#polluted and with car jobs at risk
churino6 · 3 days
Design for Arcee and her drones
Get it? RC Remote control, she's a tactician while on earth
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Arcee used to be a teacher's assistant, having a good relationship with ratchet and wheeljack, she cashed in on a couple of favors with them once she got to earth, getting her alt mode heavily modified with all the bells and whistles, she's a nurturing bot but she has her oddities, a wierd girl, energetic and risk-taking, she's super passionate about her interests, namely drones, she knows everything there is to know about them and has a massive collection that dates back to functionist government era.
She doesn't really get the political stuff. She's just really into drones. And is an expert at multi-tasking. the other guys in the tactical division left. Meaning arcee has to do the job of three people all by herself, but she's doing fine, actually
This is thanks to the small slice of her collection that she has brought to earth, 40 individual drones in 4 models all at the autobot's beck and call, most commonly seen are the natron drones, used to create holographic drivers for when the autobots are in public
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The natron drones are sold exclusively as a two pack with the freezon drones. These drones are able to project "holomatter" invisible force fields used in tandem with the natron drones to make more realistic ilusions. They were designed by two lovers on opposite sides of the war
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A more general use type drone, Fastlane drones do simple labor and repetitive manual tasks, these drones are of velocitronian design, they and a few other velocitronian drone models operate the functions of velocitron that it's population of racers are too "busy" to do
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The cloudraker drones, also of velocitron, clean up the pollution that is caused by a race of cars by running ON carbon emissions themselves similar to earth plants. On earth, they can also shield the autobots from detection by mechanical means. Nullifying video equipment and removing evidence to get rid of the autobot's digital footprint on arcee's command
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☝️Just clearning up a misconception, she controls the drones, she's not an rc car herself, she's the batmobile
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I can't get my emojis to work, but Joshua Whitmore and happiness?
That Familiar Smell of Fresh Paint - Joshua Whitmore/Reader
Warnings: Gender-neutral reader, no use of Y/N.
Wordcount: 2560
Summary: Happiness isn't a familiar feeling to him anymore, but it's the little things is his new life with you that makes him start to remember how it feels.
Notes: I love writing him so much that I'm already looking forward to all the new ideas that came to me as I was working on this QwQ
It was hard at first, but you both expected that after your big, dramatic return from New York. As soon as you'd boarded the plane the two of you knew that things wouldn't be the same now that he'd been found, and sure enough once word got out that you'd not only crashed his big party to steal him back but also returned to Detroit, one Ms. Jorie Chastain was back at your door to properly ask for an interview this time.
Turns out she'd been quite reprimanded by her superiors for her previous ‘interview,’ and you were more than happy to accept her apology money and then have Joshua slam the door in her face as thanks for tearing the painting that was now framed on your wall.
It'd been quite the sum to make up for nearly ruining both your lives, and you put it away to go towards that adorable little property you'd had your eye on since it'd gone on sale. You drove past it the next day with him to test the waters, see if he'd want to start over fresh with you there, just casually mentioning the for sale sign and how you should maybe check it out, get back to animosity since everyone now knew where you lived. He'd been silent, his foot propped on your dashboard and his sketchbook placed against his leg while he drew what he saw, and he'd barely paid the property any attention at all when he caught sight of an overgrown park crawling with nature and freedom.
You try again a couple weeks later when you make the drive to the art store with him to give his legs a rest; he was so used to walking everywhere he'd forgotten completely how to drive, and at first he'd gone on a very long rant about how cars were polluting the environment and how walking was better for the body and mind, although for once he tossed in a little compliment as he commended you for always walking to work even though you did own a vehicle. 
Now, many rides later, he’s relaxed and sitting in the passenger seat while feeling the breeze, completely fine with cars for the moment while you drive, and you point out the for sale sign again as you approach.
‘I see it still hasn't sold, it's a decent property, I wonder what's wrong with it?’ you joke with many glances thrown his way, and this time he did look as he hums to himself.
‘Based on the state of the yard, broken windows on the side of the house, as well as that concerning dent in the roof I'd say it's a wreck inside, owners are probably old and finally selling because they can't afford to keep it in the family anymore, that one won't be housing anyone until the whole thing needs to be gutted,’ he figures before taking his sketchbook back out to work on his park sketch, he only seemed to work on it when you drove together.
‘Oh, how'd you-?’
‘Been in a lot of places like it, I can usually tell from the outside what the inside will be like by now,’ he says without looking up, and for a moment you'd actually forgotten that he'd been on the road the past seven years, not homeless but traveling, of course he'd had to have learned about all the safe and empty places to stay, what would be a risk and what would be a temporary paradise. ‘You're quiet, you wanted that house, didn't you?’
‘What? No, of course not, I've already got a decent duplex, you're not gunna find a better bathroom for that cheap,’ you brush him off nervously, but he doesn’t buy it as he glances at you and keeps drawing. ‘By the way, I've been wanting to ask since I don't see you on my floor, but how's the job going?’
‘Working to survive but not to be happy, it's a hard question to ask, isn't it?’ he begins, and you give him a look until he chuckles. ‘It's fine, been a while since I've been around that many people, and I know the only things they know about me were found on the internet and in that woman's news segment, but I'd prefer it if I was a no one to them again, just so they'd stop staring when I come around.’ He doesn't draw as he speaks this time, his eyes staring out the window as the neighbourhood turned into downtown, the art store in sight.
‘We could always see if you could work from home, I hear that's been a big thing in the city?’ you suggest, but the thought of that makes him visibly recoil.
‘Working at a desk in the comfort of my own home? Taking the precious hours we have in a day to get up, sit in front of those machines and just work until I can't tell what's the job and what's my personal life anymore? That sounds worse than being forced to paint, don't ever say that to me again,’ he grumbles as he hunches up and places his shoes on your dash again. You chuckle softly at the sight, he always knew what he wanted and what he didn't like, and you certainly can't imagine him being able to work on anything other than his paintings while he was home.
‘Sorry, I should've known better,’ you tease, and he just continues grumbling all the way to the parking lot. The art store is more well stocked now that everyone knew he was here, the owner ordering all sorts of professional things since he knew that Joshua would be back in due time, and sure enough he always was to replenish his supplies. It was nice to not be limited to just the children's supplies now, he’s certainly very happy about it as he races for the paints and sees that they were higher quality than last time, and the new brushes he'd suggested have come in as well, the display announcing their newness to the lineup. 
He has his own money again, after the great loss to the show you'd ruined he'd ended up having to pay out of pocket for it all as compensation, but once that was settled and he was finally set free from his contract he was also free to claim the rest of what the bank had been holding for him for almost a decade now that he wasn't legally dead. 
His checking account had been pretty much cleaned, but he'd also had a secret savings account that had been highly suggested by his then girlfriend, since she did care about his future until he'd grown too numb to remember how to love her back anymore. As such, since Mr. Eldred didn't know about it and focused purely on what he had left in his checking, the interest had accumulated into a new mini fortune that he was now slowly blowing through as he spoiled himself with new paints and proper canvases and all the things a starving artist on the streets wouldn't be able to get.
It was funny how fast his views on money had changed when he was able to toss everything onto the counter and pay for it without putting you out.
Now that he has a paycheck again he mostly sticks to using that, the two of you recently having joined your accounts so you could help contribute to his savings. It was a very big step in your relationship, once you discussed many times as you helped him set up an online account so he could see where his paychecks were going without a trip to the bank, but it felt right after your big city rescue. Knowing that he can get whatever he wants, you again wait patiently as he checks out everything and repeatedly goes over his mental inventory of what he still had back home. 
You hang around the register so you won't bother him, he would likely be ignoring you anyway if he wasn't giving you a history lesson about everything he was looking at, so you prefer this option since it gets you home faster. You exchange a friendly nod with the owner, he was very familiar with the both of you now, and get comfy leaning against the counter until he’s done, his voice drifting over the aisles as he openly talks to himself since you weren't there to listen.
‘He sees like a nice guy,’ the owner observes as he also listens, and you smile fondly in his general direction when he sees something he doesn't like and starts talking a bit too loudly about how kids could never flourish with brushes that break that easily and were too cheap to actually hold the paint they were using.
‘He is,’ you reply honestly even as he approaches with an armful of said brushes and sets them down with the intention to have them be removed from the inventory, which of course they wouldn't be. ‘He's a bit insufferable at times, but… he's genuine, and honest, and passionate, and I've never met anyone like him.’ He returns with more as well as the things he actually wants to pay for before disappearing again. ‘I'm sorry about this, I'll put it all back when he goes to the canvases.’
‘It's no problem, it's pretty slow in here when the kids don't have any big art projects going on, gives me something to do,’ the man laughs, and Joshua is very pleased when he finally notices the extra large canvases that were now in stock even though you know it'll be a pain to fit them into the backseat. 
You continue your light conversation with him while Joshua finishes up, and in his excitement the final bill is a bit more than usual, but he’s happy to pay for it all as he hands over his card and punches in the pin. All three of you have to carry everything to your car once the transaction is complete, thankfully he only indulged in one giant canvas this time since he was running out of wall space in his studio, and the rest is tossed into the trunk with great excitement.
‘Thank you for getting these in, and you have my list of more appropriate supplies for the kids’ section, right?’ he asks as you get into the car, Joshua hovering around the door and refusing to let the owner go without his very important suggestions being taken into consideration.
‘I'll see how well the new stuff sells before I order more stock,’ he vows as he backs up towards the door, Joshua ready to walk back in and give him a quick lesson on why he should also really get rid of some other things so he could pay more attention to his rather lacking informational book selection when you lean across the seats, grab him by the back of the hoodie, and pull him in with you. He relents and shuts the door, now preferring to see how this stuff compares to what they provided in his month back in New York since they'd gone for price over preparation, which of course he could tell the difference between. 
You have to pass by the house again to get home, but you can only glance at it longingly this time at the thought of moving him into another rundown place; you don’t want that for him, he deserved someplace open and clean after waking up in empty houses for so long. He sees your look this time and bunches up again to draw, but this time it isn't to work on his park you discover as you pull into your driveway, it’s actually a rough blueprint of how to fix up what he saw on the outside.
‘Need to get in, see how bad it is or if I’m wrong,’ he mutters as he hands the book over after everything is brought in, and your heart pounds a little harder when you read his notes crammed beside the shapes.
‘It’s just a house, we can look together for something better,’ you tell him as you hand it back and head for your laptop, but he just shakes his head and rests his arms over your shoulders, his chin on the top of your head while you sit at the table.
‘Told you I’m good with my hands, did a lot of construction work, if we buy it fast then we could get it cleaned up before it gets worse,’ he says softly, and you realize that he was doing this because it was something you wanted for once, his final hurdle in him getting used to not only living with but also loving someone again.
‘I don’t want you to have to stay in another busted up old house,’ you reply without looking up, your hands still on the keyboard and touchpad as you hover over the real estate site you’d bookmarked weeks ago. ‘This place is fine, we don’t need anything bigger or better, it’s… you deserve better than more broken ceilings and cracked paint.’
