#pontypool au
chryzure-archive · 2 years
okay, couldn’t find the specific colors i wanted to, but in the pontypool au, chrysi’s wearing something like this:
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black band tee and all.
and jacks is wearing the bare fucking minimum, except maybe the pinstripes are a red or pink:
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dzthenerd490 · 5 months
File: Pontypool
Code Name: The English Info Hazard Plague
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AFU has been catalogued in a recorder with the words of the last person infected. The recorder is stored at Site-AO within the Level 5 Biohazard labs within a storage safe that no one but the Site Director and their personal A.I. knows about. Any testing with SCP-AFU must be approved by the Site Director. During testing all recordings must be muted and observers must be wearing Foundation standard earmuffs. 
Description: SCP-AFU is an extremely anomalous pathogen that turns its victims into intelligent but rambling zombies. Hosts of SCP-AFU infection, act extremely rabid with blood leaking form their mouth and sometimes eyes and are determined to kill every non-infected human they come across. Their mortality is the same as non-infected humans so a well-aimed shot or several shots can easily kill an SCP-AFU host. 
However, what separates SCP-AFU from other zombie related anomalies is how it infects its hosts. When a host of SCP-AFU hears a word a certain number of times, the pathogen will activate in their brain making them go savage. Afterwards they will repeat the words over and over while trying to kill all non-infected around them. Should a non-infected speak the words they will begin to have a distorted speech. They will begin to say sentences with words mixed up and even say random words until they repeat a word enough times leading to the activation of the pathogen. 
Most anomalously when the infected hear a word or phrase enough times they will start to repeat that as well as their own trigger words increasing the amount of infection risk to those that hear them. The infection risk becomes stronger when it's a word that's easy for the listeners to understand the definition of. Furthermore, it doesn't matter if its spoken face to face, heard through the radio, or even listen to on a recording.
It's even possible for someone to speak the words of the infected to someone who's not infected and spread SCP-AFU as a result. Ironically this can grant one immunity, but it also makes them a carrier of SCP-AFU infection. The best way to resist SCP-AFU infection is to begin speaking gibberish intentionally, change your own definition of infected words, or not speak English. That last option is the best, as for some reason SCP-AFU infection only exists within English. Why this is the case is unknown. Unfortunately, this is only temporary as its possible for SCP-AFU infection to destroy any memories of other languages.
SCP-AFU was discovered in 2008 when [data expunged], Ontario suffered a sudden wave of riots and violent attacks among the people. The incident only got worse as people were talking about it, unknowing spreading SCP-AFU infection. The Canadian Division of the Foundation quarantined the area. Without knowing how SCP-AFU spread, they set up radio transmission jammers to stop all forms of communication, preventing the spread of SCP-AFU without even realizing it. 
Afterwards Foundation security units shot down SCP-AFU hosts that tried to escape the quarantine zone. The few that were spared were experimented on in the on-site quarantine labs. Once it was becoming clear that it was not an anomalous pathogen but instead a Info Hazard of some kind, Mobile Task Force Eta-11 "Savage Beasts" was deployed into the area with 100 units surveying the area. They killed all infected hosts of SCP-AFU and recorded their infected words to be fully studied later. 
The few survivors that remained were given Class B Amnestics. The cover story was that a case of mutant rabies was spread throughout the town and nearly killed everyone. The incident was so horrific that it caused memory loss for the survivors.
Testing has proven that SCP-AFU is fully capable of causing an AK Class Memetically Spread Behavior Scenario and eventually the extinction of everyone who speaks the English language. 
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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chryzuree · 1 year
it is 1:08 pm and i am thinking about dr. spencer reid :( as soon as it’s august my brain is like “time to rewatch criminal minds for the millionth time!!” and, like a fool, i listen every time. he is just so cute… so skrunkly… fictional character of all time… no joke, i have never been so attached to a character as i am to him, and even if i go thru phases where i don’t think abt him a lot he is ALWAYS in the back of my head. i’m particularly thinking about his beautiful hair and his tendency to ramble and the fact that he is so often cut off or mocked for his autistic traits with the exception of a few characters, and the fact that he was supposed to be bi but the writers changed it at the last second (doesn’t change the fact he is bi in my head tho <3 it’s canon idc), and the fact that he is boy wonder genius prodigy child who is the writer’s favorite punching bag and he is very earnest and socially awkward and and and
every time you talk abt how much you love him, i am like 🫶🏻 i love hearing you talk abt how much you love him……. 🥺 it’s always so comforting to have a chara like that
it’s 10:11 AM for me + i’m listening to killer klowns & thinking abt how tris would dominate a cover for this…. also thinking abt the pontypool au + how chrysi was asked to keep putting tris’s music on the radio in the Before Times. imagine having everyone request songs written by your ex-boyfriend ABOUT YOUR BREAKUP. i would’ve become the joker. chrysi’s stronger than me.
