#polin fanfic prompts
polinprompts · 1 month
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nic-coughlan · 3 months
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one line fanfic prompts x polin ✌🏻
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darkcolinbridgerton · 1 month
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Ok send me a number and a Bridgerton Pairing and I’ll make a mood board! If I like the idea enough I may write a one shot!
Credit for the prompt list: @nephilimeq
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sweet-but-vicious · 3 months
So Colin bought gifts in all different places for his family but what if he bought Pen something in EVERY CITY. Like he gets home with 17(or 20, whatevs) gifts for Pen and when he gathers them up to give to her he realizes(or it's pointed out to him) that it's a LOT and that he should maybe space them out he decides it could also be a good conversation starter to talk about his travels so he decides to go one at a time. Thus leading to Colin accidentally bringing a courting gift to Pen almost every day for a month. Meanwhile Col is oblivious to the fact that the entire ton believes them to be almost engaged. Maybe he also wrote her a letter that he never sent from each city as well. Que freak out and oh shit I've been leading her on this whole time I guess I had better just marry her, we're friends it could work out! Then tiny chaste kiss and oh fuck I love her...
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lowkeyfalleninlove · 6 months
Okay but imagine if the dream Colin woke abruptly from in the trailer was him imagining that Pen was there with him, laying there. Like its crazy but also that whole trailer made me a little coo coo for coco puffs.
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whistledownbad · 2 months
Because the hyperfixation is hyperfixating, I started a side blog for Polin fic prompts! They’ll be a mix of my own prompts, submitted prompts, and prompts gathered from other sources! If you want to submit something for fic writers to consider, please submit over at @polinprompts 💙💚💛
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Story idea:
A modern au about how Penelope and Colin are childhood friends who know everything about each other except the fact that Colin is a Dom. Basically Penelope has been in love with Colin but never knew so she’s trying to figure out how her best friend/ nicest guy in the world is in to some heavy kink. Then Colin like offers to show her and then so on and so forth. I really love the idea that there are two sides to Colin one side that everyone loves and thinks he’s the best but then Penelope sees the real more well rounded side of him.
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polinweek · 3 months
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Dearest Gentle Reader, we are but seven days away to celebrate a week dedicated to our most beloved couple. This Author is eagerly anticipating what this week of celebration will bring.
Bonus Polin Week 2024 begins July 15th and concludes July 21st!
tag your posts #polinweek in one of the first five tags so that we can find it.
we will reblog ( and tag ) everything posted in that tag.
search through this blog, following the tags, to find all of the Polin content from that week
DAY ONE: Favourite Season 3 Scene ♡ Polin Songs DAY TWO: Favourite Kiss ♡ Height Difference  DAY THREE: Favourite Dance ♡ Mutual Pining DAY FOUR: Favourite Show Quote ♡ Mirror  DAY FIVE: Favourite Hand Scene ♡ Nicola Appreciation Day  DAY SIX: Double Date ♡ Luke Appreciation Day DAY SEVEN:  Favourite Kink ♡ Love Confessions
Admin’s Note: Feel free to take these prompts and run with it - write a fanfic, design a gifset or a moodboard, draw fanart, create a playlist - the only limit is your imagination!
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Polin Fanfic Prompts:
Colin Fucking Penelope Against The Wall At Their Home
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polinprompts · 1 month
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golbrocklovely · 2 months
outsiders // colin and penelope
A/N: i know this is unlike anything i've posted before on here. i'll be honest, idk how else to explain this other than i direly need to see luke newton play a vampire, so this is about as good as it's gonna get until then. this is also very vaguely based off of a tweet that said this picture of polin makes them look like a cunty vampire couple and you know what??? they ain't wrong about that lol i used direct lines from the show, particularly in the drinking scene with the boys and the carriage love confession (which will be in part two). there are also some quotes and line sprinkled throughout that are similar to those in the show/book. but most of the dialogue is not from the show/book directly. also this is the first time i've ever written a fanfic using characters rather than real ppl… well minus a spn fanfic i never finished. so, please be kind since it's all fiction anyway. hope you enjoy and lmk what you think :)
prompt: Colin is trying to deal with the fact that he is not only in love with his best friend, but that he is incredibly lost as to who he is as a person. It also doesn't help that he's a monster; a vampire. Pen just wants her freedom, her ability to be Whistledown without anymore people finding out. And in her mind, Debling is the solution to her problem. But one fateful night brings Penelope and Colin together in ways they never imagined.
