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fancypantsrecords · 7 months ago
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Vanguard Sound - Gray Raven: Punishing Echo Vol. 1 | Kuro Games | 2024 | Red Translucent with Black Splatter + Blue Translucent with Black Splatter
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theartschoolkids · 5 years ago
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frosted-cinnagrifs · 7 years ago
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more pixels~ thanks to @sxpaiscia and @simmonss for the suggestions! <3 ship requests are always open, and that includes ot3 ships
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tacetnix · 2 years ago
MUSIC FOR THE MUTUALS (Six Slots Remain!) For: the absolutely delightful @makimavellic!
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.:: POLYBLUE -- Exorcism ::.
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>// Subtle, long, dangerous. This one doesn't start off right in there, but rather builds until a violin suddenly carves up and you're stuck in for the ride. Entirely pleasant, sinister and ever-present from beginning to end. Just like you, Director~
>// And now that I have you here..! JAY! Your writing is lovely, you give your muses so much life and let them have so much fun, it's always a joy to write with you. I've loved seeing how Mary's dynamics with Satsuki, Riku, and now Makima have all developed, and I'm always excited to see your replies and posts! I think I'm realizing how much I thoroughly enjoy people who can have fun and comedy without sacrificing the sanctity of their characters and their believability, and you NAIL both of those points.
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pokesweets · 8 years ago
Cookbook 2....
I havent been posting anymore because im struggling to find new data.
I was hoping i could soon post again with a bunch of additions but this’ll do:
001. Brownisaur (Bulbasaur) 002. Chocosaur (Ivysaur) 003. Fudgasaur (Venusaur) +mega cherry 004. Strawander (Charmander) 005. Straweleon (Charmeleon) 006. Strawizard (Charizard) +mega s.berry (+banana type) 007. Squirpie (Squirtle) 008. Tartortle (Wartortle) 009. Piestoise (Blastoise) +mega apple 010. Panzeal (Pansage) 011. Simizeal (Simisage) 012. Panspritz (Pansear) 013. Simispritz (Simisear) 014. Pancott (Panpour) 015. Simicott (Simipour) 016. Starberry (starly) 017.____ (staravia) 018._____(staraptor) 019. Rattatart (Rattata) 020. Raticake (Raticate) 021. Spearnana (Spearow) 022. Fearnana (Fearow) 023. Migum (Ekans) 024. Goman (Arbok) 025. Popsichu (Pikachu) 026. Raicicle (Raichu) 027. Shrewberry (Sandshrew) 028. Slashberry (Sandslash) 029. Angerian (NidoranF) 030. Angerina (Nidorina) 031. Angequeen (Nidoqueen) 032. Deviran (NidoranM) 033. Devino (Nidorino) 034. Deviking (Nidoking) 035. Cupfairy (Clefairy) 036. Cupfable (Clefable) 037. Vulpie (Vulpix) 038. Pietales (Ninetales) 039. Creampuff (Jigglypuff) 040. Creamtuff (Wigglytuff) 041. Sherbat (Noibat) 042. Shervern (Noivern) 043. Oddfin (Oddish) 044. Muffloom (Gloom) 045. Vilefin (Vileplume) 046. Cupras (Paras) 047. Paracake (Parasect) 048. Cottonat (Venonat) 049. Cottomoth (Venomoth) 050. Diggum (Diglett) 051. Dugdrop (Dugtrio) 052. Meowffin (Mewoth) 053. Cupcat (Persian) 054. Pieduck (Psyduck) 055. Golpie (Golduck) 056. 