#polyam events
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holly-poly · 5 months ago
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Holly Poly is, as the name implies, an exchange for polyamorous relationships. OT3s, OT4s, OT6s, orgies, open relationships, sedoretus, whatever strikes your fancy, as long as it involves three or more entities.
Participants are able to offer and request fanart, fanfiction, fanvids, podfic, fanmixes, gifsets, or aesthetics/moodboards.
All times are 11:00am UTC, save for golive which will depend on when final pinch hits are posted.
08 12 October - 21 October: Pre-nominations. (Period to transfer nominations from last year’s tagset into this tagset) — NEW22 October - 02 November: Nominations 02 November - 12 November: Nominations clean up 05 November 12 November - 19 November: Signups 24 November: Assignments out by this date 12 January: Default deadline 19 January: Fanworks are due 26 January: The archive goes live (as soon as everyone has a gift) 02 February: Creators revealed
All times are 11:00am UTC, save for golive which will depend on when final pinch hits are posted.
23 November - 02 December: Signups 04 December: Assignments out by this date 22 January: Default deadline (Countdown here) 26 January: Fanworks are due (Countdown here) 02 February: The archive goes live (as soon as everyone has a gift) 09 February: Creators revealed
You can read the updated rules over here.
We understand that life gets in the way sometimes. If you realize you will not be able to finish your assignment, please default as soon as possible. This year, 48 hours is the maximum extension that will be granted. You're free to still finish your assignment if you need more than 48 hours; however, if you ask for a longer extension or you don't post your fanwork by the extension deadline, then the request will be sent out as a pinch hit. There will be no exceptions to this rule. The FAQs for this year's exchange have been posted. Please let us know if anything is unclear. And, as always, leave a comment below if you have any questions. We're still looking for Holly Poly helpers. If you'd like to help behind the scenes, please check this post. Collection: https://ao3.org/collections/holly_poly_2024 Tag Set: https://archiveofourown.org/tag_sets/21262 Tumblr: https://holly-poly.tumblr.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/holly_poly_ex Google Groups - Holly Poly Updates: https://groups.google.com/g/holly-poly-updates Google Groups - Holly Poly Pinchhits: https://groups.google.com/g/holly-poly-pinchhits
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polyamships · 5 months ago
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The Polyamships discord server (invite here) is happy to invite you to Polyartober. Inspired by Inktober, but for polyamory, Polyartober brings you 31 daily prompts (+ 10 alt prompts) for October to get you in the creative flow to make more art.
Polyartober rules
1) Make a drawing* of your polyam ship (it doesn’t have to be in ink. Stick figures welcome. Not all characters have to be in the drawing, but the subject of the drawing must be polyam in nature) 2) Post it** 3) Hashtag it with #polyartober and #polyartober24. You can also mention us @polyamships to make sure we see it. 4) Repeat
*So you want to write instead of draw? We created this event focused on artists, but if you feel inspired, please go ahead and create something else: writing, gifs, moodboards, meta, etc. The most important rule is to make it polyam and have fun!
**Please post your work mentioning the fandom and characters somewhere in the post so we can tag it appropriately. Use the character’s name as it appears in canon (this may mean Lastname Firstname for some fandoms) - if they only have a 1 word name please put the fandom in brackets after it e.g. Parker (Leverage).
Feel free to combine this event with any other events that allow it such as whumptober, lyrical titles bingo, ficathons, etc. for an extra challenge.
Please note that since we’ll be running this month-long event, there won’t be a PolyamShippingDay prompt on the 14th October. We’ll be back in November with our regular PSD posting :)
Now we're also on X/Twitter @ polyamships - our X/Twitter Polyartober2024 thread
AO3 COLLECTION (for both art and/or fics)
List of prompts in plain text under the cut.
Black and White
Road trip
Alt prompts
You don’t like one of the prompts? Feel free to use one of our Multiamory March prompts which you can find here.
You’ve already done all the Multiamory March prompts? Wow, you’re amazing! Here you have 10 extra prompts to get you going:
Murder mystery
Survivor’s guilt
Buddy system
In sickness and in health
Lap dance
Falling asleep
Chosen soulmates
Sensory deprivation
Dancing together
Last night
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fourormore · 7 months ago
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[Image description: A polyam flag with the words “four or more fic-a-thon” on it. End description.]
