#pokemon shadow box
chimo55jimbo · 2 years
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Handmade Pokémon Dioramas - A Glimpse Into a World of Magic
If you're a fan of Pokémon, you've probably seen plenty of dioramas online. But did you know that all of the dioramas you see in this post are actually handmade by askilled artist and designer? That's right! Every detail, every color, and every character is crafted by hand with precision, care, and passion.
Creating these intricate dioramas is no easy task. It takes hours of meticulous work to bring the world of Pokémon to life. Every diorama is unique, showcasing different scenes and characters from the beloved franchise. From Pikachu and Charmander to Gengar and Snorlax, these dioramas capture the essence of what makes Pokémon so special.
What sets these handmade dioramas apart is the quality and vividness of the colors. You'll see every detail and color pop out with stunning clarity. These dioramas are more than just collectibles, they're works of art that will add beauty and depth to any room.
So the next time you see this pictures of chimo55jimbo Pokémon dioramas online, remember that there were created by a talented artist who poured his heart and soul into every inch of it. If you're a Pokémon fan, consider adding a handmade diorama to your collection. You won't be disappointed! Link: https://www.etsy.com/shop/chimo55jimbo?section_id=24856808
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gearoxbutabox · 2 months
Friend Train bosses Kirby and Shadby!
Old art that I had completely forgotten to put on Tumblr
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tokyoteddywolf · 5 months
Meanwhile, deep in the Distortion Realm, a disturbance ripples the crystalline world of Gaia...
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It seems that letters can be sent to the Giratinas that populate the Realm, while The Obsidian One is... busy.
Will you drop a letter through?
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asimplearchivist · 9 months
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*posts and runs*
Here is my canon rescue team! Transcripts of the text in case you can’t read my chicken-scratch:
Shy as hell
Doesn’t talk a lot
A total doormat
Very astute, perceptive, and knowledgeable, though
Mommy Issues™️
Dumb as hell
[Half-star] IQ energy
Stresses Tree the hell out by being unobservant and leaping before looking (sometimes literally)
Will throw hands to protect him with her life, though
Eats anything
Gentle giant
Do NOT fuck with her team, though
Will Solar Beam the shit out of you at any given moment
The Mom Friend™️ of the gang; very organized, cautious, and protective
Will forgive anyone but will NEVER forget
Perpetually tired
Is Done™️ with the saving-the-world bullshit
Strongest Poke of the bunch if pressed
Very considerate and concerned about his team’s safety always
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lucid-daydreamer · 1 month
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It's shinx ! ⚡️ ⚡️ ⚡️ I decided to use my glow paints again for this one. Subtle but cool imo 😎 I like when lightning pokemon are a color other than yellow, we need more of those.
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enigmaticspy · 4 days
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I would like art requests please? Not overly picky on what I’d be drawing but there’s bonus points if it’s related to my hyperfixations (DSMP + AUs (especially my own), Minecraft, Cult of the Lamb, Mandela Catalague, and Generation Loss) or my favorite Nintendo franchises (Pokemon and Pikmin). Extra bonus points if it’s a crossover request. If you need to know more about my DSMP AUs at all just ask :>
(Tagging mentioned titles for higher audience as I don’t have the money to blaze, sorry)
Edit: and by "I'm not picky" I really do mean any non-bigoted request is allowed. Just go wild!
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daraalegrano · 1 year
Here’s an Eevee shadow box commission for one of my friends!!! This one was super cute and fun to make :D
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darkestrellar · 1 year
was thinking about how you could argue that the shadow crystal is the actual end/overarching antagonist of shadows of almia, because of how blake seems like the last boss right until he puts the machine on level dark (for literally no reason, when he's warned not to do so) and then proceeds to get sucked into the void by darkrai. darkrai wasn't acting of its own volition at any point because first blake was controlling it and then whatever the heck level dark is happened and it just started Doing Things. but it only did that once the machine [which really means the shadow crystal] went onto berserk mode. and then it turns out blake wasn't wholly acting of his own volition either because again, the shadow crystal
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aotoreiki · 2 years
WOOHOO I FINALLY got the little push to reach the Colosseum credits roll!!! Look at my hardworking children
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It's a fun game.
