#pooklet method
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2coveruproad · 2 months ago
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Making Sims using Randomizer based on @pooklet method >>>>
Just done making and saving another Sim using Body Shop, and it makes me think about "How could the re-release, legacy collection ditched this one out from it?"
Any name suggestions for him?
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annachibisims · 2 years ago
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just a couple more
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thatonebritishsimmer · 2 years ago
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I don't normally post photos of the sims I make using Pooklet's method however I couldn't not share this sexy sexy man with you all...
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tulipwhims · 1 year ago
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Some more sims I made because I'm obsessed
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simmetrybby · 27 days ago
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ts2 bodyshop adventures pt.1
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landgraabbed · 10 months ago
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1000tragicclowns · 11 months ago
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celestialspritz · 7 days ago
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📼kestrelteen's 4t2 nostalgia living set furniture in goat wood and pooklet naturals📼
really cute and versatile set in some more realistic woods and my fave palette for woods. a before and after img under the cut.
the polys are pretty low (they're like 2k at most i blv). texture sizes for the wood is 1024px and the glass is 512px. all have working mipmaps.
i know the glass looks a little iffy but i had to manually separate the design from the transparency which took forever to get right so pls know i tried my best xd
also, im aware that the centre and the bookshelf have identical textures and i made recolours for them each, but i couldn't repository them in my usual method and i just dont have the patience for doing it manually, srry!
i included kestrelteens' original collection file in case you dont have it and the meshes are included too. make sure to visit their original post for more details!
dl @ gd
credits - awingedllama, kestrelteens, goat, pooklet
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Welcome to Wormville!
...where they respect the Entity, but other than that, little else.
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Wormville is my custom neighborhood that is supposed to be a small insular community of disinfrenchised cult members who worship "the Entity." They have some peculiar customs, some virtues and some disgraces.
The background lore is that the community of Wormville formed out of 24 survivors of a religiously motivated purge that happened in the nebulous "somewhere else," and the inhabitants refer to it as "the Tragedy." They call themselves either Followers of the Entity, or simply "worms." The Entity they worship is supposedly an ancient sinister being (is it even a being?) that watches over and protects its cult in return for worship and, as some believe, amusing it with their dramatic antics. The will of the Entity in major matters is communicated through its clergy, but it is known to interfere and alter fate of its faithful even on the most meager scale, granting boons and dispensing punishments.
The de-facto leadership figure of the commune is the priest. During the days pre-Tragedy, when the cult thrived, there used to be multiple of them, however Wormville only gets one. The priest interprets omens and visions from the Entity to guide the community, tries to mediate disputes and solve problems. The position of the priest is usually hereditary, however a new priest family might be selected if the community cannot stand the current one.
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Nico Devir, the 3rd priest of Wormville, meditating by the fire on the Temple grounds during his initiation ceremony
The initial 24 Sims were completely randomized from head to toe. They were created in Bodyshop with the Pooklet method and given personalities determined by random dice rolls. There were 4 of each of the 6 main Aspirations. (no Cheese, although we had a cheese incident down the line)
Their relationships were formed by the game's autonomy (drastically helped by ACR) to create 10 initial clans: Anora, Beldine, Celwitch, Devir, Elaho-Inipp, Fiera, Gere, Hanson, Jilleni and Kent.
By now, the founding Sims are mostly gone, or on their way to go in the current rotation or the next. The first generation born in Wormville is all grown up and they're starting to pair up and have children of their own.
Before I start introducing them to you, I must say that I myself couldn't predict how genuinely fucked-up and all together shitty many of the Sims would turn out to be (especially the founders!). Wormville is not a story of the virtuous or decent – mostly by chance and the chaotic nature of the game, the town quickly became populated by bullies, cheaters, dubious parents, disloyal friends and even murderers. Given that I forgot to set all Sims who participate in raising a child to be seen as the child's relatives... and said child grew up with the biologically unrelated caretaker still alive (the game now recognizing them as valid romantic/sexual partners), we even got straight up a pair of groomers (2 of them, to be exact, both in the same household, no less). One story between another set of Sims turned out to be in the grey area of "well, it technically isn't incest, but..." and I can understand that some people might be extremely uncomfortable about both. It's not like I'm going to focus on the tonally over-the-top story beats, but still, consider yourself warned.
Of course, not all my worms turned out fucked up. There are residents who didn't do anything wrong (or only did, you know, very insignificant things). And most? Most of the residents sit firmly somewhere in between. I hope you'll enjoy them all, from the most messed up to the least, as much as I do.
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Mina, Nico, Terry and Felicia (all generation 1) hanging out as teenagers.
Wormville directory
Notable places
Generation 0 pt 1
Generation 0 pt 2
Generation 1 pt 1
Generation 1 pt 2
Vote for your favorite and the least favorite worm of gen 0 now!
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roxanna-moxie · 1 year ago
Sim Dump: TS1 Console
Hi, hi! I've been playing the console games lately. Figured I'd share my re-creations of the sims from there. All CC is included, and they're all shared in one 7z. : D
Because their faces in the original game are kinda low res and basic, I just went and did Pooklet's method on them for the most part so they look a little more unique.
First: The Roomies! In order, Betty, Carlos, Layla, Leon, Zara and Bingo.