It is here! The inaugural event for FOUR OR MORE is live. A ficathon designed to get more fic featuring relationships with four or more people out into the world! Inspired by the Rarest of Rairpairs ficathon, this first event will run from August 15th to October 20th.
- Any medium! Any rating! As long as your work focuses on a relationship with 4 or more people, it's allowed! - No minimum or maximum but fills must be complete. - You don’t have to fill something to leave a prompt. The more prompts, the merrier! - Prompts must be for relationships featuring 4 or more people. - You may link to the fill if it is posted elsewhere. Warnings are not mandatory, but you're free to include them if you wish to do so. - You may combine these with other events, as long as the other event allows it. - Small fandoms welcome! - Don't forget to comply with the community guidelines.
Prompts can be found in the comments of the official DW announcement.
Q: What kind of works am I allowed to submit? A: All type of fanworks are welcome! Fics, art, podfic, meta, you name it. As long as the main relationship features 4 or more people, it's allowed.
Q: I don't have a Dreamwidth account. Can I join? A: Of course! You don't even need an AO3 account if you wish to post only on tumblr.
Q: My work contains [INSERT WARNING HERE]. Can I still participate? A: Yes. This is a CNTW (Choose Not To Warn) space. Feel free to tag us in your posts #fourormore or @/fourormore and we will reblog your post.
Q: I don't want to see [X] content, can you please remove it? A: No. The only content that will be removed will be that that does not comply with the rules. You can ask us to tag a certain topic for blacklisting purposes and you are more than encouraged to do so, but remember that you can always unfollow if some content upsets you.
ALL works must feature a relationship with 4 or more people as its focus. All configurations are allowed.
The following posts/comments will be removed from the collection, as they're outside of its scope. - Monogamous relationships (I think this is obvious) - Works that focus on OT3s (may I suggest sharing it with @polyamships instead? - RPF featuring non-famous minors (I will not be checking this because I simply do not have the time, so it'll be on the honor system. Please don't abuse the honor system. I don't want to be removing works just because)
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thatstonedwriter · 1 year ago
⋆。「Affection Prompt 17」⋆˚
◉ Sinopsis; Getting them their favorite drink, just the way they like it
◉ Feat; poly Fizzmodeus, stolas, Blitzø
◉ A/n- I hope you all are able to have a fun and safe New Year <3
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── ˙•˚∘✮🌙ᯓ🪐˙•˚∘ ──
Soft blankets kept you nice and warm, despite the storm raging outside. Rain pattered against the window, threatening to lull you back to sleep. Today was perfect... but one thing was missing- your favorite drink. Sure you could go get it, but that would mean getting up. Thankfully, your partner(s) has/have made the generous offer to go pick it up for you.
"We're baaack~" you hear Fizzarolli call from the front door. Asmodeus chuckles, readjusting Fizz and the tray of drinks in his arms. "They might be sleeping, Froggy, lets not make too much noise." You were quick to prove Ozzie’s assumption wrong. Calling out, you beckon them over to the couch, patting the open seats next to you. Fizz is quick- jumping from Ozzie’s arms to your blanket-clad lap. Asmodeus isn’t far behind, morphing into his smaller form to place the drink tray on the table before joining the two of you and wrapping an arm around your shoulders. Once you’re all comfortable, Fizz stretches his arms, grabbing the drinks and passing them to you and Asmodeus. As Fizz grabbed the remote to put on a movie, you settled into the couch, unable to think of a better way to spend a rainy evening.
┊┊┊✧ ⁺ ⁺  °
When an episode of the Hell-a-Novella you were watching ended, you’d voiced your desire for your favorite drink. Who was Stolas to ignore the request? At the coffee shop, Stolas is careful to be specific with the drink orders. Even then, when the drinks are handed to him, he double checks the receipts and the drinks, just to be sure. As bothersome as walking in the storm was, Stolas knew it was worth it to see you happy. And of course, he couldn’t deny how cute it was hearing your excited “thank yous” and seeing you happily sip your drink. Sitting beside you, Stolas reaches up to pat your hair, giving you a kiss on the forehead before sitting back in the couch and resting his head atop yours.
