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prabudhab · 3 years ago
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In 2004, 50% of the Indian population was aged 30 years or younger; however, only 35 out of 543 Lok Sabha members (6%) were aged under 35. Nevertheless, the World Values Survey showed that the proportion of people aged 18–24 who identified themselves as "very" or "rather" interested in politics was around 50, an increase of 15% since 1990. To make a difference in the longer term, it is essential that young people are engaged in formal political processes and have a say in formulating today’s and tomorrow’s politics. Inclusive political participation is not only a fundamental political and democratic right but also is crucial to building stable and peaceful societies and developing policies that respond to the specific needs of younger generations. For young people to be adequately represented in political institutions, processes, and decision-making, and in particular in elections, they must know their rights and be given the necessary knowledge and capacity to participate in a meaningful way at all levels... Our young voters should take utmost care to exercise their franchise in the best interests of the nation. The Election Commission is sincerely trying to get more citizens to participate in the democratic process. Educational institutions, NGOs and the corporate sector have also pitched in to encourage our young citizens to vote. For political systems to be representative, all parts of society must be included. When young people are disenfranchised or disengaged from political processes, a significant portion of the population has little or no voice or influence in decisions that affect group members’ lives. A key consequence is the undermining of political systems’ representativeness. ,#politics #politicstoday #raiseyourvoice #indianpolitics #indianpolitics #indianyouth #youthparticipation #youthinpolitics #speakupfordemocracy #politicalsciencestudent #politicalscience #politicalsciences #tiss #tatainstituteofsocialsciences #politicalcareer #careerinpolitics #ᴍᴀʀᴀᴛʜɪᴍᴜʟɢᴀ #political_science #studentsunion #politics_महाराष्ट्र #politicalanalysis #politicalmovement #why #how #politicalconversations #newsreporters #savethispost #sharethispost #🇮🇳india , https://www.instagram.com/p/CSq2t1stoLA/?utm_medium=tumblr
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gargstudypoint · 5 years ago
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Hello Friends. Welcome to Garg Study Point - Garg Study Point में आपका स्वागत है !! Here we will teach you the subjects of class 6-12th Geography, History, Political Science, and Economics.✅ For more information, visit our YouTube Channel - Garg Study Point
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Students often experience problems with understanding the textbook language because of its unclear and brief explanation of topics. Extramarks, an online study portal helps in understanding elaborate topics like “elections and representation” for class 11 political science. The app also helps students with solutions for textbook questions that are often ignored by teachers to help them prepare the topics better for examination. Get Class 11 Political Science Solutions for Election and Representation only on Extramarks.
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mehdizareiran · 6 years ago
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#University_of_tehran with a #scientist in the field of #political_sciences ; Zahra Bazdar, 29 April 2019 #دانشگاه_تهران با يك ساينتيت #علوم_سياسي ، خانم زهرا بازدار ، فارغ التحصيل كارشناسي ارشد علوم سياسي از #دانشگاه_تهران و همشهري عزيز و با سواد من ٩-٢-٩٨ (at Tehran, Iran) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw1YyLhDMsU/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1b737g6qh5gvr
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adevworld · 6 years ago
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Kofi Annan, former UN chief, dies at 80 @prilaga #politicalagoas #politicalposter #politicalscientist #politicaldrama #political_science #politicalartist #politicalcommentary #politicalhiphop #politicalfashion #prilaga #politicalcomedy #politicalcomic #politicalsciencemajor #politicalviews #politicaljokes #politicalaccount #politicaleconomy #politicalcampaign #politicalgraffiti #politicalpost #politicalhub #politicalphilosophy #politically #politicalphotography #politicalpoetry #politicallyincorrect_nose #politicaltheatre #politicalparties blackbusinessreview.net (at New York, New York)
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stoweboyd · 6 years ago
In political science, Duverger's law holds that plurality-rule elections (such as first past the post) structured within single-member districts tend to favor a two-party system, whereas "the double ballot majority system and proportional representation tend to favor multipartism".^[1]^^[2]^ The discovery of this tendency is attributed to Maurice Duverger, a French sociologist who observed the effect and recorded it in several papers published in the 1950s and 1960s. In the course of further research, other political scientists began calling the effect a "law" or principle.
