#poker bonuses
Best Poker Apps For Real Money in 2024-25
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Poker has evolved from a traditional card game to a digital phenomenon, captivating players worldwide. In 2024-25, mobile apps make it easier than ever to play poker for real money, anytime and anywhere. Here, we explore the best poker apps for real money, delve into the intricacies of poker game development contributing to the industry's growth.
Top Poker Apps for Real Money in 2024
1. PokerStars
PokerStars remains at the forefront of the online poker scene, known for its robust platform and extensive game variety. The app offers a top-notch user experience, with smooth gameplay, secure transactions, and a plethora of tournaments. Its large player base ensures a bustling environment with games available at all stakes.
2. 888Poker
888Poker is celebrated for its user-friendly interface and enticing bonuses. The app features a range of poker variants, including Texas Hold'em, Omaha, and Stud. Regular promotions and a strong loyalty program make it a go-to choice for real money players. Robust security measures ensure a safe and fair playing field.
3. PartyPoker
PartyPoker has rebranded with a focus on recreational players, introducing features like "fast forward" poker and anonymous tables. The app delivers a smooth gaming experience with a wealth of tournaments and cash games. Designed for easy navigation, PartyPoker is perfect for players on the move.
4. WSOP (World Series of Poker)
The WSOP app brings the prestige of the World Series of Poker to mobile devices. It offers a variety of real money games and tournaments, including satellite entries to live WSOP events. The app’s immersive experience and competitive tournaments make it a prime choice for serious players.
5. GGPoker
GGPoker has gained rapid popularity with innovative features like smart HUD, built-in staking, and all-in insurance. Catering to both recreational and professional players, GGPoker frequently hosts large-scale tournaments with significant prize pools, attracting a global audience.
The Future of Poker Game Development
Advanced Features and Technologies
Poker game development continues to evolve, incorporating cutting-edge technologies to enhance the gaming experience. Key trends include:
Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI is used to create smarter opponents, ensure fair play, and provide personalized recommendations.
Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR): These technologies make poker more immersive, creating realistic environments and interactive gameplay.
Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies: Blockchain ensures transparent, secure transactions, while cryptocurrencies offer alternative payment methods.
User Experience (UX) and Interface Design
A great poker app prioritizes user experience. Developers strive to create intuitive interfaces, enabling easy navigation, secure account management, and seamless gameplay. Features like multi-tabling, customizable settings, and detailed game statistics enhance user engagement and enjoyment.
Security and Fairness
Security is critical in poker game development. Developers implement strong encryption methods and secure payment gateways to protect player data and transactions. Rigorous testing of Random Number Generators (RNGs) ensures game fairness, providing a trustworthy environment for real money play.
How to Create a Poker Game?
Creating a poker app involves several steps, from conceptualization to deployment. Here's a detailed guide on how to develop a poker game:
Step 1: Define Your Concept
Start by defining the concept of your poker game. Determine the type of poker (e.g., Texas Hold'em, Omaha), target audience, and key features. Consider what will make your app stand out in a competitive market.
Step 2: Market Research
Conduct thorough market research to understand your competitors and identify trends. Analyze successful poker apps to determine what features and functionalities are most appealing to players.
Step 3: Design the User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX)
Create a user-friendly interface that is visually appealing and easy to navigate. Focus on UX design to ensure seamless gameplay, quick loading times, and an overall enjoyable user experience. This stage involves creating wireframes and prototypes.
Step 4: Develop the Game Logic
Develop the game logic to handle the rules and mechanics of poker. This includes shuffling and dealing cards, managing bets, determining winners, and handling multiplayer interactions. Ensuring accurate and fair game logic is crucial for player trust and satisfaction.
Step 5: Integrate Multiplayer Functionality
Poker games are inherently social, so integrating multiplayer functionality is essential. Implement real-time data synchronization to enable smooth interactions between players. Use scalable servers to handle a large number of concurrent users.
Step 6: Implement Security Measures
Security is paramount in poker game development. Implement strong encryption methods to protect user data and secure payment gateways for transactions. Use certified Random Number Generators (RNGs) to ensure fair play.
Step 7: Test Thoroughly
Conduct extensive testing to identify and fix bugs. Testing should cover functionality, security, performance, and usability. Beta testing with a group of real users can provide valuable feedback and ensure the game meets player expectations.
Step 8: Deploy and Maintain
Once testing is complete, deploy the app to various platforms (iOS, Android, web). Monitor the app for any issues and provide regular updates to fix bugs, add new features, and improve performance. Continuous maintenance is essential to keep players engaged and satisfied.
Creating a poker app is a complex process that requires expertise in various areas, including game design, programming, and cybersecurity. Partnering with experienced developers can ensure the success of your poker game project.
Innosoft's Expertise:
Innosoft Group stands out in the gaming industry with its extensive expertise in both poker game development and lottery software solutions. With a team of skilled developers and lottery software providers with deep industry knowledge, Innosoft is well-equipped to deliver comprehensive services that bring gaming visions to life.
Custom Poker and Lottery App Development
Innosoft excels in creating apps tailored to client needs, covering both poker and lottery games. Their services include:
Conceptualization and Design: Crafting engaging game designs and user interfaces that captivate players.
Game Logic Development: Implementing sophisticated game logic to ensure realistic and enjoyable poker and lottery experiences.
Multiplayer Integration: Enabling smooth multiplayer interactions with real-time data synchronization.
Cross-Platform Compatibility: Developing apps that work seamlessly across various devices and operating systems.
Advanced Features and Technologies
Innosoft incorporates advanced features and technologies in its poker and lottery software solutions:
Artificial Intelligence (AI): Utilizing AI to enhance game mechanics, provide smarter gameplay, and ensure fair play.
Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR): Creating immersive and interactive gaming environments.
Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies: Ensuring transparent, secure transactions and providing alternative payment methods.
Security and Compliance
Innosoft prioritizes security and compliance in its software solutions:
Robust Security Measures: Implementing strong encryption and secure payment gateways to protect player data and transactions.
Random Number Generation (RNG): Ensuring fair and unbiased game outcomes with certified RNG systems.
Regulatory Compliance: Adhering to strict regulatory standards to provide secure and compliant gaming solutions.
Choosing the Right Poker App
When selecting a poker app for real money, consider these factors for a rewarding gaming experience:
Game Variety
Choose apps offering a wide range of poker variants like Texas Hold'em, Omaha, and Stud, ensuring you can find games that match your preferences and skill level.
Bonuses and Promotions
Look for apps with welcome bonuses, deposit matches, and regular promotions. These incentives can boost your bankroll and add value to your play.
Security and Fairness
Opt for apps that prioritize security with advanced encryption and secure payment methods. Ensure the app uses certified RNGs for fair play.
User Experience
A well-designed app with a user-friendly interface enhances your gaming experience. Features like easy navigation, quick loading times, and customizable settings are important.
Customer Support
Reliable customer support is crucial for resolving issues. Choose apps offering 24/7 support through multiple channels, such as live chat, email, and phone.
Online poker continues to thrive, with innovative apps making real money play more accessible and enjoyable. As we move into 2024, PokerStars, 888Poker, PartyPoker, WSOP, and GGPoker stand out for their exceptional features and user experiences.
The future of poker game development, driven by technologies like AI, VR, and blockchain, promises exciting advancements. Developers like Innosoft are leading this transformation, offering customized poker and lottery solutions for the diverse gaming community.
Whether you're a seasoned player or a newcomer, these apps provide a secure, engaging, and rewarding platform to test your skills and enjoy the game.
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matfly23marketing · 1 year
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judesmoonbeauty · 3 months
2024 Villains Festival Prologue(s) ♛
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This includes the exclusive Villains Festival Team's Prologue that was released on X. Fan translation only. Not 100% accurate. Please expect grammatical errors. Cybird owns everything. Feel free to re-blog, but please do NOT post my translations elsewhere. Also, feel free to ignore my random commentary.
Translation notes are marked with *** Alternate translation is marked with///
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Victor: Ta-da! Her Majesty the Queen has announced an extra bonus payment!
Liam: What, we've never gotten a bonus before? (Damn, that's sad.)
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Jude: It's a drop in the bucket anyway, right?
Victor: The amount is on the letter from her Majesty the Queen.
Victor: It seems we're all paid the same amount of money, so let's split this money with everyone...how's that?
Kate: Is something wrong?
Victor: Oh my god! This is a serious situation....The amount is only divisible by 9!
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Ellis: Isn't it for 10 people because Kate is here too?
Victor: She is separate from you all and is already paid.
Kate: Yes! I've been taken well care of.
Victor: So, if we divide by 9, the remainder is....
Alfons: It's a pain in the ass to worry about the leftovers, isn't it?
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Alfons: Instead of being so tightfisted, why don't we just have a bonus battle?
Elbert: A bonus battle?
Alfons: The winner should take all the bonuses.
Alfons: It saves you the trouble of dividing by 9, and above all, it's fun right?
Harrison: Winner...What game are we going to play? If it's poker, I don't think I'll lose.
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Roger: How about a beer drinking contest? You get to drink and compete, it's a win-win.
Liam: They're both steering the game to their own advantage....it has to be fair, right?
Victor: Then, how about we let our Fairy Tale Writer, decide?
Victor: Let's make the supreme evil who steals her heart the winner and take all the bonuses! That's it!
Kate: What? I can't be responsible for that!
Victor: Don't worry! Her Majesty will make the final decision based on Kate's evaluation. You'll be fine!
Victor: I won't hold you solely responsible. So.....
Kate: …...
Victor: Hey!
Kate: Okay, I understand.
Victor: Thank you, Kate!
(When you look at me with such joyful eyes like sparkling jewels....I won't be able to refuse.)
Victor: It's late today, so the review will start tomorrow. And.....this is for you.
Victor handed me a heart motif necklace.
Victor: Think of this as your very heart and give it to the bad guy who steals your very heart.
Kate: Yes.
Victor: I'm excited! Now, my dear cursed ones, the battle for the bonus is about to begin!
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Villains Festival 2024 Teams Prologue:
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The condition for taking the entire bonus from her Majesty is to steal XXX's heart.
The villains begin to form dangerous joint fronts -
Alfons, Roger and Jude from Team Villain try to kidnap you?
Jude: What do you guys have?
Roger: A sack.
Alfons: Does it look like something other than a rope?