trigger warning: jealous!colin, protective!colin, AU!vampire, the entire bridgerton family are vampire, colin's friends are dicks lol, formal english (but that's a given), vampire powers, manipulation, ANGSTY AS HELL, idiots to lovers (not until part two), somewhat of a cliff hanger but not really since the next part will be out soon, mentions of blood/blood drinking
word count: 3054
Colin knew deep within himself that going out with Fife and the rest of his so-called friends was a mistake. Mostly because his mind was preoccupied tonight, many thoughts swirling around him; all of which pertained to a certain red head he had known since childhood. The mistake was thinking that he could relax while being around these exhausting men and their childish ways.
However he really did need some revelry after what he witnessed during the day.
When he walked into the library party and caught Pen with Debling, smiling and laughing at whatever he was saying, his blood boiled. A permanent frown etched into his face and had stayed there the entirety of the day.
"Say, what ails you, Bridgerton? Are you not enjoying your night?"
Colin turned to Stanton, blinking slowly. He took a swig of his drink, shaking his head. "I am well. Please continue with your story."
Stanton smirked, turning back to the table, "On my Grand Tour, I encountered this Greek girl in the Balkans. My bear leader..."
Colin zoned out again, unable to truly listen much longer to the men's stories of different conquests they had over the summer. His mind was still reeling, his thoughts ever consumed by the image of Penelope. Of their shared kiss. Of his constant reoccurring dreams of her and him. 
"She sounds like the young woman who made my time in the French Quarter worth the length of the voyage. Much to offer upstairs, and I do not mean her mind." Lord Wilding motioned with his hands, causing all three men to burst into laughter. Colin sighed, staring at the ground for a moment.
Fife looked up at Colin, "What about you, Bridgerton? You were gone for quite a while. I am sure the girls of summer made your trip quite... fulfilling?"
The gentlemen chortled, and Colin could feel them all eyeing him, waiting for an answer. "I did tell you my story of the contessa, did I not?"
"Yes, but you did not give details." Stanton whined.
Colin half-heartedly smiled, "Well, a gentleman must keep some things to himself."
Wilding pffted, "Oh, come now. I do not see a gentleman amongst us."
"I concur with you there." Colin shook a finger at them. The gentlemen gave him a quizzical look, freezing him for a moment. "Oh, forgive me… But it is tiring, is it not? The necessity imposed on us to remain cavalier about the one thing in life that holds genuine meaning. Do you not find it lonely?"
Colin gazed upon the men, hoping to see agreeing eyes; but instead the table chuckled at his expense. He sat back in his chair, defeated.
"This wouldn't have anything to do with a certain Featherington girl, now would it?" Fife teased, his glazed eyes staring at Colin's face.
"You know, Bridgerton? Congratulations are in order. I heard that apparently Debling plans to propose to her." Stanton raised his glass, "The marriage mart whisperer actually made a match. Cheers."
"May God have mercy on that poor man's soul." Wilding whispered, finishing his drink.
Colin narrowed his eyes, "I beg your pardon?"
"I know you have a fondness for the girl, but I cannot fathom what type of wife she would be. I would never marry a Featherington, but especially Penelope." Wilding remarked, almost disgusted.
"Maybe that's why Debling plans to travel for years." Fife quipped.
"Well, like your lady in the French Quarter, she at least has a lot to offer upstairs." Stanton snickered.
