#pokemon raihan imagines
cheesus-doodles · 1 year
Star-Crossed by Choice
Yandere Raihan & Leon with Champion Darling
Pokemon SwSh and SV Crossover
been a hot minute since i've posted, so please enjoy this brainrot that has been eating away at my brain - i know its not the usual TR but gotta get it out somehow. next on the menu would (finally) be A Friend in Me!
cw: use of female pronouns twice
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The pokeballs hidden deep within the depths of your bag wriggled impatiently, and you giggled at the sensation against your back. You couldn’t blame them for wanting to escape from the confines of their balls, not with the hum of life that filled the air of the small town of Cortondo. But this was neither the right time or space. It had been some time since you dared to let them out for a breath of fresh air and to stretch their limbs after all, and you silently promised both them and yourself that you would the moment the opportunity arises. 
The evening was a welcomed relief from the scorching heat of the afternoon that had left you drenched in sweat - the air was crisp and fresh, just dry enough to lift the sweat from your panting skin but not enough to suck all moisture away. A far cry from the humid day under the blistering sun; much unlike what your usual day would be like spent wandering and exploring new grounds, you instead had been forced to duck into the air-conditioned shops for a break. Strolling down cobbled pathways, the little colored flags that stretched from rooftop to rooftop waved invitingly at visitors from all corners of Paldea, the calls of shopkeepers adding to the general hustle and bustle as the town came alive once more, the sun sinking ever lower towards the horizon. 
Your heart wrenched, the pain in your chest sharp. Despite your urge to shrink away from the masses of people, all the eyes you could feel watching you, there was no denying that you missed this. You missed being free. Just being able to walk through town without a care in the world, without anyone hovering over you, one arm slung tightly around your shoulders. Not having to constantly worry about your Pokemon friends getting hurt because of something stupid that was your fault. You never thought you would have ever been able to get a second chance at freedom, to start all over again from scratch; that brazen escape you had risked your life and limbs on seemed to have paid off, though you had to turn your thoughts to the present to stop the tears from welling at the thought of everything and everyone you left behind.
Amidst the crowds of students all dressed in the same Uva Academy uniform as you, out and about and eager to discover when their own ‘Treasure Hunt’ leads them to, you felt secure. You felt like you blended in for once. Maybe it had been worth it, changing both your hairstyle and color, making sure to dress down and look down. Maybe you could be safe here.
“Hey!” A call of your name cut through the commotion of the crowd like a knife through butter. You jolted as one hand came flying down to smack you on your shoulder. Whirling round, you came face to face with those excited orange eyes framed by three signature green strands of hair.  “I thought you’d never come!” The president of the student council was as enthusiastic and energetic as ever, not seeming to have noticed your startle, instead beginning to shake you by both shoulders as she all but shouted her questions at you. “Which gym have you defeated? How strong are your Pokemon? Do you want to battle?”
You opened your mouth, but as usual, no words seemed to come out. Perhaps it was the crowd, everyone else around the two of you that is. You had managed a few words to the friendly Nemona previously, back when you parted ways at Mesagoza; a rare and unusual occurrence, given how your throat usually opts to clam up in front of anyone but your parents, but it just goes to show you have come to trust the loudmouth girl. Your social anxiety didn’t quite show around her like it did everyone else. 
Lifting both hands in a surrender and placating manner, it was beyond you how you manage to calm the other down, before reaching into your pocket to shyly show your friend the two badges that you had obtained so far in all the days you had been wandering. It wasn’t much you knew, and it wasn’t much on purpose. After all that had happened to you back in Galar, you were afraid to go down the League route again, let alone touch anything that had the word ‘Champion’ in it with a fifty-foot pole. 
To your surprise, Nemona was elated. “WOW! You already got two? I knew you had potential!”
You blinked, confused. Wouldn’t she have expected more badges? Was she just hiding her disappointment? The Champion-ranked trainer didn’t give you even a minute to breathe though, hooking one arm through yours and starting to drag you towards the nearest restaurant. “I want to hear ALL about it, you understand?” There was no time to finish your thoughts as you had to scuttle to keep up with her incredibly quick walking pace, and the two of you disappeared from the streets and into the depths of some place you couldn’t catch the name of.
Outside, a different story was unfurling, a pair of teal eyes was fixed firmly on the doorway that you had just disappeared through from beneath the shade of a hoodie, a frown pulling at his usually upturned lips. From across the street and with most of his deceptively lean self hidden behind a wall, there was no doubt in his mind that it was you. A restaurant was no place to cause a commotion, Raihan knew; who knows what you could resort to if cornered? You had escaped once, what was going to stop you from running again? He had waited and waited for this moment despite not being a patient man, but perhaps it wasn’t a bad idea to let you enjoy your last hour of freedom. There would be the rest of eternity with you after all, and he didn’t intend on letting you run wild again.
One tanned hand reaching up to pull his hoodie further down his face, Raihan leaned back against the wall, bringing his cold drink up to his lips. Soon.
Time seemed to slow to a crawl, with each second feeling more like years passing by. The crowds of students of varying ages, all clad similarly in that signature purple uniform, drifted past where he stood like a gentle wave, the town slowly clearing of people as the minutes ticked by. The sun that had once ruled the sky had now fully set, sinking past the distant mountain horizon with a grand burst of colors; the evening rays had been the herald for the star full of skies that now twinkled above. Yet the Galar Dragon gym leader kept waiting. Even if his eyes drifted away from the building, to gaze at the empty distance and wonder of the different Pokemon that wandered this region, or to scan the throngs of people for threats, there was no activity in or out of the restaurant that he missed. All the while, all Raihan could do was recall the night you had disappeared again and again in his head as he glared down at anyone who dared venture too near: the sheer horror of finding you missing from your room in the morning, your confiscated Pokeballs gone from their secured box. The feeling of his gut dropping straight out the bottom when he couldn’t find you after tearing the entire estate apart, his own Pokemon returning empty-handed after he had sent them out to track you down in a sheer moment of desperation.
Never again would he let himself feel that way. Never.
You finally reappeared through the doorway long after his patience had worn out, but instead of the usual annoyance turned anger, the tanned man felt his breath hitch. You looked so very different yet at the same time, so very familiar. What a sight for sore eyes. The way you stood beside your new friend, huddled as close as you dared go, those doe eyes of yours fixed on a random spot on the ground. Small smile pulling at your lips as you fidgeted with the hem of the shirt of your school uniform, listening carefully to everything your energetic companion was spewing at you.
There was nothing you could change about yourself that would be able to hide you away from him: not changing your hairstyle, your hair color, the type of clothes you wear or even the color of your eyes.
But all his joy at seeing you once more was instantly wiped away when he had to witness you lifting your eyes to meet the other’s. And the anger that raged in his chest igniting once more at the sight of your lips moving - almost as if you were speaking. Sure there was no one else but the two of you lingering on the porch of the now-dark restaurant, but you never spoke to anyone but Hop. Not to him, not even to your Pokemon in the presence of another. Selectively mute, was what your all-too innocent mother had happily informed the gym leader when he had paid her a visit to collect some clothes from your house. Even Raihan himself never had the privilege of hearing your sweet voice in person. 
So who was this bastard? 
Watching as you stepped off the curb and back onto cobblestoned streets, there was no time like the present - with the dwindling masses and the shops closed or closing. Raihan pushed off the wall, both hands sliding into the front pockets of his jacket, each stride bringing closer and closer to your little duo. You never even noticed.
