#politician heero yuy
fallenwingzero · 2 years
A few notes from the latest FT chapter (Peacecraft File 5):
I like that the themes for this chapter (and the previous one) are The Wizard of Oz and Cinderella, and that FT has managed to blend the two stories together. The RWBY fan in me is a sucker for fairytale themes and characters being assigned to different roles from those stories so I am loving Frozen Teardrop!
This chapter we have:
Sabrina and Katrina: Cinderella and Dorothy Gale.
Eric Sherwood and Marticus Rex: The glass slippers that get Cinderella to the ball (the battle at Lake Lernay/Sabrina's proposal) and together they are the silver slippers that help Dorothy return home (Sanc Kingdom).
Solciere: The witch that helps Cinderella/ The good witch of the south.
Dorothy's companions: Professor Heero Yuy (Scarecrow that wants a brain), Cinquante Khushrenada (Tin Man that wants a heart) and Eric Shergold (Lion that lacks courage). They are also the three main character's helping Sabrina regain Sanc Kingdom (Kansas), complete with her own Toto (Sam)
Professor Heero Yuy eventually realises that it's his battle to find a way to end all war using his knowledge of philosophy. Eric Shergold stops denying his feelings for Sabrina (with help from Cinquante) since he fears he's not good enough for her and eventually proposes (after she proposes lol). Cinquante chooses the honor to fight for peace and leaves the old ways of the Khushrenada family behind.
I plan to go back and reread Frozen Teardrop again to see exactly which characters are based on which fairytales/fables/stories and write up summaries because this is the kind of stuff that I'm obsessed with!
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thisweekingundamwing · 2 months
This Week in Gundam Wing July 28 - 3 August 2024
Here’s the roundup for July 28 - August 3, 2024!
Remember to give your content creators some love! Be sure to join in on the events at the bottom! And remember to send in any new works you see or make this next week!
~Mod Hel
Always https://janaverse.tumblr.com/post/757495143041531904/always-despite-being-good-at-so-many-things-duos
Heero Yuy/Duo Maxwell
Despite being good at so many things, Duo’s mouth was meant to be kissed.
Nudes are a Love Language https://archiveofourown.org/works/56952100
F/M, M/M, Relena Peacecraft/Heero Yuy, Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner
Heero Yuy, Relena Peacecraft, Duo Maxwell, Quatre Raberba Winner, Trowa Barton, Zechs Merquise
Mature, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Penises, Dick Pics, Humor, Character Study, 1xR, 3x4, Established Relationship, Long-Distance Relationship, Business Trip, Banter, Post-Canon, English
During a business trip, Heero is talked into sending intimate pictures to Relena, even though politicians rarely hold their own phones at all times.
Arts/Crafts/Photo Manips:
Random drawings of our beloved characters, fanart
Lady Une, Treize Khushrenada, art from twitter
Leo, gunpla
Have a transparent bubble bath-less Treize Khushrenada, for all your edit needs.
Photosets/Gifsets/Screenshots/Manga Pages:
Heero Yuy, Trowa Barton, Duo Maxwell, Endless Waltz punch gifset
WuFei Chang, Heero Yuy, Endless Waltz fight gifset
Heero Yuy, Sims, screenshot
Calendar Events:
Gundam Wing AU Fest
All info about the event is in the post!
Cocktail Fridays!
Post responses on Friday, during Happy Hour between 3 & 5 pm in your own timezone.
Here’s the prompts for Friday, August 9th: https://gwcocktailfriday.tumblr.com/post/757791721704783872/cocktail-friday-post-responses-on-friday-august
In need of prompts!
Events Calendar https://thisweekingundamevents.tumblr.com/post/730188053636841472/updated-events-calendar
If you are hosting an event currently, or are planning on one, hit us up with links and dates! We’ll add them to the Calendar and reblog your notices to get the word out!
Needs to be updated...
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tinyozlion · 1 year
“Act On My Emotions”:  Heero’s Motto and What It Actually Means
This sounds like something you’d see on some kitchen decor or a motivational poster at the dentist office, but Heero is not a wine mom, nor is he a dentist. A third, secret thing.
 The motto is a reference to yet another scene in Episode Zero, from Heero’s backstory. Odin Lowe, the assassin of Original-Flavor Heero Yuy (politician), and barely-qualifying surrogate parent to Heero Yuy (code name), tells baby!Heero this bit of wisdom right before fucking off and abandoning the kid to his own devices.
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 It’s the parting life-advice of a hollow, haunted man:  You never know when some idiot (like me) will pull a trigger somewhere and change the future forever. So you might as well “act on your emotions” – or in another phrasing, “do as your heart tells you”.   
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Literally: live in the moment. Act in the moment. Know what it is you value, so you can make snap judgments without wasting time on doubt, or fear, or questions, or trying to guess the endless repercussions of your actions– because you can’t. The future is always up for grabs, anyone could die at any second. 
Don’t think about what comes after. Focus on the thing you need to do now, in order to keep living (“my enemy is anyone after my life…”). Don’t let anyone else make decisions for you (“… and anyone that toys with my life”).  It’s the only way for someone with no future to maintain a kind of moral compass. It’s the only way to gain some control over your empty, rootless life. 
When you’re a disposable resource, you don’t get to think about a higher meaning. 
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Just do what your heart tells you. Kid. 
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ikuzeminna · 4 years
Anon of the Odin-Heero 'ask' here. I guess I just took Odin for a deadbeat dad that felt responsible for taking care of young Heero after his mother died and could only bound with him through his 'profession'. But your headcanon is 10/10 and has better rationalization + dramatic irony without being overdramatic. I swear after reading it I searched for images with Heero Yuy's (politician) eyebrows like crazy. I mean Dorothy and Treize have that particular conection so why not? lol
Oh, sorry, anon! I didn’t mean to send you on a wild goose chase. Here you go:
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Odin being a deadbeat father is totally acceptable since it’s kind of a Gundam tradition for the protagonists’ fathers to be such, even if Gundam Wing doesn’t necessarily follow those, but he struck me more as the suave rogue type, like Han Solo. The post-face of Episode Zero actually says Sumizawa wanted him to look like that.
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It’s just a matter of personal preference. For me, zero physical resemblance breaks the deal and having a killer with a heart, who mirrors/foreshadows Heero’s growth is more appealing than deadbeat dads. One makes Odin sympathetic, the other unlikable. I opt for the former.
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Child Soldiers in Gundam Wing
((I was just trying to edit this post and somehow deleted everything (insert internal screaming here) ANYWAY. Same thing, some minor changes, should look familiar if you got the zine... ;) ))
Child Soldiers and the AC Era
The young age of anime protagonists is something so common that fans no longer even pay it much notice, but in the context of Gundam Wing, the age of both the main and side characters can say a lot about the world itself.
It seems the age of some of the highest ranks (Treize, Une, Zechs, Noin) were incredibly young; Treize was only 24 and the others just 19. The young age of the soldiers seems to be consistent, because both Zechs and Noin were involved in combat operations from even before the start of the official series when they were only 13/14 years old. The Gundam Pilots were not considered traditional soldiers, so it is possible 15-year-olds were still considered too young for actual warfare - but then you have volunteer soldiers like Hilde, and she was only 15 too.  
I believe the prevalent use of child soldiers in the AC era shows just how awful things were in the series proper.
Definition of Child Soldier
I think it’s safe to assume that the AC timeline follows some of the norms set by real life, so I’m going to use the UN’s definition of ‘child soldier’: they are children (defined by the “Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)”) as persons under the age of 18 who are associated with military organizations, such as state armed forces and non-state armed groups. These children “may be trained and used for combat, assigned to support roles such as porters or messengers, or used for tactical advantage as human shields or for political advantage in propaganda.” This can vary from nation to nation dependent on national laws regarding the age of majority, but those under 18 years of age is a safe default to assume regarding who is and is not considered a child soldier.
Why do people use child soldiers?
Child soldiers are used because they can be easily manipulated and will follow orders without question, either because they don’t know any better or because they’re being threatened/coerced into compliance. However, child soldiers are not the go-to resource for military power; they are a last resort used by desperate nations and/or factions. People aren’t using children in battle unless they’re out of other options, because not only is it morally bankrupt, it’s also bad for public image. Nationalism taken to its extreme proves to be a driving force for factions seeking political/militaristic power, but when all you have are mountains of dead children wearing your uniforms, you lose public support very quickly. It is also non-sustainable; leaders aren’t going to sacrifice their future workers by sending children out to die unless they absolutely must.