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svenssvong · 2 years
Kate is routinely voted as having the most Male Living Space™️ in the Ranger Union each year.
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shironezuninja · 6 days
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Glad I lost interest in Boruto a few years ago. The writers ALLOWED Naruto’s son to be deemed an enemy of Konoha!!?
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gallusrostromegalus · 7 months
Im curious, how many people do you currently have explaining Pokémon at you?
So far just one, and very politely.
Apparently the Hexagon is the baby pokemon's D&D Stats, and my friend rolled straight 18's AND managed to get a cool feat off the randomly-picked chart :)
I do have a *general* grasp of how pokemon works, it's just that I also don't play videogames for ADHD/Carpal Tunnel/Vertigo reasons. Don't recc me games, it's very literally a hardware problem on both ends and something that has too high of an entry effort threshold for me to really enjoy- but I can watch other people enjoy them so I'm not so much a Pokemon fan as a Pokemon fandom fan. Love learning about shit third-hand, and like re-explaining it badly even more.
As best I understand it, Pokemon is a game about a futuristic Utopia where society is so safe and so free that it's perfectly reasonable for a 10-year old to just take their dog on the road and functionally become a biology research assistant/D&D Adventurer/Boxing coach to wild animals and nobody particularly worries about their saftey on the road beyond the normal hazards of camping. It's almost like the Federation in the original and Next Generation Star Trek- a meditation on the kinds of problems a post-scarcity egalitarian utopia actually would face. Star Trek posits that colonialism and imperialism cast long shadows not easily abated, and that post-scarcity eliminates many, but far from all interpersonal disputes. Pokemon posits that the biggest issues that society would face are gangs of bored teenagers getting Up To Shit and rats that can shoot lighting.
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shadow-pixelle · 2 years
For SEW, were there any alternate versions of the fic? (From the ask game)
Oooh, SEW (aka A Shadow, an Eon, and a Worm, my Pokemon Mystery Dungeon/Worm crossover). I do miss that fic...
So yeah, it actually has been through a few different versions! I can't talk about all of them, because some of them relate to the ending and that's not been written yet, let alone posted, but I can talk about a few. Going under a cut, because this got a lot longer than I expected it to.
The first big one is, of course, the fact that it was actually meant to be a snippet thread, and not a full on fic! I started it because of a Discord conversation, which I no longer remember the full context of but involved jokes of me (at the time using the alias of ShadowVulpix) and a friend (who goes by Eon and has a shiny Ninetales as a profile) being sent to the Worm universe for some reason. The original plan was three or four snippets, I think... the introduction piece, the Lung fight, the small interlude chapter involving Tattletale of the Undersiders, and then a piece that never got written that would involve the Brockton Bay Leviathan fight. Since this was posted on SufficientVelocity, aka a forum site, that worked alright; mini chapters for snippets didn't seem so odd. But then my brain kept writing, and writing, and we ended up with a full fic instead.
The second biggest one was actually a massive plot change; the original idea had Shadow and Eon taking the place of the protagonist characters from PMD: Blue Rescue Team, which is why early chapters have references to some bits of that plot... I think the most obvious one there is a line from chapter 2;
'“Our first exploration was an E Rank, in a forest, pix.” Eon deadpanned. “Of course it was easy for a pair of Fire types.”'
This got changed again not long after, with the plan being for them to be from PMD: Explorers of Sky instead, which was changed between chapters 2 and 3;
'...or the cave in Sharpedo Bluff.”
“I thought you liked Sharpedo Bluff.” Eon queried, seating himself at the base of a tree to watch her.
“I did . It was just kinda drafty, and a bit boring in there...'