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Next is none other than MOM, who will nag you to fix the tv, yell at you for studying Mechanical so you don't shock yourself, and then yell at you some more for not fixing it fast enough because you have 1 skill point and just want to fix the TV and move out... yes I'm salty
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Pauline and Pierre Peacock, SimValley fashion extraordinaires...
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Fran and Freddy Foofaraw, the town's social butterflies!
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Theresa and Thomas Thimblewit, dancing queen and dandy travelling sportsman!
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And finally, Chantal and Charles Cheeky, professional jeweler and party cowboy!
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Download them all here!
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mypurpleriver · 8 months ago
hello! I notice a lot of your sims have different (but all very cute) elf ears. what templates or sliders do you use to give your sims your elf ears?
Hey nonnie,
so you notice, that I love elf ears, right? 😂
Face Templates: - Joedy - Butterflies & Hurricanes » default replacement (15 & 26 are pointy ears) - Dominiquex made three face templates » End of the Tyrann - @drew-cricket has several custom face templates with pointy ears - @simspressionism made four face templates with pointy ears - @deedee-sims made two default replacements into customs ones: » Beccabear's Masquerade (Nr. 6 and 26 have pointy ears) » @kahlenas Chasing Miss Pretty (Nr. 9, 26, 27 maybe more?)
Sliders: For sliders I would recommend @sims-2-sliders & @sims2sliders I have almost every slider for pointy/elf ears in my game. 😅
I mostly used the pooklet method to create sims in Body Shop and added mostly pointy ears to them.
This is how these beauties were created: Of course there are more with pointed ears, but their hair covers their ears.
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goatskickin · 11 months ago
Hi! I have a question about recoloring hair: how do you avoid pixelation with dark color actions? I have retextured a hair and the volatile base looks fine but when I run a dark colour action like Dynamite or Caim on it the texture ends up looking very pixelated.
Hi there anon! This is a very good question. I'll admit that I do not feel that I am an expert on how to deal with this. However, I'll do my best!
After my explanation, I'll link to some stuff noted by more educated people; I've got no training in terms of digital art. I just mess around.
And anyone is free to chime in if they've got ideas! :)
But! Here's what I'd recommend if you're having a pixelation issue:
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For the purpose of (trying) to answer your question, let's work with this WIP retexture of @powerpcinside's 4t2 conversion of Reina 89.
picture so large wtf
I've used Pooklet's v1 texture, and I've put in a 50% Lighten layer of Nypmpy's edit of Nouk's curls on it, very much lengthened to fill in some stripey bits at the bottom of this texture.
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That's my normal method these days. Looks fine.
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But, something that may contribute to pixelation after you run an action over it (in my experience) is a texture that is much too light.
So, to experiment, let's run Pooklet's Timebomb over the texture, making it a bright white.
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A too light texture with a dark action run over will 1) produce a color that is not what was intended 2) may produce pixelation
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Or, perhaps the texture you are working with was too highly contrasted?
This is the texture I was working with, with Photoshop's Auto Fix run over it 3 times.
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...then with the Volatile action run over it...kind of looks okay still...
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...but this ends up making @digisims2's Caim look more pixelated.
I hope that this was at least sort of helpful? Basically, if you're having a pixelation issue, I would take a look at the base texture you're working with. That's my best guess.
@pooklet's quick and dirty skin-smoothing tut might have some tips you could use!
If you're using the SimPE method to make hair recolors, perhaps this and this by @pforestsims might help too? 🤷
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annachibisims · 2 years ago
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first pooklet method sim in aaages
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nectar-cellar · 10 months ago
My loving all your hair edits! Thank you for sharing with us! With your defaults, would replacing the texture with another default work? EAs isn't always my favorite to use.
thank you :)
for the EA hair edits i'm currently using a texture by pooklet, it isn't the EA one.
if you want to change the texture:
if you have a retexture of, say, the late night slicked back hair already, you can leave that in your overrides folder and put my late night hair default in your packages folder. my hair default *should* take on the retexture in the overrides folder. this won't work for the non default standalone files though.
another method:
use s3pe, open the package of a hair retexture you like. for example this could be the EA hair retextures done by oneeuromutt or ifcasims. export the diffuse (white hair texture) and control (red/green/blue texture) textures. you can also export the specular (black hair texture) and normal map (grey, semi-transparent texture). save the textures to a folder.
use s3pe, open the hair package of mine you want to edit. right-click on the existing diffuse, control, etc. textures, click on "replace", then select the textures you want to replace them with from the folder. save and close the package.
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signyacid · 5 months ago
Sim Download 1
Here have a sim i never used maybe you can make good use of her
Created using the Pooklet Method
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Her name is Adelaide but feel free to name her whatever you'd like
Use clean installer she comes with CC included i didn't remove it
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thatonebritishsimmer · 2 years ago
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I actually made 2 sims for @moocha-muses sim Lilo, They are twins and I thought since Lilo is Bi, why not give her two blondes? On the left is Claude Valentino and on the right is his sister Daphne. They are both 24 and the rest of their info and their bio is surrounding them. I made Daphne using Pooklet's method in Bodyshop then just turned her into a male so they're genetically identical twins. They have all their outfits as seen below the cut, Hope you like them oh and they're both Aries.
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Her jeans and joggers don't always clip it's just because of her pose x
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Here you can see their heights..
"Just don't get mad when she falls for me and not you okay"
"Hah please like that's going to happen"
"Guess we'll find out..."
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