Now this isn’t necessarily true for recruitment; taking the United States as an example, the military recruits and recruits hard in high schools across the country, eager to pull in fresh graduates. However, the focus of this kind of recruitment is on graduates, who are typically 18 years old or will be 18 years old soon, and thus excluded from the protection of UNCRC.
There is also the possibility of military schools/academies, which is what Noin, Zechs, and Treize were enrolled in as children. However, graduation from such schools is not a direct route into military duty, it is a step: students still attend normal lessons (in addition to military lessons, such as history and fitness courses), but they certainly aren’t considered soldiers-in-training or the like. Just like their public school-counterparts, they’re expected to graduate from schooling at the age of 18 and then decide if they want to attend college/enter the armed forces/etc. But again, by graduation, they are 18 and considered legal adults. No military leader is going to traipse into a military academy and drag the top students of that school into an actual combat situation because they are actual children. This is true even for child prodigies; someone is still going to raise hell about a 13-year-old in a combat operation, even if that 13-year-old can pilot a mobile suit like a badass.
Alliance’s War Machine and the Use of Child Soldiers
The AC timeline is one that has seen decades of violent unrest and conflicts. Since the construction and mass emigration of people to the space colonies and the creation of the Alliance, conflicts have risen and been violently put down in a vicious cycle that eventually lead to the rise and fall of the politician Heero Yuy and the Sanc Kingdom, creation of mobile suits and OZ, and then Operation Meteor.
I’m going to focus on the Alliance, as they were an organized military force with a traditional set-up. I think through decades of on-and-off again warfare, population numbers may have seen a decline, leaving a growing vacuum of military manpower that the Alliance started getting desperate to fill. This would explain the simply absurd ages of their recruitment, exemplified by both Noin and Zechs as seen or otherwise referenced repeatedly in both Frozen Teardrop and Episode Zero.
Both Noin and Zechs are said to have graduated from the Lake Victoria Academy with the highest scores.  
At ten, they were handpicked by Treize to take part in a Specials military assignment to suppress a revolt in Mogadishu in AC 186.
At 13, Noin takes part in an operation to quell rebel forces, also led by Treize.
At 15, Zechs is running around with the Specials—already dubbed the so-called “LIGHTNING COUNT”—to repress a terrorist attack on the Alliance in AC 191.
Even as teenage prodigies in their field, that doesn’t excuse the fact that they are still children, and they—as children—are still being used in active combat. And no one even seems to bat an eye.
Then we have Treize, who is introduced in the series proper at age 24.  Wading through his history (again, through sources from both FT and EZ), we see he started as a piloting instructor for MS pilots in AC 188. Presumably he was 17 years old given that he was born in AC 171, but it could be close enough to 18 that it wouldn’t be an issue except he’s the INSTRUCTOR, which meant not only did he go through enough training and education to earn the credentials to be an instructor, but should have also gotten the field experience needed as well. Before the age of 17/18.
In AC 193, General Catalonia passes and Treize becomes the head of OZ and the Specials. 22-year-old Treize. He may be a charismatic genius, but were there really no alternatives that held more political power and military experience? Taking WW2 as an example, the leadership for both the Axis and Allied powers were between the ages of 50-70 years. The closest in age to Treize would be the leaders of the Hitler Youth, who were only pulled into active duty during the end of the war when Nazi Germany was running out of manpower. It was a move of desperation.
Through these three—and possibly Une but her history is not really explicated—we can see that the Alliance (and by extension, OZ) has a history of not just indoctrinating and training at disturbingly early ages, but also has no qualms about using child soldiers. Generally, people of high military ranks will have years upon years of service; recent graduates don’t just get to be base commanders or colonels. The fact that all of them rise in power at very young ages and seize high ranks shows a military that is either lacking in even the most basic of moral integrity (again, using child soldiers as active combatants is morally bankrupt) or revealing their desperation to fill the ranks.
This is not to say that they didn’t rightfully deserve their titles; these three are the elite of OZ, and they most certainly earned that recognition. But how would anyone know that they were such highly-skilled soldiers, unless they were actually put through combat? It’s not that their titles were earned at such an early age that’s baffling. The fact that they had the opportunity to earn them so young is the issue. Imagine learning that your neighbor’s 10-year-old is so good at piloting a fighter aircraft that they receive military honors; one of the first things I’d want to know was how did they learn to pilot an aircraft, swiftly followed by why were they even piloting an aircraft to begin with?  
Treize is even more egregious in this context. He is the best of the best, but the military hierarchy isn’t based solely on skill – it also includes experience. Experience only comes with time, and no matter how many battles Treize may have won, it doesn’t mean he would rank higher in the hierarchy than those with 20+ years of military experience.
The only logical reason I can think of that would allot Treize the power to become head of OZ and the Specials is that there wasn’t much in the way of competition: everyone else was dead. As noted with the Hitler Youth of Nazi Germany, leaders and soldiers as young as Treize, Zechs, and Noin could be explained by a lack of manpower. After years of mass emigrations to space and violent disputes, it’s reasonable to conclude that the Alliance was running out of soldiers and it’s likely entire generations were lost in conflicts prior to the start of the main series.
Gundam Pilots and OZ’s Reaction
The trend of young soldiers is continued into the main series, as shown with then 19-year-old Noin as base commander and instructor of the Lake Victoria Academy. She was responsible for training the Specials recruits, who were ready to graduate into active combat; all were considered young, though not as young as a Gundam Pilot – as shown when Noin is shocked and horrified to realize Wufei is just a “boy.”
While Noin is taken aback by Wufei’s age, she later joins Zechs in tracking down the Gundams and their pilots, and it certainly wasn’t to help them or free them from the influence/command of the resistance. Perhaps she is justified because she lost men to Wufei’s “underhanded” tactics, but she has no qualms helping Zechs find Heero later in order to engage in a duel. She aided a fellow adult (both she and Zechs are 19 at this time in the show) set up and carry out a duel to the death with a 15-year-old. The Gundam Pilots are considered enemy combatants, yes, but now there’s no hesitation when facing them on a battlefield, no second thoughts or remorse that they will have to kill literal children.
Because they aren’t children to Noin or Zechs, and are definitely not to OZ, at least not anymore. They’re enemy combatants. As seen with Soviet soldiers in WW2, anyone in a Nazi uniform is an enemy combatant afforded no mercy – even if the person in question is a 12-year-old with little to no training, pushed to the front lines by a desperate and dying command.
A good comparison for OZ would be to Imperial Japan in 1944: men under 20 were enlisted and at this time, kamikaze bombers were around 17 years old. In 1945, they used “volunteer soldiers” known as the Tekketsu Kinnotai in the Battle of Okinawa who were between 14-17 years of age; this parallels OZ’s reach into the space colonies exemplified with Hilde Schbeiker, a volunteer soldier who was only 15 years old. This would fit with the picture of OZ that the main series paints: extremely young leadership as exemplified by the main antagonists of the series, the young age of the Specials who are essentially the elite of OZ’s military power, and then the young age of the volunteer space army.
Then there is the extreme desensitization to the age of the Gundam Pilots. It’s initially met with surprise (ref: Noin vs. Wufei) or doubt (Duo’s publicized capture that is later handwaved as OZ propaganda by the general populace), and yet when met by soldiers face-to-face, there’s no pause to consider the moral consequences of imprisoning, fighting, or killing a teenager. Yes, the Gundam Pilots were trying to kill their enemies, but the age difference should give the OZ soldiers some pause to consider the implications…unless there was less of an age difference and/or a consistent desensitization and normalization of child soldiers.
This isn’t limited to just Alliance/OZ as well. Later in the series, we see members of White Fang trying to convince/coerce Duo into joining them. They know he’s young given that they know his identity and yet they still want him to join and become a figurehead for their organization, and to be active in their battle operations. When a group is using children to fight their battles and lead their forces, they’re not doing so because they’re well-supplied and powerful; they’re doing so because they need to and have no other options.
