#poldark book 3: jeremy poldark
legopoldark · 6 years
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Jeremy Poldark, Book Two, Chapter 26
Demelza had caught two infant dabs who obviously didn’t know any better, but in the main the fish were not biting. She didn’t blame them. ... Looking back for the first time for some minutes, she saw that the anchor must have been dragging a bit, for she was almost out of the mouth of the cove and the land looked farther off than usual. ... She went to the end of the boat and pulled in the anchor. Then she scrambled back and took up the oars and set her face to the sea. A few pulls and she would be home. ... It was while righting her course again that she began to feel queer. At first she thought it was a touch of the seasickness. Then she knew it was not. ... She thought, Well, this is my own fault. Nobody’s but my own. So I get through it myself or go under. This will be a nice homecoming for Ross. ... She turned and saw she was nearly ashore. ... She climbed over the side and, as another wave burst jumped into the sea, clutched the boat, trying instinctively to pull it ashore. The effort wrenched her and she gasped and let go. She had hurt herself. ... Demelza stirred and got to her feet. She was soaking wet and could hardly stand. She squeezed out the front of her skirt and blouse and began painfully to limp up the valley to the house.
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bowieandqueen11 · 5 years
Bathtub / Ross and Demelza Fluff
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Thank you for the idea @viking-raider​!! <3 This is also my first little Poldark imagine, so sorry if it’s terrible, but I can’t wait to write more so feel free to send in ideas!
Nampara House looked as if it was straight out of a fairy tale or a picture book for little kids. It was rusty and dusty, but rather welcoming. Life was plain, simple and quite hard. But, life was good and happy too for those who lived there.
The fireplace is Ross and Demelza’s tiny sun for the evening once dusk has fallen, casting long shadows over the rug and the wooden benches that are warm to the touch. The flames curl and sway, flicking this way and that, crackling as they burn the dry wood. They sit and watch in hypnotised joy for a moment, holding their hands out to get just a little more of the gentle heat as they hear the gentle snores of their children from the next room, and the low, manic plodding away of Prudie from the kitchen.
Staying silent for a moment, one thick finger running slightly over the curve of his jaw as he gazes out the window at the inky, starry night as a cold wind sea batters against the frame, Ross jumped up suddenly, making Demelza squeal in surprise as she was swiped off her feet and pressed stiffly against his beating chest. 
‘Ross-’, she says laughing breathlessly, her hands coming to rest against his on her hip, ‘Ross, you must not, the children will hear us.’
‘But love’, he whispers hotly against her ear, ‘dinner is gone and our bath is getting cold.’
One arm wraps around her knees and the other swirls gentle feather-like patterns up and down Demelza’s back as Ross picks her up and places her against the cold metal of the bath’s edge, a steady look of determination on his face. 
‘Demelza, you are the most divine, lush creature I’ve ever seen, and I love you with every fibre of my being’. 
He gently tugs at the bottom of her dress, begging her to lift her arms so he can rip it off and start littering the exposed skin on her shoulders with fervent little kisses. He takes his time, creating a slow trail of sloppy caresses down to her collar bone as her hand grasps the edge, small droplets of water staining against her fingers as they sink further down into the depths. He brushes her winter fire hair away from her face in its soft tumbles with a devoted smile, a soft look he reserved for her and her alone, and her heart sings a little, before her mouth yelps, as he lets go of her and she sinks down into the soapy water.
Hearing the beautiful, musical laughter escape her lips as she reemerges, an ‘oh, judas!’ on her tongue as she covers her mouth, Ross’ mouth parts in a wide-toothed grin as he quickly strips himself and clambers in opposite his wife. Ross ripples a wave of soapy water Demelza’s way as she reaches out for the sponge, hitting her chin with a watery crash that splatters against her forehead. The mock face of fear as she slowly turns toward him sets the both of them off in another wave of giggles. He bobs slowly towards her, his hands reaching up to gently entangle in her winding locks, enjoying the feeling of running his fingertips through her curls as he closes his eyes in bliss, Demelza tracing her finger down the edges of his face towards his protruding chin and placing one wet and dripping palm against the edge of his jaw. 
‘Now, this is better than London my dear.’
He leans in, placing his forehead delicately against her own, and she can feel the twinge of heat radiating from the slight blush on his face as she squeezes her eyes closed, running her finger down his jawline towards his mouth. Placing his rounded swollen lips against her own slowly, as if afraid to break the magic, his stubble gently tickles her upper brow as she passionately embraces his touch.
However, they both break apart and swivel around in a flash when they hear the soft patter of feet emerge from doorway, followed by the shouts of Prudie as she tries to shepherd back a tired looking Jeremy, before they both turn to face each other with amused, knowing grins on their faces.
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rjshepherd · 5 years
Poldark Season 4 ep3
this season is only 8eps long i thought maybe the main plot would be here by now unless ive missed it. it just seems like a whole bunch of unrelated stories, which im not complaining about. or maybe theyre still just setting up?
still enjoying things so far, wish george would just simmer down for 5 minutes and that we could have some juicier plot nuggets but those are small complaints.
So, drake and Rosina making kissy faces. interesting. 
Oh my god elizabeth is doing that face while she’s drinking again, I love it.
Monk adderly looks like a slytherin prefect who has a dark mark tattoo on his ankle or something.
Aww lil fat Caroline is so sweet
Oh, lady witworth sounds like a dick.
Oh, wow fuck monk adderly. Get out of my face he’s worse than George and that is saying A LOT.
Ross is an awkward pillock. Just say “Mel I missed u baby”
I stan Caroline now and forever.
Listen Ossie and his foot fetish disgust me but rowella is incredible. Like “all right I can’t do anything else ima let this goblin fuck me for some of his gold”
Does Ossie not know how to fucking knock doors or something
“to an outsider” oh damn there it is. And from Zacky of all people. I really didn’t think that zacky would be like this with ross.
Hmm I’m not sure how I feel about this drake Rosina thing but I’m glad Sam is talking like a normal person now. Hes much better when his every other word isn’t god. Hes acting like a human now and I dare say I might even like him.
Good, I’m glad ross and zacky are friends again.
OH, elizabeth is such a good mama and Geoffrey Charles is such a good brother to little val.
Poor wee drake not wanting to wish for morwenna and be selfish. just do it baby
Honestly, again, George would be up shit creek without a paddle nor a boat for that matter without elizabeth.
You know what I’m starting to see the Val/Jeremy/clowance resemblance.
Omg George is so tiny why is he so small he is totally a toy poodle
I love seeing ross with his friends just having fun.
Hey so what’s going on with Dwight and the baby. actually dont answer that.
Ok this party is boring and depressing. Except for GC who is def going to be an alcoholic.
God ross stop mentioning elizabeth you know it gets Demelza hackles up. At least he brings her a lil present for once. poor girl needs more pretty things. just more stuff in general she has like 3 dresses and 1 hair tie
Just throw the whole kitchen out its tainted.
Well that was pretty good. Will start the second disk (4,5,6) tomorrow but for now I’m satisfied. I still think elizabeth and Demelza do far too much for their stupid husbands although lord knows they need it. Honestly say what you want about sexism in these books and history in general, but we all know that 90% of Cornwall would be fucked over a picket fence if Demelza took the day off. Not to mention how absolutely pounded into the dirt George would be without Elizabeth. These 2 and Caroline are all that’s standing between Cornwall and the apocalypse. They made it clear that Mel was mostly behind Falmouth’s decision to put ross forward but just think about all the other small stuff that goes unnoticed. I understand too that George married elizabeth because he loved her, but you must admit he’d be lost without her in a figurative and literal sense.