057. 058. 059. 060. 061. 062. 063. Chabra (Abra) 064. Chadabra (Kadabra) 065. Alakabake (Alakazam) 066. Chefchop (Machop) 067. Chefchoke (Machoke) 068. Chefchamp (Machamp) 069. Bellnut (Bellsprout) 070. Weepeanut (Weepinbell) 071. Victreenut (Victreebel) 072. Icefish (Frillish) 073. Cweamicent (Jellicent) 074. Berrydude (Geodude) 075. Berryler (Graveler) 076. Berryem (Golem) 077. 078. 079. Canesal (sneasal) 080. Weacane (weavile) 081. Strawink (shinx) 082. Strawxio (luxio) 083. Strawray (luxray) 084. Puffduo (Doduo) 085. Puffdrio (Dodrio) 086. Phangum (Phantump) 087. Gumminant (Trevenant) 088. 089. 090. 091. 092. Gascream (Gastly) 093. Hauntice (Haunter) 094. Creamgar (Gengar) 095. Emolpie (Emolga) 096. Flanzee (Drowzee) 097. Hyplfan (Hypno) 098. Lolliby (Krabby) 099. Suckler (Kingler) 100. Caratorb (Voltorb) 101. Caratrode (Electrode) 102. Exemel (Exeggcute) 103. Exeramel (Exeggutor) 104. Cupop (Cubone) 105. Lolliwak (Marowak) + mega pop 106. 107. 108. 109. Cherring (koffing) 110. Cherrzing(weezing) 111. Creamhorn (Rhyhorn) 112. Creamdon (Rhydon) 113. 114. 115. Kangascake (kangaskan)
116. 117. 118. Cookeen (Goldeen) 119. Seakie (Seaking) 120. Carobyu (staryu) 121. Carobmie (starmie) 122. Berrier (mr. Mime) 123. Lipsynx (jynx) 124. Rootic (Joltik) 125. Rootantula (Galvantula) 126. 127. 128. 129. Gumble (dwebble)
130. Gumballer (crustle) 131. Lempras (Lapras) + mega pie 132. Puditto (ditto) 133. Bananaby (Vullaby) 134. Bananabuzz (Mandibuzz) 135. 136. 137. 138. Mintanyte (Omanyte) 139. Mintastar (Omastar) 140. Lemeod (Kabuto) 141. Odmelon (Kabutops) 142. Marshlax (munchlax) 143. Smorelax (Snorlax) 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. Licorita (Chikorita) 153. Leaforice (Bayleef) 154. Liganium (Meganium) 155. 156. 157. 158. Nanadile (Totodile) 159. Crocnana (Croconaw) 160. Nanagatr (Feraligatr) 161. Mintret (Sentret) 162. Furmint (Furret) 163. Sherzel (Buizel) 164. Bertzel (Floatzel) 165. 166. 167. Spinacake (Spinarak) 168. Ariacake (Ariados) 169. 170. 171. 172. Banvy (Snivy) 173. Servana (Servine) 174. Banperior (Serperior) 175. 176. 178. 179. Chocowool (Mareep) 180. Chocofluff (Flaaffy) 181. Candaros (Ampharos) 182. Cottibebe (flabebe) 183. Cottiette (floriette) 184. Cottiges (florges) 185. 186. 187. Grapig (tepig) 188. Igrape (pignite) 189. Wineboar (emboar) 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. Gligrape (Gligar) 200. Gliscrape (Gliscor) 201. 202. Popbuffett (Wobuffett) 203. Tartafarig (Girafarig) 204. 205. 206. 207. Candix (Onix) 208. Candilix (Steelix) 209. Lickchef (Lickitung) 210. Berochef (Lickilicky) 211. Qwillapple (qwilfish) 212. 213. Pinekle (Shuckle) 214. Canesel (Sneasel) 215. Weacane (Weavile) 216. Gummiursa (Teddiursa) 217. Gummaring (Ursaring) 218. Duslug (Slugma) 219. Slugnut (Magcargo) 220. 221. 222. Candila (Corsola) 223. Gumchoo ( gubchoo) 224. Gumtic (beartic) 225. 