While it’s doubtful all factions were manned exclusively by child soldiers—we see quite a few military personnel who look older (but given that Treize looks like he’s in his 30s…)—there’s probably a fair amount of actual adult soldiers around. But not enough to keep a standing military force running, hence the use of the young.
Other Thoughts
Normalization of child soldiers would explain the makeup of Alliance/OZ, and it helps explain the extremely young ages of the highest-ranking members of OZ. It can also be naturally assumed that the colonial resistance was equal if not more desperate than the Earth factions (thus the whole ‘Gundams piloted by highly-trained and rather unstable teens’ thing). This desperation and unsustainable drive for soldiers helps to explain the whole OZ split with mobile dolls and then the ending with White Fang and Libra. OZ wanted to use mobile dolls to fight their battles because they were running out of kids to send into war. White Fang in contrast orchestrates and nearly succeeds in kick-starting Armageddon, barely stopped by the Gundam Pilots
But after everything is said and done, everyone across both the Earth Sphere and space colonies are just totally cool with peace now? After decades of violent hostilities, they’re going to listen to Relena’s pleas for peace? I would argue that of course they were: as a community, they had war fatigue and scores of dead.
Frozen Teardrop and the [Improbable Age] Retcon
Frozen Teardrop tries to explain the young age of the characters, which essentially boils down to this: world leaders live longer lives and so were reluctant to give any authority to their children so that they could keep their power. By the time they were ready to retire, the 1st generation believed the 2nd generation were “unused to having power” and so decided to pass on the torch to the “bright young minds of the 3rd generation.”
That is absolutely insane.
This would translate as: Baby Boomers are finally retiring, and decide to pass on the reign of power to Gen Z. While there’s nothing unusual about an older generation wanting to keep their power as long as possible, there is no way they’re going to hand that power over to “the bright young minds of the 3rd generation” because the 2nd generation was “unused to having power.” Because you know who else is unused to wielding power because of the 1st generation? The 3rd generation. The only time where ‘power’ (assumed to be political influence and/or military might) skipped a generation was when the middle generation was wiped out due to war (e.g. Russia post-WW2, who lost an entire generation to the devastation). Fascist Grandpa is not going to hand over power to the grandkids after years of hoarding it for himself. Instead, the younger generation either waits it out and lets the passage of time kill off the competition or takes the power forcibly (e.g. voting or violence).
In Conclusion
The general military workforce in the AC era is probably young as a whole, especially in comparison to real life standards. The fact that the Eve Wars were fought by a bunch of indoctrinated, hormonal youths would explain why character motivations are completely wild. These kids suddenly have a lot of power and a lot of sway, and they’re trying to figure out the meaning of the battles they’re fighting while they’re fighting them because the lies they’ve been fed since childhood aren’t holding up.
In short: the kids aren’t alright, and no one is helping them.
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quotablefanfiction · 6 years
…“The Peacecraft.” Damn. I have been spending too much time around Chang. Get a hold of yourself, Po, she’s not that bad. A little naïve, maybe. But she does good work for a politician. You have to work with the onna… Damn it. This is all your fault, Chang. I never would have called anyone onna before I met you.
Sally thinking to herself (chp. 3)
Upon A Fiery Steed by Vathara (AO3, FF.net) Stargate: SG-1/Gundam Wing – Teen – Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy, Trowa Barton/Quatre Winner #Alternate Universe #Crossover #Fandom Fusion #Violence #Genetic Engineering #Biowarfare #Culture Clash #Prejudice and Discrimination
Daniel. Duo. Two trouble magnets, one very unlucky System Lord…
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lifeaftermeteor · 7 years
Large Conference Room, L4 Island Council L4-V05001 206 November 17
Quatre could feel himself growing impatient with the men and women before him.  They had decades of experience on him, but the decades weren’t what he needed.  These council elders remembered the times before free movement had opened up across the colonial populace, before the colonies presented a viable unified force to the international community, before that unified force got the most pro-independence candidate into the ESUN President’s seat.  
But the times were changing, and they had been over and over the proposal and still they resisted.  Allah...give me the strength not to murder these people today…
“But why should we bring in so many?” one of the men asked.  “L1 is only bringing up two thousand refugees.  L3 less than that.  Why should we bear the brunt of it?”
“Because we’re the ones with the social support structure that can absorb it,” Quatre argued.  “Because we can.  Because they’re colonists too.  Because it’s the right thing to do.”
Quatre sighed and closed his eyes.  His thoughts drifted to Wufei, who had been embedded in the Chinese Mainland since June.  The man had been registering new global citizens, playing interpreter, and trying his best to prevent local politicians and security forces from halting flights out of the Federation on bullshit fraud charges.  At least the local hired thugs had stopped planting IEDs on the roads connecting the refugee camps to the outside world.
“These people are stateless,” Quatre murmured.  “They have been since ‘95.  When L5 went, it took everything—homes, pasts, families, futures.”
“It happened here too,” one of the women at the other side of the table said, “during the war.”
Quatre schooled his features.  “The colony was evacuated, which suggests the pilot wanted to make a statement, not kill people.”  He shook his head.  “L5 died.  Truly.  And everyone who was off-colony was orphaned when it happened.  We recovered.  They couldn’t.  And we’ve done a shit job of taking care of anyone but ourselves for a very long time. [1]
“We’re only as strong as the weakest among us, and we will only get stronger if we work together,” Quatre continued.  “The Alliance knew that.  That’s why they kept us all apart after Heero Yuy was assassinated.  They were scared of what we could do if we were unified.  Now the reins are off and yet we still haven’t banded together, too self-interested after so long apart.  We need to relearn how this works.”
“That sounds rather subversive, Mr. Winner.”
Quatre looked up to meet the dark eyes of an older man who sat a few seats down.  He could have been his father’s age, and the thought twisted his stomach in unhelpful ways.  But where he had expected suspicion or fear or — worst of all — weakness, he saw only quiet support.  He’d won an ally.  Quatre gave him a dangerous smile.  “So be it.  And let’s show them what we’re capable of.”
[1] Headcanon Alert: L4 escaped much of the abuse and isolation other colony clusters experienced in the time following Heero Yuy’s assassination because it adopted a position of pacifism and non-intervention.  This made them low-threat in the eyes of the Alliance.
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新機動戦記ガンダムW [New Mobile Report Gundam Wing; Shin Kidou Senki Gundam Wing] Synopsis: The United Earth Sphere Alliance is a powerful military organization that has ruled over Earth and space colonies with an iron fist for several decades. When the colonies proclaimed their opposition to this, their leader was assassinated. Now, in the year After Colony 195, bitter colonial rebels have launched "Operation Meteor," sending five powerful mobile suits to Earth for vengeance. Built out of virtually indestructible material called Gundanium Alloy, these "Gundams" begin an assault against the Alliance and its sub organization OZ. One Gundam, whose pilot has taken the name of the slain colony leader Heero Yuy, is forced to make a crash landing into the ocean after an atmospheric battle against OZ's ace pilot Zechs Marquise. Upon coming ashore, he is found by Relena Peacecraft, daughter of a peace-seeking politician, who witnesses Heero's descent to Earth. Although neither of them realize it yet, this encounter will have a profound impact on both their lives, as well as those on Earth and in space colonies. #anime #manga #mobilesuitgundamwing #newmobilereportgundamwing #shinkidousenkigundamwing
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fallenwingzero · 2 years
Frozen Teardrop Translation
New chapter finally released! This chapter had me researching Humphrey Bogart movies and various Cinderella adaptions more than I thought I ever would need to so thanks Sumisawa for that.
Full translation under the cut ~
Frozen Teardrop
Volume 8: Rhapsody of Loneliness (Middle part)
Chapter: Peacecraft File 4
“Once upon a time, there were twin sisters called Cinderella and Cendrillon. Both names meant ‘grey’. One day they heard there was going to be a ball in the king’s castle, and they wanted to go. Unfortunately, the sisters have neither money nor clothes to wear.
A kind wizard appeared and prepared a pumpkin carriage, a lovely dress and beautiful glass slippers. However, it is for one person only.
The sisters discuss it, Cendrillon goes to the ball and Cinderella stays at her house to take care of her stepmother. Cendrillon had a dreamy time with the prince at the ball and at midnight, before the spell wore off, she hurried home. She left one glass slipper on the castle stairs.
