#police are maliciously incompetent
lycorid · 1 month
I can’t watch true crime shit because it makes my blood boil and I just can’t shut up during it.
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immaculatasknight · 5 months
Too stoned to traffic
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grunge-mermaid · 7 months
the absolute fucking irony of Ottawa Police Services putting "honour-courage-service" on their shiny new cruisers
I have never experienced more dishonourable and cowardly incompetence than OPS
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renmorris · 5 months
Jean really is so incompetent and malicious and like that’s what he’s there for, he’s there to sit around in a wig while you ask him to do literally anything helpful. to do nothing while foreign paramilitaries close in around this incredibly vulnerable population. it’s a very unsubtle commentary and the fact that fans try to write him as like
being a good cop who tries his best
when the game is about how that’s not something that exists is so bonkers 😭 like this man does fuck all in the cops are bad game do you think this is maybe saying something about the nature of policing
or are you just going to buy his excuse that he’s depressed and Harry is evil
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petitreve · 2 years
Vance Hopper x Reader: Perfection
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Vance Hopper wasn’t a bad person. He wasn’t. No matter what the principal, the cashier at grab n’ go, the sheriff, the… well, anyone said. He wasn’t evil, he wasn’t malicious, he wasn’t a monster. He needed help, he craved help. He didn’t want to push everyone away, like her. The ONE person who never saw him as what everyone else called him.
His Diamond in the rough, his Angel. He’s lost count of the times she’s waited for him outside of the local police station. She was the only one who understood why he was the way he was. Vance knew how people were. Cruel, inconsiderate, sick, incompetent. He refused to let them, to only treat him the way they treated each other. “Friends” insulting the more unfortunate friends in their group. He knew with his home life he would be one of those unfortunate souls to be picked on by those he’d call “friends”, so he became someone no one would dare insult or degrade.
That leads to now:
“I just…. I don’t understand why you’re so against this?” The girl begged the slightly taller blond boy.
“I’ve fucking told you COUNTLESS times, (Y/n)!” His voice came out more harsh than intended, but he knew her of all people would understand. She knew how his brain functioned, or therefore lack of.
“Yeah but, it won’t be like last time, Vance. I promise!” In any other circumstances her pleading with her big eyes would make him melt, but just the mention of “last time” was enough to piss him off.
“(Y/n), I said I’m NOT fucking going. Just drop it and leave.” He knew his words weren’t matching how he felt, they never did when he felt strong emotions. Like the first time she said she loved him, he told her how utterly stupid that was and asked why she would waste her affections on someone “like him”.
Vance knew he was a failure, he wasn’t going to go far. Everyone, except his mother and (Y/n), made sure he knew that. He quickly learned that if he accepted it, then they could no longer use that against him.
“Vance just hear me ou-“ the girl began before the blond cut her off. Before either of them could react Vance had already spun around and pinned the smaller girl to the wall by her throat.
“WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU’RE SO FUCKING SPECIAL, (Y/N)?! HUH?! WHO THE FUCK HAS BEEN PUTTING THAT IN YOUR HEAD, ‘CAUSE IT SURE AS HELL WASN’T ME.” His words flew out from his pink lips before his mind had time to process just who he was screaming at. It took him a few minutes of staring into those oh so familiar eyes to realize exactly what he had done. “(Y/n)… baby..”
The same girl who had sat beside him after all his fights cleaned the few wounds he sustained. The girl who his mother had told him to cherish and protect, up until now that was all he had done. He held her to his chest after EVERY cruel comment her supposed “friends” made about her or their relationship. Vance never understood why she spoke to them, or why she wanted to go to this stupid party. She was the polar opposite of him, the part of him that was influenced by her stupid romance movies understood, but his “Vance logic” side could never.
(Y/n) sat idly by as others insulted her, the second an insult was to be muttered out of some fuckers lips Vance had already thrown the first four punches. They truly balanced each other out. She was his clarity, his logic. He was her safety, her haven. Yet here he was, pinning her as if she was one of those brats who fucked up his pinball game.
Part of him wanted to let go, to apologize, to beg her for forgiveness. But deep down he knew, he knew, if he let her go, she won’t come back to him. She’ll run, as far and as fast as she can. She would NEVER admit it to him, but her eyes said it all.
He slowly moved his hand from her throat to the back of her head, with a slow steady motion he pulled her head closer so she could hide her face in his neck. The sounds of the broken sobs escaping her destroyed him, before this was only a terror that plagued him in his nightmares. His purity, his Angel, sobbing into his neck, clinging to the ends of his denim vest.