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brains4ne · 2 years
Also fun fact I have a lot of final destination aus
final destination x us AU
Final destination x Pontypool AU
Final destination ghost AU
Final destination zombie apocalypse au
Final destination monster AU
Final destination AU where someone else is the protagonist
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nitewrighter · 6 years
Post-post-apocalypse fic titles: "The 60-Minute Massacre", "Chandelier City", "Gaia Nova", and "Seedship-1"
Love me some post apocalyptic stuff! The future is bulletproof! The aftermath is secondary!
“The 60-Minute Massacre”
Meihem. Pontypool-esque Zombie AU. Junkrat’s a an obnoxious late-night radio host and Mei runs a Morning science-talk broadcast immediately after him. They butt heads frequently but their irritation with each other is quickly cut short when their radio station starts receiving disturbing broadcasts of people begging for help.
Chandelier City
Danger Days-esque Kid Continuity AU. The apocalypse has come and gone, and now a roving band of amnesiac teenagers have bound together as fugitives, fleeing through the desert from a mysterious pursuer. Levelheaded Telaraña (Marti) is the leader, Player 2 (Samir) is her closest advisor, Player 1 (Rajeev) is the muscle of the group, Counter Shrike (Rei) and Vamoose (Jaime) are the scouts and scavengers, and Cenoblight (Aedan) is the team medic. Together, the six of them hope to find out their pasts (And real names), find out why they are pursued by these mysterious hunters, and reach the mythical place where their parents might still survive: Chandelier City.
Gency. (I think this AU would be like a combination between The 100, Cress, and Horizon Zero Dawn?) Mercy was born in a gestation pod on the Seedship-1, a massive satellite built as a last-ditch effort to save humanity from an earth no longer able to sustain human life. Supposedly, the last earth-born human died 75 years ago, but one day Mercy receives a mysterious transmission from a man wheelchair-bound man claiming to be broadcasting from earth. 
Gaia Nova
Gency. Essentially Seedship-1, but written from Genji’s perspective. Following a string of natural disasters that all but wiped out humanity, nature has reclaimed the earth. It’s been nearly a century and a half since the collapse, but small pockets of human survivors still remain. Rumors whisper of a kingdom of humans with all the technology of the old world nestled in the stars. Genji Shimada isn’t really one for fairy tales, but when a scavenging mission goes horribly awry and costs him both his legs, he finds himself wheelchair bound with his only comforts for his greatly reduced freedom being the Old World com he managed to scavenge. He finds he’s able to pick up all sorts of nonsensical broadcasts from the satellites of the old world, but one day the com projects an image of the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen. Wow, wouldn’t it be cool if this chick came to earth and gave him dope robot legs?
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intheseautumnhands · 3 years
1, 13, 17, 19, writer asks
1. What's a trope you want to explore this year?
So, so many of them, honestly. XD Uh, hmm. I kind of want to prod fake dating/fake marriage, because I love it but I don't think I've ever properly written it.
13. Will you participate in any challenges this year?
Yep! I'm doing Chocolate Box right now -- I debated, because The Sickness, but it's my yearly exchange, and the 300-word minimum means it still felt doable. I'm not sure about other exchanges, that very much depends on how chaotic things get this year, but I do think I'd like to do some bingos this year -- mostly trope bingo if that's still going, maybe hurt/comfort or something else if I see one I like -- so I'm keeping an eye out for those.
17. Any AUs you want to try this year?
I listed off a few here! Others I'd like to play with: I want to write more of the Night Vale/TUA AU, I kind of want to finally write some movie-based fusion AUs (Pontypool mostly, though the urge to write some old DCOM-based fics is strong), reincarnations.
19. What's a struggle in your writing you're going to overcome this year?
Finishing things! The last year and a half or so have been about getting back to starting things. After years of never really having WIPs, because I was having so much trouble writing anything, I am finally actually starting ideas when I get them, instead of having them linger for years and years first -- this year, I'd like to focus on actually staying with a story til it's done. If I could write something over 10k this year, I'd be really, really happy.
Relatedly to that: fleshing out. My main complaint with my own writing is I often feel like it's the rough-sketch version of itself or something; I feel like I miss a lot of opportunity to dig into things, and I'd like to do more of that. -- and I'm not sure I'm explaining this well, but, eh. I'd just like to feel like there is more detail to my stories, and I'm not writing the summary version anymore.
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blackwatchbastard · 6 years
I’ve wanted to do a Pontypool r76 AU for forever because of Gabriel’s radio host voice and the “kill is kiss” scene but it’d take so much to fix the awkwardly forced hetero romance into something nice I just never get very far.