Using the glass slipper as a clue, the prince searched for Cendrillon, whom he missed and finally came to their mansion.
On that day, in order to repay Cinderella for staying at the mansion, Cendrillon worked hard and went to draw water from a distant well.
The prince met Cinderella at the mansion, and he gave her the glass slipper as a test. As twins, the size fit perfectly. The prince decided to marry Cinderella.
When Cendrillon came back from fetching water, Cinderella was nowhere to be seen in the mansion – “
-A story handed down in a certain royal family from ‘Cinderella and Cendrillon’.
AC-146 April
Political stagnation becomes a hotbed for the creation of aggressive power organizations. If politicians are negligent and the people are lethargic, those with armed forces will have an active mentality that says, “We must stand firm”.
In fact, it was the military organizations of each country that led the Earth Sphere to unification. As a result, in a multipolar international community, it was more efficient to solve conflicts in each region with a mighty military power all at once than to gradually wear out due to conflicts between nations.
As a result, a monster called the ‘United Earth Sphere Alliance’ was born. These aggressive subversives also routinely forged imaginary enemies to keep their organizations alive.
From ‘Shut up, Old Man’ by a student named Heero Yuy, who appeared at the Romefeller Foundation in Luxembourg.
The anti-war speech that began greatly tilted the position of the United Earth Sphere Alliance. His speech was acerbic and truthful. Sometimes violently, sometimes supplely, he spoke passionately and rhythmically.
The gist of it is that the intrusive, extreme utilitarian political system of the elect widens the gap between the rich and poor, deprives the people of their vitality and creates a society that affirms war and rejects peace.
It was a point about the process. It hit the point. It was a clear logical progression. Moreover, his argument was not limited to criticism, but rather it presented an alternative plan for reform. And was so apt that the people in power who attended the meeting were embarrassed. The counterarguments of the old generals of the United Earth Sphere Alliance were completely ignored.
This was the brilliant political debut of Heero Yuy, who would be later called the legendary leader of the colonies.
At the same time, it was also the beginning of the entire Earth sphere rushing into the darkness of loneliness. An eloquent, righteous argument breeds an insidious antipathy. Shining youth is the object of the jealousy of the old. Selfless reformers are hated by vested interests.
After finishing the speech, Heero and Sabrina decided to hide themselves in Cinquante Khushrenada’s mansion for a while. This was because he had heard rumors that a secret agency of the Alliance government had begun to move. Their actions are aimed at ‘assassination’.
Maybe the stage called history didn’t need a ‘light of hope’ like Heero Yuy.
The Alliance General Staff Headquarters still considers the defeat of the two navel battles in the Baltic Sea and the North Sea to be improbable. The third, fourth and fifth Combined Fleets, which held more than six times the strength of the rebel fleet, was lost almost instantly. And in the space of just a month or two, air and sea superiority in the northern Atlantic Ocean was completely in the hands of the rebels.
Goods transportation inland was still going strong but there was still a shortage of supplies to keep the Sanc Kingdom siege network going. The Alliance Forces have no choice but to decide to withdraw, and as a major premise, they had to urgently start ceasefire negotiations with the rebel army.
The rebels accepted the proposal. However, they added that the location of the meeting would be designated as the kingdom of Sanc Kingdom and that the event was to be broadcast throughout the globe. Both were unprecedented but the Alliance responded that they would comply with those demands.
Everyone on the side of the rebels thought, “the Alliance Forces have become weak”. It seemed odd but it was an old-fashioned ruse.
At a later date, the ceasefire negotiations were to be held in the hall of the Sanc Kingdom Castle.
Spring in the Sanc Kingdom is still dull. The deep forests in the mountains were white and cold and there was scattered snow in the central city where the castle was located.
Katrina Peacecraft was watching such a spectacle from the deck of the rebel flagship ‘Robin Hood’ floating in the Sanc Kingdom Bay.
“The snow hasn’t melted yet…. That’s good,” she whispered, as she felt the cold sea breeze.
Snow absorbs excess sound and brings silence. That whiteness covers up a heart full of lies.
“I’m a useless student who keeps lying… Is that right, Professor Heero?”
That’s what she was thinking. Katrina hasn’t met Heero again since she came down to Earth. If she had met him, she had to fulfill one promise.
“I am suffering. Please help me,” Katrina had once said.
After a while, Heero asked her about it, when he was communicating to the cockpit of the Wyvern heading for Earth.
“I want you to tell me what you’re suffering from so much.”
Katrina didn’t tell him.
“I won’t tell you, but I’ll let you know when this mission is over.”
It was just a cover up. She couldn’t tell the truth.
“I like Heero.”
Perhaps, no, definitely, Sabrina also noticed that she likes Heero. Nearly half a year has passed since then. She can’t tell a good lie to the current Heero. She can’t think of anything but messy words, like walking on a melting snow road.
“Sabrina is more suitable as a teacher…”
In Immanuel Kant’s philosophy, there is a thought called “Categorical Imperative”. It is commonly called “Falsehood is a sin” and has no religious nuances. It is a formula of universal law derived from the supreme principle of morality. It seems that Sabrina has been practicing it ever since she learned it from Heero at Marquis Welridge’s mansion.
Katrina was the first to learn that way of thinking. When she was at the Darlian’s mansion in the colony, she was taught by Heero, who was her tutor. But he could not be understood by Katrina. Even among the same lessons, she can’t help thinking that Sabrina was the better student.
Actually, she still has feelings for Heero. It was a shameful and regrettable feeling.
Katrina had to let go of such attachments. In order for her to confirm her determination to live as a warrior.
To make her unhappy sister, Sabrina, happy.
Two months ago, she knew they had followed her down to Earth. Still, she didn’t go to meet them herself because she felt like her resolve was fading.
“I don’t need anything; I’ll always have memories of Heero.”
It was a pun on a line Humphrey Bogart said in the movie ‘Casablanca’ that she saw a long time ago.
Katerina heard a voice calling out to her from behind. She turned around to see it was Sabrina. It seems that she came to this “Robin Hood” to have a final meeting with the rebels before the ceasefire negotiations with the Alliance forces.
As her assistants, she was accompanied by Cinquante Khushrenada and Eric Shergold of the Romefeller foundation.
Katrina was relieved that Heero wasn’t there. Feeling relieved, she asked her where he was.
“Where’s Professor Heero?”
“He’s taking care of Sam.”
For a moment, Katrina looked at the Wyvern Sam on the deck. She soon realized that Sabrina meant ‘Sam’ the cat. It was strange for her to make such a misunderstanding.
“Is Sam attached to the teacher?”
“He’s got scratches here and there.”
The two of them smiled at each other. Katrina had a hard time dealing with the selfish Sam, but she could see Heero struggling while lining up various difficult words.
The early Spring sun still doesn’t feel warm. There is only a slight warmth between them.
All of them had the meeting while looking at the cease-fire mediation documents handed by the Alliance forces in advance. Confirming points that could be compromised and points that can be pushed hard and simulating the contents of the assumed meeting from every angle and carefully check it over.
They would vehemently refuse any request to hand over the Wyvern ‘Sam’ and say there was no such item. They were certain it wouldn’t help if ‘Sam’ the cat was brought in again. There were no major problems at this stage.
After that, Cinquante Khushrenada made a suggestion.
“From now on, I don’t think the two of you should be present at the same place.”
“Why not?” Katrina asked plainly.
Cinquante explained apologetically that a person named Sabrina Peacecraft is supposed to have died in the Earth mission shuttle explosion last Fall. Therefore, the fact that it was Sabrina, not Katrina, who appeared at the Foundation conference hall in Luxembourg was also hidden.
Katrina was the one who immediately agreed. Originally, she believed that Sabrina would be the one who would succeed the Peacecraft family.
With this, she won’t be able to see Heero anymore. If there was one problem, it was letting her beloved sister take her name.
“I’m really sorry, Sabrina.”
“No, Katrina… I’m the one who wants to apologize to you.”
“…. Why?”
“I didn’t do anything… I let you feel scared.”
“Don’t worry about that because this life suits me better.”
After sending Sabrina and the others off, Captain Marticus Rex spoke hesitantly.
