#polaroid 190
cult-of-husbandos · 6 months
toji fushiguro [☯︎] - Himo Romance
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synopsis: toji fushiguro takes you on a romantic date to the most fanciest place on earth.
genre: hella crack, angst(?), fluff(?)
word count: 4.9k
warnings: cursing, if you care
The scent of incense lingered in the air, mingling with the warmth of the setting sun as you waited in your small Tokyo apartment. It was a modest space, cluttered with polaroid pics and random shit from either thrift stores or shady internet dealers. Why spend $90 on an air fryer when NutCrusher2378 will sell you one for the low, low price of one feet pic?
Inhale. Exhale.
You once read an article that stated that meditation can decrease stress, pressure, and homicidal tendencies within a person. You glanced at the clock for what felt like the hundredth time, your patience waning as the minutes ticked by. Clearly, fifteen Blood Dragon Mango Orange and sitting in silence for 30 minutes wasn’t doing much for the overbearing burden that is your life. Now, why would a well-balanced person with their own apartment, car, and a source of income need to destress. Despite what your parents tell you every text, call, and holiday you were actually doing very good for yourself. So, why do you have the urge to burn down your apartment building and start smashing every building within a 25 mile radius?
One man.
One incredulous hot as fuck piece of shit man.
Toji Fushiguro, the enigmatic man who had become an unpredictable fixture in your life. You are currently dating a sorcerer that can’t even afford getting a Twix from a vending machine. To be honest, you wouldn’t even really call what you two have a ‘relationship’. Your so-called relationship was nothing more than a precarious balance of convenience, a twisted dance of give and take where you supplied the resources and he… well, he took. The more appropriate name for this would be a ‘situationship’. You cringe any time you or your friends bring up your relationship with him. Like a gross, oozing pimple on prom night, you just want to cover it up and pretend it doesn’t exist. Except the gross, oozing pimple is a 6’1, 190 lbs., lazy, overconfident, sex machine that kills and bums money from everyone just to bet it on a horse named ‘Lucky McCock’ because “with a name like that, he fucks the competition”.
The sound of keys jingling outside your door broke the concentrated silence, and you inadvertently flinched and felt your heart sink as Toji’s unmistakable footsteps echoed through the hallway. Without so much as a warning, he barged into your apartment, his devil-may-care grin lighting up his face. Why in the name of Kwon Ji-yong did you ever think giving him a key would be a good idea?!
“Hey there, sweetheart,” he greeted casually, tossing his dirty musty jacket that you bought for him onto the couch. “Miss me?”
You rolled your eyes, the familiar blend of annoyance and resignation settling over you like a thick, suffocating fog. “You were only gone for three weeks this time. Hardly long enough to miss you.”
Toji shrugged nonchalantly, his gaze wandering around the room before landing on the half-empty bag of potato chips on your coffee table. “Hungry,” he declared, making a beeline for the kitchen without waiting for your response.
You sighed inwardly, resigning yourself to yet another evening of Toji’s impromptu visits. As he raided your fridge with the same energy as an ungrateful college student that drops off his laundry and eats your food, you couldn’t help but wonder why you continued to tolerate his antics. Perhaps it’s his gorgeous face that even when nothing but bullshit and snarky remarks come out of it makes you want to sit on it. Or it’s his amazing daddy body that can go round after round with you, but can’t be bothered to move two feet to pick up the remote. Or maybe you have an undiscovered broke as fuck boyfriend kink that makes you dummy stupid.
“Why does it smell like a bunch of temple bastards took a shit in your living room?”
Or maybe, just maybe, you died long ago and this is your eternal hell.
The weeks passed in a blur of half-hearted promises and fleeting moments of intimacy. Toji’s presence in your life remained as unpredictable as ever, his disappearances becoming a twisted routine that you had grown all too accustomed to.
‘Are we even dating?’
A thought suddenly popped into your head. You felt as if your stomach had hit the brakes hard after going over 90 on the interstate. What was really the point of this relationship? Well, it’s not like you both don’t get anything out of it. You both get amazing, mind-blowing sex and he gets a place to crash, food to eat, and money to spend on whatever dumb shit he likes.
You know, after laying it down like that, there’s obviously a clear winner that benefits from this in the long run.
However, just when you thought you had reached your breaking point, Toji dropped a bombshell that caught you completely off guard.
“I’m taking you out,” he announced one evening, his expression unusually earnest as he met your gaze. “A fancy date, with all that romantic shit you always bitch about.”
You quirked your eyebrow skeptically, crossing your arms over your chest. “The words ‘fancy’ and ‘romantic’ don’t fit your vocabulary. Your idea of fancy is wearing a button up shirt and your idea of romance is wearing a condom and buying flavored lube.” You sighed as he laughed obnoxiously. “What fancy place do you even know? Aren’t you, like, banned from almost every restaurant, café, dive bar, and soup kitchen within 50 miles of here?”
Toji grinned mischievously, a spark of excitement hinting in his eyes. “It’s a surprise,” he teased, his lips curling into a smirk. “But trust me, you’re gonna love it.”
You honestly doubt that. You know better than to get your hopes high when it comes to Toji’s promises. He either doesn’t deliver or doesn’t show up. Either way, you end up looking like a dumb bitch at the end of the day in your friend’s group chat. Yet, for some unknown reason, you found yourself getting excited.
“Why do I have to be blindfolded for this?” you groaned as Toji guided you throughout the crowded sidewalk. The city buzzed with life around you, its neon lights casting an otherworldly glow as you navigate your way through the labyrinth of alleyways and side streets. You felt the slight breeze of people walking past you and felt the questioning gazes burn into you.
“Wouldn’t be a surprise if you could see where we were going, would it?” he whispered into your ear. “We’re almost there anyway…”
You felt anxiety and interest build in the pit of your stomach, your curiosity piqued as you drew closer to your destination. What sort of extravagant affair had Toji planned for you that you need a blindfold to go there? An underground Michelin-starred restaurant? A moonlit stroll along the riverbanks? An eyes-wide shut party?
As Toji finally came to a stop, you felt your stomach drop and heart race as he reached up to remove the blindfold from your eyes, his lips curling into a triumphant grin.
“Voila!” he exclaimed, gesturing grandly at the dimly lit building in front of you.
Your eyes widened in disbelief as you took in the scene before you. You both stood outside a familiar chain restaurant, its red gaudy mascot sign illuminated in garishly bright white letters against the night sky.
Red Lobster.
You blinked in confusion, struggling to process the sheer absurdity of what was happening.