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Jude: So, you'll bag her, tie her up and kidnap her....
Alfons & Roger: Please don't ask if you already know.
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Harrison, Liam and Ellis is Team Love Thief.
They rush to protect you from Team Villain?!
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Harrison: I'm here to protect you – No lie.
Liam: I don't want money. All I want is love from you.
Ellis: I'm happy as long as you're happy.
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William, Elbert and Victor is Team Nobleman.*** (I decided to change this to Team Nobleman from Team Senior Aristocrat.)
They had decided to fight gracefully with a noblesse oblige heart, but......?!
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Elbert: If anything happens to her.....I can't allow that to happen.
William: Hmm....I guess I blew my leeway earlier.
Victor: Good day, my dear.
Victor: Shall I punish you....?
When the three stories connect,
The fierce, serious and silly (?) will be revealed......
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[Master List]
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razorblade180 · 2 months
Fools Bet
Topaz:*typing*….Don’t you have something to be doing?
Aventurine:I am. Remember, I outrank you now. It’s only right to check my partner is hard at work.
Topaz:You wouldn’t have badgered me to join this business venture if you didn’t know I would do my part. Now out with it.
Aventurine:Let’s grab lunch together.
Aventurine:Aww, you’re no fun today. If I didn’t know any better I’d think you weren’t interested in me.
Topaz:Pfft, probably cause I’m not.
Aventurine:And yet it took little convincing for you to pair up with me.
Topaz:I recognize your good work and like you said, I could use the good credit after my demotion.
Aventurine:As if you really care about a frivolous bonus. I do appreciate the compliment though. How sweet of you.
Topaz:…..*continues typing* Just stating the facts.
Aventurine:..Heh, care to make a wager? I bet by the end of this trip you’re going to be head over heels for me.
Topaz:You’re really not letting this go, are you? A bet like that is going to ruin your lucky streak.
Aventurine:If you’re so confident then you have nothing to worry about; except that crumbling poker face. If I win, then I’m taking you to dinner. If you win then how does 20,000 credits and a letter for a promotion from yours truly?
Topaz:We both know that letter isn’t all it’ll take. Also what kind of bet is that? *smiles*
Aventurine :One where you can’t really lose. Meanwhile I may have to endure dealing with the promotion office. At the very least, that’ll get enjoyment out of you.
Topaz:…Sigh I can’t believe I’m doing this. Fine, I will take the bet. You already have my info so wiring the money won’t be hard.
Aventurine:Ouch. Numby is never this mean to me.
Topaz:Because you smell rich. Like you said, bonuses and money don’t hold much value to me. You not calling me a “junior” however… yeah, I want that back.
Aventurine:Well best of luck. Not that you really need it. Either way you look at it, it’s a safe bet for you. Just remember, the losing side. I hope you have an appetite. I might end up spending 20,000 credits either way haha.
Topaz:*holding gem shard*….
Waitress:Umm miss?
Topaz:Huh? Oh, uh just a simple cocktail please. I’m..I’m not that hungry.
Waitress:Oh, okay. I’ll be back with your drink. *walks off*
Topaz:…sigh Idiot. I guess I could lose.
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jetspikepub · 14 days
Another discovery in Bebop universe. It's a long story but I think you're gonna like it.
I spotted PS 1 and PS2 Bebop games reviews in Spanish on Vida Extra that were published in 2021 right before Netflix series dropped, and there was a curious image of Spike playing poker
I was like wuuuuut there's been a poker mini game the whole time 🤯
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Surprisingly, there was no mention of poker and other mini games and bonuses when I tried looking through Eng sources, so I typed Japanese game title and searched on Youtube. You know, if you use Japanese, you can discover so much more about Bebop. One player recorded these mini games and bonuses! You can find some secrets scattered across the game and earn money. As I played using PS2 emulator I used quick saves until the very end of the game and looked at my money stats much later when I saved the progress using "memory card". At first I had no idea what to do with the money in this game. The pause menu in the game is so lame you can't even adjust volume and go back to the title screen from there. Maybe it's me but the only way I figured how to get back to the title is to save manually and restart the game 🤷🏼‍♀️
In Extras there are various bonuses like settei gallery with many hi res artworks and even some PS2 character designs that were not included into the 25th anniversary artbook (sketches and some additional poses).
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You can play as Ed (!!!) in virtual shooting game and as EIN as well, running through the Bebop like Jet in a bomb defusing mission. Ein can talk to Jet and Spike, and the camera chages to little dogo pov, which is cute.
You can play poker with every character (notice card design). Playing poker helps you to earn more money and unlock new images.
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Moreover, there are fighting challenges with alternate outfits (Jet wearing his suit, Faye wearing her casino outfit and Spike wearing coat and jeans from his memories)
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And there are Spike shooting and Ein bomb defusing mini games as well.
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It's a shame the game wasn't published in other countries and translated as well, there are so many little things that make it special for Bebop fans.
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thelioncourts · 8 months
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@iwtvfanevents ❤
Like every evening at The Azalea, the sounds of Jelly Roll Morton’s jazz band overpowered the combined sounds of everything else. A mere human would only be able to discern the playful and talented way Mr. Morton’s fingers danced over the keys of his piano, a sound that paired beautifully with the rhythmic display coming from the drums and the balance-bearing bass of the cello. But Lestat was no mere human and, with a focus now second nature, he could hear everything occurring within The Azalea's walls.
Ice hitting against the sides of glass. Raucous laughter. A hiss from between teeth when alcohol burned the throat. The slap of a man’s hand against the ass of one of the girls. A cry from another girl as a man jackrabbited into her with no consideration. The rolling of a marble on the roulette wheel. The cheers and bang against a table as a man wins a tense game of poker.
Sometimes there were more interesting things to listen to, like Mr. Anderson’s adorable political ploys or a man confessing his sins tearfully to the whore he just fucked because he can’t stomach the thought of his wife finding out.
And sometimes, the best of times, Lestat could listen to Louis.
Long gone was the ability to hear his Louis’s thoughts, a travesty Lestat did his best not to lament upon often as thinking too much on such a subject could send even him spiraling. But he could listen to Louis speak, could hear him even if he was away in his office, even if he was out front greeting clientele.
There was a simple joy to be had in listening to Louis speak to others, listening to the easy way words rolled off of his tongue, listening to the sound of the smile on his face, listening to the honeyed-richness of his voice when something pleased him so. Lestat could sit at their table and be utterly content the entire night as long as he had music flowing over him and Louis’s voice in his ears.
Tonight, Lestat was utterly content.
Jelly Roll Morton was putting on a spectacular show up on the stage and Louis, in his office, was talking to Ms. Bricktop about the holiday bonuses he wanted to roll out for the girls given all of The Azalea’s successes.
“I wanna keep it a secret though,” Louis was saying, the words floating dreamily on the air as Lestat focused in. “They deserve a nice surprise.”
“I’ll make sure not a word is breathed about it, Mr. du Lac,” Ms. Bricktop replied. Like he so often could when it came to Louis, Lestat could hear the smile in Ms. Bricktop’s voice too.
For the next several minutes, Lestat sat at their table and listened to Louis and Ms. Bricktop swap ideas on how to properly go about Louis’s generous gift while staring at the stage and taking in each musician’s fluid movements with their instrument. When the conversation in the office took a turn toward its end, however, Lestat had no qualms about leaving while Mr. Morton was performing an intricate piano solo.
He stood from their table, pulled a cigarette and lighter from his pocket, and watched the end of the cigarette light up with flame before meandering his way to the nearest staircase.
Not even one foot was on the first step before he was greeted with a flirtatious, “Evening, Mr. Lioncourt,” from a lovely little thing with long brown hair and dark eyes so like Louis’s before he turned that Lestat couldn’t not kiss her hand and bask in her blatant desire for him. But whatever loveliness she held was dimmed by the knowledge of Louis, so close now, that Lestat didn’t dally.
Well, didn’t dally too long anyway.
Others gave him their hellos and nods of acknowledgment, but Lestat only truly heard the scrape of Louis’s office chair on the carpet and the muffled sound of his footsteps as he, no doubt, walked around the desk to show Ms. Bricktop out, as appropriate. By the time Lestat arrived, they were exchanging goodbyes, Louis saying, “I think I’m gonna head out soon and —” as he was opening the door.
The sight of Lestat stopped his mouth momentarily.
“Mr. Lioncourt,” Ms. Bricktop said, sounding not at all surprised. “Always good to see you.”
“A mutual sentiment,” Lestat replied with amused sincerity and a brief glance at her before his eyes found Louis.
He hadn’t had a chance to see Louis yet tonight. Lestat had woken up long before his love, readied himself, and headed off for a quick meal, leaving Louis to laze in the warmth of his coffin a bit longer.
They had eaten early the evening before, having to get something in their bellies before seeing Tosca at the opera house on Bourbon Street, and Louis had been in such a mood afterward that they didn’t even steal an aperitivo from the patrons present. They had only gone home, Louis’s unhappiness a dark cloud that followed them up to coffin, a dark cloud that only slightly shifted to allow in the brightness of the moon when Lestat cozied up behind him and kissed at his neck, murmuring apologies — though Lestat didn’t know what he was apologizing for — into his hair.
Luckily for Lestat, whatever had soured Louis’s feelings last night seemed to have been deemed irrelevant for now because his Louis was now looking at him, eyes dancing with an eagerness to leave, as he did that beautiful thing with his mouth that he so often did when trying to repress a smile.
“I was just telling Bricks that we were going to head out soon,” Louis said. “Have to get on back to the townhouse.”
Lestat hummed, feeling the scar by his mouth deepen as he too repressed a smile. Unlike Louis though, Lestat was not a fan of repressing any part of himself and the smile won out, opening on his face and causing Louis to flush.
“Oh, yes, we do have something to prepare for, non? How could I have almost forgotten?” Lestat asked, playing the part, his hand up to his forehead as though plucking the fake-memory from inside. Louis’s flush deepened.
“Right, so we should —” and Louis gestured at the hall, their exit, with a movement of his hand, a movement just harsh enough that the jacket of his slightly too-big suit slid down and hid his hand for a moment.
“Yes, we should,” Lestat agreed, and he looked back at Ms. Bricktop who was wearing her signature high-eyebrowed look as her eyes flitted between the two of them. “Have a good rest of your evening.”