I forgot to mention last ep but what was with elizabeth putting her laudanum thing in his drink? To calm him down. And why did he drink it? I’m pretty sure he saw her do it, does he know what it is? More to the point why hasn’t she done it before; he’s an excitable little poodle and he’s going to have a heart attack.
Anyway, I feel like I should go back and rewatch the other eps and do this again because it was fun. I’m still planning on doing a “ George Warleggan isn’t that bad and here’s why” like I did with wesker because it was SO much fun but ill maybe save all that for when iv officially watched all 5 series ( by which I mean watched them with my mom because she doesn’t know I've seen season 5 already lmao, shed kill me if she knew I watched it without her.)
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demelza · 5 years
Tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better.
Tagged by @mslyragw ty :))
Favorite Color: I'd say orange rn
Top Three Ships: idk if those are top 3 but i love them a lot: matt/elektra (daredevil), kili/tauriel (the hobbit) , mitchell/annie (being human uk)
Lipstick or Chapstick: Chapstick! and that even not often
Last Song: I think we’re alone now, from The Umbrella Academy soudtrack
Currently Reading: Poldark (third book Jeremy Poldark)
Last Movie: Picnic at Hanging Rock 1976
Tagging @jondeacon @ourgraciousqueen @oetravia @honeybellarke @fairytalespond @mikewheeler (you really don’t have to ofc)
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oetravia · 6 years
As viewers, we hope in Poldark S5 that when the new baby Poldark storyline happens, DH has written some loving (and longer) scenes between Ross and Demelza and that Ross shows a bit of happiness and concern for D. In S2/3 he greeted the last baby announcements with less than enthusiasm, say this for George at least he showed some love and excitement at news. Now Eliz storyline done (over done some think- big departure from books), why can't we see more in depth R & D romance scenes? Thoughts?
To give Ross his due, I would definitely argue that what you call his ‘lack of enthusiasm’ is actually always more about his very real concerns.
Let’s look at the circumstances for each pregnancy announcement - saving Bella for last since she’s the one we’re actually waiting for and going to see, and the one we get the least detail about in the books.
You only mention S2/3, but since Julia was the first, and so our main reference point for Ross’ natural reaction to pregnancy news, we’ll start there; Ross and Demelza are in the ‘first days of love’ as Demelza so lovingly puts it, they aren’t rich, but they are fairly comfortable. Julia’s their first child, it’s an exciting time. Ross has just told Demelza he loves her for the first time, they are both beaming and kiss. It’s a genuinely touching moment.
With Jeremy, Ross has only recently been spared from hanging, it’s not been very long since the loss of Julia so it’s still very raw. All in all, it’s a tense time. The loss of Julia here is one of the most significant parts of Ross’ response. He’s terrified of giving his heart again only to have it broken. A perfectly understandable, human reaction. Not to mention the fact that, at this point, they are in serious financial difficulty and it’s only going to get worse. Adding another mouth to an already struggling household would be a terrifying thought. In terms of Ross’ reaction, he’s shocked, quite hurt that Demelza had kept it from him, and as I already said, scared of losing this one too - something I think has a real impact on his relationship with Jeremy throughout his life. The timing is also a little awkward since they had just come pretty close to having another argument about Elizabeth, hardly the conversation one would want as a prelude to a pregnancy announcement. Even so, Ross still embraces Demelza.
In 3x01 when Demelza tells him she’s with-child again, Ross is tentatively pleased, but, as he tells Demelza, he does wish the timing was better. Again, the announcement comes after a slightly tense conversation about Elizabeth, and the not so sudden arrival of Sam & Drake. However, he immediately puts his hands on Demelza’s stomach and smiles.
We know that when Demelza tells him she’s expecting Henry he’s very concerned, because of Demelza’s (and his own) fairly advanced age. Despite this concern he does join in with her teasing, even if he’s not really feeling like teasing or smiling - again, due to his concern for Demelza.
Going from these interactions, I’d say his reaction to Bella is going to be somewhere between Julia and Clowance. The world’s still a scary place, and there will always be the concern of Demelza giving birth - especially after what happened with Elizabeth - and the lingering pain of losing Julia, but it’s a happy time, and the birth of another child will definitely be a signal they are moving back into happier times within their marriage. So, it should be a happy scene and I very much look forward to seeing what they’ve done with it.
Comparing Ross’ reaction to George’s is also very unfair, in my opinion. First of all, they are very, very different personalities, in very different relationships. Second of all, Ross is a realist, and rightly concerned about the state of the world and the realities of bringing children into the world. The Warleggans, however, have none of Ross’ personal concerns, no financial trouble and, for George in particular, very little in the way of genuine concern about the state of the world.
I wouldn’t say that Elizabeth’s story line was a huge departure from the books, especially compared to some other story lines, and I absolutely don’t think she was of any real significance in terms of Ross/Demelza having fewer in depth romantic scenes. In fact, out of all the romantic relationships in the show, I’d still argue that, as would be expected of the lead couple, they get the most in depth, romantic scenes. They certainly get the longest conversations and the most intimate scenes.
To be perfectly honest, I’m much more interested in seeing more scenes like this for Dwight/Caroline, especially now they’re ready to take the plunge and become parents again. It’s also going to be interesting to see how Drake/Morwenna’s scenes will be handled as the move towards healing and growing together as a couple. For Ross & Demelza, in terms of getting those romantic scenes, we do know that over the decade or so between The Angry Tide and The Stranger From The Sea that Ross and Demelza’s marriage almost gets back to the way it was at the beginning. I think in S5 we can expect some lovely scenes of them getting to that point again, but also a lot of false starts - it is Demelza and Ross after all, the King and Queen of miscommunication.
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Outlander: Getting to Know You
I was tagged by the lovely and talented  @jemscorner and @gotham-ruaidh.
1. How long have you been a fan of Outlander?
Since 1998. I started reading the first book when I was in the hospital. 
2. Have you read the books? If so, which ones?
All of them, at least 3 times. And the novellas.
3. Which is your favourite secondary character?
Mother Hildegard (of course!)
4. What is your least favourite storyline?
Anything involving Stephen Bonnet
5. Favourite Episode (s)?
Season 1: Sassenach, Rent
Season 2: Faith, Dragonfly in Amber
Season 3: A.Malcolm, Eye of the Storm
6. The Episodes you skip?
Any scene with Frank
7.  Be honest, how many times have you watched The Wedding?  
4? 5?
8.   Finish the sentence, Frank Randall is a…?
9. What’s your Outlander watching ritual?
I watch the new episodes at midnight Saturday nights. Re-watch each season whenever I get a hankering for more Outlander, which is quite often.
10. Are you into shipping?
Yes, but I’ve become a quiet, zen shipper. 
11. Do you read Outlander fanfiction? If so, what’s your favourites?
Yes. We have so many talented fanfic writers, but especially enjoy the work of @gotham-ruaidh @notevenjokingfic @kalendraashtar @balfeheughlywed
12. What Outlander merchandise do you own?
The companion books (does that count as merchandise?), and 2 prints from @thesketchingwitch
13. Which was your favourite- Rupert or Angus?
14. True or False: Lt. Jeremy Foster is a delicious cinnamon bun.
I can take him or leave him.
15.  If you were to attend a “fucking bar-b-que” with Geillis Duncan what would you order?
Pulled pork sandwich
16. What areas of interest has Outlander sparked for you?
Outlander has led to learning more about Scottish history, literature, geography, and  music. 