Duverger's law draws from a model of causality from electoral system to a party system. A proportional representation (PR) system creates electoral conditions that foster development of many parties, whereas a plurality system marginalizes smaller political parties, generally resulting in a two-party system.
In practice, most countries with plurality voting have more than two parties. While the United States is very much a two-party system, the United Kingdom, Canada and India have consistently had multiparty parliaments.^[3]^^[4]^ Eric Dickson and Ken Scheve argue that there is a counter force to Duverger's law, that on the national level a plurality system encourages two parties, but in the individual constituencies supermajorities will lead to the vote fracturing.^[5]^ Steven R. Reed has shown Duverger's law to work in Japan^[6]^ and Italy;^[7]^ the "extension of Duverger's law into Japanese case", as Gary W. Cox notes, resulting in Reed's identification of the M + 1 equilibrium.^[8]^
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correctsuccess · 4 years ago
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Nebraska delegation secures money for nukes, Offutt planes, cyberdefense in big defense bill | Politics & Government Bacon, a retired brigadier common who commanded the wing in 2011 and 2012, mentioned he additionally labored to increase the availability included final yr that stops the Air Power from retiring RC-135s with out congressional approval. It's meant to move off any potential transfer away from manned reconnaissance flights.“They'll’t stroll away from the RC-135,” Bacon mentioned. “They’re irreplaceab... #air_force #airman #authorization_act #ben_sasse #big #bill #cards #christina_portwine #correct_success #credit #credit_score #cyberdefense #cybersecurity #debit_cards #defense #defense_policy #delegation #don_bacon #fischer #government #hazardous-duty_pay #institutes #jeff_fortenberry #military #ministries #money #nebraska #nukes #offutt #offutt_air_force_base #parliament #planes #political_science #politics #portwine #rocketry #secures #university_of_nebraska_medical_center #weaponry #white_house
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simonshluo · 5 years ago
