Hi there. I have been following you for a long time from this (my personal account), and I recently decided to start a multifandom meta blog located at prixmiumcontent. I'm starting with Doctor Who, and I just wondered if you might look at it and see if you were interested. No pressure, of course. You're just a meta blog I've admired for a long time. Have a great day!
Your blog looks wonderful. (Link for anyone else interested.) I’ve only skimmed a bit till now, but the bits and pieces I’ve read from your Rose review are great!
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vcdette · 6 years
I saw your post about rp activity requirements accommodating those with mental illnesses, and I wanted to let you know that I'm on a multifandom rp forum called Pandora (pandorarp./com) that has a 3 post per month minimum and the option to pass if you really have to from time to time.
that’s actually really fucking cool, holy shit. respect!
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Responding to your tags because I've followed you for a long time; take what I have to say with as many grains of salt as you will. While I believe that 1) cultural appropriation exists 2) many discussions of it are flawed 3) it is HARD to appropriate "Christian culture," that post itself showed how mainstream western ChristianIZED culture has made it so that it's very easy for secular westerners to just casually disrespect actually adherent Christians. [1/2]
It is frequently acknowledged that radicalized groups who claim a faith are not representative of the typical example of a believer in that faith. Islam is the most prominent example but there are others. Why then is it not acknowledged that, conversely, weaponized Western Christian Colonialism isn’t really reflective of people who believe in and worship Jesus Christ as is actually recommended in our Bible? 
The suggestion that Christianity APPROPRIATED Judaism for example is a gross misrepresentation of how religious development works and ignores the fact that Jesus WAS a Jew. Anyway, the MET thing is highly typical and doesn’t really offend me, but it is offensive to suggest that Christianity wasn’t taken up and corrupted and used against its purpose just as much as other faiths just because those colonizers were more successful in their campaign of hateful “religious” violence.
Hi. Born and raised Catholic Christian here, actually. I think it’s worth noting that the post, as I was interpreting it, was talking specifically about western Christianity, as well as what my tags were specifying, because I know that western christianity is a very particular brand and things are quite different in other places in the world.
I’m a big supporter of Christianity being used and interpreted the way it’s actually supposed to be in western politics, if people believed and acted what was actually in the Bible: love for the poor, for refugees and outcasts of society, generosity and charity and acceptance of different faiths and peoples. Unfortunately Christianity in North America is usually rooted in very white, western Americanized Christianity, which is none of those things. It’s for a number of reasons (white saviour complex particularly comes to mind) but it is what it is, and while things are changing, it doesn’t erase what history is actually here.
And as I’m obviously not Jewish I’m not going to get into a debate of whether Christianity appropriates the Torah and other Jewish texts. (Given his belief system, Jesus aligned a lot with the Essene Jews, which is really interesting, but that’s a separate discussion as well.) But there is the fact that one of the ways early Christianity gained support in the Roman Empire was by reaffirming that they weren’t Jewish, and has had close and violent antisemitic ties since basically the founding of Christianity. It’s also worth noting that the post never said that Christianity had appropriated Judaic elements (there are many differences between the Torah and the Bible, what’s coming to mind now is the omittance of Lilith from most Christian texts, though), but that parts of Judaism have been appropriated in a “Judeo-Christian” country. And while I’m not educated on any particular details and can’t think of any right now (which is on me, I need to do more research) it would also align with the antisemitic elements that have always existed in Canada and the United States as well.
It also stands to the fact of false equivalence, namely that Christianity exists in a different cultural context then any other religion in the West. Any other religion is largely seen as other, or under suspicion, or grouped together with unrelated others (I’ve seen posts of Sikh and Muslims being mistaken for one another, for example). There are violent Christian groups, like the KKK and many others, and Christian extremists in other parts of the world and here in the states, and yet Christians are never looked upon with the same derision or distrust that many Islamic people face. Christians are never looked down upon for having to take their holidays off, because they already get them off. Even appropriating Christian culture and imagery doesn’t have the same impact—again, in the West—even if someone could, as it is Dominant in society, because Christians have never really been marginalized in the West. 