The unease you had in your gut had been growing for a while. You couldn’t quite pinpoint what caused that feeling, but it certainly was shared by your Pokemon, their balls having wriggled restlessly all evening where you had hidden them in the depth of your bag. But being out with Nemona gave you a sense of security, and despite your better your judgment, you had pushed the nagging voice to the back of your head. It was probably nothing.
Until it wasn’t.
“So there you are, lil champ,” came that all too familiar drawl. You froze mid-step as a long shadow fell over you. You knew that voice, and you knew it too well for your own liking. The hairs on the back of your neck instantly stood on end as the smile fell from your face. “Never thought you’d go all the way back to school just to hide from me.”
There was no answer from you, but Raihan just kept speaking as if he didn’t notice. “Have to say you fit right in though. You do still have a lot to learn, don’t ya?” You didn’t have to turn to look to know who it was standing behind you, cold sweat already beading at your forehead as you stared down at the pavement, your eyes quavering. No way. There was no way he could have already found you. You thought- you thought you had made it far enough. You thought you were safe. 
“You thought you were safe?” It was as if the man in the dragon hoodie towering over you could read your thoughts - no, in his presence, there was no doubt that your mind was like an open book. “That we would never be able to find you because you ran overseas?” Those deceivingly downturned eyes glared a hole into your back, his lazy smile deceptively kind. “Aren’t ya going to say anything?”
Your new friend seemed to have taken notice of the sudden fear that washed over your entire posture, and in an instant, you were pushed behind her back, Nemona’s gloved hand going almost threateningly to the Pokeballs that hung by her belt. “Excuse me, but who are you?” The usually bubbly voice you had come to know was suddenly firm, every bit of enthusiasm having faded away into this serious side you had only encountered once. 
The Galar Dragon gym leader was hardly intimidated by those orange eyes, ignoring her as his dragon-like gaze continued to stare you down, the pressure alone from the fixation enough to force you to freeze. “Can’t even look at me, huh? Rude.” He knew you couldn’t. Raihan of all people knew better than most you couldn’t meet his gaze. The only response that left your lips was a whimper, your figure starting to quaver as the tears welled at the corner of your eyes.
But the annoying girl with the three strands of green hair butted in again, this time withdrawing a Pokeball to fully hold in her hand with the other arm wrapping comfortingly around your shoulders. “You are scaring my friend, and I do not appreciate that. Please leave.”
Raihan’s eyes finally slipped to the little insect, that razor-sharp gaze losing any and all interest. “And who are you?”
“Nemona, president of the Uva Academy student council and Champion-ranked trainer.” She announced, and the tanned man almost groaned out loud. Of all the places to possibly find you at, of course you had chosen the company of another champion. 
Though it was a third voice that finally shattered your heart and any hope of escape you had left. “Champion?” The voice rang out from the darkness of the unlit side street. “I thought you were done with champions.” The pounding of heavy footsteps, and that unmistakably mob of long purple hair emerged into the dull light of the overhead streetlight. Just when you thought your heart couldn’t sink any further, your poor beating organ simply opting to fall straight out from your chest. Leon.
If Leon was here...
Nemona’s grip on you only tightened. “Who are you?” She demanded again, putting herself directly between you and the two men. You wanted to thank her, to say something, to say anything, but all you could do was tremble, your feet rooted to the ground no matter how much you screamed at yourself to move. No way - no way. How did they find you? “What do you want?”
There was no escape. You were trapped.
Her question was answered by the whispers of the gathering stragglers that still wandered the otherwise quiet streets of Cortondo, though the growing number of eyeballs didn’t help you feel anymore at ease. 
“Isn’t that… Leon and Raihan?”
“From Galar?”
“World number 1 and 7?! But what are they doing here?”
“Who’s that with Nemona?”
Your stomach churned, and you could feel the bile starting to rise through your throat. Leave. You wanted to leave. To run. To be anywhere but here.
The student council president was quick to realize that there was a lot more to you that she didn’t know, and that orange gaze, slowly but surely, turned on you. The reassuring grip she had on your shoulders never left, and Nemona gave you a tight squeeze. “What’s going on?” She whispered to you, but in the dead silence that suddenly fell over the night, everyone could hear her loud and clear. And what do these Master-Class trainers want with you? Was the unspoken question you heard loud and clear.
A single heartbeat of silence.
“Turn around, Galar Champion,” Leon ordered. There was no room in his tone for anything but absolute obedience, and against your will, you obeyed. Hesistantingly, shuffle by shuffle, you turned to face them, though your eyes remained firmly fixed on the ground, trembling hands gripped so tight that your knuckles were white.
Nemona’s eyebrows shot through the roof, and her voice pitched. “Galar Champion?!” And the growing crowd broke into a new round of frenzies whispers, every eyeball now on you, scanning you up and down in disbelief. 
A little thing like you? Champion?
“Never told you huh?” Raihan crowed. “That she had an entire team of Pokemon that could run at Champion League levels?”
Leon only continued to study your form mutely as Raihan continued to taunt Nemona with his knowledge, those once-friendly yellow eyes now almost seeming to glow in the dare as they peered straight into your soul. Taking a single step in your direction, it was enough to have you shrink away, your eyes flying shut and your shoulders hitching up. Almost as if you were expecting to take a hit from the former Galar Champion.
“So you have our Champion, and we’ll like her back. Please.” Finished the tanned man. Baring those sharp teeth, the smile that pulled at those lips was anything but friendly, Raihan once more turning his gaze back on you.
“Are you ready to come home?”
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When They Realize They Love You
leon, raihan x fem!reader (separately)
fandom: pokémon {sw&sh}
contains: fluff, established relationship, domestic scenarios
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A/n: just wanted to do something small for Pokémon and I decided this idea for Leon and Raihan. Hope you enjoy!
Moving in together was Leon’s idea. It was fun for the both of you as well as your Pokémon. Leon never felt so happy with you around as you were him. Though the moment he saw you and his Charizard cuddling together with you on the couch and Charizard with his head in you lap as he sat on the floor, it was curtains for him. Leon has always noticed that Charizard had taken a liking to you but to this moment he was sold you were staying in his life until the end of time. There was no doubt in in his mind that you were the one.
Since Raihan has known you, you have always dressed a bit more masculine mostly because you are a fellow gym leader. He’s never seen you wear something outside of your gym leader clothes. Though he never had a problem with it, Raihan liked you just the way you are, you are a capable gym leader, a strong one at that and Raihan respected that. You and Raihan have been dated for sometime now and you still have a way of surprising him. You showing up to one of your dates in a dress/skirt or whatever, Raihan was like “damn, she cleans up nice.” He was already in love with but you were something new made him fall even more in love with you.
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coeurdalene · 1 year
if i could pull you closer
masterlist | ao3
summary: leon and nessa are plotting something and gordie is 100% in on it, too. (hint: it has everything to do with you, but raihan doesn’t know that yet.)
pairing: raihan x reader
warning(s): leon being a little shit.
word count: 1.36k
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Raihan doesn’t like a lot of things: Fairy-types. Boring Pokémon battles. Half-melted snow mixed with dirt messily sticking to Hammerlocke’s cobblestone roads in the winter. The way Leon and Nessa keep whispering to each other before glancing over at him like they’re plotting something. Or the way Gordie makes eye contact with him from across the room and gives him an encouraging thumbs-up, grinning as if to say that he knows something Raihan doesn’t.