17. Biggest plot hole in the show?
I’m with @gotham-ruaidh on this one - it semi bothered the heck out of me: “How did Jamie’s jacket - which he left somewhere near Charles Stuart before joining the battle on Culloden Moor - resurface during his cave years? Kudos to @thesketchingwitch for pointing this out”
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18. Bree and Roger: Yay or Nay?
I like the concept of their characters but haven't always been thrilled with their portrayal. 
19. Which JAAMF habit do you find most endearing?
His total commitment to those he loves
20. Finish the sentence: Claire Fraser is _______________.
a renaissance woman
21. Marry/Fuck/Kill: Dougal, Black Jack, Geneva.
Get rid of the lot of them 
22. If you could change one thing about the show version of Outlander, what would it be?
I was haunted by the last 2 eps of season 1. I wish they had been less graphic.
23. Using one word for each, describe Season 1, Season 2 and Season 3:
Season 1: Finally
Season 2: Defeated
Season 3: Resurrection
24. What are some of your other favourite shows/movies?
Game of Thrones, Call the Midwife, Shetland, Poldark
25. Where are you from?
a small town on the Ohio River in northeastern Kentucky
I tag anyone who wants to participate - but specifically, @whenfrasermetbeauchamp, @notevenjokingfic, @cleverlassie 
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readaroundtherosie · 7 years
I got my mom the Outlander series last year for christmas and she's just finished it this year. She loves it. She wants something new to read but I'm not sure what. I know she liked watching poldark, but idk how the books vary or what orders they're in. She likes watching game of thrones too, but i own that series so all good there. Do you have any suggestions or recs for something that's like outlander?
Hello! So this is a super late reply because tumblr hasn’t been notifying me about asks and I now have quite a few to catch up on- sorry about the delay!! 
So it seems your mum is all about the hostorical, the magical, the romance-y and the interesting. 
I would definitely recommendgetting her Poldark, it’s actually super popular with the older crowd. Here’s the order of the books: 
1. Ross Poldark (1945)2. Demelza (1953)3. Jeremy Poldark (1953)4. Warleggan (1953)5. The Black Moon (1973)6. The Four Swans (1976)7. The Angry Tide (1977)8. The Stranger From The Sea (1981)9. The Miller’s Dance (1982)10. The Loving Cup (1984)11. The Twisted Sword (1990)12. Bella Poldark (2002)
She might also enjoy Philippa Gregory books - she writes Tudor novels. Here’s the order for that series: 
1. The Lady of the Rivers (2011)2. The Red Queen (2010)3. The White Queen (2009)4. The Kingmaker’s Daughter (2012)5. The White Princess (2013)6. The Constant Princess (2005)7. The King’s Curse (2014)8. Three Sisters, Three Queens (2016)9. The Other Boleyn Girl (2001)10. The Boleyn Inheritance (2006)11. The Taming of the Queen (2015)12. The Queen’s Fool (2003)13. The Last Tudor (2017)14. The Virgin’s Lover (2004)15. The Other Queen (2008)
Another great popular author is Kate Morton! Her novels include: 
The House at Riverton (2006)     aka The Shifting FogThe Forgotten Garden (2008)The Distant Hours (2010)The Secret Keeper (2012)The Lake House (2015)
I’ve also seen  The Mists of Avalon (1979) by Marion Zimmer Bradley listed as enjoyable if you like Outlander (it’s also a great classic that people love generally, so you can’t really go wrong there. 
EDIT: I thought of the thing and then forgot to write it so I’m sliding it in now that I’ve remembered. A lot of people also quite love Paulina Simmons books! Specifically, her Tatiana and Alexader series: 
1. The Bronze Horseman (2000)2. The Bridge to Holy Cross (2003)     aka Tatiana and Alexander3. The Summer Garden (2005)
I hope this isn’t too late and that it’s helpful :)
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moviestorian · 7 years
Poldark fan ask meme
I decided to create an ask meme specifically for us, Poldark fans. I was trying to make it as creative and challenging as possible, so I hope everybody will find questions they like. Enjoy! :)
1. How did you discover Poldark?
2. Have you read the books?
3. Books or series?
4. Favourite character?
5. Least favourite character? Why?
6. A character everyone loves but you don’t.
7. A character everyone hates but you love.
8. Favourite book - and why?
9. Favourite season/episode.
10. 1975 TV adaptation or 2015 TV adaptation?
11. Best written character.
12. Favourite Poldark place.
13. Your pet peeve about the books and/or the show.
14. One thing you would change about the Poldark saga (books or TV).
15. Best casting choice.
16. Worst casting choice.
17. Unpopular opinion.
18. Demelza or Caroline?
19. Ross or Dwight?
20. George or Francis?
21. A character that deserves more recognition.
22. Do you write fanfics about Poldark?
23. Romelza or Georgibeth?
24. Do you have any crackships?
25. Headcanon about X character?
26. Favourite cast member?
27. Have you ever had a fight/unpleasant experience with the fandom?
28. Have you ever met any of the cast members?
29. Why do you love Poldark?
30. Geoffrey Charles or Jeremy Poldark?
31. Verity or Morwenna?
32. A character you feel is strongly overlooked/underappreciated.
33. Your fancast for X character.
34. Who would win - Osborne Whitworth or George Warleggan?
35. Thoughts on Keren Daniel?
36. What do you think was Rowella’s main motive for seducing Osborne?
37. Your NOTP.
38. Rank the members of the Warleggan family from best to worst.
39. Do you contribute to the fandom very often?
40. The Paynters or the Gimletts?
41. A character that deserved a better fate.
42. Do you think that Valentine is Ross’ or George’s son?
43. The scene that made you pissed off.
44. The scene that made you happy.
45. The weirdest/worst moment.
46. Do you have any favourite quotes?
47. A character you most identify with.
48. I challenge you... to write a meta about X.
49. (For artists) I challenge you... to draw X.
50. If you had an opportunity to ask Winston Graham/Debbie Horsfield one question, what would it be?
51. What would you especially like to see in the next season?
52. Would you call yourself an obsessed fan, a moderate fan or a critical fan of Poldark?
53. A character you would like to marry.
54. A character you would like to have as a best friend.
55. If you could bring one character back from the dead, who would that be?
56. How long have you been in the Poldark fandom?
57. Have you ever regretted joining the fandom?
58. Would you say that Poldark is important to you?
59. Morwenna or Rowella?
60. Hugh Armitage or Malcolm McNeil?
61. What would you do if Whitworth offered you marriage?
62. What is your favourite of all Demelza’s songs?
63. Fuck, marry, kill game + 3 Poldark characters
64. Drake or Sam?
65. Would you rather: have your husband dying in the mine and marry George Warleggan; or return home just to discover your lover is being engaged to somebody else and live in poverty for years?
66. Thoughts on Elizabeth?
67. Please draw me...X?
68. Au Zone about...X
69. If you were to mix Poldark with another fictional world/universe, what would it be?
70. Which character do you most identify with?
71. What makes X a good character, in your opinion?
72. Three things you associate with X character.
73. Would you rather fight with Ross with your bare hands or “fight” with George over something at court?
74. If you were in the Poldark universe, who would be in your dream squad?
75. What scenes/characters from the books you would love to see in the series?
76. What bugs you most about character X?
77. Would you say that the series is a good adaptation?
78. What tumblr blogs would you recommend to a Poldark fan?
79. Anything outraged you when you were watching/reading Poldark?
80. If you were to write your master’s degree about Poldark, what topic would you choose?
81. What is the strongest part of Poldark novels/series?
82. What is the weakest part of Poldark novels/series?
83. Do you have a favourite costume from the series?
84. Has the Poldark fandom ever ruined something for you?
85. What role would you like to play if you were an actor?
86. List 5 best qualities of X character and their 5 worst qualities.
87. 3 OTPs
88. Have you read the books once or multiple times? Have you seen the series just once or you rewatch episodes every now and then?