“Mmm-hmm. You two as well.”
Louis gave her his own goodbye, telling her to ring if anything was needed before he locked eyes with Lestat again and allowed Lestat to lead them out.
Good mood radiating, Louis immediately began telling Lestat about the holiday bonuses for the girls and Lestat listened with one ear, giving proper responses when deemed time.
The other ear was listening to the thoughts of the people of The Azalea, from Ms. Bricktop to the simplest patron there for an evening of fun. Lestat found himself wondering, briefly, if Louis ever heard the litany of assumptions, innuendos, and desires that always followed them when they left together. There were men that wanted to be Louis, men that wanted to be Lestat, whores and patrons alike that pictured what they looked like together in the privacy of their shared home. Lestat particularly enjoyed when Mr. Anderson was present and Lestat could witness the war that raged inside the man’s head when he thought, with disgust, about their activities while also getting hard in his pants at the idea of Louis spread out on a bed like the one’s upstairs. One could almost feel sorry for him, Lestat thought sometimes.
But Lestat squashed down that wonderment of what Louis knew, taking the opportunity to allow his hand to brush against Louis’s instead as they made their way to the front doors, giving Louis both of his ears now.
“— and given that our numbers are quadrupled from where they was last year, it’d be crazy not to,” Louis was saying, as though numbers and money really meant anything with Lestat’s accumulation of wealth. But Lestat knew that, for whatever phantasmal reason, The Azalea’s success was important to Louis and so he nodded, agreeing, and allowed his hand to brush against Louis’s again.
“Excitement looks magnificent on you,” Lestat said in response, stopping on the top step outside The Azalea and reaching into his pocket again, procuring his cigarettes and lighter. Louis rolled his eyes, the blue from The Azalea’s neon signage shifting the brilliant green of them to the color of the ocean, but he was smiling wide as he did so. Lestat handed him a cigarette, watched raptly as Louis placed it between his full lips, and flicked on the flame of the lighter. He used one hand to shield away the wind as he brought the flame to Louis’s cigarette and he continued with, “You did seem in quite a hurry to go despite all the good news.”
Louis took a long drag from his cigarette. “Didn’t want to be there anymore.”
He looked up at Lestat as he said it. The smoke he blew out danced across his face, drawing attention to the heaviness of his gaze and the weight of his lashes.
Lestat knew that look. Lestat had been lucky enough in the last years to have become very well acquainted with that look, had been the only recipient of that look since that fateful autumn of 1910. Everything in that look was unsaid, would be unsaid until they were locked away, until Louis was safe in the confines of their home together, until he was so awash with pleasure that “I wanted to be with you” didn’t have to stay locked within his sensual mouth.
Yes, it was time to go.
[Continue Reading on AO3]
It was only a mile’s walk to their house on Rue Royal and whenever they walked together, they took their time. Louis’s good mood was infectious and all-consuming, and he was so agreeable then that Lestat couldn’t not propose another visit to the opera house, this time to see La fille du régiment, another Donizetti masterpiece.
“La fille du régiment premiered three years before Don Pasquale and, I may be biased, but it is even better. Perhaps because it is French,” Lestat told Louis as they began to walk down Toulouse.
“Oh, you may be biased?” Louis asked rhetorically, turning his head to look at Lestat with amusement.
“Un peu.”
Louis snorted. “Well, if it’s even better then we must go.”
“If we do, let us hope that they have a better lead tenor than they did in Paris,” Lestat said, unable to repress a shudder. “That opening night was a barely averted disaster. Off-pitch and wrecking the stage, fils de pute.”
“I’m sure they’ve improved in the last century, Les,” Louis said. Lestat could’ve gasped.
“It has not been a century!”
“Close enough, old man!”
“Old man?” Lestat felt his eyes widening, felt the way words began to sputter incomplete and incoherent from his tongue. Never had Lestat been so scandalized, so disrespected, so —
And Louis was laughing. Not just any laugh, but the kind of laugh that forced his eyes to close, that sent him doubled-over, the kind of laugh that, to any passerby, made him look like any other drunkard leaving Storyville. It was the most beautiful thing Lestat ever heard.
Lestat laughed too, his own laughter joyful and unobstructed, though his eyes never left Louis.
They looked like fools, no doubt, two men laughing in the street in the middle of the night.
Though vampires needn’t breathe really, Louis, still a fledgling, was but learning the wonders of his newfound power and hadn’t quite grasped vampiric breathing. As such, he was laughing without sound now, breath trying its best to enter into his lungs, but he was laughing too hard for it to do so. Lestat was still laughing too, shoulders shaking with it, as he watched Louis step closer to him, felt his fingers grasp onto Lestat’s arm as though holding something could provide him the stability he needed to breathe again.
Lestat was too busy relishing in this moment, enjoying it for its gorgeous simplicity, that he didn’t hear the man approaching them.
“Louis? Little Louis du Lac, that you?”
It was sobering, the new voice interrupting such a moment, and Lestat turned sharply at the sound. Louis’s fingers on his sleeve stiffened.
There was a man standing behind them a ways away. He was older, in his fifties no doubt, with dark skin and matching dark eyes, eyes that were distorted behind thick-framed glasses. He was clutching a flimsy hat to his chest as though he had taken it off to help him see clearer in the night.
Louis stood up straight and adjusted his coat as he greeted, “Bernard Fontenelle! When did you get back into town?”
Bernard Fontenelle immediately brightened at being recognized and being correct in his own recognition, and his mind flared to life with memories that Lestat quickly and succinctly drank up.
Louis, young, so so young, standing inside of St. Augustine with his Daddy and Mamaw on one side, littler Grace and Paul on the other. A younger Bernard Fontenelle, more than a decade older than Louis though, dressed in his altar-boy robes and greeting the Pointe du Lacs, meeting little Louis’s altar-boy-awestruck look with a smile. Later in life, the Pointe du Lacs, all slightly older, showing up at Bernard Fontenelle’s farewell party as he prepared to leave New Orleans for Berks County, Pennsylvania, and Louis, in the midst of his teen years and so sweet and shy, telling Bernard Fontenelle that he’d pray for his safe travels and his success at his new job on the railroad lines every night.
Ah. More human connection.
“I just got in. Took the last trains I could, wanted to get more shifts in before getting down here,” Bernard said to Louis, moving closer to them. “Was on my way to my marraine’s house so I can try to fix up the damage on her front porch to surprise her with it in the mornin’ when I heard you over here having a time.”
Up close, Lestat could see that Bernard’s face was incredibly kind, his expressions open, but his shoulders betrayed that softness, the strength of them prominent in the way his coat strained across the breadth of his back.
Bernard turned that kind face of his to Lestat.
“I’m —”
“Bernard Fontenelle, yes, I heard,” Lestat finished for him, already beyond pleasantries. “I am Lestat de Lioncourt. I —”
“He’s my business partner here in the district,” Louis finished for him.
Lestat only looked, briefly, at Louis out of the corner of his eye, and he could see the trepidation, the trepidation that always reared its ugly head when Louis was hit with his past.
Lestat wanted to rear back too, wanted to dig his fangs in and death-shake the moment like a dog with a bone.
But tonight had been going so well, was going so well. And so he refrained.
“Oui,” he agreed through clenched teeth. “We were merely laughing at what good fortune we have. It is difficult not to find joy in success, non?”
“Most definitely, Mr. Lioncourt, sir,” Bernard said. He looked like he was going to say something else, flashes of long days working on the railroad playing across his mind in vivid memory, but Louis asked, “What’re you in town for, Bernard?” instead.
“My cousin’s wedding.”
“Aimee?” Louis asked incredulously.
“Aimee,” Bernard confirmed, eyebrows high as if adding on, “Can you believe that?”
“I swear she was just turning ten, running around church, screaming about –”
“Screaming about how she was grown now and we all better start acting like it,” Bernard added in, beginning to laugh at the memory of a little Aimee Fontenelle, her braids tied off with bows, running up and down the pews and looking everyone in the eye, telling them what she expected now that she was double-digits-old and getting indignant and pouty when not a one took her seriously.
“Time flies,” Louis said.
“Not for you, it seems,” Bernard said, leaning forward to slap Louis on the shoulder. “I know it’s been a while since I’ve seen you, but you don’t look like you’ve changed at all in the last decade.”
Lestat looked over at Louis with such pride, watching as Louis got flustered, fumbling over excuses for his vampiric hold on time.
He was Lestat’s finest and most wonderful discovery and creation.
It was difficult to imagine what a human saw when they looked at Louis, for Louis’s beauty sent even Lestat and his preternatural sight reeling, and Lestat knew that, to humans, they looked magnificent and otherworldly at times. Looking at Louis must be like looking at the gods of old come to life.
“— heard Grace got married a couple years ago,” Bernard was saying as Lestat returned to the conversation.
“Yeah, yeah,” Louis said. “Levi Freniere managed to steal her away. She’s doing real good though.”
“Any kids?”
“Just enough to keep them on their toes.” Louis held up a hand, three fingers up high. Bernard whistled a low sound. And then —
“I heard about Paul. I wanted to come down for the funeral, but…”
Louis shrugged, shoulders rising high and falling hard, eyes suddenly looking anywhere but at Lestat or Bernard. “Nah, it was…You knew Paul.”
“I did.”
Bernard sucked in a breath, clicked his tongue, and his face transformed from the sudden solemness back to its kind smile.
“But Grace’s made you an uncle and that must be something!”
“It is. She had twins first so it was, y’know, double the excitement for everyone.” He shifted on his feet. “I haven’t had a chance to meet the newest nephew. He was just born a couple weeks ago, but I know she named him Benjamin. Benny.”
“You gonna be returning the favor and giving her some nieces and nephews of her own?” Bernard asked, eyes flicking down to Louis’s left hand. “I don’t see a ring.”
“Look who’s talking!” Louis said, gesturing at Bernard’s own bare finger.
“I’m holding out for a hometown girl. Them girls up north are a different breed, and I don’t know how I feel giving my mamaw grandbabies from a northern girl. But you’re already home, what’s your excuse?”
Lestat waited for Louis to fluster and fumble again, to get caught over words as he attempted to explain this, explain them. Lestat watched expectantly, wanting to see the blood color Louis’s cheeks, something Lestat could tease him about later, could tell Louis, “This blush is even prettier on you,” as Louis was buried in his pleasure, color high on his face and across the bridge of his nose, his lips already having long been kiss-swollen.