He’s just trying to enjoy his Friday evening lounging on a couch in Leon’s Wyndon townhouse and spending time with his friends as they celebrate the end of another gym challenge season. But the excitement in Nessa’s eyes as she shoves her phone into Leon’s grasp and the sneaky looks they keep sending his way threaten to disturb his peace. Not to mention Gordie, who still has that stupid grin on his face—the absolute tosser.
There’s a sharp knock on the front door. Nessa bolts out of the living room to answer it and Raihan mentally braces himself for whatever kind of chaos is about to happen.
Then, when you walk in looking staggeringly beautiful and breathtakingly divine, Raihan determines that he’s going to kill Leon and Nessa—and maybe Gordie, too.
(Raihan meets you for the first time at Nessa’s twenty-fifth birthday party in Hulbury while scouring the house trying to figure out where the hell Leon disappeared to. Maybe he should keep calling him until the git actually answers his phone or track down Nessa and ask if she’s seen him. Or maybe he should just walk into every room and yell out Leon’s name in hopes that he’ll show up at some point.
Somewhere between the living room and the kitchen, he accidentally bumps into you and nearly sends you toppling to the floor if not for his quick reflexes—his hands reaching out to grab your waist, yours lightly pressing against his chest as you right yourself. And before he has the chance to finish his frantic apology, you reassure him that you’re okay, flashing a dazzling smile that leaves him speechless.
And at that moment, with his hands still on your waist and yours still on his chest, Raihan decides to throw every plan he had to find Leon out the window.)
The panic mode in Raihan’s head switches on the second you plop down next to him on the couch. He stiffens. Out of the corner of his eye, he notices Nessa and Gordie watching like a pair of Noctowl from the other side of the room, and suddenly there’s a palpable feeling of nervousness in the air. You’re seemingly unbothered by it, as your gaze meets his and your lips break out into a gorgeous smile that makes him feel like he’s going to implode. But then you start talking—your soft Hulbury lilt is adorable—and Raihan begins to find himself at ease again.
He wants to tell you how he feels—how he kinda, maybe, likes you a little bit and how he kinda, maybe, would like it if you went out with him sometime—but he pushes it away for later. There are too many people around anyway. Hop and Milo are sitting on the floor and having a conversation about Wooloo, not too far from where he’s sitting with you on the couch, and he isn’t too sure he wants them overhearing him confess his feelings to you.
But he can’t push away the surging feeling in his chest that he gets from the way you glance over at him with a brilliant grin when you tell him about your upcoming endeavors and from the way your eyes light up when he shows you pictures of his Flygon eating berries.
Somehow, during your conversation, his arm finds its way around your waist and your head comes to rest on his shoulder—at some point, he had decided he didn’t care if he was being subtle or not. And, later in the night when he’s feeling a little bolder, he dips his head down to whisper in your ear, “Do you wanna get out of here?”
You respond by tugging him to his feet. Raihan rolls his eyes at the wink Leon gives him as you pull him out the front door.
(“Your breathing is a little heavy,” you say. You’re standing next to him on Nessa’s balcony and leaning against the rail, your shoulder touching his.
“Are you making fun of me? I think you’re making fun of me.”
“I’m not, I swear,” you reply. “Only pointing it out.”
“I’m just a little nervous,” he admits.
“Yeah. Because you’re really cute.”
And when the sweet sound of your laughter fills the air, he can’t stop himself from grinning.)
Wyndon glitters in the dark, but it’s nothing compared to the way you smile up at him when you step out onto the empty street. A street lamp bathes you in light and Raihan has the urge to wrap you up in his arms and kiss you right then and there—and Arceus, he wants to—but he stops. Instead, after a reminder to not get too ahead of himself, he holds out his hand.
He can barely contain his giddiness when he feels your fingers intertwine with his.
“Where to?” you inquire as he begins walking down the street with you by his side and your hand in his in between.
“Wherever you want,” he replies.
There’s a glimmer in your eye as you ask, “I know it’s late, but do you think the Ferris wheel is still open?”
“The Hurricane? I doubt it,” he says, glancing at the circle of lights in the distance. Suddenly, an idea pops into his head and he hesitates, but ultimately decides that he’s daring enough to add on, “But I can take you sometime, if you want.”
You smile, “I’d like that.”
Raihan feels like he just won the League Championship.
(“Why’ve you got that moony look on your face?” Gordie comments from across the room.
“What are you talking about?” Raihan grunts, looking up from his phone and his text messages to you, suppressing his smile so he can shoot a questioning look at the blond. Gordie shrugs in response before returning to paging through his geology book.
“He’s talking about the fact that you look like an idiot in love,” Piers chimes in from his place on the other end of the couch, “and we, by virtue of being your friends, want to know why.”
“Hold on, who said I was in love?” Raihan scoffs. “I’m not in love.”
“That’s rubbish, mate,” Piers rolls his eyes. “You’re totally in love. Anyone could tell you that.”
“It’s Nessa’s friend, isn’t it?” Leon interjects, walking into the room with a cup of tea in one hand and a half-eaten slice of toast in the other. “The one you were talking to at her birthday party, right? You guys were on the balcony together for a while. You seemed kinda close.”
“We’re just friends,” Raihan grumbles. And that’s the truth because you really are just friends, even though he texts you every day and thinks about you all the time—and wishes that you were more than just friends.
Gordie lets out a disgustingly loud chortle and Piers smirks, “Whatever you say.”
Then his phone buzzes and his heart soars when he sees that it’s a new message from you.
All right, fine. Maybe he is in love.)
Raihan doesn’t like a lot of things: Poorly organized shelves. The Skwovet raiding the berry trees in his backyard. Spending hours in the shower washing sand out of his hair.
But he wakes the next morning in his flat and finds you still asleep on the couch. Then he remembers how he had spent the night exploring Wyndon with you, how he had mustered up enough courage to ask you if you wanted to stay at his place for the night, and how elated he felt when you said yes. So maybe, just maybe, he can appreciate Leon and Nessa’s meddling—only if it means he gets to spend more time with you.
(He’s still considering whether or not to send his Duraludon after Gordie, though.)
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smallestapplin · 2 years
If it's okay can I request general yandere headcanons for Leon, Raihan and/or Kabu please?
You got it!
🔞18+Only!🔞 for unhealthy relationships!🔞
CW : stalking, kidnapping
- he’s delusional. He saw you in the stadium during one of his matches, and even bumped into you afterwards! You were so nervous and polite, so sweet and shy.
- He’s the champion after all, of course you’d be nervous about bumping into him. You were just glad he was nice, and not angry with you.
- But that’s not how he saw it.
- You were nervous and shy because you love him! And that’s okay! He finds you so cute, so charming. He can’t help but try and find you on social media.
- He wants to know you! He tries to bump into you, but he’s always getting lost.
- Yet you find him! You help him find his way back to town! So much so, he offers you to work for him, to help him not get lost.
- The pay is insanely well, how could you refuse the sweet champion’s offer?
- He’s always falling you around, hanging off your every word.
- You don’t seem to notice his glare at reporters, or his ‘friendly’ touches lingering. He’s Leon, he’s always been an affectionate man, what’s there to worry about?
- You confused when people start asking you about your boyfriend, or how long you and Leon have been together.
- You aren’t dating Leon, so what gives?
- Asking Leon this, he just tilts his head at you, his confusion mirroring your own
- “What are you talking about? We are coming up on our one year!”