“Red… Lobster?” you echoed incredulously, your voice laced with disbelief.
Toji shrugged nonchalantly, his grin widening into a boyish smirk. “Told ya it was fancy as shit.”
Words could not describe the unbridled rage you were feeling right now. You could power a small village for 5 years with the amount of fury emanating from you. You sat slumped in the booth with a furious scowl stuck on your face as you stared fiercely at the lying moron currently stuffing his face with Cheddar Bay Biscuits. After gulping down three of the biscuits, he finally looks up at you.
“‘s matter with you?”
“You know damn well what’s the matter with me, Toji.” you seethed.
A few seconds of silence passed as he gulped down the rest of the biscuits. His face remained stoic as he looked you in the eyes.
“You gotta take a shit or somethin’?”
You slammed your fists against the table, sitting up straight and leaning over the table, the jarring sound of the utensils and cups on the table shook people from their conversations and turned their attention towards your table. You could care less what those slack jawed NPCs thought of you. Your attention was focused solely on your smug ass boyfriend.
“Toji,” you breathed harshly, “what the fuck am I wearing right now?”
“What the fuck do I have on right now? What kind of clothes do I have on?” You were shaking at this point.
Toji grinned at you smugly. “Whatever it is, it’s hot as fuck.”
“Of course it’s hot as fuck, Toji. And you wanna know why I’m wearing this hot as fuck outfit in this building of impending salmonella poisoning? Because you told me that we were going to a fancy and romantic place. Where people, oh I don’t know, don’t need to take a Pepto Bismol before and after dinner, where waiters speak in a posh accent but you know deep down that they only make 12 dollars an hour, where the food is served relatively fresh and not sitting in a deep-freeze for half year and warmed in a fucking microwave! But no! Here I am, looking like a 100 out of 10 sitting in a stained red booth, at a sticky table, sitting across from a man who looks like I just dragged a homeless man off the street just so I don’t look like a desperate loser coming into a fucking Red Lobster by myself!”
You ended your rant, panting and dropped back into your booth and cradled your head in your arms on the table. You knew this would happen. You just knew it! Leave it to a man with no concept of child support or how a garbage disposal works to take you anywhere relatively nice. The soft chattering and murmurs of the other patrons around you continued on, but you could feel eyes on you specifically. You groaned, not even bothering to raise your head.
“Jesus Christ… you couldn’t even pick a fucking Papadeux? Fucking Red Lobster…”
“Hey, don’t knock it till you try it,” he quipped, his mouth full of Cheddar Bay Biscuits.
“I have tried it, Toji. Everyone and their great-grandmother comes to fucking Red Lobster at least once for a birthday-anniversary-graduation-bullshit.”
“Well, it’s the thought that counts, right?”
“Toji, your “thought” doesn’t count for shit.”
You didn’t see it, but Toji flinched at your words. A pang of dejection flashed across his face, but just as you rose your head he turned his face back to stoic.
“Where’s the damn waiter?” he muttered, looking around. “AYO! Can we get some damn service?!” Toji loudly called, snapping his fingers.
Your eyes widened and you quickly grabbed his arm. “Oh my fucking… Toji!”
Before he could say anything, a nervous looking waiter walked up to your booth.
“Hello guys, my name is Tommy and I will be your waiter today. Can I get you guys started with anything?”
“Uh, yeah, lemme get a mufuckin’ uuuuhhhhhhhhh…” This went on for a full two minutes. “Lemme get the unlimited oysters.”
You quirked your eyebrow at Toji with a perplexed look as the waiter jotted down his order. “Really? The oysters?”
He lazily nodded.
“Are you sure you wanna lock that in, baby?”
He nodded again, looking disgruntled that you would question his choice of food.
“Like, 100%? Are you really, really sure that’s what you wanna get?”
Toji tilted his head at you. “You questioning me?”
You raised your eyebrows passively and opened your menu. “Alright…” you remark, “It’s your funeral…” You muttered the last part under your breath.
The waiter sensing the tension amongst you two, hurried along the order conversation. “And what would you like to drink?”
“All your drinks are boring, so nothing.” he answered in dismissal, tossing the menu at Tommy who barely managed to catch it.
“And what would you like to order?” He directed his attention towards you.
“I’ll have the grilled half lobster with lemon butter, a tomahawk steak, and a bottle of Gin, please.” you answered, handing the menu to him.
“A-A bottle…?” Tommy the waiter stuttered. “We can mix it into a drink if you preferred–”
“I said what I said.” You looked at the basket on the table. “And can we get some more cheddar biscuits please?”
Tommy nodded with a bow. “Of course. I’ll be back with your drinks and some more biscuits for the table.” And with that, he scurried off.
Toji threw you a smug grin and whistled cheekily. “Wooow, babe. I didn’t know I was dining with royalty.” he chastised and you groaned. “Don’t expect me to pay for your share.”
“Pssh. Please Toji. With what money? It’s so obvious that I’m paying for this meal.”
“Wait, really?”
“Duh, Toji! Of course I’m paying for it! It’s practically routine at this point.” You groan out, annoyed and rolling your eyes. “It’s the main thing you use me for anyway…”
The air is immediately coated in awkward tension between the two of you. It’s not like you said anything wrong. This is Toji Fushiguro you’re talking about. The man only wants three things out of life: sex, money, and to sail through life never paying for anything. You fiddled with your fingernails to fill the dead air when you heard Toji smack his lips at you.
“Can’t you go one fucking second without bitchin’ at me for something so worthless?” he muttered. “What the hell’s wrong Red Lobster? Red Lobster is the epitome of sophistication. The ambiance, the seafood… it's all about setting the mood, babe.”
“Sophistication?” You scoff and look your boyfriend dead in his eyes. “Toji… you eat at fucking Burger King.”
“What the fuck’s wrong with Burger King?!”
“Oh! Hmm! Let’s see! Lemme think! Ummm! Ummm! How about, fucking everything Toji!”
“Do NOT disrespect the King!” Toji's smile faltered slightly, a hint of defensiveness creeping into his tone.
“The King is dead, Toji! Deeeaaad! He OD’d 25 years ago just like everyone else who eats at Burger King!” you shout, no longer caring about raising your voice. “People only eat Burger King because they have to! Never because they want to! Because if that were the case, then everyone would go to McDonald’s! Their food is leagues better!”
“Their Whoppers are a culinary masterpiece.” he seethed at you.