┊┊┊✧ ⁺ ⁺  °
Initially, Blitzø was bitching and moaning about having to go out. He was comfortable, too. Why not just order for delivery? He eventually caves when you promise you’ll let him have the comfortable side of the couch when he gets back. And the heated blanket. As cranky as Blitzø is about going out in the rain, he reasons he’ll be able to get something for himself, and he has the heated blanket to look forward to. Blitzø is in and out of the shop as fast as possible, hastily checking the contents of the order to make sure everything’s right. By the time he’s back at the apartment, Blitz is grumbling incoherently, dropping everything onto the table and making a bee-line toward the couch, forcibly scooting you over (just enough so he would fit) and curling up next to you. Guess you’ll enjoy the drinks later, then.
── ˙•˚∘✮ 🔭๋࣭ᯓ🌙˙•˚∘ ──
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dapolyshipping · 7 months ago
Dragon Age Polyshipping is Back!
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✨Join us for the 2024 exchange!✨
Are you a fan creator looking for Dragon Age poly content? Hoping to expand the AO3 tag for your favorite throuple? Or maybe you look at the Inner Circle and think: "they're all just too pretty to choose"?
If so, this exchange is for you!
DA Polyshipping is a celebration of healthy polyamorous, polysexual, and polygamous ships in the Dragon Age fandom. It is open to all creators who are willing to create one piece of fanart or write one fanfic that meets our exchange requirements and deadlines!
The exchange focuses on healthy polyamory in all its forms and welcomes queerplatonic relationships, one-time theesomes (or moresomes), and long-term relationships. Check out FAQ - What do you mean by healthy polyamory? for more details on acceptable pieces.
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Important Changes & Updates
This year we will pre-load ships that have been nominated for all prior years of DA Polyshipping, so you can free up your nominations spaces for other characters/ships.
Nominations will only be open for one week!
Welcome new mods, @inquisimer & @plisuu! With the larger mod team, we will no longer be taking personal communications about the exchange via Discord DM or tumblr DM/ask. Please send communications regarding individual circumstances via email or the official extension form. General questions can still be asked in discord or via tumblr ask.
2024 TENTATIVE Schedule
‼️With Veilguard set to release in Fall 2024, the mods reserve the right to make drastic adjustments to the schedule when a specific release date is announced. Please note that if we do alter the schedule, it will be to give participants MORE time, not less.‼️
Nominations Open: Sunday, September 1st, 2024 12pm ET
Nominations Close: Sunday, September 8th, 2024 12pm ET
Sign Ups Open: Sunday, September 8th, 2024 12pm ET
Sign Ups Close: Sunday, September 22nd, 2024 12pm ET
Assignments Out: Tuesday, September 24th, 2024 5pm ET (or sooner!)
Assignments Due: Sunday, November 3rd, 2024 12pm ET
Works Revealed: Sunday, November 10th, 2024 12pm ET
Creators Revealed: Sunday, November 17th, 2024 12pm ET
Visit our website to see the schedule in your local time
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More Information
rules & info | FAQs
Contact & Follow Us
ask | discord | bluesky | email: [email protected]
Tumblr’s asks are famously unreliable. If you don’t see a response within 72 hours please feel free to resend the ask, DM us on tumblr, or send an email.
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coffindove-hell · 5 months ago
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The fact that these looks are technically canon (Vox's PFP of Velvette in his phone contact is the pilot vel design.)
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da-birb-writes-sometimes · 1 year ago
Hi, hi dove!! 🥺🥺💖💖💖 congrats on 400+ :D I'd like to request 'whispers of the past' with poly leona and vil (I am slowly being converted 😔😔😔😔) have this btw :))
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Visions of the Past; Leona Kingscholar & Vil Schoenheit
Content; gender-neutral reader, past established polyam relationship
Word Count; 800+
A/N; Hi Soru!!! I whipped this bad boy out surprisingly fast (now that the writer's block is semi-gone) ... I will forgive you for that photo though since I'm conflicted about it in this context.
Please do not put my work into AI. If you would like to see more of my work check out my masterlist!
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No wonder the house was a steal. But in this economy? You were willing to do a few renovations, maybe do battle with a spider or two, and make the best with what you had, since there was no way another opportunity like this would show its face any time soon.