226. 227. Parfit (litwick) 228. Parfure (lampent) 229. Parfelure (chandelure) 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. Smicing (smeargle) 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. Chocotank (Miltank) 242. 243. Rocanrola (roggenrola) 244. Candore (boldore) 245. Gigalick (gigalith) 246. Oshacone (oshawott) 247. Dewice ( dewott) 248. Samurcone (samurott) 249. Lemokie (froakie) 250. Lemodier (frogadier) 251. Leminja (greninja) 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. Mudpie (Mudkip) 259. Customp (Marshtomp) 260. Swamptart (Swampert) 261. 262. 263. Cookiegoon (zigzagoon) 264. Cookinoone(linoone) 265. Cupvee a (Eevee) 266. Cherreon (flareon) fire candy a 267. Lemeon (jolteon) bolt candy a 268. Vapeareon (vaporeon) water candy a 269. Beigeon (sylveon) leaf candy a(for some reason) 270. Cupvee b (the other eevee) 271. Plumbreon (umbreon) fire candy b 272. Grapeon (espeon) bolt candy b 273. Chocoleon (leafeon) water candy b 274. Vanilleon (glaceon) leaf candy b (cuz leaf doesnt give leafeon……wut?) 275. 276. Peepow (Taillow) 277. Swellpeep (Swellow) 278. Candipass (nosepass) 279. 280. Malts (Ralts) 281. Kirlicake (Kirlia) 282. Velvevior (Gardevior) 283. 284. 285. Marmish (Shroomish) 286. Smorloom (Breloom) 287. Peepling (Fletchling) 288. Peepinder (Fletchinder) 289. Talonpeep (Talonflame) 290. 291. 292. 293. Slownana (slowpoke) 294. Slowbagel (slowbro) 295. Donaught (slowking) 296. Gingett (golett) 297. Golingurk (golurk) 298. 299. 300. Skittart (Skitty) 301. Delcandy (Delcatty) 302. Candeye (Sableye) 303. Mawana (Mawile) 304. 305. 306. 307. Mediblue (Meditite) 308. Mediberry (Medicham) 309. Polyorange (porygon) 310. Polyblue (porygon 2) 311. Razle (plusle) 312._______(probably minun) 313. Chocobud/Rosebud (Budew) 314. Appelia (Roselia) 315. Roseolate/Chocorade (Roserade) 316. Applin (Gulpin) 317. Swalapple (Swalot) 318. Skitto (Skiddo) 319. Gogoart (Gogoat) 320. 321. 322. 323. 324. Tortoal (Torkoal) 325. 326. 327. Cookbun (spinda) 328. Trapple (trapinch) 329. Slicava (vibrava) 330. Orchidon (flygon) 331. Woocherry (Woobat) 332. Cherrbat (Swoobat) 333. 334. 335. Flangoose (Zangoose) 336. Sevipop (Seviper) 337. Cherrp- yes 2 r’s) (cherubi) 338. Cherrysun (cherrim) 339. Slugnana (shellos) 340. Bananos (gastrodon) 341. 342. 343. Chocomite (bergmite) 344. Chocolugg (avalugg) 345. 346. 347. Limeshroom (foongus) 348. Shroompie (amoongus) 349. ——– (Febass) 350. Alluretic (Milotic) 351. Candform (Castform) 352. 353. Cornet (Shuppet) 354. Pumpkinette (Banette) + mega pumpkin 355. Riolish (riolu) 356. Licario (lucario) 357. Tropinana (Tropius) 358. Velvekin (Fennekin) 359. Velvexien (Braixen) 360. Velvephox (Delphox) 361. Snocone (Snorunt) 361. Glaceream (Glalie) 362. 363. Puddeal (spheal) 364. Puddleo (sealeo) 365. Flamberein (walrein) 366. 367. 368. 369. Heartisk (luvdisk) 370. 371. Gelly (goomy) 372. Gellroo (sliggoo) 373. Gelldra (goodra) 374. Chocolite (Vanillite) 375. Chocolish (Vanillish) 376. Chocoluxe (Vanilluxe) 377. 378. 379. 380. 381. 382. 383. 384. 385. 386.
Thank you for the additions!