Colin leapt to his feet, his chair slamming to the floor. His hands were clenched tightly at his sides as his anger raged through him. His red eyes shot up, glaring deeply into the gentlemen's souls, captivating them instantly.
"You will never speak about Penelope or the Featheringtons ever again. And if ever asked about them, you will say nothing but the kindest of words." Colin grunted, his gaze shifting from man to man, "If I ever hear you speak badly about her or her family again, I will tear your throat out with my teeth. Your trivial existence will be ended, and the ladies of the Ton will be better for it... Know this as true, but forget I said this."
The gentlemen blinked rapidly, clearing their throats and looking at each other confused. Fife glanced behind Colin, "What happened to your chair?"
Colin smoothed out his vest, calming himself, "Oh, it must have fallen over when I stood up. Goodbye gentlemen, I am growing rather tired of this night."
Colin had the privilege of being born a vampire; and with that privilege came the ability to manipulate those around him. However, there were only two types of people he couldn't manipulate: other vampires - which really only applied to his family since he knew of no others - and those he was in love with. That applied to all the Bridgerton siblings. It was their own little family quirk, as they so lovingly called it. In a way, it kept everyone in check. Because they knew out of everyone in the Ton, the people they loved couldn't fall victim to their ability.
But luckily for everyone in the Ton, the Bridgertons were a good family. Violet had taught her children to seldom use their ability, and the children all followed suit. Hyacinth and Gregory did occasionally use it on the maids in the house, so that he could get extra sweets or she, the latest issue of Whistledown before bed; but for the most part all of the Bridgerton siblings fell in line with Violet's beliefs. 
While most of the Bridgertons enjoyed being vampires, Colin did not. Maybe it was because he was battling with himself over who he truly was. All this did was make him feel even more like an outsider. He wanted to be normal, to be known and loved for who he is, but how could he? He was a monster.
And now this monster, deeply annoyed by the past couple weeks of events, was on the search for blood.
Colin did not enjoy hunting. In the day, when he couldn't hunt, it was easier to forget what he was. But at night, his cardinal urges always came to the surface. 
Hunting on the poorer side of London wasn't challenging. There was always someone out and about. And Colin only needed a little bit of blood. None of them ever killed; the rule was only take what you need and leave no trace. And they were all excellent at that.
The worst that could happen was being caught by authorities. Or even worse, somehow ending up in Lady Whistledown.
Colin lurked around a corner, waiting impatiently for a passerby. He glanced at the printer shop, the light inside telling him someone was there. He needed to move further away, in case those inside would hear his victim if they were to scream out suddenly.
He casually walked down the cobblestone street, his sense of smell picking up someone near. It was a woman; that he was sure of.
He knew he should have just drank from the prostitutes, the ones he couldn't even bring himself to sleep with tonight. But he didn't like the idea of drinking from them. They oddly had shown him kindness, something he couldn't even acquire from his friends.
A woman rounded the corner. She was young, and her dark black hair was slightly unkempt. Colin rushed over to her, their eyes meeting instantly. The only sound she was able to make was a small gasp.
"Don't be scared, Miss . This will be over quickly. I'm just so...." he swallowed hard, "hungry."
Colin cupped the woman's face, turning her head so her neck was more on display. His fangs grew, his mouth watering at the thought of blood. Her pulse had quicken when he rushed her, her blood now calling his name. He sunk his teeth in, moaning as the liquid poured into his mouth. He closed his eyes, his thoughts shifting slowly back to familiar ones...
He hated admitting it, but he had wanted to drink from Pen. His dreams not only consisted of touching her in the most inappropriate ways or confessing that their kiss was all he thought about; it was how he longed to bite her neck, taste her salty skin and rich blood. He knew she would be heavenly, but he never allowed himself to ponder on it too long. These were fantasies after all. She would never, ever find out what he was. And he would not damn her to a life like this.
He groaned against the woman's neck, lapping up spilt blood. Penelope was haunting him, even in real life. How was it that he could smell her, even right now? Even with his mouth on a different woman's neck, drinking her life essence, was he able to feel Pen's presence? It's like he could hear her say his name.