Plus you were sick and tired of living with roommates that kept you up, didn’t clean up after themselves, AND ate YOUR leftovers. So yeah, creepy house it is! But a creepy house all to yourself!
You lugged your last box into the living room where you had an air mattress all set up since you didn’t trust the bedroom not to have its fair share of creepy crawlies. So the living room will do for now.
Only downside?
It was freezing, so cold that you could see your breath.
“Place is probably haunted,” one of your friends had chimed when you told them the news.
You huffed out a breath, rubbing your hands over your arms to fight away the goosebumps. “There is no such thing as ghosts,” you muttered.
Lounging on your air mattress though was a being that very much proved that statement wrong — not that you could see him — and another was standing next to you, studying your features.
You shook your head though, grabbed a broom, and made your way to another room, leaving the two figures alone again.
“So,” the man lounging on the air mattress spoke up, side-eyeing the other ghost, “they finally came back.”
The other ghost tutted, “They won’t remember anything, Leona, so don’t—”
Leona sighed and placed a translucent hand over his eyes, “I know better than to interfere, Vil.”
They both knew you, but you were different. Yes you didn’t look the same, but they could both tell your spirit regardless of appearances; that was what they had fallen for too.
The back-and-forth bickering that ended in soft looks. Of lazy afternoons spent resting in each other's laps. Of a tenacious person who wasn’t scared or intimidated by either of them. 
You had captured their hearts in life, and oh, how they missed you in death.
They couldn’t move on, and at first it frustrated them both to no end — such is evident at the state of the house — but now, you were back, and for the first time in decades both Leona and Vil felt like their hearts were beating.
Yes, they had each other as company, but it felt like something was missing, a crucial piece. The crucial piece was you, you helped balance them out. You made it work.
Leona and Vil became invisible again as you ran out of the kitchen, chasing a bird out.
There’s that fire.
You slammed the door shut after you made sure there weren’t any more avian intruders making residence in your place.
“Note to self, make sure the house is empty before setting up camp. Yeesh,” you sighed, rubbing at your temple.
Leona gave Vil a questioning look. Why did you make a sound? 
Vil was wearing a soft smile, even though he had nearly blown their cover. And it made Leona pause; he hadn’t seen Vil smile like that for a long time.
You tensed and squinted your eyes. “Who’s there? Just so you know, I’m armed!” 
With a broom and some attitude, herbivore.
Leona looked at Vil and then at you. And Vil looked at you and then at Leona. They were both trying to decide what to make of this situation. Trying to decide whether or not to pick up where they had left off in the past, or to leave well enough alone. Whether or not to listen to their head or their heart.
Leona grumbled but decided enough was enough. If the three of you were going to be living together again, it was best to get everything back in the open and not waiting around.
Vil raised his brow, but understood what the grumbling was about.
“And we’ve been waiting,” Vil sighed, slowly appearing next to you.
Your eyes widened upon seeing him, and they nearly bugged out of your head upon seeing another man appear right behind him.
They didn’t step forward, instead, they waited, curious to see your reaction. Curious to see if you were still as bold as you used to be.
You took a deep breath, gathering your wits before looking back at them. “Nice to see you too… both of you.”
No such thing as ghosts. That’s what you had told others so they didn’t think you were completely out of your mind. Who would buy a house knowing it was haunted?
You would, especially after seeing the photos of the two men with a third figure that plucked at a heartstring. You felt at home here. This — they — was your home.
“I missed you.”
Tags; @azulashengrottospiano @eynnwwyjth @inkybloom-luv @ithseem @savanaclaw1996 @syrenkitsune @twistwonderlanddevotee @xxoomiii
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calicoclovers · 3 months ago
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neal shusterman you were fucking insane for this. i just KNOW he's talking about connor and risa!!! i know it!!!!
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halfdeadfriedrice · 4 months ago
Local queer vegetarian bar is hosting a Tumblr themed dance party and I got texted by a cute acquaintance an invite + suggestion to bring my Terezi cosplay.
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bisexual-horror-fan · 10 months ago
Was going through my blog posts for last May and found one talking about how I need to find another partner, and it is crazy that here I am now, a year later, with a girlfriend.
