#pokemon petit strap
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gizamy97 · 2 years ago
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Latias is ready to fly off ✈️
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deamsgirl · 2 years ago
Heads Up 7 Up
Thanks to @maybenow22 for tagging me! Any mutuals (or lurkers) who want to participate: feel free to keep this going!
Another excerpt from my NaNoWriMo fic 72 Hours. I'm not going to even pretend I kept this at seven lines. Y'all know me too well for that. 😂 Anyway, I'll just be over here in my corner, crying and wondering why I hate free time so much that I decided NaNoWriMo was a good idea. 🤷‍♀️
Gary makes a mental note to check in on her himself periodically after this—his only recourse for motivating underconfident trainers with untapped potential now that he’s too old to fall back on his previous methods of goading them into success.
Or so Goh says.
Gary’s not convinced.
“Some trainers do. Others hardly ever use them, like a certain pokemon master and his shoulder ornament of a pikachu.” He winks at her as he pulls down one of the pokeballs from the shelf. “But you really don’t need to know all of this right now. Tracey’s getting a rotomdex registered to you as we speak, so you can always ask it any questions you have during your journey.”
“R-right,” the girl says, fingers tightening on her backpack straps as the magnitude of the responsibility in front of her seems to hit her all at once, like it does with so many other kids right before Gary hands them their starter.
A responsibility that's far too heavy for their small shoulders to carry, in Gary's opinion.
It’s one of many reasons why he and several other professors are in the process of petitioning the league to raise the trainer age from 10 to 15. He’s sure it will pass eventually, even with some of the old dinosaurs in the league moaning about younger generations being too soft. But until then, he offers her the only other support he has. “And you can always call me if you need to. I may not look like much now, but when I was your age, I was Master Ketchum’s rival.”
Lydia’s eyes widen, then narrow. She opens her mouth to undoubtedly express more skepticism (which Gary might be tempted to find insulting if it wasn’t so hilarious) when the entire building shakes, the floor rocking enough to make them both stumble to keep their footing.
Gary looks up when he hears a loud crack, horror blooming on his face as he watches the plaster start to fracture, a large fissure snaking to life along the ceiling above them. “Watch out!” he screams, pushing the little girl to the side a mere moment before the crack splits fully open, concrete and rebar raining down on him.
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the-green-little-lion · 6 years ago
Little Star pt. 1
 "I don't see him anywhere..." The little one pouted as she bounced on the balls of her feet.
  Her mother only laughed as they both stared up at the desert sky, their visitor had called her not long before they had arrived and informed them of his expected arrival. Still, the little one was always impatient when things did not go as she had planned.
   "Relax. He'll be here soon. You know it's not easy to travel so far away."
   Another pout was her only response. But it was soon wiped away as the desert was suddenly shadowed by the ship that came into view.
   The little girl popped up and started to jump for joy at the sight of the dark vessel as it descended.
   Her mother had to hold her back from running off before it could land properly and lower the walkway.
  But as soon as a familiar tall figure walked out, the child was released and ran up to him.
  She was scooped up by the visitor, who held her high, much to the little girls delight, if her laughter was any indication.
  Walking closer, her mother saw the reunited pair and their similarly fanged smiles. The long white hair. The yellow in their eyes.
  "How are you my little Minerva?" The man asked, his voice still a deep purr. "Have you been good to your mother?"
   "Yes papa!" Minerva held her little head high.
   "Are you sure about that, you little gremlin?" Her mother tickled her neck, and Minerva squealed.
  Her father looked down at the woman, she was always so petite, it was in such stark contrast to him as he towered over most outside his kind.
  "You're looking well my dear Pidge. "
 "You don't look so bad yourself Lotor."
   Pidge did her best to usher Lotor out of the Garrison compound with as little formalities and security Checks as possible. She may have had to hack into the system and disable some things, but so be it. She didn't have time or patience for Iversons procedures today.
   As they drove down the dusty road into town, Minerva, or Mina as she was more often called, was chatting her father's ear off about anything and everything. Mostly her favorite shows and something funny uncle Matt did. Mina loved to talk about her uncle Matt, Pidge blamed it in the fact that he spoiled her so much.