Colin glanced up, the printer shop illuminating the archway leading onto the street. A short person stood frozen, watching him. 
He froze too, his eyes focusing on the figure. The woman in his arms slurred incoherently. His eyes connected with her for a split second, telling her to forget what occurred and to go home. He pushed her off down a separate street, his eyes remaining on the silhouette.
He took a whiff of the air, his eyes widening.
The person ran the opposite way, racing back towards a carriage nearby. Colin made it there long before they could, grabbing them by the shoulders and pushing them up against the wall. His hand covered their mouth instantly, staring deep into the blue eyes he was captivated by since childhood.
Penelope had known the Bridgertons were vampires for years. While she might have met Colin first, Eloise had been her closest friend; mostly because it took Pen a while to really strike up the courage to actually talk to Colin. But when Eloise and her were young, outside and playing in her mother's garden, El casually told her what she was. At first, Pen didn't believe her. Who would believe such a thing without proof? El suddenly waltzed up to a butler nearby and told him to start doing a dance for her, and he did. The girls laughed at the sight, and from that moment on, Pen knew.
She never asked questions, but she was curious as to what vampires were really like. El wouldn't confirm anything to her, understandably wanting to keep some things private. And once Lady Whistledown rose to power in the Ton, El was even more hush about vampirism. Pen could tell she was nervous about her family's secret getting out there. But Pen assured her that Whistledown would never write on such a thing, otherwise she would become the laughingstock of Mayfair.
And now with El completely ignoring her because of Whistledown, she hoped that El understood that statement still rang true. While she would write about what everyone was talking about, no one but her knew their real secret. She would never share it, even if her and Eloise were no longer close.
The carriage came to a stop, the footman opening her door swiftly. She stepped out, the newest addition of Whistledown in her hand. She smirked as she read it over, noting how many in the Ton were speaking on her and Debling's possible engagement. While Pen did not enjoy being the center of attention, she did enjoy knowing that the sniveling mamas of the Ton were wrong about her.
Not only was Penelope courted, she was going to get married. That is, assuming she accepted Debling's proposal. Or that he actually planned to ask her mother tomorrow.
A life with Debling seemed... fine, to her. And if that's all she could get, she would take it. She wanted a love filled marriage, that was true; but maybe time would change that. It's possible that Debling one day might love her. Or that she may grow to fully accept what she had.
Part of her hated admitting it, but her feelings for Colin were still there too. But she accepted that reality as a fantasy and nothing more. Somehow, vampires were real, but Colin reciprocating her feelings wasn't. 
God had a very wicked sense of humor.
She walked down the street, turning the corner to the printer shop. When she raised her hand to knock, something caught her eye. She gazed down the street, two figures stood out in the open. It appeared to be a man and a woman. She squinted her eyes, watching them. The man cupped the woman's jaw, burying his face into her neck. Pen blushed at the notion. She had thoughts similar to that of her and Colin. Dreams, even. But to see two people doing something like that, so out in the open, was very scandalous to her. She wanted to look away, but curiosity got the better of her.
The couple swayed into the light unintentionally, and Pen's eyes widened.
The man's mouth was latched onto the woman's neck, and she was limp in his arms. It almost appeared like he was biting her. As she took in the man, she noted his dark brown coat. His tall stature and quaffed hair were familiar to her. It almost looked like...
"Colin?" She whispered.
The man looked up, locking eyes with Pen. She gasped, seeing his face for the first time. Dear Lord in Heaven, it was Colin. His mouth was stained red from blood and his fangs were prominent, even from such a distance away.
Her heart raced, and she knew she needed to get out of there, now.
She spun on her heel, running back to the carriage. Before she was able to get remotely close, her body was pushed up against the wall, her mouth covered.
"Penelope?" Colin hissed, his red eyes almost glowing in the dark.
She studied his face, taking in the features she had yet to see of him. His eyes were the most surprising, but his fangs were shocking up close.