You snort. “Oh yes! You’re so right, Toji. Mm-mm! Yummy! Because nothing turns my appetite on more than a soggy burger and a 72% chance of food poisoning! Or you could just spend the extra dollar and get a Big Mac like the rest of society! And chicken nuggets with actual chicken!”
It was now Toji’s turn to scoff. “You just don’t understand the peak gourmet culinary complexities that is Burger King.”
“I would rather lick the inside of a Taco Bell bathroom toilet than eat a single chicken fry from Burger King. At least with the Taco Bell toilet there’d be remnants of edible food! It’s bottom tier, Toji. Where else in the world do you get “buffalo nuggets” for $3?! And why would you pay for that?! 10 piece chicken nuggets for $2?! What’re you, suicidal?!”
“It’s cheap and delicious!”
“It’s rat meat and smells like something threw up in a deep fryer and you fucking know it! It’s right there next to Arby’s.”
“Oh! So, now you’re dissing Arby’s?!”
“You bet your beautiful chiseled ass I’m dissing fucking Arby’s!”
“And what’s fucking wrong with Arby’s, huh?!”
“It’s rat food, Toji! It’s all rat food!”
“What the hell are you talking about?!”
“Have you ever been inside an Arby’s, Toji? Hmm? The people that eat there are either tasteless morons that think Jack in the Box is ‘too expensive’ or using the spot waiting for their Fentanyl dealer. It’s just like Burger King. You only go there because you have to, not because you want to.”
Toji leaned in, eyes dark. “You wouldn’t know good food if it came up to your doorstep with roses, wiped its feet off at the door, and fucked your throat.”
“Oh, is that right?!”
“Um! Excuse me…” a meek voice spoke up. You both whipped your heads to see your waiter trembling with a bottle of Gin and basket of cheddar biscuits in his hands. You both leaned back in your seats as he hurriedly placed drink and food on the table. “Your food will be here shortly…” Before he could dash off, you grabbed him by the sleeve.
“Hold on there, Tommy. Settle something for us, would’ja?”
“Oh, please don’t incorporate me in whatever this is–”
“Arby’s, Burger King, or McDonald’s? Which one would you eat?”
Tommy stood in silence for a few seconds before whispering a tiny scared “what?”
“The fuck you asking him for?!”
“Because unlike you, he has a job and doesn’t live off of gambling tickets and random women to buy his meals! Now Tommy, choose!”
“U-U-Ummm… well, considering I’ve gotten food poisoning from all three restaurants, I’d still choose McDonald’s any day…”
You smirk at Toji victoriously. “Thank you, Tommy. You just earned yourself a 80% tip.”
And with that, Tommy scurried off again.
“God! You can never just be fucking grateful for anything, huh?! You just have to whine and nag and complain about everything in that pissy little condensating tone of yours!”
“Tell me, Toji. What should I be grateful for? Hm? Sh-Should I be grateful that you put in the bare minimum for a date or that you even remember my name at all?”
“Should I be grateful that you even came back to me at all and not dead somewhere, shanked and killed in the street, like an overlooked hooker that the cops don’t give a shit about?”
Toji remained silent.
“You know what, Toji. You’re right. I should be grateful. I’ll be grateful knowing that when this dinner ends I can go back home and not have to deal with you for another 4 months. Maybe around that time you’ll find someone else to be a wallet for you.”
You reached into your bag and pulled out your phone, ending the conversation dead in the water. Again, you missed the pain in Toji’s eyes as he furrowed his eyebrows and slowly continued chewing. Not too long after, Tommy came back with your food. Staring down at the shiny, plastic-looking food before you, you grimace. The overpowering smell of the oysters churned your stomach and waned your appetite with each passing second. Pushing past your mixture of disgust and resignation, you begin to eat your food.
This dinner is the definition of ‘absolutely donkey dicks’. You couldn’t even consider the food you were eating as actual “food”. Plastic toy food from a child’s playset looks and smells more appetizing. The only thing that you can swallow without gagging is the bottle of Gin which is slowly asking for a refill. You sighed as you looked up from your plate and saw Toji slurping down oyster after oyster. You pushed the food around your plate with little enthusiasm.
Toji attempted to start a conversation multiple times, but his efforts fell flat in the suffocating silence that hung between you two.
Toji cleared his throat in an attempt to once again start a conversation causing you to look at him downcast. “So, uh, how’s the food?” he asked tentatively, his voice tinged with unfamiliar uncertainty.
You glanced up at him with a weary sigh, your disappointment written plainly across your face. “The lobster tastes like those bouncy balls you get from quarter machines drenched in garlic and butter and the steak is both ice cold and boiling lava hot.” You look back at your food. “How’s your oysters? Good?”
“Delectable. Like slurping down The God of Lust and War’s plump pearls.”
The silence stretched on between you two, the weight of your unspoken frustrations hanging heavy in the air. Toji let out a heavy sigh bringing your attention back to him.
“Look, uh… Y/N…” Toji started fidgeting. “I know this date is total shit. Worse than shit probably. Nobody likes fucking Red Lobster. Being in this place makes me want to set fire to the building trapping all these wrinkly white-haired fucks and servant dicks to burn. Agonizingly. But I would save you! And the Cheddar Bay Biscuits fuuuck that shit is amazing!”
You raised your eyebrow, but let him continue.
“You were right. I am… banned from most places. Fuck, I mean did you know that I was banned from Chili’s AND Applebee’s? Like, why the fuck would I even be in those shitholes?”
“That… probably has something to do with you setting fire to their parking lot and spray painting ‘FUCK YOUR TAXES’ on their windows respectively at multiple locations.”
“Oh yeeahh… damn. That was a great Halloween.”
“Yeah… it was interesting… watching you eat an entire 5-pound chocolate peep marshmallow and utterly lose your mind in what I can only describe as a hellish sugar rush.”
“Whatever. The point is… I… I really tried, y’know?” he grumbled, rubbing the back of his head. “I said a lot of shit and promised a whole fucking thing, but in reality… this is all I can do… Like, legally or whatever…”
You stared at Toji in somewhat disbelief. You were witnessing something striking and shocking. Were you actually seeing Toji being… remorseful? The Toji Fushiguro?
“So… not to be all… stupid and pathetic… but… y’know… I’m…”
“I’m… thmrrry…”
“You’re what?” You leaned in.
“Mm mpfrrf!”
“Toji, I can’t understand you. Get your hand away from your mouth.”
“I’m sorry!” he shouted. “There. I said it.”
Your eyes widen in surprise. You bit the inside of your cheek just to make sure you weren’t dreaming. “Woah, Toji…” you mutter, stunned. “I didn’t think those words were capable of forming. I always thought that if you even tried saying it you’d vomit up blood and your intestines would explode.”