“I’m too busy for any of that married stuff,” Louis said easily, scoffing and grinning. “I got too much sitting on my work here in Storyville, still running the Pointe du Lac trust, and all that other mess. What would I do with being married anyhow?”
“How old’re you now? You ain’t got forever, Louis.”
“I am none-of-your-business years old and I got plenty of time.”
The two of them went back and forth like that for a handful of minutes, laughing and joking like old friends, poking and prodding at each other in the way people who have known each other in childhood can.
And Lestat stayed silent.
He felt the tensing of his jaw, his shoulders, the tightening of the muscles in his arms as his fingers flexed and strained where they hung restlessly at his side against the outer seam of his pants.
“I’m too busy for any of that married stuff.”
“What would I do with being married anyhow?”
The way Louis had said it rang in a repetitive circle within Lestat’s head, the nonchalantlessness of his tone striking. The smile on his face played like a hallucination in front of Lestat’s eyes.
When Bernard finally bid them farewell, wandering down toward the opposite end of Toulouse and turning on Burgundy, Louis fell back into his good mood from earlier, so busy talking about those holiday bonuses that he didn’t notice the oddity of Lestat’s silence.
They arrived at their home on Rue Royal, Lestat pushing open the iron gate with a hard shove, and Louis was quick to discard his shoes, hang up his coat and his hat, and turn his face up, catching a quick kiss on Lestat’s jaw as he said, “I’m gonna go change,” before bounding up the stairs toward their bedroom.
And wasn’t that the damndest thing? Their bedroom.
Lestat found himself stuck motionless at the bottom of the stairs.
Their bedroom.
Their bedroom.
Their bedroom.
‘Was it?’ Lestat found himself thinking, staring up at where Louis had disappeared.
“Is anything ours?” he voiced aloud then, the words barely a whisper, but still —
“You say something, Les?” Louis called.
Louis asked it with the same tone he’d said, “What would I do with being married anyhow?” and it was simply too much.
It was overwhelming.
“Les?” Louis asked again, now returned to the top of the stairs. He had changed, his slate-gray suit traded out for a comfortable pajama set, the royal purple ones Lestat had bought him last winter when Louis had mentioned how nice the silk felt after bathing in the hottest water, after the cold winter air hit his skin, after the fire rewarmed him back up, after sliding into coffin together.
“I’m going out,” Lestat said quickly then, turning on a heel. He hadn’t bothered to take his coat off or his shoes yet. He just had to get out the door.
“Going out? Going out where?”
But Lestat was hardly listening. His hand found the doorknob and turned it quickly, letting in a gust of cool night air as he called out over his shoulder, “To eat.”
Within only minutes, thanks to vampiric speed, he was across Lake Pontchartrain at Madisonville, hunting and hunting and looking and —
The man was handsome, in an unconventional way, and young and strong. And he put up a fight. But Lestat grabbed him easily, slammed his head against the brick of a building, pressed against him tight, sinking his fangs in to the hilt and pulling steady drinks, one after the other after the other, until the man slumped lifeless in Lestat’s arms. Lestat let him fall in a messy heap at his feet, swiping along the brick of the wall and licking clean his fingers.
The man’s blood was potent and heady.
It brought with it a sudden clarity too.
When Lestat finally decided to return home to Rue Royale, the moon seemed brighter. It filtered in through the windows of their parlor, white and illuminating, and bouncing off of the stained glass lamps decorating the tables, servers, and shelves littered about. Lestat loved the way it danced any time a car drove by, or even when it was blocked, however briefly, by a passerby or carriage.
He also loved how the moonlight looked on Louis.
Louis, who was sitting on the sofa, still in his royal purple pajamas, legs covered by a soft muslin blanket. Louis, who had one of his damned books in his hands, eyes scanning the pages as though searching for purpose. Louis, who didn’t believe he was married, who thought that they —
Louis’s eyes were on him as he came through the front door, eyebrows furrowed together, the corners of his mouth turned down.
“Les? What’s wrong? Where’d you go? You bolted out of here like —”
With the same vampiric speed he’d used to get across Lake Pontchartrain, Lestat moved forward.
He had Louis pressed against the sofa, using his entire body to cage him in. They were nose to nose, Lestat’s intense stare boring into Louis’s more startled one. Those wide, green eyes matched the sudden hummingbird’s wing-fast thump-thump-thump of Louis’s heart hammering away within his chest.
The book he’d been holding had been snatched and tossed haphazardly onto one of the tables. He didn’t need it any longer.
“Not married?”
The words, the question, felt heavy as they left Lestat’s mouth.
And when Louis’s eyebrows furrowed together again, when the startled look in his eyes melted away to confusion, the words repeated, this time with an edge.
“Not married?”
“What’re you talking about?” Louis asked.
Lestat pulled back, just slightly, enough that he could see the entirety of Louis’s face.
The thought that the world didn’t know, couldn’t know, that he was Lestat’s was unthinkable. And the thought that Louis couldn’t even find it within himself to want that just as much as Lestat was even moreso.
“You told Bernard Fontenelle that you didn’t have time to be married. You told him that marriage was of no use for you.”
The expression on Louis’s face melted into a new one once again, this time of annoyance, of exasperation.
“Really? That’s what all this is about?” He was trying to wriggle free, shimmying down as though Lestat was just going to let him slip out and away.
“You couldn’t have meant that, Louis.”
If Lestat had been in a different mindset, a better mindset, he wouldn’t have allowed his voice to have softened, quieted, when he said that. But it did. Louis mimicked the action with his face, his mouth parting ever so slightly, his jaw untightening, his eyes searching.
“Lestat…” and that was all Louis said, voice trailing off as he failed to give any explanation.
The muscle in Lestat’s jaw ticked.
Lestat pulled back all the way now, but only so he could use the space to lean down and scoop Louis — who made a sound of surprise followed by an indignant “Lestat!” — into his arms.
For the last time of the evening, as Lestat intended to make his point very clear, Lestat used his vampiric speed to take them up the stairs, pausing at the top of the steps. Louis’s right arm was trapped between their bodies, but his left was clutching at the jacket of Lestat’s fine suit, nails digging in. Lestat’s own arms, full of Louis, pulled him closer as he asked, “Did I not carry you over the threshold of our home together? Did I not hold you in my arms as I do now?”
“You’re being insane,” was Louis’s response. He made no effort to scramble away though, fingers digging in even harder as Lestat began to walk toward their bedroom.
Gently, with more care than he could ever hope to voice, Lestat placed Louis on the bed.
That indignancy was on Louis’s face now as he leaned back on his hands, mouth pulled in a petulant pout. Lestat crowded him again, bracing his own hands on the bed so he could hold his body over Louis’s, so he could press Louis back onto the comforter and put his face into the space between Louis’s neck and shoulder. The silk of the pajamas brushed against his jaw as he said in almost a whisper, “Have I not been a good husband?”
Lestat was sure he wasn’t meant to hear the hitch of Louis’s breathing.
He kissed Louis’s neck, then pulled back to look at him again.
“Have I not upheld my husbandly duties?” Shifting his weight, adjusting, he pressed more of his body atop Louis’s, holding himself up now with only one hand as he brought the other to Louis’s face, stroking down his soft cheek with the pads of his fingers. “What else does one have to do to prove his love?”
His fingers pressed tighter, just so the tips of his sharp nails could tease at the skin of Louis’s face, moving down over his jaw, sliding across the prominent tendon of his neck, down to the neckline of his pajama shirt.
There were buttons holding the shirt closed. Lestat toyed with the one button closest to the top, the one settled over Louis’s sternum.
“Perhaps I haven’t done enough,” Lestat tsked at himself. He moved down to the second button, leaving the first intact. “Perhaps I should make up, to you, my shortcomings in our marriage.”
“Lestat, there’s no shortcomings to be talking about,” Louis said. His voice was breathy, but he was trying to push himself up onto his hands once more, struggling against the weight of Lestat.
“But there must be,” Lestat disagreed. The third button now. “I must have not done something right.”
Louis was trying to sneak a hand up to push at Lestat’s shoulder. It took very little to keep that hand away and Louis huffed as he was denied three times over.
“Bernard doesn’t need to know anything about us. No one does. It’s us, not them.”
This time when Lestat looked at Louis, he really looked. That same trepidation from earlier, from childhood, was there rearing its ugliness at Louis, and it was in a battle, a constant battle, with the part of Louis that caused his breath to hitch at the word ‘husband.’
“But what if I want to scream it?” Lestat asked, his hand now fiddling with the fourth, and final, button. “What if I want the world to know that I love you? What if I want the world to know that you’re mine?”
This time Lestat wasn’t sure if the hitch of Louis’s breath was because of what he said or because he chose that moment to slice a nail quickly down the front of Louis’s shirt, popping off every button so that the silk slid away from Louis’s torso, exposing him to the cool air of the bedroom.
“We can’t do any of that, Les,” Louis said. “We don’t get to scream it. We don’t get to tell the world. There are a million reasons as to why.”
It was true, Lestat knew. The human world and all of its problems were why humans were so simultaneously fascinating and frustrating. It was why Louis’s voice still got sad, as it was now, when reminded of the human setbacks he still held within himself, would hold until his family was no longer present to remind him of what once was.
But they weren’t human. They had a future. They had a future where the world would be far different than it currently was. Lestat had seen so many things change during his walk in the Savage Garden.
So Lestat hummed instead, the vibration of it low in his chest. “Then let us think about our actual wedding.”
“What?” Louis blinked at him.
“One day,” Lestat trailed, fingers toying with Louis’s open shirt, “we will be able to get married. It will happen. And when that day comes, I will give you a proper wedding.” He pushed the shirt away from Louis’s shoulders, watching with a devouring gaze as more skin was put on display. “I will give you a ring of emerald to match the gems that are your eyes. I will announce to all my vow to stay by your side. I will tell them how I love you and I will kiss you in front of them so they can see the truth behind it all.”
With the same gentleness he had placed Louis upon the bed with, Lestat entirely removed Louis’s shirt, allowing him to witness the quickened heave of Louis’s chest, the way his nipples had hardened in the cold of the room, the way his fingers twitched helplessly against the cover.
