#poly flower girls
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hmshermitcraft · 6 months ago
Gem's so confused, the name of her soulmate should be engraved on her dominant wrist, and it is. But- it changes every day? She could've sworn it said Stress last week, that it said Cleo last month, that it said Pearl yesterday, and now it says False? What the heck... who really is her soulmate.. Gaaaahhh....
She's never felt so much relief as when she meets Pearl. The names on her wrist change too! This is a thing, it's not just Gem that's broken. No, there's a mystery here to solve!
One Gem and Pearl make very little progress on solving for a long time. They even begin to wonder if those other names are real people or not. Maybe they're past lives?
Accepting an invite to Hermitcraft together wasn't part of their investigation, but it turned out to be the missing piece. The other names did exist - they're just literal hermits! How could Gem and Pearl find them if they never left Hermitcraft?!
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floralovebot · 11 months ago
I remember reading older fanfictions about Helia/Trix friendships and I found their dynamic really interesting! I can’t find it anymore but there was a post about Helia befriending them in his first year (and most likely the Trix’s first year as well if I remember correctly they were seniors in season 1) as a little act of rebellion from Red Fountain.
I had this hc of Helia being friends with them and particularly close to Icy then having a fallout once he realises what they are up to. Maybe he found out or unknowingly helped them discover they were descendants of the Ancestral Witches, or alerted them about Stella’s scepter and out of guilt he quit rf and disappeared! Then he came back because he knew but he never said anything and it ended up almost causing the destruction of Magix.
I like the idea of Helia not telling anyone he knew the Trix personally then them finding out later on! The angst potentiall!! But then again I don’t think the Trix would keep quiet about it either!
AAGGHHH i've read fics like that too!! there was one a while back about like 14 year old helia meeting the trix and becoming friends with icy specifically! and then when he came back from art school, he couldn't believe they were the witches who destroyed everything. there may have been a scene with him going through the tunnels to cloud tower to confront them but i might be thinking about something else?
anyway! i love those fics :') icy/helia is such a guilty pleasure pairing of mine. he's such her type! just without the crazy murderous personality. plus i love the darcy/helia friendship dynamic as well (besties who judge together!!) and stormy/helia dynamics would be SO chaotic like she would stress him out so much. but i can also see stormy letting out her cute side around him more since he wouldn't judge her for that
AHH it's just so much fun - it's definitely one of my favorite helia fanon tropes.
tbh i don't think he would ever purposely help them or withhold information from rf, but i can see him wanting to believe they're still good and trying to get info on his own first/change their minds. the idea of helia helping them realize they're descendants of the ancestral witches is INSANE i love that!!
and yes! i feel like helia wouldn't want to tell anyone he was close to them or at the very least he would make it sound like they were barely acquaintances and not actual friends. saladin would probably know, but i can't imagine helia wanting to tell the specialists or winx. and a dramatic reveal later on is so good!! but at the same time, the trix would never let him live it down!! they'd immediately reveal that info once they know helia is back at rf Or friends with the main groups. like,, OUGH it's so hard to figure out how the reveal would go yknow?
i love dramatic angsty reveals but i also think it'd be so funny if they just spiderman memed each other
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daily-hermit-gals · 1 year ago
ive been feeling a bit unmotivated about this blog, and I've been considering it for a while (despite my vow for no shipping content at the start of this)
it will be tagged properly of course, ccs on tumblr's tags will not be maintagged (namely false, pearl & lizzie) and I'll try to remain consistent with posting here with my newfound tool (cubes kissing)
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victorluvsalice · 2 years ago
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-->And then Victor was attacked by bees. In fact, he was attacked by bees twice. *facepalm* Yeah, kinda forgot that spring meant those little bastards would be awake and unhappy. . .they eventually left Victor alone, though, allowing him to offer his wrist to Smiler for a taste. After Smiler had gotten their fill, I had them mop a slime creature while having Victor finally change into some more gardening-appropriate clothes --
-->And then had Smiler try out some flower arranging, because it was New Skill Day, and they needed to level up a skill they were low in! And they already had a bit of Flower Arranging skill from tending the bonsai bush in the living room, so I figured, why not have them arrange some bluebells? They fiddled around for a little bit while Victor continued harvesting and tending his plants, eventually getting skill 2 and making a vase worth a whole twelve simoleons. XD To be fair, that’s still all pure profit, as the arrangement cost nothing to make, sooo. . . XD Plus it actually completed their New Year’s resolution as well, so double bonus! Flush with success, they headed upstairs to check the trends on SimsTube, then make another gadget review for the masses. Still in their party wear, because why not. XD
-->Alice, meanwhile, came back from her jog with Fitness level 5 (also fulfilling New Skill Day!) and some Flirty feelings about how well her romantic relationships were going. In fact, the moodlet suggested that maybe she should write a book. . .so that’s exactly what I had her do! I mean, she is working on the Bestselling Author aspiration anyway, so. . . She promptly started “It Takes Two Sometimes,” a book of her musings on her polyamorous “vee” relationship with Victor and Smiler. :)
-->And Victor continued his pottering in the greenhouse -- harvesting his oversized crops (just medium sized this time!), replanting and fertilizing them all, harvesting his regular crops, and finally giving his bees some demiting treatment to see if that would calm them down. Did it work?
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tojisun · 28 days ago
immoral in a stranger’s lap (WIP)
established price x f!reader; poly!141 x f!reader
cw: smut - mdni; switching povs; older men x younger women trope; so much speedrun yearning from the squad; john calling the ‘shots’ and shots being reader; power dynamics at play // 2.6k words
extra notes: filing this as WIP wednesday because i could no longer find the inspiration to finish it. i have a concrete idea of how i wanted it to go but writing it became so difficult, still hope it’s a good read! (title from gibson girl - ec)
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Captain has a pretty darling—apparently she’s doe-eyed and young. 
She packs him food when she can and always writes him letters, dainty envelopes spritzed with perfume and sealed with wax and baby’s breaths. 
They always sit atop every other sealed envelopes because the rookies are afraid of damaging the package. No one can really blame them, not after seeing the extent of care and love put into a single parcel. Apparently, she writes to their Captain even when she has a burner to use to contact him; choosing to, instead, fill up envelopes with a love so sweet it makes their teeth ache. 
Captain has a pretty darling—that’s the news that’s been circulating around the base recently, cascading through the gaps of their barracks and settling into the corners of their own rooms. The knowledge of normalcy pierces against the hard-set routine that sustained them through the years, and fills their jowls with their own yawning desire.
Because now they know it’s achievable. Liveable. Guilt no longer races through their veins when they dream about the idea of settling and, instead, they lean into the want yowling from the bases of their stomach. It makes them twitch, leaving them feeling too hyper-aware of everything. 
Hunger swirls from their irises and they watch, on the sidelines, as their Captain submerges himself in the one good thing he has. They refuse to name the new feeling, the one rising from their desires, but it is futile—it bloats, leaving them gritting their teeth and clenching their jaws as though by doing so, they could stop the venom. 
They couldn’t. Jealousy sings in their blood.
They were startled by the invitation, frozen in their steps when the Captain extended his home to them—“My baby wants to get to know my friends.”
His smile was kind, gentle, the years having made him brighter, but his eyes—the look in them is cold, calculating. Dangerous on all fronts. There was a beast lying in waiting and its presence bore down on them, the siren sounds of a threat ringing because this one was greater than them all.
“Alright,” Ghost replied, the first to get his voice back.
“Great,” their Captain said, then he was off, hand fishing his burner from his pocket to call his pretty darling. His beautiful sweetheart.
‘My baby’ he said. 
And now, they get to meet you. 
Their gums ached with the phantom desire to bite; to have their teeth digging into flesh—not tearing fully but puncturing enough to mark. To taste.
Their eyes met, their blood thrumming with singularity, and their excitement palpable as it left them in tethers. Because there was much to be said about the mutual desire; how it rippled amidst them all, now noticed by their Captain and invited to play. 
The quaint little house lives on the outskirts of the city, not really detached but far enough to know that this was a conscious decision carved out by their Captain. 
It has a huge front lawn from inside the white picket fence, littered with a well-tended garden full of shrubs and flowers and stone plants. Their trained eyes flit to the hanging entryway sign—“Home Sweet Home”—and to the small baby’s breath wreath tacked underneath the plank, and feel viscous nectar slide down their throats. 
It’s all so domestic, so gentle, that a strange feeling settles deep in their stomachs, their steadied steps dying down to shuffles as their boots crunch against the gravel. They feel like intruders, even when they have yet to set foot inside their Captain’s home. Their mission-trained bodies are stark against this place, which oozes with comfort and flowery scents so delicate it makes their blood jump.
Simon takes the lead again, herding the pack in silence. He raps his knuckles against the well-loved door, sharp knocks bouncing from the wood. Soap and Gaz are both quiet behind him, and they are all tense in their reluctant patience. 
It seemed like now that you are close—just a door away—they no longer know how to leash the desire lapping at their feet; ears straining, mouth dry. The hunger scratches at their throats, ragged. Angry. 
(It had taken weeks when their Captain finally reached out again with a date and a location, disclosing the details in a way he always did for missions. It had grounded them for a while, bodies locking the way they do when their Captain barked out orders—his expectations pushing them to their limits, their mind geared into a focal point. 
“Be kind,” he said, lighting a cigarette.
Gaz ran his tongue on the back of his teeth, head tilting at the sudden twitch from Soap.
“‘Course,” the Sergeant replied with a grin, one that was a bite too big. “We always are.”
Their Captain hummed, eyeing Johnny with a pensive look. Kyle looked away, hoping to melt into the background to avoid any more of their Captain’s playful teasing. 
Then, Kyle met their Lieutenant's eyes, wide and rabid, and saw his desire leaking from his pores. His fists were balled, leather gloves straining against the force, and Kyle felt a shiver rack his body at seeing the tangible excitement coming from Simon.