“Fucking… whatever, okay! Don’t make a big deal outta it. I only said it ‘cuz I wanted to…!” He was blushing and fidgeting more. “But that’s not all.”
Toji reached into his sweatpants pocket and pulled out a small velvet black box, his expression awkward and face slightly red as he pushed it across the table to you.
"I,… uh…, got you something," he grumbled, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment and avoiding meeting your eyes. “Just— don’t make a big deal over it…”
You raised an eyebrow in confusion. Your skepticism warring at the unfamiliar genuine tone shift as you opened the box. You gasped softly. Inside the box, a beautiful arctic blue shone brighter than all the dim lights in the restaurant. You looked at Toji then back at the necklace. You were honestly speechless and your heart immediately softened into soft serve ice cream.
“Happy anniversary…” he muttered just loud enough for you to hear.
“Toji, this is…” you began, at a loss for words as you struggled to adjust to the sweet gesture that was foreign to Toji’s entire personality. “This is the sweetest and most beautiful thing you’ve ever done. Thank you, Toji.”
Toji softly frowned bashfully, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. “Good,” he stated firmly. “But, uh… just don’t wear it outside. It’s stolen.”
“Stolen?” you echoed.
“Yeah. An old buddy owed me a favor after getting rid of a few… pests for him. He said I could take anything as compensation so I took The Tears of Benzaiten. I was gonna pawn it, but then I thought of you and… shit y’know…” he trailed off, the blush growing on his face. “Then a few days later, he put a bounty on it and got all fucking weird about it. So, just… don’t wear it anywhere, got it? I like your face and I wouldn’t want a bunch of scars and bruises ruining it.”
“Toji. Are you seriously telling me that I’m holding a Japanese national treasure with a big enough bounty that I could be killed just for holding it and you are just giving it to me in a Red Lobster for our anniversary?”
Toji shrugged nonchalantly. “Y/N, you’re much more beautiful than some stupid necklace made from the tears of Goddess worth 90 billion Yen. And you know that if anyone came within 20 feet of you, I’d rip out their esophagus and crumple their pathetic human bodies into nothing.”
You sat in stunned silence trying to process all the information that was just thrown on you. You looked down at the necklace. Suddenly, you started to giggle. Then, your giggles turned to laughter. You put your head down as your laughter grew louder and louder. After a few moments and murmurs from other patrons later, you raised your head and leaned your cheek against your hand.
“Toji Fushiguro, you’re so…” You tried to find the words to describe the absurdity happening right now. “Impossible.” you remarked fondly, a smile tugging at your lips. “But I love you for it.”
Toji smirked proudly.
“But, I hate to break it to you baby… today’s not our anniversary.”
Toji's smirk immediately diminished. “What?! Yeah, it is!”
You shook your head, still smiling. “Afraid not, baby. You see… we don’t have an anniversary.”
“Yeah we do! We had our first date and everything!”
“We met at the track, went to a bar, and then had sex. Then, you disappeared for a week then you came back and we had make up sex. Other than that, you’ve been gone for about 75% of this relationship. This is technically the only date we’ve been on that didn’t end with me getting drunk and us having loud sex in the bathroom.”
“So… it’s not our anniversary?”
You shook your head again.
“FUCK!” Toji shouted, slamming his hand on the table with a loud crash and groaning into the booth.
You slightly giggled and put the necklace in your bag. You gently grabbed Toji’s hand and he flinched slightly at your sudden touch.
“If this were our anniversary, it would be the best anniversary ever.” You kissed his hand and stood up, looking down at his flushed face. “Come on.” you gestured, throwing some money with a big tip as promised on the table. “Let’s go home.”
Toji smiled and took your hand as you both left the restaurant, much to the other patrons' relief. As you both made your way back to the apartment, you had a small flicker of hope. For the future. For the relationship. For Toji.
It started out as a really shitty date, but turns out, deep down, Toji can be romantic. In his own way, of course.
When you both entered the apartment, Toji grabbed your hips and kissed you deeply. You melted into arms and moaned into the kiss. He pulled away with a smirk.
“You taste like garlic butter Gin.”
“And you taste like oysters.”
You stepped away from him and walked towards the living room.
“And where the hell are you going?” Toji asked, following close behind.
“Well, we’ve had makeup sex, angry sex, drunk sex, bathroom sex, and Scandinavian Yeti sex. But I don’t think we’ve had “anniversary” sex yet.”
Toji grinned smugly as he rushed you and threw you over his shoulder. “Fuck yeah! I’m not gonna let ya sleep tonight!” Toji roared, giving your ass a smack. You let out a gasp and laugh.
You hated this man sometimes, but you couldn’t deny the amount of love you had for him too.
This truly was the best anniversary ever.
“Urrreeegh…! Urg… fuck…”
“I told you not to eat those oysters, baby.” you soothed, rubbing Toji back gently.
Halfway through sexy time, Toji jumped off of you and started to feel the horrible after effects of Red Lobster oysters. You cringed as Toji continued to retch, groan, and spit all of his dinner in the toilet bowl.
“I’ll kill those bastards…! I’ll slit their throats and dance on their backs! I’ll get those– ugh! Oh god… bleerghh!”
You sigh and smile softly at his very real threats. You stepped out of the bathroom and put on some clothes.
“Where you goin’! We’re not… urgh… done yet!”
“Well, we’re gonna be here for a while, baby. I don’t know much about sorcerers, but I’m pretty sure I can recognize the symptoms of food poisoning.”
Toji groaned. “Fucking Red Lobster… making me miss out on anniversary sex…”
“I’ll be back in a few. You’re gonna need some water, Pepto Bismol, soda, crackers, and light snacks to keep down.”
“Nooo… don’t go…” he wearily waved at you to come back.
You leaned against the door frame of the bathroom, smiling gently at the sick man. “Do you want anything? I can get you some scratch off tickets. Dragon Stars Lotto. Those are your favorite, right?”
Toji smiled weakly. “You’re an angel, baby.”
You kissed the back of Toji's neck and smiled as he shuddered against your lips.
“When you get back, I’m gonna fuck the memories of anyone else outta you.”
You laughed, grabbed your bag, and left the apartment. Smiling and hopeful for what’s to come next.
a/n: yo. sorry i've been gone for so long. been trying to find a new job and then suddenly decided to learn blender animation for some reason. (if anyone can give me tips it would be much appreciated) so i started working on this in February for like a valentine's thing then looked up and saw that is April so... happy april fool's! or whatever... enjoy a not so serious toji fic. more to come soon.