That gentleness vanished at the sight. Lestat could feel his smile turn wolfish.
It only took two moves to return them to their earlier position, Lestat atop Louis, body blanketing his, but this time Lestat didn’t delay.
He kissed Louis. It started off simple, almost sweet, but it quickly developed into something more, deeper and languid. It was almost syrupy in its quality, like the blood of a wine-drunk or that of a particularly beautiful young woman.
When the tip of Lestat’s tongue found the seam of Louis’s lips, Louis opened for him, let him lick his way inside, mapping teeth and taste and cementing the taste of himself right there.
Louis shifted underneath him and this time Lestat allowed Louis to bring his hands up, allowed Louis to settle one around the back of his neck and the other in his hair. Pulling, Louis tried to bring Lestat closer, tilting his head just so in order to return the favor, licking into Lestat’s mouth with an equal kind of enthusiasm.
Then he purposefully sliced his tongue along one of Lestat’s fangs.
Immediately blood flowed into Lestat’s mouth, overtaking everything else, almost whiting out his vision. It was Louis’s blood. Louis, his Louis, who kept kissing him for some time, every passing second of the kiss wetter. It made Lestat hard, his cock already beginning to strain against the confines of his pants.
But so was Louis, his hardness pressed against Lestat’s thigh.
There was blood trickling down Louis’s chin when they separated and Lestat lurched forward, his tongue flat to gather it all on his tongue before pressing it back into Louis’s own mouth with a quick kiss.
“You minx,” Lestat scolded. “That was devilish.”
Louis smiled. It would have almost been a shy thing, done while looking up through dark lashes, a flush on his face as though realizing he was half-naked whilst Lestat was still in his full suit.
It would have succeeded in being a shy thing had it not been for the blood staining his teeth.
Oh, Lestat loved him so.
“Get out of that ridiculous suit and tell me more,” Louis said. He was settling himself further up the bed, eyes watching raptly as Lestat slowly stood up to full height, standing at the foot of the bed to begin fiddling with his cufflinks.
Lestat almost lost the back of one when Louis trailed a hand down to toy with the waist of his pajama pants.
“Tell you more of what?” Lestat asked, sliding off his jacket and throwing it somewhere to be gathered up tomorrow.
“Of our wedding.”
Louis’s eagerness from earlier in the evening had returned full force. Lestat was more than happy to oblige him.
“Well,” he started, moving to take off his tie, “the wedding would be whatever you want. Big affair, small affair, it matters none to me. In a church, in New Orleans, across the world in China, on an island far away from everyone else.” His hands moved down to his belt. “All that I know, all that is guaranteed, is that your ring would be an emerald and that, by the end of the night, no one would be able to question us. The entire world would know that I was the one to put that ring on your finger.”
He toed off his shoes, leaving them where they were, and began to unbutton his shirt. His had many more buttons than Louis’s pajama shirt and it was a thrill, a stroke of Lestat’s ego, to witness the way desire burned in Louis’s eyes as each button came undone.
As he slid it off his shoulders, letting it join his shoes on the floor at his feet, he began to crawl back onto the bed. Louis’s breath immediately quickened again, ever so, and Lestat found the hand that was toying with the waist of his pajama pants and intertwined their fingers, leaving feather-like touches with his thumb across the thin skin stretched over Louis’s hipbone.
“I also know that, despite everything, you could still wear white.”
Reflexively, Louis’s fingers tightened around Lestat’s own. The way his face reddened more would have almost been startling had Lestat not known exactly what he was doing, what he was aiming for. His wolfish smile returned.
“Yes, because even though you’ve long been defiled, taken apart and put back together all on my cock, you can still wear white. After all, I was your first, non?”
Lestat pulled his hand away from Louis’s, letting it fall to the same place Louis had been fiddling with earlier, his fingers sliding underneath the fabric of those pajama pants and beginning to pull. Louis’s breathing was shallow now, eyes never leaving Lestat’s face, trained on his mouth as Lestat said, “Such a good wife you are. You saved yourself for me, for your husband. You didn’t allow anybody else inside.”
The silk slid easily down Louis’s legs, bunching up around his ankles for a brief moment before Lestat pulled it away, and now Louis was naked, a vision against the gold of the comforter, its warmth complimentary and stunning next to the brown of his skin.
Finding it impossible not to do so, Lestat leaned down and kissed Louis again. He resumed their languid, syrupy kiss, utterly claiming Louis with it. But now that there was so much skin to touch, so much more to stake claim upon as well, his hands couldn’t stay still.
Louis was so soft, his skin made to give and take with whatever direction Lestat pushed. His back arched and bowed as Lestat’s hands danced over the expanse of his ribs, his shoulders dropped when Lestat slid a hand underneath him to the small of his back, his neck tilted to expose himself more when Lestat’s other hand cupped and held at his jaw.
When Louis tilted his neck, it moved the position of his mouth underneath Lestat’s, and Lestat took the opportunity to shift his kisses, to move them to that skin Louis so graciously offered him. It freed up Louis’s mouth so he could sigh aloud, so Lestat could hear him say, “Lestat. Les, honey, I’m so —” and “Oh, oh” followed by a gasp as Lestat bit down, just a hint of what he could do, wanted to do.
“I’m the only one that knows what you feel like,” Lestat mumbled against Louis’s collarbone, kissing the area over his heart and moaning as Louis’s hands moved to his hair, nails scratching at his scalp. The hand that had slipped under the small of Louis’s back moved down, gripping at the plush give of Louis’s ass as he hoisted his hips up to grind them together, as he said, “I’m the only one that knows the depth of your warmth. I’m the only one that knows how you tighten around me when I touch you here.”
Louis whimpered, the sound high and needy, pressing his now-weeping cock against the fabric of Lestat’s pants, movement stuttering at the friction
Lestat allowed Louis to maintain that friction, to rut against him as he moved further down, lips and teeth skating across Louis’s chest. Louis’s hips made a particularly pointed movement when Lestat took one of his nipples into his mouth, blunt human teeth worrying at the supple flesh. Experience told him he could stay here forever, could switch from breast to breast for hours; Louis would enter a space of pure bliss at it, would cradle Lestat closer to him, would pepper kisses along Lestat’s hairline. But Lestat had other things to do, other plans to see through, and so he kept moving downward, hands following his mouth, each one resting on either side of Louis’s tiny waist, holding him down as he kissed at the space just below his belly button, as he nosed at the thin skin of his groin.
“We could pretend,” he started, settling his elbows across Louis’s thighs to hold those down too, “when we get married, that you’re still pure. That you’ve followed all of your Catholic teachings thoroughly.”
A kiss, just at the base of Louis’s cock, made him whimper again.
“Shh,” Lestat scolded, no heat behind it at all. “Your dear father won’t be there to give you away, but, as you will have been mine far longer than you were ever his, it won’t matter.”
And still Lestat moved downward, foregoing giving Louis’s cock any more attention, nose first finding the soft skin of his inner thigh, nuzzling at it.
His fangs elongated in his mouth and the taste, the scent, of Louis made saliva pool on his tongue.
Without any more precedence, Lestat bit down.
Louis cried out at the sensation of the bite, a pleasure-pained “Lestat!” leaving him as his back bowed off the bed, as his eyes shot open, pupils dilated beyond measure.
Everything about Louis was better than anyone else. Others were beautiful, but none compared to Louis. Others had green eyes, but none as green as Louis’s. Others were fierce, but none as fierce as Louis.
Others had delicious blood, but none as delicious as Louis’s.
It was ambrosia, nectar of the gods, and it came from one source. It flowed within Louis. It flooded out of the wounds Lestat created, and it sent Lestat’s senses wild with fire.
It made his cock even harder.
He pulled long draws of it, moaning with abandon as it went down his throat, and when he wanted a different kind of connection, wanted his cock inside of Louis in place of his fangs, he dislodged them, heaving out a breath.
This time, it was his smile that was bloody.
Above him, Louis looked wrecked. His mouth was open, parted to allow his tongue to wet at his lips, moans and gasps and whines leaving him one after the other. His hands were balled up in the comforter of the bed, nails having ripped at the stitching of the sewed design, and his chest was heaving. Lestat could see where his saliva was still wet against Louis’s nipples given the lighting of the room, but that was nothing in comparison to the dark head of Louis’s cock, so hard and so desperate where it twitched against the divet next to his right hip.
The bite marks in Louis’s thigh were still there, but the blood was already beginning to lessen as the skin healed. Lestat wasted no time, swiping two of his fingers through the blood there, coating them with it and fighting off the temptation to lick them clean.
Instead, he brought them to Louis’s hole, grinning as Louis gasped at the touch, legs instinctively widening further and further.
“You’re always so tight,” Lestat started, pushing both fingers in slowly, blood slicking the way. “Anyone would believe you to be a virgin.”
“Don’t,” Louis all but begged, throwing an arm over his eyes.
“Don’t what?” Lestat asked, pressing his fingers in even deeper. Louis whined. “Don’t tease you about it? Can it really be called teasing if it’s the truth?”
Louis was going to bite his lip bloody too, Lestat mused, watching as Louis fought a losing battle within himself, his body already giving in to Lestat’s ministrations, opening up for him beautifully.
Lestat pressed in a third finger.
Just the pressure of it, the initial push and give, was enough; Louis came, the suddenness of it debilitating to him, and thrilling, completely enrapturing, to Lestat.
He worked Louis through it, fingers never slowing, grinning when Louis’s thighs began to shake.
“Someone likes being reminded what a good Catholic he is.”
“Don’t,” Louis tried again. It would have been much more serious of a command if his come wasn’t already cooling against his skin.
Lestat ran a hand down Louis’s trembling thighs, soothing them as Louis took in gulps of air. But — once again, from experience — Lestat knew it was best to not let Louis think too long. Sometimes he was fine, basking in their pleasure and love, and other times that ugly trepidation of his former selfhood got into his head.
So Lestat did what he did best: he quickly got rid of his own pants, the nuisance that they were, and he bit into Louis’s thigh again, just long enough for Louis to get hard a second time, just long enough to satiate his thirst, just long enough so that when he dislodged himself once more, there was enough blood for him to slick his cock fully.
Louis’s legs were open and inviting, his eyes kitten-wide and yearning as he followed the movement of Lestat’s reddened hand on his own cock, of the way he moved his hand to the base, holding it as he shifted closer, as he pushed the head teasingly at Louis’s blood-wet hole.