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loversandantiheroes · 7 years
While I will always be grateful to Human Nature/Family of Blood for the endless fic possibilities the chameleon arch gave us, I am not entirely grateful for the fact that getting my induction into fandom through the Rumbellers has left me with the predilection to turning every goddamn movie I watch into an OTP AU in my head.  Tonight’s flavor: Whouffaldi AU of Pontypool with a fobbed!12 posing as a dj in a small town that gets suddenly taken over by a memetic virus during his morning show.
Why this?
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Pontypool, un film de Bruce McDonald, avec Stephen McHattie, en projection gratuite au Pôle Etudiant le mercredi 08 novembre, précédé d’un atelier prog ciné-club ouvert aux étudiants.
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Mercredi 08 novembre 2017 au Pôle Etudiant - Université de Nantes projection du film : 19h30 précédée d'un atelier de programmation ciné-club, gratuit et ouvert aux étudiants, à l'étage du Pôle, proposé par Accès au cinéma invisible de 18h00-19h30 Pontypool (Canada, 2008, 93 min), un film de Bruce McDonald, adapté de son propre roman par Tony Burgess, avec Stephen McHattie, Lisa Houle, Georgina Reilly et Hrant Alianak Gratuit, ouvert à tous et en vostfr. Dans les studios isolés d'une petite station de radio de la ville de Pontypool, en Ontario, l'animateur radio, la réalisatrice de l'émission et la technicienne doivent relayer les événements étranges dont les auditeurs leur font part, et qui ressemble à s'y méprendre à une pandémie zombie, quoique ... Sont assez rares les films pleins de rebondissements, dont il vaut vraiment mieux en savoir le moins possible pour en profiter un maximum. Mais sont encore plus rares ceux qui, malgré cela, sont tout aussi appréciables aux visionnages suivants. Pontypool fait partie de ces oiseaux rares. Inspiré d'une certaine manière de la légendaire adaptation à la radio en 1938, par Orson Welles, de La Guerre des Mondes de H.G. Wells, Pontypool est aussi une sorte de film de zombie, mais c'est aussi un thriller où le langage prend une place prépondérante, tout en étant effrayant et drôle. En bref, Pontypool est un film absolument remarquable et tout à fait unique en son genre. Film canadien réalisé par Bruce McDonald, Pontypool donne la part belle à ses acteurs et actrices, en premier lieu à Stephen McHattie, vétéran des 2nds rôles marquants dans des productions hollywoodiennes ou à la télé (History of Violence, 300, Watchmen, etc), ici dans le rôle d'un animateur radio rentre-dedans mais sur le retour. Malgré toutes ses qualités, Pontyppol est inédit en salles en France, où il n'est sorti qu'en DVD. Il n'a été projeté qu'une seule fois à Nantes, au festival des Utopiales en 2012.
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callunavulgari · 8 years
Scrapbook 2017, Take 1
Scrapbook for 2017, because I actually kept up with it last year (for the most part) and it helped a lot. So, rules!
Italicized titles = enjoyed muchly, bold titles = love, titles with an asterisk* = OBSESSION and titles in (brackets) are re-watches/re-reads. And lastly, strikethough = DISLIKE.
Goals are: read thirty-five new books this year, finish four video games, finish writing and publish the Sabriel AU, and write something original. Even if it’s just a collection of short stories.
(Spirited Away)
The Awakening
(Finding Dory)
(The X-Files)
(V For Vendetta)
La La Land
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
Ex. Machina
No Country For Old Men
Get Out
Beauty and the Beast (remake)
Tales From Earthsea
(The Secret World of Arriety)
(Inside Out)
(Kubo and the Two String)
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
The Secret Life of Pets
Your Name
Vicious | V.E. Schwab
Goldenhand | Garth Nix
Frankenstein | Mary Shelley
Illuminae | Amie Kaufman [Fin]
Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
The Martian | Andy Weir
Before the Fall | Noah Hawley 
The Martian | Andy Weir
Annihilation | Jeff Vandermeer
Annihilation | Jeff Vandermeer [Fin]
Vicious  | V.E. Schwab [Fin]
A Conjuring of Light | V.E. Schwab [Fin]
Love for the Cold-Blooded: Or: The Part-Time Evil Minion’s Guide to Accidentally Dating a Superhero [Fin]
(American Gods)
The Bright Sessions Eps 1-31
Alice Isn’t Dead Eps 1-2
Stargate Atlantis s5
Sherlock s4
Steven Universe
A Series of Unfortunate Events
Stargate SG-1 (s1)
Stargate SG-1 s1, s2
Frequency s1
(The X-Files)
Grey’s Anatomy s3
The Flash
Black Mirror s1
The Flash s3
(Hannibal s1)
Rick and Morty s3
The Flash
Grey’s Anatomy s4, s5
(Hannibal s1)
The Expanse s1
Trollhunters s1
American Gods
American Gods
Sense8 s2
The Flash
Grey’s Anatomy s5, s6
Wynnona Earp
Grace and Frankie
Steven Universe
Pokemon Moon (7 hrs)
Dragon Age: Inquisition (Dwarf Rogue; 1 hr)
Final Fantasy X (2 hrs)
Dragon Age: Origins (Male Human Mage; 52 hrs)
KH 2.8 | BBS; A Fragmentary Passage (3hrs)
KH DDD Remake (1 hour)
Pokemon Moon (15 hrs)
Dragon Age: Origins (Male Human Mage; 52 hrs)
Mass Effect 2 (Male Soldier Sheppard; 1 hr)
Assassin’s Creed 2 (8 hrs)
Silent Hill 3
Fallout New Vegas
Horizon Zero Dawn (80 hrs) [Fin]
Mass Effect Andromeda (Female Ryder; 41 hrs)
Mass Effect Andromeda (Female Ryder; 83 hours) [Fin]
Persona 5 (80 hrs)
Persona 5 (96 hrs)
Nier: Automata (4 hrs)
LoZ: Breath of the Wild(40 hrs?)