   Looking up, Pidge saw that even though the Galra leader was hunched over and his long limbs didn't fit right in the car, he still looked back into the back seat and listened to Minas every word. It made Pidge smile as they pulled into town and parked in front of her parents house.
    Her mom had offered their house for the festivities today,  she was a lot better at planning social things than Pidge was. That and Pidge disliked too many people in her house.
   Mina ran up the front steps and rang the doorbell, her parents taking their time as they walked, hands entwined.
   The inside of the Holt household was covered in streamers and balloons. The dining table already set and gold foil stars dangling from the ceiling.
    It was still early,  but in a couple hours time it was going to be full of children for the party. Lotor eyed the decorations, he had been exposed to some of earths customs in the years he had known the paladins, but that was in space and far away from the actual thing. This display was far more frivolous and colorful than anything that had existed in the empire.
     Pidge snorted as he nearly banged his head on the door frame. Another giant difference,  he was waaay to tall for most earth things. A constant source of amusement for her.
    Lotor glared. "What are you laughing at?"
    "The big lug I'm stuck with." She playfully bumped her hip against his as Colleen walked into the room.
    Her mother smiled as she greeted Lotor. "Ah, I was wondering when you would come back."
    "Hello Colleen." Lotor greeted politely.
     Colleen chatted Lotors ear off, much to Colleens credit, she had been fairly accepting of the existence of aliens after Pidge and Matt returned to earth. Perhaps she was just so thrilled they were alive, the existance of other species seem inconsequential. Even if her daughter was carrying one at the time.
    Mina had run off to some other part of the house, probably taking in the birthday set up. Peeking into the dining room, sure enough Pidge found her daughter already taking a goodie bag for herself and strapping a party hat to her face.
    "What are you up to?" Pidge laughed.
    "I'm a chicken!" Mina cheered and proceeded to pretend she was a bird.
   "Meanwhile, your papa came all this way to see you, and you're ignoring him."
   "Don't worry Mama." Mina produced another bag from behind her back. " I was getting papa a bag too."
  "Uh huh, sure you were." Pidge rolled her eyes as Mina pranced back into the room towards her father and grandmother. She watched from the doorway as Mina handed Lotor the bag and insisted he wear a party hat.
   "It's a party, Papa, you have to wear a hat!"
    Pidge chuckled before wandering into the kitchen, where her father was putting the candles on the cake.
    Sam looked over his shoulder and smiled. “Hey, you're back already.”
    Pidge nodded as she swiped a candy from the bowl that sat on the counter. “Yep, the guest of honor has arrived.” as if on cue, Minas delighted squeal rang out from some part of the house, followed by her father's deep chuckle.
   Sam grinned as the sound right before the birthday girl ran into the kitchen with Lotor trailing behind, she eagerly looked at the counter to her cake. “Papa! Papa! Look! It's shaped like a kitty!” Mina pointed at the cat shaped cake, covered in black fondant with a yellow crescent moon.
   “I can see that.” Lotor chuckled, a sparkly pink party hat sitting on his white hair.
   “It's from a show that Uncle Matt showed me last summer.” The little girl began to ramble as she explained. Pidge rolled her eyes. Her brother, in his true nerdy fashion, had taken it upon himself to show Minerva all the classics. So Pidges home had been filled with Pokemon, Dragon ball, and of course Sailor moon, on constant repeat. Thus why her parents home was covered in foil moons and stars and the Luna shaped cake. “I even drew a picture of her.”  Mina declared as she pointed to the fridge that held some of her drawings.
   Lotor nodded as he looked at the display of his daughters handiwork, but it seemed one drawing in particular caught his eye. “And what is this one my little star?” He pointed, and Pidges face dropped when she realised which drawing it was.
   “Oh, that's my father's day drawing I did for school.” Mina explained, not noticing her father's pained expression. “this is me, that's grandpa, and that's uncle Matt.” she pointed at the happy little stick figures standing amongst the flowers and green scribbles for grass. “and that's you, Papa.” Mina pointed to the top corner of her drawing. Amongst the sky was a purple smiley face with long white hair. Lotors crayon face was surrounded by dark blue and yellow stars as opposed to the blue sky andd clouds in the rest of the picture.