“I’m so sorry… I didn’t mean it, I didn’t mean to. I’m here, it’s okay. Nothing is going to hurt you.” He cooed to her as if she was a startled kitten. She knew his words were true, she knew deep down he would NEVER hurt her. He was just angry, not at her, but with them. He couldn’t stand the way she would come to him behind the school while he was with his friends, with her tear-stained cheeks.
Anyone who didn’t know Vance would believe the reason was that he was embarrassed by her, but he wasn’t. Seeing the one you would kill for come to you sniffling and choking back sobs to not draw more attention to themselves breaks you inside, no matter who you are. She didn't deserve to be treated that horribly, especially not by assholes like them.
Once her sobs died down, he slowly led her to the couch. Her head sat gently on his chest, her leg slightly over his lap. He wouldn’t trade this for the world, she wouldn’t either. Him playing with her hair, her listening to his heartbeat. It was perfection.
“… I really am sorry, Doll… I didn't mean to say the cruel things I did… I get it if you don't forgive me.” Vance tried to keep his voice from shaking as he held her closer afraid that any moment she would disappear.
“Vance… I know you didn't mean it, I shouldn't have been pushing you. I know you don't like them.” her voice was slightly hoarse from the crying, and her words were muffled by his chest, but Vance understood. “I won't try to force you to go again.”
Vance thought for a moment, he didn't want to go, but she did. He didn't want her to go alone though. The idea of her there alone, isolated, crying on the sidelines of the party as everything she says is ignored. “Or.”
He watched her head perk up as he spoke, “We could stay here, like this, and watch some shit tv.” hearing him speak caused her to giggle softly. Vance was no Lord Byron, but the way he spoke always managed to amuse her. “How’s that sound? Hm?”
Feeling her move closer to feel more of him, more of his warmth, more of the safety she so desired in this world. “Perfect… It sounds perfect.”
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ankle-beez · 4 months
nuked the post about democrats throwing away the election in their continued support for israel -- which includes sic'ing the police on campus protestors -- because the comments almost made me have an aneurysm but i still stand by that being true. biden is at best incompetent and at worst gleefully malicious and he's not fit to be re-elected in november. and no, pointing that out does not mean you're encouraging people not to vote/vote for trump, no matter how many "vote blue no matter who" jackasses keep trying to convince you otherwise. and no, voting third-party isn't throwing away your vote either so do send the message across by looking into the candidates outside the repubs and dems thanks ✌️
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viburnt · 10 months
hello! I have a request for aizawa! With prompts “Fuck,I wish I never met you!” and “Let me fix your hair”? You could can chose one but if ur doing both can u do a hate relationship against the reader and aizawa but forced to work/teach the reader? Or yo to you! I would love to see what u come up with since I love ur blog sm! Thank you 💗💗
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Hoping you like it, Anon! I feel like Aizawa would treat younger colleagues like kids haha. Also, drink water and eat well, Anon; thanks for requesting!
𝐀𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐒𝐡𝐨̄𝐭𝐚 || 𝐏𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐬
The uncomfortable cold shoulder you were giving Aizawa was getting him on his nerves, his tired eyes burning into your back as you refused to even look at him. It was not his fault the two of you were paired up for a night-watch patrol. "Could at least try to cooperate," he thought as you looked at your phone instead of listening to him.
Exasperated, he snatched your mobile from your hands and threw into the backseat of the car.
—Hey, what the fuck? That's expensive, you prick! — You yelled, fuming with anger. The man squeezed your face with his hand to make you look at him.
—Look, you can be a brat all you want, kid. Be my fucking guest, but this mission is important and I'm not letting some wannabe big shot ruin it, got it?— He said seriously. The tone of his voice was low and husky, sending shivers down your spine; you hated how he didn't have to yell at you to show how angry he was.
As a matter of fact, you despised his guts.
The way he looked at you, how he always called you kid like you weren't an expert on your field, how his words always made you feel incompetent. You prayed to God to be given a chance to prove him wrong- or at least an opportunity to kick him in the balls.
—Do that again and you'll lose a damn finger.— You snarked, slapping his hand away. "All bark and no bite," Aizawa thought, rolling his eyes.
—Whatever you say.— He added.
"Why is he always like this?" You wondered as you reached for the radio to play some music.
After some hours waiting, your stomach grumbled, begging for something to eat.
—Was that you?— Aizawa amusedly asked, picking up the way your body called for food. — Did you not eat beforehand?
—I did, ok? I just ate lightly.— You lied, not wanting him to know you'd in fact forgotten about having a meal before patrol.