Stargazers by Ruby_Wednesday (Captive Prince; Laurent/Damen;  Five years after the Truce of Marlas, Damen and Laurent meet again in Delpha. They're forced to work together to soothe the growing tension between their countries. But Laurent does not forgive easily and Damen's not that sorry.)
con·tra·dic·tion by caseyvalhalla (Yu Yu Hakusho; Kurama/Hiei;  Mukuro raised the paper until it was out of range, just to make Hiei lean up on tiptoe, just to see that curl of anger on his mouth again, and she smiled sweetly enough to bare all of her teeth. “Why are you exchanging love letters with the right hand of my political rival?”)
in another time in another castle by caseyvalhalla (KH; AkuRoku; No one grows up without regrets.But time moves in cycles, winds back on itself, and sooner or later that kid you used to play video games with is gonna reappear just in time to ruin your day.)
Hernandes & Jones by antistar_e (kaikamahine) (SU; Japis;  In Miami, it's a statuette. Jasper tells her, "Come on, I need your help," and Lapis says, "That's nice. What part of 'I'm not wearing a catsuit' do you not understand?")
i have my body (and you have yours) by astoryaboutwar (YoI; Yuuri/Victor;  Yuuri overflows with the weight of things that have been said, trembles with what remains.)
A Somaal Universe by antistar_e (kaikamahine) (SU; Japis; Connie flips over the next card. "'Most likely to -'" She reads out loud, and then dissolves into laughter and has to start over, propping the card up on her bump. "'Most likely to freak out when you go into labor and break the speed limit getting to the hospital?'" "Pearl," Amethyst and Jasper say in unison.)
Let's Give Ourselves Promises of Our Unending byaimmyarrowshigh, nichestars (SW; Shara/Kes/Cassian; Captain Cassian Andor tries to define what it means to live after he should have died. His second life is a softer one.)
Abstain by resonant (SGA; Mcshep;  Aliens force John and Rodney not to have sex.)
Advantage by resonant (SGA; Mcshep;  This slave-owner thing was a lot of responsibility.)
Streets In A World Underneath It All by ISMENETRUTH (SGA; Mcshep; "Puddlejumper One: An Exclusive Portrait of John Sheppard on Atlantis," John reads aloud, smirking. "Funny, I'm pretty sure I've never met the author.")
Faith healing by aesc (SGA; Mcshep; The signal had started a year and a half ago, maddening, popping up in Chicago, D.C., Charlotte, New York City, Santa Fe, Montgomery, Santa Cruz, Seattle, a town in Kansas with a name like Desperation and a place in North Dakota called, from what Rodney could remember, Sweaty Groin.)
The home front by aesc (SGA; Mcshep; “This had better be the Sheppard residence,” Rodney says, brilliant, agitated life and volume against a monotonous day and Dave’s subdued welcome, “because I’ve been driving around for hours and if I ever find the woman who did the voice on my GPS system I’m going to personally amputate her vocal cords.”)
Reality by Resonant (SGA; Mcshep; McKay was the perfect object for a crush you never intended to do anything about.)
Cultural Exchange by lamardeuse (SGA; Mcshep;  "What does he think we are, Fine Arts majors?" Rodney grumbled.)
Do You Know What I Know? by DevilDoll (SGA; Mcshep;  "You need to come here, "John said, crooking a finger, "so I can slap you in the head.")
Pegasus Non-Verbal by igrab (SGA; Mcshep;  John always gets a little thrill when he sees Rodney sign at him across the room, casually dissing people literally standing next to him and John is the only one who knows.)
Junk Cheap by DevilDoll (SGA; Mcshep;  If you were thinking you'd love to read an AU where Rodney is a college professor and John owns a junk shop, this is the story for you.)
