crimson Draven
Soul Fighter Draven
Dawnbringer Draven
Legends of Runeterra
Original Draven
Pool Party Draven
Ruined Draven
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talesfromsiteredacted · 2 years ago
High Tea With The Family
Seeing as it's my birthday, I thought I'd throw myself a tea party. I've sent out the invitations in advance, I've got everything but the tea itself ready on the cart, once I get to the staff lounge I'll start brewing.
Hmm. Okay, lemon cakes... check. Miniature pecan pies... check. Rainbow candy cookies... check. Blueberry scones... check. And those weird little cucumber sandwiches with the crusts cut off Dr. Gears is so inexplicably fond of... check. Giant jar of jellybeans... check. Sweet rolls... check. That just leaves the teapots and teas. I hunt down the four biggest teapots I can find, load up my large company tea set, and get to setting up.
To my surprise, it's my favorite member of Site Command that turns up first. Dr. Gears greets me, then starts to set up the tower of lemon cakes. Before long, the buffet is set.
"So, a tea party, Bunny? Isn't 27 a bit old for that?"
"Not for a posh tea party. Come on, Big Boss... I even made the cucumber sandwiches, I'm in a proper tea dress, if I had lace gloves I'd be wearing them."
"You're not kidding."
"Somehow I even talked Alto into wearing a suit, so... yes. Not kidding. Plus, Cain said he'd drop by for a bit, since half the typing pool quit he's been backlogged, poor guy. And my granddad is coming with Iris and Evelyn. I even invited my other brothers in arms, Drs. Iceberg, Myriad, and Glass, plus Draven and Jim. It's my birthday, I'm hosting a family tea. My one regret is there's no way my dad can meet you all. Not being home sucks, but having all of you around makes it less horrible. Kinda think you and my dad would get along, you're both very similar in the best ways. I would have also invited Abel, but he hates Myriad, and I do not feel like breaking up a fight today."
"We're short on E Class, good call. What's the tea menu?"
"Jasmine, earl grey, oolong, and... ginger lemon with honey." Tea kettles are filled, set on the stove top, heated. While we wait, Drs. Glass and Myriad arrive.
"Happy Birthday, Rabbit!" I'm nearly bowled over by Myriad as they bear hug me. "Ooh, tea party! Fancy." This is when I notice the new body, in a blue dress. Gotta say, they look great. Simon then gives me a gentle hug once Myriad lets go. Clef saunters in, wearing his "Yet Another Pointless Ethics Committee Meeting I May Have Been the Direct Cause of" brown suit. The red Polynesian style silk tie is a nice touch. Eyebrows raise when he greets me with a kiss on the cheek.
Once that's over, Granddad arrives with my two special guests. Both my sister and my niece are in yellow dresses, Evie even has a miniature silk sunflower tucked behind her ear.
"I thought you were kidding, Sis. But... this is, indeed, a tea party. There's scones and everything."
Dr. Iceberg arrives last, bearing regrets from Draven and Jim. Oopsie, forgot it was their long-delayed honeymoon this week. But, while my MTF brothers aren't here, a massive tiramisu is. I'm flabbergasted, Dr. Iceberg remembered after all. Okay, now that almost everybody is here, time to get back to the kettles and brewing tea. Just in time, they were about to really whistle. Tea is brewed, lemonade is fetched from the fridge... time for tea.
We're all seated around the table, eating and drinking. Three cookies and two glasses of lemonade in, Evie starts singing "Happy Birthday". Once the song is done, I politely clink my teacup with a spoon.
"Aside from my birthday... I bet you're all wondering why you're here. Very simply, I consider all of you my family. I've never really had a normal family gathering, thought I'd give it a go. It's a small thing, but it matters to me. I love all of you, even if some of you create way too much paperwork for me sometimes." A laugh as I side eye Clef and Myriad, the biggest offenders there. "You guys have made all the weird stuff bearable. Thank you."
"Hey, we're just one big anomalous family here, right? Besides, couldn't ask for a better sister, Rabbit. That being said, I know you said no gifts, but... I went ahead and got you one." Myriad passes me a small box, I open it. It's just a mug, black with our logo. But... under it is my new title, and a phrase I'll treasure... "Little Sister".
"Myr... you know what this means, right? You and TJ are both getting those light up Mario Star lamps on your birthdays now. Thanks. I needed a new mug, Liam kinda knocked mine over a while back."
"I, uh... also have something for you, but it's going to have to wait until later." I roll my eyes at Clef. I can only imagine. I feel my face getting warmer, just as Cain pops his head in.
"Hello, Little Sister! I was on my way back from a break, and just wanted to say a fast 'happy birthday' on passing." He blinks. "I think I missed something. I am not sure if I want to know. As I said, happy birthday." Off he goes. On that note, the party breaks up. Iris, Evie and I pack up the leftovers. Everybody gets a sampler platter, with a few spares for delivery. Hey, if 682 is cool with Evie, he gets birthday goodies too. Plus... even if things didn't exactly work with 049, I'm still fond of him. There's a few others too, like Abel and Dimitriov. Once that's done, it's time for Rabbit's Delivery Service to drop off care packages.