   “What am I doing up there?”
    Sam looked to Pidge with a somber look. They both knew one day that the separation between Minerva and Lotor would have to be addressed, although it never occurred to Pidge when that day would come. Apparently it was today. Picking up the cake, Sam left for the dining room, leaving the three of them alone.
   Mina looked to her parents, seeming to notice the silence that settled over the kitchen. “What is it?”
   Lotor flashed her a weak grin. “Nothing, my dear, nothing at all.”
    Mina looked between Pidge and Lotor, her thick white brows furrowing. “Then why do you look sad?”
   Lotor shook his head, clearly forcing himself to brighten. “Do I? It's nothing, just a long trip. Don't worry about it.” He ruffled Minervas hair. Before she could continue to question him, the sounds of guest rang out from the entry way.
   “Where is the birthday girl!?” Lances voice called out.
   Pidge nodded her head to the doorway. “Why don't you greet your guests, Mina?”
   Mina nodded before walking off to see her visitors. Meanwhile, Lotor looked back at the drawing, a frown etched on his face.
  Pidge walked over and gently placed a hand on his back. “You ok?”
  Lotor sighed. “Yes, I just...I suppose it never quite hit until now. How I haven't…” he trailed off, looking down at Pidge sadly. “I haven't been around as much as I should.”
  Looking down at the white tiled floor, Pidge bit her lip before answering. “It's not your fault you know.”
   Stepping away, pinching the bridge of his nose, Lotor looked everywhere but at her. “What do you mean it's not my fault? My own daughter clearly views others like a father over me.” he pointed towards the crayon drawing to further his point.
   “You do your best.” she said weakly. “Besides… it's not like I'm blameless either.”
   Now he was the one to look down at the floor, arms crossed. “You've raised Minerva yourself. I'm the one whose-”
   “The only reason we're separated is because I didn't want to leave.” Pidge felt her voice crack, but it was true nonetheless. After the war, the two of them decided to separate on good terms. Only for Pidge to find out she was pregnant not long after coming home, and despite Lotors offers, Pidge was not ready to leave Earth after spending so long away from it. She wanted to be with the family she had spent so long away from, let Minerva know her grandparents and uncle. She had been only twenty then, and the thought of leaving earth to be an empress was not something she had been ready for, despite how much she loved the father of her child.
     The two fell silent again, not really looking at each other. Colleen popped her head in. “Is everything alright in here?”
   “Yeah,” Pidge replied, trying too hard to sound chipper. “Everything is fine. What's up, mom?”
   “People are coming, come on, the party is starting.” Colleen glanced between her daughter and Lotor before walking off.
   Letting his arms drop, Lotor walked over to Pidge. “I suppose we better join the festivities then.”
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nebutomo · 5 years ago
On this edition of ‘I’m Creating Characters I’m Never Going to Use’..it’s Pokemon time! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Vlad Lebedev Age: 32 Region: Galar Occupation: Freelance Artist/Sculptor Height: 6′4 Build: Tall and lithe Appearance: Caucasian with faint freckling on his shoulders. His hair is electric yellow and styled into a tall mohawk and shaved on either side and he sports a neatly trimmed goatee. His fashion style can only be described as punk and an electric and black color theme. His pokeballs are kept in between the spikes on his belt.
Team: Marco (Male Boltund, Lvl. 65), Daz (Female Shiny Alolan Raichu, Lvl. 52), Cotton (Male Flaafy, Lvl. 45), Spoider (Male Galvantula, Lvl. 45), Volt (Male Voltorb, Lvl. 35), and Charlie (Male Charjabug, Lvl. 5)
Battle Style: Hit ‘em with all he’s got and never let up until he wins!
Other: Weak immune system, mild allergies, aspires to become a famous artist, excellent curry cook, engaged to Melanie.