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theoccoven · 7 months
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❝Come on baby, smile.~ You’re in the presence of greatness.~❞
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝘽𝙖𝙨𝙞𝙘 𝙄𝙣𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 ࿐ྂ
⇢ Name[s]: Zhao Xiao Dan [Birth Name], Greyson Cox [Western Name] ⇢ Other Name[s]: None ⇢ Nickname[s]: Old Man [Skyler & Jooheon], Jiahao’s Kid [his dad’s friends], Dragon [Strangers], Gem [his mom], Little Soul [his dad], Apple of my Eye [Jooheon] ⇢ Like[s]: Fire, Oranges, Tangerines, Vape Pens, Sneakers, Cigarettes, Lighters, Weed, Music, Producing, Writing, Books, Songwriting, Piercings, Tattoos, Brandy ⇢ Dislike[s]: People who mess with his loved ones, Doesn’t dislike many things but can get angry easily
⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙘𝙨 ࿐ྂ
⇢ Species: Half Dragon Half Warlock ⇢ Gender: Male [He/Him] ⇢ Sexuality: Gay, Polyamorous ⇢ Age: 31 [Current] [06.30.1993] [Cancer] ⇢ Height: 6’3” [190.5 cm] ⇢ Abilities: Fire Breathing, Fire Manipulation, Can touch fire, Fire Consumption, Night Vision, Form Shifting ⇢ Special Item[s]: Coal [Can amplify his core fire], Vape Pen [He can’t be seen without one], Headphones [His must have], Flask [Energy boost of the day], Golden Chain Bracelet [Anniversary Gift from Sky], Polaroid of him & Joo when they started dating ⇢ Birthplace: The Village of Ashos [Astaria Equivalent to Brisbane, Australia] ⇢ Residence: Amsterdam, Netherlands [Human Realm] [Current], Shanghai, China [Human Realm] [Visits Often], The Village of Votraria, The Mainland [Magic Realm] [When visiting Joo] ⇢ Status: Alive
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝙋𝙧𝙤𝙛𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙖𝙡 𝙎𝙩𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙨 ࿐ྂ
⇢ Occupation[s]: Male Stripper [Main Job] [Current], Piercer & Tattoo Apprentice [Side Job] [Current], Music Producer [Hobby, Future Career] ⇢ Affiliation[s]: Club Aurora [Magic Realm], Le Camée [Human Realm], Sparkle Ink Tattoo Shop [Human Realm] ⇢ Former Occupation[s]: Bookstore Worker [London, England] [Human Realm]
⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝙍𝙚𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙥𝙨 ࿐ྂ
⇢ Family: Mom-Wang Yue [Mum], Zahao Jiahao [Father], Li [Oldest Sister, Oldest Sibling], Xiāng [2nd Oldest Sister, 2nd Oldest Sibling], Bolin [Oldest Brother, 3rd Oldest Sibling], Qiang [2nd Oldest Brother, 4th Oldest Sibling], Mèng yáo [3rd Oldest Sister, 4th Oldest Sibling], Hao [3rd Oldest Brother, 6th Oldest Sibling, Middle Child, Kai-Ming’s Twin], Kai-Ming [3rd Youngest Sister, 6th Youngest Sibling, Middle Child, Hao’s Twin], Xiaobo [3rd Youngest Brother, 5th Youngest Sibling], Yinuò [2nd Youngest Sister, 4th Youngest Sibling], Hai [Youngest Sister, 3rd Youngest Sibling], Jun De [2nd Youngest Brother, 2nd Youngest Sibling] [Grey is the youngest of 6 brothers & 11 siblings] ⇢ Friend[s]: Jooheon [Longest Friend], Co Worker Friend [Name Coming Soon] ⇢ Romantic Interest[s]: Skyler [Little Angel, Current Boyfriend], Jooheon [Beautiful Puppy, EX Boyfriend] ⇢ Enemies: Dragon Hunters, Humans ⇢ Others: N/A
⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝙈𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙚𝙤𝙪𝙨 ࿐ྂ
⇢ Representative Symbol[s]: Chinese Dragon, Dragon Emoji [🐉], The Colors Green & Orange ⇢ Faceclaim[s]: Christian Yu [@/dprian on instagram] ⇢ Voiceclaim[s]: Christian Yu [@/dprian on instagram] ⇢ Other Claim[s]: N/A
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝙊𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙞𝙚𝙬 ࿐ྂ
⇢ Greyson is a dragon warlock hybrid who works as a male stripper. He originally was meant to become a music producer and start a music career but suddenly dropped out of college and started working in a club in Amsterdam where he currently lives with his boyfriend, Skyler. He tends to travel around a lot mainly to Shanghai to meet with his mum and Votraria to visit Jooheon whenever he needs him.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝘽𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙮 ࿐ྂ
⇢ Coming Soon...
⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝘼𝙥𝙥𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚 ࿐ྂ
⇢ Greyson has a muscular build, standing at 6 feet and 3 inches along with weighing around 190 pounds. In younger ages he can be seen with longer jet black chest length hair but in his current age his hair is above his shoulders. His natural eye color is a bright red mixed with specs of green. They can change color depending on how he feels. When he’s happy they can turn a bright green, a dark green with swirling of green when angry and a very light pastel green when sad. He has prominent dimples when smiling and has a pair of small canines that can get longer if he wants.
⇢ His skin tone is tan/light brown. He has a lot of tattoos, all over his body. Many of these were given to him by Jooheon and the most prominent ones are Jooheon’s Chinese name on his left clavicle, a music clef behind his left ear and ‘Suck Me’ on his lower stomach. He has both his ears pierced. He also has a hand piercing on his right hand, belly piercing, nipple piercings, a left eyebrow piercing, an ampallang [dick piercing] piercing and back piercings. He also has yellow and green scales littered around his body but most prominently on his wrists, chest and hips. He also has black and green claws on his hands and feet but he mainly just allows the claws on his hands out.
⇢ He dresses in a more classical fashion/casual chic style. Lots of button ups, clothed pants, fancier shoes/sneakers. He doesn’t really like jeans but will wear them if going for something more casual all with form fitting shirts. Greyson loves to show off his chest so not all his buttons will be done. Depending on what he’s wearing you’ll also most possibly will be able to see the waistband of his boxers. He doesn’t tend to wear makeup unless he’s working at the club. He also likes jewelry specifically long necklaces and rings.