如果我们翻看美国各大高校政治学系的主页,会发现一种细微的差别:有的学校的政治学系叫政治系(Department of Politics),例如纽约大学、普林斯顿、弗吉尼亚等;有的叫政治科学系(Department of Political Science),这是数量最多的一组,哥伦比亚、斯坦福、密歇根、俄亥俄州立等一大批政治学名校都在此列;有的叫政府系(Department of Government),例如哈佛、康奈尔、德克萨斯(奥斯汀)、乔治城等。这种称呼上的不同未必反应了一个系所的研究兴趣——例如,纽约大学虽然不叫政治科学系,但科研兴趣和科研方法论却是全美最「科学化」的那一档——但它却映射了一个问题:政治学界作为一个学科共同体, 无疑提供了某种共同的身份认同,但很可能「政治学」这个概念本身并不是固定的。相反,对政治学的理解,也许存在着一种谱系。
政治学系研究的当然是政治——在任何意义上,政治学家都很难反驳这一观点。然而,从19世纪末,最早的一批历史与政治学系(History and Political Science)在美国建立至今,「政治」本身早已发生了难以想象的变化。作为政治的研究者,政治学自然不可能刻舟求剑。理解政治学的发展史,一种路径是从学科内部的思想变化入手,观察、分析百余年来政治学家理论成果的差异。但这种理解需要谨慎对待这样一个陷阱:将政治学界,乃至整个社会科学界,理解成一个独立于政治和社会之外的学术共同体,忽视大学和科研机构本身与社会变迁之间的千丝万缕的联系。换言之,这种理解忽视了学者也是社会的一员。他们的研究兴趣和产出,和其他社会成员一样,被历史、政治和社会的时代特征深深地影响着。这个陷阱我们暂时称之为「去社会化陷阱」。本文跟随Terence Ball (1993),American Political Science in Its Postwar Political Context,的脚步,用一种社会化的观点来观察二战后社会历史变迁对政治学学科的塑造。如上所述,在美国,政治学的兴起并不源于二战,但正是二战及战后的人类历史,深刻地刻画了政治学学科的形态。当代政治学历史上的一些重要事件,包括行为主义运动、科学方法化、政治理论退潮等,都与社会历史密不可分。正如Riker (1997)指出的那样,二战是美国政治学学科发展的分水岭。20世纪50年代,美国政治学家们在烽火刚刚消散的国际氛围里努力地寻找着研究的新方向。半个多世纪之后,那一代政治学家的深刻影响,仍然在今日的政治学界里清晰可见。
在迷雾中脱颖而出的是行为主义(behavioralism)。如拙文权力的三种层面提到的那样,20世纪50年代以后,行为主义大潮席卷了整个政治科学界。Robert Dahl是这波浪潮中的带头人物之一。在Dahl (1993)中,他指出行为主义运动是一种「学术抗议」,这种抗议有三种心态,分别是:
行为主义学者摒弃了当时政治学界对政治历史、政治思想的依赖,将政治学研究的重点放在了决策过程(decision-making process)上。他们研究在一个决策过程——例如票选——中,政治参与者的决策行为。换言之,选民如何投票,如何改变自己的偏好,是行为主义者关注的中心。这种理论兴趣和科学化的需求不谋而合。相对于模糊而杂多的政治历史,选民的偏好是清晰确切的:一个决策者,要么在决策过程中坚持了自己的立场,要么转换了立场,要么放弃了介入这一决策过程。这样来看,行为主义学者确实有能力用更科学的、形式化的语言来解释自己的研究,因为他们选择的问题域,与科学化的进程更为契合。
Dahl身兼的另一要职是多元主义(pluralism)的领袖。在多元主义者的政治学研究立场里,政治场域的博弈呈现出一种非常多元的状态。这种多元状态体现在参与者的社会身份上,他们所持有的政治权力上,以及这些政治权力的来源上。在Dahl ([1961] 2005)里,他就调查了纽黑文地区的决策历史,指出美国民主制度容许多元的利益群体表达自身的偏好,追求自身的利益,因此工作状况良好。(仍请参见拙文权力的三种层面。)此后,多元主义者与其反对者进行了长达数十年的辩论。今天,虽然多元主义及其反对者的辩论已经不是研究的热点,但在现实的指导意义上,这场辩论的影响力还是相当深远的。尤其是在非民主政权(威权政权、混合政权)迅速发展的当代,多元主义之辩无疑为如何理解政权属性提供了丰富的理论材料。
行为主义、多元主义和科学化的发展,当然也植根于美国政治体制本身的特性。政治体制的复杂程度和投票的重要性,都促使了它们的繁盛。与之相对应的,则是政治理论在政治学研究中的退场。Lippincott (1993)指出,政治学家更有兴趣描述美国的政治和司法机制,而不是解释这些机制;他们也更有兴趣描述某种政治观念,而不是将观念相互联系起来。因为对于实证主义者,亦即科学化的支持者来说,联系是一种抽象,而抽象的政治学很可能是不存在的。政治理论的退场带来的影响,我们将在下文中继续讨论。
实际上,在谈论冷战问题时,我们已经提到了二战后学术资金来源变动的一种意识形态影响,价值中立化(科学化)倾向正是这种意识形态影响下的结果之一。除此之外,我们还能从诸多角度观察战后意识形态对政治学的塑造。Ball (1993)引���芝加哥大学政治学教授William Ogburn的言论指出,战后的政治学,乃至社会科学研究, 是一种「国防需要」。Ogburn认为,冷战是一种「全面战争」。在原子弹爆炸后,热兵器战争的杀伤力变得难以想象,这使得冷战的参与双方各自惧怕这种毁灭性的杀伤力,从而将战场转入其他领域。社会科学学术无非是这种全面战争中的一个局部。因而,冷战时期的政治学研究,肩负了这样一个任务:作为一种学术上的战争武器。