He kisses your head then, he was still getting used to giving you affection when he felt like sharing it even though you’d already slept together and had been together for months, but just knowing that he was the one to kiss you this time is enough to make your heart soar. ‘You know I don’t mind the smell of fresh paint, that’s my entire life,’ he reminds you quietly, his lips moving against your hair and his chin digging into your scalp as he speaks, and you free yourself to turn in your chair and stare up at him.
‘So you really wanna do this? You wanna buy a house with me? I’ll have to start driving to work again,’ you gape up at him, and he doesn’t seem too happy about you driving so much, but his expression is still very soft as he leans down even more to rest his chin on your shoulder along with his arm.
‘It’s closer to the art store, we can start walking there together,’ is his reasoning, and you press your own kiss to his cheek before going to the house’s page and checking out the uploaded images together. It’s better than he expected, the damage is mostly on the outside, but he was right about the older owners wanting to sell their family home since they now had a slightly smaller place closer to their grandchildren and couldn’t afford to keep both. He points out the easy fixes, stuff he’d learned how to do years ago, and the second bedroom is the perfect size for an even bigger studio; both bedrooms lead out into the backyard, a proper backyard this time where there’s room for a garden, and a birdbath is already in place and sporting a bluebird in the photo on the screen.
You take it as a sign, you both do, and he decides to save his giant canvas for later as you call up the realtor and set up an appointment to tour the property, Joshua just watching you talk with a content smile on his face all the while.
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humanrightsupdates · 8 months
China: Carmakers Implicated in Uyghur Forced Labor
BYD, GM, Tesla, Toyota, VW Risk Using Tainted Aluminum
Global carmakers, including General Motors, Tesla, BYD, Toyota, and Volkswagen, are failing to minimize the risk of Uyghur forced labor being used in their aluminum supply chains, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today.
The 99-page report, “Asleep at the Wheel: Car Companies’ Complicity in Forced Labor in China,” finds that some carmakers have succumbed to Chinese government pressure to apply weaker human rights and responsible sourcing standards at their Chinese joint ventures than in their global operations, increasing the risk of exposure to forced labor in Xinjiang. Most have done too little to map their aluminum supply chains and identify links to forced labor.
“Car companies simply don’t know the extent of their links to forced labor in Xinjiang in their aluminum supply chains,” said Jim Wormington, senior researcher and advocate for corporate accountability at Human Rights Watch. “Consumers should know their cars might contain materials linked to forced labor or other abuses in Xinjiang.”
The link between Xinjiang, a region in northwestern China, the aluminum industry, and forced labor is the Chinese government-backed labor transfer programs, which coerce Uyghurs and other Turkic Muslims into jobs in Xinjiang and other regions.
Human Rights Watch reviewed online Chinese state media articles, company reports, and government statements and found credible evidence that aluminum producers in Xinjiang are participating in labor transfers. Human Rights Watch also uncovered evidence that fossil fuel companies that supply coal to aluminum producers in Xinjiang have received labor transfer workers at their coal mines. Xinjiang’s aluminum smelters depend on the region’s abundant and highly polluting coal supplies to fuel the energy-intensive process of aluminum production.
In 2023, domestic and foreign manufacturers in China produced and exported more cars than any other country. Since 2017, the Chinese government has committed crimes against humanity in Xinjiang, including arbitrary detention, enforced disappearances, and cultural and religious persecution, and has subjected Uyghurs and other Turkic Muslim communities to forced labor inside and outside Xinjiang.
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see-arcane · 9 months
Dead Dove Venting below, Do Not Read
I'm aging another decade every time I see any update on the state of things at this point.
Winter as a season is melting into nonexistence. Within a decade we'll likely be past the point of no return. Corporate pollution continues pumping up into the air, boiling away the future and drowning the generations to come.
Devices are being made to slot in people's brains or to lock around a head to filter company training and duties into you as you sleep.
AI is eating people's art and work and faces and shitting them out in corporations' desperation to excise human involvement from creation just to pinch another penny.
American education is sliding down the toilet between book bans, strangled sex ed, and 'history' lessons edited to erase the reality of human atrocity and variety.
Bodily autonomy has became a joke since Roe v Wade was stabbed in the back. A Texan woman--a mother already--a mother-to-be who was heartbroken to discover the guaranteed painful death of her unborn child and whose full term 'birth' would only mean agony for the newborn before its end and a risk to herself and future attempts at carrying a child--who met every possible exception set forth by Texas' abortion ban, jumped through every legal hoop, and finally was told she could go through with the abortion...only to have the state's attorney general declare she couldn't do it. She had to flee--flee--her own home state to get a life-saving procedure because the 'pro-life' movement showed its full colors to her and the country as it wiped its ass with hers (and every other person with a womb's) human rights.
Pro-life is not about preserving life. Not when its supporters are so rabid as to demand a woman risk her life for a fetus destined to die within moments of exiting the womb.
Pro-life is about forced birth and always has been. For the sake of making cattle of women and adding numbers to the population, willingly or otherwise.
And in that vein, of course child labor is making a resurgence. Now your 14-year-old kid can serve in the grease trap or bar of their choice, dishing out food full of microplastics and booze full of bad decisions to grown adults ready to wink at a high schooler and ask what they're doing after work. Heartwarming! 12-year-old is mowing lawns for the chance to save up for college where they'll get into loan debt for a degree that won't get them a job because every position in their field requires ten years' experience! Gets a new mower donated to the cause!!
Artificial inflation, price gouging, and wage stagnation have eaten the promise of independence out from under an entire generation, their little siblings, the next generation to come. We're living in cars, in sardine-packed apartments, under our parents' roofs. Probably until the day we die, ancient and hobbling inside Walmart's sliding doors as greeters and cashiers, at least until the jobs get taken by smiling hotel bots and self checkouts. Retirement no longer exists as a concept.
Genocides on top of genocides, funded by vulture governments, against their citizens' will, using money that has magically appeared to funnel aid and weapons to the mass murderers slaughtering innocent people with a brutality of such scale and evil that it cracks the mind to try and measure. A shame that money wasn't around to help the tax payers or the people in need at home. Guess how many people go hungry in America, the Greatest Nation. Or don't guess! Look.
Nausea and shame and bile.
Bile bile bile at the thought of this country, with its masturbatory obsession with World War II, with its endless marathon of 'war hero' films showing the plights and heroics of our brave soldiers sent to fight for our rights!
(Because they were drafted. Because they were poor. Because they were lied to with myths of glory and valor. Because they would be killing and dying for the Greater Good.)
All this. All this. When we are living through the proof-positive that if Pearl Harbor hadn't happened, kicking the self-absorbed hornet nest of our government into frenzy, the good ol' U.S. of A. would absolutely have jumped on Adolf's dick and applauded the Holocaust start to finish. Hell, we might have handed them every killing tool but the nukes.
Now here comes 2024.
Voting Day looms. And of course, Joe's poll numbers are shitting the bed the way Trump is shitting himself in the various court battles still chewing on him like spray-tanned cud.
In 2020, we had the vigor of the country shouting as one: VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO. Because we were living in a different, far more intense, borderline fascist state. We felt the pressure of the stakes of a second term with the despotic Cheeto.
But now as more blood spills and our blood boils, there are, of course, people clamoring again about how voting is a sham. What kind of sucker is still convinced that voting red or blue, no matter who, is anything but giving candy to a genocidal joke? Both parties have proven they're corrupt. Complicit. Why fucking bother? We need to do more!
And we do.
We absolutely do need to do more.
But for the love of every god I no longer fucking believe in, do it after voting for whoever Is Not the Republican Candidate. You don't want to vote for Joe? For any of the potential Democratic candidates? For whoever is blue, no matter who?
Fine! Fuck it! Stick to your guns! Vote for fucking no one! Play chicken with the top office of the entire country all over again! 2016 the Sequel!
And when every MAGA shithead votes in Trump or one of his sycophants and plunges us into Diet Tyrant Rule 2.0, at least you can wear a little badge of pride--but no actual pride badges, ha ha, DeSantis has already declared rainbows ~too gay~ for Florida schools ha ha ha--that says, 'Well, Both Candidates Were Shit, So I Did the Morally Spotless Thing and Voted for Neither! Surely This Will Earn Me a Good Grade in Martyrdom.'
I hope I'm just making too many assumptions about how literal some people are being about 'why bother' and 'hold your vote hostage' kind of talk. I hope I'm reading too much into hyperbole and not seeing the rise of a new wave of bots, undercover right-wingers, and genuinely self-sabotaging moralists who think not making time to go click a button to Participate in the One (1) Guaranteed Expression of Power We Have as Citizens short of en masse protest and/or outright civil war.
I want there to be a magic switch to flip to unfuck all of this. Half of it. Even a fraction. Every day I wake up and things are worse. Even here, on the one website I regularly dip into to try and escape into silliness and personal passions, there's no avoiding the realities of the world as they get worse and worse and worse and fucking worse.
This is as close to cosmic horror as I think we can get short of Cthulhu finally getting out of bed and wiping us out.
Everything is getting worse.
All the 2024 vote has to offer at this point is a choice between Current Bullshit (Democrat) and Exponentially Worse Bullshit with a Side of THIS CANDIDATE WILL TRY TO BECOME THE FOREVER-KING OF 'MURRICA AND WILL BE EQUALLY MONSTROUS (IF NOT MORESO) IN THE GENOCIDE GAME (Republican).
But I will still drag myself into the booth. I will still vote blue, no matter who. And I will still support Palestine, still protest against evil, still raise my voice. And I'll do so in a country that won't be run by people who want to double down on regressing society to the Dark Ages with a crossover between The Handmaid's Tale and Orwell's nightmares. Who will take dissent as an offense worthy of violence and violation. Who will take every scrap of progress made by the left or by the citizens themselves and set it all on fire.
I'm tired. I'm afraid. More tired under that.
There's such bliss in the idea of flipping the bird and then flipping the table when it comes to the small important steps we can still make as people in our society. It all feels insignificant. Lackluster compared to the bombastic moves of on-the-ground protest. But you can do the small and the big steps. And we need to.
This is not Mad Max. This isn't a comic book or an action movie. There is no utopia waiting on the other side of dismissing elections as ~not worth the bother~ when it was an election that put Trump in power and another that kicked him out.
If anyone out there has a magic switch to flip that will unfuck this country? That will unfuck the entire planet's degradation? Flip it. Right now. Hammer it until it breaks and all the withheld Grace and Sanity pours over everything like a miracle tide and we can all wake up from this group night terror.
But if that switch doesn't exist?
Inch along. Do what you can. Vote in every election, big and small. Act. Support. Boycott. Scream. Fight. Do not shrug and sink into apathy. Little steps to big steps and all the intermediates in-between.
We're not in Hell, despite the weather. Sweating in December. Another massacre per minute. No, not Hell.
Hell has justice.
All we have is this.