While many religions and different sects of Christianity faced upheaval and persecution, which is part of the reason immigrants came to America and Canada in the first place, the fact is in a modern context, the most someone might think about another group of Christians—Mormon, Orthodox, Catholic, etc.—perhaps is that they’re a bit quirky, or very religiously obnoxious, but that’s about it. Even though Christianity above any other religious group has had a very violent history in the west with forceful conversion, antisemitism, and in-fighting in England and other countries. But is people and faiths from largely non-Western countries that hold the majority of our current fear, despite them having not stamped violence on ours and other’s history nearly in the same way that we have.
I want to thank you for following me for all this time, and thank you for making it to the end of this post. (I don’t think you’d get any hate for this, but if you do I’m happy to take it down, or if you’d like for me to respond privately, that’s an option too.) But I hope that perhaps my reply has helped you understand a bit better about where that post was coming from, even if by all means you don’t have to agree with it, and even here in my reply there’s a lot more I could have touched on. I also don’t mean to imply by this post that you don’t know all of this information, because you very well may, but this merely where I was also coming from upon reblogging it, and I stand by it as well.
I hope you have a lovely day.
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xandricorelel · 6 years
Me, reading Babylon’s Ashes and noticing all the similarities between Pa’s family and the Roci Crew:
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[ID: A person looking overwhelmed and saying, “poetic cinema.” End ID.]
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track-three · 6 years
I'm absolutely crying at your mobile banner.
!!!!!! i was SO CLOSE to changing it cause the format doesn’t  quite fit but  adshgfj thank you. i feel it truly represents me.
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tabbystardust · 6 years
N, V, and Y for meme you reblogged from me
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
more people 
more fanfic and art 
more Amos/Alex and Naomi/Drummer shippers
V - Which character do you relate to most?Alex and Shed… :’(
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?Steven Universe, Hannibal, B99, Shadowhunters
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polyroci replied to your post: One of my favorite things about Arrow is that...
I absolutely love this, but it breaks my heart for Quentin with regard to his own kids. He literally never sees Sara and cannot have his Laurel back.
All the more reason I love this relationship. Because Oliver doesn’t have a parent. His mother and father are both dead. And Quentin can’t bare to see Oliver go through life without some parental guidance. 
Plus even though we don’t see it often, I headcanon that Sara spends ever hiatus back at home, and she calls and writes. 
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habibialkaysani · 6 years
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@polyroci replied to your post “your fic is cool but you whine way too much about your life. I’ve done...”
Good job responding to this. I'm sorry you had to see anyone being like this, but you must be doing something right to attract the attention of enough people to find someone like this with a lot of audacity and no sensitivity.
I mean, tbh, if that’s what people think of me and how I go about my personal life, I’d much rather they didn’t read my fic at all. but yeah, thanks. I was pretty angry when I was writing this haha.
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@smilinstar replied to your post “your fic is cool but you whine way too much about your life. I’ve done...”
aw hun i can't believe the sheer dickishness of this anon's ask. you don't deserve it, and you should never had to have explained yourself like this. you're stronger than you know and you're wonderful *hugs*
I know, like in all my time on this hellsite I’ve never had anything this douchey or entitled. and like I wasn’t even going to post this but I thought I should put it out there for any future dickish anons with similar ideas. [shrug emoji] also my friend you’re wonderful too *hugs back* 
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@crollalanzaa replied to your post “your fic is cool but you whine way too much about your life. I’ve done...”
You are without doubt one of the best people I know. That anon is not only rude but without any empathy at all. They no doubt think of themselves as enlightened for reading fic, and believe a smile solves everything. An exceptionally good answer, but you should never be put in the position where you have to detail your life to justify your blog because of an appalling ask. I hope they read your answer and not only leave you alone but consider how to approach people in the future. Take Care xx
thanks croll. the thing is I often write about emotional and psychological vulnerability in my fic so you’d think people who read it wouldn’t have that kind of apathetic mindset. but hey, who knows. I hope this person realises how much this kind of thing can hurt. I appreciate your support <3
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@clorkegriffin replied to your post “hey Mina I just saw that anon you got and like... fuck them? your...”