It was so huge, it felt daunting. Addicting.)
Their fingers twitch at the sound of the door’s lock clicking��something they catalogue—before it swings open. 
Johnny’s shoulders tense up, his breath getting stuck in his throat at the morbid anticipation burning through him. Simon’s bulk is hiding the view, a solid wall between him and you, but Johnny waits, sees the way their Lieutenant’s gait changes, and knows he needs to be good. 
“Oh! You must be John’s friends!” 
Simon devours the sight you make, razing his eyes down your form, noting the fine details of domesticity that you’re clothed in—all soft and flowy material that brings out the shine in your eyes as you look up at him, head tipped up to account for the ridiculous height difference.
Something glints in his peripheral—
“Yeah,” he hears himself say. “It's nice to finally meet you.”
A diamond ring.
Their Captain introduces you to them, cinnamon in his eyes and his words honeyed. Your name settles on the tip of their tongues, waiting to be digested. To be sounded out by their own voices.
Simon murmurs it to himself, feels the word sliding between the cracks of his teeth like milk, and gulps it down, starving. It fuels him, this little piece he now has of you, and sets him ablaze as you flutter between them with gentle questions and quiet giggles.
You are soft—too soft for any of them, in fact—but they can see why their Captain is enamoured, his own desire greater than their own. It is intense as it scalds down their spines and jagged because their Captain isn’t a good man, they all aren’t, but there is something disconcerting in the way their Captain had claimed you. 
It was rushed, sweet to a fault, but done so rapidly it felt like a beast pouncing on its prey. Like their Captain had seen the beauty of your soul and decided, then, that you’re all his.
Simon washes down the taste of defeat in his mouth with his whiskey, mentally dedicating this drink to his Captain because he knows he would’ve done the same. He would’ve kept you in a home just as cozy; would've played house with you to distract you from the foulness of his virtues because kindness, civilian to that extent, can become so foreign to them now. He would keep you full of him, satiated with his presence and dripping with his cum—
“Sweetheart, c'mere.” Their Captain’s voice pierces the staccato of his thoughts. Simon twitches, suppressing the full-body jolt because there’s something measured in the way their Captain called you. 
They watch as you pad towards him with a hum, a bounce in your steps, before reaching to cup his cheek the moment you get close. 
“Hi,” you murmur, a breath too quiet.
Their Captain chuckles, basking in your warmth, before curling an arm around your waist and tugging you to his lap. You fall with a little gasp, your hand tight on Price’s shirt as your eyes swing to them in surprise.
“John, they–” 
Price kisses the back of your shoulder, fixing his arm over your stomach. “They won’t mind.” Dark eyes turn to them too. “Would you, boys?”
They feel parched; thirst palpable in the way they have their jaws clenched, their tongues heavy inside their mouths. They devour the pretty sight you make—all bashful looks and hunched shoulders, looking so utterly soft, so charmingly fragile, atop their Captain’s lap.
It sets off their base instincts, their desires ravaging their sanities.
“No,” Gaz is surprisingly the one to reply. His voice was smooth and clear, bouncing against the walls with surety. “Don’t mind at all.”
There must be something in the way Gaz was looking at you or perhaps you were also able to hear the unabashed want coating his words, but whatever it was, it made you sit up straighter, head tilted to the side, thinking. 
It makes all of them jolt, even Price feels a stirring inside his jeans at the sudden shift in your posture, because this changes everything.
It was not that they would be satisfied with only having a look, with only seeing what they want and pretending that their thoughts—dirty and ragged and full of filth—are enough to satiate the fire stoking deep inside, but they didn’t want to set off their Captain.
They didn’t want to meet the beast inside the man’s eyes, and be further punished by having you be taken away from their reach. Because the moment they crossed that little door, the moment you smiled up at them and told them that they’re welcome in your quaint little home, in your space, you were theirs.
And their Captain would just have to deal with that.
But Price is already looking at them with crinkled eyes, his lips busy as it dragged all over the expanse of your shoulder, his palm gentle as it rubs over your stomach. 
Kyle takes it for what it is—a permission.
Johnny fists his cock, muffling his moans on the back of his palm, remembering the way you looked. The way you smelled. 
All flowers and vanilla—it’s cliche yet so, so fitting. 
You were so curious, poking at Ghost’s tattoos and murmuring your awe at every revelation of their becoming, stories that were watered down because they didn’t want to scare you. They didn’t want to push you away.
You were so enamoured by them, all giggly when Garrick told you about his recent mission with the Captain and Laswell, pressing yourself to his space and vibrating in anticipation at every turn. Their Captain rumbled in laughter when you turned to him with a gasp, disbelief coating your voice as you whined, “John, you didn’t!”
There was that pride in your eyes when their Captain reassured you of their success, and you preened when he said, “We had to return to you, after all, baby.”
You got so quiet and shy, then. So docile, just like the precious darling that you are.
So it burned him when it had been his turn to receive your attention. 
“‘Soap’?” you asked, nose scrunching in that way that made him coo.
“Yeah, lassie. S’cool, huh?”
You were sitting so close, he could feel the heat from your thigh reverberating from where it was pressed to his. He breathed you in, slow and careful, and felt ablaze with the knowledge that everyone’s eyes were on you two.
Not only their Captain’s but Simon’s. Their Lieutenant whose growled promises ravaged his throat the night before, grunting and groaning, using Johnny’s skin as an alternative to yours. 
(“Imagine ‘er, Johnny.” He rutted forward, lips tickling the shell of Johnny’s ear. “Imagine ‘er so full of you.”
It had Johnny mewling, ragged gasps rasping between his clenched teeth because he could imagine it, alright.
He imagined the way you’d be stuffed—greedy holes gaping as you took their cocks and their cum. Their Captain would be there, Garrick too. Their Captain would fuck his own fist as he watched them take you apart with pleasure, and Garrick would have your mouth, his tip painting your lips with his pre- before fucking it down your throat.
“Fuck!” Johnny cried out, humping the mattress to get more stimulation; to feel better.
He imagined that he was rutting against your chest, sliding between the valley of your tits while Ghost took him from the back. He imagined the way you would watch them, enraptured amidst your pleasure because he knew you wanted a show. 
They always do.
“Cum for me, pup,” Ghost rumbled into his ear and Johnny’s body locked in obedience, intense euphoria seizing him whole.)
He cums with your name on his lips, rumbled in a way he hopes would drive you mad. Would make you desperate. 
Johnny wants to make a slut out of you. Strip your sweetness and tinge it with sin—show you what they say about men like him. Like them. He wants to take you, or whatever scraps their Captain gives them, because every inch and every part of you is too delectable.
“Fuck,” he whispers, eyeing the thick rivulets of cum pooling in his palm. 
What he would give to see you lick this clean.
“So, what’d you think of her?” Their Captain asks as he twirls his glass of bourbon, the alcohol sloshing carefully from inside the cup like liquid gold. It snags fractures of light, smothering the little glints with its every ripple.
Simon hums, distracted, his mind a gallery made up of all of the little bits and pieces he was able to snatch from that day in the quaint little house: the sound of your voice, the titter of your giggles, the way you looked up at him when he offered to help pluck out the cups stowed away in the highest shelves, before your lips danced into a grateful little smile, dimpling your cheeks and wrinkling your eyes.
You were everything he adored. The woman of his dreams, there, in the pretty little cage that their Captain has you in. 
“She's beautiful,” Ghost says, quiet. Honest. “The most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, really.” 
It is in the stretching silence that follows that he picks up his own whiskey and pours it into his parched mouth to wash down the desire lodged in his throat. He doesn’t look at his Captain; he doesn’t want to be the one to ask.
He wants it to be offered; to be presented to him like the twisted blessing that it is. 
Simon wants to know if you would allow him. If you would allow all of them to have you too. 
Price huffs, his glass clinking against the table when he had put it down. Simon licks the back of his teeth as he waits, patience thrumming underneath his veins raggedly. He feels like a boy, waiting to be told that he’s done good; that his obedience is going to be rewarded lucratively. 
Price chuckles like he can read the thoughts churning in Simon’s mind.
“Not yet,” is all that their Captain replies. 
Not yet—it was not a rejection, then.
Simon burns, feeling the way such simple words sustain him. The idea that they were allowed to taste, not now, not yet, but soon, in that cage that you call a home.
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maplesyrupsainz · 8 months ago
˖⁺。˚⋆˙peas in a pod | CL16˖⁺。˚⋆˙
pairing: charles leclerc x student!reader y/n (she/her) x alexandra saint mleux
genre: social media au, polyamory
warnings: polyamory
summary: in which alexandra brings you home with her for summer break and the next thing you know…
a/n: back on my poly bs
request!!!: i would love if you could do an alexandra x charles x reader smau where reader is also an art/art history student who attends the same school as alexandra - maybe alex brings her back to monaco for summer or winter break?
my masterlist
fc: taylor hill
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alexandrasaintmleux posted a story
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liked by charles_leclerc, iamrebeccad, and others
user1 soo cute
user2 i love that ur a student
user3 she's so pretty!!
charles_leclerc we all miss you at home
alexandrasaintmleux miss you sm more!
user4 who is sheeee
alexandrasaintmleux 📍 paris
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liked by charles_leclerc, francisca.cgomes, and others
alexandrasaintmleux in between classes ❤️
view all comments
user5 omg so much y/n
user6 fan behaviour
user7 LOL
francisca.cgomes cuties!!
alexandrasaintmleux 😘
user8 omg i love their friendship actually
user9 the jumper
user10 the third slide!!!!
charles_leclerc mon amour 💋
alexandrasaintmleux je t'aime <33
user11 ugh goals
user12 i want those shoes
user13 oh to be a chic art student in paris & be bffs with alexandra
user14 literally ugh thts the dream life
yourusername posted a story
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liked by alexandrasaintmleux, yoursister, and others
yoursister where the hell you going?
yourusername i told mom 😂 im going to monaco with alex <3
yoursister gosh you guys are whipped for eachother lol
yourusername 😜
user15 is that alex
user16 aww inseparable
friend1 you two are joined at the hip!
liked by yourusername
alexandrasaintmleux posted a story
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liked but charles_leclerc, yourusername, and others
charles_leclerc je t'aime 💕
alexandrasaintmleux ahhh mon bébé 🥰
user17 SOOO cute
user18 aww u & charles r my favs
user19 obsessed with u two
yourusername he's too sweet!
liked by alexandrasaintmleux
yourusername 📍 monaco
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liked by alexandrasaintmleux, charles_leclerc, and others
yourusername break so far! 🐰
view all comments
yoursister so gorg
yourusername 😘
user20 omg is the last pic alex & charles?
user21 it has to be!!
user22 is y/n third wheeling them 😂
user23 ooh flowers 👀
user24 the bunnies😭😭😭😭
user25 are the bunnies urs & alex's y/n
yourusername me alex & charles picked one each 🥰
user26 omg
user27 so throuple vibes!!
user28 oh be fr
alexandrasaintmleux world's fav third wheel 😝😝
charles_leclerc nah, just ours
yourusername oh stop it you two!
user29 what
user30 🐟
user31 LOL sommat fishy going on ere...
messages ->
txts between alex & charles !!!