Denial by DevilDoll (SGA; Mcshep;  "John talks about you all the time.")
All The Way To The Bone by respoftw (SGA; Mcshep;  John is ready for a new beginning and he wants the tattoo to commemorate it. )
Calling Down the Lightning by dreamwaffles (SGA; Mcshep;  Dr. Rodney McKay, PhD PhD, is a wizard.)
Forget Me Not by maisierita (SGA; Mcshep; John the servant turns out not to be anything like Rodney would have imagined.)
Unidentified by fiercelydreamed (SGA; Mcshep; Fourteen years, eight months, and seven days after John and Rodney meet, the clock starts all over again.)
into that secret place where no one dares to go by verity (TW; Stiles/Lydia; 4k; The first time he felt Lydia's soul, it felt like a sneeze.) 
Black Helicopters at Dawn by whizzy (SGA; Mcshep; 240k;  Screw the bet. Rodney was going to prove the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence. Oh, and incidentally, he might just catch the United States Air Force with their pants around their ankles.)
Out in the Open by Xparrot (SGA; Mcshep;  It's Situation Normal for the team when they're caught in an avalanche, but digging themselves out uncovers more than they counted on.)
A Rational Universe by Xparrot (SGA; Mcshep;  "You're a lot more encouraging than my last friendly hallucination," Rodney says.)
Speech Deprived by Xparrot (SGA; Mcshep;  Rodney was released from the infirmary with painkillers, icepacks, and a strict injunction to limit all unnecessary speech for at least three days.)
Lord of the Sea (masterpost) by Multi (SGA; Mcshep; Among the Goa'uld, Mer'deth was something of an oddity.)
The Return to Normalcy by  Cypher (SGA; Mcshep;  The three month anniversary of the exile--as John thinks of it--falls on a three-day weekend.)
Still by murron (SGA; Mcshep;  On any other day, John might have shot Rodney a quick look, broadcasting his doubt and checking whether Rodney shared it. With a sinking heart, Rodney admitted it would be foolish to expect that kind of exchange right now.)
Surrogate God by PepperPrints (The Flash; Reverb/Harry;  When Harrison Wells returns to Earth-2, someone is waiting for him. Reverb survived Zoom, but with the cost of losing his abilities. Convinced that Harry can return his powers to him, Reverb holds him captive, and he's asking for more than Harry can deliver.)
My Father Before Me by telleer (SGA; Mcshep;  Even after twenty years, Rodney still has no idea how to raise children.)
We Cannot Live Within by laureltreedaphne (SGA; Mcshep; John grinned. "So McKay's attractive to everyone?")
Before We Get Going, Here's Some Books I'd Like You to Read by Chash (The 100; Bellamy/Clarke;  Two months into her new job at the library, Clarke knows the following things about Bellamy Blake: they reserve a lot of books, they have good taste in said books, and they're really good at avoiding her.)
Livewire by marauders_groupie (The 100; Bellamy/Clarke;  Clarke Griffin finds 'Atlas' written on her wrist and Bellamy Blake sees flowers bloom on his skin.)
For Love of the Hunt by acidtonguejenny (Horizon Zero Dawn; Nil/Aloy;  If she’s hard on Nil, it’s because she understands more of him than she wants to.)
Heavy Weapons and How to Use Them by Armengard (Horizon Zero Dawn; Aloy/Petra;  The world ended, and then it didn't, and Aloy seeks a new purpose. In the meantime, visiting Free Heap and one Petra Forgewoman every so often is certainly worthwhile, as Aloy eventually finds out.)
Like a Lightning Strike by miss_aphelion (Hannibal; Will/Hannibal;  In a world where omegas are instant celebrities and treated like royalty, Will just wants to be left alone.)
babel by spqr (X-Men; Charles/Erik;  Two days ago Charles screamed loud enough that Erik heard him halfway around the world, but he didn’t listen.)
Under the Sea by astolat (SGA; Mcshep;  "Oh, thank you," Rodney yelled over the howls of do that conga!, "because what my night was missing was being groped next to the beer keg by a guy in a tiara.")
Lord, Save Me from Your Followers by anamatics (Supergirl; Lena/Kara; Kara, perhaps out of a want for thoroughness in her story, perhaps out of a Millennial-born urge to creep on a the social media of a woman she finds intriguing, discovers that Lena Luthor has a pretty active following on Instagram one afternoon not long after their first meeting.)
The God Machine by robotboy (Marvel; Loki/Tony; Tony goes undercover to spy on Loki. It's a fucking disaster.)
Debt by Storynerd (Marvel; Tony/Loki;  Tony Stark shouldn't find Loki fascinating, but he does, because all he’s ever wanted to do is take things apart to see how they work. Besides, he’s never been any good at following the rules.)
in stasis by ilgaksu (Voltron; Keith/Lance; The story starts like this: with a story where you think you know the end, until it turns out you don’t, until it turns out you didn’t have a clue.)