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neo-shitty · 1 year
road runners — l.yb
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description. road running was just like any other high-paying job brought about by the new road management system. high risk, high reward. another position had been vacated in your station, you just hoped the newbie would last a little longer than the last one did. 
pairings. lee felix x gender-neutral reader
genre. dystopian!au, kind of workmates!au
warnings. graphic imagery, slight discussions on morality, animal death, multiple death by accidents, implied suicide (not of main characters), major character death
word count. 2.6k
notes. posting this after seeing this scene in the 5 star trailer haha kinda morbid thinking how i came up with this in driving school lmao hope everyone’s doing well! it’s been so long (。_。)
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On the job, you were but an observer—an additional pair of eyes with the extra skill of executing actions that the cameras could not. There would come a time when the development of technology would give birth to advancements that’ll eventually take over most human labors. But that day was not today, nor do you imagine it to be any time soon. For now, you’re stationed on one of the many towers that lined the Gyeongbu Expressway, roving the highway for something interesting. Just like usual, there’s nothing.
Becoming a road runner had been every child’s dream at some point. Every head turned towards car windows on expressways and busy highways, watching out for the moment the black-suited figures zipped from one tower to another. You were no exception, so when the teachers asked what you wanted to be when you grew older you answered the same thing every year: I want to be a road runner.
It wouldn’t be until high school when you learned the grim reality behind the coolest job you’ve ever known. Road runners never existed until about half a century ago when the government decided on the full enforcement of all traffic laws to eliminate the ever-growing traffic problem. A decade-long transition was put into motion in the year 2068; road and highways were reconstructed, and at the end of the ten years, most of the country’s major networks functioned in the same way train railways had, complete with a centralized system to track all of its users.
Automatic transmission vehicles ATVs took on a new definition, now functioning on auto-pilot and programmed to sync with the central system. While some people resorted to purchasing new cars with the built in systems, the government couldn’t force everyone to make the switch. They could, however, launch the strict implementation of all road and traffic laws through the system.
And so they did. 
The decision was marred with controversy when the accidents began to happen. While most citizens brushed it off their shoulders as a good riddance for nuisances, others saw through and began thinking there was a more sinister reason to it. The government never explicitly stated that MTVs were banned from the streets, though driving them grew more and more risky. They were rogues to the system, undetectable. Highways have turned into railroad tracks, cars into bullet trains. ATVs were hot-wired pods meant to get you to your destination via the quickest route possible and on the road, there was no stopping them. 
Both traffic and pollution significantly lessened with the transition, but one problem spiked—road-related accidents. Pedestrians were ploughed by high-speed ATVs, MTVs crushed by collisions, and the death toll reached hundreds within months of its implementation. But the government did not waver, nor did it carry the blame for everything that had happened. They wiped their hands clean.
“The system has been programmed with rules that have long been implemented, pre-existing ones we were already meant to follow beforehand,” they said. The ignorance of the law excuses no one, and so the government played court and passed judgment.
Right wings argued that roads were meant for vehicles alone. Why were pedestrians prioritized all the time when there were designated times and places for them like sidewalks, crosswalk lights, their very own safe zones. Pedestrians and other street-users abused their privilege, compromising vehicle drivers and contributing into traffic congestion. Humans were smart but they were slaves to their own egos, susceptible to being easily put back into place when reminded of a higher authority.
Sanctions towards traffic law violators were dropped. No more fines and months in probation and arrests. If you weren’t registered into the system, you were still free to use the roads as you liked. You could cross it whenever you liked, drove an MTV side by side with the ATVs but you could no longer sue other parties for what could happen to you on the road.
Little by little, as every road was remodeled and programmed with the centralized system, traffic law enforcers one by one disappeared—giving way to another job, one that acted as a countermeasure to the growing number of highway traffic accidents, road running.
The government thought response teams took too long to get to the accident area, hence the birth of the organization for road runners. Road running was a high paying profession, right for a job just as risky. Runners were stationed along major highways and roads, functioning as both lookouts and quick response teams for any accident, be it minor or major, that may occur. Minor accidents were meant to be dealt with by a single runner or in groups of three depending on the gravity. Major accidents were reported to the system which then rerouted upcoming road users for an hour until the highway was once again spotless. 
You never thought you’d land the job as an act of desperation but you did, filing in your application within days from quitting school and getting it. For a job that was sought for, it was vacated a lot. Runners either chickened out when accidents finally did happen or died in the process of cleaning up one. It wasn’t an easy job, it was gruesome. You felt the same way towards it when you were met with an accident a week into the job. But the fear and the ick passes and you began to look at things differently, observing street users with the detachment of someone who agreed with the government’s ideals.
For the past year, you’ve kept to yourself most of the time—staying on your tower through all the eight hours you’re supposed to be there unlike the others who roved around for anything. Compared to prior years, accidents now happened few and far between and most of the time on purpose. Your shifts were more eventless than not. Until a rally against corrupt ATV manufacturing companies took to the streets to make their point a couple of months ago. No rerouting was called that day, not until each and every one of the protestors lied mangled on the streets. The massacre was quick but the repercussions it left behind went far and wide, giving birth to a generation of new-minded individuals who were curious why the way of things had to be that way.
Felix was one of them and he joined the road runners in the midst of it.
“Chan quit. We’re getting a new guy today.” Changbin doesn’t even bother looking up to greet you, gaze fixated on his phone—making the most out of the few minutes before your shift began.
Beneath your finger, a green light flashes and the machine beeps. “Saw that coming,” you said, looking across the room to where Chan was stationed, a part of the tower office that you’ve seen more often vacated than occupied. “New guy on an expressway? That’s new.”
“Heard he’s one of the fast ones.”
Either that or they needed more people on the expressway. You joined the runners back when the positions were still fought for, the profession respected rather than shun. Starting out as a newbie, they assigned you to small streets and country roads until you were working on bigger roads then national highways. It wasn’t because you were getting any better in your job but because those positions were harder to keep than to earn.
The new guy was a bright-eyed boy with star-studded cheeks and a nervous smile. He blinked at the both of you as he walked in, unsure of what to say when you just stared at him back. The scanner beeps beneath his finger and he walks to the back of the office to where Chan used to sit.
“Lee Felix, right?” He turned to you, wide-eyed and alert. 
Road runner contracts only lasted a year and even then only a few stayed in the job long enough to renew it. It took one good look at Felix to know that he’d be one of those who wouldn’t make it past the year—either by quitting or some foolish mistake on the road.
An alarm blared as the clock struck 4 and runners from the last shift burst through the doors of the tower from both sides of the line. It wasn’t the splotches of wetness on their suits nor the expressions on their faces that gave it away, but the metallic stench that followed them as they came in. 
“What happened?” Changbin rose from his seat, giving way to the runner who shared his desk.
“Someone tried to cross the street on a green light.”
“How many?”
“Just one,” he answered, before finally looking around. “New guy?” He pointed at Felix who still stood frozen in the middle of the road. The quiet boy nodded. “Good luck then, kid.”
You never liked it when anyone glossed over the truth of the road-running profession. It paid high for the risk of cleaning roadkill carcass all the while preventing yourself from becoming one, but it never compensated for the images wedged into your subconscious of mangled bodies, scattered insides and pools of blood. So you’ve made it a habit to put a fair warning to anyone new to the job, turning to Felix as he followed you out the tower saying, “Do yourself a favor and quit.”
But of course he didn’t, they almost never did until witnessing their first deaths. The only thing that was different with Felix was his unpredictability because he stopped his first accident from happening. It wasn’t that you didn’t see it coming. He was curious and inquisitive, a dead giveaway of his political biases. He always asked why you never stopped the pedestrians or flagged down the MTVs and you always answered the same thing: these people knew the rules and the law and whatever consequences they suffered were beyond you.
Felix never seemed to get it, his humanity completely intact. Of the three of you, he always ended up black out tired by midnight, running up and down the road to warn people to use the overpass instead of the road or entertaining impatient folk and tricking them into waiting until the crosswalk lights turned green. 
But just like him, there were hard-headed people who never listened regardless of the measures he took. The first time he saw a person carelessly cross the road in a manic sprint, he jumped right after them. Grappling hooks burst out of his belt, piercing through the wind to hook onto metal bars across the highway and he swung across like a madman, saving the man at the last second before a truck rolled past where they once were. 
You met his triumphant smile with disbelief and horror. “Maybe they haven’t oriented you, Felix, but our job is to clean up, not pick up.”
“I know and I don’t get it. Of all people, road runners can save lives and lessen traffic accidents, so why not do it?”
You’ve heard of this subtle leftist movement spreading across the provinces, the new generation of road runners adding saving pedestrians into their list of obligations. It was counterintuitive to what the government wanted to be done, but it was morally aligned with what most people thought. Road runners were being hailed again, looked up to. But the inversely proportional scales tipped, lower accident rates meant higher risks for runners. 
It didn’t guarantee a 100% success rate. There was a dog one day, got loose from its leash and sprinted off the highway sidewalk. Felix had been the first one to see it, tunnel vision narrowed to the dog’s path as it leaped onto the highway. But you’ve seen it too, along with the bus barrelling down the highway that maybe he didn’t.
“Felix, stop!” You dashed from your station, reaching him before his grappling hooks shot out. The dog continued running across the street, the bus continued moving at speed limit. Wind blew past you as it passed, leaving you puzzled on the sidewalk with nothing but dust and a carcass in its wake.
“I could’ve saved it,” Felix said, already mourning the pup he’d only met seconds ago. But even he sounded hopeless, half-knowing that there was no way helping that dog out of this one because he couldn’t have made it across without the bus ramming into him in exchange.
You remembered a time when you thought the same way but the years have dulled your hope, whatever righteousness you’ve had in you dissipating with the disbelief that people still refused to listen. And the accidents came often, desensitizing you with every death happening before your eyes. These people didn’t care about themselves no matter how hard you tried to save them.
While you grew to accept it as the months passed, Felix did not, or he wasn’t on the field long enough to know that in the end he couldn’t do anything about it if the same people who were saved never wanted saving. 
Felix was never assigned to your part of the highway before, so he never knew about that regular passerby—one who only sat by to observe the timing of things. The man always came by on weekday afternoons rain or shine. The expressway was never made for pedestrians but he still came anyway. It wasn’t hard to predict what was in his mind but you never made a move to approach nor interfere. And he disappeared for quite a while, months, and you thought he finally kicked the bucket. But he comes back one day, with a brighter expression over his once gloomy face and you’ve seen too many suicides to know what another attempt looks like.
Felix, however, did not. You didn’t see the man coming because if you did, you would’ve stopped him the way you did before during close calls. But he sees the man before you do and in the spur of the moment, the man had jumped into the highway, Felix following immediately behind him. And you can still hear Changbin behind you, shouting about upcoming cars but it falls on deaf ears and you watched the accident happen—both the man and Felix run down by a parade of cars coming from a recently greenlit intersection. You saw them launched into the air, landing so far from the point of collision and further ploughed by upcoming vehicles. Pieces of the body landed scattered down the highway, cars coming too often for any of you to get any cleaning done. 