-- Mod Rafe
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fancypantsrecords · 1 year ago
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Vanguard Sound - Mato Anomalies Original Soundtrack Best Collections | A+ Record | 2023 | Silver
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pokesweets · 8 years ago
2th cookbook list
Searched on several places and this is what i got so far:
001. Brownisaur (Bulbasaur) 002. Chocosaur (Ivysaur) 003. Fudgasaur (Venusaur) +mega cherry 004. Strawander (Charmander) 005. Straweleon (Charmeleon) 006. Strawizard (Charizard) +mega s.berry 007. Squirpie (Squirtle) 008. Tartortle (Wartortle) 009. Piestoise (Blastoise) +mega apple
010. Panzeal (Pansage) 011. Simizeal (Simisage) 012. Panspritz (Pansear) 013. Simispritz (Simisear) 014. Pancott (Panpour) 015. Simicott (Simipour) 016. Starberry (starly) 017.____ (staravia) 018._____(staraptor) 019. Rattatart (Rattata) 020. Raticake (Raticate) 021. Spearnana (Spearow) 022. Fearnana (Fearow) 023. Migum (Ekans) 024. Goman (Arbok) 025. Popsichu (Pikachu) 026. Riacicle (Raichu) 027. Shrewberry (Sandshrew) 028. Slashberry (Sandslash) 029. Angerian (NidoranF) 030. Angerina (Nidorina) 031. Angequeen (Nidoqueen) 032. Deviran (NidoranM) 033. Devino (Nidorino) 034. Deviking (Nidoking) 035. Cupfairy (Clefairy) 036. Cupfable (Clefable) 037. Vulpie (Vulpix) 038. Pietales (Ninetales) 039. Creampuff (Jigglypuff) 040. Creamtuff (Wigglytuff) 041. Sherbat (Noibat) 042. Shervern (Noivern) 043. Oddfin (Oddish) 044. Muffloom (Gloom) 045. Vilefin (Vileplume) 046. Cupras (Paras) 047. Paracake (Parasect) 048. Cottonat (Venonat) 049. Cottomoth (Venomoth) 050. Diggum (Diglett) 051. Dugdrop (Dugtrio) 052. Meowffin (Mewoth) 053. Cupcat (Persian) 054. Pieduck (Psyduck) 055. Golpie (Golduck) 056. 057. 058. 059. 060. 061. 062. 063. Chabra (Abra) 064. Chadabra (Kadabra) 065. Alakabake (Alakazam) 066. Chefchop (Machop) 067. Chefchoke (Machoke) 068. Chefchamp (Machamp) 069. Bellnut (Bellsprout) 070. Weepeanut (Weepinbell) 071. Victreenut (Victreebel) 072. Icefish (Frillish) 073. Cweamicent (Jellicent) 074. Berrydude (Geodude) 075. Berryler (Graveler) 076. Berryem (Golem) 077. 078. 079. Canesal (sneasal) 080. Weacane (weavile) 081. Strawink (shinx) 082. Strawxio (luxio) 083. Strawray (luxray) 084. Puffduo (Doduo) 085. Puffdrio (Dodrio) 086. Phangum (Phantump) 087. Gumminant (Trevenant) 088. 089. 090. 091. 092. Gascream (Gastly) 093. Hauntice (Haunter) 094. Creamgar (Gengar) 095. Emolpie (Emolga) 096. Flanzee (Drowzee) 097. Hyplfan (Hypno) 098. Lolliby (Krabby) 099. Suckler (Kingler) 100. Caratorb (Voltorb) 101. Caratrode (Electrode) 102. Exemel (Exeggcute) 103. Exeramel (Exeggutor) 104. Cupop (Cubone) 105. Lolliwak (Marowak) 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. Creamhorn (Rhyhorn) 112. Creamdon (Rhydon) 113. 114. 115. Kangascake (kangaskan)
116. 117. 118. Cookeen (Goldeen) 119. Seakie (Seaking) 120. Carobyu (staryu) 121. Carobmie (starmie) 122. Berrier (mr. Mime) 123. Lipsynx (jynx) 124. Rootic (Joltik) 125. Rootantula (Galvantula) 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. Lempras (Lapras) 132. Puditto (ditto) 133. Bananaby (Vullaby) 134. Bananabuzz (Mandibuzz) 135. 136. 137. 138. Mintanyte (Omanyte) 139. Mintastar (Omastar) 140. Lemeod (Kabuto) 141. Odmelon (Kabutops) 142. Marshlax (munchlax) 143. Smorelax (Snorlax) 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. Licorita (Chikorita) 153. Leaforice (Bayleef) 154. Liganium (Meganium) 155. 156. 157. 158. Nanadile (Totodile) 159. Crocnana (Croconaw) 160. Nanagatr (Feraligatr) 161. Mintret (Sentret) 162. Furmint (Furret) 163. Sherzel (Buizel) 164. Bertzel (Floatzel) 165. 166. 167. Spinacake (Spinarak) 168. Ariacake (Ariados) 169. 170. 171. 172. Banvy (Snivy) 173. Servana (Servine) 174. Banperior (Serperior) 175. 