- He tugs lightly at his long purple hair, golden eyes filling with tears that never fall.
- “How could you say that! I’ve been doing everything for you, because I love you! You’re mine, please, just sit down and we can talk about this!”
- “Leon, there is nothing to talk about-“
- The more you deny it, deny him, the more he starts to hyperventilate. It only gets worse when you tell him you’re quitting.
- He won’t allow it! He can’t! You can’t leave him! Through all his crying, through all his begging, his pleading for you to stay with him, to not throw your entire relationship away.
- He panics.
- You can’t leave him! Not after all you two have been through!
- You won’t remember exactly what happened.
- But you’ll wake up, cuffed to his bed, and his bedroom door upgraded with so many locks.
- His Dragapult sees you’re awake, and phases out the door. Only to return with Leon.
- “Ah! I’m so glad you’re awake. I was worried I was too rough, haha!”
- You try to move, thrashing, demanding to be freed.
- “Shh shh it’s okay, love! I got you, you can’t leave me now, isn’t that great? You can be with me forever, isn’t that great! My sweet spouse.”
- No matter what you say, he truly believes you just need an adjustment period.
- You love him! He just knows you do!
- when he first saw you, he knew he needed your contact information. But you made that easy.
- You work at a battling café, said to be one of the best employees, and hardest to beat.
- You look delectable in your uniform, smiling so warmly at him, ready to battle.
- You were a challenge, but that only made him want you more. Making his infatuation grow.
- Your name tag made it easy to finding you, allowing him to stalk you easily. He finds your posts easily, seeing you post pictures of your pokemon, things you’re proud of, and outfits you felt more confident in.
- He’s drooling, you’re so hot, so perfect.
- Your posts show him you’re so kind.
- He becomes a regular at your café, only asking to battle you.
- “They are the only one who’s giving me a challenge.”
- Your coworkers are jealous that THE Raihan, only wants to battle you. He’s easy to talk to, he’s always so chill, and fun to talk with.
- And with your coworkers current attitudes towards you, he becomes the main person you talk to anymore.
- He asks you for your contact information, as if he doesn’t already have it. So he can follow you.
- You aren’t away how he scares all your suitors off.
- Who’s going to talk to you, when you ‘boyfriend’ is Raihan? Who’s glaring at them from over your shoulder? Who texts them to leave you alone, cause you’re already with him.
- You fall into a depression, as your friends no longer want to be around you, as people whom you thought had a connection with, no longer want to be around you.
- But Raihan is there, he makes time for you, even when he’s at work! He always makes sure to text you the second he has a chance, or when you text him.
- He gives you his undivided attention. You’re his beloved, how can he not?
- Raihan makes sure you have no one in your life, except for him! All you need is him anyways.
- He’s two faced with you.
- You only see how protective, funny, kind, and loving he is. You don’t need see how he gets with other who want you, or to get between you and him.
- He tries to hide his possessiveness from you, nor wanting to scare you off. But sometimes it slips, but he’s so charming and easily covers it.
- You can quit your job, and move in with him! He can take care of you! Let him take care of you.
- Let him spoil you, let him be the only one.
- Kabu is a tricky case.
- He met you as a trainer working under him, helping him in his gym. You’re such a hard worker, he can’t help but be around you more, asking you to train with him.
- He finds himself falling in love with you, seeing you with yours and his Pokémon only solidifies that.
- Kabu tries everything he can think of, to earn your affection, but he can’t seem to win your favor. So he tries, and tries, and tries, never giving up.
- Bringing you lunch, offering to take you out.
- “It’s the least I can do for you! Your work is admirable.”
- “You must take breaks! Your body can only work, if you take care of it. You can only show your full potential, if you are rested.”
- Kabu gets bashful when he tries to tell you, how lovely he thinks you are.
- But you only take it platonically.
- He’s a yandere that won’t make a move, just longing for you from the shadows.
- It’s not until you say you have a crush on someone, does he snap. You can’t be with anyone! Only him! Why would you betray him like this?
- No, no no it’s a mistake! You’re being guilted that’s it! Being manipulated by that person.
- Kabu thinks you’re so innocent, so pure, you just see the good in everyone! That had to be it! You don’t want to think that person is evil.
- But Kabu does.
- Kabu purposefully keeps you away from your crush. You belong to him, so why should that other person be around you?
- You are meant to be his spouse! As he’s meant to be your husband!
- He knows this is wrong, he does! But he can’t stop himself, you’re the spark his flames need.
- He knows it’s wrong of him to fantasize about keeping you for himself, but the pain in his heart, when he sees you with another is too great!
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poke-poke-poke · 3 months
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Playtime with Goomy is NOT optional !!!!!!!!!
wips lol
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bellafragolina · 2 years
Piers and Raihan (separately please) with a s/o who's this literal walking ray of sunshine... but their entire personality could do a backflip in seconds and it feels like satan himself just possessed them? Doesn't help that they have a very scary dragon on their team that will break your bones should you try anything funny
you got it!
You two are very different. Your sunshine lights up his gloom, and you two are the perfect example of opposites attract. Piers smiles more with you around, your optimism bleeding into his personality, and he looks forward to everything he does with you. Piers friends, Marnie included, thank you for helping him relax into the little pleasures in life
The first time you do your flip in personality? Everyone is thrown for a loop. You look how you usually act, happy and sweet, so this is very unprecedented. Whoever or whatever you turn on is quivering in its boots, metaphorical or not. And when your Duraludon rises to tower over you? It's a wrap
Piers finds himself gaining a new respect and admiration for you on top of his attraction. He likes that you can handle yourself, that you can deal with anyone picking on you. And he thinks it's funny how sweet little you can scare grown men thrice your size into shaking. The best part, however, is that your Duraludon is just like you, sweet and affectionate. Not a mean bone in its body, until it backs you up
Raihan loves your sweetness. Paired with how you're shorter than him, Raihan is head over hills. He loves you hanging off of him, giving him sweet kisses and saccharine nicknames. Others might find it embarrassing, but he lives for you and your cuteness, and makes sure to take lots of photos and videos of you both together so everyone can see how sickly sweet and in love you both are
When you flip your lid for the first time, Raihan is very surprised. He's never seen you so angry, so intimidating. It's like light itself has bent to make you appear shadowed and scary. Your Dragapult curls around your shoulders as well, hissing and snarling at whatever sorry thing has garnered your ire. Raihan has to resist filming you, to get evidence you're even capable of such a flip in personality.
Raihan smirks afterwards, teasing you about how scary you can be alongside your Pokémon. It eases some of the tension in him, the fact you can keep yourself safe, but he does worry to himself about you messing with someone too much for you. But is there a person that's too much for you? Guess you'll both see with time. For now, Raihan basks in your sweetness once more.
have a good night everyone!
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r0-boat · 1 year
Dating headcanons for Kabu, Raihan, and Piers please?
Dating Headcannons for Kabu, Raihan, Piers
Cut for length
Extremely traditional, he has the entire date planned out has a whole list of things to do and places to eat, and things to see.( more often than not already has a reservation planned)
No matter if it's your first second third or 600th the date he'll always feel nervous to take you out somewhere.
You never expected Kabu to be so romantic, he just wants to make sure you're having a good time.
Kabu's idea of a date is just as traditional a fancy dinner or somewhere quiet and go home.
The gym leader does admit that it has been sometime since he's taken someone out, and he wouldn't be surprised if dating has changed in recent years, so he would be open to anything if you decide to change it. But his first instincts will always be take you out to dinner.