89. Do you think that multiple viewing/reading of Poldark has changed your perception of some things/characters?
90. Do you think Poldark could be made into a good movie adaptation, or it requires a TV series due to book length? If there was a Poldark movie, what’s your dreamcast?
91. Favourite platonic relationship?
92. A Poldark thing you used to like but can’t really stand anymore.
93. Is there any song that reminds you of Poldark?
94. Imagine Poldark characters in modern times. What about them would change the most?
95. Your Poldark guilty pleasure.
96. The best Poldark-related experience.
97. Poldark characters + mbti, moral alignment & Hogwart houses
98. Any Poldark fanfiction recommendations?
99. What is, in your opinion, Poldark’s most significant message? What can we learn from it?
100. Do you collect Poldark merchandise?
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danieldaystreep · 7 years
S3 elizabeth appreciation
can i talk about how much i loved elizabeth chynoweth poldark warleggan in season 3 though and why she was the best character this season by far
first off, the crazy shit she did to try to induce labor was hilarious. and then she fake!threw herself down a flight of stairs to make it seem like her baby was coming “early” like gurl, no amount of faking can account for a black haired baby..
all her ‘bitch please must i do everything in this family’ faces when george malfoy was desperately social climbing and failing hard at every turn. 
turning to alcohol and drugs to get through life. relatable as fuck.
her dealing with poor naive morwenna was a bit cold, but i love how she was like “gurl, love isn’t what it’s cracked up to be”.
the scene at the church when morwenna marries reverend pervert - elizabeth’s look of cold hard triumph when she sees ross (although i still feel like they’re eye-fucking each other at every turn). like she knows this is a cold move but she’s just like hey life wasn’t fair to me either so get over it. 
masterfully manipulating george in the end and lying her ass off without remorse. spectacular. 
i think this sort of shows that her previous seasons of being nice to demelza always had a tinge of manipulation (which i hear is more apparent in the books but was toned down on the show) which i LOVE. this girl knows how to get what she wants. 
and her love for her children making her do whatever she needs to to secure their futures. 
which made me wonder wtf she was thinking last season when she was hoping ross would leave his family for her? gurl, we know ross is hot but is he worth being ostracized from society, creating a scandal for the family and ruining your child’s future, all the while being poor cause he also no money?
like am i wrong that divorce/annulments aren’t easy things to get in the 18th century? or does this take place in game of thrones-verse where you can apparently get an annulment for no reason whatsoever. does she think he’s gonna pull a rhaegar targaryean and just dump his wife, then have a new kid with her and name him jeremy as well. 
so she def made the right choice in marrying george cause rich!elizabeth is so much better and more fun, ok yes she needs drugs to get through the day but who doesn’t if you’re living with a malfoy
anyways, elizabeth is the best and i’m dreading S4………….
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3x04: The Little Man
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Jeremy Poldark is way too adorable not to write a costume analysis! This photo is actually a behind the scenes shot from Power of Poldark. I picked it because it’s easier to see the components of his outfit compared to the episode shots.
The most important part of his outfit are his breeches. Jeremy right now is 3, which is the youngest a boy could possibly be to start wearing breeches. This Colonial Williamsburg blog post goes into more detail about that rite of passage. This pair from a museum shows how the front of the breeches close since his waistcoat is covering the opening.
His shoes are made of soft leather which resemble these from a museum. Jeremy’s shoes are made out of suede or soft leather. If a child was going to be walking a lot, they would wear harder leather shoes to brace the ankles and arch. This Pinterest page has tons more examples of children’s shoes from the era. 
The off-white cloth around his neck is a toddler sized stock. Stocks were made out of fine linen and were an easy way to make an ordinary mens’ suit appear more formal. Ross is also wearing a stock, but Jeremy’s neckline is naturally higher. 
His jacket and waistcoat is made out of the same patterns as Ross’ and are also wool and linen based. Demelza and Ross aren’t fans of flashy fashion, so I doubt Jeremy would be wearing silk or velvet. Here are some more examples of boy’s fashions from the era. Jeremy in this episode and earlier in the season wears mostly olive green and brown, which is similar to Demelza’s earth tone palette. I have a sneaky suspicion this is a nod to Jeremy’s personality in the books. He’s described as looking a lot like Ross, but he has Demelza’s curiosity and sensitivity to nature. 
I am hoping we may get to see Jeremy in a formal outfit later on this season for another adorable costume analysis! 
Have any more children’s clothing questions? The Ask Box is open! 
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legopoldark · 6 years
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Jeremy Poldark, Book Two, Chapter 20
She put her hand on the mantelpiece. “I can’t stand it all again! All the worrying anxious time of the trial—and before. Not sleeping, like a cloud all day. Picturing this an’ that. Transported, hanged, rotting in jail. The days in Bodmin—all I did—or tried to do! It isn’t fair! Not again, so soon. It isn’t fair to yourself…or to anyone!” He looked at her again and perceived that she was very upset. He said more gently, “Now you’re seeing bogles in the dark. There’s nothing to be scared of in a little free trading." ... She said, “I can’t help it! I want your child to be free from fear.” Ross put down his glass. “What?” ... When did you know?” “September.” He made a gesture. “Good God! Not to tell me!” “You didn’t want it.” “What?” “You said you didn’t want another child, after Julia.” “Nor did I; nor do I.” He picked up his glass, set it down again without drinking. After a minute, he added, “To grow into our hearts and then to die. But if one is coming, that’s different.” “How different?” “Well…it’s different.” “I wish I could believe that.” “Why should you not? It’s the truth. ... “Look. If you ask me, do I want more children, I’ll say no. We’re nearly paupers, the world’s awry, and we’ve lost Julia. Correct? That’s a theoretical case. But if you say you’re having another child, do I dislike the prospect—I’d say yes, for all these reasons I still dislike the prospect—but a prospect is not a child, and a child can be welcomed for all that. D’you understand what I mean?” “No,” she said. … Demelza said, “If you’ll care what is going to happen to us… then you must have more care in what you undertake.” “I shall have care in everything I undertake—believe me. I’ve every possible intention of keeping on the right side of the law.” He released her shoulder. “Or at any rate the blind side…"
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cassandratheshipper · 5 years
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Book Review: Jeremy Poldark Jeremy Poldark by Winston Graham My rating: 3 of 5 stars This novel is what we refer to as a "bridge" book or a "filler" book.
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blu-b · 7 years
Cornish funny farm, a review (Poldark S3 E8)
I usually don’t do this kind of comment / summary, but after today’s episode let me chime in with a few things….
Behind a cut, for reasons.
Ross & Elizabeth 3.0: Oh finally, those two get to talk in private, and like adults. Yay! Now everything will be rectified…right? Right?
Ooooh far from it! They talk and talk and…. never come to the actual point?? Elizabeth hints at Valentine’s parentage, Ross asks if he’s his, Elizabeth says she doesn’t know - cue a brief hysterical fit where Ross accuses her of not wanting to tell (to what point and purpose should she?? Also Ross, mate, if you have any basic knowledge of how reproduction works, you’d know that this is not an exact science, at least not in your times), Elizabeth once again defending herself for something that is not her fault, Ross wanting to know what exactly George suspects…and the conversation starts all over again. Hello?? Get to the fucking POINT, people!