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messages ->
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instagram ->
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liked by alexandrasaintmleux, francisca.cgomes, and others
yourusername bliss ❤️
view all comments
user36 omg so gorgeous
user37 alex 🥹🥹
user38 this is so.......
user39 🏳️‍🌈
charles_leclerc 🥰🥰
liked by yourusername
user40 🤨
alexandrasaintmleux having you in monaco is bliss!!!
yourusername 🤭 oh stop it you!!
user41 guys why do i feel like alex & charles have an ""arrangement"" with y/n......
user42 what omg
user43 no same coz wtf is all this
user44 fr & y/n third wheeling their date like hmmmm
user45 u guys are nuts 😂
yoursister get back here
yourusername 😘 not so fast
charles_leclerc we're gonna keep her for a bit longer if that's okay!
alexandrasaintmleux don't reply coz we're keeping her anyway!
yoursister i suppose i have no choice but to give my blessing
user46 LIKE???
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liked by yoursister, charles_leclerc, and others
alexandrasaintmleux lil update! 💋
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yoursister cuties!!
liked by alexandrasaintmleux, yourusername
user47 the second pic omg
user48 girl the FOURTH?
user49 fr y/n has like no clothes on…
user50 it's called a throuple guys😩
user51 everyone stop saying throuple so loud 🫦
charles_leclerc beauties ❤️
alexandrasaintmleux 🥹💗💗
user52 plural........
user53 throuple truthers all rise
francisca.cgomes miss you babe!
alexandrasaintmleux miss you 😽
iamrebeccad gorgeous as ever 🫶
alexandrasaintmleux mwah love youu
user54 guys do we actually think they're in a throuple or is it a joke
user55 it started off as a joke
user56 we are no longer sure
user57 could go either way
twitter ->
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instagram ->
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liked by yourusername, alexandrasaintmleux, and others
charles_leclerc three peas in a pod 🫛
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user61 oh it's real
user62 this is a hard launch bro
francisca.cgomes my absolute faves! simba loves y/n 💗
charles_leclerc who doesnt!
yourusername 🥹❤️
user64 bro
user65 y/n meeting the other wags now too🥹🥹🥹🥹
iamrebeccad two gorgeous gorgeous girls!!
liked by yourusername, alexandrasaintmleux
charles_leclerc …and me?
iamrebeccad yea, i guess you're there too!
user67 she's like us
carlossainz55 the ferrari garage is flooded with beautiful women 💋
liked by yourusername, alexandrasaintmleux, iamrebeccad
user68 too cute omg
yourusername omg i love you guys
alexandrasaintmleux I LOVE YOU!
charles_leclerc my beauties!!
yourusername art school changed my life 🥹🥹
charles_leclerc ours too, baby <3
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necessiteez · 10 months ago
disclaimer: I do not own any of these works and they do not represent the real kim hongjoong. all rights belong to the respective writers who made them.
all pairings are hongjoong x reader only.
further info is already stated in the main Library.
✶ - favorites
╔═ second♕floor ═╗
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「 ✦ Pirate!Hongjoong ✦ 」
✶ Let Me Take You Away - @ithinkilikeit-reactions (wc 3.7k)
✶ Pirate King: Kim Hongjoong - @cookycherry (wc 4.5k)
Sea Superstitions - ithikilikeit-reactions (wc 8 .8k)
My Lady - @seongsangssbitch
Lost at Sea - @acupoftaewithsomesuga (wc 6.9k)
Pirate Joong - @hyetiny
Pirate King - @cybrsan (wc 7.6k)
A Selfish Desire - @hwashotcheeto (wc 4k)
🆕✨ Shiny New Toy - kitten4sannie (wc 2.1k)
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「 ✦ Best Friend!Hongjoong ✦ 」
friends to lovers trope
✶ Tell Me to Stop - @tenelkadjowrites (wc 4.4k)
Acorns - sa_honey on ao3 (wc 4.3k)
Marigold - @yoongiseesawmp3 (wc 12k)
✶ The Best Friends Code trilogy feat. Seonghwa - tenelkadjowrites
Heavy on Your Tongue - @swallowedbymadness (wc 4k)
We Ransacked the City series, multi-chapter feat. Seonghwa - tenelkadjowrites
🆕✨ Between Friends - anyamaris (wc 3.4k)
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「 ✦ Academic!Hongjoong ✦ 」
includes College Student! Hongjoong, Professor! Hongjoong, school setting
Fire & Flames - bustdownyunho on ao3 (wc 5.8k)
✶ Motivate Me - @hwaightme (wc 10.2k)
Hideaway - @minisugakoobies (wc 7k)
Teacher Seonghwa + Student Hongjoong male reader - @star-suh
Study Buddies - halflinghoney on a03 (wc 2.4k)
✶ Can't Stand You - @domjaehyun (wc 3.7k)
✶ Training Wheels - @luvt0kki (wc 10.7k)
Rule #4 - @k-hotchoisan (wc 6k)
King's Play - @atzfilm (wc 4k)
A Special Kind of Heat Delivery - artof-seonghwa (wc 2.4k)
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「 ✦ Idol!Hongjoong ✦ 」
✶ Good Girls Don't ONGOING - halanote on ao3 (wc 22k)
Work Life Balance - evphoria87 (wc 1.6k)
Drunk in Love - barnesbabee
In the Wings feat. Seonghwa - sanjoongie (wc 2k)
A Night In implied poly - @written-in-flowers (wc 3k)
✶ 2 Soon part 1 - @03jyh23 (wc 12.8k)
✶ 2 Soon part 2 - 03jyh23 (wc 11.5k)
✶ Man-Spreading - barnesbabee
🆕✨ Bouncy - flurrys-creativity (wc 1.8k)
🆕✨ [11:07] Secrecy - hanatiny (wc 1k)
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「 ✦ Roommate!Hongjoong ✦ 」
✶ Movie Night - @severetimetravelnerd (wc 2k)
✶ Deal - @hongism (wc 10.3k)
Declaration - tenelkadjowrites (wc 9k)
✶ Don't You Want Me? - @yeonjuns-beanie (wc 7.4k)
Ass So Fat, Hit that From the Back gen reader, only Hongjoong is turned on - orphan account/abandoned (wc 2.9k)
Exhibition and Voyeurism feat. Seonghwa - hobi-is-golden on ao3 (wc 3.6k)
🆕✨✶ Got a Thing for You - ilwonuu
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「 ✦ Mafia/Gangster!Hongjoong ✦ 」
All I Need - @cocobeanncteez
Princess feat. San- @teeztheflag (wc 4.6k)
For Your Entertainment - @atiny-piratequeen (wc 4.3k)
5:31pm - @mingishoe
✶ A Rose is A Rose feat. Seonghwa - @daddyfordaeddy (wc 3.5k)
Guns and Roses - @baekhvuns (wc 5.4k)
✶ Cheating w Gangster!Seongjoong feat. Seonghwa - @thelargefrye (wc 2.6k)
✶ On the Rocks feat. Seonghwa- @kitten4sannie (wc 2.7k)
Backfired part 2 - ateezreactionsandscenarios (wc 5k)
🆕✨ Unbroken - hanatiny (wc 7k)
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「 ✦ Hongjoong Working Different Jobs ✦ 」
includes photographer!Hongjoong, barista!Hongjoong, writer!Hongjoong, doctor!Hongjoong
* photographer!Hongjoong
Picture Perfect - @ikigaitsuki (wc 6k)
Something to Say - themoonlightfae on ao3 (wc 5.9k)
His Muse - firepoppyqueen on ao3 (wc 1.4k)
* writer!Hongjoong
✶ Mr. Write series, multi-chapter, writer!Hongjoong - @1117feverlessdreams
* cafe owner/barista Hongjoong
Iced Coffee barista!Hongjoong- xoexoxhoe
FFF Day 14 feat. San - sanjoongie (wc 2.6k)
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「 ✦ Hongjoong in fantasy/historical/mythical setting ✦ 」
Rendezvous with Destiny royal advisor!Hongjoong - alxdelusional (wc 6k)
Do You Believe in Fate? Hongjoong with magic, multi-chapter - @lettersfromaphrodite (wc 42k)
Starseed: Perfect Love male reader, King!Hongjoong - thelargefrye (wc 3.7k)
His Majesty's Responsibilities King!Hongjoong - @xirenex (wc 8k)
✶ Forbidden Fruit Hades!Hongjoong - nateezfics (wc 2k)
Day 19 Bard!Hongjoong feat. Knight!Seonghwa- @multiwreckedmess (wc 6.3k)
The Spoils of War, Chapter 2: Hongjoong the Queenmaker multi-member, King!Hongjoong - fullspectrumfangirl, stitchdragon on ao3
Die for You royal guard!Hongjoong - @beginningofwonderland (wc 7.4k)
I'd Rather Burn nobleman!Hongjoong - latte-fairytaekwoon (wc 6.2k)
✨🆕 ✶ New World mad prince!Hongjoong, HEAVY ANGST - @sorryimananti-romantic (wc 27k)
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「 ✦ Hongjoong in the Fashion Industry ✦ 」
includes Fashion Designer! Hongjoong, Model! Hongjoong, Fashion Company CEO! Hongjoong
✶ The Met and the Aftermath - @angiesmagicspace (wc 5.7k)
✶ Perfect Little Pet Cruella! Hongjoong @armysantiny (wc 5.9k)
✶ Business Attire - @nebulousbrainsoup (wc 4.5k)
Perfect Design - @sector-i-closed
Be My Muse - sanjoongie (wc 1.2k)
Untitled - @cherrysoojins
The Model - @doritochoi (wc 1.7k)
✶ High End - @songmingisthighs (wc 2k)
Mistletoe feat. Seonghwa - justthere4kpop (wc 2.4k)
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「 ✦ Something's Wrong with Hongjoong ✦ 」
includes Villain!Hongjoong, Evil!Hongjoong, Perv!Hongjoong, Yandere! Hongjoong and dubcon themes. ⚠️ I don't support non-con fanfics
An Eye For All Things Sweet - @sugarcherriess
Textbook perv!Hongjoong - @ateezinmymind
Crimes of Passion: Gotham au Intro - @thetypingpup (wc 5.4k)
* Yandere
Desire - @lovesanmotion
Indulgence - @mint-yooxgi (wc 2k)
The Villain part 1 - @yourfatherlucifer (wc 1k)
The Villain part 2 - yourfatherlucifer (wc 1k)
˖ ࣪⭑last updated 06/05/24 ˖ ࣪⭑
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hmshermitcraft · 5 months ago
False is a very clingy gf. Whenever she's upset or really anything, first thing she does is to walk up to the girls from behind and just hug them... for really long.