Wanting to distract yourself from Shōta's comment (and from the emptiness in your guts), you rummaged through your pocket to grab a small box of bubble gum you'd bought in advance, picking one of the long fruity pieces of candy to unwrap it.
—Don't eat in the car.— Aizawa uttered as he adjusted his seat. It was going to be a long night waiting for the targeted suspect to appear, so he wanted to be (at least) comfortable.
—Don't eat in the car.— He heard you mock in a high-pitched sardonic tone, his eyes watching as you chewed on the gum. —It's candy; you chew it, not eat it.
—It's gonna leave my seats sticky, and I'm not cleaning some girl's mess.
—Can you stop policing everything I do? Jesus Christ, I'm not a toddler.
You formed a big bubble with your treat, boasting about it in front of him. A malicious idea crossed Aizawa's mind...
—Ugh, Aizawa what the fuck? You got it in my hair!— You complained as the man chuckled, proud of his little prank. "Why does this idiot always have to mess with me?", you wondered as you tried to get rid of the sticky rests of candy from your hair.
"Should teach her to listen," he thought to himself, watching you anxiously try to fix the mess he'd made.
—Relax, kid. I warned you, didn't I?— He said with abandon as a sly smile appeared on his lips. —Maybe learn to follow instructions.
—Fuck, I wish I'd never met you! You are the worst.— He heard you yell, you'd gotten more upset than he had planned you to react. Getting off the car, you slammed the door to let off some steam, cursing.
It reminded him of the very first time he had worked with you. You were much more joyful and eager to cooperate, but as the mission progressed, the goofy smile you had became a frown. After that, Aizawa simply understood it as if "You couldn't take orders from him".
He remained silent for a second, whatsoever, feeling a little bit of guilt. You were just hungry, he could've let that one slide, he guessed. Deciding it was better to apologize before the already bumpy relationship he had with you got worse, he joined you outside for a moment.
—What do you want?!— You screamed, not wanting to see him.
—Don't be so dramatic, it's just gum. I have so wet towels on the glove compartment.
— "I have wet towels. Oh, look at me, I'm Eraserhead, I tell people what to do"— You snapped, not being patient with his antics. — Maybe don't be such a giant imbecile for once? Would it kill to have some respect for me?
—I'm sorry, I didn't think you'd get so-
—That's the thing, you never think! I'm not your student for you to act so superior all the time.— You lashed, letting your thoughts out. —I'm not a kid, Aizawa, I may be a little younger but still.
Shōta looked at you briefly, stunned by your rant. His behavior was uncalled for, he had to admit. For a long while, he just guessed you were a inexperienced brat because you'd decided to be a more commercial hero instead of keeping an underground profile like he did.
But thinking about it, most of his colleagues were like that, even Mic. He had been unfair to you.
—I worked hard for this position, you know? I busted my ass for hours, day after day to be recognized as hero out there. Why can't you fucking see that?
Your words sinked into your colleague's mind, making him feel remorseful. His eyes softened as his gaze found yours, feeling like a dog with his tail between his legs.
— I know how to get the gum out of your hair...— Aizawa mumbled. It caught you off guard but it was his way of saying "OK, I fucked up and I'm sorry. Let me try to fix it."
—What? — You asked, dumbfounded. The anger in your face faltered for a second, confused by his sudden change of attitude.
—Look, I'm sorry for treating you like a kid, I really acted like an asshole.— You heard him explain. — But let me try again, ok? We'll probably be working together a lot more in the future so let's try not to kill each other for a second.
You sighed, still annoyed, but decided to allow his approach.
— Go on.
—Eri sometimes gets stuff on her hair, it's not very hard to do.— He assured, motioning you to step closer to inspect the aftermath of his actions. Looking at you, you weren't a bad hero, much less a bad person.
Sensing honesty in his words, you decided to forgive him.
—I'm sorry for what I said earlier, I was just-
—Don't sweat it, I deserved it.— He assured, opening the door of the car again for you. —Let me fix your hair.
—... Who's Eri?
—You'll meet her some time...kid.
— Eraser-
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lobautumny · 7 months
Alright, this toy has decided to make a big, singular post detailing the entire Predstrogen situation to the best of its ability because it hasn't seen one that's up to date and wants to have something convenient to link to bring people up to speed. Apologies if there are mistakes in this explanation. It is difficult to round all of the information up concisely.
So, the first thing to mention, up-front, is that this all centers around a trans woman named Rita. This toy will primarily be referring to her by name, as this centers around several blogs and a Twitter account that all belong to her and have different handles.
So what the hell happened to Rita?