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kandadiff · 1 year ago
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"So you want me to look hot but I can't have time to get ready?" Maddy spat at her paramour, Nate from the front seat. They had been arguing since you left the hotel thirty minutes ago. Thirty minutes of listening to them argue while you were in the backseat made you think you were in some seventh circle of hell.
"No its obviously not that Maddy!" Nate countered. "I gave you four hours to get ready and yet we're still late."
"Its a party!" She said exasperated and you thanked god when you finally parked and saw the house. Nate was the first to get out, opening the door for Maddy then you and putting his hand possessively on hers.
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"Are you going to give me an attitude the whole rest of the night?" She looked up at him, her tone dripping with attitude.
"Are you going to give me a reason?" He asked and you huffed making your way up to the party yourself. You had enough of them.
As soon as you made your way into the house you smiled, the party was in full swing by this point. Plus, the music was good, people were talking and dancing and the drinks were flowing, it didn't take you long to find a drink and even less to drink one. A group of girls pulling you over and demand you shotgun a beer with them - you won. Impressed, they challenged you two more times and you were happily buzzed by the time you walked away from them and deeper into your element.
“Cheers to season two!!” Damien shouted a group was gathered around him with various shot glasses in their hands. You recognized a few people, Draven and Makayla, Evan, Jackson and Jennie but there was a large group of men you didn't recognize. It was obvious they were a Kpop group given the fact they were all Korean and looked a bit nervous around everyone like they were searching for people filming them and you noticed how they moved together. Like BTS or GOT7 used to before they got comfortable around everyone. "Don't worry." Damien said making a face as the liquor burned his throat then he laughed throwing his arm around the biggest one. "Whats your name?"
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"Um.. Wonho." he laughed, the still filled shot in his large hands. "You're- you're Damien right?" He was nervous and you found it adorable. You moved closer only to get a better look at him and once you did you breath left your body. He was gorgeous - no beyond gorgeous. His mile was so infectious it made you giggle like you were in school.
"Damien! Yes my name is Damien!" Damien laughed and you could tell he was on something or maybe drunk. "but Don't worry, Wonho. Today is a day to celebrate us coming into this house together! To wish good luck to everyone! To-" he hiccuped "welcome the new people like you and you and you" he said that to all the newer faces around him before "And of course you Wonho! Without cameras and them" he motioned around him but you couldn't tell where he was pointing. "they assure that."
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"so" He relaxed his hold on Wonho and winked. "drink up!" The crowd around him cheered and quickly someone came to fill up the drinks and you were handed one. "Cheers again!" he shouted and tossed another shot back. You followed him, the expensive liquor going down smooth with a pleasant aftertaste. "A few more of these and i’ll be skinny dipping in the pool” he chuckled. You were about to go up to him when someone pushed into you causing the glass to shoot out your hands and bang on the floor though the sound was lost in the crowd. Your eyes followed the rude person that didn't even apologize and you saw a girl with long dark hair clinging onto Damien. You watched his joyous mood quickly turn and his eyebrow furrowed, his blue eyes darkening. "Who the fuck is touching my Lenore?"
You looked around for Lenore. Getting to know Damien in season 1 made you two fast friends and one thing you learned about him was he wasn't particular over a lot of stuff but no one could touch his prized guitar. You didn't know much about guitars but from what people told you, it was a very good one - gifted to him by some famous guitarist who he named Lenore.
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You finally got a look at the girls face, not recognizing her when he turned and pointed her manicured finger toward a deeper part of the house. "I told her to give it to me but she kept yelling at me not to touch it!" the girl pouted, her green eyes looking up at him and you could feel yourself making a face. He sighed handing her the empty cup and teary bumped into you as he moved towards where she pointed too.
"Shit" he steadied you, the seeing who you were gave you a quick hug. "See me later, I wanna drink with you." With that he moved to find the person who had Lenore.
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"🎶Oh, Maria, Maria,She reminds me of a west side story. Growing up in Spanish Harlem. She's living the life just like a movie star." I sung to myself as I swung around the guitar and danced through the hallway. "Oh, Maria, Maria. She fell in love in East L.A To the sounds of the guitar, yeah, yeah Played by Carlos Santana." I strummed the guitar and it did not sound how it did in my head. I made a face. "You don't like me, do you Lenore?" I spoke to the guitar before laughing and putting the strap around my body so I would drop it "Well I saved your ass girl so a thank you would be nice!" - though dancing with it wasn't that safe either... doesn't matter she had a good time, a better time then those weirdos I took her from.
After leaving the bedroom, I was trying to avoid Robin. I had no idea if I looked high or not so I was trying to find a bathroom to splash water on my face when I saw a guy attempting to seduce a group of girls while playing one of Damien's songs on his prized guitar. I demanded the guitar and when that didn't work. I kicked him, took her and ran away and found myself in the less densely populated upstairs, talking to Lenore trying to figure out where to put her so no one touched her.