What else she does varies depending on their height difference with her.
She doesn't even try resting her head on Cleo's shoulder because for all she knows (and has experienced), Cleo will purposely make it harder for her to do so.
While she has the biggest height difference with Stress, she still willingly bends down all the way to rest her head.
Gem's the perfect height for resting on her head (although she has to be careful of her antlers)
And Pearl, who is the tallest, at least is willing to let her rest on her shoulder (unlike a certain someone)
Oh and if they're seated? Well she's wrapped her legs around them too. No chance of escape at all
The girls all embrace it. Being chosen by False is like getting chosen by a cat. A very, very affectionate cat. It's just who gets her first.
She's starting kissing Cleo's arm when she can't reach her, though. She can't be stopped!
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midnight-shadow-cafe · 2 months ago
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Protected by Shadows
Pairing: Poly 141 x reader
AU: Mafia 141 x innocent Reader
Warnings: Mentions of violence (not graphic), protective behavior, sweet moments, and fluff
Authors Note: I hope you enjoy, I love this AU so much I’ve been so into these kinds of AUs for like ever now- also this is like my first time really doing head cannons (let me know if I did it wrong please-)
Price is the most protective of the group, constantly checking in on you without being too overbearing. He’s the type to stop by your flower shop under the guise of "just checking in" while casually scanning for any potential threats. He keeps his voice calm and soothing, always calling you "love" or "darlin’," which makes your heart flutter. Price doesn’t just protect you physically; he makes sure you feel safe emotionally, often offering quiet reassurances like, “We’ve got you, love. Always.”
Soap is the most openly affectionate—he’s all about making you smile. He constantly flirts, dropping over-the-top compliments that leave you blushing. "Y’know, lass, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were a bloody angel sent to brighten my day." He’s also the type to sneak into your shop when it’s slow just to "help out," which usually means playing with the ribbon spools and getting tangled in them. Soap loves how flustered you get when he calls you "his bonnie girl," and he doesn’t mind making a fool of himself if it means you’ll laugh.
Gaz is the most thoughtful—he notices the small things and acts on them. When your heater broke during the winter, he showed up at your shop the same evening to fix it without even asking. He’s always bringing you little things: your favorite snacks, flowers he claims “don’t compare to the ones you grow,” or even a book you casually mentioned once. Gaz loves watching you light up when he remembers those small details, and he gets this soft smile that makes you melt every time.
Ghost is the quietest but the most intense when it comes to his care for you. He’s the one who lingers outside your shop after hours, ensuring you get home safely without you even realizing it. When he does come inside, he doesn’t say much, but his presence alone is reassuring. He’s incredibly observant—he knows when you’re upset or tired, even when you try to hide it. If someone ever upsets you, Ghost is the first to take care of it, and when you ask him about it, he’ll just shrug and say, “Handled.” He also secretly loves the nickname you gave him, though he’ll never admit it out loud.
Price, Soap, Gaz, and Ghost all have their own ways of spoiling you. Price takes you on peaceful drives to quiet places, sharing stories from his past and letting you vent about anything bothering you. Soap loves taking you out for fun nights—whether it’s dinner, an amusement park, or just driving around blasting music and singing along. Gaz is all about those quiet, cozy moments, like movie nights at home where he lets you pick every single movie, even if they’re terrible. Ghost prefers quiet walks in secluded areas or just sitting in silence with you, his hand always resting protectively on your shoulder or back.
They’re ridiculously protective of you, especially when they discover a rival gang has been sniffing around your shop. Soap was the first to get riled up, pacing and muttering about teaching them a lesson. Gaz kept it together but couldn’t stop checking in on you every five minutes, while Price made sure you had a personal escort everywhere. Ghost didn’t say a word—he just disappeared for a while, and when he returned, the threat was gone.
You’re their light in an otherwise dark world. They’re captivated by your kindness and the way you care about everyone, even when they don’t deserve it. Soap jokingly calls you "our sunshine," and while the others roll their eyes, they secretly agree. They’ll do anything to protect that light, even if it means shielding you from the darker parts of their world.
The first time they collectively admitted how much you meant to them, it was after a close call with the rival gang. Price sat you down and told you in his calm, steady voice that you were more than just someone they were protecting—you were family. Soap, of course, couldn’t resist adding, “Our girl,” with a wide grin, earning a glare from Price but a soft laugh from you. Gaz promised you that they’d always have your back, no matter what, and Ghost, in his usual fashion, simply said, “You’re ours.”
Life with them was never dull. Soap and Gaz constantly bicker over who gets to spend more time with you, while Price keeps them in line, reminding them not to overwhelm you. Ghost just watches from the sidelines, silently amused, though he occasionally throws in a dry comment that leaves everyone laughing.
You’ve become the center of their world, and while their lives may be dangerous and chaotic, they’d do anything to make sure you’re safe, happy, and loved.
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Hope you enjoyed! Please consider liking and reposting! -Midnight💜
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frudoo · 8 months ago
I really like your writing! I'm so glad I found your page. I was wondering if I could do a drabble or little one shot ask about the 141 boys (poly or individual doesn't matter either way) I just had this idea because there's so many ideas about the boys not thinking they're good enough for their girl but what if it was the opposite way and I was wondering what you'd think their reactions would be.
The idea is that their girl is on the phone with her friend thinking they can't hear her talking (maybe they were asleep or out for a run or something) and her friend asks how things are going with them. Their girl full on gushes about the boys to her friend and her friend is like "oooo sounds like love to me! Have you told them yet?" And their girl is like "I... No of course not...They can't love me, I couldn't possibly expect them to."
This is long but thank you for listening to me ramble!
PLEASE I got so sappy with this one I just couldn't stop my fingers from typing. Also you're such a sweetheart <333
Warnings: Mentions of self-doubt, food, mentions of sex. Fem!Reader. MDNI.
Kyle Garrick:
     Kyle’s had a long day, and the man just wants a proper cup of tea. He starts down the hallway, but when he hears his name coming from your room, he stops dead in his tracks. He knows it’s wrong, but he can’t help but crack your door open to eavesdrop a bit. 
     “I’m telling you, he’s perfect! When I have a bad day, he’ll take me out for coffee, or we’ll go for a walk or just look around the pet store. Sometimes he’ll even do my laundry! It’s- it’s not a crush anymore. I’m in love with him,” you ramble on to your friend, who’s giggling with glee over the speaker of your phone.
     “Well, have you told him?” She questions excitedly, and you go quiet for a moment.
     “Of course I haven’t. Why would I? It’s not… it’s not like he feels the same. I’d just be hurting myself,” you reply sadly.
     Kyle frowns deeply, and he’s almost positive he can physically feel his heart breaking. God, he’d rather fall out of another helo than ever hear you sound so distraught again. He wants nothing more than to barge into your room and pull you into his arms, kiss away all your doubts and prove to you just how much he loves you. Instead, the sound of your voice brings him back to reality. 
     “I think I’m gonna grab a snack. It was good talking to you,” you hang up the phone and open your door, surprised to see your roommate standing right there. “Kyle! Shit, did- did you-? I’m so-”
     “Y’mean it?” Kyle asks softly, not wanting you to feel embarrassed.
     Even so, you sheepishly nod your head, unable to meet his eyes. His warm hands cup your face and lift your head up to look at him, and he smiles so warmly that you can’t help but do the same.
     “Silly girl. I love you, too.”
     John Price:
     The base was dead today, barely any paperwork to do or new recruits to train. For the first time in months, John was able to get off on time, and he decided to surprise you with a bouquet of flowers and your favorite Indian food. When he arrives at your flat, he uses his spare key to unlock the door and steps inside, kicking off his boots—ever since that one time you playfully lectured him on keeping your home clean, he’s engraved the rule into his brain.