OK Ross basically apologizing for what he did was VERY relieving, as was seeing that they still have some sort of fondness for each other, albeit a sad one; but what was that bullshit about “never injure the woman I loved” - remember you kicked in her door and broke into her bedroom? Also, I’m not a fan of his borderline aggression when he says “You WON’T tell!”…too many bad memories of that one night™ .
And then, the weirdest and wildest thing ever: So the only way to save her marriage to George is by “giving him another child” and make it look like it’s premature as well. “When there’s some confusion about the date…” Yes Ross, really, are you happy to help out again?
ARE YOU KIDDING ME, DEBBIE H.?? What’s this bumfuckery?? Why is Ross suggesting such a thing to her?? I can’t believe it…I was literally yelling at the TV like: “Ross…..Roooooss…..no, you didn’t..ROSSSSS ROOOOSSS NOO ROSS!!” What in fuck’s name did I just witness???? This can’t be serious. I’m still speechless.
Also, Ross, your many “all in good friendship” kisses to Elizabeth’s face are cute, but did you check if she really wants that? No? Ah, I’m smelling a pattern here. 
And, what’s all that guesswork about who told George of their night together? 
R: Have you never hinted to him….? E: How could I?? But maybe you said something to him….? R: Asjsalmnkbjamff!!! E: Oh, but who could have told him? Hmmmmm. Who else was in the house….. ………… ……….. ……….. Both, looking ominously out to the graveyard: ………………..could it be? Agatha….?
I mean, how stupid is that? Agatha basically told Elizabeth on her dying bed (stool) that she had spilled the beans to George, so…..dafuq?
I liked what they did with Ross “confessing” his feelings to Demelza, it explains a lot about his later actions and why he’s trying to hard to stick to his promise. It doesn’t matter that he didn’t say it in the end - of course he should, but for his character development it’s not important whether he says it out loud or just in his head; the main thing is that he has reached that conclusion and is coming to terms with his own feelings that were so unclear to him not too long ago. I really like season 3 Ross so far with the exception of the above examples, so yeah…there’s still hope.
Insert obligatory timeline glitch: “And for the first time in years, we talked. ” - Ross meaning Elizabeth. Ummm. Years? Valentine is like what, 2 years old? And there was that incident with the horses at the cliffs, he spoke to Elizabeth there, albeit briefly, but he did speak to her. “For the first time in years” makes it sound like they haven’t talked for a decade. Meanwhile, Jeremy Poldark has aged one day. 
So, back to the talk. So the plan is to seduce poor George every day so that no one can tell exactly when a possible new baby was conceived? Very clever. Good luck with that.
Speaking of George….and ok yeah I’m biased here, but still….my poor precious darling boy! :’( The small victory of the election is tarnished by his family affairs. He so wants to believe little Valentine is his, but he just can’t get over old Agatha’s cruel words. Played to perfection by Jack, the internal struggles of a man who doesn’t know if he’s being lied to by the woman he loves, or has just been led on by an old woman’s spite. I liked to see that his nervous little habits increase, and it’s also quite telling in this context that it’s George who first loses his nerve in the dispute with Ross, not the other way round as usual (note to self: I do love when George results to cursing, shouting, or a threatening purr ^^). And that image of him sitting alone in his carriage almost broke my heart :-(
What was stupid though was that they put the confrontation in after Ross spoke to Elizabeth. He knows that George is suspicious of her and of Valentine’s parentage, and still he says something stupid like “…and so is her son!” - meaning Geoffrey Charles, of course, but it’s just such a cheap and obvious way of creating suspense. George very obviously and understandably thinks Ross is - in anger - referring to Valentine, and how can he not think that? Ross of course doesn’t say it with that intention, but it’s just stupid because he usually either says “Francis’ son” (because that’s what makes GC a Poldark in the first place), or simply “Geoffrey Charles”, not “Elizabeth’s son”. It would have made A LOT more sense to put this BEFORE the conversation with Elizabeth, so that Ross actually realizes that he has said something incredibly stupid to George and put Elizabeth under even more suspicion. The way it is, it’s just another cheap “Poldark vs. Warleggan” moment.
Then, Demelza. I almost felt sorry for her when yet another man tells her “You’re not perfect, but I’m not looking for perfection anyway…” - like seriously? Is Hugh actually getting her with the same superficial crap that Ross told her? Ugh. Don’t get me wrong, Hugh is cute and I like him, but I’m not sure I like / understand the way his attraction to her is portrayed. It’s all a bit too obvious and too much and…well, yeah. I don’t really care enough to delve deeper into it.
Morwenna’s storyline is finally getting a bit interesting, after endless hours of her looking at Drake like a moon calf and swooning over some flowers and standing at the window looking longingly out to…whatever. Worse that what they did to Elizabeth in s2, imho. She still doesn’t do much but sit there and suffer, but this time I’ve actually shed a tear for her because I’m finally beginning to feel a bit more for this character than just “ugh…!”.
Also, I get that Osborne is a horrible man that we shouldn’t come to like, but I’ve got to admit that he does have some comical moments, and especially perfect timing, so kudos to Christian Brassington for this portrayal.
Also, I kind of like Rowella. I wasn’t too into any of the “young generation” and I still don’t care a damn for Sam Carne and his what’s-her-face, and neither for Drake for that matter, but the way Rowella plays the fat vicar’s vices is kind of entertaining (and makes one wonder why her sister never thought of similar tricks, but she was possibly too busy looking out the window…). 
Final conclusion: Almost every marriage in Cornwall is beyond botched.
One ray of light though, Dwight. Dwight is always right. Hahaha, I loved how he stuck it to fat Ossie ^^ But in general, he and Caroline don’t get nearly enough screen time in this season. 
Elizabeth was again reduced to little else but holding Valentine and looking ominous, but I did love how in two scenes she got to actually decide something for herself, and how she takes on responsibility, not only of Morwenna, but in general. She seems more like the lady of the house now and issues commands, and she’s not afraid to use the differences in their rank to put Osborne into his place. Well done, lovely lady! *applauds* Also, I like how her feelings for George seem to have developed into something more than convenience.
Finally though, Ross and Demelza. Oh my. What a clusterfuck of bullshit. It all boils down to:
“My heart will always and forever belong to you…but, actually, trying out another man for a day would be kinda cool, and once I did that I’ll happily return to you and go on as if nothing happened, also btw you cheated on me so you are morally obliged to grant me this favour." 
Wow. Kudos to Ross for his self-control and his patience with her. I’m not getting into the discussion whether cheating out of revenge is okay or not, and neither into any other for that matter, and while I admit that Ross has some horrible flaws and did abysmal things in the past, he’s trying so hard this season, especially with Demelza. That he makes a few remarks the like of “Not every man in Cornwall is in love with you” doesn’t really come as a surprise after the Fucky McMustache episode, but all in all and given that it’s Ross we’re speaking of, he’s basically snuggly as a kitten. Whereas my understanding for Demelza shrinks with every episode since season 2 tbh. OK so he doesn’t write her poems, so what? He doesn’t care what dress colour she wears, so what? She could be stuck in a FAR worse marriage with a far worse man (think Osborne), and also some of her antics are really rather pointless and just feel like random bitching because she doesn’t get what she wants (a large part of which seems to be the “ploughing” of a certain “field” if I’m reading this correctly; at least that seems to be what the script is hinting at). 