"I am going to remove my hand. Please don't scream." He moved his hand slowly, her face feeling hot from his skin touching hers. "What are you doing out here?"
"I could ask you the same question, Colin." Pen argued.
"It is none of your concern, Pen. Whatever you saw..." Colin fought to speak, "was not what it looks like."
Pen suddenly became aware of the Whistledown papers in her hand, "Well, if that's the case, then I should be heading back home."
"You didn't answer my question. Why are you-" He began.
She cut him off, trying to sidestep him. "Colin, I need to-"
"What is that in your hand?" He questioned, pointing down.
Her blood ran cold. "W-What?"
Colin grabbed the papers from Pen's hands before she could stop him, her heart dropping instantly.
He gazed at the papers, reading over the words hastily. She backed up, her body hitting the wall. His stare hardened, eyes watering. "You're... Whistledown."
The hurt in his eyes, his voice, made Pen instantly tear up, "Colin, please I can-"
Colin backed away from her, "I cannot believe this. How could you?"
Pen wiped away her tears, "I am terribly sorry, Colin. Please let me expl-" 
"No, no. I do not want your explanation. What is there to explain? Clearly you are the one who has been writing such horrid things about my family. I cannot believe you would do this to us. To El." He choked out, "To me."
She begged, "Colin, let me explain myself."
"On top of being Whistledown, you come out here in the middle of the night to do your dealings. Unchaperoned, and presumably with no one knowing where you are. You could seriously get hurt! Not only could you ruin your reputation, but you could be harmed. How can you be so careless, Penelope?" He furrowed his brow, his eyes boring into hers.
Pen hated being talked down to. Who was Colin to act so scared for her safety, or her reputation for that matter? He was a vampire, for God's sake. She spat, "The only thing out here that seems to be harmful is you, Colin."
She knew she made a grave mistake. Damn her mouth.
Colin's eyes glowered at her, his body tensing. "What did you say?"
"I-I," Pen took a moment, gathering the courage to speak. "I saw you, Mr. Bridgerton. You weren't simply... caressing some random woman on the street. You were feeding on her. You're a vamp-"
He glared into her soul, demanding, "You are going to forget we had this conversation. You are going to forget what you saw moments ago. You are going to go home. Now."
Pen copied his gaze, shaking her head. "Who are you to tell me what to do? Have you gone mad?"
This was a terrible time to find out that Colin was, in fact, in love with Penelope. He knew he was, but the timing of it all really could not have been worse.
Colin growled, walking up to Pen's carriage door and opening it for her. "Get inside, Penelope. We will talk about this on the way back to your home."
"How can I trust to get in a carriage with you? Are you still hungry?" She sassed, her hands on her hips.
He lowered his gaze, his eyes darkening. "Do not make me force you inside."
Her skin felt hot suddenly, his tone hitting deep within her body. She had never seen Colin like this, and she wasn't sure what to make of it.
Her mind was cautious, nervous. But her body... felt something else entirely.
She sighed, stepping inside her carriage with the help of Colin. He followed her in, sitting across from her. He called out to the footman to go to the Featherington residence.
"Take the long way, please." Colin sat back against the seat, staring at Pen.
"Make a stop at the Bridgerton's house first... please." She called out. The footmen acknowledged their commands, and Colin rolled his eyes at her petty attempt of control. She squirmed under his gaze, unable to make eye contact with him.
He asked bitingly. "Should you start or should I?"
|| Part 2 >>
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darkcolinbridgerton · 1 month
i love your writing!!! i am completely in my dark!colin era and i’m loving it 🥲 my prompt suggestions are:
- colin takes pen’s silence for the past few months to heart and entraps her into marriage as revenge
- maid!pen or brothel!pen & dark!colin au (possibly dark!abc 🫣)
- bully trope (modern au) what if colin’s reaction was actually mean when they first met and grew up bullying her
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I hope you like it Chapter one is up I went with my take on the brothel one!