You didn’t realize you were holding your breath until you felt your lungs begin to burn. For a moment you stood there, both in shock yet expecting what had happened. It was only a matter of when it would happen. Eventually you snapped out of it when the cars stopped coming, green light finally turning red.
From your pocket you dug out the device meant to access the central system and set the timer. The system closes off the highway and reroutes all upcoming vehicles to other roads. You began the dreadful trek to where the bodies, or most of it, actually were. Changbin called for a highway sweep, the two-man team seeming not enough to clear all parts of the bodies off the street. 
“Shame, I thought he’d last longer.” Changbin muttered as he caught up beside you, his mask and gloves already on.
“He didn’t really have it in him, you know? He was too soft.” You answered. “This might’ve been the best way to go and better now than later.”
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© neo-shitty, 2023
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an-aura-about-you · 3 months
I'm done with work and don't know what to do for dinner yet, so let's tackle another chapter of Handbook for Mortals why not?
jumping into Chapter 6 part 1:
when we last left our hero, Scheherazade just got asked to join Mac and the others on the next company camping trip. also there was a scene earlier with Sofia trying to flirt with Mac and I got very upset that this woman who had a nearly fatal accident at work just has no friends at all who give a shit about it and her boyfriend is also an asshole who doesn't care that she nearly died. seriously, what the fuck?
but let us press on anyway with Chapter 6: The Moon
-ngl I kinda wanna go camping. that's not related to anything that happens in this chapter, it's just something I've been thinking about all day. hell, I've even been looking at SUVs for whenever my car craps out because I wanna use it for van camping. (my car is perfectly fine btw, which shows you how wistful I'm being about this.)
-we start out on the camping trip itself. Zade spends all day swimming and has to put her tent up at night because she didn't think to do that first thing when she arrived. like, I've only been camping once on my own (or semi-on my own, camping where I was the one who had to put up my tent) and even I knew that's the first order of business. (it's also why I wanna switch to van camping. big tents are too unwieldy to put up by myself.)
-Zade is having trouble with it but refuses to ask for help because of her pride. Riley offers to help her, but she turns him down. but immediately after that, she's like, "I wish I was dating someone so they could help me put up the tent!" like, THAT'S the out she allows herself. it's not a pride thing if they have an obligation to do it on account of being your SO. but this is a company camping trip. why not share a tent with someone as friends? (oh wait, do you not have any friends? oh, that makes me sad.)
-Zade takes a moment to explain about light pollution in the city, which I wouldn't mind as much except she already talked about light pollution back in the chapter with Sofia's accident when she was sitting outside after all the action happened.
-actually I'm not sure why she goes on that tangent in the middle of setting up her tent. it doesn't turn into this thing of wanting to sleep under the stars, so it's just another one of her pointless rambles.
-she says she's happy that she feels like she belongs a little bit, but I'm not sure she actually does if she's not even sharing a tent with anyone. again, you can platonically share a tent. that's not weird at all. I've done it on pretty much every camping trip I've ever been on.
-she ends up using her magic to put the tent up. she's willing to risk using her magic in front of others to put her tent up but not to rescue Sofia from near death. no I am never going to shut up about this.
-after she gets her tent set up, she goes to the campfire where Jackson and Zeb are sitting. she takes the time to point out that Jackson looks ~angelic~ but Zeb looks a tad evil. why? because he doesn't care for your dumbassery?
-"Why does Zeb not like me?" ok, let's pretend I'm unaware that Zeb knows for real magic and is pissed at Zade carelessly flaunting it in front of everybody. his very first impression of you is your special snowflake audition that either you or Charles apparently thought required the entire theater company of 200 people who all had their own jobs they were supposed to be doing. THEN you nearly punched out Mac because he was rightfully concerned about OSHA compliance, something Zeb said he agrees with, only for the boss to effectively overrule the both of them. you've had no scenes where you try to talk to him and just before you joined the campfire you thought he looked evil. what reason have you given him TO like you? but also, you realize all of your coworkers don't have to like you, right? Zeb is not obligated to like you; no one is. add another tally to wanting friends as objects and not because Zade actually gives a shit about having a good working relationship with Zeb.
-hah! Jackson explains that the talent comes and goes at the theater and guesses that Zeb is being cold because he doesn't expect Zade to last. tbh that's fair, but also I do wonder if Zeb is aware of Zade being Spellman's daughter. like, ok, so it's not stated for like ages, but Spellman has some kind of magic taboo (presumably from Dela) that forbids him from being able to tell people Zade is his daughter? I don't know how it works, if it's going to actually get explained, or how he's able to break it later because I know he DOES break it later. BUT as far as I know that only limits Spellman from saying it. anyone else who knows already could theoretically say, which is what I basically guessed with Sofia earlier. I don't think Zeb is as likely to know because he doesn't seem the Facebook sort, but I also don't know when the taboo was placed on Spellman. we also know Zeb is around Spellman's age, so it's possible that Zeb learned by Spellman telling him before the taboo was put on him depending on how long they've worked together. no matter what, I'm certain I'm putting more thought into this whole matter than Sarem did.
-also I'm pretty sure the taboo only exists to preserve the stupid twist.
-Jackson asks if Zade is an outdoorsy sort and Zade thinks to herself that she is to a certain extent as witches often spend a lot of time outdoors, which is as good an opening as any for me to really vent about Zade and her witchcraft.
disclaimer: while I am indeed a witch, my practice is my own and ultimately I can only speak for myself and what I've learned.
okay. witches. we've got two kinds of witches in the book, but they are effectively the same the way Sarem is writing it: fantasy magic witches and real world witches. often real world witchcraft is tied to a religion, but it doesn't have to be. (for example, while I do have my own spiritual beliefs, I do not follow any particular religion regarding them, which means my witchcraft is technically separate from religion.) and honestly this kind of thing bothers me because it is so seldom done well. the only times I can really point out when I think a fictional work does this sort of thing in a good way are examples like the Lunar games or Rusty Quill Gaming.
it is established later that Zade and Dela's witchcraft is part of their religious practices. I've already said that it's going to be established that Zade is Jewish and I am not Jewish nor do I know enough to properly get into that. but I will look at the other elements given to us.
so, witches and the outdoors. that's... not necessarily untrue? but it is a narrow way to look at it. there are basically as many different ways to practice witchcraft as there are witches. there are witches who keep their grimoires and books of shadow on their smartphones for goodness sake. it is my understanding that the nature aspect, while not exclusive to these beliefs, is more closely tied to Wicca, and that IS something I've been noticing with the book in the little details like how Sarem insists on spelling it "magick" and the repeated use of the triple moon imagery. but. Zade's not Wiccan??
and I'm not gonna lie, I totally swipe things from my old religion to use in my own practice since it's just inescapably part of my family and my history. I'm all for mix and match diy religion and witchcraft. but I feel like with this book specifically it's falling into the trope a lot of media that touches on this does which is Wicca=Witchcraft and Witch=Wiccan. and that is simply not true. it is possible to be a witch without being a Wiccan. it is possible to be Wiccan without practicing witchcraft. and as far as the real world practices go, I don't care for the gatekeepy notion of being born a witch. obviously it's possible to be born to a family that practices witchcraft and grow up learning it, but the one hard rule in my head for a person to be a witch is they practice witchcraft. if you don't practice witchcraft, you are not a witch. simple as that.
I suppose all of this is a moot point because it's not like Zade is going to give us any true worldbuilding about how witchcraft works in her world. we're just hungry dogs fighting for scraps.
whew that was a lot to get off my chest.
-Jackson asks Zade where home is and her immediate answer is Tennessee. why did you leave if that's where home is for you? what is the purpose of your journey? you know you could have just. moved to another part of Tennessee if you didn't want to live with your mom anymore, right? this is the sort of thing that should ideally build to Zade realizing her home is with her friends, but in order for that to work she has to actually build those relationships.
-it has been a good few weeks and Zade has not made any contact with Dela since she left. *Dominic Noble Voice* Girl, it's your mother! Give her a damn update!
-no joke, Sarem spends more than a full fucking page describing the outfit Mac is wearing on the camping trip.
-also Zade doesn't like beards. I mean I guess that's an opinion a person can have but why would they? (I say this like I'm not dealing with my own hair sensory issues but c'mon beards look good.)
-oh. Zade straight up says, "It's nice to hang out with people and pretend as if I have friends." that's. really sad. you've known these people for a few weeks, let's just arbitrarily call it three months or so, and you don't have any friends? I know you haven't been trying, but due to your mary sue-ness, a LOT of people have been trying to be your friend. and that's how it happens sometimes, one person puts more effort in on the outset because maybe someone's shy or hurt or something. but it's months later and you're only pretending you have friends? is. is this just a reflection of Sarem's life?
I'm going to put something here from The Disaster Artist by Greg Sestero and Tom Bissell. this is a book about the making of Tommy Wiseau's film The Room, often said to be one of the worst films ever made. in this section, Tommy is looking over some footage of the movie in which a few characters, including his, are throwing a football around in an alley:
Tommy watched the footage of the scene with his headphones on. He was staring so intently at the monitor that some of us became certain that Tommy saw this scene, at last, as the pointless disaster it undeniably was. Sandy tried to comfort Tommy. "It's okay," he said, tapping him on the shoulder. "Forget this scene. Nothing happens in it anyway. Save your money. Let's move on and film the living room stuff." Tommy looked back at Sandy in shock. "No," he said, smiling. "This is good, fun scene. We have good chemistry. And look at this." He directed Sandy's attention to the monitor. "You see that? I look strong, like little eighteen-years-old kid." That's when I realized why the scene meant so much to him: In that monitor, at least, Tommy was young and had a fun life and many, many friends.
I don't know Lani Sarem. I know what she's done, obviously, and I think her attitude regarding that as well as some other subjects we've touched on is truly despicable. I have seen others who know her talk about how they do not like her and do not care for these antics of hers. I suppose this is what pity is for. Sarem has written a fantasy in which she gets everything she's ever wanted, explicitly wrote it so she could live vicariously through Zade, and even in her ideal life she has to pretend she has friends. I struggle to think of anything sadder than that.
I. I think I'm going to take a break on this chapter and get some dinner.
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Bill Day
* * * *
Wow! You can’t make this up!
March 21, 2024
It’s hard to believe that the dysfunction in the Republican Party could get worse, but Wednesday saw new heights (or depths?) of chaos in the GOP. You are undoubtedly interested in hearing how the GOP impeachment hearing directed at Joe Biden produced damning evidence—against Donald Trump! But first, let’s look away from the GOP car crash to view the important work that President Biden is doing on behalf of the American people. (You’re welcome!)
As Trump and the GOP were entering panic mode at warp speed, President Biden was delivering on his promises to the American people. The Biden administration began the day by announcing a rule that would accelerate the production of hybrid and all-electric cars. See NYTimes, Biden Administration Announces Rule Aimed at Expanding Electric Vehicles. (This article is accessible to all.)