Don’t get me wrong, I understand that they’re working through a difficult time in their marriage, and both of them are not easy persons, but - citing the books - all of this is about eventually understanding that there’s more to love and marriage than what convention teaches us and that in order to understand a partner and truly love them, you need to let go of them sometimes. And there would have been so many more ways to bring that across in film, instead of having Demelza be randomly angry with Ross and paying him back by cheating with the next best man who babbles romantic nonsense at her. 
This was one of the more powerful episodes in s3, and still the overall feeling I’m left with is one of being sorry for all the persons who’d deserve more happiness than what they’re currently getting: Elizabeth & George, Morwenna & Drake, and Ross….
Oohooo and edit: No Ross, Elizabeth is actually not "the only person" who can do something about this spiderweb of lies you're both entangled in (especially not by telling another lie!). YOU could walk up to George and tell him face to face that Elizabeth is innocent, that you slept with his fianc��e against her will and that you're sorry for what you did, and if Valentine should turn out to come after you, that you'll help support the child (even though George and Elizabeth surely don't need the money). That would come very close to a suicide mission, but it would be honest for once and you'd not be using Elizabeth to cover up your own mistakes.
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tuseriesdetv · 7 years
Guía de series: Estrenos y regresos de agosto 2017
Conocemos ahora los últimos estrenos antes de volver al torbellino de las networks en la nueva temporada. Es uno de los meses más desiertos, pero se puede encontrar mucha variedad. Comedias, thrillers, ciencia ficción, docudrama; tenemos de todo. ¿A qué esperas para subirte al carro?
¡Feliz agosto!
Verde: series nuevas. 
Rojo: series de las que haremos reviews semanales. 
Negro: regresos de otras series. 
Naranja: miniseries. 
Amarillo: tvmovies, especiales o pilotos. 
Morado: season finales. 
Morado claro: midseason finales. 
Calendario de series
1 de agosto: 
Manhunt: Unabomber (1T) en Discovery Channel
Casual (3T finale) en Hulu
2 de agosto: 
The Sinner (1T) en USA Network
Swedish Dicks (1T) en Pop
Kingdom (3T finale) en Audience Network
3 de agosto: 
What Would Diplo Do? en Viceland
The Guest Book (1T) en TBS
Saving Hope (series finale) en CTV
4 de agosto: Wet Hot American Summer: Ten Years Later y Icarus en Netflix
5 de agosto: Ill Behaviour en BBC Two
6 de agosto: 
Ray Donovan (5T) en Showtime
Cheseapeake Shores (2T) en Hallmark Channel
Sharknado 5: Global Swarming en Syfy
7 de agosto: Man In An Orange Shirt en BBC One
8 de agosto: Difficult People (3T) en Hulu
9 de agosto: 
Mr. Mercedes en Audience Network
The Story of Diana en ABC
The Carmichael Show (series finale) en NBC
10 de agosto: 
Nashville (5T finale) en CMT
The Story of Diana en ABC
11 de agosto: Atypical (1T) en Netflix
12 de agosto: 
Orphan Black (series finale) en BBC America
Turn (series finale) en AMC
Doubt (series finale) en CBS
13 de agosto: 
Get Shorty (1T) en Epix
I'm Dying Up Here (1T) en Showtime
Poldark (3T finale) en BBC One
14 de agosto: Stitchers (3T finale) en Freeform
15 de agosto: Greenleaf (2bT) en OWN
16 de agosto: 
Marlon (1T) en NBC
Greenleaf (cambio de día) en OWN
17 de agosto: 
Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce (4T) en Bravo
Riviera en Sky Atlantic
18 de agosto: The Defenders (1T) y What Happened to Monday? en Netflix
19 de agosto: Halt and Catch Fire (4T y última) en AMC
20 de agosto: 
Episodes (5T y última) y Dice (2T) en Showtime
The Last Ship (4T) en TNT
Survivor's Remorse (4T) en Starz
22 de agosto: Wrecked (2T finale) en TBS
23 de agosto: Midsomer Murders (19T finale) en ITV
24 de agosto: 
There's... Johnny! (1T) en Seeso
The Mist (1T finale) en Spike
25 de agosto: 
The Tick (1T) en Amazon
Disjointed (1T) y Death Note en Netflix
Dark Matter (3T finale) en Syfy
27 de agosto: 
Game of Thrones (7T finale) en HBO
Power (3T finale) en Starz
29 de agosto: Animal Kingdom (2T finale) en TNT
30 de agosto: Good Game (1T) en YouTube Red
Estrenos de series
Man In An Orange Shirt (BBC One)
Michael (Oliver Jackson-Cohen; Emerald City, World Without End) y Thomas (James McArdle, Star Wars: The Force Awakens), dos soldados de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, se amaban en secreto, pero se vieron obligados a casarse con mujeres al volver a casa. Flora (Joanna Vanderham, The Paradise), la esposa de uno de ellos, descubrió el secreto y decidió ocultarlo hasta que, sesenta años después, su nieto (Julian Morris; Pretty Little Liars, Once Upon A Time) sale del armario. Completan el cast Vanessa Redgrave (Julia, Howards End), David Gyasi (Containment), Laura Carmichael (Downton Abbey, Marcella), Adrian Schiller (Victoria, The Danish Girl) y Frances de la Tour (Vicious, Hugo). Escrita por el novelista Patrick Gale. Dos episodios. Estreno: 31 de julio
A favor: Destaca la cruel actitud del gobierno contra la sexualidad.
En contra: Hasta 1967 era ilegal ser homosexual.
Manhunt: Unabomber (Discovery Channel)
Paul Bettany (The Da Vinci Code, A Beautiful Mind) interpreta a Ted Kaczynski, el terrorista conocido como Unabomber. Kaczynski es un neoludita, filósofo y matemático americano que envió dieciséis cartas bomba entre 1978 y 1995 y prometió acabar con su cometido si su manifiesto se publicaba en prensa. Antes conocida como Manifesto, la serie mostrará un caso en cada temporada. Ahora nos trae al agente Jim Fitzgerald (Sam Worthington; Avatar, Clash of the Titans) releyendo sus escritos para poder encontrar a uno de los mayores objetivos del FBI. Participan también Jane Lynch (Glee), Chris Noth (The Good Wife, Sex and the City), Mark Duplass (Togetherness, The Mindy Project), Lynn Collins (John Carter) y Jeremy Bobb (The Knick). Creada por Andrew Sodroski, cuenta con Greg Yaitanes (House, Banshee) como showrunner y director. Produce Kevin Spacey. Ocho episodios. Estreno: 1 de agosto
A favor: Llega en pleno boom de historias reales y documentales.
En contra: Se centra menos en el thriller y más en el proceso de investigación.
The Sinner (USA Network)
Adaptación de la novela de Petra Hammesfahr (2007). En un día de playa, una joven madre (Jessica Biel; 7th Heaven, The Illusionist) tiene un brote psicótico y comete un acto de violencia que hace preguntarse a todo el mundo por qué lo hizo. El detective Harry Ambrose (Bill Pullman; Independence Day, The Equalizer), que también tiene una vida algo peculiar, se obsesiona con el caso; necesita descubrir la verdad a toda costa. Les acompaña Christopher Abbott interpretando al marido de adorno. Ocho episodios.
Estreno: 2 de agosto
A favor: Biel y Pullman cumplen en sus (mal escritos) papeles.
En contra: Puede que el misterio atrape, pero el resto son sólo clichés que molestan y sobran.