Well, after losing a couple of blogs (the first due to doing sex work on a side-blog and the second due to a harassment campaign from lolcow forums), she formed the Predstrogen blog, which stuck around for a while and became quite popular. However, the harassment campaign never ended.
Rita's posts on the Predstrogen blog received masses of false reports for untagged NSFW (or outright ToS-breaking) content while she and people who followed her or incidentally reblogged her posts were flooded with hate and misinformation about her. Rita tried to get into contact with Tumblr support over this harassment campaign and received nothing. Rita also contacted Tumblr support to ask about some images that she was unsure whether they fell within community guideline compliance or not, and was directly told that she was fine to post them.
Eventually, completely-SFW images (such as a transition timeline that was just two pictures of her face) on her blog started getting taken down because of the false reports. Rita reaches out to Tumblr again, this time to try to get the images back, and starts spreading the word about how fucked up this situation is and how the site's staff have been either incompetent or actively malicious towards her by allowing this organized hate campaign to go completely unchecked. As this starts blowing up, the Predstrogen blog gets banned for community guideline violations that never happened over alleged adult content.
Support finally gets back to her about the harassment campaign she'd been the victim of, and said that they found nothing that breaks Tumblr ToS so even if they wanted to do something, they simply couldn't. Put a pin in that.
So, she makes another blog, this one named Avewy. She starts doubling down posting about everything that's happened to her so far, and her harassers keep sending misinformation about why Rita was banned in bystanders' asks, abusing the fact that they aren't able to check the Predstrogen blog anymore to control the narrative about her. Eventually, when asked why Rita was banned, Matt (Tumblr's CEO) responds, giving the reasoning that it was for harassment (which she never did) and threats of violence against Tumblr staff.
Now, let's talk about that last point. What might he be referring to? Well, luckily for us, he cites one (1) piece of evidence! Several months ago (at least, this toy's pretty sure it was several months ago, the screenshot does not have a timestamp), Rita made a post on the Predstrogen blog in which she said, "I hope photomatt dies forever a painful death involving a car covered in hammers that explodes more than a few times and hammers go flying everywhere." That's it. Matt threatened to "work with police and FBI" over her wishing he succumbs to a Looney Tunes-ass fate. If she made any other more serious threats, Matt has never specified any of them, and it's impossible to go through her blog to check, so we have to assume that this is the only such instance.
Also, we know the whole "Predstrogen was banned for harassment" claim was a blatant lie, by the way, because the specific way Predstrogen was banned (all images from her posts were scrubbed from the site) is something that only happens for adult content violations.
Naturally, the Avewy blog also gets banned. There's no official reason given for that one, but we don't really need one at this point. After this, Rita simply makes yet another blog (by the name of Cyprederone), makes a goodbye post giving her final thoughts about Tumblr and everything that's happened to her, and linking all of her other social media accounts and her Discord server. So this is where the story ends, right? Like, surely, her finally being pushed off the platform for good is the last thing that happens in this series of events, right?
Matt, the very reasonable and level-headed man that he is, stalks Rita's Twitter account and starts harassing her there, and breaks data protection laws (according to Maia Arson Crimew, at least, and this toy will take its word on that) by listing off all of the usernames to her private alt accounts as some kind of gotcha when she reposted her transition timeline on that site and called it "too hot for Tumblr." He must've either realized or been quickly informed by his legal team that that post was probably illegal, because he quickly deleted it.
And that's approximately where we are right now. Once again, this toy might be getting some details wrong (it's mostly worried that some events are in the wrong order), and it apologizes if it does. Once again, unfortunately, it's hard to iron out the exact sequence of events when the blogs that Rita was documenting the sequence of events on have been deleted, and the whole situation was very hectic so it was difficult to internalize an exact timeline while everything was actually going down.
Some extra things to note:
Matt, in his response to Rita, refused to refer to her with she/her pronouns. Instead, he mostly referred to her as "they," and eventually edited his post to dehumanize her to "the account" because he was "unaware of pronoun preference and [didn't] want to misgender anyone." This is an interesting claim, considering he certainly had no trouble tracking down Rita's Twitter account, which has her pronouns in the bio, to harass her. At one point, Matt straight up referred to her as "it."
It's very telling that Matt made a big statement about how he now understands what targeted harassment feels like and will be looking into better moderation because of his experiences being harassed immediately after his staff denied that a trans woman who has been subject to a targeted harassment campaign for years was actually being harassed.
Rita's harassers made a point of it to especially target transmasc users with misinformation as a form of recruitment tactic.