Now he doesn't mind taking you places to have fun it will just take him a while to let loose a little bit. He'd much rather take it slow.
During the actual date, Kabu won't take his eyes off you; you have his full attention.
Kabu prefers taking it slow he is not interested in flings when he is with someone he is in for the long haul. He wishes for a partner to stay by his side.
Kabu says is not a jealous man but you can't help but notice his eyes seemed to Twitch when someone gets a little buddy with you.
Raihan thrives off dates while a dinner is considered for him, it isn't his go-to.
Like the extroverted battery he is he will drag you to any place he thinks is fun and wants to bring you to. Every attraction in Galar are you two have gone to at least twice. And precious thumb drives are filled with pictures and videos of every date. The ones he posts on his social media are not even 1% of the ones he has.
Raihan is less of a list and plan guy and more of a follow your heart.
If going out isn't really your thing or going anywhere where there's a lot of people he'll try to meet in the middle because a date is successful when two people are having fun.
As much as I do see Raihan being the more extroverted going out and doing things kind of boyfriend I do think he is rather flexible with Partners who don't really want to go out.
Raihan is extremely perceptive of other people, and we'll take note of your likes and dislikes, to be completely honest he is the happiest when you're happy.
Raihan is a self-proclaimed Master at dating spots; like I said, he is highly perceptive of the people he is dating. He'll pick a place that he knows you'll like, and he'll pick up on your habits pretty quickly. He'll know when you are or not having fun.
Raihan is a very doting boyfriend anyone would be lucky to be with him.
I also see him as quite the gift-giver as well, he puts a lot of thought into every gift he gives you, ( sometimes he has Dragon brain and gives you a Shiny rock or nick nack he randomly saw and made him think of you)
Eh, to be completely honest Piers doesn't care one way or the other; if going on dates means a lot to you, then sure, he'll do it to make you happy. But Piers can spend time with you in any way he wants to without any of that fancy stuff.
A guy like him, oblivious and doesn't know what romance even is, would be very in trouble on a first date, lucky for him, his sister has his back whether he wants help or not. What kind of sister would she be if she let her brother crash and burn? And Raihan can supply good spots in Galar that have good reviews and are good dating spots
Piers classifies anything as a date, even if it's just you, too, having a lazy Sunday on the couch.
Peirs ideal date if you were to ask him he, would probably say being at home with his partner eating pizza and watching The Great Galar Bake Off.
But once in a blue moon, Piers will knock you out of the park with something you never expect from him. Taking you outside of the town and watching the Stars or Have you listen to a short song he wrote about you. You have no idea where is this comes from because usually, your Piers has no romantic bone in his body.
If you would like to take him out somewhere, sure, he'll bite. He doesn't mind either way.
Piers has a tendency to be a little protective over people he really likes.
Maybe even a little bit possessive over you specifically.
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queeniesrose · 2 years
Happy Holidays y'all! Hope you have a wonderful holiday season. Each drabble will be SFW! Hope you enjoy!
Master Post
Christmas Special - Pokemon
Rika: Mistletoe
The weather outside was nice, not too cold. There was a nice, fresh layer of snow on the ground and you were out shopping with Rika. Christmas shopping for others was always a struggle for you; especially if they were one of those that have everything, or they buy everything that they want. Rika was one of the people that you struggled to shop for, she has everything that she has ever wanted, and doesn't want for much.
Rika pulls you along to a bookstore, entering the warmth of the building. She soon drags you over to the romance section of the store, she stops short as she goes to walk through the doorway, "Well, would you look at that! Those sneaky employees, putting up mistletoe in the romance section!"
Your cheeks start to heat up as she mentions that, looking up to see it for yourself. "I guess we have to kiss then." You say, as you quickly pull her in for a quick peck on the lips. Your cheeks brighten up as you pull back. "It was smart of them to put the mistletoe here."
Raihan: Christmas Tree
Perks of having a giant for a boyfriend, means that he is able to reach the top of the tree. After arriving home with the tree and getting decorations for it, you were excited to decorate. This year, you had decided to get a tall tree, about 7 to 8ft tall. Deciding the best way to decorate was to direct your boyfriend.
As you turned towards Raihan, you picked up a string of lights and ribbon, batting your eyelashes at him. "Ready for the first step Rai?" You asked, handing him the lights, not waiting for an answer. "We'll start at the top the tree." You took a few steps back so you could direct him and not be in the way as he put them up. Once he had finished putting up the lights and ribbon, it was time for the ornaments.
Raihan had decided it was time for you to take over, opened up the boxes. "C'mon Love, it's your turn to start putting things onto the tree." He rifles through the multiple boxes you had, "What colors did you want to do this year? Gold and white, green and red, random?" He asked, pulling a few different ornaments out as he mentioned the different colors.
Leon: Hot Chocolate
You couldn't think of something better to drink, than a mug of hot chocolate after a day out in the snow. You and Leon had taken Hop snowboarding, before dropping him off at their mother's house. Once the two of you got home, Leon immediately sent you to go change as he started to heat up the milk for the hot chocolate.
As you made your way into the kitchen, you saw Leon mixing the cocoa mixture and milk together. He had turned on a Christmas playlist, and he was humming along to "Santa is Coming to Town". You wrapped your arms around his waist, as you approached him, "It smells amazing Lee. Do I smell some cinnamon in it?" You ask, looking up at him.
He sets down the spoon, before twisting in your embrace and wrapping his arms around you. He smiles down at you, "You, my love, have a very good sense of smell. Yes, there is some cinnamon in it. Along with some marshmallows. Just how you like it." He says, placing a kiss on your head. He hands you a mug, holding the other one in his hand. "Cheers Love."
Milo: Dancing to Christmas Music
After a long day of work, all you wanted to do was eat and enjoy some down time with your boyfriend. And that is exactly what you intended to do. As Milo arrived back to your place, he could faintly hear the song, "All I Want For Christmas is You" playing and smell different spices from the kitchen. He let is team out to relax, as he made his way into the kitchen. He paused at the door, leaning against the frame, as soon as he saw you dancing around the island.
It took you a few minutes to realize that he was watching you dance around. Once you did, you held your hand out to him. "Come dance with me Milo!" You yelled. Setting down the spoon on counter and turning down the stove, before you belted out the next line, "I just want you for my own. More than you can ever know! Make my wish come truueeee!" As you sang this, you pranced around the kitchen with Milo in tow.
Milo laughed, as you both terribly danced around and sang the rest of the song. As the song was coming to an end, he wrapped you up in his arms, and softly sang the last few lines into your ear, "All I want for Christmas, is you baby." He kissed you on the temple, "Well, we can make your wish come true love."
Larry: Holiday Photoshoot
It was a Christmas miracle that you got gym leaders to agree to doing a holiday photoshoot. What made it even better, was the fact that Larry agreed to wear a Christmas sweater. What wasn't surprising about it was that it was a gray and black sweater. He had his signature look of stressed, depressed, and ready for death. The photographers paired the leaders and elite four up with each other, or with a champion.
Luckily for Larry, he got paired up with his favorite champion, you. As you walked up to set, you linked your arm with Larry's. Looking over at him, you smiled, chuckling at how uninterested he looked compared to everyone else. "Cheer up old man! Tis the season to be cheery and rejoice in the Christmas joy!" You say, jostling him a little bit. "This will be fun, look lively a little bit for me, please."