Per the NYTimes,
The Biden administration on Wednesday issued one of the most significant climate regulations in the nation’s history, a rule designed to ensure that the majority of new passenger cars and light trucks sold in the United States are all-electric or hybrids by 2032. Nearly three years in the making, the new tailpipe pollution limits from the Environmental Protection Agency would transform the American automobile market.
Accelerating the transition to hybrid and electric cars will deliver enormous economic and health benefits to the American people. Again, per the Times, the new regulation will
avoid more than seven billion tons of carbon dioxide emissions over the next 30 years . . . That’s the equivalent of removing a year’s worth of all the greenhouse gases generated by the United States . . . . The regulation would provide nearly $100 billion in annual net benefits to society [including] $13 billion of annual public health benefits thanks to improved air quality. The standards would also save the average American driver about $6,000 in reduced fuel and maintenance over the life of a vehicle, the E.P.A. estimated.
As the new “tailpipe emissions” standard was being announced, President Biden announced a massive investment in an Intel chip fabricating facility in Arizona. See Politico, Biden boosts Intel with massive CHIPS payout in swing state Arizona.
Per Politico, Biden said
“We will enable advanced semiconductor manufacturing to make a comeback here in America after 40 years. It’s going to transform the semiconductor industry and create entirely new ecosystems.” Biden said Intel would also invest “over $100 billion” across the country, in facilities in Arizona, Oregon, Ohio and New Mexico. Those investments should put the U.S. on track to produce roughly 20 percent of the world’s leading-edge chips by 2030, Biden said. He added that Intel’s new projects are expected to create 30,000 jobs nationwide in construction and manufacturing.
Beyond creating tens of thousands of jobs in the high-tech sector, the CHIPS and Science Act protects US national security. Recall that during the COVID pandemic, supply chain issues disrupted the flow of semiconductors into the US, hampering the manufacture and sale of hundreds of consumer products that rely on microprocessors. Manufacturing the chips in the US serves as a hedge against that future risk.
For most presidents, the Intel announcement and new tailpipe admissions standard would be the year's crowning achievements. For Joe Biden, those announcements were known as “Wednesday.” Biden gets stuff done. Tell a friend.
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
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tapuwadangarembizi · 1 year
How can the implementation of sustainable energy help in the industrial sector, according to Tapuwa Dangarembizi
Firstly, Thanks to his extensive understanding of the most recent innovations and developments in the energy business, Tapuwa Dangarembizi has been instrumental in accelerating energy transformation and drawing attention to the issues of environmental sustainability. Furthermore, he has gained recognition as a significant leader and visionary in this area thanks to his expertise and dedication.
You can also read Tapuwa Dangarembizi Why is there a need to focus on using sustainable energy?
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Businesses and industries contribute significantly to a nation's economy by generating sizable amounts of revenue, maintaining average incomes, and creating substantial employment opportunities for citizens from various social strata. Here is when it is also the responsibility of the industries to create such opportunities where they can save the environment and prevent it from a global crisis. Also deemed good Corporate Social Responsibility.
Understanding the implementation of sustainable energy in industries
The non-renewable energy sector typically uses mechanical processes to operate autonomously with the barest amount of human intervention. On the other hand, a green energy business needs much personnel to run and perform optimally, expanding job prospects and boosting a nation's entire economic structure.
By substituting or offsetting the demand for the emission of fossil fuels with net-zero power sources such as solar and wind, the industry's environmental impact immediately decreases if conventional sources utilized in sectors are replaced with renewable energy sources.
Unlike fossil fuels that deteriorate air quality and pose serious health risks due to their pollution of earth's resources, including soil, water, and air. Renewable energy produces far fewer greenhouse gas emissions, significantly improving the general health quality in the environment.
Get in touch with Energy Sustainable Solutions (ESS) today!
Our mission is to close the gap between development and sustainability. We have a group of forward-thinking individuals working constantly to create a variety of sustainable goods, services, and solutions for a peaceful and inclusive world. We are recognized as a sustainable business, and we provide clear sustainable strategies that monitor your sustainable ROI, invest in energy from renewable sources, and keep your market advantage. In addition, we also support Sustainable Development Goals by creating novel solutions that result in quick carbon reduction for a better future.
Another development, is the introduction of ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft, which enable users to split journeys with others while lowering the overall number of cars on the road. These ideas, plans, and contributions from Tapuwa Dangarembizi have an opportunity to lessen traffic jams and greenhouse gases while also promoting a healthier and more environmentally friendly way of living. Tapuwa is working diligently to develop the charging infrastructure that will support Uber and Lyft as they are forced to electrify their fleets to remain sustainable companies.
Saving the environment
The work of Dangarembizi is targeted at the most efficient use of  energy sustainably. His innovations are helping the world use more renewable energy sources and rely less on fossil fuels. This helps to protect the environment while simultaneously supplying clean, inexpensive electricity.
Industry leaders must make eco-friendly decisions to pave the road for a healthy future since doing so establishes a policy that can benefit society while additionally guaranteeing corporate excellence. To know more, you may like to read The Future is Green: How Tapuwa Dangarembizi is Paving the Way for Sustainable Energy
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zoobus · 11 months
May I ask why you went to what sounds like extraordinary lengths to turn one of your windows into what sounds like a fully sound-proofed and insulated section of wall? Is the privacy just worth more than the light and airflow? How did you even figure out how to carry out the project?
Initially I assumed you stumbled upon a years old post wherein I filled my window with insulation, covered the window with an extremely heavy 4x8 foot rigid foam sound insulation board, then covered that wall with the heaviest blackout curtains I could find:
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But now I've realized you probably mean my current set up, which is frankly just a regular blackout curtain with some left over insulation half-assedly stuffed at the top to keep most of the sun out
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(sunbeams are brighter than they appear)
The first setup was due to living right next to a highway in a college town (do not do this, ever). It sucked for a multitude of reasons but the biggest? It was so fucking LOUD. I'm sound sensitive in general, but there's no way the noise pollution wasn't killing the whole apartment. Directly facing a noisy courtyard in an area with zero activities for kids older than 8 to do, lonely dogs barking all day long, 2fast2furious wannabe losers taking 5 minutes to start their cars at 7am before peeling out into the 25mph school zone, poorly designed crosswalk intersections that guaranteed the screeches and honks of near collisions, so many fucking motorcycles and muscle cars ripping their motors at ear rupturing speeds at 2am and ONLY at 2am. I've never had so many noise triggered breakdowns in my life.
It was actually a mutual that suggested the sound barrier setup. I installed that shit the same day. It didn't *fix* the original, but it did muffle them enough for survival. I thank her for that.
For the second one, I just can't sleep when the sun streams in. I'm already a night owl with a day job - why risk leaving a sleep-destroying gap every night? Just keep it closed.
Is the privacy just worth more than the light and ventilation?
I walk around naked and I have electricity. Ventilation comes from other rooms
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rogue-driv3r · 2 years
It's been a while since my last rant about automotive industry, but here we go again.
As a premise, i must say that this will probably be more valid for EU than for the rest of the world. Also expect a LONG post. So.
Hybrids and EVs are surely more efficient and "clean" than the average ICE car. But, as a car enthusiast, i'm very aware that technology end efficiency are expensive, definitely not for everyone. Here where i live we get bonuses for changing old cars with brand new "eco-friendly" ones, but only if they are old enough. Bonuses that, anyway, even in best cases will cover less than a quarter of the price of a new vehicle.
Most importantly, and that's something i learned the hard way, no institution will give you a single cent for the running costs - and they're high running costs. And about (stupidly heavy) EVs, electricity now is so expensive that the cost-per-km is the same of regular gasoline, so no real advantage. I remember when the seller told us that the simplicity of the powertrain meant less service costs, it was quite the opposite. Moreover, we were forced to service the car at their shop, at their prices, because they were the only ones who knew how to work on those components. Oh, and it was the only way to keep the warranty valid on expensive parts, too.
I had a (second hand) hybrid, like my parents. But i went from precarious worker to student and i'm unable to find a proper job while i'm studying due to some issues with my mental health, so my income suddenly dropped to zero. Keeping the car is expensive and in three years, when the warranty expires, the value will decrease drastically (a new battery could cost until 8k euros, nobody would buy a car with that risk). So i planned ahead and sold the hybrid car to get a cheaper one with decent quality and safety, reasonable running costs, free from the blackmail of our official dealer and easily fixable by any mechanic.
The problem: the most reliable and most fuel-saving version of that model on the second-hand car market (and well, basically the only one i found nearby) was a Diesel one. And Diesels are EU's scapegoat for the increasing air pollution, so Countries are forced to make laws to stay within certain limits - that's not bad itself. The problem is that private cars, depending on the sources, are only between 10% and 20% of the total greenhouse gas emissions.
But it's easier to wage war against citizens than corporations who are truly responsible for that 80-90%. And i'm not talking about those wealthy citizens who already got their fancy Tesla, but those who literally can't afford a new car (for any reason). This is a class problem.
There are "old" Diesel cars which still require less fuel than modern, high-end Diesels that satisfy the new requirements for mass production. A 10 years old 1.4 Diesel will always require less fuel and pollute less than a 2-tonne mild-hybrid "environmentally friendly" 3.0 Diesel BMW or Audi. Oh wait, it gets better: ironically an Euro 5 Diesel could be stopped from traffic while a brand new 1500 hp quad-turbo W16 Bugatti Chiron can roam around in the city centre on the very same day. But hey, the Chiron is not an evil Diesel. Once again, this. Is. A. Class. Problem.
Forcing people to go hybrid/electric with restrictions is repression against low-income classes. There could be so much more that can be done if private transport really is the root of all evil. Like a bonus that covers 100% the price of a new car (oh btw, an Euro 5 Diesel is old enough to get stopped on certain conditions, but not old enough to receive a bonus). Or investing in bio/synthetic fuels so people can run their older cars with carbon neutral emissions - but that'd make the poor automakers angry as they couldn't sell their new hypertechnological cars. Or provide new catalysts for free to install on older cars - but also that would make automakers quite angry. Or governments could also consider doing something about intensive farming (y'know, that thing that sends methane into atmosphere which is 84 times worse for global warming than CO2), or better public transport, or heavy industry, or invest in nuclear so we can stop burning fossil fuels for energy (i know this is gonna cause a shitstorm lmao, i believe safely stocking radioactive material under layers of rocks in sterile zones is better than keeping on produce greenhouse gases), or anything that doesn't involve the private life of people already struggling with ever-increasing prices of goods.
"B-but there are exceptions to traffic restrictions" sure, but it's hard to satisfy all of the requirements. One of them is quite easy to get anyway: it's a certificate that you're on the route from home to work or viceversa - you can pollute if you produce. Using an old car for free-time? Nope. Getting groceries? Nope. Sounds dystopic as hell, innit?
Don't get me wrong, technology and research are good, hybrids and EVs are fascinating and surely relatively more efficient. But not affordable by everyone, nor a permanent solution for environmental problems: not only for batteries, but also for the energy required to charge them, and the fossil fuels still needed for hybrids. A lot of research is still needed but, while we wait, we should stop pointing the finger at who can't afford to buy and sustain a new car.
