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The not needed synthetic in you.
The strange part is that the chaos that exists is just for your pain, the madness within you the passion for you needs to be preserved for your consumer gain. The consumer in you is being served to the profitable you but at a loss of you. IF there is a need it needs to be addressed, they who address are the ones addressing because it is implied that they serve you for a profit from you, and at a cost at you. A desensitising targeting channel if based on the fundamentals of effective, efficient solutions to a human need, it will not only be useful but in fact, will be welcomed with open arms. The yard farm known as humanity not only serves like an ecosystem where earthlings live by and walk but also serves as an open field for an experiment on masses to serve a profit-oriented objective as well as to establish another system to serve the outcome of the previous system. An aspirin is needed when a headache is beyond control. A fire brigade is needed when the fire is beyond control. Wireless is needed when wires are beyond control. Hospitals are needed when sicks are beyond control. Sicks are needed when pharmaceutical industries are beyond control. AND likewise, synthetic based plastic products are needed when the human urge for immediate solution solving plastic is beyond control. Be it cup-noodles, be it a bottle of water, a soda bottle, or be it any daily product, it is most likely packaged in plastic or some by-product of plastic because nothing beats a quick, convenient, easy to open and use BUT non-bio degradable solution. Right? This discovery of plastic has changed, revolutionised and exploded and exploited within the cross-hair of corporate consumerism and profitisms (word carved by team chaospresss). Sadly the plastic which has become the second name to serve the human convenience after the never-ending human greed is a major contributor to the encroaching litter made by humans AND India also ranks amongst the one of the top waste-generating countries and littering is a major issue, especially in the form of single-use plastics, like soda bottles, drinking straws and potato chip bags throughout the country, and sadly not much is being done regarding the same. Research commissioned by media outlet Orb revealed alarming data about plastic pollution in tap water, with 83 percent of samples tested worldwide coming back as contaminated. In the U.S., 94 percent of tap water samples were found to contain plastic. Orb found, for example, 16 fibers in tap water taken at the visitor’s center in the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., along with fibers in samples taken from Trump Tower in New York. Plastic fibers were also found in water taken from Indonesia, India, Ecuador, Uganda, England, and Lebanon. The plastic/ synthetic is non-bio degradable and it also has the tendency to break down into multiple small complex pieces of micro-plastic and has found its way deep into the ocean far beyond the human reach and has also contaminated the food cycle of the marine life, its long been known that fishes are eating plastic debris, but a disturbing study revealed, this isn’t occurring by happenstance. Instead, fish may be actively seeking out plastic particles in the ocean to eat, mistaking them for food because of their odor. When microplastics exist in the ocean, they form a biological covering made of algae and other materials that smell like the food the fish would normally eat hence entering into their body and causing loss to marine life at an extent which is yet to be ascertained. The Orb report even reported that plastic particles less than 50 nanometers long have been shown to collect in plankton, potentially (food on which whales thrive) blocking their gastrointestinal tract, as well as accumulating in the many creatures that depend on plankton as a food source. It’s yet another route of plastics exposures to humans, because if the fish are eating plastic, so, too, are the creatures that end up eating the fish. If plastic fibers are in our water, experts say they’re surely in our food as well be its baby formula, pasta, soups, and sauces, whether from the kitchen or the grocery. Plastic fibers may leave your pizza crust, and a forthcoming study says it’s likely in the beer you’ll drink to chase the pepperoni down. It gets worse. Sadly Plastic is all but indestructible, meaning plastic waste doesn’t biodegrade; rather, it only breaks down into smaller pieces of itself, even down to particles in nanometer scale — one-one thousandth of a one-one thousandth of a millimeter. Studies show particles of that size can migrate through the intestinal wall and travel to the lymph nodes and other bodily organs. Human inventions are a product of a necessity being the mother of its creation but the human need for an immediate solution has made the invention into a daily way of convenient lifestyle by the corporate consumer based convenience, without firstly having ascertained how the end result would be if used so extensively. Every packaging of almost every food product has become plastic, every bottle of water, soda, daily cosmetics are plastic. We breathe plastic we live plastic, it has, in fact, found its way even till the human face in the name of plastic surgery. What are we doing, where are we heading because the end seems nowhere near and neither does any possible solution to the havoc we have created just for the immediate needs to be solved based on human convenience arising from human greed. Lastly remember folks everything human, I mean everything ends up in the ocean! The maddening chaos seems close!
For more, you can read the following articles and the endnotes of myriad reports.
#recycle#plastic#plasticwaste#synthetic#syntheticwaste#microbeeds#micrfon#ocean#waste#consumer#consumerism#pollution#waterpollution#chaos#polluted#plasticpollution#pollutedearth#marinelife#environment#cosmetic#profits#lifestyle#plasticsurgery#garbage#humanneeds#human waste#biologicalwaste#drywaste#wetwaste#biodegradable
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