Lestat sighed in pleasure as he pressed his cock inside of Louis, as he felt Louis open to him fully now, loose-limbed and pleasure-drunk.
Lestat kept pushing, driving his cock home, going as deep as he possibly could, wishing he could make Louis choke on it, and when he was flush with Louis, his balls pressed against the soft flesh of Louis’s ass, he pulled all the way back, leaving in just the tip, and then drove forward again.
Louis all but sobbed into his shoulder.
He found a rhythm, his thrusts becoming more powerful as he chased their pleasure, as he sought to bring Louis to the brink of insanity with it. Looking down, he watched with rapt fascination where they were joined, watching his cock disappear inside of Louis then reveal itself, inch by inch, before doing so again and again and again.
And, somewhere in the haze of their coupling, a realization struck him, one so insane, one that set a fire deep within Lestat, that he couldn’t help but laugh, an almost cruel sound from somewhere in his chest.
He kissed Louis as he laughed, leaning down so the very air he breathed was the air leaving Louis, and vice versa, and when he broke the kiss he was still laughing, hips beginning to slow ever so slightly as he said, “You do look like a virgin. Blood-soaked sheets and all.” Then, “Perhaps I should take the sheets, hang them on the balcony for all of New Orleans to see, to show them what a good wife you are.”
He laughed again, laughed at the way Louis’s eyes fluttered down to try to see the sheets, to see the proof of what Lestat said, laughed when he moved Louis’s legs to his shoulders so Louis could see better, so he could dig in deeper.
Louis was nearly folded in half when Lestat thrust all the way back in, when he covered Louis’s body with his own again, when he allowed the laughter to die out, to be replaced by their moans once more.
There was no more speaking for some time after that. Whatever energy Lestat had was spent making Louis feel as good as possible. It was spent holding Louis’s legs, kissing at his neck, his chest, at wherever Lestat’s mouth could reach, and burying himself in Louis’s tightness, in the home that was his body.
It didn’t take long for Louis to come after that either, already so overstimulated and desperate. He came untouched, crying out at a particularly hard thrust, one that pressed the head of Lestat’s cock against his prostate, one that shook him down to his bones.
His spend was hot between them, spreading on the skin of their stomachs as Lestat continued to thrust, as he chased now only his pleasure.
When he was close, when his hips faltered in their rhythm, Louis carded a hand through his hair, pulled him closer by the shoulders, encouraging him to somehow get closer, to eliminate the centimeters still separating them.
Then, voice like a dream, Louis broke their spoken-silence, said, “Come inside of me. Please, honey. Be a good husband and come inside of me. Let me have it.”
Lestat shattered.
For several moments, nothing but the overwhelming love Lestat held within himself felt real. The world around him, around them, faded to nothingness. It was all Louis, Louis, Louis, Louis, Louis.
When the world did return, it did so in pieces. First was the acknowledgment of Louis’s heavy breathing in his ears, the feel of Louis’s skin against his. Second was the coolness of the room against his damp skin. Third was the sound of his own breathing, heavy and mirrored in the fast beating of his heart in his chest. Fourth, and finally, was the realization that his entire bodyweight was holding Louis down into the bed.
“Stay inside,” Louis whispered, begged, when Lestat tried to rise. He urged Lestat to stay with his hands, one hand curled around the breadth of Lestat’s shoulders, the other playing with the blood-sweat wet strands of his hair. And Lestat, having no actual desire to go, settled into the feeling of surrounding Louis entirely, into the feeling of Louis warm and sated and pressed against him.
They stayed like that for some time, breath falling in sync. Their hearts too. They would have fallen asleep there if it wasn’t for Lestat’s awareness of the sun, only an hour away from rising, and if it wasn’t for Louis, his sudden still-whisper, saying, “You really think there’s gonna be a day when you and me can get married? Like how other couples do?”
Lestat blinked open heavy eyes and found Louis had turned to look at him. They were so close, Lestat having tucked his head into Louis’s neck as they lay there, so the action of Louis turning put them eye to eye. That trepidation wasn’t there this time, wasn’t present in the sanctuary of their bedroom. Louis’s gaze was searching, hope brimming in the endless green.
“I have seen the world go through many changes,” Lestat started, propping himself up a little. “One day, humanity will catch up with how we vampires feel. They always do eventually. And when that day comes, I will give you a wedding and we can scream our love from every rooftop, project it to every being that walks this planet.”
Louis laughed at that, muttering something about always taking things too far, but he sobered up quickly, bringing a hand to Lestat’s face, fingers settling under the defined line of Lestat’s jaw, holding him like it was all that mattered right then. Lestat leaned into the touch, relished in it, as Louis asked, in that same hopeful voice, “And for now?”
“And for now we are wed in all the ways that matter.” He covered Louis's hand with his own, holding it, turning to kiss at the soft palm. “You are mine, for all of eternity. My companion. My Louis.”
After a couple more minutes of basking in each other’s arms, they moved, cleaning up and putting on new pajamas, ones perfect for settling into coffin for the morning. Lestat did not even pretend pretense of going to his own coffin, settling immediately into Louis’s, arms open and wide to accept Louis in too.
The dark brought forth by the shutting of the coffin always made Lestat sleepy, something that would be called Pavlovian after a Russian scientist’s publication just in 1904, and so he was nearly asleep when Louis, still awake, and mind apparently reeling, said, “I know we’re gonna have to wait on that wedding and all, but I am interested in what kind of emerald ring you’ve got in mind.”
It was Lestat’s turn to laugh, and he kissed Louis’s forehead.
“I assure you, it will only be the best. I’ll only ever get the best for you.”
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rahilask · 4 months
Casino Big Wins: Triumphs and Tales of Fortunes Won
Casino Big Wins: What sets hearts racing, palms sweating, and adrenaline pumping more than the thrill of hitting it big at a casino? In this article, we delve deep into the realm of Casino Big Wins, exploring the excitement, strategies, and stories behind these monumental moments.
Factors Contributing to Big Wins
Luck vs. Skill: What Matters Most? Casino games often walk the tightrope between chance and skill. While luck undoubtedly plays a significant role in securing big wins, strategic gameplay can tilt the odds in your favor. We'll explore the delicate balance between luck and skill in pursuit of Casino Big Wins.
Strategies for Maximizing Wins From mastering the art of bluffing in poker to employing progressive betting systems in blackjack, various strategies can enhance your chances of scoring big at the casino. We'll uncover these strategies and provide insights into their effectiveness.
Popular Games for Big Wins
Slot Machines: The Allure of Jackpots With their flashing lights and enticing sound effects, slot machines beckon players with the promise of life-changing jackpots. We'll delve into the world of slots, examining the mechanics behind jackpot payouts and sharing tips for spinning your way to success.
Table Games: High Stakes, High Rewards For those seeking a more strategic challenge, table games offer ample opportunities for big wins. Whether it's the thrill of roulette, the strategic depth of blackjack, or the anticipation of a winning hand in poker, table games provide a diverse landscape for pursuing Casino Big Wins.
Real-Life Big Win Stories
Tales of Fortune: Memorable Wins Behind every big win lies a captivating story. From hitting the jackpot on a progressive slot to outplaying opponents in a high-stakes poker tournament, we'll showcase real-life tales of casino triumph that will leave you inspired and awestruck.
Overcoming Odds: Inspirational Stories In the face of adversity, some players defy the odds to achieve remarkable victories. We'll share stories of perseverance, resilience, and sheer determination, highlighting the human spirit's triumph in the pursuit of Casino Big Wins.
Tips for Increasing Win Potential
Bankroll Management: Playing it Smart Effective bankroll management is crucial for sustaining success in the casino world. We'll offer practical tips for managing your funds wisely, ensuring that you can weather both winning streaks and losing spells without derailing your gameplay.
Capitalizing on Bonuses and Promotions Casinos often entice players with enticing bonuses and promotions, ranging from welcome offers to loyalty rewards. We'll reveal insider tips for leveraging these bonuses to maximize your win potential while minimizing risk.
Responsible Gambling Practices
Knowing When to Stop: Setting Limits While the allure of big wins can be irresistible, responsible gambling entails knowing when to step away from the table. We'll discuss the importance of setting limits, recognizing signs of problem gambling, and seeking help when needed.
Seeking Support: Resources for Problem Gambling For those struggling with compulsive gambling behaviors, support is available. We'll provide a comprehensive list of resources, including helplines, support groups, and counseling services, to assist individuals in overcoming gambling addiction and reclaiming control of their lives.
The Future of Big Wins in Casinos
Technological Advancements and Their Impact As technology continues to advance, the landscape of casino gaming is undergoing rapid transformation. We'll explore emerging trends such as virtual reality casinos, blockchain-powered gaming platforms, and AI-driven predictive analytics, offering a glimpse into the future of Casino Big Wins.
Evolving Trends: What's Next in Casino Big Wins? From the rise of skill-based gaming to the integration of cryptocurrency payments, the casino industry is evolving to meet the changing preferences of players. We'll forecast upcoming trends and innovations that are poised to shape the future of Casino Big Wins.
In conclusion, Casino Big Wins embody the essence of excitement, anticipation, and triumph that define the allure of casino gaming. Whether through strategic gameplay, sheer luck, or sheer determination, these monumental moments capture the imagination and inspire players worldwide. As we navigate the ever-changing landscape of the casino industry, one thing remains certain: the thrill of chasing that elusive big win will continue to captivate hearts and minds for generations to come.
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Hi do you know any space western ttrpgs? Preferably those that let me play aliens.
THEME: Space Westerns
Hello there! The following games can all be classified as Space Westerns, although I don’t think there are any with specific rules that provide different options according to your chosen alien species. However, I don’t think there’s anything that specifically excludes you from being able to play as an alien either.
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Vultures, by Batts.
Vultures is a game that puts players in the position of bounty hunters in a post-mecha world, hunting down the rogue pilots and soldiers that refuse to turn in their license and submit to the new Space Mom mega hegemony. The universe and its people are shaped by Before, the war where massive war machines, sinister warminds, and the mechs that walked the stars, caused massive, planet-wide destruction and left the universe in a mess of mecha wreckage.
How long before you make a choice?
How long before you rebel?