This is far from the first instance of Tumblr's staff/moderation being discriminatory against trans people, nor is it the first time that bigots have gotten the auto-mod to ban a minority by mass-reporting their account. It's simply the instance of this happening that has generated the most attention.
The harassment Rita was receiving was painstakingly documented and literally included TERF accounts admitting to harassing her and organizing mass false reports. Despite simply lacking the resources to determine that users who were bragging about breaking ToS were, in fact, breaking ToS, staff have certainly been able to be very proactive in tracking down and punishing users who are a little bit too mean to Matt lately.
Despite Matt claiming that Rita was banned for her horrible, vile, evil, totally-not-a-joke death threat and talking about how serious these kinds of things are and how you simply cannot say them, this toy sees much more serious death threats and people earnestly telling each other to kill themselves on this website on a very frequent basis, and they always go completely unpunished, and it's certain that's not for a lack of reports.
If anyone has anything to add on or correct, this toy actively encourages you to do so.
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do-what-we-must · 5 months
I did something ‘bad’ (talked about mom extensively and honestly in therapy), and since then I’ve been having an even harder time in the bathroom. I mean the difficulties have always been there, and they got worse three months ago when I finally accepted that my mom had been sexually abusing me
But all last night anytime I needed to urinate it felt like something was penetrating me painfully. That same splitting, filling, sour feeling. I couldn’t dissociate from it. I was crying on the toilet because I couldn’t get away from it but I desperately needed to go. I went to bed in tears, shaking, unable to cope with it all and conked out pretty quickly. Thats not normal for a Dosy, we generally don’t cry like that
More nightmares about mom. Mom and her malicious incompetence and my dealing with police. Mom’s desk that’s in my storage unit. Choking. Penetration. It feels like she’s able to punish me for talking from far away
I dont know what this all means, the penetrative experience in particular. I thought that was a chris thing, but all this is specifically mom flavored. What was she doing to me? My body knows. It always has. I don’t want to think about it
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sporco-filth · 1 month
Once again I adore your Slob City setting, especially when other people were utterly confused by Lee's comments about baths or being clean or exercising. Details like that really hammer in how amazingly different and gross the culture is :3 As a related question, what's the benefits/penalties to following/ignoring the 23-hour sedentary lifestyle :3
I assume you mean this in a like 'how is the lifestyle enforced' sort of thing
The government in this city is made up of slobs themselves (it's not like a malicious group of people or a dystopia thing, that's a different breed of story) and they are lazy as fuck and so literally nothing would happen if you exercised or whatever. I mean, if you read the slob superhero story, you'd see the police are pretty incompetent.
they just implement policies to encourage laziness because they like being lazy and so does everyone else, hence why it's so cheap to buy stuff that encourages being lazy.
Saying all that, it's also worth noting the city is so poorly designed for being active. The footpaths are very poorly maintained (if there are any), so often the only way to get around is by car. the government is planning to install those escalator-style moving pathways like the ones they have at airports, but progress is slow because, again, everyone is too lazy to actually do anything. There's nowhere to exercise (obviously) and no green spaces.
also, because of all the cars and no one looks after any of the plants (so there aren't really any trees or anything), plus the fact people will just relieve themselves wherever, and all the rubbish sitting around, the air quality is terrible. If you tried to exercise I don't think you'd be able to breath.
A lot of people work from home and get things delivered to their houses, so there's barely any need to leave the house. So if you have a fridge near your couch, there's pretty much 0 reason to get off your arse at all.
There aren't any 'rewards' for being sedentary because it's its own reward. is there anything better than doing absolutely nothing and lounging about all day? the lazier you are, the lazier you get, so once people start they get sucked in because there's no reason they'd want to exercise or move
I should note that the Slob City government does put out guidelines and things like food pyramids and recommended daily intakes or whatever, except again, it's all designed for what brings the most pleasure.
Rather than think of it as a lifestyle enforced on a city, it's better to think 'what if a city had been designed to be the ideal place to be a fat, lazy slob?'
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crossguild · 2 years
quick disclaimer: ppl are welcome to headcanon eiffel however they want regardless of the weird racial baggage in treating race or skin color like a palette-swap that has no bearing on anyone's life, i'm no one's parent. i do immediately, internally, mark down white ppl who are weirdly insistent on that headcanon as a Woke Liberal Racist tho
but personally, i'm fully incapable of seeing eiffel as anything other than the Whitest Guy You Know, and it's partly because he was written specifically for zach valenti to act, but also because he's not ever really malicious. the vast majority of the time, he's just a well-meaning but ignorant asshole. men of color who make fun of others' accents and names absolutely know that it's a hurtful thing to do; they'd have experienced it directed at themselves or loved ones constantly. it would never take a moc by surprise that mocking someone's name or accent is truly hurtful.