But as I walked toward the more crowded area, I was yanked back by the strap. I quickly grabbed the guitar and turned back ready to swing it on whoever was grabbing me like that when I saw the angry face of Damien. "We're you trying to get my attention or something?" I cocked an eyebrow confused and he pulled it off of me. "Why'd you take it."
"I didn't!" I pout "I saved it!"
"Saved it? What are you, high?" He spat and my eyes grew wide. Could he tell? How? I was so discreet? "Holy shit, you are."
"Am not! I'm just drunk." I shrugged "and your welcome! some guy was using Lenore to fuck some girls!" He gave me a look and I got angry.
"Sure." he growled. He didn't believe me and instead started inspecting his instrument. "I didn't think you'd come, you ignored every other invitation I gave you." I didn't say anything (because I couldn't - he was right) and instead just turned away but before I could get to far he said. "You're not going to tell me what you're on?"
"I'm not on anything!" I shouted back at him. "This is just me."
"Bullshit!" He spit back at me. "Find someone to watch you, in your state of mind you're probably a danger to yourself, huh?"
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"What are you saying?" I hissed at him. He just smirked at me, like he was so clever. I grabbed at a beer bottle within arms reach, which was Nate's, drank the remaining contents and threw the bottle at Damien aiming for his head. It shattered on the wall behind him. Some people gasped, some people laughed, people whispered and others went back to party. Damien wasn't surprised - anger in his blue eyes were present though.
"Oh my god!" A skinny girl ran up to Damien, she fussed over him inpecting his arm near the wall that the bottle shattered at. "Are you okay?"
"I didn't hit him." I sneered at her rolling my eyes and walking through the crowd making my way over to the bar.
"No but he hit that!" I heard from the crowd followed by laughter. I grabbed the neck of a beer bottle ready to aim it at whoever said that when I heard a collective gasp and saw Nate walking over towards me.
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He took the bottle from my hands, popped off the cap and drank it. His knuckles red and split open. I had to stand on my tip toes and moved around him a bit to see the guy that must’ve said that face down on the floor. Nate hit him. I laughed and looked up at him surprised. In season 1, I had barely interacted with him much outside of what I heard about him from Maddy I didn’t know him that well and I didn’t really want to. But he earned that beer.
“Cheers to that!” I smiled up at him and he laughed.
“Let me get you a drink.” He said simply and I shrugged following him.
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teeto-peteto · 1 year ago
I choose to believe that the pool party skins are all canon to the lore. Why is everyone here? Why aren't people starting wars? Who cares, let's chill. Peace and love on Runeterra. I will not rest until every champion in League is involved in the skinline one way or another-
YES im not that lore wise but wasnt pool party initially pretty much canon? Was that when Institute of war was still a thing?
i dont remember BUT i love pool party i just hate that riot often decides to go for smexy content. Like yeah i get it swimsuits and all but... if you know you know.
Remember that pool party has the BESTS splasharts for champions like Ziggs, Renekton and Graves, those splasharts are SO good it makes me so undyingly happy. There is very good concepts in the skinline and i love octopus hat Lulu... Rek'sai being a Jaws reference and draven with the lifesaver... Ziggs with the water balloons and the water guns on other champions I DONT KNOW its very cool and i want all of them to have a funny day. Sadly Braum and Setts skins were very forgettable...? They didnt get that much publicity and honestly is kinda eh? I believe Song of the Ocean skins are also involved with Pool party just that it has a different name? I also like Syndra's skin a lot, i dont quite get why people dont like her, understandable but i just think she's goofy and pretty in that skin. Heimer abs scared EVERYONE and that made me have a good laugh. Pool party Orianna is also cute, she deserves a lot more love.
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aurelion-solar · 4 years ago
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Pool Party Draven - Legends of Runeterra Splash Art
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mojitosad · 5 years ago
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Part 1 / Pool Party Taliyah
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hanumeat · 5 years ago
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Pool Party Draven &  Floatzel
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mizii · 3 years ago
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Wallpapers Pool Party
Dr. Mundo
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piltover-sharpshooter · 5 years ago
Pool Party Fiora, getting pulled over: This is obviously a misunderstanding
Pool Party Caitlyn: You knocked a cyclist off his bike with a pool noodle.
Pool Party Fiora: No I didnt
Pool Party Draven, walking up to them completely dishevelled :yES YOU DID YOU ASSHOLE!
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divanoctur · 5 years ago
Day 9: Pool Party by Divasaorin
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notoriouslydevious · 6 years ago
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Zoe & Her Toys by Cindy Feng
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kriz-captor · 7 years ago
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Draaaaven <3
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0mr-t · 8 years ago
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zyclets-blog · 5 years ago
Lol some of these crops
Zac is about to splash Leona
Syndra looks at a ball that's about to hit Orianna's ball or summ
Renek's looking at Taric like "dafuq"
Rek'Sai adn Draven jumping at Fiora's a55
Zoe is launching herself into space while Ziggs looks like he's doing the same but he's actually diving
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