#polish to english
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polish-lyric-translations · 6 months ago
Peggy Sue nie wyszła za mąż (Peggy Sue didn't get married)
by Myslovitz
Even if I fallen so low That almost into madness Even if my place was always outside
Even if I had to be so simple like an oaken chair I will only be able to go on If you would be with me
Peggy Sue didn't get married Peggy Sue doesn't live here anymore So come and be and let me Be with you
Even if I were blind, following in the darkness I will only come out to the Sun If you would come with me Really to the very end
Peggy Sue didn't get married Peggy Sue doesn't live here anymore So come and be and let me Be with you
So come and be and let me Be with you
So come and be and let me Be with you
Nawet gdybym upadł tak nisko Że prawie w szaleństwo Nawet gdyby moje miejsce było ciągle na zewnątrz
Nawet gdybym miał być prosty jak dębowe krzesło Tylko wtedy dam sobie radę Kiedy Ty będziesz ze mną
Peggy Sue nie wyszła za mąż Peggy Sue już nie mieszka tu Więc bądź i przyjdź i pozwól na to Bym mógł z tobą być
Nawet gdybym ślepy chciał pod��żać w ciemności Tylko wtedy wyjdę do Słońca Kiedy Ty pójdziesz ze mną Tak naprawdę do końca
Peggy Sue już nie mieszka tu Więc bądź i przyjdź i pozwól na to Bym mógł z tobą być
Więc bądź i przyjdź i pozwól na to Bym mógł z tobą być
Więc bądź i przyjdź i pozwól na to Bym mógł z tobą być
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onlinetranslatortool · 1 year ago
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It could be difficult for persons whose first language is not English to translate from Polish to English. Numerous companies and websites offer services for translation, localization, and interpreting. You can translate phrases, sentences, and words that are used frequently for free. To do this, use our online Polish to English translator.
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innovator-of-the-future · 3 months ago
You and me. Together. That’s all I’ve ever wanted.
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janasojka · 9 months ago
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tangled-pixel-harpsichord · 4 months ago
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kasdim · 7 months ago
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The "Carrie" scene is fire and i want more of that fucked up Cassandra's face. Terrifying. Thank you Avia Team fot this incredible game.
(I need to finish other routes and make a gazilion fan arts. Because there was some art demon inside me when I drew this.)
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potato-lord-but-not · 6 months ago
okay i GOTTA ask- is noel polish???? my guy knows what babka is and I'm not sure if that's just from general exposure to some good polish delis in new york or if he was raised on that stuff (and if he was...... i would absolutely LOVE to know his thoughts on pierogi and sauerkraut)
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Love how Noel is turning into the food guy, he knows how to cook and he has god tier taste in food
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iceagebaby · 1 month ago
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obsessed with @mudpuddless king halt au, ive been thinking a lot
crowley is in denyal, he is just hibernian RIGHT?
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i also have some skeches of halt in regal clothing, but im not a fan of them, and i cant find accurate irish royal clothing to use as reference, what i drew was just making it up as i go
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rainbowsuitcase · 14 days ago
Bilingual Ice, my beloved. Translating Polish idioms word for word, randomly switching languages when he's tired around people he feels comfortable with, calling things Polish terms because they fit better, and getting frustrated when no one understands and there's not a good enough English equivalent.
Slider has known him long enough that he understands what he's trying to say and just nods along, he basically has A1 level Polish at this point, and he's helping Mav learn all the Ice-isms.
Ice who swears in Polish when the situation really calls for it. One time, a lieutenant walked to his office and overheard him muttering God knows what - didn't understand a word, only that it sounded so fucking angry that he figured his request can wait.
Ice who, as is the age old curse, forgets words sometimes, and Mav would never dare make fun of him for it, unless he's really desperate for something to deflect with.
Like when Ice is yet again lecturing him on how he should drive his own damn bike, except this time it's kind of different, because Ice sounds genuinely worried, more than before, and it's a hell of lot harder to just dismiss him.