Yuri!!! in Space by Fahye (YOI; Yuuri/Victor;  "No, see, we've all been trained a certain way. The training system is traditional; it's centuries old. Nobody taught you. You ballist like it's got nothing to do with war at all." A sleepy, extraordinary smile crawls over Victor's face. "Nobody else does it like that. That's why we're going to win.")
hood & glove by Fahye (YOI; Yuri/Otabek;  "I don't mess with the fae," Otabek says.)
between the motion and the act by Fahye (Captive Prince; Damen/Laurent; "They don't want it to be real," Laurent says. He touches lightly, with his fingertips, where he's written LOVE WINS. "They want us to sell them a fantasy, and they want just enough reality that they can pretend it might happen to them, one day.")
A Perfect Commotion by Ruby_Wednesday (Captive Prince; Damen/Laurent;  Laurent needs this job. Not in the I need to put food on the table and a roof over my head kind of way. He's got a generous inheritance, thank you very much. No, he needs this job to prove he is a functioning adult who did not waste his late mother's money on an expensive education. He can be normal, whatever that is.)
Don't Turn Me Home Again by gyzym (Hawaii Five-O; Danny/Steve;  After a rough day of island living, Danny wakes up in New Jersey and learns the hard way to be careful what he wishes for.)
What We Pretend We Can't See by gyzym (HP; Harry/Draco; Seven years out from the war, Harry learns the hard truth of old history: it’s never quite as far behind you as you thought.)
Favor for Your Four-Chambered Heart by @kaikamahine (SU; Jaspis; Never Let Me Go AU)**
With Fire in Their Eyes by Asuka Kureru (Askerian) (YoI; Yuuri/Viktor; He lands butterfly-light in a swirl of hair and glittering gauze, and the ceiling crashes to the rink all around him.)
An Unpredictable Amount of Turtles by skoosiepants (TW; Sterek;  Stiles says, “I have a five year plan. A five year plan to popularity that will tank the minute I meet this guy.”)
Bring a Towel by verity (SGA; Mcshep;  It was just Rodney's luck that the guy with the strongest expression of the ATA gene on Earth was some lanky alpha who couldn't follow an order as basic as "don't touch anything.")
Crypsis by zoemathemata (SGA; Mcshep; Rodney McKay is the pissiest Alpha John Sheppard has ever met. And that’s saying something.)
Zen and the Art of Jumper Maintenance by Indybaggins (SGA; Mcshep; The one where Rodney gets sucked in and John… follows. Featuring a quirky John, Rodney in orange robes, crazy Ancient-worship, sheep milking and jumpers that aren't broken but need to be fixed anyway.)
Out of West by rageprufrock (SGA; Mcshep;  In 1991, Desert Storm began, Pete Rose got banned from the Baseball Hall of Fame, the Soviet Union collapsed, and Rodney McKay was framed for academic fraud.)
A Slightly Different Quality of Light by rageprufrock (SGA; Mcshep;  John's very first memory, the one Rodney finds after he goes through six separate data terminals--all of which he has relocated to a roomy lab with lots of windows--is of the sky.)
Bell Curve, or, Ladies Night at the Boom Boom Room by rageprufrock (SGA; Mcshep;  In his rational mind, Rodney knew that following a girl who'd just dumped you into a strip club was really, really pathetic.)
Lock the Door by rageprufrock (SGA; Mcshep; "You can't possibly be this stupid," is what Rodney finally decides to start with.)
No Less Unthinkable by rageprufrock (Yuri On Ice; Yuuri/Viktor;  In which Katsuki Yuuri fights a losing battle with chronic anxiety, the quadruple Salchow, and his own judgment four drinks in — but wins the war.)
