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Urszula Kozioł (born 20 June 1931) is a Polish poet and writer. She is a recipient of the Silesius Poetry Award (2011) and the Nike Award (2024). Via Wikipedia
🇵🇱 Urszula Kozioł, pseudonim „Antoni Migacz”, „Mirka Kargol”, „Faun”, „U.K.”, „Uk”, „Uka”, „UKA” (ur. 20 czerwca 1931 w Rakówce) – polska poetka, pisarka, autorka felietonów i utworów dramatycznych dla dzieci i dorosłych. Laureatka Nagrody Literackiej „Nike” w 2024. via Wikipedia PL
#UrszulaKozioł #AntoniMigacz #MirkaKargol #PalianShow #poetka #poezja #PolishPoet #literature #polskapoetka
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weronika-lewandowska · 5 years ago
Weronika M Lewandowska
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Spoken word poet, performer, PhD in cultural studies, researcher of new media and immersion experiences.
 XR writer, director & curator.
Writer for Interactive XR experiences (including multiplayers games on climate change, relaxations for neuropsychological treatment, artistic VR).
Director, screenwriter and executive producer of the VR experience “Nightsss”at vnLab (Lodz Film School) premiered at Sundance Film Festival.
FOTO: Majowa okładka Magazynu Pismo (2021) @hapka_ilustracje
DOWNLOAD Portfolio (pdf)
The work is based on her spoken word poem ("noccc"), which has been translated into 13 languages and presented in over 20 countries, on 3 continents.
The poem could also be heard in Paris (2019) during the exhibition "The Liberated Voice – Sound Poetry" at the Palais de Tokyo that presented the most important phenomena and compositions of sound poetry in the 20th and 21st century. Her poetry has been published in Poland, Romania and Estonia. In 2014-2016 she was a researcher in "+-brain. Cognitive Image of Dance” – the transdisciplinary study of dance perception in virtual reality.
On a daily basis, she deals with digital storytelling in the context of performance art and social media. She runs workshops on spoken word poetry, literary performances, and VR/digital storytelling. Creative writing lecturer at Department of Culture Studies and Transmedia Art Lecturer at Lab of New Media Art at SWPS University in Warsaw (from 2014) and Performance Art Studies in Oslo (in 2017).
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Recently she was preparing the VR/AR performance "Foretoken” during her Artist Residency in Prague (supported by International Visegrad Fund). 
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cvnnilingvs1992 · 3 years ago
Miłość, której pragnąłem nigdy tak naprawdę nie istniała. Była tylko młodzieńczym ukąszeniem, fantasmagorią nadwrażliwca. Miłość, to wynalazek niezwykle zdolnych pisarzy, poetów, scenarzystów i reżyserów tłoczących ułudę w serca głupie, acz poczciwe. Miłość to dobra wymówka, by krzywdzić i ciemiężyć, tych, którzy jej tak bardzo pragnęli i do niej się uciekali. Miłość, jak wiele trzeba płacić za te brednie. Ile trzeba przeżyć by zamiast jej słodkiego smaku poczuć jedynie gorycz.
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mellanncholia · 8 years ago
Mrok nocy rozjaśni nasze serca
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kasperowiczpiotr · 8 years ago
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Kasperowicz P zaleca, polub tę stronę:
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sahelikhastagir · 6 years ago
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W for Wislawa Szymborska. the incredible polish poet, and part of my #26portraits series. you can find the whole series at : 26portraits.wordpress.com
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michaladamski1987 · 6 years ago
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”Spójrzcie, jak wciąż sprawna, Jak dobrze się trzyma w naszym stuleciu nienawiść. Jak lekko bierze wysokie przeszkody. Jakie to łatwe dla niej - skoczyć, dopaść. Nie jest jak inne uczucia. Starsza i młodsza od nich równocześnie. Sama rodzi przyczyny, które ją budzą do życia. Jeśli zasypia, to nigdy snem wiecznym. Religia nie religia - byle przyklęknąć na starcie. Ojczyzna nie ojczyzna - byle się zerwać do biegu. Niezła i sprawiedliwość na początek. Potem już pędzi sama. Nienawiść. Nienawiść. Twarz jej wykrzywia grymas ekstazy miłosnej. Ach, te inne uczucia - cherlawe i ślamazarne. Od kiedy to braterstwo może liczyć na tłumy? Współczucie czy kiedykolwiek pierwsze dobiło do mety? Porywa tylko ona, która swoje wie. Zdolna, pojętna, bardzo pracowita. Czy trzeba mówić ile ułożyła pieśni. Ile stronic historii ponumerowała. Ila dywanów z ludzi porozpościerała na ilu placach, stadionach. Nie 🆗łamujmy się: potrafi tworzyć piętno. Wspaniałe są jej łuny czarną nocą. Świetne kłęby wybuchów o różanym świcie. Trudno odmówić patosu ruinom i rubasznego humoru krzepko sterczącej nad nimi kolumnie. Jest mistrzynią kontrastu między łoskotem a ciszą, między czerwoną krwią a białym śniegiem. A nade wszystko nigdy jej nie nudzi motyw schludnego oprawcy nad splugawioną ofiarą. Do nowych zadań w każdej chwili gotowa. Jeżeli musi poczekać, poczeka. Mówią, że ślepa. Ślepa? Ma bystre oczy snajpera i śmiało patrzy w przyszłość - ona jedna.” NIENAWIŚĆ Wisława Szymborska #stylzycia #wisławaszymborska #poetka #poet #polskapoetka #polishpoet #nienawiść #hate #stopnienawiści #wiersz #poem #dookołanienawiść #hatredaround #cozaczasy #whatatime #polskichłopak #boy #polishboy #guy #instaguy #gay #instagay #gayboy #gayguy #gaygay (w: Jabłonowo Pomorskie) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsoD13qAymr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=oc4t6cb65ex7
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mj1982mjha · 4 years ago
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"We are like a dictionary. Our tongues make contact inside trembling covers. They translate body into soul, soul into body, desire and fulfilment into sweat and semen." #KrystynaDabrowska #Poetry #PolishPoetry #PolishPoet #PolishLiterature Translated by #AntoniaLloydJones. (at Samastipur) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHrqUOrBMH8/?igshid=1caol7sgmyko8
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weronika-lewandowska · 8 years ago
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OLOMOUC - Femislam - 8.03.