Swedish Dicks (Pop)
Esta procedimental sobre dos investigadores privados sin licencia que trabajan en Los Ángeles llega a USA un año después de su estreno en Suecia como webserie. Un antiguo especialista de cine (Peter Stormare; American Gods, Prison Break) y un DJ muy optimista (Johan Glans) forman la firma de detectives Swedish Dicks para resolver los casos más extraños que jamás haya visto la ciudad. Keanu Reeves (The Matrix, John Wick) es recurrente, con cameos de Traci Lords, Margaret Cho, Anthony LaPaglia o Eric Roberts. Diez episodios. Ya está renovada por una segunda temporada. Estreno: 2 de agosto
A favor: Acción, misterio, comedia y Peter Stormare.
En contra: Demasiado ligera, aunque destaca entre las comedias dramáticas de hoy en día.
What Would Diplo Do? (Viceland)
Diplo es un exitoso DJ y productor que, por alguna razón, tiene ahora su propia serie. Y la quieren comparar con Louie. La primera comedia original de Viceland, idea de su presidente Spike Jonze -director de Her o Being John Malkovich-, cuenta una serie de parábolas sobre alguien que es capaz de reunir a 60.000 personas bajo sus pies pero apesta en el trato personal. James Van Der Beek (Dawson's Creek, Apartment 23) interpreta al protagonista. Completan el reparto Jamar Malachi Neighbors, H. Michael Croner (Review), Dora Madison (Chicago Fire, Friday Night Lights) y Dillon Francis. Seis episodios.
Estreno: 3 de agosto
A favor: Van Der Beek no teme hacer el ridículo.
En contra: Convencieron al DJ de que le convenía parecer estúpido.
The Guest Book (TBS)
En un pequeño pueblo de montaña vigilado por la oficial Kimberly Leahy (Kellie Martin, Life Goes On, ER), hay una pequeña casita de alquiler dirigida por Wilfrid (Charlie Robinson) y su mujer (Aloma Wright) y un bar regentado por Vivian (Carly Jibson). Por allí irán pasando distintos personajes interpretados por Danny Pudi, Jenna Fischer, Margo Martindale, Tommy Dewey, Lauren Lapkus, Michaela Watkins, Mary Lynn Rajskub, Michael Rapaport, Kate Micucci, Jaime Pressly, Stockard Channing, Andrew J. West, John Ortiz, David Zayas, Shannon Woodward o Stephnie Weir. Participan también Garrett Dillahunt (The Mindy Project, Raising Hope), Laura Bell Bundy (Anger Management, Hart of Dixie), Eddie Steeples (My Name Is Earl) y Lou Wilson. Creada, escrita y producida por Greg Garcia (My Name Is Earl, Raising Hope). Diez episodios. Estreno: 3 de agosto
A favor: Para fans de Inside No. 9 y Room 104, tal vez. Para los fans de los cameos, más bien.
En contra: Convencional, predecible y de risas escasas. Actores desaprovechados.
Mr. Mercedes (Audience Network)
Adaptación de la novela de Stephen King (2014) por David E. Kelley (Big Little Lies, Ally McBeal) dirigida por Jack Bender (Lost, Game of Thrones). Un Mercedes atropella a toda velocidad a los que esperan en la puerta de la oficina de empleo en una decadente ciudad americana y deja a su paso ocho muertos y quince heridos. Meses después, Bill Hodges (Brendan Gleeson, Harry Potter), un policía jubilado obsesionado con el caso, comienza a recibir e-mails y cartas del asesino (Harry Treadaway, Penny Dreadful). Completan el cast Mary Louise-Parker (Weeds, The West Wing), Holland Taylor (Two and a Half Men, The Truman Show), Kelly Lynch (The L Word, 90210) y Jharrel Jerome (Moonlight). Diez episodios. Estreno: 9 de agosto
A favor: Toma riesgos, quiere reflejar una forma de violencia muy actual.
En contra: ¿Y si ocurre algo parecido en la vida real? ¿Culparán a la serie? ¿Decidirá la cadena aplazar los episodios? Polémicas de hoy en día.
Atypical (Netflix)
Sam (Keir Gilchrist, United States of Tara, It Follows) es un adolescente autista que ha decidido salir en busca del amor y la independencia. Su madre (Jennifer Jason Leigh; The Hateful Eight, Single White Female) también comienza su propio camino, ya que la familia también debe preguntarse qué significa realmente ser normal. Les acompañan Michael Rapaport (Prison Break, Justified), Brigette Lundy-Paine, Amy Okuda (How to Get Away with Murder), Jenna Boyd (The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants), Nik Dodani (Kevin From Work) y Raúl Castillo (Looking). Creada por Robia Rashid (How I Met Your Mother). Ocho episodios. Estreno: 11 de agosto
A favor: Un actor protagonista fantástico y unos personajes tan dulces como imperfectos.
En contra: El resto del reparto no está tan bien elegido y el argumento es bastante básico.
Get Shorty (Epix)
Comedia negra escrita por Davey Holmes (Shameless, Damages) y dirigida por Allen Coulter (Damages, The Sopranos) adaptación de la novela de Elmore Leonard (1990) y la película de 1995. Miles Daly (Chris O'Dowd, Moone Boy) es un matón de Nevada que quiere convertirse en productor de Hollywood para dejar atrás su pasado criminal y recuperar a su familia. Entonces, conoce a Rick Moreweather (Ray Romano; Parenthood, Vinyl), un productor de películas de baja calidad y escasa relevancia que decide a disgusto formar equipo con Miles y guiarle en el mundillo. Completan el cast Sean Bridgers (Rectify), Megan Stevenson (Review), Lucy Walters (Power), Sarah Stiles (Superior Donuts, I'm Dying Up Here), Lidia Porto (American Housewife, Horrible Bosses 2), Goya Robles y Carolyn Dodd. Diez episodios.
Estreno: 13 de agosto
A favor: Seguro que encontramos algo bueno si buscamos todos a la vez.
En contra: La comparan con un bar completamente sucio al cierre. Se supone que eso es bueno.
Marlon (NBC)
Comedia ligeramente inspirada en la vida del actor Marlon Wayans (Scary Movie, White Chicks), sobre un padre inmaduro pero comprometido con la educación de sus dos hijos junto a su exmujer. Su familia es lo primero aunque su fama e incluso su propia personalidad se interpongan. Essence Atkins (Are We There Yet?), Bresha Webb (Grey's Anatomy), Diallo Riddle (Silicon Valley), Notlim Taylor y Amir O'Neil también participan. Escribe Christopher Moynihan (100 Questions). Diez episodios. Estreno: 16 de agosto
A favor: Wayans sigue viviendo en Scary Movie.
En contra: Es de los Upfronts del año pasado, ya no podían estrenarla más tarde.
The Defenders (Netflix)
Ya les conocemos por separado, y ahora llega la serie que reúne a Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage y Iron Fist para combatir a Sigourney Weaver. Alexandra (Weaver) es una villana que hará todo lo posible por cumplir sus objetivos, sin importarle a quién se lleve por delante. Ocho episodios. Estreno: 18 de agosto
A favor: Menos episodios, más ritmo. Y tiene a Jessica Jones, claro.
En contra: Que después habrá que aguantarles por separado antes de volver a verles reunidos.
There's... Johnny! (Seeso)
Comedia sobre el día a día en los setenta en el backstage de The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, el programa presentado por Carson desde 1962 hasta 1992 que estableció la estructura de los late night talk shows de hoy en día. Andy (Ian Nelson) es un joven de Nebraska que llega a la ciudad con la intención de trabajar en el programa de Johnny. Allí conocerá al legendario productor Fred de Cordova (Tony Danza, Who's the Boss), a la jefa de reparto (Jane Levy; Suburgatory, Don't Breathe) o al encargado del guardarropa (Roger Bart; Desperate Housewives, Revenge). Nadie interpretará a Johnny, la serie utilizará imágenes de archivo del famoso presentador. Creada por Paul Reiser -que apareció muchas veces en el programa- y David Steven Simon y dirigida y producida por David Gordon Green (Red Oaks, Pineapple Express). Siete episodios.