Now, i know what you're thinking: "but you could've got another non-Diesel model and save even more money" maybe you're right, but for me the choice of the car is very personal and important, there are many criteria i have, picking any cheap shitbox is not an option for me if i have a decent budget. Laws can change, safety and reliability don't. There are good cars out there which only problem is bad laws made against them. Cars that can perfectly run and could end up in a junkyard only because of these laws, that's the opposite of sustainability, that's forced consumerism. Plus, it's not only about me, but also and most importantly about the millions of people that get screwed everyday and have no fucking choice.
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scrapcargta · 1 year
The Importance of Properly Disposing of End-of-Life Vehicles
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As the automotive landscape evolves and vehicles reach the end of their operational lives, the responsibility of disposing of these end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) becomes increasingly important. Proper disposal of ELVs goes beyond simply clearing out old cars; it's a vital step in safeguarding the environment, reducing hazards, and promoting sustainability. In this blog, we will explore the significance of properly disposing of end-of-life vehicles and the benefits it brings to both the environment and society.
Environmental Impact of Improper Disposal
Pollution Prevention: Neglecting proper disposal methods for ELVs can lead to hazardous chemicals and fluids, such as oil, coolant, and battery acids, seeping into the soil and waterways, causing pollution and harming ecosystems.
Air Quality: When ELVs are abandoned or dismantled haphazardly, they may release harmful substances into the air, contributing to air pollution and posing health risks to both humans and wildlife.
Land Contamination: Improper disposal of ELVs can lead to soil contamination, making land unsuitable for future use and affecting agriculture, urban development, and natural habitats.
Benefits of Proper ELV Disposal
Resource Recovery: ELVs are a valuable source of recyclable materials, such as metals and plastics. Proper disposal and recycling ensure that these resources are recovered, reducing the need for new raw materials and minimizing the associated environmental impact of resource extraction.
Energy Savings: Recycling materials from ELVs requires less energy than producing new materials from scratch. This leads to reduced energy consumption and the associated carbon emissions.
Economic Opportunities: Properly managed ELV disposal creates economic opportunities through recycling and repurposing. It supports industries that specialize in processing and recycling automotive components, contributing to job creation and economic growth.
Regulatory Compliance: Many regions have regulations in place for ELV disposal to prevent environmental harm. Proper disposal ensures compliance with these regulations, preventing legal repercussions.
Promoting Sustainability: By participating in proper ELV disposal practices, individuals and businesses contribute to a more sustainable future, emphasizing responsible resource management and reducing waste.
Steps for Proper ELV Disposal
Choose Reputable Disposal Services: Opt for certified scrap car removal services that adhere to environmental regulations and ethical practices.
Fluid Drainage and Removal: Ensure that all fluids, including oil, coolant, and gasoline, are properly drained and disposed of according to environmental guidelines.
Component Separation: Dismantle the vehicle to separate recyclable materials from non-recyclable ones.
Recycling and Repurposing: Collaborate with certified recycling facilities that specialize in processing ELVs to recover valuable materials and safely dispose of hazardous components.
The proper disposal of end-of-life vehicles is not only a matter of responsibility but also a crucial step in minimizing the environmental impact of the automotive industry. By adhering to regulated disposal practices, we can prevent pollution, conserve resources, and contribute to a more sustainable future. As consumers, businesses, and communities, it is our collective duty to ensure that end-of-life vehicles are managed with care and consideration for both our environment and the well-being of future generations.
Cash For Scrap Car GTA plays a pivotal role in promoting the importance of properly disposing of end-of-life vehicles in Toronto. Our dedicated service not only offers swift and reliable scrap car removal but also emphasizes responsible environmental practices. Our scrap car removal Toronto team understands the significance of ensuring that ELVs are handled with care to prevent pollution and promote resource recovery. By choosing Cash For Scrap Car GTA for your scrap car removal needs, you contribute to the proper disposal of vehicles while receiving fair compensation. Join us in safeguarding Toronto's environment through conscientious scrap car removal services.
To get more details, land on https://cashforscrapcargta.ca/
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goldenheartgirl1 · 1 year
Ch.5-Blooming of an Apple TWST Mafia AU
The city was not what Epel expected, it was busy and companies were cut throat as he imagined, but getting a small job was a pain in itself. Money makes the world go ‘round, that was a saying that was more true when he entered the city, it drove Epel batty. Epel was currently going through extra curricular college with his family's support, they waited on the farm but he was determined to get a college degree in agronomy to help better his family farm. However, they could only provide so much with all the needs of the farm growing, so Epel was extremely frugal with his money and a job was still needed to keep him afloat. He technically still was in high school but being connected to a popular farm he was offered a chance to start college classes instead of taking the highschool classes, to which Epel excitedly agreed on. There was nothing special in his cheap apartment, he was surrounded by the deafening city with blaring car horns and thousands of voices echoed in the streets, up on the third floor of this apartment complex was where Epel stayed. Upon entering the apartment you could immediately see the one-person sized kitchen, the living room and dining area, and the door to the bathroom. The walls were a dull bone white color, the floor was faded oak wood and only one window in the room allowed any natural light, or at least the natural light that was not polluted by neon in the night. A mere four steps to the left and the bedroom could be found with a single bed and a cheap wardrobe propped against the wall with a larger mirror beside it. 
Epel’s apartment complex was designed to be small and thin, where all rooms could be seen just standing in any particular part of the place. But, for Epel it worked, it was affordable and a short commute to his college. Keeping up with college was no issue, and with his learning experiences on the farm it made some classes easier than others, yet money was always weighing on his mind. Sometimes skipping meals was a necessity and canceling any and all subscriptions was a must, his only entertainment came from books his parents gave to him or drawing in his notebook, and occasionally when he was eating some home grown apples he would start carving them into different shapes. It was a mundane life to say the least. After sending out applications to over 17 places, having to quit his current job due to safety violations that made the boy uncomfortable, he finally was called into one place for an interview in the morning. Feeling a rush of adrenaline the lavender haired boy hurried to pick out a nice olive green dress shirt and black slacks for tomorrow before settling to bed with a protein bar and grabbed his book to read.
“Alright, you can do this..it ain’t nothin’ big, just questions that you answer with the honest truth!”
After a thorough psyching, Epel took a breath and stepped into the store with the golden label of “Délices D'aconit” with a peacock blue background. Inside the shop it was blinding with white LED light panels covering the ceiling, from the center of the large cosmetic store a large arcadia crystal chandelier hung and sparkled above the customers, each display stand and furniture item had a gold accent and the walls were an elegant macaroon creme white. Everything was so overwhelming and even the faintest smell of an apple spice aroma warmed the room and Epel’s body. The boy was not a fan of makeup, or even familiar with any fancy products, but since this is the only place to call him he cannot risk screwing this up. Nervously he spoke with one of the staff workers, who gladly led him further into the store until they reached the stairs and went upstairs. Downstairs was filled with basic cosmetics, but upstairs was filled with the elite products with advertisements everywhere of famous celebrities. Epel was frankly shocked by how much some of the stuff cost, there was a one ounce bottle of foundation that was worth 140 thaumarks!
They walked to a locked door and the worker knocked before telling Epel to wait there and she returned to work, leaving the poor light blue eyed boy there overstimulated by the store. He muttered to himself after she left. “Is this part of their initiation? Tryn’ to intimidate me?”
When the door swung open Epel had to repress a shriek when a rather passionate man stepped out and greeted him in french. “Bienvenu! I am Rook Hunt, the head manager of Délices D'aconit. You must be Epel?”
His heart was beating so fast he could feel it in his throat, Epel just gave a modest smile and reached his right hand out. “Y-yeah, that’s me. I’m so thrilled ya’ll called me here.”
A black-gloved hand clasped his in a firm grip and shook Epel’s smaller hand, and the courteous smile from the stranger made the smaller boy shudder in apprehension. The man before him had sunflower blond mid-length hair cut in a bob style with straight-cut bangs, piercing emerald green eyes, and he wore brown winged eyeliner. Strangely enough his clothes were just the standard uniform of black slacks and a nice white dress shirt, but he wore a wide-brimmed brown hat with a large white feather on top. He let go of Epel’s hand and started to look over his appearance, even circling the farm-boy as he hummed to himself before asking in a cheerful voice.
“You must be from the farming country, oui? I will let you in on a little secret, if you want to work here then you need to learn to drop the accent.”
“Huh? Why’s that? It’s not like anyone couldn’t figur’ what I say.” Epel’s accent was heavy from his upbringing, he saw no issues with his speech and there were only a couple times someone has had trouble understanding him.
“Because we have lots of high-end clientele, they expect all of our employees to represent the beauty and a sense of breathtaking stature! Je ne sais quoi, is the best way to explain it.”
While it did sort of irk Epel, he still desperately needed this job and reluctantly agreed. “Well I..I’ll try to lessen my accent. Is there anything else I should be worried about?”
“Not that I can think of~ Now it is time for Vil’s judgment! You see, he owns this store and his own cosmetic line, and he prefers to pick his new employees personally.” Rook replied before gently pushing Epel into the room and closing the door behind them. The room was brightly lit just like everything else but it only contained an office space with two desks on either side of the room with separate computers, and at one desk the owner himself sat. 
Epel was mildly surprised by the person in front of him, fair skin was warmly complimented by the light beige blonde hair that draped down to almost reach the base of his neck, the beige color faded into a light purple at the tips and side-parted bangs with two loose braids on both sides, that connect at the back of his head. Epel could see the braids were held together in the back with a gold barrette, shaped like a heart with a sword going through it. Vil sat in his chair for a moment longer before flicking his wisteria colored eyes towards the two people in the office and stood up. A beautiful violet silk shirt fitted to the man’s frame, along with his white pants, and on his feet he wore violet ankle boots with gold heels. 
A refined smile tugged at the man’s lips, his eyes popped out more when Epel noticed the dark eyeshadow around the wisteria orbs, he then gently motioned for Epel to sit in the chair in front of the desk. “Welcome, I am Vil Schoenheit. You are Epel Felmier I presume?”
“Y-yes sir, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Epel replied, sitting in the chair and doing his best to drop his accent and resist the urge to fiddle with his clothes. 
Much like Rook, Vil took a moment to take in Epel’s appearance, to which the younger teen had to grip onto his legs to prevent fiddling with his shirt or hands. After a few seconds the bewitching man sat back down and began to speak. “Epel, how much do you know about make up?”
“I uh..Not very much sir, b-but I’m eager to learn!” 
“That’s what I like to hear. You have charming features so I’m sure you’ll fit in well here! We do require our staff to advertise some of our products, even simple things like wearing foundation. And from what Rook has noticed on your resume, the last place you worked at had you organizing and researching alternative products?”
“Yes..I just have a knack for finding things that are more natural.” Epel gave a half-hearted shrug, trying not to grimace at the idea of wearing make up as he further explained. “We had a lot of customers comment that not everything we sold was free from chemicals. So I did some research on my own and proposed it..but my boss was not impressed.”