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themorethemerrier2023 · 2 years ago
The More The Merrier, our miraculous ladybug poly ship event applications are open!
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To simplify things we have made a single application form, just fill out the relevant section (you can apply for multiple roles!) and be sure to press submit when you’re done!
Apply here! (Participant application form)
What are we? (Our FAQ)
Roles (an explanation of the roles)
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holly-poly · 5 months ago
Holly Poly Helpers Wanted
Holly Poly is, as the name implies, an exchange for polyamorous relationships. OT3s, OT4s, OT6s, orgies, open relationships, sedoretus, whatever strikes your fancy, as long as it involves three or more entities.
As the event keeps growing every year, we've come to the realization that it's necessary to get more help to deliver the best experience to this year's participants.
Currently, we're looking for 4+ people who can help us with mod duties during this exchange. Below, you can find the different areas where we need help. You can choose to help only with one task, which is why we're including the timeframe for each task as well.
Helpers must be 18+ and be comfortable reviewing all types of content.
We're looking for help with the following tasks:
Help with tagset and nominations (October 2024): This would be checking tagset sanity for both the 2023 tagset and the final 2024 tagset, checking nominations validity and formatting, helping with any editing from the 2023 tagset to the 2024 tagset (i.e. new disambiguations)
Help with social media announcements and pinch hit formatting for those (Mid October 2024-January 2025): We currently use twitter, tumblr, discord, dreamwidth and google groups. If you are proficient in one specific social media site, please let us know.
Help reading/looking over works (Late December 2024-January 2025): This would be checking for Do Not Wants/request fulfilment and completion of stories
If you're interested, please comment on the DW announcement post. All comments are screened.
Tumblr:https://holly-poly.tumblr.com/ Twitter:https://twitter.com/holly_poly_ex Google Groups - Holly Poly Updates: https://groups.google.com/g/holly-poly-updates Google Groups - Holly Poly Pinchhits: https://groups.google.com/g/holly-poly-pinchhits
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queersekai · 2 years ago
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Day 12: Polyamorous | Ambiamorous | etc.
For @mogai-headcanons' anniversary edit event! Polyam KAITO (N25 + Evillious Chronicles as a stand in for a third N25 KAITO), ambiam MEIKO (N25), and relationship collector/hoarder Luka (N25)
Can't exactly say that they love each other, but they sure are in a relationship
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fourormore · 2 months ago
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[Image description: A polyam flag with the words “four or more Valentine's Flash Fiction Madness" in distorted letters on it.]
Happy New Year! I'm already looking forward to creating about the complicated relationship dynamics that come up when you have four or more people in a polycule. What are you looking forward to this year?
Well, hopefully, you're looking forward this event.
Let me introduce to you: the 2025 Four or More Valentine's Flash Fiction Madness collection!
What's this? It's a writing-focused challenge, however all mediums are welcome in the collection. The idea is to purposefully create in smaller chunks for your favorite relationships with #fourormore people with the intent of promoting your favorite ships and populating those tags of polyamorous goodness.
This event will run from February 7th to February 21st.
This is a low-stakes, personal challenge. There's no penalty for going over the limit. In fact, if you manage multiple works that go over the limit, you have my admiration.
Any medium! Any rating! As long as your work focuses on a relationship with 4 or more people, it's allowed!
All works must be your own and not previously posted. AI generated works will be deleted from the collections.
You may combine these with other events, as long as the other event allows it (such as @polyamships PolyamShippingDay or @febuwhump)
Small fandoms and complicated relationships more than welcome!
Don't forget to comply with the community guidelines.
Minimum wordcount for fics is 100 words. Maximum is 2000 words.
Minimum for art is a sketch (digitally or traditionally drawn. Figure sticks allowed!). There is no limit to the quality or effort you want to put in your fills.
Minimum for moodboards is a 2x3 grid (6 images individually or edited in one image). Maximum is a 3x 3 grid (9 images individually or edited in one image).
Minimum for podfic is a 100-word fic. Maximum is 2000 words. There is no restriction on length or special effects.
Minimum for fanvids is 30 seconds. Maximum is 1minute and 30seconds.
Other mediums don't have a minimum nor maximum. Do you want to make an in-universe magazine for your ship? A cross stich pattern? A sculpture? Go ahead and do it! I look forward to all the things you can create.