This game functions on a simple, sturdy background. Roll d20 and try to get over 10. You build your character out of skills, a background, and develop them with relationships, each adding bonuses to your rolls.
Vultures combines an unforgiving authority with a light-hearted tone. Character have only 1 health and are under the constant watchful eye of Space Mother, but stepping in to help out a friend is always rewarded and players have the ability to gain Luck, which downgrades what could be potentially lethal harm. Your job is to hunt down those nasty rebels and deserters who keep getting in the way of total hegemony, which will take you across a galaxy dotted with the bones of the mechs that tore the galaxy apart. A Hegemony implies the governance over many entities, so there’s plausible argument for the inclusion of alien species, even if there’s no acknowledgement of them in the game text.
I cannot over-recommend the use Safety Tools for Vultures, as it can confront a lot of themes around war and authoritarianism, but once your table has achieved a common ground, it can tell a very compelling story.
Outlaw’s Gamble, by Mitchell Daily.
Go on daring adventures, brave the darkest corners of the Wide Open Sky, evade the Sheriffs, and break the Fundamental Laws of the Universe with reality-warping abilities.
In Outlaw's Gamble you play as Outlaws (it's in the name after all) who go far beyond breaking mortal laws and break the very laws of reality itself, seizing upon great power in the process. But wherever there are laws, there are those who enforce it. Using your powers can mean great gains but draws the attention of the Law itself and the Sheriffs that serve it: the River, the Mountain, the Canyon, the Desert, and the Grave. 
Outlaw's Gamble is played with a deck of playing cards. Challenges can be resolved quickly with a high-card wins system or the stakes can be raised with wagers and poker hands. The poker-style way of resolving conflict is probably one of the most obvious nods to the space-western genre. If what you like about Westerns is the mythology of dangerous mavericks, beholden to no-one and always operating outside the law, you might want to check out this game.
WildSpace, by TheChaya.
Wildspace is a role-playing game in which players explore the galaxy, investigate ancient secrets, outwit enemies and get rich doing so.
Wildspace is an Old-School Renaissance-adjacent game about post-apocalyptic wild west-themed adventure in the far future. Take on the role of diverse characters in their journey for fame and fortune across the endless space frontier. 
Your characters are built up of a number of different pieces: stats, specializations, known languages, and character class. The languages available here tell me that there is definitely alien species involved in this world - it’s just that your species doesn’t define what you can do. This is also a game with a heavy list of inventory, including special powers and tech. So if you like kit-bashing pieces together to make a unique character who’s just trying to make their way in this wild, wild galaxy, this might be the game for you. 
Space Bounty Blues, by The Nerdy Paper Games of Rob Hebert.
A GM-less, planet-hopping, neo-noir RPG for 3-6 people inspired by the greatest sci-fi bounty hunter anime of all time.
It’s the turn of the 25th century, and humanity has spread throughout the Inner System, a network of colony clusters connected by Transit Gates that make faster-than-light space travel possible. Of course, anywhere people go, crime goes with ‘em. And when you can blow jurisdictions at the punch of a hyperdrive, The Man just can’t keep pace. That’s where bounty hunters like you and the rest of your crew come in, with a license to run down and arrest the System’s Most Wanted throughout all six colony clusters.
But remember: this ain’t some license to kill; you only get paid if you hand over a bounty that’s still breathing.
Space Bounty Blues has three traits: Hard, Sharp, and Smooth. You get +1 in one, -1 in another, and 0 in the last. Each character also gains an Edge and a Trouble: your Edge gives you +1 to all relevant rolls, while your Trouble is a problem you just can’t shake. Space Bounty Blues is GM-less, using an online generator (and your own brain) to generate plot details that the group will tackle together.
This game carries elements of inventory keeping, and characters collect scars that can take them out of the game, but you won’t find long lists of equipment or a map that you crawl across, conquering traps and minor obstacles. Finally, the spotlight is meant to move from one character to another, and while each player moves through their “solo”, the rest of the group play NPCs. If you’re looking for a game that guarantees your character will stand out, you might want to look at Space Bounty Blues.
Marine Ice Cattle Drive, by Evey Lockhart.
On a frozen planet, underneath a dim, pink sun, lumbering ice-cows dive and graze in beautiful lavender bays. Heavily bundled cowhands keep careful watch, counting the dangerous minutes until their meagre payday. 
All the while rich assholes, who never get closer to the work than orbit, just get richer.  The more cowhands that don't make it off the Ice Ball, well, the less the bosses have pay.
Marine Ice Cattle Drive is a 20 page, colorful zine, outlining a new Sphere and Adventure for Troika! the scifantasy ttrpg. Available in both a heavily illustrated .pdf format as well as epub!
Because this is an adventure designed for Troika, I can see this as being the most likely option that allows you to play some sort of alien - Troika is a game about multiverses and various different worlds (called spheres), so it makes perfect sense that your alien buckaroo is getting in on this dangerous, freezing space ranch adventure. While this is an adventure, not a stand-alone setting, you could probably take a lot of pieces from this sphere to make your own story.
Orbital Blues, by Soul Muppet Publishing.
This is the rock and roll future of yesteryear that never was—and nobody wanted.  It is an intergalactic age of cowboys, outlaws and bandits playing on an interstellar stage. It is a time of hyper-capitalism and a cut-throat gig economy. Unreliable trash-heaps carry scrappy underdogs to their next gig, and corporation freighters lumber across the horizon laden with an empire’s bounty.
These are the music-fuelled, moon-age daydreams of a rebel space age. These are your ORBITAL BLUES.
ORBITAL BLUES is a lo-fi space western roleplaying game from SoulMuppet Publishing, written by Sam Sleney & Zachary Cox.  A roleplaying love-letter to off-beat sci-fi, vintage music, and cooperative old-school styled roleplay, Orbital Blues allows you to play out rules-light tabletop adventures in the style of space westerns such as Cowboy Bebop, Firefly and Guardians of the Galaxy
Characters of Orbital Blues are centred about their personalities, their quirks, what they want and what they can do. There’s also a pretty palpable homage to Cowboy Bebop, similar to Space Bounty Blues. With most of these games, the feel of a space western has more to do with the people who make up a crew - and it emphasizes that your crew is a rag-tag bunch of misfits, unable to find a place in the honest economy of a larger galaxy. What Orbital Blues brings to the table is a critically-acclaimed system of Troubles - problems the characters struggle with that help each character define and explore a narrative arc. As a result, there’s also some fascinating third-party content that provides add-ons and adventures for your players. If you’re on the fence about this game, you can check out the Quickstart/Playtest, released by Soul Muppet for folks who want to try before they buy.
If you want more options, I also recommend checking out the submissions to the Space Western Summer Jam on Itch.io, from 2021!
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furby-junkie · 1 year
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An image from debaque.com (a website that is now dead). 
Furby Island had won an award of $5,000 (USD) for being the Best Licensed IP game.
“The winners will receive a cash prize, Software licenses from Adobe, Phones from Nokia and a guaranteed contract with an operator and a publisher to market the title. The IMGA will truly help to make mobile game developers' dreams a reality!”
Nominees (For Best Licensed IP Game)
The Crystal Maze (Dynamo Games)
Office Games 2 (Indiagames)
Rounders Poker (Nazara Technologies)
Ratatouille: Cheese Rush (Universomo)
Furby Island (LemonQuest)
The contest rules on IMGA’s website  (archive.org)
IMGA award nominees list (Pocket Gamer)
Furby Island, other award-winning games, and nominees on IMGA’s website 
LemonQuest’s article below cut
LemonQuest wins the IMGA award for Best Adapted Licence with Furby Island
日期 : 12/02/2008
The official videogame of one of the most successful toys from Hasbro
This videogame, developed and edited by LemonQuest, and which is the result of an agreement reached between LemonQuest and Hasbro, enables players to enjoy all the magic of Furby on their mobile telephones. Furby is one of the most important and successful toys of all time.
Furby Island, a fun adventure in a multitude of locations, with a wide range of objects, surprises that come in the form of bonuses and some colourful and cheerful graphics, has been given this award over the other four nominees: Office Games 2 – official licence of the NBC series developed by Indiagames; Ratatouille: Cheese Rush by THQ Wireless; Rounders Poker – based on the film and produced by Nazara; and The Crystal Maze – a title presented by Dynamo Games.
Following this recognition of Furby Island by one of the most important Mobile Gaming events in the sector, LemonQuest has become the first Spanish company to receive such a prestigious award.
Article source
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theplottdump · 1 year
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Valerian: Run me through your vision for bringing the Starlight into the 21st century. Simcraft: The beauty of analog is that it can't be hacked. I don't want to put my vault at that risk. Valerian: Understandable. Keeping the systems simple, but airtight.
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Simcraft: But also I think that making Mother's parrots shoot lasers out of their eyes would be a fitting tribute to the old hag. Val: Touching.
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Leanne: From my initial scans I can see several points of weakness that could be improv- Simcraft: May I introduce you both to my prized possession, my darling Laverne.
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Val: It's a llama in a unicorn costume.
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Simcraft: A golden llama in an unicorn costume. I won her off a Clown Prince in a high stakes game of poker in a Private Wine Cellar in Champs Les Sims. Unfortunately the other players didn't make it out before the cellar was sealed off. Pity.
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Simcraft: Now she's Mummy's special-est little girl. I could pay my entire staff's Winterfest bonuses twice over with just a week's worth of wool from Laverne.
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Valerian: Thrilling.
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Online Casinos - An Introduction
Online casinos are the internet rendition of the regular casinos, which permit players to wager on games and win prizes online. Likewise called as the internet casinos or virtual casinos, these are being laid out on a rising rate throughout the course of recent years. Online casinos use an Irregular Number Generator (RNG), which provides a succession of numbers in an irregular request, in light of which the table games and blackjack are played. Most of the online casinos either lease or buy the software from organizations like Realtime Gaming, CryptoLogic Inc, Playtech, Microgaming and Global Game Innovation.
There are essentially two sorts of online casinos classified based on the connection points they use - downloadable casinos and electronic casinos and a few casinos offer both these sorts. A few online casinos offer live gaming choices likewise, where the vendor will be in the studio and players can collaborate with the seller constant.
Electronic Casinos
While playing in these casinos you don't need to download the gaming software. Your PC program needs to help modules like Macromedia Streak and Macromedia Shockwave. HTML point of interaction is likewise permitted by a few online casinos.