Estreno: 24 de agosto
A favor: Dicen que no es ni comedia ni drama ni un homenaje, que no es lo que esperas.
En contra: Cabe destacar que peligra el futuro de Seeso pese a la calidad de sus producciones.
The Tick (Amazon)
En un mundo de superhéroes, un contable sin poderes (Griffin Newman, Vinyl) se da cuenta de que su ciudad está controlada por un villano que se creía muerto. Este perdedor intentará hacer pública esta conspiración y unirá fuerzas con The Tick (Peter Serafinowicz, Guardians of the Galaxy), un héroe azul muy extraño. Completan el reparto Jackie Earle Haley (Watchmen), Valorie Curry (House of Lies), Yara Martinez (Jane the Virgin) y Brendan Hines (Scorpion). Sátira del género de superhéroes escrita por Ben Edlund (Supernatural), creador de la serie original emitida entre 1994 y 1996 y del cómic nacido en 1986. Producida por Edlund (Gotham, Revolution), Patrick Warburton -el anterior The Tick-, Barry Josephson (Bones) y Barry Sonnenfield (A Series of Unfortunate Events). Dirigida por Wally Pfister (Flaked). Seis episodios. Los seis restantes de la primera temporada llegarán en otoño. Su piloto está disponible desde agosto de 2016.
Estreno: 25 de agosto
A favor: Es la mejor representación del cómic.
En contra: Insuficiente. Fue el piloto más flojo de la Pilot Season. Por algo la descartaría FOX.
Disjointed (Netflix)
Ruth (Kathy Bates; American Horror Story, Misery) es la orgullosa dueña de un dispensario de marihuana en Los Ángeles. Es un negocio familiar con algunos trabajadores a sueldo que han logrado el mismo sueño que su jefa: estar colocados la mayor parte del tiempo. Acompañan a Bates Aaron Moten (The Night Of, Mozart in the Jungle), Tone Bell (The Flash, Truth Be Told), Elizabeth Alderfer (Better Off Single), Elizabeth Ho (Love Sick, Melissa & Joey), Chris Redd (Popstar), Dougie Baldwin (Nowhere Boys) y Michael Trucco (Battlestar Galactica). Creada y escrita por Chuck Lorre (The Big Bang Theory, Two and a Half Men) y David Javerbaum (The Daily Show, The Late Late Show). Veinte episodios.
Estreno: 25 de agosto
A favor: Poquita cosa.
En contra: ¿Hace un porrito?
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roseandor · 7 years
i finally caught up on poldark and watched the latest episode and here are some of my thoughts because i felt like writing them down:
did they change the production group? like lighting and stuff? because there was definetly something off about the way the episode was shot. it was really weird for me personally because i went on a row, i finished season two and immediately watched the first episode of season 3. did anyone else feel that?
GC && Agatha are the only good things at Trenwith. everyone else can choke. no, wait, George’s uncle gets a special shout out for saying what we have all been thinking: wtf is everyone so obsessed with elizabeth?
i really loved all the new characters. i haven’t reached them in the books yet (i am in the beginning of Jeremy, which is book 3). especially morwenna!!  really wanna see her interacting with more people. (( i love demelza interacting with other ladies, how about morwenna and demelza bonding?? whilst GC chats with Ross??))
i really hope we can get ross and demelza actually dealing with their problems in the next episode because i do feel like its building up to that. demelza is still bitter about everything, she still feels like she is going to lose ross to elizabeth, his apology last season was not enough. hopefully we can get a bigger one since she is pregnant now. 
ALSO. THAT PREGNANCY SCENE WAS SO BLAH? it was nice, but there was a lack of passion in it. 
dwight and caroline are the lights of my life and every scene with them was gorgeous and too good for this world
THAT HORSE SCENE WAS SO BAD?? I WAS KINDA EXPECTING IT TO BE DEMELZA’S DREAM. it would have made more sense than the mess that scene was. 
i miss warm and bubbly demelza who played with garrick. can we get that demelza back????
it was a nice episode, but could have been better. organized the scenes better. DIDN’T HAVE ROSS BEING A CREEP. a different director. i give it a 6. 
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maitre-kuroneko · 8 years
Books I’ve read (2016 edition)
Books in french : - L’hiverrier - Terry Pratchett - Le Vicomte de Bragelonne (volumes II et III) - Alexandre Dumas - La fabrique des garçons - Sylvie Ayral - Dumas, le comte noir - Tom Reiss - Va-t-en guerre - Terry Pratchett - Le peuple du tapis - Terry Pratchett - Ronde de nuit - Terry Pratchett - Conversations intimes avec le Bouddha - Thich Nhat Hanh - Vous n’aurez pas ma haine - Antoine Leiris - Les lames du cardinal (volume 2) - Pierre Pevel - Procrastination - Terry Pratchett - Le régiment monstrueux - Terry Pratchett - Une place à prendre - J. K. Rowling - Vaincre la mort et vivre une vie meilleure - Sa Sainteté le Dalaï Lama - Dominion - C. J. Sansom - Le chien des Baskerville - Arthur Conan Doyle - Oui, je crois - Mireille Matthieu - Dom Juan - Molière - Le clan Rhett Butler - Donald McCaig - Trois amis en quête de sagesse - Matthieu Ricard, Christophe André, Alexandre Jollien
Books in english : - Aspergirls - empowering females with Asperger syndrome - Rudy Simone - A breath of snow and ashes - Diana Gabaldon - Empire - Jeremy Paxman - Emma - Jane Austen - Elementary : the ghost line - Adam Christopher - A shiver of light - Laurell K. Hamilton - Doctor Who : The essential guide (twelfth Doctor edition) - Ellie Andrews has second thoughts - Ruth Saberton - Elementary : blood and ink - Adam Christopher - Harry Potter and the cursed child - J. K. Rowling - Bella Poldark - Winston Graham - Much ado about nothing - Shakespeare - Broadchurch - Erin Kelly - Doctor Who : a writer’s tale - Benjamin Cook & Russell T. Davies - Is there life outside the box ? - Peter Davison - A study in red - Arthur Conan Doyle - The sign of the four - Arthur Conan Doyle
Comics : - Tu mourras moins bête (tome 3) - Marion Montaigne - X-Men vs Avengers (tomes 1 et 2) - Il faut soigner le soldat Wilson - Deadpool : la nuit des morts vivants - Civil War (tome 4) - Deadpool : l’art de la guerre - Doctor Who : les aventures du 10ème Docteur (tomes 1 et 2) - Doctor Who : les aventures du 11ème Docteur (tomes 1 et 2) - Doctor Who : les aventures du 12ème Docteur (tomes 1 et 2) - O Sensei - Edouard Cour - La différence invisible - Maliki Blog - Maliki - Je suis Deadpool 37 books in total (not counting the comic books and mangas that are not even listed here), it was between 47 and 55 in 2015 but I was jobless from january to june so... I see myself as a slow reader so that number seems kind of huge ...I’ve read way more this year than I realised oO There are periods (usually during summer) when i read less (can’t finish even one tiny little book in a month) and it gives me the impression I’m ALWAYS a “lousy” reader. And again this post doesn’t take fanfictions, audiobooks and audio-dramas into account - ok, I’ll stop here.
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