一些有趣的现象在这种意识形态的推动下产生了。在上文中我们谈到,多元主义的民主理论为美国民主制度提供了辩护,而这种辩护又是通过行为主义的研究理论进行的。然而,行为主义的研究是昂贵的,这种昂贵程度超过了研究者个体,甚至是一些小型研究机构的承载力。显然,政治学家只能继续向政府和大型基金寻求经济支持。一方面,这加深了我们提到的科研资金的集中化转向;另一方面,由于身受政府的经济支持,政治科学家在一些问题上难以提问,于是他们选择了噤声。Lippincott (1993)以一种更严厉的态度对此提出了批评。他认为,政治科学家身处中产阶级,他们的阶级立场,以及他们对政府资金的依赖,塑造了他们的「中产阶级偏见」,这种偏见包括无条件接受资产阶级民主的结论,支持一种经济意义上的个人主义(economic individualism),认为政府的功能是维持法治和提供一些必须的社会服务等等。而这种中产阶级偏见又被政治理论的退场所恶化。理论的缺失使得政治学家失去了一种评判标准。他们认为所有事物之间都是相等的,无力分辨什么是不重要的,什么是重要的。用更准确的语言来表述的话,政治学家失去了在理论框架里分辨主次原因的能力。失去了这种能力的政治学家只能依赖于资产阶级民主制的意识形态支持和资金支持,产出一些中产阶级的资本主义学术成果,这种成果又反馈给资本主义世界,形成了一种微妙的学术-社会循环。
我们甚至可以从多元主义者本身的立场变化来观察时代特征和多元主义之间的关系。Dahl晚年的作品里,纯粹的利益集团博弈色彩明显减弱。相反,他更多的开始谈论包容性(inclusiveness),亦即政治制度对意见表达的宽容程度,包括言论自��,出版自由等等。尽管他从未自己承认过这一点,但从Dahl在诸多场合的演讲、访谈等内容来看,他对美国政治的多元化程度很可能是不满意的。当年的利益集团多元理论,并不能充分解释美国政治在战后的发展,也就是说,美国政治可能并不那么多元而自由。Dahl悄然转向了一种更为社会民主(social democracy)的立场,但无论出于任何原因,他也没有公开直接地表达过这种立场的转变。其他一些政治学家在面对着同样的境况,以及美国联邦政府日趋强势的现实时,更多的放弃了对「国家」这一概念的讨论。Dahl的微妙的理论立场变化与其他政治学家的表现结合来看,可能更能使我们观察到这种社会对学术、国家对学术的根本性影响。
另一个有趣的现象是马克思主义研究的热潮和衰退。上世纪70年代到80年代间,马克思主义的研究在美国达到了高潮。一批学者试图以美国哲学自身的分析哲学传统为武器来研究马克思主义,形成了分析马克思主义(analytical Marxism)的潮流。这些学者中的一批人未必是马克思主义的坚实支持者——他们更倾向于自称是马克思主义的研究者。他们用分析哲学理解马克思,并试图指出马克思理论中的冗余、过时或者矛盾成分,对其进行修订。这是「学术上的战争武器」的另一个体现:分析马克思主义中的一大部分在日后逐渐转型成为了非马克思主义者,甚至反马克思主义者,而这场运动的尾声正是苏东剧变。苏东剧变后,当年的分析马克思主义者大部分跳出这一圈子,转入主流政治经济学、政治理论、政治制度研究,例如当代政治经济学大师Adam Przeworski,和政治理论大师Jon Elster。小部分分析马克思主义者,包括其他非分析马克思主义者(辩证��克思主义者、新马克思主义者、世界体系理论者等等),则在政治学界中逐渐被边缘化,形成了相对封闭,对话模式相对内向的小圈子。
作为当代人,我们大概无力概述今日政治学的大潮。毕竟,这种概述还需要时间的检验,而我们还不知道,历史要将我们带向何方。一些学界内的运动也许正在萌芽,或者已经初具规模。例如,面对着学科日益科学化、定量化、脱离日常语言的倾向,2000年,一封以Mr. Perestroika的身份寄到American Political Science Review的匿名邮件揭开了「Perestroika运动」的序幕。这一运动呼吁学术界以更平民化的语言表达自己的研究,让普通人能更好地理解政治学研究成果。我们无疑能从这一运动中看见冷战以来政治学科学化的深刻影响。
我们也能看到国际形势变迁对政治学研究热点的影响。例如,比较政治学中的中国研究热潮的兴起,就是与中国国际地位的崛起相对应的。一些政治学家认为,全世界所有人——包括中国人自身——对中国政治制度都缺乏足够的学术理解。这种中国研究热潮的影响,甚至已经扩展到了政治理论学科内。在政治理论教职市场上,比较政治理论(comparative political theory)的需求正在与日俱增。诚然,政治学永远都是是一门与政治实践紧密相关的学科,国际和国内政治形势的变迁毫无疑问会塑造它。了解这种塑造力,并不仅仅是为了预测未来的研究热点,或者调整自己的研究方向。更重要的是,无论是政治学家还是普通人,都应该意识到政治学研究所受到的语境束缚,无论是资金束缚、意识形态束缚还是政治立场束缚。对于政治学家而言,在做研究的过程中要谨慎地对待这种语境所带来的潜在的前提假设,反思自己的立场问题;对于普通人而言,在阅读和接收政治学家研究成果的过程中,不能忽视研究者本身可能的语境局限——这当然不是说,读者应该以一种「屁股决定脑袋」的态度来看到学术研究成果,而是应该注意到,无论是东方还是西方,民主还是威权,意识形态和政治立场对政治学研究成果有着一种毛细血管般的影响力。这种影响力推动了什么,拒绝了什么,排除了什么,值得我们三思。归根结底,我们所面对的政治学,如上文所言,是一种「作为政治本身的政治学」。
Ball, Terence. "American Political Science in Its Postwar Political Context," in Discipline and History: Political Science in the United States, edited by James Farr and Raymond Seidelman, The University of Michigan Press, 1993. 207-222.