Vil’s eyes stared into Epel before he said firmly. “I need someone with that sort of thinking, cosmetology is complicated and there are many beautiful faces in the world that are sensitive to certain products. If you are going to work here I need that same dedication and determination to better your understanding of our products.”
Epel quickly replied, not wanting to miss out on this job opportunity. “And I promise you’ll get it! I will ask questions and take time to look up some of our product's information!”
Rook gave a smile and a knowing look to Vil, who returned the look with a nod before standing up from his desk and holding a hand out to Epel. “I will hold you to that promise, welcome Epel. I will expect you here Friday afternoon for your first training.”
Epel happily took his hand and agreed to the first day of work, immediately after letting go of Vil’s hand, Rook led him to his own desk and took the time to prepare a work schedule for the teen. The lavender haired teen left that afternoon with a big smile, even treating himself to some take-out and enjoying some videos online when he arrived home. His first shift after school was calming, many employees showered him with compliments on how pretty he looked and showed him the ropes of where everything was, Rook primarily walked with him that day. Saturday, a busy day that was perfect practice for helping customers and checking people out at the registers, but much to Epel’s dismay he did have to wear eyeliner. Third and fourth day? Busy and chaotic. Fifth and sixth? Annoying, all the others ever talked about was the makeup and how beautiful Vil was on screen. Epel almost reached his wits end on the seventh day, it was not as if the pay was not going to be worth it, but hearing all the narcissistic, arrogant, and cosmetically absorbed conversations were starting to get to him.
It came to Epel’s attention that he had no connection to his fellow coworkers, Rook was fairly interesting and talked more about his interests rather than just makeup, but even he was constantly complimenting Vil. His boss was barely in the store due to being a model, but whenever Vil did show up he always had something to say about him or the way the store appeared. Epel had to admit, learning about their products was interesting and he even recommended some more natural makeup items for the store to sell, but for the most part he stayed away from the others as much as possible. Figuring out how to repress his accent and apply his eyeliner was the most painful thing to do on a daily basis. Between work and school Epel was exhausted, having to be in school from eight in the morning to three in the afternoon and then work from four until nine in the evening was draining. Sunday was the only day he had officially off and it was still filled with chores, studying, and other grown up tasks that grinded on Epel’s sanity. The pay was a bit higher than average rates though so Epel just had to grin and bear it. 
One wednesday night of October, Epel found himself closing with Rook and all of the other staff had either gone home or could not make it in, it was painfully slow that night and they still had 10 minutes before officially closing. All Epel wanted to do was go home and enjoy the grilled steak he still had from last night. Vil walked in just as Epel had finished dusting some of the light fixtures and stormed off to his office while calling out in a jaded tone. “Rook! Office, now!”
Rook’s eyes narrowed as he quickly followed after him and called back to Epel in a firm but pleasant manner. “Please watch the store, I will return soon.”
Epel was left in confusion but watched the clock until it ticked down to the last second, as soon as nine o’clock hit on the screen the teen practically ran to close up the doors and pull the curtains closed. Rook and Vil still had not returned so he decided to start turning off all the spotlights first, heading upstairs to get the second floor done first. One by one the rows of LED bulbs powered down and sky blue eyes noticed the slightly opened door to the office, yet despite his brain telling him to mind his own business something drew him to that door. As if like a marionette, Epel found himself pulled towards the ajar door and glanced in to see Vil and Rook having a very quiet and serious conversation. 
“Mon ami, please try to calm down-”
“Rook, he followed me. Do you have any idea how unnerving that is?”
Was Vil being stalked? Epel grew a bit worried now, if his boss was being stalked then that explained why he seemed so snappy when he came in. Rook only continued to talk, interrupting Vil and expressing his concern. “Oui, I understand, but Cater is not one to follow without order. More than likely he was trying to see where you were heading.”
“The fact that he was following me in the first place is my concern. If Riddle knows I am attending the party at Perdita’s estate then he will send someone to cut me off from seeing her.”
“Do you want me to go with you? I can clean up quickly.” Rook suggested with a smile and peppy tone.
“I need you to keep the Cards out.” Vil replied bitterly and waved his right hand absentmindedly. “The faster they fold, the easier it will be for me to retrieve her video surveillance.”
Perdita, that was the woman that founded the flawless facial cream that Epel was forced to try, why would Vil need access to her home security? For that matter, who was trying to stop Vil? Alarms started ringing in Epel’s head at the thought of working for a crook or some government agency, but he had to listen because things were still not making any sense.
“Remind me, what did she do?”
“Supposedly illegal animal testing for the products she makes, along with affairs and has a bad habit of spending more than she has. I already found evidence of her testing procedures, all I care about now is seeing if she has had an affair.”
“Sournois~ Is she part of the contracting committee?”
“Unfortunately no, but her husband is the owner of a popular jewelry store, someone with that kind of wealth has no care in the farm lands or the Afterglow district. If we can convince them to put their vote against the construction expansion then maybe we’ll have more leverage.”
Epel’s body tensed up, his breath shallow as he slowly moved away from the door, he had to call someone or just anyone that would listen. Keeping slow steps he started to walk down the stairs, but before he made it even halfway his body was yanked backwards from someone grabbing the back of his shirt. The boy struggled of course, reaching both hands back and clawing into the wrist of his assailant before using his entire body weight to slam them into the metal railing of the staircase. A pained gasp left the attacker and released Epel for a moment, letting the smaller teen dash down the stairs before he could be captured again. By the last step Epel’s heart pounded to the sound of hurried steps behind him, he quickly ran to the back door and sped around displays and corners to shake off his pursuer. When both fair-skinned hands shoved the back door open, the brightness of the store made it harder for his eyes to adjust quickly to the darkness that engulfed the city, yet his attempt to run was quickly interrupted when two hands grabbed onto his arms tightly.
An involuntary gasp left Epel from the spiking fingers that dug into his biceps at just the amount of pressure to keep him from struggling further. “Let me go!”
“Epel, what have you heard?”
Sky blue eyes widened as his eyes finally adjusted and looked up to see Vil staring down at him with a vexed expression, Rook came out of the building and chuckled with a strained smile as he held his right side. “Aie..ça fait mal..You’re stronger than you look Epel!”
Immediately the need to free himself occurred to Epel, he slammed the heel of his shoe down on Vil’s foot, only gaining a grunt from the man before the younger one found his back against the cement wall. Vil’s eyes were cold and filled with impatience, they bore into Epel’s as the teen realized just how strong Vil was in comparison to him, the throbbing on his back and the back of his head just proved it. Rook stood by with his left hand clutching his right side, staring at Epel and Vil with a detached yet troubled look, he briefly glanced at his friend as he cautioned. “Vil, be gentle. Epel, what exactly did you hear?”
“How should I know?!” Epel suddenly screeched, his accent reappearing which took both of his bosses off guard. “What in tarnation we’re ya’ll talking about? Blackmail? Parties? Cards? Someone called Cater? Somethin’ about miss Perdita, but whatar’ you tryin’ to do?! If it’s wha’ I think then I will tell the police!”
Vil and Rook just stared silently, but the grip on Epel’s arms never loosened up, the lavender haired boy’s chest heaved from his breathless yelling and only glared at Vil with determination. Surprisingly, Vil relaxed and released the teen, only to then say in a quiet and measured tone. “You picked up all of that and remembered key details..Epel, how would you feel about earning more money on the side? Granted, if you say no I could easily just ruin your scholarship and send you right back to the farm from which you came, so choose your answer wisely.”
“V-vil!” Rook gasped in shock, walking closer as Epel leaned on the wall with confusion. “There is no chance he would join in our business, and it is too dangerous.”
“That is up to him..” Vil replied, crossing his arms and never took his stern eyes off Epel. “Remember, there is no going back to a normal life whether you say yes or no, either ruin your chances or take the leap.”
Epel couldn’t even begin to process what Vil was really asking of him, but he knew it was a threat to his future. Vil gestured to the back door of the building, his behavior changing abruptly to a kinder tone. “Let us talk inside.” 
“No! You get to tell me right now!” Epel demanded and then questioned. “Are you both secret agents ‘r somethin’? Some gang members?”
Rook began to laugh loudly, hissing in pain a bit at the bruise forming on his side. “We are part of our own work. We do have ties to others in the city, but our job is less physical and more informational.”
“You see Epel,” Vil spoke, patting the invisible dirt off his gloves. “We take great pride in providing information that benefits the people of Afterglow and Ernte’s farmland district. Politicians, company owners, financial supporters, anyone that wants the construction to develop, we take great lengths to persuade them to think otherwise. When I found out you were from one of the farms I wanted to give you the opportunity to work for me, not many jobs pay well or want a farm boy.”
Eyes widened and Epel’s jaw dropped slightly at Vil’s words, he was taken off guard to be honest. “So..yer’ not assassins or anything?”
“Informants.” Rook smiled sweetly and elaborated further. “In a way, we are spies. With Vil’s fame it is easy to find dirt on those that threaten the poorer areas.”
“But..why do you both care?”
“I cannot stand those that trample on others,” Vil spoke bitterly, baring his teeth for a second before looking in Rook’s direction. “Those that have power and use it to hurt others disgust me.”
Rook nodded sadly and added to Vil’s statement. “And my family is in the Afterglow district, I could not forgive myself if I watched them being pushed out and homeless..”
The confessions stung Epel’s heart, both seemed so collected but their voices rang with anguish and loathing, they sounded so unconsoled from their pain. “What would you have me do?”
They looked at the teen and Vil gave an impressed smirk as he explained. “I would need you to help gather information, you will be paid, but you need to be loyal to us and train hard. This is a secret, not even your family can know, and when I call upon you then you must answer swiftly no matter what is going on in your life.”
Only two choices, crumbling and disappointing hell or secretiveness and promising a good future, this made his answer roll off his tongue. “I’m in.”
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humanrightsupdates · 8 months
China: Carmakers Implicated in Uyghur Forced Labor
BYD, GM, Tesla, Toyota, VW Risk Using Tainted Aluminum
Global carmakers, including General Motors, Tesla, BYD, Toyota, and Volkswagen, are failing to minimize the risk of Uyghur forced labor being used in their aluminum supply chains, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today.
The 99-page report, “Asleep at the Wheel: Car Companies’ Complicity in Forced Labor in China,” finds that some carmakers have succumbed to Chinese government pressure to apply weaker human rights and responsible sourcing standards at their Chinese joint ventures than in their global operations, increasing the risk of exposure to forced labor in Xinjiang. Most have done too little to map their aluminum supply chains and identify links to forced labor.
“Car companies simply don’t know the extent of their links to forced labor in Xinjiang in their aluminum supply chains,” said Jim Wormington, senior researcher and advocate for corporate accountability at Human Rights Watch. “Consumers should know their cars might contain materials linked to forced labor or other abuses in Xinjiang.”
The link between Xinjiang, a region in northwestern China, the aluminum industry, and forced labor is the Chinese government-backed labor transfer programs, which coerce Uyghurs and other Turkic Muslims into jobs in Xinjiang and other regions.