Name: Melanie Powell Age: 29 Region: Originally from Hoenn, moved to Galar for college Occupation: Gym Leader
Height: 5′7 Build: Petite but curvy
Appearance: Honey skin tone with a noticeable birthmark on the right side of her right calf. Her hair is jet black and tied back unto a messy, curly bun with one swish of Amethyst purple hair gracing her forehead. Her style is pastel goth/punk. Her pokeballs are kept on the strap of her shoulder bag.
Team: Gem (Female Sableye, Lvl. 45), Grump (Male Stunky, Lvl. 32), Doll (Male Banette, Lvl. 45), Bubble (Female Clefairy, Lvl. 30), Hodge (Shiny Male Mimikyu, Lvl. 50), and Boba (Polteageist, Lvl. 47) Battle Style: Raise Sp. Atk and Sp. Def then strike hard and fast, pays close attention to type match-ups. Other: Strong immune system, allergic to entire Hoppip evolution line, enjoys studying Pokemon myths and legends, engaged to Vlad.
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sunkissis · 5 years ago
My sweet friend Karilyn who is a travel blogger at No Back Home, asked me to share my top twenty things to do in Paris with kids. Firstly, I’d like to dissuade the notion that traveling with kids can be a bummer. Non! If you are planning for a horrible time, you will end up miserable but prep yourself in advance for those unexpected meltdowns and keep these tips up your sleeve and you’ll be asking yourself why didn’t we travel with our kids sooner?
We got Liv’s first passport when she was three, now she is nine, she has traveled to twelve countries, far more than Antz and I travelled by her age! So, let me help you make your traveling with kids blues fade away by following my guide to Paris.
I don’t travel anywhere without these must-haves:
Multi-function backpack – I cannot walk around all day with a purse. It never works for me, I carry too much stuff and I love to be hands-free so I carry this Goodordering backpack/tote. This has been my go-to travel bag for two years now. It has padded straps so it doesn’t hurt my shoulders and I love the extra pockets in the front to hold tickets and extra camera batteries. I use the side pockets for my water bottle and umbrella which you will read more about below. Invest in a reliable travel bag! I’ve seen too many Mom’s struggling with bulky diaper bags and flimsy purses.
Anti-bacterial Wipes – Always handy with kids, I’m not a germaphobe but public spaces can be gross, so it’s always wise to have these on you for wiping ice cream filled faces.
A scarf – I have used a scarf as a picnic blanket in the park, to wrap my hair up on a windy day and covered myself up when visiting a church out of respect. I have this lightweight one from J.Crew.
Water bottle – There are lovely public water fountains all over Paris. Having a water bottle is essential to surviving a long day in Paris with kids.
Cell phone chargers – I have one for each of us because we play Pokemon Go, the Flash Invaders app and taking photos quickly drains our battery power. This one works great. Bonus: If you are an Invader fan, check out my Instagram stories.
Kids Headphones – If you are planning a long road trip, these are a necessity! Now that Liv is older, she prefers to listen to her own music and we can crank our old people tunes without any side-eyes from her. Plus I rather use my own headphones during guided tours than use the cheap ones they give you. Liv uses these.
Snacks! – This one is a must-have for kids. Liv gets cranky when she’s hungry and Parisian restaurants close from 3pm – 7pm so I always have apples, nuts or granola in my backpack.
Small, travel size umbrella – I strongly recommend bringing an umbrella, even during the summer, the sky has been known to suddenly start pouring and it’s so frequent you will be happier you had it than not.
Backpack for your little one – I always let Liv pack a bag with her camera, a few books for long rides, her special lip gloss, a few small toys and her phone and charger. It makes her feel like she’s a big kid having her own things to bring when we travel. She has a Fjallraven Kanken backpack which was expensive but she’s had it for going on five years now.
I bought Liv her own instant camera and it has been a game changer for our trips. She loves playing photographer and it helps keep her busy when we are at museums or art galleries when she would normally run wild.
A retractable selfie stick – This one may be controversial. I really hate seeing these sticks all over touristy landmarks however, too many times I have ended up with no family photos or blurry, horrible photos taken by a stranger so I have given in to the selfie stick peer-pressure. This one is strongly recommended by my friend Kelly, who used it during her three month sabbatical while traveling solo. It has a built-in tripod and a remote. Just be aware most popular museums do no allow tripods or selfie-sticks.