     John sets your gifts on the island in your kitchen, glancing around for any signs of where you could be. You’re definitely home, he can tell that much by your keys dangling off the holder and your own shoes by the door. He carefully steps through the hallway and hears your unmistakable voice in the bathroom, along with the quiet sound of running water. He goes to turn the handle but decides against it when he hears his name slip from your lips.
     “God, I love John so much, you don’t understand. He’s everything I could ever want. Every time I see him, I just- I wanna kiss him stupid, y’know? I mean, shit, he’s already seen every part of me since he’s my best friend and all.”
     “So… when are you gonna tell him? It sounds like he’s interested, babe,” your friend’s voice rings through your phone. “Best friends don’t normally just see each other naked.”
     “Oh, stop it. There’s no way he could feel the same. I’m just… I couldn’t ask that of him. It wouldn’t be fair.”
     John’s heard enough. He trudges back into the kitchen and fixes your plate of takeout, as well as a glass of wine and some chocolates. He arranges the food on a tray and brings it back to the bathroom, not even bothering to knock before walking inside. You scream, and normally he would laugh, but he’s so hurt that you think you’re unworthy of his love, and he’s dead set on proving otherwise. 
     “Do you always scare the shit out of people you’re trying to surprise?” You laugh, hand resting on your chest as if it’ll calm your beating heart.
     “Only the one I’m in love with, sweet girl.”
     Simon Riley:
     “M’gonna step out for a smoke, love,” Simon informs you, and you nod politely.
     The coffee shop is a little too crowded for Simon’s liking, and he needs a break. Your company is the sweetest he could ask for, and he feels bad leaving you for even a second, but the demons in his head were begging for an escape. Still, he stands by the window where your table is located just so he can keep an eye on you. Call it a weakness, but when he sees you messaging your friend, he can’t tear his eyes away from the conversation. Thank the heavens for the little slip-up the café made, having the one-way windows installed inside out.
yeah he’s like,,, stupidly perfect
it’s like he’s trying to make me lose it???
like sir i’m already in love with you
what more do you want
lmaooo why haven’t u told him yet????
he’s obviously in love with ur dumb ass too
oh fuck off
you know we’re just friends
don’t give me hope
     Simon frowns deeply, tossing the butt of his cigarette on the ground and crushing it with his boot. He’s spent his whole life in shackles, deeming himself unlovable, unworthy of anything good or sweet or kind. But when he met you, those thoughts dissolved like melting snow—he even took the mask off for you. He didn’t even know it was possible to love somebody so much, so to have the one person he adores more than anything in the world doubt herself? He won’t have it. 
     He reenters the coffee shop in a hurry, long legs striding over to you as quickly as possible. Before you can even react, he leans down to press his lips against yours, hands firmly on your face to keep you still. When he pulls back, he’s near tears looking at your shocked expression.
     “I don’t love y’like a friend. I love y’like a man loves his wife, like you’re the air I breathe. I’ve always been yours, y’hear me? Always.”
     Johnny MacTavish:
     Johnny’s expecting to feel your warm body beside his when he wakes, but instead he’s met with the soft thud of his arm onto the unoccupied sheets where you should be. He frowns and rubs the sleep from his eyes, checking his phone—it’s only 4:00 in the morning, and the sun isn’t even out yet. You’ve obviously not been in bed for a while, and it worries him. Did you leave in the middle of the night, all by yourself? Shit, what if something bad happened to you?
     Johnny hops out of bed and quickly pulls on his jeans from last night, starting a frantic search through his house. You’re not in the bathroom, or in any of the spare rooms, not even the sunroom where you love to cozy up and read a book. The last place he thinks to check is the kitchen, and lo and behold, there you are, brewing some coffee and talking on the phone to someone. Your best friend, he realizes, when you put the call on speaker to pour yourself a cup. 
     “It’s just… last night, he told me he loved me, and it- I don’t know. It ruined me. I couldn’t even finish, I had to fake it.”
     Johnny freezes and leans against the door frame. His stomach feels sick suddenly—did he really fuck up that bad last night? God, he knew he should have just kept his mouth shut, but he figured there was no better time to confess his feelings for you while he was… well, inside of you. He really thought you felt the same. Your little sniffle drags him out of his thoughts, and his eyes land on your now crying figure once again.
     “N-no, you don’t understand. I know he just said it because of the sex. I’m not… he couldn’t love me. Not the way I love him. We’re just friends who happen to sleep together sometimes. It’s my own fault for catching feelings when he- he deserves someone so much better,” the break in your voice destroys Johnny and all he can do is listen as your best friend calms you down.
     He doesn’t make a move until you’ve hung up. Only after you’ve set the phone down does he come barreling in, wrapping his strong arms around you, ignoring your shriek of surprise. Johnny pulls back to cup your face in his hands, thumbs wiping away the fresh tears that managed to slip past your waterline.
“Ye’re the only one ah want. D’ye understand? Ye’re the only one fer me. Ah meant wha’ ah said, hen, ah love ye. There’s no’ a force on this earth tha’ could make me want ye less. Ye’re mine, alreit? As much as ah’m all yers.”
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charliemwrites · 1 year ago
Sooooo I learned a valuable lesson last night. Which is not to draft things in tumblr. Because I wrote almost all of this in drafts, was like 15 minutes from posting. And then the app glitched when I changed the song I was listening to and lost everything.
I’m not entirely sure I wrote this version half as well as the original, which is maddening. But please enjoy this next part to the Mister(s) Steal Your Girl (poly 141) series.
Content:Safe/Sane/Consensual Intimacy
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You honestly didn’t expect to speak to Kyle again after the bookshop encounter. Sure, you exchanged numbers and he seemed so sincere, but your faith in reading people has been a bit shaken as of late.
That said, you wouldn’t have held it against him if you didn’t. You’d had a wonderful time meeting someone new, even if just for a moment. He seemed like a busy man in a high-stress job, it wouldn’t be a surprise if he looked at your open-relationship-with-a-fiance situation and decided it was too much drama.
But the very next day after meeting him, he sends you a text. Repeating that he had a great time and asking if you’ve already started any of the books you bought.
You try (and probably fail) not to giggle like a schoolgirl every time he texts you. He’s as sweet through the phone as he was in person. Throughout the week, he checks on you (more messages than you’ve gotten from your fiance in a month) asking after your days and nights and generally chatting.
On Thursday at lunch, you ask if he’d like to meet up again, heart clenching anxiously. Nearly throw your phone across the break room when his name pops up as an incoming call.
When you answer, he doesn’t even waste time on a greeting.
“I’d like to take you on a date, luv,” he specifies, voice silky and amused in your ear.
Date one is a nice dinner. He shows up at the door with flowers. You have to take a second to blink away the mist in your eyes.
“Sorry, sorry,” you hurry to say, summoning a smile. “Just no one’s ever bought me flowers. Thank you, they’re wonderful.”
And then you realize that probably sounds pathetic and quickly turn away to deposit them in a vase. (Miss the baffled and almost offended frown on Kyle’s face as that processes.)
At dinner, the two of you toast by tapping your appetizers together. He feeds you bites of his meal from his own fork, and you let him try your wine, giggling at the faces he makes.
The night ends (after dessert, a walk in the park, and a nightcap at a quiet bar) at your front door. Kyle fits a big, warm hand on your waist, pulls you in… and drops a chaste kiss to your cheek.
You try not to let your disappointment show, but he must catch it because he chuckles and gently nudges your face back into position. Graces you with another kiss at the corner of your mouth.
“I want to, darling,” he admits, so close you’re sharing air. “Trust me, I want to. But I need you to know I’m doing this for the right reasons too.”
Touched and a little choked up, you hug him tight, cheek pressed to his chest. His breath stutters. And then his strong arms are curling around you, tucking you in, his whole body becoming a warm haven.
“Can we… can we do this again?” you ask hopefully.
“Darling, I’d take you out tomorrow if you’d let me.”
Date two is bowling, which you find Kyle is actually terrible at, despite being a sniper. You laugh and joke through three games, trouncing him each time. He doesn’t seem to mind losing in the slightest, and even takes you out for a victory ice cream afterwards. You hold hands while you lick at the cone.
Date three, you invite him to a wine and paint night. He seems willing, though unsure. By the end, though, the two of you are giggling and tipsy, paint on your hands and faces. He kisses you against the passenger door of his car, lips soft and gentle. Moans when the tip of his tongue skims your bottom lip.
On date four, you sing to the radio in the car. Blush when you catch him sneaking glances at you, but also notice that he goes around the same block twice. Tease that you’re going to be late if he keeps stalling.
At the end of the night, he sweeps you in close on the dance floor.
“Come home with me?” he asks in your ear.
Your heart stumbles as you nod, cheeks hot.
He barely gets you in the door before pressing you back against it. Fingers in your hair, body one firm line pressed flush to yours. Kissing earnest but not rough, flicking at your bottom lip until you open for him with a soft sigh. He tastes like heaven, like the drinks you shared before this. Your fingers curl into his Henley, tugging him closer, arching your back.
The desire he’s been steadily building in your gut bursts into an inferno. You’re burning all over, can barely breathe. Dizzy with his cologne.
You break the kiss with a squeak when he scoops up beneath the thighs.
“I-I’m too heavy!” you gasp, clinging tight.
“Like hell you are,” he scoffs. “Come back here, I’m not done kissing you.”
You hesitate, taking stock. But he doesn’t feel like he’s straining; didn’t even make that mortifying grunt noise. Feel secure enough to lean back just a bit to check his expression.
There’s not an ounce of effort there. Just liquid dark eyes focused on your swollen lips, tilting his chin to coax you back. You go with a little thrill in your stomach, messier this time, teeth scraping.
He bumps you against the wall on his way to the bedroom. It doesn’t hurt but it makes you laugh against his cheek.
“Love your laugh,” he murmurs into your neck. “Could listen to it all day.”
Somehow that makes you flush more than the hard bulge pressing against your ass. So you shove your tongue in his mouth again to shut him up, breathless at his tongue curling against yours.