⇢ He has a deep voice, not super deep but deep enough. He has a thicker Australian accent when speaking in English. He is a native speaker in Mandarin and Cantonese, sometimes if he’s spoken Mandarin/Cantonese for a long period of time he has a bit of an accent.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝙋𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙤𝙣𝙖𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙮 ࿐ྂ
⇢ Personality wise Greyson can be really laid back and chill. He comes off as a big tease and jokes about a lot of things. He’s also extremely flirty and will never miss the chance to make a sexual joke or give a load of compliments. Even though he is normally very laid back he can be easily angered or sadden especially if he’s off his meds. His BPD makes it hard for him to regulate his emotions sometimes and tends to go into explosive episodes of anger, sadness, etc. It does tend to make having close connections hard, he tends to have a feeling of numbness and is why he has had so many flings in the past. Also because of his BPD he’s only ever officially fell in love with one person and still can’t really let him go. Aside from this he can be really funny and fun along with being very overly dramatic about things which always makes his friends laugh.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝘼𝙗𝙞𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙚𝙨 ࿐ྂ
⇢ Fire Magic - he is half warlock and can control and manipulate magic
⇢ Form Shifting - as a hybrid he can change into a full dragon form
⇢ Fire Breathing - can breath fire in both dragon and hybrid form [bigger fire in dragon form]
⇢ Fire Consumption - can eat fire that is not his which can help create a bigger intense fire
⇢ Night Vision - can see very well in the dark
⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝙎𝙠𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙨𝙚𝙩 ࿐ྂ
⇢ Greyson is able to only create fire from what he breaths. He only breaths fire because he is a dragon and cannot actually create fire through magic. He can touch fire and control it, he can also take the fire he breaths out and control it to do what he wants with his magic. He can also consume fire to add to the power of the fire he breathes.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝙂𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙧𝙮 ࿐ྂ
⇢ Coming Soon...
⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝙏𝙧𝙞𝙫𝙞𝙖 ࿐ྂ
⇢ He has BPD & takes medication.
⇢ His favorite words are bitch and fuck.
⇢ He has 3 familiars currently, a Leopard Gecko named Sandy, a Komodo Dragon named Bradly and a Chinese Water Dragon named Evergreen.
⇢ When he’s extremely angry grey smoke pours out of his nose and mouth.
⇢ Growing up in a place where his culture is not prominent which made him embarrassed of his culture.
⇢ Only close friends and family can call him by his birth name.
⇢ Is a descendant of dragon warriors. His dad was a warrior when wars were prominent within the magic realm. He retired before war was officially ended.
⇢ Since he never got to meet his dad he isn’t sure what dragon breed his is but it is thought that he is one of the “original dragons”.
⇢ He dropped out of college and right away went to working at the bookstore he met Jooheon at. Later on works in Le Camée and then Club Aurora. Ends up also working in Joo’s tattoo shop as a piercer and tattoo apprentice as a side job.
⇢ Was going to college to become a music producer.
⇢ Still writes and plays music.
⇢ Because he is a dragon and warlock crossbreed he has a high level of magic.
⇢ He is a strong follower of Zhurong, the god of fire and the south in Chinese mythology and folk religion.
⇢ #🍓greyson core [For Random Fun Facts That Might Not Be Here]
⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝙉𝙎𝙁𝙒 𝙏𝙧𝙞𝙫𝙞𝙖 ࿐ྂ
⇢ Click Here!
⇢ #❤️‍🔥greyson nsfw [Random NSFW Fun Facts, Aesthetics, Etc.]
⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝙌𝙪𝙤𝙩𝙚𝙨 ࿐ྂ
⇢ ❝Suck my fucking cock bitch-! ❞ [basically his catch phrase]
⇢ ❝I’m a sexy bitch, deal with it.❞
⇢ ❝You ruined our world, now you suffer for it.❞
⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝙏𝙖𝙜𝙨࿐ྂ
⇢ #📓greyson work [Stories, Works, Etc.] | #📌greyson sticky note [Random Blurbs, Normally Written on a Sticky Note Before Putting It On Here], #📷greyson picrew [Random Picrews I Made] | #🎵greyson music [Just Music]
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⇢ There will be more added as time passes!! Some things might also change!!
⇢ @theoccoven - all rights reserved, please do not repost, edit, plagiarize, etc.
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snow-lavender · 2 years
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I posted 2,070 times in 2022
That's 197 more posts than 2021!
61 posts created (3%)
2,009 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,965 of my posts in 2022
Only 5% of my posts had no tags
#dream smp - 526 posts
#mcyt - 473 posts
#cool art - 108 posts
#iswm - 107 posts
#fave - 68 posts
#pfft - 63 posts
#tw death - 56 posts
#dlsmp - 55 posts
#dream smp spoilers - 52 posts
#hermitcraft - 47 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#the day i finally get the energy to map cwilburs entire character arc onto atlantic canadian folk songs is the day its over for you bitches
My Top Posts in 2022:
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139 notes - Posted October 31, 2022
I think, after all of this, c!Wilbur becomes a busker.
He tries, of course, to stay put, get that gas station job back, but try as he might, he can't. He's different now. Perhaps he finally inherited his father's wanderlust. And if the past two-slash-fifteen years have taught him anything, it's that there's no use wallowing in misery. So he buys a small campervan.
He roams across the western United States. He preforms the folk songs and sea shanties of both worlds he's lived in. Eventually, he starts writing his own songs, centered on a young man with eyes like the sky and a heart like a wildfire.
He and Tommy exchange letters and Polaroids frequently. Wilbur has no mail box, but of course that's not an issue. The crows will always be able to find him. Tommy comes to visit, too. The two of them pull the van's shitty mattress out into the open to stargaze.
Wilbur never stays in one place for long. He hops from tiny town to tiny town. He'll play his music all day, then slash the cops' tires in the dead of night and be gone by sunrise.
Sometimes the whole bench crew will make their way over. They can't bring Michael into any populated areas, so they wilderness camp for two weeks, living off the land. The preschooler loves it, loves the dry heat that can't be found anywhere on the SMP. Tommy and Ranboo give him piggy back rides through the salt flats as Tubbo reverse engineers a combustion engine.
Wilbur is no longer a president or rebel or homoerotic rival or any other role he's confined himself to. He's just some dude who loves his country and his music and his brother. In spite of everything, or perhaps because of it, he is alive. And slowly, he comes to love it.
160 notes - Posted September 4, 2022
anyway where are the c!eret archaeologist headcanons. man is excavating an entire stronghold. where are the fics where an undergrad at DSMP University is at their first day of field school when her majesty the king walks by, licks an artifact, and informs everyone that it's a bone. where are they.