Please keep in mind, you must say “Bonjour” when entering a business, to the bus driver or before speaking to any Parisian, not speaking first is considered rude. It’s always a good habit to teach your little ones how to say Hello, Goodbye and Thank you in the language of the country you are traveling to.
Okay, now that you are all prepped and ready to go, here’s the first stop.
Metro station (any Metro station)
You may think walking is the best way to get around Paris but the city is huge and little feet get tired fast. If you pop into any Metro station you can buy a book of 10 tickets (called a carnet) which can be used on the trains and buses. I prefer taking a bus around the city so you can sitesee and enjoy a relaxing ride to your destination. The French public transportation is very easy to navigate and convenient. They even have the arrival times posted on most bus stops. Believe me, you will be doing plenty of walking later.
Jardin des Tuileries Place de la Concorde, 75001 Paris
This is the Parisian equivalent to Central Park, located near the Louvre museum. Here you will find something for all ages. Playgrounds and sculptures are scattered throughout the impeccably manicured tree lined paths. During the summer and winter months there is a fun fair with games and carnival rides. You will find a carousel, snack stands, a puppet theater and my daughter’s favorite, the trampolines! They cost a few euros for 15 minutes of jumping so make sure you have cash on you.
The museum de l’Orangerie is located in the south end of the garden which houses the impressive Claude Monet Water Lilies.
Jardin du Luxembourg 6eme arrondissement Closes at 4:30 pm during the winter months
This is another popular park, it’s massive and lovely. There’s so much to see here you can easily spend a whole afternoon there! The most fun thing for kids is renting a sailboat and spending 30 minutes playing captain of the sea. Don’t worry, I am referring to a small toy boat and you get a stick to launch it into a lake. Each boat has a different country flag so be sure to choose one that you can tell you little one about.
Liv chose Mexico which is where her Grandmother Maria was born. There are pony rides, ice cream vendors and stunning gardens, please be aware, you cannot walk on the grass here and you will get whistled at by security if you do!
Try the snails at Cafe Charlot 38 Rue de Bretagne, 75003 Paris 7 am – 2 am
I know, your kids are probably like mine and will only eat buttered pasta or chicken fingers but I dare you to test their taste buds by ordering escargot at this trendy cafe in the Marais. Our kid refused to try them until we moved here, then she discovered all her French friends ate them, now she loves them. It is open all day, everyday (which is rare) and the waiters are very friendly towards Americans. I tend to opt for an early dinner so we are dining before the restaurant gets too busy and there isn’t much room for drama. Plus I like to get the best table for photos, of course. Be sure to grab a seat inside if you don’t want to be near the smokers and order a Saint Germain cocktail like the cool Parisians do.
Cité des sciences et de l’industrie/City of Science & Industry 30 Avenue Corentin Cariou, 75019 Paris
If your kid is a science geek like mine, this place is for them. There is a science museum, exploratorium, IMAX movie theater and VR experience. The entire area is perfect for kids with a park, boat rides on the canals and a small carnival. Try to go during the week so it’s less crowded.
See the Eiffel Tower sparkle at night! Champ de Mars, 5 Avenue Anatole France, 75007 Paris
It is a no-brainer if you come to Paris you must see the incredible Tour Eiffel! Yet, I don’t want you to miss the nightly sparkle of the tower. There are always large crowds at the tower and the adjacent Trocadero but much less in the evening. Please note, you can no longer go underneath the tower without going through a long security check line so plan to be there ahead of time. The tower sparkles from sunset every hour until 1 am, it’s magical.
Princess Crepe 3 Rue des Ecouffes, 75004 Paris
What is better than a Parisian crepe? A Harajuku/Japanese crepe! This tiny place is nestled in the Marais and often has a line of people outside. Try the cheesecake and strawberries crepe, you’ll love it. Definitely Olivia approved.