“I heard you were talking about twins,”
Katrina, who seemed to be seeing her off forever, didn’t turn around at the voice.
“I had a different impression of you.”
During this period, Marticus seemed to have a kind of affection for Katrina. He told his companions that he loved the occasional carefree smile of the princess.
“I feel like goddess of victory smiles on me. It gives hope to soldiers who are fighting hard. As a subordinate and a close comrade in arms, there is nothing more reassuring than that,” he said.
While it is true that Sabrina and Katrina carry different weights of fate. While showing the same smile as Katrina, Sabrina’s eyes hide sorrow and sadness.
“Well then –” Katrina said with a bright smile.
“I’ll have to decide on my new name!”
AC – 146 April 20
The Sanc Kingdom talks have begun. Seated at the center table were the Alliance and the Rebels, as well as Sabrina Peacecraft. She had everything required to represent the country. Her talent, knowledge, and negotiation skills were outstanding.
However, Sabrina had one cause of disconcert. On the broadcast screen of this meeting ‘Katrina Peacecraft’ is displayed as Sabrina’s name in the telop.
Sabrina was slightly ashamed by the unwelcomed falsehood.
The most notable point of this meeting was that the Alliance did not admit defeat. It seemed that they just wanted the world to know that this is a humanitarian ceasefire to avoid further bloodshed.
Originally, the beginning of this war was that the rebel army stood up against suppression from the Alliance and took a hard-liner stance. It would have been a sufficient result if it had been alleviated.
Today, the Allied forces made major concessions without compromising their pride.
“Understood. As you said, lets accept the truce.”
Sabrina agreed.
To put it bluntly, “avoid bloodshed” is a bargaining cliché. They are words often used in places like this. However, the peace-loving Sabrina took such a clichéd phrase that had become a mere formality as a sincere attitude. Of course, she doesn’t believe this is peaceful.
As long as even a little bit of hostility remains, it cannot be said to be a state of peace. She believed that even the first step towards peace would be enough.
On the other hand, a truce was also desired by the rebel army. The soldiers were in high spirits, but the fleet and land forces were running out of fuel and ammunition.
The economy that continued the front was already in trouble.
Contrary to the lofty idea of “avoiding bloodshed”, the compelling reason for ending this war was “because both sides no longer have the strength to maintain their front lines”. Both sides confirmed the terms of the ceasefire treaty and offered each other compromises.
Sabrina’s eyes were caught on the last item. It was a new addition, unlike the document that was informed in advance. “About claiming reparations to the Kingdom of Sanc Kingdom” was typed out.
The amount demanded by the Alliance was staggering. It was a figure that required more than five times the total assets of the Peacecraft family. There was no way a poor and weak country could afford it.
First, why should Sanc Kingdom have to pay reparations?
The reasons for the items were “the main factor that spread the war”, “damage to neighboring countries”, “Arbitrarily escaped from the Allied side without approval”, and so on was plausibly listed.
The reasons were true, but demanding compensation from the winning side was unprecedented.
Sabrina was keenly aware of whether this meant “winning the battle or losing the negotiation”. By this time, the rebels had assumed the Alliance was weakening. However, the reality was different. They were using cunning negotiations to get their hateful demands through.
They should have made each other’s positions clearer before the discussion. She made a hasty decision because she wanted peace too much.
Would be possible to refuse the request at this point? – Sabrina thought hard about it.
If she refuses the ceasefire treaty will be broken and war will continue.
If that happens, Katrina and the others will return to the battlefield again, and their hands will be died red with blood. Unlike navel battles, inland battles can be disastrous with the possibility of involving many ordinary people unrelated to war.
And in order to maintain the front line, they will have to borrow a large amount of money from other countries.
In the long run, the Alliance will eventually win. Ultimately, it is easy to imagine that the country itself will be destroyed by paying the debt and reparations that will have increased several times the amount claimed this time.
“After everything, I have no choice but to give up and pay -”
Sabrina desperately wants this war to end. She wants to keep the rebel soldiers, the citizens of the Sanc Kingdom, and her beloved sister away from this battlefield. But where could this huge amount for reparations come from? She cannot afford to burden her own citizens. Sabrina was driven into a hopeless stagnation.
At that time, she heard a gentle whisper in her ear.
“Princess… Please understand about the compensation,” Eric Shergold of the Romefeller Foundation spoke. “We will do something about that matter.”
She didn’t know when he had approached, but he had just whispered those words and left.
All limits are within yourself. Sabrina had believed this. Stagnation and despair are things you think of yourself.
As soon as someone offered her a method to break through, she felt that her heart had suddenly become radiant.
Sabrina decided to obey. At the very least, she recognized Eric and Cinquante as trustworthy people.
“Sanc Kingdom accepts everything.” She spoke quietly, looking straight at her negotiating partner.
The war between the Alliance and the Rebels in Northern Europe ended when Sabrina Peacecraft signed “Katrina Peacecraft” in the signature column of the approval.
At the same time, the rebel army disbanded.
A brazen withdrawal of the Alliance forces began. In the mountains of the Kingdom of Sanc, roads were forcibly widened, and forests were torn apart.
The villages along the way had been requisitioned for supplies. All civilians in the surrounding area had been evacuated as it was all expected. Originally, they were supposed to be able to withdraw without incident.
It was midnight as Alliance withdrawal continued.
Among them, there was a unit that behaved inexplicably.
The 99th Tank Battalion unit, also known as the “Hydra Corps”, which was serving as a chief, was far from the planned course.
Then, unexpectantly, they launched an attack on a faculty where civilians had taken refuge. They reported to the main unit that they had confirmed the Rebel army pursuing them but in reality, there were no Rebel pursuit units.
The Rebel army itself has already been dismantled and the citizens of the Sanc Kingdom are unarmed. The claim made no sense.
But the last tank Commander was harsh. They destroyed evacuation facilities with artillery fire and aimed strafing at the fleeing civilians.
In a panic, their subordinates intervened.
“Stop it, Commander! None of the people here are armed!!”
“Aren’t you guys frustrated?! We have no honors, medals or rewards!!”
The tank commander was completely insane.
“Here are the enemies! The civilians have become resistant and attacked us!!”
The Alliance force’s peculiar, fabricated constitution was ingrained in this man.
“Don’t report this to anyone!”
At that time, a dazzling light came down over the tank commander’s head. It was a flash bullet, and for a moment, they lost sight of their targets. At the same time, all electronic devices were disabled.
The civilians had fled in the meantime.
The tank Commander looked up with still flickering eyes.
Up above - A wyvern, a two-headed dragon shining in silver, was in flight. Its pilot called from the sky. The voice heard was that of a gentle girl.
“You know of the ceasefire treaty. If you really want to dance, I’ll be your partner.”
The voice was certainly that of Katrina.
The menacing meow of a cat was also heard in that moment.
Katrina listened to the advice of the quantum computer “Sam” and decided to fight for those who could not do so themselves.
The tank unit realized that it was the rumored “Sam” and fled like spiderlings.
There was a secret base where Katrina and her friends were hiding in the forest in the northern part of Sanc Kingdom.
Admiring Katrina, Marticus and several former rebels disembarked from the flagship “Robin Hood” that had arrived there and were gathered in.
There is mainly a Wyvern maintenance dock, where engineers such as “D.D” and Mike Howard were as well as a figure. They built this base in honor of the legendary hero of England whose name was the same as the flagship they were on. They called it “Sherwood Forest”.
Katrina and the others may be outlaws who oppose the great power, but they are also a group of thieves who protect peace and freedom -.
AC-146 May
May nights are filled with the breathing of trees. The murmuring of the brook reflects the brightness of the moon and emits various colors. Owls can be heard hooting from somewhere. The Shergold Mansion was located in a scenic spot surrounded by such natural beauty.
Sabrina Peacecraft got out of the car in front of the fountain and headed towards the entrance at the top of the stairs.
The opulent mansion was built more solidly than Sanc Kingdom Castle. It is said that Eric lives alone in such a luxurious mansion. Of course, since he is single, there are probably some servants living there but even so it is too splendid.
It wasn’t an official visit, but Sabrina was embarrassed that she came here in casual clothes, not formal attire.