I agree, that person is disgusting and needs to reevaluate their own life if they think it's ok to come into your ask box and say shit like that.
a fucking men, my friend. the anon button is for people who wanna say hi or ask for advice or compliment someone but are shy. that’s the only reason I’ve ever used it, anyway.
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WHERE are you finding these excellent New Vegas posts on the weekend when it has again eaten my life?
hahaha xD that is my secret friend, I’m -always- knee deep in fallout posts ;) you could say it’s a special interest xD 
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imbradpitt · 6 years
I'M GONNA TRY THAT AGAIN I MISSED A PART. I'm trying to follow the rules. Okay let me try again: 👑 I cannot decide if I would rather have a Laurel Lance or Clara Oswald gifset, so surprise me. If it makes me laugh or cry all the better. My weekend has basically been playing Fallout New Vegas, watching The Expanse with people (which is a show but I highly recommend it), and working on my first modern au fic written as an adult for said show.
added the request to the list.
and the expanse is okay. never got into it after season 2
url: don’t get it | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | SARA LANCE
icon: not my fandom | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | WYNONNA EARP
theme: 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | CLARKE GRIFFIN
posts: not my fandoms | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | CHERYL BLOSSOM
creations: 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | LYDIA MARTIN
overall: not my type | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | CLARA OSWALD
following?: not yet | f+ | of course! | always and forever
want one?
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jamesholden · 6 years
polyroci replied to your post: “you’re not staying… are you?” “…it’s time”
Ouch gif choice.
i am converting video so i can gif tomorrow LOL
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souldagger · 5 years
(holden voice) don't talk to me or my girlfriend or my boyfriend or my boyfriend ever again
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ffamuran · 6 years
3 and 4 for fanfiction asks :)
3. Do you prefer writing OCs or reader inserts?
I can’t say I’ve ever written anything with reader inserts (or ever written in second person pov). OCs, however -- my current project actually has them! I’m really enjoying it.
4. What is your favorite genre to write for?
Hm... I guess fantasy? Modern AUs are fun but can get a little boring after a while!
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stargazerdaisy · 6 years
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@vesperass-anuna, @polyroci, @in-the-moving-castle, @aurorafiberarts , @agentsofsunnydale @airaze-blog, @kyliaquilor, @helloimthedoctor, @trinitea-fics, @livesindaydreams
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tabbystardust · 7 years
polyroci replied to your post: me: I am a responsible adult also me: *eats...
I ate two pieces of pizza, a garlic bread, and six strawberries with Italian dressing at 4 am.
Was this dinner or breakfast? :D
Mmm now I want pizza...
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twoheartsoneclara · 6 years
Rules: 15 questions, 15 mutuals.
tagged by @stevesharington (thank you!!)
Are you named after anyone? yes, both my first and middle name are named for other people 
When was the last time you cried? last thursday night when i had a mental breakdown lmao
Do you have kids? nope
Do you use sarcasm a lot? pretty much all the time
What’s your eye color? blue
Scary movie or happy ending? happy ending, all the way
Any special talents? i can still do a really good cartwheel?? idk
Where were you born? california, united states
What are your hobbies? writing, reading, singing
Do you have any pets? the doodle!!! he’s my dog
What sports do you play/have you played? i used to play soccer (football to the rest of the world)
How tall are you? 5′6″
Favorite subject in school? theatre, english, history
Dream job? actor all the way bb
tagging: @donna-troy, @awkward-but-nice, @sargesantiagos, @afoxnamedmulder, @leethompkins, @ceccilpalmer, @univcrse, @polyroci, @pvaelchekov, @gladersqueen, @osylum, @hufflepuffparty, @timeslords, @anissathunder, @spacesenator
(if you want to do this and you weren’t tagged, feel free to do this!  yes, you!  and conversely, all of you tagged have no obligation to fill this out if you don’t want to)
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