Glitter & Gold (Voltron)
► Multifandom | Saturn
Yuri On Love
A Sadness Runs Through Him - a Gravity Falls PMV
win | multifandom (2015 mashup)
hero | multifandom (2016 mashup)
Multifandom | Goodbye 2016
take it slow | multifandom
ruins | The x-files
McShep - Run Baby Run
McShep - Can't Pretend
Superhero; SGA, Mckay/Sheppard (mcshep) 
Burning Desire (Peter/Roman)
►Purple Lamborghini
Multipsychos | I got blood on my hands
Dean Winchester | Born to be wild (8k)
multifandom || The Apotheosis of War (TYS) 
star wars || timelines
Captain America • Symphony of Violence
As Much As If You Were A God 
►MultiFandom | Believer
"Lenny"/David [Legion] || give it a twist
►MultiFandom | Stay
Kylo Ren || believer
Fassine | Feather Jesus 
DJ Earworm Mashup - United State of Pop 2016 (Into Pieces)
What’s The Use In Feeling Blue - Steven Universe\
Caravan Palace - Lone Digger
Yoga Session 08 - Music for Meditation and Relaxation
Utopia (Jana Hunter Remix)
Not Afraid Anymore
Susanne Sundfør - (LidoLido Remix) The Brothel
Run Baby Run - The Rigs
The Man Who Sold the World - Midge Ure (2010 Remaster) 
Donna Burke - Sins of the Father
Liz Phair - Got My Own Thing
Seinabo Sey - Pistols At Dawn
Laura Marling - Rambling Man
Willy Moon - Railroad Track
Undiscovered First - Feist
Kubo Soundtrack
Matt Maeson - "Cringe"
Tribe Society - Kings
Elephante - Black Ivory
BISHOP - River
BISHOP - Wild Horses
Lisa Hannigan Oh You Pretty Things
Nina Simone - Feeling Good (Bassnectar Remix)
Rag-n-Bone Man - Human
The Judge - Twenty One Pilots
Horizon Zero Dawn - Complete Soundtrack (OST)
Believer - Imagine Dragons
Kygo, Selena Gomez - It Ain't Me
K.Flay - Blood In The Cut
Stargate - Waterfall ft. P!nk, Sia
Portugal. The Man - "Feel It Still"
Doc Robinson - Golden Daze
Iko, Iko - the Dixie Cups
Brian Reitzell feat. Mark Lanegan - “In The Pines”
Feist - Century 
Girl, You'll Be a Woman Soon - Rafferty
Evil Woman - Electric Light Orchestra
Guardians Inferno (feat. David Hasselhoff)
Moby - Memory Gospel
Above & Beyond - Good For Me
Jack Johnson - The Sharing Song
Lamb - Wise Enough
Otto Knows feat. Avicii - Back Where I Belong
Emmit Fenn - Painting Greys
Bon Iver - Holocene
Made In Heights - Murakami
DVBBS & Shaun Frank - La La Land
Totemo - Host
Years & Years - Worship
Klyne - Paralyzed
Embrace - Goldroom
MØ - Say You'll Be There
Zella Day - Sweet Ophelia
Every Other Freckle - Alt J
Angel Haze - Moonrise Kingdom
BANKS - Better
Marian Hill - Got It
Glass Animals - Holiest Feat. Tei-Shi 
Piece From a Satyr Play (SW; Reylo; 141 words; Her hair is done up in white ribbons, three enormously lopsided buns trailing down the back of her neck.) 
Wasted Early Sunday Morning (SW; Reylo; 434 words;  Her skin is smoother than his, smoother than many of the people that he’s touched in his life, and he aches to touch it now, watching her stretch lazily in the early morning sunlight, spine arching like a cats.)
Cosmic Love (SGA; Mcshep; 786 words;  There’s solid matter under the palm of his hand, a beating pulse, and a heart to go with it. A living person that Rodney thought that they’d lost.)
can’t help but be wrong in the dark (The Flash; Barry/Julian; 2,942 words;  The day that Allen had snarled an insult back in response to one of Julian’s cutting remarks, he’d gone home and fisted his cock furiously, thinking about the slant of Allen’s mouth and how it would look smeared with come. How Allen’s hair would feel, knotted in Julian’s fingers as he fucked his mouth.
eat flowers, breathe light (SGA; Mcshep; 1585 words;  John gives Rodney a dreamy smile, swaying slightly towards him, and says, “You have really beautiful eyes, you know that?” )
Bifurcation Theory (TW; Stiles/Derek/Lydia; 7208 words; Lydia sucks in another shaky breath, trying to think of a polite way to explain that she's sorry, that this was a mistake, and she didn’t mean to bother him. Just as she’s opening her mouth, Derek sighs gustily, the sound breaking apart with static in her ear. “What’s Stiles done now?” he asks, his tone resigned.
Ain't At Home (Home's Where I'm Going) (Horizon Zero Dawn; Aloy/Vala, Aloy/Avad; 2 Chapters - WIP; 3420 words;  “Not all comforts are bad,” Vala whispers, and Aloy shudders apart.)
Ain't At Home (Home's Where I'm Going) (Horizon Zero Dawn; Aloy/Nil; Aloy/Petra; 2 chapters - WIP; 1872 words;  She’s beautiful, deadly, her eyes gone sharp and flinty as she stares down each of her victims. Nil licks his lips, throat working when she turns to him afterwards, eyes soft again, now that the killing is done.)
love, can't protect you now (SGA; Mcshep; 1635 words;  “When they come,” Rodney tells him quietly, “I won’t kill you.”)
Ain't At Home (Home's Where I'm Going) (Horizon Zero Dawn; Aloy/Erend; Final Chapter; 1539 words) 
Say You'll Be There (The Flash; Barry/Iris, Barry/Thawne; 1159 words;  Barry swallows, fingers tangling with hers, and says, “Storms make me think of him.”)