“But I am dressed almost too plainly”.
Sabrina had asked Eric to meet her. There was an explanation that she really wanted to hear from their meeting.
Up until this point, Sabrina believed that the reparations for the Sanc Kingdom was paid for by the Romefeller Foundation. That’s what she had thought, but it wasn’t. It was paid out of the Shergold family’s personal assets. What’s more, it was fully paid off, and no bill came to Sanc Kingdom.
“Why did you do that?” Sabrina went to the Shergold household and abruptly asked Eric, who welcomed her.
“No, please do not worry about it.”
His clothes were unexpectedly casual, and she felt relief at her own casual attire.
She took his words at face value and thought, “Do I really not have to worry about compensation?”
The hospitality was so friendly.
“I’m so sorry, did you find out?” Eric had the embarrassed smile of a child whose prank was discovered.
“Thank you for your help, but it’s too much for a donation.” Sabrina said, while being led to the drawing room.
“You have nothing to pay as a person” he continued. Eric sat down on the sofa in the drawing room, stroked his bangs that were hanging down, and gave his usual gentle smile. “It’s not a donation… so to speak, it’s more like and advance investment in your country.”
Sabrina sat directly across from him and listened with a glaring gaze.
“That’s right… The Sanc Kingdom is a country that is necessary for the future of the world. Princess, I’ve been thinking that ever since the first time I saw you.” With a smile on his face, Eric continued his words as if to admonish Sabrina. “In today’s world, everyone wants war. Many countries have perished because of this. No one will listen to me when I appeal for peace in these times. But it may be all able to change, no, it has to change. That’s why I want Sanc Kingdom to survive until then.”
Sabrina let out a deep sigh.
“What we were fighting was not the Alliance Forces, but the era itself.”
Eric admired her intelligence.
“Yes, it’s an opponent that can’t be beaten but that is also something to be proud of. It’s almost dazzling. I thought you could entrust your ‘hope for peace’. That’s why I made this modest investment.”
“Do you really think that a peaceful era will come?”
“If you believe that it will come… But peace is fragile like a piece of thin glass. If it hits the floor it will shatter into pieces. So please keep it in your heart. Please think of it as the mission of the Princess of the Sanc Kingdom.”
Eric managed to calm Sabrina and sent her home. He returned to the drawing room while relieving the stiffness in his shoulders.
“You look pretty tired, Eric.” Cinquante was sitting where Sabrina had been seated until just a moment ago and spoke teasingly. “You don’t even understand people feelings.”
Eric slumped down on the sofa.
“If you had heard everything, I would have liked you to have participated, Cinquante.”
“…. Shame on the name of the Khushrenada family for such an uncouth imitation.”
“Uncouth? You’re a man with a strange way of looking after yourself.”
Cinquante poured amber scotch into two baccarat glasses and handed one to Eric.
“Let’s have a toast.”
“Oh, I’d like that…”
The two of them lifted their glasses up to their line of sight.
“To the future of the Sanc Kingdom.”
“And peace.”
Each spoke and downed their drink at once.
“Peace is like a thin piece of glass, is it. Those were the words, right? You are usually only interested in economics” Cinquante said while blowing the empty glass.
“That doesn’t sound like a compliment, Cinquante.”
“Because I’m not praising you… you should be more honest with yourself.”
Baccarat cuts are delicate yet powerful, refracting the light in a complex way and reflecting it gorgeously.
Cinquante continued quietly, holding up a glass emitting various colors.
“What is fragile and transparent is beautiful. That’s why it captures people’s feelings and won’t let go, I wanted you to say, “it’s like you princess….””
As soon as he said that Eric’s cheeks turned slightly red.
“What are you talking about?”
“Your face is red. Did your investment have ulterior motives after all?”
“Hey, wait.”
“Good grief, did I hit the bullseye?”
“I’ll get mad if you don’t lay off!”
Eric poured only his portion into the glass.
“So, what’s going on? Did Cinderella like the ‘Glass Slipper’?”
Eric wasn’t going to say anything else and decided to keep drinking in silence. He is fifteen years older than Sabrina. There’s no way anyone would understand such a middle-aged man’s faint love. A young prince on a white horse is the one who brings the ‘Glass Slipper’.
“Oh, never mind. There was an old movie called ‘Sabrina Fair’… Hepburn’s partner is Bogart.” Cinquante spoke as if he could see through Eric’s mind.
Hearing that, Eric became even more silent and continued drinking scotch.
In Sherwood Forest, a new engineer joins the ranks. She was a slim beauty who once worked as an engineer for the rebel army’s fire control system. Her long hair in a white coat was dashing.
Even though she was young, she handled her subordinates well and instructed them quickly, so there was no waste in the work.
By reusing existing weapons, the defense system of this place was completed in an instant. However, she was just as eccentric as any other engineer. She told the others to call her “Sorciere”. “Sorciere” means “witch” in French.
“There is no deep meaning. If you just think of me as a “genius”, that’s fine.”
For the past month, she had created a large heavy tank with her own development. The naming sense was strange though. She had named the new model “Jack O’ Lantern” after those haunted pumpkins that you decorate for Halloween.
There were five heavy tanks in total, but because of this name they were called the “Pumpkin Tank Corps” by their comrades.
One day, Katrina asked Sorciere to go to the shower room with her. However, she was flatly refused. When she asked her again, Sorciere took off her long wig and showed her short, bristling hair.
“I’m actually a man. Dressing as a woman is just a hobby.”
The man that she had thought was a women walked away indignantly after saying that.
This Sorciere later became Doctor S, the developer of “Prometheus” and “Heavy Arms”. As expected, the sense of naming things is different from that of ordinary people.
Katrina was amused to see Sorciere’s completed heavy tank.
“Very good! It’s a pumpkin chariot made by a witch.”
Excited, she hugged Marticus who was by her side.
“Then tonight I’m Cendrillon.”
“No, that…” Marticus was completely embarrassed.
“But our magic doesn’t end at twelve o’ clock!”
“Meow.” The Wyvern’s ‘Sam’ replied.
Katrina quickly turned away from Marticus and turned to her fellow forest companions.
“Shall we go out to the nightly ball- ‘Endless Waltz’”
Katrina Peacecraft’s smile was shining like never before-
 (End Chapter)
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fallenwingzero · 2 years
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Relena working from home with “Vice-Vice Foreign Minister” Hiruko supervising 💖.
Continuing on with my headcanons from here: 
While Selena goes on to be the Gundam Pilot knight and future princess/queen of a revived Sanc Kingdom, I’d like Hiruko to go back to the roots of the original Heero Yuy and become a peace politician. Naturally much like Relena followed in her adoptive father's footsteps, Hiruko would follow in hers with a new generation of Darlians changing the world.
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fallenwingzero · 2 years
Chronicle of the After Colony Era Part 3
I love Pagan, as well as Relena of course, so I wanted to translate this mini comic from the Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Encyclopedia. It's an interesting little backstory for Relena and the Sanc Kingdom too.
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Reads right to left:
Panel 1:
“Your Majesty! Come here quickly!
Panel 2:
“Don’t worry about me, Darlian! I entrust Relena to you.”
“But Your Majesty!!”
Panel 3:
“It’s hopeless! Pagan, get them out quickly!”
Panel 4:
“Darlian, quick!”
“Your Majesty aah…”
Panel 5:
Sometime in AC182, the homeland of Sanc Kingdom was overrun by the OZ mobile suits corps.
His Majesty shared his fate with the royal palace and most of the land was annexed to the Alliance territory.
Panel 6:
“We must endure for now, Darlian”
“Let’s take care of our remaining vassals to protect the princess in preparation for the day of the royal revival that will come someday.”
Panel 7:
“It’s been 13 years since then… I dreamed of this day and exposed my life to shame…”
Panel 8:
“Pagan… the former King… No, tell me about my father”
Panel 9:
“Even in the long history of the royal family, there is no such person who had such a skill.”
Panel 10:
“After His Majesty took the throne, the kingdom began to develop with the rising momentum of the sun. His Majesty was quick to show interest in the new movements of the universe and promoted really active personnel exchanges and technical alliances with the colonies.”
“The Kingdoms economy achieved a miraculous reconstruction in more than a decade and the royal capital, which became a bridge between space and Europe, regained the bustle of the early days of the Kingdom.”