You squeal when he drops you on the bed with a little bounce, a brilliant, cheeky smile your reward. Then he tugs his shirt off and your mind goes utterly blank.
He’s a monument of strength and discipline, power in every plane of hard-earned muscle. There are glossy scars peppering his skin, and you’re fascinated as much as you are sad for his pain. He looks like a young god. You’ve seen marble statues half as beautiful as him.
“You’re bloody gorgeous,” you whisper, crawling to the edge of the bed.
He shivers and leans into your palms as they explore up his toned stomach, across the defined lines of his chest and shoulders, down his arms. Leave open-mouthed kisses against long-healed wounds and patches of smooth skin alike, appreciating every part of him.
He uses your interlocked fingers to draw you away, bending to meet you halfway. Speckles kisses over your cheeks and jaw, down to a tender spot beneath your ear that makes you hum. You could melt into him and just float.
He pauses there, breathes you in. “Can I take this off?” he asks, plucking at your shirt. You hesitate, just for a beat — but it’s enough to have Kyle pulling back a little.
“We can stop here,” he offers. “Or we can just keep doing this. Whatever you want, luv, I’m not fussed.”
You duck your head, but he doesn’t let you escape for long, gently guiding your gaze up by the chin.
“Talk to me?” he asks.
“I-I want to keep going,” you say, “I’m just… and you’re so…”
He shakes his head, kisses you quiet. “I’m not anything but a man that wants to make his girl happy. In whatever way she’s okay with, yeah?”
You have to blink away another sting of inopportune tears. Then reach for your shirt and pull it off yourself.
“Bloody hell,” he murmurs, eyes going big.
You flush as he nudges you back, spread out amongst the neat sheets and pillows. His eyes trace every inch of you over and over, hands quick to follow. The contrast of his rough palms on your skin makes you squirm and sigh. He touches you like you’re something special, like he wants to savor you.
He nibbles kisses into your collarbones, lavishes your breasts with tongue and gentle teeth. Works his way down your stomach and stops again.
“Can I take the rest off?” he asks.
You don’t hesitate this time, shifting to give him access to the zipper. His hands fumble a bit when he notices the embarrassing wet patch on your underwear, thumbing at your slit through the fabric.
“Please let me eat you out,” he breathes.
You press your thighs together, nervous. “Y-you don’t have to…”
“I want to, luv,” he answers, eyes barely flickering away. “Fuck do I want to.”
Words desert you, so all you can manage is a jerky nod. For the first time, his patience seems to fray as he tugs your underwear off. Barely gets them down to one ankle before diving between your legs.
He laces sweet kisses along your thighs and hips, slowing as he gets closer and closer to where you want him most. His tongue dips into your slit, just skims your throbbing and sensitive clit. You moan softly. The next swipe of his tongue is bolder, curling at your soaked entrance. He groans into you, deep and animal from his chest and makes you shudder.
“That’s it, baby,” he whispers. “Just enjoy.”
It’s impossible not to when he pampers your cunt so thoroughly. Never rough, never too fast. Like he could spend all night between your thighs. Sucking gently at your clit, thrusting his tongue inside, lapping in perfect, even strokes. You didn’t think you enjoyed oral from the few times you’ve experienced it — but Kyle makes it heavenly.
One of his hands, squeezing absently at your hip, travels down. He presses a finger at your entrance, playing in your slick but not going further. Waiting. You murmur a soft “please” that nearly has him growling.
Even just one finger feels like so much. His hands are bigger than yours. And so deliciously clever. It’s not long before you’re babbling for another, crying out softly when he provides. Two fingers curling and rubbing against your slick, sensitive walls and his tongue swirling around your needy clit — it’s so much. Overwhelming and perfect.
“K-Kyle, ‘m gonna…” you keen, shocked by how quickly it’s building.
Then he hums an encouragement and that little extra bit of stimulation sends you hurtling over the edge. You clench around his hand, hips twitching, grinding against his willing mouth through wave after wave. Not even aware of the noises you’re making until they fade off into soft whimpers of overstimulation.
Kyle eases his fingers from you, drops one last kiss to your hip. The lower half of his face is glistening. If you weren’t still somewhere in the stratosphere, you’d be embarrassed. But right now all you can manage is a quiet, needy noise, reaching for him.
He smiles and crawls over you, the warmth of his body soothing your shivery muscles, easing you through aftershocks. You wipe absently at his chin as you exchange lazy, sloppy kisses. Surprised to find that you don’t mind the taste of yourself; not much different than jizz.
“Give me… another second…” you mumble, head falling back as you catch your breath. “I’ll return the favor.”
Against your leg, you can feel him twitch through his jeans. He feels big. Your stomach clenches with want.
“That sounds bloody amazing, don’t get me wrong,” he answers, voice husky in your ear. “But if you’re up for it, I’d like to feel you cumming ‘round my cock.”
You gasp, not sure if you’re scandalized or even more turned on than before. Both?
“Wait, but I already…”
“I know, I was there,” he teases, kissing your temple. “But I wanna see it again. Feel it proper this time.”
You pause, blinking up at him as you trace your fingers along his ribs. “But isn’t that… I dunno, unfair?”
“Fuck no,” he answers. “I’d spend all night just making you cum if you let me.”
You huff and swat at him. “I think you’d kill me.”
“What a way to go, though, eh?” he chuckles, arching his eyebrows.
You groan, but there’s no hiding your grin. He brushes hair back from your face, cups your cheek.
“What do you say, baby? Let me fuck you good and proper.”
You snort, turn to nip his thumb in relation, but chirp, “yes, please!”
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cosmopretty · 7 days ago
꣑୧ Head cannons of Poly Bakugo and Izuku who catch feelings for the sweet new side kick at there agency
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Poly!BKDK who realizes when they’re already pro hero’s together that they want a third in their relationship when they meet you. Both of the men have gotten taller, stronger and bigger since they graduated UA and started their own agency.
Poly!BKDK who can’t help but notice the new younger sidekick who had joined there agency.
Poly!BKDK Bakugo can’t help but smirk every time he notices Izuku staring at you as you train. He can’t help himself when he sees you training so he always “helps” you. By helping he just yells at you and finds every excuse to hold you and spar so he has a reason to touch you.
Poly!BKDK Izuku who realizes you the one for them when you’re able to make snarky comments at Bakugo without getting fired or hurt. Who smiles to himself when he realizes Bakugo has taken a liking to you.
Poly!BKDK who subtly starts finding more reasons to be around you. Deku who sometimes makes you work longer so he has a reason to take you out to eat since you missed lunch. Bakugo who drives you home at night because it’s “dangerous for sweet girls like you to be out so late” and who walk you to your apartment so he can get a sneak peak inside your home.
Poly!BKDK who constantly try’s to stay around you at work and keep you safe. By keeping you safe they try to make sure at-least one of them goes out with you when you’re doing any sort of hero work.
Poly!BKDK Bakugo who flirts with you constantly and calls you “his best girl” during training.
You kick Katsuki in the stomach and grab his arm trying your hardest to twist the muscle behind him. He smirks and flips you over onto the floor straddling your waist “Nice try kid you almost got me” he states still holding you down. You can’t control the blush that heats up your face at the pro hero’s words and position he has you in.
“T-thanks Dynamite” You mumble looking anywhere but at his face.
Izuku walks through the door stopping at the scene before him. He smiles to himself seeing how flustered you seem to be and how cocky his boyfriend looks on top of your body.
Poly!BKDK who one day after work decided to just ask you out.
After changing out of your hero suit you get your stuff together about to leave the room before Bakugo walks in “Ready to go?” he ask walking up to your grabbing your bag from your hands and leading you outside after hearing you say yes.
He opens the back door for you and you get in a bit confused on why he demoted you to the back until Izuku turns around in his seat “Hey how your day sweetheart?” he asks his big green eyes looking you up and down.
“It was good nothing really happened today it was one of those quiet days ya know” You express leaning back in the seat as Bakugo starts driving. You and Izuku talk for the whole drive just gushing about other hero’s you two admire while Bakugo listening a smile adorning his features.
Once the car stops you grab your stuff thanking the two boys for the ride but before you can open the door for yourself Izuku has already opened it. You look up noticing both hero’s staring down at you “H-hi?” you ask confused as you notice the Izuku hands start fiddling with one another.
“Go out to dinner with us Friday” Bakugo demands only making you more confused.
Izuku groans slapping the blondes shoulder “You can’t ask her out like that Kacchan” he expresses. The two boys start arguing with one another on how to ask out a woman as you stand there confused.
You grab both their arms making them look at you “You two? Want to go out with me?” you ask the two of them before letting go of their arms stepping back.
Poly!BKDK who takes you on the best date of your life, treating you to the best dinner you could imagine. They bring you flowers and then take you out to walk through a park looking at the nature and the stars.
Poly!BKDK who admits they’ve liked you since you first got hired at the agency. Who have been together for years and only until you showed up realized they were missing something or someone.
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my hero academia masterlist
Please repost for me and send some requests in I love getting the new ideas to inspire me
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atzloverr · 8 months ago
My favorite fics/blogs!!!
The answer by @berryunho
this might me by favorite ateez fic y’all… It’s literally so GOOOODDDDD I’m obsessed… (atz x reader, cult au)
this entire blog is everything !! (never stop posting girl your stories are amazing) lovely yandere atz x reader stories
A blog with lots of yan bts x reader and I’m here for it!
Abundance by @angelicyoongie
ot7 hybrid bts x reader, I’m literally obsessed with this story and I still hope that the author picks it up again 😭
Caught between the devil and the deep blue sea
(ao3) LOVE this ot8 ateez x reader fic!! The story is so good I’ve literally cried reading it…
(ao3) yandere Jungkook x reader. I don’t need to say more. Read it.
The obsidian pearl by @angelicyoongie
yandere mermaid!Seokjin x reader, only a few chapters, but still amazing!!!