And then the third and final change made them a completely new Rescue Team that was unrelated to either of the regions from those two games, which happened... I can't actually remember when for sure, but was before the Leviathan fight. Because of that there's a bunch of early bits that seem a little wobbly, and I had to work out how to link them into my plot plan without it being too weird or obvious; I think there's actually a few of them that I've not properly cleaned up, though I was going to do it in the future before the writer's block hit.
Let's see, what else... I think the last major one is one I need to be careful talking about, because it relates to some stuff that'll be coming up in future chapters (once the brain starts working again), but the part Taylor plays in the endgame of the fic got changed quite a bit due to a comment from one of the readers on SV. They mentioned that Taylor seemed to be getting sidelined compared to her team mates, which I had already noticed and planned to try and do something about, but that comment made me realise that I needed to do a bit more with it and also start it up sooner, which has led to a couple of other changes more recently.
Obviously there's been minor changes that I can't quite remember anymore, but I wouldn't really call those 'different versions' of the fic, just small redrafts. So I think that's everything! Wow that got longer than I expected it to... Thanks for the ask, and hope you enjoyed the look into my brain and this fic's development!
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incorrect-fnaf-quotes · 5 months
A bunch of things being thrown around involving the Game AU that I wanted to mention? Yes. Yes indeed. :) @universewolfpup
RXQ/Shadow Bonnie is basically like... a character that one of the villains/bosses made at some point, hoping that they would help with their plans.
...Though the villain/boss was quickly proven wrong. Very quickly. Because RXQ was genuinely just like: “No.” and left, and eventually joined the team (Freddy, Crimson, etc).
Earlier, I was basically like: “What would Jack-O-Bonnie sound like?” and right now, I’ve just kind of settled on King Andrias’s VA from Amphibia. Might change, might not.
Jack-O was the first one who actually happened to find Crimson once she arrived. No matter if he actually had been or not, though, Crimson still becomes attached to him quite quickly.
There’s... just so many father-daughter things that I’m imagining with these two. And just little things here and there. He’s a decent singer, and will occasionally sing her lullabies.
Crimson just... absolutely doesn’t know how she’s supposed to get out of the game. She assumes, for a short time, that it’ll happen when she wins... but she has no idea.
And, even then, as she spends more time there, she honestly doesn’t really want to leave all that much, and is kind of starting to dread the eventual day. But, she knows she has to go.
Speaking of her being in and out of the game: In a previous post, I (think) I mentioned how her consciousness gets sent into the Game Avatar, while her body remains, and is simply unconscious/in a coma.
By the very end of it—when she does go back, her body has basically been like that for a couple of months at that point.
There would be game-overs that could be experienced—but they technically aren’t death ones. So it’s not like Crimson would repeatedly deal with that happening.
Instead, if she and the others were in a fight, and they all lost, they’d basically faint, and wake back up somewhere else (like Pokemon? There’s other comparisons.)
It doesn’t stop her from being anxious during battles, though. As also mentioned before, Crimson can see a lot of the stuff—text boxes, health, etc. So, when one keeps getting low... she keeps getting scared.
Mangle wasn’t torn apart by kids here or anything. But, for quite some time, she’s still sort of hesitant around Crimson—it just takes some time.
Crimson likes to get piggyback rides from Jack-O.
Whenever she does eventually leave, I keep comparing it to the endings of the Mystery Dungeon games—it’s angsty, but there’s still way more to it. She never returns.
Except for a smaller AU of this AU—where she does, and there’s less angst. She just sticks around 👍. Happy times, I guess.
While the other characters, in battle and everything, do have moves to use, Crimson doesn’t. At least, not immediately. So, she focuses on healing them with the items she has.
She does eventually start calling Jack-O “Dad.”
...This was a lot—anyways, I think that’s it. It’s late.
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lucid-daydreamer · 2 months
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One of my recent cards, Sunkern! 🌻
Lately I've been showing my cards at my flea market booth, and they've been selling well. I even have a few repeat customers! The positive feedback has me excited to make more!
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