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k-laconia-bug1 · 4 months
life hates me
not me being in the middle of writing a Polin fanfic that was an avengers crossover it was also a Crack fic when my phone broke like 3 days later my laptop broke this is my mom's laptop therefor I refuse the possibility of her reading any Fanfiction I write
well if anyone wanted to write the prompt here it is
It was Penelope was from the mcu universe dr.Strange or Ironman daughter she considered Peter Parker her brother or is her bio bro the entire Bridgerton brood had gone through time or jumped universe with pen by complete accidentally accident also features Colin surprised at pen for cursing worse then a sailor or red at her wearing modern clothing
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ardentcastle · 2 months
Fic List
Hello. I write Polin fanfic. Here's links to some stuff.
Returning To You:
It's a regular Friday for Colin Bridgerton. When a knock at his door changes everything. ‘My name is Agatha Featherington. I have reason to believe you are my father.’
Complete - Multi Chapter
please, burn my world down
Colin chuckled. ‘Please. I could have you screaming my name in minutes.’ ‘Prove it then.’ Nope. She hadn’t meant to say that part out loud. Not at all. — — Penelope and Colin used to be friends. Now they can barely exist in the same room without starting an argument. What was supposed to be a relaxing girls trip at Aubrey Hall quickly turned into something else for Penelope.
Waking Up In Vegas
'Eloise, tell me. Please,' she begged. She needed to know, what could possibly have her friend so worried about her, and Colin looking like he was about to pass out. What happened? Eloise sighed. 'You really don't remember marrying Colin last night?' 'Excuse me, what?' ———— The fic where they get drunk and marry in Vegas.
Between Us
The first time was an accident, it just… happened. The second time was testing the waters, was the first a fluke or not? Neither of them have a real excuse for the third, and the fourth, well, by the fourth time they’d finally started to sort their shit out. OR Three times Colin and Penelope got drunk and had sex and a fourth where they were completely sober.
Breakable Heaven
It was messed up. She knew it was. But from the day it had started she hadn't been strong enough to put an end to it. She was never going to have Colin Bridgerton. Not really. He was too… and so… and she was… Just Penelope. Dorky friend of the younger sister. So if she couldn’t have him in the way she wanted, she would take any piece she could get.
--- Colin and Penelope have fallen into a messy and complicated friends with benefits situation, that only gets even moreso when Penelope has another man showing interest and she and Colin are thrown into forced proximity.
One Shots
Ruining Lady Whistledown
‘I do not understand, how it is I can be furious with you. So angry at what you have done, and yet, desire you as much as I do,’ he said. ‘I shouldn’t. I wish I could turn away from you. Forget what it was like to taste you, to feel you, to have you. I cannot.’ Season 3, Episode 8 - Colin didn’t leave the bedroom after going in to get the blanket. //Pt 2 - Penelope writes a Whistledown column for Colin's eyes only
Go Through The Motions
I could coach you.' 'What?' her head snapped up to his, her eyes wide with surprise. 'I could… I mean, I could show you a few different ways so that you don't feel so out of your depth,' 'You want to show me different sex positions?' her voice was disbelieving. 'Yes,' Polin Week Day 2 Prompt: Lessons - Colin offers to help out his friend when she’s nervous for an upcoming date.
wasn't for you
Penelope: Oh my god it's been so long since I've been laid. I just want to get totally dicked, you know? Completely meaningless sex where I'm absolutely pounded until I forget my own name. Colin: ??? Penelope: Oh my god. Colin: You want to forget your name? Penelope: that text wasn't for you Penelope accidentally sends a text message, meant for the girls chat to Colin instead and things get… interesting for them.
Twelve Years of Christmas
If there’s one thing Penelope and Colin will do, no matter where they are, who they’re with, or what has happened between them, it is message each other on Christmas Day. Text messages from twelve Christmas days over the years as they grow up.