Q: How much do I need to create? A: As much or as little as you want! Even one more work in your ship tag is better than none!
Q: Why isn't X allowed? A: Just because.
Q: I don’t have a Dreamwidth account. Can I join? A: Of course! You don’t even need an AO3 account if you wish to post only on tumblr.
Q: My work contains [INSERT WARNING HERE]. Can I still participate? A: Yes. This is a CNTW (Choose Not To Warn) space.
Q: I don’t want to see [X] content, can you please remove it? A: No. The only content that will be removed will be that that does not comply with the rules.
Please promote your works! Create reading lists! Send us on a treasure hunt to unlock a secret fic! If you are posting on tumblr please @ us @fourormore and/or use the tag #fourormore, and your work will be archived to the blog.
If you have any questions, send us a message!
Have fun and bon appetit!
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thatstonedwriter · 1 year ago
⋆。「Affection Prompt 15」⋆。
◉ Sinopsis; your partners give you a massage when you flop onto the couch
◉ feat; Fizzmodeus x reader
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It's one of those days where you just need to collapse somewhere comfortable and block out the whole world. So that's what you do. After walking through the front door to Asmodeus' home (though it's more accurate to call it a palace), you beeline to the couch, dropping your bag and kicking off your shoes on the way. You throw yourself onto the couch, the soft cushions catching your fall. The fabric is cool against your face, and the couch itself is so large, that it's practically a bed- perfect to spread out on. It's not too long after when Fizzarolli and Asmodeus get back from Ozzie's club. By this time though, you're half asleep, sprawled out on the couch. The two stop for a moment, worried something bad has happened, but they quickly realize you're just exhausted. Luckily for you, they know the perfect remedy to a long, painstaking day- massages! Laughter echoes vaguely through your tired brain, and you can just barely register the way the cushions give- a sign Asmodeus and Fizz have joined you. The next thing you notice is a pair of hands working the knots in your back and shoulders. Fizzarolli straddles your legs, working intently on relieving the stress in your back. Behind him, Asmodeus sits criss-cross, focusing on Fizz's shoulders. You're too tired to get up, but the tired, grateful glance you cast Fizz and Ozzie is more than enough for them to know how much this is helping. You may have been half-asleep before, but now with the tension slowly easing out of your shoulders and the soft noise of Fizz and Asmodeus' voices makes it damn near impossible to fight the powerful force known as sleep. Soon enough, your conscious is drifting elsewhere, while Fizzarolli and Asmodeus wish you sweet dreams.
___‎˙•˚∘✮ 🔭๋࣭ᯓ🌙˙•˚∘___
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dapolyshipping · 6 months ago
Nominations Are Open!
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Nominations Close: Sunday, September 8th, 2024 12p ET
View Nominated Tags: gDocs | ao3 | autoao3app
Regarding Veilguard Ships: For the 2024 exchange, ships that include Rook, the DA4 protagonist, are NOT eligible for nomination, but ships that include Veilguard companions & NPCs without Rook are eligible. We look forward to including Rook ships in the 2025 exchange! Reminder: Ships that have been nominated for two prior years of DA Polyshipping have been pre-loaded in the tagset, to free up your spaces for other ships!
⏰ Updated Schedule ⏰
Per the results of our Veilguard release date poll, we are adjusting the schedule for this year's exchange as follows:
Nominations Open: Sunday, September 1, 2024 at 12pm ET
Nominations Close: Sunday, September 8 2024 at 12pm ET
Sign-Ups Open: Sunday, September 8 2024 at 12pm ET
Sign-Ups Close: Sunday, September 22, 2024 at 12pm ET
Assignments Received: by Tuesday, September 24, 2024 8:00 PM ET (or earlier!)
Works Due: Sunday, November 17, 2024 at 12pm ET
Works Revealed: Sunday, November 24, 2024 at 12pm ET
Creators Revealed: Sunday, December 1, 2024 at 12pm ET
Visit our website to see the schedule in your local time
More Information
how to nominate | rules & info | FAQ
ask | discord | email: [email protected]
Tumblr’s asks are famously unreliable. If you don’t see a response within 72 hours please feel free to resend the ask or send an email.
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