Dahl, Robert A. "The Behavioral Approach in Political Science: Epitaph for a Monument to a Successful Protest," in Discipline and History: Political Science in the United States, edited by James Farr and Raymond Seidelman, The University of Michigan Press, 1993. 249-266.
Dahl, Robert A. Who Governs?: Democracy and Power in An American City. Yale University Press, 2005.
Lippincott, Benjamin E. "The Bias of American Political Science," in Discipline and History: Political Science in the United States, edited by James Farr and Raymond Seidelman, The University of Michigan Press, 1993. 147-158.
Riker, William H. "The Ferment of the 1950s and the Development of Rational Choice Theory." KR Monroe, comp., Contemporary empirical political theory(1997): 191-201.
Wikipedia Contributors, "Perestroika Movement," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perestroika_Movement_(political_science). (accessed October 19, 2015)
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nicklasnickel · 3 years ago
Functionalism Theory
Nicklas Nickel
What is the theory of functionalism?
نظریه کارکردگرایی
نیکلاس نیکل
نظریه کارکردگرایی چیست؟
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expatthoughts · 7 years ago
Thought of the Day
You are being manipulated. By the media, and right on this website. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_engineering_(political_science)
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marlperdu-blog · 7 years ago
Why does this kind of ecstatic love seem to be such a rare state?
There’s a battle going on that is invisible unless you look very carefully. It’s a silent war to win our hearts and minds. It’s a war of ideas, of ideologies, of information, mis-information, truths and half-truths: It is a battle about power and control.  What are the instruments of this control? Any unbalanced and un-holistic sources of information; education, propaganda, public relations, advertising, media, data, ideas etc. In the west and many parts of the world we are raised within a system that surrounds us, engulfs us, swamps us with facts, figures, information, advertising and much more to such an extent it is difficult to draw out what is true and what is truly valuable. 
Don’t just take my word for it DISCOVER YOURSELF! Why not have a look at a few of the links/articles below and see if you can pick-out from your own experiences how some of the techniques described have and are still being used! Examples are everywhere yet almost invisible and therefore insidious. Here are some examples; there are many more:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ideologyhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda_techniqueshttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fake_newshttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_manipulationhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-truth_politicshttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_engineering_(political_science)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_manipulation
Yet, above all of this, the battle is really with our own human nature; the part of our human nature that collectively causes so many problems in our world, around the world: The part that causes us the biggest headaches, the most suffering, the one that causes pain to those around us, close to us, most loved by us. I’m sure many of us understand this. This blog reveals the tools and knowledge I’ve discovered that help me manage my darker-side..and they are, I believe, universally applicable.
Don’t take my word for it,DISCOVER YOURSELF!  If you have a look at the link/article below, see if you can pick-out some familiar examples.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychological_manipulation
Equally most of us have seen another side to our nature that feels for others suffering, that helps people when they really need helping, gives money to people in need, that wonders what life is really all about, wonders if there is something better; a side of us that feels love towards other people, feels a need to belong, to share, to listen, to love, to create, to be humble. But for very many this side of us seems to be drowning.
Isn’t life about discovering life, love, learning the true nature of ourselves, about deeper realities and our place within them, about discovering adventure, joy and giving?  This is where the real adventure begins and like all true adventures it’s can be a bumpy roller-coaster of a ride; but one I wouldn’t have missed for anything!
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aboelkhlood · 10 years ago
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#insta #selfi #political_science #lecture #mlha4_3aza (at Faculty Of Commerce - English Department)
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