#polish martin
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magnapinna-sp-a · 8 months ago
When someone headcannons Martin K Blackwood as polish, an angel gains wings
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dspd · 1 year ago
Thinking about Sri Lankan Jon & Polish Martin thanks @cult-of-the-eye for that hc in lieu of the TikToks talking about how terrible British food is, especially the ones poking fun at the floppy chips and curry take away bags. Especially the questions about whether it's even hot food or only lukewarm and why everything looks so fried greasy yet limp.
Thinking about how much of their post good cow conversation consists of arguing over what food tastes best like...Martin remembers how he started tearing up from the smell alone when Jon brought level 7 vindaloo for lunch. Meanwhile, Jon says he likes the crunch and firm texture of Martin's pickles but they could use some herbs when Martin makes pickles with extra dill just for Jon as a birthday present.
After they part ways with Basira, they devolve into heated bickering after Martin confesses he likes the fish n chips shop a couple blocks from the rear entrance of the Institute and Jon goes on a wild rant about how the curry chips there isn't even curry.
"It's brown gravy, Martin! Brown gravy!!" Jon is speeding up, stomping a little as little clouds of dust declare the last steps he's made. "I looked in the back once when the guy was in the bathroom and they don't even have coriander! It's paprika! They add a tiny bit of paprika to change the color!"
Martin's stuck between defending a perfectly good junk meal and agreeing because it is just brown gravy but it's delicious and he likes looking at the way Jon's ears turn red when he's pissed and ranting.
"Well," Martin hedges, fighting to keep an open, earnest face, "it definitely tastes like most curries I've tried since I've moved to London."
He works hard to keep from bursting into giggles as Jon seems to grow an inch in his indignation, turning to face him in a manner that might be menacing if he hadn't watched the man stare down a lion fifteen hours or days or whatever time ago. Jon's face is thunderous and a couple of his extra eyes have open to glare alongside his original ones.
Then he breathes and settles.
"You have no right to judge." A playful smirk plays on Jon's face as the extra eyes fade away.
Martin raises a brow.
Jon glances at the space between them and takes a small step away.
"You think cabbage water is delicious."
Jon's barks a laughs and starts running, his bulky backpack slowing him down as Martin gasps, only half affronted at the jab over his cabbage rolls, and tries to tear after him, clacking as his camping kettle clatters and clanks again the small cooking pan tied to his own backpack.
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dspd · 1 year ago
First of all, this really goes along with something nearly all Martin fanart has - huge ass forearms and large, strong hands. Have you tried baking? Bakers have an unusual amount of upper body strength that's developed as you stir and knead bread daily.
For Jon, Martin's baking is amazing because there's a difference in how machine mixed bread and biscuits and pastries taste compared to manually mixed items. There's no rhyme or reason (and studies show machines are a better, more consistent bake) but Jon has known since he was a tiny kid still living with his parents that hand made has a slightly different taste that he prefers.
Martin has also developed amazing vegetarian options to traditional, meaty polish dishes like cabbage rolls, bigos, krokiety, and pierogi. He's not vegetarian by any means but in the last 6 months of caring for his mom, she had developed stage 2 kidney disease and he'd learned vegetarian and peskitarian versions of the food she'd grown up with in Poland to try to keep her health up. As her health declined and her pain increased, she'd have wild emotional swings and sometimes toss the dishes onto the floor if he made them this way and he'd spend miserable minutes gritting his teeth, eyes stinging, as she sobbed and muttered in Polish into her pillow on the bed above him.
Personally, he dislikes bigos because of the mouth-feel of sauerkraut (yes yes he knows he's an unpatriotic pole for this thought) but during vacations he had a constant pot on when his mother was still alive because she loved it so much.
One of Martin's favorite memories is from right after he was hired at the institute and he brought chłodnik to a summer potluck and his dish was the last to be tried and first to be emptied. His then new coworker, Sasha, raved about it for days before he tentatively offered to give her his recipe and she nearly squealed in happiness before hugging him. You can't convince me Martin isn't a touch starved plushie who nearly forgot he was gay for a hot minute after the serotonin rush.
Martin's middle name is Krzysztof but he never used it because people struggle with the pronunciation of the "szt" and he also thinks he's terrible at Polish, something that his mother never failed to point out when she was on a tear and listing the ways he disappointed her. Of course, later, when her symptoms had abated, she'd tearfully cry and promise she didn't mean what she'd said, that it was the devil eating her brain, holding his hand between her own, increasingly fragile fingers.
So, yeah, Polish Martin who randomly breaks into polish muttering just like his mother when he's muttering to himself and thinking through a task out loud. Once, a distressed, lost polish immigrant came into the institute for help and a small crowd has gathered to try to help her, unsuccessful because no one even recognized Polish, until Martin, luckily walking past, overheard her and called out to her, startling Jon with his familiarity of the language and the way the woman's wrinkled face lifted and brighten and the way she pulled him down for an overfamiliar kiss on the cheek before she left. When he asked Martin if he knew her, carefully recreating the name he'd heard, bahb-chuh, Martin blushed and said no, that's how the Polish community treats each other. He called her babcia, grandmother, and she'd treated him as a grandson in return. This was the first spark of interest Jon felt about Martin, who otherwise had been a boring yet vaguely troublesome and annoying employee, if only for the fact that he seemed to know less about his job duties than Jon did about his own. This obviously happened after episode 12 when Jon doubts Martin's ability to translate Polish.