190 notes - Posted May 11, 2022
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262 notes - Posted May 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Happy Shadow fandub day to those who celebrate it!
1,988 notes - Posted August 19, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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pomstar-org · 7 years
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Untitled portrait
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dummy-kanji · 2 years
Kitasenju, Tokyo por moominsean Por Flickr: Polaroid 190, Type 669
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moominsean · 3 years
Williams, AZ by moominsean Via Flickr: Polaroid 190, Type 669
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animusrox · 5 years
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1.   Avengers: Endgame 2.   Parasite 3.   Waves 4.   1917 5.   The Lighthouse 6.   The Last Black Man in San Francisco 7.   The Farewell 8.   Midsommar 9.   Shazam! 10.   Uncut Gems
[Grade A]
11.   El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie 12.   Knives Out 13.   I Lost My Body 14.   The Nightingale 15.   Joker 16.   The Death of Dick Long 17.   Ready or Not 18.   Jojo Rabbit 19.   Just Mercy 20.   Dragged Across Concrete 21.   Cold Pursuit 22.   Marriage Story 23.   Hotel Mumbai 24.   The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind 25.   Arctic 26.   The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then the Bigfoot 27.   Once Upon a Time in Hollywood 28.   Klaus 29.   A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood 30.   American Factory 31.   Ford v Ferrari 32.   The Public 33.   Alita: Battle Angel 34.   The Report 35.   In Fabric 36.   Her Smell 37.   Hustlers 38.   Under the Silver Lake 39.   Happy Death Day 2U 40.   Bombshell 41.   A Vigilante 42.   Apollo 11 43.   The Two Popes 44.   Long Shot 45.   The Irishman 46.   The Amazing Johnathan Documentary 47.   Doctor Sleep 48.   The Current War 49.   Jumanji: The Next Level 50.   Toy Story 4 51.   Ad Astra 52.   Gloria Bell 53.   Dark Waters 54.   Them That Follow
Click Keep Reading For My Full List
[Grade B]
55.   Pain and Glory 56.   Hala 57.   It: Chapter Two 58.   Dolemite Is My Name 59.   Our House 60.   American Dreamer 61.   The King 62.   The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part 63.   Terminator: Dark Fate 64.   Little Women 65.   Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 66.   Judy 67.   Us 68.   Child’s Play 69.   Honey Boy 70.   Haunt 71.   Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark 72.   The Laundromat 73.   Wrinkles the Clown 74.   The Addams Family 75.   Teen Spirit 76.   Ma 77.   Missing Link 78.   Annabelle Comes Home 79.   Spider-Man: Far from Home 80.   One Child Nation 81.   Teen Titans Go! vs. Teen Titans 82.   Between Two Ferns: The Movie 83.   The Gangster, the Cop, the Devil 84.   The Wind 85.   Portrait of a Lady on Fire 86.   Crawl 87.   Brittany Runs a Marathon 88.   Wounds 89.   Queen & Slim 90.   Good Boys 91.   The Peanut Butter Falcon 92.   Pokémon Detective Pikachu 93.   Rocketman 94.   The Beach Bum 95.   Brightburn 96.   The Hole in the Ground 97.   Aladdin 98.   Justice League vs. the Fatal Five 99.   Fyre: The Greatest Party That Never Happened 100.   Fyre Fraud
[Grade C]
101.   High Life 102.   6 Underground 103.   Captive State 104.   Blinded by the Light 105.   Captain Marvel 106.   Climax 107.   Greta 108.   Hagazussa 109.   Last Christmas 110.   Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw 111.   Black and Blue 112.   The Kid Who Would Be King 113.   Nightmare Cinema 114.   Little Monsters 115.   The Upside 116.   The Art of Self-Defense 117.   Richard Jewell 118.   Polar 119.   Fighting With My Family 120.   Glass 121.   Abominable 122.   Knock Down the House 123.   Escape Room 124.   The Aftermath 125.   Where’d You Go, Bernadette 126.   John Wick: Chapter 3 127.   The Dead Don’t Die 128.   The Lion King 129.   El Chicano 130.   Yesterday 131.   Maleficent: Mistress of Evil 132.   Lucy in the Sky 133.   In the Tall Grass 134.   Motherless Brooklyn 135.   Reign of the Supermen 136.   Dora and the Lost City of Gold
[Grade D]
137.   Godzilla: King of the Monsters 138.   Five Feet Apart 139.   The Good Liar 140.   Playing with Fire 141.   Triple Frontier 142.   The Goldfinch 143.   Triple Threat 144.   The Kitchen 145.   21 Bridges 146.   Iron Sky: The Coming Race 147.   Pet Sematary 148.   Charlie’s Angels 149.   3 from Hell 150.   Luce 151.   Gemini Man 152.   Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker 153.   I Trapped the Devil 154.   Anna 155.   Zombieland: Double Tap 156.   The Best of Enemies 157.   Countdown 158.   Harriet 159.   Late Night 160.   How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World 161.   Always Be My Maybe 162.   Tolkien 163.   Stuber 164.   Don’t Let Go 165.   Miss Bala 166.   Farming 167.   Polaroid
[Grade F]
168.   47 Meters Down: Uncaged 169.   Dumbo 170.   Wonder Woman: Bloodlines 171.   Frozen II 172.   Dark Phoenix 173.   Batman: Hush 174.   Booksmart 175.   Men in Black: International 176.   The Secret Life of Pets 2 177.   Satanic Panic 178.   Wonder Park 179.   Black Christmas 180.   Primal 181.   Rambo: Last Blood 182.   Angel Has Fallen 183.   The Curse of La Llorona 184.   The Angry Birds Movie 2 185.   Jexi 186.   Shaft 187.   Isn’t It Romantic 188.   Mercy Black 189.   The Prodigy 190.   Velvet Buzzsaw
191.   UglyDolls 192.   The Intruder 193.   Replicas 194.   Serenity 195.   Hellboy 196.   The Hustle 197.   The Souvenir 198.   Cats 199.   Sextuplets 200.   The Fanatic
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paganimagevault · 3 years
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Etruscan terracotta head and draped woman Southern Etruria - Unknown Date
I'm not sure where these statues are now, but here's the article I found with them:
"Italy Seeks Ancient Loot From Symes Trustees By Suzan Mazur     “The collection represents a selection of objects from a larger collection formed by Maurice Tempelsman, a diamond merchant resident in New York, over the past twenty-five years. The individual pieces come from a variety of sources, although the largest number were provided directly by, or were bought legally through, Robin Symes of London. All have been legally imported into the U.S. The collection is currently in the Museum.” — Acquisition Notes of Getty Museum antiquities curator Arthur Houghton cited in The Medici Conspiracy. Among the high profile clients of British antiquities dealer Robin Symes was Maurice Tempelsman — one of the pillars of the Eastern Establishment (Council on Foreign Relations, Africa-America Institute, long-time beau of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis and “friend” of former Clinton Secretary of State Madeleine Albright); Leon Levy & Shelby White and the Metropolitan Museum of Art were customers too. Symes bought his pieces primarily from now-convicted antiquities smuggler Giacomo Medici, the man who sold the Euphronios Sarpedon vases to Bob Hecht. In a reversal of fortune beginning with the accidental death of Symes’s long-time business partner and companion Christo Michaelides ten years ago at a dinner party in Italy hosted by Levy & White and then many months in prison in the UK — Symes, once the prince of the ancient art trade, is now bankrupt. And Italy is asking for restitution of some 1,000 artifacts from Symes’s Trustees in Bankruptcy, according to Maurizio Fiorilli, the lawyer for Italy’s Ministry of Culture who negotiated the return of the Euphronios krater and other treasures from America’s museums. Although Symes destroyed most of the documents related to his business partnership with Michaelides, there is still an indelible photo trail. Here is a sampling of the pieces Italy seeks as part of its cultural patrimony. In many cases there is an exact match of objects in the Medici polaroids seized during police raids on Medici in Geneva and of objects in the Symes hoard photographed by the Italian Ministry of Culture."