Downloadable Gaming Experience
In certain sorts of online casinos, you need to download gaming software to play various casino games. These are quicker than the online casinos because the help modules needn't bother with to be downloaded, yet are presented by the specialist organization. The software interfaces you to the specialist organization through which wagering and playing occurs. These are additionally predominant in the event of sound and designs than the online casinos.
Sorts of Online Casino Games
Most of the these casinos offer normally played gamed like baccarat, craps, poker, blackjack, slot games, keno, roulette and bingo. For paying these games, you can put money through various store choices.
Appealing Advancements
Most of the these casinos to draw in new players offer numerous special offers and arrangements (casino bonus) on joining and keeping in mind that saving the underlying sum. Almost all casinos advance casino bonus offers on a major way. Some bonus can be cashed out while some others must used while play. A portion of the casinos offer focuses rather than money, which increment after each online game you win. Comp focuses are additionally one of the popular ways of offering bonuses to online players, which can be cashed out as prize, money or com focuses itself. Betting sum and focuses vary with each game you select to play. While certain casinos offer appealing advancements on each game, some others could limit the bonus offers to certain games. They acknowledge many store choices as well.
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Online Casino Tips For New Casino Players
The online casino area is getting bigger continuously. Some online casino destinations provide their benefactors with the very charm and allure that they can appreciate in the customary land-based casinos of Las Vegas. These online casinos provide you with an ideal option for encountering the rush and energy of gambling just inside your own home. So if you can't stand to remove the time from your busy timetable to visit a land-based casino, get yourself a PC and a high velocity internet association, and you are set to bring in truly big money by playing in online casinos.
The immense scope of online casino games presented by these online casinos are varied in number. Take your pick from a variety of online casino games, be it blackjack, roulette, poker or the extremely popular slot machine games. Before depositing money with any online casino website, ensure that the online casino webpage is protected and legitimate. Since the online casino destinations fall under the domain of seaward gambling, you could wind up managing a deceitful organization if you don't rehearse alert. If you are another player who will start off on this excursion that will present to you huge load of cash, there are a few things that you must remember. These tips will work well for you.
The online casino experience is somewhat different from playing in a land-based casino. After entering a customary casino, there is a ton of commotion and confusion, with people wherever distracting your play. While playing on an online casino, you can say farewell to all the tumult. You have simply your game to consider, so you can focus better. Place your wagers using numerical estimations and presence of mind, rather than getting snatched up by the weighty wagering by others. You are the best adjudicator of how much you will wager; let that be the main criteria of a bet. Try not to get impacted by the wagering of other people, if more people are playing the game with you online.
Online casinos provide you with directions about the various bonuses that are on offer. It very well may be a sign-up bonus, which empowers you to start playing online casino after you have met the deposit requirements. It very well may be cashable bonuses which can be encashed alongside your winning money. It tends to be the inverse also, called 'tacky bonuses'. These can't be encashed; it is deducted from your winning sum. Make certain to peruse and follow all bonus requirements. Some have limitations for game sort, requires a base number of plays, or may have a most extreme payout. Not perusing and following the requirements might cost you some or the entirety of your winnings.
Online casinos additionally provide you with 'Assistance' materials which will assist you with grasping the game and expert the strategies. They additionally provide you with 'hand history' so you can follow the changing examples of an online casino game. The buttons on the online casino website are straightforward and user-accommodating. The names of the buttons represent their own functions to hold you back from getting confused throughout a game. A lot is on the line and nobody likes to gamble with anything that might make the odds tougher.
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jetspikepub · 3 days
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I know there are Bebop fans who wanted to try the PS2 game, and here's a way to play all modes and mini-games without completing the story 50 times to unlock each mode and bonus.
All you need is:
The latest version of PCSX2 emulator from their website
PS2 game file (iso folder)
Japanese bios (bios folder)
Memory card file (memcard folder) - it's a PS2 save I found on Gamespot and converted it for emulator. The game is almost 100% cleared (some artworks in the gallery are missing).
Copy these files as you set up the emulator and start the game.
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A few tips:
To skip the intro press start button
In Japanese region circle and x buttons have different function - ⭕️ is YES/CONTINUE and ✖️ is NO/BACK
You can start your new game (easy and normal difficulty) or choose the one from save file (continue). Slot 1 is where the game was cleared on bullet free mode (it has unlimited ammo) and you can replay the story again on any difficulty.
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If you want to play mini-games, choose extra and select any save slot.
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To see more artwork in the gallery use slot 10 - I replayed the story to capture intermissions and found some bonuses as Faye (her pickpocketing skills work on some enemies when she grabs them).
The game is SUPER linear, which means you just play the story from beginning to end and can't choose a mission. I recommend you to save progress regularly from pause menu and use emulator's state save function to avoid replaying long fights (when you feel you're about to die and medkits don't drop), Spike's subway mission or Faye's stealth mission.
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Extra menu bonuses as follows:
🐕 Ein's (and a bit Ed's) adventures on the Bebop
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🔫 Ed's shooting game
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⏱️ Just Counter - arena battle modes, where you must complete different tasks in time, like making a certain amount of combo hits or counter attacks, or defuse bombs as Ein (alternate skins for Spike, Jet and Faye are here)
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🃏 Blackjack (no hookers, sorry). I called it poker last time but it's blackjack game 😅
🏞 Art gallery - a collection of settei from anime and game
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🎷 Sound museum - a collection of songs by Seatbelts
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If you want to save the progress choose the option above the "exit".
For quick Bebop exploration choose Ein's story or Jet's Bomb Sweep mission (save slot 3). Jet's mission has time limit. The timer stops as soon as you clear all areas (except for back hangar).
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the-dixie-flatline · 1 year
Importance of Online Casino Guides
Before playing at online casinos and poker rooms, it tends to be exceptionally useful to go through a portion of the online casino guide. They provide a ton of useful data that can used while play.
Online casino guide provides tips on how to know about spam and illegitimate casinos. Up to 20% of they are unlicensed and there is a risk of fraud and uncalled for play. Therefore it is important to make sure that the online casino you wish to play at is protected and gets its payouts checked by a significant inspecting firm. These aides can assist players with searching for casino destinations that offer the best bonuses as well as the payout rates. This places more money in the player's pocket. There are many online aides that have a rundown of the best online bonuses and payout rates.
It additionally assist with general game play, strategies and tips for winning different games like Hold'em and Omaha. They offer a depiction and rules of different casino games.
Another benefit of going through online casino guide is that they offer good exhortation about the general game play like bankroll restricts, etc. Apart from this guide inform a ton regarding which online casinos are the most popular and which have the best software, designs, sound and liveliness. These surveys are a good source to compare the different sites and what they bring to the table. It can assist with telling which they offer the best return for money, which casino offer which games and what specific benefits and hindrances gaming software have.
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mzplayhack · 7 months
Variety of game that you can play here
Mzplay is a gaming platform that offers an exciting and unique online experience for gamblers. Through its innovative technology, Mzplay provides an unparalleled gaming experience with its state-of-the-art graphics, sound design, and wide variety of gaming options. Here are some of the unique features Mzplay offers to its players:
1. Multi-Platform Accessibility: Mzplay is accessible across multiple platforms including desktop, laptop, mobile, and tablet. This allows players to access their favorite games anytime, anywhere.
2. Virtual Reality: Through 3D graphics and virtual reality technology, Mzplay provides an immersive gaming experience. Players can explore stunning environments and interact with their surroundings in a virtual world.
3. Social Gaming: Mzplay allows players to connect with friends for an even more engaging gaming experience. Players can take part in tournaments and leaderboards, and invite friends to join them in games.
4. Bonuses and Promotions: Mzplay offers a wide selection of bonuses and promotions to reward players for their loyalty. From free spins, to bonus cash, to exclusive offers, Mzplay has something for everyone.
5. Live Casino: Players can access a variety of casino games in real time. From blackjack and roulette, to video poker and slots, Mzplay offers a realistic and immersive casino experience.
6. Security and Fairness: Mzplay employs advanced encryption technology to ensure players’ data and financial information is secure. Additionally, Mzplay is committed to fair gaming and is regularly tested by third-party auditors for fairness and security.
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tarikulislamahc · 8 months
SWEET777 Casino Review
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Sweet 777 is an online casino based in sydney, australia. It offers many different types of games, including poker, blackjack and roulette. It is available on both desktop and mobile devices. It also offers an extensive rewards program and free spins. Its website is easy to navigate and its customer service team is very responsive.
SWEET777 is a trusted, licensed, and legal casino site with an international reputation for fairness and integrity. It provides a secure and safe gaming experience for its players, and it is constantly working to improve its services. Sweet777 is committed to preserving the privacy of its members and will never share their information with third parties. This site accepts players from around the world and offers a variety of methods for depositing and withdrawing funds.
The home at 777 sweet briar trl se in milford mi is a single family property that contains 1000 sq ft and was built in 1957. It has 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. This property was last sold for $365,000 in july 2014.
Its been about a month now since ive been ordering my food from sweet pea cafe and it hasnt been delivered. The last time i ordered the a la carte menu it was just a burger and fries and that took about 30mins to get delivered. This time i just ordered the dinner special. The waitress came over to take my order and said the dinner special was 40mins, so i told her it had been about a month since ive placed my previous order and that i would be happy with 30mins. She gave me a look and then said ok, ill give you 20 mins and let me know when i can expect my food to arrive.
The best part about this restaurant is the food and the service, i cant say enough good things about it! I will definitely be coming back in the future and recommending it to others. I love their food, the burger is so tasty and their fries are amazing! I just wish they could deliver better.
I have been coming here for a while now and the food is always really good, and they have a great selection of drinks! The staff are friendly, and the prices are reasonable. The only thing that bothers me is the delivery, they are so slow! It usually takes 30 mins or more for them to deliver.
777sweet 777sweet is a free online game for people who like to play slot machines and other games. Its easy to use and fun. There are a lot of bonuses and jackpots to win! Its also a very social game, and you can chat with other players while playing. You can also compete with other users in the leaderboards and win prizes.
This website is a great resource for people who are looking for a new way to enjoy the thrill of gambling at an online casino without having to leave the comfort of their own homes. They have a wide range of games, from classic slots to 3reel slots and video poker. They also have a great selection of tournaments.
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