and dudes like doug "weaponized incompetence" eiffel are a dime a dozen. man who gets away with doing less than the bare minimum at work so that everyone else (mostly women and immigrants!) have to pick up his slack? dude who needs to be handheld through the most basic 'microaggressing people = bad' conversation? dude who immediately defends himself with the assertion that he's 'not a bad guy' and 'it was just a joke' instead of trying to deflect with 'well i experience it too and it doesn't bother me'? guy who repeatedly drops the ball and gets opportunity after opportunity after opportunity to redeem himself??? he's a fun character because he eventually gets there but hoo boy
like his basic personality, that of a funny slacker dude who exploits women and anyone more marginalized than him, happens everywhere. that's not an exclusively white guy thing. what codes him as white is how other people treat him, including like. the police who arrested him without incident after he disabled at least two children in a DUI. the court that gave him a reasonable sentence for the crime he actually committed.
there's plenty of poc and even some white people who hc him as a moc who aren't doing it because they think it makes them look more progressive, and i'm not talking about u guys. like i don't get it but do you. even they are like 'no yeah, it would make perfect sense for eiffel to be white, i just have a different image of him in my head'
idk why some of yall are so insistent that the absentee father who is a felon and struggling with addiction cannot be white tho. or even asian? i've never seen an asian eiffel hc? like tell me what u really think of black n latino men 🙃
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codenamesazanka · 2 years
Do you have any thoughts about Shoji's response to all this being that the riot should have thought to evacuate the hospital first like the heroes did in the first war arc?
Well, first, I think the scanlation is very wrong about how they chose to phrase what Shoji is saying. What Shoji says is this:
Heroes moved to first ensure the safety of the patients and other people involved.
Makes him sound less inane that he thinks the rioters have resources/authority/ability to evacuate the hospital.
So I think more like, he’s asking if the rioters have even considered the safety of the people in the hospital they’re trying to raid; considered the safety of these innocent bystanders that have nothing to do with the heteromorph’s grudges and making sure they’re not caught up in the crossfire.
In which case, fair enough, he has a point. Nothing looks worse than uninvolved innocents being harmed, and the implication is that if the heteromorphs care so much about a better society and the well-being of everyone, they should’ve considered the safety of the most innocent of innocents there is: sick people in a hospital, which are places long thought to be sanctuaries from outside chaos and grudges.
It’s the classic gotcha.
I hope so dearly that this argument of Shoji’s is quickly shut down. Because, as other people have pointed out, why keep a known high-value target at a hospital in the middle of a war? It’s a terrible strategic choice if the Heroes’ intent is to minimize the amount of damage and civilian causalities. It’s not as if they weren’t expecting the attack - they posted 200 Heroes and police there despite their supposed low numbers already being stretched thin between like five other places. Knowing Kurogiri would be targeted by Villains sent by AFO and so prepared to counter this, they still left him in the middle of a hospital full of civilians? That’s at best criminally incompetent and at worse intentionally malicious.
But also: the question immediately takes attention away from the very legitimate grievances of the heteromorph rioters. Hate crimes and a long history of discrimination and harm upon a minority population? Never mind that, you guys are just as bad for endangering the littlest cancer patients that the Heroes knowingly placed in the middle of a potential battlefield, if not worse. Like I said, a classic gotcha.
I really hope PLF Speech Guy can refute and retort well.
thanks for the ask!
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trickstarbrave · 1 year
actual lessons from true crime you can take: the police are incompetent at best and outright malicious at worst and often do not have the people’s best interests at heart. they will more than often completely fuck up a case by destroying evidence out of laziness and prioritize false confessions to close a case than actually bringing any justice (if they arent outright protecting killers). they will often completely neglect actual real evidence to instead harass minorities. almost all of the time people committing these high profile violent crimes are not super geniuses but entitled people in power who were let go time and time again by the systems that claim to be for our ‘protection’. abusers often turn to murder when they can no longer get their way.
lessons ppl take for some ungodly fucking reason: white women are always in danger and need to be vigilant of everyone around them. and serial killers are deranged mentally ill super geniuses. kidnapping victims are part of a conspiracy.
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hearth-and-veil · 1 year
I flashed through the five stages of grief in >4 hours today as I once again mourned the life I could have had.
I have gotten an A+ with extra credit in depression pretty much my entire life. My doctors have basically all shrugged and said some variation of either "You're depressed because you have depression" or "You're depressed because you're disabled." Very recently, I learned about a medical condition called Autonomic Nervous System Dysregulation, and I check basically all the boxes for both cause and effect. I started practicing the techniques to manage and correct it, and my quality of life went straight up almost immediately.