Human Rights Watch reviewed online Chinese state media articles, company reports, and government statements and found credible evidence that aluminum producers in Xinjiang are participating in labor transfers. Human Rights Watch also uncovered evidence that fossil fuel companies that supply coal to aluminum producers in Xinjiang have received labor transfer workers at their coal mines. Xinjiang’s aluminum smelters depend on the region’s abundant and highly polluting coal supplies to fuel the energy-intensive process of aluminum production.
In 2023, domestic and foreign manufacturers in China produced and exported more cars than any other country. Since 2017, the Chinese government has committed crimes against humanity in Xinjiang, including arbitrary detention, enforced disappearances, and cultural and religious persecution, and has subjected Uyghurs and other Turkic Muslim communities to forced labor inside and outside Xinjiang.
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Lead Battery Recycling in Adelaide: A Step Towards Sustainability
Lead-acid batteries are vital to powering vehicles, machinery, and renewable energy systems. However, they pose significant environmental risks if not disposed of properly due to their toxic components.lead battery recycling Adelaide plays a crucial role in managing these hazardous materials and supporting environmental sustainability.
The Importance of Lead Battery Recycling
Lead-acid batteries contain lead, sulfuric acid, and plastic, which can cause serious harm if they end up in landfills. When these materials leak into the ground, they contaminate the soil and water, posing a risk to both ecosystems and human health. Recycling ensures that these hazardous materials are managed safely while allowing valuable resources to be reused.
Key Benefits of Lead Battery Recycling
Environmental Protection: Proper recycling prevents toxic materials from contaminating the environment. By keeping lead, acid, and plastic out of landfills, recycling helps protect Adelaide’s soil and water supplies from harmful pollutants.
Resource Conservation: Lead is a valuable material that can be recycled indefinitely without losing its quality. Recycling lead batteries helps reduce the demand for new mining, conserving natural resources and reducing the environmental footprint of lead extraction.
Energy Savings: The process of recycling lead is significantly more energy-efficient compared to mining and processing new lead from ore. This energy savings helps lower greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to Adelaide’s sustainability efforts.
Economic Opportunities: The lead battery recycling industry creates jobs in collection, processing, and manufacturing. Many recycling facilities in Adelaide also offer cash for used batteries, providing a financial incentive for individuals and businesses to participate in the recycling process.
How Lead Battery Recycling Works
The recycling process for lead-acid batteries is highly efficient, with up to 99% of a battery's materials being recoverable. The process generally follows these steps:
Collection: Old batteries are collected from various sources, including homes, car workshops, and industrial sites. Recycling centers across Adelaide accept these batteries, ensuring they are handled safely.
Breaking and Separation: The collected batteries are broken apart, and their components (lead, plastic, and acid) are separated. This ensures that each material can be processed individually for reuse.
Lead Smelting and Refining: The lead is melted down and purified, ready to be used in new batteries or other lead-based products.
Plastic Recycling: The plastic casings are cleaned and processed into pellets that can be used to manufacture new battery casings or other plastic products.
Acid Treatment: The sulfuric acid is neutralized or converted into chemicals that can be used for industrial applications, ensuring that nothing is wasted.
Lead Battery Recycling Facilities in Adelaide
Adelaide is home to several recycling centers that specialize in lead battery recycling. Areas like Lonsdale serve as hubs for battery recycling, offering services for individuals and businesses alike. Many centers not only accept batteries for recycling but also offer cash for old batteries, making it easy and financially rewarding to recycle.
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Protecting Your Car Paint With Ceramic Coating
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By offering vehicle exteriors a strong, long-lasting protective covering, ceramic coatings have completely changed the way people take care of their cars. Ceramic coatings, as opposed to conventional waxes or sealants, provide better defense against environmental risks, guaranteeing that a car’s paint will stay lustrous and spotless for years to come. But why are these coatings so specifically successful? The molecular makeup and the way that these coatings adhere to the car’s surface hold the key to the solution.
The science behind ceramic coating
The composition: SiO2 (silicon dioxide) and occasionally TiO2 (titanium dioxide) are the basic ingredients of ceramic coatings. These substances combine with the car’s paint to make a semi-permanent bond that produces a layer of defense that is water-repellent and extremely resistant to environmental pollutants. SiO2 is essential as it covers the paint in a glass-like coating that is extraordinarily tough and long-lasting.
Molecular bonding: Ceramic coatings adhere to the paint of a car by a molecular bond formed by a chemical reaction. Compared to the physical bond creates by sealants or waxes, the covalent bond formed by this reaction is much stronger. This covalent connection makes sure the coating blends in with the paint job rather than merely covering it. Because of this, unlike conventional waxes, the coating does not wash off or degrade over time.
Hydrophobic properties: The hydrophobic nature of ceramic coatings is one of their most appreciated characteristics. This indicates that the car’s surface repels water and other particles of dirt and grime. Because the coating lowers the paint’s surface energy, water beading up and rolling off instead of spreading out and clinging is what creates the hydrophobic effect. This makes cleaning the automobile considerably simpler, while also maintaining its cleanliness for a longer period of time.
Benefits of applying a ceramic coating
UV protection: Ceramic coatings provide defense against UV radiation from the sun. A car’s paint may oxidize and fade due to UV exposure over time, giving the vehicle a drab look. UV rays are reflected by the SiO2 in ceramic coatings, acting as a barrier to keep them from getting to the paint. For automobiles that are regularly exposed to sunshine, this protection is especially crucial since it preserves the paint colour’s depth and brightness.
Chemical resistance: Ceramic coatings offer superior resistance against a broad spectrum of chemicals, including acidic pollutants such as tree sap, bird droppings, and industrial waste. If these materials are not removed, they can etch or harm the paint; however, a ceramic coating offers a hard, shielding layer that deters chemical deterioration. This resistance keeps the car’s paint appearing flawless and helps to avoid long-term damage.
Scratch resistance: Ceramic coatings offer scratch resistance, the SiO2 layer’s hardness aiding in shielding against swirl marks and tiny scratches that may happen from washing or environmental contaminants. Over time, this additional protection aids in maintaining the car’s paint’s shiny, smooth appearance.
Durable glaze and luster: Improving the look of the vehicle is one of the most obvious advantages of ceramic coatings. The coating improves the paint’s colour and clarity by producing a rich, reflecting sheen. Unlike conventional waxes, its glossy finish is long-lasting since the coating doesn’t wear off or dissolve. As a consequence, the car retains its showroom shine for years with minimal maintenance.
Ease of maintenance: Ceramic coatings drastically cut down on the work needed to maintain a car’s shiny, clean appearance. Because of its hydrophobic and anti-contaminant qualities, water, dirt, and grime don’t stick to the surface as easily, which makes washing the vehicle much easier. Furthermore, unlike conventional protective techniques, the ceramic coating doesn’t need to be reapplied frequently or given extra attention because it is resistant to chemicals and UV radiation.
Ceramic coatings are a major development in the field of vehicle paint protection technology. They improve the look of the car and provide excellent protection against environmental threats by creating a strong, long-lasting connection with the paint. Ceramic coatings provide a durable solution that keeps your automobile looking its best with minimal effort, whether you’re trying to preserve a new car or bring back the shine to an older one. We may anticipate increasingly more sophisticated formulations with improved protection and simpler application as this technology develops. You can guarantee that your car is protected by the newest automotive technology and maintain its gorgeous appearance for many years to come with AutoPad’s ceramic coating. AutoPad’s ceramic coating services ensure that your vehicle remains protected and visually stunning. For those searching for “ceramic coating near me”, AutoPad offers top-quality solutions to enhance your car’s longevity and appearance.
Resource: Read more
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acrautogear · 19 days
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5 Reasons Why a Microfiber Cleaning Cloth is a Must-Have in Your Car
A microfiber Cleaning cloth is a must-have accessory for your car! Keeping your car clean and well-maintained enhances its appearance and prolongs its lifespan. By removing dust and debris from both interior and exterior surfaces, you preserve your car’s aesthetic appeal. 
A microfiber duster is designed for efficiently removing dust and debris from surfaces. It consists of fine synthetic fibers that attract and trap particles, making it ideal for use on cars, furniture, and other household items. The soft and non-abrasive material helps prevent scratching or damaging delicate surfaces.
Find below the top 5 reasons why a microfiber Cleaning cloth is a must-have in your car.
Why You Must Keep a Microfiber Cloth in Your Car?
You must carry dusters for cleaning in your car to keep it dust-free. Cleanliness is important for ensuring healthy and pleasant driving environment. However, you must use the right duster for effective cleaning and preventing further damage.
Find below the top 5 benefits of using a microfiber cleaning cloth in your car:
 1. Gentle and Effective Dust Removal
A microfiber duster is designed to attract and trap dust particles with its fine fibers, making it an ideal tool for dusting off your car's interior and exterior surfaces. Unlike traditional dusters or cloths, microfiber material is gentle on delicate surfaces such as the dashboard, console, and instrument panel.
It prevents scratches or damage while effectively removing dust, ensuring your car's interior remains clean and well-maintained.
 2. Scratch-Free Cleaning
One of the biggest concerns when cleaning a car is the risk of scratching the paint or leaving swirl marks. The soft and non-abrasive fibers of microfiber duster ensure scratch-free cleaning due to their gentle cleaning properties. 
Whether you're dusting the bodywork or wiping down the interior trim, a microfiber car cloth preserves the pristine finish of your vehicle.
 3. Versatility for Interior and Exterior Use
Another advantage of a microfiber cloth is its versatility for both interior and exterior cleaning tasks. From dusting off the dashboard and vents to removing pollen and debris from the exterior surfaces, a microfiber duster can tackle a wide range of cleaning jobs with ease. 
Its flexible and lightweight design allows you to reach tight spaces and contours, ensuring thorough cleaning without any hassle.
 4. Time-Saving Convenience
Using a microfiber cleaning cloth for car cleaning delivers superior results while saving you time and effort. With its quick and efficient dust removal capabilities, you can keep your car looking clean and fresh in just a few minutes. 
Whether you're on a daily commute or preparing for a road trip, a microfiber car cloth provides a convenient cleaning solution without the need for water or cleaning products.
 5. Eco-Friendly and Cost-Effective
A microfiber cleaning cloth is an eco-friendly and cost-effective alternative to disposable cleaning products. Unlike disposable wipes or paper towels, which contribute to waste and environmental pollution, a microfiber cloth is reusable and can be washed and reused multiple times. 
By investing in a high-quality microfiber cloth, you not only save money in the long run but also reduce your carbon footprint by minimizing waste generation.
A microfiber cleaning cloth is a must-have accessory for every car owner, offering gentle and effective dust removal solution. By using a microfiber cloth for your car cleaning, you can maintain the cleanliness and appearance of your vehicle effortlessly! Hence. You can ensure a pleasant driving experience for years to come.
Visit ACR Accessories to buy high-quality microfiber cleaning cloth for your car to enjoy a clean and comfortable ride!
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