Keep Your Heart Inside: A mix for love, hazy and undefined, the kind that leaves you wanting.
you know the words: a mix for your inner weeaboo.
Cotton Candy Skyline: music for picking at scabs.
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chryzure-archive · 2 years
evil version of pleck calling jacks’s show in the pontypool au is elias bloom calling jacks’s show daily purely in an attempt to contact chrysi. every time they block his number, he finds a new number to call from. jacks is silently furious over this + it makes elias bloom’s death very, very satisfying once he gets the chance to murder him.
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olivierdemangeon · 7 years
  Aujourd’hui nous célébrons les 38 ans de Luke Evans. Né le 15 avril 1979, à Pontypool, au Pays de Galles, Royaume-Uni.
Acteur gallois qui a débuté sa carrière sur scènes dans de nombreuses pièces de théâtre à Londres avant d’obtenir un rôle qui lui a permis de faire une percée à Hollywood dans “Le Choc des Titans” (2010). Après ses débuts, on a pu le voir dans des films d’action et/ou de suspense comme “Les Immortels” (2011), “L’Ombre du Mal” (2012) ou encore “Les Trois Mousquetaires” (2011). On peut le retrouver actuellement à l’affiche de “La Belle et la Bête” (2017).
Voici la liste des films auxquels Luke Evans a participé et dont nous proposons une critique sur ce blog :
“La Fille du Train” (2016)
“Dracula Untold” (2014)
  #gallery-0-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
La Fille du Train (2016)
Dracula Untold (2014)
LUKE EVANS Aujourd'hui nous célébrons les 38 ans de Luke Evans. Né le 15 avril 1979, à Pontypool, au Pays de Galles, Royaume-Uni.
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chryzure-archive · 2 years
if i were to post the outfits i picture chrysi and jacks wearing in the pontypool au, would you guys indulge me
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chryzure-archive · 2 years
wait, actually, one clear thought abt chrysijacks: pontypool au opening where jacks comes in + he and chrysi are having an argument and it’s immediately clear to the audience that they’ve made out on more than one occasion and they still haven’t admitted their feelings for each other
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chryzure-archive · 2 years
A while ago I was struck with thoughts of the Pontypool au after the events of the film... the gang just silently trying to survive together... Chrysi and Jacks occasionally speaking Fated to each other because they can (I imagine Chrysi doesn't do it often, at the risk of leaving me and Pleck out - which is very sweet of her tbh)
this is 100% what happens! 🥰 for a while there, i was entertaining ideas of everyone that survived the initial outbreak ended up becoming researchers of sort, since everyone was able to come up with a way to save jacks before he succumbed to the virus. this, of course, has my typical zombie apocalypse setting of “cold, clinical lab, but with the addition of a very not cold, clinical chrysi playing music over the loudspeakers to wake everyone up in the morning”. it’s a niche setting, but i love the mental image of chrysi reclining in a spiny chair while blasting crazy frog’s axel f (not to be confused with the harold faltermeyer original that is a million times better), only for jacks to come storming in and shutting off the music with a loud smack.
this situation also comes with a patented chrysi line of “and just like that, k-pop saves the day”, since (spoken) english words are still mostly prohibited in the lab—even through music. she got yelled at by scientists in charge for speaking in english, but pleck thought it was funny 💔
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chryzure-archive · 2 years
Me thinking about how in the Pontypool AU, Elias Bloom would FOR SURE get infected by saying Chrysi’s name too many times: *Suppressed barking, suppressed cage rattling suppressed frothing at the mouth*
OH. MY. GOODNESS. I AM INVESTED, I AM HORRIFIED, I WOULD LOVE IT IF ELIAS SOMEHOW WAYLAID CHRYSI WHILE MINDLESSLY REPEATING HER NAME—AND THAT’S WHEN CHRYSI LOSES HER COOL AND STARTS SCREAMING. bc thats gotta be terrifying!!! she already hates elias, but to know he was so obsessed with chrysi that her name was a trigger is even worse!!!
OOH, okay, i might not go with this, but what IF elias was the lne that stayed in the station and almost killed chrysi while everyone was trying to get to the storage room? and jacks killed elias in the process? i like that idea (but i do think jacks killing an innocent girl that just so hsppened to be infected is probably best for his breakdown / subsequent infection). maybe a sequel for the elias idea? or perhaps an added scene? 🤔 OOH, AN ADDED SCENE AFTER THEY FIGURE OUT HOW TO CURE IT, BUT EVEN THOUGH THEY KNOW HOW TO SAVE ELIAS, EVERYONE COLLECTIVELY DECIDES TO KILL HIM INSTEAD. theyre all helping chrysi get rid of a pest, after all 🖤
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