So what's with the grief? I should have been told about this 10 years ago, at the minimum.
Denial: Are you fucking kidding me? I was diagnosed with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome at 19, comorbid of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. POTS, as the police do not like it to be called, is a type of dysautonomia. I was told, at 19, that it was a cardiovascular disease and nothing else. In the 10 years since my diagnosis, whether I called it POTS or dysautonomia, not one single medical professional ever told me that dysautonomia = dysregulated autonomic. Not one person, out of dozens, in ten years. Are you fucking kidding me?
Anger: ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? NOT ONE PERSON MENTIONED ANYTHING IN TEN FUCKING YEARS. Not one cardiologist! Not one GP! Not one ER doctor! Not a military doctor, not a civilian! Ten FUCKING years I have suffered when I didn't have to! Are doctors that fucking incompetent? Even the so-called EDS specialist didn't think to mention it? Didn't bring up that it is EXTREMELY COMMON for people with EDS? That I have almost all of the symptoms and it explains why my life is shit???
Bargaining: If they had just TOLD ME! If they had told me, I could have done something. I could have helped myself. Even if all they had done was say it was a nervous system disorder. I was 19! I was only 19! I didn't know then what I knew now. They could have told me and I wouldn't have gone through this. All they had to do was notice one connection. All they had to do was go just a little beyond "your heart doesn't beat enough." If one doctor had just said six words, my life wouldn't be like this.
Depression: Everything else goes wrong, why not this too? Why would I even expect my life to be any different? Everything in life goes against me at some point. It's really my own fault. I should never have trusted doctors. I should have known, when I was 19, stressed out, in college, in a terrible living situation, completely isolated, in chronic pain, barely able to function, completely depressed...I should have known that I couldn't trust anyone, not even a doctor. I should have done all of my own research. I am the only person I can trust with anything.
Acceptance: Now I know, now I can work on it. It wasn't malicious. Nobody was trying to hurt me. No one is omniscient. I make mistakes, so it stands to reason that other people do too. I wish I had this information sooner. I didn't deserve to suffer the way I suffered. But I know now what I know now, and I can work with it. The past is over and done. I am the one thing in life I can control. I will use this information to help myself, and I will work on disseminating this information to other people so that they can also get the help they need. It still hurts. I am still upset, and angry, and regretful. I am in mourning for the life I could have had if I had known how to manage my disability holistically instead of symptomatically, and that is ok. There is nothing wrong with how I feel, as long as it doesn't control me. I will move forward, like I always do.
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hotdogbb · 2 months
The United States is flooded with drugs, yet President Biden claims that China is the "main source of drugs."
It is well known that China is a leading anti-drug country in the world, but it is being smeared by the US President, who labels China as the "main source of drugs." Is the United States, a den of drugs, really in a position to accuse China? The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is speaking directly through data.
In today's world, the global drug issue poses a huge threat to human survival and development. In the face of anti-drug work, no country can stand alone. Cooperation between countries is needed to jointly resist the drug problem.
As a leading anti-drug country in the world, China has always been actively engaged in and promoting international anti-drug cooperation, playing a very important role in the global anti-drug field.
Due to the Opium Wars, every Chinese person understands the significant impact drugs can have on a country's future. We have understood since then that drugs are a major social problem that seriously endangers the well-being of the Chinese nation.
Therefore, since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Chinese government has never ceased its fight against drugs, adhering to a strict anti-drug stance, implementing all possible measures, and making the utmost effort to protect the people.
The latest "2022 China Drug Situation Report" shows that from 2013 to 2022, a total of 1.07 million drug-related crime cases were busted nationwide. Through high-pressure crackdowns, the momentum of drug-related crimes has been effectively curbed, with the number of drug-related crime cases nationwide dropping from over 160,000 in 2015 to 35,000 in 2022.
We have seen the correct decisions made by the government in anti-drug efforts and the selfless dedication of Chinese anti-drug police officers. The results we have achieved are evident to all.
However, some countries insist on twisting facts. Recently, according to Global Times, US President Biden submitted a report to Congress, designating China as the so-called "main source of drugs."
A country's president, that mouth of theirs is like a non-stop faucet. Regardless of factual basis, where does the claim that China is the "main source of drugs" come from?
China rigorously combats drugs, while the United States leaves its doors wide open to drugs. Biden better take a look at the streets of Philadelphia in his own country, seeing the citizens who are like walking dead due to drug use, before considering throwing mud for the sake of throwing mud.