Disneyland Paris Boulevard de Parc, 77700 Coupvray
Liv insisted I add the happiest place on Earth to this list. I will say, I adore Disneyland and it is much less crowded than the one in California. We take the RER A train from Chatelet/Les Halles station which takes about an hour to arrive at the Disneyland station. They have most of the same rides as the US Disneyland but with a European flair. Jack Sparrow charmingly speaks French on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. There is a Queen of Hearts labyrinth maze. I have heard they even have a pineapple whip (similar to Dole Whip) but it’s only available during the summer. The lines are much shorter and there is a seperate Walt Disney Studios park that is very cool.
Montmartre Village/the majestic Sacre-Coeur Basilica 1 Parvis du Sacré-Cœur, 75018 Paris
Montmartre is arguably the most well-known quarter in Paris. Kids will enjoy taking the funicular up the hill. If you look to the right of the church, you will see a small fence at the bottom of the stairs, you can take this fun photo (slightly tilted) so it looks like the houses are sinking.
Then walk around the street to your left past the funicular, at the corner you will catch a glance of the Eiffel Tower. Keeping walking up the hill and you will arrive in Montmartre village. There you can buy tickets for a ride on the Petit Train de Montmartre which will take you on a tour of the area. I highly recommend it.
Skip the souvenir shops in the village and walk towards square Jehan Rictus to check out the Mur des Je’taime (Wall of I love you).
Afterwards, you can have an unusual dinner experience at…
Le Refuge des Fondus 17 Rue des Trois Frères, 75018 Paris Opens at 7pm (no reservations)
Due to a heavy wine glass tax, this tiny restaurant now serves all drinks in baby bottles. There are two items on the menu; fondue and meat all served with skewers. This place is a total tourist trap that no locals would ever be seen in, but it is such a blast! The table seating is family style so people have to climb over the tables to be seated along the benches. The staff are notoriously mean and rude but I was somehow able to win ours over. He gifted us with a few baby bottles to take as souvenirs.
Angelina 226 Rue de Rivoli, 75001 Paris 10 am – 6 pm
This place is a major tourist attraction but it is worth the wait. Located across the street from Jardin des Tuileries, it is a bakery that specializes in its signature, decadent, hot chocolate. I was so surprised to find out they also have white hot chocolate which is equally good, and I want some now!
The Natural History Museum 57 Rue Cuvier, 75005 Paris
Every town has one and Paris is no exception. There is a fascinating exhibit of the kingdom of animals on the second floor of this vast museum. In another building is Liv’s favorite, gems and minerals. It reminds me of the Natural History museum in Los Angeles and is definitely worth spending the day. It is located in the garden of plants which is especially pretty during the spring. Make sure to stop at the Dodo Manège carousel which has animals that are sadly all now endangered or extinct. There is also a zoo within the jardin des plantes but I recommend the next zoo.
Parc Zoologique de Paris Avenue Daumesnil, 75012 Paris
This zoo is located in the 12eme arrondissement on the outskirts of Paris in the enormous bois des Vincennes. I had low expectations for Parc Zoologique because in my opinion, there is no better zoo than the San Diego zoo, so I was delighted to see animals I have never seen in person before. LIKE A SLOTH! I could have stayed there all day watching this sweet guy move in slow motion. We went on a very hot day so we had to keep moving. Antz took a photo of a spider bigger than my hand but I won’t subject you to that nightmare. Kids will definitely love the animal feedings so be sure to check the schedule.
Choose your own Adventure Sports Saber League 46 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Martin, 75010 Paris
This one is perfect for days you are feeling burnt out on museums and crowds. We like to ask Liv if she could pick one thing to do, what would it be? She was asking about fencing for awhile but the classes were the same day and time as her ballet so I found a similar alternative, Star Wars LightSaber fencing. There is a beginners class on Saturdays and they provide you with a lightsaber if you didn’t pack yours. Antz and Liv did it for two hours and loved it. It’s nice to ask your kids what they want to do because you may find something you wouldn’t have thought to do.