(wattpad) I don’t know how many times I’ve reread this story… It’s my comfort fic i think😭 a bts x reader soulmate au fic.
The four kingdoms
(wattpad) another AMAZING bts x reader story. This fic is the first part of the “blue eyes” series, and I’ve read all four parts like a million times… The following parts:
pyramids, dynasty, mist (mist isn’t finished)
Seven sins
(wattpad) seven deadly sins!bts x reader.
Blood ink
(wattpad) tattoo artist!Jungkook x reader, gang au
Circus by @lani-heart
A sweet (and angsty) fic about ot8 hybrid!ateez x reader!!! I highly recommend it! (ongoing)
suuuuuch a good blog, has atz x reader and some svt x reader
Amazing bts x reader stories!!! (two of them are mentioned in this post lol)
lovely nsfw ateez x reader, I’m so happy I found this blog likeeee, obsessed with their work dirty little secret (mingi x reader)
Guerilla by @sorryimananti-romantic
serial killer!Yunho x reader, literally obsessed with this and their entire blog!!!! And I’m Yunho biased so this hit the spot
One of if not THE best atz nsfw x reader fics… Literal art, go follow right now!!!
Heavy and sticky by @k-hotchoisan
some filthy Seonghwa x reader smut!!!
When flowers bloom in the dark by @makeitmingi
Already so invested in this mafia au Hongjoong x reader story. It’s sooo good
Atz as boyfriends (nsfw ver) by @sorryimananti-romantic and @eightmakesonebraincell
explicit ateez ot8 headcannons (I’m obsessed)
The feral drabbles by @mint-yooxgi
Ateez (and skz but I haven’t read) x reader one-shots/drabbles!!! Includes darker themes (yandere), and omg this writing is so good!!!
such good ateez x reader fics and drabbles!!! this blog has yandere content as well! Love their work allure
amazing svt x reader and atz x reader!!! I love their work like crazy (yandere Seonghwa x reader)
Our leaves must fall before our flowers can bloom by @eightmakesonebraincell
poly ot8 atz x reader and ice hockey au, I literally died when reading this the writing is insanely good
Mist of celeste
(ao3) craziest read in my life. Space pirates atz x reader and this is a literary masterpiece. Read. It.
THE ONE AND ONLY QUEEN (atz x reader)
Sentinent by @trivia-yandere
(Oneshot) Yandere android namjoon x reader, omg I am obsessed with this and the author’s other works!!
(ao3) INSANE READ. I literally pray to god that this ot8 atz x reader story continues!!!
Case: It’s You by @potatomountain
Ahhhh this poly!atz x reader story was so amazing!!!! The twist in this was absolutely crazy, and I can’t wait for book 2 to get released! This author ate the enemies to lovers au
(ao3) I just LOVE this ot8 atz x reader!!! This story is a zombie-apocalypse au!
I love this blog so much!!! I love their NCT and SVT fics, and I strongly recommend their fic daylighter (vampire!Wonwoo + Werewolf!Mingyu x reader)
I’ll update this post if I find new works that I enjoy!
my masterlist
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wh1msic4lwasab1 · 28 days ago
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“Time for Dessert?”
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synopsis: sfw+nsfw headcannons for eimiko x fem reader! (poly)
tags: aphrodisiacs, hot spring sex, scissoring, marking, praise, vulgar, fingering, explicit,
wrd cnt: 0.7k
a/n: god i love women …. also a repost from old acc
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1. ) On lazy afternoons, Ei and Yae team up to prepare a special tea blend that perfectly complements their unique personalities, and naturally their sweetheart will be the judge. Ei's playful nature mixes with Miko's elegance, resulting in a brew that always warms your heart and you truly can never pick which tea is better, so you always finish both.
2. ) We all know Ei is a little... culinarily challenged. But that doesn't stop you and Miko from trying to teach her the basics, it'll be hard to even convince her to step into a kitchen but with a few shoulder massages and kisses on the cheek she can't refuse her girls. Often times the end will result in two plates of food, and then one plate of….well you wouldn't call it food but you could be brave enough to take a bite while watching Ei's anticipating eyes wait for your reaction. Practice is sure to make some progress.
3. You quickly find that Yae is quite the prankster, you and Ei are usually the victims of her shenanigans but sometimes you two team up on her. One of your greatest hits were when you both convinced her to take a bite of some sweets Ei had bought from a local shop. You handed Yae the plate of a suspicious looking pudding, almost clear in color but doused in a sugary syrup. As she tries to cut into it- the "dessert" pops open and spill all over her lap, good thing it was only just a little hydro slime.
1. Yae and Ei quite knowledgeable, and you're happy to fulfill their requests. They'd send you on little trips to obtain certain commodities, but they'd only tell you what it's for when you come back. A very likely occurrence that happens, is Yae will go send you to bring her some novelty chocolates with pomegranate, lavender and gingko oil, and dozens of other aphrodisiacs. Except….you wouldn't really know they were such things, not until you're practically begging them to fuck you. Not until you're riding Yae's fingers, while Ei licks the chocolate off your fingers and the corners of your mouth.
2.) You can't tell me these two don't treat you like an absolute princess, and fuel your praise kink- Sex with Ei and Miko is never quiet, they'll always be whispering sweet nothings into your ear, caressing every inch of your body and praising you for being such a good girl for them…and good girls get rewards.
3.) Imagine taking a bath with the two of them, the hot springs are always you threes favorite place to relax. Ei will have a spring prepared with flower petals and rose water ready for you and Miko. You'll all sit in the bath, barely inches away from each other.
You can feel Ei's hand trailing up your thigh, as Miko's chest is pressed up again your shoulder.
The water, making it so easy for Ei to lift up your leg and put it over hers. Even easier for her to slip her fingers along your folds, the warm water feeling almost cold when your entire body is heating up from her rubbing your sensitive- puffy, clit. All while Miko rubs your hard nipples between her fingers, rolling them between her digits and tugging them slightly while her lips leave pink and purple marks across your neck. Yae is almost shocked, feeling your fingers enter her cunt, you didn't wish to leave her out, not one bit.
"Such a sweet girl, feels so good darling..." Yae will whisper into your ear, before moving your face towards her, slipping her tongue into your mouth while your fingers curl into her.
Ei, making your legs almost shake from how hard her fingers curl up into you.
"How is this, hm? Do you like it when I do this? Tell me how much you love it." Ei says, moving her body to cross into yours. Her pussy now rubbing itself onto yours, as you feel her folds slide against your clit, her tongue now tracing around your hard nipples before sucking until you can't hold back your whimpers.
You watch as Yae starts to share her tongue with Ei, all while you try to keep yourself from finishing so quickly, but that's inevitable.
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whimsic4alwasab1 ™ - do not copy, translate, modify, or claim any of my work as your own.
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sun-kissy · 8 months ago
HELLO SAN i loved meant to be in fact i created this acc just to read ur stuff so can we please please have poly wolfstar headcanons with lots of fluff 🥰🥰🥰🥰
i love you ♡ and yes of course you can! also i got so carried away, this was very self-indulgent and fun to write <3
headcanons of poly!wolfstar x fem!reader
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tw: tooth-rotting fluff, one mention of sex but if you blink it's gone
personalised nicknames! all of you have different terms of endearment for each other so you don’t get mixed up (remus calls you dove/sweetheart, and sirius calls you love/pretty girl <3)
sirius is always in the middle when the three of you are walking together, holding both yours and remus’ hands
sirius loves laying his head in your lap, letting you comb your fingers through his hair and make small braids in it
he goes crazy when you braid flowers into his hair, peppering kisses all over your face and relishing in the victory of you blushing
he bombards yours and remus’ faces with kisses all the time anyway, he doesn’t need an excuse for it
whenever there’s parties, sirius does both of your makeup for you. you can’t stop giggling as he does your eyeliner, he’ll tsk irritatedly and kiss you to shut you up. and remus keeps grumbling about how tedious the process is but sirius will tell him how pretty he looks and he’ll immediately zip his mouth
sirius loves to be pampered, especially after quidditch matches. he’ll lay on the bed while you rub curling cream into his hair and remus massages between his shoulder blades. the moans that escape his mouth from remus’ massaging are borderline sinful, and he claims that he would “trade sex for this any day”
speaking of quidditch matches. when gryffindor wins, everyone’s crowding around sirius and congratulating him, but he doesn’t care. he runs straight up to the stands and into yours’ and remus’ arms
both you and sirius lean against remus when cuddling, who has long arms to wrap around your waists, the tall wanker
remus chides the both of you for not doing assignments (he still does it for you anyway, pretending to hate doing it. but he loves how grateful you both are after he does)
he is a stupid stupid flirt who bends down to look into yours and sirius’ eyes when he talks to you. it makes your heart beat like crazy
sirius and you are always stealing remus’ grandpa sweaters because they’re just so comfy. he’d be like “where’s my-“ and then he’d see one of you wearing it and roll his eyes affectionately
remus is all for pressing kisses into yours and sirius’ hair 
and you like to give them each a kiss on their nose, which makes remus turn red and sirius gush over how freaking adorable you are
after full moons, you clean remus up and press gentle kisses to his scars while sirius kisses his tears away. it’s a painful yet heavenly experience, it hurts and it heals
when you have period cramps, sirius massages your stomach and presses kisses to your hairline, while remus makes you hot chocolate and envelopes you in his warmth
sirius cries all day when he gets a letter from home. and the two of you are right by him the whole time, squeezing his hands, whispering reassurances into his ear,  and wrapping him up in blankets and warm hugs
remus reads to the two of you every night till you fall asleep, hands interlaced and legs entangled. he’ll smile and press a kiss to each of your foreheads before falling asleep himself
cuddles every morning, smothering one other in tight hugs and kisses filled with bad breath and love. it’s especially nice when it rains; it storms outside, but you’re all cosy in your safe haven
you’re in their dorm room so much it might as well be yours. and it’s always lively with music from sirius’ record player
the three of you hold hands and jam out to the music, all awkward movements and tripping up, but it’s so much fun
all of you go for picnics together, or just sit under a tree near the black lake. remus will read his book, you’ll lay in his lap and make flower crowns, and sirius rests his head on your stomach while he paints his nails. remus will occasionally bend down to press a kiss to sirius’ knuckles or between your eyebrows
hugs hugs hugs so many group hugs and being squeezed until you feel all the sadness seep out, and you wish you could stay there forever with sirius’ arms holding you close and remus’ chin on the top of your head. it feels like home
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mayrose713 · 1 month ago
Beautifully Cruel World-Chapter 20
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Series Masterlist | Previous | Next
ABO Non-Idol Stray Kids Universe Poly OT8 x Reader 18+ MDNI
Warnings in the Series Masterlist as well as any other information needed
Chapter 20
“Wow, the view from here is insane. I can’t believe this is just down the street from the house.” Y/n looks out the large glass windows that make up the cafe up on a hill looking over the beach. “And all those boats out there.”