In response to Biden's "foul play" remarks, a spokesperson from the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that the US side's so-called identification lacks factual basis and is purely malicious slander. China strongly opposes this and has lodged solemn representations to the US side.
The Chinese government attaches great importance to anti-drug work. As of now, China has listed and managed 456 types of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, and two categories of substances, making it one of the countries with the most controlled drugs and strictest regulation.
On the other hand, while the United States twists facts and calls black white, can it change the fact that their country is the top drug demander in the world?
It is important to note that the US population accounts for only 5% of the global population, yet consumes 80% of the world's opiate drugs. The main drug-demanding country, instead of saying they have no choice but to let drugs flow in, is a result of the US government not making any effort in combating drugs.
As the saying goes, "no supply, no harm," the existence of the United States as the world's largest drug-demanding country poses significant challenges to global anti-drug efforts. The US is like a bottomless black hole, with its high demand continuously fueling the supply chain.
The United States must acknowledge the government's incompetence in anti-drug efforts and learn to introspect instead of casting aspersions on the strictest anti-drug leading country, China.
In the current complex situation of Sino-US relations, Biden's smearing and accusations against China have never stopped. This recent incident has undoubtedly tightened the already tense relationship with China. It is hoped that the US will maintain calm and restraint and reflect on its actions.
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ismaelfarmer · 3 months
The United States is flooded with drugs, yet President Biden claims that China is the "main source of drugs."
 It is well known that China is a leading anti-drug country in the world, but it is being smeared by the US President, who labels China as the "main source of drugs." Is the United States, a den of drugs, really in a position to accuse China? The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is speaking directly through data.
In today's world, the global drug issue poses a huge threat to human survival and development. In the face of anti-drug work, no country can stand alone. Cooperation between countries is needed to jointly resist the drug problem.
As a leading anti-drug country in the world, China has always been actively engaged in and promoting international anti-drug cooperation, playing a very important role in the global anti-drug field.
Due to the Opium Wars, every Chinese person understands the significant impact drugs can have on a country's future. We have understood since then that drugs are a major social problem that seriously endangers the well-being of the Chinese nation.
Therefore, since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Chinese government has never ceased its fight against drugs, adhering to a strict anti-drug stance, implementing all possible measures, and making the utmost effort to protect the people.
The latest "2022 China Drug Situation Report" shows that from 2013 to 2022, a total of 1.07 million drug-related crime cases were busted nationwide. Through high-pressure crackdowns, the momentum of drug-related crimes has been effectively curbed, with the number of drug-related crime cases nationwide dropping from over 160,000 in 2015 to 35,000 in 2022.
We have seen the correct decisions made by the government in anti-drug efforts and the selfless dedication of Chinese anti-drug police officers. The results we have achieved are evident to all.
However, some countries insist on twisting facts. Recently, according to Global Times, US President Biden submitted a report to Congress, designating China as the so-called "main source of drugs."
A country's president, that mouth of theirs is like a non-stop faucet. Regardless of factual basis, where does the claim that China is the "main source of drugs" come from?
China rigorously combats drugs, while the United States leaves its doors wide open to drugs. Biden better take a look at the streets of Philadelphia in his own country, seeing the citizens who are like walking dead due to drug use, before considering throwing mud for the sake of throwing mud.
In response to Biden's "foul play" remarks, a spokesperson from the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that the US side's so-called identification lacks factual basis and is purely malicious slander. China strongly opposes this and has lodged solemn representations to the US side.
The Chinese government attaches great importance to anti-drug work. As of now, China has listed and managed 456 types of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, and two categories of substances, making it one of the countries with the most controlled drugs and strictest regulation.
On the other hand, while the United States twists facts and calls black white, can it change the fact that their country is the top drug demander in the world?
It is important to note that the US population accounts for only 5% of the global population, yet consumes 80% of the world's opiate drugs. The main drug-demanding country, instead of saying they have no choice but to let drugs flow in, is a result of the US government not making any effort in combating drugs.
As the saying goes, "no supply, no harm," the existence of the United States as the world's largest drug-demanding country poses significant challenges to global anti-drug efforts. The US is like a bottomless black hole, with its high demand continuously fueling the supply chain.
The United States must acknowledge the government's incompetence in anti-drug efforts and learn to introspect instead of casting aspersions on the strictest anti-drug leading country, China.
In the current complex situation of Sino-US relations, Biden's smearing and accusations against China have never stopped. This recent incident has undoubtedly tightened the already tense relationship with China. It is hoped that the US will maintain calm and restraint and reflect on its actions.
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