Sip mulled cider at the Christmas Market Tuileries Christmas Market Marche de Noel La Defense (the biggest one in Paris)
There are several markets throughout Paris that are open during the holidays. I have only been to two, La Defense and Jardin des Tuileries, but there are several within the city. There are booths like a farmers market selling Christmas homemade goods, gifts and food. There are raclette booths which are huge wheels of gooey cheese that are melted and dripped onto bread. The market at the Tuileries has rides and an ice skating rink. It’s a must do if you are in Paris during the holidays. Mamma’s be sure to try the hot wine “vin chaud“, it’s mind-blowingly good.
Eat dessert American style in Paris Rue d’Aboukir, 75002 Paris
We love our neighborhood which has a delightful American expat community. We have gotten to know many of the kind business owners at Boneshaker Donuts, Jean Hwang Currant cookies and Stoney Clove Bakery. Please make sure to let them know that Elizabeth sent you there! You will find every type of cuisine on a stroll down the famous rue Montorgueil. We love picking up a kilo (a French pound) of cherries to snack on during the summer.
Musée des Arts et Métiers 60 Rue Réaumur, 75003 Paris
Super cool, off the beaten path, museum of technology and mechanics. Your kids will love the room full of antique trains, cars and machinery. This museum is never crowded and will captivate your child’s imagination. We have been twice and still haven’t seen everything it has to offer.
Rougier et Plé (awesome art supply store) 15 Boulevard des Filles du Calvaire, 75003 Paris (there are several other locations)
After all those visits to the art museums  your young artists must be feeling inspired, so I recommend stopping by this mega store to pick up a few art supplies. A small paint palette, a canvas and a brush is all you will need. Then head over to Île Saint-Louis (located on an island behind Notre Dame Cathedral) and spend an afternoon painting the dreamy Paris landscape along the Seine.
Berthillon Glacier Rue Jean du Bellay, 75004 Paris
Then stop by Berthillon for the best ice cream in town. Any of the brasseries on the corner of rue Jean du Bellay sells it. There is a fancy restaurant that sells it around the corner too.
Go on a bike ride along Canal Saint Martin (for older kiddos)
Download the Uber app – If you click the bicycle icon it will show you on a map where the Jump by Uber bikes are located. You can’t miss them with their cool, bright red paint. Once you scan them with your phone, you are all set to hit the bike lanes that run along the trendy Canal Saint Martin. The bikes are electric so it’s a smooth and easy cruise while soaking in the beauty of the canals. There’s also a two hour boat cruise that will take you through the canals many locks.
Get Lost! – The best part of visiting Paris is wandering the cobblestone streets, you will always find something fun to do. There are so many photo booths (they make great souvenirs) and carousels scattered around the city. A few of my favorite kids stores to check out.
Bonton Smallable Petit Pan Tartine et Chocolat Village JouéClub Shakespeare and Company (English bookstore)
Bonus – Pre-Negotiate a deal with your kids for buying souvenirs I have to add this because I have been there and know what a downer it is when your kid sees a gift shop and the begging commences. I worked out two options for Liv which has saved me from many tantrums. She collects souvenir coins which are mostly found in churches and museums all over Europe. So far she has over 30 coins! They cost €2, and she knows she can have one so she doesn’t ask for everything in the shop. The second option is when she finds something she cannot resist (which is everytime) she can pay for it with her own money. This has been a great solution because she earns money by doing chores at home. She has learned to save and not do much impulse shopping.
A few years before we moved abroad I bought Liv a toy set of world landmarks from Michaels. I also bought these two books, Maps and This is the World, which are informative and beautifully illustrated, to research our trips. We now collect landmarks from most of the cities we have visited. They all are under 2 inches tall so they fit in her Maptote travel bag.
Always have fun!
Elizabeth is a stay-at-home-Mom/blogger/tour guide offering custom walking tours of Paris at Mon Ami Paree. She is a francophile who is (slowly) learning French, adores traveling and documenting her colorful family’s adventures on her blog, Violently Happy. 
  20 Rad Things to do/explore/eat in Paris (with kids!) Bonjour, My sweet friend Karilyn who is a travel blogger at No Back Home, asked me to share my top twenty things to do in Paris with kids.
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pokemonworldupdates · 8 years ago
$23.99 End Date: Saturday Feb-11-2017 21:44:28 PST Buy It Now for only: $23.99 Buy It Now | Add to watch list
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