Panel 11:
“But the miracle was only a side effect of the bold experimental policy of completely abandoning armaments.”
“And with the strong backing of Heero Yuy, His Majesty’s attempt was now in the final stages.”
Panel 12:
“A successful example of our country was that the people’s movements in each country were ignited one after another and public opinion was intoxicated by the mellow air for a complete pacifist revolution.”
Panel 13:
“Until AC175 when OZ began emerging rapidly…”
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fallenwingzero · 2 years
Chronicle of the After Colony Era Translation (Part 2)
Another translation from the Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Encyclopedia, this time it’s part two with Heero and Trowa.
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Reads right to left.
Panel 1:
Heero: What?
Panel 2:
Trowa: Does the commander who gave you that codename seem like a really irrelevant man, or is he just an attention-seeker…
Heero: It’s both, but that man seems to have his own motives…
Panel 3:
Heero: Doctor J is trying to see how many people on Earth remember this name…
Trowa: Trying?
Panel 4:
There was a time when Heero Yuy’s idea of unarmed pacifism was popular on Earth…
Panel 5:
Trowa: Then in AC174 he travelled around the world…
Trowa: I heard that his words were particularly popular with women and children.
Panel 6:
But if Heero Yuy was just a man of sweet words, Romefeller wouldn’t have felt so threatened.
He established an industrial syndicate between the colonies, and with overwhelming resources and advanced technology that could not be developed on Earth, he was trying to get involved on an equal footing with the Earth side.
Panel 7:
At the root of that thought is the true splendor of the Earth, which only those who have left Earth can understand -
There is a recognition of deep remorse for the stupidity of human beings who have continued to depend on that cradle.
Panel 8:
Heero: Leader Heero Yuy made two mistakes.
Heero: But-
Panel 9:
Heero: The first is that he underestimated the organization called OZ, and the other is that he accidentally had too much charisma.
Panel 10:
Certainly, Oz only needed to erase one person in order to break the solidarity of the colonies….
It’s ironic that I ended up lending a hand to OZ…
Panel 11:
Trowa: But it was rather fortunate for us that he was “killed”.
Trowa: Heero Yuy’s name was remembered as a hero, and his ideals were etched into the hearts of people along with their hatred of the Alliance.
Panel 12:
Trowa: In fact, there’s even a country called the Sanc Kingdom that imitates it on Earth… The man who fought you in Antarctica is said to be from there…. Huh, that’s funny…
Panel 13:
Heero: Sanc Kingdom…
Heero: Relena…
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fallenwingzero · 2 years
I like that after working on Sailor Moon's anime script Sumizawa probably thought "what if Heero and Relena were also star-crossed lovers in a past life?" And I love it.
On a more serious note, I love even more the expansion of Relena's parallels to Politician Heero Yuy in Frozen Teardrop but now complete with both having a headstrong gundam pilot as their romantic interest that pushes them to pursue their ideals of true peace into reality.
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This Week in Gundam Wing 21 August - September 3, 2022
Here’s the last two week’s roundup! August 21st - September 3rd!
Remember to give your content creators some love! Be sure to join in on the events at the bottom! And remember to send in any new works you see or make next week!
~Mod Hel
Dirty Computer (Ch. 25) https://archiveofourown.org/works/28577022/chapters/103831479
Multi, Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy, Chang Wufei/Original Female Character(s), Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner
Mature, No Archive Warnings Apply, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags Contain Spoilers, Minor Violence, Espionage, Unreliable Narrator, Post-War, Reference To Past Injury, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Original Character(s), Disassociation, Intrigue
Years after the war, nothing is what anyone hoped for. Peace reigns supreme.
Frozen Teardrop Translation https://fallenwingzero.tumblr.com/post/693562763263508480/frozen-teardrop-translation
Volume 7: Rhapsody of Loneliness
Chapter: MC File 5
“I’m not afraid of wolves. ‘Peter and the Wolf’, ‘The Three Little Pigs’, ‘Little Red Riding Hood’, ‘The Shepherd Boy and the Wolf’, ‘The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats’, They are all defeated.”
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Encyclopedia Translation https://fallenwingzero.tumblr.com/post/693186442798776321/gundam-wing-translations
My translation of Part 1 of the ‘Chronicle of the After Colony era’ from the Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Encyclopedia.
Stockholm (let me go home) https://archiveofourown.org/works/41450049
F/M, Gen, Relena Peacecraft/Heero Yuy
Relena Peacecraft, Chang Wufei, Heero Yuy
Mature, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Minor Character Death, Established Relationship, Trauma, Graphic depictions of violence - Freeform, graphic depictions of death, Assassination attempts, Blood, Knives, PTSD, Night Terrors, Survivors Guilt, Hospitals, Coffee, R+5 friendship, work friend accidentally becomes real friend, Future Fic, Angst, cornucopia of minor OC politicians, gratuitous Fennoscandian world building, speculative linguistics, mostly hurt some comfort, Bittersweet
Wufei just looked at her, and she thought, if she peeled off the edge of the inscrutable mask, that he looked sad.
“It has to be tomorrow someday, Darlian,” he said, draining his tea.
Someday, maybe, she thought. But not today.
On the one year anniversary of an assassination attempt, Relena finds herself back in Stockholm, trying to find a way to move on.
Heart (Ch. 8) https://archiveofourown.org/works/40914714/chapters/104113602
M/M, Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner
Not Rated, No Archive Warnings Apply, Post-Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz, Minor Violence, Fluff and Angst
All Quatre wants is to help. Even when the war is over, so many people suffer because of the consequences. Helping rebuild is the least he can do. But he seems unlucky, things go wrong all the time and people get hurt.
Trowa hardly recognizes Quatre. He has changed and seems to have problems. He reluctantly tells him about his bad luck, but Trowa doubts that it's just "bad luck" and decides to investigate.
Arts/Crafts/Photo Manips:
Preventers, comic
Heero Yuy, pin art
Quatre Raberba Winner, fanart
Quatre Raberba Winner, fanart
Heero Yuy’s ‘shit show’, photomanipulation
Trowa Barton ‘murdered for bitcoin’, photomanipulation
Photosets/Gifsets/Screenshots/Manga Pages:
Duo Maxwell, Sims, screenshot
Duo Maxwell, Heero Yuy, Sims, screenshot
WuFei & Duo
Duo & Sister Helen
Calendar Events:
Cocktail Fridays!
Post responses on Friday, during Happy Hour between 3 & 5 pm in your own timezone.
Here’s the prompt for Friday, September 9th! https://gwcocktailfriday.tumblr.com/post/694625406887870464/cocktail-friday-post-responses-on-friday
In need of prompts!
Events Calendar https://thisweekingundamevents.tumblr.com/post/644080386309275648/events-calendar-update
If you are hosting an event currently, or are planning on one, hit us up with links and dates! We’ll add them to the Calendar and reblog your notices to get the word out!
Summer Speaker Series - Ongoing currently on discord!
Sign-ups Over: https://lifeaftermeteor.tumblr.com/post/688500263548551168/sign-up-for-the-summer-speaker-series
GW Holiday Gift Exchange 2022
I will get this going tomorrow~. Be on the lookout for it!
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This Week in Gundam Wing 27 February -  13 March 2022
Here’s the last two week’s roundup! February 27th - March 13th! 
Remember to give your content creators some love! Be sure to join in on the events at the bottom! And remember to send in any new works you see or make next week!
~Mod Hel
Stand Without Flinching (Ch. 60/60) https://archiveofourown.org/works/22763293/chapters/94048447
Gundam Wing, Marvel Cinematic Universe
F/F, F/M, M/M, Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Heero/OFC
Duo Maxwell, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Heero Yuy, Relena Peacecraft, Shinigami - Character, James "Bucky" Barnes
Mature, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Post-Captain America: Civil War (Movie), Civil War Fix-It, Canon Divergence - Post-Captain America: Civil War (Movie), Real Family, Not Gundam Wing: Frozen Teardrop Compliant, Enhanced Gundam Pilots, Preventers (Gundam Wing), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Ambiguous Morality, Morally Ambiguous Character, Family Reunification Act, Parent Tony Stark, Slow Burn, Found Family, past Duo Maxwell/OMC, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, romance is not the focus, Background Relationships
For Duo Maxwell, family are the people he has loved and lost and whose names he bears.