“This side of the island is a pretty good fishing spot this time of year.” Changbin smiles at her as they are waiting in line to order drinks.
“Do you guys like to go fishing?” She finally turns away from the windows for the first time to look at her two dates. 
“Not really.” Jisungs shakes his head. “Main thing is Minho doesn’t like water, so.”
“He seemed to be fine on the ferry we took to get here.”
“It’s because it’s a bigger boat than one you would go fishing on.” Changbin chuckles. “Plus he’s done the trip so many times he’s used to it by now. He hated it the first few times we came down here.”
“Though he doesn’t usually stay in the water for very long, so the fact that he stayed for a while when we had our beach day really says something.” Jisung thinks about it a little. “Maybe it's because of you that he’s getting more comfortable with it.”
“I doubt that.” The omega gives a small snort before finally looking up at the menu board as they are getting closer to the front of the line. “What are you guys getting?”
“Ice americanos.” They two males say at the same time making Y/n laugh when they look at each other shocked. 
“What do you want to drink, angel?” Jisung wraps his arm around her shoulders. 
“Well, I’ve never actually had coffee before.” She continues to scan the menu. “And I don’t want to get one to try in case I don’t like it.”
“You can try ours to see if you like it for next time.” Changbin nudges her shoulder. “Though I feel like you’ll be like Felix and won’t like it. But they do have smoothies if you want that.”
Y/n looks at the smoothies part of the menu and sighs. “There’s so many flavors, how do you choose?” 
“We’ll pick one for you.” The beta squeezes her shoulders. “Are there any fruits you don’t like?”
“Alright, we won’t pick anything with pineapple.” Jisung laughs. 
Once it’s their turn Changbin steps up to the counter to order while Jisung and Y’n stand near the side, the older swaying them a little as they wait for their alpha. 
“Can I get two large ice americanos and one large strawberry banana smoothie?”
Once they’ve gotten their drinks they walk out of the cafe and instead of heading down to the beach like Y/n thought, they lead her across the street to a large park and garden. 
“Here, pretty girl, try it.” Changbin hands her his Americano and she takes a sip only to make a face with a scrunched up nose making both males laugh. “I figured you wouldn’t like it.”
“Made the same face Lixie always makes.” Jisung shakes his head. 
“How’s the smoothie?” Changbin asks after she hands him back his drink and immediately drinks hers. 
“So much better than yours, that’s for sure.” She then looks around as they start walking through the park. “So what is this place?” 
“Jeju is known for having a lot of beautiful parks and gardens.” Jisung grabs her hand that isn’t holding her drink. “This one is one of my favorites and not just because it’s walking distance from the house meaning I can walk here with either an alpha or a beta.” 
“Usually Jinnie takes him so he can paint while Ji walks around the place.” Changbin looks at the beta. “But he wanted so badly to take you here too and asked if this could be our date.” 
“Aww, Jisungie.” Y/n leans her head against his shoulder. “Where’s yours and Hyun's favorite place to go in here?”
“Follow me.” 
Jisung leads the two through the park and into the guarded area. Hundreds of different flowers are blooming and the smells are amazing. They go to a bridge over a small river and they can hear the sound of a waterfall. 
“This is both of our favorite spot.” Jisung points to the waterfall with trees hanging over it, flower petals falling off the branches into the water. 
The omega gasps at how beautiful it is. “Wow Ji, this place is amazing.”
“Look in the water.” Changbin leans into her side pointing just below them. “A bunch of koi fish.”
“They’re so pretty.” 
“Come on, there’s more.” 
Jisung drags the two of them around the whole garden. They would occasionally sit on a bench and take in the scenery. Y/n remembering she has a phone again started taking pictures of everything. She sent a few to Hyunjin asking if he could paint her a mural of one of them on her wall in her room. And the three of them took a few pictures together sending them to the group chat after realizing they need to take pictures with Y/n now as they don’t have any. 
“Woah.” Y/n’a eyes light up as they reach the exit of the garden on the other side of the park where there are trees lining the path, millions of flower petals littering the ground and more still falling. 
She runs ahead of them to go down the path and they follow along smiling at her. 
“You chose a good date Ji.” The alpha takes the youngest’s hand and uses his other to take pictures of the girl. “I don't think we've ever seen her like this before.” 
“I hope we get to see this more often now.”
They reach the end of the path where their omega is waiting for them with a huge smile.
“You’ve got flower petals in your hair, baby.” Changbin chuckles and lets go of Jisungs hand and they both start picking the petals off of her. 
“The next time we come to the island can we go to more of the parks and gardens?” 
“I’m sure we can.” Jisung grins. “Remember, the alphas can’t say no to Lix and I. Adding you in when asking for stuff, oh they’re done for.” 
Changbin hits him on the back of the head, making him pout. “Don’t go having any ideas.” 
The alpha then takes Y/n’s hand and she grabs Jisungs and they start walking through the park to head back to the house. They see some pups playing on the playground and a pack set up at one of the gazebos. 
“Y/n?” A teen beta girl walks over to the three of them and gets excited at seeing the omega. “Oh my god it is you.” She runs up to her and hugs her, Y/n stands in shock letting go of both of her dates hands, before the teen turns and calls to a younger alpha boy. “Kwan, go get grandma and grandpa, it’s Y/n.” 
“No, Nobi…” But Y/n was too late as Kwan has already run off to the gazebo to grab two of the adults and she turns to her two mates after letting go of the teen. “We need to go.” 
“Why are you going? We haven’t seen you in two weeks.” Nobi pouts. “Grandma said you went to visit your dad in Japan. What are you doing here? And who are they?”
“Nobi, I need to go.” She’s getting desperate to leave now and Changbin and Jisung can tell. 
“Let's go, Y/n.” Changbin wraps his arm around her trying to move her past the teen but they weren’t fast enough as Kwan was already back with an older alpha male and a beta female. 
“Y/n, there you are.” The beta gasps and smiles walking up to her, grabbing her from Changbin to hug. Y/n stands still in both shock and fear. “Where have you been? You just ran off and we tried looking for you. Someone found your car abandoned at a park but you were nowhere around and no one came forward as witnesses.”
“But you told us she went to Japan.” Kwan looks at the two adults confused before looking at the omega then at Nobi.
“You two go back to playing with the other pups.” The older alpha tells them both. “You’ll be able to talk and ask Y/n questions later.”
They watch the teens run off as Changbin grabs Y/n pulling her back towards him and Jisung protectively, not liking the situation. The older male sees this, eyes narrowing at the scene. 
“Thank you gentlemen for bringing our omega back to us.” He gives a forced smile that doesn’t reach his eyes. “As her pack alpha we’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again, we can’t thank you enough.”
“We’re not leaving her with you.” Jisung says out of nowhere, shocking even himself at his outburst as it usually isn’t like him, but he doesn't want Y/n to be taken from them.
“And who do you think you are to decide that?” The alpha steps closer to Jisung causing him to cower which Changbin wasn’t going to allow.
“Y/n’s fated mates, that’s who.”
“Even if you are, she’s still under my pack. I haven’t given her to anyone yet.” The man snarls and roughly grabs the girl's wrist, pulling her to him causing her to whimper. 
Y/n doesn’t know what to do or say as her wrist now throbs from how hard he grabbed her. She feels her phone vibrating in her pocket but is too scared to move.
The older female looks Y/n over as if pretending to make sure she’s okay and gasps when she sees Chan's mating bite on one side of her neck. “You claimed her?”
“You claimed my granddaughter without even talking to me first?” He gets mad and shoves Changbin a little. 
Y/n’s grandfather looks at her angrily, questioning if she really just dared to speak. “What?” 
“Stop.” She says again, tears pooling at her waterline. “I’m not coming back with you. I’m going back home, with them.” 
“Y/n, we’ve been worried sick about you, we didn’t know where you went.”
“Then why didn’t you ever report her as missing?” Changbin asks, moving Jisung behind him as he tries to get closer to his omega to take her back. “You say you’ve been worried about her but yet she’s been gone for two weeks and there was never a missing persons report filed, I know because we checked. And if you really cared about her so much then why was she bruised, malnourished, and timid when we first found her?”
“Whatever that bitch told you is a lie.” He growls, hating that his own morals are being questioned. “She’s not mentally sane in the head anyways. Why she needs to come back with us.” He looks at the girl again and eyes narrow on the other side of her neck now seeing Felix and Minho’s bites and scoffs. “Always knew you were a slut, getting claimed by more than one man.”
“I’m not going anywhere with you.” She hisses trying to walk past him back to her mates but he grabs her wrist again and when she tries to pull away he slaps her cheek making her stop in shock. 
Her grandfather moves to grab her again making the omega freak out as she tries to scurry away from him causing her to trip over her feet and fall to the ground. 
“Get the fuck away from her.” Changbin rushes forward grabbing the other male just as sirens are heard along with several yelling voices heading their way.
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