The Road Not Taken (looks real good now)
It’s that time of year. When the tether she has to this small town pulls her back. It doesn’t matter where she is on this planet. She ends up back here. For five days she will imagine what her life might have been like if she never left. Based loosely on Taylor Swift’s ‘tis the damn season
Of Snowball Fights and Discovering Delights
Penelope is spending Christmas at Aubrey Hall this year. An annual Bridgerton snowball fight accidentally leads to a lot more than she ever hoped. --------- 'I've never kissed anyone. I might be bad at it.' 'I think that would be impossible.'
The Holiday Party
Quickly Penelope pressed play on the music video and it started, and with the more she watched, the more the heat in her rose and rose. He was singing about her. Normally she wouldn’t be so presumptuous. She wouldn’t assume. But right now, as the video played out how they met, there was no doubt at all. Colin Bridgerton wrote a song about her. Colin Bridgerton is a superstar. Penelope works a standard 9 to 5 and lives a quiet life. When Colin is performing at her work Christmas party, she captures his eye. And there is no turning back for either of them from there. No matter how hard Penelope tries to resist, and convince herself it couldn't possibly be happening.
Under Me
'Hey, you tried to call me?' he said. 'I tried to…' she trailed off. Oh fuck. In a sudden flash what she'd done came back to her. She had completely forgotten, most of the night was a drunken haze. The voicemail she'd left. The things she'd said. _______ In which Pen leaves Colin a revealing voicemail and can't take it back
Look At Your Face
Colin starts loosing his mind, when on the Bridgerton's annual summer holiday Penelope is comfortable talking to everyone, except him. Any time he tries she suddenly needs to be somewhere else (she's had a laugh with Anthony of all people! But won't so much as look Colin's way) and he's going insane trying to work out why she's ignoring him. There's a game of never have I ever that reveals a lot, and eventually Colin finds the nerve to confront her about her silence towards him. Loosely inspired by Taylor Swift's Gorgeous and in particular 'I can't say anything to your face, cause look at your face'.
The ton is at Aubrey Hall for a Bridgerton Ball. Colin finds Penelope in his room -- 'Pen? Why are you in my room?' He asked. She appeared to be frozen to the spot. Her mouth slightly open, and a flush that started on her cheeks spread down towards her chest. Colin brought his eyes back up to hers the moment he realised he was a bit too transfixed on what her hands couldn't hide from him. 'I was told I would be retiring here.' She finally said, her voice was soft, shaky. 'You must be mistaken.' Colin said.
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somedayillbepeterpan · 3 months
I wrote my first ever Polin fanfic!
This fic was born out of a conversation about Nicola's comment about Colin and Pen dying together on the same day from Shondaland's latest bts video (New Beginnings). I talked about how my grandparents are kinda like this who were together for close to 50 years and died about a year and month from each other.
I have been suffering from a horrible writing block for the past 2 years. I could not even finish a sentence in any of the story prompts inside my head and it's been playing in my mind how I could not finish a story nor a thought.
The many essays and analysis I've been doing now is a result of Polin opening the gates of my mind and now words are rushing so fast that I can hardly keep up lol.
I would appreciate any kind comments or critique! I have another one coming and I hope to make it a multi-arc one.
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whistledownbad · 4 months
A few things:
1. I will not be posting any negative reactions to part 2 here. I’m still processing and I want this to be a positive fandom space. I don’t think I have anything to add to the discourse that hasn’t already been said. With that, I’m trying to find other ways to stay involved with fandom things outside of new releases, so here are some ideas!
2. If I started reading the Bridgerton books, would you all be interested in my reactions? I read the first three a few years ago, but I remember very little. I thought it could be fun to share as I go along?
3. I was thinking of doing the same with the rest of QC.
4. I’m interested in getting back into writing fanfic! For this reason, my asks are open if anyone feels like submitting a prompt!
5. I’m thinking of doing a drabble collection for Polin too - drabbles are fics that are 100 words and 100 words only. If you want to submit prompts for that too, you can and I’ll write them for you right here on Tumblr
6. Smut prompts??? Gimme!
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