Larry looks down at you, and smiles softly. He places a kiss on your temple, "For you, my lovely champion, I will try to enjoy this more." He says, as you arrive at the set. He drags you along, as he follows the directions that the photographer gives him. He unhooks your arm from his, before wrapping his arm around your waist, pulling you in and posing. "Now, why don't you help an 'old man' look more lively?"
Sycamore: Christmas Lights
Every year in Lumiose City, there's a light show that happens in the city center. You have been bugging Sycamore ever since you move to the city and met him, that you wanted to go see it with him. The entire city was decked out with Christmas decorations and lights. This was the year, that you finally got him to agree to take you.
As much as he would love to say that you don't have him wrapped around your finger, you do. The two of you were matching head to toe. You had white long sleeves, dark gray pants, black boots, and gray overcoats on. You spun around to look at him, as the two of you walked towards the city center, grinning up at him. "You look so snazzy tonight, Mister Sycamore." You say, drawling out your accent as you say his name. You had your rotomphone out, taking pictures of you and the lights.
Sycamore's cheeks heat up a little bit, at your compliment. "Well, every snazzy looking man, needs an equally snazzy looking partner." He says, as he catches up to you, spinning you around. Right in time too, as the lights on the tower begin to twinkle. He hears you gasp at the sight, taking in all the different colors twinkling. "I think this exceeds your expectations love?"
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blasphemecel · 2 years
Raihan — Applin And The Flop Confession
PAIRING: Raihan/Reader WORD COUNT: 2.6k TYPE: Humor, Fluff, Pining NOTE: Clichember Prompt(s) 2-4: Overprotective Dad Trope (except you have two dads and they're a Toxicroak and a Krookodile and they're technically your pets more than anything) + Oblivious Love Interest + Failed Confession . Clichember is going to be an event where I write a short fic with my own take on really overused tropes throughout November-December.
Your Pokémon are scary.
It's silly for Raihan as 'The Dragon Tamer,' a grown ass man, and someone who knocks his head into doors an embarrassing amount of times a day because he's too damn tall to feel afraid of trained Pokémon.
They're yours, so he knows they won't hurt him despite spending most of their time glaring at him with their arms crossed when he's around. The most aggressive they get is dragging him away from you when he tries to hold your hand or to swing an arm over your shoulder and getting between you two when you hug. He's aware he's not in grave danger.
Still, having a Krookodile — something he hadn't even seen before you moved here from Unova and he made friends with you — bare its fangs at him isn't pleasant, and neither is seeing a Toxicroak extend its poison sac in his general direction. Certainly they haven't charmed him, but it's clear they don't like him either, and the thought makes him a little sad. They're your companions, after all, and Raihan wants them to trust him.
However, no matter how good he is at planning and coordinating during battles, maybe this really wasn't a good idea.
It's not his fault you just 'haven't ever caught a Dragon type before' and you 'want one so bad.' Granted, he could've given you one, but that's not half as fun as hunting for wild Pokémon, and that wouldn't have been half as romantic, anyway. Now the two of you are in this situation.
"Are you sure there's a Dragon type in this area?" you ask with skepticism lacing your tone. "I mean, I pass by here all the time and I've never seen any."
"Don't worry, there is one," Raihan reassures you with an amiable smile. "But they're evasive, so I'll catch one for you." Obviously, you could do it yourself — you're a capable enough trainer —, but this is all just a ruse for him to give it to you.
"Yay! I can't wait! I haven't trained a new Pokémon in ages."
Krookodile and Toxicroak loom behind him, which he tries his best to ignore. Raihan's method of doing so is trying to focus on your cutesy excitement, though the holes the two Pokémon are drilling into his head aren't that easy to feign ignorance to.
Applin usually hide in trees, but that makes them both hard to spot and even more effort to catch. It's not that uncommon for them to fall on the ground, though, and that's how most trainers stumble upon them.
Your two companions exchange conspiratorial noises between them, but Raihan doesn't pay it much heed, and neither do you. After a while of pointless roaming and too many Dottler encounters, in the distance, Raihan finally sees one. He's quick to nudge you on the shoulder and point ahead, and Krookodile and Toxicroak are far too intrigued to show disapproval. "Look, there it is!"
"It's just an apple?" you say, rubbing your chin in confusion. Despite holding you in high regards, sometimes Raihan found you to be... dense.
"That's an Applin," Raihan corrects you with a sigh before he puts his hands over his hips. "They're skittish, so it'll be better if we approach it quietly—"
Krookodile's brows(?) shoot up in alarm before he starts gesturing at Toxicroak, who doesn't seem to react beyond letting out a few sounds in response. It's obvious the two of them aren't happy, though.
You and Raihan observe them with curiosity, exchanging a confused glance, but you're far too surprised to do anything when suddenly your Toxicroak speed-walks towards the poor little Applin and creepily stares it down. Krookodile lumbers after him not long after and lets out a loud growl, effectively startling it away. Raihan loses sight of it somewhere in the tall grass, though he gets the feeling trying to pursue it again right now wouldn't be a good idea, anyway.
"You guys are so mean," you whine, stomping up to your Pokémon with your shoulders up to your ears. Raihan follows you absent-mindedly, though the part of him that likes drama is curious to watch this play out, even if it's putting a delay on his courting plans.
Toxicroak looks ashamed of himself, but Krookodile goes all guitar riff like he's arguing with you, then he extends his little claw to indicate Raihan as if this is all his fault. His eyes widen when he realizes they have incriminated him. "What'd I even do?!"
You turn your head towards Raihan and then snap it back towards them. "No! Stop acting like this!" you say.
Krookodile huffs, turns up his snoot high in the air like a snobby human and his tail stands tall on alert. Despite his previous sentiments of embarrassment, Toxicroak nods and pats his friend on the shoulder in agreement on whatever you're even discussing.
"Don't be like this. You're not my parents. You come from MY BALLS, I don't come from YOURS," you say, and the sentence hangs in the air, slightly disturbing everyone in the vicinity. You don't seem to notice though, and to emphasize your point, you return them to their Pokéballs. Then, apologetically, you gaze up at Raihan with the sorriest expression you can muster. "Sorry man, I dunno what's up with them. If you don't wanna look for the Applin anymore, I understand. I don't wanna waste your time! I can find one on my own-"
Originally, he'd been planning to ask you where that line about the balls came from, but now, with a hasty laugh, he blurts out, "Let's keep looking for it. It can't have run off too far away, right?"
Somehow on cue, the Applin rolls out of the tall grass again, now that the threats are gone. It glances between you two apprehensively from afar, trying to decide if it should flee or not. Raihan decides to deal with this by throwing a poffin at it.
The Applin mostly seems confused by this, but approaches it anyway.
"I feel like you could've been more subtle about this," you say with a hint of taunting.
"Oh, quit taking the piss and watch."
You then watch as he throws a love ball at the Applin which he considers too distracted with eating the poffin to retaliate, and you can only laugh at him openly when it breaks out after a few swings and appraises him with what feels like a judgemental stare.
Raihan raises an index finger and closes his eyes, still sporting a cocky grin. "I meant watch this, not the last try," he says before throwing another love ball at it. That damn thing better get in there before he runs out of these — Raihan bought them for the occasion, cheesy as he can be.
This time, Applin sacrifices itself in the name of romance, pleased with the food offering. You and Raihan both turn towards each other and squeal and hop up in excitement like little girls, but then you remember you're not children and decide to pretend it didn't happen.