For Tony Stark, family has always been blood and a name and Howard's shadow looming over him.
Tony tried to make a family of choice with the Avengers, but that hasn't gone so great. When the Family Reunification Registry identifies a Duo Maxwell as his son, Tony tries to find him and offer him a family he didn't know he had. The first time Tony lays his eyes on his son in person, it's in a police interview room. Turns out, that's not the most complicated part.
Masters of destiny (Ch. 4) https://archiveofourown.org/works/28268517/chapters/93468244
F/M, Quatre Raberba Winner/Reader, Chang Wufei/OC, Trowa Barton/Relena Peacecraft, Mentionings of past Heero Yuy/Relena Peacecraft
Quatre Raberba Winner, Reader, Heero Yuy, Wufei Chang, OC - Character, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Relena Peacecraft
Mature, No Archive Warnings Apply, Romance, Drama, Angst, Lemon, Lime, Violence, Reader Insert, Mentionings of PTSD
As one of Preventer’s top bodyguards, you never hesitate to protect those you are assigned to. You have kept numerous high profile politicians safe and faced danger and threats without blinking an eye. But your latest assignment is an entirely different story: the enigmatic Quatre Raberba Winner, one of L4’s most eligible bachelors, filthy rich, and good looking to boot. Being near him sends your senses into overdrive and makes you dream of things you hadn’t thought possible. The only problem? You ran away from L4 six years ago to avoid an agreement that your family made for you with the very man you are now supposed to protect. Torn between your growing feelings for him and determination to make your own destiny, you struggle to do your job to the best of your abilities. But with sparks flying between the two of you, it might be the greatest challenge you ever faced… 
Gonzo Valentine (Ch. 5) https://archiveofourown.org/works/17798489/chapters/93432280
M/M, Chang Wufei & Duo Maxwell, Chang Wufei/Duo Maxwell
Mature, No Archive Warnings Apply, Drink Spiking, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Rescue Missions, Drag Queens, ludicrous situations, Crossdressing, Gangsters, No beta reading we go down with our typos yelling
In which Wufei very nearly gets himself out of trouble only for trouble to find him again, and Duo negotiates for information over a burger.
Candlelight (Ch. 1-7) https://archiveofourown.org/works/37515013/chapters/93630661
Gen, M/M, Multi, Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner, Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy, Chang Wufei/Sally Po, Zechs Merquise/Lucrezia Noin
Quatre Raberba Winner, Trowa Barton, Duo Maxwell, Heero Yuy, Chang Wufei, Dorothy Catalonia, Catherine Bloom, Sally Po, Iria Winner, Zechs Merquise, Lucrezia Noin, Lady Une, Treize Khushrenada, Auda (Gundam Wing), Rashid Kurama, Sylvia Noventa, Hilde Schbeiker, Relena Peacecraft
Explicit, No Archive Warnings Apply, Drama & Romance, Angst with a Happy Ending, Action/Adventure, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Gundams, Gundams as badass ladies, Fluff and Smut, Quatre Raberba's Uchuu no Kokoro | Space Heart, Quatre Raberba Winner-centric, But all the boys are here, Fairy Tale Retellings, Epic Friendship, Wordcount: Over 150.000
Everyone makes mistakes - the question is how far would you go to fix it. For Quatre, nothing short of the length of the world will do.
In Any Other Universe https://archiveofourown.org/works/37643566
F/M, Zechs Merquise/Lucrezia Noin
Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply, Regrets, Meditation on AUs, sorta meta, Established Relationship, Post-War
On nights like that, the ones where he's not talking, and the air is heavy with the weight of everything they've still never said, she tries to imagine how it might have been different. Dreams up different lives for them. Better lives.
Arts/Crafts/Photo Manips:
Deathscythe, gunpla
Deathscythe, gunpla
Deathscythe, gunpla
Heero/Relena, fanart
Story Cover, fanart
Trowa Barton, fanart
Quatre, Trowa, fanart (by Crazy La La)
Duo & Quatre, photomanip
Trowa & Duo, photomanip
Photosets/Gifsets/Screenshots/Manga Pages:
Duo/Heero, Sims, screenshot
Trowa & WuFei, Sims, screenshot
Heero Yuy, gif
G-boys portraits, Sims, photoset
Quatre & WuFei
Calendar Events:
Cocktail Fridays!
Post responses on Friday, during Happy Hour between 3 & 5 pm in your own timezone.
Here’s the prompt for Friday, March 18th! https://gwcocktailfriday.tumblr.com/post/678511753520431104/cocktail-friday-post-responses-on-friday-march
In need of prompts!
Lemony Shenanigans Returns!
Come check out the Spotlights!
Ended Yesterday https://seasons-of-gundamwing.tumblr.com/post/677515184994189312/gw-womens-day-event-2022-bringing-this-back-this
Events Calendar https://thisweekingundamevents.tumblr.com/post/644080386309275648/events-calendar-update
If you are hosting an event currently, or are planning on one, hit us up with links and dates! We’ll add them to the Calendar and reblog your notices to get the word out!
GW White Day Event 2022
Posting starts this week!
Zine/event in honor of Mike Howard
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fallenwingzero · 2 years
Some thoughts on the last chapter (Interlude of the Heart, Preventor 5 Part 2)
I’m assuming Relena is a parallel to the Politician Heero Yuy with both being advocates for peace and in such becoming idols to the people.
Disneuf is trying to prove to Relena that the existence of the Preventors goes against her belief in total pacifism and therefore not a "perfect peace". He also attempts to talk her into believing that “forced pacifism” is the only way to achieve “true pacifism”
The late politician Heero Yuy was assassinated 20 years prior to the events of the anime. In this time a "false peace" had been achieved through all the military power going to The Alliance. This chapter is pointing out that The Preventors still having weapons to maintain peace (even if in good faith) could lead to the organization becoming corrupt and eventually turning into another Alliance.
Those closest to the late Heero Yuy (The scientists), as well as people who had admired him (Dekim Barton, Quince), had also desired revenge for his assassination leading to the building of the Gundams as well as the eventual rising up of White Fang and Earth almost being destroyed to show how devastating war can be.
So I wonder if that's the point of Relena being woken up prematurely after only 20 years (assuming the Noinheim’s are the ones who woke her), instead of 100? It’s the same amount of time as the years between Politician Heero Yuy’s assassination and AC195.
Disneuf is trying to prove that the history of war will be repeated by having Relena taken out of service (His initial attempt was to kill her) and showing how the world moves on without her. His hope most likely being it will be just like the war of AC195 showing that nothing has changed without total control and just like with Politician Heero Yuy, revenge will fuel that war.
Relena's closest friends and allies are the Gundam Pilots, Dorothy and the Preventors. So far we do have the G-pilots reluctantly rebuilding the Gundams, much like the scientists before them, but their motives are so far not fully known besides them trying to lure out the Noinheim government. (Most likely they are aware of the plan and his ideals).
Relena, much like Politician Heero Yuy before her, has become an idol to the people to the point where her cryo-pod was even on display, with her sleeping for all to see, in the presidential building. Yikes. Relena is also forced into being a symbol of peace as well as leader as president (with no power) against her will, much like Romefeller did with “Queen Relena” back in AC195 but this time they have P.P.P to force her into cooperation.
This makes the Noinheim government, also wanting "perfect peace" the new White Fang and Barton Foundation/Mariamaia army. They idolize her perfect pacifism so much to the point where they would have her forced into cooperation and nanovirusus released to stop all war and rebellion, thus ending the "Endless Waltz" of War, Peace and Revolution. This is made more evident with his whole “our goals are the same” speech.
The Preventors and President Dorothy have not attempted total control of Earth (and we know they never do) and in fact are trying to stop the war on Mars spreading there, still holding up Relena's ideals. So, so far they have not become "the new Alliance" as Disneuf predicted but they are now fighting the Noinheim government repeating the cycle of war.
Obviously we (roughly) know how the story ends at this point, but it’s still interesting to see the parallels of Relena’s freezing and the advancements of Mars, to the assassinations of Politician Heero Yuy and the eventual war of AC195.
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