176. 178. 179. Chocowool (Mareep) 180. Chocofluff (Flaaffy) 181. Candaros (Ampharos) 182. Cottibebe (flabebe) 183. Cottiette (floriette) 184. Cottiges (florges) 185. 186. 187. Grapig (tepig) 188. Igrape (pignite) 189. Wineboar (emboar) 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. Gligrape (Gligar) 200. Gliscrape (Gliscor) 201. 202. Popbuffett (Wobuffett) 203. Tartafarig (Girafarig) 204. 205. 206. 207. Candix (Onix) 208. Candilix (Steelix) 209. Lickchef (Lickitung) 210. Berochef (Lickilicky) 211. 212. 213. Pineckle (Shuckle) 214. Canesel (Sneasel) 215. Weacane (Weavile) 216. Gummiursa (Teddiursa) 217. Gummaring (Ursaring) 218. Duslug (Slugma) 219. Slugnut (Magcargo) 220. 221. 222. Candila (Corsola) 223. Gumchoo ( gubchoo) 224. Gumtic (beartic) 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. Chocotank (Miltank) 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. Oshacone (oshawott) 247. Dewice ( dewott) 248. Samurcone (samurott) 249. Lemokie (froakie) 250. Lemodier (frogadier) 251. Leminja (greninja) 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. Mudpie (Mudkip) 259. Customp (Marshtomp) 260. Swamptart (Swampert) 261. 262. 263. Cookiegoon (zigzagoon) 264. Cookinoone(linoone) 265. Cupvee a (Eevee) 266. Cherreon (flareon) fire candy a 267. Lemeon (jolteon) bolt candy a 268. Vapeareon (vaporeon) water candy a 269. Beigeon (sylveon) leaf candy a(for some reason) 270. Cupvee b (the other eevee) 271. Plumbreon (umbreon) fire candy b 272. Grapeon (espeon) bolt candy b 273. Chocoleon (leafeon) water candy b 274. Vanilleon (glaceon) leaf candy b (cuz leaf doesnt give leafeon……wut?) 275. 276. Peepow (Taillow) 277. Swellpeep (Swellow) 278. Candipass (nosepass) 279. 280. Malts (Ralts) 281. Kirlicake (Kirlia) 282. Velvevior (Gardevior) 283. 284. 285. Marmish (Shroomish) 286. Smorloom (Breloom) 287. Peepling (Fletchling) 288. Peepinder (Fletchinder) 289. Talonpeep (Talonflame) 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. Donaught (slowking) 296. Gingett (golett) 297. Golingurk (golurk) 298. 299. 300. Skittart (Skitty) 301. Delcandy (Delcatty) 302. Candeye (Sableye) 303. Mawana (Mawile) 304. 305. 306. 307. Mediblue (Meditite) 308. Mediberry (Medicham) 309. Polyorange (porygon) 310. Polyblue (porygon 2) 311. Razle (plusle) 312._______(probably minun)7 313. Chocobud/Rosebud (Budew) 314. Appelia (Roselia) 315. Roseolate/Chocorade (Roserade) 316. Applin (Gulpin) 317. Swalapple (Swalot) 318. Skitto (Skiddo) 319. Gogoart (Gogoat) 320. 321. 322. 323. 324. Tortoal (Torkoal) 325. 326. 327. Cookbun (spinda) 328. 329. 330. 331. Woocherry (Woobat) 332. Cherrbat (Swoobat) 333. 334. 335. Flangoose (Zangoose) 336. Sevipop (Seviper) 337. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. 343. Chocomite (bergmite) 344. Chocolugg (avalugg) 345. 346. 347. Limeshroom (foongus) 348. Shroompie (amoongus) 349. ——– (Febass) 350. Alluretic (Milotic) 351. Candform (Castform) 352. 353. Cornet (Shuppet) 354. Pumpkinette (Banette) 355. 356. 357. Tropinana (Tropius) 358. Velvekin (Fennekin) 359. Velvexien (Braixen) 360. Velvephox (Delphox) 361. Snocone (Snorunt) 361. Glaceream (Glalie) 362. 363. Puddeal (spheal) 364. Puddleo (sealeo) 365. Flamberein (walrein) 366. 367. 368. 369. Heartisk (luvdisk) 370. 371. 372. 373. 374. Chocolite (Vanillite) 375. Chocolish (Vanillish) 376. Chocoluxe (Vanilluxe) 377. 378. 379. 380. 381. 382. 383. 384. 385. 386.
Thanks for the additions!
-- Mod Rafe
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idle-rodent · 2 months ago
of course vanguard made this banger soundtrack 😭😭😭😭💕
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Vanguard Sound - Mato Anomalies Original Soundtrack Best Collections | A+ Record | 2023 | Silver
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