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trashbrigade · 5 years
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190. Evolution of the selfie: A person with an iPhone taking a selfie next to a person with a point-and-shoot camera who is taking a photo of a person with a Polaroid camera who is taking a picture of a person with a 35mm camera who is taking a photo of a person with a daguerreotype camera taking a picture of a person with a camera obscura taking a picture of someone painting a self-portrait. This should be a single photo, not photos from each camera.
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fashionbooksmilano · 5 years
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Indian Stills
Carlo Bevilacqua
Ideazione Grafica Editoriale Massimo & Fiameni Design
Collana Hexagon 2, novembre 2016, 74 pagine,  ISBN 9788894084672    collana diretta da Gianni Maffi,  copia numero 80 firmata dall’autore con una  stampa fotografia firmata dal fotografo
euro 120,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Indian Stills edizione limitata da 100 esemplari, numerati e firmati dall'autore 28x24 cm 74 pagine + risguardi, copertina cartonata bodoniana, rilegata con legatura japon. Stampato su carta Fedrigoni Stucco Old Mill White da 120 g e carte G.F. Smith/Paper&People Colorplan Claret da 135 gr. Colorplan Harvest da 135 gr. Tutte le copie sono accompagnate da una fotografia stampata su Archival Matte Paper da 190 gr.  Indian Stills è nota serie fotografica realizzata in India dal fotografo Carlo Bevilacqua, esattamente vent'anni fa, con una fotocamera di grande formato ( 9 x 12 cm ) e una pellicola Polaroid in bianco e nero con recupero del negativo. La serie è oggi è raccolta in un volume rilegato a mano e proposto in edizione limitata di 100 copie accompagnato da una stampa fotografica. La pellicola utilizzata la Polaroid T 55 BN 9 x 12 cm, non più in produzione, è riconoscibile per la traccia lasciata dai materiali di protezione ai bordi dell'emulsione del negativo che è stato successivamente digitalizzato e stampato. Indian Stills richiama l'incanto di un mondo fatto di silenzi, di imperturbabile solennità, di una forza interiore che travalica i tempi e giunge fino a noi dalle profondità della storia, ma senza quelle forme, fastose e magiche, degli antichi luoghi di una civiltà millenaria come quella dei Marahja Indiani e che pochi segni esteriori possono tentare di svelare. I personaggi di queste fotografie, ci incantano sfuggendo ad ogni condizionamento temporale, ad ogni cronologia. Ci osservano dalla lontananza di una civiltà che ha dato loro i tratti, i segni, il portamento di una cultura che ci sfugge, ancorata come è ai ritmi interiori dell'animo
orders to:     [email protected]
ordini a:        [email protected]
instagram:         fashionbooksmilano, designbooksmilano      tumblr:               fashionbooksmilano, designbooksmilano
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Item 190
Evolution of the selfie: A person with an iPhone taking a selfie next to a person with a point-and-shoot camera who is taking a photo of a person with a Polaroid camera who is taking a picture of a person with a 35mm camera who is taking a photo of a person with a daguerreotype camera taking a picture of a person with a camera obscura taking a picture of someone painting a self-portrait. This should be a single photo, not photos from each camera. 
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teamgoatsgoatsgoats · 5 years
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Item 190:  Evolution of the selfie: A person with an iPhone taking a selfie next to a person with a point-and-shoot camera who is taking a photo of a person with a Polaroid camera who is taking a picture of a person with a 35mm camera who is taking a photo of a person with a daguerreotype camera taking a picture of a person with a camera obscura taking a picture of someone painting a self-portrait. This should be a single photo, not photos from each camera.
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moominsean · 3 years
Chula Vista, CA by moominsean Via Flickr: Polaroid 190, Fuji FP-3000B
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teammothra · 5 years
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190. Evolution of the selfie: A person with an iPhone taking a selfie next to a person with a point-and-shoot camera who is taking a photo of a person with a Polaroid camera who is taking a picture of a person with a 35mm camera who is taking a photo of a person with a daguerreotype camera taking a picture of a person with a camera obscura taking a picture of someone painting a self-portrait. This should be a single photo, not photos from each camera.
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knightsoftardisia · 5 years
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190.  Evolution of the selfie: A person with an iPhone taking a selfie next to a person with a point-and-shoot camera who is taking a photo of a person with a Polaroid camera who is taking a picture of a person with a 35mm camera who is taking a photo of a person with a daguerreotype camera taking a picture of a person with a camera obscura taking a picture of someone painting a self-portrait. This should be a single photo, not photos from each camera.
Here it is from a different angle!
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aint-mishbehavin · 5 years
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Item 190
Evolution of the selfie: A person with an iPhone taking a selfie next to a person with a point-and-shoot camera who is taking a photo of a person with a Polaroid camera who is taking a picture of a person with a 35mm camera who is taking a photo of a person with a daguerreotype camera taking a picture of a person with a camera obscura taking a picture of someone painting a self-portrait. This should be a single photo, not photos from each camera.
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