Raihan goes to retrieve the Pokéball, but you stop him. "You know, I expected you to do something more special, considering you're The Dragon Tamer an' all."
He rolls his eyes at your quip, but he lets out a little laugh despite himself. "Heavens forbid I try to do something nice for you."
Raihan presents you the Applin by going down on one knee and handing you the Pokéball like this is some kind of overdramatic proposal. As a joke, you curtsy in front of him, then take it, and he tenses as he waits for what you have to say.
You stare at it for a while until your eyes sparkle. "Yay! I finally have a dragon! I'll take good care of it, don't worry. Thank you soo much, Rai."
From a faux confident smile, Raihan's cheerful expression drops to a mildly unsure one. Do you... not understand? Awkwardly, he stands up like he got electrocuted and coughs into his hands, resulting in an eyebrow raise from you. Then he resorts to blinking at you like an idiot until he finally mumbles out, "No problem, mate."
For a second he wonders if you'll question him, but then you remember something and let out Applin, Krookodile and Toxicroak all out, holding the tiny apple in your palms. "Listen, Applin's a part of the team now and you gotta deal with it, so be nice or I'll be angry. Like, really mad! Like, soo scary."
They stare at you like they're the villains of the narrative and you're trying to give them a friendship speech, but you still insist on your bullshit. Then, after some silence, Toxicroak nods and goes to whisper something to the other.
"C'mon, promise. Promise. Promise. Promise."
Krookodile considers for a moment and then accepts whatever he had suggested, moving his snoot near your palm to smell Applin while Toxicroak tries his best to pet it carefully. The two exchange expressions of perhaps approval and maybe a hint of self-satisfaction. Raihan wonders what could've possibly changed over the last ten minutes, but figures it's not worth questioning.
At least they're getting along now?
As he has recovered from the psychic damage he just took, Raihan pulls out his Rotom phone with one hand and draws you way too close to him with the other, winking at the camera as usual. Your cheek squishes against his. “Hug Applin in front of the camera so we can all take a selfie. It'll be super cute, I swear."
You're about to comply, but the only photo Rotom snaps is one where Krookodile is pushing Raihan's face out of the way and his nose is so close to the camera everything else is unfocused. Toxicroak throws up a blurry peace sign in the background while you flounder to save Applin from slipping out of your grasp.
A few weeks later, you run inside his gym and claim it's very important. He knows it probably isn't, but it's not like he gets that many challengers, so Raihan still humors you. "What's up?"
"Look, you're not gonna believe this," you say before you reveal your surprise, giving him a close-eyed smile. Krookodile and Toxicroak linger around you as usual, though by now Raihan knows he shouldn't let them deter him if he wants this to go anywhere.
Raihan comes face-to-face with a Flapple. He gasps, exaggerating his shock at your revelation. "Woah, that was really fast. You don't fool about, do you?" Then he turns his attention back towards you and gives you his usual wild grin. "He's such a cute little guy now. I say this calls for a celebration!"
When Raihan stands up from where he'd been sitting, you tilt your head, expecting him to tell you what he has in mind. And he plans to, but before that he feels himself lucky enough to go for a hug without Toxicroak stabbing him in the stomach or something silly like that.
He's almost embracing you before Flapple gets between you two and hisses at him. Raihan's hands drop to his sides immediately, and this time the theatrics of his reaction are even more extreme. He clutches his chest and looks away, pretending to cry. "I can't believe you're betraying me."
You twist your lips downwards. "What?"
Why are they ganging up on him?! Despite trying to make a joke out of it, it hurts his feelings that your partners hate him so much, even though he’d never show it. Toxicroak and Krookodile hang around you all the time. They're practically your best friends and, for some reason, they can't stand him. Is he doing something hurtful to you without realizing it? Do they think his personality is rancid? Will he have to get blessings from an over-glorified frog and an edgy crocodile one day? Because if so, that's so not happening.
What's the issue?
Toxicroak and Krookodile seem proud of themselves. Well, at least if your Pokémon love you this much, it means you treat them really well. Not that he doubted that, but it's the only copium he's willing to huff to accept this predicament.
It's at some kind of event that Raihan notices your Toxicroak, Krookodile and now even Flapple glaring and hissing and overall trying to drive some other guy away from you. For a second he's relieved he's not the only one they hate, but then he notices the guy is trying to be flirtatious towards you, and though you're not swooning at his attempts, you also don't appear to find him repulsive.
Raihan's face blanks. Oh, of course, it should've been obvious... It's not that there's something wrong with him. Your Pokémon just have a jealousy problem.
As your conversation with him goes on, though, Raihan suddenly deems it a good idea to join. He stands somewhere between the aggressive Krookodile and the creepy Toxicroak he had considered his nemeses not too long ago, while the traitorous Flapple flies near him.
Despite the less-than-thrilled expressions they regard him with when he approaches, Raihan feels a sort of camaraderie with them right now. He doesn't consider himself a possessive man by any means, and it's not like you're dating him yet. Despite that, he can be competitive concerning anything he cares about. He coughs fakely as to announce himself and goes, "Ahem, am I interrupting something?"
"Hi, Rai-Rai!" you greet, waving at him with a smile, and the other guy blushes as he watches you. "You're not interrupting anything."
"Great," he says, choosing to ignore your embarrassing nickname for him for now, clenching and unclenching his fingers in his pockets. "Remember the rematch with Leon I was telling you about? I just wanted to let you know I saved you a front-row seat if you want to come." Of course, he didn't need to announce this since phones exist, but he needed an excuse to interrupt your conversation.
"You're such a show-off," you say, though you're still smiling at him. "You better not lose if you're making me watch."
"I can't lose if my good luck charm's there, so you'd better come," he tells you in a way he believes is suave.
The Unnamed Man, who you almost forgot is still here, unnecessarily asks, "You two know each other...?" like it isn't obvious you do.
"Yeah, we're very close," Raihan confirms with maybe a tad too much enthusiasm. "I gave [Y/n] an Applin as a gift, and it turned into this Flapple, see?" he says as he points at it.
The Unnamed Man, a bit crestfallen, mumbles something under his breath and walks away. At this, you frown. "Well, that was rude," you call after him, but he turned his back on you and you can’t tell if he even registered your reprimanding. A bit disgruntled, you say, "He didn't even tell me his name when he started chatting me up."
Raihan isn't sure you gathered anything important from what just transpired, but Toxicroak gazes up at him with newfound respect and Krookodile looks proud, somehow, and tries to pat him on the back, though his short arm only reaches Raihan's waist. Flapple nuzzles into his cheek. For the first time, he feels happy to have their attention.
Does this mean they're on his side now? He hopes this isn't a 'he thinks he's on the team 😂😂😂' situation.
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luxrayblues · 2 years
Hello! Could you do a Raihan x Reader where Raihan and the reader have a disagreement/argument and Raihan accidentally said something that hurts the reader's feelings, but he later apologizes?
I hope you like it!
Tumblr media
Raihan x reader - Stung (SFW)
It had started as a normal conversation. You wanted Raihan to pause his training to battle Leon again for one day. Your birthday. You explained to him that you wanted to spend the day with him and would appreciate his full focus. Of course it had turned into a spat. You knew it was important to him to beat Leon, but he had been obsessing lately and you could both use a break from it.