Martin, in another show of breaking from Polish practice, uses endearments for Jon. He tried kochanie once but Jon wrinkled his face in distaste, the Eye poo-pooing on the lovefest by maliciously helpfully translating at an inopportune moment. Instead, Martin prefers słoneczko (sweetheart) and słońce (sun/sunshine), especially fond of the second one after watching Jon unconsciously following the sunlight across the room like a cat while reading on the floor of the cabin of 161.
Archivists and cooking:
So good at cooking
watch her throw spices into a pan like a fucking wizard tending to their potion
Shit at baking :(
sorry Sash they appreciated the effort of you making brownies to bring to lunch that one time but they weren't amazing
Shit at cooking
Shit at baking
No explanation it just came to me in a prophetic vision
Listen. He's a whore. He either gets a takeaway or goes on dates when he's hungry.
Jonny boy
Everyone headcanons good at cooking and I am inclined to agree it tickles me
But he's not good at cooking in a sasha making up your own recipes way but in a control freak in the kitchen, follow it to the T, complicated ass meals if he had the time/effort/wasn't constantly suffering kinda way
Shit baker.
Could probably do it if he wanted to. Tried once and was bad at it. Never did it again. Said he didn't have much of a sweet tooth anyway. (He's lying)
Fairly decent cook
Had to take care of his mum so I'm guessing he was forced to get really good at a few fairly quick, comfort recipes
(I like polish!Martin here, cause he can make like polish comfort dishes, I don't know much about them, anyone who does feel free to add your thoughts)
Cliche but a good cliche. Baker Martin SLAPS don't even try to deny it. 1. Strong arms, 2. He'd look good in an apron, 3. He's just so domestic, baking bread and cookies for Jon like you can just imagine it
He feels safe with the rigid recipes and instructions you get with baking
Will bake a plate of cookies and bring them in to the institute and they will be IMMEDIATELY GONE. he turns around and everyone is sprinting off in opposite directions.
Jon's like "Biscuits and tea seem to be a (insert long ass complicated positive adjective) combination, Martin. Don't bring them in again, they're disrupting work flow."
Martin's like "...well you took one."
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wilkoakdraws · 1 year ago
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have at ya an unholy pile of wildly chaotic and VERY serious magnus stuff from last 6 months. happy 2024
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karjalantroll · 1 month ago
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Here's a little art with my fish original characters in national costumes that I think they would wear if they had our cultures and nationalities in their world. (I'll keep going until I've drawn them all)
And thus raise your interest in costume. And cultures. They're all different and beautiful like flowers. Not overshadowing each other, but growing intertwined.
Let grow flower meadows, instead of bloody rivers and hate.
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tryllobite · 4 months ago
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So I saw that one reference photo [x] and the heights matched up in perfectly in my head, all of my synapses fired up because one thing about me- I'm first and foremost a Jonmartim truther.
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spookysplatt · 13 days ago
@nogenderonlyfrogie @villainsally Uhhhh just a doodle but
Best friends who definitely kissed at least once- Martin's never going to get to brushing his teeth if Tim keeps trying to be funny
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Feat trans Martin hehe
And Tim's shirt says "you're telling me a shrimp killed my father?"
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ultramarinaa · 7 months ago
To every fic writer who writes Martin’s family as polish
I love you
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heaven-knowss · 7 months ago
I made TMA inspired nails!
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right -> left:
The Desolation, The Hive, The Eye, The Web, The End, The Vast, The Spiral, The Hunt, The Stranger, The Buried
Excluded: The Dark, The Flesh, The Slaughter, The Lonely (I only have 10 fingers, I'm afraid)
💥Inspired by u/GlassesBlu at reddit's designs of the Fears!!!💥
I love incorporating my current brainrot into my appearance so that poor, naive people casually ask about it and I have a reason to rant :P My mother was my first victim
I explained The Stranger to her and she said "so like aliens? Are they American?" I shat myself
Drop your favourite Fear mine is The Vast :D
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gipple · 10 months ago
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doctorclown · 24 days ago
Whenever there is even the tiniest mention of Polish Martin a new angel is born
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anxious4ever · 10 months ago
untill proven otherwise i choose to belive jonny and alex where planing to make martin polish/part polish but abandoned the idea after beeing unable to pronaunce anything in the language
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kasztanek86 · 2 months ago
I made a little Jonmartin playlist!! :>
(I'd love it if you guys gave it a listen <3)
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cult-of-the-eye · 1 year ago
Fuck so emotional about how first languages are called mother tongue and martin learned polish from his mum and picked up harsh words and cutting swears and the way to say pickled onion and how jon knows every language fluently with the eye without ever being taught, so he doesn't quite have a mother tongue. They both whisper things in broken accents to each other in hopes that they don't understand.
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wilkoakdraws · 1 year ago
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Some designs from everyone's favourite office sitcom!
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lightsauce9999 · 6 months ago
Polish Martin is a headcanon I enjoy but didn't think much of until recently. What changed recently you may ask? I made perogies. Every time I pull some home made perogies out of the freezer I think of him.
This is for you Martin Blackwood. *eats half a dozen perogies*
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