But then Ice shuts up in the middle of a sentence. He's taken a quick breath to continue angrily, says, "You need-!" and then nothing. He opens his mouth on a word that isn't coming and Mav really needs a way out of here, so he dares to smile.
"I need to what?"
"Odpierdol się," Ice mutters, which is a phrase Mav is more than familiar with. Fuck off.
A saving grace, for both of them, probably, comes in the form of Slider casually strolling through the door. He lifts an eyebrow at the two of them standing in the middle of the room, and Ice huffs as he gives up on trying to remember the word he wants on his own.
"Slider," he says, still somehow keeping up the exasperated tone he was using on Mav. "Kask."
Slider grins wide. "He's yelling at you to wear a helmet again, huh?"
Ice throws his hands up. "He might not be so lucky the next time he crashes!"
"You crashed?"
Oh no, this is not working out the way Mav wanted it to, at all. "I didn't!" he tries to defend himself. "I just got scraped!"
"You fell off the bike!" Ice reminds him rudely. "You need to wear- the goddamn thing!"
Mav grabs onto the slightest hesitation in his voice like a drowning man scrambling for the last inch of the rope. "You mean the helmet?"
"Yes! The fucking helmet!"
Mav looks to Slider for help, truly a last ditch attempt, but he just shakes his head. "You really should, you know."
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yooo-lets-go · 2 years ago
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Some background character somewhere: is named John Kowalsky
Me: 👀👀😳🇵🇱🇵🇱🦅🇵🇱??
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Misja „Alone” to był po prostu szybki spacer po Sosnowcu
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polish-lyric-translations · 3 months ago
Maciek, ja tylko żartowałem (Maciek, I was only joking)
by Kazik
Maciek, I was only joking When I told you to go with me There was no monet there Only poverty, nothing more
I thought about it so many Times Maciek, I was only joking No, no, I haven't gone crazy Or - what's more - went mad
Maciek, I was only joking Maciek, I was only joking Maciek, I was only joking Maciek, I was only joking
Maciek, I was only joking Maciek, I was only joking Maciek, I was only joking Maciek, I was only joking
Maciek, I was only joking I was never in love with you I loved hundreds of other men But it's not what's between us
The Earth spins around the Sun You can go mad from the heat Maciek, I was only joking I never slept with anyone before
Maciek, I was only joking Maciek, I was only joking Maciek, I was only joking Maciek, I was only joking
Maciek, I was only joking Maciek, I was only joking Maciek, I was only joking Maciek, I was only joking
Maciek, I was only joking When I was telling all of this This all doesn't make sense I don't want to buy a cupboard
I keep listening to your voice They think you are my fiance Maciek, I was only joking When I told you to go with me
Maciek, I was only joking Maciek, I was only joking Maciek, I was only joking Maciek, I was only joking
Maciek, I was only joking Maciek, I was only joking Maciek, I was only joking Maciek, I was only joking
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onigiri-studies · 2 months ago
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New study corner!✨I am finally back. Life has been extremely harsh these past couple of months and now it's getting even more harsh because of all the documents I need to do, but at least I finally moved in with my fiancé. Since we are both living in Germany now, studying German is a must. Hope y'all are having a great day! 🫶🏻🩷✨
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slavicafire · 11 days ago
my czech brothers please tell me. is this idiom actually used
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janasojka · 6 months ago
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Night landscapes, on vintage paper.
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cloud-ya · 2 months ago
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felt like drawing this guy. the series I started this blog with
so the final chapter was already finished and manga ended, right?
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nocek · 10 months ago
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And this concludes the grand crossover event
(or does it?)
(it does but I was given a great idea for how to solve Gwen's problem :) )
the timeline of previous relevant comics:
[Jeff has a great fashion sense and Peter is the best hooker]
[Jeff is found and fucks are lost]
[bro landed up in the wrong universe and all he got out of it is a lousy bow]
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