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mellanncholia · 8 years ago
Chwilami zdarza mi się jeszcze Cię szukać Nigdy jednak odnaleźć
Mell Falls
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mj1982mjha · 5 years ago
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#WislawaSzymborska. #PolishPoet. #Literature. #fridayvibes. #fridaythoughts . (at Samastipur) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7aa0uOhhPh/?igshid=gf9bq9st6mci
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mj1982mjha · 5 years ago
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"The sun sets behind the market square, and the nettle leaves reflect the small town’s imperfections. Teapots whistle in the houses, like many trains departing simultaneously. Bonfires flame on meadows and their long sighs weave above the trees like drifting kites. The last pilgrims return from the church uncertainly." #AdamZagajewski. #Poetry. #PolishPoetry. #PolishPoet. #Literature. (at Samastipur) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6tOry0BqoD/?igshid=14q7i6ghudvu9
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mj1982mjha · 5 years ago
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HEAD IN A MIRROR Looks at me with blackened eyes motionless as a lead ball in its heavy wine skin a memory foams seeking roots furrow on its forehead opens up like a wound from which wild sprouts come out side-lit it hovers in the void doesn’t move its lips it’s menacing in its transfixion why is it speechless leaning against the wall in its stony countenance memories are reflected torn from the body it sleeps like a lilac bush at night it looks down on me armed to its teeth with patience. #JulianKornhauser. #Poetry. #PolishPoetry. #PolishPoet. #Literature. (at Samastipur) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6Yh1iYh5aJ/?igshid=m5x4yjn2n4qk
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mj1982mjha · 5 years ago
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GATE To Barbara Torunczyk Do you love words as a shy magician loves the moment of quiet after he’s left the stage, alone in a dressing room where a yellow candle burns with its greasy, pitch-black flame? What yearning will encourage you to push the heavy gate, to sense once more the odor of that wood and the rusty taste of water from an ancient well, to see again the tall pear tree, the proud matron who presented us aristocratically with its perfectly formed fruit each fall, and then fell into mute anticipation of the winter’s ills? Next door a factory’s stolid chimney smoked and the ugly town kept still, but the indefatigable earth worked on beneath the bricks in gardens, our black memory and the vast pantry of the dead, the good earth. What courage does it take to budge the heavy gate, what courage to catch sight of us again, gathered in the little room beneath a Gothic lamp – mother skims the paper, moths bump the windowpanes, nothing happens, nothing, only evening, prayer; we wait . . . We lived only once ! #AdamZagajewski. #Poetry. #PolishPoetry. #PolishPoet. #Literature. #Zagajewski. (at Adarsh Nagar Smastipur) https://www.instagram.com/p/B14PHOoBm3b/?igshid=1p9p2g9xra45h
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mj1982mjha · 6 years ago
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Episode(Poem) BY ZBIGNIEW HERBERT TRANSLATED BY CZESLAW MILOSZ We walk by the sea-shore holding firmly in our hands the two ends of an antique dialogue —do you love me? —I love you with furrowed eyebrows I summarize all wisdom of the two testaments astrologers prophets philosophers of the gardens and cloistered philosophers and it sounds about like this: —don’t cry —be brave —look how everybody you pout your lips and say —you should be a clergyman and fed up you walk off nobody loves moralists what should I say on the shore of a small dead sea slowly the water fills the shapes of feet which have vanished. #ZbigniewHerbert. #Poetry. #PolishPoet. #PolishPoetry. #Literature. #CzeslawMilosz . (at Samastipur) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0rFVgMBpws/?igshid=15hyxbyatfdcx
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mj1982mjha · 6 years ago
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"When I pronounce the word Future, the first syllable already belongs to the past. When I pronounce the word Silence, I destroy it." Wislawa Szymborska. #WislawaSzymborska. #Poet. #Poetry. #PolishPoetry. #PolishPoet. #NobelLaureate. #Literature. (at Samastipur) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByTGZguhdqp/?igshid=hmvo2j759frs
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