You couldn't believe it as the words left hit mouth. You bite your bottom lip, hot tears stinging your eyes and you can feel the frustration warming your cheeks. He was a hot-head and it had really come through with his harsh words this time. Covering your mouth, you shake your head. "Fine! Shut me out, Raihan!" You shout back at him. He hadn't meant to say that you have no passion. He didn't mean that, but it had slipped out. He got so heated talking about his rival that he just couldn't help it, his dragon rage flaring in his chest and he couldn't even come down in the moment to realize what he had done until you were already out the door. Covering your face, you move to lean against a wall, closing yours eyes to cry softly, letting it all out. You were so upset that he couldn't see from your side on this. You didn't think you were asking for too much, but after that you were wondering if you had been the one in the wrong. "No passion? ... Fuck... " You were heartbroken, your sobs sounding rather pathetic to anyone who could hear them, though you were left alone to your thoughts. It was hours before you had been ready to return, having gotten it out of your system and being resigned to being hurt, understanding that you would not have your way this time. You didn't expect to see Raihan stand up in a hurry with a bundle of flowers. He had a sad, desperate sort of look on his face.
"I fucked up." He says simply, moving toward you. You were inclined to tell him to leave you alone but something about that expression he had made you hesitate.
"I know I did and I'm sorry... I just got so caught up in my own head." He begins to reach his free hand toward you, wanting to touch your arm. It had been hours and yet your eyes still stung from having dried out after you'd cried all you could cry.
You started to pull away, but relented and allowed him to hold onto your arm. "We're going to take a break for the whole week. You're right.. we're burning ourselves out like this and... I think the fact I snapped at you. YOU. I know that I'm at my limit right now... can you forgive me, Y/N? I'm going to make it up to you." Letting out a soft sigh, the tension in your chest released almost immediately. "You really hurt me today, Raihan. But that doesn't mean I can't forgive you." You take his hand in yours, squeezing slightly. "I support you and I always will."
He smiles at that, clearly having been afraid that you weren't going to accept that he was going to try.
"I know you just want me to be healthy and happy. I want to get there with you." He pulls you in for a tight hug and you reach around him, gripping at his jacket. Relationships were tough, but you wouldn't want to battle your way through life with anyone else.
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gen4grl · 6 months
hc: piers is easily the designated driver for raihan, leon and sonia. canonically sonia can’t drive and would kill everyone, i feel like because of being champion and being driven everywhere, leon hasn’t even started to learn yet (and his lack of direction? no thanks) and raihan definitely goes over the speed limit everywhere he drives. after dropping off/picking up marnie for everything i feel like piers knows every main and backroad in galar lol
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azaelyas · 1 year
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phoenix-manga · 2 years
More Raihan Vs Malleus ideas...
Imagine Sebek catches wind of this Raihan guy trying to challenge his waka-sama.
He storms off the dorm and into Ramshackle where he sees Raihan just chilling on the lawn with Duraludon.
He goes off on the gym leader with the might of his lungs that could rival an Exploud.
Raihan just sits there with a blank look even after Sebek was done. The half fae thought he got through to him when all of a sudden, Raihan smirked and slowly stood up.
Sebek realized he pretty much towered over him...
Then that smirk slowly becomes a frown.
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Raihan has his huge hand on his shoulder as he leans closer. Sebek swore he could feel a chill run through his spine.
The next day, Sebek came back and everything seemed to be normal. He's speaking in Caps Lock as usual until...
He goes quiet. The Diasomnia boys have no idea what is going on with Sebek but Lilia certainly noticed a pattern.
He gets awfully quiet when Raihan was around.
Don't mess with the dragon.
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raihanmutual · 6 months
History major raihan. Save me. Save me history major and eventually PHD raihan
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smallestapplin · 2 years
may i please request a scenario (or headcanons, whichever you prefer) wherein Raihan's Flygon takes off without him and he's got to chase it down, only to find it snuggling up with the confused-but-amused reader? like a meet cute kind of a situation where Flygon just immediately loves the reader and Raihan has to deal with the consequences
Raihan knows his Flygon has a lot of energy, the large dragon type gets excited easily, so it’s not a problem.
He trains his Pokémon often and hangs out in the wild area for this reason.
He just wasn’t expecting Flygon to fly off.
Raihan nearly panicked, usually his Pokémon stay within his sight, but Flygon bolted from his line of vision.
Putting all his Pokémon back into their pokeballs, he runs in the direction his Flygon went.
He thought he lost his buddy, until he hears a giggle.
Raihan follows the sound and finds his Flygon!
Though he’s with someone. The large dragon is seated in front of you, nuzzling against you, tail wrapped around you, keeping you close as you give him some of your leftover curry.
“You’re such a sweetheart, I bet your trainer is worried for you.”
Flygon only purrs, rubbing his face against your head.
“There you are!”
You and the new Pokémon look towards the voice. You nearly panic seeing gym leader Raihan, you didn’t even realize this was his Pokémon.
“I’m sorry about him, he just took off from our campsite.”
You try to wave him off, but Flygon only cuddles you further.
“It’s not problem! He’s incredibly sweet, so I knew he had to be someone’s.”
Raihan laughs watching you struggle to get out of Flygon’s hold.
“Man, he seems to like you! Come on buddy, we got training to do.”
Flygon lets out a pitiful cry, only holding you tighter.
The dragon type wouldn’t even stay in his pokeball, every time Raihan tried, flygon would immediately break out, and go right back to you.
Your constant laughter about the situation was relieving, he’s glad you aren’t mad or frustrated.
In fact you just coo at the Pokémon, constantly talking about how cute and sweet he is.
But Flygon won’t let you go, or leave.
“How about this, we can meet up sometime? I know plenty of good curry recipes, that I’m sure Flygon would love.”
Raihan smiles, his fang poking out from his lips.
“I’d love that, if he’d let you go.”
He can’t believe his Pokémon played wingman for him.
More so that he still hasn’t let you go.
Looks like you two will be here a while.
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bellafragolina · 2 years
Pretty please can I have some Raihan and Piers hcs with a s/o who dresses in the techwear style clothing?
i had to look up techwear style clothing, so if this is incorrect in anyway, i'm really sorry!!
He loves your style! The vibes and aesthetic are right up his alley, especially if your fit lights up in some way! Any and everything you wear that has tech involved, he's right there, wanting not only to film/photograph it to show it and you off, but also to learn how you managed the outfit. Integrating cloth with technology isn't easy, and he's very interested in how you managed
Anytime you both go out, he's showing you off. Any and all attention he gets, he's directing it your way. Why not? Your outfit is far cooler than his, and it has tech involved with it!! Who cares about him when you're right there?
Do you design clothes? Or know where Raihan can get some clothes like yours? Because if you're willing to put together an outfit for him to wear alongside you, he's all for that. You two will be the most stylish couple in all of Galar, and Raihan loves it. You're really too cool to him
Your style is similar to his in that you both wear darker clothing, so Piers vibes with you right off the bat. From the get go, he loves your look, but then you go and show off how there's tech involved with your outfit, whether it's lights or something else, he's blown away. Piers is so very impressed by you
Piers is another one that wants you designing outfits for him. Techwear works great with the aesthetics of his concerts, so if you want to help him design costumes to go with his sets on stage, then he is in your capable hands.
He gets many interviews about his style and yours, as the paparazzi just can't leave you two fashionistas alone. Piers mainly talks about you and your contribution to his styles choices, though. Besides aiming for being a goth, Piers don't care too much about his looks. You've gotten him giving it more thought, and giving his clothes more technology, and it's very fun. He can't thank you enough.
here you are! hope you're having a good october!!
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